Wednesday, March 16, 2016



The Way To Peace! #275

"Looking Back on January 2009," A Question that has "Long Since Been Blowing in The Wind," Is, "Did Newly Appointed Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner, and Members of the National Economic Council (NEC) with Lawrence Summers as Economic Czar, Jason Furman, Gene Sperling, Lael Brainard, who Served as Counselor's along with Lewis Alexander, (a Made up Post Not Subject to Senate Confirmation), Bob Rubin, Diana Farrell, David Lipton, and Michael Froman, President Obama's International Finance Adviser at the National Economic Council, who, also Served as Deputy National Security Adviser at the National Security Council (And, One of Pres. Obama's Biggest Fund Raisers During His Presidential Campaign),  and the Other Economic Adviser's and Counselor's, "who Provided Newly Elected President Barack H. Obama with "Advise on How to Deal with the Economic Crisis that Caused Major Damage to Not Just the United States Economy but The Global Economy," "Lack the Comprehension" of, "What This Economic Crisis Posed to Main Street America," and, also "The Danger, Fear, and Threat, that It Would Inflict upon We The People!" And, I would, also "Like to Add, Gary Gensler of Commodities Futures Trading Commission," who President Obama Appointed, and "Peter Orszag," whom President Obama Named, "as Head the Office of Management and Budget (OMB), and FED Chief Volcker to "This List of Economic Advisers!"
"They All had Wall Street Backgrounds," but, "They Lacked the Streetwise Knowledge that Economically Empowered, Supported, and Protected The People!"

And, "The Bankruptcy of Lehman Brothers, the Largest Bankruptcy Filing in the History of the U.S. on the 15th of September, 2008, along with "a Multitude of Banks, Financial Institutions, and Businesses," and "the Massive Crash of the Global Markets," and "the Excruciating Pain, Frustration, and Feeling of Helplessness that Families All over The World, Found Themselves Experiencing, in Bankruptcy Courts, and Losing Their Homes, 401 K's, and Employment," Brings One to Conclude that "The Anger and Anti-Government Sentiment, and Populist Movement has Been Brewing ever Since the First Bail Out Occurred, in December 2008," When Former President George H. R. Bush was Still President of the United States, and "Has Escalated and Reached a Boiling Point, that has "Had a Profound Effect on the 2016 Primary and Caucus Elections in the U.S."

And, "Even with Unemployment Rate at 4.9%, and Low Gas Prices, and Interest Rates,"
There is Still "An Anger and Frustration amongst American Citizens," that has Displayed Its Dissatisfaction with Members of the U.S. Congress and President Obama, and "Is Not Content with The Economic Growth and Recovery, that the U.S. is Experiencing!"

In All Seriousness, "The Fact that There are Still Approximately 40% of American Children Living Much Too Close to The Poverty Line!" And, "The Fact that These Figures have Not Changed Very Much since 2008, is Very Disturbing!" Can You Imagine this! 
And, "When you Add" that, As Recent as 2014, 44% of Children under the Age of 18 (31.4 Million) Live in Low Income Households, and 21% Live in Poor Families (15.4 Million).

And, "These Figures Worsen along Racial Lines" with More 60% of African American, Hispanic American, and Native American Children Living in Low Income Families, and 30% of Asian American and White American Children Living in Low Income Families!"

(On January 8th 1964, "Former United States President Lyndon Baines Johnson," During His State of The Union Address, "Declared War on Poverty," "Let's Take up The Mantle of This Grand Cause" and "Finally Bring An End to This Unjust Human Tragedy that has Been in Existence For Millenniums!")

But, This Anti-Government/Establishment, Populist Movement Itself, "Faces a New Danger and Threat," An "Untruth!" And, There is "A Deep Rooted Danger in This Untruth," that is "Divisive, Vindictive, Corrosive, Malevolent, Violent, Demeaning, and Misleading!"

This "Untruth," is "Clearly Designed and Being Used to Manipulated the Built Up Frustrations and Fears of American Citizens through False Rhetoric, Lies, Campaign Slogans, Campaign Adds, Expletives, Ethnic Slurs, Chaos, and Sensationalism," "For the Sole Reason of Obtaining the Vote of the People!" But, "It's At the Expense Of The People, and All that We Respect, Our Rights, Our Principles, Constitution, Declaration of Independence, and Bill of Rights!"

And so, It is of "The Utmost Importance that Your Vote is Not Coerced by These Untruths," "Spoken by Either Men or Women who have Absolutely No Experience For the Elective Office that They are Seeking," or, are "Willing to Say or Do Anything to Obtain This Office," "At Your/Our Expense!"
More than 60 percent of black, Hispanic, and Native American kids live in low-income families, compared to 30 percent of Asian and white children—a dynamic largely unchanged since 2008.

Read more at:

44 percent of children under age 18 (31.4 million) lived in low-income households and 21 percent lived in poor families (15.4 million).

Read more at:
44 percent of children under age 18 (31.4 million) lived in low-income households and 21 percent lived in poor families (15.4 million).

Read more at:

In 2014, 44 percent of children under age 18 (31.4 million) lived in low-income households and 21 percent lived in poor families (15.4 million).

Read more at:
In 2014, 44 percent of children under age 18 (31.4 million) lived in low-income households and 21 percent lived in poor families (15.4 million).

Read more at:
In 2014, 44 percent of children under age 18 (31.4 million) lived in low-income households and 21 percent lived in poor families (15.4 million).

Read more at:, This Anti-Government/Establishment, Populist Movement Itself, "Faces a New Danger and Threat," An "Untruth!" And, There is "A Deep Rooted Danger in This Untruth," that is "Divisive, Vindictive, Corrosive, Malevolent, Violent, Demeaning, and Misleading!"But, This "Untruth," is "Clearly Designed and Being Used to Manipulated the Built Up Frustrations and Fears of American Citizens through False Rhetoric, Lies, Campaign Slogans, Campaign Adds, Expletives, Ethnic Slurs, Chaos, and Sensationalism," "For the Sole Reason of Obtaining the Vote of the People!" But, "It's At the Expense Of The People, and All that We Respect, Our Rights, Our Principles, Constitution, Declaration of Independence, and Bill of Rights!"And so, It is of "The Utmost Importance that Your Vote is Not Coerced by These Untruths," "Spoken by Either Men or Women who have Absolutely No Experience For the Elective Office that They are Seeking," or, are "Willing to Say or Do Anything to Obtain This Office," "At Your/Our Expense!"

("The Backlash that Donald Trump is Experiencing at His Campaign Rallies is a Reaction to His Coarse and Antagonistic Behavior Directed Towards Protesters (and Journalists)" at "His Make America Great Campaign Rallies," and "Is Just the Beginning of the Violence, Protest, and Divisiveness that Lies Ahead for His Campaign to Become The Republican Nominee for The Presidency of the United States!" And, "One Does Not have to Be a Prescient Visionary" to Know that, "This is The Truth!" And, "No Amount of Postponements like the One that Occurred in Chicago on Friday, the 11th of March, 2016," "Will Change What Lies Ahead in His Future!" And, "This is Not a Good Omen for the Republican Party!" "Let's See if Mr. Trump and The Republican Party Learns from This Experience!" He has Claimed to Be "A Unifier," However, "So Far Mr. Trump has Not Given Us Any Substantive Proof of Being One!")

And, Just as Importantly, "The Global Cross-Media News Universe Must Cease Providing Mr. Trump's Campaign with Virtually a Non-Stop Carte Blanche PR Blitz," Because, All They are Doing is "Continuing to Enable and Empower His Seemingly Insatiable Egotistical, and Bullying Attitude!"

"Vet Him!" Yes! "Present All the Facts, Good or Bad about Him!" Yes! But, "Do Not Cow Down to Him," or "Allow Him to Manipulate the Circumstances that Transpire on the Campaign Trail," and, or, "The News Reportage," or, "His Followers," with "Sensationalism, Division, and Hysteria!"
"No Amount of Money/Advertising or Ratings are Strong Enough Reasons to Continue to Enable Him!" 
(And, There Does Not Appear to Be "An Honest, Balanced, and Just Quid Pro Quo between the Trump Campaign and The Press to Merit the Amount of Free Press that Mr. Trump has Received in the First Place," by "The Global Cross-Media News Universe!" And, "For the Most Part, He has Continuously Berated The Press at His Campaign Events!")

And, "There are Two Other Republican Candidates who Should Receive an Honest Share of Cross-Media Attention!" Plus, The Fact that "The News" has "A Grand Ole Tradition" that "Must Never Be Violated, Abused, or Misused!"

("The Latest Journalist to Complain of Being Mistreated at a Donald Trump Campaign Event" is  Breitbart News Reporter, Michelle Fields, Who has also "Tendered Her Resignation from Breitbart News on Sunday, the 13th of March, 2016!" In Her Statement to BuzzFeed on Monday, the 14th of March, 2016, Michelle Fields said, “I do not believe Breitbart News has adequately stood by me during the events of the past week and because of that I believe it is now best for us to part ways.” Breitbarts Editor at Large Ben Shapiro "has also Resigned in Protest of Breitbart's Treatment of Fields, on Sunday, the 13th of March 2016!" 
Michelle Fields has "Accused Trumps Campaign Manager Corey Lewardowski of Assaulting Her at Trumps Campaign Event on Tuesday, the 8th of March 2016," and "She has Filed a Criminal Complaint against Corey Lewardowski, on Friday, the 11th of March, 2016!")

And, Let Us Remember that, "There are Many Dangers that Should Be Included" in "The Global Equation Of, By, and For The People," that "Will Influence the Clear Choices that Will Demand Our Full Attention," and, that "We have to Adhere to!"

"Choices" that Demand that "We Choose Women and Men of Reason, Intelligence, Experience, Cognitive and Universal Awareness," and, "of Global Economics that are In Equilibre with All the Countries of The Earth," to Lead, Represent, Inspire, and Guide Us, as "The Founders have Shown Us!" Which is to Be, "A Government Of The People, By The People, and For The People!" "Not A Government of the Rabble, By the Rabble, and For the Rabble," Led by Obstructionists, and Sophists," "who Reason with Clever, Ill-Founded, and Fallacious Arguments and Untruths!"

"The World is Watching The U.S. Primary and Caucus Elections," and "Our Democratic Principles are on Display for All The Peoples of This Earth of Ours to See," "For Better or For Worse!" And, "As We Move Forward During This Election Season," "Let Us Show The World's Societies" that "We Can Be," "A United Not Divided States Of America!" 

Here are the 2016 Primary and Caucus Election Results for Super Tuesday Pt. III, March 15th;
1) The Democratic Primary Election Results for The State of Florida with 246 Delegates are;
Sec. Hillary Clinton has Won  with 64.5% of the Vote, and Received 124 Delegates!- (At last Count)-
And, Sen. Bernie Sanders has Received 33.3% of the Vote, and 60 Delegates!- (At last Count)

And, The Republican Primary Results for The State of Florida-Winner Take All  99 Delegates is;
Donald Trump has Won with 45.8% of the Vote, Receiving All 99 Delegates!- (At last Count)
Senator Mark Rubio Received 27.0% of the Vote!- (At last Count)
Senator Ted Cruz Received 17.1% of the Vote!- (At last Count)
Governor John Kasich Received 6.8% of the Vote!- (At last Count)

2) Illinois Democratic Primary Election Results with 182 Delegates
Sec. Hillary Clinton has Won with 50.3% of the Vote and 68 Delegates!- (At last Count)
Senator Bernie Sanders has Received 48.8% of the Vote and 64 Delegates!- (At last Count)

Illinois Republican Primary Election Results with 99 (WTM)- 
Donald Trump has Won with 38.8% of the Vote, and 24 Delegates!- (At last Count)
Senator Ted Cruz has Received 30.6% of the Vote and No Delegates!- (At last Count)
Governor John Kasich has Received 19.7% of the Vote and No Delegates!- (At last Count)
Senator Marco Rubio has Received 8.4% of the Vote and No Delegates!- (At last Count)

3) Missouri Democratic Primary Election Results with 84 Delegates-
Sec. Hillary Clinton has Won a Down to the Wire Victory with 49.9% of the Vote and 34 Delegates!- (At last Count)
Senator Bernie Sanders has Received 49.4% of the Vote and 34 Delegates!- (At last Count)

Missouri Republican Primary Election Results with 52 Delegates-
Donald Trump has Won by the Barest of Margins (a Virtual Tie with Sen. Cruz) with 40.8% of the Vote, and 37 Delegates!- (At last Count)
Senator Ted Cruz has Received 40.6% of the Vote and 15 Delegates!- (At last Count)
Governor John Kasich has Received 10.1% of the Vote and...Delegates!- (At last Count)
Senator Marco Rubio has Received 6.1% of the Vote and...Delegates!- (At last Count)

4) Northern Mariana Islands Republican Caucus with 9 Delegates (WTA)-
 Donald Trump has Won with 73% of the Vote, and 9 Delegates!- (At last Count)
Senator Ted Cruz Received 24% of the Vote!- (At last Count)
Governor John Kasich Received 2% of the Vote!- (At last Count)
Senator Marco Rubio Received 1% of the Vote!- (At last Count)

5) North Carolina Democratic Primary Election Results with 121 Delegates-
Sec. Hillary Clinton has Won with 54.6% of the Vote, and 59 Delegates!- (At last Count)
Senator Bernie Sanders Received 40.8% of the Vote and 42 Delegates!- (At last Count)

North Carolina Republican Primary with 72 Delegates-
Donald Trump has Won with 40.3% of the Vote and 29 Delegates!- (At last Count)
Senator Ted Cruz has Received 36.3% of the Vote and 26 Delegates!- (At last Count)
Governor John Kasich has Received 12.6% of the Vote and 9 Delegates!- (At last Count)
Senator Marco Rubio has Received 8.1% of the Vote and 5 Delegates!- (At last Count)

6) Ohio Democratic Primary Election Results with 159 Delegates-
Sec. Hillary Clinton has Won with 56.5% of the Vote and 75 Delegates!- (At last Count)
Senator Bernie Sanders Received 42.8% of the Vote and 54 Delegates!- (At last Count)

Ohio Republican Primary Election Results with 66 (WTA)-
Governor John Kasich has Won His First Primary Victory (at a Most Opportune Time for Him and The Republican Establishment)) with 46.8% of the Vote and 66 Delegates!- (At last Count)
Donald Trump Received 35.7% of the Vote!- (At last Count)
Senator Ted Cruz Received 13.1% of the Vote!- (At last Count)
Senator Marco Rubio Received 2.9% of the Vote!- (At last Count)

The New Delegate Count for Republican Candidates is, Real Estate Mogul Donald Trump with 671 Delegates, Senator Ted Cruz with 401 Delegates, Senator Marco Rubio with 164 Delegates, and Governor John Kasich with 138 Delegates.- (At last Count)

(Donald Trump Remains the Front Runner although the Remaining Primaries Should Prove to Be Interesting with Senator Marco Rubio Out of The Race! Let's See if Senator Cruz, Governor Kasich, and the Republican Establishment are Able to Slow Down Trumps Momentum as He Races Towards the Republican Nomination!)

(1,237 are Needed for Nomination, Out of 2, 340 that are Available)-

(Senator Marco Rubio has Suspended His Campaign!)

The New Pledged Delegate Count for Democrat Candidate, Former Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton is 1,139 Delegates, and, Senator Bernie Sanders has 825 Delegates!

Sec. Clinton also has 467 Superdelegates, Giving Her a Combined Total of 1, 606 Pledged and Superdelegates!- (At last Count)- 
And, Sen. Sanders has 26 Superdelegates, Giving Him a Combined Total of 851 Pledged and Superdelegates!- (At last Count)

(Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton Pitched a Shut Out, in Baseball Vernacular, Winning The Primary Elections in All Five States on March 15th's Super Tuesday Pt.III! And, "To Say She Exceeded Expectations would Be a Gross Understatement!" Sec. Clinton's "Message, Hard Work, and Policy Ideas were Given the Seal of Approval by The Voters!" And, "Her Campaign Team has a Great Deal to Feel Good about!")

(And, While Sen. Sanders Did Not Turn Out to Be a Winner," on This Super Tuesday, Pt.III, March 15th, 2016, "He Should Still Feel Good about All the Support that He has Been Given!") 
 (2,383 are Needed for Nomination, Out of 4, 136 that are Available)

Here are the 2016 Republican & Democrat Primary & Caucus Election Results for the 22nd of March-
1)- In the Arizona Democratic Primary with 75 Delegates Available!
Sec. Hillary Clinton has Won Receiving 57.6% of the Vote! And, 44 Delegates! -(At last Count)-
Sen. Bernie Sanders has Received 39.9% of the Vote! And, 30 Delegates! -(At last Count)-

In the Arizona Republican Primary with 58 Delegates Available-(WTA)!
Donald Trump has Won Receiving 47.1% of the Vote! And, 58 Delegates! -(At last Count)-
Sen. Ted Cruz has Received 24.9% of the Vote! And, No Delegates! -(At last Count)-
Gov. John Kasich has Received 10.0% of the Vote! And, No Delegates! -(At last Count)-

2)- In the Utah Democratic Caucus with 33 Delegates Available!
Sen. Bernie Sanders has Won Receiving 79.3% of the Vote! And, 26 Delegates! -(At last Count)-
Sec. Hillary Clinton has Received 20.3% of the Vote! And, 6 Delegates! -(At last Count)-

In the Utah Republican Caucus with 40 Delegates Available-(WTA)!
Sen. Ted Cruz has Won Receiving 69.2% of the Vote! And, 40 Delegates! -(At last Count)-
Gov. John Kasich has Received 16.9% of the Vote! And, No Delegates! -(At last Count)-
Donald Trump has Received 14.0% of the Vote! And, No Delegates! -(At last Count)-

3)- In the Idaho Democratic Caucus with 23 Delegates Available! -(At last Count)-
Sen. Bernie Sanders has Won Receiving 78.0% of the Vote! And, 17 Delegates! -(At last Count)-
Sec. Hillary Clinton has Received 21.2% of the Vote! And, 5 Delegates! -(At last Count)-

Sec. Clinton has 1, 223 Pledged Delegates and 467 Superdelegates, Giving Her a Total of 1, 690! -(At last Count)-
Sen. Bernie Sanders has 920 Pledged Delegates, and 26 Superdelegates, Giving Him a Total of 946! -(At last Count)-
(2, 383 are Needed for Nomination! 2, 157 are Available! -(At last Count)-

Donald Trump has 739 Delegates in Total! -(At last Count)-
Sen. Ted Cruz has 465 Delegates in Total! -(At last Count)-
Gov. John Kasich has 143 Delegates in Total! -(At last Count)-
(1, 237 Needed for Nomination! 944 are Available! -(At last Count)-

Here are the 2016 Democratic Caucus Election Results for Saturday, March 26th- 
Sen. Sanders has "Soundly Won in All Three Election Caucuses!"

1)- Washington State has 101 Delegates Available-
Sen. Bernie Sanders has Won Receiving 72.7% of the Vote! And, 25 Delegates! -(At last Count)-
Sec. Hillary Clinton has Received 27.1% of the Vote! And, 9 Delegates! -(At last Count)-

2)- Hawaii has 25 Delegates Available-
Sen. Bernie Sanders has Won Receiving 69.8% of the Vote! And, 17 Delegates! -(At last Count)-
Sec. Hillary Clinton has Received 30.% of the Vote! And, 8 Delegates! -(At last Count)-

3)- Alaska has 16 Delegates Available-
Sen. Bernie Sanders has Won Receiving 81.6% of the Votes! And, 13 Delegates! -(At the last Count)-
Sec. Hillary Clinton has Received 18.4% of the Votes! And, 3 Delegates! -(At last Count)-

"It's of Noteworthy Interest" that Sec. Clinton "Did Not Win These Caucuses in 2008," When, Then Senator Obama and Senator Clinton were, both, Vying to Be The Nominee for Their Party! And, "The only Campaign Appearance" (1), the Former Secretary made "was in Washington State!" While Sen. Sanders "Campaigned Extensively in Washington State," and "His Wife Campaigned in Hawaii!"

And, "It is Clear" that both, Candidates, and Their Campaign Teams "have Strategized and Prioritized," How "They," Each, "Plan to Obtain The Democratic Nomination!"
And Now, "It is In The Hands of The Voters," and "The Superdelegates to Choose," "Whom They Would like to Be Their Nominee!"

(The last time Sec. Clinton Campaigned to Be the Democratic Nominee, as a Senator from N.Y., "She Won the Popular Vote," but, "Lost the Delegate Count," to then Sen. Obama from Illinois!)

Sec. Clinton has 1, 243 Pledged Delegates and 469 Superdelegates, Giving Her a Total of 1, 712 -(At last Count)-
Sen. Bernie Sanders has 975 Pledged Delegates, and 29 Superdelegates, Giving Him a Total of 

1, 004! -(At last Count)-
(2, 383 are Needed for Nomination!)

Along with "The Political Choices that Lie Ahead of Us in 2016," "Let's Not Ignore the Ecological Choices that Lie Ahead!" For, "We are Clearly in the Throws of An Age of Climate Warming!" 

"In the 20th Century," There was Great Concern about "The Ozone Layer!" But, "The Fifth Anniversary of The Nuclear Energy Reactor Disaster in Japan," Should Remind Us and All The Civilized Nations of The Earth, "that Dependence on Nuclear Energy, Should Definitely Be A Choice that We," All the Earths Nations, "Should Leave in The Past!"

"Just Follow the Path of Nuclear Energy Reactors that have Caused Untold Deaths and Pollution of Our Earth" from, The 3 Mile Island Unit 2 (TMI-2) Nuclear Reactor Accident/Partial Meltdown, that Occurred on the 28th of March, 1979, Near Middletown, PA. to The Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant Meltdown, in the Town of Pripyat, Ukraine, in April 25, 1986, to The Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Disaster that Took Place Five Years ago, on the 11th of March, 2011, in Okuma, Fukushima, Japan, "the Message Should Be Resonating Loud and Clear," "Prioritize The Immediate Research and Development for New Alternative Energy Sources!"

("The Alternative Energy Vision of the Kingdom of Morocco," and "Bill Gates and His Break Through Greater Coalition," In Addition to, Sweden, Costa Rica, Nicaragua, Scotland, Germany, Uruguay, Denmark, China, The United States and Kenya, and "Other Like minded Leaders and Nations Who are Pursuing the Use of Renewable Energy," and, "Taking Serious Steps Towards Eliminating The Need and Use of Carbon Based Fuels" and, "Discovering Less Expensive Energy Sources," are "The Kind of Initiatives The World Needs to Free The Earths Societies from The Dangers of Nuclear Reactors!")

(And, The Global Cross-Media News Reports that "Iran Decided to Test-Fire Two Ballistic Missiles, on Wednesday, the 9th of March, 2016," Emblazoned with the Phrase, "Israel must be wiped out in Hebrew," is "An Extremely Unwise Act," and "Must Not Be Tolerated by the P5+1" and, or, "The United Nations!" "This is Not the Time to Further Aggravate" the, already, "Tense Situations and Conflicts that Exist Today, in the Middle East!"
"Iran Must," in Turn, "Learn" that "There are Serious Consequences to Their Acts of Aggression, Intimidation, and Negative Propaganda against Any Sovereign State!" And, "Israel is a Sovereign State in Good Standing," and "A Valued Ally of The United States!" 

And, "If It is Necessary to Impose New Sanctions," or, "Restore Old Sanctions against Iran," to "Instill in Them that There is a United Determination against Their Disruptive Act of Ill-Disguised and Ill-Timed Intentions!"  "Then Do it!" 
"It's Not just the Test-Fire of the Two Ballistic Missiles that Potentially Threatens to Undermine Whatever Trust there is between Iran and the Global Community of Civilized Nations," Its the "Anti-Israeli Hate Speech" that was "Directed Against Israel that is Equally as Offensive," and "Threatens to Inflame the Undisguised Differences that Exist between Iran and Israel," and "Further Complicate the Delicate Truce/Cease Fire in Syria," Because of "How it will Affect the Sense of Balance between All the Coalition Nations, and Iran, Syria, Russia, and Their Surrogates!" 
Plus, "the Accusations of Chemical Weapons Being Used," is in Violation of United Nations Resolutions 2235 and 2118, "Does Not Create An Atmosphere for Stable Conditions to Arise from," that "Will Lead Towards Continuing Any Cease Fire Agreement or Accord that is in Place!" 
Let's Hope that "Russian President Putin's Decision to Remove Russian Troops from Syria" is "a Positive Sign that the Days in Office of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad, are "Soon to Come to An End!" 
"The Truth" is "The World Can Not Continue to Re-Live the Foolish and Dangerous Actions of The Past" over and over again!)

("A Major Development has occurred in The War against Terror!" Global Cross-Media News Reports have Revealed that Salah Abdeslam, one of the Planners of the 13th of November, 2015 Paris Attacks, "that Caused the Deaths of 130 Innocent People," has "Been Captured and Shot in the Leg, in A Joint Raid by French and Belgium Forces," in a Brussels Suburb of Molenbeek, on Friday, the 18th of March, 2016, and "is In Custody in Belgium with Three other Suspects who were Captured with Him!"

"Congratulations to the Belgium and French Anti-Terrorist Forces," (and International Anti-Terror Forces) "who have Been Searching for Salah Abdeslam for 4 months," and "Now Have Been Rewarded For Their Intense Efforts on Behalf of the French People," and the People of The Earth, "to Capture Abdeslam!" This is An "Important Victory for France, Belgium and the World, in The War against ISIS/Daesh and Their Extreme Radical Terror Syndicates!" Who "Will Learn" that "They have No Place to Hide," for "The Crimes that They have Committed against Humanity!")

But, As it is In War, "The War against Terror Does Not End," with "The Successful Capture of Salah Abdeslam!" "Because On Tuesday," the 22nd, of March, 2016, "Two Separate Bomb Blasts were Set off," in Brussels, the Capital of Belgium, by Extreme Radical Terror Syndicates (ISIS has Claimed Responsibility)!

"These Dishonorable and Evil-minded Attacks" "Caused the Deaths of at Least 34 Innocent People, in Total, and Injured Approximately 300 other Innocent Travelers and Belgium Citizens!" (Two American Citizens, Sascha and Alexander Pinczowski, a Brother and Sister, from New York City, were Included amongst Those Who Tragically Lost Their Lives, and Twelve Americans were Injured! And, "Very Sadly for Their Families," "It has Been Confirmed" that "Stephanie and Justin Shults Died in the Bombings at the Zaventem Airport!")

"Twenty Innocent People Lost Their Lives at the Maalbeek Metro Station," and "Eleven More Lost Their Lives the Zaventem Airport," in Brussels!

"These Dishonorable, and Evil-Minded Attacks are The Acts of Cowardice!" And, "Another in a Series of Painful Examples of Crimes against All The People of This Earth!"
(Three Suspects are Being Held in Custody by Belgium Authorities! And, "Two Brothers Khalid and Ibrahim El-Bakraoui" are "Being Named as Suicide Bombers, along with Najim Laachroui, by Belgium Authorities!" Khalid Blew Himself up on The Metro, and Ibrahim and Najim Laachroui, both, Blew Themselves up in the Bombings, at Zaventem Airport! And, a Fourth Suspect is Being Sought after, in an Ongoing Manhunt!)

"Let Us, One and All," Cooperate with Our Global Intelligence Agencies, Police and Law Enforcement Officials, and Members of The Earths United Nations Coalition Forces of Civilized and Just World Leaders," "Against these Extreme Radical Terror Syndicates," "Wherever They May be!"

And, "Let Us Give Encouragement and Support to Our Global Leaders to Use Whatever Force They May Possess," to "Increase Their Efforts, and "Increase Their Intensity", and "Do Whatever is Necessary" to "Break these Terror Syndicates Once and For All!"

"This is The Twenty-First Century," and "Law and Justice Must Prevail For the Safety, Security, and Future of Our Families and Fellow Human Beings!" As well as, "To Maintain the Continued Existence of Our Beliefs in Peace and Freedom For All The Sovereign People of This Earth!"

"Our Children and Their Children" "Depend on All of Our Religious, Military, Political, Financial, and Public Figures to Act Now in Full Force," to "Eradicate, Rid and Purge from Our Lives the Danger and Threat of Extreme Radical Terror Syndicates, Worldwide!"

(On Thursday, the 24th of March, 2016, Reda Kriket, a French National, was Arrested, in a Raid, Near Paris, by French Authorities,  Preventing Him from Attempting Another Terrorist Attack in France! Small Amounts of Explosives were Found in An Apartment in Argenteuil! It's Been Reported that "The Plot was at An Advanced Stage!" Reda Kriket was, also, "Previously  Convicted in Absentia," in July of 2015, "For Recruiting ISIS Members," and, "of Being a Part of a Jihadist Syndicate Planning to Go to Syria," and "Sentenced to Ten Years in Prison!")

And, "As Irregular Weather Conditions" from "Raging Thunderstorms Lash Their Way through the Southeast and Gulf Coast States," in the U.S., "Causing Flash Floods and Record Setting Mass Flooding in This Month of March," and Rising to Historic Levels in Seven Locations, so Far, in Texas, Louisiana, and the Mississippi Delta, Flooding Hundreds of Homes, and  "Taking the Lives of at Least Five People!" Plus, "El Ninos, and Tornado's, and Record Breaking Warm Weather," such as New York Experienced, on Wednesday, the 9th of  March, 2016, and, Then, Add to that, "NASA's Newly Released Data,"  on Saturday, the 12th of March, 2016, that "Global Temperatures Reached An All Time High," in the Month of February, Even More so than the Month of January, 2016, which "Previously Held This Deeply Disturbing Distinction," have "Increased Global Concerns about the Continuing, Gradual, Evolvement of Climate Warming," and "The Danger" "It Poses to the Earths Populace"

And, When You Add in "Continued Outbreaks of the Zika Virus," and "A New Outbreak" of "the Bacteria Called Elizabethkingia," in Wisconsin, that "is Linked to the Deaths of at Least Eighteen Lives, after They were Infected," and, has "Caused Great Concern by the CDC (Center of Disease Control), so Much so, that "They Sent a Team of Experts to Investigate," Then You Realize "How Important a Time Period This is!" And, "the Need for a New Age of Health, Environmental, Political, Economical, Civil Rights, Internet Privacy Rights, and Spiritual/Human Rights Advocacy and Activism," "Must Rise to the Challenge!" "For, The Time to Act is Now," if "We".... "The People," are "Truly to Make a Better World For One and All to Live in!" And, "For Our Future Generations to Come!"

And, "When you Consider in The Global Equation Of, By, and For The People," "At the Top of The List of Dangers" that Threaten Our Survival," is "The Dependence on Nuclear Power Plant Reactors," "Along with Leaders," Such as, Kim Jong-un, First Chairman of the National Defence Commission, of North Korea, "who Insist on Pushing the Boundaries of Reason to a Point Where the Immediate Implementation of Global Sanctions" by All the Civilized Nations of The Earth are "A Must!" "The Earths Populace Can Not Afford to Have the Irresponsible Behavior," of Kim Jong-un, or, Any Political, Military, Oligarch, Financial, or Religious Leader,"Continue to Pose Threats of Danger Towards Our Families, Neighbors and Fellow Human Beings!"

(On Wednesday, the 16th of March 2016, "North Korea's Supreme Court Sentenced a Twenty-One Year Old, U.S. Student of The University of Virginia Otto Frederick Warmbier" of "Crimes against The State!"
Mr. Warmbier said, "I committed the crime of taking down a political slogan from the staff holding area of the Yanggakdo International Hotel." And, also, said, "I never, never should have allowed myself to be lured by the United States administration to commit a crime in this country," as "He Begged," in Tears, "for Forgiveness" at a Press Conference Last Month!

Otto was Arrested as "He was Preparing to Board a Plane and Depart from North Korea," on the 2nd of January, 2016! "He had Traveled to Pyongyang," the Capital of North Korea, "on a Trip Organized by Young Pioneer Tours," a China Based Travel Company!
"The North Korean Government Alleged that Mr. Warmbier was Encouraged to Commit the "Hostile Act" by a Purported Member of An Ohio Church, a Secretive University Organization, and even the CIA." 

"The Tour Company that Mr. Warmbier Traveled with," Young Pioneer Tours, "said on Its Website" that, "it is aware of his sentencing and that it should "be viewed in similar context of previous cases of Americans being sentenced in the DPRK."
Let's Hope Former New Mexico Governor Bill Richardson, who Met with North Korean Officials on Tuesday, the 14th of March 2016, has Immediate Success in Lobbying for Mr. Warmbier's Release!")
(In this Age of Global Conflicts, Be very Careful where you Decide to Take a School Vacation!)

"The War against Terror," and "The Continuing Conflicts between The States of Israel and Palestine," and "The Humanitarian Disaster and War in Syria," and "The Agony of Immigrant Families Fleeing from Their Homes, in Fear of Being Killed, Tortured, Kidnapped, Enslaved, Threatened, Manipulated, and Homeless," and "Global Poverty Beyond Comprehension," "Stalled Global Economies," "Unemployment," "Trade Imbalances," "Currency Manipulations," and, "the Uncertainty of Global Markets," "Ethnic Tensions," and "Dealing with the Egos and Selfish Strategies of Imperialist Minded Leaders," "Foreign Diseases," "Wage Discrimination amongst Genders," "Drug Addiction," "Gun Related Violence," "Christians Being Ostracized in China," and "Cyber War Fare," are "A Constant Reminder of The Dangers" that "We"...."The People of This Planet Earth Must Consider," When "We are Choosing The Leaders and Elected Officials Who Will Represent Our Best Interests!"

(And, "New Leaders on the Earths Horizon," such as "Canadian Premier Justin Trudeau," who Visited the U.S. on Wednesday, the 9th of March, 2016, (the First Time a Canadian Premier has Visited the U.S. in Nineteen Years), are "Welcomed Visitors, and Positive-Minded Allies to the Civilized Nations of the World," and "the Earths Communities," and, "the Commitment to Reduce Planet Warming Emissions of Methane" and "In Discussions that Propose, and Make New Pledges on Climate Control!")

(And, "Congratulations to Myanmar's New Democratically Elected Civilian President Htin Kyaw," who Will Take Office on the First of April, 2016, and, "Nobel Laureate Aung San Suu Kyi," Leader of National League For Democracy, "Who's Party Won 360 of 652 Votes Cast by Parliament!" 
"Although Suu Kyi," who was a Once a Longtime Political Prisoner, and "Her NLD Party Won a Dramatic Landslide Victory," in the November, 8th, 2015, General Election, She was Prevented from Being President Due to Constitutional Clause, "Supposedly written by the Military with Her in Mind," "Excluding Anyone who has a Foreign Spouse or Children." The Late Husband of Aung San Suu Kyi,  was British, as is Her Two Children! 
However, "President Htin Kyaw," who also Ran the Daw Khin Kyi Foundation, an Education Charity Named after Suu Kyi’s Mother, that Helps The Poor in Myanmar, and Aung San Suu Kyi" "Will Together Work to Advance the Cause of Democracy," and "A Government Of The People, By The People, and For The People as Allies!" "This Will Be The First Time that Myanmar has a Not had been Ruled by the Military in More than A Half Century!")

And, "As Apple and The U.S. Government Continue to Disagree to Agree about Encryption," (Just as "Telegram" Continues to Remain An Encryption Issue for Europol to Deal with in Europe), "One Thing that is Unmistakably Clear and Meaningful in a Highly Purposeful, and Significant Way,"  Which is, "The Realms of The Hi-Tech Spheres, Fields, and Domains of Apple, Microsoft, Google, Yahoo, Twitter, Linkedin, Facebook, Instagram, Tumblir, MSN/Bing, Amazon, Flickr, eBay, iTunes, YouTube, and Alibaba," "All" have "A Special Significance to This Age of Communication, Information, Consumer Services, Social Media, and The Global Cross-Media Universe!" And, "How They Decide and Choose to Be," (1) "Universal Platforms Of, By, and For The People," and, or (2) "Work in Concert with Governments of Civilized Nations Worldwide in Their War against Terror," and "Cyber Warfare,"  is "A Universal Axiom" that "Still Remains in Question," and "has Become an Ongoing Legal Problem that is Yet to Be Resolved!"(Will there Be New Regulations and Court Rulings? And, If so, When and What Will They Be?)
"Let's Hope" that "Interdependent Individuals of Prescience and Cognizance will Remain in the Forefront of This Grand Experience," and "Continue to Create a Platform that Has The Best Interests of All The People of The Earth, Clearly in Mind!"

And, Let's Hope that President Obama's Visit to the Sovereign Nation of Cuba "Ushers in a New Period of Cooperation and Friendship between the United States and Cuba," and, "the Advancement of Civil Rights," and "the Freedom to Express One's Opinion without Fear of Incarceration," Freedom of The Press," and "Peace and Economic Parity For One and All!"   

Voices of Reason and Peacemakers of the Twentieth and Twenty-First Centuries, "Let Us Rid Our Lives of Prejudice, Hate, Violence, Bullying, and Fear!"

And, "Let Us Continue to Build Bridges of Cosmic, Spiritual, Environmental, Cultural, Philanthropic, Cognitive, Compassionate, and Earthwise Awareness," "Thru The Internet of The Global Social Media and The Global Cross-Media Universe!"
For, This is, The Way To Peace, and An Omnipresent, Omnipotent, and Omniscient Age Of Justice For One and All, Limitless Economic Opportunity, and Financial Parity For One and All, and An Ecologically, Environmentally and Earthwise Existence, In Grand Equilibre with the Great Cosmos, and We...The People, Truly An Earthrise of Illuminating Hope, and Peace On Earth!

And, Let Us Remember with Fondness The Passing of Former First Lady Nancy Reagan, who Died at the Golden Age of 94, and Sir George Martin who Died at The Golden Age of 90!