Wednesday, March 2, 2016



The Way To Peace! #274

The South Carolina Democratic Primary Was "a Resounding Victory For Former Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton Winning 73.5 Per Cent of The Vote and 39 Delegates" (at Last Count) to "Senator Bernie Sanders Winning 14 Per Cent of The Vote and 14 Delegates" (at Last Count).
"The Margin of Victory Went Far Beyond The Expectations of Anyone in the Global Cross-Media News Universe!"

"The 48 Point Victory," Demonstrated that, "Clearly The People of South Carolina, of All Age Groups and Ethnicity," Overwhelming Voted for, and Rewarded Sec. Clinton, "Because of All Her Years Devoted to Public Service Going All the Way Back to 1972," When She Worked For Senator Goldwater's Attempt to Become President of The United States, and (1) the Positive Policy Solutions She has Offered, 
(2) the Sincerity, Hard Work and Effort She Made has Made in Her Campaign, and, in South Carolina, and, (3) The Dedicated Commitment and Effort that Secretary Clinton's Campaign Team of Volunteers has Made!
At present, Secretary Clinton has 544 Combined Pledged and Superdelegates, and "Senator Sanders has 85!" 
"2, 383 are Needed for Nomination out of 4, 136 that are Available!"

"Real Estate Mogul, TV Producer/Host Donald Trump has Won 82 Delegates, While Senator Cruz has Won 17, Senator Rubio 16, Governor Kasick 6, and Ben Carson 4."
"1, 237 are Needed for Nomination out of 2, 340 that are Available!"

"However the Results May End Up," "An Equally Powerful and Compelling Story that History Will Record is," "Whether The Party of Abraham Lincoln, Theodore Roosevelt, Dwight D. Eisenhower, and Ronald Reagan," "Will Survive the Damage Being Caused by Donald Trump's Unconventional, Divisive, and Irresponsible Campaign!"And, "If It Does Who or What Will It Represent!"

And, The Voting Results of March 1st, 2016 (at Last Count), "Super Tuesday Primaries" are; 
(1) The Alabama Democratic and Republican Primary Winners are Sec. Clinton with 77.8 Per Cent of the Vote (and 37 Delegates), and Delegates, to Sen. Sanders with 19.2% (and 4 Delegates)! 
And, Donald Trump Won with 43.4 Per Cent of the Vote (and 28 Delegates), Sen. Cruz 21.1% (and 2 Delegates), Sen. Rubio 18.9%, B.Carson 10.2%, Gov. Kasich 4.4%" (Won No Delegates)!

(2) The Alaska Republican Caucus Winners are  Sen. Ted Cruz with 36.4% of the Vote (12 Delegates), D. Trump 33.5% (and 11 Delegates), Sen. Rubio 15.1% (5 Delegates), B.Carson 10.9%, and Gov. Kasich 4.1%"  (Won No Delegates)!

(3) The American Samoa Democratic Election Results are Sec. Clinton with 73.0 Per Cent of the Vote (and 4 Delegates), to Sen. Sanders 25.7%  (and 2 Delegates)!

(4) The Arkansas Democratic and Republican Primary Winners Sec. Clinton are with 66.3 Per Cent of the Vote (and 18 Delegates), and Sen. Sanders with 29.7% (and 7 Delegates)!
And, Donald Trump Won with 32.7 Per Cent of the Vote (and 13 Delegates), Sen. Cruz 30.5% (and 9 Delegates), Sen. Rubio 25.0% (and 6 Delegates), B.Carson 5.7%, and Gov. Kasich 3.7% (Won No Delegates)!

(5) The Colorado Democratic Caucuses Winner is Sen. Sanders with with 58.9 Per Cent of the Vote (and 33 Delegates)and Sec, Clinton 40.4% (and 24 Delegates)! 

(6) The Georgia Democratic and Republican Primary Winners are Sec. Clinton with 71.2 Per Cent of the Vote (and 66 Delegates), and Delegates, and Sen. Sanders with 28.3% (and 23 Delegates)!
And, Donald Trump with 38.8 Per Cent of the Vote (and 36 Delegates), Sen. Rubio 24.5% (and 11 Delegates), Sen. Cruz 23.6% (and 14 Delegates), B.Carson 6.2%, Gov. Kasich 5.6% (Won No Delegates)!  

(7) The Massachusetts Democratic and Republican Primary Winners are Sec. Clinton with 50.3% Per Cent of the Vote (and 45 Delegates) and Sen, Sanders 48.5%" (and 43 Delegates)!
And, Donald Trump with 49.0 Per Cent of the Vote (and 22 Delegates), Gov. Kasich 18.1% (and 8 Delegates), Sen. Rubio 17.9% (and 8 Delegates), Sen. Cruz 9.6% (and 4 Delegates), B.Carson 2.6%!" (Won No Delegates)! 

(8) The Minnesota  Democratic and Republican Caucus Winners are Sen. Bernie Sanders with 61.7 Per Cent of the Vote ( and 42 Delegates) and Sec. Clinton 38.3% (and 24 Delegates)!  

And, Sen. Marco Rubio has Won with 36.8 Per Cent of the Vote (and 12 Delegates), Sen. Cruz 28.9% (and 12 Delegates), D.Trump 21.2% (and 8 Delegates), B.Carson 7.2%, and Gov. Kasich 5.8%" (Won No Delegates)!

(9) The Oklahoma Democratic and Republican Primary Winners are Sen. Sanders with 51.9 Per Cent of the Vote (and 20 Delegates), and Sec. Clinton with 41.5 Per Cent of the Vote (and 16 Delegates)!
And, Sen. Cruz has Won with 34.4 Per Cent of the Vote (and 14 Delegates), and D.Trump 28.3% (and 12 Delegates), Sen. Rubio 26.0% (and 11 Delegates), B.Carson 6.2%, and Gov. Kasich 3.6%" (Won No Delegates)!

(10) The Tennessee Democratic and Republican Primary Winners are Sec. Clinton with 66.1 Per Cent of the Vote (and 40 Delegates), and Sen. Sanders with 32.4% (and 22 Delegates)!
And, Donald Trump with 38.9 Per Cent of the Vote (and 30 Delegates), Sen. Cruz 24.7% (and 12 Delegates), Sen. Rubio 21.2% (and 2) Delegates), B.Carson 7.6%, and Gov. Kasich 5.3%  (Won No Delegates)! 

(11) The Texas Democratic and Republican Primary Winners are Sec. Clinton with 65.2 Per Cent of the Vote (and 122 Delegates), and Sen. Sanders with 32.2% (and 48 Delegates)!
And, Sen. Cruz has Won with 43.7 Per Cent of the Vote (and 57 Delegates), D.Trump 26.9% (and 20 Delegates), Sen. Rubio 17.6%, Gov. Kasich 4.2%, and B.Carson 4.1%" (Won No Delegates)! 

(12) The Vermont Democratic and Republican Primary Winners are Sen. Sanders 86. 2 with Per Cent of the Vote (and 10 Delegates), and Sec. Clinton with 13.6%"  (Won No Delegates)!
And Donald Trump with 32.7 Per Cent of the Vote (and 6 Delegates),  Gov. Kasich, 30.4% (and 6 Delegates), Sen. Rubio 19.3%, Sen. Cruz 9.7%, and B. Carson 4.2%" (Won No Delegates)!

(13)  The Virginia Democratic and Republican Primary Winners are Sec. Clinton with 64.3 Per Cent of the Vote (and 61 Delegates), and Sen. Sanders with 35.2% (and 32 Delegates)!
And, Donald Trump has Won with 34.7 Per Cent of the Vote (and 17 Delegates), Sen. Rubio 31.9% (and 16 Delegates), Sen. Cruz 16.9% (and 8 Delegates), Gov. Kasich 9.4% (and 5 Delegates), and B.Carson 5.9% (and 3 Delegates)!

At last Count, "The New Update is;" Democrats "Sec. Clinton has 1,058 Pledged and Superdelegates," and "Sen. Sanders has 431 Pledged and Superdelegates!"
(2, 383 are Needed for Nomination out of 4, 136 that are Available!)

And, Republicans "Donald Trump has 329 Delegates, Sen. Ted Cruz 231, Sen. Rubio 110, Gov. Kasich 25, and B. Carson rounds out the Field with 8 Delegates, at Last Count!"
(1, 237 are Needed for Nomination out of 2, 340 that are Available!)

Both Secretary Clinton and Real Estate Mogul/TV Producer/Host have "Won Impressive Victories on This Super Tuesday!"  Sec. Clinton has "Won Seven States and the Territory of American Samoa!" And, Sen. Sanders has "Won Four States," Keeping His Hopes Alive!" 
And, Donald Trump has "Won Seven States!" And, Sen. Cruz has Won Three States, and Sen. Rubio One," "Keeping Their Hopes Alive!"
"The Next Series of Primaries Takes Place on Saturday, the 5th of March 2016!"

(Ben Carson's Statement,"I Do Not See a Political Path Forward," to The Republican Nomination! And, "In His Speech" at the American Conservative Union’s 2016 Political Action Conference (CPAC) "Officially Announced" that, "He is Leaving the Campaign Trail," Ending His Campaign to Become the Republican Nominee for President of The United States!"
Mr. Carson also said that, He would he would keep fighting on behalf of “we the people,” and,..."I’m still going to be heavily involved to save our nation.” Mr. Carson "Did Not Participate in the Republican Debate on Thursday, the 3rd of March, 2016!")

(And, Previous 2012 Republican Nominee for The Presidency of the United States, Former Governor of Massachusetts Mitt Romney's Speech, on Thursday, the 3rd of March, 2016, at The University of Utah's Hinckley Institute of Political Forum, "May Prove to Be a Historical Moment in Presidential Primary Campaign Politics! The Question is, "Will Former Governor Romney's Comments Prove to have Any Effect on Donald Trumps Popularity," and "His Chances to Become the Republican Party Nominee for President of the United States?")
However, "Whether You are a Capitalist, Socialist, Libertarian, Communist, or Believe in the Principles of Democracy," "Without Respect For Your Fellow Human Being, and a Sense of Justice For One and All," or "Whatever Political Persuasion, Ideology, or Philosophy of Life You Adhere to, or, are a Proponent of or Believe in, Your Expectations Will Always Fall Short of Their Goals," "Without a Genuine Esteem, A Considerate Thought out Analysis, Cogitation, and Trust in the Ability of The Individual, Political Party, Religion, Way of Life, Pursuit of Happiness or Career Choice You are Striving to Obtain!"

And, "Dissecting and Analyzing What is Real from Unreal is Always Challenging," and, "at Times Deeply Distressing When You Realize that The Ideas Being Proposed, While at First Exciting and Seemingly  Stimulating, in Reality, Just Do Not Add Up," "When You Look Closely at the Detail," or "Detach Yourself from the Buzz!" And, are, In Reality, "Impossible to Achieve within The Timer/Space Reality of War and Terrorism," and, or, "The Political Climate You are Living in!"

Or, Quite Simply, "The Cost Will be Too High," and "The Taxes Too Much!" Or, "The Budgetary Cutbacks Too Severe!" Or, "The Lack of Compassion and Empathy Not in Line with The True Effort that It Will Take," and, is "Too Lacking!"

Or, "The Everyday Travails of the Disenfranchised, and, In General, Parents, Children, The Middle Class, The Elderly, Students, Small Businesses, and "Their Plights are Being Ignored," and "Not Considered to Be a  Priority, in the Grand Scheme and Strategy of Political Candidates," Who are "Too Caught up in Campaigning for Prestigious Political Offices," that "They have Lost Sight of The Reason and Purpose for Their Campaigns," Which is To Be "Representatives Of The People!"

And, "However Grand the Movement May Be," or, "However Many The People May Attend these Campaign Appearances," in the Thousands or Tens of Thousands, or, "How Much of a Buzz a Candidate or Candidates May Be Causing to the Delight of the Global Cross-Media News Universe," "This is Not the Time to Be Swept away by The Buzz, Campaign Slogans, or Political Rhetoric!"
And, "If You're Campaigning as a Candidate to Become Your Party's Nominee For the President of The United States" and "You Do Not Know the Significance of What a White Supremacist is, "You Should withdraw Your Candidacy from All Consideration," and "Return to Whatever it is that You were Doing Before," Because, "Obviously, You are Not Prepared to Be The President of the United States!"  

In All Seriousness, "We are One and All Faced with a War Time Economy," Coupled with a "Dangerous Aggression between Nations involved in an Age of Cyber Warfare," "Global Currency Manipulation," "the Constant Threat of Recession," "the Destabilization and Migration of The People of The Middle East, and North Africa," "Major Powers of State, All vying for a Piece of Real Estate, Oil, Oceans, Islands, and Sovereign Nations!"

"With the Global Markets Blowing in the Winds of Uncertainty," All Trying to Ascertain, "What Will Happen Next to Destabilize The Earths Economies!" And, "Whether it is Safer to Buy or Sell Now!"
And, "All this," at a Time, "When the Global Infrastructures and Our States, Cities, Towns, Villages and Neighborhoods are In Great Need of Investment! Not Divestiture!"

And, "The Earths Ecology is In Need of a Real Sense of Sociological Understanding that Climate Change is Not," Just "Two Words," that are "Bandied about Whenever There is a New UN Environmental Conference, "Its a Reality," that "Needs Conscientious Oversight by Every Elected Official, Political Candidate, Religious, Energy, and Financial Leader!"

("Bill Gates Efforts to Find New Energy Sources are to Be Highly Commended!" "He has Assembled a New Coalition," Called, "The Breakthrough Greater Coalition," Who are Supplying the Necessary Funding Needed to Find New Sources of Energy to Replace Carbon Based Fuels," that are "Less Expensive than Coal as a Primary Energy Source!" Mr. Gates has Worked Tirelessly, "to Bring Together a Coalition of Governments, Philanthropic and Environmentally Concerned Individuals, and, Women and Men of All Persuasions and Positions of Influence," to, (1) "Change the Worlds Primary Energy Source, (2) Prevent Further Climate Warming, 
(3) Reduce Energy Costs, and (4) Provide Cleaner Air For The World, and (5) Reduce The Worlds Dependency on Carbon Based Fuels!" 
"Gas from The Sun is One of The Sources They're Focused on!" "Their Acts of Philanthropy are Inspiring to Environmental Activists Worldwide!")

(And, "the Government of Morocco's Plans to Build The Worlds Largest Solar Power Plant, in the Sahara Desert is," also, to "Be Greatly Admired!" "Mohammed VI," The King of Morocco, "Officially Turned on Phase I," of What Will Eventually Become The Largest Solar Thermal Plant on Earth, "Called Noor I," Which Will Provide Renewable Energy to Moroccan Citizens!" 
This is "An Excellent Step Forward," Towards "Reducing Energy Costs, and Providing Cleaner Air!" And, All this is Being Done by, "Capturing the Sun's Energy to Advance Forward a Positive Approach Towards Achieving New and Exciting Environmental and Ecological Goals!" 
"Noor I," is "the First of Three Phases (Noor II and Noor III will follow)," that "The Moroccan Government is Planning," to "Build the Single Most Largest Solar Thermal Power Production Facility on Earth!" )

On the Other Hand, "The Water Crisis in Flint Michigan" is "An Example of Human and Environmental Abuse at a Very High Level!" And, "The Responsibility Lies in the Hands of Governor Rick Snyder and His Administration!" 
And, As "Newly Released Emails have Revealed," The Governor and His Aids "Knew about the Water Contamination for at Least a Year, Before the Situation was Exposed and Became a Major Story of the Global Cross-Media Universe!" 

And, "Blame Must also Be Placed on "the Emergency Manager," Edward Kurtz, who was Appointed by Gov. Snyder," and "Advised  Making the Decision" to "Switch the Water Supply from Lake Huron and the Detroit River to the Flint River!" 
"This Consultation was Made as a Cost Saving Measure!" However, "The Cost" is "the Price that the Families of Flint are Paying, Double Fold!"

"The Decision" was Made in April of 2014, "Although the Water, in the Flint River, was Not Treated Properly," and the "Main Problem Corrosion Control" was "Allowed to Eat away at the Iron and Lead Pipes!" And, "This has Caused Lead to Pollute the Water Supply!" 

"The Negative Affect" that "This Decision" has had on "the Lives of The Families of Flint, Exposing as Many as 12, 000 Children to This Public Health Disaster," is "A Nightmare that Could have Easily been Avoided," "If Governor Snyder had Acted Properly and Wisely in the First Place!"
("Governor Snyder Should Resign from Office!")

And, "Let Us Not Forget" that "We are in a War Against Terrorism!" "This is a Reality" that "We are All To Aware of!" And, "This Should Not Be Forgotten for One Nanosecond!"
But, "There are also Mass Shootings, Illegal Drugs, and Drug and Crime Syndicates Selling Their Opiates To Our Children!" And, "Enslaving Our Children!" And, "Killing Our Children!"

"And, The Two Bombings that Took Place in a Market" in Baghdad's Sadr City, Iraq, on Sunday, the 28th of February, 2016, that "Caused the Deaths of 73 and Hospitalized at Least 112 People," and, "Another Attack of 6 Car Bombs on Abu Ghraib," a Neighborhood Located on the City's Western Edge, "Earlier in the Morning," are "An Ongoing Examples of the Constant Threat of Terrorism!" And, "It is the Immediate Responsibility of All the Leaders of Civilized Nations, Worldwide," "to Eradicate These Extreme Radical Terror Syndicates from Existence!"
(ISIS/Daesh has Claimed Responsibility for these Bombings!) 

The Point is, "We Need Knowledgeable, Intelligent, Experienced, Compassionate, Leadership and Representatives Of The People, By The People, and For The People," who are "Willing to Sensibly and Proactively Address The Human Changes that are Taking Place in the Twenty-First Century!" Leaders, Elected Officials, Financial, Religious, and Political Candidates," Who are "Willing to Place The Concerns of We The People, Over Theirs!"

"Globally Minded, and Consciously Aware" Interdependent Women and Men, Who are "Willing to Place Their Egos, Political Aspirations and Goals Secondary" to "The Greater Mission and Vision Of An Earth at Peace with Its self," and "A People Living in Unanimity and Equilibre with One Another!"

And, "To the Sovereign Leaders, Finance Ministers, and Central Bankers, who Attended the Two Day G20 Summit in Shanghai, the Weekend of The 24th of February, 2016," and, "The Sovereign Leaders who Agreed to The Syrian Truce/Cease Fire Accord," and the Newly Elected Members of the Islamic Consultative Assembly, and the Assembly of Experts, of The Iranian Legislative  Elections, that were held on Friday, the 26th of February, 2016, President Hassan Rouhani, and, Iran's Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, "The Earths Populace" Expects You to "Act Honorably Towards One Another," and "Respectfully Towards One Another," and, "Adhere to and Conform Your Agendas," into "One Major Strategic Goal," "Which is Composed of The Defense of Our Universal Tenets and Principles of Peace, Economic Stability, Cognitive Contemplation, Protection of Our Earths Ecological System, Justice For One and All, and, Social Security!"

And, To The U.S. Congress, the Random Series of Shootings that Killed Three Innocent People and Wounded Fourteen More, on Thursday, the 25th of February, 2016, in Hesston, Kansas, is "One More Tragedy" to "Add to Countless Numbers that have Come Before," that "Calls Out for Immediate Passage of New Gun Reform Legislation," that has "Laid Dormant on the Floors of Congress," For, Sadly, "What has Seemingly Felt as Being Forever!"
(The Gunman was Killed at His Previous Place of Employment, Excel Industries, in Harvey County, Kansas, by the Police, after "Conducting His Berserk and Maniacal Acts of Violence," across Several Locations in Kansas!)

And, The Death of Police Officer Ashley Guindon, 28, on Saturday, the 27th of February, 2016, in Woodbridge, Virginia, Approximately 20 miles Southwest of Washington, D.C. " Who was Participating in Her First Shift on the Job," after "Recently Being Sworn in to Office the Day Before," Friday, the 25th of February, 2016, is "An Exclamation Point of the Need for New Gun Reform Legislation!"
"To Compound the Futility of This Senseless Act of Violence," is that, "In Welcoming Guindon and Another Officer to the Police Force on Friday, the Police Department Tweeted Their Photo and said, "Be safe!"

"Two Other Police Officers, Jesse Hempen, 31, and David McKeown, 33, were Wounded, "While They Responded to the Fatal Domestic Argument," that "Caused the Death of the Alleged Gunman's Wife!" (The Gunman, U.S. Army Staff Sergeant, Ronald Hamilton, (stationed at The Pentagon) has been Arrested and is Being Held without Bond on Charges of Capital Murder of a Police Officer, Assault with a Fire Arm, and Murder in the First Degree!) 

And, To Say that, "The Gun Culture in the United States is Creating a Negative Aspect to the Second Amendment to the United States Constitution," that Refers Explicitly to "a Pre-Existing Right to Keep and Bear Arms," is "A Universal Axiom that, in Light of the Categorical Acts of Senseless Violence that Mothers and Fathers, Family Members a, Friends and Neighbors have had to Bear without Respite!" And, "Clearly Needs Changing" to, "As Being Used, Only, in Defense of The Innocent," and "As a Heroic and Civilized Weapon of Peace,"and "Not a Weapon of Random Violence!" 
"This is the Twenty-First Century," and "Not the Volatile Age of the Wild West!" And, "If We are to Live in Peace, Everyone Must Understand This!" And, "Live as A Committed Personnage of The Civilized World!"

And. To Our Military Leaders and Law Enforcement Leaders, "We....The People," "Expect You to Defend Our Rights to Live, Safe and In Security," as "A Free People of This Planet Earth!" And, "To Enforce the Law in An Unbiased Way!" 
"Justice and Peace Must Prevail," "For the Sake of Our Children and Our Children's Children," "For The Earth to Survive and Live in a Permanent Universe of Unanimity and Peace!"

And, "We are Definitely in Need of More Heroes like Navy Seal Edward Byers Jr." Who has Just Received "The Medal Of Honor," from President Obama, on Monday, the 29th of February, 2016!  And, "We Would like to Congratulate Chief Byers For His Honorable Service, Courage, and Bravery!"

And, "Congratulations to NASA Astronaut Scott Kelly For His Record Setting Stay at The International Space Station!" "After Spending Three Hundred and Forty Days in Space," and "Orbiting The Earth at Least Five Thousand Times!" 
Astronaut Kelly has Relinquished His Command," and "Finally Returned Home," on Tuesday, the First of March! And, Claims that, "He Could have Stayed for Another One Hundred Days or One Hundred Years!" 

"Astronaut Kelly has also Gained a New Perspective of The Earth," He said, "I feel more like an environmentalist since I’ve been up here." "There are parts of the Earth that are covered with pollution all the time. I saw weather that was unexpected. Storms bigger than we’ve seen in the past. This is a human effect. This is not a natural phenomenon." Let's Hope that His Comments are Taken Seriously, Because "A New Global Perspective about Climate Warming and "the Earths Environmental Concerns, Need to Be Acted on Immediately!" "Welcome Home Scott!"

(And, 2016 Oscar Award Winner Leonard DiCaprio for Best Actor, "Gave an Eloquent and Meaningful Acceptance Speech" at the 2016 Oscar Academy Award Ceremony, Expressing His Concern about "Climate Warming," When He very Succinctly Stated, "Climate change is real. It is happening right now. It is the most urgent threat facing our entire species. We need to work collectively together and stop procrastinating.")

And, "In the Latest Legal Go Round between Apple and the U.S. Government," " Apple Comes out The Winner!" On Monday, the 29th of February, 2016, Federal Magistrate- Judge James Orenstein, in New York's Eastern District, Ruled that "Federal Investigators Can't rely on the All Writs Act, passed in 1789," to "Win Their Argument!"
Judge Orenstein also wrote: "[T]he question to be answered in this matter, and in others like it across the country, is not whether the government should be able to force Apple to help it unlock a specific device,"... "[I]t is instead whether the All Writs Act resolves that issue and many others like it yet to come. ... I conclude that it does not."
(I'm sure this "Will Not Be the Last Word" on this Case!)

Voices of Reason and Peacemakers of the Twentieth and Twenty-First Centuries, "Let Us Continue Our Global Activism and Vision For The People in All Ways that are Non-Violent and Consistent with the Measured Advocacy of Our Goals!"

And, "Let Us Choose Wisely from the Choices that Lie Ahead of Us!" For in Doing so, "We Will Be Both Streetwise and Earthwise," When It Counts the Most! "Either When Danger Lies in the Shadows," or, "The Dawn of a New Age Beckons Us!"
 For This is, The Way To Peace and An Omniscient, Omnipotent, and Omnipresent Age Of Peace, Culture, Enlightenment, Passion, Truth, Justice, Opportunity, Innovation, and Evolution On Earth!