Thursday, March 17, 2011



The Way To Peace! #152

The Name of The Game is Pi X 2, and, Counting! Or, The Numbers Game!
And then, Break it Down to; The Number 1,2,,3, or, 4, Nuclear Reactor, and, Still Counting, at The Yukushima Nuclear Power Plant, in Japan!

And then, Break it Down to; Gold Takes A Rare Tumble! The Global Financial Markets are Like A Roller Coaster Ride, Except that, "They" Rise or Fall on Speculation, Instead of Facts (For The Most Part)! And then, Which Middle Eastern Country, Will Be Next to Strive For Their Independence, from The Dictators, Tyrants, or, The Oligarchs, That Rule Them, in The Ongoing Political Domino Effect There!

And then, Break it Down to; The Depressing UN-Employment Figures! And, The Lack of Job Creation, Which, Adds Up To Being Practically Nul!
To; The Threat of The Next Natural Disaster! The UN-Declared Wars, that, Continue to Escalate, and, are Now Expected to Go On 'Til Infinitum!
To; The Regional Conflicts that have Caused Families to Be Broken Up, and, Forced To Live In Exile, from Their Countries and Homes!
To; The U.S. Federal, State, and, Local Budget Battles!

And, In The Meantime, The Global Experts Continue to, "Talk Their Talk, and Walk Their Walk," without, Taking One Step, "In The Shoes, Of The People!"

And then, There are The CPI Numbers! The Guess Numbers! The Oil, Gas, and, Food Hikes! The Dollar, Euro, Pound, and, Yen Numbers!
And, Very Importantly, The Number of Lives Lost, Due to The Stress of Living in Today's Economy! And, The Ever growing Numbers of, The Disenfranchised, and, The Poor! And then, Add to that, The Homes Lost, Due to The Mortgage Crises!

But, If, You "Ask Anyone Who Lives On The Streets Of The People," They Will Tell You that, You Don't have To Be, "Streetwise, Bookwise, or, Soulwise," To Understand that, "Its Not," Numbers and Polls, that, Should Be The Main Concern of, The Civilian, Religious, Military, and, Financial Leaders of, The Earths United Nations, Its, "We The People," Citizens Of The Earth!

You Can See It Everywhere, in The Buses, Subways, The Underground, Metro, Trains, Airplanes, Boats, Sidewalks, Cars, Trucks, Taxis, Limos, and, Vans!

And, You Can See It, in The Restaurants, Cafes, Movies, Museums, Libraries, Theme Parks, and, Hotels!

And, You Can See It, in Homes, Places of Worship, Yards, On The Beaches, and, in The Parks!
Its All About "The People!" Which is Why, Change is Here and Now!
And, Which is Why, A New Season of Change is Here and Now!

And, Which is Why, Our Earthrise Evolution, and, Revolution, "Of The People, By The People, and, For The People," Citizens Of The Earth, Will Continue, Until, The Qaddafi's, are "All Gone!" And, The Dictators and Tyrants are "All Gone!"
And, The Passive, Lackadaisical, Civilian, Religious, Military, and, Financial Leaders of, The Earths Nations are "All Gone!"

You Can See The Struggle To Evolve and Survive in, "The Faces Of The People!"

You Can Hear The Frustration to Evolve and Survive in, "The Voices "Of The People!"

And, You Can Feel The Passion, Compassion, and, Concern For One's Fellow Human Beings, and, The Lives of, All Sentient Beings, As New Disasters Erupt, and, Cause Destruction In Their Lives! And, As, New Headlines and Pictures are Being Featured in Newspapers, Magazines, and, In The Social and Cross-Media Universes, and, On The Internet!

Just "Ask Anyone Who Lives On The Streets Of The People," and, They Will Tell You, "Where Its At!" And, again, "Its Not" About, "The Numbers," Its About, "The Survival Of The People!" And, The Need For, "A Better Quality of Life For, We The People!" Plus, The Need For, A New Style of Global Leadership, "For The People!"
And, They Will, Also, Tell You that, "Its Not!" Its Not A Passive, Sit Back and Reflect Upon, Whats Going On, or, Whats Happening in The World, Type of Leadership, Like A College Professor, or, Historian Would!
And, They Will Tell You that, Its Time For Bold New Steps, To Be Taken!
Bold Steps that Will Unify, and, Bring Our Present and Future, into A Unified Universal State of Being, with, A Great Soul Force of, Peacemakers and Voices of Reason!
And, They Will Tell You that, Each and Every, Citizen, Military, Religious, and, Financial Leader of, The Earths United Nations, has To Be, A Leader, "Of The People, By The People, and, For The People!"
And, These Leadership Qualities Must Display, Determination, Resoluteness, Responsibility, Forthrightness, Honesty, Passion, Compassion, and, Vision, with A Steeled Purpose! And, Yet Flexible Enough To Know, Instinctively, What it Is, To Be, A Citizen Of The Earth!

And, "We The People," Citizens Of The Earth, Must Be A Great Soul Power of, Non-Violent Persuasion, For "We" have Much To Do, Before "We" Achieve "Our Goals!"

And, "We" Must Continue to Empower Each Other, and, Give Encouragement To Each Other, as, "We" Move Forward, Taking "One Day at A Time," But, Like Water Surging Against A Brick Wall, Until, "We" Transcend The Conditioned Web, and, Reality of Illusion and Delusion, that has Impeded and En snarled Us "For Too Many Millennia!"
And, This is, The Way To Peace, and, A Peoples Evolution and Revolution!
And, This is, The Way To Find New Cures, and, Heal The World!
And, This is, The Way To Build A Peace Time Economy, and, Finally Live in A Peace Millennium!

Voices Of Reason and Peacemakers of The 20th and 21st Centuries, Ask Yourself A Question, What Do You See When You "Look into The Eyes of Your Fellow Human Being?" And, If You See An Interdependent Person Who is Free from Oppression, and, Free to Evolve and Reach Their Potential in Life, Free from Economical, Sociological, Religious, and, Political Restrictions, and, Acts of Suppression, Then You Will Know that Your Life's Purpose has Been Achieved, and, That, You have Provided A Magnificent Gift, For All Human Kind, and, For The Lives of "All Sentient Beings!

Until then, Continue to Utilize All The Wonderful Technological Gifts of Modern Technology to Spread and Share, The Vision Path of, Our Idea's, Thoughts,Words, and, Actions via, Google, Yahoo, Twitter, MySpace, Peace Dialogue Chat Rooms, Linkedin, You Tube, iTunes, Facebook, Satellite, Cable, and, Network TV, Radio, Newspapers, Texts, Magazines, The Unlimited Universe of The Arts, Song and Dance, Sit ins, Demonstrations, Peace Marches, In Concert Performances, Cell Phones, Land Lines, and, Interviews!

Until then, Lets Reach Out, All Across This Earth of Ours, and, Bridge The Lies and False Rhetoric of, "The Isms," "The Ists," "The Ions," and, "The Ocracies," of,
The Global Oligarchs, via Our Own Bridge of Peace, and, via Our Own Omnipotent, Non-Violent, Limitless Technological, Activist Communication Network and Nexus "Of, By, and, For The People," and, Share "The Good News" of, Our Peace and Prosperity Movement, "For All The People," of This, The Third Planet from The Sun!

And, Until There is A Global Truce, Peace Dialogues, and, A New Earthrise Constitution and Emancipation Declaration, "Of The People, By The People, and, For The People," Citizens Of The Earth, "We' Still have, A Great Deal of Work To Do!

And, May Our Efforts Continue To Lead Us, from An Age of War, Fear, Crime, Corruption, and, Racism, To An Age of Social Security, Happiness, Truth, and, Justice "For One and All!"

And, May Our Efforts Continue To Lead Us, from Division, Separatism, Economic Instability, and, Double Standards, To An Age of Equal Opportunity, "For One and All!"

And, May Our Efforts Continue To Lead Us, from Living In An Age of A Conditioned Reality, To A New Age of Vision, Change, Enlightenment, Omniscience, and, Prosperity, "For One and All!"

And, May Our Efforts Continue To Lead Us, from Living In An Age, Where One's Personal and Universal Beliefs, and, Good Intentions, are, Too Often, Denigrated and Undermined By, Anothers Negative Intentions, Instead of, By The Merit of One's Idea's, Thoughts, Words, and, Actions, Irregardless of What One's Race, Creed, or, Nationality May Be!

And, May "We" Continue To Soar To Even Greater Heights of Human Compassion, and, Take Flight On The Graceful Wings of The Phoenix Of Peace! And, Let's Continue To Rise In The Perpetual Evolution and Revolution, On The Winds Of Change, "Of The People, By The People, and, For The People," and, In Each New Season Of Life!

And, Lets Continue to Dedicate and Commit Ourselves, To Making A Better World, "For One and All" To Share, As The Lives of, Nelson Mandela, Mother Teresa, Socrates, Mahatma Gandhi, Confucius, St. Francis Of Assisi, Muhammad, Mary, Zoroaster, Machiventa Melchizedek, Charlemagne, Mary Magdalene, Lao-Tse, Jesus Of Nazareth, Siddhartha Gautama, and, Martin Luther King, have Shown Us To Be Worth Living, and, Striving For! For, This is, The Way To Peace, and, A Peace Millennium!