Monday, March 21, 2011



The Way To Peace! #153

It is "Good News" To See, The Civilian, Military, Financial & Religious Leaders of, The Earths United Nations, The Arab League, and, NATO, Act in Concert with Each Other, To Bring to End, The Reign of A Vicious Tyrant! And, Yes, of Course, there are Subtleties To Making A Decision of This Grand An Undertaking, But, At last, The Libyan People, Will have An Opportunity to Have A Government, "Of The People, By The People, and, For The People," Unless, of Course, Gadhafi Finds A Way To Remain!

However, Lets Hope that, This Rare Act of Decision Making, By The Earths United Nations, was Made with The Best of Intentions in Mind! And, A Message To The World that, A New Season of, Humanity, Peace, and, Change has Finally Come To Manifest Itself, in The 21st Century!
And that, This Century is Moving Forward Towards Becoming, "A Peace Millennium!" Because, There is, Still, Much More To Be Done!
And, To Change, from A War Time Century, To A Peace Time Century, Will Take A Great Effort on The Part of, "We The People," Citizens Of The Earth!

And, It Would, Also, Be A "Great Moment" To See, "A Global Acclamation," By The Earths Military, Civilian, Financial, and, Religious Leaders, To End Poverty and Homelessness On Earth!
And, in Doing so, Sow The Seeds of, A New Dawn of Hope, Compassion, and, Social Security For, "All The People" of, This Planet Earth! For, It is Time "For One and All" to Move Forward, Towards The Existence of, "A Peace Millennium!"

And, It Would Be A "Great Moment" for, The Civilian, Religious, Financial, and, Military, Leaders of The Earths United Nations to Agree, To A New Global Energy Policy/Course of Action, and, The Immediate Implementation of It! One, that Free's Us from Dependency on Nuclear Energy, and, Oil!
A New Energy Policy that, Embraces Alternative Choices, such as; Sun and Wind, For Example, As The Primary Choices in Providing Energy, For The Earths Populace! And, The Clear and Flowing Advancement of, The Limitless Potential of "A Global Green Industrial Evolution On Earth!"

Change is Here and Now! "We" have, But, To Embrace It! Nourish It! And, Share It, in Equanimity with One Another, To Make A Better World For Our Children, and, Our Children's Children! For Millennia upon Millennia To Come!
The Signs of Change, and, The Winds of Change are Here and Now! And, Not "One Second" Too Late, in Coming!

Just Dealing with The After Effects of, The Myriad Number of Natural Disasters, Alone, Is Enough for The Civilian, Financial, Religious, and, Military Leaders of, The Earths Nations to Concentrate on! And then, When You Add The Stress and Pressures that Continue to Mount, from Global UN-Employment, The Threats and Continued Violence of The War On Terrorism, and, The Cost of Lives, and, The Continued Monetary Drain of The UN-Declared Wars in, Iraq, Pakistan, and, Afghanistan! And, The Global Movement "Of The People" Living Under The Thumb of Tyrants, and, Dictators, and, You Can Understand All The Reasons Why, A New Season of Change Is Here and Now!

"We The People, " Citizens Of The Earth, Demand Change! And, Can Not Continue, To Live Quality Lifestyles, Without Change! And, When You Add the Growing Number of The Disenfranchised, The Helpless, and, The Homeless, You Can See, "The Serious Need For Change!"

Yesterday, I Could Not Help But Wonder, Where Do The Homeless Go? I See Them "In The Streets!" I See Them "In The Parks!" "We" See Them "On The Buses, Subways, and, in Train Stations!" And, "In The Libraries, Places of Worship, Living In Vacant Buildings, Empty Lots and Fields, Stairwells and Sidewalks!"

Where Do The Homeless Go, The Transient One's, Who May have Once Been, Our Friends and Neighbors!

Where Do The Homeless Go? They Who are, in Some Cases, Family Members, Who have Lost The Homes, Due To Unfortunate, or, Corrupt/Man Made Circumstances!
Its A Hard Thought To Let Go of! The Thoughts of Why, or, How It Happened, and that, It Could Happen To Anyone, of Us!

Its A Very Hard Thought To Let Go of, Especially, after Yet, Another Day Goes By, and, You've Seen So Many, Women, Men, and, Children Barely Existing within This Tragic "World Community of The Homeless!"

In The Most Essential Ways, They're Just Like You and I! They Need Nourishment To Survive! They Need Funds To Survive! They Need Health Care To Survive!
And, They Need Education, and, Social Interaction To Survive!
And, They Need Someone To Care, If, They are To Survive!
But, Where Do They Go To Survive! And, Are There Limits To What They are Willing To Do, To Survive! And, Does Anyone Really Care!
I Do Not See Our Elective Officials Walking Amongst The Homeless, and, Talking with Them, and, Offering Them Hope! And, The Questions Go On, and, On, In My Mind!

Today, I saw An Elderly Woman, Sitting in a Small Park, with Two Large Suitcases! And, It was More than Obvious that, She was Homeless! And, Three Hours Later, when I Returned, She was Still Sitting in The Same Place! Asking For a Few Dollars, and, Sitting All Alone!
And, I Thought, To myself, Where Will She Go Tonight? And, Will She Be Safe from Harm!

And then, I Remembered , The First Time I saw A Homeless Person in NYC, and then, All of A Sudden, There Seemed To Appear More and More Daily, Seemingly, Appearing from Out of Nowhere!
They Could have Been, Someones Mother, Father, Brother, Sister, Son, or, Daughter! Or, Someones Grandfather, Grandmother, Niece, or, Nephew!
Or, Someone that, You Knew! But, How Could This Be, I was in NYC, and, This is, The United States of America!
At The Time, The Great Communicator was President, But, Who was To Blame for This Horrible State of Humanity!
And then, As I Continued my Travels, I Found that, This was Happening Everywhere! From The Streets of Paris To Mumbai! And, from London to Chicago, and, LA!
This State of Homelessness had Become, A Country without Boundaries! A Society of People, without Hope! And, A World of Suffering without Repose!

Are, Our Newly Elected Officials, Who Talk and Talk about, "The Deficit" and, "The Debt Ceiling," and, Cutting Back on Social Programs, that are Beneficial To "The People," such as; NPR and Public Radio, Aware of This Growing State of Humanity?

And, Do "They" Care, If, These Individuals/Citizens Of The Earth, are Living In A State of Being without Hope!

The Headlines, Commentaries, and, Speeches, Do Not Reflect The Seriousness of This Problem! And, Whether, Its Because Its Not Good for Ratings or Sales,
The Global Cross-Media is Not Featuring It! But, Its Here, Now, and, Everywhere, and, Exists Somewhere on This Planet Earth, Everyday! And, In This New Age of Instant Global Communication, "We" Must Get Out The Word, that, This Inhumane State of Being, "Must Change!"

There is No Reason with All The Riches and Wealth that Exists On This Planet, That Anyone Should Be, Without A Home!

The Wealth in The Vatican, Alone, Could Significantly Change The Lives of Hundreds of Thousands, If Not, Millions of Those Who are Destitute and Living, Without A Home!

The Combined Wealth of, All The Oil Barons, Princes, Princesses, Queens, Kings, Celebrities, and, The CEO's of The World of Finance, Could Significantly Change The State and Fate of Millions, Who are Homeless!

But, It Takes Courage To See, Hear, and, Acknowledge The Truth of The Horrible and Inhumane State and Condition of, The Homeless!
And, The Compassion, Heart, and, Soul, To Do Something about It!

So, I Suggest that, The Civilian, Religious, Financial, and, Military Leaders of, The Earths United Nations, Take The Time, To Travel The Length of Their Countries, States, Cities, Towns, and, Villages, and, "See For Themselves," The Needs that, "The People," "We The People," Citizens Of The Earth, are Lacking in, and, are In Need of!
And, Take The Time to "Look into The Faces," "Of The People," and, "See For Themselves," What Needs To Be Done!
Not A Photo Op! Or, A Campaign Swing! Or, A Town Hall Meeting! Walk amongst "The People!" Go To Work on The Public Transportation, with "The People!" And, Experience, First Hand, The Frustration in Receiving Good and Immediate Health Care, "For The People!"
And, As The Saying Goes, "Walk a Mile In The Shoes Of The People" so that, There is A Real Understanding of, What Needs To Be Done, For This New Season of Change, To Prosper and Grow, into A Beautiful and Fruitful New Age of Peace, "For One and All," On Earth!

Historians Will Record This Moment in Time To Be, An Evolution, "Of The People, By The People, and, For The People!" With New and Seasoned Leadership, that, "Truly Represents The People!"
And, This is The Way Towards The Establishment of, A New Earthrise Constitution, and, Emancipation Declaration, "Of, By, and, For The People!"
And, A Way To Peace! And, A Way To Cure and Heal The World! And, A Way, To A Peace Time Economy, and, A Peace Millennium!

Voices of Reason and Peacemakers of The 20th and 21st Centuries, Let Our Mission of Humanity, Be A Great Reflection of Our Earthrise Vision Path, Evolution and Revolution, "Of The People, By The People, and, For The People!"

And, Let Us Use Our Soul Power, As A Great Instrument and Soul Force For Change!

And, Let Us Use Our Great Soul Strength, For The Unselfish Reason and Purpose of, Coming To The Aid of Those Who are In Need, and, Living in Harms Way,
As Would, Jesus Of Nazareth, Nelson Mandela, Mother Teresa, Martin Luther King, Socrates, Mahatma Gandhi, Confucius, Muhammad, Mary, St. Francis Of Assisi, Lao-Tse, Mary Magdalene, Machiventa Melchizedek, Charlemagne, Zoroaster, and, Siddhartha Gautama!

And, Lets Spread and Share, The Idea's, Thought, Words, and, Actions of Our Vision Path, via Twitter, Google, Facebook, Yahoo, Linkedin, MySpace, You Tube, Peace Dialogue Chat Rooms, iTunes, Texts, The Arts, X's, Peace Marches, Non-Violent Demonstrations, Thought Projections, Sit Ins, Satellite, Network, and, Cable TV, Radio, Magazines, Newspapers, Cell Phones, Land Lines, In Concert Performances, Interviews, and, All Across The Unlimited Outlets and Links of, Our Omnipotent, Non-Violent, Activist Communication Network and Nexus of The Internet, and, The Social and Cross-Media Universes!
All The While, Soaring To Newer and Greater Heights of, Human Compassion, On The Graceful Wings Of The Phoenix Of Peace! And, Rising On The Perpetual Motion and Evolution of, The Winds Of Change!

And, May Our Efforts Continue To Lead Us, from Living In An Age of A Conditioned Reality, To Living In A New Age of Vision, Change, Enlightenment, Omniscience, and, Prosperity, "For One and All!"

And, May Our Efforts Continue To Lead Us, from, Division, Separatism, Economic Instability, and, Double Standards, To Living In An Age of Equal Opportunity, "For One and All!"

And, May Our Efforts Continue To Lead Us, from An Age of War, Fear, Crime, Corruption, Terrorism, and, Racism, To Living In An Age Of Social Security, Happiness, Truth, and, Justice, "For One and All!"

And, May Our Efforts Continue To Lead Us, from Living In An Age, Where One's Personal and Universal Beliefs, and, Good Intentions, are, Too Often, Denigrated and Undermined By, Anothers Negative Intentions, Instead of, By The
Merit of One's Idea's, Thoughts, Words, and, Actions, Irregardless, of, What One's Race, Creed, or, Nationality May Be!

And, May Our Bridge Of Peace, Continue To Reach Out To Each, and, Every Citizen of This, The Third Planet from The Sun, and, May Our Efforts Bring About The Realization of A Global Truce, and, Peace Dialogue!
For, This is, The Way To Peace, and, A Peace Millennium!