Monday, March 14, 2011



The Way To Peace! #151

These Next Two Years are Going to Be Very Challenging Ones For, "We The People," Citizens Of The Earth!

Its Easy to Guess Why, First of All, There Will be More Natural Disasters of Great Magnitude such as, the Previous Hurricane in Louisiana, and, The Earthquakes in China, Haiti, and, Now, in Japan, and, of course, and, The Floods that occurred in Australia, and, once again,The Tsunami that Devastated Japan!
All of Which Can Be Blamed on The Global Warming, Pollution, and The Ozone Layer (Remember The Ozone Layer)!

But, Add to that, The Ever Present Threat of Destruction by The Nuclear Power Plant Reactors, and, The Potential Devastation that They Pose, as Proven by The Three Mile Island, and Chernobyl Disasters, You Can See my Concern!

The Nuclear Factor Poses The Greatest Threat to The Earths Populace and The Earth, that The World has Ever Known! And, Lets Not Be Fooled, Because, Japan is A Tragic Example that Proves, that No Matter How Prepared, or, Expert You May Be, It Will Not Be Sufficient Enough!

And, The Leaders of The Earths United Nations Need to Move Ahead More Quickly in The Research and Production of Alternative Energies!
Or, The Crash that Will Be Heard Around The World Will Be Greater than The Crash of The Global Market Places in 2008-2009 and 1929! And, The Outcome, Will Be Greater than The Result of, The Two Atomic Bombs, that were Dropped on Japan, in World War II! "Nuclear Energy, with All of Its Global Investment, Must Go!" Remember, The Threat is A Real One! There are One Hundred and Four Nuclear Power Plants in The United States, Alone!

And, If, Something isn't Done to Correct The Global Energy Policies that have Set The World on This Course, The Lives Lost Will Be Forever Inscribed In The Annuals of Our Time Space Reality For Infinitum!

And, To Compound The Situation There is A New Political Configuration Developing in Washington, and, Althrough-out The United States, which Centers Around President Obama and His Administration, Resigning Themselves to Allow The States to Deal with Domestic Affairs, and, The President Will Take Care of Foreign Affairs, and, The Direction that The UN-Declared Wars in Iraq, Afghanistan, and, Pakistan, and, The Overseas Contingency Operation/War on Terrorism, are Evolving in! And, of course, The President Will Be Campaigning For Re-Election!

And, In The Meantime The U.S. Federal Government, Will End Up Being A Standoff of Partisan Politics, Between The Republicans, Democrats, Tea Party, Moderates, Liberals, Conservatives, and, Independents!

And, of course, Political Action Groups Will Do Their Best to Sway Public Opinion, One Way or Another, to Elect Candidates of Their Choice, and Raise Campaign Financing!

But, It Will Be The Governors of The United States, Who Will Be, "On The Ground," and, Actively Creating Budgets that are Going to Have Dramatic Effects on "We The People," and, The Unions, and, The Overall Socio/Economic Climate in The U.S. And, The Infighting is Going to Create A State of Amorphous, instead of, Balance Budgets, and, Erase Deficits!

Yes, The President Will Go To Town Hall Meetings, and, Campaign Rallies!
And, Have Press Conferences, Photo Ops, and, Make Special TV Broadcasts as The Continuing Oil, Gas, and, Food Prices Escalate, and, When The UN-Declared Offensives in Afghanistan and Pakistan Escalate, or, Events Outside of His Control Occur! But, Whether or Not He Will be A Force in Domestic Affairs, Remains To Be Seen, and, He Most Likely, Will Not!

It Appears as if, He has Decided that, The Best Political Course for Him to Take is, To Remain Outside The Political Squabbling Going on, in Domestic Affairs! And, Besides, Its Less Confrontative!

Its Understandable, When You Think about it, Because, The President has to Choose The Most Strategic Course to Take! And, The Most Strategic Moment, in Which, to Confront The Republican Party, Who are The Majority in The House of Representatives, and, Can Neutralize Policy in The Senate, if, "They" Choose To! But, Not to Linger on This Point For Too Long, He has to Prepare for The Upcoming Campaign, To Be Re-Elected President! And, He Needs Votes, Not Confrontations!

However, once again, to Compound The Situation, The Republicans Act as if, "They" were Not Apart of, The Political Leadership, that was Responsible for, The Political, Economical, and, Sociological Demise, that has Occurred over The Past Ten Years! And, The Democrats Act as if, "They" had No Hand in It at All!
This is A Dangerous, "Fools Game of Partisan Politics to Play," and, "We The People," are The Ones Who are Paying A Dear Price For It!

"Beware of Darkness," is A Classic Song, Written and Sung by George Harrison, of The Beatles, and, It Definitely Applies to This Moment in Time! Because, There Will Be Demonstrations, Peace Marches, Sit Ins, Strikes, and, Court Cases that Will Go All The Way to The Supreme Court, Before A Final Decision is Given!

And, There Will Be Unions, United to Stand against State Governments, Where Republican Governors are in Office!

And, There Will Be More and More Verbiage, that Belongs in The Garbage, Rather than on The Cross-Media Airwaves, and, in Magazines, and, Newspapers! And, On The Internet!
And, There Will Be The Continued Loss of Life, and, Escalation of, The UN-Declared Wars, and, Regional Conflicts! And, There Will Be More Natural Disasters!

And, The Ongoing Battle Between, The Drug Cartels, Organize Crime, and, The Officials of Law and Order Will Continue to Escalate!
And, There Will, Still, Be The Shadowy Figures of Pedophiles, and, The Predators of The Flesh, Who Will Seek Out Ways To Kidnap Our Children!

And, The Financial Markets Will Cause Their Own Turmoil, As "They" Rise and Fall!"

And, Throughout it All, Will Be The Swagger, and, The Strategic Design of, "The Isms," "The Ists," and, "The Ocracies," as Directed, and, Financed by The Global Oligarchs, to Control The World, as "They" See It!

And, The War Between Good and Evil, and, The Worlds of Illusion and Conditioned Reality, as Perceived by "The Ions" of The World, Versus The Solar Axioms, and, What is Truly Real, Will Continue to Do Battle For Our Souls!

And Yes, Parents Will Continue to Try and Teach Their Children, Whats "Right from Wrong!" And, New Marriages Will Be Performed!
And, Hearts Will Be Broken, Under The Stress of, Living in A Conditioned Reality!

But, Just as The Seasons Change, so, Will "We!" And, As The Tides, "Ebb and Flow," So, Will "We!" For, Change "We" Must, if, "We" are to "Live and Evolve in Equanimity, Freedom, Wisdom, and, Peace!"

But, Let Us Not Be Dismayed or Depressed, by The Paths of Delusion, Confusion, Illusion, and, Lies!

Let Us, Instead, Follow Our Own Vision Path, "Of The People, By, and, For The People!"

And, Let Us Create Our Own Constitution, and, Emancipation Declaration, "Of The People, By The People, and, For The People!"

And, Let Us Concentrate on Creating A Better World, "For Our Children," and, "For Our Children's Children!"

And, Lets Act, For Activists "We" Must Be, from An Empirical Knowledge, in Equanimity with The Book Learned Knowledge of Accountable Events of Our Historical Past! For, This is, The Way To Peace! And, A Way of Compassion! And, A Way To Heal and Cure The World! And, The Way To A Peace Time Economy and A Peace Millennium!

Voices of Reason and Peacemakers of The 20th and 21st Centuries, What "We" are Going to Do, Is, "Change The World!"

And, What "We" have To Do, Is Going to Non-Violently, Shake Up, Rock Out, and, "Create A New World!"

So, Lets Continue to Spread The Word, through Music and Lyrics, and, Sing The Songs of Hope and Peace!

And, Lets Continue to Dance To The Rhythms of A New Age of Great Promise, and, Continue To Share The Passionate Embrace of Each Other, and, Empower Each Other, by Our Beliefs!

And, Let The Voice of Peace, Harmony, and, Change Be Heard over, The Internet, and, The Social and Cross-Media Universes!

And, Let The Spirit of, Our Earthrise Evolution and Revolution Be Known of, Althroughout The Great Soul Power and Great Soul Force of The Unlimited Outlets of The World of Technology, and, The Limitless Possibilities and Realities of, Our Omnipotent, Non-Violent, Activist Communication Network and Nexus, "Of The People, By The People, and, For The People,"

And, Let Us Reach Out, To A New Age of Voices of Reason and Peacemakers, via Twitter! And, via Google! And, via Yahoo, Linkedin, MySpace, You Tube, iTunes, Peace Dialogue Chat Rooms, Magazines and Newspapers! And, via Radio, and, The Arts! And, via Satellite, Cable, and, Network TV! And, via Demonstrations, Peace Marches, and, Sit ins! And, via Texts, Cell Phones, Land Lines, X's, Thought Projection, Meditation, and, Sign!

And, Let Us, All, Unite Together, and, Commit and Dedicate Ourselves, To Making A Better World, in The Purposeful Way of Life, as Personified, and, Made Real by, Jesus Of Nazareth, Siddhartha Gautama, Nelson Mandela, Mother Teresa, Socrates, Martin Luther King, Mahatma Gandhi, Mary, Zoroaster, Muhammad, Confucius, St. Francis Of Assisi, Charlemagne, Machiventa Melchizedek, Mary Magdalene, and, Lao-Tse!

And, Let Us Soar to Even Greater Heights of Human Compassion, and, Take Flight On The Graceful Wings Of The Phoenix Of Peace! And, Let Us Soar in Perpetual Evolution and Revolution, "Of, By, and, For The People," On The Winds of Change! And, In Each New Season!

And, Lets Continue to Build Our Bridge of Peace "Of The People, By The People, and, For The People," Moving Ever Forward, Towards The Fulfillment of There Being A United Earth, that, Excludes No Woman, Man, or, Child! For "We" are All, "One People," Living on This, The Third Planet from The Sun, and, There are Zero Degree's of Separation Between Us!

And, May Our Efforts Continue To Lead Us, from Division, Separation, Economic Instability, and, Double Standards, To An Age of Equal Opportunity "For One and All!"

And, May Our Efforts Continue To Lead Us, from Living in An Age, Where One's Personal Beliefs, and, One's Good Intentions, are, Too Often, Denigrated and Undermined by, Anothers Evil Intentions, Instead of, By The Merit of One's Idea's, Thoughts, Words, and, Actions, Irregardless of What, One's Race, Creed, or, Nationality May Be!

And, May Our Efforts Continue To Lead Us, from An Age of War, Fear, Crime, Corruption, and, Racism, To An Age of Social Security, Happiness, Truth, and, Justice, "For One and All!"

And, May Our Efforts Continue To Lead Us, from Living in An Age of A Conditioned Reality, To New Age of Vision, Change, Enlightenment, Omniscience, and, Prosperity, "For One and All!"

Just "Ask Anyone Who Lives On The Streets Of The People," and They Will Tell You, that You have To be "Streetwise, Bookwise, and Soulwise, if, You are To Survive!"

And, Like Any Labor of, The Body, Spirit, Heart, Soul and Mind, There Will Be Days, When You Experience Great Pain, Until "We Shall Be Released!"
But, There Will, Also, Be A Great Feeling of Joy in Seeing, and, In Experiencing "The Visions" of Our Lives Come True, and, Become An Unconditioned Reality!
And, This is "Good News" To Share, For, This is, The Way To Peace and A Peace Millennium!