Thursday, March 31, 2011



The Way To Peace! #156

This is, "The Headline!" Every Newspaper, Magazine, Journalist, Commentator, Network, Satellite, and Cable TV News Bureau, Radio, Internet, and, Cross-Media Activist Group, Understands What This Means! Because, It Means Sales, Ratings, Public Interest, etc.

But, What Do You Do, If, You're in The News Biz, and, The World and Age, that , You are Living in, Is "The Headline!"

And, If, You're The Editor, Do You Strategically Choose What are The Major Stories, For The Front Page Headline, and, The Follow Up Pages, While Lesser Stories of , Still Great Importance, and, Human Concern, are Placed on, "The Back Page," So to Speak? Or, Do You, Go with, "The Big Story," Which Today is, The World/"We The People," and, Change!

You Can Understand Why, "The Selective Victim" Global Foreign Policy Doesn't Work! Why, Because, "We" Live in An Age, Where, It Must Be, "One For All, and, All For One!" Its A Great Saying isn't it, However, It Truthfully Applies to, "Today's World!"

History has Shown Us, that, You Can Not Ignore, for Example, The Genocide that Took Place, in Rwanda, Darfur, or, Sudan, and, then, Act Presidential, or, Prime Ministerial, Kingly, Queenly, Princely, or, Like You are A Great Humanitarian, (as so Many Elective Officials have Done) Because, You Decided to Be Apart of, A Military/Humanitarian Mission, To Aid The Citizens of Libya! That Kind of, "Selective Victim" Foreign Policy, Is A Betrayal To The Principles, and, Beliefs of, The Earths United Nations! What Kind of Foreign Policy is that!

This is The 21st Century, and,"We The People" Citizens Of The Earth, Understand The Humanitarian Reasons For A Military/Humanitarian Mission! And, When It's Appropriate To Use Armed Force! But, "We" also Know that, You Can Not have It, "Both Ways" as Another Poignant Saying, So Clearly States!

So, "We" Say To, The Civilian, Religious, Military, and, Financial Leaders of, The Earths United Nations, Put An End To, Your "Selective Victims" Foreign Policy, and, Act as One Great Soul Force, When "Anyone," Who is Being Threatened with, Violence, Injustice, Lawlessness, Genocide, or, By Dictators, Tyrants, or, Anyone, or, Any Country, or, Crime Organization, Who Threatens The Social Security, Freedoms, or, Rights of, "We The People," Citizens Of The Earth, "To Live In Peace!"

The Strategic Global Foreign Policy of, The Present, Civilian, Religious, Military, and, Financial Leaders of, The Earths United Nations, The EU, NATO, and, The U.S. Should Be, To "Protect and Defend" The Rights of, "All The People," and, Not Just, "Some of The People!" This Would Be, "A True Act of Humanity, By Humanity, and, For The Sake of, The Human Race!" This is Not, The Time To Choose, Whom You Will Protect and Defend, By Proxy, or, By What The Latest Poll is!

How Many More Women have To Be Raped, and, How Many More Innocents have To Be Slaughtered in The Streets, Before, Our Leaders Learn that, You Can Not "Turn The Other Cheek," or, Look Away, or, Ignore "A Cry For Help," By Any Country, or, People, Who are Being Physically, Spiritually, or, Mentally Abused, or, Cruelly Oppressed, By, Its Tyrannical Leaders!

In This Age of, Advanced Technology, Instant Communications, or, News Worthy Stories, Can Be Seen, and, Heard, "All Around The World, in A Nanosecond! And, "We The People" Citizens Of The Earth, Can See The Truth, Hear The Truth, and, Know, What The Truth is, without, having to Depend on, Word of Mouth, or, A Politicians Speech, or, A News Media Headline Story!

And, Acts of Compassion and Humanity, are, Clearly Understood, and, "We The People" Expect "Humanitarian Action," To Take Place, Not Procrastination!

And, When "We" See Children Living in Poverty, "We" Expect "Humanitarian Action," To Take Place, Not Procrastination!

And, When "We" See Families Living in Tents, and, Refugee Camps, Displaced from Their Families, Friends and Homes, "We" Expect "Humanitarian Action," To Take Place, Not Procrastination from, Our Civilian, Religious, Military, and, Financial Leaders of, The Earths Communities!

And, In This, Day and Age, "We" Don't Need Another Presidential, or, Prime Minister, to have "A Fireside Chat," or, "A Heart To Heart Chat" with Us, "We Need To See, "Immediate Humanitarian Action," Not Procrastination!

Our Leaders have Seen "The People," Their Fellow Citizens, Demonstrating In The Streets!

And, "They've" Seen "The People," Their Fellow Citizens, Marching off, To Fight in Wars, Regional Conflicts, and, Revolutions, On Foreign Shores! And, Demonstrate In, Non-Violent Sit Ins, and, Peace Marches!

And, "They've Seen Our Signs, and, Read Our Emails, and, Proclamations, against War (For Reasons of Oil, Revenge, or, Senseless Foreign Policy Goals To Conquer The World)! And Now, Its Time For Them To Act, But, "Not Cut" Funding, For Education, and, Students!

Its Time For Them To Act, But, "Not Cut" Funding, To Help The Poor and Needy!

Its Time For Them To Act, But, "Do Not Touch" Our Social Security or Pension Funds!

Its Time For Them To Act, But, "Not Cut" Funding, For Public TV, or, Public Radio!

Its Time For Them To Act, But, "Not Cut" Funding, For The Arts!

Its Time For Them To Act, But, "Not Cut" The Taxes For, The Rich, or, The Global Corporations Who Can Afford To Pay More!

All Over This World of Ours, There are Millions of UN-Employed Workers!

And, Owners of Small Farms, Who are Going Out of Business!

And, Homeowners Who are Being Threatened with Mortgage Default!

And, Parents Who are Unable To Give Their Children Enough Quality Time, Proper Supervision, or, Share The Simple Joys of Life Together, Due To A Poor Global Economy! Leaving Both Parents with No Other Choice, Other than, To Work Two Jobs, in order, To Provide For Their Families, Whether They Want to, or, Not!

And, Their are Millions of, Single Parents, Who are Suffering The Same Fate!

So, To All of, The Religious, Civilian, Military, and, Financial Leaders of, The Earths United Nations, Its Time For You To Act In The Name, "Of The People, By The People, and, For The People!"

And, Its Time For You To Cut Out, The Corruption and Graft, from The Global Financial System! And, Create A New Jobs Creation Policy, that, "Puts The World Back To Work!" This Should Be Your "Primary Strategic Interest," To Do!

And, Its Time For You To Commit To Investment, In A New Alternative Energy Policy, and, Divest from Further Investment, In Nuclear Energy Policies! And, This to, Should Be, In Your "Strategic Interest," To Do!

And, If, You Need To Make Any Budgetary Cuts, or, are Sincerely Concerned about The Deficit, "Take A Cut in Your Salaries," As A Gesture of Good Faith, To "We The People!"

Change Will Not Wait For Anyone! It Knows of, "No Rank, or, Class," and, The Winds of Change are Blowing All Over The World! At Present, Its Most Noticeable in The Middle East, But, Its No Stranger To Africa, Europe, Asia, and, The North and South Americas!

In Every Way Change is Here! Politically, Socially, and, Economically! And, "We The People," Citizens Of The Earth have Waited Too Long, To Allow Our Civilian, Military, Financial, and, Religious Leaders, To Get in The Way of It!

And, To Those Leaders Who are Not In Tune with Our Earthrise Peoples Evolution, "We The People," Suggest that, You Resign from Office, so, that, A Non-Violent Change, Can Ensue without Pause! The Signs, and, The Time, For Change is, "Here and Now," and, Peace On Earth, and, The Care of The Disenfranchised, are, "Our Main Strategic Interests!

And, "A Global Truce," Leading To Peace Dialogues, that, Encompass The World, are, "The Headlines" that, "We The People," Citizens of, This, The Third Planet from The Sun, are, Looking Forward To Seeing, Hearing, and, Would Love To Read about!

And, This is, The Way To Peace! And, A Way To Create A New Earthrise Constitution, "Of, By, and, For The People," and, A New Emancipation Declaration, that, Exists "For One and All!" And, This Must Be A Clear and Concise Declaration, that, Protects The Freedom of, Every Woman, Child, and, Man, of This Planet Earth! And, The Lives of, All Sentient Beings!

And, This is, The Way To Heal, and, Cure The World! And, A Way To The Establishment of, A Peace Time Economy, and, A Peace Millennium!

Voices of Reason and Peacemakers of The 20th and 21st Centuries, As Our Illustrious Forefathers and Foremothers of, Peace and Prosperity, "For One and All," Mahatma Gandhi, Siddhartha Gautama, Jesus Of Nazareth, Socrates, Mary, Confucius, Nelson Mandela, Mother Teresa, Martin Luther King, Charlemagne, Mary Magdalene, Muhammad, St. Francis Of Assisi, Machiventa Melchizedek, Zoroaster, and, Lao-Tse, have Showed Us, May "We" Follow in Their Great Soul Print, and, Share "The Good News" of, Our Earthrise Evolution, and, Vision Path "Of, By, and, For The People," via The Internet, and, Our Social, and, Cross-Media Universes!

And Let Us Spread, The Idea's, Thoughts, Words, and, Actions of, Our Humanitarian Efforts and Initiatives, via Our Omnipotent, Technological, Spiritual, Non-Violent, Great Soul Force and Activist, Communication Network, and, Nexus of The 21st Century!

Whether, It Be, By Twitter, Google, Yahoo, MySpace, You Tube, Linkedin, iTunes, The World of Music & The Arts, Peace Dialogue Chat Rooms, Facebook, Texts, X's, Newspapers, Magazines, Cable, Network, and Satellite TV Networks, Radio, Cell Phones and Land Lines, Non-Violent Demonstrations, Strikes, Marches, and Sit Ins, Meditation, Interviews, In Concert Performances, Telethons, and, Thought Projection!

And, May Our Efforts Continue To Lead Us, from Living In An Age of A Conditioned Reality, To Living In A New Age Of Vision, Change, Enlightenment, Omniscience, and, Prosperity "For One and All!"

And, May Our Efforts Continue To Lead Us, from Living In An Age Where One's Personal/Universal Beliefs, and, Good Intentions, are, Too Often, Denigrated and Undermined By Anothers Negative Intentions, Instead of, By The Merit of One's Idea's, Thoughts, Words, and, Actions, Irregardless, of, What One's Race, Creed, or, Nationality May Be!

And, May Our Efforts Continue To Lead Us, from Living In An Age of War, Fear, Corruption, Crime, Terrorism, and, Racism, To Living In An Age Of Social Security, Happiness, Truth, and Justice, "For One and All!"

And, May Our Efforts Continue To Lead Us, from Living In An Age of Division, Separatism, Economic Instability, and, Double Standards, To Living In An Age of Equal Opportunity, "For One and All!"

And, May Our Bridge Of Peace Continue To Reach Out, To Each and Every Citizen of This, The Third Planet from The Sun, and, Bring about, The Realization of, A Global Truce, and, Peace Dialogues!

And, May "We" Continue To Soar To Even Greater Heights of Human Compassion, and, Universal and Spiritual Awareness, On The Graceful Wings Of The Phoenix Of Peace, Ever Rising In Perpetual Motion, and, Evolution, In Parallel with The Cosmos, and, Our Innermost Being! And, This is, The Way To Peace, and, A Peace Millennium!

Monday, March 28, 2011



The Way To Peace! #155

As A New Election Season Begins and The World Continues To Change, Let Us Send a Clear and Precise Message, To Anyone Who May Seek To Run For The Presidency, in The U.S, France, or, Seek Public Office, or, The Leadership of, Any New Government, that, There Will Be, "No Free Pass To Run!" "They" Will have To Earn The Respect, "Of The People!"

And, Lets Put Every Politician , Who Decides To Run, "On Notice," that, "We The People," Will Not Stand for, Lies, Slander, or, False Political Rhetoric, During The Campaigns!

"They" have To Show Us, What, "They" Sincerely Believe, Being President, or, An Elective Official, Should Be! And, Show Us, By What Their Idea's are! And, What Their Thoughts are! And, By Their Words and Actions, What Their True Intentions are, and, Will Be, Once, "They" are In Office! And, Walk with Us! And, Talk with Us! And, Show Us/Demonstrate The Leadership Qualities that, "They" Believe Would Be A Positive Example, For Our Children, and, For The Country, As A Whole, Would Be! And, What Their Sense of Leadership, On The Global Stage, Would Be!

And, To Those of You Who are In Office, Whether You Be A President, or, Prime Minister, or, An Elected Member of, Parliament, or, Congress, "We The People," are Serving You Notice, that, You Can Be Replaced, and, Will Be Replaced, in the Next Elections, If, You Do Not Represent Us, Fairly and Justly, Irregardless of What Political Affiliation You May Belong To! And, Partisan Politics are Definitely "Out of The Question!" Change Your Attitude, and, Leave Your Egos with Your Lobbyists, or, Leave Office, Now!

"We The People," Citizens Of The Earth, No Longer have The Grace Period, To Wait, For A Messenger of Change, "We" have To Be, "The Messengers of Change!" And, "We" Must Demand of, Our Civilian, Religious, Military, and, Financial Leaders of, The Earths United Nations, To End Their, "Selective Victim" (Unspoken Policy)! Why are The Lives of One Person, Less Meaningful Than Anothers! When You See Children Playing Together in The Playground, or, The Park, aren't They, "One and All," Beautiful, To See and Hear!

And, If, You're of, Religious or Spiritual Beliefs, aren't Our Children, All, "Equal in The Eyes Of God!" And, Aren't "We" All "One People" Born of, This Planet Earth, Irregardless of Race, Creed, or, Nationality!

And, To, Our Civilian, Religious, Military, and, Financial Leaders of, The Earths United Nations, If, You are Planning To Send Our Children To Fight In Harms Way, Take The Time To Consult with, "We The People," Citizens Of The Earth! Why? Because, It is The Right Thing To Do, Whether You Live in An "Ocracy," or, "Ism," or, are, An "Ist", or, "Ion," Belonging To Whatever Religion, These Members of, The Global Armed Forces, are, Our Loving Children, Parents, Friends, and, Neighbors! And, "We" Demand that, You Show Us The Proper Respect, Before Authorizing Any Military Action, Whatsoever! It is "We The People," Who Pay The Price For War, or, Regional Conflicts! And, Understand that, You Can Not Ask of Us, To Educate Our Children, only, To See Their Futures End Up in One War after Another, without, "Due Cause," or, Our Consent! And, Understand that, "We" Do Not Consider "Oil," To Be A Just Cause For War, or, An UN-Declared War!

But, It is Time For All Future, and, Present Day Military Missions, To Be, Solely, Authorized For, Humanitarian and Peace Concerns and Missions! For, Where there is Injustice, Oppression, Criminality, and, Terrorism, "We" Expect The UN, NATO, Coalition Forces (Western Industrialized Nations), To Act Immediately, and, Prudently, To Put An End To Whatever Lawlessness that May Exist! This Would be A Proud and True Statement that, Would Show, that,A New Age of Understanding has Come To The Nations of The Earth, and, Its Leaders!

And, Its Definitely Time For, The Religious, Military, Financial, and, Civilian Leaders Of The Earths United Nations, To Display A New Enlightened, Wise, Sincere, and, Universally Minded Leadership! A Leadership that is Courageous When Faced with Adversity, To The Freedoms and, Rights, of, "We The People," Citizens Of The Earth! And, Wise, When Faced with Ignorance and Lack of Awareness! Its More than Obvious that, Without A Purposeful, Honest, Clear and Focused Reason, and, Direction of Leadership, that, Too Many Unanswered Questions Arise, Such as;

(1) How Long Will The U.S., NATO, and, The UN Coalition Forces Continue To Be Involved in The Humanitarian Intervention Mission, in Libya? Days, As President Obama Originally said? Months, or, Even Years, No Matter what Anyone says, as In Afghanistan, and, Iraq!

And, (2) Why haven't The European Governments Embraced, The U.S. Supported Israeli and Palestinian Peace Talks? Isn't Peace Between Israel and Palestine Crucial To Peace In The Middle East?

And, (3) Who Authorized Nuclear Power, To Be The Primary Energy Replacement for Oil? Why? Because, As Japan has Unfortunately Demonstrated, How Safe is Nuclear Power To, "We The People," Citizens Of The Earth, and, The Earth!

And, Its Time For Our Elective Officials, Whether "They" Be, On International, National, Regional, or, Local Levels, To Come To The Full Realization, that, "We The People," Citizens Of The Earth, Will No Longer Condone, or, Accept, Cuts in Education, The Arts, Public TV or Public Radio! Nor Will "We" Tolerate Any Threats Directed Towards, Cuts in Public Services, or, Tampering with Our Pensions, and, Social Security! Enough is Enough!

There are Unlimited "Redundancies" in Our Governments Programs, that, Can Be Immediately Eliminated! And, There are Area's in The Defense Budget, that, Can Be Cut! And, Tax Loopholes For The Rich, and, Corporations,that Can Be Eliminated! And, There is So Much Pork, that, Can Be Eliminated, that, Its A Shame, that, Any Politician Should Be Fired For! And, Should Never Be Permitted To Be apart of Any Budgetary Proposal, or, Program!

"We The People," Citizens Of The Earth, are Avid Supporters of, Global Economic Growth, But, Its Time For An End To White Collar Crimes, and, The Corporate Greed of, The Earths Financial Community, and, "The World Of Big Business!" "We" Can Not Condone, Accept, or, Support, The Financial Injustices, Lack of Empathy, Lack of Responsibility, Lack of Self Regulation, or, Consideration, For The Evolution and Improvement of, Our Quality of Life! The Saying that, "The Rich Get Richer, while The Poor Get Poorer," is, An Example of, The Inequality of The Failed Global Financial System, and, The Global Leadership of, Our Civilian, Religious, Military, and, Financial Leaders!

And, Its Time that, "We The People," Citizens Of The Earth, Utilized All of Our Communication Resources, and, Made Our Voices Heard, via The Internet, and, The Social, and, Cross-Media Universes, No Matter, What Laws are Passed To Try and Prevent Our Message from Getting Out, or, Attempts Made To Impede Us!

And, Its Time To Make Our Voices Heard via, Texts, Twitter, Google, Yahoo, Facebook, You Tube, Peace Dialogue Chat Rooms, iTunes, Network, Cable, and, Satellite TV, Radio, Cell Phones, Land Lines, Newspapers, Magazines, Non-Violent Demonstrations and Peace Marches, Sit Ins, Strikes, X's, Thought Projection, Meditation, The World of Music, and, The Arts, and, Through Interviews, and, All Across The Earths Unlimited, Omnipotent, Non-Violent, Activists Communication Network and Nexus, "Of The People!"

And, To, "The Students of This Planet Earth," This is Your Season, To "Give Peace A Chance," and, Sing The Anthems and Choruses of, Peace, Grace, and, One World! As A Great and Universal Global Choir of, Pure Voices, of Universal Sonorities, Harmonies, Melodies, and, Rhythms of Life! And, Sowing The Seeds of The Future Now Aspirations, "Of The People" of, This Planet Earth! For, This is, Your Turn, To Non-Violently, Rock Out, Shakeup, and, Change The World!

And, The Time has Come For, Our Civilian, Military, Financial, and, Religious Leaders, To Make An Immediate Change, from Nuclear, Oil, and, Gas, Energy Policies, To Alternative Energy Sources, and, Green Technologies!

These New Alternative Energy Sources are, The Choices "Of The People, By The People, and, For The People!" And, If, Our Leaders Can Not Envision This New Age "Of The People," Then, "They" Should, "One By One," Resign, and, Step Aside, and, Allow For A Peaceful, Non-Violent Change To Take Place!

And, "They" Must Understand that, No Leader is Exempt, from This New Age "Of The People!" For, "We" have Been Forced To Make A Choice, from Continuing To Exist, In An World, that is, Controlled By A Corrupt Global Financial System, Led By Lustful, Greedy, Insensitive, Inhumane, and, Selfish Group of Global Oligarchs! Or, Live In An Age of Equanimity, Compassion, Freedom, Justice, and, Social Security, "For One and All!" Change is Here and Now! And, It Can Not Wait For Tomorrow, Because, "Tomorrows Never Come!"

Our Vision Path, "Of, By, and, For The People," is A Universal Commitment For, The Advancement of, "All The People" of, This Planet Earth, without Prejudice, But, with Compassion, For The Welfare of Our Fellow Human Being, and,The Lives of All Sentient Beings, and, The Sea's, Lands, and, Skies of The Earth! And, These Idea's, Thoughts, and, Words, are Embedded in Our Inherent Beliefs, and, are, The Global Eddies, Currents, Streams, and, at Times, Hurricane Winds of Change of, The 21st Century! And, The Principles of Our Earthrise Constitution, and, Emancipation Declaration of Change and "We The People!"

And, Whether it Be from The Streets of London to Wisconsin! Or, from The Streets of Benghazi, To Sirte, To Tripoli! Or, from Paris To Washington! Or, from DAR AA To Karzakan, Ultimately, Peace is The Most Critical Element To, The Survival of, "We The People," Citizens Of The Earth, and, This Planet Earth! And, Caring "For The People," Our Fellow Human Beings, and, This Planet Earth, Should Be Our Focused Objective and Goal! And, This Should Be Our Most Vital Interest!

And, Any Military Action Should Be, "To Maintain The Peace," and, Protect Our Rights, Principles, Freedoms, and, Way Of Life! And, Any Funds Provided For, Any Military Action, UN-Declared War, The War on Terrorism, Regional Conflict, or, War, Should Allocated and Budgeted For, The UN Coalition Forces (Western Industrialized Nations), and, NATO, Separately from Any Funds Budgeted To Increase The Quality of Life of, "We the People," Citizens Of The Earth! And, Separate from Any Funds Budgeted Towards The Improvement of The Infrastructure of, Our Countries, States, Cities, Towns, and, Villages, and, The Development of Alternative Energies, and, The Peaceful Co-Existence of, All The People, of This, The Third Planet from The Sun!

This is, The Season of Change, "Of The People, By The People, and, For The People, Citizens Of The Earth! And, The First Revolution of The 21st Century! And, This is, The Way To Peace, and, A Peace Millennium! And, A Way For New Sciences and Technologies, To Heal and Cure The World! And, A Way To A Peace Time Economy, and, A New Age of, Our Earthrise Evolution, Revelation, and, Vision, "Of The People, of This, The Third Planet from The Sun!

Voices of Reason and Peacemakers of The 20th and 21st Centuries, Let Us Gather Together at NCMR in Boston Massachusetts, from The 8Th 'Til The 11Th of April!

And, Let Us Talk with One Another in Our Homes, with Our Families, Friends, and, Neighbors!

And, Let Us Gather Together in The Name of Freedom, and, For, The Rights of Our Fellow Woman, Man, Child, and, The Lives of All Sentient Beings, of This Planet Earth, In Parks, Places of Worship, Government Buildings, Streets and Street Corners, Avenues, Sea Shores, Mountaintops, and, Stadiums, and, To Speak of This New Season of Change!

And, Let Us, also, Speak of Peace, and, "A Global Truce" and, Let Us Engage in Global Peace Dialogues, and, Conversations of, The Heart, Mind, and, Soul, amongst One Another! And, Share Our Concerns, and, The Practicalities of Life, and Change! And, of A New Philosophical, and, Spiritual Communion, Union, and, Covenant of Change!

And, Let Us Continue To Reach Out To Each Other, and, Spread "The Good Word" and, "Heartfelt News," of, Our Efforts and Successes, and, Initiatives and Travails, Over An Earthrise Bridge of Peace, Hope, Trust, Harmony, Perseverance, and, Determination! Empowering Each Other and Encouraging, and, Supporting Each Other!

And, As A Great Soul Force of Truth, and, The Great Spirit, Let Us Continue To Soar, To New Heights of Human Compassion, and, Experience An Even Greater Awareness of The Universe, and, What Our Futures Can Be, Here on Earth! And, Let Us Continue To Evolve in Perpetual Motion and Evolution, On, The Wings Of The Phoenix Of Peace! For, This is, The Way To Peace and A Peace Millennium!

Thursday, March 24, 2011



The Way To Peace! #154

The U.S. has Become the Global Designate, World Power Police Force! Its The Unspoken Global Foreign Policy of The Earths United Nations! Its been Accepted that The U.S. Will Police The World with The Able Assistance of Our Coalition Partners, and, of course, NATO!

The Unfortunate Aspect of This is, that Everyone Behaves as if, "Its Unknown, " But, Its Not! And, Its Obvious!

And, The Second Unfortunate Aspect of This, Unspoken of Global Policy is that, It is Also, UN-Democratic, and, Based on A "Selective Victim Concept!"

For an Obvious Example; Why Get Involved in Libya, and, Not The Genocide in Rwanda, Where Approximately 800,000 Rwandans were Murdered/Executed/Raped/ and, Kidnapped, in 1994? You Get my Point!

But, Understand that, No One Should Defend Mommar Gaddafi, But, This Concept/Philosophy/Unspoken Foreign Policy making of, "Selective Victims" is Inhumane, and, Lacks in Sincerity, or, Semblance of True Compassion!

The Civilian, Military, Religious, and, Financial Leaders of The Earths United Nations Should, Always, Stand as One, in The Face of Injustice, Wherever It May Manifest Itself! Humanitarian Concerns Should Be Their Primary Concern! Not Political Strategies and Objectives! Nor, Should Revenge Be A Reason To Send Our Children To War, or, To Fight in Regional Conflicts!

But, The Debate Should Not Be, Solely, about The Financial Cost of War, But, It Should Be about, "The Human Cost and Loss of Life," Because, of War! And, What The Real Reasons are, "For Attacking Another People!"

Having Stated that, Its, Also, Time for, The Civilian, Military, Religious, and, Financial Leaders of The Earths United Nations to Direct Their Global Strategies, Policy Making, Political and Economical Philosophies Towards, The Establishment of Peace On Earth!

And, Its Time that, "They" Should Agree To Involve "We The People, Citizens Of The Earth, in The Decision Making Process of, Any Military Campaign, Before, "We" "Turn A Deaf Ear," To Any Political Proposal to Send Our Armed Forces To War!
After all, A True Democracy is Based on, It Being A Government, "Of The People, By The People, and, For The People!"
And, Without Checks and Balances in Place, Who is To Decide When It is Appropriate To Send Our Armed Forces To War? And, When It is The Right Thing To Do!

And, Without A Clear and Precise Standard To Go By, Confusion and Amorphous Will Result, and, Any True Humanitarian Reason Will Suffer for It!
And, Thereby Harming Any Real Opportunity for "Peace On Earth," Which Should, Always, Be Our Ultimate Goal!

But, What is This Concept of, "Limited Use of Force" When People are Being Massacred! And, Women are Being Raped, Kidnapped, and, Enslaved, as was The Case in Rwanda! And, Men are Being Abused, Enslaved, and, Murdered!

And, What Good are The Words, "Justice, Peace, and, Freedom," If, These Inspiring, and, Wonderful Goals, are Not Ingrained in Our Minds, Hearts, and, Souls! And, Are Not Reflected in Each and Every Idea, Thought, Word, Action, and, Re-Enforcement Of, The Principles and Priorities of, The Earths United People/Nations! But, What, "We" Will Discover is that, Peace is Attainable, If, Its The Priority of, "One and All!"

And, The Continuing Debates and Dialogues that, Our Civilian, Military, Religious, and, Financial Leaders Should Be Involved in, Is How To Change The World that "We" Live in, Away from A War Time Course and Direction, To A Peace Time Reality!

And, The Question of, When Should Armed Force Be Used, Should Be Based on, "The Truth of Our Convictions," and, The Seriousness of The Offense that is Being Committed, Irregardless of Race, Creed, or, Nationality!

But, Are Our Civilian, Military, Religious, and, Financial Leaders Actions, On A Course To Democratize The World, Without The Input, or, Consent, "Of The People!"

And, have "We The People," Citizens Of The Earth, Become Too Complacent in Speaking Out In The Name of Peace, Justice, Truth, and, Humanitarian Concerns!
The Challenges that "We" Face Today are Manifold, and, Will Continue To Be so, Until "We" Focus and Center on What Our Common Goals and Reason To Be are, Such as, The Survival and Prosperity Of Our Children, and, Their Childrens Children To Live In Peace, Equanimity, Harmony, and, Justice, "For One and All!"

And, The Challenges that Lie Ahead of, Our Civilian, Military, Religious, and, Financial Leaders, Will Not Be Easy Ones, By Any Means Whatsoever! And, It Will Take All of Their Energies and Perseverance To Accomplish, For Example, A World Of Peace, For All of The Citizens Of This Planet Earth! But, When and How To Act Will Always Come Under The Scrutiny of The Political and Media Sophists!
"We" have All Heard The Growing Concern that President Obama and His Administration Did Not Consult The U.S. Congress Before Making His Decision To Use U.S. Armed Forces, in A Joint Operation, with The UN and NATO Forces, To Establish A "No Fly Zone" in Libya, Due To His Humanitarian Concerns For The Libyan People!
However, The Main Point Should Be that, The President and His Administration Did Not Consult with, or, Inform The Citizens Of The United States, Whose Children are The Ones Who Will Be Engaged in This Conflict!

And, Whoever is Consulting, or, Advising The President Should Be Fired! Why? Because, It is Not Advisable for The Commander IN Chief of The U.S. Armed Forces To Leave The U.S. and Take a Vacation Break at The Exact Moment that He has Authorized Sending Our Armed Forces in Harms Way!

One has To Believe that The President is Sincere in His Actions, and, Concern for The Libyan People, But, He Will Pay A Price for Not Following A Clear and Present Democratic Course of Constitutionality, and, Checks and Balances, that Our Forefathers Created For Our Protection! "We" are A Government,
"Of The People, By The People, and, For The People!" And, that is What Our Democracy is Based on!

But, Change is In The Air, and, That No One Can Deny! And, Its A Breath of Fresh Air, To Inhale Its Fragrance, and, Flow with The Resolute Determination of This New Season of Hope! For, This is, The Way To Peace and A Peace Millennium!
And, A Way To A New Age of Alternative Energy Policies, and, The Development and Manufacturing of, New Green Technologies, and, A Peace Time Economy!
And, This is, The Way To Heal, and, Cure The World!

Voices of Reason and Peacemakers of The 20th and 21st Centuries, The Vision Path that "We" have Embarked on, Lies Over Mountains, and, Across Sea's!

And, It Will Take A Great Bridge of Peace, and, Earthrise Evolutions, and, New Revelations and Revolutions, Before "We" Will Succeed in Bringing A New State of Grace, To The Hearts, Minds, and, Souls of, A World, Longing For Peace, and, To Live In Peace!

But It Will, Also, Take A Global Truce and Worldwide Peace Dialogues, Not only amongst The Civilian, Military, Religious, and, Financial Leaders of The Earths United Nations, But, Also, In Each and Every Home! For, The Idea of Peace Must Become A Reality that is Passed on To Each and Every Child, Woman, and, Man!

And, A Constant Dialogue in The Family, and, via The Internet, and, The Social and Cross-Media Universes!

And, It Must Be A Constant Dialogue Expressed via Texts, Cell Phones and Land Lines, Twitter, Google, Yahoo, MySpace, Linkedin, Facebook, Peace Dialogue Chat Rooms, The Universe of The Arts, Universes and Colleges, Grade Schools and Libraries, Places of Worship, iTunes, You Tube, Newspapers, Magazines, Satellite, Cable, and, Network TV, Radio, Interviews, Non-Violent Peace Marches and Demonstrations, Sit Ins and Meditation, Thought Projections and X's, All Across The Omnipotent, Limitless, Technological, Non-Violent Activist Communication Network and Nexus of The 21st Century! And, Incorporated In, An Earthrise Constitution and Emancipation Declaration, "Of, By, and, For The People," We" Who are, The Citizens Of This Planet Earth, The Third Planet from The Sun!

And, May "We" Continue To Soar On The Graceful Wings Of The Phoenix of Peace, To New Heights of Human Compassion, While Continuing To Open Up Our Personal, Universal, Spiritual, and, Enlightened Awareness, To Share "The Good News" of, Our New Awakening and Commitment To The Social Security, and, Welfare "Of The People," and, Walk In The Vision Path, "With and For The People," In The Illustrious Tradition of, Siddhartha Gautama, Jesus Of Nazareth, Mahatma Gandhi, Nelson Mandela, Socrates, Confucius, Mary, St. Francis Of Assisi, Martin Luther King, Mother Teresa, Lao-Tse, Zoroaster, Machiventa Melchizedek, Mary Magdalene, Charlemagne, and, Muhammad! For, This is, The Way To Peace, and, A Peace Millennium!

Monday, March 21, 2011



The Way To Peace! #153

It is "Good News" To See, The Civilian, Military, Financial & Religious Leaders of, The Earths United Nations, The Arab League, and, NATO, Act in Concert with Each Other, To Bring to End, The Reign of A Vicious Tyrant! And, Yes, of Course, there are Subtleties To Making A Decision of This Grand An Undertaking, But, At last, The Libyan People, Will have An Opportunity to Have A Government, "Of The People, By The People, and, For The People," Unless, of Course, Gadhafi Finds A Way To Remain!

However, Lets Hope that, This Rare Act of Decision Making, By The Earths United Nations, was Made with The Best of Intentions in Mind! And, A Message To The World that, A New Season of, Humanity, Peace, and, Change has Finally Come To Manifest Itself, in The 21st Century!
And that, This Century is Moving Forward Towards Becoming, "A Peace Millennium!" Because, There is, Still, Much More To Be Done!
And, To Change, from A War Time Century, To A Peace Time Century, Will Take A Great Effort on The Part of, "We The People," Citizens Of The Earth!

And, It Would, Also, Be A "Great Moment" To See, "A Global Acclamation," By The Earths Military, Civilian, Financial, and, Religious Leaders, To End Poverty and Homelessness On Earth!
And, in Doing so, Sow The Seeds of, A New Dawn of Hope, Compassion, and, Social Security For, "All The People" of, This Planet Earth! For, It is Time "For One and All" to Move Forward, Towards The Existence of, "A Peace Millennium!"

And, It Would Be A "Great Moment" for, The Civilian, Religious, Financial, and, Military, Leaders of The Earths United Nations to Agree, To A New Global Energy Policy/Course of Action, and, The Immediate Implementation of It! One, that Free's Us from Dependency on Nuclear Energy, and, Oil!
A New Energy Policy that, Embraces Alternative Choices, such as; Sun and Wind, For Example, As The Primary Choices in Providing Energy, For The Earths Populace! And, The Clear and Flowing Advancement of, The Limitless Potential of "A Global Green Industrial Evolution On Earth!"

Change is Here and Now! "We" have, But, To Embrace It! Nourish It! And, Share It, in Equanimity with One Another, To Make A Better World For Our Children, and, Our Children's Children! For Millennia upon Millennia To Come!
The Signs of Change, and, The Winds of Change are Here and Now! And, Not "One Second" Too Late, in Coming!

Just Dealing with The After Effects of, The Myriad Number of Natural Disasters, Alone, Is Enough for The Civilian, Financial, Religious, and, Military Leaders of, The Earths Nations to Concentrate on! And then, When You Add The Stress and Pressures that Continue to Mount, from Global UN-Employment, The Threats and Continued Violence of The War On Terrorism, and, The Cost of Lives, and, The Continued Monetary Drain of The UN-Declared Wars in, Iraq, Pakistan, and, Afghanistan! And, The Global Movement "Of The People" Living Under The Thumb of Tyrants, and, Dictators, and, You Can Understand All The Reasons Why, A New Season of Change Is Here and Now!

"We The People, " Citizens Of The Earth, Demand Change! And, Can Not Continue, To Live Quality Lifestyles, Without Change! And, When You Add the Growing Number of The Disenfranchised, The Helpless, and, The Homeless, You Can See, "The Serious Need For Change!"

Yesterday, I Could Not Help But Wonder, Where Do The Homeless Go? I See Them "In The Streets!" I See Them "In The Parks!" "We" See Them "On The Buses, Subways, and, in Train Stations!" And, "In The Libraries, Places of Worship, Living In Vacant Buildings, Empty Lots and Fields, Stairwells and Sidewalks!"

Where Do The Homeless Go, The Transient One's, Who May have Once Been, Our Friends and Neighbors!

Where Do The Homeless Go? They Who are, in Some Cases, Family Members, Who have Lost The Homes, Due To Unfortunate, or, Corrupt/Man Made Circumstances!
Its A Hard Thought To Let Go of! The Thoughts of Why, or, How It Happened, and that, It Could Happen To Anyone, of Us!

Its A Very Hard Thought To Let Go of, Especially, after Yet, Another Day Goes By, and, You've Seen So Many, Women, Men, and, Children Barely Existing within This Tragic "World Community of The Homeless!"

In The Most Essential Ways, They're Just Like You and I! They Need Nourishment To Survive! They Need Funds To Survive! They Need Health Care To Survive!
And, They Need Education, and, Social Interaction To Survive!
And, They Need Someone To Care, If, They are To Survive!
But, Where Do They Go To Survive! And, Are There Limits To What They are Willing To Do, To Survive! And, Does Anyone Really Care!
I Do Not See Our Elective Officials Walking Amongst The Homeless, and, Talking with Them, and, Offering Them Hope! And, The Questions Go On, and, On, In My Mind!

Today, I saw An Elderly Woman, Sitting in a Small Park, with Two Large Suitcases! And, It was More than Obvious that, She was Homeless! And, Three Hours Later, when I Returned, She was Still Sitting in The Same Place! Asking For a Few Dollars, and, Sitting All Alone!
And, I Thought, To myself, Where Will She Go Tonight? And, Will She Be Safe from Harm!

And then, I Remembered , The First Time I saw A Homeless Person in NYC, and then, All of A Sudden, There Seemed To Appear More and More Daily, Seemingly, Appearing from Out of Nowhere!
They Could have Been, Someones Mother, Father, Brother, Sister, Son, or, Daughter! Or, Someones Grandfather, Grandmother, Niece, or, Nephew!
Or, Someone that, You Knew! But, How Could This Be, I was in NYC, and, This is, The United States of America!
At The Time, The Great Communicator was President, But, Who was To Blame for This Horrible State of Humanity!
And then, As I Continued my Travels, I Found that, This was Happening Everywhere! From The Streets of Paris To Mumbai! And, from London to Chicago, and, LA!
This State of Homelessness had Become, A Country without Boundaries! A Society of People, without Hope! And, A World of Suffering without Repose!

Are, Our Newly Elected Officials, Who Talk and Talk about, "The Deficit" and, "The Debt Ceiling," and, Cutting Back on Social Programs, that are Beneficial To "The People," such as; NPR and Public Radio, Aware of This Growing State of Humanity?

And, Do "They" Care, If, These Individuals/Citizens Of The Earth, are Living In A State of Being without Hope!

The Headlines, Commentaries, and, Speeches, Do Not Reflect The Seriousness of This Problem! And, Whether, Its Because Its Not Good for Ratings or Sales,
The Global Cross-Media is Not Featuring It! But, Its Here, Now, and, Everywhere, and, Exists Somewhere on This Planet Earth, Everyday! And, In This New Age of Instant Global Communication, "We" Must Get Out The Word, that, This Inhumane State of Being, "Must Change!"

There is No Reason with All The Riches and Wealth that Exists On This Planet, That Anyone Should Be, Without A Home!

The Wealth in The Vatican, Alone, Could Significantly Change The Lives of Hundreds of Thousands, If Not, Millions of Those Who are Destitute and Living, Without A Home!

The Combined Wealth of, All The Oil Barons, Princes, Princesses, Queens, Kings, Celebrities, and, The CEO's of The World of Finance, Could Significantly Change The State and Fate of Millions, Who are Homeless!

But, It Takes Courage To See, Hear, and, Acknowledge The Truth of The Horrible and Inhumane State and Condition of, The Homeless!
And, The Compassion, Heart, and, Soul, To Do Something about It!

So, I Suggest that, The Civilian, Religious, Financial, and, Military Leaders of, The Earths United Nations, Take The Time, To Travel The Length of Their Countries, States, Cities, Towns, and, Villages, and, "See For Themselves," The Needs that, "The People," "We The People," Citizens Of The Earth, are Lacking in, and, are In Need of!
And, Take The Time to "Look into The Faces," "Of The People," and, "See For Themselves," What Needs To Be Done!
Not A Photo Op! Or, A Campaign Swing! Or, A Town Hall Meeting! Walk amongst "The People!" Go To Work on The Public Transportation, with "The People!" And, Experience, First Hand, The Frustration in Receiving Good and Immediate Health Care, "For The People!"
And, As The Saying Goes, "Walk a Mile In The Shoes Of The People" so that, There is A Real Understanding of, What Needs To Be Done, For This New Season of Change, To Prosper and Grow, into A Beautiful and Fruitful New Age of Peace, "For One and All," On Earth!

Historians Will Record This Moment in Time To Be, An Evolution, "Of The People, By The People, and, For The People!" With New and Seasoned Leadership, that, "Truly Represents The People!"
And, This is The Way Towards The Establishment of, A New Earthrise Constitution, and, Emancipation Declaration, "Of, By, and, For The People!"
And, A Way To Peace! And, A Way To Cure and Heal The World! And, A Way, To A Peace Time Economy, and, A Peace Millennium!

Voices of Reason and Peacemakers of The 20th and 21st Centuries, Let Our Mission of Humanity, Be A Great Reflection of Our Earthrise Vision Path, Evolution and Revolution, "Of The People, By The People, and, For The People!"

And, Let Us Use Our Soul Power, As A Great Instrument and Soul Force For Change!

And, Let Us Use Our Great Soul Strength, For The Unselfish Reason and Purpose of, Coming To The Aid of Those Who are In Need, and, Living in Harms Way,
As Would, Jesus Of Nazareth, Nelson Mandela, Mother Teresa, Martin Luther King, Socrates, Mahatma Gandhi, Confucius, Muhammad, Mary, St. Francis Of Assisi, Lao-Tse, Mary Magdalene, Machiventa Melchizedek, Charlemagne, Zoroaster, and, Siddhartha Gautama!

And, Lets Spread and Share, The Idea's, Thought, Words, and, Actions of Our Vision Path, via Twitter, Google, Facebook, Yahoo, Linkedin, MySpace, You Tube, Peace Dialogue Chat Rooms, iTunes, Texts, The Arts, X's, Peace Marches, Non-Violent Demonstrations, Thought Projections, Sit Ins, Satellite, Network, and, Cable TV, Radio, Magazines, Newspapers, Cell Phones, Land Lines, In Concert Performances, Interviews, and, All Across The Unlimited Outlets and Links of, Our Omnipotent, Non-Violent, Activist Communication Network and Nexus of The Internet, and, The Social and Cross-Media Universes!
All The While, Soaring To Newer and Greater Heights of, Human Compassion, On The Graceful Wings Of The Phoenix Of Peace! And, Rising On The Perpetual Motion and Evolution of, The Winds Of Change!

And, May Our Efforts Continue To Lead Us, from Living In An Age of A Conditioned Reality, To Living In A New Age of Vision, Change, Enlightenment, Omniscience, and, Prosperity, "For One and All!"

And, May Our Efforts Continue To Lead Us, from, Division, Separatism, Economic Instability, and, Double Standards, To Living In An Age of Equal Opportunity, "For One and All!"

And, May Our Efforts Continue To Lead Us, from An Age of War, Fear, Crime, Corruption, Terrorism, and, Racism, To Living In An Age Of Social Security, Happiness, Truth, and, Justice, "For One and All!"

And, May Our Efforts Continue To Lead Us, from Living In An Age, Where One's Personal and Universal Beliefs, and, Good Intentions, are, Too Often, Denigrated and Undermined By, Anothers Negative Intentions, Instead of, By The
Merit of One's Idea's, Thoughts, Words, and, Actions, Irregardless, of, What One's Race, Creed, or, Nationality May Be!

And, May Our Bridge Of Peace, Continue To Reach Out To Each, and, Every Citizen of This, The Third Planet from The Sun, and, May Our Efforts Bring About The Realization of A Global Truce, and, Peace Dialogue!
For, This is, The Way To Peace, and, A Peace Millennium!

Thursday, March 17, 2011



The Way To Peace! #152

The Name of The Game is Pi X 2, and, Counting! Or, The Numbers Game!
And then, Break it Down to; The Number 1,2,,3, or, 4, Nuclear Reactor, and, Still Counting, at The Yukushima Nuclear Power Plant, in Japan!

And then, Break it Down to; Gold Takes A Rare Tumble! The Global Financial Markets are Like A Roller Coaster Ride, Except that, "They" Rise or Fall on Speculation, Instead of Facts (For The Most Part)! And then, Which Middle Eastern Country, Will Be Next to Strive For Their Independence, from The Dictators, Tyrants, or, The Oligarchs, That Rule Them, in The Ongoing Political Domino Effect There!

And then, Break it Down to; The Depressing UN-Employment Figures! And, The Lack of Job Creation, Which, Adds Up To Being Practically Nul!
To; The Threat of The Next Natural Disaster! The UN-Declared Wars, that, Continue to Escalate, and, are Now Expected to Go On 'Til Infinitum!
To; The Regional Conflicts that have Caused Families to Be Broken Up, and, Forced To Live In Exile, from Their Countries and Homes!
To; The U.S. Federal, State, and, Local Budget Battles!

And, In The Meantime, The Global Experts Continue to, "Talk Their Talk, and Walk Their Walk," without, Taking One Step, "In The Shoes, Of The People!"

And then, There are The CPI Numbers! The Guess Numbers! The Oil, Gas, and, Food Hikes! The Dollar, Euro, Pound, and, Yen Numbers!
And, Very Importantly, The Number of Lives Lost, Due to The Stress of Living in Today's Economy! And, The Ever growing Numbers of, The Disenfranchised, and, The Poor! And then, Add to that, The Homes Lost, Due to The Mortgage Crises!

But, If, You "Ask Anyone Who Lives On The Streets Of The People," They Will Tell You that, You Don't have To Be, "Streetwise, Bookwise, or, Soulwise," To Understand that, "Its Not," Numbers and Polls, that, Should Be The Main Concern of, The Civilian, Religious, Military, and, Financial Leaders of, The Earths United Nations, Its, "We The People," Citizens Of The Earth!

You Can See It Everywhere, in The Buses, Subways, The Underground, Metro, Trains, Airplanes, Boats, Sidewalks, Cars, Trucks, Taxis, Limos, and, Vans!

And, You Can See It, in The Restaurants, Cafes, Movies, Museums, Libraries, Theme Parks, and, Hotels!

And, You Can See It, in Homes, Places of Worship, Yards, On The Beaches, and, in The Parks!
Its All About "The People!" Which is Why, Change is Here and Now!
And, Which is Why, A New Season of Change is Here and Now!

And, Which is Why, Our Earthrise Evolution, and, Revolution, "Of The People, By The People, and, For The People," Citizens Of The Earth, Will Continue, Until, The Qaddafi's, are "All Gone!" And, The Dictators and Tyrants are "All Gone!"
And, The Passive, Lackadaisical, Civilian, Religious, Military, and, Financial Leaders of, The Earths Nations are "All Gone!"

You Can See The Struggle To Evolve and Survive in, "The Faces Of The People!"

You Can Hear The Frustration to Evolve and Survive in, "The Voices "Of The People!"

And, You Can Feel The Passion, Compassion, and, Concern For One's Fellow Human Beings, and, The Lives of, All Sentient Beings, As New Disasters Erupt, and, Cause Destruction In Their Lives! And, As, New Headlines and Pictures are Being Featured in Newspapers, Magazines, and, In The Social and Cross-Media Universes, and, On The Internet!

Just "Ask Anyone Who Lives On The Streets Of The People," and, They Will Tell You, "Where Its At!" And, again, "Its Not" About, "The Numbers," Its About, "The Survival Of The People!" And, The Need For, "A Better Quality of Life For, We The People!" Plus, The Need For, A New Style of Global Leadership, "For The People!"
And, They Will, Also, Tell You that, "Its Not!" Its Not A Passive, Sit Back and Reflect Upon, Whats Going On, or, Whats Happening in The World, Type of Leadership, Like A College Professor, or, Historian Would!
And, They Will Tell You that, Its Time For Bold New Steps, To Be Taken!
Bold Steps that Will Unify, and, Bring Our Present and Future, into A Unified Universal State of Being, with, A Great Soul Force of, Peacemakers and Voices of Reason!
And, They Will Tell You that, Each and Every, Citizen, Military, Religious, and, Financial Leader of, The Earths United Nations, has To Be, A Leader, "Of The People, By The People, and, For The People!"
And, These Leadership Qualities Must Display, Determination, Resoluteness, Responsibility, Forthrightness, Honesty, Passion, Compassion, and, Vision, with A Steeled Purpose! And, Yet Flexible Enough To Know, Instinctively, What it Is, To Be, A Citizen Of The Earth!

And, "We The People," Citizens Of The Earth, Must Be A Great Soul Power of, Non-Violent Persuasion, For "We" have Much To Do, Before "We" Achieve "Our Goals!"

And, "We" Must Continue to Empower Each Other, and, Give Encouragement To Each Other, as, "We" Move Forward, Taking "One Day at A Time," But, Like Water Surging Against A Brick Wall, Until, "We" Transcend The Conditioned Web, and, Reality of Illusion and Delusion, that has Impeded and En snarled Us "For Too Many Millennia!"
And, This is, The Way To Peace, and, A Peoples Evolution and Revolution!
And, This is, The Way To Find New Cures, and, Heal The World!
And, This is, The Way To Build A Peace Time Economy, and, Finally Live in A Peace Millennium!

Voices Of Reason and Peacemakers of The 20th and 21st Centuries, Ask Yourself A Question, What Do You See When You "Look into The Eyes of Your Fellow Human Being?" And, If You See An Interdependent Person Who is Free from Oppression, and, Free to Evolve and Reach Their Potential in Life, Free from Economical, Sociological, Religious, and, Political Restrictions, and, Acts of Suppression, Then You Will Know that Your Life's Purpose has Been Achieved, and, That, You have Provided A Magnificent Gift, For All Human Kind, and, For The Lives of "All Sentient Beings!

Until then, Continue to Utilize All The Wonderful Technological Gifts of Modern Technology to Spread and Share, The Vision Path of, Our Idea's, Thoughts,Words, and, Actions via, Google, Yahoo, Twitter, MySpace, Peace Dialogue Chat Rooms, Linkedin, You Tube, iTunes, Facebook, Satellite, Cable, and, Network TV, Radio, Newspapers, Texts, Magazines, The Unlimited Universe of The Arts, Song and Dance, Sit ins, Demonstrations, Peace Marches, In Concert Performances, Cell Phones, Land Lines, and, Interviews!

Until then, Lets Reach Out, All Across This Earth of Ours, and, Bridge The Lies and False Rhetoric of, "The Isms," "The Ists," "The Ions," and, "The Ocracies," of,
The Global Oligarchs, via Our Own Bridge of Peace, and, via Our Own Omnipotent, Non-Violent, Limitless Technological, Activist Communication Network and Nexus "Of, By, and, For The People," and, Share "The Good News" of, Our Peace and Prosperity Movement, "For All The People," of This, The Third Planet from The Sun!

And, Until There is A Global Truce, Peace Dialogues, and, A New Earthrise Constitution and Emancipation Declaration, "Of The People, By The People, and, For The People," Citizens Of The Earth, "We' Still have, A Great Deal of Work To Do!

And, May Our Efforts Continue To Lead Us, from An Age of War, Fear, Crime, Corruption, and, Racism, To An Age of Social Security, Happiness, Truth, and, Justice "For One and All!"

And, May Our Efforts Continue To Lead Us, from Division, Separatism, Economic Instability, and, Double Standards, To An Age of Equal Opportunity, "For One and All!"

And, May Our Efforts Continue To Lead Us, from Living In An Age of A Conditioned Reality, To A New Age of Vision, Change, Enlightenment, Omniscience, and, Prosperity, "For One and All!"

And, May Our Efforts Continue To Lead Us, from Living In An Age, Where One's Personal and Universal Beliefs, and, Good Intentions, are, Too Often, Denigrated and Undermined By, Anothers Negative Intentions, Instead of, By The Merit of One's Idea's, Thoughts, Words, and, Actions, Irregardless of What One's Race, Creed, or, Nationality May Be!

And, May "We" Continue To Soar To Even Greater Heights of Human Compassion, and, Take Flight On The Graceful Wings of The Phoenix Of Peace! And, Let's Continue To Rise In The Perpetual Evolution and Revolution, On The Winds Of Change, "Of The People, By The People, and, For The People," and, In Each New Season Of Life!

And, Lets Continue to Dedicate and Commit Ourselves, To Making A Better World, "For One and All" To Share, As The Lives of, Nelson Mandela, Mother Teresa, Socrates, Mahatma Gandhi, Confucius, St. Francis Of Assisi, Muhammad, Mary, Zoroaster, Machiventa Melchizedek, Charlemagne, Mary Magdalene, Lao-Tse, Jesus Of Nazareth, Siddhartha Gautama, and, Martin Luther King, have Shown Us To Be Worth Living, and, Striving For! For, This is, The Way To Peace, and, A Peace Millennium!

Monday, March 14, 2011



The Way To Peace! #151

These Next Two Years are Going to Be Very Challenging Ones For, "We The People," Citizens Of The Earth!

Its Easy to Guess Why, First of All, There Will be More Natural Disasters of Great Magnitude such as, the Previous Hurricane in Louisiana, and, The Earthquakes in China, Haiti, and, Now, in Japan, and, of course, and, The Floods that occurred in Australia, and, once again,The Tsunami that Devastated Japan!
All of Which Can Be Blamed on The Global Warming, Pollution, and The Ozone Layer (Remember The Ozone Layer)!

But, Add to that, The Ever Present Threat of Destruction by The Nuclear Power Plant Reactors, and, The Potential Devastation that They Pose, as Proven by The Three Mile Island, and Chernobyl Disasters, You Can See my Concern!

The Nuclear Factor Poses The Greatest Threat to The Earths Populace and The Earth, that The World has Ever Known! And, Lets Not Be Fooled, Because, Japan is A Tragic Example that Proves, that No Matter How Prepared, or, Expert You May Be, It Will Not Be Sufficient Enough!

And, The Leaders of The Earths United Nations Need to Move Ahead More Quickly in The Research and Production of Alternative Energies!
Or, The Crash that Will Be Heard Around The World Will Be Greater than The Crash of The Global Market Places in 2008-2009 and 1929! And, The Outcome, Will Be Greater than The Result of, The Two Atomic Bombs, that were Dropped on Japan, in World War II! "Nuclear Energy, with All of Its Global Investment, Must Go!" Remember, The Threat is A Real One! There are One Hundred and Four Nuclear Power Plants in The United States, Alone!

And, If, Something isn't Done to Correct The Global Energy Policies that have Set The World on This Course, The Lives Lost Will Be Forever Inscribed In The Annuals of Our Time Space Reality For Infinitum!

And, To Compound The Situation There is A New Political Configuration Developing in Washington, and, Althrough-out The United States, which Centers Around President Obama and His Administration, Resigning Themselves to Allow The States to Deal with Domestic Affairs, and, The President Will Take Care of Foreign Affairs, and, The Direction that The UN-Declared Wars in Iraq, Afghanistan, and, Pakistan, and, The Overseas Contingency Operation/War on Terrorism, are Evolving in! And, of course, The President Will Be Campaigning For Re-Election!

And, In The Meantime The U.S. Federal Government, Will End Up Being A Standoff of Partisan Politics, Between The Republicans, Democrats, Tea Party, Moderates, Liberals, Conservatives, and, Independents!

And, of course, Political Action Groups Will Do Their Best to Sway Public Opinion, One Way or Another, to Elect Candidates of Their Choice, and Raise Campaign Financing!

But, It Will Be The Governors of The United States, Who Will Be, "On The Ground," and, Actively Creating Budgets that are Going to Have Dramatic Effects on "We The People," and, The Unions, and, The Overall Socio/Economic Climate in The U.S. And, The Infighting is Going to Create A State of Amorphous, instead of, Balance Budgets, and, Erase Deficits!

Yes, The President Will Go To Town Hall Meetings, and, Campaign Rallies!
And, Have Press Conferences, Photo Ops, and, Make Special TV Broadcasts as The Continuing Oil, Gas, and, Food Prices Escalate, and, When The UN-Declared Offensives in Afghanistan and Pakistan Escalate, or, Events Outside of His Control Occur! But, Whether or Not He Will be A Force in Domestic Affairs, Remains To Be Seen, and, He Most Likely, Will Not!

It Appears as if, He has Decided that, The Best Political Course for Him to Take is, To Remain Outside The Political Squabbling Going on, in Domestic Affairs! And, Besides, Its Less Confrontative!

Its Understandable, When You Think about it, Because, The President has to Choose The Most Strategic Course to Take! And, The Most Strategic Moment, in Which, to Confront The Republican Party, Who are The Majority in The House of Representatives, and, Can Neutralize Policy in The Senate, if, "They" Choose To! But, Not to Linger on This Point For Too Long, He has to Prepare for The Upcoming Campaign, To Be Re-Elected President! And, He Needs Votes, Not Confrontations!

However, once again, to Compound The Situation, The Republicans Act as if, "They" were Not Apart of, The Political Leadership, that was Responsible for, The Political, Economical, and, Sociological Demise, that has Occurred over The Past Ten Years! And, The Democrats Act as if, "They" had No Hand in It at All!
This is A Dangerous, "Fools Game of Partisan Politics to Play," and, "We The People," are The Ones Who are Paying A Dear Price For It!

"Beware of Darkness," is A Classic Song, Written and Sung by George Harrison, of The Beatles, and, It Definitely Applies to This Moment in Time! Because, There Will Be Demonstrations, Peace Marches, Sit Ins, Strikes, and, Court Cases that Will Go All The Way to The Supreme Court, Before A Final Decision is Given!

And, There Will Be Unions, United to Stand against State Governments, Where Republican Governors are in Office!

And, There Will Be More and More Verbiage, that Belongs in The Garbage, Rather than on The Cross-Media Airwaves, and, in Magazines, and, Newspapers! And, On The Internet!
And, There Will Be The Continued Loss of Life, and, Escalation of, The UN-Declared Wars, and, Regional Conflicts! And, There Will Be More Natural Disasters!

And, The Ongoing Battle Between, The Drug Cartels, Organize Crime, and, The Officials of Law and Order Will Continue to Escalate!
And, There Will, Still, Be The Shadowy Figures of Pedophiles, and, The Predators of The Flesh, Who Will Seek Out Ways To Kidnap Our Children!

And, The Financial Markets Will Cause Their Own Turmoil, As "They" Rise and Fall!"

And, Throughout it All, Will Be The Swagger, and, The Strategic Design of, "The Isms," "The Ists," and, "The Ocracies," as Directed, and, Financed by The Global Oligarchs, to Control The World, as "They" See It!

And, The War Between Good and Evil, and, The Worlds of Illusion and Conditioned Reality, as Perceived by "The Ions" of The World, Versus The Solar Axioms, and, What is Truly Real, Will Continue to Do Battle For Our Souls!

And Yes, Parents Will Continue to Try and Teach Their Children, Whats "Right from Wrong!" And, New Marriages Will Be Performed!
And, Hearts Will Be Broken, Under The Stress of, Living in A Conditioned Reality!

But, Just as The Seasons Change, so, Will "We!" And, As The Tides, "Ebb and Flow," So, Will "We!" For, Change "We" Must, if, "We" are to "Live and Evolve in Equanimity, Freedom, Wisdom, and, Peace!"

But, Let Us Not Be Dismayed or Depressed, by The Paths of Delusion, Confusion, Illusion, and, Lies!

Let Us, Instead, Follow Our Own Vision Path, "Of The People, By, and, For The People!"

And, Let Us Create Our Own Constitution, and, Emancipation Declaration, "Of The People, By The People, and, For The People!"

And, Let Us Concentrate on Creating A Better World, "For Our Children," and, "For Our Children's Children!"

And, Lets Act, For Activists "We" Must Be, from An Empirical Knowledge, in Equanimity with The Book Learned Knowledge of Accountable Events of Our Historical Past! For, This is, The Way To Peace! And, A Way of Compassion! And, A Way To Heal and Cure The World! And, The Way To A Peace Time Economy and A Peace Millennium!

Voices of Reason and Peacemakers of The 20th and 21st Centuries, What "We" are Going to Do, Is, "Change The World!"

And, What "We" have To Do, Is Going to Non-Violently, Shake Up, Rock Out, and, "Create A New World!"

So, Lets Continue to Spread The Word, through Music and Lyrics, and, Sing The Songs of Hope and Peace!

And, Lets Continue to Dance To The Rhythms of A New Age of Great Promise, and, Continue To Share The Passionate Embrace of Each Other, and, Empower Each Other, by Our Beliefs!

And, Let The Voice of Peace, Harmony, and, Change Be Heard over, The Internet, and, The Social and Cross-Media Universes!

And, Let The Spirit of, Our Earthrise Evolution and Revolution Be Known of, Althroughout The Great Soul Power and Great Soul Force of The Unlimited Outlets of The World of Technology, and, The Limitless Possibilities and Realities of, Our Omnipotent, Non-Violent, Activist Communication Network and Nexus, "Of The People, By The People, and, For The People,"

And, Let Us Reach Out, To A New Age of Voices of Reason and Peacemakers, via Twitter! And, via Google! And, via Yahoo, Linkedin, MySpace, You Tube, iTunes, Peace Dialogue Chat Rooms, Magazines and Newspapers! And, via Radio, and, The Arts! And, via Satellite, Cable, and, Network TV! And, via Demonstrations, Peace Marches, and, Sit ins! And, via Texts, Cell Phones, Land Lines, X's, Thought Projection, Meditation, and, Sign!

And, Let Us, All, Unite Together, and, Commit and Dedicate Ourselves, To Making A Better World, in The Purposeful Way of Life, as Personified, and, Made Real by, Jesus Of Nazareth, Siddhartha Gautama, Nelson Mandela, Mother Teresa, Socrates, Martin Luther King, Mahatma Gandhi, Mary, Zoroaster, Muhammad, Confucius, St. Francis Of Assisi, Charlemagne, Machiventa Melchizedek, Mary Magdalene, and, Lao-Tse!

And, Let Us Soar to Even Greater Heights of Human Compassion, and, Take Flight On The Graceful Wings Of The Phoenix Of Peace! And, Let Us Soar in Perpetual Evolution and Revolution, "Of, By, and, For The People," On The Winds of Change! And, In Each New Season!

And, Lets Continue to Build Our Bridge of Peace "Of The People, By The People, and, For The People," Moving Ever Forward, Towards The Fulfillment of There Being A United Earth, that, Excludes No Woman, Man, or, Child! For "We" are All, "One People," Living on This, The Third Planet from The Sun, and, There are Zero Degree's of Separation Between Us!

And, May Our Efforts Continue To Lead Us, from Division, Separation, Economic Instability, and, Double Standards, To An Age of Equal Opportunity "For One and All!"

And, May Our Efforts Continue To Lead Us, from Living in An Age, Where One's Personal Beliefs, and, One's Good Intentions, are, Too Often, Denigrated and Undermined by, Anothers Evil Intentions, Instead of, By The Merit of One's Idea's, Thoughts, Words, and, Actions, Irregardless of What, One's Race, Creed, or, Nationality May Be!

And, May Our Efforts Continue To Lead Us, from An Age of War, Fear, Crime, Corruption, and, Racism, To An Age of Social Security, Happiness, Truth, and, Justice, "For One and All!"

And, May Our Efforts Continue To Lead Us, from Living in An Age of A Conditioned Reality, To New Age of Vision, Change, Enlightenment, Omniscience, and, Prosperity, "For One and All!"

Just "Ask Anyone Who Lives On The Streets Of The People," and They Will Tell You, that You have To be "Streetwise, Bookwise, and Soulwise, if, You are To Survive!"

And, Like Any Labor of, The Body, Spirit, Heart, Soul and Mind, There Will Be Days, When You Experience Great Pain, Until "We Shall Be Released!"
But, There Will, Also, Be A Great Feeling of Joy in Seeing, and, In Experiencing "The Visions" of Our Lives Come True, and, Become An Unconditioned Reality!
And, This is "Good News" To Share, For, This is, The Way To Peace and A Peace Millennium!

Thursday, March 10, 2011



The Way To Peace! #150

The Emerging Story of This New Decade of The 21st Century is, The Stress Factor!
And, The Millions of Children, and, Their Families, Who are Living in Poverty! And, The Stress that has Been Laid on The Backs of The Middle Class, Who are Clinging on Desperately, to Maintain All that They have Earned through Years of Hard Work and Savings! And, The Stress on, The Nouveau Riche, Many of Which have Made a Fortune, only, to have Lost It, or, are Threatened by The Prospect of, Losing It!

And then, There's The UN-Imaginable Financial, and, Inhumane Costs of, The Ongoing UN-Declared Wars in Iraq, Afghanistan, Pakistan, and, The "Overseas Contingency Operation"/Global War on Terrorism!

And then, There's The Manipulation and Corruption of Power by, "The Isms," "The Ists," and, "The Ocracies," of The Global Oligarchs! And, Organized Crime, and, The Drug Cartels!

And, A Very Important Component, Which is, The Total Dissatisfaction of, "We The People," Citizens Of The Earth, Over The Disparencies that Exist Between "Them that's Got, and Them that Don't!"

And, When You Add into that, The Manipulation by The Speculators, and, The Global Markets, plus, A Lack of Governmental Overseers, Who are Responsible for Driving Up The Prices for Oil, Gas, and, Food, plus, A Continuing Barrage of Natural Weather Disasters, and, An Incomprehensibly Poorly Run Economy, You Can Clearly Understand Why, This Season of Change has Arrived! And, Will Continue to Evolve until A New Age of Equanimity is Achieved! And, It Change It Must, and, Is!

This is, The Beginning of The Second Decade of The 21st Century, and, "Its Been A long, long time coming," As Sam Cooke so Eloquently sang, But, A "Peoples Change" has Finally Come! And, Its A Change Empowered and Directed by, "The People, and, For The People!"

Althroughout The History of, "We The People," There have Been Great Moments When A New Season of Change has Come! When Change was The only Recourse to The Correct The Injustices that Occurred at That Time!

These Injustices were Caused, For The Most Part, by Those Who were in Power, Who Abused Their Right To Lead, Because of Their Greed, Lust, and, Immoral Acts of Behavior!
These Civilian, Religious, Military, and, Financial Leaders "Used The People, Drained The People, and, Lied To The People!" And, To Add to The Effrontery, "They" Used The Lack of Education, and, The Lack of Knowledge, and, The Lack of Conscious Awareness amongst The Masses of Humanity, as A Weapon of Controlling and Conditioning "The People!"

But, In This Age of Technological Advancement, and, Global Communication, This Kind of Conditioned Reality Can No Longer Exist, without Being Exposed by The Social and Cross-Media Universes, and, The Internet!

And, This is Why, This New Season of Change is Upon Us, and, Can Not Be Impeded or Denied!
And, Its Clearly A Sign of The Times, that, The Winds of Change are Here and Now!

And, Lets Not Hesitate to Initiate The Political, Economical, and, Sociological Reforms that are Needed!

"We The People" of, This Planet Earth, are Finally "Back On Course" with, The Natural Evolution, and, "Ebb and Flow of The Life Cycle," in Equanimity with Each Other, The Universe, and, Our Indomitable Spirit! And, This is Why, Like a Good Friend, "Change" has Comeback into Our Lives and Homes, Once Again!

And, Like Any Labor of The Body, Spirit, Heart, Soul, and, Mind, There Will Be Days of Pain, until, "We Shall Be Released!"
And then, There Will Be A Great Feeling of Joy in Seeing, and, Experiencing, "The Visions" of, Our Lives Come True, and, Become An Unconditioned Reality!

Just "Ask Anyone Who Lives On The Streets of The People," and, They Will Tell You, that, You have To Be, "Streetwise, Bookwise, and, Soulwise, if, You are To Survive!

And, This is, The Time, "Of The People!" And, A Season, "For The People!"
And by, The Great Soul Power and Spirit, "Of The People," There is A New Compassion and Hope For, "The Now, and, The Future Generations" of, All Humanity, and, The Survival of, All Sentient Beings! And, This is, The Way To Heal and Cure The World! And, The Way To Peace, and, A Peace Millennium!

Voices of Reason and Peacemakers of The 20th and 21st Centuries, Lets Continue to Sow The Ideas, Thoughts, Words, and, Non-Violent Actions of, An Earthrise Constitution, and, Emancipation Declaration, "Of The People, By The People, and, For The People!"

And, Lets Lay Claim Our Place in History as Being, "An Age of The People!"

And, Lets Continue to Empower Each Other and Lend Support to Each Other, via The Limitless Potentialities and Technological Creativity of, Our Omnipotent, Non-Violent Activist Communication Network and Nexus, "Of The People!"

And, Lets Continue to Share The Mission, Message, and, Purpose of, "Our Vision Path" via Twitter, Google, Yahoo, MySpace, Linkedin, You Tube, iTunes, Peace Dialogue Chat Rooms, Texts, X's, Thought Projections, Newspapers, Radio, Magazines, The Arts, Cable, Satellite, and, Network TV, Peace Marches, Demonstrations, Sit ins, Cell Phones, and Landlines!

And, Lets Continue to Share "The Good News" of, "Our Vision Path Of The People," in The True Tradition of, Mahatma Gandhi, Siddhartha Gautama, Nelson Mandela, Muhammad, Confucius, Martin Luther King, Mother Teresa, Socrates,
Machiventa Melchizedek, Mary, Zoroaster, Charlemagne, St. Francis Of Assisi, Mary Magdalene, Lao-Tse, and, Jesus Of Nazareth!

And, May Our Efforts Continue to Guide Us, To Even Greater Heights of Human Compassion, and, Take Flight On The Graceful Wings Of The Phoenix Of Peace, and, Soar in Perpetual Evolution and Revolution, "Of The People, By The People, and, For The People!"

And, May Our Efforts Continue To Lead Us, from Living in An Age of A Conditioned Reality, To A New Age of Vision, Change, Enlightenment, Omniscience, and, Prosperity, "For One and All!"

And, May Our Efforts Continue to Lead Us, from Living in An Age of, War, Fear, Crime, Corruption, and, Racism, To An Age of Social Security, Happiness, Truth, and, Solar Axioms!

And, May Our Efforts Continue to Lead Us, from Division, Separation, Economic Instability, and, Double Standards, To An Age Of Equal Opportunity, "For One and All!"

And, May Our Efforts Lead Us, from Living in An Age Where One's Personal Beliefs and, Good Intentions, are, Too Often, Denigrated and Undermined by, Anothers Evil Intentions, Instead of, By, The Merit of One's Idea's, Thoughts, Words, and, Actions, Irregardless of, What Race, Creed, or, Nationality You May Be!

And, Lets Continue To Build Our Bridge of Peace and Push Forward, Towards The Fulfillment Of A Unified Earth, "Of The People, By The People, and, For The People," that, Excludes No One! No Child, Women, or, Man!
For "We" are All "One People," Living on This, The Third Planet from The Sun, and, There are Zero Degree's of Separation Between Us!
And, This is, The Way To Peace, and, A Peace Millennium!

Monday, March 7, 2011



The Way To Peace! #149

Why is The U.S. Government "Bailing Out" on The U.S. Dollar! What is President Obama and His Administration Thinking about?

And, Why is Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke Authorizing The Printing Up of More Dollars if, He Doesn't Really Care about, The Fate of The Dollar?

Is There, A New Currency in The Global Game of Monopoly, that, "We" are Not Aware of, "The Amero," For Example? Could this Be, "The New Currency Flavor" of, The 21st Century!

But, What Kind of Monetary Policy Philosophy is this? And, How Does it Come to The Aid of The Ailing American/Global Economy? This U.S. Debt, Alone, Is, Already, More than 14 Trillion Dollars! Should "We The People," Be Concerned?

Is there A Loss of Faith in The Dollar! Utah is amongst a Few States in The U.S. Who are in The Process of Making Gold and Silver, "Legal and Tender!"
Is there A New Movement, Under Foot, or, "Behind Closed Doors," Ready, To Replace The Dollar as "The Worlds Number One Currency?" And, if so, Shouldn't Someone Notify "We The People," Citizens Of The Earth!

Its Obvious, that, There is A Major Discrepancy Between The Salaries of, The Average Citizen and The Corporate CEO, or, "Them that's Got, and, Them that Don't"/The Rich and The Poor! So, What are "We" to Think, or, Do!
Should "We" Create are Own Currency! A "Peoples Currency," and, Finance Our Own, "Family Owned Businesses!" And, Produce Products, "Of The People, By The People, and, For The People!" And, In Doing so, Reap in The Profits, Direct from The Use of Our Own Investments!

There has To Be, A Change in The Mindset and Business Model of, "The World of Big Business and Finance," and, If, "They" are Reluctant to Do it, Then, "We The People," Who are, In Fact, The Backbone of The Earths Economy, (For "We" are The Consumers of The World) Must Shakeup, Rock Out, and, Change It For Them! And, Create A New Financial System Based on The Values and Principles, "Of The People!" For, Obviously Without "We The People," Citizens Of The Earth, "The World of Big Business and Finance" Would Be Nothing, Nul!

And, If, The Only Way that, "We the People," Citizens Of The Earth, Can Be Sure of Our Future Financial, and, Social Security is, To Set Up To Our Own Social Security Accounts, Separate from Our Governments, Then, "Let it Be!"
This Money Belongs to Us, In The First Place! "We're" The Ones Who've Worked For It, and, Therefore, Should have Final Say, and, Control, Over It! Not Some Elective Official!
And then, "We" Can Manage Our Own Accounts, and, Use Our Finances, Whenever, "We" Would Like to!

And, If, This is A New Way of Developing A Government,, "Of the People, By The People, and, For The People" of The 21st Century, Then, Let It Be!
Along with New Amendments, that Create a Fair and Balanced Tax Code!

And, If, This Means Creating A New Constitution, "Of The People, By The People, and, For The People" of The 21st Century, Then, Let It Be!

And, If, This Means Creating A New Emancipation Declaration, "Of The People" of The 21st Century, that Guarantees The Civil Rights of, Each and Every Newborn, To Live Free from Economical Control of The Conditioned Reality of, "The Isms," "The Ists," The Ocracies," of, The Global Oligarchy, Then Let It Be!

Why? Because, There Should Be No Reason for Anyone, To Live in A Tent, Shelter, or, Their Car, Van, or, Some Open Field! And, Too Many of Us are!

And, There Should Be No Reason for Anyone, To have to Eat Out of A Garbage Receptacle on The Sidewalks of, Our States, Cities, Towns, or, Villages! And, Too Many of Us are!

And, The Lives of, Too Many Innocent Women and Men, are Being Lost in Vain, Due to The Horribly Slow Growth of, The Earths Economies, plus, The Ongoing Escalation of War, and, The Rhetoric of False Promises, Depression, and, A Feeling of, Living with A Lack of Hope in Their Lives!

And, In This Climate of Duress and Stress, in Our Lives, You have to Ask Yourself, Of What Real Value Does The UN-Declared Wars in Afghanistan/Pakistan, have in Your Life!

Or, Is It, Simply, A Strategic Value, that, Effects The Global Balance of Power, and, Energy of, The United States, Its Coalition Allies, and, NATO!

But, Is The Value of These UN-Declared Wars Worth Two Billion Dollars a Week, and, The Continued Loss of Life, of Our Children!

And, While The Politicians Continue to Play Their Games of Politics, and, "Talk and Talk," Too Many of Us are Losing Our Homes, and, are Unable to Care For Our Families!
And, This is Not, "The Great Depression," or, The Tragic Period, Just, Before The French Revolution! This is The Beginning of, The Second Decade of The 21st Century!
But, This is Why, A New Age of Equanimity, and, "A Just and Fair," Shared Prosperity, "For One and All," is Necessary!

Can there Be A More Opportune Time, For "We The People," Citizens Of The Earth, To Act in Concert with Each Other, than There is Now, As A Great Tidal Wave of Change, and, Non-Violently and Resolutely, Bring An Age of Peace To The Earth!

And, This is Why, "The People" have Spoken, from Egypt to Wisconsin, and, from Tunisia to Sudan! The Majority of Whom are Willing to Sacrifice Themselves, "To Change The World," and, Engage in, An Activism "Of the People, By The People, and, For The People!"

This is A New Season of Change, and, It has Begun To Blossom Everywhere!
And, Its Seeds and Pollen are Afloat, On The Winds Of Change, All Through-Out The World! And, This is More than Just A Feeling, This is A Reality!

But, This is Not The Time, For, UN-Responsive and Passive Leadership amongst, Our Civilian, Military, Religious, and, Financial Leaders!
"We" Need Political, Sociological, and, Economical Reforms, that are Consistent With "The Principles and Beliefs" of, "We The People," Citizens Of The Earth!

These "Principles and Beliefs" Illuminated The Lives of, Siddhartha Gautama, Jesus Of Nazareth, Mother Teresa, Mahatma Gandhi, Lao-Tse, Charlemagne, St. Francis Of Assisi, Socrates, Confucius, Mary, Nelson Mandela, Martin Luther King, Mary Magdalene, Machiventa Melchizedek, Zoroaster, and, Muhammad! The "Beauty and Humanity" that, was Shared by These Illuminated, Human Beings, was "The Sacred Value" that, They Placed Upon The Lives of, All Sentient Beings, and, This Planet Earth!

And, Its, This "Sacred Value" That Is, At The Core of Our Great Soul Force, and, Earthrise Evolution and Revolution, "Of The People!" And, Is, The Heart, Mind, and, Soul of, Our Union and Communion, "Of The People, By The People, and, For The People!"
And, United As One, "We" are, The Way To Peace and A Peace Millennium!
And, A Way To Heal and Cure The World! And, A Way To A Peace Time Economy!

Voices of Reason and Peacemakers of The 20th and 21st Centuries, Let Us Continue to Build Our Bridge of Peace, and, A Spiritual, Fiscal, Humane, and, Consciously Aware Cultural Union and Communion "Of The People, " Until It has Reached Every Corner and New Horizon, All Through-Out The World!

And, Let Us Continue to Reach Out To Each Other, and, To Those of Us, Who are, "In Harms Way," via The Internet, and, The Social and Cross-Media Universes!

And, Let Us Continue to Push Forward Towards A Unified Earth, that, Represents "All The People," and, Excludes No One! No Economic, or Sociological Class, "Of The People!" For, "We" are All, "One People," Living On This, The Third Planet from The Sun! And, There are Zero Degrees of Separation, Between Us!

And, May Our Efforts Continue To Lead Us, from Living in An Age of A Conditioned Reality, To A New Age, of Vision, Change, Enlightenment, Omniscience, and, Prosperity, "For One and All!"

And, May Our Efforts Continue To Lead Us, from Living In An Age of War, Fear, Crime, Corruption, and, Racism, To An Age of Social Security, Freedom, Truth, and, Solar Axioms!

And, May Our Efforts Continue To Lead Us, from Division, Separatism, Economic Instability, and, Double Standards, To An Age of Equal Opportunity, "For One and All!"

And, May Our Efforts Continue To Lead Us, from Living in An Age Where Ones Personal Beliefs are, Too Often, Denigrated, and, Determined by, Anothers Evil Intentions, Instead of, By The Merit of Ones Ideas, Thoughts, Words, and, Actions, Irregardless of, Ones Race, Nationality, or, Creed!

And, May Our Efforts Continue to Rise to, Even Greater Heights, and, Take Flight On The Wings Of The Phoenix Of Peace, and, Soar in Perpetual Evolution and Revolution "Of The People!" Whether it Be, On The Gentle Eddies and Wafts Of Air of, This Magnificent New Season of Being, or, On The Hurricane Winds Of Change!
Or, Via The Omnipotent, Non-Violent, Limitless, Activist, Communication Network and Nexus, "Of The People!"
Or, via, The Arts, Google, Yahoo, Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, MySpace, You Tube, iTunes, Satellite, Network and Cable TV, Radio, Newspapers, Magazines, Peace Dialogue Chat Rooms, X's, Texts, Ideas, Thoughts, Word of Mouth, Sit Ins, Peace Marches and Demonstrations, Landlines, or, Cell Phones!
For, This is, The Way To Peace and A Peace Millennium! Let's "Give Peace and Life A Chance To Be!"

Thursday, March 3, 2011



The Way To Peace! #148

Stay Tuned in, For The Sequel to, "Cirque Du Budget Pt. II," Beginning in Approximately Two Weeks from Now! Starring The "Gang of Six," The Members of The U.S. House Of Representatives, The U.S. Senate, and, President Obama and His Administration of Change!

The First Question in The Hearts, Minds, and, Souls of The Global, and, U.S. Media, is, Will The Sequel Be as Exciting as The Original and, Secondly, Who Will Blink First! And, Most Importantly, Who Will Win The Support of The American People, and, The Citizens Of The World!

However, The Suspense Doesn't Just End there, There is Still The Pulsating Possibility, that, Someones Actions, Will Actually, "Shut Down The Government!" Even though, The U.S. is A Government, "Of The People, By The People, and, For The People!" But, Does that Matter! Of course Not! Why Should It!
Isn't This Kind of "Political Activism," by Our Newly Elective Officials, Inspiring?

But, Seriously, Do These Self Serving Elective Officials, Realize that UN-Employment Remains at 8.9% in The U.S. and, in Comparable Figures, to that, If Not Worst, All Over The World! What in The World Do They Think They're Doing!
Certainly Not, Creating New Jobs "For The People," Who Elected Them to Office!

"You Would Think" that by Now, "They" Would have Learned Something!
For One Thing, that, Our Government is Not, A Government "Of The Politicians, By The Politicians, and, For The Self Serving Ego Of The Politicians!"

"You Would Think" that, In This Day and Age When Bombs are Continuing To Fall from Afghanistan to Libya, and, Death Continuous To Befall The Members of Our Families, In Both, The U.S. and Coalition Armed Forces, from Frankfurt to Iraq, That, Our Elective Officials Would Understand What The Real Life and Death Issues are! And, Stop Their Bickering!

"You Would Think" that, While The Elderly Continue to Be Abused, As in The Case of Mickey Rooney, and, Three and a Half Million of The Elderly, in The U.S. alone! And, Millions of Children are Living in Poverty, that, Our Elective Officials Would, by Now, Realize that, The Issues that are Directly Affecting The Lives of, "We The People," Citizens Of The Earth are, The Rising Gas and Oil Prices! And, The Rising Food Prices! And that, "We The People, " Citizens Of The Earth, Have Lost Faith in Them!

Just "Ask Anyone Who Lives On The Streets Of The People," and, They Will Tell You that, They Can No Longer Afford to Pay the Price for The Incompetence of Our Elective Officials Anymore!
And, Enough with The Tax Breaks, For The Millionaires, Billionaires, The Elite, and, The World of Celebrity!
And, Enough with The Tax Breaks for The Global Corporations and Financial Institutions of, The World Of Big Business, "The Ists," "The Isms," and, "The Ocracies" of, The Global Oligarchy!
Tax Them, The Next Time It Becomes Necessary To Bail Out The Banks, and, Financial Institutions! Tax Them, The Next Time Its Necessary to Bail Out The Automobile Industry!
Tax Them, To Pay for The Overseas Contingency Operations, and, The UN-Declared Wars, and, Give The People, A Chance, To Live in Peace, and, Enjoy Their Hard Earned Salaries, The Next Time Around!

"You Would Think" that, In This Exciting New Season of Change, that, Our Elective Officials Would "Get The Message," and, Change Their Ways!

And, If there are Any "Cuts," that, They Should Make, Number (1) Should Be To Cut Out "The Partisan Politics," and, Represent, "The People," Not Their Lobbyists, and, Their Special Interests! They were Elected To Represent The Special Interests of, "We The People!" Such as, The Need for Better Education!

This is, The Time When Funding and Investment Should Be Made, To Create A Positive Learning Environment For Our Children! An Investment of Both, Time and Funding that Brings An Increased Awareness, and, Omniscience To Their Fertile Minds!

And, This is, The Time, For An Earthrise Cultural Evolution! One that Provides Omniscience, Enlightenment, and, An Increased Presence of The Arts, Worldwide!

"You Would Think" that, In This New Season of Change, A Real Sense of Legislative Purpose Would Be Embraced by Our Elective Officials! "They" are Supposed to Be Representing "We The People," aren't "They!"
And, "They" are Supposed to Be Providing Relief, For "We The People," Citizens Of The Earth, aren't "They!"

"You Would Think" that, "They" Would have Learned from History, What Not To Do! For One Thing,"Shutting Down The Government!" From a Historical, or, Political Premise, has Proven "Not To Work!"

"We" are, A Government, "Of The People, By The People, and, For The People," so, Obviously "Shutting Down The Government "Of The People," is Simply, Not, A Logical, Practical, or, Ethical! Especially During This Difficult Time Period Economically, Emotionally, Sociologically, and, Spiritually! And, It Does Not Make Sense, Philosophically or Politically!

Just "Ask Anyone Who Lives On The Streets Of The People," and, They Will Tell You, that, While They are Concerned about The Deficit, They Do Not Want Any Elective Official to Touch, Their Social Security, Medicare, or, Medicaid to Solve This Problem!

Yes, It is "Streetwise" To Cut Out Redundancies in The Government! And, Yes, Its "Streetwise to Cut Out The Corruption and White Collar Crimes, in Our Soiled Financial System! And, Yes, Its "Streetwise To Cut Out All The Earmarks from Government Programs!
And, Yes, The Time has Come to Create A "Fair and Equitably Tax System!"

Just "Ask Anyone Who Lives On The Streets Of The People," and, They Will Tell You, that, They Would Like Their Elective Officials To Agree To Proposing Honest Regulatory Reforms! And, Honest Political, Economical, and, Social Reforms! Or, "They" Should Resign from Office!

This is, A New Season of Change, and, The Civilian, Military, Religious, and, Financial Leaders of, The Earths United Nations Must Come Together, and, Create A New Global Initiative, that, Is In Equanimity with The Ideals, Thoughts, Words, and, Actions of, "We The People," Citizens of, This Planet Earth!

There is A Great Tidal Wave of Change and Hope, For The Betterment of All Humankind, Sweeping All Across This Planet!
And, This is Not the Time for Banks To Foreclose on Our Homes! This is The Time for Them To Invest and Provide Financial Support For Our Lives!

And, This is Not The Time, for Governments Of The World,To Cut Back on Programs that, Invest and Provide Financial Support, For "We The People," Citizens Of This, The Third Planet from The Sun!
But, This is The Time to Invest in Peace, But, Not War!

And, This is The Time, For A New Dialogue with Fate! And, A New Dialogue with Destiny! And, A New Peace Time Economy! And, A Surging Green Economy!
And, This is, The Time To Invest in The New Technologies, That Will Lead The Way To Peace, and, A Peace Millennium! And, Lead The Way To Heal, and, Cure The World!

Voices of Reason and Peacemakers of The 20th and 21st Centuries, "We" Must Continue to Push Forward in Pursuit of The Joys of Life, that, are Beneficial To,
"All The People," of, This, The Third Planet from The Sun!

And, "We" Must Continue to Push Forward Towards, The Creation of, An Earthrise Emancipation Declaration "Of The People, and, For The People" that, Brings Peace, and, Social/Financial Security, To The Lives of, "We The People, " Citizens Of The Earth!

And, "We" Must Continue to Push Forward Towards, A Global Truce and Peace Dialogue, that, Is Supported, and, Actively Engaged in, by, The Military, Civilian, Financial, and, Religious Leaders of, The Earths United Nations!

And, This is The Time for, The Civilian, Military, Religious, and, Financial Leaders of, The Earths United Nations to Invest Their Energies, and, Global Resources, in The Creation of, A "Millennium Hedge Fund Of The People, By The People, and, For the People!" "We" Who are The Citizens and Consumers Of The Earth Deserve Nothing Less, To Guarantee The Social Security of Our Children and, The Children of Future Generations to Come!

And, Let Us, also, Push Forward Towards The Creation of, An Earthrise Constitution, "Of The People, By The People, and, For The People," that Brings The World Together! Even as The Worlds Currencies Continue to Divide and Separate!
For, "We" are The World! And, While The Dollar, Euro, and Gold, Divide Us,
Lets Create A New "Currency Of the People," that Empowers Us!

And, Lets Continue to Share "The Good News" of, Our New Season of Change and Hope, via The Internet, and, The Social and Cross-Media Universes!

And, Lets Continue to Create A New Cycle of Change, by Continuing to Sow, Nourish, and, Harvest, The Seeds of, Our Earthrise Evolution and Revolution, from Continent to Continent, via The Peoples Bridge of Peace and Harmony, and, All Across The Limitless Avenues and Outlets of, Our Omnipotent, Non-Violent Activist Communication Network and Nexus, "Of The People!"

And, Lets Re-Enforce and Empower Each Other via, Twitter, Facebook, Google, Yahoo, Linkedin, Myspace, You Tube, iTunes, Peace Dialogue Chat Rooms, Interviews, Newspapers, Radio, Magazines, Satellite, Network and Cable TV, The Arts, Peaceful Non-Violent Demonstrations, Marches and Sit ins! And, Reach Out To The World, via Cell Phones, Land Lines, X's, Thought Waves, Words, Texts and Action!

And, Lets Continue to Evolve as A Great Soul Force of Change, and, A Great Synergy of Peace! And, Lets Rise To An Even Greater Universal and Personal Conscious Awareness, On the Wings Of The Phoenix of Peace!

And, Lets Transcend The States of Dissolution, Confusion, Illusion, and, Chaos of The Conditioned UN-Reality of, The Global Oligarchs, On The Uplifting Inspirational Wafts, Eddies, and, Hurricane Forces of The Winds of Change!
For, This is, The Way To Peace and A Peace Millennium!