Monday, April 1, 2024



The Way To Peace! #458

- "Global Cross Media News Universe, Insights, New Horizons, News Purview's, and Global Perspectives"-
And, "An Earthwide Spectrum" of "Sociological," "Political," "Humanitarian," "Environmental," "Ecological," "Energy," "Informational," "Communication," "Philosophical," "Candid," "Straightforward," "Current," and "Contemporary," "Earthwide Affairs," and "Current Events," that "Coalesce," and "Merge" with "An Honest," "Omniscient," and "Omnipotent Spirit," and "Soul Force Of The People,"- And A Grand Sinfonie Orchester of Life as It Should Be"-
"As The Sun Sets and Rises O'er The Seven Continents," and "Twenty- Four Regions" (Time Zones) of This," "The Third Planet from The Sun," and "New Moon Cycles Provide Us with A Myriad Universe" of "Opportunistic," "Precious," and "Some Highly Determined Opportunities," and "Possibilities," to "Pursue," and "Engage in" and "Address," as "We Rise to The Challenges of The Twenty- First Century" that "We are Being Confronted with,"

"Today I was listening to A Grand Sinfonie Orchester" that was "Playing A Magnificent Classical Composition from the Romantic Era," and "The Entire Orchestre Played Together" "In An Extraordinary Demonstration of The Highest Degree" and "Level of Unification," "Meticulously," and "Thoroughly, All Throughout," "Like A Beautiful Wave of Flowing," and "Passionate Movement of Love," and "Creative Expression," and "Performance," that "Touched me so Very Deeply!" 

And "As I was Totally Consumed by This Extraordinary Performance Being Conducted" by "An Individual who Exemplified the Personification" of "Selfless Leadership,"and "The Purest" of "Humanistic," and "Omniscient," "Creative," and "Passionate," "Talent," and "Natural Ability," and "Gift of "Precision," and "Experience," that "Was Sincerely Admired by Each and Every Individual of This Orchestre," and "You Could See," and "Hear This Admiration" and "Respect," "In Each Note that was Being Played," and "In The Flow of The Arrangement," and "Harmonies," and "In The Faces," and "The Physicality of Each Musician of The Orchestre," "So Appreciative were They," that "I Truly Cherished This Moment!" 

And "Their Appreciation was Shown" Irregardless of "Their Age," "Gender," "Color," "Creed," "Emotional Tendencies," "Mentality," "Nationality," "Political Preference," "Socioeconomic Status," "Special Needs," or "Tribe!"

 And "I Thought," to myself, "How is It Possible for Leaders," Such as, "The President of The Russian Federation," or "Radical Militias," " Such as, "Hamas," and/or "Leaders of Oppressive Regimes," and "Dictators," and/or "Prime Ministers," or "Leaders of Religion," who "Violate," and "Abuse," and "Commit Inhumane Crimes Against Innocent Women," "Children," and "Men," who "Comprise The Heart," "Mind," "Intellect," "Cognitive Awareness," "Consciousness," "Spirit," and "Soul," of "The More than Eight Billion Citizens of The Sovereign Solar Community of Nations," "How is It Possible for These Leaders" to "Violate The Universal," and "Spiritual Tenets," and "Principles," of "The Treaties," "Declarations of Independence," "Constitutions," "Commandments," "Bill of Rights," "Bibles," and "Accords," that "Have Been Set in Stone for The Protection," and "In Defense of The Egalitarian Rights of All Humankind," and "Sentient Beings," and "The Environmental," and "Ecological Sphere's" of "This, The Third Planet from The Sun," "Our Sacred Home!" 

And "I Thought," that "These Negative," and "Evil Examples of Leadership," are "A Deeply Flawed Example," of "What Should Not Be," and of "What Should Not Be Allowed" to "Lead The Youth of The Earth," and/or "Allowed  to Destroy The Homes," "Towns," "Villages," and "Cities of Innocent People," and "Violate The Territorial Rights of A Sovereign Solar Nation," and "The Environmental Sphere's of The Earth," or "Have Final Say" in "What The Creation," and "Construction," and/or "Establishment," of "The Rules" and "Regulations," that "Govern The Myriad Poly Systems of The Sociological Sphere's" of  "The Sovereign Solar Community of United Nations" that "Have A Direct," or "Indirect Effect," Upon "Local," "City," "State," or "Federal Governments," and/or "The Private," and "Public Sectors," and "Houses of Worship," and/or "Any of The Parallel Universes" that "Provide Services "for "The Evolution," and "Growth," "Development," and "Survival," "Of The People," "By The People," and "For The People!" "All Eight Billion,"  "Women," "Children,"and "Men," (at Last Count) "Should Be!" 

And that "From This Day" and "Eventide Forward," "The Decisions Concerning The Lives," and "Daily Experiences Of The People," "Must Be Made by A New Egalitarian Sense of Being," and "Cognition," of "A Universal," and "Spiritual," "Awareness," and "Consciousness," "Intelligence," and "Code of Morality," that "Represents," "Governs," "Guides," and "Leads," at "The Behest of All" that is In The Best Interests Of The People!" 

And "As Each New Day," and "Eventide Emerges," and "Rises on The Rays of The Sun Each Morning," and "Gains Further Illumination by The Stars," and "Celestial Bodies," and "The Moon at Night," "A New Renaissance" and "Consciousness of Humanity," "Must Take Upon Itself The Solemn Responsibility," and "Oath," to "Vote for," "Exemplify," and "Epitomize," by "The Most Admirable," and "Selfless Character Traits," of "An Enlightened," and "Core Humanistic," and "Omniscient," and "Creative," "Passionate," and "Soulful," "Personification," and "Code of Ethics," of "The Highest Quality of Universal," and "Personal Values," of "A Bold," and "Inspiring," "Uplifting," and "Empathetic," "Innovative," and "Progressive Age of Egalitarian Principles," that are "In Full Support of" "The Rights Of, By, and For The Well Being" of "All The People!" 

And "Let Us Agree," that "This is The Moment in Time," "As We Experience New Violations of The Human Spirit," and "Militaristic Attacks Upon Civilized Sovereign Solar Nations," "Here in The Second Decade of The Twenty- First Century," for "A Magnificent Song Of Life to Be Sung in Peace," and "Unity," and "For A Grand Sinfonie Of The People" to "Share" in "Freedom," and "Justice," and "Liberty," and "In All Sincerity," within "An Earthrise Consciousness of Global Equilibre," "Equanimity," "Equality," and "In Belief," of "An Enheartening" and "Invigorating Future" of "Great Expectations," "Courageous Soul Strength," and "Prosperity," "For One and All!"
- "Global Cross Media News Universe, Insights, New Horizons, News Purview's, and Global Perspectives,"-
And, "An Earthwide Spectrum" of "Sociological," "Political," "Humanitarian," "Environmental," "Ecological," "Energy," "Informational," "Communication," "Philosophical," "Candid," "Straightforward," "Current," and "Contemporary," "Earthwide Affairs," and "Current Events," that "Coalesce," and "Merge" with "An Honest," "Omniscient," and "Omnipotent Spirit," and "Soul Force Of The People,"- And "One Wonders What Jesus Would Think about,"-

"As The Religious Holiday Celebrations Begin to Unfold Themselves" for "Muslims," "Jewish," and "Christians," to "Observe," and "Participate in," "Beginning with "Ramadan," "Passover," (Pesach), "Good Friday," and "Easter," "Whether It Be" from "A Sociological," or "Political Perspective" from "The Data Derived from The Annals and Records of History," "Bible Readings," and "Meetings in Mosques," "Family Gatherings," and "Word of Mouth," "One Wonders," What "Jesus of Nazareth," also Called "Jesus Christ," "The Messiah," and "The Son of Man," and "The Son of God," What "Would This Great Teacher," and "Prophet of God," "Think of The War," and "Strife," that "The Multi- Cultural Sociological, Rainbow Communities," "Tapestry," and "Fabric of The People Experience," and that "Surrounds" and "Has A Direct and/or Indirect Affect Upon The Eight Billion or More Citizens/People" of "The Sovereign Solar Community of United Nations," "Face Every Day of Their Lives!"

"What Would Jesus Think" about "The Fundamental/Everyday 24/7 Issues" Such as; (1) "Poverty," (2) "Racial Injustice," (3) "War," (4) "Corruption," (5) "The Lack of Economic Parity," (6) "Homelessness, (7) "Immigration," (8) "The Seemingly Religious Indifference," and "At Times The Actual Support of Individuals Convicted" of "Sex Abuses," and "Individuals Convicted of Fraud," and "Accused of Alleged Felony Violations" and, (9) "The Poly Systems" that "Regulate," and "Rule" over "The Lives of All The People," (10) "The Seemingly Two Tiered Justice System" that "Benefits The Rich" and Privileged" and, (11) "Gun Violence" and, (12) "The Education of The Youth of The Earth" and, (13) "The Evil Threat of Radical Militias" and, (14) "The Real Threat" that "Climate Warming Poses" to "All of Our Lives" and, (15) "The Inequality of Women's Rights!"

And "Specifically in Regards to Women," Why" aren't there "Any Women Cardinals," Bishops," or "Pope's," in "the The Roman Catholic Church!" "Does Anyone Seriously Believe" that "Jesus Did Not Teach Women in His Ministry" to "Care for Those who were In Need," and "Teach God's Gospel of Love," as "He Did with His Male Disciples!"

And "Here We are in The Twenty- First Century" and "Has Not History," or "Biblical Data," and "The Gospel's," Such as Those by, "Matthew," and "Luke," "Describe Mary was chosen by God to conceive Jesus through the Holy Spirit," and "Cared for Him," and "Loved Him," as "A Loving Mother," and as "Her Son," and "If God Chose Mary," "Why hasn't The Roman Catholic Church Chosen A Women to Be A Cardinal," "Bishop," or "Pope!"

And "According to Mark," "Mary Magdalene" (and Mary the Mother of James, and Salome)) were "The first to witness Jesus' empty tomb," (After His Burial) and "were told by a young man dressed in white that Jesus had risen from the dead and instructed them to tell the male disciples that he would meet them in Galilee."

Or "According to Matthew," "It was An Angel who told them Jesus had risen from the dead,"

"The Point" is "Mary was The first to witness Jesus's resurrection!"

And In The Gospel of Philip," It is Written that "Mary Magdalene appears as the companion of Jesus, loved by him more than all the other disciples."

And "Did Not John mention in His Gospel" that "Mary, with Jesus's Mother Mary, and Her Sister, Mary, Mother of Clopas," "Witness the Crucifixion!" Even Though, "The Threat of Being Arrested by Roman Soldiers Still Existed!" "They Lovingly," "Loyally," and "Bravely Stayed with Jesus until" "He Left His Human Body," and "Passed Away!" And "Were They Not Witnesses to His Burial!"

And from "Any Reasonable" or Justifiable Position" or "Purview," "It Would Make Sense" that "Women Deserve to Be," and "Should Be," "Equals in The Roman Catholic Church!" However, One Wonders, "What Would Jesus Think!"

And then, One Wonder's, "How Would The Sermon on The Mount Address," "All of The Fundamental Issues" that "Cause Great Mental," and "Physical Effort," to "Resolve!" In Addition" to "The Myriad Number" of "Manifold Twenty- First Century Challenges" to "The Civil," and "Human Rights of All The People!"

"Would Jesus Preach" "Turn The Other Cheek" to "The Invasion," and "Crimes Against The People of Ukraine," and "The Unlawful Advance of The Russian Federation Forces," as "They Continue" to "Violate The Territorial Rights" of "The Sovereign Solar Nation of Ukraine!" What Would This Man of Peace Say, or Do!" Would He Be "A Human Rights," and/or "A Civil Rights Activist" and/or "Advocate!"

"History," and "All of The Sacred Books," "Scriptures," and "Texts" of "Christianity" have
"Told Us" that "Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners." And "Everyone also Knows" that "Jesus Loves Children!" In Matthew 19:14 Jesus said, "Let the little children come to me and do not hinder them, for to such belongs the kingdom of heaven." "However "One Wonders," "What Jesus Would Say or Do" about "Human Trafficking," or "Slavery," and/or "Mass Shootings/Gun Violence" that "Have Caused The Deaths of Too Many Children Across The Nation," and "What Would He Think" about "The National Rifle Association" (NRA)! And, "Would Jesus Support Universal Background Checks!"

And "History," and "In Matthew 21:12-17: "Jesus entered the temple courts and drove out all who were buying and selling there." It is written he said to them, "My house will be called a house of prayer,' but you are making it 'a den of robbers."
And "One Wonders," "What Would Jesus Say," or "Do," about "The Religious Right" who "Support Political Candidates" and "Nominees," who "Do Not Behave," or "Conduct Themselves in Accordance to The Scriptures," and "Have Promulgated The Big Lie in The United States," and "Derided Migrants who've Sought A Safe Haven in The U.S." for "Their Families" and "Love Ones," and "Who've Supported False Rhetoric," Instead of "The Truth," to "Win Elections!" And, In Doing so, "Undermining The American Democracy," and "The Values," and "Code of Ethics" that "Americans Hold Dearest in Their Lives," that "Represent The Laws of The Land," and "The United States Constitution!"

And "What Would Christ Jesus Say," or "Do" about "Those Autocrats" who are "Leaders of Sovereign Solar Nations" who "Have Used Immigrants" as "A Negative Campaign Issue," to "Manipulate the Minds of Their Citizens," and "Gain Their Support" to "Win Elections," and "Remain in Absolute Power!"

"The Twenty- First Century Poses A Myriad Number of Complex Issues," and "The One's We've Spoken of" are "Just A Few of The Serious Concerns" that "Leaders in All Fields of Life (Private and Public)," and "Religions," and "Elected Officials," are "Confronted with," and/or "Challenged by!" And "Climate Warming Would Be At The Top of This List!"

"What Would Christ Jesus Say or Do,"about,"-
-(Have An Uplifting Religious and Spiritual Holiday," and "Days and Eventide's" of "Experiencing The Fulfillment of Universal Consciousness" and "Awareness!" 
And "Let's Agree," that "It's Time for There to Be Peace on Earth!")-
-  "Global Cross Media News Universe, Insights, New Horizons, News Purview's, and Global Perspectives"-

And, "An Earthwide Spectrum" of "Sociological," "Political," "Humanitarian," "Environmental," "Ecological," "Energy," "Informational," "Communication," "Philosophical," "Candid," "Straightforward," "Current," and "Contemporary," "Earthwide Affairs," and "Current Events," that "Coalesce," and "Merge" with "An Honest," "Omniscient," and "Omnipotent Spirit," and "Soul Force Of The People,"-

- And "A Synergy of Justice," and "The Magnificent Symbol of Lady Justice," and "The Moral and Ethical Implementation of Law and Order, and "The Universal Axiom of Principles and Rights," that "Bears Out The Truth" that "No One is Above The Law," Which is "An Essential Core Principle of The United States Constitution,"- Extra Noteworthy News- "The Legal Process," versus "Justice," and "A Twenty- First Century Age" of "Legal Egalitarianism,"- 

"Obtaining Justice in A Court of Law (Especially in The Supreme Court of The United States) has "Become Embroiled in Legal Processes" that Much Too Often, "Give The Appearance," (Whether True or Not) on "Being Influenced" by, (I) "Partisan Politics," (II) "Political Favoritism" that "Caters to The Elite," (III) "A Political Ideology," (IV) "A Government Position," (V) "An Academic Institution," (VI) "Oligarchy," (VII) "Celebrity," (VIII) "Class Distinction," or, (IX) "Any Number of The Poly Systems," that "Has had A Direct Influence," "Impact," "Impression," and/or "Control Over," and/or "Upon The Sociological Sphere's of Humanity," Including "Religion!"
"But, Let's Be Absolutely Clear," that "These Legal Processes" Much Too Often, "Do Not Reflect," or "Constitute Being Justice in The Eyes of The Law!" "Or, Within The Actual Time/Space Reality" of "The Earthwide Social Media!" 

For Example; "Seeing The Murder of George Floyd by A Police Officer" in Minneapolis, Minnesota, "In Real Time," as "It was Being Filmed," on The Twenty- Fifth of May 2020," and "Displayed for The Entire Earths Populace to Witness," via "The Global Social Media on The Internet," "Still had to Go Through The Legal Process until A Judgement," and "Conviction was Reached!"

"However, There have Been Occasions When Such Actual Time/Space Acts of Violence," or "Evidence," that was "Attained via On-Air Interviews," or "Speeches," and/or "Interviews," "Recorded" by "News Women," and "Men" who are "Journalists of "The Fourth Estate," or of "The Global Cross Media News Spheres," have "Been Judged to Be Innocent," "Because of Circumstances" that "Suggested of," or "Gave The Appearance of," or that "Begs of The Practice of Favoritism!"

And then, "There are Appeals" that "Can Drag on," and "Delay The Final Ruling," "Decision," or "Judgement," from "Being Made for What Seemingly Feels Like An Undetermined Period of Time," and "Especially If One has The Finances to Pay for One Appeal after Another!" 
And "Even Though Clear," "Precise," and "Well- Defined Evidence has Been Presented," and "Displayed over and over Again for The Public," and "Most Any Other Intelligent Person" to "Deduce" and "Conclude!"

"For Egalitarian," and "Democratic Civilizations of The Sovereign Solar Nations of The Twentieth Century" to "Exist in," and "Evolve in," "A System of Law," that "Ensures that Each and Every Citizen" is "Provided with Equal Rights under The Law," and is "A System of Law" that "Truly Represents "The Government Of The People, By The People, and For The People," Irregardless of "Age," "Color," "Creed," "Gender," "Mental Disability," "Nationality," "Physical Disability," "Political Preference," "Race," "Sociological Status," "Special Needs," "Transgender," or "Tribe!"
"A System of Law," that "Must Demand A High Level of Excellence," "Conscience," "Morality," and "Integrity!" And "A Code of Honor," that "Is Indisputable Among Its Law and Order Officials," and "Ensuring Equality Under The Law," and "Equality in The Eyes of The Law," and that is "Truly Legal Egalitarianism!" 
And "No One Person is Above The Law!" And "No Institution," and/or "Government Official is Above The Law!"

And "Each Nations Judiciary," "Departments of Justice," "Armed Forces," "Police Departments," and "Law and Order Officials," "Must Defend," and "Protect The Principles of The Law," and "Its Citizens," "For The Sake of All" that "Is True and Just" Among "The Sociological Sphere's of Humanity," and "For The Sake of The Youth of The Earth," and "Their Future," and "For A New Era" of "Great Expectations," and "Renaissance of Humanity to Take Place," and "Become A Magnificent Reality!" "One of Grand Purpose," "Enlightenment," "Justice," "Legal Egalitarianism," 'Peace," and "Well Being," "For One and All!"
 - "Global Cross Media News Universe, Insights, New Horizons, News Purview's, and Global Perspectives"- "All of The Legal Challenges that Former President Donald John Trump is Facing" "Should Be Decided Upon," ("Innocent or Guilty,") "Before The Republican Convention,"-

To Date, "The Former President has Been Charged in Four Separate Criminal Cases," and "Has also Been Charged with Ninety- One Criminal Counts," to "Which He has Plead Not Guilty!"

And also "Has Been Convicted of Sexual Abuse" in "The E. Jean Carroll Case" and "Ordered to Pay Her $Five Million Dollars," and "Another $83 Million Dollars In A Defamation Case Won by E. Jean Carroll in January 2024!"
And "Mr. Trump was also Found Guilty" by "Judge Arthur F. Engoron," Justice of the New York State Supreme Court from the First Judicial District, in February of 2024 "For Lying about His Wealth in A Civil Fraud Case Filed by New York Attorney General Letitia Ann James," and "Ordered to Pay $355 Million Dollars in Penalties," ("Which is Now $454 Million Dollars Including Interest," "Because Mr. Trump is Unable to Obtain A Bond Required" to "Post Collateral Needed to Cover 120% of The Judgement") and "Has Placed The Trump Organization under the Supervision" of "An Independent Monitor for at Least Three Years!" And "These are Just A Few of The Legal Cases" that The Ex-President has had to Face!" And "There is More to Come!"

- (Note that, Global Cross Media News Reports are "Mr. Trump's Attorney's have said," "Underwriters are Unwilling to Issue A Bond of This Size" without "Cash," or "Cash Equivalents," Such as, "Stocks," or "Bonds!")-

- Extra Noteworthy News- "Update on Donald John Trump's Criminal Fraud Case in NY on The Twenty- Fifth of March 2024!"-

"Headlines of The Fourth Estate," and "Breaking News Spotlights of The Global Cross Media News Sphere's have Reported" that March 25, 2024 "Judge Juan Manuel Merchan" (Currently Serving as An Acting Justice of the New York State Supreme Court in New York County- Manhattan) "Will Preside over A Trial" in Which "Donald John Trump is Accused of Disguising Payments to A Porn Star (Stormy Daniels)!"

"Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Leonard Bragg Jr. was The First to Secure An Indictment Against Mr. Trump on Thirty- Four Counts" on "Charges Mr. Trump Falsified Business Records" to "Cover Up Payments to Women."

-(Note that, "This Will Be The First Ever Criminal Trial of A Former President!" And "Jury Selection Begins on The Twenty- Fifth of March 2024!")-

"Judge Merchan" said, "He was taking advantage of the delay in the federal election case to move ahead with the hush-money trial."
After Resisting Defense Requests for A Delay, "Judge Merchan" also said, "I'm glad I took that position because we are --- the D.C. case did not go forward."

-(Note that, "The Maximum Sentence for Each Felony Account" Would Be "Four Years in Prison!" However, "First Time Offenders Usually Get Shorter Sentences," or "Probation," "If Convicted!"
"Mr. Trump has Pleaded Not Guilty!")-

-Extra Noteworthy News- "The March 25th Update on Donald John Trump's Criminal Fraud Case in NY!"-

Friday, The Fifteenth of March 2024, "Headlines of The Fourth Estate," and "Breaking News Spotlights of The Global Cross Media News Sphere's Reported" that "Judge Juan Manuel Merchan has Agreed to Delay His March 25th Date for Starting The Criminal Fraud Trial of Donald Trump for Thirty Days," and "Scheduled A Hearing for The Twenty-Fifth of March" after "The Attorney's for Mr. Trump Complained of Not Having Enough Time to Prepare for His Defense," Because "They Have Recently Begun Receiving More than One Hundred Thousand Pages of Documents" from "A Previous Federal Investigation into The Matter!"

- (Note that, "This Trial is Now Scheduled to Begin No Earlier than The Fifteenth of April, 2024!"

"Mr. Trump has Argued," Unsuccessfully so far, " that "The Case has no basis in law, or fact, and should be dismissed."

"Prosecutors" have said, "They Would Not Object to A Short Delay!" "Mr. Trump's Attorney's have Requested A Three Month Delay," as Well as, "Asking for This Case to Be Completely Thrown Out!"

-Extra Noteworthy News-

Global Cross Media News Reports are Monday, The Eighteenth of March 2024, "Judge Merchan has Denied A Motion from The Attorney's of Donald John Trump to Prevent," "Michael Dean Cohen," (Donald Trump's Former Attorney from 2006 to 2018), and "Stormy Daniels," (An American Pornographic Film Actress, Director, and Former Stripper), and "Former Playboy Model Karen McDougal," (Who Alleged that She had An Affair with Mr.Trump") from "Testifying at Mr. Trump's Criminal Fraud (Hush Money) Trial!"

"Judge Merchan also Agreed" to "Allow Testimony about Mr. Trump's Access Hollywood Tape!"
And "Denied A Bid to Block Stormy Daniels (Stephanie A. Gregory Clifford) from Testifying" about "The Hush Money Payment of $130,000 Dollars" (A Non-Disclosure Agreement/NDA) that "She Received from Mr. Cohen in 2016," "Made by Mr. Trump's Attorneys!"

-(Flashback)- "In 2018, Michael Cohen Plead Guilty to Eight Criminal Charges," One Count of Which was; "making an excessive campaign contribution at the request of a candidate (Trump) for the "principal purpose of influencing (the) election."

"This Hush Money Payment to Stormy Daniels was Made by Michael Cohen in October of 2016," "When Mr. Trump was The Republican Nominee Campaigning" against "Former First Lady," and "Former U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Diane Rodham Clinton, The Democratic Nominee," in "The 2016 Presidential Election," and "Just Shortly Before Election Day," to "Silence Stormy Daniels about An Affair She Alleged to have had with Mr. Trump in 2006!"
"Mr. Trump has Denied The Affair," and "Accused Stormy Daniels of Lying!"
-Extra Noteworthy News- "Judge Juan Manuel Merchan Rejects Delay of Donald John Trump's Criminal (Hush Money) Trial,"-

"Headlines of The Fourth Estate," and "Breaking News Spotlights of The Global Cross Media News Sphere's Reported" that "Monday, The Twenty- Fifth of March 2024, "After Hearing Arguments from The Attorneys of Donald Trump Requesting A Delay in Mr. Trump's Criminal Fraud (Hush Money) Trial," and "Prosecutors from "Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Leonard Bragg Jr.'s Office," "Judge Juan Manuel Merchan," who is "Overseeing This Criminal Case Against Mr. Trump," "Rejected The Request for A Delay by The Attorney's of Mr. Trump," and "Set A date for The Trial on The Fifteenth of April 2024!"

"Judge Merchan" said, "Prosecutors went so far above and beyond what they were required to do that really it's odd that we're even here talking at this time."  

-(Note that, "The Hearing Settled The Dispute Made by The Attorney's for Mr. Trump," that "They Needed More Time to Go over The Late Production of the Approximately One Hundred Thousand Documents that were Given to The Manhattan District Attorney's Office" by "Federal Prosecutors Earlier This Month!"

"They Unsuccessfully Argued" that, "The Proceedings should be delayed even further or outright dismissed." And "They went so far as to Accuse the Attorney General's office of "widespread misconduct" for "failing to obtain and hand over the documents earlier."

"Prosecutors Argued that "They were under no obligations to obtain the records," .... And "only a few number were relevant to the New York case.")-

"Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Leonard Bragg Jr. is The First to Secure An Indictment Against Mr. Trump on Thirty- Four Counts" on "Charges Mr. Trump Falsified Business Records" to "Cover Up Payments to Women."

And "This Will Be The First Ever Criminal Trial of A Former President!"

And "Take Special Note that, "The Maximum Sentence for Each Felony Account" Would Be "Four Years in Prison!" However, "First Time Offenders Usually Get Shorter Sentences," or "Probation," "If Convicted!" "Mr. Trump has Pleaded Not Guilty!" And has "Argued," that "The Case has no basis in law, or fact, and should be dismissed."

 -Extra Noteworthy News- "New Gag Order Imposed on Donald John Trump,"-

- "Headlines of The Fourth Estate," and "Breaking News Spotlights of The Global Cross Media News Sphere's Reported" that Tuesday, The Twenty- Sixth of March 2024, "Judge Juan Manuel Merchan has Imposed A Gag Order on Donald John Trump!" "Barring Mr. Trump from "Making Public Statements about Witnesses, Prosecutors, Court Staff, and Jurors, in His Criminal Fraud (Hush Money) Trial!" 

"Judge Merchan" said, "It is without question that the imminency of the risk of harm is now paramount." 
"The Gag Order Prohibits Mr. Trump from Attacking Key Figures in This Case," Such as, "Michael Cohen, The Former Attorney of Mr. Trump from 2006 to 2018," and "Stormy Daniels," (An American Pornographic Film Actress, Director, and Former Stripper)! 

"However, The Gag Order Does Not Prevent Mr. Trump from Making Comments about Manhattan Attorney General Alvin Bragg," or "Judge Merchan!" 

"Prosecutors Requested This Gag Order Citing What They Called" Mr. Trump's "Long History of making public and inflammatory remarks" about people involved in his legal cases.

-"Global Cross Media News Universe, Insights, New Horizons, News Purview's, and Global Perspectives"- "All of The Legal Challenges that Former President Donald John Trump is Facing" "Should Be Decided Upon," ("Innocent or Guilty,") "Before The Republican Convention,"-
"Let Us Agree" that, "Its Time for Mr. Trump to Be Judged Innocent" or "Guilty" in "A Court of Law!" "For This is His Right as An American Citizen," and also "From A Point of Deep and Sincere Legal Contention," for "The American People to See," and "Hear," "The Decisions," "Rulings," "Opinions," and "Results of," from "A Legal Standpoint," and "View," within "The Hallowed Courts of The Judiciary," and "The Supreme Court of The United States Whenever It is Deemed to Be Necessary," or "A Final Appeal is Needed to Be Judged!"

And "Let Us All Agree" that "This is An Irrefutable Point to Make," "Because This is What Makes The United States of America A Great Sovereign Solar Democratic Nation" that "Is Respected" and "Admired, " "Earthwide!"

And "It Simply Does Not Make Any Sense for Anyone" who "Seeks to Attain The Highest Office in America," to "Not Be Judged Innocent or Guilty," for "His" or "Her Alleged Criminal Acts," "Before The American People Cast Their Votes," "Especially so, "As In A National Election!"

And "The American Judiciary Must Uphold The Laws of The Land," and "The Rule of Law," and "The Constitutional Rights of Every Citizen," and "Ensuring that The Judiciary Will Be A Fair and Just Arbiter of The Law," and "Fulfill The Promise" that "Every American Will Receive Equal Justice under The Law!" And that "They Will Continue to Function as "Guardians," and "True Interpreters of The Law," and "The United States Constitution!"
"For These are The High Principles that America was Founded Upon!" And "No One is Above The Law!"
And "Before Any Debate is Entertained," "Legal Judgments Must Be Made True or False," and "Justice Must Be Served," "Innocent or Guilty!"
-Extra Noteworthy News- "Appellate Court Reduces The $464 Million Dollar Bond that Donald John Trump was Ordered to Pay by Judge Arthur F. Engeron" (Including Interest) to "$175 Million Dollars," and "Gives Ex- President Trump Ten Extra Days to Post It,"- "the Question is Why,"-"The Appellate Court Reduces The $464 Million Dollar Bond to $175 Million Dollars," and "Gives Ex- President Trump Ten Extra Days to Post It,"- "The Question is Why,"-

Monday, The Twenty- Fifth of March 2024, "Headlines of The Fourth Estate," and "Breaking News Spotlights of The Global Cross Media News Sphere's Reported" that "A New State Appeals Court Granted Donald John Trump Ten Additional Days" to "Post A Reduced Bond of $175 Million Dollars," as "He Appeals the Civil Fraud Judgement Against Him!"

"This Appellate Court Decision Will Prevent New York Attorney General Letitia Anne James from Seizing Mr. Trump's Property" to "Enforce Judge Engeron's Judgement Against Him!" 
And "Assuming that The Former President Can Post The Bond in Ten Day's," "The Attorney General Will Not Be Able to Seek Enforcement of The Judgement until at Least September 2024!"

And "The Appellate Decision" also "Stayed The Enforcement of Several Penalties Against Mr. Trump," that Include, (I) "Both He and His Sons Can Still Run a Business in New York," and "Obtain Loans from New York Financial Institutions for The Moment" and, (II) "Blocked The Penalties in The Judgement!"

However, "The Appointment of A Compliance Director" to "Oversee Trump Organization Business Operations" by Judge Engeron, "Will Remain in Place!" 

-(Note that, "The Bond was Reduced from The $464 Million Dollars, plus Interest," that "Mr. Trump had Been Ordered to Pay by Judge Arthur F. Engeron, (Who Presided over The $370 Million Dollar New York Civil Investigation of the Trump Organization) on The Twenty- Fifth of March 2024," after "Judge Engeron Found Mr. Trump," and "His Co-Defendants," "Fraudulently Inflated The Value of His Assets!")-

- "Global Cross Media News Universe, Insights, New Horizons, News Purview's, and Global Perspectives"-
And, "An Earthwide Spectrum" of "Sociological," "Political," "Humanitarian," "Environmental," "Ecological," "Energy," "Informational," "Communication," "Philosophical," "Candid," "Straightforward," "Current," and "Contemporary," "Earthwide Affairs," and "Current Events," that "Coalesce," and "Merge" with "An Honest," "Omniscient," and "Omnipotent Spirit," and "Soul Force Of The People,"- Extra Noteworthy News- "The 2024 Presumptive Democratic Nominee" has "Been Overwhelming Chosen"-

"Headlines of The Fourth Estate," and "Breaking News Spotlights of The Global Cross Media News Sphere's Reported" that Tuesday, March 19, 2024, "President Joseph Robinette Biden Jr. Won All of The 2024 Presidential Primaries;
(I) "In Arizona," "President Biden Received Eighty- Nine Percent of The Vote,"and "Seventy- Two Pledged Delegates,"-

(II) "In Florida," "President Biden Received All Two Hundred and "Twenty- Four Pledged Delegates,"-

(III) "In Illinois," "President Biden Received Ninety- One Percent of The Vote," and "One Hundred and Forty- Seven Pledged Delegates,"-

(IV) "In Kansas," "President Biden Received Eighty- Four Percent of The Vote," and "Thirty- Three Pledged Delegates,"-

(V) "In Ohio," "President Biden Received Eighty- Seven Percent of The Vote," and "One Hundred and Twenty Pledged Delegates,"-

-(Note that, "Only President Biden is Left Out of All of The Democrats who were Actively Campaigning in The 2024 Democratic Primaries)!" And "The President," and "Mr. Trump," have "Already Clinched The Democratic," and "Republican Nominations," and are "Headed for A Rematch," "Unless The Ex- President's Legal Problems Become A Major Factor in the Way of This Occurring!"

However The Primary Race Continues until The End!" And then "It Will Be Time for Both The Democrat," and "Republican Convention Extravaganas!"

"President Joseph Robinette Biden Jr. has Become The Presumptive Nominee for The Democratic Party" with 2, 491 Pledged Delegates" (At Last Count)! "All The President Needed is 1,968" to "Win The Democratic Re-Nomination for President!"
 - "Global Cross Media News Universe, Insights, New Horizons, News Purview's, and Global Perspectives"-
And, "An Earthwide Spectrum" of "Sociological," "Political," "Humanitarian," "Environmental," "Ecological," "Energy," "Informational," "Communication," "Philosophical," "Candid," "Straightforward," "Current," and "Contemporary," "Earthwide Affairs," and "Current Events," that "Coalesce," and "Merge" with "An Honest," "Omniscient," and "Omnipotent Spirit," and "Soul Force Of The People,"- Extra Noteworthy News- "The 2024 Nineteenth of March Republican Primary Results"- "The Presumptive 2024 Republican Nominee has Been Chosen"-

"Headlines of The Fourth Estate," and "Breaking News Spotlights of The Global Cross Media News Sphere's Reported" that, Tuesday, The Nineteenth of March 2024, "Former President Donald John Trump Won The 2024 (I) "Arizona," "(II) "Kansas," (III) "Ohio," (IV) "Florida" and, (V) "Illinois," "Presidential Primaries," (Of Course He is The Only Republican who is Left Actively Campaigning in This 2024 Primary Season)!

"However, It Must Be Noted" that, "The Opposition Vote Against the Ex-President is Significant," "Even Though No One" is "Actively Campaigning Against Him!"

"In Arizona "Nimarata Nikki Haley," (who Decided to Suspend Her Campaign) "Received Nineteen Percent" to "Donald John Trump's Seventy- Eight Percent,"

And "In Kansas, "Nimarata Nikki Haley," (who Decided to Suspend Her Campaign) "Received Sixteen Percent" to "Donald John Trump's Seventy- Six Percent,"-

And "In Ohio, "Nimarata Nikki Haley," (who Decided to Suspend Her Campaign) "Received Fourteen Percent" to "Donald John Trump's Seventy- Nine Percent,"-

And "In Florida, "Nimarata Nikki Haley," (who Decided to Suspend Her Campaign) "Received Fourteen Percent" to "Donald John Trump's Eighty- One Percent,"-

And "In Illinois, "Nimarata Nikki Haley," (who Decided to Suspend Her Campaign) "Received Fourteen Percent to Donald John Trump's Eighty- One Percent,"-

"The Point is," Even If you are "Not A Mathematician," If The Democrats Vote, "Lets say," on "An Average of Eighty Percent or More" (As Should Be Expected with A Formidable Voter Turnout) "President Biden Will Be Re-Elected!" And "The Ex-President Will have to Return to Being A Businessman!"

At Present, "The Ex- President has 1, 639 Pledged Delegates," (at Last Count) as of Thursday, The Twenty- First of March 2024, "Making Him The 2024 Presumptive Nominee for The Republican Party!" All The Former President Needed was 1, 215 Pledged Delegates to Become The Presumptive Nominee!"

-"Global Cross Media News Universe, Insights, New Horizons, News Purview's, and Global Perspectives"- "All of The Legal Challenges that Former President Donald John Trump is Facing" "Should Be Decided Upon," ("Innocent or Guilty,") "Before The Republican Convention,"-
- "Global Cross Media News Universe, Insights, New Horizons, News Purview's, and Global Perspectives"- And, "A New Age" of "Earthwide Sociological," "Political," "Humanitarian," "Environmental," "Ecological," "Energy," "Informational," "Communication," "Philosophical," "Candid," "Straightforward," "Current," and "Contemporary," "Earthwide Affairs," and "Events," that "Coalesce," and "Merge" with "An Honest," "Omniscient," and "Omnipotent Spirit," and "Soul Force Of The People,"-

As The Sun Set's O'er The Sovereign Solar Community of United Nations, "The Question" of "For Just How Long Can The Ravages," "Brutality," and "Negative Effects of War Be Contained," and/or "Neutralized," without "Dire Consequences Taking Place!" "Two Years!" "Three Years!" "Four Years!" "Five Years!" "Or More!" .... "When Millions of People" have "Been Forced to Flee from Their Homes" by Vicious Bombing Attacks!"
And "When The Lives of Innocent Children," "Women," and "Men," are "Being Killed Unmercifully!" Or "Kidnapped," and "Taken Hostage!" And "Forcibly Imprisoned," and "Incarcerated," under "Uncertain Circumstances," and "In Fear of Being Raped," or "Killed!"

And "When Sovereign Solar Nations" are "Being Threatened," "Whether It Be in Eastern Europe," and/or "The Middle East," with "The Spread of War!"

"Let Us Agree" that "Sanctions Must Be Increased to The Degree" that "The Evil Perpetrators" who have "Unlawfully Invaded The Territories," and "Lands of Sovereign Solar Nations," "Feel The Same Level of Pain," and "Frustration" that "Innocent Victims are Enduring Day after Day," and "Eventide after Eventide" in "Their Homes," and "Towns," and "Villages," and "Cities," "without Pause!"

And that,"These Warmongers" are "Forced to Feel," and "Experience to A Very High Degree The Costs of War," and "The Inhumane Conditions," that "The Innocent Victims of War" are "Forced to Live with Everyday" and "Evening!"

"They Must Be Made to Feel The Serious Consequences," and "Economic Malaise," that "Innocent Victims of War" are "Being Forced to Experience!'

"They Must Be Forced to Experience The Lack of Hospitalization," and "Medical Care," and "Food," "Comfort," and "Safety," that "The Victims of War" are "Being Forced to Experience!"

And "They Must Be Forced to Experience The Same Level" and "Degree," of "Fear for Their Lives," and "Livelihood," and "Separation of Their Families," and "Hopelessness," that "Innocent Victims of War Experience," and "Feel Everyday and Eventide," "Never Knowing Whether or Not The Next Bomb that Falls" "Will Bring An End to Their Lives," or to "The Life of One of Their Love One's!"

"They Must Be Forced to Experience The Tears of Their Children," and "The Fears of Their Children" who are Forced to Exist under The Most Severest Conditions Imaginable!"

And "They Must Be Forced to Experience Personally," and "In Direct Contact with The Lives of Those whom They Hold Dearest in Their Lives," "The Hell on Earth" that "They have Caused by Their Barbaric," "Malevolent," and "Vicious Acts of War," Just as "The Innocent Women," "Children," and "Men," who are "Under Attack," are "Being Forced to Endure without Mercy!"

"The Question Remains," "For Just How Long Can The Ravages," "Brutality," and "Negative Effects of War Be Contained" and/or "Neutralized," without "Dire Consequences Taking Place!" "Two Years!" "Three Years!" "Four Years!" "Five Years!" "Or More!" .... "Whatever The Answer is," "The Perpetrators," "The Malevolent Warmongers," "Who have Caused War," "Death," and "Destruction," to "The Lives of Millions of Innocent People/Citizens" of "Sovereign Solar Nations," "Must Pay The Price for Their Actions," and "This is For Certain!" "For Justice Must Prevail," For Today's Present Generation," and "For Future Generations to Live in Peace," and "Unity," in "An Age of Great Promise," and "The Universal Renaissance of Humanity," within "A New Era of Egalitarian Rights For One and All!" 
-Extra Noteworthy News in "Deep Exasperation," and "Frustration,"-

Friday, The Twenty- Second of March 2024, "Headlines of The Fourth Estate," and "Breaking News Spotlights of The Global Cross Media News Sphere's have Reported" that "The Russian Federation," and "The People's Republic of China," have "Vetoed A United States of America Immediate Ceasefire Resolution in Gaza" that "Would also Be a Part" of "Hostage Deal!"

"More than Thirty Thousand Innocent Palestinians have Died During The Course of This Five Month War," that "Was Caused by Hamas' Cowardly Sneak Attack on The Sovereign State of Israel, on The Seventh of October 2023," and that "Caused The Deaths of One Thousand Two Hundred Innocent Israelis and Foreigners!" And Two Hundred and Fifty Innocent Women," "Men," and "Children" were "Forced into Captivity as Hostages!"
And "Where Now A Horrendous Humanitarian Crisis is Presently Causing More Deaths," and "Severe Illness," and "Extreme Distress," "Frustration, and "A Feeling of Hopelessness!"

"Have The Leaders of The People's Republic of China," and "The Russian Federation," "No Shame!"

And "The Leaders of Israel" and "Hamas," "Must Come to A Ceasefire Agreement Before Any More Innocent Lives have Been Lost!"

"Too Many Tears of Love" have "Been Shed For Innocent Lives," and "Love One's," who "Have Died Because of The Inability of These Leaders" to "Care for The Lives of Their Fellow Human Being," and "The Inability of These Leaders to Agree" to "Negotiate A Two State Solution to Solve The Issues," and "Differences of Opinion," that "Has Caused War," and "Death," and that "Has Hazarded," "Jeopardized," and "Endangered The Lives of The Youth," who were "Born to Endure Expectations" that "Their Futures are to Be Marred" by "More War," "Death," and "Destruction!" And "This is A Cruel Fate for Anyone to Face," Irregardless of "Age!"
 - United Interdependent Global Activists- The Way To Peace! #456 (Revisited and Revised)- Extra Noteworthy News- "The Sovereign Solar Community of United Nations" are "Becoming Deeply Concerned" with "The Humanitarian Crisis in Gaza," and "Palestine in General!"- And "The Observance and Celebration" of "Ramadan," (A Most Sacred Time for Muslims) "Would Be A Perfect Moment to Pause The Fighting" between "The Sovereign Solar Nation of Israel" and "Hamas!"-
And "An Exchange of Hostages in Good Faith, " and "Care for Those who are In Need of Medical Assistance in Good Faith," and "Providing Nourishment" for "The Many who are Without Proper Food and Drink," Would Be A Good Faith Gesture" that "Can Save Innocent Lives!"-

"This War has Caused The Deaths of More than 30,000 Innocent People in Gaza," and According to Palestinian Health Officials, "Two- Thirds of Them" are "Innocent Women," and "Children!"
And "Just as Tragically The Deaths of More that 1,200 Israelis and Foreigners,"
And "More than Two Hundred and Forty Innocent People were Taken Hostage," by "Hamas!"

However, "This is A War" that "Hamas Must Ultimately Receive The Blame for,"
But "It is also Prime Minister Benjamin "Bibi" Netanyahu who Must also Bear The Responsibility" for "Planning The Strategy," and "The Execution of The Military Retaliation," and "Incursion into Gaza," and "Palestine," "Against Hamas and Its Leaders," that "Has Forced Millions of Palestinians to Flee from Their Homes," and "The Rising Death Tolls!"
And "The Call for A Truce" and "Fruitful Negotiations," (Monitored by The UN and/or "Another Agreed to Third Party) "Must Be Adhered to" by "Both Israel" and "Hamas!" And "Fully," and "Non-Violently Implemented!"

-Extra Noteworthy News-

"Headlines of The Fourth Estate," and "Breaking News Spotlights of The Global Cross Media News Sphere's Reported" on Monday, The Twenty-Fifth of March 2024, "Israel Prime Minister" Benjamin  "Bibi" Netanyahu Canceled A Scheduled Diplomatic Trip to The United States by Two of His Top Advisors!" "In Reaction to" The U.S. Abstention in A United Nations Security Council Vote" on Monday, The Twenty- Fifth of March 2024, "Which Allowed The UN Security Council to Pass A Resolution Calling" for "An Immediate Ceasefire in Gaza!" 

-(Note that, "The United States of America had "Vetoed Two Previous United Nation's Ceasefire Resolutions in Gaza!" However, "The Humanitarian Crisis that Exists in Gaza" is "A Serious Concern" that "No Sovereign Nation Can Ignore!"

"United Nations Secretary General Antonio Manuel de Oliveira Guterres said via X (Twitter), "The Security Council has just approved a long-awaited resolution on Gaza, demanding an immediate ceasefire, and the immediate and unconditional release of all hostages. This resolution must be implemented. Failure would be unforgivable.")-  

And "Yes, Immediate Steps Must Be Taken" to "Alleviate The Crises that Presently Exists in Gaza," "Due to The Continued Engagement of The War Between Hamas," and "The Sovereign Solar Nation of Israel!" And "All of The Sovereign Solar Nations Must Be in Support of An Extended Truce" and "Ceasefire," and "An End of Hostilities All Throughout The Middle East Region!" "For War and Terrorism" is "Not The Way to Resolve The Differences" that "Have Existed in This Region for Decades!" And by Now, "Anyone who Takes Pride in Being Sensible," "Reasonable," and "Universally Aware," "Should Be Aware of This!"

And "Prime Minister Netanyahu Needs to Step Back from His Mission to Destroy Hamas" to "Gain A New," "Prescient," and "Clearer Perception" of "What Needs to Be Addressed in Light of The Total Death," and "Destruction" that "Has Caused The Deaths of Tens of Thousands of Innocent Lives," Before "Continuing The Authorization of Israels Military Offensive!" 

And "Hamas Must Re-Consider Their Actions," and "Do Their Part" to "Release The Hostages that They are Still Holding Prisoners," and "Bring An End to The Hostilities," that have "Led to The Deaths of More than Thirty Thousand Innocent Palestinian Lives," ("Innocent Women," "Children," and "Men,")! 
And "They Must Accept that "There is Nothing More to Gain from Their Acts of Terrorism," "Other than More Deaths," and "More Deaths and Destruction!" 
And "If It is Truly A Two State Solution" that "They are Seeking" then "Diplomatic Efforts is The Hard," "But In The End," "A Glorious Path to Take!" "For The Sake of The Youth of Palestine," and "The Youth of Israel as well!" 

And "This is Not The Time for Hubris" or "Revenge," "This Must Be The Time for Peace," and "Unification" that "Can Be Negotiated" and "Agreed to Solemnly," "Humbly," and "With Great Integrity," "In Perpetuity!" 
- "Global Cross Media and Nationwide News" from "The Washington D.C. Eye" on "The Advance Figure for Seasonally Adjusted Initial Unemployment Insurance Claims for The Week Ending The Twenty- Third of March 2024," And "Take Special Note" that, "These Weekly Jobless Claims Consistently Continue to Remain at Historically Low Levels"-

And "In The Spirit of Providing Fair and Good Prices," and "Service," "For The American Consumer" who "Has Weathered Difficult Economic," and "Financial Storms," "During The CoronaVirus Pandemic," "It is Time" for "Big Business," and "All of The Major Brands in The United States," to "Lower Their Prices in Alignment with the Low Annual Inflation Rates," and In Doing so, "Provide Financial Relief for America," and "Help Bring about A Stronger Decline in Retail Sales," as "America Continues to Recover from The Financial Challenges It has Faced!" "There is Enough Profit for Everyone to Share without Gouging The Prices,"-

And "With Headlines of The Fourth Estate," and "The Breaking News Spotlights of The Global Cross Media News Sphere's Reporting" on Tuesday, The Twelfth of March 2024, that "According to The U.S. Labor Department Data," "The Annual Inflation Rate for The United States is at 3.2% for The Twelve Months Ending in February 2024," and "Although It us Slightly Higher" than "The Expectations of Economic Experts," "It Still is Lower than The 3.4% in December 2023," and "Continues to Be Good News for The U.S. Economic Recovery," and "Amongst The Lowest Rates that It's Been since June 2023," and "Is Considerable Lower" than "The 6.5% It was in December 2022"-

And "Although The U.S. Unemployment Increased Slightly to 3.9% in February 2024," However "It Still Continues to Remain Lower than 4%" for "Twenty- Five Straight Months," "Which is Quite Impressive," and "Continues to Be One of The Lowest Rates of Unemployment since 1969,"-

And "As The Dow Rises above Thirty- Nine Thousand for The First Time," and "Appears to Be Ready to Close Out The First Quarter Above Forty- Thousand," on Thursday, The Twenty- Eighth of March 2024, ("Anther Threshold Never Before Reached")-

And, "With Mortgage Refinance Rates Continuing to Maintain on Their Present Course of Decline," ("Thanks to The Fed's Decision Not to Increase Its Benchmark Interest Rate Once Again"), "However Slowly," "Still They Continue to Remain on A Consistent Pace," on "The Mortgage Rate Tides" that "Have A Direct Affect Upon Our Lives,"-

And, "With The Financial" and "Business Headlines of The Fourth Estate," and "Breaking News Spotlights of The Global Cross Media News Sphere's Reporting" on Friday, The Eighth of March 2024, that, "Nonfarm Payrolls Increased by 275,000 Jobs in The Month of February 2024,"and "Significantly Higher" than "Dow Jones Expectations of 198,000!"- 
-(Note that. "Job Gains Occurred" in; (1) "Health care," (2) "Government," (3) "Food Services," (4) "Drinking Places," (5( Social Assistance," (6) "Transportation and, (7) "Warehousing")-

"Let Us Agree" that by "All Standards," and "Most Economic Indicators," "The Veracity," of "The Recovery of The U.S. Economy Continues to Persist," and "Evolve," on "A Positive Basis," and "The Overall Improvements in The U.S. Economy Continue to Improve," and "The Biden/Harris Administration," and "The Democratic Party," have "Good Reason to Be Proud of Their Economic Achievements,"-

And "The Federal Reserve First Announcement for 2024 on Wednesday, The Thirty- First of January 2024," that "Left Its Benchmark Interest Rate Unchanged" and " Will Remain" at "A Range of 5.25 to 5.5 Percent," is "Undoubtedly A Significant Factor" that "The Positive Economic Growth," and "Economic Recovery in The United States of America for 2024," "Continues to Be Good News," and as "Lessening Signs of Inflation Continue,"

Jerome Hayden "Jay" Powell, "the 16th Chair of The Federal Reserve said at A Press Conference" that "A March Rate Cut is Unlikely," and .... "I don't think it's likely the committee will reach a level of confidence by the March meeting," .... "And We want to see more  good data. It's not that we're looking for better data, we're looking for a continuation of the good data we've been seeing."-    

- (Note that, "The Fed Goal" "Continues to Be," "Bring Inflation Back Down to 2 Percent!")-

And, "As Autumn Evolves into A New Winter Season on The Twenty- First of December," and "As 2023 Evolves into 2024," "A New Era of Economic" and "Financial Prognostications are Upon Us,"-

And, "From An Overall Purview," and "Streetwise Economic Perspective," "The Changes in The U.S. Economy," "Whether They Be Decreases," and/or "Increases," in "The U.S. Unemployment Rate," or "The Annual Inflation Rate," at Present, "There is No Serious Indication that Suggests," "The Advent of A Negative Downturn in The United States Economy!" Which is and Remains," "Good News" for "The American People," and "The Biden/Harris Administration," and "The Democratic Party!"- And "The Biden/Harris Administration," and "Democratic Energy Vision" is "A Boon for The U.S. Economy," and "A Positive Step Forward Towards Achieving The United States Climate Warming Goals!"-

"The Financial" and "Business Headlines of The Fourth Estate," and "Breaking News Spotlights of The Global Cross Media News Sphere's have Reported" that Thursday, The Twenty- Eighth of March 2024, "The Bureau of Labor Announced" that "The Advanced Figure for Seasonally Adjusted Initial Claims Totaled 210, 000," and "A Decrease of Two Thousand" from "The Previous Weeks Revised Up Level of 212, 000," from "210, 000!" And "Still Continues to Remain Among The Lowest Levels that It has Been since The Twenty- Fourth of September 2022!"

And Once Again, "You Don't have to Be Streetwise" or "A Financial Pundit," to "Comprehend" that "While Economic Changes are Expected to Vary from Moment to Moment," at Present, to "A Highly Significant Degree During This Post CoronaVirus Phase of Our Lives," "These U.S. Unemployment Insurance Claims Remain Amongst The Lowest Levels" that "They have Been in Years!" And is also "A Clear Demonstration" that "The U.S. Economy" is "Still in A Positive Mode of Recovery," in "This Post CoronaVirus Pandemic Time Period!"

And, "The Four Week Moving Average was 211, 000," is "A Decrease of 750 from The Previous Weeks Revised Up Average to 211, 750 from 211, 250!"

And On Average, "The Facts Continue to Demonstrate" that "The Labor Market," and "The U.S. Economy," "Remains," and "Is," from "Within An Overall," and "Fairly Positive Economic Purview," "Continuing Along A Path of Evolving Stability," and "Growth!"

And, When You Include, "The U.S. Annual Inflation Rate at 3.2%," and "U.S. Economic Growth," "Both of These Statistics Together are Positive Signs," that "The Economic Recovery in The United States of America," is "For The Moment," "On Course Towards Improving The Overall Financial Conditions," and "Lifestyles of The American People!"

And, "The Question" of "Whether The U.S. Job Market Will Continue to Remain Strong or Decline," "For The Moment," has "Been Answered," and "Still Remains on A Vibrant Course of Growth!" 
And "Now is The Moment in Time" for "The Biden/Harris Administration," and "The Democratic Party," to "Go Out" and "Share The Good News" with "The American People," and "Continue to Encourage Big Business to Lower Their Prices" "More in Accordance with The U.S. Annual Inflation Rate!"

-(Note that, "This Overall Economic Streetwise Assessment Can Change," "Especially if The Legislative Chaos of The Republican Party in The U.S. House of Representative," and "The U.S. Senate," is "Not Satisfactorily Resolved in The Very Near Future," to "The Degree that The American People," and "The U.S. Government," are "Not Caused a Major Setback in Their Lifestyles," and "In The Governance of The Nation," and "The Markets Don't Panic!"
And Take Special Note that, "The Legislative Chaos of The Republican Party in The U.S. House of Representative," and "The U.S. Senate," Must End!"
"The Members of The GOP Must Remember" that "They were Elected to Serve," and "Represent The American People!" And that "Comes First!")-

However, Whether or Not, "Private Sector Employment," and/or "Hiring in General" has "Slowed Down," "Including Whatever The Labor Market Forecast is," or "Whether or Not There Will Continue to Be An Increase in Notices of Layoffs at Major Companies," has also "Been Answered for The Moment," "With The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics Report on Friday, The Second of February 2024," that "Nonfarm Payroll Employment Rose by 275, 000 in February 2024," Which is "A Positive Demonstration" that "The Economic Horizons in The United States are Improving at A Sensible," Practical," and "Successful State of Being!"-

However, "You Can Continue to Expect" that "From Within This Post CoronaVirus Phase of Our Lives," that "Unemployment Insurance Claims" Will "Vary Back and Forth," within "A Margin of Change," and "Variation, that "Is Understandable," and "For The Most Part Acceptable," and "Unless There is A Serious Economic Dilemma," or "Financial Conundrum," of "Some Sort," "Caused by A Global Pandemic," "Outbreak of War," or "A Serious Banking Failure," and "Earthwide Conditions," "Coupled with Issues," and "Profound Circumstances," and "Aggravations" that "Have Been Exacerbated by A Government Shutdown," or "Politician's," and/or "Factions," who "Profit from Causing Chaos," and "Divisiveness," "These Increases," and "Decreases in Unemployment," When They Occur, "Will Be Deemed Reasonable," and "Logical," by "Market Specialists," "Economic Pundits," and "Streetwise Economists!"

-(And "It is of The Greatest Importance to Note" that "These Jobs have Been Added During A Time Period of High Interest Rates," and that is "A Cognitive Economic Overview to Make," as "The Winter Season of 2023 Enters The Foray of New Economic Perspectives in 2024," and of "What The U.S. Economic Recovery Will End Up Being," as "New Economic Prognostication's are Made," and "New Economic Estimations are Put Forth," and "The Hard Work of Economic Recovery," "Set in Motion by The Biden/Harris Administration Continues to Make Economic Policies" that "Empower All The People," and "Creates A Sociological Sense of Security For All The People," and "Prepares Us for "The Economic," "Growth," "Development," "Industry," "Global," and "Political Challenges that Lie Ahead" in This, "The Second Decade of 2024!" And "This is Be A Positive Note," and "Purview of Interest to Surmise" in "This New Year of Economic Recovery!")-

And "The Continued Good News for Borrowers" is "Mortgage Refinance Rates are Continuing to Maintain," and "Remain on A Fairly Steady Pace" as "They Continue on Their Present Course of Declining Rates" ("Thanks to The Fed's Decision Not to Increase Its Benchmark Interest Rate Once Again").
And "This Continues to Be Especially Welcomed News for Borrowers," and "College Undergraduates," (For Example) "Who have Taken Out Federal Loans for The 2023 - 2024 School Year!" And "Are Looking Forward to Lower Rates!"
And at Present, "These Mortgage Refinance Rates" are at "A Low Ebb on The Mortgage Tides" that "Have A Direct Affect Upon Our Lives!"

However, "Let Us Again," "Fully Realize" and "Comprehend," that "These Mortgage Rates only Represent A Partial View into The Whole Scope of Relevant Information Apropos" de "The Overall Recovery of The U.S. Economy!"

Here are The Current Mortgage Refinance Rates for March 28, 2024; (A) "The 30 Year Fixed Refinance Rate" is "7.36%" "Down from The Previous Weeks Average" of "7.47%" and, (B) "The 20 Year Fixed Refinance Rate" is "7.24%" "Down from The Previous Weeks Average" of "7.31%" and, (C) "The 15 Year Fixed Refinance Rate" is "6.54%" "Down from The Previous Weeks Average" of "6.67%" and, (D) "The 30 Year Jumbo Rate" is "7.38%" "Down from The Previous Weeks Average" of "7.42%."

-Extra Noteworthy News- "The Politics of Economic"-

Thursday, The Twenty- Ninth of February 2024, "The United States House of Representatives Passed The Bipartisan Short Term Funding Bill" by "A Vote of 339 to 85!" "Sending It to The United States Senate One Day Before Friday's Spending Deadline!" "Where It is Expected to Pass" and "Avert A Partial Government Shutdown," and then "Be Sent to The White House," for "President Joseph R. Biden Jr. to Sign It into Law!"

- "Global Cross Media News Universe, Insights, New Horizons, News Purview's, and Global Perspectives"-  Extra Noteworthy News- "The United States House of Representatives Passes A Bipartisan $460 Billion Dollar Spending Measure"-
And, "An Earthwide Spectrum" of "Sociological," "Political," "Humanitarian," "Environmental," "Ecological," "Energy," "Informational," "Communication," "Philosophical," "Candid," "Straightforward," "Current," and "Contemporary," "Earthwide Affairs," and "Current Events," that "Coalesce," and "Merge" with "An Honest," "Omniscient," and "Omnipotent Spirit," and "Soul Force Of The People,"-

"Headlines of The Fourth Estate," and "Breaking News Spotlights of The Global Cross Media News Sphere's have Reported" that Wednesday, The Sixth of March 2024, "The United States House of Representatives Passed A $460 Billion Dollar Bipartisan Spending Measure" that "Will Fund Half of The Federal Government Through until The Thirtieth of September 2024," and "Avert A Partial Government Shutdown" by "A Vote of 339 to 85!" "The House has "Immediately Sent This Measure to The United States Senate to Be Voted on," "Before The March Eighth Midnight Shutdown Deadline," and "For President Joseph R. Biden Jr. to Sign into Law!"

"This $460 Billion Dollar Spending Measure Will Package Together Six Spending Bills," Including "Agriculture," "Energy," The Environment," "Housing," The U.S. Department of Justice," "Transportation," and "Veteran!" And "Dozens of Federal Spending Programs!"

-Extra Noteworthy News- "The United States Senate Passes The Six Part Bipartisan Spending Package" to "Avert A Partial Government Shutdown,"-
Friday, The Eighth of March 2024, "Headlines of The Fourth Estate," and "Breaking News Spotlights of The Global Cross Media News Sphere's Reported" that "The United States Senate Passed The Six Part Spending Package by A Vote of 75 to 22," In Time to "Send It to President Biden to Sign into Law" "Before The Midnight Deadline" to Avert A Partial Government Shutdown!"

-(Note that, "A Second Spending Package is Being Negotiated" to "Fully Fund All of the Federal Agencies" "Before The Twenty- Second of March 2024 Deadline!")-

-Extra Noteworthy News- "Good Governance is A Right that Every American Citizen Deserves without Question,"-

Friday, March 22, 2024- United Interdependent Global Activists- The Way To Peace! #457- "Global Cross Media and Nationwide News" from "The Washington D.C. Eye" on "The $1.2 Trillion Dollar Spending Package" that "The U.S. Congress Must Pass Before The Friday, Twenty- Second of March 2024 Deadline!"
"This More than One Thousand Page Spending Package If Approved," "Would Eliminate The Threat of A Government Shutdown until The Beginning of The Next Fiscal Year on The First of October 2024!"

"Headlines of The Fourth Estate," and "Breaking News Spotlights if The Global Cross Media News Sphere's Reported" Friday, The Twenty- Second of March 2024, "The United States House of Representatives Passed The $1.2 Trillion Dollar Spending Package" by "A Vote of 286- to 134," and "Have Sent It to The United States Senate Before The Midnight Deadline" for "What is Expected to Be An Immediate Passage" to "Avert A Partial Government Shutdown," and "President Biden's Signature int Law!" 
And "In Doing so, "Ending Months of Negotiations," and "Passing of Continuing Resolutions (CR's) to Prevent Partial, If Not Complete Government Shutdowns along The Way of This Process" to "Fully Fund The United States Government Of The People, By The People, and For The People," for "This New Fiscal Year!"
And "Again Demonstrating Just How Important It is To Elect Government Officials," Whether They Be, "Local," "City," "State," or "Federal," who are "Trustworthy," and "Believe in Placing America," and "The American People First," Before that of "Party Ideology," "Partisan Politics," and/or "The Political/Party Candidate," or "Nominee for Office," "Whomever They May Be," and/or "Whatever Prestigious Office They May Seek!" 

"America is A Democracy," and "In Order to Provide Good Governance," "It Needs Patriotic," and "Loyal," "Women and Men," of Good Conscience," and "Who are Positive Minded Individuals," to "Represent The Laws of The Land," and "All Twenty- Seven Amendments of The The United States Constitution," that "Include The Ten Amendments of The Bill of Rights," and "The Declaration of Independence!"

And "America Needs Women and Men of Good Conscience," and "Great Spirit," and "The Bravery and Courage Needed," to "Defend," and "Protect," "The Egalitarian Values," "Traditions," "Tenets," and "Principles," of "The Nation," and "Provide Whatever Positive," and "Optimistic Guidance Needed" to "Attain A Future of Grand Expectations" and "A New Era" of "Universal Renaissance!"

And "Who have Gained The Trust of America's Allies in Times of Dire Consequences," by "Tried and True Experiences," that "Have Been Tested and Proven to Be Trustworthy" "Reliable," and "Unequivocally Dependable!"-(Note that, "A Majority of Republicans Voted Against This Measure!")-
-Extra Noteworthy News- "The United States Senate Passes The $1.2 Trillion Dollar Spending Package,"-

"Headlines of The Fourth Estate," and "Breaking News Spotlights of The Global Cross Media News Sphere's Reported" Saturday morning, The Twenty- Third of March 2024, ("In Spite of Attempts by A Number of Senate Republicans to Delay Passage of The $1.2 Trillion Dollar Spending Package," and "Miss The Midnight Deadline" by "Using A Tactic" to "Propose A Number of Amendments" to "The The Budget Bill," that "Had to Be Voted on and Defeated, Before A Final Vote Could Occur"), "The United States Senate Voted to Pass The More than One Thousand Page Spending Bill" by "A Vote of 74- to 24!"

"A Partial Shutdown was Averted," "When Before Midnight of The Twenty- Second" and "When The Deadline to Partially Shutdown The Government was to Occur" that "Would have Negatively Affected Thousands of Government Employees," "Senate Majority Leader," Charles Ellis "Chuck" Schumer, "Democrat from The State of New York Announced" that "An Agreement had Been Reached" that "Would Allow The Upper Chamber to Expedite Passage of The Bill!"

"The White House" said, "The Missed Deadline Would Not have Any Effect on Government Operations," and "Agencies Would Not Shutdown," "Because It was Clear that A Resolution was Imminent!" "President Biden Signed The Spending Package into Law on Saturday, The Twenty- Third of March 2024!"

-(Note that, "If this Agreement had Not Been Reached," "The Earliest that A Vote Could have Occurred was Sunday, The Twenty- Fourth of March!")-

"This $1.2 Trillion Dollar Spending Package Includes Funding for, (I) The Departments of State," (II) "Defense," (III) "Homeland Security," (IV) "Labor," and (V) "Health and Human Services," (VI) "The Legislative Branch," "Foreign Operations," and "Financial Services," until " The Fiscal Year Ends" on "The Thirtieth of September, 2024!"

-(Note that, "This Spending Package Did Not Include Funding for, The Sovereign Solar Nations of Ukraine," and Israel!" "Nor Did It Include Funding" for "Taiwan!" "The United States Senate has Included This Funding in A $95 Billion Dollar Bill," that James Michael "Mike" Johnson, "from The State of Louisiana," "The Speaker of The United States House of Representatives" has "Refused to Allow The House Debate," or "Vote on," As of "Saturday, The Twenty- Third of March 2024!"

"The House Democrats are Attempting to Bypass The Speaker" by "Using A U.S. Parliamentary Procedure," "A Discharge Petition!" "That Would Bring This $95 Billion Dollar Bill Out of Committee and to The Floor of The House for Consideration without A Report from The Committee," by "Discharging The Committee from Further Consideration of A Bill" or "Resolution!"

"However, A Majority of 218 Voting Members of The House Must Sign The Discharge Petition," and "Then The House Can Consider The Motion to Discharge The Legislation," and "After A Short Debate," "Vote!"

At Present, "The Democrats have 188 Voting Members (Including One House Republican, Representative Kenneth Robert "Ken" Buck from The States of Colorado)!"

And "It is of The Greatest Importance," for "Every American Citizen who Values Their Rights of Living in A Democracy" to "Demand that House Speaker Johnson Allows The $95 Billion Dollar Bill" that is Immediately in Need of" by "America's Allies," who have had "Their Territorial Rights Violated by Anti-Democratic Factions," and who also "Seek to Undermine The Civil," "Human," "Egalitarian," and "Democratic Rights," of "Every Woman," "Child," and "Man," in "The United States of America!" "Time is of The Essence!" "Too Many Innocent People are Being Killed," without "Consideration of Their Democratic," and "Egalitarian Rights!"
However, "The Question" of "Whether or Not There Will Be Another Pause" or "Increase" by "The Federal Reserve" has also "Been Answered" with "The Federal Reserve's First Announcement for 2024 on Wednesday, The Thirty- First of January 2024," that "Left Its Benchmark Interest Rate Unchanged," and "Will Remain" at "A Range of 5.25 to 5.5 Percent," Which is "A Significant Factor" that "The Positive Economic Growth," and "Economic Recovery in The United States of America for 2024 Continues," and "Is Good News," "Especially as Lessening Signs of Inflation Continues,"  and "After An Aggressive FED Campaign since March 2022," was "Engaged in" to "Slow Down The Pace of Inflation," (Although It is "Still The Highest Level that It has Been in More than 22 Years,").

And "Although The U.S. Unemployment Rate Showed A Slight Increase to 3.9%," The Fact" that, "The Annual U.S. Inflation Rate is at 3.1%," (and "Among The Lowest Levels Its Been since September 2021,") "Demonstrates" that "Importantly," "The U.S. Economy Remains A Resilient One," and "Continues to Remain" on "A Consistent Course of Recovery!" And "The Thoughts of A Recession," While are Still Stubbornly Resisting to Completely Go Away," are "Slowly but Surely Diminishing to The Degree" that "They Once were in The Minds of Economic Pundits!"

And This is "The Good News" that "The Biden/Harris Administration's Economic Recovery Analysis" has "Projected," and "Its Economic Indicators," had "Hoped for," and "Looked Forward to!"

But, "Let Us Agree" that "It has Become Plainly Obvious" that "A New Age of Earthwise Economics" in "Finance," and "Banking," "Trade," and "Commerce," and "Wall Street," and "Earthwide Markets," and "The Forecasts," and "Expectations of Economic Pundits," (And also, "The Biden/Harris Administration" and "The Federal Reserve") are "Upon Us," and "A New Era of Economic" and "Financial Prognostications are Upon Us!"

And "Even Being A Streetwise Financial Connoisseur May Not Suffice" as "The Waves" and "Incoming Tides of Sociological Changes Ebb and Flow O'er The Diverse Multi- Cultural Societies, and Rainbow Communities, Tapestry, Fabric" and "Foundations," of "The Twenty- First Century Civilization" of "The Almost Eight Billion Citizens/Populace of The Sovereign Solar Nations!"

However, "As New Facts Provide A Plethora of Financial and Economic Assessments" by "Wall Street," and "The Economic Pundits," and "The Federal Reserve System (FED)," and "The Biden/Harris Administration," "Let Us Still Remember" that "This Post CoronaVirus Phase of Our Lives," "Will Bring Forth A Variety of New Economic Prognostications," and "Financial Changes" and "Unaccoounted for Sociological Surprises," that "Without There Being Experienced Leadership in Positions" of "Government," and "Private," and "Public Sectors," that are "Highly Respected," "Cognitive," "Earthwise," "Insightful," and "Intelligent," "The U.S. Economic Recovery Will Be Hindered," "Impeded," "Flounder," and "Be Manipulated by Soulless Profit Mongers!" And, "Partisan Politics Must Be Removed from The U.S. Economic Recovery Equation!" "But "Good Governance Must Be Relied Upon to Create Economic Policies," and "Economic Programs," that are "Of Benefit to All The People!" "Why!" Because "The Lives," "Welfare," "Healthcare," "Well Being," and "Sociological Security," of "All The People are at Stake!"

-(And, Take Note that, "It is also of "Great Significance to Continue to Report" that "The Inflation Reduction Act of 2022," (A Budget Reconciliation Bill Sponsored by Senate Majority Leader Charles Ellis "Chuck" Schumer, Democrat from The State of New York," and "Joseph "Joe " Manchin III, Democrat from The State of West Virginia,) "Will Continue to have An Important Impact upon The United States in 2024," as "It Did in 2023!"

And, "The Fact" that It Will Invest Significantly" in, (1) "Domestic Energy Production and Manufacturing," and, (2) "Reduce Greenhouse Gas Emissions by Approximately Forty Percent by 2030," and "Below 2005 Levels," and "Reduce Prescription Drug Prices," and, (3) "Most Importantly Reduce The Deficit" and "Keep Inflation in Check," "Whatever Wall Streets Expectations are," and "Whatever Obstructionist Tactics The Republican Party May Mount," "Whether They Be Positive or Negative," "Most Impressively The Federal Reserve," and "The Biden/Harris Administration Continue to Forge Ahead with Their Economic Plans" to "Improve The Quality of Life for All Americans to Benefit from," and "Enjoy!"

However, "There is Still A Great Deal to Be Done in The United States of America," and "No One is Saying" that "The U.S. is Not in Dire Need of Additional Financial Relief," For Example; "Students Still Need Their Loans Forgiven," and "The Poor and Transient American Citizens " are "Still in Need of Financial Assistance," and "A Real Sense" that "Their Lives have A Meaning," and "Investment in The Infrastructure of This Grand Ole Nation is Still Needed," "Bridges Need Repairing," and "Roads Need Repair," and "The Nations Ports," and "Railways Need Repair!" And, "These are Just A Few of The Nations Infrastructure Projects" that "Need Immediate Attention!"

"All of Which Brings One's Immediate Attention" to "The Chaotic," "Vengeful," and "Irresponsible Antics," "Obstruction Tactics," and "Negative Lawmaking" of "The Republican Party" that "Lacks in Credulity," and "Purpose," and "Is Meaningless in Improving The Overall Living Conditions" of "America's Diverse Multi- Cultural Societies, Rainbow Communities, Tapestry, and Fabric Of The People," and "For The People,"and "The Future of America," "The Youth of This Great Nation!"

And "The Fact, that "The GOP Continues to Legislate in The Worst Way Possible," by "Using The Threat of Impeachment," and "Partisan Politics," and by "Continuing to Spew Forth A Dangerous," and "Senseless Political Rhetoric," "This Political Party" of "Former Courageous," and "Brave Republican President Abraham Lincoln" who "Gave His Life to Preserve All that is In The Best Interests of The United States of America," "This Political Party" that "Has No Platform," "Shamefully Continues to Be A Threat to Force A Government Shutdown Of The People, By The People, and For The People," and "Continues to Support The Big Lie!" And "These Grave Offenses are Offenses that America Can No Longer Afford to Endure!"

And with "What is An Astonishing Observation to Make" is that "Without A Sense of Conscious Regret" and/or "Show of Remorse for Their Actions," "The Republican Party Continues" to "Seemingly Take Pride in Being An Aggravant in U.S. Politics!"

And "It is of Great Significance to Note" that, "The GOP in No Way Resembles The Political Party of Highly Notable President's," and "Greatly Respected Personnages" Such as; "Former Republican Presidents Abraham Lincoln," The 16th President of The United States of America, or "Theodore "Teddy" Roosevelt Jr.," or "Dwight David "Ike" Eisenhower," The 34th President of The United States of America, or "Ronald Wilson Reagan" The 40th President of The United States of America! The 26th President of The United States of America!

In His Farewell Address, "President George Washington said, "the alternate domination" of one party over another, and coinciding efforts to exact revenge upon their opponents have led to horrible atrocities, and "is itself a frightful despotism."

And, "The Most Pervasive" and "Incomprehensible Economic Question" that "Continues to Assault The Senses," and "Cognitive Awareness of The American People" is, "Why is The Republican Party so Intent" on "Undermining The Democratic Government Of The People, By The People, and For The People!"

However, "Let Us Agree" that, Whichever Way The Political Winds May Blow," and "After Crucial Government Decisions are Made," "The Business of The United States Congress Should Be" to "Get on with Creating Legislation" that is "In The Best Interests of The United States of America," and "In Defense of," and "In Protection of," "The Democratic Principles of The U.S. Constitution," and "The Republic," and "The Democratic Government Of The People, By The People, and For The People!" And "If These Elected Officials are Incapable to Do This," "They Should Be Voted Out of Office!"

 - "Global Cross Media News Universe, Insights, New Horizons, News Purview's, and Global Perspectives"-

And, "An Earthwide Spectrum" of "Sociological," "Political," "Humanitarian," "Environmental," "Ecological," "Energy," "Informational," "Communication," "Philosophical," "Candid," "Straightforward," "Current," and "Contemporary," "Earthwide Affairs," and "Current Events," that "Coalesce," and "Merge" with "An Honest," "Omniscient," and "Omnipotent Spirit," and "Soul Force Of The People,"-

-UNITED INTERDEPENDENT GLOBAL ACTIVISTS- The Way To Peace! #222- (Revisited and Revised)-

"The Question" that "The American People," and "The Majority of Political Pundits," and "The Global Cross Media News Spheres," are "Asking Themselves," "Can Be Summed Up Best" by "Applying A Number" of "Socratic Questions"  to "Discover Exactly What The Answer to This Question Truly is," "Which is What has Happened to The Republican Party," Once "A Major Political Party of Law and Order" in "The United States of America," "Questions," Such as, "What is The Strategic Global Vision Path" of "This Political Party" with "No Platform!" 
"Is It to Remain A Party Led by An Oppressive Autocrat," who "Admires The Political Enemies of America Democracy," and "Who Seek to Undermine Everything that The United States of America Stands for," Such as, "Russian President Vladimir Putin," who has "Unlawfully," and "Illegally Violated The Territorial Rights of The Sovereign Solar Nation of Ukraine," (One of America's Allies)" and also "Hungarian Autocratic Conservative Leader, Prime Minister Viktor Mihaly Orban," whose "Oppressive Policies have Threatened," and "Cracked Down on The Press," and "The Judiciary, and "Democratic Traditions in "The Sovereign Solar Nation of Hungary," and "Denying The Hungarian People Their Civil Rights," and/or "Human Rights!"

"Does The GOP Still Believe" that "It is Their Patriotic" and "Solemn Duty"  to "Continue to Export The Political Principle's of Democracy," and "Tenets," and "Values of Democracy Earthwide," and "Support The Constitutional Rights of Women in America!!" 

And If so, "Then There Can Not Be any Suggestion at All," of "There Being a Selective Victim Policy," Such as, "The Big Lie," "Promulgated over and over Again," by "Donald John Trump," "The  Presumptive Nominee of The Republican Party in 2024," and "Ex- U.S. President," and "His Supporters in The U.S. Congress," and "The Base of Their Party!" 
"Or As A Matter of Fact," "Wherever Egalitarian," and "Democratic Principles Abide," or are "Accepted," "Among The Sovereign Solar Community of The United Nations," "The Truth," "Justice," "Equality," "Freedom," "Liberty," and "Peace," "Must Continue to Be The Examples," and "Visions," and "Tenets," that "All Nations Must Embrace," and "Hold True to" "O'er The Magnificent Panoramas of The Environmental," and "Ecological Sphere's of This," "Our Home Planet Earth!"

"Let Us Agree" that, "The Founders of The United States of America Created A Grand Idea," and "Extraordinary Vision Path" for "The United States of America," Whereby, "We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, Insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America!"
And, "A Government Of The People, By The People, and For The People!" And "A Shining and Illuminating Example" For "All The World to Admire" and "Reach Out to!"
"Where Each and Every Citizen Can Benefit from Being a part" of "A Great Free Enterprise System," that "Provides Unlimited Opportunities For One and All to Share," and "Enjoy The Fruits of Its Prosperity" and "Potential Economic Parity!" With an "Economic," and "Political System " that "Transcends The Political," and "Economic Strategies," and "Influences of The Elite of The Global Oligarchy," and "The Attacks," and/or "Attempts to Undermine The United States," by "Anti-Democratic Factions," Both "Domestic," and "Foreign!"

"The Question" is, "Can The United States Continue To Sow The Seeds of Grand Ideals" that "Empower The People," "Out Of Reverence For All The People Who Share in A Common Interest" and "In Defense of" Both "Civil," and "Human Rights," and "Purpose In Life," and "Belief in Freedom," "Justice," and "Equality!" "The Answer" is "Yes, It Can!"

However, "We The People," Sovereign Citizens of This Earth, "Must Clearly Distinguish Between Elected Officials who Truly Represent All that Is In Our Best Interests" and "Those Who are Self Serving," and "Consider Themselves," and "The Divisiveness of Partisan Politics,"  and "Misleading Rhetoric," and "Political Ideologies," Before "They" Consider "Prioritizing The Needs of We The People" and "The Principle's," and "Tenets Of Democracy," that "We were Inspired by" and "Brought up To Believe in!"

At this Juncture in Time, "It is Necessary" that "These Selfish," and "Serving Elected Officials," Wherever "They May Be" are "Voted out of Office," and "Replaced with Women and Men" Who are "Truly Of, By, and For The People!" "Peacemakers," "Voices of Reason," "Truthsayers," and "Innovators," and "Pioneers of An Egalitarian Earthrise Vision," and "Passion for Life!" 
"Women and Men " who are "Consciously Aware of Caring for Their Fellow Human Being's Welfare" and "Sociological Security!"

"The Age of The Dictator," "Terrorist," "Crime," and "Drug Lord, " "Corrupt/Self Serving Politician," and "Perversity that Exists" amongst "Some of Our Religious Leaders," and "The Abuse" and "Misuse of Our Children, " "Women," and "Men," as "Sex Slaves," "Can No Longer Be Permitted to Exist," If, "We," are "To Be A Great Earthrise," and "Earthwise Community" of "Meaningful," "Soulful," and "Eloquent People" of "A Great Renaissance," and "Twenty- First Century Civilization of Hope," and "Courage!"
"An Eloquence Of Being Here and Now" that is "Culturally," "Spiritually," "Philosophically," "Intellectually," and "Emotionally Evolved!"

And "With These Principles," and "Universal Tenets," of "A Strategic Earthwide," and "Earthwise Vision Path," and "Leadership," Provided  by "President Joseph Robinette Biden Jr. of the United States of America," "Emanuel Jean-Michel Frederic Macron of the French Republic," "Chancellor Olaf Scholz of the Federal Republic of Germany," "King Charles III" (Charles Phillip Arthur George), and "Prime Minister Rishi Sunak of the United Kingdom," "President Xi Jinping of the People's Republic of China," "President Ursula Gertrude von de Leyen, of the European Commission," "Prime Minister Anthony Norman Albanese of the Common Wealth of Australia," "Prime Minister Narendra Damodardas Modi of the Republic of India," "Prime Minister Fumio Kishida of Japan," "Prime Minister Justin Pierre James Trudeau of Canada," "King Salman bin Abdulaziz Al Saud of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia," "King Abdullah II bin Al-Hussein of the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan,"  "President Abd el-Saeed Hussein Khalil el-Sisi of the Arab Republic of Egypt," "Sheikh Tamim bin Hamad Al Thani, Emir of the State of Qatar," "Sheikh Mohamed bin Zayed Al Nahyan, President of The United Arab Emirates," "President Abdul Latif Rashid of the Republic of Iraq," "Prime Minister Alexander De Croos of the Kingdom of Belgium," "King Harald V of the Kingdom of Norway," "King Carl XVI Gustaf," and "Prime Minister Ulf Kristersson of the Kingdom of Sweden," and "King Frederik X," (Frederik Andre Henrik Christian), and "Prime Minister Mette Frederiksen of the Kingdom of Denmark," "President Andrsej Sebastian Duda, of the Republic of Poland," "President Viola Patricia Amherd of the Swiss Federation," and "President Mahmoud Abbas of the State of Palestine," "Let Us Agree," that "A New Age Empowered by A Peace Time Economy," "Can Be A Great Legacy for Future Generations To Share," and "Be Proud of," on "This Planet Earth!"

For, This is, The Way To Peace and An Omniscient, Omnipresent, and Omnipotent Millennia Of Peace On Earth!
-United Interdependent Global Activists- The Way To Peace! #424- (Revisited and Revised)- "Global Cross Media News Universe, Insights, New Horizons, News Purview's, and Global Perspectives,"- "Let Us Agree" that "When A Political Party," or "Its Leadership Does Not Act" or "Serve Their Nation with All that Is In The Best Interests of Its People in Mind," "They Do Not Deserve The Respect" or "Vote of Confidence of Its Citizenry!" "For The Consequences" are "Too Great," and "The Damage," "Frustration," and "Destruction is Too Great," and "Too Many Innocent People Die," Because of "This Uncivilized," "Malevolent," "Immoral," "Sinful," "Unconscionable," and "Highly Reprehensible Behavior," and "Disrespect," "Abuse," and "Violation of One's Fellow Human Being!"

"The Russian Federation has Become An Example of This Total Disregard For One's Fellow Human Being!" However, "Any Sovereign Nation and Its Leaders," or "Political Party," or "Politician" or "Individual," who "Acts," "Leads," or "Behaves in This Highly Reprehensible," "Disgraceful," and "Deplorable  Manner," "Must Be Removed from Power and Influence," and "Severely Sanctioned!"

"For Too Many Innocent People are Suffering and Dying Because Of The Oppressive," "Tyrannical," and "Evil Acts" that have "Been Caused by The Totalitarian" "Autocratic," "Despotic," "Evil," and "Unlawful Acts of War," and "The Domineering and Coercive Mental," Spiritual," "Emotional," "Physical," and "Cruel Behavior Against Humanity!" And, "This Can Not Be Allowed to Continue!"

And, "It Must Be Stated" that "Whomever Breaks The Covenant of Peace Between Sovereign Nations," and "The Earths Populace," "Must Be Suspended from Engaging with," or "Participating with," or "Being Involved with," "Any Other Civilized Sovereign Nation," and/or "Institution," until "They have Agreed to Accept and Abide by The Laws" of "The Earths Coalition of United," "Peace Loving," "Free," and "Interdependent Sovereign Solar Nations!" "For The Peaceful Union and Partnership Between Sovereign Nations Must Not Be Violated," "For The Sake Of The People," and "For The Sake of Future Generations to Come!" 

 -"Global Cross Media and Nationwide News" from "The Washington D.C. Eye" on "E Pluribus Unum"- And, "An Unrelenting Sociological," "Judicial," "Economical," "Environmental," "Religious," "Scientific," and "Political Renaissance" and "Reawakening Of The People is Needed Now," to "Protect The Present and Future Generations" of "The Diverse Multicultural Communities, Rainbow Tapestries, and Fabric Of The Earths Almost Eight Billion Population," - and "The Sociological Pressures," "Perspectives," "Experiences and Purview's Of The Diverse Multicultural Communities, Rainbow Tapestries, and Fabric Of America," "The Republic," "The U.S. Democracy," and "The Government Of The People, By The People, and For The People"-

"It is Written in The Great Seal of The United States!" And, "It was Always Considered The De Facto," and "Original Traditional Motto of The United States since 1782!" -(Note that, In 1956 The U.S. Congress Passed An Act "H.J. Resolution 396," Adopting "In God We Trust," as "The Official Motto")-

And, "It is of The Greatest Importance and Significance" that "We Remember This Motto" "Proposed by John Adams," "Benjamin Franklin," and "Jefferson Davis," "E Pluribus Unum," (Out Of Many, One," or "One from Many,"), "Is A Motto that "Encapsulates The Ideals and Beliefs" that "We Respect and Admire," "For We are One Nation under God,"  And, "Whether You are An Atheist," or "A Women or Man who Believes in God," or "The Great Spirit" (As Native Americans and First Nations Cultures Believe), "We were Brought Up to Believe in The Truth," "Honesty," "A Code of Honor," and "Integrity!"

And, "It is Time for Americans of All Genders," "Denominations and Creeds," "Tribes and Nationalities," "Ages and Special Needs," "Political Persuasions," and "Women and Men of Color," "To Vote for All that This Great Experiment," Called "The United States of America," Symbolizes!"

"For It is Conceptually" and/or "In Reality," "A Great Republic," "Democracy," and "Government Of The People, By The People, and For The People," that "Stands for Liberty and Freedom," "Peace and Unity," "Equality," and "Justice," and "Law and Order," and "It is Time" that "We The People Demonstrate Our Unequivocal Support for America!"

"Our Family Values," and "Academic Standards," are A Part of "The Core Basic Constitutional Principles," and "Bill of Rights," and "Declaration of Independence," and "Now is The Moment in Time to "Fully Demonstrate," "Non-Violently," in "The 2024 State Primaries," and "2024 Presidential Election," that "We The People Believe in" and "Love America," and "Trust in The Principles of Integrity," and "Righteousness," and "The Universal Tenets of Life," and "Reject The Lies," "False and Misleading Rhetoric," "Election Conspiracies," White Supremacists," "Obstructionism,"  and "Autocratic," and "Totalitarian," "Tyrannical," and "Despotic Propaganda," and "Anarchy," that "Rejects Democratic Principles," and "The Government Of, By, and For The People," of "This Grand Ole Nation!"

And "Let Us Agree" that "The Youth of America Deserve A Greater Purpose in Life," and "A True Reason to Believe in America," "Rather than "Being Manipulated," Negatively Conditioned," and "Brain Washed," with "Anti- Democratic," and "Anti- Freedom," and "Anti- America Diatribes and Propaganda," and "Outright Lies," that have "Been Used and Directed Against America for Self Profit," "Self Gain," "Lust of Power," and "Greed!"

And, "It's Time for All of The Leaders of Industry," and "Labor," and "Religion," and "Academia," and "The Armed Forces," "Sports," "Entertainment," "Finance," and "Government," and "Mothers and Fathers," "Sisters and Brothers, " "Daughters and Sons," "Aunts and Uncles," "Grandmothers and Grandfathers," and "Nieces and Nephews," who are "Of Voting Age" to "Vote for The Politician," and "Political Party," who "Best Represents The Consciousness," "Will," "Healthcare," "Philosophy," "Soul," "Spirit," "Principles," and "Needs of The People!" "For The Sake Of All The People of America!"

"The Youth of The Earth" and "The People of The Earths Sovereign Solar Nations who Believe in "Peace," "Unity," "Freedom," "Justice," "Integrity," "Respect," "Liberty," and "All of The Tenets of Life," and "The Protection and Conservation of The Environmental and Ecological of The Spheres and Parameters of The Earth," are "Looking on" and "Depending on The Democratic Principles of The United States," as "They Stand Strong and Unified Against Autocratic," "Totalitarian," "One Man Forms of Governance," "Fascists," and "Dictatorial Factions," "Wherever They Exist," or "Whomever They May Be," Such as, "The Russian Federation," and "The Syrian Arab Republic," and "The People's Republic of China!"

And "Let's Agree" that "The Time" for "A New Era of Self Determination," and "Earthwide Sociological Security and Peace has Come," and "Deservedly so," "For It Should Be Our Destiny and Fate!" And, "Warmongers," and "Tyrannical," "Immoral," and "Fascist Leaders," and "One Man Forms of Governance," "Should Be Excluded and Sanctioned Against until They Agree to Conform Their Ways," and "Agree to Respect The Sovereign Rights of The Earths United," "Free," "Peace Loving," "Interdependent," and "Civilized Sovereign Solar Nations!" "This is The Twenty-First Century" and "A Time of Peace Must Come!" "Now!"

-In Memoriam: To All The Families Who've Lost A Loved One Due to Systemic Racism, Prejudice, War, Police Brutality, or Any Act of Violence Caused by Malevolent Perpetrators who Care Not For The Lives of Their Fellow Human Being, or The Mass Shootings that have Taken The Lives of Thousands of Love Ones All Across The United States of America Irregardless of Age, Color, Creed, Gender, Mental Disability, Nationality, Physical Disability, Political Preference, Race, Socioeconomic Status, Special Needs, Transgender, or Tribe, Our Prayers and Meditations are Sincerely with You!

Too Many Innocent Americans have Been Killed in This Overwhelming Difficult Time Period When Gun Violence has Caused An Endless Abyss of Deeply Heartfelt, and Emotional, Mental, and Spiritual Despair, Sorrow, Unhappiness and Loss of Life in America! And "It Must End, For The Sake of The Youth of America," and "The Lives of Each and Every American Citizen!

-In Memoriam: We Extend Our Sincerest Heartfelt, and Soulful Condolences to All The Families, and Communities, who have Lost A Loved One Due to Natural Disasters, or In Truth, Wherever The Path of Earthquakes have Caused Death, and Inflicted Great Distress and Anguish!
Or, Wherever Heartbreaking Deaths, Injuries, and Mass Devastation has Occurred! Or, Wherever The Destructive Path of Tsunamis, Tornadoes, Flood Waters, Mudslides, Raging Tides, and Fires have Tragically Killed, and Brought Pain, and Deep Sorrow, and Extreme Damage Earthwide! And Wherever Homes have Been Destroyed, and The Suffering Caused by The Loss of Life, and The Loss of Love Ones has Been Overwhelming!

We Mourn Their Loss of Life with You and Your Families, in This Time Period of Grief and Sadness!

-In Memoriam: We Would Like to Extend Our Sincerest Heartfelt and Soulful Condolences to The Families of Both The Ukrainian and Russian People, and The Families of Many Others, Journalists, and Foreign Fighters, who have Lost A Love One Due to An Invasion and War that Should Not have Occurred But For The Malicious and Egotistical Decision Making of One Person, Russian President Vladimir Putin, who Will Bear The Responsibility for The Deaths of Your Beloved Friends and Family Members in Perpetuity! And, We Mourn The Loss of Your Love Ones with You!

-In Memoriam: We Would Like to Extend Our Sincerest Heartfelt and Soulful Condolences to Both The Innocent Israeli and Palestinian Families who have Lost A Love One Due to The Vicious Brutalities of War, and Military Conflict, that was Caused by A Sneak Attack Upon The Sovereign Solar Nation of Israel by The Immoral Brigades of Hamas, on The Seventh of October 2023!
And We Would also Like to Extend Our Sincerest Heartfelt and Soulful Condolences to The Families of the Hostages who have Died Due to Bombing, and Humanitarian Violations, and The Unmerciful Acts of War!
And to The Families of All The Journalists, who are Members of The Fourth Estate, and The Global Cross Media News Spheres, Journalists who have Died While Providing Accurate and Factual Reportage of This Tragic War, We Would Like to Express Our Sincerest, Heartfelt, and Soulful Condolences for The Loss of Your Love Ones!

-In Memoriam: We Extend Our Sincerest Heartfelt and Soulful Condolences to The Families of Love One's who've Died Earthwide Due to The CoronaVirus Pandemic, As This Tragic Death Toll has Continued to Rise Above Seven Million Love Ones to 7, 008, 958, Who have Died, As of Sunday, March 31, 2024!
This A Staggering and Heartbreaking Statistic to Imagine, and Remains A Deeply Disturbing Fact! And When You Take into Account for How Many Families have Been Effected by This Earthwide Pandemic only Compounds The Seriousness of This Loss of Life!

And, In The United States of America The Number of Deaths Due to The CoronaVirus Pandemic has Surpassed An Incredible and Traumatic Plateau of One Million" to 1, 218, 840 Love Ones!

And Beware that A New CoronaVirus Variant JN.1 is Spreading Across The United States of America," (At An Unfortunate Time Period, Especially Because Millions of Americans are Traveling for The Holiday's,) and "Is More Transmissible than Most of The Other Variants with The Exception of Possibly XBB.1.5! And If You Still haven't Gotten Your CoronaVirus Vaccination, Take A Moment Out of Your Day, or Eventide, and Get It Now! You have Nothing to Lose and A Lot More to Gain from Doing It!