Thursday, March 14, 2024



The Way To Peace! #457  

- "Global Cross Media News Universe, Insights, New Horizons, News Purview's, and Global Perspectives"-

- "Global Cross Media and Nationwide News" from "The Washington D.C. Eye" on "The 2024 State of The Union Address to The Nation at 9 P.M. EST. in The Chamber of The United States House of Representatives to The 118th United States Congress," on Thursday, The Seventh of March, "Given by The 46th President of The United States of America Joseph Robinette Biden Jr. "-

- Extra Noteworthy News- "President Biden's Third State of The Union Address," and "The President's Fourth Speech to A Joint Session of The United States Congress"-
Thursday, The Seventh of March 2024, "Headlines of The Fourth Estate," and "The Breaking News Spotlights of The Global Cross Media News Sphere's," "Provided The American People," and "Citizens from All Across The Sovereign Solar Community of United Nations" with "President Biden's Third State of The Union Address," and "The President's Fourth Speech to A Joint Session of The United States Congress!"

"Attendees of This Special Evening Displayed All Three Branches of The Government Represented" by, (I) "Vice President Kamala Devi Harris, The 49th Vice President of The United States of America, (and "The First African American," and "Asian American Vice President"), who "Will Be Serving in Her Capacity of President of The Senate" and, (II)  "Justices of The Supreme Court of The United States" and, (III) "President Biden's Cabinet Members"and, (IV) "Member's of Both The United States Senate," and "The United States Houses of Representatives"and, (V) "The Joint Chiefs of Staff" and, (VI) "Members of The Diplomatic Corps," (Amongst Other Important Dignitaries) In Addition to "Special Guests," who have "Been Invited to Attend This Special Evening by "President Biden," and "First Lady Jill Tracy Jacobs Biden!"

And "This Will The First Joint Session" that James Michael "Mike" Johnson Will Be Presiding over as "The 56th Speaker of The House of Representatives," Republican from The State of Louisiana, alongside "House Minority Leader" Hakeem Sekou Jeffries, from The State of New York, and "Senate Majority Leader" Charles Ellis "Chuck" Schumer, Democrat from The State of New York, and "Senate Minority Leader" Addison Mitchell "Mitch" McConnell III, Republican from The State of Kentucky!

And "Clearly This Will An Extraordinary Evening for The Nation to Hear President Biden Deliver His Message Concerning The Earthwide Sociological Issues," "Events," and "Affairs," that "Have A Direct Affect Upon All of Our Lives!" "Whether They Be Issues Dealing with War," and "Politics," or "The Threat to American Democracy," and "The Ill Affects of Partisan Politics in Times of Humanitarian Crisis," and/or "Immigration Issues" that "Test The Resolve of The Nation" to "Act Humanely and Fairly When Faced with The Sincere," and "Desperate Need of Families in Need of A Safe Haven" from "The Injustices that "They have Been Forced to Endure!"

"Here is A Summation of President Joseph Robinette Biden's Address to The Nation!"

"First of All," "President Biden Gave An Oration" that "Lifted Democrats Out of Their Seats," and "Left The Republican Party Unnerved by The Facts Revealed" about "The Immigration Bill" that "They had Been Demanding for," and then "Refused to Support," in "Both The United States Senate," and "The United States House of Representatives!"

And "It was A State of The Union Address" that was "Woven Together," and "Delivered" with "Intelligence," "Soul Strength," "Political Astuteness," and "Craftiness," "Forcefulness," and "Fire and Brimstone," "Truth," and "Honesty," and that "Demonstrated" and "Revealed A Genuine Care for His Fellow Human Being" that "Can Not Be Denied!" And "It was A State of The Union Address" that was "Delivered with A High Intensity" (that produced a few coughs by The President, which was understandable) with "The Vigor of An Individual" who "Could have Been One-Third His Age!"

"The President Passionately Spoke" about "Health care," and "The Affordable Care Act," that "Provides Health care for More than One Hundred Million Americans," and "Expanding Health care Benefits," and "A Women's Right to Choose!" 
And "President Biden also Spoke about "The Threat to Democracy," and "Freedom" saying, Not "since President Lincoln and the Civil War have freedom and democracy been under assault here at home as they are today. .... And The President continued saying, "Overseas, Putin of Russia is on the march, invading Ukraine and sowing chaos throughout Europe and beyond. If anyone in this room thinks Putin will stop at Ukraine, I assure you, he will not.

"But Ukraine can stop Putin if we stand with Ukraine and provide the weapons it needs to defend itself. That is all Ukraine is asking. They are not asking for American soldiers." .... And "The President also said, "But now assistance for Ukraine is being blocked by those who want us to walk away from our leadership on the world. It wasn't that long ago when an Republican President, Ronald Reagan, thundered, "Mr. Gorbachev, tear down this wall."

"Now, my predecessor, a former Republican President, tells Putin, "Do whatever the hell you want."
A former American President actually said that, bowing down to a Russian leader. Its outrageous. Its dangerous. Its unacceptable."

And at Times, "President Biden's Address to The Nation was "Delivered" with "All of The Soul and Spirit of A Man who Knew" that "This was His Moment to Inform The American People of His Administrations Accomplishments," Which are Very Hard to Refute," and "He also Spoke of America's Support of NATO," Which Contrasted with The Recent Statements Made by His Predecessor!" And "Welcomed the Kingdom of Sweden" to "The North Atlantic Treaty Organization" as "A New Member State!"

And "President Biden also Spoke Passionately and Eloquently" of "His Concern about Gun Violence in The United States of America," and of "the Mass Shooting at Robb Elementary School in Uvalde Texas," (as "An Example of Gun Violence") that "Caused the Deaths of Nineteen Innocent Students" and "Two Teachers," and "He Announced Clearly for The Members of Congress in Attendance at The Union Address," and "For The NRA," that "I'm demanding a ban on assault weapons and high capacity magazines," (and For Congress to) "Pass Universal Background Checks!" And "You Could See" that "He Took Pride in Sharing The Fact" that He "established the first ever Office of Gun Violence Prevention in the White House," and "signed the most significant gun safety law in nearly 30 years."

And "President Biden also Took Pride in The American Rescue Plan," and that He's "launched A Climate Corps to put 20,000 young people to work at the forefront of our clean energy future" (Patterned on the Model of The Peace Corps," and "The Ameri Corps)! And that (He) "I've passed the Pact Act" "helping millions of Veterans who were exposed to toxins and who are now battling more than 100 cancers." And that, "Many of them didn't come home. We owe them and their families. And we owe it to ourselves to keep supporting our new research agency called ARPA-H and remind us that we can do big things like end cancer as we know it."
And "President Biden also Spoke of A New American Initiative" to "Provide Humanitarian Assistance for Gaza," and "The Innocent People of Palestine," who are "Trapped in The Middle of The War between The Sovereign State of Israel," and "The Hamas Militia!" And "The President" also said" that, "As we look to the future, the only real solution is a two-state solution."

And In Regards to Women's Rights, "President Biden said, "If Americans send me a Congress that supports the right to choose, I promise you, I will restore Roe v. Wade as the law of the land." 

And In Regards to the People's Republic of China," He said, "Our trade deficit with China is down to the lowest point in over a decade," .... And We're standing up against China's unfair economic practices," .... And "Standing up for peace and stability across the Taiwan Strait."     And "I've revitalized our partnerships and alliances in the Pacific (with "The Quad," Comprised of "the Commonwealth of Australia, "the Republic of India," Japan/Nippon-koku, and the United States of America")," and "I've made sure that the most advanced American technologies can't be used in China's weapons." And "Concluded Wisely" with, "We want competition with China, but not conflict."

And "President Biden Spoke Proudly" that "The State of The Union is strong and getting stronger." And "about the future of possibilities that we can build together."

And "The President also Spoke" about, "Protecting and strengthening social security," And that, "The One Thousand Billionaires in The U.S. Should be paying Their Fair Share of Taxes," "Just 25%!"

And "President Biden Spoke of Providing An Excellent and Affordable Education for The Youth of America!" And "For Congress to Pass The John R. Lewis Voting Rights Advancement Act!" And "The Bipartisan Immigration Bill" that"Was Negotiated in The United States Senate," and "For Ex-President Trump to Join Him in This Effort!"

And "President Biden also Spoke of The Greatness of America," and of "The core values that have defined America. Honesty. Decency. Dignity. Equality. To respect everyone. To give everyone a fair shot. To give hate no safe harbor."

"If you were Not Fortunate Enough to Tune in," and "Watch This State of The Union Address," "I Highly Recommend that you do!" "Why!" Because, "There is Little Doubt"that "President Biden's State of The Union Address Will Be Looked Upon" "Historically," and "From A Political Purview," as "Being One of The Most Impressive Speeches" to "Have Ever Graced The Hallowed Chamber of The United States House of Representatives!" And "Should Be Read by," and/or "Viewed by Every American Citizen!" And/or "Citizen of The Sovereign Solar Community of United Nations!"
- "Global Cross Media News Universe, Insights, New Horizons, News Purview's, and Global Perspectives"-
- "Global Cross Media and Nationwide News" from "The Washington D.C. Eye" on "The Republican Response to "President Joseph Robinette Biden Jr.'s 2024 State of The Union Address to The Nation,"-

"The Republican Response" was "Given by Senator Katie Elizabeth Britt of The State of Alabama, and "Unfortunately, It was Extremely Difficult to Listen to Her Speech!" "It was as If She Lived in An Alternative Reality," "Not The 24/7 Time/Space Reality" of "The Multi- Cultural Sociological Sphere's" of "The Rainbow Community," "Tapestry," and "Fabric Of The American People!"
"Her Idea" of "Protecting the American Dream Would have Been Convincing If The American People had Not Lived Through Four Years of The Trump Administration," and "Remembered Migrant Children Being Separated from Their Parents," and "Placed in Detainment Centers," without "Their Parents," and/or "Family Relatives," "Not Knowing Where They were!"
And "American's Remember," "The Former Presidents' $1.9 Trillion Dollar Tax Relief Bill" Called "The Tax Cuts and Jobs Act" (TCJA) that "Mainly Benefited Corporations" and "The Wealthy,"  "Not The American People," or "American Workers!" a
And  also "When The Former President Agreed with President Putin" at "The Face to Face Meeting with The Russian President at The Summit in Helsinki, Finland, in July of 2018," that "Russia Did Not Interfere in U.S. Elections," over that of "The Opinion of The United States Intelligence Agencies!"

And "Sen. Britt's Idea of What The American Dream is" and "What Good Governance is" "Sorely Contrasts with Global Cross Media News Reports that "Fourteen Officials of The Trump Administration" "Violated The Hatch Act" for "More than Fifty Times!" 
And "The Fact" that "Donald John Trump," The 45th President of The United States of America" was "Twice Impeached," by "A Democratic Majority," in "The House of Representatives in 2019" and "2021!" ("In Both Instances Former President Trump was Acquitted" by "A Republican Majority in The United States Senate!")-

And To Date, "The Former President has Been Charged in Four Separate Criminal Cases," and "Has also Been Charged with Ninety- One Criminal Counts," to "Which He has Plead Not Guilty!"

And also "Has Been Convicted of Sexual Abuse" in "The E. Jean Carroll Case" and "Ordered to Pay Her $Five Million Dollars," and "Another $83 Million Dollars In A Defamation Case Won by E. Jean Carroll in January 2024!"
And "Mr. Trump was also Found Guilty" by "Judge Arthur F. Engoron," Justice of the New York State Supreme Court from the First Judicial District, in February of 2024 "For Lying about His Wealth in A Civil Fraud Case Filed by New York Attorney General Letitia Ann James," and "Ordered to Pay $355 Million Dollars in Penalties," and "Placed The Trump Organization under the Supervision" of "An Independent Monitor for at Least Three Years!" And "These are Just A Few of The Legal Cases" that The Ex-President has had to Face!" And "There is More to Come!"

And "It is Very Difficult" to "Find Any Agreement with What Senator Britt was Attempting to Articulate," "However Sincerely!" "When Too Many Americans Lived Through" and "Experienced The Four Years of The Trump Administration" and "Heard The Big Lie over and over Again," Which "Led Up to The Attack on The U.S. Capitol on The Sixth of January 2021," as well as "The Families who Lost A Love One During The CoronaVirus Pandemic!"
 - "Global Cross Media News Universe, Insights, New Horizons, News Purview's, and Global Perspectives"-
And, "An Earthwide Spectrum" of "Sociological," "Political," "Humanitarian," "Environmental," "Ecological," "Energy," "Informational," "Communication," "Philosophical," "Candid," "Straightforward," "Current," and "Contemporary," "Earthwide Affairs," and "Current Events," that "Coalesce," and "Merge" with "An Honest," "Omniscient," and "Omnipotent Spirit," and "Soul Force Of The People,"- Extra Noteworthy News- "The 2024 Presumptive Democratic Nominee" has "Been Overwhelming Chosen"-

"Headlines of The Fourth Estate," and "Breaking News Spotlights of The Global Cross Media News Sphere's Reported" that Tuesday, March 12, 2024, "President Joseph Robinette Biden Jr. Won All of The 2024 Presidential Primaries" in (U) "Georgia," (II) "Washington," (III) "Mississippi," (IV) "The Northern Marianas Caucuses" and, (V) " Dems Abroad," by "Substantial Margins" (of Course "Only President Biden is Left Out of All of The Democrats who were Actively Campaigning in The 2024 Democratic Primaries)!"

And In Doing so, "President Joseph Robinette Biden Jr. has Become The Presumptive Nominee for The Democratic Party" with 2, 099 Pledged Delegates" (At Last Count)! "All The President Needed is 1,968" to "Win The Democratic Re-Nomination for President!"

And "The Rematch with Former President Donald John Trump is Set!" "Unless The Former President's Legal Problems Become A Major Factor in the Way of This Occurring!"
 - "Global Cross Media News Universe, Insights, New Horizons, News Purview's, and Global Perspectives"-

And, "An Earthwide Spectrum" of "Sociological," "Political," "Humanitarian," "Environmental," "Ecological," "Energy," "Informational," "Communication," "Philosophical," "Candid," "Straightforward," "Current," and "Contemporary," "Earthwide Affairs," and "Current Events," that "Coalesce," and "Merge" with "An Honest," "Omniscient," and "Omnipotent Spirit," and "Soul Force Of The People,"- Extra Noteworthy News- "The 2024 Twelfth of March Republican Primary" and "Caucus Results"- "The Presumptive 2024 Republican Nominee has Been Chosen"-

"Headlines of The Fourth Estate," and "Breaking News Spotlights of The Global Cross Media News Sphere's Reported" that, Tuesday, The Twelfth of March 2024 "Former President Donald John Trump Won The 2024 (I) "Georgia," "(II) "Mississippi," (III) "Hawaii Caucuses," and, (IV) "Washington" "Presidential Primaries," (Of Course He is The Only Republican who is Left Actively Campaigning in This 2024 Primary Season)!

At Present, "The Ex- President has 1, 247 Pledged Delegates," (at Last Count) as of Wednesday, The Thirteenth of March 2024, "Making Him The 2024 Presumptive Nominee for The Republican Party!" All The Former President Needed was 1, 215 Pledged Delegates to Become The Presumptive Nominee!"

-"Global Cross Media News Universe, Insights, New Horizons, News Purview's, and Global Perspectives"- "All of The Legal Challenges that Former President Donald John Trump is Facing" "Should Be Decided Upon," ("Innocent or Guilty,") "Before The Republican Convention,"-

To Date, "The Former President has Been Charged in Four Separate Criminal Cases," and "Has also Been Charged with Ninety- One Criminal Counts," to "Which He has Plead Not Guilty!"

And "Let Us Agree" that, "Its Time for Him to Be Judged Innocent" or "Guilty" in "A Court of Law!" "For This is His Right as An American Citizen," and also "From A Point of Deep and Sincere Legal Contention," for "The American People to See," and "Hear," "The Decisions," "Rulings," "Opinions," and "Results of," from "A Legal Standpoint," and "View," within "The Hallowed Courts of The Judiciary," and "The Supreme Court of The United States Whenever It is Deemed to Be Necessary," or "A Final Appeal is Needed to Be Judged!"

And "Let Us All Agree" that "This is An Irrefutable Point to Make," "Because This is What Makes The United States of America A Great Sovereign Solar Democratic Nation" that "Is Respected" and "Admired, " "Earthwide!"

And "It Simply Does Not Make Any Sense for Anyone" who "Seeks to Attain The Highest Office in America," to "Not Be Judged Innocent or Guilty," for "His" or "Her Alleged Criminal Acts," "Before The American People Cast Their Votes," "Especially so, "As In A National Election!"

And "The American Judiciary Must Uphold The Laws of The Land," and "The Rule of Law," and "The Constitutional Rights of Every Citizen," and "Ensuring that The Judiciary Will Be A Fair and Just Arbiter of The Law," and "Fulfill The Promise" that "Every American Will Receive Equal Justice under The Law!" And that "They Will Continue to Function as "Guardians," and "True Interpreters of The Law," and "The United States Constitution!"
"For These are The High Principles that America was Founded Upon!" And "No One is Above The Law!"
And "Before Any Debate is Entertained," "Legal Judgments Must Be Made True or False," and "Justice Must Be Served," "Innocent or Guilty!"

-"Global Cross Media News Universe, Insights, New Horizons, News Purview's, and Global Perspectives"-
And "Who are The Democrats!" "A Political Party" of "Women," and "Men" who are "A Portrait of Courage!"
And, "An Earthwide Spectrum" of "Sociological," "Political," "Humanitarian," "Environmental," "Ecological," "Energy," "Informational," "Communication," "Philosophical," "Candid," "Straightforward," "Current," and "Contemporary," "Earthwide Affairs," and "Current Events," that "Coalesce," and "Merge" with "An Honest," "Omniscient," and "Omnipotent Spirit," and "Soul Force Of The People,"-

 And "A New Age of Peace," and "Unity on Earth," with "Peacetime Partnerships," and "Egalitarian Rights for One and All," of "The Sociological Sphere's" of "The Earths Sovereign Solar Community of United Nations," from "Asia to Africa," and "From North America to South America," and "From Antarctica to Europe," and "Australia,"-
"It is of The Greatest Importance" that "We Comprehend Clearly," "Intelligibly," and "Emphatically,"
"Who are The Democrats!" "A Political Party" of "Women," and "Men" who are "A Portrait of Courage!" And "Sociological," and "Political Allies," of "The Sovereign Solar Community of United Nations" who "Believe in, and "Respect The Territorial Rights" of "All Sovereign Solar Nations Earthwide," Distinctly Meaning: (I) "The Rights of Jurisdiction over A Territory," (II) "The Rights of Control over The Borders that Circumscribe This Territory that," (III) "The Rights of Control over The Natural Resources that Lie within This Territory" and, (IV) "The Right to Live in Peace," and "Freedom!"

 And "The Democrats Represent," "All that is In The Best Interests of The Multi-Cultural Sociological Sphere's," "Rainbow Community," "Tapestry," and "Fabric Of The American People!"

"The Democrats are A Political Party of Women," and "Men," who are "Dedicated to Protect," and "Defend," "The Constitutional Rights of Women in America," and "The Civil Rights," and "The Human Rights of The American People," and "The Human," and "Civil Rights of The More than Eight Billion Citizens/People Earthwide," and "The Territorial Rights" of "The Sovereign Solar Community of United Nations Earthwide!"

"Who are The Democrats!" "They are A Party of "Women," and "Men," who "Have Taken Oaths to," and "Believe in," and "Represent The Laws," and "High Principles," of "The United States Constitution," "The Declaration of Independence," and "The Bill of Rights!"

"Who are The Democrats!" "They are Women," and "Men," who are "The Hope of The Future in America!" And "They are The Hope of The Youth of America," and "Their Education," "Factually," "Truthfully," and "Fully Descriptively!" 
And "The National Security of All Americans" Irregardless of "Age," "Color," "Creed," "Gender," "Mental Disability," "Nationality," "Physical Disability," "Political Preference," "Race," "Socioeconomic Status," "Special Needs," "Transgender," or "Tribe!"

"Who are The Democrats!" "They are A Political Party of Women," and "Men, who are "The Supporters," and "Advocates of Equal Rights," and "The Sociological Opportunity of All The People," to "Achieve Their Goals," "Visions," "Enterprises," "Hope's, and "Dreams," in "Life!"

And "They are The Conservators," and "Protectors," of "The Environmental," and "Ecological Sphere's" of "The Lithosphere," "Biosphere," "Hydrosphere," and "Atmosphere," and of "The Grand Universe of Galaxies that We are A Significant," although "Minuscule Part of!"

And "They are The Safe Haven" for "Independent Voters," who are "Seeking An Honest Arbiter," and/or "Alternative Purview," that "They Can Cast Their Votes for," who also "Believe in Liberty," and "Justice," and "In Adherence to The Laws Written in The US Constitution," and "In Issues that Can Be of Benefit to America!"

"Who are The Democrats!" "They are A Political Party of Americans," who "Understand The Difficulties of Raising A Family in The Twenty- First Century," and "The Challenges that Exist In Providing An Excellent," and yet "Still Affordable Education for The Youth of The Nation!"
"They are Women," and "Men," who "Believe in A Fair and Just System of Taxes," and "In A Higher Minimum Wage," and "Universal Healthcare," and "A Bold and Progressive Civilization" that "Encompasses," and "Empowers," "The Growth," "Development," "Potential," "Possibilities," and "Sociological Security Of All The People," to "Live in An Age Where The Egalitarian," and "Universal Rights," of "All The People/Citizens" of "The Sovereign Solar Community of United Nations," and "Partners of Fair Trade," and "Commerce," and "Equilibre/Equanimity," are "Protected," "Defended," "Preserved," and "Maintained," with "The Highest Code of Ethics" "In Place," and with "The Armed Forces Of The People," who are "Freedom Fighters," "In Place," to "Guarantee The Certitude" that "Peace," "Unity," "Liberty," and "Justice for One and All," "Will Be The Main Universal," and Sociological Priorities in Perpetuity!"
- "Global Cross Media News Universe, Insights, New Horizons, News Purview's, and Global Perspectives"- 
And, "An Earthwide Spectrum" of "Sociological," "Political," "Humanitarian," "Environmental," "Ecological," "Energy," "Informational," "Communication," "Philosophical," "Candid," "Straightforward," "Current," and "Contemporary," "Earthwide Affairs," and "Current Events," that "Coalesce," and "Merge" with "An Honest," "Omniscient," and "Omnipotent Spirit," and "Soul Force Of The People,"-

And "A New Age of Peace," and "Unity on Earth," with "Peacetime Partnerships," amnd "Egalitarian Rights for One and All," of "The Sociological Sphere's" of "The Earths Sovereign Solar Community of United Nations," from "Asia to Africa," and "From North America to South America," and "From Antarctica to Europe," and "Australia,"- Extra Noteworthy News- Sunday, The Tenth of March 2024 "Nonessential U.S. Employees were Uplifted from The Embassy in The Sovereign Solar Island Nation of Haiti" by "The U.S. Military"-

"Headlines of The Fourth Estate," and "Breaking News Spotlights of The Global Cross Media News Sphere's Reported" that "The United States of America has Committed An Additional $One Hundred Million Dollars" to "Support A United Nations Backed Multi-National Security Force" in "The Sovereign Solar Nation" of "The Republic of Haiti!" to Quell The Increased Barbaric," and "Savage Gang Violence" that has "Violated The Human Rights of The Haitian People," and "Assist The Haitian Police!" 

"These Gangs have Viciously" and "Illegally Plagued Haitian Communities for Too Long!" And "Its Time for Law and Order," and "Justice to Return to This Island Nation!"
-(Note that, "In Total, The United States has Contributed $Three Hundred Million Dollars to The UN Multinational Security Force!")-

"This $One Hundred Million Dollars is In Addition" to "The $Thirty- Three Million Dollars Provided by The U.S. for "Humanitarian Aid!"
 - United Interdependent Global Activists- The Way To Peace! #452- (Revisited and Revised)- "Global Cross Media News Universe, Insights, New Horizons, News Purview's, and Global Perspectives"- And, "A New Age" of "Earthwide Sociological," "Political," "Humanitarian," "Environmental," "Ecological," "Energy," "Informational," "Communication," "Philosophical," "Candid," "Straightforward," "Current," and "Contemporary," "Earthwide Affairs," and "Events," that "Coalesce," and "Merge" with "An Honest," "Omniscient," and "Omnipotent Spirit," and "Soul Force Of The People,"- As The Sun Set's O'er The Sovereign Solar Community of United Nations
"Voters Will Be Voting in National Elections in At Least Sixty- Four Sovereign Solar Nations in 2024," (Including "The Russian Federation," "The European Union," and Of Course "In The United States of America") and "If There  ever was A Significant Moment in Time," "When Your Vote Can Make A Difference," "Let Us Agree," "That Moment is Here and Now!"

And, "Let Us also Agree" that, "Whether It Be From Purely A Political Perspective," or "A Sociological Purview," that "We have Reached Yet Another Crossroads in The Battle Between Good and Evil," and "The Consequences of This Struggle" to "Either Control," or "Enslave The Hearts," "Minds," "Intelligence," "Conscience," "Souls," and "Spirits," of "The Earths Populace in The Twenty- First Century," is "Now At Hand!"
And "The Combined Population of The Approximately Forty-Nine Percent of People/Citizens who Will Be Voting," "Must Give Their Complete," and "Absolute Support," to "Vote for The Candidates," and "Nominees," who "Believe in Freedom," "Justice," and "Equality For One and All!" "For The Sake of The Youth of The Earth," and "Today's Current Generation," and "For The Sake of Future Generations to Come!" 

"For We Must Preserve," "Protect," and "Maintain The Universal Principles that Presently Exist in The UN Charter," and that "Have Been Agreed to" by "The Sovereign Solar Community of United Nations," who "Believe in Peace," and "Unification," and "Earthwide Partnerships," and "The Democratic," and "Egalitarian Rights of One and All!" And in "Good over Evil!"
--United Interdependent Global Activists- The Way To Peace! #453- (Revisited and Revised)- 
- "Global Cross Media News Universe, Insights, New Horizons, News Purview's, and Global Perspectives"- And, "An Earthwide Spectrum" of "Sociological," "Political," "Humanitarian," "Environmental," "Ecological," "Energy," "Informational," "Communication," "Philosophical," "Candid," "Straightforward," "Current," and "Contemporary," "Earthwide Affairs," and "Current Events," that "Coalesce," and "Merge" with "An Honest," "Omniscient," and "Omnipotent Spirit," and "Soul Force Of The People,"- And "Environmental" and "Ecological Concerns"-
"As The Sun Sets and Rises O'er The Seven Continents," and "Twenty- Four Regions" (Time Zones) of "The Third Planet from The Sun," and "New Moon Cycles Provide Us with A Myriad Concise," "Precious," "Light and Easy Flowing," and "Some Highly Determined Opportunities," to "Pursue and Engage in A Calendar of Events" to "Address The Environmental" and "Ecological Issues," and "Concern's" that "We are Being Confronted with," and that "Lie Ahead in Our Lives," Such as; "Climate Warming," and "With Each New Earthquake," "Hurricane," "Tornado," and/or "Tropical Storm," "Flash Flood," and/or "Blizzard," that "Brings with It Winter's Cold," and "Cascades of Snowfalls," and "Drifts," that "Cover The Earth's Landscapes," and with "Winds that Remind Us" of "Just How Vulnerable We are," and "Wildfires," that "Destroy All that Lies in Their Paths," "Time" "Becomes The Ultimate Weather Visionary," that "Reminds Us," Meaning "Scientists," and "The Earths Population of Eight Billion Citizens/People" of "The Sovereign Solar Community of United Nations," (of This The Third Planet from The Sun) that "As The Seasons Change" So Must We Adapt to The Unlimited Parameters of Natures Conservation," as well as "To Prioritize The Principles that Govern Us," in A Natural Sense, and "Prevent The Earths Ecosystem from Unnecessary Harm/Destruction," as well as "Protect The Lives of All Sentient Beings!" For "Too Many Species have Become Extinct," and "The Earth Itself has Been Gravely Polluted," and "Abused by "The Thoughtless Actions of Ruthless Business Enterprises," and "The Acts of Individuals who are Insensitive," and/or "Who have Engaged in Irresponsible Acts," and/or "Wars," and "Military Conflicts/Invasions," and "Terrorist Acts" that have "Caused Mass Destruction!"

"I Remember having A Conversation" with "A Traditional Chief," of "An Indigenous Nation of The People," and "He Shared The History of A Time When The Earth," and "The Sentient Life Forms that Existed O'er The Lands and Prairies," and "In The Sea's," and "Skies," were "Considered Sacred," and "The Ecosystem" was "Respected by All The People!"

And "Here We are in The Second Decade of The Twenty- First Century" with "Too Many Naysayers," who "Either Show Little Concern for The Damage," and "Harm," that "Has Been Inflicted Upon The Earth," or "The Evil Acts" that "Gained Profit thru Commercial Enterprises," "Trade," and "Global Businesses," that "All Profited at The Expense of The Biological Diversity," and "The Parallel Universes that Grace This Earth of Ours," of "Which The Eight Billion People/Citizens" of "The Sovereign Solar Community of United Nations," have also "Been Negatively Affected,"by (1) "Abuses to The Environment that have Had A Negative Effect Upon The Climate," and "The Pollution of Our Biosphere" or, (2) "Global Pandemics" that have "Caused The Deaths of Millions of People" and/or, (3) "In Disrespect of The Air that We Breathe," and "In Violation of The Principles," and "The Rights of Life," and "The Values," "Traditions," and "Ethical Codes" and "Moral Philosophies," that "Encompass The Multi- Cultural Sociological Sphere's," and "Rainbow Communities," and "Grand Tapestries of The Earth," and "We The People!"


-"Global Cross Media News Universe, Insights, New Horizons, News Purview's, and Global Perspectives,"- And, "A New Era of Priorities" of "Peace" over "War," and "The Elimination of Poverty" over "Greed" and "Selfishness," and "Racial Justice" over "Hate" and "Prejudice," and "The Violation and "Abuse" of "Our Civil Rights," and "Human Rights," by "Dictators," and "Tyrants," and "The Protection of The Environmental," and "Ecological Sphere's of This Planet Earth" over "The Ravage of Nature" by "Profit Mongers,"-

"The Time has Come" for "A Magnificent New Era" of "An Environmental," and "Ecological Renaissance," of "A Progressive," "Highly Educated," "Advanced," "Humanistic," "Ethical," "Energetic," "Vibrant," "Highly Spirited," and "Courageous Civilization," of "The Sociological Sphere's" of "The Earths Sovereign Solar Community of United Nations," from "Asia to Africa," and "From North America to South America," and "From Antarctica to Europe," and "Australia," that "Is Restorative," and "Enhances," and "Empowers," "Nature's Seasons," and "The Limitless Systems," and "Regions of The Earth," Comprised of "Its Lithosphere," "Biosphere," "Hydrosphere," and "Atmosphere," and "The Grand Universe of Galaxies that We are A Significant," although "Minuscule Part of," is "Now!" "Yes, That Time is Now!"

And "The Simple Fact" is "We Can No Longer Endure The Selfish," "Evil," and "Manipulated Acts" of "Corrupt Business Men and Women," or of "Warmongering, Imperialistic," "Despotic," and "Evil Leaders of Government," "Terrorists," "Crime Syndicates," or "Predatory," "Exploitative," "Greedy," "Licentious," "Lustful," and "Immoral," "Oppressors of The People!" "Its Time for An Egalitarian Age Of," "By," and "For All The People," to "Live in Peace and Unity!"


 - United Interdependent Global Activists- The Way To Peace! #453- (Revisited and Revised)- Extra Noteworthy News- "Global Cross Media News Universe, Insights, New Horizons, News Purview's, and Global Perspectives"- Extra Noteworthy News- And "Time is of The Essence!" "Brave and Courageous," "Women," "Children," and "Men," are "Dying,"-

And, "An Earthwide Spectrum" of "Sociological," "Political," "Humanitarian," "Environmental," "Ecological," "Energy," "Informational," "Communication," "Philosophical," "Candid," "Straightforward," "Current," and "Contemporary," "Earthwide Affairs," and "Current Events," that "Coalesce," and "Merge" with "An Honest," "Omniscient," and "Omnipotent Spirit," and "Soul Force Of The People,"- And "A New Age of Peace," and "Unity on Earth," with "Peacetime Partnerships," and "Egalitarian Rights for One and All," of "The Sociological Sphere's" of "The Earths Sovereign Solar Community of United Nations," from "Asia to Africa," and "From North America to South America," and "From Antarctica to Europe," and "Australia,"-
"This is Not The Time for Procrastination," or "Any Further Delays," For "Freedom," and "The Democratic," and "Egalitarian Rights Of The People," ("The Innocent Citizens of Ukraine,") are "Being Threatened by The Armed Forces" of "A Despotic," "Tyrannical Warmonger," and "The United States of America Can Not Be on The Sidelines While Innocent People are Being Killed," "Tortured," "Raped," and "Their Homes Destroyed!"
And "The United States Congress Must Continue to Act," "Forcefully," and "Speak Out in The Name of," and "In Support of," "Right over Wrong," and "Good over Evil!"
And "The $95.3 Billion Dollar Legislation Passed in The United States Senate on Tuesday, The Thirteenth of February 2024," "Must Be Brought to The Floor of The United States House of Representatives," and "Voted on," and "Passed," with "A Solemn Sense of Doing One's Patriotic Duty," and "In An Unquestionable," "Irrefutable," "Determined," "Dedicated," and "Unwavering Support," and "Respect for America's Allies," and "The High Principles," that "The United States of America Symbolizes," and "Stands for!"


 - Extra Noteworthy News- (Part I)- "The Sovereign Solar Community of United Nations" are "Becoming Deeply Concerned" with "The Humanitarian Crisis in Gaza," and "Palestine in General!"- And "The Observance and Celebration" of "Ramadan," (A Most Sacred Time for Muslims) "Would Be A Perfect Moment to Pause The Fighting" between "The Sovereign Solar Nation of Israel" and "Hamas!"-
And "An Exchange of Hostages in Good Faith, " and "Care for Those who are In Need of Medical Assistance in Good Faith," and "Providing Nourishment" for "The Many who are Without Proper Food and Drink," Would Be A Good Faith Gesture" that "Can Save Innocent Lives!"

"This War has Caused The Deaths of More than 30,000 Innocent People in Gaza," and According to Palestinian Health Officials, "Two- Thirds of Them" are "Innocent Women," and "Children!"
And "Just as Tragically The Deaths of More that 1,200 Israelis and Foreigners,"
And "More than Two Hundred and Forty Innocent People were Taken Hostage," by "Hamas!"

However, "This is A War" that "Hamas Must Ultimately Receive The Blame for,"
But "It is also Prime Minister Benjamin "Bibi" Netanyahu who Must also Bear The Responsibility" for "Planning The Strategy," and "The Execution of The Military Retaliation," and "Incursion into Gaza," and "Palestine," "Against Hamas and Its Leaders," that "Has Forced Millions of Palestinians to Flee from Their Homes," and "The Rising Death Tolls!"
And "The Call for A Truce" and "Fruitful Negotiations," (Monitored by The UN and/or "Another Agreed to Third Party) "Must Be Adhered to" by "Both Israel" and "Hamas!" And "Fully," and "Non-Violently Implemented!"

 - Extra Noteworthy News- (Part II)- "A Non-Violent Change" and "Peaceful Coexistence Must Come to Be in The Middle East,"-

"The Time has Come for Israel" to "Negotiate in Good Faith" with "Esteemed Palestinian Officials of High Repute," and "Honorable Reputation," and "Come to A Two State Accord of Peace," and "The Normalization of Relationships Wherever The Sun May Shine O'er These Two States," and that "Leads to Peace," and "The Normalization of Relationships Althroughout The Middle Eastern Region!"

And "The Time has Come for The Palestinian Authorities" to "Negotiate in Good Faith" with "Esteemed Israeli Officials of High Repute," and "Honorable Reputation," and "Come to A Two State Accord of Peace," and "The Normalization of Relationships Wherever The Sun May Shine O'er These Two States," and that "Leads to Peace," and "The Normalization of Relationships Althroughout The Middle Eastern Region!"

And then, "These Brave," and "Courageous Visionaries," and "Negotiators," "Must Stand Strong," as "A Great Soul Strength" and "Pillars," and "Cornerstones," of "The Truth," "When They are Attacked by The Evil Factions who Would Seek to Destroy This Accord!"
And "They Must Sit Down in Public Forums," or via "The Global Cross Media," and "Social Media Universes of Communication" and "Information," and "Share The Principles," and "The Significant Area's of Agreement," and "The Overall Details," of "This Just Agreement," and/or "Peace and Unity Accord," in "A Demonstration of Their Personal Engagement with The People," and "Leadership Of The People," "For The Citizens/People" of "Both Sovereign Solar Nations," to "Comprehend The Full Importance of!"

And "This Should also Be The Goal of The Activists who are Disappointed" with "The Handling of The War between The Sovereign State of Israel," and "The Radical," "Extremist Militia Hamas," in Gaza," as well as "The Goal of The United States of America," and "The Sovereign Solar Community of United Nations," "Wherever The Sun Rises," and "The Moon Illuminates The Skies," of "This The Third Planet from The Sun!" "For The Sake of The Youth of The Earth," and "The Future Generations" who are "To Inherit The Sociological Affairs of Humanity," and "The Environmental," and "Ecological Sphere's," of "This Planet Earth!"

- "Global Cross Media News Universe, Insights, New Horizons, News Purview's, and Global Perspectives"- And "Once There were Great Leaders in The Republican Party," "Where are They Now,"-

And, "A New Age" of "Earthwide Spectrum of Information," "Communication," "Sociological," "Environmental," "Humanitarian," "Philosophical," "Political," "Journalistic," "Candid," "Straightforward," "Purview's," and "Overview"s," of "Current," and "Contemporary," and "Far Reaching," "Prescient Visions," "Stories of Interest," and "Earthwide Affairs," and "Events," that "Coalesce," and "Merge" with "An Honest," "Omniscient," and "Omnipotent Spirit," and "Soul Force Of The People,"-

"The Annals of History have Recorded," from "The United States of America's First President George Washington," ("An Independent," and "The Only President" to "Never Be Formally Associated with A Political Party") and "The American Revolution," to "President Abraham Lincoln," ("The First Republican President") and "The Civil War," and "Although Neither of Them was Perfect," "They Exemplified The Great Characteristics of Leadership," and "Heroism," that "Protected," "Defended," and "Preserved The Grand Principles," and "Values," that "America Stood for," and was "Founded Upon!"
And "Even Beyond The Nineteenth Century," and into "The Political," and "Sociological Challenges of The Twentieth Century," "There were "Great Democratic," and "Republican Leaders," who "Made America Proud of Them," Irregardless of "Whatever Political Persuasion," or "Ideology," that "They Believed in" and "Followed!" Because They Dedicated," and "Sacrificed Their Lives" to "Keep America Safe," and also "Gave Their Absolute," and "Unconditional Support to America's Allies," who "Believed in The Democratic" and "Egalitarian Rights of All People" to "Live in Peace," "Equality," "Liberty," "Justice," and "Freedom!"

And "Here We are in The Second Decade of The Twenty- First Century," and "One of America's Two Major Political Parties has Become An Embarrassment to The Nation!"
And "Ever since The Passing of Former Senator," and "War Hero," "John Sydney McCain III of The State of Arizona," who "Inspired The GOP," and "Who Stood Up for," and "Believed in," "The Democratic Principles" that "Gave Strength," and "Courage," to "Oppressed and Repressed People Earthwide," and "Whenever," and "Wherever Times of War," and "Despotic Totalitarian Factions Threatened The Peace of The Sovereign Solar Community of United Nations," And "Whenever Anti- American Foreign," and/or "Domestic Factions Attacked America's Private," and "Public Sectors," and/or "Its Businesses," and "Institutions," and "Its Republic," and "Government Of The People, By The People, and For The People!"
However, "Since John McCain," "The GOP (The Grand Old Party)" has "Continued to Disintegrate" into "A No Platform Party," that "Still Supports The Big Lie Conspiracy," with "The Notable Exception of Former Wyoming Congresswoman Elizabeth Lynne Cheney," (that "President Biden" and "Vice President Harris" "Did Not Win the 2020 Presidential Election") and "Irregardless of The Dangers Involved," have "Delayed The Financial," and "Humanitarian Support Needed by America's Allies" (the Sovereign Nations of Ukraine and Israel) who are "In Life and Death Wars Against" "The Russian Federation," and "The Extreme Radical Militia" of "Hamas," (who "Have Violated The Territorial" and "Democratic Rights of Both Sovereign Nations,") as well as "Using The Threats of Impeachment," "Obstruction," and "Divisive Legislation" that "Does Not Reflect A True Comprehension" of "What The Needs Of The American People are," and/or of "What The Difficulty Factors are" to "Raise A Family," and "See that The Youth of The Nation are Properly Protected," and "Educated with True Knowledge" and "Proven Facts," that are "Sustained," and "Confirmed" by "Historical Data!" And "In Addition," "The Republican Party has Not Shown Any Real Inclination," or "Intention" to "Support The Constitutional Rights of Women!"

And to "Compound The Severity of The GOP Disintegration," is that "It has Become A Political Party" that "Continues to Spew Forth Dangerous Rhetoric," that "Is of A Dehumanizing Nature Towards People who are "Legally Seeking A Safe Haven" from "Outright Evil Factions," and "Governments," who are "Corrupting Them," "Kidnapping Them," "Oppressing Them," "Enslaving Them," and "Committing Inhuman Crimes Against Them!" And "Supporting Political Candidates who Adhere to These Same Inequities," and "Unjust Policies," and "Disruptive," and "Malevolent Characteristics!"

And "America Can No Longer Endure These Leadership Traits," "Whether in The Workplace," "Local," "City," "State," or "Federal Government," Nor "In Religious" and/or "Spiritual Leadership," or "In Academia," or "Business Leadership!" "This is Quite Simply Not What America is," or "What American's were Taught to Believe in," "Whether "It Be at Home," "School," "Places of Worship," "Sports," or "Whatever Your Choice of Occupation May Be!"

"America has Always Been Proud of Its Heroes," and of "Its Women," and "Men" of "Great Courage and Bravery" who "Have Fought for," and "Sacrificed Their Lives for," and "Died for," "All" that "The United States of America is," and that "This Grand Ole Republic," "Democracy," and "Government Of The People, By The People, and For The People is!"
And "It's Time for It's Elected Officials" to "Exemplify," and "Personify," "All of The Principles that America was Founded Upon," in "The U.S. Constitution," "The Declaration of Independence," and "The Bill of Rights!" As well as "The Oaths of Office" that "They Agreed to!"

And "If They are Unable to Do This, "Then They Should Resign from Office," or "Cease from Running," or "Campaigning to Seek Office!"

And "In This Time Period," During This Primary," and "Presidential Election Season of 2024 In The United States of America," or "Whenever," and "Wherever Decisions" are "Being Contemplated O'er The Sovereign Solar Community of United Nations," and/or "Made by The American Voting Public," "It is Imperative," "If Not of Vital Importance," to "Reject," and "Resist." "The Outright Lies," and "False Political Campaign Promises," that are "Being Made to Secure Your Vote," and/or "Support," at "The Detriment," "Destruction," "Perversion," "Subversion," "Corrupt," "Violation," and "Abuse of Everything" that "Is Beneficial to Your Fellow Human Being," and "Especially," that "Is Beneficial to The Youth of The Earth," Who are "To Be The Inheritors," "Conservators," "Protectors," and "Preservers," of "The Sociological," "Environmental," and "Ecological Sphere's" of This, "The Third Planet from The Sun!"

"For Their Leadership Qualities Should Represent," and "Be A Pure Reflection of," and "Be The Manifestation of," "All" that is"Of The Best Inspirational Qualities," and "Characteristics," that "History has Recorded in Its Annals!" And that "The Truth" has "Borne Witness to!"

-(Note that, "Super Tuesday in The United States," on The Fifth of March 2024, is "An Important Moment for American's to Voice Their Opinions" and "Vote for The Candidate who Best Represents All that America Stands for!")-
-Extra Noteworthy News-
- Headlines of the Fourth Estates," and "Breaking News Spotlights of The Global Cross Media News Sphere's Reported" on Sunday, March 2, 2024, that "United States Vice President Kamala Devi Harris at "The Commemoration of the 59th Anniversary of "Bloody Sunday," at "The Edmund Pettus Bridge, in Selma, Alabama," "Called for An Immediate Cease-fire between The Sovereign Solar Nation of Israel," and "The Hamas Militants," in order to "Provide Humanitarian Aid for Gaza," and "The Release of Hostages"- "Global Cross Media News Universe, Insights, New Horizons, News Purview's, and Global Perspectives"-
And, "An Earthwide Spectrum" of "Sociological," "Political," "Humanitarian," "Environmental," "Ecological," "Energy," "Informational," "Communication," "Philosophical," "Candid," "Straightforward," "Current," and "Contemporary," "Earthwide Affairs," and "Current Events," that "Coalesce," and "Merge" with "An Honest," "Omniscient," and "Omnipotent Spirit," and "Soul Force Of The People,"-
 And "A New Age of Peace," and "Unity on Earth," with "Peacetime Partnerships," and "Egalitarian Rights for One and All," of "The Sociological Sphere's" of "The Earths Sovereign Solar Community of United Nations," from "Asia to Africa," and "From North America to South America," and "From Antarctica to Europe," and "Australia,"- Extra Noteworthy News- "More than 30,000 Deaths in Gaza, and "The Need for A Cease-fire is Tantamount" and "Imperative"-
 - "Global Cross Media and Nationwide News" from "The Washington D.C. Eye" on "The Advance Figure for Seasonally Adjusted Initial Unemployment Insurance Claims for The Week Ending The Ninth of March 2024," And "Take Special Note" that, "These Weekly Jobless Claims Continue to Remain at Historically Low Levels"- And "A New Job Report,"-

And "In The Spirit of Providing Fair and Good Prices," and "Service," "For The American Consumer" who "Has Weathered Difficult Economic," and "Financial Storms," "During The CoronaVirus Pandemic," "It is Time" for "Big Business," and "All of The Major Brands in The United States," to "Lower Their Prices in Alignment with the Low Annual Inflation Rates," and In Doing so, "Provide Financial Relief for America," and "Help Bring about A Stronger Decline in Retail Sales," as "America Continues to Recover from The Financial Challenges It has Faced,"-

And "With Headlines of The Fourth Estate," and "The Breaking News Spotlights of The Global Cross Media News Sphere's Reporting" on Tuesday, The Thirteenth of February 2024, that "According to The U.S. Labor Department Data," "The Annual Inflation Rate for The United States is at 3.1% for The Twelve Months Ending in January 2024," and "Although Higher than The 2.9%" that "Experts had Been Looking for,"Still is "Lower than The 3.4% in December 2023," and "Continues to Be Good News for The U.S. Economic Recovery," and "Amongst The Lowest Rates that It's Been since June 2023," and "Is Considerable Lower" than "The 6.5% It was in December 2022"-

And "Although The U.S. Unemployment Increased Slightly to 3.9% in February 2024," "It Still Continues to Be Lower than 4%," "Which is Quite Impressive," and "Continues to Be One of The Lowest Rates of Unemployment since 1969,"-

And, "With Mortgage Refinance Rates Continuing to Maintain on Their Present Course," ("Thanks to The Fed's Decision Not to Increase Its Benchmark Interest Rate Once Again"), and "Continuing to Decline at A Steady Rate," ("Although Slightly,") However, "They Continue to Exist," and "Decline at A Low Ebb" of "The Mortgage Rate Tides" that "Have A Direct Affect Upon Our Lives,"-

And, "With The Financial" and "Business Headlines of The Fourth Estate," and "Breaking News Spotlights of The Global Cross Media News Sphere's Reporting" on Friday, The Eighth of March 2024, that, "Nonfarm Payrolls Increased by 275,000 Jobs in The Month of February 2024,"and "Significantly Higher" than "Dow Jones Expectations of 198,000!"-
-(Note that. "Job Gains Occurred" in; (1) "Health care," (2) "Government," (3) "Food Services," (4) "Drinking Places," (5( Social Assistance," (6) "Transportation and, (7) "Warehousing")-

"Let Us Agree" that by "All Standards," and "Most Economic Indicators," "The Veracity," of "The Recovery of The U.S. Economy Continues to Persist," and "Evolve," on "A Positive Basis," and "The Overall Improvements in The U.S. Economy Continue to Improve," and "The Biden/Harris Administration," and "The Democratic Party," have "Good Reason to Be Proud of Their Economic Achievements,"-

And "The Federal Reserve First Announcement for 2024 on Wednesday, The Thirty- First of January 2024," that "Left Its Benchmark Interest Rate Unchanged" and " Will Remain" at "A Range of 5.25 to 5.5 Percent," is "Undoubtedly A Significant Factor" that "The Positive Economic Growth," and "Economic Recovery in The United States of America for 2024," "Continues to Be Good News," and as "Lessening Signs of Inflation Continue,"

Jerome Hayden "Jay" Powell, "the 16th Chair of The Federal Reserve said at A Press Conference" that "A March Rate Cut is Unlikely," and .... "I don't think it's likely the committee will reach a level of confidence by the March meeting," .... "And We want to see more good data. It's not that we're looking for better data, we're looking for a continuation of the good data we've been seeing."-

- (Note that, "The Fed Goal" "Continues to Be," "Bring Inflation Back Down to 2 Percent!")-

And, "As Autumn Evolves into A New Winter Season on The Twenty- First of December," and "As 2023 Evolves into 2024," "A New Era of Economic" and "Financial Prognostications are Upon Us,"-

And, "From An Overall Purview," and "Streetwise Economic Perspective," "The Changes in The U.S. Economy," "Whether They Be Decreases," and/or "Increases," in "The U.S. Unemployment Rate," or "The Annual Inflation Rate," at Present, "Simply Do Not Reflect or Suggest," "The Advent of A Negative Downturn in The United States Economy!" Which is and Remains," "Good News" for "The American People," and "The Biden/Harris Administration," and "The Democratic Party!"-

"The Financial" and "Business Headlines of The Fourth Estate," and "Breaking News Spotlights of The Global Cross Media News Sphere's have Reported" that Thursday, The Fourteenth of March 2024, "The Bureau of Labor Announced" that "The Advanced Figure for Seasonally Adjusted Initial Claims Totaled 209, 000," and "A Decrease of One Thousand" from "The Previous Weeks Revised Down Level of 210, 000," from "217, 000!" And "Still Continues to Remain Among The Lowest Levels that It has Been since The Twenty- Fourth of September 2022," And at "Historical Low Levels!"

And Once Again, "You Don't have to Be Streetwise" or "A Financial Pundit," to "Comprehend" that "While Economic Changes are Expected to Vary from Moment to Moment," at Present, to "A Highly Significant Degree During This Post CoronaVirus Phase of Our Lives," "These U.S. Unemployment Insurance Claims Remain Amongst The Lowest Levels" that "They have Been in Years!" And is also "A Clear Demonstration" that "The U.S. Economy" is "Still in A Positive Mode of Recovery," in "This Post CoronaVirus Pandemic Time Period!"

And, "The Four Week Moving Average was 208, 000," "A Decrease of 500 from The Previous Weeks Revised Down Average to 208, 500 from 212, 250!"
And On Average, "The Facts Continue to Demonstrate" that "The U.S. Economy," is "Within An Overall," "Fairly Positive State of Stability," and "Growth!"

And, When You Include, "The U.S. Annual Inflation Rate at 3.1%," and "U.S. Economic Growth," "Both of These Statistics Together are Positive Signs," that "The Economic Recovery in The United States of America," is "For The Moment," "On Course Towards Improving The Overall Financial Conditions," and "Lifestyles of The American People!"

And, "The Question" of "Whether The U.S. Job Market Will Continue to Remain Strong or Decline," "For The Moment," has "Been Answered," and "Still Remains on A Vibrant Course of Growth!"

-(Note that, "This Overall Economic Streetwise Assessment Can Change," "Especially if The Legislative Chaos of The Republican Party in The U.S. House of Representative," and "The U.S. Senate," is "Not Satisfactorily Resolved in The Very Near Future," to "The Degree that The American People," and "The U.S. Government," are "Not Caused a Major Setback in Their Lifestyles," and "In The Governance of The Nation," and "The Markets Don't Panic!")-

However, Whether or Not, "Private Sector Employment," and/or "Hiring in General" has "Slowed Down," "Including Whatever The Labor Market Forecast is," or "Whether or Not There Will Continue to Be An Increase in Notices of Layoffs at Major Companies," has also "Been Answered for The Moment," "With The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics Report on Friday, The Eigth of March 2024," that "Nonfarm Payroll Employment Rose by 275, 000 in February 2024," Which is "A Positive Demonstration" that "The Economic Horizons in The United States are Improving at A Sensible," Practical," and "Successful State of Being!"-

However, "You Can Continue to Expect" that "From Within This Post CoronaVirus Phase of Our Lives," that "Unemployment Insurance Claims" Will "Vary Back and Forth," within "A Margin of Change," and "Variation, that "Is Understandable," and "For The Most Part Acceptable," and "Unless There is A Serious Economic Dilemma," or "Financial Conundrum," of "Some Sort," "Caused by A Global Pandemic," "Outbreak of War," or "A Serious Banking Failure," and "Earthwide Conditions," "Coupled with Issues," and "Profound Circumstances," and "Aggravations" that "Have Been Exacerbated by A Government Shutdown," or "Politician's," and/or "Factions," who "Profit from Causing Chaos," and "Divisiveness," "These Increases," and "Decreases in Unemployment," When They Occur, "Will Be Deemed Reasonable," and "Logical," by "Market Specialists," "Economic Pundits," and "Streetwise Economists!"

-(And "It is of The Greatest Importance to Note" that "These Jobs have Been Added During A Time Period of High Interest Rates," and that is "A Cognitive Economic Overview to Make," as "The Winter Season of 2023 Enters The Foray of New Economic Perspectives in 2024," and of "What The U.S. Economic Recovery Will End Up Being," as "New Economic Prognostication's are Made," and "New Economic Estimations are Put Forth," and "The Hard Work of Economic Recovery," "Set in Motion by The Biden/Harris Administration Continues to Make Economic Policies" that "Empower All The People," and "Creates A Sociological Sense of Security For All The People," and "Prepares Us for "The Economic," "Growth," "Development," "Industry," "Global," and "Political Challenges that Lie Ahead" in This, "The Second Decade of 2024!" And "This is Be A Positive Note," and "Purview of Interest to Surmise" in "This New Year of Economic Recovery!")-

And "The Good News for Borrowers" is "Mortgage Refinance Rates are Continuing to Maintain A Fairly Steady Pace" on "Their Present Course" "With Slight Declines Included," ("Thanks to The Fed's Decision Not to Increase Its Benchmark Interest Rate Once Again").
And "This Continues to Be Especially Welcomed News for Borrowers," and "College Undergraduates," (For Example) "Who have Taken Out Federal Loans for The 2023 - 2024 School Year!" And "Are Looking Forward to Lower Rates!"
And at Present, "These Mortgage Refinance Rates" are at A Low Ebb on The Mortgage Tides" that "Have A Direct Affect Upon Our Lives!"

However, "Let Us Again," "Fully Realize" and "Respect," that "These Mortgage Rates only Represent A Partial View into The Whole Scope of Relevant Information Apropos" de "The Overall Recovery of The U.S. Economy!"

Here are The Current Mortgage Refinance Rates for March 7, 2024; (A) "The 30 Year Fixed Refinance Rate" is "7.37%" from Yesterdays Rate of "7.37% (+0.00) and, (B) "The 15 Year Fixed Refinance Rate" is "6.63% An Increase" from Yesterdays Rate of "6.60%" (+0.03) and, (C) "The 30 Year Jumbo Rate" is "7.36%" A Decrease from Yesterdays "7.42% (-0.06)!"

-Extra Noteworthy News- "The Politics of Economics"-

Thursday, The Twenty- Ninth of February 2024, "The United States House of Representatives Passed The Bipartisan Short Term Funding Bill" by "A Vote of 339 to 85!" "Sending It to The United States Senate One Day Before Friday's Spending Deadline!" "Where It is Expected to Pass" and "Avert A Partial Government Shutdown," and then "Be Sent to The White House," for "President Joseph R. Biden Jr. to Sign It into Law!"

- "Global Cross Media News Universe, Insights, New Horizons, News Purview's, and Global Perspectives"-  Extra Noteworthy News- "The United States House of Representatives Passes A Bipartisan $460 Billion Dollar Spending Measure"-
And, "An Earthwide Spectrum" of "Sociological," "Political," "Humanitarian," "Environmental," "Ecological," "Energy," "Informational," "Communication," "Philosophical," "Candid," "Straightforward," "Current," and "Contemporary," "Earthwide Affairs," and "Current Events," that "Coalesce," and "Merge" with "An Honest," "Omniscient," and "Omnipotent Spirit," and "Soul Force Of The People,"-

"Headlines of The Fourth Estate," and "Breaking News Spotlights of The Global Cross Media News Sphere's have Reported" that Wednesday, The Sixth of March 2024, "The United States House of Representatives Passed A $460 Billion Dollar Bipartisan Spending Measure" that "Will Fund Half of The Federal Government Through until The Thirtieth of September 2024," and "Avert A Partial Government Shutdown" by "A Vote of 339 to 85!" "The House has "Immediately Sent This Measure to The United States Senate to Be Voted on," "Before The March Eighth Midnight Shutdown Deadline," and "For President Joseph R. Biden Jr. to Sign into Law!"
-Extra Noteworthy News- "The United States Senate Passes The Six Part Bipartisan Spending Package" to "Avert A Partial Government Shutdown,"-

Friday, The Eighth of March 2024, "Headlines of The Fourth Estate," and "Breaking News Spotlights of The Global Cross Media News Sphere's Reported" that "The United States Senate Passed The Six Part Spending Package by A Vote of 75 to 22," In Time to "Send It to President Biden to Sign into Law" "Before The Midnight Deadline" to Avert A Partial Government Shutdown!"

"This $460 Billion Dollar Spending Measure Will Package Together Six Spending Bills," Including "Agriculture," "Energy," The Environment," "Housing," The U.S. Department of Justice," "Transportation," and "Veteran!" And "Dozens of Federal Spending Programs!"

-(Note that, "A Second Spending Package is Being Negotiated" to "Fully Fund All of the Federal Agencies" "Before The Twenty- Second of March 2024 Deadline!")-

"The Fiscal Responsibility Act Establishes" and "Sets Caps on Discretionary Spending from Fiscal Years (FY) 2024 through 2025!" And "Sets An FY24 Limit of; (1) "$868.349 Billion Dollars for Defense" and, (2) $703.651 Billion Dollars Limit" for "Non- Defense Spending!"
And "These Spending Limits Grow by One Percent in FY25" to "$895.212 Billion Dollars for Defense," and "$710.688 Billion Dollars for Non- Defense!)-
However, "The Question" of "Whether or Not There Will Be Another Pause" or "Increase" by "The Federal Reserve" has also "Been Answered" with "The Federal Reserve's First Announcement for 2024 on Wednesday, The Thirty- First of January 2024," that "Left Its Benchmark Interest Rate Unchanged," and "Will Remain" at "A Range of 5.25 to 5.5 Percent," Which is "A Significant Factor" that "The Positive Economic Growth," and "Economic Recovery in The United States of America for 2024 Continues," and "Is Good News," "Especially as Lessening Signs of Inflation Continues,"  and "After An Aggressive FED Campaign since March 2022," was "Engaged in" to "Slow Down The Pace of Inflation," (Although It is "Still The Highest Level that It has Been in More than 22 Years,").

And "Although The U.S. Unemployment Rate Showed A Slight Increase to 3.9%," The Fact" that, "The Annual U.S. Inflation Rate is at 3.1%," (and "Among The Lowest Levels Its Been since September 2021,") "Demonstrates" that "Importantly," "The U.S. Economy Remains A Resilient One," and "Continues to Remain" on "A Consistent Course of Recovery!" And "The Thoughts of A Recession," While are Still Stubbornly Resisting to Completely Go Away," are "Slowly but Surely Diminishing to The Degree" that "They Once were in The Minds of Economic Pundits!"

And This is "The Good News" that "The Biden/Harris Administration's Economic Recovery Analysis" has "Projected," and "Its Economic Indicators," had "Hoped for," and "Looked Forward to!"

But, "Let Us Agree" that "It has Become Plainly Obvious" that "A New Age of Earthwise Economics" in "Finance," and "Banking," "Trade," and "Commerce," and "Wall Street," and "Earthwide Markets," and "The Forecasts," and "Expectations of Economic Pundits," (And also, "The Biden/Harris Administration" and "The Federal Reserve") are "Upon Us," and "A New Era of Economic" and "Financial Prognostications are Upon Us!"

And "Even Being A Streetwise Financial Connoisseur May Not Suffice" as "The Waves" and "Incoming Tides of Sociological Changes Ebb and Flow O'er The Diverse Multi- Cultural Societies, and Rainbow Communities, Tapestry, Fabric" and "Foundations," of "The Twenty- First Century Civilization" of "The Almost Eight Billion Citizens/Populace of The Sovereign Solar Nations!"

However, "As New Facts Provide A Plethora of Financial and Economic Assessments" by "Wall Street," and "The Economic Pundits," and "The Federal Reserve System (FED)," and "The Biden/Harris Administration," "Let Us Still Remember" that "This Post CoronaVirus Phase of Our Lives," "Will Bring Forth A Variety of New Economic Prognostications," and "Financial Changes" and "Unaccoounted for Sociological Surprises," that "Without There Being Experienced Leadership in Positions" of "Government," and "Private," and "Public Sectors," that are "Highly Respected," "Cognitive," "Earthwise," "Insightful," and "Intelligent," "The U.S. Economic Recovery Will Be Hindered," "Impeded," "Flounder," and "Be Manipulated by Soulless Profit Mongers!" And, "Partisan Politics Must Be Removed from The U.S. Economic Recovery Equation!" "But "Good Governance Must Be Relied Upon to Create Economic Policies," and "Economic Programs," that are "Of Benefit to All The People!" "Why!" Because "The Lives," "Welfare," "Healthcare," "Well Being," and "Sociological Security," of "All The People are at Stake!"

-(And, Take Note that, "It is also of "Great Significance to Continue to Report" that "The Inflation Reduction Act of 2022," (A Budget Reconciliation Bill Sponsored by Senate Majority Leader Charles Ellis "Chuck" Schumer, Democrat from The State of New York," and "Joseph "Joe " Manchin III, Democrat from The State of West Virginia,) "Will Continue to have An Important Impact upon The United States in 2024," as "It Did in 2023!"

And, "The Fact" that It Will Invest Significantly" in, (1) "Domestic Energy Production and Manufacturing," and, (2) "Reduce Greenhouse Gas Emissions by Approximately Forty Percent by 2030," and "Below 2005 Levels," and "Reduce Prescription Drug Prices," and, (3) "Most Importantly Reduce The Deficit" and "Keep Inflation in Check," "Whatever Wall Streets Expectations are," and "Whatever Obstructionist Tactics The Republican Party May Mount," "Whether They Be Positive or Negative," "Most Impressively The Federal Reserve," and "The Biden/Harris Administration Continue to Forge Ahead with Their Economic Plans" to "Improve The Quality of Life for All Americans to Benefit from," and "Enjoy!"

However, "There is Still A Great Deal to Be Done in The United States of America," and "No One is Saying" that "The U.S. is Not in Dire Need of Additional Financial Relief," For Example; "Students Still Need Their Loans Forgiven," and "The Poor and Transient American Citizens " are "Still in Need of Financial Assistance," and "A Real Sense" that "Their Lives have A Meaning," and "Investment in The Infrastructure of This Grand Ole Nation is Still Needed," "Bridges Need Repairing," and "Roads Need Repair," and "The Nations Ports," and "Railways Need Repair!" And, "These are Just A Few of The Nations Infrastructure Projects" that "Need Immediate Attention!"

"All of Which Brings One's Immediate Attention" to "The Chaotic," "Vengeful," and "Irresponsible Antics," "Obstruction Tactics," and "Negative Lawmaking" of "The Republican Party" that "Lacks in Credulity," and "Purpose," and "Is Meaningless in Improving The Overall Living Conditions" of "America's Diverse Multi- Cultural Societies, Rainbow Communities, Tapestry, and Fabric Of The People," and "For The People,"and "The Future of America," "The Youth of This Great Nation!"

And "The Fact, that "The GOP Continues to Legislate in The Worst Way Possible," by "Using The Threat of Impeachment," and "Partisan Politics," and by "Continuing to Spew Forth A Dangerous," and "Senseless Political Rhetoric," "This Political Party" of "Former Courageous," and "Brave Republican President Abraham Lincoln" who "Gave His Life to Preserve All that is In The Best Interests of The United States of America," "This Political Party" that "Has No Platform," "Shamefully Continues to Be A Threat to Force A Government Shutdown Of The People, By The People, and For The People," and "Continues to Support The Big Lie!" And "These Grave Offenses are Offenses that America Can No Longer Afford to Endure!"

And with "What is An Astonishing Observation to Make" is that "Without A Sense of Conscious Regret" and/or "Show of Remorse for Their Actions," "The Republican Party Continues" to "Seemingly Take Pride in Being An Aggravant in U.S. Politics!"

And "It is of Great Significance to Note" that, "The GOP in No Way Resembles The Political Party of Highly Notable President's," and "Greatly Respected Personnages" Such as; "Former Republican Presidents Abraham Lincoln," The 16th President of The United States of America, or "Theodore "Teddy" Roosevelt Jr.," or "Dwight David "Ike" Eisenhower," The 34th President of The United States of America, or "Ronald Wilson Reagan" The 40th President of The United States of America! The 26th President of The United States of America!

In His Farewell Address, "President George Washington said, "the alternate domination" of one party over another, and coinciding efforts to exact revenge upon their opponents have led to horrible atrocities, and "is itself a frightful despotism."

And, "The Most Pervasive" and "Incomprehensible Economic Question" that "Continues to Assault The Senses," and "Cognitive Awareness of The American People" is, "Why is The Republican Party so Intent" on "Undermining The Democratic Government Of The People, By The People, and For The People!"

However, "Let Us Agree" that, Whichever Way The Political Winds May Blow," and "After Crucial Government Decisions are Made," "The Business of The United States Congress Should Be" to "Get on with Creating Legislation" that is "In The Best Interests of The United States of America," and "In Defense of," and "In Protection of," "The Democratic Principles of The U.S. Constitution," and "The Republic," and "The Democratic Government Of The People, By The People, and For The People!" And "If These Elected Officials are Incapable to Do This," "They Should Be Voted Out of Office!"

 -United Interdependent Global Activists- The Way To Peace!- Extra Noteworthy News- "The Democrats Super Tuesday,"- "Global Cross Media News Universe, Insights, New Horizons, News Purview's, and Global Perspectives"-
And, "An Earthwide Spectrum" of "Sociological," "Political," "Humanitarian," "Environmental," "Ecological," "Energy," "Informational," "Communication," "Philosophical," "Candid," "Straightforward," "Current," and "Contemporary," "Earthwide Affairs," and "Current Events," that "Coalesce," and "Merge" with "An Honest," "Omniscient," and "Omnipotent Spirit," and "Soul Force Of The People,"- Extra Noteworthy News- "President Joseph Robinette Biden Jr. Wins The Democratic Super Tuesday 2024 Primaries"-

"These are The Results of The Democrats Super Tuesday Primaries; (Note that at Last Count "President Joseph Robinette Biden Jr. has 1, 527 Pledged Delegates!" And "The President Needs 1,968" to "Win The Democratic Re-Nomination for President!"

"Here are The Results" for; "The 2024 Alabama Democratic Primary on Super Tuesday, The Fifth of March 2024"- (52 Pledged Delegates are Available)-

-(I)- "President Joseph Robinette Biden Jr." is "The Winner of The 2024 Alabama Primary" with- 89.1% of The Vote- (Received 52 Pledged Delegates")-
-(II)- "Uncommitted"- 6.0% of The Vote-
-(III)- "Dean Benson Phillips"- 4.9% of The Vote-

-"Here are The Results" for; "The 2024 Arkansas Democratic Primary on Super Tuesday, The Fifth of March 2024"- (31 Pledged Delegates are Available)

-(I)- "President Joseph Robinette Biden Jr." is "The Winner of The 2024 Arkansas Primary" with- 89.1% of The Vote- (Received 31 Pledged Delegates" at Last Count)-
-(II)- "Marianne Deborah Williamson"- 4.5% of The Vote-
-(III)- "Dean Benson Phillips"- 2.7% of The Vote-

-"Here are The Results" for; "The 2024 California Democratic Primary on Super Tuesday, The Fifth of March 2024"- (424 Delegates are Available)-

-(I)- "President Joseph Robinette Biden Jr." is "The Winner of The 2024 California Primary" with- 89.3% of The Vote- (Received 424 Pledged Delegates")-
-(II)- "Marianne Deborah Williamson"-3.4 % of The Vote-
-(III)- "Dean Benson Phillips"- 2.9% of The Vote-

-"Here are The Results" for; "The 2024 Colorado Democratic Primary on Super Tuesday, The Fifth of March 2024"- (72 Pledged Delegates are Available)-

-(I)- "President Joseph Robinette Biden Jr." is "The Winner of The 2024 Colorado Primary" with- 84.6% of The Vote- (Received 64 Pledged Delegates" at Last Count)-
-(II- "Noncommitted"- 7.3% of The Vote-
-(III)- "Dean Benson Phillips"- 3.1% of The Vote-
-(IV)- "Marianne Deborah Williamson"- 2.5% of The Vote-

-"Here are The Results" for; "The 2024 Iowa Democratic Caucus on Super Tuesday, The Fifth of March 2024"- (40 Pledged Delegates are Available)-

-(I)- "President Joseph Robinette Biden Jr." is "The Winner of The 2024 Iowa Democratic Caucus" with- 90.9% of The Vote- (Received 40 Pledged Delegates")-
-(II)- "Uncommitted 3.9% of The Vote-
-(III)- "Dean Benson Phillips"- 3.0% of The Vote-
-(IV)- "Marianne Deborah Williamson"- 2.2% of The Vote-

-"Here are The Results" for; "The 2024 Maine Democratic Primary on Super Tuesday, The Fifth of March 2024"- (32 Pledged Delegates are Available)-

-(I)- "President Joseph Robinette Biden Jr." is "The Winner of The 2024 Maine Primary" with- 93.4% of The Vote- (Received 24 Pledged Delegates" at Last Count)-
-(II)- "Dean Benson Phillips"- 6.6% of The Vote-

-"Here are The Results" for; "The 2024 Massachusetts Democratic Primary on Super Tuesday, The Fifth of March 2024"- ( 116 Pledged Delegates are Available)-

-(I)- "President Joseph Robinette Biden Jr." is "The Winner of The Massachusetts 2024 Primary" with- 81.3% of The Vote- (Received 90 Pledged Delegates" at Last Count)-
-(I)- "No Preference"- 10.9% of The Vote-
-(III)- "Dean Benson Phillips"- 4.5% of The Vote-
-(IV)- "Marianne Deborah Williamson"- 3.4% of The Vote-

-"Here are The Results" for; "The 2024 Democratic Primary on Super Tuesday, The Fifth of March 2024"- ( Delegates are Available)-

-(I)- "President Joseph Robinette Biden Jr." is "The Winner of The 2024 Primary" with- % of The Vote- (Received Delegates")-
-(II)- "Marianne Deborah Williamson"- % of The Vote-
-(III)- "Dean Benson Phillips"- % of The Vote-

-"Here are The Results" for; "The 2024 Democratic Minnesota Primary on Super Tuesday, The Fifth of March 2024"- ( 92 Pledged Delegates are Available)-

-(I)- "President Joseph Robinette Biden Jr." is "The Winner of The 2024 Minnesota Primary" with- 70.6% of The Vote- (Received 64 Pledged Delegates" at Last Count)-
-(II)- "Uncommitted"- 18.9% of The Vote- (Received 11 Pledged Delegates" at Last Count)-
-(III)- "Dean Benson Phillips"- 7.8% of The Vote-
-(IV)- "Marianne Deborah Williamson"- 1.4% of The Vote-

-"Here are The Results" for; "The 2024 Democratic North Carolina Primary on Super Tuesday, The Fifth of March 2024"- ( 132 Pledged Delegates are Available)-

-(I)- "President Joseph Robinette Biden Jr." is "The Winner of The 2024 North Carolina Primary" with- 88.5% of The Vote- (Received 76 Pledged Delegates" at Last Count)-
-(II)- "No Preference"- 11.5% of The Vote-

-"Here are The Results" for; "The 2024 Oklahoma Democratic Primary on Super Tuesday, The Fifth of March 2024"- ( 40 Delegates are Available)-

-(I)- "President Joseph Robinette Biden Jr." is "The Winner of The 2024 Oklahoma Primary" with- 72.98% of The Vote- (Received 34 Pledged Delegates" at Last Count)-
-(II)- "Marianne Deborah Williamson"- 9.12% of The Vote-
-(III)- "Dean Benson Phillips"- 8.93% of The Vote-

-"Here are The Results" for; "The 2024 Tennessee Democratic Primary on Super Tuesday, The Fifth of March 2024"- ( 70 Pledged Delegates are Available)-

-(I)- "President Joseph Robinette Biden Jr." is "The Winner of The 2024 Tennessee Primary" with- 92.1% of The Vote- (Received 49 Pledged Delegates" at Last Count)-
-(II)- "Uncommitted"- 7.9% of The Vote-

-"Here are The Results" for; "The 2024 Texas Democratic Primary on Super Tuesday, The Fifth of March 2024"- ( 272 Pledged Delegates are Available)-

-(I)- "President Joseph Robinette Biden Jr." is "The Winner of The 2024 Texas Primary" with- 84.6% of The Vote- (Received 240 Pledged Delegates" at Last Count)-
-(II)- "Marianne Deborah Williamson"- 4.4% of The Vote-
-(III)- "Armando Perez-Serrato- 2.8% of The Vote-
-(IV)- "Dean Benson Phillips"- 2.7% of The Vote-

-"Here are The Results" for; "The 2024 Utah Democratic Primary on Super Tuesday, The Fifth of March 2024"- ( 34 Pledged Delegates are Available)-

-(I)- "President Joseph Robinette Biden Jr." is "The Winner of The 2024 Utah Primary" with- 88.2% of The Vote- (Received 30 Pledged Delegates" at Last Count)-
-(II)- "Marianne Deborah Williamson"- 4.4% of The Vote-
-(III)- "Dean Benson Phillips"- 4.2% of The Vote-

"Here are The Results" for; "The 2024 Vermont Democratic Primary on Super Tuesday, The Fifth of March 2024"- ( 16 Pledged Delegates are Available)-

-(I)- "President Joseph Robinette Biden Jr." is "The Winner of The 2024 Vermont Primary" with- 84.0% of The Vote- (Received 16 Pledged Delegates")-
-(II)- "Write in Votes"- 5.6% of The Vote-
-(III)- "Marianne Deborah Williamson"- 4.2% of The Vote-
-(IV)- "Dean Benson Phillips"- 2.8% of The Vote-

-"Here are The Results" for; "The 2024 Virginia Democratic Primary on Super Tuesday, The Fifth of March 2024"- (118 Pledged Delegates are Available)-

-(I)- "President Joseph Robinette Biden Jr." is "The Winner of The 2024 Virginia Primary" with- 88.6% of The Vote- (Received 45 Pledged Delegates")-
-(II)- "Marianne Deborah Williamson"- 8.0% of The Vote-
-(III)- "Dean Benson Phillips"- 3.4% of The Vote-

-"Here are The Results" for; "The 2024 Democratic Caucuses Being Held in The U.S. Territory of American Samoa on Super Tuesday, The Fifth of March 2024"- ( Delegates are Available)-

-(I)- "Jason Palmer" is "The Winner of The 2024 Democratic Caucuses Being Held in The U.S. Territory of American Samoa" with- 56.0% of The Vote- (Received 3 Pledged Delegates")-
-(II)- President Joseph Robinette Biden Jr."- 44.0% of The Vote- (Received 3 Pledged Delegates)-
-(III)- "Dean Benson Phillips"- 0.0% of The Vote-

-United Interdependent Global Activists- The Way To Peace!- Extra Noteworthy News- "The Republican's Super Tuesday Results,"- "Global Cross Media News Universe, Insights, New Horizons, News Purview's, and Global Perspectives"-
And, "An Earthwide Spectrum" of "Sociological," "Political," "Humanitarian," "Environmental," "Ecological," "Energy," "Informational," "Communication," "Philosophical," "Candid," "Straightforward," "Current," and "Contemporary," "Earthwide Affairs," and "Current Events," that "Coalesce," and "Merge" with "An Honest," "Omniscient," and "Omnipotent Spirit," and "Soul Force Of The People,"- 
-Extra Noteworthy News- "Haley Suspends Her Campaign"- 

"Headlines of The Fourth Estate," and "Breaking News Spotlights of The Global Cross Media News Sphere's Reported" that,  Wednesday, The Six of March 2024 "Former President Trump's Major Republican Challenger "Nimarata Nikki Haley has "Decided to Suspend Her Campaign after Being Thoroughly Defeated in "The 2024 Super Tuesday Primaries," and Caucuses," "Winning Only in The State of Vermont 2024 Primary out of The Fifteen Contests" that were "Being Held on The Fifth of March!"

At Present, "The Ex-President has 1,059 Pledged Delegates," (at Last Count) as of Wednesday, The Sixth of March 2024, and is "Closing in on The Total of 1, 215 Pledged Delegates" that "He Needs to Win The Republican Nomination!"

-"Global Cross Media News Universe, Insights, New Horizons, News Purview's, and Global Perspectives"- "All of The Legal Challenges that Former President Donald John Trump is Facing" "Should Be Decided Upon," ("Innocent or Guilty,") "Before The Republican Convention,"-

To Date, "The Former President has Been Charged in Four Separate Criminal Cases," and "Has also Been Charged with Ninety- One Criminal Counts," to "Which He has Plead Not Guilty!"
And "Let Us Agree" that, "Its Time for Him to Be Judged Innocent" or "Guilty" in "A Court of Law!" "For This is His Right as An American Citizen," and also "From A Point of Deep and Sincere Legal Contention," for "The American People to See," and "Hear," "The Decisions," "Rulings," "Opinions," and "Results of," from "A Legal Standpoint," and "View," within "The Hallowed Courts of The Judiciary," and "The Supreme Court of The United States Whenever It is Deemed to Be Necessary," or "A Final Appeal is Needed to Be Judged!"

And "Let Us All Agree" that "This is An Irrefutable Point to Make," "Because This is What Makes The United States of America A Great Sovereign Solar Democratic Nation" that "Is Respected" and "Admired, " "Earthwide!"

And "It Simply Does Not Make Any Sense for Anyone" who "Seeks to Attain The Highest Office in America," to "Not Be Judged Innocent or Guilty," for "His" or "Her Alleged Criminal Acts," "Before The American People Cast Their Votes," "Especially so, "As In A National Election!"

And "The American Judiciary Must Uphold The Laws of The Land," and "The Rule of Law," and "The Constitutional Rights of Every Citizen," and "Ensuring that The Judiciary Will Be A Fair and Just Arbiter of The Law," and "Fulfill The Promise" that "Every American Will Receive Equal Justice under The Law!" And that "They Will Continue to Function as "Guardians," and "True Interpreters of The Law," and "The United States Constitution!"
"For These are The High Principles that America was Founded Upon!" And "No One is Above The Law!" 
And "Before Any Debate is Entertained," "Legal Judgments Must Be Made True or False," and "Justice Must Be Served," "Innocent or Guilty!"
 - "Global Cross Media News Universe, Insights, New Horizons, News Purview's, and Global Perspectives"- And "A Synergy of Justice," and "The Magnificent Symbol of Lady Justice," and "The Moral and Ethical Implementation of Law and Order, and "The Universal Axiom of Principles and Rights," that "Bears Out The Truth" that "No One is Above The Law," Which is "An Essential Core Principle of The United States Constitution,"- Extra Noteworthy News- "Truth," "Justice," "SCOTUS," and "Former President Trump," are "All on Trial"-
"The Question" that is "Becoming More and More of Deep Concern in America" is "Has The United States of America Become A Two Tiered Justice System," "One for Former President Donald John Trump," and "Another for The Approximately 341,228,428 Americans" as of The Fifth of March 2024!"-

And, "An Earthwide Spectrum" of "Sociological," "Humanitarian," "Environmental," "Ecological," "Energy," "Informational," "Communication," "Philosophical," "Candid," "Straightforward," "Current," and "Contemporary," "Earthwide Affairs," and "Current Events," that "Coalesce," and "Merge" with "An Honest," "Omniscient," and "Omnipotent Spirit," and "Soul Force Of The People,"-

"For Justice," and "The Truth to Prevail," "There Can Not Be Any Inconsistencies in The Application of The Law," or "The Principles of The Law!"

-(Flashback)- "Global Cross Media and Nationwide News" from "The Washington D.C. Eye" on "The Supreme Court of The United States!" Wednesday, The Twenty- Eighth of February 2024 "In A One Page Order," "SCOTUS Delayed Donald John Trump's Federal Election Trial" for "Seeking to Subvert The 2020 Election" with "Oral Arguments Set Up to Begin The Week of The Twenty- Second of April 2024!" And "In The Meantime" the "Proceedings in the Trial Court Will Remain Frozen!"
"Headlines of The Fourth Estate," and "Breaking News Spotlights of The Global Cross Media News Sphere's Reported" that, "The Supreme Court of the United States Ruled" that "No State can disqualify former President Donald John Trump from Ballot under the 14th Amendment!"

And "Therefore the former President Can Remain on the Colorado Ballot," "Reversing the Decision that was "Manifested in The Decision by The Supreme Court of Colorado" by "A Vote of Four to Three," on Tuesday, The Nineteenth of December 2023, "As The Court Ruled that Former President Donald John Trump is Disqualified from Holding The Presidency Based on The 14th Amendments Insurrection Clause" and "Ordered The Secretary of State to Exclude His Name from The State's Republican Presidential Primary Ballot!"
"The Question," is "Why!" "What Value is It to Delay This Trial!" ("Whether or Not The Former President is Immune from Criminal Charges," that "He Tried to Overturn the Results of the 2020 Election"), "Seriously," "With No Disrespect Intended," But "Hasn't SCOTUS had Enough Time to Review," and "Clearly Assess The Ruling" Made by "The Three Judge Panel of the U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals for the District Court of Columbia," on The Sixth of February 2024!"

And to Compound this Decision by the Supreme Court" is "Flashback" to "The First of August 2023," A Grand Jury for the District of Columbia U.S. District Court Issued A Four Count Indictment of Mr. Trump" for "Conspiracy to Defraud the United States under Title 18 of the United States Code, Obstructing an Official Proceeding, and Conspiracy to Obstruct an Official Proceeding under the Sarbanes- Oxley Act, and Conspiracy against Rights under the Enforcement Act of 1870 for his conduct following the 2020 presidential election through the January 6 Capitol Attack." "The Former President Pleaded Not Guilty!" -

"The Follow Up Questions" are, (I) "Just How Much Time Does The Supreme Court Need to Judge This Four Count Indictment of Mr. Trump" and, (II) "For How Long Can Americans Tolerate The Seemingly Endless Delays," "Before the Supreme Court of the United States," "Provides A Just and Fair Ruling on This Federal Criminal Indictment of Mr. Trump,"-

And "Let's Agree" that "With Very, Very, Few Exceptions," (Are There Any) "Any Other Private Citizen in America Would have Been Tried," and "Either Convicted Guilty" or "Found to Be Innocent in A Court of Law,"

-"Global Cross Media News Universe, Insights, New Horizons, News Purview's, and Global Perspectives"-
And, "An Earthwide Spectrum" of Judicial," "Political," "Sociological," "Humanitarian," "Environmental," "Ecological," "Energy," "Informational," "Communication," "Philosophical," "Candid," "Straightforward," "Current," and "Contemporary," "Earthwide Affairs," and "Current Events," that "Coalesce," and "Merge" with "An Honest," "Omniscient," and "Omnipotent Spirit," and "Soul Force Of The People,"-
(Flashback)- -Extra Noteworthy News- Tuesday, February 6 2024, "A Three Judge Panel of the U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia has Ruled" that "Former President Donald John Trump Does Not Enjoy Broad Immunity from Federal Prosecution,"-

"Headlines of The Fourth Estate," and "Breaking News Spotlights of The Global Cross Media News Sphere's Reported" that "Tuesday, February 6 2024, "A Three Judge Panel of the U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia" has "Ruled that Former President Donald John Trump Does Not Enjoy Broad Immunity from Federal Prosecution," and that "He is Not Immune from Prosecution for Alleged Criminal Acts that He Committed as President" in "Trying to Overturn the 2020 Elections" in "A Series of Events that Led Up to The Attack Upon The U.S. Capital on The Sixth of January 2021,"   and "There is Little Doubt" that "This Ruling Will Be Appealed by The Ex- President in The Supreme Court of the United States!" 

And "Let's Agree" that "This Ruling is "A Significant," and "Considerably  Substantial Legal Setback to Mr. Trump!" 

"The Three Judge Panel of the U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Ruled" that "For the purpose of this criminal case, former President Trump has become Citizen Trump, with all of the defenses of any other criminal defendant. But any executive immunity that may have protected him while he served as President no longer protects him against this prosecution," 

"Present Day Questions," (I) "Why has The Supreme Court Decided to Take Up This Case Now!" And "Delayed Hearing Arguments until April 2024!"
And (II) "Why hasn't Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas Recused Himself, In Adherence to The Supreme Court Code of Ethics," "Because of the Conflict Surrounding His Wife, Virginia "Ginni" Thomas' Alleged Involvement in The Events Surrounding the January 6th Attack Upon The United States Capitol," and "Until This Issue has Been Resolved to Satisfaction" of "The U.S. Department of Justice," and "The Supreme Court Code of Ethics!"

And (III) "How Long Does The American Public have to Wait Before A Final Judgement is Made!" 

And (IV) "Is There Two Systems of Law and Justice in The United States of America!" "One for The Privileged and Former President Trump," and "The Other for The 341,288, 428 of Us," as of Tuesday, The Fifth of March, 2024!"

 - "Global Cross Media News Universe, Insights, New Horizons, News Purview's, and Global Perspectives,"-

And "A Synergy of Justice," and "The Magnificent Symbol of Lady Justice," and "The Moral and Ethical Implementation" of "Law and Order, and "The Universal Axiom of Principles and Rights," that "Bears Out The Truth" that "No One is Above The Law," Which is "An Essential Core Principle of The United States Constitution,"-
-Extra Noteworthy News Flashback- "SCOTUS" and "The Truth," are "Both on Trial"-

-(Take Special Note that, "The Republican 2024 Primaries have Been Seriously Complicated" and "Affected" by "The Fact" that At Present, "Lawsuits Challenging The Ex- President's Eligibility in the 2024 State Primaries have Been Filed in At The Least Two Dozen States in Advance of the 2024 Election!" And "SCOTUS" Rulings" are "Having A Direct Affect on Decisions Being Made in State Courts," and "At The Ballot Box," and "In The Hearts," "Minds," "Spirits," and "Souls" of "The American People!"

And to Date, "The Former President has Been Charged in Four Separate Criminal Cases," and "Has also Been Charged with Ninety- One Criminal Counts," and "Has Denied All Wrongdoing!")-

"The Point" is "SCOTUS Must Make Decisions," "Rulings," and "Opinions" in Regards to "All of The Cases Against Former President Trump" in "Accordance to The Rule of Law" as has "Been Stated In The U.S. Constitution!" And "There Can Not Be Any Suggestion" of "A Political Favor," or "Partisan Politics Involved!"

For The American People Deserve to Know The Truth," and that "Means The Whole Truth" in Regards to "All of The Accusations Against Mr. Trump" before "The Final 2024 Primary has Been Concluded," and before "The 2024 Presidential Election!"

For It is Their Right," to "Know The Truth" and "Nothing but The Truth," and "For Justice to Be Served in The Eyes of The Law!"

And "The Justices of the Supreme Court of the United States are Supposed to Be," "Servants of The Law," and "Honest Caretakers of The US Constitution," and "Servants of The People," and "Truthful Arbiters" who "Have Been Charged with Ensuring the American People" with "The Promise of Equal Justice under The Law," and "As A Guardian" and "Interpreter" of "The Democratic Principles of The Nation!"

For The United States of America is A Democracy," "Not An Oligarchy," that is "Governed by A Dictator," or "Tyrant," or "Despotic Warmonger!"

"The United States of America is A Nation of Laws!"

- Extra Noteworthy News- "No One is Above The Law,"- Former CFO of the Trump Organization Pleads Guilty to Perjury,"-

"Headlines of The Fourth Estate," and "Breaking News Spotlights of The Global Cross Media News Sphere's Reported" that Monday, The Fourth of March 2024, "Allen Howard Weisselberg Former Chief Financial Officer of the Trump Organization Plead Guilty in State Court in Manhattan" to "Two Counts of Perjury," for "Lying under Oath During His Testimony in the Former President's New York Civil Fraud Case!" And is "Expected to Be Sentenced in April," to "Five Months in Prison!"
-(Note that, "Last Year Mr. Weisselberg was Sentenced to Serve One Hundred Days in Prison "For Not Paying Taxes on Company Perks!")-
- United Interdependent Global Activists- The Way To Peace! #441- (Revisited and Devised)- "Let Us Agree" to "Celebrate" in "The Full Spirit of Commemoration," "International Women's Day,"- "Invest in Women: Accelerate Progress,"-
"For Women's Rights" and "Equal Rights," are "Being Enmeshed in" and "Threatened by," "Anti- Democratic Forms of Governance," and "Anti- Democratic Practices"-

And, "A New Earthwide Sociological," "Just," "Political," "Philosophical," "Candid," "Humanitarian," and "Communication Age," that "Coalesces" and "Merges" with "An Omniscient," and "Omnipotent Spirit," and "Soul Force Of The People,"-
"The Timeline" to "Establish Women's Rights has Been A Long Time Coming," and "It is Not Over yet!" "With Yet Another Example of This Equal Rights Struggle Taking Place in The States of Texas," and "Alabama!"
And, "One has to Seriously Ask The Question," "Why has It Taken So Long for Women's Rights" to "Be Equal in The Eyes of The Law," and "Within Our Sociological Sphere's of Existence!"-

"When Did This Time Line Begin," "Was it When Spanish Explorer Christopher Columbus Allegedly Discovered The New World in 1492," or "In 1421, When Allegedly The Chinese Discovered The New World," or "Was It When A Florentine Merchant Named Amerigo Vespucci Allegedly Discovered The New World in 1497 (on The Shores of South America)," or "The Sixth Century Theory" that "An Irish Monk Named Saint Brendan Sailed to North America and Discovered The New World," or 'of Course "Was It When The Vikings," with "Leif Ericsson at The Helm Allegedly Discovered North America" in 'Approximately The Year 1000!"

However, "Whichever One," and "The Details" of Which, "Surrounding When The First Exploration to America May have Occurred," and "Whomever The Historians Choose to Acknowledge" as "Being First," "One Thing that Everyone Can Agree Upon" is that, "Women's Rights have Taken A Long Time to Evolve," and "Progress," to "The Point that It is Today," and "It Appears to have Quite A Long Distance Still to Proceed," "Before Women Achieve Absolute Equality with Men in The United States of America!" "Which also Begs to Ask The Question" of "Why!"

"It is Difficult to Imagine" that "The U.S. Congress Finally Passed The Right to Vote for Women on The Fourth of June 1919," and "Ratified It on The Eighteenth of August 1920," But," One Must Remember" that "It was "Because of The Great Efforts," "Determination," "Perseverance," and "Leadership of The Suffragettes," that "The 19th Amendment was Ratified" to "Legally Guarantee Women in The United States of America The Right to Vote!"

However, "When One Thinks about Living in A True Democracy in The Twenty- First Century," "One Can Not Imagine," "The Betrayal" and "Manipulation of The U.S. Sociological System," by "The 6 to 3 Supreme Court Decision in 2022 Eliminating The Constitutional Right to Abortion," after "Almost Fifty Years (1973)!"
And has "Seriously Set Back Women's Rights in The United States of America!" And, "The United States Congress Must Overturn This Supreme Court Decision in A New Abortion Act," or "Codify Roe v. Wade!"

However, "It is Complicated," "Confusing," and "Even Difficult to Comprehend" that "There are In Actuality Systems Existing within Systems (Poly Systems)," who "All have Their Own Specific Agendas," ("Legal One's" and "Illegal One's"), "Controlled by Faction Upon Faction," "Who May Dictate," or "Factor Out," "What The Law is!"
And/or, "What Your Civilian/Human Rights are!" Whether It Be The Right to Vote," or "The Right to An Abortion," or "Freedom of Speech," or "Racial Equity," or "Equal Opportunity," or "Equal Justice under The Law for One and All!"

And, "Even with The United States Constitution," "The Bill of Rights," and "The Declaration of Independence," without "Federal," "State," "City," and "Local Leaders," to "Assure that Your Citizenship Rights are Guaranteed under The Law," and that "The Republic," "Democracy," and "Government Of The People, By The People, and For The People are Guaranteed," and "Made Secure under The Law of The Land," "Your Rights May Be," or "In Fact Will Be Denied You!"

"Anti- Democratic Factions" are, For Example, "Attempting to Manipulate," and "Falsely Misinterpret Women's Rights Issues without Compassion," or "An Honest," and "True Sense of The Pressure," and "Stress of Living in Today's Twenty- First Century Multi- Cultural Societies," and "Diverse Communities Can Be!"

And, "Factions," ("Which President George Washington Warned Against in His Farewell Address,") Both "Domestic" and "Foreign," are Attempting Through "Political Manipulation," and "The Manipulation of Religious Ideologies," and "Elected Officials," who have "Forsaken," and "Abandoned Their Oaths" to "Represent The American People," are "Determined to Undermine The Democratic Principles," and "Laws of The Nation," and "Subvert The Foundational Pillars and Cornerstones" of "The United States of America!"

And, "The Suppression of Women's Rights Continues" to "Be One of Their Main Targets," and "Anti American Acts," to "Divide," and "Threaten America's Values," and "Beliefs!"
And, "These Diversionary Acts" "Should Be Considered Nothing less" than "A Major Affront," and "Threat to The Constitutionality" of "Each and Every Woman in America," and "Their Constitutional Rights of Equality," and "Guarantee of Their Civil Rights," and "Human Rights!"

And, "These Diversionary Acts Should also Be Considered A Blatant Offense to Every Male in The United States of America," who "Rely on The Mature" and "Responsible Co- Parenting Abilities of Their Wives," "Business Partners," "Mothers of Their Children," and "Respected Leaders of Their Diverse Communities," "Federal," "State," "City," and "Local Governments," and "Places of Worship!"

"The Time for A New Era of Equality," "Equanimity," "Earthwide Equilibre," "Unification," "Cognition," "Universal and Spiritual Awareness," "Compassion," and "Intelligence," is "Now!"

And, "Lets Fully Comprehend," that "Women are An Empowering," and "Significant Force," "For The Amelioration of Life's Experience for The Youth of The Earth," and "The Fulfillment of The Universal," and "Spiritual Tenets of Satori," and "Peace in Earth!"
- United Interdependent Global Activists- The Way To Peace! #455- (Revised and Revisited)- "Global Cross Media News Universe, Insights, New Horizons, News Purview's, and Global Perspectives"-

And "As New Challenges Confront The Sovereign Solar Community of Nations," "Let Us Agree" that "Partisan Politics," and "Misleading Political Rhetoric," are "Detrimental to Advancing Policies," and "Legislation that Is Beneficial to The Multi- Cultural Societies," and "Rainbow Communities of The Sovereign Solar Community of United Nations"-

And, "An Earthwide Spectrum" of "Political," "Sociological," "Humanitarian," "Environmental," "Ecological," "Energy," "Informational," "Communication," "Philosophical," "Candid," "Straightforward," "Current," and "Contemporary," "Earthwide Affairs," and "Current Events," that "Coalesce," and "Merge" with "An Honest," "Omniscient," and "Omnipotent Spirit," and "Soul Force Of The People,"- 

"As The Seasons Change" with "Each One Bringing with It," and "Sharing with Us," "It's Unique Environmental," and "Ecological," "Spheres of Influence," "Juxtaposed with These Changes in Seasons" from "Winter to Spring," and "Summer to Autumn," is "A Parallel Flow of Natural Disaster Events," that "Have Caused Great Concern Among Scientists," and "Advocates," and "Activists who are also "Deeply Concerned by The Continued Threats of Climate Warming," "All Across This Planet Earth!"

And "As The Sun Sets and Rises O'er The Seven Continents," and "Twenty- Four Regions" (Time Zones) of "This The Third Planet from The Sun," and "As New Moon Cycles Provide Us with A Myriad Challenges," and "Changes," of "Sometimes Inconceivable," and "Unpredictable Choices to Rectify," and "Correct," "For The Sake of Those Whom We Hold Dearest in Our Lives," as well as "For The Sake of Our Fellow Human Being," "Important Decisions have also "To Be Made" by "The Elected Leaders of Government, as well as "The Private," and "Public Sectors," and "Houses of Worship," that are "Concise," and "Cognitive," and "Intelligent," and "Spiritual," and "Compassionate," "Both Earthwise," and "Streetwise," and of "Sincere Humanitarian Nature," that are "Based Upon The Universal" and "Spiritual Tenets," and "Principles," that are "A Part of The United Nations Charter," and that "Make Up The Core Principles" of The Sovereign Solar Community of United Nations," "Constitutions," "Declarations of Independence," "Bill of Rights," and "The Human," and "Civil Rights," and Laws of Order," and "Justice Systems," that "We," "All Eight Billion Citizens/People's of "The Sociological Spheres of Humanity" were "Taught to Believe in," "Respect," and "Follow," to "Preserve The Egalitarian Rights of Humankind,' In This, "The Second Decade of The Twenty- First Century!"

All of Which Leads Up to; "How is It Possible" for "The Republican Party" in "Both The United States Senate," and "The United States House of Representatives," "Fail to Come to An Accord in The U.S. Senate," and "U.S. House of Representatives," on "A New Immigration Measure," that "Included The Efforts of Lead Negotiator," "Republican Senator James Paul Lankford," from The State of Oklahoma," "An Arch-Conservative Republican," (And An Ordained Southern Baptist Minister) who was "Authorized" to "Resolve The Mexico-United States Border Crisis" by "Leaders of The Senate Republican Party," and "Who Have Vehemently Called for A New Immigration Border Policy!"
And "At A Time Period," When History Will Record in Its Annals, "The Plight of Millions of Immigrants" (Mothers, Fathers, and Children of All Ages) were "Seeking A Safe Haven for Their Families," (More than "Two Million Immigrants" have "Been Accepted in The Sovereign Solar Nation of Columbia alone") are "Fleeing from The Unjust Misuse of Power," and "Corruption," and "The Constant Threat to Their Lives" by "Crime," and "Death," and "Fear of Being Enslaved" by "Illegal Trafficking Syndicates," and/or "Living in Poverty!"

And "How is It Possible," or "How Dare These Elected Officials of The Republican Party," "Ignore" that "They Took Oaths to Represent The United States of America," "It's Values," "It's Traditions," "Its Laws of Governance," and "The United States Constitution," and "The "Republic," and "Government Of The People, By The People, and For The People!"

"America," "A Great Nation of Leaders," from "President George Washington," to "President Abraham Lincoln," and of "All Genders," and "Ethnic Groups" from "Frederick Douglas," "Booker Taliaferro Washington," Sojourner Truth," "Francis Ellen Watkins Harper," to "Dr. Martin Luther King Jr." and "Rosa Louise McCauley Parks," and from "Deganawida (The Prophet Known as Peacemaker)," to "Mysterious Little White Bird (John Ross)" to "Sacagawea," and "Pocahantas," to "Wilma Mankiller," "All of Whom have Contributed" (In One Significant Way or Another) to "The Sociological Multi- Cultural Ethic Communities," and "Native American Tribes," of "The United States of America," and "The Greatness and Respect" that "This Sovereign Solar Nation has Achieved!"
And "Who are These Elected Officials" of "The Republican Party," (Women and Men) of "The U.S. Congress" "Who have," and "Continue to Tarnish," and "Attempt to Undermine," "All The Goodness that America Stands for!"

And to "Deny Aid to Their Fellow Human Being," and "The Allies of America," "The Sovereign Solar Nations of Ukraine," and "Israel," in "A Time of War," of "Humanitarian Assistance," and "Weapons," as "They Fight to Defend" and "Preserve "Freedom," and "Democracy," and "The Egalitarian Rights of All The People," "Against The Anti- America Factions,/Terrorists," and "The Russian Federation," is "A Shame Upon Their Political Party!"
"Where is The Republican Party in The United States House of Representatives Sense of Honor," and "Duty!" 
 -In Memoriam: To All The Families Who've Lost A Loved One Due to Systemic Racism, Prejudice, War, Police Brutality, or Any Act of Violence Caused by Malevolent Perpetrators who Care Not For The Lives of Their Fellow Human Being, or "The Mass Shootings that have Taken The Lives of Thousands of Love Ones All Across The United States of America Irregardless of Age, Color, Creed, Gender, Mental Disability, Nationality, Physical Disability, Political Preference, Race, Socioeconomic Status, Special Needs, Transgender, or Tribe, Our Prayers and Meditations are Sincerely with You!

Too Many Innocent Americans have Been Killed in This Overwhelming Difficult Time Period When Gun Violence has Caused An Endless Abyss of Deeply Heartfelt, and Emotional, Mental, and Spiritual Despair, Sorrow, Unhappiness and Loss of Life in America! And "It Must End, For The Sake of The Youth of America," and "The Lives of Each and Every American Citizen!

-In Memoriam: We Extend Our Sincerest Heartfelt, and Soulful Condolences to All The Families, and Communities, who have Lost A Loved One Due to Natural Disasters, or In Truth, Wherever The Path of Earthquakes have Caused Death, and Inflicted Great Distress and Anguish!
Or, Wherever Heartbreaking Deaths, Injuries, and Mass Devastation has Occurred! Or, Wherever The Destructive Path of Tsunamis, Tornadoes, Flood Waters, Mudslides, Raging Tides, and Fires have Tragically Killed, and Brought Pain, and Deep Sorrow, and Extreme Damage Earthwide! And Wherever Homes have Been Destroyed, and The Suffering Caused by The Loss of Life, and The Loss of Love Ones has Been Overwhelming!

We Mourn Their Loss of Life with You and Your Families, in This Time Period of Grief and Sadness!

-In Memoriam: We Would Like to Extend Our Sincerest Heartfelt and Soulful Condolences to The Families of Both The Ukrainian and Russian People, and The Families of Many Others, Journalists, and Foreign Fighters, who have Lost A Love One Due to An Invasion and War that Should Not have Occurred But For The Malicious and Egotistical Decision Making of One Person, Russian President Vladimir Putin, who Will Bear The Responsibility for The Deaths of Your Beloved Friends and Family Members in Perpetuity! And, We Mourn The Loss of Your Love Ones with You!

-In Memoriam: We Would Like to Extend Our Sincerest Heartfelt and Soulful Condolences to Both The Innocent Israeli and Palestinian Families who have Lost A Love One Due to The Vicious Brutalities of War, and Military Conflict, that was Caused by A Sneak Attack Upon The Sovereign Solar Nation of Israel by The Immoral Brigades of Hamas, on The Seventh of October 2023!
And We Would also Like to Extend Our Sincerest Heartfelt and Soulful Condolences to The Families of the Hostages who have Died Due to Bombing, and Humanitarian Violations, and The Unmerciful Acts of War!
And to The Families of All The Journalists, who are Members of The Fourth Estate, and The Global Cross Media News Spheres, Journalists who have Died While Providing Accurate and Factual Reportage of This Tragic War, We Would Like to Express Our Sincerest, Heartfelt, and Soulful Condolences for The Loss of Your Love Ones!

-In Memoriam: We Extend Our Sincerest Heartfelt and Soulful Condolences to The Families of Love One's who've Died Earthwide Due to The CoronaVirus Pandemic, As This Tragic Death Toll has Continued to Rise Above Seven Million Love Ones to 7, 005, 435, Who have Died, As of Wednesday, March 13, 2024!
This is A Staggering and Heartbreaking Statistic to Imagine, and Remains A Deeply Disturbing Fact! And When You Take into Account for How Many Families have Been Effected by This Earthwide Pandemic only Compounds The Seriousness of This Loss of Life!

And, In The United States of America The Number of Deaths Due to The CoronaVirus Pandemic has Surpassed An Incredible and Traumatic Plateau of One Million" to 1, 217, 245 Love Ones!

And Beware that A New CoronaVirus Variant JN.1 is Spreading Across The United States of America," (At An Unfortunate Time Period, Especially Because Millions of Americans are Traveling for The Holiday's,) and "Is More Transmissible than Most of The Other Variants with The Exception of Possibly XBB.1.5! And If You Still haven't Gotten Your CoronaVirus Vaccination, Take A Moment Out of Your Day, or Eventide, and Get It Now! You have Nothing to Lose and A Lot More to Gain from Doing It!