Saturday, May 14, 2022



The Way To Peace! #413 


-Global Cross Media News Universe, Insights, New Horizons, News Purview's, and Global Perspectives"-

"This is The Moment in Time for America" and "All The Peace-Loving, Interdependent Sovereign Solar Nations to Make Broad Universal Strokes of Great Consequential Significance" to "Embrace The Parallel Universes of All The Sociological," "Political," "Religious and Spiritual," Humanitarian and Philanthropic," "Financial and Trade," "Banking," and "Personal/Public and Universal Affairs Earthwide" and "Change The Course of History to A Path that Leads to Peace and Forthrightness," "Truth and "The Sanctity and Respect of Life," and "Away from The Oppressive Autocracies and Dictatorial Savagery of Malevolent Egocentric Leaders" and "Governments who Control The Lives of Their Citizens by Lies," and "False Propaganda!"

And, "It is of The Greatest Importance for The Youth of The Earth to Receive An Education Built Upon The Academia and Teaching Based on The Facts and The Truth of The Grand Experience of The Earths United Sovereign Solar Nations," and "In The United States of America," and "The Youth of The Nation Must Learn of This Nations Grand Vision and Experience," and, "Its Historical Accomplishments," and "The Cost and Price of "Liberty," "Equality," "Justice," Opportunity," "Peace," and "Freedom," that "It Took to Build This Great Nation!"

But, "It's of The Greatest Significance and Value For The Truth to Be Told, For The Soul and Universal Conscious Awareness," "Intellectual and Cognitive Development of Each and Every Student to Process for Themselves," as "They Evolve into Adulthood!"

And, "That Means The Good and The Bad!" "The Whole Story of The United States of America!" The Truth Must Be Told," Including, "Slavery" and "A Racial System that Controlled A Whole Race of People of Color," as Well as,"Women and Men of Other Ethnic Groups and Nationalities," "Criminal Organizations," "The Time/Space Reality of Being A Woman in America," and "The Full Story of The Lack of Civil Rights of Being A Women in America," and "The Grand Effort that It Took by The Suffragettes and Other Pertinent Woman Groups to Achieve Equal Opportunities" and "Equal Rights in The United States of America!"

And, "This Education of The Youth of America and The Sovereign Solar Nations of The Earth Must Enunciate and Express The Choices," and "Manipulation of The Truth," that has "Led Our Young Men and Women into Wars," and "Subjugation," and "To Falsely Believe Dictators and Tyrants whose only Intent is To Gain Self Profit and Gain" at "The Expense of Their Own People," and/or "Anyone whom They Can Intimidate or Fool into Trusting Them," or "Be Controlled by Them," Such as; "President Vladimir Putin of The Russian Federation has!

And, "The Youth of The Earth Must Receive An Education Built Upon The Academia and Teaching Based on The Facts and The Truth of The Grand Experience of The Earths United Sovereign Solar Nations!"

"This Education of Our Youth Must Include The Grand Sacrifice of Women and Men Earthwide" who have "Given Their Lives to Help Their Fellow Human Being," and "Build A Better Life's Experience For One and All upon The Pillars and Cornerstones of Peace," and "Global Equilibre," "Equanimity," "Equality," "Justice," "Liberty," "Truth and Cognition!" And, Love of Family," and "Respect For The Lives of All Sentient Beings," and "Our Home, This Planet Earth," and "The Universe that We are But A Minute although Important Part of!" Of Which, "The Ecological and Environmental Development and Survival of, We are The Conservators," "Protectors," and "Guardians of!"

-"Global Cross Media News Universe, Insights, New Horizons, News Purview's, and Global Perspectives"-

-"Global Cross Media and Nationwide News" from "The Washington D.C. Eye" on "The House Committee Investigating The January 6 Capitol Riot," and "The Sociological Perspective, and Experiences Of The Republic," "Democracy," and "The Government Of The People, By The People, and For The People"- "Callender Of Events"- Extra Noteworthy News-

Global Cross Media News Reports are The House Select Committee Investigating The Attack Upon The United States Capitol is "Expected to Hold Its First Public Hearing on The Ninth of June 2022," Some of Which, "Will Be in Prime Time!" And, "Finally The American People Will have An Opportunity to "Experience For Themselves The Extent that Some Elected Officials," and "Administrative  Staff Members," in Addition to Members of Unpatriotic Militant Groups Attempted to Overturn The Election Results of The 2020 Presidential Election" and "Cause a Coup on The U.S. Government!" However, "This is Just The Surface of These Investigations" and "The American People Expect to Hear The Hold Truth and Nothing But The Truth!"

-"Global Cross Media News Universe, Insights, New Horizons, News Purview's, Global Perspectives"- "Callender Of Events"- Extra Noteworthy News-

Global Cross Media News Reports are "U.S. Senate Majority Leader Charles Ellis "Chuck Schumer Democrat from The State of New York Held A Vote on the Women's Health Protection Act of 2022,  in The United States Senate to Codify Roe v. Wade!"

"Women of America Deserve to Know Who to Trust," and "Who to Vote for in The 2022 Midterm Elections," and "This Vote Will Clearly Show Who Can Be Trusted to Support and Protect A Women's Right to Choose in The United States Senate!" And, "This Vote Will Create A Record of Yeas and Nays in The U.S. Senate who Would Vote for," to "Those who Would Ban A Women's Rights to Their Own Bodies," "Minds," "Spirits" and "Souls" and "Constitutional Rights as American Citizens!"

-(Global Cross Media News Reports are Wednesday The Eleventh of May 2022, "The U.S. Senate Republicans Blocked the Women's Health Protection Act of 2022, An Anti-Abortion Bill," that "Would have Codified Roe v. Wade" by "A Vote of Fifty-One to Forty-Nine, (The Senate Democrats)!"

Note that, "Democrat Joseph Manchin III from The State of West Virginia Joined The Senate Republicans" in "Defeating the Women's Health Protection Act of 2022," that "Would have Enshrined This Important Anti-Abortion Bill into Federal Law and Protect Roe v. Wade!")-

-"Global Cross Media News Universe, Insights, New Horizons, News Purview's, and Global Perspectives"-

-"Global Cross Media and Nationwide News" from "The Washington D.C. Eye" on "The United States House of Representatives Passed A $Forty Billion Dollar Aid Package to Ukraine," and "The Sociological Perspective, and Experiences Of The Republic," "Democracy," and "The Government Of The People, By The People, and For The People"- "Callender Of Events"- Extra Noteworthy News-

Global Cross Media News Reports are May 10, 2022, "The United States House of Representatives Passed A $Forty Billion Dollar Humanitarian and Military Aid Package for Ukraine" by "A Vote of Three Hundred and Sixty-Eight to Fifty-Seven!" "Clearly Showing The Bipartisan Support for Ukraine in The U.S. Government!" And, "Deservedly so!" As The Ukrainian People Fight to Preserve Their Freedom," and "The Terrestrial Integrity of This Brave and Courageous Interdependent Sovereign Nation!"

-(Note that, Thursday, The Twelfth of May 2022, "The Junior Republican Senator from The State of Kentucky has Delayed The United State Senate's Passage of The Bipartisan Legislation to Provide $Forty Billion Dollars in Military and Humanitarian Aid to The Sovereign Nation of Ukraine," who are "Being Attacked by The Russian Federation's Unethical," "Unjust," and "Malevolent Invasion!" "The Junior Republican Senator is Demanding that Changes Be Made to The Legislation!")-

-"Global Cross Media News Universe, Insights, New Horizons, News Purview's, Global Perspectives"- Extra Noteworthy News- "En Bref"-

Global Cross Media News Reports are May 6, 2022 "James Donato, United States District Judge of the United States District Court for the Northern District of California Dismissed Ex-U.S. President Donald J. Trump's Lawsuit Against Twitter," after "Twitter Banned Him from Their Platform, for "failure to plausibly state a claim."
"The American Conservative Union," "Five Other People," and The Ex-President," "Claimed Twitter Violated Their Right to Free Speech under the First Amendment after Twitter Censored Their Accounts!"

-"Global Cross Media News Universe, Insights, New Horizons, News Purview's, and Global Perspectives"- Extra Noteworthy News- "No One is Above The Law"-

Global Cross Media News Reports are "New York Appellate Judge Tanya Kennedy has Denied Former President Trump's Request to Suspend A $Ten Thousand Dollar a Day Fine!"

"The Ex-President has Refused to Submit Documents Subpoenaed by New York Attorney General Leticia Ann "Tish" James" in "Her Civil Probe into The Trump Organizations Business Practices!"
"It is of The Greatest Significance" that "The Truth Prevails in The United States of America," and that "In A Government Of The People, By The People, and For The People," "No One is Above The Law!"
 -UNITED INTERDEPENDENT GLOBAL ACTIVISTS- The Way To Peace! #406- "Global Cross Media News Universe, Insights, New Horizons, News Purview's, and Global Perspectives"- "An Era of Choice"-
"Here We are Existing in An Age of Choices" that "Can Cause Either Irreparable Damage and Death to The Earths Diverse Communities, Tapestry, and Fabric of "The Earths Sovereign Solar Nations," or "The Grand Renaissance Of Humanity into An Extraordinary Enlightened Age of Cognition," "Omniscience," "Intelligence," "Compassion," "The Right to Vote," "Justice," "Truth," "Innovation," "Grand Initiatives," "Limitless Opportunities," "Equality," "Economic Parity, "Freedom," and "Peace!"
"Imagine The Choices from A Historical Purview," Such as; "A Magnificent Illuminating Cloud of Universal Information Connected" to "A Extraordinary Global Library of Computers," "Books," "Music," "Art," "Periodicals," and "Historical Data Freely Available In An Earthwide Location of Family Centers," and also "Made Available For Use in Each and Every Home," via "The Parallel Universes of Public and Private Galaxies" of "A Technological State of Wonderment of Universal Systems!" "All Secured and Safe from Cyber Criminals," and "Officially Supported State Governments of Dictatorships," and "One-Man-Rule Forms of Governance," "Autocracies" and "Domestic and International Terrorists!" "Or by Whomever," and "Wherever Crimes Against All Humanity is Being Committed!" 
And, "Imagine with Your Prescience," "How These New Choices Cloud Wise," "Earthwise," and "Universally," " Can Transcend The Conditioned Existential Time/Space Reality" that has "Impeded," and "Controlled The Lives of Billions of People Earthwide," from "Reaching Their Potential" and/or "Resigning Themselves to Believe" that "They Can Not Reach" nor "Will They ever Obtain Their Life's Goals," and "Potentialities!"
And, "Imagine from A Purely Human Perspective," "How The Choices Made by Imperialists," "Autocrats," "Dictators," "Warmongers," and "Violent Militia Groups Affect The Lives of "Mothers and Fathers," "Grandmothers and Grandfathers," "Sisters and Brothers," and Daughters and Sons," have "Been Traumatized," and "Made Distraught and Devastated," "Shattered and Destroyed Due to The Senseless," "Dehumanizing," and "Egotistical Acts and Decisions," "Made by These Ineffectual," "Futile," and "Vain Attempts to Control and Dominate The Lives of Their Fellow Human Being!""Truly Too Many Tears of Sorrow," "Sadness," and "Love," have "Fallen from The Eyes of Too Many Love Ones!"
"Violence is Not The Answer to Solving The Deep Concerns" that "The Earths Populace May Be Experiencing Because of Global Health Pandemics," "Food Shortages," "Homelessness," or "Poverty," Opening Up Dialogues with Each Other," and "Our Nations Respected Leaders," in "Our Nations Capitols," "Cities," "Town Halls," "Online Thru The Global Social Media," and "On Our Homes and Places of Worship," are "All Positive Steps Forward Towards Solving Our Problems!"
 And, "Providing Historical Content and Data for The Youth of The Earth to Learn from," and "Be Taught by Professors," "Public School Teachers," "Parents," and "Trustworthy Educators of All Backgrounds and Experience," is "The Path Forward to A Bold," "Vigorous," Cognitive," "Intelligent," and "New Era of Common Sense," "Purpose," Unanimity," "Equality," "Reason to Believe," "Justice," "Happiness," "Love For Your Fellow Human Being," "Freedom and "Peace!"
 - "Global Cross Media News Universe, Insights, New Horizons, News Purview's, Global Perspectives," And "The Crossroads"- "A Choice Between Good and Evil"- 
"Clearly, We are at A Crossroads" that "Presents The Choice Forward Towards The Realization of A True Renaissance of The Heart," "Mind," "Intelligence," "Environmentally," 'Ecologically," and "Scientifically Aware Time/Space Reality," that "Embraces Being Empathetic to One's Fellow Human Being," and "Supportive of The Lives of All Humanity" to "Develop," "Grow," and "Evolve Evermore Towards Achieving Their Potentialities," and "Lives in Equanimity," "Global Equilibre," "Equality," "Liberty," "Peace and Harmony!"

"Or, Will We Resign Ourselves to Accept and Live under The Dictatorship and Oppressive," "Violence and Lawlessness," "Maliciousness and Poisonous," and "Vindictive and Manipulative Programs," "Policies," and "Governments of Autocracy," "Despotism," "Totalitarianism," and "Dictatorships!"