Sunday, May 1, 2022



The Way To Peace! #412

-"Global Cross Media News Universe, Insights, New Horizons, News Purview's, Global Perspectives," "No Respect for The Rules of Peace or War Clearly Applies to The Unethical," "Unjust," "Malevolent War" that "The Russian Federation and Their President has Viciously," and "Unconscientiously," and "Immorally Forced Upon The Sovereign Nation of Ukraine!"

And Those Sovereign Nations who have Given Their Support to The Brutality and Cruelty that Members of The Russian Armed Forces have Brought Upon The Innocent Citizens and Children of Ukraine in Their Homes," and "Hospitals," and "Schools and Train Stations," and "On The Streets and In Yards and Mass Graves," are "As Guilty of Committing Crimes Against The Ukrainian People as are The Soldiers and Officers of The Russian Military," and "Their President," who have "Committed Crimes Against The Ukrainian People!"

And "Any Leader of The Church who have Given Their Support to The Rapes," Torture," and "Murder of Innocent Ukrainians," have also "Implicated Themselves in The Genocide that has Occurred in Ukraine Caused by Members of The Russian Armed Forces," For In Doing so have Demonstrated" that "They have No Respect for Themselves," or "Their Families,"or "The Lives of Their Fellow Human Being," and "Sadly so, Have Implicated Mother Russia in Their Sinful Acts of Violence!"

And "Yes More Sanctions have to Be Placed Upon The Russian Federations" by "The United Coalition of Sovereign Solar Nations," "Sanctions" that also "Include Their Allies," "Supporters," and "President!"

And "They Must also Be Brought Before The International Court of Justice," and "All Other International Courts of Nations whose Laws They have Violated," and "Face The Decision of The Accords Laid out in The Geneva Convention for The Death and Destruction" that "They have Unjustly Caused by Their Violation of The Territorial Rights," and "Interdependence" of "The Free and Peace-Loving Sovereign Nation of Ukraine!"

And, "The Universal Tenets and Constitutions of United and Free," "Peace-Loving Sovereign Nations Can Not Be Ravaged and/or Invaded without Full Compensation," and "Consequence in The Eyes of The Law" and "Justice For One and All Before All Nations!"

And "The Sovereign Nation of Russia Must Be Brought to Bear and Understand" that "No One Person," or "No One Nation is Above The Law!" And This Unjust War Against The People of Ukraine Must Be Brought to An End," Before Thousands More have Been Killed," and Millions More," "Mothers" and "Children," "The Infirmed and Elderly," and "Hospitalized,"  have "Been Forced to Leave Their Homes Behind" and "Seek Refuge," "Security," "Asylum and Protection within The Safe Haven and Civilized Embrace of The United Coalition of Sovereign Solar Nations of The Twenty-First Century!" And "Away from The Barbaric," "Imperialistic," and "Oppressive Behavior of The President of The Russian Federation!"


-"Global Cross Media News Universe, Insights, New Horizons, News Purview's, Global Perspectives,"- And, "French President Emmanuel Jean-Michel Macron's Decisive Re-Election Victory Against Marion Anne Perrine "Marine" Le Pen, A Member of The Nation Rally (RN), "Winning 58.2 % of The Vote to Her 41.8%" (At Last Count), and "Re-Electing President Macron to Another Five Year Term as President!" And "Making Him The First French President to Be Re-Elected in Twenty-Years, since Former President Jacques Rene Chirac was Re-Elected in 2002 Against Jean-Marie Le Pen" (The Father of Marine Le Pen)!  

 - "The Significance of The Results of The Presidential Elections in France are Essential" to "Maintaining Stability in The European Union (EU)," "NATO," "The United Nations," and "The Defense and Support for The Sovereign Nation and Citizens of Ukraine!" And, "These Election Results are of The Greatest Importance to The Continued Evolution and Leadership of France in The Twenty-First Century Among All The Civilized United Coalition of Freedom and Peace-Loving Sovereign Solar Nations," and "The Diverse Multicultural Community,Tapestry, Fabric, and Traditions of The Citizens of This Sovereign Nation of Great Historical Significance and Presence!"

-"Global Cross Media News Universe, Insights, New Horizons, News Purview's, Global Perspectives"-

-"Global Cross Media and Nationwide News" from "The Washington D.C. Eye" on "The 2022 Midterm Elections in The United States of America" and "The Sociological Affairs Of The Republic," "Democracy," and "The Government Of The People, By The People, and For The People"-Amis, "The 2022 Midterm Elections in The U.S. Presents One of The Most Serious Threats to Democracy that The U.S. has ever Seen!"

And, "The Questions" are Many, such as; (1) How Can A Political Party with No Platform Be Given The Serious Responsibility of Governing," and, (2) How Can A Political Party who have Mislead The American People about The Results of The 2020 Presidential Election (The Big Lie) Expect The Support and Trust of The American People in Return," and, (3) "How Can The Government Of The People, By The People, and For The People Be Governed by A Political Party who Can Not Admit who was Responsible for The Attack Upon The U.S. Capitol, on The Sixth of January 2021," that was "Responsible for The Deaths of Five Innocent Americans," and "Countless More who were Injured," by "At Least Twenty-Five Hundred Trump Supporters!"

And, At A Time, "When Sovereign Nations are Being Threatened by Autocracies, and Totalitarian One-Man-Rule Forms of Governance Earthwide," "This is The Moment in Time When The United States of America Must Lead by Example," as "The Founding Fathers and Framers," and "The Patriotic Women and Men of The United States Armed Services," and "The American Citizens who Lived and Died for The Democratic Values," and "Constitutional Rights that Guarantee The Protection of The Liberties for Each and Every American," and "The Youth of The Nation" "Americans One and All" who have "Fought for," and "Sacrificed Their Lives for," "Equality and Freedom," "Justice and Honor," and "Integrity and The Truth!"

And, "This is Why Every American Citizen of Voting Age Must Go to The Polls and Vote for The Political Candidates" and "Nominees," who "Best Represent Everything America Symbolizes and Stands for!"

 -"Global Cross Media News Universe, Insights, New Horizons, News Purview's, and Global Perspectives"- "The Future of Democracy in The United States of America"-

"The Hard Work that Lies Ahead for The Biden/Harris Administration, and The Democratic Party Can Not Be Underestimated," Because "It has Become Increasingly Obvious that The Republican Party," ("The Grand Ole Party No More"), has "No Sincere Interest or Intention of Creating Policy," "Programs," or "Policies" that are "Of Benefit to The American People," and "Their Families Welfare!" And, "It has Become More and More Obvious" that "The GOP has Become The Party of The Big Lie," and "Non Truths!"

And, "Let There Be No Doubt" that "It Will Take A Balanced and Progressive," "Earthwise and Streetwise Vision," "United in Purpose" and "Devoted in Commitment," "For The House and Senate Democrats and The Democratic Party Nationwide" to "Represent The Will Of The People," and "All that is In The Best Interests Of The People!"

And, "This Moment in Time" and "Moments Like This that Arise in The Future," are "Why President Biden and Vice President Harris" and "Democrats were Voted into Power," and "Why Former President Trump and Former Vice President Pence," and "The Republicans were Voted Out of Power!"

And, "Let There Be No Doubt" that "The Overall Support of The American Voting Public in The 2022 and 2024 Elections Will Be Essential in Maintaining and Building A Strong Democratic Majority in Both The U.S. House of Representatives," and "The U.S. Senate!" "Which Will Be Crucial for America's Continued Economic," "Healthcare," and "Sociological Evolution!" And, "The Empowerment and Continued Support of The U.S. Democracy!


 -"Global Cross Media News Universe, Insights, New Horizons, News Purview's, and Global Perspectives"-  "U.S. Unemployment Insurance Claims" "For The Week Ending The Twenty-Third of April 2022"- Extra Noteworthy News-

Global Cross Media News Reports are Thursday, The Twenty-Righth of April 2022, "The Bureau of Labor Announced" that "One Hundred and Eighty Thousand Americans Filed for U.S. Unemployment Insurance Claims" "A Decrease of Five Thousand from Last Weeks Revised Level of One Hundred and Eighty- Five Thousand," and, "The Smallest Unemployment Claims have Been in Fifty-Two Years!" And, "The Key Words" are "At Historically Low Levels!"

And, "Even Though Inflation" is "Now at An Annual Rate Above Eight Percent Percent Because of "Putin's War" and is "Causing Consumer Anxiety," and "The Challenge of The CoronaVirus Variants Continues to Exist," and "Supply Chain Problems," have "Created Obstacles for The Biden/Harris Administration Plans to Rebuild The U.S. Economy," "The Administration Continues to Forge Ahead with Their Economic Plans!" 

And, While U.S. Unemployment Insurance Claims Continue to Remain" at "A New Pandemic Era Low," since The Twenty-First of March 2020," and "The Unemployment Rate has Dropped to 3.6%," "Let Us Still Agree" that "America is Still in Dire Need of Financial Relief," and "Investment in The Future of The Infrastructure of This Grand Ole Nation," as "Proposed in, (1) "The Biden/Harris/Democratic $1.75 Trillion Dollar Build Back Better Act" ("The Human Infrastructure Bill,") is "Clearly Still A Necessity!

And, "It is Essential" for "The Biden/Harris Administration," to "Continue on Their Cognitive Path" to "Bring Back Jobs," and "Job Security in The United States of America!"

And that, "They Follow Their Economic Vision Path On Course Towards Achieving An Economic Re-birth in America," that "Leads to of A Bold New Civilization" "Excluding No One," and "Has The Grand Potential of "Uniting The Nation," Which is Especially Needed "During A Time Period When The Politics of Obstruction" and "Restrictions to The Right to Vote in America," and "The Lust for Power," "Initiated by The Republican Party" are "Dividing The Nation!"

And, "It also Continues to Demonstrate The Importance of The Democratic Party" to "Stand United and Committed to The Biden/Harris Administration Economic Vision," and "Pledge to Bring Back America," and "Stand Firmly in The Path of Republican Obstruction," and "Stand as A United Party Representing The American People Against The GOP's Efforts to Impede and Prevent Making A Better Life for All Americans!"

And, "Standing Up, as A Legislative and Political Soul Force for The Social Security," and "Economic Parity," that "Would Be of Benefit to The Poor," "The Middle Class," "The Public Sector," and "Small Businesses," and "Place A Fair Tax Upon Large Business Corporations," and "The Wealthy!"

-"Global Cross Media News Universe, Insights, New Horizons, News Purview's, and Global Perspectives"- "The Continued Danger of The CoronaVirus and Its Deadly Variants"- And "The Tragic Number of Deaths in The United States Caused by The CoronaVirus has Surpassed One Million Love Ones"- "Time is Of The Essence"-

"It is of The Greatest Significance to Remember to Use Your Common Sense During All The Myriad Phases of The CoronaVirus Pandemic," in Addition to "The Latest Center for Disease Prevention and Control (CDC)" "Food and Drug Association (FDA)" and "World Health Organization (WHO) Guidelines!"

Voices of Reason and Peacemakers of The Twentieth and Twenty-First Millennia,

"There have Been Too Many Deaths Caused by The Spread of CoronaVirus," and "Its Variants!" "Too Many Deaths," "Mothers," "Fathers," "Sons and Daughters," "Sisters, and Brothers," "Grandparents," "Aunts and Uncles," "Nieces and Nephews," "Friends and Neighbors," Yes, "There have"Been Too Many Deaths For Anyone" to "Engage in Partisan Politics!"

"As of Monday, The Twenty- Fifth of April 2022, 1, 018, 335 Innocent Lives have Died in The United States of America, and 82, 662, 748 Innocent People have Been Infected by The CoronaVirus and Its Deadly Variants!" "Incredulously Surpassing The 1,000, 000 Plateau of Deaths!"

And, "Earthwide, An Unimaginable 6, 243, 268 have Died," and "509, 596, 118 Innocent Love Ones have Been Infected!"

"History has Shown Us in Lesson after Lesson," and "In Pandemic Event after Pandemic Event," all throughout "The Ages of Humankind," "It Should Be Absolutely Clear" that "United We Stand," But "Divided We Will Fall into An Abyss of Death," and "Destitution!"

"So For The Sake of The Youth of The Earths United Coalition of Sovereign Solar Nations," and "All of Our Future and Present Generations," "Let Us Act Out of Great Concern for All" that is "In The Best Interests of Our Fellow Human Being," and "If You have Not Gotten Your CoronaVirus Vaccine Do Not Hesitate or Procrastinate Do It Right Away!" And, Do  Not Forget "Time is of The Essence!" "Life and Death Lies in The Balance," and "There is No Time to Waste!"
-"Global Cross Media News Universe," and "Earthwide Focus En Bref" on "The United States of America," "The Sovereign Nation of Ukraine," and "The United Nations,"- Extra Noteworthy News-

"The State Visit to The Sovereign Nation of Ukraine by United States Secretaries of State and Defense," "Antony John Blinken," and "Lloyd James Austin III" to "Meet with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Oleksandrovych Zelenskyy in Kyiv on Sunday, The Twenty-Fourth of April 2022" by "Train," (And Secretary-General Antonio Manuel de Oliveira Guterres GCC GCL Meeting with President Zelenskyy on Thursday, The Twenty-Eighth of April 2022)  is "Another Demonstration of The Solidarity," "Support and Commitment" by "The United States of America" (and "Its Allies in NATO," "The United Nations," and "The EU")!
And, "An Opportunity for The Secretaries to Meet and Discuss in Detail," "The Security," "Economic," and "Humanitarian Support The U.S." and "Its Allies," and "The U.N. have Provided" and Will Continue to do, "Until The Russian Federation has Withdrawn Its Forces from Ukraine" and "Ended Its War Against The People of Ukraine!"

- (Note that Secretary Blinken also expressed "His deep admiration for President Zelenskyy's leadership," and "for the extraordinary courage of Ukrainians standing up to and pushing back this Russian aggression."
And, President Zelenskyy "expressed deep appreciation for President Joe Biden's leadership and for the incredible generosity and support of the American people.")- 

 And, "There Should Be Very Little Doubt in The Mind of Russian Federation President Vladimir Putin" that "His Master Plan to Conquer Ukraine," and "Re-Create The Soviet Union," (a Communist State that Spanned Eurasia from 1922 to 1991," that was "Nominally a Federal Union of Fifteen Highly Centralized National Republics") and "Intimidate Other Neighboring Sovereign NATO and European Nations Will Fail!"

"This is The Time for Russia to Sue for Peace Before More Lives are Lost," and "The Cost of President Putin's War Against The Sovereign Nation of Ukraine Becomes too Great!"
And, "For The Sake of The Thousands of Mothers and Fathers and Family Members" who "Will have Lost at Least One of The Members of Their Families Due to This Unprovoked and Unjust War," and "The Unethical," "Malevolent," and "Sinful Acts of Aggression Conducted by Members of The Russian Military," and "Their Crimes Against Humanity!"

-(Note that, Monday, The Twenty-Fifth of April 2022, "President Joseph Robinette Biden Jr. Nominated U.S. Diplomat Bridget Ann Brink" to "Serve as Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary to The Sovereign Nation of Ukraine!"

"Bridget Brink has Currently Served as United States Ambassador to The Slovak Republic since 2019," and "Speaks Russian," and has "Studied Slovak, " "Serbian, " "Georgian," and French!" And, "Holds Master's Degrees in International Relations and Political Theory from the London School of Economics and Political Science!")- 


-"Global Cross Media News Universe," and "Earthwide Focus En Bref on "Elon Musk- Extra Noteworthy News-

"Headlines of The Fourth Estate" and "Breaking News Spotlights of The Global Cross Media News Sphere's have Reported" on Monday, The Twenty-Fifth of April 2022 "Twitter Inc. Agreed to Accept Elon Reeve Musk FRS $44 Billion Dollar Bid to Take over The Company!"


-Global Cross Media News Universe, Insights, New Horizons, News Purview's, Global Perspectives,"-

-"Global Cross Media and Nationwide News" from "The Washington D.C. Eye" on "Title 42 and The Biden/Harris Administration" and "The Government Of The People, By The People, and For The People"- Extra Noteworthy News-
Tuesday, April 26, 2022, "Federal Judge Robert Summerhays," (a Trump Appointee from The State of Louisiana) Temporarily Blocked The Biden/Harris Administration" from "Ending Title 42!" "The Biden/Harris Administration Planned to Rescind This Order on The Twenty-Third of May 2022!"
"Title 42" is "A Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) Health Order Issued in March of 2020 under The Trump/Pence Administration" that "Would Allow Border Agents to Send Migrants at The United States Border Back Rather than to Hear Their Asylum Claims!" "This was Due to COVID Infection Risks," as "The Pandemic Continued to Escalate!"

-Global Cross Media News Universe, Insights, New Horizons, News Purview's, Global Perspectives,"- And, "There has to Be A Concrete Plan Created by "The Biden/Harris Administration," and "Agreed to," and "Funded by The Federal Government Before Title 42 is Rescinded!"

And, "There has To Be A Clearly Thought Out Number of Judges," "Attorneys," and "Lawmakers," who have "The Expertise Needed to Decide What Migrants," and "Lets Fully Comprehend What A Migrant Signifies," "For They are Families," and "Individuals," who are "Seeking Safe Haven" from "Authoritarian," "Criminal/Corrupt," and/or "Oppressive Government Systems," and There has to Be "A Non-Partisan," "Non- Political," "Universal Cognizance," by "An Overwhelming Majority of "American Citizens," in "Each Town," "City," and "State," who are "Ready," and "Willing to Accept These Families" to "Live Among Them," and "Enjoy The Constitutional Rights" that "Every American Family was Born to Enjoy and Treasure!" "No Matter What Sovereign Nation These Families and Individuals Come from," "From Ukraine to South America" "Each Migrant Should Be Treated Fairly and Justly in The Eyes of The Law!"

And, "The Lawmakers of The United States Government Must Adhere to The Will Of The People," and "The Laws of The U.S. Constitution!" And, "Provide The Proper Funding for This New Immigration Policy," and also "For What is In The Best Interests Of A United Coalition of Sovereign Peace-Loving," "Free and Interdependent Nations," and "Their Multicultural Communities, Rainbow Tapestries, and Fabric Of The Earths Populace!"



No One is An Immigrant! "We've" all been Manipulated by Political and Financial Policies that have Caused Psychological Damage to The Body, Mind, and Soul of The Earths Populace! Forcing Us to Take Selfish Actions against One Another! "We" have Taken Racist Acts of Violence against Native Americans, African Americans, Aborigines, Peoples of Color, and A Myriad Diverse Cultures, Races, Creeds, and Nationalities!
"We've Been Conditioned and Brainwashed to Believe in The Normality of A Global Class Society, Made up of The Haves and The Have Nots! Or, as The Song goes, "Them That's Got Shall Have and Them that's Not Shall Lose," or, Quite Simply "The Rich and The Poor," and Unfortunately it's A Tragic State of Human Affairs! Which is All The More Reason Why, A Change Must Come!

Its Gratifying to Hear "We are The World," Being Sung, or, "One Heart, One Beat," by Taboo of The Blackeyed Peas! These Universal Anthems Give Hope to Billions of Earthlings and are Reminders that "We" are First and Foremost, All, Citizens Of The Earth! All Else, with The Exception of What Faith You Choose to Be, Comes Second!

"We" have Been Continuously Mislead throughout The History of Time by Our Civilian and Military Leaders, to Follow a Path of Separatism, which has Made it Easier For Them to Control Us and Lead Us Down The Long and Winding Roads of Segregation and Destruction!

Even Now in The 21st Century The Manipulation Goes On! Can't You Hear Marvin Singing "What's Going On!"
"We" Need More Musical and Lyrical Anthems, and More Activism to Take Place to Lift Our Earthrise Movement of Peace to A "Higher Ground!"

"We" Need A Cultural Evolution to Enlighten and Empower Us! And Embolden Us to Transcend The Negativity and Conditioned Reality that has Held and Impeded Us From Evolving as A Whole, From Reaching Our Goals as An Earth Living in Peace with Itself! An Earth Engaged in A Peace Time Evolution! And, as An Earths Populace that Admires and Appreciates The Beauty and Diversification of its Great Creation!
And, An Earths Populace that Accepts and Acknowledges to One and Another, that "We" are All Citizens Of The Earth! An Earth Of, By and For The People," and All Sentient Beings! This is The Way To Peace and A Peace Millennium!

Voices of Reason and Peacemakers of The 21st and 20th Centuries, "Let Us Find New," "Direct," "Puissant," "Potent," Formidable," "Cognizant," "Intellectual," and "Creative Way's," to "Bring The Russian Federation," and "Their President to The Peace and Negotiating Table," and "End Their Violation of The Territorial Integrity" and "Interdependence of The Sovereign Nation of Ukraine!"
And, "Let Us Encourage Warring Factions Whomever They May Be" to "Build Bridges of Peace," and "Establish Airlifts," and "Trains and Ships of Peace," Wherever Refugee Camps May Be," or "Wherever Families who have Been Forced to Flee Their Homes," "Towns," "Cities," and "Free Sovereign Nations," and "Return Them Back to Their Homes," to "Live in Peace and Prosperity!"

And, "The Earths Civilian," "Religious," "Business," "Political," and "Military Leaders Must Guarantee" that "A New Age of Peace Must Be Assured to Last and Evolve in Perpetuity!" "Clearly Time is Of The Essence," "There is Too Much Violence," "Oppression," and "Warfare," "Marring," "Violating," and "Causing Crimes Against Humanity," And, "It's Time for A New Era of An Earthwide Truce," and "Peace Dialogues Wherever War," and "Military Conflict has Disfigured The Face of Our Diverse Cultural Communities, Rainbow Tapestry, and Fabric Of The People!"

"Let Us Find New Way's of Sowing The Seeds of, and Implementing The Principles and Idea's of Freedom," "Equanimity," "Equality," and "A Shared Prosperity For One and All," Incorporated in An Emancipation Declaration of The New Millennium!

And, "Let Us Call For An End of War," "Crime," "Poverty," "Homelessness," "Racism," "Corruption," "Greed," and "Lust for Power!"
"A New Philosophy of Life Must Come!" And, "A Change Must Come!"
"Is it Too Much To Ask For?" "An Age of Peace on Earth after Centuries of War!"

"Is it Too Much to Ask For?" "A Human Evolution in Parallel with A Universal," "Technological," "Scientific," "Spiritual," "Soulful," "Economical," "Educational," "Environmental and Ecological," "Cultural and Political Evolution on Earth!

If "We The People," Citizens Of The Earth are "Continuously Asked to Pay For The Enormous Price Of War then Why," "Can't We Reverse This Course of Death," "Brutality," and "Tears," and "Instead of War, Pay The Price For An Age of Peace" and "Shared Prosperity on Earth!" "The Costs May End up Being The Same," But, "The Results Would Be Peace At Last!"

And, "Why Couldn't The Members of The Earths Global Armed Forces Be Used to Maintain The Peace!" "A Peace Change Must Come!"

"Let Us Spread The Word of Change and Peace, and Harmony on Earth via The Internet and The Cross-Media Universe!"
And, "Let Us Spread The Word via Non-Violent Demonstrations that Our Time has Come!" And that, "We Want to Live in Peace!"
""It is Time for A Season of Peace to Come," so, "Let it Be!" "Let's Give Peace A Chance!"

And, "Let's Create a Universal Escrow Account to Assure The Social Security and Welfare Of, By and For The People!" "We have Been Taxed and Tested Enough!"

This is The Way To Peace and A Peace Millennium!


-"Happy Earth Day To The Billions of People Earthwide"  in "The More than One Hundred and Ninety-Three Sovereign Civilized Peace-Loving Free Nations" who are "Celebrating," "Investing in," and "Demonstrating by Their Unwavering Support For Our Sacred Planet Earth," "Their Deep Concerns for The Welfare and Lives of Their Fellow Human Being,"  And, "The Protection of The Lives of All Sentient Beings of The Earths Environmental and Ecological Parallel Universes!" - (The First Earth Day was The Twenty- Second of April 1970!")-

And, "Let Us One and All Commit and Dedicate Ourselves to Improving The Opportunities that Lie Ahead in Our Futures," and "The Dreams," "Visions," and "Far Reaching Ideas," that Lie Ahead in The Lives of The Youth of The Earth" by "Staying Vigilant and Caring" for "All that is In The Best Interests" of "Our Seas," "Lands," "Skies," and "The Breath of Air," and "Peace of Mind," "Spirit and Soul," "Body," "Cognition," Compassion," "Good Companionship," "Love of Family," and "Friendships," that "Sustains," "Inspires," and "Empowers Us!"