Saturday, May 14, 2022



The Way To Peace! #413

"Global Cross Media News Universe, Insights, New Horizons, News Purview's, Global Perspectives,"- And, "President Joseph R. Biden Jr. Signs S. 3522, The Ukraine Defense Lend- Lease Act of 2022 into Law!"- 

"The U.S. House of Representatives Passed The Lend-Lease Act of 2022 by A Vote of Four Hundred and Seventeen to Ten!"

And, "The U.S. Senate Passed This Legislation by A Unanimous Vote!"

And, "With The Passage and Signing of This Important Legislation into Law," "The United States of America has Continued to Demonstrate Its Solidarity and United Bipartisan Support of The Sovereign Nation of Ukraine," and "Its People," who have "Been Unjustly," and "Unethically," and "Malevolently and Sinfully Attacked without Cause by The Russian Federation," under "The Egocentric Dictatorship of Russian President Vladimir Putin!" "Which History Will Record in Its Annals" as "An Evil Act of Brutality," "Infamy," and "Unlawful Crime Against Humanity!"

And, "A Malicious and Unprovoked Act of Violence" that "History Will Record in Its Annals in Perpetuity!"
"The Russian Federations only Act of Redemption" is "To Withdraw Its Military and Return Home to Mother Russia Immediately!" And, "Pray for Forgiveness!"




The Way To Peace! #413

-"Global Cross Media News Universe, Insights, New Horizons, News Purview's, Global Perspectives,"- "The Sociological Perspectives and Experiences Of The People in The United States of America" have "Been Seriously Effected by Associate Justice of The U.S. Supreme Court Samuel Anthony Alito Jr.'s Anti- Abortion Draft," and "The Possibility that Women's Rights Will Be Set Back If Roe v. Wade is Overturned by The United States Supreme Court is of Deep Concern!"  "There Cannot Be Any Doubt" that "A Universal and Congressional Correction Must Be Made in Women's Rights" that "Constitutionally Protects and Preserves Their Equal Rights in America" as "The Law of The Land," that "No Court" or "State Legislature Can Be Dismissive of!"

"If The Democratic Principles that The United States of America was Founded upon" and "The Values and Traditions," and "The Right to Vote,"  that "This Grand Experiment," "Republic," "Democracy,"  and "Government Of The People, By The People, and For The People," Known as "The United States of America,"  is "Set Back by The Non-Existent Platform of The Ultra Right's False Rhetoric," and "Outright Lies" (The Big Lie) and are "Successful in The The 2022 Midterm Elections in The U.S.," and "Return The Grand Ole Party No More" to "A Majority and Control of Power in The United States Representatives," and/or "The United States Senate," The Threat to Democracy Earthwide Will Be Negatively Affected!"

"America Must Awake and Respond Forcefully to The Sociological," "Economical," and "Political Challenges" that "Lie Ahead in This Year of 2022," Because "The Consequences of Inaction and Procrastination are Too Severe to Be Ignored!"

And, "The Crossroads" that "The Earths Populace is Being Faced with" is "Clearly A Threat to The Freedom of Expression," and "The Right to Assembly," "Equality," "Peace," "Global Equilibre," and "Liberty," "Justice," and "The Sanctity of Being,"  "Interdependence," and "Sovereignty," and "The Social Security," and "Protection of The Human Rights of The Multicultural Communities, Rainbow Tapestries, and Fabric Of All The People" of "The United Sovereign Solar Nations!"

And, "Wherever Freedom and Peace are Being Threatened with Extinction from The Sovereign Nation of Ukraine to Yemen," and "from Afghanistan to The Philippines," and "Wherever Injustice is Being Forced Upon Innocent People" and "Violating The Civil Rights of The People from The Uyghurs," ("An Ethnic Minority Group of Oppressed Muslims Living in The People Republic of China) to "The Women of Afghanistan whose Civil Rights are Being Abused by The Taliban," "The United Coalition of Peace-Loving Free Sovereign Solar Nations Must Challenge The Cruelties," "Brutalities," "Abuses," and "Maltreatment" that has "Been Cast Upon These Innocent People," and "Diplomatically," and "Non-Violently," Whenever Possible, "Find An Agreeable and Fair minded Resolution to The Unjust Conditions Being Heaped Upon These Innocent People!" "But, Succeed They Must do!"

"This is The Twenty-First Century" and "The Barbaric," "Uncivilized," "Vicious," and "Oppressive Behavior of The Past Must Give Way" to "A New Civilization and Age of Peace and Equanimity," and "Universal Rights and Cognition," and "Justice and Liberty For One and All!"

-"Global Cross Media News Universe, Insights, New Horizons, News Purview's, and Global Perspectives"-

-"Global Cross Media and Nationwide News" from "The Washington D.C. Eye" on "The Divulgence of The U.S. Supreme Court Anti-Abortion Draft Majority Opinion Acquired by POLITICO," on Monday, The Second of May 2022, to "Overturn Roe v. Wade Should have Tremendous Affect on The 2022 Midterm Elections," and "Cast A Negative Cloud of Dissatisfaction and Distrust over The Competence and Integrity of The Supreme Court of The United States" and "Cause A Deep Divide Among Women in America as Well"

And, "Generate and Motivate The Women of America to Demonstrate," "Speak Out," and "March Together," "For Their Concerns are Of Great Value" to "Improving The Sociological Affairs Of The Republic," "Democracy," and "The Government Of The People, By The People, and For The People"-

"The Leak of This Supreme Court Anti-Abortion Draft also Signifies How Vulnerable The Supreme Court is to The Media" and "Demonstrates How Influenced it is by Partisan Politics" and "Political Movements!" "Unfortunately Though, Forsaking The Laws and High Principles of The United States Constitution!" And, "A Women's Right to Choose!"

And, Let Us Agree that "The Impertinence," "Insolence," and "Impudence of This Supreme Court Anti-Abortion Draft Majority Opinion Shows A Real Lack of Respect For Women as Interdependent Patriotic Beings of Soulful and Spiritual Consciousness," and "Loving and Caring Mothers and Wives," and "Their Extraordinary Abilities," "Intelligence," "Cognition," and "Leadership!"
-UNITED INTERDEPENDENT GLOBAL ACTIVISTS- The Way To Peace! #201 -(Revised and Revisited)- "Women of This Earths Sovereign Solar Nations,"-

Since the 20th Century, "Women such as; "Clara Barton, who was the Heart, " "Soul," and "Driving Force Behind The Red Cross," "The Suffragettes," whose Activism and Passion Lead The Way to Women Being Able to Vote" (in the U.S.), and "Eleanor Roosevelt," who "Provided the Heart," "Mind," and "Passion, that "Supported her Husband (President Franklin D. Roosevelt) During his Most Difficult Time Periods of The Great Depression," and "Indira Gandhi," who "Proved that A Woman could Without a Doubt," Be The Iconic, Spiritual Leader of A Nation Of People," "Representing The Largest Democracy on Earth, India," and, "Golda Meir, who Gave Her Life for Her People," so that "They could Live in Freedom," with "Dignity and Security, " in What was, and Still is One of The Most Volatile and Dangerous Areas on This Planet Earth," and "Rosa Parks, whose Bravery was Without a Doubt," a "Magnificent Display of Individual Courage, who Stood up for Her Beliefs and Civil Rights," although "Her Life was Threatened," and "Saint Teresa of Calcutta, who was Without a Doubt," the "Heart," "Soul," "Inspiration," and Protector of The Poor and Disenfranchised All over This Earth of Ours!"

And, "Women, who are Heads of State," "Leaders of Financial Institutions," "Doctors," "Wives," "Nurses," "Scientists," "Hi-Tech Innovators," and "Leaders of The Earths United Coalition Of The Parallel Universes of Fashion and Culture," and "The Brave and Courageous Members of The Armed Forces of The Earths United Nations," and "Members of Police and Fire Departments," "Political Parties," "Religious and Spiritual Leaders," "Judges," "Actresses," "Artists," "Dancers," "Singers," "Postal Employees," "Restaurateurs," "Librarian," "Athlete," and "Teachers of Our Children," have Demonstrated" that "They are Intelligent," "Iconic," "Cognitive," and "Soulfully Aware," "Interdependent Beings of This Planet Earths Diverse Multicultural Societies, Communities, Tapestry, and Fabric Of The People of The Earths United Coalition of Sovereign Solar Nations," and have "Merited The Respect of Their Peers!"

And, "No Court  of Law," "Political Party," "Institution," "Corporation," "Religious Body," or "Government Agency" has "The Right To Dictate or Forcefully Attempt to Violate The Constitutional Rights of Any Woman," "Without A Universal Mandate," That is "Wholly Supported and Approved by A Majority Of Women," On "This, The Third Planet from The Sun!"

-(Note that, "Congress Must Pass Legislation to Codify Roe v. Wade into Law!)-

"The Saying" that, "This is A Mans World," is "No Longer is The Rule of Thumb," as "Another Saying Goes!"
Both "Women and Men," are "In Equal Standing and Equal Partnership," and are "The True Representatives Of The People, By The People, and For The People," and "The Voice," "Conscious," Soul and Spirit of Of The People!"

And, This is, The Way To Peace, and, An Omnipresent, Omnipotent, and, Omniscient Age of Peace and Harmony On Earth!

- "Global Cross Media and Nationwide News" from "The Washington D.C. Eye" on "The Vote on the Women's Health Protection Act of 2022, in The United States Senate to Codify Roe v. Wade" and "The Sociological Perspective, and Experiences Of The Republic," "Democracy," and "The Government Of The People, By The People, and For The People"- Extra Noteworthy News-

Global Cross Media News Reports are Wednesday The Eleventh of May 2022, "The U.S. Senate Republicans Blocked the Women's Health Protection Act of 2022, An Anti-Abortion Bill," that "Would have Codified Roe v. Wade" by "A Vote of Fifty-One to Forty-Nine, (The Senate Democrats!"

Note that, "Democrat Joseph Manchin III from The State of West Virginia Joined The Senate Republicans" in "Defeating the Women's Health Protection Act of 2022," that "Would have Enshrined This Important Anti-Abortion Bill into Federal Law and Protect Roe v. Wade!"

"Women of America Deserve to Know Who to Trust," and "Who to Vote for in The 2022 Midterm Elections," and "This Vote Will Clearly Show Who Can Be Trusted to Support and Protect A Women's Right to Choose in The United States Senate!"

And, "This Vote Will Create A Record of Yeas and Nays in The U.S. Senate who Would Vote for," to "Those who Would Ban A Women's Rights to Their Own Bodies," "Minds," "Spirits" and "Souls" and "Constitutional Rights as American Citizens!"
-Extra Noteworthy News- "U.S. First Lady Jill Tracy Jacobs Biden's Mother's Day in Slovakia and Ukraine"-

  Global Cross Media News Reports are Sunday, The Eighth of May 2022, "In What Can only Be Described as Being A Valorous and Courageous Surprise Meeting," "U.S. First Lady Jill Tracy Jacobs Biden" and "Ukrainian First Lady Olena Volodymyrivna Zelenska," "Met at A Shelter for Internally Displaced Ukrainians " that had "Previously Been A School Where They Celebrated Mother's Day with A Group of Students," in "The City of Uzhhorod, in Zakarpattia Oblast, in Western Ukraine," and "Spoke Together for More than An Hour!"
-(Note that, The First Time A U.S. First Lady Traveled Solo into A Combat Zone since 2015," "When Michele Obama Visited Qatar's al- Udeid Air Base!")-

First Lady Biden Told The Traveling Press, "I wanted to come on Mother's Day. We thought it was important to show the Ukrainian People that this war has to stop, and this war has been brutal. And, the People of the U.S. stand with the People of Ukraine."

And, "First Lady Zelenska said, "We feel it." .... And, She also said the First Lady Biden, "I would like to thank you for your very courageous act." And, "First Lady Zelenska said, "Because we understand what it takes for the U.S. first lady to come here during a war when the military actions are taking place every day, where the air sirens are happening everyday even today." .... And, "We all feel your support, and we all feel the leadership of the U.S. President, but we would like to note that the Mother's day is a very symbolic day for us because we also feel your love and support during such an important day."

"First Lady Biden's Valiant and Loving Activities on Mother's Day in Support of Ukraine," and "The Allies of Ukraine," and "The Democratic Values and Principles" that "The Free United Peace-Loving Coalition of Sovereign Solar Nations Believe in," and "Stand for," also "Led Her to Vysne Nemecke, Slovakia," Which is "On The Slovak Side of The Main International Road Border with Ukraine Opposite The City of Uzhhorod Ukraine," Where The First Lady Met with Ukrainian Mother's and Children," and "First Responders and Volunteers," and "Ukrainian Refugees in A Refugee Center in Kosice Slovakia," with "Slovakian Prime Minister Eduard Heger!"

-(Note that, Global Cross Media News Reports are "Ukrainian President Volodymyr Oleksandrovych Zelenskyy Invited Bono and The Edge to Perform in Kyiv on Mother's Day" and "They Accepted!"

And, Sunday, The Eighth of May, Mother's Day," "They Performed A Forty Minute Surprise Concert in A Demonstration of Solidarity with Ukraine inside A Kyiv Subway Station!" Ad, "Gave Praise to The People of Ukraine," and "President Zelenskyy," for "Fighting for all of us who love freedom.")-