Saturday, January 1, 2022



The Way To Peace! #404

Note that, "There are Too Many Domestic and Foreign Leaders," "Whether They Be U.S. Senators," or "Presidents of Sovereign Solar Nations," who "Lack An Earthwide Vision of Change and Evolution," and "Who Continue to Lead," and/or "Pass Legislation," that "Does Not Benefit The Diverse Rainbow Communities, Tapestry, and Fabric of All The People!" And, "Ignoring that There is Great Purpose to Change and Evolution!" And, "There is Great Purpose in having A Vision Path to Sojourn!"

On Another Note, "There is Nothing, but, Self Flagellation in The Vision Path of," "The "Ists," and, The "Isms," of, The Global Oligarchs!"
"Their Schemes Can, only, Lead Us to Live in A World of Conditioned Realities," where "They Can Continue to Manipulate Us to Do Their Bidding!"

And, "We Need Honest Judges who Can Differentiate Between Evils!"
"Meaning Specifically, The Rights and Wrongs that are In Equanimity," and "In Opposition to Earthwise," and "Solar Axioms!"
This is so that, "We Will Not End up Becoming Victims and Slaves of Our Own Making!"

But, "A Peoples Evolution," and or, "A Peoples Revolution," "Can Change All that," and "Instead Our Generation Can Lead The Way to A True Millennia" "Of, By, and, For The People!"

And, "This is Why, Our Earthrise Movement"" "Of The People, By The People, and, For The People," is of The Utmost Importance!"

For Altogether, "We are A Great Soul Force," "Of Change," "Hope," "Compassion, " "Purpose," and "A Peaceful," "Non-Violent," "Evolution of Enlightenment!"

And, "Together We Can Powerfully Express Our Outrage," in regards to "The Gross Injustices that have Been Inflicted upon We The People!"
"The Cruelties and Disadvantages are Too Severe!" And, "A Change Must Come!"

And, "Together We Can Discard All The Old Illusions, and, Put in Their Place, A New Age of Common Civilities and Goals, Humility and People Power!

And, Together, "We Can Rid Ourselves of Being Possessed by The World of Big Business," and "Forge Together A New Economic Vision Path," that "Rewards Productivity," and "Taxes No One's Personal Incomes!"
"Giving Birth to A Peace Time Economy" that "Invests in Job Creation," "Small Businesses," "The Green Industry," and "A New World of Energy Initiatives and Alternatives," that are "Of Benefit To The People," and, "For The People," and, "The Empowerment Of All The People!"

"The Disparity Between The Rich and The Poor," are "Too Great," and "Grossly Unfair!" And, "Too Many are Going without!"

And, "Too Many are Being Unfairly Abused" by "A Corrupt System" with "Corrupt Leaders of The Spirit and Soul!" "They are The Soulless InVisibles!" And, "Greed and Power is Their Primary Philosophy of Life!" "Irregardless of What The Cost May Be!"

"The Winds of Change are upon Us," and "Altogether We Can Beat Back The Oppression," "Domestic and Foreign Radical Terrorism," and "Imperialism," that "Continues to Threaten Us!"

"Giving A True Purpose, A True Purpose," "Of The People," and that "Protects The Rights of All The People," by "Our Global Coalition of United Armed Forces of Peace Loving Sovereign Solar Nations!"

"A True Purpose" that "Forges Together NATO," "The UN," and "All The Civilian and Military Leaders of The Earths Sovereign Solar Nations in One Common Cause, " "Committed to Maintain Peace On Earth," "In Equanimity with The Laws Of The Earth!"

"Creating A Global Truce," and "An Age of Common Cause," "Expressed and Conducted in Concurrent Peace Dialogues, Earthwide!"

"In This New Decade Our Priorities have to Change!" And, "Education and Healthcare For One, has to Be At The Top of The List," and "Absolutely For Free!"

And, "College Graduates Can No Longer Be Burdened with Debts from Student Loans," that "Drain Them For All of Their Lives!"

"This is An Absurd Debt," that "A 21st Century, Modern Day, Civilized Society Can Not Afford" to "Burden Its Youth with!"

"Burdening Our Children with This Debt," is "A Travesty of Justice of The Worst Kind!" That, and "Seeing Our Children Go off to Fight in UN-Declared Wars," are "Both of Equal Status of The Worst Kind in The World of Conditioned Realities!" "Along with The Abuse of Our Children by Pedophiles!"

This is Not The Way To Peace! Or, A Way To Heal The World! Nor, is it, A Way For The World to Evolve into A New Vision Path, of A Peace Millennium!

Voices of Reason, and Peacemakers of The 20th and 21st Centuries, The Signs of The Times are Favorable to Our Efforts," "All Over The World!"
"We" have, but, to "Continue to Be Vehicles of Change!" And, "Create New Platforms of Hope and Change!" And, "Continue to Spread The Good News" of "Our Earthrise Movement!"

"We are Very Fortunate to have at Our Disposal," The Earths Greatest Social, Cross-Media Universe," and,"Non-Violent Communication Network and Nexus Of, By, and For The People," that "The Earth has Ever Known!"

And, "We The People," "Citizens Of This, The Third Planet from The Sun," are "Very Fortunate to have This New Age of Science and Technology to Spread Our Idea's, " "Thoughts," "Words," and Actions to Every Corner Of The Earth!"

So, "Let Us Be, Women and Men of Great Vision!" And, "Let Us Create The Architecture and Infrastructure of Our World to Illuminate Our Lives, " "Environmentally," "Ecologically," "Spiritually," "Intelligently," and "Universally," "Enhancing Our Daily Living Conditions," as "We Make Our Way on The Sidewalks," "Buses," "Subways," "Highways," "Sky Ways," and "Sea's," of "Our World!"

"We Can Text Our Idea's," and "Demonstrate against The Obstructionists of Change!" And, in Doing so, "Each and Everyone of Us Can Be An Activist of Change and Hope," and "Make a Difference!"

And, "Let Us Not Allow The Obstructionists of Change," or "The False Representatives Of The People Impede The Social and Environmental Programs and Movements of Change and Evolution!"

And, "We Can Create Our Own Earthrise Constitution," and "Emancipation Declaration," "Of, By, and, For The People!"
And, in Doing so, "Rock Out," "Shakeup," and "Change The World!"

"Too Many Tears of Pain have Fallen in The First Decade of The New Millennium!"
And, "Its Time for Tears of Love to Be Shared!"
Once again, "The Lives of Too Many are Dependent upon Us!" And, "A New Decade Beckons and Challenges Us" to "Fulfill Our Destiny!"

"Just Ask Anyone who Lives on The Streets of We The People," and "They Will Tell You" that "We have to Learn to Live Together," and "Show Respect For One Another!" And, "Learn" to "TCB," "Take Care of Business!"
"This is What It is Like To Be Streetwise," but, "It also Reveals and Demonstrates A Wisdom" of "How To Co-Exist with One Another!"

"Respect, " "Fair Play," "Trust," "Honesty," "Common Sense," and "A Conscious Awareness of The Needs" and "Evolution of Each and Everyone of Us," is "The Universal Mindset and Philosophy Of The Streets," of "We The People," Citizens Of the Earth!

"We have Learned Enough through Trial and Error," that "We Need Whats Best For Each Other," If, "We are to Survive" and "Evolve as A United, and Vibrant Community of The Earth, In Equanimity with The Flow and Growth of The Universe!"
And, This is, The Way To Peace, and, A Peace Millennium!

So, "In Ending, Let's "Give Peace A Sincere Chance," in "The Second Decade of This New Millennia!" And, "If, There Ever was A Time for The Phoenix of Peace to Grace Our Lives," "That Time is Now!" For, "This is Our Earth," and "Our Time has Come to Excel!"

"Lets Build A Bold New Civilization For All The People's of The Earths Sovereign Solar Nations to Share!"- United Interdependent Global Activists- The Way To Peace! #130 Revisited & Revised)-

-"Global Cross Media News Universe, Insights, New Horizons, News Purview's, and Global Perspectives"- Extra Noteworthy News- "Callender Of Events"- "The Question" is "Why has The Russian Federation Amassed Approximately One Hundred Thousand of Its Armed Forces on The Border of The Sovereign Nation of Ukraine!"- "Thursday, The Thirtieth of December 2021, "Presidents Putin and Biden to Speak by Phone" in "An Attempt to De-escalate Tensions over The Russian Troop Buildup at The Sovereign Nation of Ukraine"-

"There is No Logic" or "Common Sense Being Displayed by The Leaders of The Russian Federation to Threaten The Citizens" and "The Sovereign Nation of Ukraine with Violence!" "It is Simply Beyond Comprehension!"

And, "The Religious Leaders of This Sovereign Nation whose History is Both Long and Substantive in Global Affairs," and "The Religious," "Sovereign," and "Business Leaders of The European Union (EU)," "NATO," and "The Earths Coalition of United Sovereign Solar Nations," and "NATO," "Must Speak Out Precisely" and "In All Clarity to Russian President Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin," to "Counsel Him" to "Cease and Desist from Any Thought and/or Consideration of Aggression Towards The People" and "Sovereign Nation of Ukraine!"

And, "Instead Take His Place as A Peacemaker," and "Purposefully and Conscientiously Lead The Way to A Twenty-First Century Peace Initiative," and "Universal Rights Initiative For All The People of The Earths Sovereign Solar Nations, who Long to Live in Peace," "Freedom," "Equality," "Equanimity," "Global Equilibre," and "Social Security!"

And, "Add His Leadership Abilities to The Voices of Respected Earthwide and Earthwise Leaders" and "Inspire and Guide The Youth of The Earth in The Ways of Peace," and "Non-Violence!"

And, "Let Diplomacy Lead The Way To Solving The Differences that Exist Between Sovereign Nations," and "Build Bridges of Cooperation and Trust," 'Wherever Distrust," "War," and "Conflict," "Threaten The Peaceful Coexistence of All The People of The Earth!"

-Extra Noteworthy News-
Thursday, The Twenty-Third of December 2021, Global Cross Media News Reports are "Former Minnesota Officer Kimberly Potter, 49," was "Found Guilty of Two Counts of Both First and Second Degree Manslaughter for Fatally Shooting Daunte Wright, 20," "During A Traffic Stop," and "Attempted Arrest for An Outstanding Arrest Warrant," in Brooklyn Center, Minnesota!"

"Ex-Officer Potter who Testified" that "She Mistook Her Service Weapon for Her Taser," was "Immediately Taken into Custody," and "Held without Bail!"

"The Maximum Penalty for First Degree Manslaughter," Predicated on Reckless Use/ Handling of A Firearm, is "Fifteen Years in Prison," and/or "A $Thirty-Thousand Dollar Fine!"

"Ex-Officer Potter Will Receive Sentencing on The Eighteenth of February 2022," "When Justice Will Be Served!"

"We Extend Our Sincerest Condolences to The Family of Daunte Wright! And, To Mr. Wright's Family, and Friends, We Mourn His Tragic Loss of Life with You!
 -"Global Cross Media and Nationwide News" from "The Washington D.C. Eye" on "The Sociological Affairs Of The Republic," "Democracy," and "The Government Of The People, By The People, and For The People"- And, "Justice Must Prevail in The U.S." "There is Too Much at Stake!" Besides The Fate of The U.S. Democracy," "The Judiciary Must Not Become A Tool of Partisan Politics!" "The Question" is, "Has The Court Become Too Politicized to Judge and Rule Fairly!"

"If The US Supreme Court has Become too Politicized to Judge Cases Before Them by Constitutional Standards," (1) "Term Limits Should Be Placed on The Confirmation of Each Newly Elected Justice," and/or, (2) "A Larger US Supreme Court Should Be Considered in The Immediate Future" by "The Biden/Harris Administration," and "The United States Congress!"

"The Twenty-First Century Demands Unbiased and Interdependent Considerations and Contemplation's by "The Nations Judiciary!" "The Reasons Being, in Most Cases," are "Due to The Demands of These Changing Times,"

And, "Issues that have Been Constitutionally Decided Upon Must Be Given First Priority in The Nations Courts For The Sake," "Stability," and "Security Of All The People," and "The Trust and Belief" that "The American People have for The Laws of The Land!"

And, "Whether or Not The Nations Courts Can Judge Fairly," and "Especially The US Supreme Court," has "Come Under Intense Scrutiny in The View Point and Minds of The American People!"

And, "As Lady Justice Looks Down Upon The Supreme Court," and "The Nations Judiciary," "The Question" is, "Will The US Supreme Court Rise to The Moral and Ethical Challenge that "Faces Them in The Twenty-First Century," and "Specifically in Regards to "The Constitutional Right of An American Women's Right to Choose," "Roe v. Wade," "Racial Issues," "The Proliferation of Ghost Guns," "New Gun Reform Cases," and "Immigration Reform!"

-(Note that, "A Women's Constitutional Right to Choose is On Trial," Once Again, "In America!" And, "One Begins to Wonder If Their Inalienable Rights to Live as Equal Citizens in The United States of America Will ever Be Fully Respected!")-