Saturday, January 1, 2022



The Way To Peace! #404

UNITED INTERDEPENDENT GLOBAL ACTIVISTS- The Way To Peace! #242 -Revisited & Revised)-

"How Many Times" have You Heard, "One Political Party or Another, Literally, Attack the Social Safety Support Net," that is "In Place to Protect The Poor and Disenfranchised" (Such as, "The Republican Party is Now Doing without Pause"-The "B" System)!"
Or, To A Varying Degree, As It is, "In Today's World," "The Lack of One," that "Is Fully Needed to Protect and Give Support to The Middle Class," Unless, of course, "There is an Election Campaign in Progress!" And, "Then All Kinds of Promises are Made!"(Excuse my Cynicism!)

But, "As We Can Clearly See," in "This Age of Instant Global Transparency, Information and Communication," and the Continued Revelations and Disclosures, that Have Made Headlines in The Global Cross Media News Universe," even "Concerning Celebrities and Politicians," (have "Led me to Comprehend after Long and Painstaking Deliberation") "The Constant, Incessant, and Unceasing Reminder" that, "There are Clearly "Two Different Systems/Ways of Life," That are "The Main Arteries of The Body of This Existential Time/Space Reality on Earth!" And, It is Extremely Clear, and Most Definitively Obvious that,"The Both of Them Were Not Created, in Mind, For The Benefit Of All The People!"

And, It also Reminds me of "the Lyric of a Classic Rhythm and Blues Song," Sung by the Magnificent and Brilliant Blues Singer Billie Holiday, "Them that's Got Shall Have, Them that's Not Shall Lose, so The Bible Say's and It Still is News" and, "Yes, It Still is News!" And, "Oh, The Disparity of It All!"

But, "As We Can Clearly See," in "This Age of Instant Global Transparency, Information and Communication," and the Continued Revelations and Disclosures that have Been Disclosed, "The Example of A Social Safety Support System for The Privileged," (The "A" System)," and, "Its Net," "Is Clearly In Place to Be of Assistance, Help, and Support of Those of Influence," and "This System is In Place to Reach Out Across The World," In Support of The Wealthy, The Oligarchs, The Secretive Ones/The Invisibles," and, of course, "Those of Political Influence"...Once again, "The Privileged!"

"Allegations have Been Made,"and "Investigations involving Corruption are Ongoing," and "Criminal Complaints," in Regards to Alleged Bribes," and "Prominent Names have Been Unmasked, Revealing For One and All to See," once again, "The Disparities that Exist!" ("Them that's Got Shall Have!")

"Juxtaposed with this is," Tragically and Unfortunately, "Imagine A Mother and Father who Can Not Afford to Provide for The Welfare and Healthcare of Their Child," or "Provide Them with a Proper Education," and, "Who's Future Existence is Threatened with the Possibility of Contracting The CoronaVirus or Its Deathly Variants," and "Threatens Any Opportunity for This Young Child to Have a Future at All, Is Jarring!" "Oh, The Tragedy and Disparity of It All!"

"Pope Francis' Concern For The Poor," and "His Concern for The Migrant Families who have Undergone Dangerous Journey's to Begin New Lives in Europe and Other Safe Havens/Countries of The Earth, is Admirable," But, "The Two Different Earthwide Systems," "The One that Millions of People are Fleeing from," and, "The Other that Represents Freedom, Security and New Beginnings," is "A Powerful Reminder of The Disparity between Generations of People" that "has Been In Place For Millennia!"

And, "There is Much For the Religions of The United Sovereign Solar Nations to Atone for as well," Because, For Millennia, "Religions" have "Been A Prominent Part of These Two Systems," Incomprehensibly, "The A System," that has "Been of Great Benefit to The Influential, The All Powerful, and The Privileged, and "The B System," that "The Earths Populace Falls into and Pays for in Tithes," and "Their Faith and Trust!" 
(Didn't Jesus say, "And, again I say unto you , It is easier for a Camel to go through the eye of a needle, than for a Rich man to enter The Kingdom of God!")

In fact, "History has Shown Us," that "Entire Populations of People" have "Been Forced to Live In Poverty" and "Live Out Their Lives as Slaves," Entirely within The Knowledge and Purview of Religious Institutions" and "Houses of Worship!"
"To Be Bought and Sold, Against Their Will and Without Their Consent," "As Slaves," "In Support A Slave Industry" that "Heaped Riches" upon The Lifestyles of "The Privileged!"
(Again, "Them that's Got Shall Have, Them that's Not Shall Lose!")

Even "The Founders George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, James Madison, Benjamin Franklin and Patrick Henry were All Slave Owners in the United States," Think of It, "The Visionaries" of The U.S. Constitution, The Bill Of Rights, and The Declaration of Independence, Benefited from "The Slave Industry" (although from Time to Time They Expressed Their Concern about The Immoral Aspects of Slavery)!
"Even Royal Families All the World Over" have "Been Guilty Participants of The Slave Industry," and "Profited by It!"

And, "The Chronicles of History have Revealed" that "Some of The U.S. Universities" such as; Georgetown, Harvard, Yale, Columbia, Rutgers, Brown, Princeton, Penn, Dartmouth and The Universities of Delaware, and West Virginia," Raised Money and Recruited Students from Slave Owning Families and Sought Investment from Them!" "Slaves were An Important Currency that Brought Wealth and Prestige to Your Concerns, Family, Businesses," or "Whatever Your Interests May Be!"

And, "That also Included Christian Religions," "Who Played an Unsettling Role in the Slave Industry," in order to, "Maintain A Place in The Colonies!" Before the 1830's, "Proponents of Slavery used The Holy Scripture in The Bible," to "Defend Their Stands on Slavery!"
However, "Religious Tolerance," or "Silent Acceptance of Slavery," Goes Back in Time "Before Moses Walked The Earth!"

"Slavery is An Industry that will Forever Remain in Infamy in U.S. History!" "An Industry without A Moral Conscious," "Stained with The Blood of Stolen Daughters and Son's, and Mother's and Father's!"
And, "Forever Tainted with Unimaginable Improprieties, Immoralities, Violence, Death, and Torture!"

"2021 Has Revealed The More than Four Hundred Years of Systemic Racism in The United States of America" has "Not Ended," and "History," As "The Truthsayer of Humanity," has Revealed "The Ugly Face of Slavery, in The Mirror of Moral Righteousness and Justice," For as Far Back as Recorded Time has Been Written!" Whether it Be in Persia, Egypt, Asia, The United States, The United Kingdom, Canada, South America, or Africa!

And, So, "The Idea" that "Government was Created and Established to Protect," What is "In the Best Interest and Welfare Of The People," "Through Laws, Rules, and Regulations, Constitutions, Declarations, Bills, and Legislation," That were "Passed to Provide a Higher Quality of Life For We....The People," and, That was "Supposed to Prevent and Protect The People, from Being Manipulated," Abused," "Misused," "Violated," and "Enslaved," Was, "In fact," only, "Half The Truth," Because, "When New Taxes Ensued," and "When Corruption and Greed Raised It's Ugly Head For The Profit of The Few," "We....The People," once again, "Were Forced to Pay The Price For These Injustices!"

Leaving Some of Us, "Wondering," Is this "A Legalized Version of The Illegal Protection Racket Created and Perpetrated by Organized Crime," that "We Now See," "Manifesting Itself in a Myriad Different New Inventive Ways," in Today's Age!

"It's Abundantly Clear" that "We.... The People," have "Been Conditioned to Accept These Subtle, (Though Sometimes Brutal) Affectations, Pretentious, False Rhetoric, Laws and Regulations, to Impress Us, "Without Resentment, or Resistance," "Until Something Cataclysmic Happens!"

"The Lyrics" to Buffalo Springfield's "For What its Worth" Comes Immediately to Mind, "There's Something Happening Here, What it is Ain't Exactly Clear," and, "You Can Feel It," and "Sense It," Beginning to Increase in Intensity! "Declaring Its Disapproval of The Existence of Disparity in The World," Where, there are "More Millionaires and Billionaires than Ever Before," "While Poverty is Still Prevalent Worldwide," or "The Threat of It, is Permeating Its Way through The Collective Global Consciousness Of The People, Worldwide!"

In The U.S. "Students are Frustrated about The Costs of a College Education," and "The Student Loans They Will Be Indebted with!"
And, "Even with a College Education, There is a Growing Anxiety about Finding Good Employment!" "Employment that They Will Need to Pay back Their Student Loans," and "Find a Place to Live!"

And, "This State of Frustration Exists Amongst Students" althroughout "The Myriad Different Corners of The Earth," "Does This Sounds All Too Familiar!"

It is Very Apparent that "The Two Systems," that have "Been In Place," For, as long as, "Humankind has Learned How to Subjugate One Group Of People over Another, Has Been in Existence," and "This Model of Human Existence Must Be Changed!"
Because, "It Cannot Continue," In All Good Consciousness, "To Exist as It is!"

"It Will Take An Investment of Financial and Moral Commitment," on The Part of The Global Finance Community, "Led by Billionaires" such as; Warren Buffet, Bill and Melinda Gates, and Giving Pledge, "Altogether with The United Sovereign Solar Nations of Civilized Governments, "Who Must Regulate The Laws," "Legislation," and "Budgets," to "Provide Free Education," "Law and Order," "Voting," and "Equal Rights," and "Justice," "Home Security," "Employment," and, "A Sustainable Quality of Life For All The People!"
"The Idea of A Government Of, By, and For The People, Must Be Fully Enacted upon," and "Made into A Reality on A Daily Practice!"

And, "Yes," What "We are Suggesting is A Broad Spectrum of Change is Needed," that "Must Be Immediately Enacted upon" to "Empower and Support The Global Equation Of The People, By The People, and For The People," "Sovereign Citizens, One and All, of This Planet Earth!"
"Composed of A Global System of Economic Equilibre For Everyone," in Which, "Both Women and Men are Compensated for The Work They Do," "Equally!"

"A Global System of Economic Equilibre" that "Inspires, and, Shares with Our Future Generations," The Meaning of What A True Public Servant is," "One, Who is Unabashedly, Unashamed to Serve and Be of Assistance to Their Fellow Human Being, Who Is In Need," and "A True Sense of Financial Responsibility, and Respect For One Another!" And, "A Highly Principled Sense of Integrity, and Moral Ethics!"

And, At a Time, "When We Can All See," "The Rising Tides of The Have Nots," "Breaching The Walls" of "What a Civilized Global Community Should Be!" And, "The Waves are Overflowing in The Billions," "Can Anyone Disagree with The Reality that A Global Economic Change Must Come!"

And, "Yes," "It Will Take A Conscientious, Committed, and Highly Directed Effort by Global Financial, Political, Religious, Civilian, and Government Leaders to Correct the Divisiveness of The Two Systems/World that We Live in," to "Eradicate the Worlds of Untouchables," "The Poor," "Disenfranchised," "Homeless," and "Transients," and "Change Them For The Betterment of All Humankind, Irregardless of Race, Gender, Color, Creed, or Nationality!"

And, "Those in Whom We Trust" "Must," Once again, "Come Forward to Walk and Engage the Dangers that Border along The Frontlines of Change!"

And, "Yes," To Those in Whom "You have Placed Your Trust and Faith," Whether it Be through "The Electoral Process," or "In Admiration of The Moral and Inspirational Character Traits and Courage that They have Displayed," They Must Be Made to See that "The Immoralities and Injustices that have Resurfaced in The Twenty-First Century to A Surprising Degree of Negativity, Must Be, without Equivocation," "Washed away Clean in The Waters of A Cognizant Sea of An Omniscient, Compassionate, Universal Soul Force," and "A Society of Equilibre and Peace," If, "We are ever to Get Beyond The Reality of," "Them that's Got Shall Have, Them that's Not Shall Lose!"

"There have been Times in The Past" when "In spite of All the Great Intentions to Change The World and Make it A Better Place For Our Families to Live in," "A Multitude of Critical Challenges have Tested Our Personal Resolve, Fortitude, and Strength of Character to Overcome and Transcend The Negativity or Adversary that Barred Our Way!"

"The Test" was For, "We"..."The People," Sovereign Citizens of This Planet Earth to Act, "As a Great Collective," "A Great Soul Force of The Truth" and "Rise up to Confront The Evil," "Unjust," "Immoral," "Vile," "Dishonorable," "Corrupt and Perverted Enemy that Faced Us," and "Threatened to Destroy Our Homes and Families," "Whomever They May Be!"

And, In such Moments, "We"..."The People" Called upon "An Inner Strength," and, "It was of The Greatest Importance to Remember and Be Guided by The Ideas, Thoughts, Words and Actions of The Women and Men that History has Singled out," "As Great Souls," "For Their Vision and The Paths" that "They Chose to Take!" "Paths that were Empowered by A Great Collective Of, By, and For The People!"

Moments such as (1) The Salt March, Salt Satyagraha, A Non-Violent Protest Led by Mahatma Gandhi, Led The Way To Indian Independence! Bapu (Called so Out of Great Love and Endearment) Inspired All of India as well as Civil Rights Movements All over The World! He was Truly A Great Soul and Visionary!

(2) The Founder and First President of The American Red Cross, Clara Barton, who Cared for The Injured during The Civil War in The United States, and Collected Food, Medicine and Clothing for The Troops, and Challenged the Barriers that Restricted Women from Helping The Wounded in Field Hospitals that were Restricted to Using Solely Male Staffs, and Who was a Supporter of The Women's Suffrage Movement!

(3) Jesus of Nazareth who Taught His Fathers Gospel of Love and Truth, and Who Healed All who Came to Him Spiritually, Emotionally, and Physically, and were in Need! Who came into The World to Save Sinners! And, by His Own Example Changed The World For Future Generations to Come!

(4) Socrates who Taught Us the Meaning of The Truth!

(5) Nelson Mandela, who Became South Africa's First Black President, Fought and Successfully Put an End to South Africa's Apartheid System! Madiba Never gave up Trying to Make a Better World for His People, and Achieve Human Rights that were Honorable and Just!

(6) Saint Teresa of Calcutta who Dedicated Her Life Caring for The Poor, Homeless, and Lepers! Mother Founded The Missionaries of Charity in Calcutta and also Won The Nobel Peace Prize!
Many Believed Her to Be much More than a Nun in Her Lifetime! And, There is No Doubt of Her Saintliness!

(7) Siddhartha Gautama Taught Us The Middle Way, and Encouraged One and All to Follow A Path of Balance! Siddhartha Taught that The Eight Fold Path Led Us to A Self Awakening and Liberation! And, He Transcended the Conditioned Reality to become a Great Mahayana!

(8) And then, There is Confucius and Lao-Tzu, Who led by Their Axioms of The Golden Rule of Confucianism and The Way of Life of Taoism, whose Philosophies and Teachings Provided Guidance to Their People and A Way of Life to Follow!

(9) And, in a Time when Civil Rights Abuses Occurred on A Daily Basis in The U.S., A Voice spoke out and said "I have a Dream" and through His Non-Violent Civil Rights Movement and Great Soul Strength, Helped to Put an End to Segregation in The United States! And, His Name is Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.
(Prior to Malala Yousafzai, Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. was the Youngest Person to Win a Nobel Peace Prize!)

"The List is Limitless" filled with "The Names of Philosophers," "Peacemakers," "Prophets," "Military," "Spiritual," "Religious," and "Earthwide Leaders who have Inspired and Guided Us" from "Muhammad to Moses, and Charlemagne to Rumi, Mary to Melchizedek, Saint Francis to Tagore, Mary Magdalene to Zoroaster, Abraham Lincoln to Susan B. Anthony, Winston Churchill to Franklin D. Roosevelt, Dwight D. Eisenhower to Charles De Gaulle, and "On and On The List goes Including Women and Men of The 21st Century who've Displayed Great Presence of Character, Compassion, Integrity, and Equilibre," and "Have Gone Beyond the Call of Duty" in Defense of "We"..."The People," and "All The Freedoms that "We Enjoy!"

And, "There is No Reason to Doubt" that "We"..."As a Great Collective Soul Force Of Peace, Justice, and Freedom, and Protectors of The Rights of Each and Every Sovereign Citizen of This Planet Earth," "Have Naught to Fear!"

And, "Common Sense" Tells me, that "This New World Configuration Of, By, and For The People," that "Reflects The Fabric and Diverse Tapestry of The New Norm of The Twenty-First Century," Though Fraught with Anxiety, Terror, Disease, and Economic Disparity between Classes of People, "Still has Great Character, Integrity and Purpose!" "Vision and Awareness!" "Enlightenment and Compassion!" "Soul Power and Conviction!" And, "Hope For The Future!" And, "An Earthrise of Great Magnitude with Limitless Potential and Infinitely Vast and  New Horizons and Experiences," that "Lie Ahead" For "We"..."The People!"

Voices of Reason and Peacemakers of The Twentieth and Twenty-First Millennia, "Let Us Be," "As A Meaningful, Inspirational, Passionate, Far Reaching and Resonating Choir Of Voices Speaking Softly, Chanting, and Conversing ever so Indepthly with One Another of The Wondrous Opportunity to Be An Innovative Existential," "Positive Minded," "Insightful," "Consciously Aware People of The Ages!" "Yes," "Truly of The Ages!"

"Where One Voice Can Be Heard and Respected as Being a Dedicated Personnage Of The People, By The People, and For The People," "A Great Spirit and Soul Force of Earthwise and Streetwise Women, Men, and Children!"

And, "Where Billions of Voices Can Change the Course" of "A Stream of Separatism," "Egotism," and "Divisiveness" into "A River of A Magnificent," "Enlightened," and "United Generation of People," Who are "Empowered by Compassion," "Hope," and "Love For Their Fellow Human Being!" Truly, "A Grand Universal Sea of Humankind!"

"Knowing that with Each New Earthrise," "Every Child Will Enjoy The Protection," "Education," and "Love of A Grand Society of Women," "Men," and "Children," "Who Believe in, and Have Faith and Reverence In One Another!"

For, This is The Way To Peace, and, An Omnipresent, Omnipotent, and Omniscience Age of "The Saving Grace of Life and Peace On Earth Without Limitations,"and "Althroughout The Grand Universe of Billions upon Billions of Stars and Planets," that "We" are but "A Microcosm of, with "All of Its Limitless Ecology's, Environmental Gifts, and Mysteries!"