Saturday, December 1, 2018



The Way To Peace! #330

"As The Parallel Galaxies and Celestial Bodies Literally Surround and Revolve Around Our Home Planet Earth," How Extraordinary It is Too See Yet Another Spacecraft Land on Mars," Which is Exactly What Occurred on Monday, The Twenty-Sixth of November 2018," After A Six Month Journey, "Some Three Hundred Million Miles away from Our Blue Planet!"

"The U.S. Spacecrafts Name" is "InSight" (and "How Wonderfully Appropriate It is,") "Especially When You Consider The Significance of The Word," in Relation to "The Trade Wars between The United States and China," and "The Military Aggression of The Russian Federation Against The Sovereign Nation of Ukraine," and The Ongoing Wars and Conflicts in The Middle East,"  and then, "Include Poverty, and Homelessness," and "Economic Disparities," "Climate Warming," and "The Tragic and Ongoing Immigration Problems," Caused by Government Corruption, Gang Violence, and Wars," that have "Caused The Migration of Millions of People, Mothers, Fathers, and Children," and "The Displacement of Families Threatened by Violence and Death," that "Continues to Take Place on Earth!" 

And, When You Include "The Lack of Insight that Persists Amongst The Leaders of Some Sovereign Nations," and "In Our Communities," who "Refuse to See" that "We are All a Part of A Diverse Universal Community, Tapestry, and Fabric Of The People of This Planet Earth!"

And, "The Conservation and Protection of Our Seas, Lands, Skies, Atmosphere and Ecological and Environmental Systems and Sentient Beings" are "All of The Utmost Importance to The Earths Survival," and "Our Human Evolution!"

"InSight's Mission is to "Study The Martian Underworld!" And, "Listening for Any Marsquakes/Tremors Should They Occur!"  And, Collect Data," and "Create a Map of The Interior of Mars," that "Would Provide Scientists, Back here on Earth, with Valuable Information," in Regards to "How This Mysterious Red Planet," and "Other Planets of Similar Dimensions were Formed!"  

"InSight," Landed at Elysium Planitia, Near The Equator," in "The Northern Hemisphere of Mars!" And, "Its Primary Mission," for "Approximately Two Years," is to Examine; 
(1) The Effectiveness of The Use of A Robotic Arm, (2) How Large is Mars Molten Core, 
(3) How Much Heat is Flowing up from The Decay of Radioactive Elements at The Core, 
(4) How Often Does The Ground Shake with Marsquakes, Monitored Through The Use of A Seismometer, and then, 
(5) An Extensive Series of Radio Science Experiments Will Take Place!

"This is Mission and Flight of InSight to Mars," is "Liken to A Magnificent Opera" with "Multiple Acts Set in A Dramatic Universal Environment," and "Imagine The Technological Cognizance and Insight into The New Technology that NASA Implemented," When It "Launched InSight on The Fifth of May, 2018," with "An Identical Spacecraft," Named" Mars Cube One" (or MarsCO) "Launched with It!"

"Imagine The Majesty of Mars Cube One A and B, Separating from InSight's Cruise Stage," and "Trailing It!" And, "Imagine "This Grand Accomplishment, Coupled with The Fact," that "It was Relaying InSight's Journey to, and Landing on Mars," "Back to Earth without Any Complications!" 

-(Also Note that, "This is the First Time" that "A CubeSat" has "Been Used in An Interstellar/Interplanetary Voyage!")-

-(Global Cross Media News Reports are "The Cost of This Grand Accomplishment in Interstellar Space was Shared with France and Germany," who "Invested One Hundred Eighty Billion Dollars!" NASA has Spent Eight Hundred and Fourteen Billion Dollars on InSight!"And, "The Spacecraft is Operated by NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Pasadena, California, and Manufactured by Lockheed Martin Space Systems.")-

-Extra Noteworthy News-
Friday, The Thirtieth of November 2018 "George Herbert Walker Bush, The Forty-First President of The United States of America," "Passed away at The Tender Age of Ninety-Four!"

"A Statement" was "Issued by His Son, George H. Bush, The Forty-Third President of The United States," on "Behalf of The Bush Family!"

The Deeply Touching Statement Read; "Jeb, Neil, Marvin, Doro and I are saddened to announce that after 94 remarkable years, our dear Dad has died. George H.W. Bush was a man of the highest character and the best dad a son or daughter could ask for. The entire Bush family is deeply grateful for 41's life and love, for the compassion of those who have cared and prayed for Dad, and for the condolences of our friends and fellow citizens."

"George H.W. Bush," Former Forty-First President of The United States of America from 1989 to 1993, Forty-Third Vice President of The United States from 1981 to 1989, Tenth U.S. Ambassador to The United Nations from 1971 to 1973, Eleventh Director of The Central Intelligence Agency from 1976 o 1977, and Member of The U.S. House of Representatives from Texas's Seventh District from 1967 to 1971, "Died Seven Month's after The Passing of His Loving Wife, Barbara Bush!"

"President Trump also Expressed His Condolences to The Bush Family!"   

We Extend Our Sincerest Heartfelt and Soulful Condolences to The Entire Bush Family for The Loss of One so Dear to Them, Father and Patriarch! We Mourn Your Loss, and also Give Thanks for The Years of Service that George H.W. Bush Provided to The Nation and His Fellow Citizens!         

And, "As The Sun Sets on The Single Land Mass of The Americas," One Can only Wonder How Separate The Two Continents are," and "How Stressed Out, and Abused, (and Politically Used) The Immigration Issue has Become," "Especially between The United States of America and South America," and "Let's Not Confuse This Issue" with "President Trump's Incessant Demand for A Wall to Be Built between The United States and Mexico!" "Why," Because Quite Simply, "A Campaign Pledge" and/or "Campaign Rhetoric in Support of Your Political Party's Candidate or Nominee," is "Not The Same as a Life and Death Reality," that "These Immigrant Families are Facing!"

"Just Look at The Dynamics" that "Divide This Issue," that "Affects The Lives of Mothers and Fathers" who are "Seeking Asylum in The United States for Themselves and Their Children," On Wednesday, The Twenty-First of November 2018 Global Cross Media News Reports are, U.S. District Court Judge Jon Tigar "Placed a Restraining Order on a Number 9 Presidential proclamation" that "Made Immigrants who Cross The Border Illegally ineligible to Apply for Asylum!" And Judge Tigar also said "Such a Change Would Require Legislative Action!"

-(Note that The U.S. Agreed to and Signed (1) In 1951, A United Nations Treaty that States "Refugee's should Not Be Penalized for Their Illegal Entry," Because Extreme Circumstances May at Times, "Require Refugees to Breach Immigration Rules," and (2) The United Nations Act in The 1965 Immigration and National Act States that Any Foreigner who arrives in the USA, "Whether or not at a Designated Port of Arrival, May Apply for Asylum.")-

And then, "When You Add in President Trump's Continued Assault" upon "Immigrants from South America," as Recent as Thursday, The Twenty-Second of November 2018, When The President Tweeted "Mexico should move the flag waving Migrants, many of whom are stone cold criminals, back to their countries. Do it by plane, do it by bus, do it anyway you want, but but they are Not coming into the U.S.A. We will close the border permanently if need be. Congress fund the Wall!"

However, "Whatever Aggressive Stance The President Chooses to Take Against Immigrants," in General, and "Demands for A Wall to Be Built between Mexico and The United States," irregardless of The Cost, Philosophically, Culturally, Mentally and Financially, "By Now, after Defeat after Defeat in The U.S. Courts," The Trump Administration Should Realize that What They are Attempting to Do is Illegal in A Court of Law and under The Laws of The United States Constitution!" 

And, This is Important, "Why," Because, Quite Simply, "The United States is A Nation of Laws!" And, "President Trump Should Recognize The Value of This," "For The Sake of The Nation," and "The American People," and "Its Present and Future Generations!"
And, also "As A Demonstration of The Meaningfulness, Purpose, Strength, Soul," and "Principled Values of All The Civilized Peace Loving Nations of The Earth!"

-(Note that, Global Cross Media News Reports are, Sunday, The Twenty-Fifth of November 2018, "Mexico's Interior Ministry Reported" that "It has Sent Home Eleven Thousand Central American Migrants since The Nineteenth of October 2018," and "Potentially One Hundred Thousand Will Be Sent Back by The End of The Year.)-

Sunday, The Twenty-Fifth of November 2018, "As The Sun Sets in The Skies Over The United Kingdom," Global Cross Media News Reports are, "U.K. Prime Minister May has Received The Blessings of The Twenty-Seven Members of The European Union" for "A Formal Brexit Pact" from "The EU! " 
-(However, "There are Some Leaders of The EU" who "Gave A Clear Warning" that "Should The British Parliament Disapprove of The Pact There Will Be No Re-Negotiation of It!")-

President of The European Commission Jean-Claude Juncker is Reported to have said, "Its the best deal possible. The European Union will not change its fundamental position." 

And so, "The Intense Divisions over Brexit Continues to Grow!"

Wednesday, The Fourteenth of November 2018, "The Contents of The Brexit Draft Agreement that Prime Minister Theresa May Negotiated with The European Union," were "Revealed For All of The U.K. to Examine," and "Express Their Opinion of "Yea or Nay!" 

And, "The Prime Minister is Faced with A Daunting and Formidable Path of Impediments Before Her!" 
"Why, Because (1) This Draft Agreement Will Not Be Supported by The Opposition Labour Party, as is, and (2) Support for The Draft Agreement is Not Fully Supported by Her Own Conservative Party, and (3) It Does Not Provide A Supportable Equation and/or Remedy that Can Satisfy England, Northern Ireland, Ireland, Scotland, and Wales!"

Add to that is Thursday, The Fifteenth of November 2018, "The Former Brexit Minister Dominic Raab Resigned," Stating in An Interview with the BBC that "I still think a deal could be done but it is very late in the day now, and we need to change course." And, He also said, "The biggest risk of no deal is a bad deal to the House of is very important to take the action now."       

And, On Sunday, The Eighteenth of November 2018, Global Cross Media News Reports are Nigel Dodds, The Deputy Leader of DUP (Democratic Unionist Party) of Northern Ireland, that "Makes up The Coalition with Prime Minister Mays Minority Government," said It was " time to work for a better deal which does not undermine the integrity of the United Kingdom." 

-(Note that, "If DUP Pulled Its Support of The Prime Minister over The Brexit Draft with The EU," It is Most Likely that "Her Government Would Collapse!")

And, Global Cross Media News Reports are On Sunday, The Eighteenth of November 2018 "A New Assessment of The Deal," Published by The ERG Group for Conservative Members of Parliament (European Research Group) who are Pro-Brexit said, "It would leave Britain half in and half out of the EU."  

"The Questions that Remain are (1) Will Prime Minister May Win a Vote of Confidence in the U.K. Parliament and (2) This May Be the Perfect Moment in Time to Consider A New Referendum, that Addresses The Pros and Cons of Brexit, and (3) Reexamine The Importance and Logistics of Developing Global Partnerships with Sovereign Nations instead of Withdrawing from them, and (4) Will The P.M. Lose Her Premiership Because of Her Seemingly Intransigent Attitude. 

-(Note that, On Sunday, The Eighteenth of November 2018, Prime Minister May Told Sky News "These next seven days are going to be critical, they are about the future of this country." And, "I'm not going to be distracted from the important job.")-

However, It's Been More Than Two Years since The U.K. Voted to Leave The EU, and "The Question" that "Should Be Answered by The Political Party's and Powers that Be in The U.K." and "Possibly The Most Important Question to Be Made at This Moment in Time" is, "Why haven't The Citizens of The United Kingdom" Been "Offered A New Opportunity to Discuss and Debate Brexit, For Better or For Worst!"

And, "If A New Direction or Course," as Many have Suggested, "is Needed" Then "A Bold, Cognizant, and Unbiased Leadership Approach Should Be Engaged in," "One that Clearly Assesses The Positives, Negatives and Alternatives," and then "Shares This Assessment with The People, For The Benefit, Empowerment," and "Best Interests Of The People," Before The Twenty-Ninth of March 2019 Deadline, "When The United Kingdom has Planned to Leave The European Union!"

And, "As The Sun Sets Over The Sovereign Nations of The Middle East," "The Brutal Death of Washington Post Journalist Jamal Khashoggi" has "Cast A Shadow over Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman," and "His Vision for Saudi Arabia!"

Friday, The Sixteenth of November 2018 "The U.S. Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) Concluded Its Investigations" and Stated that"The Saudi Prince Mohammed bin Salman Authorized The Assassination of Jamal Khashoggi," who had "Become One of His Strongest Critics!"

However, On Tuesday, The Twentieth of November 2018 President Trump Appears to have "Accepted The Alleged Role The Crown Prince is Supposed to have had" in "The Torturous and Dismembering Murder of Mr. Khashoggi," Irregardless of The CIA Report!"

"Saudi Arabia is One of The United States Closest Allies in The Middle East," However, "This Recent Example of Inhumane Treatment of Another Human Being is Beyond The Pale!" 

And, "It is Clearly An Immoral, Unlawful and, Unprincipled Act of Violence," that "Should Not Be Condoned by Any Civilized Sovereign Nation of The Law!" And, "Appropriate Sanctions Should Be Issued Against The Kingdom!" Because, "This Act of Barbarism Against Mr. Khashoggi is Totally Unacceptable!"

"The United States is A Sovereign Nation of Principles," and "A Nation of The Law," and "It has Taken Centuries of Trial and Error for The U.S. to Reach This Honorable Status" "Amongst Its Allies," and "The Earths Community of Sovereign Nations!" 

And, "Let's Be Clear" that "There is No Exceptionality in The President's Defense and Support of  Prince Mohammed bin Salman," or "In Refusing to Accept The Report of The Central Intelligence Agency (CIA)!" But, "There is No Naivete in The President's Statement at All!" 

But, to "Support The Saudi Contention," that Mr. Khashoggi was "An Enemy of The State and a member of the Muslim Brotherhood," "Without Confirmation of this by U.S. Intelligence Agencies" May End up Being "Very Harmful to The President's Administration," and "All that The United States of America Stands for," and as is "Recognized in The Laws of All Civilized Sovereign Nations," and "The U.S. Constitution!"

And, "Yes We are All Aware of," and As President Trump Stated "The World is a dangerous place," But, As He is also Manifestly Aware of, "That is Why We have Laws" to "Protect The Innocent," and "Defend The Downtrodden," and "All who are Powerless, and Helpless," and "Victimized by The Totalitarian Acts of Tyrannical Dictators, and Autocracies," and "The Oppressive Policies of Hubris and Violence," and "The Ruthless and Unmerciful Acts of Unconscionable Injustices!"

President Trump also "Wrote in His Six Hundred and Forty-Nine Word Statement" that "King Salman and Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman vigorously deny any knowledge of the planning or execution of the murder of Mr. Khashoggi." 

And, He also Wrote that, "Our intelligence agencies continue to assess all information, but it could very well be that the Crown Prince had knowledge of this tragic event- maybe he did and maybe he didn't!"

However, "Irregardless of The CIA Report," For Now, "President Trump has Decided to Take them, "King Salman and Crown Prince bin Salman at Their Word!"

-(Note that, "For Once, Their is Clear Bipartisan Support in The U.S. Congress For Strong Sanctions to Be Made Against Saudi Arabia!")-    

-Extra Noteworthy News-
Friday, The Sixteenth of November 2018 Global Cross Media News Reports are "President Trump Told Reporters in  The Oval Office," that "He has answered all the written questions" given to his attorneys by Special Counsel Robert Mueller!" 

The President said "I answered them very easily. I'm working on them. And, He also said, "You always have to be careful answering questions for people who probably have bad intentions." And, "I haven't submitted them yet. I just finished."

This New Admission Came after The President Signed The Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency Act," in the Oval Office!"  
President Trump also "Continued to Maintain His Innocence!"

-(GCMN Update- Saturday, The Seventeenth of November 2018- Before Flying to California to Observe The Damage and Destruction Being Caused by The Wildfire's President Trump Told Reporters at The White House that "They're all done"...And, in regards to When They Will Be Submitted to Robert Mueller's Team, He said "Will do that next week.")- 

In The Meantime, "As New Questions and Answers Arise," and are "Featured in The Headlines of The Fourth Estate," and "Spotlighted in A Vortex of Breaking News" of "The Global Cross Media News Platforms, Variations and Diversification's of Multiple Communication, Information and News Events, Streams, and Eddies," "The Global Cross Media News Buzz Surrounding The Russian Investigations" is "Special Counsel Mueller is Preparing to Indict Political Consultant, Lobbyist, and Strategist Roger Stone," who "Left The Trump Campaign on The Eighth of August, 2015,"  and "Author, Political Commentator, and Conspiracy Theorist Jerome Corsi," Because of His Relationship with Roger Stone!"

-(Note that, Roger Stone is "Alleged to have Collaborated with the Owner of Wikileaks Julian Assange" to "Discredit The Presidential Campaign of Former Secretary of State. and Democratic Nominee Hillary Clinton" in "The Spring of 2016!")-

And, On Monday, The Twenty-Sixth of November 2018, Global Cross Media News Reports have Revealed that "The Office of  Special Counsel Robert Mueller Filed A Report with A Federal Judge" that "Paul Manafort Committed Federal Crimes by Lying to The Federal Bureau of Investigation and The Special Counsel's Office by on A Variety of Subject Matter." 

Leaving Mr. Manafort "In Violation of His Plea Deal with The Special Counsel," and "Facing A Sentence of Serving from Seventeen to Twenty-Two Years in Prison for Ten Felony Counts," Including "Financial Fraud and Conspiracy to Obstruct Justice!"
And, "It is Possible" that "Mr. Manafort May Face Other Charges," that "Mr. Mueller had Agreed to Dismiss as a Part of The Plea Deal!"

"The Question" is, "What Did Mr. Manafort Hope to Gain by Not Cooperating with The Federal Bureau of Investigation," and "The Special Counsel's Office!" 

In September of 2018 Mr. Manafort Agreed to An Open-ended Agreement" that Required Him to "Answer Fully Truthfully, Completely, and Forthrightly, Questions about "Any and All Matters of Interest to The Government." However, "He had Plead Guilty to Two Conspiracy Counts,"  One Would Think to Allay Any Further Guilty Convictions!"
And, "In A Separate Federal Court Case in Alexandria, Virginia, in August of 2018, "A Federal Court Jury Convicted Mr. Manafort of Eight Felony Counts," and were "Deadlocked Eleven to One" in "Favor of Convicting Him Guilty on Ten Other Counts!" 

And, "Lets Assume" that by "Agreeing to A Plea Deal with The Special Counselor's Office," was A Simple Way to "Avoid Being Seriously Sentenced to Prison for A Long Period of Time!"

If There was Any Truth to The Importance of Special Counsel Mueller's Importance to Discovering The Truth and The Whole Truth, The Manafort Case is Another Honest Example of it!" 

Tuesday, The Twenty-Seventh of November 2018 President Trump Tweeted in a Series of Tweets; (I)- "The Phony witch hunt continues, but Mueller and his gang of Angry Dems are only looking on one side, not the other. Wait until it comes out how horribly and viciously they are treating people, ruining lives for them refusing to lie. Mueller is a conflicted prosecutor gone rogue...."

(II)- "The Fake News Media builds Bob Mueller up as a Saint, when in actuality he is the exact opposite. He is doing Tremendous Damage to our Criminal System, where he is only looking at one side and not the other. Heroes will come of this, and it won't be Mueller and his...

(III)- "terrible Gang of Angry Democrats. Look at their past, and look where they come from. The now $30,000,000 Witch Hunt continues and they've got nothing but ruined lives. Where is the server. Let these terrible people go back to the Clinton Foundation. and "Justice" Department!

After Reading These Tweets, "Let Us Keep in Perspective" that "Russia Illegally Interfered in the 2016 United States of America Elections!" "It was "Not The United States Justice Department," "Nor was It The Clinton Foundation," Nor was It "The Democrats!"

The 20/20 U.S. Election Campaigns and Elections Lie Ahead of Us, and "It is of The Utmost Importance to Stay Focused and Vigilant!" And, "When The Time Comes to Vote," "Vote with What is In The Best Interest of  Your Children in Mind," and/or "Our Future Generations!"

And, "Vote with Your Conscience, Cognizance, Intelligence, Insight, Compassion, Heart, Mind, Soul and Spirit," For "What is In The Best Interests of The American People," and "The Principles, Values and Traditions," that "The Nation Stands for!"

-(Note that Friday, The Thirtieth of November 2018 "United States District Judge Amy Berman," of The United States District Court of the District of Columbia, "Set A Tentative Date for Sentencing Paul Manafort on The Fifth of March 2019.

Judge Berman also "Scheduled A Seventh of December 2018 Deadline for The Government," to "Submit a Report Detailing The Alleged Breach of Mr. Manafort's Basically Open-Ended Agreement with The Special Counsel's Office!"

And, GCMN Updates are "Special Counsel Mueller" is "Deciding Whether or Not to File New Charges Against Mr. Manafort!"

And, On A Final Note, "February 2019 Mr. Manafort is Scheduled to Be Sentenced on Eight Felony Counts that He was Found Guilty of" "Resulting from A Separate Case in Alexandria Virginia, in August of 2018!")-  

And, Although "The Legal Ethics," and Appearances, "Surrounding The Parallel Sphere's of The Separate Landscapes of The Trump Administrations Conduct," and "Political Ramifications," and "The Congressional Oversight and Observations of The Russian Investigations," Which at Times Appeared to Circumvent The Truth and The Facts of The Investigations," as They were Being Presented, such as; (1) In The Republican Controlled U.S. House Intelligence Committee Investigations, or (2) Whether or Not It was Appropriate for Kevin M. Downing, Paul Manafort's Attorney, to Tell Rudolph Giuliani, President Trump's Personal Attorney, What Special Counsel Mueller's Prosecutors were Focusing on in Their Discussions with Mr. Manafort, (as was Revealed in The Global Cross Media News, and Fourth Estate Headlines, on Wednesday, The Twenty-Eighth of November 2018) and (3) Whether or Not This was in Violation of Mr. Manafort's Plea Agreement Arrangement with The Special Counsel's Office, and (4) To What Degree was This Information Used, or Not Used, to Assist President Trump Answers of The Questions, that Special Counsel Mueller Gave The President's Attorney's, in Regards to The Russian Investigation. "The Overriding Factor Should Be," "To Discover Exactly What The Truth is!"

"The Abuse of Legal and Professional Ethics are One Thing that Can Not Be Condoned," and Another is "Misleading The American People by Manipulating The Truth is Totally Unacceptable," and "Inexcusable," "If True!" And, "If True," "One Must Ask The Question," to "What Purpose are These Diversions, Deviations, Not so Subtle Manipulations of The Truth Being Committed!" And, "This is An Axiom that Must Be Fully Addressed!"

"The United States is A Nation of Laws," and "It is The Duty of Law Enforcement Officials" to "Charge Those who have Broken The Law, and Bring Them Before a Court of Law, and If They are Guilty, Convicted and Sentenced for Their Crimes!"  

And, "To Return to The Original Point of View," Which Should Be Obvious to Anyone, "It is A Fact" that "Russia Interfered with The 2016 U.S. Elections!"

And, "Anyone Involved in This Interference," and "Assisted Russia in Their Illegal Violations of The U.S. Constitution and The Elections of A Sovereign Nation, Should also Be Brought up on Charges!" It's as Simple as that!"

And, "Although The Legal Ethics and Appearances Encircling The Russian Investigations," are at Times, "A Resemblance of A Maelstrom of Facts and Misinformation of The Truth," One Thing is Evidently Clear, "President Trump Should Be Providing Whatever Support and Assistance Special Counsel Mueller and His Team of Prosecutors May Need," to "Discover The Truth," and "Unearth The Perpetrators!" And, This is As It Should Be, "For Any Responsible Commander in Chief to Do!"

-(Thursday, The Twenty-Ninth of November 2018 Global Cross Media News Reports are Michael Cohen, Former Attorney of President Trump, "Plead Guilty to making false statements to Congress about The Russian Investigation!" Note that, "This Charge was Brought Against Mr. Cohen by Special Counsel Robert Mueller!" Mr. Cohen Faces (1) A Maximum Sentence of Five Years in Prison," (2) "A Fine of Two Hundred and Fifty Thousand Dollars," and (3) "No More than Three Years of Supervised Release!" -(Note that, Mr. Cohen's Sentencing Takes Place on The Twelfth of December 2018!)-

"This is The Second Guilty Plea" that "Mr. Cohen has Made in The Last Three Months!" On The of August "Mr. Cohen Entered Guilty Pleas on Eight Federal Crimes," Which Included, "Campaign Finance Violations," that were "Related to Payoffs to Two Women," who "Alleged to have Sexual Relations/Encounters with then Donald Trump!"

"The Moscow Project" was at "The Center of This False Statement to Congress!" Mr. Cohen had Previously Testified that "Talks about The Moscow Project had Ended in January of 2016, Prior to The Iowa Caucuses!"

Special Counsel Mueller's Office said in A Court Filing " In truth and in fact, and as Cohen well knew, Cohen's representations about the Moscow Project he made to (House and Senate Intelligence Committees) were false and misleading." 
"The Filing also Added that "Cohen made the false statements to...give the false impression that the Moscow Project ended before 'the Iowa Caucus and....the very first primary,' in hopes of limiting the ongoing Russian Investigations.")-

-(Note that Global Cross Media News Reports are, "Before Departing for The 2018 G20 Summit in Buenos Aires, Argentina," on Thursday, The Twenty-Ninth of November 2018,  President Trump Replied," in Response to Mr. Cohen's Guilty Plea and Acknowledgement, "He's a weak person. He was convicted with a fairly long-term sentence with things unrelated to the Trump Organization. What he's trying to do is get a reduced sentence.")-      

-Extra Noteworthy News-
Monday, The Twenty-Sixth of November 2018, "The Question is, "Who Gave The Russian Federation Authority to Capture Three Naval Ships of Another Sovereign Nation, Ukraine!"

Sunday, The Twenty-Fifth of November 2018 Naval Ships of The Russian Federation "Captured Three Ukraine Naval Ships," and "Twenty-Three Crew Members in The Kerch Strait," off The Coast of Crimea, that was "Annexed in A Premeditated Act of Aggression by Russia in 2014!"

Global Cross Media Reports are (1) Ukraine Notified Russia in Advance of Its Plan to Move Its Ships to Mariupol" Russia Denies This Claim!" (2) Recently Ukraine has Been Able to Move Ships through The Kerch Strait sans Problem, What has Changed!" (3) Russia Claims It Claims It had Closed An Area of Its Waters for Shipping," and "Ukraine Illegally Violated It," although "There is a 2003 Russia-Ukraine Treaty" between "The Two Sovereign Nations Allowing for Unimpeded Access to The Kerch Strait and The Sea of Azov." (4) "Ukraine Claims that Russia Violated International Law," Because, "The Black Sea is Free for Shipping," and Crimea Belongs to Ukraine," Not The Russian Federation!"

"It is Beyond Comprehension Why" In This Advanced Age of Communication, "This Act of Military Aggression by Russia Occurred!"

"The United Nations is Still Attempting to Find A Proper Unified Response to The Russian Federation's Newest Attempt to Influence World Affairs Militarily," Here in "The Twenty-First Millennia!"

-(Note that, on Tuesday, The Twenty-Seventh of November 2018 Global Cross Media News Reports are, "Symferopol's Kyivsky District Court Remanded Twelve Ukrainian Sailors," from The Ukrainian Naval Ships Involved in The Naval in The Naval Action with Russia, to "Be Held in Custody until The Twenty-Fifth of January 2019!")- 

"Maybe The Members of The 2018 G20 Summit in Buenos Aires, Argentina," (The Thirteenth Meeting of The Group of Twenty) The First G20 to Be Hosted in South America from The Thirtieth of November 2018 until The First of December, "Can Exert Some of Its Influence in Resolving The Ongoing Friction" between "The Russian Federation and The Earths Community of Civilized, Sovereign Nations," even "Although Russia is No Longer A Member of The Twenty or The G7/8" (Because of Their Annexation of Crimea)!

-(Note that on Thursday, The Twenty-Ninth of November 2018 "President Trump Cancelled His Planned Meeting with Russian President Putin!")-

And, "Maybe This is a Propitious Moment in Time" for "President's Trump and Xi to Find A Diplomatic Solution to Their Trade War," Instead of "Hurling New Threats of Raising Tariffs at Each Other!" It is Time for Them to Rise Above Their Hubris and "Come to The Full Realization that Their Decisions are Affecting The Lives of Millions of People," who "Rely on Their Good Judgment in Resolving The Differences of Opinion," "Proposals and Counter-Proposals on Trade!"

"A Trade War is Quite Simply Not Good for The Global Economy," "Nor is It Good for The Daily Lives and Affairs Of The People of Both Sovereign Nations!"

-(Global Cross Media News Reports that "General Motors (GM) Announcement on Tuesday, The Twenty-Seventh of November 2018" that "They Plan to Eliminate Approximately Fourteen Thousand Jobs" Next Year, (in Both The U.S. and Canada) and "Idle Five Plants," is "Another Example of The Negativity and Consequences of A Trade War," "No Matter What Side of The Conflict You are in Favor of," or "How One Attempts to Dissect The Rationale for The Reasons of A Trade War!"

"Ask The Farmers in The U.S., Who are also Bearing The Brunt, Burden and Pressures Involved in This Unresolved Conflict Over Trade, and Tariffs," If, "They Would Like there To Be An End of This Battle of Hubris between President's Xi and Trump!")       

"Being A Global Leader in The Twenty-First Millennia Requires A Balanced Sense of Cognizance, Intelligence, Understanding, and Compassion," and "An All-Inclusive Seasoned Sense of Diplomacy and Objectivity, Coupled with "A Universal Perspective of Fair Trade and Commerce," as "Just As It Does in Building A New Age of Peace!" 

And, "This is A Global Equation that is Insightful," and "Provides for What is In The Best Interests of All The People," of The Earths Community of Nations, that "Transcends The Hubris, Greed, and Lust for Power, Manifested in The Minds of One Man-Rule Forms of Governance," "Whose Dictatorial Policies are "An Impediment to The Evolution, Development, and Growth Of The Diverse Community, Fabric, and Tapestry of The Earths Populace," and "The Universal Partnership, Collaboration, and Productivity of The Earths Community of Sovereign Nations!"

-Extra Noteworthy News-
Thursday, The Twenty-Ninth of November 2018 Global Cross Media News Reports are "The Deutsche Bank AG Central Frankfurt Offices" were "Raided by German Police Officers, Federal Police, and Other Authorities!"

"The Question" Being Asked is, "Did Deutsche Bank Help Clients Launder Money Through Tax Havens?"

GCMN Reports are "This Raid" was "A Likely Next Step in An Ongoing Investigation," that has "Focused on Several Bank Employees," who are "Suspected of Assisting Clients Create Offshore Entities in Tax Havens!"

-(Note that, There have Been (1) Allegations and Costly Legal Settlements Related to Money Laundering that The Bank has Been Faced with, and (2) Information Derived and Gleaned from "The Panama Papers" ("11.5 Million Leaked Documents Detailing Financial and Attorney-Client Information" for More than "Two Hundred and Fourteen Thousand Four Hundred and Eighty-Eight Offshore Entities," Taken from Mossack Fonseca," A Panamanian Law Firm and Corporate Service Provider, and "Published by The International Consortium of Investigative Journalists," from "One Hundred and Seven Media Organizations in Eighty Countries (ICIJ)," on The Third of April 2016, have "All Added up to This Seizure of Bank Documents by German Authorities!)-

"To What Extent This Probe Will Rise to," and "How High" and "What The Width of This Investigation Will Be," and "The Breadth and Scope that This Probe Will Reach," is "The Making of A Historical Moment in Time," that has "The Potential Sphere of  Reaching Out and Influencing and Touching The Lives and Careers," of "An Extremely Wide Area of Influential Beings," and "Sovereign Nations!"

-Extra Noteworthy News-
Friday, The Thirtieth of November 2018 at "The 2018 G20 Summit in Buenos Aires, Argentina," "The Leaders of United States, Canada, and Mexico Signed The North American Free Trade Agreement!" 

After Months of "Hurling Undiplomatic Like Rhetoric at Each Other," and "Raising Tariffs," "These Three Neighboring Sovereign Nations," Finally, "Acted Like Neighbors and Allies," and "Creating a Trilateral Trade Bloc in North America," that "One Sincerely Hopes," "Will Improve The Quality of Life for The Citizens of All Three Sovereign Nations," and "Be A Symbol of Trade and Commerce" that "Both North and South America Can Look Forward to Achieving," in The Not Too Far Off Future!

(-Note that, "This Agreement Came into Being on The First of January 1994," "Superseding The 1988 Canada-United States Free Trade Agreement!")-    

-Extra Noteworthy News-
Wednesday, The Twenty-Eighth of November 2018, House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi, Democrat from California, was "Nominated by The Democratic Caucus to "Become The Fifty-Fifth Speaker of The United States House of Representatives on The Third of January 2019!" And, Mrs. Pelosi Will Be "The First Person to Reclaim This Position Since Texas Democrat Sam Rayburn in 1955!"

"Rep. Pelosi Received The Votes of Two Hundred and Three Caucus Members" to "Thirty-Two Caucus Members who Opposed Her!" "Three Submitted Blank Ballots," and "One was Absent," "Out of The Two Hundred and Thirty-Eight Votes cast!"

"The Results of The 2018 Midterm Elections" have "Given The Democrats Control over Two Hundred and Thirty-Five Seats," (or Two Hundred and Thirty-Four)," to "Two Hundred Seats For The Republicans!"

"Rep. Pelosi was House Speaker in 2007," and "Enjoyed This Position as The Fifty-Second Speaker of The House until 2011," and "Is The Only Woman to Hold This Distinction!"

"She is also The First Italian-American," and "First Californian" to "Be House Speaker!" And, "Mrs. Pelosi also Holds The Distinction of Being The Highest Ranking Female Politician in The United States!"

"The Suffragettes Would Be Very Proud of Mrs. Pelosi's Accomplishments, and to "Her Unwavering Dedication to The American People," and "The Republic," Democracy," and "Government Of The People, By The People, and For The People," and "All of The Principles, Traditions, and Values" that "The United States of America Stands for!" 

Voices of Reason and Peacemakers of The Twentieth and Twenty-First Millennia, "Let Us Utilize Our Insights and Intuitions to Ascertain," "What is Real from Unreal!"

And, "Let Us Discern Clearly," and "Determine Fairly and Compassionately," "What is Real from Unreal!"

And, "Let Us Not Be Deceived by False Rhetoric," and "Manipulative Campaign Slogans!"

And, "Let Us, In Our Search For The Truth and Justice," "Clearly and Instinctively Recognize and Distinguish The Truth When It is Being Told!"

And, "Let Us Find Cognizance, Foreknowledge/Prescience, and An Inner Comprehension within Us," that "Guides Us and Counsels Us," "When We are Surrounded by Illusion, Chaos, and Fear," so that "We May Transcend The Negativity" of The Oppressors, and Suppressors of Freedom, Equality, Unity, Peace and Justice!"

And, "Where There is The Truth," "Let Us Share It in An Interdependent Grand Cloud of Global Communication and Golden Information," that "Is Crystal Clear, Unambiguous, and Sans Delusion!"

And, "Let Us Discover Percipience Whenever It Presents Itself to Us," and "Continue to Discover The Truth of The Solar Axioms" that "Lie within Our Chromosomes, Nuclei, DNA, Hearts, Minds, Intelligence, Emotions, Spirits and Souls!"

For This is, The Way To Peace and An Omnipresent, Omniscient, and Omnipotent Age of New Horizons, and New Galaxies, and Earthrise Visions Of The Grand Cosmos, and The Grand Universe that Sustains Us, and Empowers Us, and Lies Within and Without Us!

-Extra Noteworthy News-
Friday, The Thirtieth of November 2018 "The Russian Federation Space Agency, Roscosmos," (The Roscosmos State Corporation of for Space Activities) "Announced Plans to Build A Lunar Colony by 2040!"

"The Announcement" was Made at "A Joint Meeting of The Moscow Based Scientific and Technical Council of Roscosmos," and "The Space Council of The Russian Academy of Sciences!"

"The Implementation and Establishment of This Space Program," Before Completion, "Will Take Place in Three Phases;" (1) The Launching of An Orbital Station, (2) A Manned Mission, and (3) The Construction of A Permanent Base!

It Must Be Noted, "As The Sovereign Community of Nations Reach Out to The Universe," and "Plan Their Excursions for A New Age of Universal Exploration and Colonization," that "They Do Not Commit The Errors that have Caused Centuries of War and Conflict on Earth!"

"There Must Be A New Space Age Agreement" that "No Sovereign Nation Will Raise Its Arms Against Another!" 
And, "There Must Be An Intersidereal Agreement between All Sovereign Nations" "One of  Respect" and "The Protection and Defense of The Lives of The Diverse Community, Tapestry, and Fabric Of All The People of The Earths Sovereign Nations!"

And, "There Must Be An End to Poverty and Homelessness!" And, "Economic Parity and Free Education Must Be Considered a Part of The New Norm of The Twenty-First Millennia!" 

And, "The Global Equation Of the People, By The People, and For The People," and of "A Grand Equilibre Amongst All The Sovereign Nations of The Earth," that "Includes The Earths Environmental and Ecological Systems Must Be Maintained and Overseen by An Interdependent Universal Mindset of Conservators and Protectors of The Cosmos and The Universe!"  

And, "Peace Must Be Declared and Maintained in Perpetuity on Earth," Amongst "All Warring Factions," and "Sovereign Nations!"

"If New Earthrise Visions are To Be Engaged in, "Let Them Be Fair and Just, and All Inclusive One's," That are "Of Benefit to All The People Of Our Home Planet Earth!" "In Freedom and In Peace!"         

-Extra Noteworthy News-
Friday, The Sixteenth of November, 2018 Global Cross Media News Reports are "U.S. District Court Judge Timothy J. Kelly," of the U.S. District Court for The District of Columbia  (Appointed by President Trump to the Federal Bench Last Year), "Ruled in Favor of CNN's Lawsuit" and "Ordered The White House to Reinstate the Chief White House Correspondence Jim Acosta's Press Pass!" And, "The Judge also "Granted CNN's Request for a Temporary Restraining Order!"

This is "A Clear Victory for CNN and Jim Acosta!" And, "His First Amendment Rights!"

"It is Now up to The White House to Set up New Rules and Regulations," or "A Clear Process" that "Guides The Fourth Estate," and "Specifically The White House Press Corps," During Question and Answer  Press Briefings," or "Any Press Event," or "Press Conferences or Events Held at The White House," and/or with President Trump!"

The White has Responded that "The President and the White House possesses broad discretion to regulate access to the White House for journalists (and other members of the public) that they possess to select which journalists receive interviews, or which journalists they acknowledge at press conferences."

The CNN Lawsuit Alleged that CNN and Jim Acosta's First and Fifth Amendment Rights were Being Violated by The Suspension of Jim Acosta's Press Pass!"

"Judge Kelly Ruled" that (1) President Trump did not inform Mr. Acosta that he would have his credentials revoked at the Press Conference and (2) The need for the opportunity to be heard seems especially important in this case, (3) Mr. Acosta has suffered irreparable harm (as a result of this revocation), (4) This has to do with "the liberties of the individual journalists themselves," and (5) Each day he is denied of that interest, Mr. Acosta suffers a harm that cannot be remedied." and (6) Mr. Acosta's First and Fifth Amendment Rights Overruled the Rights of The White House to have Orderly News Conferences."

"This New Conflict Involving A Member of The Fourth Estate and President Trump and His The Administration," Appears to have "Another Underlying Factor to It," Which Clearly "Relates to An Administration" who is "Being Led by An Individual" who has "Not had Any Previous Experience as An Elected Public Official," and is "Use to Making Final Business Decisions in The Private Sector," (sans "A Board Room with Any Authority to Counter Him") similar to "A One Man Rule Form of Governance!" 

And, This is, in Part, "Why there are so Many Lawsuits Being Filed Against The Issuance of One Executive Order after Another of The Trump Administration," that are "Related Directly" to "Whether or Not The Trump Administration has Violated An Amendment of The U.S. Constitution!"     

-(Note that, "There is an underlying case that remains undecided!)-

-(Global Cross Media News Reports are "After The Court Room Proceeding was Completed," "Jim Acosta Thanked all of His Colleagues in the press for Supporting Him!" And then said, "Let's go back to work!")-

-(GCMN Update- "Getting Back to Work May Not Be that Easy for Mr. Acosta to Do!" Monday, The Nineteenth of November 2018 "CNN has Asked The U.S. District Court for An Emergency Hearing" to "Address Another Trump Administration Threat to Revoke The Press Credentials of CNN's Chief White House Correspondence Jim Acosta," after The Restraining Order Imposed by "U.S. District Court Judge Timothy J. Kelly," of the U.S. District Court for The District of Columbia Expires at The End of November!"

On Friday, The Sixteenth of November 2018 "The White House Sent a Two Page Letter to Mr. Acosta" Outlining A "Preliminary Decision" in Which "His White House Press Pass May Be Permanently Suspended at The End of The Month, "When The U.S. District Court's Restraining Order Ends!")-

-(Note that,  Global Cross Media News Reports are Monday, The Nineteenth of November 2018, "The Trump Administration Agreed to Fully Return Jim Acosta's Secret Service Press (Hard) Pass, "Allowing Him to have Access to White House to Cover President Trump!"

"The Question" is How Will The "New Rules" sent in "A Letter to Mr. Acosta" "Affect Future Press Briefings and/or Press Conferences in The White House" and "Secondly, How Will They Be Interpreted by President Trump and His Administration," and "The Courts!")

-In Memoriam:
And, Once Again, We Send Our Sincerest Heart, Mind, Spirit and Soulful Condolences to All The Families, Friends, Colleagues, and Communities, Who have Lost A Loved One Due to The Cruelty of War!

And, We Extend Our Sincerest Heartfelt and Soulful Condolences to The Families, Friends, Neighbors, and Communities, Who have Lost A Loved One Due to Natural Causes and Natural Disasters! 
As Many as Eighty-Five People have Lost Their Lives in The California Fires, and at Least Five Hundred are Unaccounted for! And, We Mourn Their Loss with Their Families, Friends, Neighbors and Communities!