Wednesday, November 14, 2018



The Way To Peace! #329

"As The Parallel Spheres and Landscapes of The Sociological Affairs of The Earths Populace Become More and More Embroiled in Continued Stages of Conflict and Warfare, Attacks upon The Fourth Estate, and The Plight of Families Seeking Asylum, Global Economics and Dramatic Market Fluctuations, Natural Disasters, and The Continued Threat of Trade Wars, and New Sanctions Levied Against Iran by The Trump Administration, and The Emergence of A New Configuration of The U.S. Congress Due to The Results of The 2018 U.S. Midterm Elections, Political Movements, Mass Shootings in The U.S., and New Executive Orders Challenging U.S. Immigration Laws!"

And, "While Civil Rights, and Equal Rights,  Environmental, Fourth Estate, Financial, and Emolument Lawsuits are Filed Against The Trump Administration," and "Domestic and Global Headlines are Published and Posted" to "Inform, Illuminate, and Enlighten The Public," in  "Illustrations and Newspapers," "Distributing, Spreading and Sharing The News in Breaking News Spotlights," and "New Features and Bylines" of "Pertinent and Important Current Affairs," via "Journalists, Reporters, Contributors, Anchorwomen and Anchormen, Newscasters, Newspapermen and Newspaperwomen, Magazine Writers, Commentators, and Editors of The Fourth Estate and The Global Cross Media News Universe,"  We The People Continue to Search For The Truth!"

"A Truth" that "Can Be Perceived as Being Nothing Less than The Truth!" In "No Matter What The Issue, Debate or Discussion May Be!"

"It was This Truth" that "The American People Sought" in "The 2018 Mid-Term Elections," Where The Reverence and High Esteem for The Law of The Land," and "The Morality and Ethics that America Stands for," and "The Welfare, Healthcare, and Social Security of America" were "The Main Issues of Campaign Debates!" 

And, "It was This Truth" that "The American People Sought" as "They Listened" to "Whomever Their Choice of Character was," as "The Candidates Made New Policy Proposals," and "Promises to Remedy The Plight of The Middle Class," and "The Farmers," and "The Safety, Education, and Pursuit of Happiness for The Youth of America!" 

And, "It was, "What is The Truth" about "Climate Warming, and Global Concern about The Earths Environmental and Ecological Systems," by The Majority of The Scientific Community, and "A New Opportunity for The Majority of Americans who Voted for A Cultural Evolution in America in 2016 to Make A Difference," and "Who Would Improve The Quality of Life for The Millions of American People who Live Below The Poverty Line," Democrats or Republicans!

"It was about The Economic Disparity," "Children Being Held in Detention Centers Against Their Will, Separated from Their Parents who only Sin was to Seek Asylum in The United States!"

And, "It was about The Continued Threat of Gun-Violence," "The State of The Republic and The Democracy," and "Foreign Entities Interfering with U.S. Elections," and "The Government Of The People, By The People and For The People!" 

And, "It was about Generations of Americans who have Been Neglected," as "The Nation Evolves into The Twenty-First Millennia!"

And, "It was about A Nation Being Isolated from The Earths Community of Sovereign Nations," "Because of Trade Wars," and "Withdrawals from U.N Sanctioned Agreements," and with "Traditional Allies!"

And, "It was about Civil Rights," and "Equal Rights," and "Gender Rights," and "The Rights of All Americans to Live In Harmony and Unity with One Another," and with "All of The People Of The Sovereign Nations of The Earth!"

And, "It was about The Need for A New Global Equation of Governance in The United States," and "A Universal Perspective and Effort," that "Advances The Language, Concept, and Diplomacy of Peace For One and All!" 

"It was This Truth" that "The American People Sought" in "The 2018 Mid-Term Elections," It was about All of This and Much More," It was about "The Soul and Spirit of America!" And, "The Principles that America Stands for,"and "A Non-Violent Way Make Our Voices Heard Above The Din of Negativity," and "The Anti-American Cultural and Constitutional Movements!"

And, "As The Sun Set" on "The European Continent and The United Kingdom," "The One Hundredth Anniversary of The End of World War I," was "Being Commemorating in A Series of Special Armistice Day Celebrations!" 

"A Tragic Number," of at Least, "9.7 Million Soldiers" and "10 Million Civilians Died," in "This The First of Two World Wars!"

On Sunday, The Eleventh of November 2018 President Macron's Spoke about His Concern for Nationalism" in Paris, at The Tomb of The Unknown Soldier, with President Trump, Chancellor Merkel, Prime Minister Trudeau, and President Putin in Attendance, was "Poignant, Direct, Eloquent, and to The Point," by "Calling Out for World Leaders to Reject Nationalism," He said, "Let us remember. Let us not forget. Because the remembrance of these sacrifices urges us to be worthy of those who died for us so that we may remain live free, Let us remember, Let us take away nothing of what was pure of the ideals of the lofty principles of our elders patriotism." 
And, He also said, "Patriotism is the exact opposite of nationalism. Nationalism is a betrayal of patriotism. By saying 'our interests first and who cares about the others, we erase what a nation holds dearest, what gives it life, what makes it great, and what is essential: its moral values."

-(Note that After The Ceremony President Trump Visited Suresnes American Cemetery on Mount Valerien in Western Paris, Where He said, "Through rain, hail, mud, snow and poisonous gas, bullets and more, they held the line and pushed onward to victory."

And, On Sunday, The Eleventh of November 2018 at The Paris Peace Forum, Chancellor Merkel said, "We must not simply stand by and watch," as more conflicts continue to unfold around the world," and She warned, "The concern I have is that blinkered nationalist views may gain ground once more." 
And The Chancellor also Cautioned Not to Take Peace for Granted "We have to work for it!"

And, United Nations Secretary-General Antonio Guterres said, "As I see it, several elements today have many parallels with both the start of the twentieth century and the 1930's, giving us grounds to fear that an unpredictable chain of events could ensue."

"As The Sun Sets in The Skies Over The Earths Sovereign Community of Nations," in This The Twenty-First Millennia, "Let Us Hope" that "We have Learned All The Lessons" that "History has Provided Us!" "Lessons" that "Will Be Needed to Guide Our Present," and "Future Generations," into "An Age Of Peace and Prosperity For All Peace Loving People of The Earth!" And, "Let Us Find Agreement in," The Fact that "These Lessons are Essential to This Goal!"

-(Take Note, "As New Violence has Broken Out between Israel and Palestine," and "The Wars and Conflicts in Syria and Yemen," with "The U.S., Saudi Arabia, Iraq, Kurds, Turkey and Coalition Forces on One Side," and "Syria, Russia Iran, and Houthis Militants/Rebels on The Other," (and This is A Very Simplistic Observation of These Ongoing Wars and Conflicts), and "Syndicates of Terrorists and Criminals Muddying Up The Turbulent Waters of This Great Divide of Cultures, People, and Sovereign Nations," "Called The Middle East," (in The Middle of Practically Every Military Confrontation Instigating Fear and Violence), "One Wonders When These Sovereign Nations, Syndicates of Terrorists and Criminals, and Militant Groups, Tribes, and Rebels," are  "Going to Realize that War and Violence only Brings More War and Violence," and "Death, Misery, and Destruction!"

And, "Its Time for Bold and Courageous Civilian and Government Leaders" to "Lead The Way in An Ascendant Grace," that "Leads The Way to Peace and Prosperity For Every Woman, Man and Child of The Middle East," "Irregardless of Creed, Nationality, Color, Gender, Age, or Tribe!" 

And, "Finally Putting An End to Decades of War and Conflict," that have "Left Generation after Generation Living in A State of Desperation, Frustration, Anger, Hate, and Fear of The Unknowing," "Unknowing Whether You are Going to Live and Survive The Potential Outbreak of Violence," that "All Too Often Erupts and Breaks Out Threatening Your Life," and/or "The Lives of Your Family Members, Friends, Neighbors or Fellow Human Being!")-

-(Note that Tuesday, The Thirteenth of November 2018, "Egypt Brokered a Cease-Fire between Palestinian Factions and Israel!" And, Global Cross Media News Reports are "They have Agreed to Return to the 2014 Cease Fire Agreement Reached between The Two Sides!" 
And, also Take Note that, "The United Nations is Scheduling A Special Security Council Meeting!")-

-Extra Noteworthy News-
Thursday, The Eighth of November 2018- Global Cross Media News Reports are "A Three Judge Panel from The U.S. Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals" in San Francisco, California "Unanimously Agreed to Keep in Place" a "Preliminary Injunction Preventing President Trump" from "Phasing Out The Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals Program" (DACA)! 

Ninth Circuit Court Judge Kim Wardlaw "said "The court is not trying to infringe on the President's power regarding immigration law and instead wants to enable that the exercise of that authority "in a manner that is free from legal misconceptions and is democratically accountable to the public."

-(Note that The Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals Program Protects at Least Seven Hundred Thousand Children who have Been Brought to The United States Illegally as Children, or Who Came with Families who Overstayed Their Visas!")-

"President Trump's Decision to End DACA" Has "Caused Lawsuits to Be Filed Across The U.S."

-(Note that, "On Tuesday, The Ninth of January of 2018, "Judge William Alsup" of Federal District Court in San Francisco California, "Ruled in Favor of The University of California, and Its President Janet Napolitano, Former Secretary of Homeland Security, and "Issued A Nationwide Injunction Against The Trump Administration," "Ordering The Administration to Maintain the DACA Program on a Nationwide Basis." And, "New York and Washington have also Ruled Against The President!")-

-(Note that, "The Trump Administration has Attempted to Try This Case Directly Before The U.S. Supreme Court," and "Therefore Bypass The U.S. Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals," However, On Monday, The Twenty-Sixth of February 2018, "The U.S. Supreme Court Refused to Do so," saying "It is assumed the Court of Appeals will act expeditiously to decide this case." And, "Therefore Forcing This Case to Go Through The Appeals Process First!")-

"With All The Legal Complexities," "Rules and Regulations," "Economic and Political Policies" that "Govern Our Lives in The Twenty-First Millennia," "It Would Not Be A Far Off Assumption to Suggest" that "It is of The Utmost Importance for Lady Justice-The Judicial Branches of Federal, State, and Local Governments," to "Provide Guidance for Newly Elected Public Officials" who "May have Little" or "No Significant Knowledge in The Legal Process" or "The U.S. Constitution!"

And, "The Judiciary" is of "Even Greater Importance When It Concerns The Policies, Executive Orders, Legislative Proposals, or Proclamations" of "A First Time President," who has "Never Held Public Office," and "His Administration," "Whose Job It is to Implement His Idea's!"

"The Founder's were Very Wise in Their Judgment" to "Envision and Create The Three Branches" of "The Federal Government Of The People, By The People, and For The People!"

And, "The Idea" of "Checks and Balances among The Three Branches" is "An Exemplary and Judicial Way" to "Maintain A Legal and Just Balance in The Federal Government," and "The Nation Itself!"

-(Note that, "It's Time for The Five Hundred and Thirty-Five Member's of The United States Congress" to "Create a Just, Fair, and Empathetic Immigration Policy" for "Dreamers, Undocumented Immigrants, and Migrants who are Seeking Asylum in The U.S." that "Can Not Be Repealed or Revoked by "Any Administration or Political Party," unless "It is Meant to Be Improved to Benefit Those who are In Need of Protection" from "Governments, Gangs, or Individuals" who "Engage in Violence, Oppression and Abuse as A Means of Control and Manipulation for Profit!")-

-Extra Noteworthy News-
Global Cross Media News Reports are Tuesday, The Thirteenth of November 2018 "CNN has Filed A Lawsuit Against The Trump Administration" for "Revoking The Press Credentials of CNN Reporter Jim Acosta!"

"The Lawsuit was Filed in A District Court in Washington D.C.," and "The Defendants Listed in The Law Suit" are "President Trump, Chief of Staff John Kelly, Deputy Chief of Staff Bill Shine, Press Secretary Sarah Sanders, The U.S. Secret Service and Its Director Randolph Alles, and An Unnamed Secret Service Agent."

And, "Both CNN and Jim Acosta have Been Listed as The Plaintiffs!"

"The Lawsuit Reads "It demands the return of the credentials of CNN"s Chief White House correspondence, Jim Acosta. The wrongful revocation of these credentials violates CNN and Acosta's First Amendment rights of freedom of the press, and their Fifth Amendment rights to due process. We have asked this court for an immediate restraining order requiring the pass to be returned to Jim, and will seek permanent relief as part of this process."    

"The President of The White House Correspondents' Association Olivier Knox" said in A Statement " Revoking access to the White House complex amounted to disproportionate reaction to the events of last Wednesday. (During a Press Briefing on Wednesday, The Seventh of November, 2018 President Trump called Jim Acosta a "rude, terrible person." This Occurred in a Back and Forth Question and Answer Session with Reporters, "As The Correspondent Attempted to Ask The President A Question!") We continue to urge the Administration to reverse course and fully reinstate CNN's correspondent."

On Tuesday, The Thirteenth of November 2018, White House Press Secretary Sarah Sanders Claimed in a Statement that, "We have been advised that CNN has filed a complaint challenging the suspension of Jim Acosta's hard pass. This is more grandstanding from CNN, and we will vigorously defend this lawsuit.
CNN, who has nearly 50 additional hard pass holders, and Mr. Acosta in no more or less special than any other media outlet or reporter with respect to the Fifth Amendment. After Mr. Acosta asked the President two questions----each of which the President answered----he physically refused to surrender a White House microphone to an intern, so that other reporters might ask their questions. This was not the first time this reporter has inappropriately refused to yield to other reporters. 
The White House cannot run an orderly and fair press conference when a reporter acts this way, which is neither appropriate nor professional. The First Amendment is not served when a single reporter, of more than 150 present, attempts to monopolize the floor. If there is no check on this type of behavior it impedes the ability of the President, the White House staff, and members of the media to conduct business."     

-(Global Cross Media News Reports are CNN Worldwide President Jeff Zucker said in "An Internal Memo to Staff" that, "This is not a step we have taken lightly. But the White House action is unprecedented."   

-Extra Noteworthy News-
Friday, The Ninth of November 2018 President Trump Issued a New Proclamation-
"Take Note" that, "The Constitutional Legality of President Trump's New Proclamation," to "Deny and/or Limit Claims of Asylum in The United States for Undocumented Immigrants who Enter Illegally Outside Ports of Entry," Will "Be Tested Vigorously" and "Decided upon in Multiple Lawsuits Across The United States in Courts of Law!"

The 1965 Immigration and National Act States that Any Foreigner who arrives in the USA, "Whether or not at a Designated Port of Arrival, May Apply for Asylum."

And, In 1951, The United States Signed A United Nations Treaty that States "Refugee's should Not Be Penalized for Their Illegal Entry," Because Extreme Circumstances May at Times, "Require Refugees to Breach Immigration Rules."

"The Argument in A Court of Law" and/or "National Debate," "Will Come Down to The Constitutionality of President Trump's Proclamation, and "Whether or Not His Proclamation" has "Violated The 1965 Immigration and Nationality Act," and "1951 United Nations Treaty," and "Whether or Not His Interpretation" of "What is (or is not) a National Security Threat," in "Relation to Today's Undocumented Immigrants," who are Seeking Asylum in The U.S., "Bear Out," and is "Confirmed and Substantiated in A U.S. Court of Law!"

President Trump Told Reporters on Friday, The Ninth of November 2018 "People can come in, but they have to come in through the ports of entry, and that, to me, is a very important thing." And, He also Added "We're not letting them in, but they're trying to flood our country. We need the wall."
And, "The laws are obsolete, and they're incompetent. They are the worst laws that any country has anywhere in the world, and it's only because we don't have the Democrats' votes. 

However, The President also Acknowledged that "Immigrants are needed to fill U.S. Jobs."
And, "We need people in our country, but they have to come in legally, and they have to have merit.")-     

-Extra Noteworthy News-
Global Cross Media News Reports are Wednesday, The Seventh of November 2018 An Ex-U.S. Marine Corps Veteran, Ian David Long 28, "Opened Fire on Customers inside The Borderline Bar and Grille" a Country Western Bar in Thousand Oaks California, Approximately Forty Mile West of Los Angeles, "Killing at Least Twelve Persons," Including Himself, and "Injuring as Many as A Dozen More," a Little Before Midnight!"

"Among Those who Died" also "Included A Ventura County Sergeant," who was "Shot After Responding to The Attack!"

President Trump "Ordered Flag Staff's to Flown at Half Mast until Saturday at Sunset, "as a mark of solemn respect for the victims!"

This is "The Second Mass Shooting to Occur in The Last Two Weeks," Beginning with "The Murder of Two People," and "Injuring Five Others," in "A Shooting at Hot Yoga Tallahassee," in Tallahassee, Florida, on Friday, The Second of November 2018, and "Including The Death of The Murderer," Scott Paul Beierle 40, of Deltona, Florida, who "Died of A Self Inflicted Gun Shot Wound!"

"The Question" Why This Irrational, Psychotic, Vengeful, Bitter, Hateful, and Cowardly Mental State of Being is Being Enacted Out at This Time," is "Deeply Disturbing!"

"Let Us Clearly Understand" that "These Cowardly Perpetrators are Americans" "Causing Malicious and Vindictive Harm to Other Americans!"

"We The People Must Send A Clear Message" to "Motivate The New Configuration of Newly Elected Officials to Act Immediately upon Implementing and Maintaining A Consistent Policy of Ending Gun Violence in The United States!"

"To The High Degree" that "It is a Part of The Government Policy of The U.S. Congress, State, and Local Government Policy," and "Making It A National Policy Of The People, By The People, and For The People!"

And, "There Must Be A Clear and Present Dialogue amongst All The People" to "Encourage A Twenty-First Century Cultural Evolution/Correction in The Mindset of Those who Need Help, and/or In Our Society" that "There is More to Life that Inflicting Pain and Death upon One's Fellow Human Being in Times of Severe Distress," and that This is "Not who We are As A People!" Nor, "Do We Want The Youth of The Nation to Be Threatened by This Immoral, Cowardly, and Malevolent," "Acts of Violence!"

And that, "This "Not What America is, Symbolizes, or Stands for!" This is The Twenty-First Millennia and "Clearly Our Social Security Must Not Be Undermined, Coerced, Intimidated, or Manipulated" by "Domestic Acts of Violence," or "Foreign Interference in The Affairs of The Nation!"

And, "In The Light of A Clear and Present Precursor of What is Yet to Come, "This is The Time for Our Judiciary, Legislative, Executive, Defense, Law Enforcement Officials, Financial, Religious, and Civilian Leaders," to "Make A Universal Correction in Their Normal State of Affairs" that "Establishes and Embraces A Clear and Present Parity," that "Embraces The Lives of The Diverse Community, Fabric, and Tapestry" of "All The People of The Earths Sovereign Nations!"

And, "It's Time to Build Bridges to Every Corner of The Earth," and "Invest in A Universal Infrastructure that Unites" and "Provides for An Unparalleled Development, Evolution, and Growth of The Earth's Communities," "Wall's and Isolation Will Simply Not Suffice," Nor "In Any Shape of Form of Imagination Be Adequate Enough" to "Provide Security and Safety For All The People!"

"Solving The Problem's that Everyday People are Beset upon"and that "Sovereign Nations," are "In The Main Foray of" or, "In Dispute of,"  is "A Good Sense and Perception of How to Proceed!" "Do Not Procrastinate" or "Engage in" or "Use Partisan Politics and Fear as Tactics," Instead, "Engage in What Needs to Be Done" in "A Cognizant, Diplomatic, Direct, Candid, Fair Minded, Just, Lawful, Prescient, Personal, Universal, Compassionate, Soulful, Vigorous, and Spirited Manner!"

"Too Many People have Died," and "Too Many Families have Been Traumatized" by "The Pain of The Loss of A Loved One!

We Extend Our Sincerest, Heartfelt, and Soulful Condolences to All of The Families who have Lost A Loved One in The Mass Shootings that have Occurred in Thousand Oaks California, and Tallahassee Florida. And, We Mourn for Your Loss with you.

-Extra Noteworthy News-
-New Cracks in The Walls of The West Wing and The Trump Administration-
Wednesday, The Seventh of November 2018 "President Trump Asked for and Received The Resignation of U.S. Attorney General Jeff Sessions!"

"Former AG Sessions First Sentence of His Resignation Letter" is "Dear Mr. President, At your request, I am submitting my resignation." Clearly Meaning" that "He Did Not Resign Because He Wanted to," "He was Fired!"

President Trump has "Expressed His Dissatisfaction with Mr. Sessions" "Primarily for Recusing Himself from All Matters Related to The Russian Investigations!"

"The Acting U.S. Attorney General Will Be Matthew G. Whitaker," Who was "Chief of Staff to Attorney General Jeff Sessions at The U.S. Department of Justice!"

Acting AG Whitaker 49, "Will also Replace Mr. Sessions in His Role to Oversee Special Counsel Robert Mueller's Investigation into Russia's Interference in The 2016 U.S. Presidential Election!"

President Trump Tweeted " "We are pleased to announce that Matthew G. Whitaker Chief of Staff to Jeff Sessions at The U.S. Department of Justice will become our new Acting Attorney General of the United States. He will serve our Country well!"

President Trump also Added that "a permanent replacement will be nominated at a later date."

It is Important to Note that in 2017 Before Acting Ag Whitaker was Hired by then, U.S. AG Sessions He wrote a Highly Contentious Opinion Article for CNN Stating that "It is time for Rosenstein, who is the acting attorney general for the purposes of this investigation, to order Mueller to limit the scope of this investigation, to the four corners of the order appointing him to this investigation."

And, Global Cross Media News Reports are in 2016  "Mr. Whitaker also Wrote An Article for USA Today Stating" that, "The Justice Department should indict Hillary Clinton."

"The Question" is Should Acting U.S. Attorney General Whitaker Recuse Himself from Overseeing Special Counsel Robert Mueller's Investigation of Russia's Illegal Interference in The 2016 U.S. Election!" ("This Feels Like Deja vu All Over Again!")

And, "A Follow up Question" is "Will The Sixth U.S. Secretary of Homeland Security Kirstjen Nielsen Be Next in Line" to "Depart from The Trump Administration!" Or, "If The Cross Media Buzz is Correct," Maybe "It Will Be President Trump's Chief of Staff John Kelly," as "The President Attempts to Insulate and Protect Himself from Anyone" who "Is Not in Full Agreement" with "His Concept and Method of Leadership!" 

-(Note that, On Tuesday, The Thirteenth of November 2018 Global Cross Media News Reports are Mira Ricardel," Deputy National Security Adviser was Fired," After "Gaining The Displeasure of The First Lady Melania Trump," While Accompanying The First Lady on Her Trip to Africa!" After Which "The First Lady Called for Her Dismal!")- 

-Extra Noteworthy News-
"Internationally Global Leaders from One Hundred Ninety-Five Nations" have "Signed The 2015 Paris Agreement (Accord de Paris) Out of The Concern for Risks and Effects of Climate Change," and "A Vast Majority of Scientists from All Over The Earth's Community of Sovereign Nations" have "Agreed with This Assessment and Serious Concern," so "It was of Great Perturbation, Disquiet, and Distress," When The People of The Earth Heard that "President Trump had Decided to Withdraw The United States from The Paris Accord!"

However, "Women and Men from All from All Over The Earth" have "Continued to Be Proponents, Supporters, Conservators, Protectors, Advocates, Activists and Champions" for "Environmental and Ecological Cognizant Awareness of The Earths Lands, Sea's, Skies, Atmosphere, and Climate Change," and "The Lives of Human and Sentient Beings!"

And, Friday, November 2, 2018 "The U.S. Supreme Court Rejected The White House Attempt to Block,"What is Being Called, "A Historical Climate Change Lawsuit," "Juliana v. US," Presented by "An Inspired and Dedicated Group of Twenty-One Young People Against The U.S. Government!" And, "Thereby Allowing This Lawsuit to Be Tried in a Lower Court!" 

"The Path of This Lawsuit," Filed in 2015, has "Not Been Easy for These Young People!" On The Twenty-Ninth of October, "A District Court Allowed This Lawsuit to Begin, in Eugene, Oregon," but was "Postponed by The Judge!" 
And then, "Supreme Court Chief Justice John Roberts Issued A Temporary Stay" until "The Court Decided How to Proceed!"

"These Young People/Plaintiffs" (Aged from Eleven to Twenty-Two) and Attorney's of "Our Children's Trust," Argued Successfully, That government policies have deprived the children of their "constitutional rights to life, liberty, and property, to dignity, to personal security, to a stable climate system capable of sustaining human lives and liberties."
"Think of The Ramifications of This First Step to Rectify," What was "A Very Misguided Decision," on "The Part of The Trump Administration!" 

And, "Think of The Empowerment to The Youth of The Nation," In Whom, This Year, 2018,  "Have Spoken Out Against Gun-Violence, and "The Need for School Safety," in "The March for Our Lives (MFOL) Student Led Demonstration," Planned by The "Never Again MSD," and The Non-Profit Organization "Everytown for Gun Safety,"  on The Twenty-Fourth of March 2018, "For Universal Background Checks on All Gun Sales," Raise The Federal Age to Own or Purchase A Gun to Twenty-One," "Close The Gun Show Loophole," "Restore The 1994 Federal Assault Weapons Ban," and "Place a Ban on The Sale of High Capacity Magazines and Bump Stock in The United States,"  and "Now Climate Change!"

"These Young People" are to "Be Congratulated for Their Civic Concern," "For The Sake of Their Families," and "The Present and Future Generations!"

-(Note that, In His Filing, "Solicitor General Noel Francisco Strongly Criticized The Suit" saying It was, "an attempt to redirect federal environmental and energy policies through the courts rather than through the political process, by asserting a new and unsupported fundamental due process right to certain climate conditions."

And, Global Cross Media News Reports are "Any Further Discovery and The Pending Trial" Will "Be Halted by The Justices," While The Government Files Appeals with The High Court!")-

-(Note Two Additional Points, are (1) "As of Friday, The Second of November 2018 The Vote Total of The Justices was "Not Revealed," and (2) The Court "Gave The Government Hope" that "They May Be Able to Renew Their Arguments" to "The Ninth US Circuit Court of Appeals in San Francisco, California, at a "Later Stage of Litigation.")-

-(Also Take Note that, The Executive Council and Chief Legal Counsel of the Non-Profit "Our Children's Trust," Julia Olsen said in A Statement, "The Youth of our nation won an important decision today from the Supreme Court that shows even the most powerful government in the world must follow the rules and process of litigation in our democracy.")-

-Extra Noteworthy News-
Global Cross Media News Reports are Thursday, The Eighth of November 2018 "In A Fifty-Four Page Order," U.S. District Judge Brian M. Morris in Montana "Blocked President Trump's Permit for Construction of The One Thousand One Hundred and Seventy-Nine Mile Transnational Keystone XL Pipeline," until "A Federal Government Update of A 2014 Environmental Review of The Pipeline" has "Been Completed!"

"Environmentalists and Native Americans" Who Believe that "The Pipeline Violates Historical Treaty Boundaries" and "Will Cause Environmental Problems," Welcome This Temporary Halt in Construction of The Pipeline!" And, "Would Like to See It Shut Down Permanently!"

-Extra Noteworthy News-
Tuesday, The Thirteenth of November 2018, "Former First Lady Michele Obama Launched Her Ten City Book Tour" for Her New Memoir "Becoming" at The United Center in Chicago, Illinois, Which has "Already Become A Best Seller," with Little Help from Her Friend "Oprah Winfrey," who "Introduced Her!" 
"The Enthusiastic Sold Out Audience Enjoyed A Conversation" between Oprah and Mrs. Obama about "Her New Memoir!" Mrs. Obama's Two Daughters, "Malia and Sasha also Attended This Very Special Event" in Their Mothers Life!"

-Extra Noteworthy News-
"After More than A Year of Searching" for "Where They Will Be Building Their New Headquarters, "Amazon has Made Their Decision!" And, "There are Two Winners," (1) Long Island City in Queens New York," and (2) Crystal City in Arlington, Virginia!" And, of course, "Amazon!" 
Global Cross Media News Reports are "Amazon Will Be Receiving Approximately $1.6 Billion in Financial Incentives in New York," and "a Half Billion Dollars from Virginia!"  

Voices of Reason and Peacemakers of The Twentieth and Twenty-First Centuries "In This Age of Information and Communication and Messaging," Let Us Remember to "Remain As An Interdependent Voice, Soul Force, and Vehicle for Sharing The Historical Data of The Human Race, For Sharing The Cognitive Truth about The Human Race, and The Universal Truth, and Solar Axioms!"

And, "Let Us Continue to Build A Golden Cloud of Universal Truths and Solar Axioms" that "Transcends The Conditioned Manipulated Reality of The Oppressors Of The People," who have "Deceptively and Unscrupulously Disguised Their Intentions for The Sole Purposes of Exploiting, and Maintaining Their Power and Control Of The People," For "Their Own Self Profit At The Expense Of The People!"

And, "Let Us Continue to Create Detailed and Focused Designs For The Advancement of Hi-Tech Architectural Visions For Super Computers whose Purpose is To Heal The World," and "Discover New Manifestations of Empowerment that Uplifts, Supports, Educates, and  Sows The Seeds For A New Age of Global Equilibre For All The People, and "Prioritizes Establishing Global Partnerships (Sans Coercion) that "Bear Out An In Depth Comprehension of A Solar Perceptivity and Unanimity Of Parity, Equality, and Empathy," and of "A Global Equation Of The Cosmos," that is "Universally Beneficial to Building A Global Infrastructure Of Peace" that "Every Human Being Can Find Satisfaction in Knowing," that "Their Welfare and Security, " and "The Social Security and Well-Being Of Their Family," and "Their Neighbors Family," is "Safe and Secure," and "Free from Harm," and "Protected from The Malevolent Acts of Domestic Terrorists, Dictators, Antithetical Peacemakers, and Law Breakers!"

And that, "The Environmental and Ecological Systems," and "The Human Genomes that Comprise The Nuclei of Our Physical Existence," and "The Lands, Sea's, Skies, and Atmosphere, of The Earth" and "The Universe of Limitless Celestial Bodies," are "Being Cared for," and "Protected by Conservators Of The People," "For The Sake Of The Survival, Evolution, Growth," and "Continued Development, Advancement, and Progress Of The People," and "Our Home Planet, Earth!"

For, This is The Way To Peace, and An Omnipresent, Omnipotent, and Omniscient Age Of Peace On Earth, and An Earthrise Vision Of, By, and For The People, As We Rise Together On The Wings Of The Phoenix Of Prescience Revealing An An Illuminating and Enlightening Experience, Beyond The Parameters Of Earth to A Cosmos and Universe Ever Changing, and Transforming into New Sphere's and Landscapes of Solar Axioms!      

-Extra Noteworthy News-
"Let's Commemorate and Celebrate Our Veterans on This Veterans Day," and "Each and Everyday of Their Lives!"

And, "Let Us Give Thanks" to "All of The Brave and Courageous Women and Men who Gave Their Lives" to "Defend The Constitutional Rights, Freedoms and Values of Life that We Enjoy!"

And, "Let's Make Absolutely Positive" that "They Receive All The Services and Benefits that They Deserve!"

And, "Let's Give Thanks in Remembrance of  All The Veterans," who "Gave The Lives to Bring An End to World War I," as The Sovereign Nations," who Participated in This World War, "Commemorate The One Hundredth Anniversary of The End of World War I" in Europe and The United Kingdom!

-(Note that, Global Cross Media News Reports are "Chancellor Angela Merkel Will Be Celebrating The One Hundredth Anniversary of The End of World War I in France with French President Emmanuel Macron at Compiegne," (President Donald Trump also Attended The Armistice Ceremonies in Paris France with Other World Leaders) and "German President Frank-Walter Steinmeier Will Be in London, England For a "Ceremony with Queen Elizabeth II," in Westminster Abbey, to "Commemorate The Centenary of The Eleventh of November Armistice, Year 2018!" 
Note that, "9.7 Million Soldiers" and "10 Million Civilians Died," During The Four Year War, of Which Approximately "Two Million of Which were Germans!")-

-(Note that, President Donald Trump "Commemorated Veterans Day at The White House!")-

-Extra Noteworthy News-
"The 2018 Mid-Term Elections have Demonstrated How Deeply Felt The Divisions are in The United States," and "How Intensely Objected to" are "The Policies of President Donald Trump," and "His Administration!"

So Much so, that "The Adverse Reaction" Produced A Voter Turn Out" that "Empowered The Democrats to Recapture The House of Representatives," and This is "The First Time in Eight Years The Democrats have Held A Majority in The House!" 

-2018 Mid-Term Election Results- U.S. House of Representatives- Two Hundred and Twenty-Seven Democrats (51.7%)!- (At Last Count)- 

And, "The Republican Party Hold One Hundred and Ninety-Eight Seats (45.3%)!"- (At Last Count)- 

-(Note as of Monday, The Twelfth of November 2018, "The Democrats have Picked up Thirty-Two Seats!")-

-(Note that, "Two Hundred Eighteen Votes are Needed for A Majority!")- 

-2018 Mid-Term Elections Results in The U.S. Senate- The Republican Party Hold A Majority with Fifty-One Seats to Forty-Seven for The Democrats!" And, "Two Other!"- (At Last Count)- 

-(As of Monday, The Twelfth of November 2018 "The Republicans have Gained One Seats," and "Two Seats are Undecided!")- 

-(Note that, "Fifty-One Votes are Needed for A Majority!")- Seats- "98/100 Seats Declared!" 

-(Global Cross Media News Reports are, "This has Been The Highest Voter Turnout for Mid-Term Elections since 1970!")-

-(Note that, "Because of The Closeness of The 2018 Midterm Election in "Both The Florida Governor and Senate Race, of A Margin Less than 0.5%, "Florida's Secretary of State Ken Detzner has Ordered A Recount!")-

The Results of The 2018 Mid-Term Governor Races are; 
(1)- Wisconsin- (D) Tony Evers (50%) is Projected to Defeated (R) Incumbent Governor Scott Walker (48%).  -(As of Monday, The Twelfth of November 2018)-

(2)- South Dakota- (R) Kristi Noem (51%) Defeated (D) Billie Sutton (47%) -(As of Monday, The Twelfth of November 2018)-

(3)- Oregon- (D) Kate Brown (50%) Defeated (R) Knute Buehler (45%) -(As of Monday, The Twelfth of November 2018)-

(4)- Ohio- (R)- Mike DeWine (51%) Defeated (D) Richard Cordray (46%) -(As of Monday, The Twelfth of November 2018)-

(5)- New Mexico- (D) Michele Lujan Grisham (57%)- Defeated (R) Steve Pearce (43%) -(As of Monday, The Twelfth of November 2018)-

(6)- Nevada- (D) Stephen Sisolak (50%) Defeated (R) Adam Laxalt (46%) -(As of Monday, The Twelfth of November 2018)-

(7)- Michigan- (D) Gretchen Whitmer (53%) Defeated (R) Bill Schuette (44%) -(As of Monday, The Twelfth of November 2018)-

(8)- Maine- (D) Janet Mills (51%) Defeated (R) Shawn Moody (43%) -(As of Monday, The Twelfth of November 2018)-

(9)- Kansas- (D) Laura Kelly (48%) Defeated (R) Kris Koback (43%) -(As of Monday, The Twelfth of November 2018)-

(10)- Iowa- (R) Kim Reynolds (50%) Defeated (D) Fred Hubbell (47%) -(As of Monday, The Twelfth of November 2018)-

(11)- Georgia- (R) Brian Kemp (51%) has Been Projected to Defeat (D) Stacey Abrams (48%), But A Careful Assessment is Being Made by Stacey Abrams Before She Concedes, Out of Concern that Possibly Not Every Vote has Been Counted!" -(As of Monday, The Twelfth of November 2018)-

(12)- Florida- (R) Ron DeSantis (50%) has Been Projected to Defeated (D) Andrew Gillum (49%), But, Because of The Closeness of The Race of a Margin of Less than 0.5% Florida's Secretary of State Ken Detzner has Ordered A Recount! And, "If The Machine Recount is Not Successful A Manual Recount Will Occur!" -(As of Monday, The Twelfth of November 2018)-

-(Note that, Because of The Closeness of The Race, which has a Margin of Less than 0.5%, Florida's Secretary of State Ken Detzner has Ordered A Recount in The Senate Race between Senator Bill Nelson and Former Florida Governor Rick Scott) -(As of Monday, The Twelfth of November 2018)-

(13)- Connecticut- (D) Ned Lamont (49%) is Projected to Defeat (R) Bob Stefanowski (46%) -(As of Monday, The Twelfth of November 2018)-

(14) Alaska- (R) Mike Dunleavy (53%) Defeated (D) Mark Begich (43%) -(As of Monday, The Twelfth of November 2018)-       

-(Note that, "A Special Election Run Off" Will Take Place "Later This Month in Mississippi between Governor Appointed Cindy-Hyde Smith and Mike Espy," for "A Senate Seat Vacated by Senator Thad Cochran," who "Resigned His Seat Due to Health Concerns," Because of the Fact that "Neither Candidate Obtained Fifty Per Cent Majority of The Vote on November 6th!" "Both Candidates are Nonpartisan!")-

"The 2018 Mid-Term Elections May Be Over" with "The Exception of A Few Races," However, "The Issues Still Remain Unresolved," and "The 20/20 Elections Lie Ahead!" 

"Let's Remain Vigilant and Determined" as "Activists and Advocates Of The People to Motivate," and "Demand When Necessary," for "Our Elected Officials to Remember Their Duty and Responsibility to The American People," and "A Government" that is "Truly Of The People, By The People, and For The People," and "The United States Constitution, The Law Of The Land!"

-Extra Noteworthy News-
Sunday, November 11, 2018- "The Fires Raging in South California" that have "Caused A Path of Destruction All The Way to The Pacific Ocean," and are "Responsible for The Loss of Forty-Eight Lives," and "Tragically, The Total is Expected to Rise!" And, "As Many as Two Hundred People are Missing!"

To All of Our Friends in California "We Hope that Your Lives, Families, Homes, and Businesses are Safe and Secure from The Fires" that are "Causing So Much Destruction in Your Communities!

-In Memoriam:
Monday, The Twelfth of November 2018 "Comic Book Writer, Producer, Editor and Publisher Stan Lee" (Born Stanley Martin Lieber on The Twenty-Eighth of December 1922) "Died of Pneumonia" at Cedars-Sinai Medical Center in Los Angeles, California at "The Age of  Ninety-Five!"

To Most of Us "Stan Lee was An Icon and Visionary of Marvel Comics," who "Revolutionized The Universe of Comic Books!"

Stan was Listed as "An Executive Producer for One Marvel Mega Success after Another" from "Spider Man to The Hulk, Fantastic Four, X-Men, Daredevil, Doctor Strange, and Black Panther," and from "Thor, Iron Man, and Ant-Man" that "Stan Co-Wrote with His Brother Larry Lieber," In All of Which, "He Could "Always Be Counted upon to Appear in A Cameo Performance," "When It was Least Expected!"

However, "It was Stan's Insight into The Characters who Illuminated The Marvel Universe" that "He Will Always Be Remembered for!" And, "His Insight into Human Nature Coupled with His Unlimited Imagination and Phantasmagorical Imagery," that "Drove His Passion and Dedication of The Comic Book Universe of Story Telling and Publishing!"

"From His First Drawing and Story," to "The Universe of Comic Books He Published at Marvel," to "The Mega Film Box Office Grosses," One Can Chart Out Stan's Formidable Career!" And, "Even During The Brief Time Period When Comics were Not In Fad," "Stan Never Gave Up!"

And, "Was Rewarded for His Commitment and Creative Talent" with "Inductions into The Comic Book Industry's Will Eisner Award Hall of Fame" in 1994, and "The Jack Kirby Hall of Fame" in 1995, and "In 2008 He Received The Prestigious National Medal of Arts!"  

"Stan has Left Us with A Magnificent and Bountiful Universal Library of Characters, Comics and Films for Our Personal Enjoyment," for "Which We Will Be Forever Grateful!"

We Extend Our Sincerest Heartfelt and Soulful Condolences to The Family, Friends, and Fellow Artists of The Marvel Universe of Stan Lee! And, To His Fans, Let Us Rejoice in The Life and Career of Stan Lee, A Great Career that We Can Share with Present and Future Generations for As Long as The Marvel Universe Exists!

-In Memoriam:
And, Once Again, We Send Our Sincerest Heart, Mind, Spirit and Soulful Condolences to All The Families, Friends, Colleagues, and Communities, Who have Lost A Loved One Due to The Cruelty of War!

And, We Extend Our Sincerest Heartfelt and Soulful Condolences to The Families, Friends, Neighbors, and Communities, Who have Lost A Loved One Due to Natural Causes and Natural Disasters! As Many as Forty-Eight People have Lost Their Lives in The California Fires! And, We Mourn Their Loss with Their Families, Friends, Neighbors and Communities!