Tuesday, September 4, 2018



The Way To Peace! #324

"Within The Parallel Universe of Our Sociological Sphere of Existence," "History" has "Been The Thread/Nexus of Cognizance," that has "Connected Every Phase or Age of The Human/Sentient/Cosmos, and Universal Experience,"  (and also "For An Unlimited Number of Sentient Beings)!" 

And, "The Moral and Ethical Responsibilities of Those Individuals," who've "Been Elected or Chosen to Lead," is "Evermore Crucial to The Foundation, Evolvement, Development, Maturation, Progress, Success, and Survival of The Sovereign Citizens of The Earth," and "It's Environmental and Ecological Systems and Life Forms!" 

And, "Here We are in The Twenty-First Millennia," with "An Earth-Wide Population of Seven Point Six Billion Sovereign Citizens!" And, At A Time, "When Global Cooperation, Global Coalitions Of Peace, Trade, Defense, and Unity," are "Needed More than Ever Before!"

And, "Let's Simply Comprehend" that "Global Nations with One-Man-Rule," and "One Party-Rule" Forms of Government, are "Simply Out of Sync with The Diverse Community, Tapestry, and Fabric Of The People!" "These Authoritarian Forms of Governing," although Still in Existence in Some Nations, "Do Not Represent The New Normal of The Twenty-First Millennia!" "They" are, For The Most Part, "Oppressive Dictatorships of The Past!"

"Led by A Few Men," For The Most Part, "Who Cling to Their Delusions, Illusions and Misperceptions of Power," and "Government!" And, "Their Actions and Policies" are "Focused and Centered Around Their Own Self Preservation, Self Profit, and Hubris!"

And then, There are "Those Individuals" whose, "Campaign Rhetoric," and "Promises of The World to Anyone," who "Believe in Their Baseless, Ill-founded, and Unsound Idea's," While "Lacking in Experience, or Cognizance," "Bring Chaos, Disunity, and Divisiveness!" 

And, "They" also Bring" with Them, "The Promise To Shake up The Current Government," and "Install Leaders of Industry to Usher in A New Prosperity to The Nation," and "Make A Better Life For Everyone!"

However, "This is "A False Promise," and If You Look Closely at Their Resume, "You Will See The Truth For Yourself!"

In The United States such "A Promise was Made by President Trump," But, "Lets Examine Closely, "What His Policies," and "Just as Importantly," What "His Words and Actions have Brought to The Nation," and "Most Importantly to The Youth Of America!"
"Have The Youth Of America," "Benefited from His Zero Tolerance Policy!"

 "Have The Youth Of America," Benefited from The President's Trade War with The People's Republic of China!" And, "Have His Threats to Impose Tariffs on Canada," or "The European Union," "Benefited The Youth of The Nation!"

"Have The Youth Of America," "Benefited from The Presidents Withdrawal of The United States from The Paris Agreement!" "An Extraordinary Agreement," that was "Adopted and Signed by All of The One Hundred and Ninety-Five Members" of The United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC)!"

"Have The Youth Of America," Seen An Immediate Benefit from President Trump's Decision to Withdraw The United States from The Iran Nuclear Deal," or "The Fact," that "He Broke A United Nations Security Council Resolution in Doing it," and "Ignored The Counsel of Close Allies," who had "Worked for Years to Craft This Agreement with The United States!"

"Have The Youth Of America," "Benefited from The Presidents Public Threat," that "He Would Withdraw The United States from NATO," If, "NATO Member Nations did not pay their bills," and "Increase their spending on the military bloc."

Will The Youth of America," "Benefit from The Presidents Threat to "Shutdown The U.S. Government," in September 2018, If, "He Does Not Obtain The Funding He has Demanded to Pay for His Border Wall," "Separating The United States and Mexico!"

"Have The Youth Of America," Benefited from The Presidents Incessant Attacks on Special Counsel Robert Mueller," and "Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein," and "The Merits and Necessity of The Russian Investigation!"

"Have The Youth Of America," Benefited from The Presidents Decision" to "Revoke Security Clearance for Former Central Intelligence (CIA) Director John Clapper," Because "He has Spoken Out Against The Presidents Policies," While "Former National Security Adviser Michael Flynn, who has "Pleaded Guilty to Lying to The Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI)," "Still Maintains His Security Clearance!" 
"Have The Youth Of America," "Benefited from President Trumps Continuing Assault upon The Fourth Estate," and "The Global Cross Media News Universe!"

"Have The Youth Of America," "Benefited from President Trump and His Administration and The Republican Party's Tax Reforms!" Have "These Tax Reforms Reduced The Cost of College or University Tuition Fee's," or "Reduced The Cost of An Education for Families All Across The United States!" 
"Have The Youth Of America," "Benefited from The President's Bully Pulpit Tactics," or "The Scandals," "Allegations of Collusion," and "Obstruction of Justice," that have "Tarnished His Administration," and His Presidency!"

"Have The Youth Of America," "Benefited from Seeing President Trump's Support of One of Americas Archenemies," While "Knowing that Russia Interfered with The 2016 Presidential Election," and "Knowing of The Severe Sanctions," have "Been Brought to Bear upon The Russia Government," by "A Unanimous Vote of The U.S. Congress!" And, The Meaningful Revelations by Top U.S. Intelligence Officials Claim" that "Russia is Still Attempting to Interfere in The U.S. 2018 Mid-Term Elections!"

"The Questions" of, (1) What Does The United States of America Stand for, Symbolize, and Signify to The American People, and Free People All Over The Earth,"

And, (2) What Does The The Presidency of The United States of America Signify and Stand for,

And, (3) What is It that We Americans Believe in, and Would Like For Our Children, and Future Generations to Believe in, and Be Inspired by, Comes into Clear Focus," and "Must Be Addressed in The 2018 Mid-Term Elections!

And, (4) The U.S. Congress Must Act to Address The Onslaught of Allegations and Scandals, and Abuse of U.S. Institutions, and The Law of The Land that is Taking Place!

-Extra Noteworthy News-
On The Thirty-First of August 2018, Global Cross Media News Reports "A New National Survey in The United States," Conducted by ABC News/Washington Post Poll,  has Disclosed" that "Sixty Per Cent of Americans Disapprove of President Trump's Performance in Office!"

And, "To Add to The Already Developing Cracks in The Walls of The West Wing and The Trump Administration" is (1) "The Disclosure that Sixty-Three Per Cent of Americans Support Special Counsel Robert Mueller's Russian Investigations," and (2) "Half of Americans" are in "Favor of Congress Initiating Impeachment Proceedings!"

And, "The Fact" that "President Trump's Average Approval Rating" is "The Lowest of Any Presidency in Modern Polling  History" (since The 1940'S), "Demonstrates The Seriousness of The Cracks In The Walls of His Presidency! 

And, When You Add in The Extra Noteworthy News that Tuesday, The Twenty-First of August 2018 "Michael Cohen, President Trump's Former Personal Attorney Pled Guilty to Eight Felony Charges," Implicating The President of The United States," You Can "See The Writing on The Wall" that "President Trump Faces A Soul Searching Moment in regards to His Presidency!" And, "The American People Expect Nothing less than The Truth!" And, "One Way He Could Accomplish this is By Answering The Four Dozen Questions that Special Counsel Robert Mueller has Given The Presidents Attorney's in regards to (1) The Russian Investigation, and (2) Russia's Interference in The 2016 U.S. Presidential Elections!"

"The Charges Mr. Cohen Pled Guilty" to "Included Violating Federal Campaign Finance Laws, Tax Evasion, and Bank Fraud," and "Could Face Four to Five Years in Prison!" 

Mr. Cohen Told a Federal Judge in United States District Court in Manhattan, in Regards to "Payments Made to Two Women (Karen McDougald and Stephanie Clifford/Stormy Daniels) During The 2016 U.S. Election Campaign," to "Prevent Them from Speaking Publicly," about "The Affairs," that "They Alleged having with Donald Trump, "The payments to the women were made "in coordination with and at the direction of a candidate for Federal office," "He acted to keep the information that would have been harmful to the candidate and the campaign from becoming public during the 2016 Election Cycle!" (This is a "Clear Implication of President Trump in A Federal Crime!)

Mr. Cohen also said, "I participated in this conduct, which on my part took place in Manhattan, for the principle purpose of influencing the election," For President in 2016! 
(Again, This is "In Direct Reference to The U.S. 2016 Presidential Election!")

-Extra Noteworthy News-
And, to "Compound The Allegations," and "Guilty Pleas" that have "Affected and Tainted Some of The Circle of Trump Campaign Officials" is On Tuesday, The Twenty-First of August 2018 "President Trump's Former Campaign Chairman Paul Manafort was Found Guilty of Eight Financial Crimes," out of Eighteen Counts in Alexandria, Virginia! And, "Mr. Manafort Still Faces Another Trial on September 24, 2018!"

("A Mistrial" was Declared by Judge Ellis on The Remaining Ten Charges, However Special Counsel Mueller May Choose to Retry These Ten Counts!")

This was "A Clear Victory for Special Counsel Robert Mueller and His Team of Prosecutors!" And, "A Tuesday, that President Trump and His Administration and The Republican Party are Sure to Remember!" And, also "A Date that History Will Record as Being A Turning Point in The Trump Administration!" 

(President Trump Told Reporters after Hearing of The Manafort Results, that The Manafort guilty verdicts made him feel "very badly, but they had nothing to do with Russian collusion.")

"The Adjoining Questions" that "Still Remains Unanswered" are (1) "When Is President Trump Going to Answer The Questions Given to His Attorney's by Special Counsel Robert Mueller" in "Regards to The Russian Investigations," and (2) Is The Republican Party Going Prioritize and Rise to The Sincere, Serious, and Deeply Contemplative Responsibility of Being Elected Representatives Of The People, By The People and For The People, and The Nation, over that of Party Ideology, and The Trump Administration! 

(This is An Abraham Lincoln, Theodore Roosevelt, and Dwight D, Eisenhower Moment" for The Republican Party!)

-Note that "When You Add to An Already Very Complex Series of Allegations: (1) President Trump's Tweet on Wednesday, The Twenty-Ninth of August 2018 that White House Counsel Don McGahn "Will be leaving his position in the Fall, shortly after the confirmation (hopefully) of Judge Brett Kavanaugh to the United States Supreme Court. I have worked with Don for a long time and truly appreciate his service." (or Is He Being Forced into Leaving His Post Due to Disagreements with The President Because of Mr. McGahn's Cooperation with Special Counsel Robert Mueller's Investigation into The Possibility of Collusion and Obstruction of Justice between The Trump Campaign and Russia,  or Mr. McGahn's Resistance and Threat to Resign over President Trump's Wishes to Fire Special Counsel Mueller in June 2017),

(2)- "The Sentencing of President Trump's Foreign Policy Advisor George Papadopoulos," for "Lying to Federal Bureau of Investigation Agents," about "His Relationship with a Russian Related Operative! 
(He will be Sentenced on September 7th!" Global Cross Media Reports are "Special Counsel Mueller's Prosecutors said in Their Sentencing Memo that Mr. Papadopoulos "Should Not Be Sentenced for More than Six Months!")

(3) Sam Patten, "A Former Associate of Paul Manafort, President Trump's Former Campaign Chairman," has "Pleaded Guilty," to "One Count of of Violating the Federal Agents Registration Act (FARA)," on Friday, The Thirty-First of August 2018, "in A Federal Court, Conducted by Judge Amy Berman Jackson, in D.C.! 

Mr. Patten Pleaded Guilty "For Illegally Acting as a Foreign Lobbyist," Which Could Earn Him, "A Maximum of Five Years in Prison, a Fine of Two Hundred and Fifty Thousand Dollars, and Three Years of Supervised Release!" (Global Cross Media News Reports are, Mr. Patten has Agreed to Cooperate with Prosecutors as a part of His Plea Deal," and "May Prove to have a Strong Affect on The Second Trial of Paul Manafort," Set for The Twenty-Fourth of September!)

(4)- The Approximately "Five Hundred and Twenty-Eight Children" that were "Separated from Their Parents and Families," Because of "The Immoral and Illegal Zero Tolerance Policy of President Trump and His Administration," who "Remain in Detention Centers!"

(5)- "A Civil Lawsuit" has "Been Filed against The Donald J. Trump Foundation and Its Board of Directors," by New York Attorney General Barbara Underwood "For Extensive and Persistent Violations of State and Federal Law."
And, AG Underwood Alleges "a pattern of persistent illegal conduct over more than a decade that includes extensive unlawful political coordination with the Trump presidential campaign."

And, AG Underwood also said "As our investigation reveals, the Trump Foundation was little more than a check book for payments from Mr. Trump or his business to nonprofits, regardless of their purpose or legality."  
 And, Global Cross Media Reports are "Trump CFO Allen Weisselberg" has "Been Granted Immunity for His Testimony and Cooperation!"

AG Underwood is Asking for 2.8 Million in Restitution and plus Additional Penalties," and The Dissolution of The Foundation!" And, "A Ten Ban on Mr. Trump from Future Service as a Director of a New York not-for-profit," and, "One Year Each for The Trump Foundation Board Members, Ivanka, Don, and Eric Trump!"

And, AG Underwood has "Sent a Referral Letter to The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) and The Federal Election Commission Identifying possible Violations of Federal Law for Further Investigation and legal actions by those Federal Agencies."      

(6) "The National Enquirer Publisher David Pecker," was also "Granted An Immunity Deal for His Testimony and Cooperation!"

-(Global Cross Media Reports are USA Analysis Today "Finds" that There are "Three Thousand Five Hundred Legal Actions by and Against Trump-Updated on The Twenty-Third of October 2017)-

(7)- "Alleged Scandals" and "Sexual Abuse and Sexual Misconduct Allegations!"

(8)- The Trump Administration's New College Sexual Misconduct and Sexual Assault Policy on Campus," Put Forth by "President Trump's Secretary of Education Betsy DeVos!" Whereby
"The Alleged Victim," Would have to have to "Prove Their Case," in "a Clear and Convincing Standard of Evidence!"

(This is a Change from "Former President Obama's Administration Policy on College Campuses," of Their Being "a Preponderance of Evidence Standard" in regards to "Sexual Misconduct, and Abuse on Campus!")

 (9)- The Trillion Dollar Debt of The United States Demonstrates that The Presidents Tax Reform Policy is Not Reducing or having a Positive Affect on The U.S. Deficit! (The U.S. Debt Exceeded Twenty-One Trillion Dollars as of The Fifteenth of March 2018! And, If The Federal Government Continues On Its Current Course The U.S. Deficit Will Reach One Trillion by 2020, as Predicted by The Non-Partisan Congressional Budget Office! )

(10)- "The Continuing Trade Wars with Canada, Mexico, and The People's Republic of China," has "Become An Political Albatross Around The President Trump, Secretary of Commerce Wilbur Ross, and The Trump Administration!"

("The North American Trade Agreement (NAFTA) Deadline," Imposed by The United States, has "Been Extended to The Thirtieth of September 2018," which is "A Wise Decision!" "It's Time for Diplomacy," Rather than Threats and The Raising of Tariffs, to Modernize NAFTA, so that "All The Trading Partners of This Agreement" are "Satisfied!")  

(11)- And then, "There is The Unfinished Diplomatic Business with The People' Republic of North Korea, and The Conflict with U.S. Allies Iran over The Withdrawal of The United States from The Iran Nuclear Deal,

(12)- And, Recent Global Cross Media Reports that "There were Two Thousand Nine Hundred and Seventy-Five Deaths on Puerto Rico Due to The Devastation Caused by Hurricane Maria," and "Not The Sixty-Four" that "President Trump had Originally Stated," when "He Visited The Island!" And, "These Estimates May Not Represent The Final Total of Americans" who "Lost Their Lives!"

Whether at Close View" or "From a Distance," "The Cracks in The Walls of The West Wing and The Trump Administration Continue to Metastasize," and "Clearly Present A State of Amorphous," and "Return to The Bully Pulpit Form of Governance," Rather than "A Government Of The People, By The People and For The People," Solely with "What is In The Best Interests Of The People," and "The Law of The Land," "Clearly in Mind!"

And, "The Principles and Foundation that The United States of America was Founded Upon," and "Its Democracy," is "Sorely Being Abused and Misused by Issues of Self Profit, Hubris, and Multiple Allegations," that "Include Collusion, The Possible Obstruction of Justice, Campaign Finance Fraud, Conspiracy, Cyber Crimes, Attacks upon Institutions, and The Fourth Estate, and The Global Cross Media News Universe, and Interference in The U.S. Election Process," and "Subversion of The Values and Traditions," that "America Symbolizes All Over The Earth!"

And then, "Let There Be No Doubt" that "The Diverse Community, Tapestry and Fabric Of The People, that "Represents The New Normal of The Twenty-First Millennia," is "In Need of Women and Men who Comprehend that For The Earth's Nations and Populace to Prosper," There Must Be "A Sense of Collaboration, Cooperation, and Partnership between One and All," that "Supports The Mindset," that "Nations of Freedom, Peace, and Unity Must Remain True to An Overall Sense of Being," that "Empowers, Educates, Enlightens, Defends, Protects, and Shares The Prosperity," and "Cognizance Of Today's Twenty-First Century Earth Community of Families!"

And, Let There Be No Doubt" that "It's Time For A Universal Correction and Realignment of Purpose," that Embraces, "An Equation of Global Equilibre," Whose Philosophical-Time Space Reality," and "Earthwise Awareness," is "Centered on A Universal Comprehension," that "We are All Inhabitants of Planet Earth," and of "A Grand Cosmos," and "Unlimited Universe of Celestial Bodies!" And, "Its Time for "An Earthrise Vision Of The People, By The People, and For The People," to "Share This Empirical Knowledge with Each New Generation!"

And, "Let There Be No Doubt" that "Voting is A Non-Violent Way To Voice Your Opinion," and "Make The Necessary Changes Needed in Government," and "Within The Parallel Sphere's of Our Earths Societies!"

"One Wonders" as "The Sun Sets on The Sovereign Nations All over This Earth of Ours, from Venezuela and Mexico to Germany and Ukraine, and from The British Isles to France, and from Spain and Portugal to Africa (Botswana to South Africa), and from India to China, and South and North Korea to Japan, and from Taiwan to Tibet, and Over The Wide Expanse from Australia and New Zealand to The Scandinavian Sovereign Nations of Norway, Sweden, and Denmark, and from Finland to Iceland, and Russia to Poland, Austria, and Italy, and from Switzerland, to Belgium, and Canada, and "Round again" to The Middle Eastern Sovereign Nations of Saudi Arabia, Israel, The United Arab Emirates to Jordan, Iraq, Iran, Syria, and from Afghanistan to Pakistan, and Turkey to Libya,"No Matter Where Its Rays of Light Rest in The Eventide Sky," There are "Sovereign People of The Earth," "Born of The Earth," and "Who Share The Same Sky, Lands, and Seas!"

And so, "The Questions" of "Why are Mobs Threatening Immigrants Living in Germany," and "Why is There An Exodus of More than Two Million People from Venezuela, since 2014," and "Why is The United Kingdom Exiting from The European Union," and "Why has The United States Withdrawn from The Paris Agreement," that was Signed by One Hundred Ninety-Five Sovereign Nations of The Earth, and Entered into Trade Wars, and Alienated Its Own Allies, and "Why is There Continuous War and Strife between Israel and Palestine," and "Why is China Attempting to Rule the Seas, Lands, and Economies of Asia," and "Why are Drug Lords and Street Gangs and Syndicates of Criminals Allowed to Threaten The Lives of Innocent People, While Addicting Our Children, and Killing Our Children," and "Why is Nuclear Weapons Still Being Used to Threaten The Earths Populace!"

"These Questions and More Need Answers!" And, "To Obtain These Answer's," The Earths Populace "Need Cognizant, Compassionate, Inspirational, Philanthropic, Innovative, and Spiritual Leaders of The Grand Cosmos," and "The Grand Universe," who "Believe in Respect For One and All!" And, "Economic Parity, Security, Education, and Healthcare For One and All!" And, are "Willing to Defend and Protect The Rights and Principles of Free Interdependent-Sovereign People of The Earths Sovereign Nations!"

And, "Who Believe in Peace For One and All!" Let's Find Agreement in "The Fact" that to "Affect A Universal Correction,' that "Brings into Alignment All The Earths Populace in Conjunction," and "In Concomitance with The Universal Genome of The Soul and Spirit of All Humankind," and In "A Grand Equilibre with The Lives of All Sentient Beings," that "It Will Take This Grand Collaborative Effort and Commitment!"

"This is Part in Part," of "A Global Equation," that "Is Enlightening, Empowering, and Necessary for The Survival, Development, Growth and Continued Evolution of The Earths Sociological Well Being, Future," and "Overall Earthwise Perspective, Vision," and "Pursuit of Happiness!"   

Voices of Reason and Peacemakers of The Twentieth and Twenty-First Millennias, "Let Us Not Allow Our Thinking to Be Coerced, Bullied, Threatened, or Limited," by "A Negative Conditioned Reality!"

"Let Our Thoughts, " instead "Continue to Be of A Grand Cosmos of Contemplation!"

And, "Our Visions, Idea's, Contemplation's, and Meditations Be Reflective," of "The Immensity, Innovative, Potential, and State of Being that Exists within The Grand Universe!"

And, "Let Us Be Absolutely Clear" that "We Represent and Share All that is In The Best Interests of Our Fellow Human Being!" 

And, "Lets "Spread The Word, and Earthrise Vision" via "A Grand Golden Cloud of Communication and Information to Every Corner of The Earth," o'er "Sea and Land," via "X's," and "Phoenix of Limitless Magnitude, Ingenuity, and Creativity," In "A True Spirit of Inspiration and Soulfulness!"

For This is The Way To Peace, and An Omnipresent, Omnipotent and Omniscient Age of Peace and Serenity, and A New Perception and Age of Clarity and Unified Interdependency, and Originality, Graced by Solar Axioms, and The Uniqueness of Being! And, These are All a Part of An All Inclusive Universe of Individuality, Cognizance, Reverence, Comprehension, Appreciation, Trust, Belief, and Realization!        

-Extra Noteworthy News-
"The Trip to Ireland by Pope Francis," The First Time in Thirty-Nine Years, Since St. John Paul II, that "A Pope has Visited Ireland,  "Became Focused on "Sex Abuse Crimes by The Clergy!"

Today, Saturday, The Twenty-Fifth of August 2018 The Pope Told Dignitaries and Political Leaders at Dublin Castle, "I cannot fail to acknowledge the grave scandal caused in Ireland by the abuse of young people by member's of the Church charged with responsibility for their protection and education.

The failure of Ecclesiastical authorities-bishops, religious superiors, priests and others- adequately to address repellent crimes has rightly given rise to outrage, and remains a source of pain and shame for the Catholic community, I myself share those sentiments."

And, "Pope Francis also said that, He had set out "a greater commitment to eliminating this scourge in the church, at any cost."

Ireland's Prime Minister Leo Varadkar Spoke Passionately of The failures of the Church, the state, and wider society, had created a "bitter and broken heritage for so many, leaving a legacy of pain and sorrow."

And, The Taoiseach also "Spoke of The More than One Thousand Identifiable Minors," that had "Been Abused by Three Hundred Roman Catholic Priests," (Predator Priests) in "Six Dioceses over A Seventy Year Period across the State of Pennsylvania," "Made Public in a Grand Jury Report in Pennsylvania," on The Fourteenth of August 2018!"

"Let's Agree" that "These are Staggering Facts to Absorb and Process!" 

"The Question" is "How Can This Abuse Take Place," and "How Can Ecclesiastic Authorities" have "Allowed it to Continue for as Long as It has!"

It is of "The Greatest Importance for The Catholic Church to Root Out Sexual Abuse," Wherever It Occurs, and "Adhere to," and "Respect The Sentiments and Wishes of Pope Francis," and "More Importantly The Teaching of The Church," and "The Sacred Path of Jesus of Nazareth!" 

"Pope Francis' Visit to Ireland Will End on Sunday, The Twenty-Sixth of August," by "Celebrating Mass with Five Hundred Thousand People at Phoenix Park in Dublin!"

As The Parallel Sphere's of Truth, Justice, The Socratic Method, and The U.S. Constitution Appear to Be In Alignment with A Solar Axiom" that is "Both Welcoming and In Harmony" with "The Will Of The People," and "For The Benefit Of The People," However, There is "A Political Cauldron" that has "Been Tainted and Discredited by A Conditioned, Oppressive, and Manipulative Reality," that has "So Tarnished The Minds, Spirits, Souls and Hearts of The The Earths Populace" that "Nations and Communities have Become Divided," and "It's Citizens Left Frustrated and Distrustful of Its Elected Officials and Leaders!"

And, "This Infestation of Partisan Politics Threatens to Negatively Infect The Justice System of The Highest Court in The Land," "The Supreme Court of The United States of America!"

"Let Us Agree" that "There was Absolutely Nothing Subtle about President Trump's Decision to Nominate A Former Clerk of Supreme Court Associate Justice Anthony Kennedy, Brett Michael Kavanaugh, Fortunately, He has Quite A Written Paper Trail" that Reveals, (1) After Being Nominated in 2003 to The United States Court of Appeals  for The District Court of Columbia by Former President Bush, in 2003, Judge Kavanaugh Nomination was Held Up in The Senate for Three Years Being Accused of Being Too Partisan, Before Being Confirmed on The Twenty-Six of May 2006, and 

(2) In July of 2007 Senators Dick Durbin from Illinois and Patrick Leahy from Vermont Accused Kavanaugh of Misleading The Judiciary Committee During His Nomination, about Whether He Helped Formulate or was Involved in Former President Bush's Detention and Interrogation Policies, Which is Most Likely to Re-Surface in New Hearings with The Supreme Court Nomination at Stake, and, 

(3) In 2008/09 Judge Kavanaugh Asked Congress to Create Legislation that Prevents The President of The United States from Being Subpoenaed by A Special Counsel, 

(4) He has also Voted in Favor of Several Abortion Restrictions, and Applauded Justice William Rehnquist for Dissenting in Roe V. Wade although He Originally Supported It in 2006, and, 

(5) Is on The Federalist List of Judges (The Federalist is A Conservative Online Magazine) who are Most Likely to Vote Against Roe V. Wade, and, 

(6) Wrote For A Three Judge Panel in 2016, in Regards to The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, "The Director of the CFPB, possesses more unilateral authority- that is, authority to take action on one's own subject, to no one's check- than any single commissioner or board member in any other interdependent agency in the U.S. government." 

-(Note that The CFPB was Created under The Guidance of One of President Trump's Favorite Campaign Targets Democratic Senator Elizabeth Warren of Massachusetts) 

 And, "Let Us Agree" that (1) These are Important Factors" that "Need Further Scrutiny" by The Senate, The Fourth Estate, and Global Cross Media News Universe," and "The American People!" 
However, "These Factors are Definitely a Part of The Decision Making Process," that "President Trump, and His Administration, Engaged in and Found in Favor of, When He Nominated The Name of Brett Mitchael Kavanaugh!" 

And, These Factors are, (2) Why Republican Senate Majority Leader Addison Mitchell McConnell Jr. of Kentucky, whom You Recall, was Instrumental in Preventing Former President Obama's Choice for The Supreme Court Merrick Garland, Chief United States Circuit Judge of The United States Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit, from Even having A Hearing, "Will Do Everything in His Power to Call For a Confirmation Vote in The U.S. Senate to Approve Judge Kavanaugh's Nomination," as soon as Possible, "Before The American People have An Opportunity to Voice Their Opinion in A Public Forum of Town Hall Meetings! And, "Before Civil Rights Groups," "The Fourth Estate," and "The Global Cross Media News Universe Can Complete Their Due Diligence" and/or "Investigatory Efforts Deep Enough to Reveal any Serious Concerns," that "May have Gone Unseen by The Trump Administration!"

And, "Let's also Agree," that "This has The Potential" to Be, "A Historical Sociological and Cultural Moment in The United States of America," and "A Moment of Truth" that Symbolizes and Balances Out The True Significance of Justice in The U.S. Supreme Court," and "In The U.S. Senate," and "In All The Branches Of Government!"

And, "Let Us without Equivocation Agree" that "Every American Citizen Should have An Opportunity" to "Express Their Opinion" in Regards to This Nomination, "Yea or Nay!"

And, If There Ever was "A Moment in Time For The American People" to "Rise Up and Speak Out, This is It!"

And, This is also "Why The 2018 Mid-Term Elections in The United States" have "Such A Great Significance to Them!" It's A Matter of Choice," and "A Matter of Being A Democracy," Versus "Being An "Isolated Sovereign Nation Ruled by One Man and One Party," and "Being Dictated to" and "Told What to Do!"

And, "The Dialogue, Discourse, Discussions, Marches, Demonstrations, Sit Ins, Must Not Cease" until "A Grand Crescendo of Voices have Been Heard!" 

"A Grand Crescendo that The Founders Would Be Proud of," and "The Final Vote has Been Cast!" 

And, "Every Member of The U.S. Senate Must Clearly Understand," and "Be Made Aware of The Consequences and Repercussions of Voting Against The Will Of The People," and "Violating The Trust Of The People!"

-In Memoriam:
Saturday, The Twenty-Fifth of August 2018 Senator John McCain, "A True American Hero," who "Refused to Be Released from The Torture He Endured," in "An Out-of-Sequence Early Repatriation Offer," and "Chose instead," to "Remain Imprisoned with His Fellow Prisoners of War," During The UN-Declared War in Vietnam," and "A True Maverick of The Republican Party," who was "Not Afraid to Speak Out Against Unjust Policies and Legislation" or "Negotiate with His Democratic Opponent's" in The Senate, "When The Cause was Right," has "Died of Glioblastoma, at The Age of Eighty-One!" 

And, As One Can Imagine, "There is Now A Great Chasm and Division" in The Party of "Lincoln, Roosevelt, Eisenhower, Reagan, and H. W. Bush!"

We Extend Our Sincerest Heartfelt and Soulful Condolences to The Family of Senator John McCain!

And, To His Friends, Colleagues, Global Leaders, Local, State and Federal Officials, Women, and Men of The State of Arizona, who Supported Senator McCain over His Decades of Dedication and Devoted  Service in The U.S. Congress, We Mourn His Loss with You and His Family!

Senator John McCain was An Inspiring and Admirable Leader, and Individual that All of America and The Earth's Nations Can Be Respectful and Proud of! And, Let There Be No Doubt that History Will Look Back on His Life with Great Interest and Inspiration for Students of Politics, and The Military, and Public Service! 

-In Memoriam:
Saturday, The Eighteenth of August, 2018 "The Death of Former United Nations Secretary-General, Kofi Annan at The Age of Eighty," was "Announced by His Foundation," in Bern, The Capital of Switzerland, "After a short unspecified illness!"

Kofi Atta Annan, Born in Kumasi, Ghana, was The First Black African UN Secretary-General, and "Awarded The Nobel Peace Prize, in 2001!" And, Served as "The Seventh UN Secretary-General from 1997 to 2006"

Current UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres said, "Kofi Annan was a guiding force for good." And, that "It is with profound sadness that I learned of his passing. In many ways Kofi Annan was the United Nations. He rose through the ranks to lead the organization into the new millennium with matchless dignity and determination."

We Extend Our Sincerest Heart and Soulful Condolences to The Family of Kofi Annan! 

His Family, Colleagues, and Friends Will always Remember Mr. Annan as Being A Peacemaker, and A Global Diplomat, Who Thought of The Safety, Security, and Moral Justice of The Earths Sovereign Nations as a Main Priority in His Life! And, He Considered, Equally, The Welfare Of The Earths Populace, as a "Responsibility Not to Be Ignored, Disregarded, Abandoned, or Forsaken!

-In Memoriam:
And, Once Again, We Send Our Sincerest Heart, Mind, Spirit and Soulful Condolences to All The Families, Friends, Colleagues, and Communities, Who have Lost A Loved One Due to The Cruelty of War!

And, We Extend Our Sincerest Heartfelt and Soulful Condolences to The Families, Friends, Neighbors, and Communities, Who have Lost A Loved One Due to Natural Causes and Natural Disasters!