Saturday, April 14, 2018



The Way To Peace! #315

"This Spring has Provided The Global Cross Media Newsrooms" with "One Headline after Another" of "Accidental Tragedies and Dramatic Moments Occurring All Over The Global Landscape," and "Traumatically Affecting The Lives of Families from Siberia, Russia, to The Town of Humboldt in The Province of Saskatchewan, Canada, to The City of Salisbury in The U.K.,  and to The City of Douma in Syria!"

"Some Moments" were "Accidental with Suspicious Circumstances," and "Other Moments of Pure Vengeance!" And, "These are The Human-Related Moments," While "Nature Itself Announced" that "Spring is Here with Headlines of Its Own," of "Xanto, A Winter Snow Storm," Instead of "April Showers," Descending Upon Parts of The Northern Plains and Midwest," to "Blizzard Warnings in Parts of The Northern and Central Plains," and "Freezing Rain and Ice Storms Threatening Power Outages in Ontario, The Great Lakes and Northern New England," and "Tornadoes have Fiercely Struck Some Parts of Arkansas," and "Severe Storms are Headed Towards The Mississippi River Valley!"

However, "One Inhumane Moment of Extreme Cruelty and Violence Occurred in The City of Douma," on Saturday, The Seventh of April 2018, Where "The Government Forces of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad, " "Bombed Douma" with "What has Been Suspected to Be A Death-Dealing Lethal Chemical Attack," that "Caused The Deaths of At Least Seventy People!" 
"Deeply Moving Photos of Women and Men and Children" were "Shown All Across The Global Cross Media News Media of This Malevolent Attack!" And, "More than Five Hundred People were Brought to Medical Centers!"

"This Evil Attack" was in "Violation of A United Nations Resolution," But, More Importantly, It was "An Immoral, Unethical, Vicious, and Dishonorable Crime Committed Against Humanity," and "Against The Tenets, and Principles of Today's Civilization," that "Can Not Be Condoned!"

And, On Friday, The Thirteenth of April 2018, "President Trump Made a Televised Address to The Nation," (and The Earth's United Coalition of Nations) that "The United States, United Kingdom and France "Launched A Joint Military Operation Against Syria" to "Punish It For Its Use of Chemical Weapons!" 
And, President Trump also said, "The military strikes would target the regime's ability to use chemical weapon's."  And, "the three allies were willing to carry out "sustained" pressure on Bashar al-Assad, the Syrian President, until he agreed not to use chemical weapons in the future."  

"Prime Minister Theresa May said in Her Own Statement to The UK" that "We cannot allow the use of chemical weapons to become normalized- within Syria, on the streets of the UK, or anywhere else in our world." Prime Minister May also said "History teaches us that the international community must defend the global rules and standards that keep us all safe. That is what our country has always done. And what we will continue to do." 

And, President Emmanuel Macron said "France had joined the U.S. and Britain in an ongoing operation against Syria with strikes to target "the capabilities of the Syrian regime to produce or use chemical weapons." And, "We cannot tolerate the normalization of the use of chemical weapons."

"It is A Pity" that "Russian President Putin," as is "Encapsulated by "His Continued Support of The Syrian President," whose "Crimes Against Humanity" have "Demonstrated Clearly," that "He is Not An Honorable Leader of A Sovereign Nation," Does Not Comprehend" that "He is Condemning Himself" and "Limiting Himself to A Place of Infamy in History," by "Continuing to Be The Ally of President Assad," and also by "Not Comprehending The Global Correction that is Taking Place!"

And,"What has Become A Tragedy In Itself," Beyond that of Any Shakespearean Play, is "The Accounting that The United Nations has Estimated since 2016," that At Least, "Six Million Syrians" have "Been Displaced from Their Homes Inside Syria," and "More than Five Million Live in Refugee Camps Outside of Syria!" 

And, "All The People of The Earth Can Imagine," Because We have Seen Their Photos in The Global Cross Media News, "The Millions of People" have "Undertaken Perilous Journeys," Many at The Cost of Their Lives, to "Live in Safety and Security," While The Leaders of These Nations," Involved in This Seven Year Long War, "Live in Their Illusions of Grandeur and Power!"

("Recent Estimates" are "Four Hundred and Seventy Thousand Deaths have Occurred Directly or Indirectly since "The Beginning of The Syrian War in 2011!" And, "That May Be An Understatement!")

And, "It is Astonishing" that "In This Day and Age," with "All that History has Recorded," The Middle East has "Become A Prime Example of The Futility of War," that "It Continues!"

However, Since It is of The Greatest Importance to Undertake The Task at Hand, Which is To Eliminate Syndicates of Crime," and "Put An End to The Inhumane Methods of War," Let Us Begin to Plan for The Re-Building of Homes, Towns, Villages and Cities," and "Their Defense from The Predators of War and Violence," So that "The Earths Populace Can See The Correction in Global Policy Making by Its Leaders," and "A Sincere Investment in Peace" by "The Leaders of Global Finance and Financial Institutions," Both "Private and Public!" 

And, "Once The Task is Done," Let there Be A Grand Resurgence of The Spirit Of Peace" and "Non-Violence!"      

(Syria and Its Allies have denied that a chemical attack had taken place!" And, "Russian President Putin has Denounced The Joint Military Operation!")

-Extra Noteworthy News-
And, As The Parallel Landscape of The Sphere of Politics Continues to Rotate, "New Surprises Continue to Occur," Such as The One that Took Place on Wednesday, The Eleventh of April 2018 "When Paul Ryan," (R-WI), "The Fifty-Fourth Speaker of The House of Representatives Announced at A GOP Conference Meeting" that, "I will be leaving this job in January 2019" And, He also said, "It's a big job with a lot riding on it, and you feel it. You realize you hold the office for a small part of our history....and I thing we have achieved a heck of a lot." 
Speaker Ryan also said, "I did not seek this job. I took it reluctantly. But I have given this job everything I have." "To be clear, I am not resigning. I will serve my full term as I was elected to."

(Note that Rep. Ryan was Drafted after "Former Speaker John Boehner" (R-OH) "Gave His Surprise Resignation in 2015!") 

Speaker Ryan Told Conference Member's that "He wanted to Spend more time with His Family as Husband and Father!"

And, With This Announcement "Another Important Leader of The Republican Party" has "Made a Decision to Depart!" And, With It, "The Search For who Will Replace Him has Begun in All Earnest!"

President Trump Tweeted on Wednesday, The Eleventh of April 2018 "Speaker Ryan is truly a good man, and while he will not be seeking re-election, he will leave a legacy of achievement that nobody can challenge. We are with you Paul!"

"The Republican Party" is "Deeply Concerned" that "They Will Lose The Majority They Presently Hold in The House of Representatives and The Senate," and "Speaker Ryan's Decision" is "A Serious Blow to Their Future Dominance in Both Houses!"   

Let there Be No Doubt that "Speaker Ryan's Decision Will Be Interpreted Many Way's" by "A Variety of Political Pundits, Journalists, and Commentators!" However, "In The End," What Remains is "We have Another Major Casualty of The Trump Administration!"

"Should Anyone Be Seriously Surprised by The Speakers Announcement, "Probably Not!" "Why," Because, "This is Clearly Not The Party of Former Presidents Abraham Lincoln, Theodore Roosevelt, Dwight D. Eisenhower, Ronald Reagan, or George H.R. Bush!" 

Nor, "Is It The Party of Senator Robert Dole (KS)," or "Congressman Jack Kemp (NY)!" 

Or, as "A Matter of Fact, "Is It The Party" of "Conservative TV Commentator, Columnist for The Washington Post, and Author, George Will," or "Conservative Author, Commentator, and Founder of The National Review Magazine, William F. Buckley!"

(Extra Noteworthy News- Speaker Ryan was Assured by The White House that President Trump Will Not Fire Investigators Overseeing The Russian Probe)

And, These are "The Changing Sign of The Times," that are "Flowing on The Winds of The Environmental-Ecosystems," and "The Tides of The Conditioned Realities," that "Our Neighborhood's, Town's, Villages, Cities, States, and Nations" are "Being Submerged in," as "Life and Death Experiences Take Place on A Daily Basis!" Some are Natural," and "Some are Deliberate and Intentional," and "Meant to Cause Harm and Distress to Someone!" All of Which is "Driving Home," Just "How Vulnerable We are!" And, "How The Necessary It is," for "A Broader Perspective to Emerge and Infuse Itself in Our Lives!" 

"A Broader Perspective that Empowers, Educates, Nourishes," and "Gives A Personal Meaning" to "A Grand Purpose in Our Lives," and "Our Communities," and "Sovereign Nations of The Earth!"
And, "The Great and Meaningful Significance of Accepting" Just "How Important It is To Live in Peace," and "Harmony with One Another!"

"Without A Broader Universal Perspective," and "Universal Purpose in Our Personal Lives," We Will Constantly Find Ourselves Manipulated," and "Caught up In Yet Another Correction," with "Our Global Economies Destabilized," and "Our Concerns for Our Social Security Continuously Unnerved and Plagued by Political Administrations," whose "Loyalties are More In Step with Their Lobbyists," or "Partisan Politics," and/or "Their Financial Supporters," and "Campaigning on False Rhetoric and Isolationist Policies in Political Campaigns," While "Using Authoritarian Tendencies, Impulses, and Biases," to "Circumvent The Law Of The Land to Gain Supremacy for Their Programs," and/or "Self Image," at "The Expense Of A Government Of The People, By The People, and For The People!"    

  "History has Revealed The Futility and Senselessness of Nations" who "Pursued Overly Aggressive, Oppressive, Vicious, Segregated, and Authoritarian Rule Over It's People," only "Ended Up Causing Death and Destruction!" And, Senselessly So Much Tragedy Existed At The Expense Of The Lives of Their Own People," "Irregardless of The Persecution and Strife It Caused!" 
And, "In The End," It always Took "A United Stand by "A Grand Coalition of Nations to Prevent The Leaders of These Nations," from "Achieving Their Illusions of Ruling The Earth,"at "The Exclusion of Ten's of Millions of People," without "Care of How Many of Their Own People," They "Used in Their Evil Plans and Strategies!"

And, "It Will Take A Grand Coalition of The Earths Nations and Its Leaders" to "Advance A Universal Perspective," Coupled with "A Grand Purpose," in Which "A Universal Correction of The Global Economy and Our Global Communities," Can Bring about A Positive Change in The Lives of All The People," and "Have A Positive Influence on The International and Domestic Affairs Of The Earths Community Of Nations," to "See The Earth and Its People" from "A Broader View Point!" 

However, "For This to Occur and Become A Reality" It Will Take "A Nexus of Women and Men" who have "Been Inspired by," A Thought Process of The Grand Cosmos," and Compassion For Their Fellow Human Being," and "Knowing," by "Their Own Innate Sense of What's Right from Wrong," and "What Needs to Be Corrected and Cared for Out of Abject Poverty, Disease, and Famine" that "They have Seen in Their Travels All Across This Earth of Ours," "They have Selflessly Volunteered to Bring Forth An Abundance of Resources and Services For The Grand Purpose of Assisting All who are In Need and Destitute," and "Empowering, Educating and Enlightening All The People Of The Earth who are Disenfranchised!" 

And, "Let Us Agree that "This is A Wide Demographic," that "Must Not Be Left Behind and Ignored," If We are to Truly have "A Universal Correction," that is "Clearly Manifested in" and "Made Evident by The Idea's, Thoughts, Words, and Actions" of "All who Truly Wish to Make A Change," For "The Betterment of All The People Of The Earth!" 

"A Universal Correction," that (1) "Embraces A Cosmic Perspective of Universal Proportions," and (2) "That Embraces A Highly Developed Depth of Perception," and (3) "A Cognitive Sense of Awareness of The Boundless Creation of The Grand Universe that Extends Beyond the Geographical Dimensions of This Planet Earth," that Needs to "Be Acknowledged and Brought Forth to Induce and Inspire Nations," who have "Warred and Engaged in Regional and Domestic Conflicts for Decades," So that "They See The Earth," and "See The Truth," and "Reality of The Earths Populace," and "What Lies Beyond The Geographical Dimensions of The Earth," from "This Position of Vulnerability," and "Cosmic Entirety!" 

And, "The Fact" that "We Must For The Sake of Our Present and Future Generations Unite" as "One Sovereign People of The Earths Community of Sovereign Nations!" 

"There are No Immigrants Here!" We are All Inter-Related!" We are "All One People of This Planet Earth!" And, "Let's Share This Experience In Peace," and "A Shared Prosperity," that "Provides For The Social Security and Welfare Of All The People Of The Earth In Peace!"

In This Time/Space Reality, "There is No Need For Nuclear Proliferation!" And, "There is No Need to Conduct Chemical Warfare!" And, "Syndicates of Criminals, Terrorists, Rapists, Kidnappers, Torturers, Pedophiles, Sex Traffickers, Drug Lords, Street Gangs, Money Launderers, Government Corruption, and Dictator's," "No Longer Exists!"

"Why," Because, "The Overriding Factor to Everyone's Existence Will Be, Too Enjoy Their Lives," to "Whatever The Fullest Extent is," "Without Doing Harm to Anyone, Too Achieve, Too Explore, or Too Utilize All One Hundred Percent of One's Being!" 

And, "To Enjoy The Accomplishments," and "Pursuit of New Technologies, and Sciences," and "Opportunities to Work in Fields of Employment that Empower The Human Experience," and "Improve Familial Relationships," and "Education of The Youth of The Earth," and "Comprehend The Inner Cosmos of The Spiritual, Soulful, Mental, Intellectual, Emotional and Physical Being!" 

And, "To Experience Public Service," and "Learn about The Overall Environmental and Ecosystem of This Planet Earth," and "How We Can Contribute to It," and "Make Improvements In Its Care!"

"The Hungarian Elections" are Unfortunately Not A Resemblance of This Time/Reality!" And, "Prime Minister Viktor Orban and His Fidesz Party's Victory Can Be Attributed," to "Using The Misfortune of Families and Individuals" who are "Seeking Refuge" from "War and Syndicates of Terrorists, Torturers, Kidnappers, and Rapists," Who have "Committed Crimes Against Humanity," and have "Resorted to Instilling Resentment Against Migrants," to "Accomplish Their Goal," Which was, "To Win at All Costs," even "If It Meant Maligning Those of Us Who are Less Fortunate," Due to The Ongoing Wars in The Middle East, "Instead of Instituting Governmental Reforms" that "Would Improve The Quality of Life of Hungarians," and "Guaranteeing that The Rights and Freedoms of All The People," are "Considered Sacrosanct, Respected, and Inviolable!"

On Monday, The Ninth of April 2018, "The Head of The Monitoring Mission for The Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE), Douglas Wake" said "at A Briefing in Budapest," about The Election Campaign, "Rhetoric was quite hostile and xenophobic and that's a fact which we find regrettable in an electoral context."

"To Counter The Results of Hungary's Election," and "Curb The Appeal of Far Right-Isolationist Movements, One-Rule Party, and One-Man Rule Forms of Government," "Seasoned Diplomats, Voices of Reason, Religious Leaders, Peacemakers, and Leaders of The EU, NATO, and The Earths Coalition of Civilized Nations, "Come Forth and Must Speak Out" about "The Creation of A Positive Agenda For A Global Vision," that "The Earths Populace Can Believe in" and "Clearly Envision as Being A Future" that "Their Families and Global Communities Can Trust and Be Inspired by, and Admire!"

For Millennias, "The Earths Populace has Been Held Back" or "Held Down" from "Taking A Quantum Leap in Their Lives by "A Conditioned Reality," that "Limited Them and Impeded Them within A World of Insufficient Education and Knowledge of The Existence of Who We are, and The Limitless Potential of The Human Race!" 

To say, The Earths Populace has Been Limited by," and "Immersed in A Web of Daily Activities," that have "Excluded Them from Attaining, or Fully Partaking in The Political, Sociological, Economical, Institutional, and Religious Advantages," Would Be An Understatement!" 
And, To say that "The Earth's Populace" has "Been Deluded, Deceived, and Hoodwinked," "From Enjoying The Tenets and Programs," that were "Initially Created and Established" to "Enhance Their Quality of Life," and "Exist For The Benefit Of All The People," "Would Be An Understatement!"

And then, To Add to This, To say that "By Limiting Our Conscious Awareness of The Cognitive Equation of Our Experience and Existence on Earth," and "By Manipulating Our Perspectives to The Degree," that "We have Ignored and Taken for Granted The Vast Multidimensional  State of Being of The Grand Universe," and "It's Limitless and Boundless Proportions," that "We are A Minuscule Part of," Would also "Be True," and "Not An Understatement!"

"The Earths Populace" has "Seen The Magnificent Photos of Space," as well as "Photos of The Earth from The International Space Station," and "It Clearly Magnifies The Reality of Our Planet Earth," and "There are "No Boundaries in Between Nations!" 

And "It Shows The Sea's, Lands, Atmosphere, and Space that Surrounds The Earth," Magnificently on Display, "One Planet among Billions," and "It is Clear that "We are The People of This Planet Earth," and that "This Planet Earth is Our Home," and "It Makes Absolute Sense from This Universal Perspective," that "We The People of The Earths Community of Nations Should Be United as One," in "Caring For Our Planet Earth," and "In Respect of The Lives of Our Fellow Human Being," Irregardless of Gender, Ethnicity, Color, Nationality, Age, or Tribe!" This is "The Universal Correction of Thought and Perspective," that "All The People Of The Earth Must Come to Realize, Fully," If, "One and All" are "To Take A Quantum Leap in Their Lives!"

And then, at Last, "The Truth" of  who "We are As A People Can Be Fully Realized!"

And then, "We As A People Can Comprehend, Fully," "Those who Would Divide Us, and Separate Us For Their Own Self Profit, Hubris, Lust of Power, and Greed!"

And then, "We As A People Can See Ourselves, Fully," as "A Microcosmic Part of "The Vast Number of Galaxies," and "Luminous Bodies within The Grand Universe!"

And, from "This Universal Perspective, We The People Can Clearly Comprehend The Significance Of Caring For Our Planet Earth," and "Being The Conservators and Protectors of Our Planet Earth!"

And that, "This is Our Home! "There are Zero Degrees of Separation in Between One and All!" And, "To Take A Life in Vain Is Truly Unconscionable!"

And, "No One Should Be Homeless!" "We are One and All a Part of The Diverse Fabric and Tapestry of This Planet Earth!" And, "The Lives of All Sentient Beings" are "In Our Care!"

"Yes, "This is The Time For A Grand Correction," and "A New Universal Perspective," and "We The People Must Embrace It," and "Share It with Each Other" So that "We Can Fulfill Our Destiny As A People!" And, So that "Our Children Can Fulfill Their Destiny's," and So that "Our Elders Can Look Back on Their Lives with Pride," and So that "Our Families Can Evolve As A United Sovereign Free People Of The Earth," Reaching Out to The Grand Universe," As Pioneer's, Peacemakers, Voices of Reason, Diplomats, Protector's, and Visionaries Of The Earth," But, with "Our Feet Firmly and Squarely on The Earth!"        

-Extra Noteworthy News-
"You Can See The Proof" that There is "A Diplomatic, and Political Correction Being Conducted by The Civilized Nations of The Earth" Who have "Recognized The Aggressive and Bullying Tactics Of Russia Can Not Be Allowed to Continue without Implementing Stronger Sanctions" and also by "Displaying A Unity in Purpose" to "Voice Public Disapproval of Russian Policies and Attempts to Interfere with The Sovereignty of The Nations of The Global Community and Its Citizens!"

"The Recent Poisoning of Sergei Skripal and His Daughter Yulia, in The U.K. Coupled" with "The Unconscionable Tactics Used to Interfere in The 2016 U.S. Election," have "Caused More than Twenty Nations to Expel More that One Hundred Russian Diplomats" and "Sanctions have Been Placed Bank Accounts," and also on "Properties Owned by Russian Oligarchs!"

Friday, The Sixth of April 2018 The U.S. Department of Treasury's Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC) in Consultation with The Department of State, "Designated Seventeen Senior Russian Government Officials," a State Owned Russian Weapon's Trading Company and It's Subsidiary, a Russian Bank, and "Seven of The Richest Men and Industrialists in Russia," who "Keep Their Money in Bank Accounts in New York, Miami and London!"

Last Year "The U.S. Congress Voted Near Unanimously to Impose New Legislation Against Russia!" The "Countering America's Adversaries Through Sanctions Act" (CAATSA), was Passed in The U.S. Senate by Ninety-Eight to Two," and "In The U.S. House of Representatives by "Four Hundred and Nineteen to Three!" "Making It Absolutely Veto Proof!"And, "We are Finally Seeing The Results of It," and "It has Been A Long Time Coming!"

(Note that Today's Actions Are Pursuant to Authority Provided under Executive Order 13661, 13662 and 13582)

"This Action freezes the oligarchs asset's and prevents any American entities or individuals from doing business with them or their business operations. It also restricts foreign individuals from facilitating transactions on their behalf."   

And,"The Concerted Effort by The EU, NATO, The U.S. and U.K. are also "A Welcomed Sign of The Times," and "Now, It is Up to Russia," to "Cease Its Cold War (KGB/KSB) Efforts," to "Undermine via Cyber Hacking or Misinformation Campaigns," or by "Acting In An Aggressive, Subversive, or Militaristic Capacity" to "Threaten The Earth's Community of Sovereign Nations!" 

Global Cross Media News Reports are "Both The U.S. Congress and British Parliament" are "Discussing The Creation of New Legislation," that "Would Require The Ownership of Property and Companies to Be Disclosed!" This Would Be "A Direct Way to Track The Business Transactions of Russian Oligarchs!" And, also "To Prevent Them from Avoiding Sanctions!"

On Friday, The Sixth of April 2018 U.S. Secretary of The Treasury Steven Mnuchin said, "The Russian Government operates for the disproportionate benefit of the Oligarchs and Government Elites. And, Secretary Mnuchin also said "The Russian Government engages in a range of malign activity around the world, including continuing to occupy Crimea and instigate violence in eastern Ukraine, supplying the Assad regime with material and weaponry as they bomb their own civilians, attempting to subvert Western democracies, and malicious cyber activities. Russian Oligarchs and Elites who profit from this corrupt system will no longer be insulated from the consequences of their governments destabilizing activities."        

"Russia is A One-Man-Rule Form of Government" and "These Sanctions are "A Clear and Direct Way To Communicate with President Putin," by "Targeting His Inner Circle of Oligarchs" who have "Benefited Greatly from Their Association with Him," While, "The Russian People are Excluded from These Global Benefits" and "Riches!" 

Among Those who've Been Sanctioned is (1) Vladimir Bogdanov, A Executive of Surgutneftegaz, A Russian Oil Company, (2) Oleg V. Deripaska, A Oligarch, Owner of B-Finance Ltd., EN+ Group a Leading International Vertically Integrated Aluminum and Power Producer in Jersey, and Owner of Basic Element Limited, and EuroSibEnergo, One of The Largest Independent Power Companies in Russia. He has also Been Accused of Threatening the Lives of Business Rivals, Illegally Wiretapping a Government Official, Extortion and Racketeering, and Allegations that He Bribed a Government Official, Ordered the Murder of A Businessman, Been Investigated for Money Laundering, and has had Ties with a Russian Organized Crime Group, and, once had Close Relations with Paul Manafort, President Trump's Former Campaign Chairman, (3) (Schliemann Kerimov, is A Member of The Russian Federation Council, and is Alleged to have Brought Hundreds of Millions of Euros in to France, Transporting as much as Twenty Million Euros at a time in Suitcases, in addition to Conducting Conventional Funds Transfers, without reporting to French Tax Authorities, and He allegedly launders the funds through Purchase of the Villas, and is Being Accused of Not Paying Four Hundred Million Euros in Taxes Related to the Villas,  (4) Igor Ratbag, Oil and Gas Executive, Owns Seventy-Nine Percent of Gazprom Burenie, A Russian Oil and Gas Drilling Company, (5) Kirill Shamalov, An Energy Sector Executive, who Married Katerina Tikhonova, President Putin's Daughter, (6) Andrei Skoch, A Deputy of The Russian Federation's State Duma,  and has Ties with Russia's Organized Criminal Groups, (7) Viktor Vekselberg, Founder and Chairman of A Russian Investment Firm, The Renova Group.

In Light of "These New Sanctions," and "All of The Negative Atmosphere Surrounding Diplomatic Relations with Russia," One Would Surmise that "President Putin's Invitation Made by President Trump," to "Meet in The White House" has "Been Rescinded!"

And, "There Should Be Absolutely No Doubt" as to "The Necessity and Validation for Robert Mueller and His Team of Attorney's Continued Investigation in Russian Interference in The 2016 U.S. Election!" "There is Too Much Information" that "Still Needs to Be Gleaned from These Investigations" that "The American People Need to Know about" and "Discover!" And, "There is Too Much to Turn Away from Now," that "History Will Record for Posterity!"    

(Note that Sixty U.S. Diplomats have Been Expelled from Russian" in "This New Phase of Thrust and Parry Policy Making Being Conducted in Both Trade" (With The U.S. and China) and "Diplomacy" (Between The U.S., U.K. EU, NATO on One Side of This Destabilizing Equation of Global Affairs, and Russia on The Other!)

(Russian President Putin Continues to Deny Having Any Part in The Poisoning of Sergei Skripal and His Daughter, or Interfering win The U.S. 2016 Election)

And, "In This Time/Space Reality of Cyber Attacks," Compounded by "So Many Regional Conflicts and Wars," that "Demand The Need For All of The U.S. Intelligence Agencies to Be Operating at Their Full Potential," and with "The Absolute Support of The Trump Administration," "President Trump's New Attacks Against Special Counsel Robert Mueller Simply Do Not Make Any Sense!" "You Would Think "The President Would Prefer to Cooperate," Not Agitate The Mueller Team," and "Assist Them in Completing Their Investigation of Russian Interference in The 2016 U.S. Election as soon as Possible!"

"The President's Tweets" The Weekend of April 1st, "Calling The Investigation, "A Witch Hunt," is "Not Helpful in Clarifying The Significance of These Investigations!"

"Two Recent Quotes Made by Republicans Make Sense," (1) Representative Trey Gowdy, Chairman of The House Oversight and Government Reform Committee (R-SC) said "In An Interview on CNN" Wednesday, The Fourth of April 2018, "I do think he should sit down, sit down with special counsel Mueller"...." If you have nothing to hide, sit down----assuming a fair prosecutor, assuming a fair prosecutor, and I think Mueller is----sit down and tell him what you know," and  (2) On Sunday, The Eighteenth of March 2018, When Senator Lindsey Graham (R-SC) was Asked by CNN's Jake Tapper, Anchor of State of the Union, "Are you worried that the President is preparing to order the firing of Mueller, it sure looks that way because of his tweets, To Which Senator Graham replied, "As I said before, if he tried to do that, that would be the beginning of the end of his presidency, because we're a rule of law nation."

On Tuesday, The Tenth of April 2018, The New York Times Editorial Board Published "An In Depth and Candid Opinion Statement about President Trump Entitled; "The Law is coming Mr. Trump" and is "A Detailed Perspective of Several of His Former Administrative Officials,"  "The Recent Raid of His Personal Lawyer by Federal Agents, His Behavioral Pattern, Working Relationships," and "a Brief Look at President Trump's Business Associates," Plus "A Chronology of President Trump's Presidency 'Til Present!" It's "An Extremely Serious Editorial Board Perspective" of "How Mr. Trump has Conducted His Presidency and His Life," "Through The Eyes of The Editor, Board, and Publisher of The New York Times!" Here is a segment from It! 
"Mr. Trump has spent his career in the company of developers and celebrities, and also of grifters, cons, sharks, goons, and crooks. He cuts corners, he lies, he cheats, he brags about it, and for the most part, he's gotten away with it, protected by the threat of litigation, hush money, and his own bravado. Those methods may be proving to have their limits when they are applied from the Oval Office. Though Republican leaders in Congress still keep a cowardly silence, Mr. Trump now has real reason to be afraid. A raid on a lawyer's office doesn't happen everyday; it means that multiple government officials, and a federal judge, had reason to believe they'd find evidence of a crime there, and that they didn't trust the lawyer not to destroy that evidence." 

"It Makes Sense for Special Counsel Mueller's Team of Attorney's" to Create Three Reports; (1) Concerning The Trump Campaign Team's Actions and Connections with Russia, and 
(2) Donald Trump's Connections with Russian Officials, Banks, Business Contacts, and Oligarchs, "Before and Leading Up to The Election Campaigns," and (3) A Third Report Concerning President Trump's Attitude and Behavior since Becoming President, "Especially Whenever It Concerns The Russian Investigations!" 

And, "The Reason Why," This All Makes Sense is Because, "Every Action or Transaction" that has Occurred Fit's Indirectly or Directly Under The Broad Umbrella of The Russian Investigations," Whether It is Either, (1) "The Trump Organization," Before and Leading up to When The Election Campaign Began, (2) "The Trump Election Campaign Team," (3) Russian Interference, and (4) "President Trump" and "Several Member's of The Trump Administration and Their Connections with Russian Officials and Contacts." 

"The President Needs Disclosure in Absolute Clarity," about "All of The Details of His Business, Financial, and Campaign Affairs," If, "He is To Get Beyond The Ongoing Suspicion" that "There May have Been Collusion," or "Obstruction of Justice!"

And, "The American People have A Right to Know The Truth," and "Nothing But The Truth" about "All The Circumstances Leading up to," and "Swirling Around Russia's Interference in The 2016 Elections!" 
And, Mrs. Clinton also "Deserves to Know!" Not Just Because, "She was on The Loosing End The Electoral Vote/Election," (Of Which She Won The Popular Vote by almost Three Million Votes), But, "Because of All The Circumstances" Surrounding "How She Lost The Election!"

In The 2018 Mid-Term, and 2020 Elections, "It Will Be of Great Importance" to "Vet All The Candidates, and Their Influences Objectively, Cognitively, and Justly," and "Clearly in Line with The Law of The Land," and "As Conservators and Protectors of The Environment and Ecology of The Earth, and Its Sentient Life Forms," and "Respect For The Lives All The People who Make up The Diverse Tapestry and Fabric Of The People, Irregardless of Gender, Creed, Nationality, Age, Ethnicity, Tribe, or Color," and "The Global Coalition of Allies" who "Comprise The Global Community of Civilized Nations of The Earth," and "The Lives of Our Fellow Human Beings," and "The Luminous Bodies and Galaxies of The Grand Universe!"

And, "Let Us always Remember" that "The Lives of Our Present and Future Generations" are "Dependent upon The Choices, The Actions, The Idea's, and The Thoughts, "We Make Now!"

-Extra Noteworthy News-
The Saying "Actions Speak Louder than Words Speaks Volumes" when "One is Faced with An Overwhelming Negative Reaction by Governments Of The Earth's Coalition of Nations, and The Global Hi-Tech and Social Media Communities!" And, "Violated The Trust of Your Family of Global Clients!" Such is "The Place that Facebook CEO and Co-Founder Mark Zuckerberg Finds Himself in!"

However, "If Mr. Zuckerberg's Statement" in "Advance of Testifying Before A Joint Hearing of The Senate Judiciary and Commerce Committees on Tuesday, The Tenth of April 2018," and "The House Energy and Commerce Committee on Wednesday, The Eleventh of April 2018," Is "An Honest and Truthful Expression of His Feelings, Thoughts, Idea's, and Determination to Make up for The Mistakes Facebook Made by Entering into An Agreement with Cambridge Analytica" that "Allowed Them to Improperly Use The Personal Data of Eighty-Seven Million People (Last Reported), and The Scandal that Resulted from It, "Then There is Hope For The Future and Conscience, Soul, Spirit, and Cognitive Awareness of The Social Media Hi-Tech Industry!"

Here is a Segment of Mr. Zuckerberg's Statement "It is clear now that we didn't do enough to prevent these tool's from being used for harm as well. "That goes for fake news, and foreign interference in elections, and hate speech, as well as developers, and data privacy. We didn't take broad enough view of our responsibility and that was a big mistake. It was my mistake, and I'm sorry. I started Facebook, I run it, and I'm responsible for what happens here."

"If One is to Judge Whether or Not Mr. Zuckerberg's Testimonies" have "Succeeded in Convincing and Reassuring Facebook's Investors by It's Stock Performances," Then The Answer is "Yes!" 

"FB Stock Increased by Seventeen Billion Dollars over The Two Day's of Testifying," that "Comprised of Eleven Hours of Testimony!" 

However, In Regards to The Senate and House Committee Member's, "We Will have to Wait and See" If They Decide to "Advise Congress to Draft New Regulations and Fines to Be Placed on Facebook," and "The Internet in General!"

"A Wise Approach Would Be" to have "Lawmakers and Unbiased Internet/Social Media Professionals" "Enter into A Dialogue," that "Advances The Interests of The World of Social Media," "In Equilibre with An Ethical and Open Format," that "Embraces The Universe of Internet and Social Media Users," that "Would Be of Profit to One and All without Sacrificing The Interdependency and Entrepreneurialism of Global Information and Communication Industry," and "Nexus Of The People, By The People and For The People!"

In The Meantime, "Let's See If Mr. Zuckerberg's Future Actions" are "In Concert with His Apology," and "Intentions to Make A Better Universe For The World and Experience of Social Media," and "Facebook" to "Exist within!"        

-Extra Noteworthy News-
"Another Guilty Verdict Can Be Accorded" to "The Ongoing Fact Finding Russian Investigations!"

"Thirty-Three Year Old Dutch Attorney "Alex van der Zwann" has "Been Convicted on Charges" of  "Lying to investigators about contacts with Ex-Trump Aide Rick Gates,"  and "Sentenced to Thirty Days in Prison," on Tuesday, The Third of April 2018! Plus "A Twenty-Thousand Dollar Fine," and "Two Months of Supervised Release!" 

Mr. Van der Zwann was "Accused of Lying and Knowingly" making false statements to investigators." and "Deleted and otherwise did not produce emails sought by the special counsel's office," in regards to a "Report about Yulia Tymoshenko, a Ukrainian Prime Minister," who was "Imprisoned in 2011, Over A Gas Deal with Russia," that Prime Minister Tymoshenko "Claimed was Politically Motivated!"  

Mr. Van der Zwann's Former Law Firm "Skadden, Arps, Slate, Meagher, and Flom, Worked on The Report" for "The Government of Ukrainian President Viktor Yanukovych," via Paul Manafort, in 2012!

"This Report Supported The Reasons Why Prime Minister Tymoshenko was Convicted and Imprisoned," and Mr. Van der Zwaan "Worked on The Report," and also was "A Rule-of-Law Consultant with The Ukrainian Ministry of Justice of Ukraine!"
(Note that Former Prime Minister Tymoshenko was The Political Rival of President Yanukovych!" 

Global Cross Media News Reports are Mr. Van der Zwann Reached "A Plea Deal" in February of 2018!

Extra Noteworthy Notes of Interest are; (1) Mr. Van der Zwann is the Nineteenth Person to Be Charged by Special Counsel Mueller, (2) He is the Son-in Law of One of The Richest Men in Russia, Billionaire German Khan, who Controls One of The Most Impressive Investment Groups, "Alfa Group," and also One of The Largest Non-State Owned Banks in Russia, "Alfa Bank," which He Co-Founded, and  (3) Mr. Van der Zwann Now, has "The Notoriety," He No Doubt Regrets, of "Being The First Person to Be Imprisoned" as "A Part of The Federal Bureau of Investigation's Inquiry" into "Collusion between Donald Trump's Campaign Team and Russia!" Which is "A Distinction I' Sure He Would Prefer Not to Have," When "You Consider How Serious The Significance of These Alleged Charges and Indictments Truly are," and "Each Step or Conviction," However Minute, is "A Step Closer to Unraveling The Overall Domestic and Foreign Operation" that was "Involved in This Violation and Abuse of The Constitution," and "The Illegal Interference in The 2016 Presidential Election!"

"Mr.Van der Zwann Read a Brief Statement to Federal Judge Amy Berman Jackson," that "What I did was wrong," and I apologize to the court for my conduct, and I apologize to my wife and family."

Prosecutor Andrew Weissmann said "This is not an isolated incident of simply making one bad decision," Mr. Van der Zwann, "Demonstrated a moral compass that was off-kilter." And, "Especially since he was a lawyer" who "Should know better!"

"It was Clear" that "This Case was Important to The Russian Investigation," Primarily, Because "It Illustrated to Other Person's of Interest" that "You Can Not Lie to An FBI Investigator and Hope to Get away with It," without "Paying A Distinct Price for It!"

Global Cross Media News Reports are Judge Berman Jackson said, "Before She Delivered His Sentence," This is not something that happened to him. This is something he did." Judge Jackson also Added, "He put his personal interest ahead of the interests of  justice."     

"Skadden, Arps, Slate, Meagher, and Flom," Who also "Worked with Former Trump Campaign Chairman Paul Manafort," and "His Close Associate Rick Gates," When They were "Both Acting as Political Consultants in Ukraine," "Fired Mr. Van der Zwann in 2017," and are "Cooperating with Special Counsel Mueller!"

There Appears to Be "A Distinct Parallel Landscape" that "Extends from The U.S. to Ukraine and Russia, and Back to The United States," that has "Direct or Indirect Connections to It," All of Which "Came Together During The 2016 Election Campaign for President of The United States!" 

And, Let's All Agree that, This is Most Certainly "Not A Witch Hunt," by "Any Means!" 

Why,  Because, "This Direct or Indirect Connection of Individuals Appear to have had One Purpose in Mind," Which was "To Interfere and Disrupt The Political and Electoral Process of The 2016 Elections," and "Profit by It" at "Any Means!" 

And, "Special Counsel Mueller's Russian Investigation have Shown Us" that "There are Some Individuals who were Connected to The Trump Campaign," who "Chose to Lie to Investigators about Some of Their Actions," that "Circumvented The Truth," or "Chose Not to Admit to All The Truth," and "The Root of All of These Connections is Still What Lies Ahead," Which is, "Why The Russian Investigations," and Their Ongoing Configurations, are "So Important!" To "Root Out All The Lies from The Truth," and "Nothing Less is Paramount to The Democracy and Republic of The United States of America," and "All It Symbolizes and Signifies to We The People," and "All The Peoples and Nations Of The Earth!"

And, "Russia's Interference in The 2016 U.S. Election Must Not Be Repeated!" 

"Let's One and All Agree without Hesitation" that "Russia's Interference in The 2016 U.S. Election was "A Blatant Violation of The Constitution of The United States of America," and "The Right of The American People to Elect The Candidate Of Their Own Choice," Who was "To Become The Next President of The United States!" 

And, "Our Generation and Future Generations" are "Dependent upon This Violation of A Sovereign Nation," to "Never Happen Again!"

"Our Families, Our Children and Grandchildren," and "The Future's of The Youth of America, and The Youth of The Earth," are "Dependent upon This Ever Happening Again," and "Wherever Elections are Being Held!"

There is Quite Simply "Too Much at Stake," "Liberty and Justice, Freedom and The Truth, The Importance of The Right to Vote, Religious and Spiritual Freedom, Gender and Racial Equality, Opportunity, Trust, and Peace," are "All Dependent on This Never Happening Again!" And, "The Overall Meaning and Significance of Justice Must Prevail" Must Be "Forever Inscribed in Our Lives," Whenever, "Injustice Attempts to Attack and Destroy Our Liberties, Principles and Laws of The Land!"

"This Year in The United States," "There are Mid-Term Elections," that "Must Not Be Illegally Interfered with Domestically," or by "Another Foreign Sovereign State!" 
And, "The 20/20 Elections Must Be Free" from "Any Illegal Foreign or Domestic Interference!" Again, Let Us One and All Agree" that There is Quite Simply "Too Much at Stake!"

-Extra Noteworthy News-
In A Sudden and Unexpected Move, On Monday, The Ninth of April 2018, The Federal Bureau of Investigation Agents in New York, "Conducted A Raid on The Office of President Trump's Personal Attorney Michael Cohen, and in The Room He has Been Staying in at New York's Loews Regency Hotel!"

"While The Raid May Not Be Directly Related to Robert Mueller's Russian Investigations," It is Obvious that Something Occurred that Led to This FBI Raid!"   

Mr. Cohen's Attorney has "Revealed that Thousands of Documents have Already Been Given to The FBI," that "May or May Not Pertain to Russia's Interference in The 2016 U.S. Elections!"

And, Global Cross Media News Reports are Mr. Cohen's Attorney had Been "Advised that "The Action is, in part, a referral by (Mueller)."  

However, "In Another Potentially Damaging Aspect of The 2016 Presidential Election Campaign, is "The Fact" that "Mr. Cohen Paid Stormy Daniels," A Former Adult Film Actress, "One Hundred Thirty Thousand Dollars" for "Not Revealing that She had An Affair that with Donald Trump in 2006," Just "Days Before The Election was to Take Place!" And, "This May or May Not Be A Campaign Violation!" 

(Note that "President Trump has Denied having had a Sexual Affair with Stormy Daniels!")

"When Questioned by A Reporter who was Traveling with The President Aboard Air Force One," on Thursday, The Fifth of April 2018, "If He was aware Cohen made the transfer back in October 2016, just week's before the election," The President Replied "No!" The President also said, "They will have to ask Michael, Michael Cohen is my Attorney. You'll have to ask Michael," if they wanted to know why Michael made the payment."

"One Complication" that "Will have to Be Addressed" is, "What Information Obtained from Mr. Cohen" Will Come under "Attorney-Client Privilege."

"The Importance is For Due Process of Law to Run Its Course!" And, "What Lies In The Best Interest of The Nation," Comes Before Any Person," or "Their Personal Interests!"

"There May Be Several Surprise that Lie Ahead in The Russian Investigations!" Special Counsel Mueller has "A Broad Mandate to Examine Russian Interference in The 2016 U.S. Elections!" And, "Other Indictments and Charges are Likely to Continue to Be Made," Such as Conspiracy and Money Laundering!"

And, "Criminal Charges of Collusion, Making False Statements, Perjury, Campaign Fraud, and Obstruction of Justice," are "All A Potential Possibility!"

What is "Most Important is For The Truth to Be Known," So that "The Grand Jury," and "The U.S. Congress Can Act in Accordance with The Law" to "Bring To Justice Those Who have Violated The Law!"

On Monday, The Ninth of April 2018 President Trump, While in The White House Discussing Syria, "Commented on The Raid of One of His Personal Attorney's Michael Cohen" saying, " So, I just heard that they (The FBI) broke into the office of one of my personal attorney's, a good man, and It's a disgraceful situation, it's a total witch hunt. I've been saying it for a long time. I've wanted to keep it down, we've given, I believe, over a million pages worth of documents to the special counsel. They continue to just go forward, and here we are talking about Syria, we're talking about a lot of serious things, with the greatest fighting force ever, and I have this witch hunt constantly going on for over twelve months now, and actually much more than that, you could say, it was right after I won the nomination, it started.
And, it's a disgrace, It's frankly a real disgrace. It's a, an an attack on our country, in a true sense. It's an attack on what we all stand for, So when I saw this, and when I heard it, I heard it like you did. I said that is really now a whole new level of unfairness." 
The President also said "They Found no collusion whatsoever with Russia, the reason they found it, was because, there was no collusion, no collusion." 

"The President Continued to Attack The FBI, The Democrats, Mrs. Clinton, Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein, and Attorney General Jeff Sessions!" And, "The President's Tweets" on Tuesday, The Tenth of April 2018 have "Continued to Reveal His Displeasure with The Federal Agent's Agents Raid" on "One of His Personal Attorney's Office and Room!"

"It is Unfortunate" that The President has "Taken The Raid upon Michael Cohen's Office and Room" as "A Personal Attack on Himself," and "The Country!"

"The Reason Why a Special Counsel was Appointed" was "Because Russia Interfered with the 2016 U.S. Elections!" And, That was "A Blatant and Illegal Attack Upon The Sovereignty Of The Nation!"  

And, "There were Quite a Few Contacts" between "Member's of The Trump Campaign" and "Russian Officials," who were "Offering Information" that "Would Be Detrimental to The Election Campaign of Mrs. Clinton for The Presidency of The United States," and "This Needs An Unbiased Clarification," which "Special Counsel Mueller is Providing For The Country!" 

And, "The Russian Investigations" have "Revealed New Revelations that have "Serious Connotations Attached to Them" "Revealing Other Potential Illegalities and Unlawful Behavior!"

And, It Appears that "Mr. Cohen has Come under Scrutiny of The Federal Investigation for Several Reasons; (1) The Possibility of Bank Fraud, (2) The Possibility of Wire Fraud and (3) The Possibility of Campaign Finance Violation. 

"This is a Legal Matter Not A Personal Attack" or "A Witch Hunt" as "The President has said and Twitted!" And, There is "No Disgrace" to "The Federal Bureau of Investigation" and "The Department of Justice" for "Doing Their Jobs Correctly!"

And, "There is No Unfairness to This," If "The Law is Broken, It is Broken!" And, "Can Be Challenged in A Court of Appeals," If "One Disagrees with The Decision!"

"Many Americans Felt" that "Firing Andrew McCabe, Former Deputy Director of The FBI," Just "Day's Before He was to Retire was Unfair!" 

However, "The Question" that is "Perplexing to Many Americans" and "Continues to Occur," over and over again is, "Why isn't The President"Complimenting The FBI and DOJ!"

And, "Why Attack Special Counsel Mueller for Doing His Job" in "A Respectable and An Unbiased Manner!" 

"The President has had Free Reign" to "Fire Quite a Few Member's of His Administration, However, "It Would Not Be Recommended to Him" to "Fire Special Counsel Mueller!" 

"The Appearance Alone," "Would Be Detrimental to Everything The United States Symbolizes to The Earth's Nations," and "Democratic Nations Worldwide!" 

And, By Its Appearance," "Would Appear to Be An Admittance of Guilt," and "An Obstruction of Justice" that "Could Not Be Condoned and/or Supported by The Nation" and/or Government of Elected Officials, Republican and Democrat Alike!"
"The Russian Investigations" are "Too Important to The Nation and The American People" to "Be Tampered with!"

"The American People are Fortunate that United States" is a "Rule of Law Nation!"And, "A Government" that is "Of The People, By The People and For The People," and "No One is Above The Law of The Land!" And, "The Nation is Fortunate" that The Founders Created "The U.S. Constitution" that "Remains A True Guide For We The People In Good Times, or In Times of Difficulty!"

(Note that; On Friday, The Thirteenth of April 2018 "President Trump Granted A Pardon to Scooter Libby! Scooter Libby was "Chief of Staff to Former Vice President Dick Cheney," and was "Convicted of Perjury and Obstruction of Justice in 2007," in "An Investigation Conducted by Special Counsel Patrick Fitzgerald," over "Who Leaked The Identity of Former CIA Officer Valerie Plame! Mr. Fitzgerald was, Interestingly Enough, "Named  by Former FBI Director James Comey," who was "Deputy Director at The Time!" What is also of Interest is "How The Cycle of Politics Continues to Re-Invent Itself" Through "Revisions, Pardons, Executive Orders," and "Even Through Legislation at Times!")

-Extra Noteworthy News-
On Monday, The Second of April, 2018 "The Kremlin Released News Reports that President Trump had Invited Russian President To Meet in Washington at The White House," As Unimaginable as This May Be, "Wise Counseling Would Be For Presidents Trump and Putin to Put Off Meeting," Especially, "During This Election Time Period in The U.S." 

"It Would Make Sense Politically," and "For The United Sates Internally," If "President Vladimir Putin Did Not Accept An Official or Unofficial State Visit to The U.S." 

"Common Sense Would Be to Wait" until "The Russian Investigations have Been Concluded," and "This Election Period is Over!"

And, "In Nations Where There are One-Man-Rule Forms of Government," "It has to Be Reasoned and Concluded," that "Whomever that Individual is," "They are "The One who is Responsible For Their Governments Policies and Actions!" And, that "Would have to Include Russian Interference with The 2016 U.S. Election," and "The Nerve Gas Attack on Sergei Skripal and His Daughter Yulia in The United Kingdom!"

And, President Putin's Foreign Policy Aid Yury Ushakov is Correct, When He Told Reporters in Moscow on Monday, "That some issues need to be resolved," Before A Meeting Can Be Arranged!"

Today, "In International and Domestic Affairs" There is "A Global Correction Taking Place!" And, "Sovereign Nations Can No Longer Abide" by "Cold War Rules!" 
And, "Russia Must Come to Accept This" Before "They Can Become," Once again "A Trusted Member of The Earths Community of Nations," with "A Welcome Mat Rolled Out to Welcome Them!"

Voices of Reason and Peacemakers of The Twentieth and Twenty-First Centuries, "Let Us Utilize The Grand Cloud of Information, and of Cognitive and Spiritual Awareness, and Communication," that is within "Our Own Control," to "Share Our Empirical and Academic Observations of The Truth," to "Every Corner of The Earth!"

And, "Let Us Utilize Every Non-Violent Tool We have at Our Disposal," to "Share The News of An Injustice Wherever It Occurs!" To Every Home, Village, Town, City, State, or Sovereign Nation," or "Wherever Seekers of The Truth May Be!"

And, "Let Us Continue" to Speak Out, March, Demonstrate, Vote, or Publish Our Idea's Of Change, Thoughts Of Change, and Words Of Change, "For The Express and Succinct Purpose" of "Sharing The Proof of False Propaganda," and "Sharing Our Objection of False Campaign Rhetoric," and "False Programs and Isolationist Policies, that have "No Intention of Improving The Quality of Life of Our Fellow Human Being," or "Our Families," or "Our Planet Earth!"

And, "Let Us within Our Hearts, Minds, Spirits and Souls "Continue to Find The Determination" and "The Soul Power," To "Make A Better World For Our Children!"

And, "Let Us Demonstrate to All The Leaders of The Earths Sovereign Nations," and "All The Lawmakers and Elected Officials," that "We The People are A Grand Soul Force to Be Reckoned with!"

And, "Let Us Agree" that "There is No Going Back to The Day's of Apartheid, Dictatorships, One-Man-Rule and One-Man-Party Forms of Governing!"

And, "Let Us Agree," that "We Must Bring A Non-Violent Change to All Who are Disenfranchised, and Living in Poverty, or Barely Making Ends Meet (As The Saying Goes)!"

And, "Let Us Agree" that "Poverty and Homelessness Must Be Eliminated!" And, "Safety and Security in Our Schools, Families, and Children's Lives Must Be A Priority," Before Any Group, Lobbyist, or Super PAC, Bottom Line, Profit Margin, or Stock," of "Any Private or Public Corporation, Industry, Political Party or Political Leader!"

And, "Let Us Continue" to "Be The Conservator's and Protectors of Our Earths Environment and Ecosystem," and "Unconditioned Free Thinkers of A Grand Nexus of Interdependent Voices of Reason and Peacemakers," of "A Grand Universal Correction" of "Our Sociological, Spiritual, Educational, Political, and Financial Affairs," and "Grand Purpose in Life," that has "Been A Long Time Coming!" 

For, This is The Way To Peace, and An Omnipresent, Omnipotent and Omniscient Age of Peace, Justice, Equilibre, Equality, Freedom, Innovation, Evolution, and Earthrise Vision Of, By and For The People!         

-Extra Noteworthy News-
"A Tragic Bus Crash Occurred in Canada," on Friday, The Seventh of April 2018 "Causing The Deaths of Fifteen People," and "Injuring Fourteen More!" "Three People" are in "Critical Condition!"

"The Bus was Transporting Members of The Humboldt Broncos Hockey Team," who were "Traveling to The Town of Nipawin," from "Humboldt," in The Province of Saskatchewan, to "Play in The Fifth Playoff Game out of Seven Against The Nipawin Hawks," when "The Tractor Trailer," Traveling West on Highway 335, "Collided with The Bus North of The Town of Tisdale!"

"The Driver of The Tractor Trailer was Uninjured," and "Is Not Being Held in Custody!"

"The Royal Canadian Mounted Police" (RCMP) are Investigating The Cause of The Accident!

"Humboldt Mayor Rob Muench Told Reporters at a News Conference on Saturday," The Eighth of April 2018, "This is a dark moment for our community, our province." And, He also said, "There is no playbook on what to do in cases like this."

We Extend Our Sincerest Heartfelt and Soulful Condolences to The Families of The Fifteen Persons who Died in This Tragic Bus Crash! And, To The Families, Friends, and The Community of Humboldt, and The Saskatchewan Province, We Mourn Your Loss with You!  

-Extra Noteworthy News-
"The Four Ohio Thirteen and Fourteen Year Old Teenagers" who were "Responsible for Dropping A Sandbag" Off of "A Freeway Overpass onto Interstate Seventy-Five in Toledo, Ohio,"on The Nineteenth of December 2017, in Which "Twenty-Two Year Old Marquis Byrd," who was "A Passenger in a Vehicle that was Struck by The Falling Sandbag," and was "Fatally Injured," have "Been Sentenced by Judge Denise Navarre Cubbon on Friday, The Sixth of April 2018! (Note that "The Driver of The Car was Uninjured!")

Mr. Byrd Died in The Hospital of Blunt-Force Trauma to His Head and Neck!"

"The Teenager who Dropped the Sandbag Pleaded Guilty to Murder," was "Sentenced to Spend The Remainder of His Teenage Years in The Department of Youth Services until He is Twenty-One!"

And, "The Other Three Teenagers, who "Pleaded Guilty to Involuntary Manslaughter,"  were "Sentenced to Three Years in The Department of Youth Services!"

However, Judge Cubbon "Suspended All Sentences" in Favor of "Sending All Four Thirteen and Fourteen Year Old Teenagers" to "Toledo's Lucas County Youth Treatment Center!"

"Judge Cubbon Explained Her Decision" by saying "It's a treatment facility, for services to provide so these boy's change their behavior and can become productive member's of our community."

Marquis Byrd was Father of a Two Year Old Boy, and was Planning to Marry His Son's Mother!"

Mr. Byrd's Mother Told The Judge "It breaks my heart over and over again knowing he (his son) will never really know who his Dad was. My Son was loved beyond measure, and I just want to say this has really torn my life a part." 

"All Four Teenagers Apologized to Mr. Byrd's Family in Court!"

(The Lucas County Prosecutor said, "Initially The Four Teenagers Pleaded Not Guilty to Murder and Vehicular Manslaughter!") 

(One of the Teenage Boys Read, from a Letter in Court, "I pray for him and his family every single day and night and I cannot imagine what you are going through and how they feel right now."    

One Can Not Imagine The Pain and Trauma A Family Goes Through When A Son or Daughter has Been Killed by A Senseless Act, or In Fact, Any Act of Violence!"

We Extend Our Sincerest Heartfelt and Soulful Condolences to Marquise Byrd's Family, and Friends, who Lost A Loved One Much Too Young for This To Happen!

-Extra Noteworthy News-
Saturday, The Seventh of April 2018 "A Man" (A Malevolent Coward) "Drove A Van into An Innocent Group of People Sitting in The Terrace Area of the Grosser Kiepnkerl Restaurant," A Popular Restaurant and Tourist Destination, in "The Old City Center of Munster, in Western Germany," Causing The Death's of at Least Three People," and "Injuring As Many as Thirty!"

"The Malicious Coward who Committed This Crime Shot and Killed Himself!"

Global Cross Media News Reports are "The Perpetrator is Believed to Be a German Citizen," who has had "a History of Mental Health Problems!" This is "An Ongoing Investigation" and "More Updates Will Be Reported as soon as Authorities Gain More Information!

 "Whether This is An Act of Terrorism or Not," or "Whether This Coward had Mental Health Issues or Not," One Does "Not have The Right to Take The Life of One's Fellow Human Being," "Sitting at A Restaurant on A Saturday Evening or Any Evening or Day of The Week," Because, of "Mental, Political, or Sociological Problems!"

And, Once Again, We Extend Our Sincerest Heartfelt and Soulful Condolences of The Families, Friends Who have Lost A Loved One Due to This Vicious Act of Violence!  And, Deepest Sympathies are with The Citizens of Munster and Germany! 

-Extra Noteworthy News- 
"It Appears as If "A Domestic Dispute" has "Resulted in Four People Being Shot at YouTube Headquarters in San Bruno, California," on Tuesday, The Third of April, 2018. "A Self- Inflicted Gun-Shot Wound Revealed" that "The Female Shooter, Nasim Najafi Aghdam, Who of last,  had Been Living in The San Diego Area,  "Ended up Taking Her Own Life!" 

Fortunately There were "No Other Fatalities" But, "At Least Four People were Taken to Area Hospitals!" 

Cross Media Reports are "A Male and Two Females" were "Taken to  Zuckerberg San Francisco General Hospital," Caused by Gun-Shots Wounds!" Of The Three, "A Male and One of The Two Females are in Critical Condition!"

"The FBI in San Francisco," and "The California Highway Patrol," and "The Bureau of Alcohol, Firearms, Tobacco, and Explosives are All Investigating the Scene of The Crime," and "The Circumstances Leading Up to" and "During The Shooting!" What is Known, is that "The Shooter Used a 9 mm Handgun!"

"The City of San Bruno is Near The San Francisco International Airport," South of The City of San Francisco, and "There are Approximately One Thousand Seven Hundred People Working at YouTube Campus!"

"New Updates Will Be Ongoing!" However, "Terrorism is Not Suspected to Be A Motive," at the Moment!

"The Questions" Why, "This Unconscionable Act of Gun Violence Occurred Will Eventually Be Answered," However, "Whatever The Reasons" are "There is No Honor" in "Attempting to Take An Innocent-Unsuspecting Life," in "A Private Place of Business, School, Church, Home, Night Club, In Concert Performance, Vacation Location, Airport, Car, Hotel Balcony, or Election Campaign Rally!" Or, Wherever Innocent People May Be!" 

It Must Be "Clearly Understood by Everyone," that "We are Living in The Twenty-First Century," and "If You have A Problem with Someone," "Sit Down with Someone You Trust," and "Discuss with Them Whatever The Problem is!" And, Remember that "Violence is Not The Answer, It only Causes More Pain, Trauma, Distress," and Tears of Sadness, Anger, Frustration," and "A Deep Sense of Loss For The Family and Friends of The Loved One" who has "Died Senselessly!"

-In Memoriam:
And, Once Again, We Send Our Sincerest Heart, Mind, Spirit and Soulful Condolences to All The Families, Friends, Colleagues, and Communities, Who have Lost A Loved One Due to The Cruelty of War!

And, We Extend Our Sincerest Heartfelt and Soulful Condolences to The Families, Friends, Neighbors, and Communities, Who have Lost A Loved One Due to Natural Causes and Natural Disasters!