Monday, April 2, 2018



The Way To Peace! #314

"Should We Look at Everything that has Occurred This Year," "As Being A Correction" that was "Bound to Happen!" "An Eventuality!"

"There Appears to Be Several Way's of Looking at This Present Day Concept of A Correction," for While One Clear Example of This Would Be; (1) "The Stock Market Correction" that "Resulted in A Crash Heard All Around The Earth," such as "The One that Occurred on The Eighth of February, 2018 that Saw The Markets Crash and Burn by More than Ten Percent," Then We have on A More Universal Basis, (2) "The Present Day Version of The Suffragettes Movement," Re-Incarnated into The "Me Too" and "Times Up" Movements, and "The In Public Outing of Sexual Predators from Governments, Institutions, Corporations, and Althroughout The Previously Untouchable Realms of Private, Religious, Government, and Public Sectors! 

And, then (3) When "You Add in The Youth Movement Demonstrating for Stronger Gun Control Laws and Regulations, and Increased Safety in Schools," and (4) The Fact that "The American People have Demanded that Their Elected Officials Do Something about Gun- Violence in The United States" Other than "Just Talk about It, and Procrastinate about It," and "Then Do Nothing Because of Their Fear of The NRA!" 

However, (5) "The Fact" that "Six States, California, Connecticut, Indiana, Oregon, Rhode Island, and Washington," have "Begun To Make A Correction to Stymie Gun-Violence by Becoming Red Flag States," and "Florida Governor Rick Scott Signed a New Gun Control Bill," on Friday, The Ninth of March 2018, and At Last Count "Lawmakers in Twelve Additional States and The District of Columbia," have "Proposed Similar Measures," and "The Banning of Bump Stocks by The Department of Justice," is "Another Example of A Broader and More Universal Correction that is Taking Place!" 

And then (6) As You See The United Kingdom, France, Germany, Italy, NATO, and In Total (at Last Count) One Hundred and Twenty Sovereign Nations Expelling Russian Officials Because of The Poisonous Attack upon Sergei Skripal and His Daughter Yulia, on British Soil with A Kremlin Nerve Agent, (and the Interference in The Electoral Process of Several Sovereign Nations, Including The U.S., and Russia's Support of Syrian Dictator President Bashar al-Assad, in The Seven Year Long Syrian War), "One Can Clearly Reason that "There is Most Definitely A Global Correction Taking Place" that "Gives Hope For An Emerging Global Equation" that "Embraces The Tenets, and Qualities of Equality, Peace, Freedom, Justice, and An End of One-Man Rule, and One-Party Rule Experimental Forms of Government, and Dictatorships," that "Can only Lead to Oppression Of The People, Control and Manipulation Of The People!" 

However, "The Overall Correction" Beyond that of The Stock Market, Trade Wars," and "Rising Tariffs," Can also "Lead to A Peacetime Economy that is Stabilized," and "All Inclusive," with "Global Leadership and Elected Officials" who "Truly Represent The Global Community of Diversity," that is "Reflected and Mirrored in The Fabric and Tapestry Of The People Of The Twenty-First Century!" 

"A Universal Correction Imbued with The Grand Purpose" of "There Being A Grand Equilibre" amongst "All The People and Nations Of The Earth," and "A Grand Opportunity to Eliminate Poverty and Homelessness," and "Syndicates of Malevolent Criminals, Corruption, Violence, Greed and Lust For Power!"

And, "Instead of Being A Negative-Reverse Movement," as "There is in The Stock Markets," "There Would Be A Positive-Evolutionary Movement," "A Multi-Dimensional Global Reality of The New Norm Of The Twenty-First Century," that "Would Soar On The Wings of The Phoenix of Peace," into "An Age of Space Exploration," and "New Opportunities to Achieve One's Goals, Dreams, and Visions in Life!"

And, "It Should Be Obvious to Anyone who is Streetwise or Earthwise," that "Drawing up A List of Tariffs to Place upon Chinese Products, as President Trump Announced Doing on Friday, The Twenty-Third of March 2018, Will only "Lead to Retaliation by China," and "More Reversals/Corrections to Occur in The Global Market Place!"

And, "This New Threat Of A Trade War with China" Will "Not Improve The Atmosphere of Global Markets," Nor "Will It Have a Positive Effect on Businesses in Either The United States and China!" 

"China's Retaliatory Move in This Thrust and Parry of Trade Exports," Released by "Its Finance Industry Dated The First of April 2018, has "Targeted One Hundred and Twenty-Eight U.S. Products," "Raising Export Tariffs Twenty-Five Percent to Match The U.S. Raise of Twenty-Five Percent on Steel and Aluminum!" "These Export Tariffs by Both Countries," Will "Result in The Loss of Billions of Dollars!"   

And, "President Trump's Decision" to "Place Unnecessary Pressure on U.S. Allies, Canada and Mexico," by Threatening" to "Stop NAFTA," and "No More DACA Deal," by "Threatening The Legal Status and Lives of Approximately Eight Hundred Thousand Children Living in The United States of America, Previously under The Protection of The Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals Immigration Policy," (that President Trump Rescinded in 2017), in "A Series of Tweets on Easter Day," and also "Placing Unnecessary and Illogical Pressure on Bi-Lateral Trade Negotiations with South Korea," (Before The Meeting with North Korea's Leader Chairman Kim Jong-Un is to Occur), Will "Not Gain The Respect of Regional and Global Trading Partner's of The United States!"  

"This is The Twenty-First Century" and "Whatever Trade Advantages One Nation has Over Another," Understandably, "Should Be Re-Evaluated and Renegotiated, But, "It is Not Necessary to Engage in Another Trade War," with "Great Fanfare or Fanfaronade!" 
"It Should Simply Be A Matter of Global Leaders," and "Designated Government Officials Doing Their Job, Diplomatically," and As The Saying Goes, "Taking Care Of Business!"

Yes, "A Universal Correction Must Take Place," For (1) "The Continued Evolution of The Global Culture," and (2) "The Overall Improvement of The Sociological Conditions and Goals Of The People," and (3) "For A Progressively Minded, and Advanced Global Financial System to Grow and Expand," into "A Reality and Vision of Unlimited Potentialities," and "New Innovations of An Earthwise and Streetwise Global Marketplace Of The People, By The People and For The People!"

-Extra Noteworthy News-
And, "Let's Hope that Chinese President Xi Jinping Provided North Korean Chairman Kim Jong-Un," (In An Unofficial Visit Together in Beijing During The Week of The Twenty-Fifth of March 2018)  with "Assurances" that "The Path of Denuclearization" and "Cooperation with All The Sovereign Nations Of The Earth" is "The Way To Peace!" And, that "This is A Commitment and Accord that is Worthwhile," and "Worth Making!"

(Note that On Wednesday, The Twenty-Eighth of March 2018 President Trump Tweeted "For years, and through many administrations, everyone said that peace and the denuclearization of the Korean Peninsula was not even a small possibility. Now there is a good chance that Kim Jong Un will do what is right for his people and for humanity. Look forward to our meeting!"

And, The President also Tweeted, "Received message last night from President Xi Jinping of China that his meeting with Kim Jong-Un went very well and that Kim looks forward to his meeting with me. In the meantime, and unfortunately, maximum sanctions and pressure must be maintained at all costs.")

And, "Take Note that "This is Chairman Kim Jong-Un's First Trip Outside of North Korea since Taking Power!"

And, Global Cross Media News Reports are " Chairman Kim "Confirmed he was willing to hold a summit with the U.S.
And, "He also Told President Xi" that "The issue of denuclearization of the Korean Peninsula can be resolved, if the United States and South Korea respond to our efforts with good will, create an atmosphere of peace and stability while taking progressive and synchronous measures for for the realization of peace."

Xinhua News Agency, the Official News Agency for The Peoples Republic of China, Reported "Chairman Kim Jong-Un's Visit began on Sunday, The Twenty-Fifth of March and Ended Wednesday, The Twenty-Eighth!"

To Say that Russia has "Earned The Displeasure of The EU and The United States Would Be An Understatement!" The Question is, "Will They Fully Comprehend The Entirety of What Their Actions have Caused!"

As Evidenced by The Coordinated Sanctions Imposed by Fifteen EU Nations, The UK, and The U.S. On Monday, The Twenty-Sixth of March 2018!

The United States Announced that For (1) It was Closing The Russian Consulate in Seattle, In Part Due to Its Close Proximity to A U.S. Submarine Base and Boeing Manufacturing Facility, (2) The Expelling of Twelve Russian Diplomats from Russia's Mission to The United Nations, and (3) Expelling Sixty Russians in Total!

And, The UK has Already Expelled Twenty-Three Russian Diplomats," and "Suspended High Level Diplomatic Contacts," and "At Least One Hundred and Fifty Diplomats" have "Been Expelled from Twenty-Five EU and Non-EU Nations," as of Tuesday, The Twenty-Seventh of March! 

"These Coordinated Sanctions Imposed by The UK, Italy, France, Germany and Several Other EU Nations," are "A Direct Response to The Poisoning of Sergei Skripal and His Daughter in The UK, on Sunday, The Fourth of March 2018!" 
"This Attack Upon Mr. Skripal and His Daughter" was "The Second of Its Kind Using a Kremlin Chemical Weapon in The UK!"

However, "The Question" is "Will Newly Re-Elected Russian President Putin (Ex-KGB Officer) Retaliate," of Course, and "He's Got His Now Infamous Black Book to Add New Names to," and of course, "More Military Exercises to Demonstrate Russia's Prowess," and "No Doubt Will Expel The Ambassadors and Diplomats from Nations" that have "Displayed Their Total Dissatisfaction with Russia's Meddling in Their Electoral Process," and "Russia's Involvement in Attacks Upon Anyone Deemed a Traitor!"

"It Would Be A Positive Step For The Russian Nation" to "Take a Quantum Leap Forward in This New Age of Globalization and Civilization," by "Giving up The Methods of Resolving Their Differences," and/or "Attempts to Win Back The Nations who Withdrew from The Soviet Union" by "Not Using Aggressive and Threatening Military Behavior," and by "Not Violating The Sovereignty of Each Foreign Nation!"

"Russia Must Embrace Its Role as An Influential World Leader Diplomatically" and "As A Global Trading Partner!" 

And "As One of The Five Permanent Member's of The UN Security Council Means They have An Important Role in Advancing Humanitarian and Environmental Agenda's in A Constructive Way," and "To Diplomatically Influence and Work with Its Allies to Enhance The Living Conditions of All The People of The Earth," and "To Mediate Wherever and Whenever Needed a Just Peace and Re-Construction of Nations whose Infrastructure and Culture has Been Ruined by War and Destruction," and "To Eliminate The Threat Posed by Dictator's, Rogue Nations, and Malevolent Syndicates of Criminals," who "Persist in Using Chemical Weapons, Torture, Rape, Terror and Kidnapping to Oppress Innocent People," and "Destroy Sacred Artifacts," and "Who Continue to Cause Criminal Acts Against All of Humanity!" 

"History Will Record Those Nations and Leaders who have Stood For All that Is Just and Righteous," and "As Visionaries For All The Earth's People as well as Their Own to Admire," along side with "Those Nations and Leaders" who have "Attempted to Impede Progress," and "Lived Solely to Gain Profit at The Expense of Their Own Nation" and "Their Fellow Human Being!"

And, "There is A Clear Certainty that, as The Song Say's 'The Times They Are A Changin,'  and "It is Up to President Putin" to "Decide on Which Side of The Global Equation of History, He Would Like to Be Remembered for!"

Friday, The Twenty-Third of March 2018 "President Trump Issued a New Order" In "A New Attempt to Ban Transgender Americans from Serving in The U.S. Armed Forces" with "Limited Exception!"

"The Question," Why The President has "Chosen Transgender Americans Aim His Personal Directives at," is To Say The Least, "Deeply Perplexing and Disturbing to Any American!"

"Why," Because, Quite Simply, If You Give Allegiance to The United States of America," and "Abide by The Laws of The Constitution," and "Would Like to Serve Your Country," Whether "Woman, Man, or Transgender," Unless, "You have a Physical, Mental or Emotional Medical Reason Why You Should Not Be Allowed to Do so," "There Should Not Be A Logical or Legal Reason Preventing You from Doing so!"

"To Serve One's Country" as "A Public Servant, Law Enforcement Official, Elected Official, Peace Corp or Medical Corp Volunteer, or Member of The United States of America Armed Services," Need I Go on, "Is A Badge of Honor to The Millions of People" who have "Honorably, Chosen to Do so!"

And, So, "The Question" Still Remains, "Why Would The President Of These United States of America," and "The Commander in Chief of The Armed Forces of These United States of America," Choose to "Ban Americans from Giving Their Lives for The Sake of Their Country," "If This is Their Wish," and "If They have Chosen to Do so," with "The Best Interests of Their Fellow American," and The United States in Mind!"

I'm Sure that "There is A Majority of Americans" and Simply As a Matter of Interest, People O'er The Worldwide Over, who are "Wondering Why The President has Chosen to Issue This Order," and "One Would Hope" that "Reasonably Minded Legal Scholars" and/or 'The President's Close White House Advisers," Would "Provide Him with The Cognizant, Logical, and Constitutional Reasons Why" "This is Not A Logical, Legal, Cognizant, and Constitutional Policy Decision to Engage in!"

Tuesday, The Twenty-Seventh of March 2018 US District Judge Marsha Pechman in Seattle, Washington, "Who is One of Four Federal Judges who have Issued Orders Blocking President Trump's Decision to Overturn an Obama-era Directive Allowing Transgender Troop's to Serve Openly, Last year," has "Refused to Hear The Justice Departments Request to "Dissolve Her Previous Order," saying "It is moot in light of the new policy issued on Friday." (to Ban Transgender Troops with Limited Exceptions)!

Judge Pechman said, "She didn't want to hear arguments about that on Tuesday, because the transgender people challenging the ban hadn't had time to analyze the new policy."

And, "Again The Founders are to Be Complimented and Praised" for "Creating The Idea of A Judicial Branch," that "Protects American Citizens who are Experiencing Times of Trial and Tribulation!" And, that "Protects and Defends The Law of The Land-The United States Constitution!"

And, "The American People Will have An Opportunity to Voice Their Yea's and Nay's" about "The Course of Political and Sociological Events Taking Place in The United States" in "The 2018  Mid-Term," and "2020 Election!" 

And, "Let There Be No Doubt" that "Their Vote Will Be Crucial to The Very Essence and Spirit of What America Stands for," and "Symbolizes to All The People of The Earth!" And, "To The Preservation of The United States Constitution!"

-Extra Noteworthy News-
"There have Been Different Estimates" of "How Many People Attended The March For Our Lives Demonstration in Washington, D.C. on Saturday, The Twenty-Fourth of March 2018, from "More than Two Hundred Thousand to Approximately Eight Hundred Thousand People," While "Eight Hundred Other Marches" have "Been Estimated to have Occurred Althroughout These United States of America," and More, "When You Add in The Demonstrations" that have "Occurred All Across This Sacred Planet of Ours!"

And, "As If The Past and The Present, The Twentieth and Twenty-First Centuries have Merged Together into One Time/Space Reality, "History Will Record This Time Period as When The Youth of The United States and The Youth of The Earth Returned Once again, to Being Protester's and Activists who "Refused to Be Impeded by The Procrastination of Elected Officials" to "Provide New Gun-Control Legislation and School Safety Measures" to "Protect Their Generation from Further Threats Against Their Lives!"

And, "Here They are Unafraid" and "Courageously Marching Together," and Interestingly Enough, "History Will also Record,"Along Side Several Other Parallel Movements such as; "The Me Too, Times Up, Black Lives Matter, Homeless and Poverty, and Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender (LGBT) Movements," In A Sign of The Times that "The New Norm of The Twenty-First Century" is "Composed of A Diverse Fabric and Tapestry Of The People," Made up of "Different Creeds, Genders, Nationalities, Colors, Tribes and Ethnicity!"

And, "Yes, It is Time For A Change, A Positive Change," A Change that "Empowers, Protects, and Nourishes All Of Our Lives!" And, "This is The Emerging New Cultural Evolution Made up of "So Many Diverse Components and Entities" is "It's Driving Force!" "It's Soul Force!"

And, "Let's Reach Out with Our Hearts, Minds, Spirits and Souls to "Honor The Lives of The Seventeen Students and Faculty Members of Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School," and "To The Many Innocent People and Children who Lost Their Lives in Tragic Moments of Gun-Related Violence," to "Let Them Know" that "We Will Never Forget Them," and "We Will Engage Our Local, State and Federal Elected Officials," until "They've Created," Whatever Gun Legislation is Needed, to "Protect Our Present and Future Generations from Further Acts of Violence!"

And, "Yes, This is A Call to Action, "A Non-Violent Action," and "A Call Out to Everyone" who "Believes in The Sanctity, Virtue, Goodness, Decency, and Morality of Life!" And, "The Respect For The Lives of Their Fellow Human Being," and "The Lives of All Sentient Beings of This Planet Earth!"

And, "Together We Can Make A Difference!" And, "Together We Can Make A Better World For One and All!" And, "Let Us Never Forget" that "We Are The World!"

And, "Let Us Remember in The Next Election Period, To Vote with Our Conscience, Hearts, Minds, Cognizance and Souls," to "Elect Women and Men who Will Truly Be Representatives Of The People, By The People, and For The People," and "For Freedom, Truth, Honor, Justice, Compassion," and "The Inalienable Rights of One and All" to "Pursue Their Goals and Visions," without "Fear of Violence," or "Fear of Prejudice," or "Religious Persecution and Injustice!"
"Let's Vote For Women and Men" who "Believe in A Vision" that "Embraces and Includes Us One and All!"

And, "Let Us One and All Remember" that "The Future's of Our Families," and "Future Generations to Come Will Depend on What We Do Now," to "Make A Positive Change in Our Lives!"

And, "As We are Reminded of The Commitment and Sacrifice of Our Great Civil Rights Leader Martin Luther King Jr." who was "Assassinated Fifty Years Ago," who "Gave His Life For The Civil Rights of All Americans, and "The Sacrifice and Commitment of The Suffragettes," who Labored Tirelessly to Obtain The Right to Vote For Women in The United States," "Let Us Embrace An Earthrise Vision," that "Embraces The Lives of One and All who Believe in Peace," and "A Grand Union of Global Cooperation and Synergy of All The People of This Planet Earth!"         

-Extra Noteworthy New-
Friday, The Twenty-Third of March 23, 2018 In The Town's of Carcassonne, and Trebes in The South of France, "Another Malevolent Coward Stole a Car," and "Rode About Indiscriminately Firing at Innocent People who were Out Conducting Their Daily Agenda," and "Enjoying Their Lives," Whether, "It Be A Policeman who was Jogging," or "Someone who was Shopping in The Local Supermarket," or "Planning to Go for A Ride in Their Car," such as "What Happened to The First Unsuspecting Victim," "Who was Shot and Injured While His Car was Being Hijacked," and "Whose Passenger was Killed," to "A Policeman Who was Shot and Wounded While Jogging with a Group of CRS Riot Police, Near The Castle of Carcassonne," and "Ending up Tragically," at A Super U Market in Trebes, Where This Malicious Evil-Minded Coward Killed Two More People," and "Held Several Shoppers and Employees as Hostages for More than Three Hours," Until "France's Elite Anti-Terror Police Arrived," and "Conducted a Raid on The Super U Market Killing The Perpetrator!"

"During The Course of Several Hours of This Shooting Spree," "This Vicious and Vengeful Coward," Who has Been "Identified as A Twenty-Five Year Old Drug Dealer Redouane Lakdim," "Attacked and Injured A Total of Sixteen People, Two Seriously," in "Three Separate Locations," and "Murdered Three Others!"

"After Flying to The Scene of The Standoff," Interior Minister Gerard Collomb Told Reporter's "We had monitored him and did not think he had been radicalized." And, "He was already under surveillance when he suddenly decided to act." And, "No one could have imagined there could be an attack!"

Minister Colomb also Told Reporters of "An Act of Heroism," by Lieutenant Colonel Arnaud Beltrame, 45, of France's Gendarmerie, "Who Volunteered to Replace a Woman Hostage with Himself," She had "Become The Last Hostage to Become Ensnared in The Hostage Situation," as "It Entered into Its Final Stages in The Supermarket!"
Lt. Colonel Beltrame was "Seriously Injured in The Assault by The Elite Anti-Terror Forces!"

Global Cross Media News Reports are "French Security Sources have said" that "the Gunman who Perpetrated These Attacks" is a Moroccan National, and "Claimed Allegiance to the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (Isil)! And, "He was Armed with a Gun and Knife!"

And, Reports are "Eyewitnesses Told The French Media that the Murderer Demanded the Release of Salah Abdeslam," and also said "he was taking revenge for the international coalition bombing of Isil Targets in Syria!"
Salah Abdeslam is the only "Surviving Member of the Jihadist Attack" that "Took Place in 2015 Killing One Hundred and Thirty Innocent People!"     

"French President Emmanuel Macron said" in a Televised Address, "Our Country has suffered an Islamist terrorist attack!" And, "President Macron also Spoke Highly of Lieutenant Colonel Arnaud Beltrame, who Took the Place of The Female Hostage saying He "is fighting for his life," and Praised Him For Being "A Hero!" And, that "Colonel Beltrame had saved lives, and had honored his profession and his country." 
"Sadly, Lieutenant Colonel Died of His Injuries" on Saturday, The Twenty-Fourth of March, 2018!

President Macron said "Arnaud Beltrame died in the service of the nation to which he had given so much," and "In giving his life to end the deadly plan of a jihadi terrorist, he fell as a hero!"  

We Extend Our Sincerest Heartfelt and Soulful Condolences to The Families Who Lost A Loved One Due to This Tragic Series of Attacks upon The Innocent in Carcassonne and Trebes! And, We Mourn Their Loss with All The People Of France!
There is "No Justification for Taking These Innocent Lives," and "Causing Their Families to Be Traumatized Emotionally, Mentally, and Psychologically!

-Extra Noteworthy News-
And, "The Deaths of Sixty-Four People, Forty-One of which were Children (at Last Report) on Sunday," The Twenty-Fifth of March 2018, "in Siberia" is "Another Human Tragedy" that is "Extremely Difficult to Imagine Due to The Circumstances of This Traumatic Moment," and to "All of The Families Who Lost A Loved One!"

And, "No," "Their Deaths were Not Caused by A Terrorist Attack," or "An Airplane Crash," or "A Train Wreck," "Their Deaths were Caused by Illegally Blocked Emergency Fire Exits in The Winter Cherry Shopping Mall," in The City of Kemerovo, Siberia," that "Shoppers and Film Goers were Unable to Open," to "Escape from Either The Flames and/or Suffocation," and "The Fact" that "The Shopping Mall's Alarm/Public Address System was Turned Off by A Security Guard," (When "He had Received a Call about The Fire) also "Contributed to The Tragedy!"

And, Global Cross Media News Reports are "Four People have Been Detained" after "Serious Violations" were "Discovered at The Mall!" 

Vladimir Puchkov, The Head of Ministry of Emergency Situations Told Reporters that "Around Ten People are Still Missing," and "Ten Others are In The Hospital Being Cared for!"

"Newly Re-Elected Russian President Putin Visited The Site of Death and Destruction," and "Laid Flowers in Tribute to The Victims," and said "How could this possible happen? What's the reason?" 

"People, children came to relax. We are talking about demography and are losing so many people because of what? Because of criminal negligence, sloppiness!"   

"Understandably The People Of Russia are Deeply Anguished and Disturbed over This Deadly Disaster," that "Occurred in The City of Kemerovo," and are "Demanding Answers, Immediate Answers Why The Violations were Not Discovered," that has "Caused The Deaths of Sixty-Four People" (at Last Report) and "Accusations are Being Made" that "Authorities are Obscuring the True Scale of The Disaster!" And, "Why weren't The Authorities Aware of These Serious Violations When The Mall was Being Built!"

"The Winter Cherry Mall is One of Kemerovo's Most Popular Shopping Mall's," and to "Compound The Circumstances Surrounding This Tragedy" is, "This was The First Weekend of School Recess," and "The Mall was Packed with Children and Their Parents," in What Should have Been "A Happy Sunday Together Shopping, Playing Games, and Going to The Cinema!"    

And, We Mourn with The Families who have Lost A Loved One Due to This Tragedy, and We Extend Our Sincerest Heartfelt and Soulful Condolences to The People of Kemerovo, Siberia and Russia!

(Russia's Investigative Committee is "Searching for The Security Officer who Turned Off The PA System," and "The Owner of The Mall is also Being Sought after!")  

Everyday, "We are Reminded" just "How Sensitive," and/or "Influenced The World of Global Business and Finance Can Be Negatively (or Positively) Effected by Global Issues!" Whether "It Be The Crash of Global Markets Causing The Loss of Billions of Dollars Because of Rising Import or Export Tariffs," or "The Result of Cyber Attacks upon The Electoral Process of Sovereign Nations of The Earth," or "The Negative Effect of A Misguided Political Policy!"

And, Mark Zuckerberg, "One of The Brilliant Minds of Social Media," and "Now Wealthy Billionaire Founder and CEO of Facebook," has had to "Apologize For The Cambridge Analytica's Scandal," and "For Facebook's Participation in It," and "Asked to Appear before The U.S. Congress to Give An Explanation for What Happened!" To Which He said, "He would be happy to testify before Congress."

In An Interview with CNN"s Laurie Segall, on Wednesday, The Twenty-First of March 2018, Mr. Zuckerberg said "This was a major breach of trust, and I'm really sorry that this happened. And, We have a basic responsibility to protect people's data, and if we can't do that then we don't deserve to have the opportunity to serve people." And, Our responsibility now is to make sure this doesn't happen again."

However, "The Negative Repercussions Continue to Pursue Facebook," On Thursday, The Twenty-Second of March 2018, "Shares in Facebook (FB) Took Another Tumble by One Percent in Early Trading," "and "A Ten Point Three Percent Crash for The Week!" 
Making "Facebook on Course" for having "Its Biggest Weekly Percentage Drop since March of 2014!"
And, "Demonstrating just How Important It is For The Social Media, Hi-Tech Industry," to "Continue to Display and The Sense of Ethics" that "This Industry Of, By and For The People was Created and Known for!"

And, Global Cross Media News Reports are "Facebook has Lost Fifty Billion Dollars in Value" since "The Report that Cambridge Analytica's," a Data Firm with Connections to Donald Trump's 2016 Campaign Team, "Accessed Information from Fifty Million Facebook User's without Their Consent!"

And, Thursday, Handelsblatt Newspaper Reported that "Commerzbank AG, Germany's Second Largest Bank," has "Suspended Its Advertising on Facebook Until Further Notice," as has "Mozilla, who Operates Firefox's Web Browser!" 

(Note that The CEO of Cambridge Analytica's Alexander Nix, has "Been Suspended for His Controversial Comments Secretly Recorded and Broadcast by Channel 4. In One Exchange Mr. Nix said, "the company could send some girls around to the candidates house. Mr. Nix also said, Ukrainian Girls are very beautiful. I find that works very well." But, His Comments that Cambridge Analytica's work with data and research allowed Trump to win the election with a narrow margin of "Forty Thousand" Votes, in three swing states, giving Trump and electoral college victory, despite losing the popular vote" (to Mrs. Clinton) is "A Haunting Reminder" of "The Consequences The United States has had to Endure Because of Russian Interference," and "The Importance of Special Counsel Robert Mueller and His Team of Investigators Investigations!" Which Must Continue to Be Supported by All of The Five Hundred and Thirty-Five Members of The U.S. Congress," so that "No One Should Ignore of The Seriousness of These Investigations!") 

(Cambridge Analytica has "denied that it or its affiliates use entrapment, Bribes, or so called Honey Traps against politicians. It also denied any wrongdoing over the Facebook data it acquired from Cambridge University Psychology Professor Alex Kogan.")   

(And, Note that in One of The Videos Secretly Recorded by Channel 4, "The Managing Director of Cambridge Analytica Mark Turnbull," who also Attended The Meetings, "Described How to Discreetly Publicize Damaging Material about a Political Opponent on Social Media and The Internet,  "We just put the information into the bloodstream of the internet and then, and then, watch it grow, give it a little push every now and then... like remote control. It has to happen without anyone saying 'That's Propaganda,' because the moment you think 'That's Propaganda,' the next question is, ''who put that out?'")

Global Cross Media Reports are "The Television Station Secretly Recorded A Series of Meetings with Mr. Nix, and Other Executives from Cambridge Analytica, from November to January in London Hotels," with "One of Their Channel 4 Reporters Posing as An Operative for A Wealthy Client Hoping to Get Clients Elected in Sri Lanka," and "Broadcasted them on Monday and Tuesday The Nineteenth and Twentieth of March 2018."       

"It's to Mr. Zuckerberg's Compliment," that  "He Came Forth and Spoke so Frankly about This Very Unfortunate Situation," and "Hopefully" by Doing so "It Will Remove Some of The Storm Clouds" that "Hover Over and All Around Facebook," and "Re-Encourage and Restore Investor and Consumer Confidence!"

However, "This is only "The First Step in A Series" of "What Will Be Very Public Explanations and Apologies," that "Mr. Zuckerberg Will have to Voluntarily to Participate in," before "A Clearing and New Beginning for Facebook Will Emerge," and "Return It" to "Its Place as A Prominent and Highly Ethical Platform Of Social Media and Communication," that "Embraces All The People Takes Place!"

And, At Some Time, "In Hopefully The Not Too Far Off Distant Future," Let Us Hope that Mrs. Clinton "Is Offered An Apology," for "Being The Victim of Russia's Interference in The 2016 U.S. Presidential Election," (from ?)"

As of Friday, March 23, 2018 "Facebook Shares are Still Down Twelve Percent," and had Lost One Hundred Billion in Market Value  from "Where They were on March 16th," When "News Headlines of Cambridge Analytica Spread Like A Massive Cloud All Across The Earth Horizon of The Global Cross Media News Universe," For "All The People of The Social Media to See!"

And, On Monday, The Twenty-Sixth of March 2018, The Federal Trade Commission Confirmed "It had Opened up "An Investigation on Whether or Not Facebook Mishandled Private Data" or "Violated a 2011 Agreement" which "Settled An Earlier Probe!"

Global Cross Media News Reports are Acting Consumer Protection Chief Tom Pahl said, "The FTC is firmly and fully committed to using all its tools to protect the privacy of consumers." 

And, Mr. Pahl also said, "Foremost among these tools is enforcement action against companies that fail to honor their privacy promises, including to comply with Privacy Shield (The US-EU privacy accord), or that engage in unfair acts that cause substantial injury to consumers in violation of the FTC Act."
And, "Accordingly the FTC takes very seriously recent press reports raising substantial concerns about the private practices of Facebook."

By Mid Day, "Facebook Shares had Crashed 3.1 Percent!"

Sunday, The Twenty-Fifth of March 2018, "Facebook Took our A Full Page Add in Both British and American Newspapers Apologizing to Users," In Which, Mr. Zuckerberg said, "We have a responsibility to protect your information, if we can't, we don't deserve it."

"As The Parallel Political Landscape Continues to Revolve in Cycle upon Cycle of Sphere's of Important  Occurrences," and "Influential Activities within A Three Hundred Degree Radius Of The Lives of The Earth's Nations," "The Scope of Which Touches All The Lives of The Earths Populace in One Way or Another," and "New Orbit's" Present Microcosmic Changes, "Though None as Pronounced and Life Changing as The Civil Rights and Nation Building Movements of Nelson Mandela (Madiba) of South Africa, or Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi (Mahatma) of India," But, "Still within The Ambit of Change," and so "We Find the Two Week Official Visit, of De Facto Ruler, Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman of Saudi Arabia, (MB) to The United States," Beginning on Tuesday, March 20, 2018, with "A Meeting with President Trump at The White House," As An Opportunity to "Hear of," and "Observe The Crown Prince As He Discusses The New Changes Taking Place in Saudi Arabia," whose "Bombing Attacks with The Saudi Led-Coalition upon Yemen have Been As Brutal" as "Any War Can Be!" And that, " The United Stations has Called  "The World's most urgent humanitarian crisis!" 
"The Lack of Sincere Resolve by The Nations and Factions Involved" to "Allow for A Prolonged Period of Time For Humanitarian Purposes," have "Caused Millions of Yemenis Live under The Threat of Starvation and Disease on A Mass Level!" 

(This War has "Recently Escalated Due to Houthi Bombing Attacks" that were "Launched from Yemen upon Saudi Arabia's Capitol Riyadh," "Targeting Riyadh's King Khalid International Airport," and "Other Saudi Locations." on Sunday, The Twenty-Fifth of March 2018, and "Will Continue to Resume Again," until "The Saudi-Led Coalition Forces Cease Their Bombing Campaigns," that have "Been Widely Condemned by The Community of International Nations!" 

The Yemeni Rebels "Known as Houthis," "Control Northern Heartland of Saada Province, and Neighboring Area's," and "Yemen's Capitol of Sanaa!" 
Sunday was "The Third Anniversary of The Saudi-Led War in Yemen!)

(While The Saudi-Led Coalition War in Yemen is Another Clash of Cultures between Sunni and Shiite Muslims," with "The U.S. Supporting The Military Operations of The Saudi-Led Coalition," and "Iran Supporting The Houthis and Their Allies," (With Additional Complications Caused by AQAP, ISIL, and Al-Qaeda), and "You Can Hear The Cry Out," even from a Far, of "The Families of More that Ten Thousand People who have Died in This Ongoing War," and "The Thousands More who have Lost A Loved One Due to The Indiscriminate Bombing on All Sides of This Brutal Conflict," and from "Starvation, and Disease!" 

"Families Demanding An End to This Conflict For The Sake of," and "For The Survival of Their Present and Future Generations!" 

"It's Clearly Time for Global Leaders to Dispatch under The Auspices of The United Nations" and All Warring Parties Involved, "Interdependent, Seasoned and Highly Respected Diplomatic Officials," to Mediate Over A Lasting Peace Accord!")

However, While War Rages in Yemen, "At Home in Saudi Arabia, The Crown Prince has Authorized," (1) A Purge of Corruption from Government and Business Affairs, by Arresting Government Ministers, Members of The Royal Family, and Leaders of The Business Elite, and  (2) Given Women The Right To Drive, (3) Created Cinemas for The Public to Enjoy Going to "For The First Time in More than Thirty Years."

"Does This Make His Name Synonymous with Madiba or The Mahatma," or "Can He Be Acclaimed" as "The Great New Reformer Of The Saudi Arabia," The Answer is "No," and I have heard Him say as Much, in Regards to my Former Point, "In An Interview with 60 Minutes Nora O'Donnell" on CBS TV," on Sunday, The Eighteenth of March 2018! 

And, "Another Point of Interest" During The Interview was "When Nora O'Donnell Asked The Crown Prince, "Are women equal to men," and He Responded, "Absolutely! We're all human beings there's no difference." 

Once again, We Will have to Rely upon "History to Reveal The Absolutes and Falsehoods of Our Time/Space Reality," Clearly For Every Generation to Read For Themselves!" However, In The Present, that Old Saying, "Action Speaks Louder than Words Will have to Suffice!"  

And, "The Questions" of "Whether or Not The Crown Prince's New Initiatives Will Attract The Significant Foreign Investment and Interest in The IPO Part of Saudi Aramco," The National Oil Company, and "The Diversification of The Kingdom's Economy in The Saudi Vision 2030," "Still Remains to Be Seen!"     

-Extra Noteworthy News-
Global Cross Media News Reports have Surfaced that Special Counsel Robert Mueller "Subpoenaed Documents from The Trump Organization, Including Records Pertaining to Russia!" Which Should Be Interesting Perusing Through to Glean Whatever Business Information there is that Does or Does Not Relate to Connections between The Trump Organization and Russia!"

Global Cross Media Reports are Felix Sater, a Russian Born Businessman, "Who has had Connections with The Trump Organization, "Told Chris Hayes, MSNBC Host, on Friday, The Sixteenth of March 2018, that "I had a local developer there (Meaning in Russia) and I had the Trump Organization here (in The United States) and I was in the middle." And, "The local developer there would have gotten financing from VTB and/or another Russian bank, but VTB at that point was the go to bank for Real Estate Development." 
The Purpose for This Financing was "To Secure Financing for Building Trump Tower in Moscow!"

(Note that Mr. Sater also Added, "He did not mean for the emails (between Himself and Longtime Trump Attorney Michael Cohen) to be Surreptitious, it was two guys who knew each other for over thirty Years, excited that somebody they knew was running for President." Mr. Sater also said "it wasn't my deal. I put the deal together, I was working for Mr. Cohen's. And, Mr. Sater Added "I've Known Him (Meaning Mr. Cohen) since I was a teenager.")   

However, "This Information Surfaced  in "A Twenty-One Page Status Report The Democrats of The House Intelligence Committee," Released on Tuesday, The Thirteenth of March 2018, Which was "in Response of The The Republican Majority on The Committee's Decision," on Monday, The Twelfth of March, to "Shutdown Their Russian Investigation," in which They, The Democrats, also said that "It was premature for the majority GOP member's to conclude the probe, and that they would keep on investigating!"  

The Details of The Information Mr. Sater Gave to Chris Hayes, "Confirmed" that In Late 2015/Early 2016, "Michael Cohen, Longtime Personal Attorney of Donald Trump," was "Attempting to Obtain Financing with VTB, for Trump Tower in Moscow!"  

VTB Bank is "A State Owned Bank" and "The Second Largest Bank in Russia." And, In July 2014, and "In December 2015, It was "Added to The Specially Designated Nationals List" (SDN), and  "The United States Imposed Sanctions Against It," and "Froze All of Its Assets," and "Blocked U.S. Entities from "Doing Business with It," or "Its Subsidiaries!"

Global Cross Media News Reports are "The New York Times Previously Reported" that "Mr. Sater sent a Non-Binding Letter of Intent Outlining The Terms of the "Trump World Tower Moscow," Deal to Mr. Cohen on The Thirteenth of October 2015." It was Signed by "A Russian Investor, Andrey Rozov," and to which "Donald Trump Signed on!"

"Several Weeks Later," This Non-Binding Letter of Intent, was Followed up with "A Series of Emails between Mr. Sater and Mr. Cohen, in which Mr, Sater Bragged about His relationship with Russian President Putin," and that "He would get all of Putin's teams to buy in on the deal!" And, "our boy can become the president of The USA and we can Engineer It!"
And, Mr. Sater also Added "I will get Putin on this program and we will get Donald elected."

However, "Let Us Not Be Distracted" by Whether, "Mr. Sater was Bragging is Not The Point," What is Meaningful is, "These Emails and Communications Show A Time Line was Established between The Trump Organization and Russian Entities Leading up to and During The 2015/2016 Election Season!" And, "The VTB Bank that had "Sanctions Placed Against It for The Previous Two Years by The U.S." was "One of The Party's Mentioned in The Proposed Deal!"

"Special Counsel Mueller and His Team of Attorney's" have "Been under Pressure by The Trump Administration" and "President Trump's Attorney John Dowd," to "End Their Investigations," However, "It is of The Utmost Importance for The Russian Probe to Complete Its Work," and "All of The Five Hundred and Thirty Five Members of The U.S. Congress" who "Represent The Three Hundred and Twenty-Five Point Seven Million American Citizens," Should "Support Special Counsel Mueller's Efforts," to "Discover All The Truth," in Regards to, "Russia's Interference in The 2016 U.S. Presidential Election," and "Whatever Connections there are between Russia and The Trump Campaign!" And, "Nothing Less than that Will Suffice for The American People!"

And, I Would Imagine that "Special Counsel Mueller has Several Follow up Questions to Be Asked of All Party's Involved!" And, No Doubt "The Subpoenaed Documents from The Trump Organization Will Corroborate," and "Provide A Clear Accounting of All Transactions Involved in" and "During The Timeline of The 2015/ 2016 Election Campaign Period!"

-Extra Noteworthy News-
"The Firing of Andrew McCabe" The Deputy Director of Federal Bureau of Investigation, "Two Day before His Retirement was to Begin" on "The Eighteenth of March 2018 His Fiftieth Birthday," and "After Twenty-One Years in Service," by U.S. Attorney General Jeff Sessions "Will without A Doubt, "Increase The Volatile Relationship between The FBI and President Trump," and May in Fact, "Spill over into The U.S. Intelligence Community at Large!"

("The Firing of Former Deputy Director McCabe" is "Being Based on Findings by The Justice Departments Inspector Generals Report," which has "Not Yet Been Released to The Public!") 

President Trump in A Tweet, Called the Termination, "a great day for the hard working men and women of the FBI- a great day for Democracy. " Sanctimonious James Comey was his boss and made McCabe look like a Choirboy. He knew all about the lies and corruption going on at the highest levels of the FBI."

To Which Former Director Comey, who was Fired by President Trump Last May,  Responded "Mr. President, The American People hear my story very soon. And they can judge for themselves who is honorable and who is not."
(Mr. Comet's Memoir "A Higher Loyalty" is Expected to Be Published in April, 2018!)

 And, Former Central Intelligence Agency Director "John Brennan said," in Reaction to The Firing of Deputy Director McCabe, "When the full extent of your venality, moral turpitude, and political corruption becomes known, you will take your rightful place as a disgraced demagogue in the dustbin of history. You may scapegoat Andy McCabe, but you will not destroy America...America will triumph over you."
 "This War of The Tweets Will Not Be Forgotten," and "Will Be Remembered as "A Turning Point in President Trump's Administration" for "Its Unrestrained Use of The Social Media for Political Retaliation in The Twenty-First Century!" 

And, "Let's Remember" that, "This Exploitation, Phenomenon and Affair of Tweets," and Firing of Mr. McCabe, that has "A Much Greater Significance than A Simple War of Words," "Comes Directly after Former Secretary of State Rex Tillerson was Fired," on Tuesday, The Thirteenth of March 2018!" 
"Who Sent a Message to U.S. Embassies and Consulates," on Friday, The Sixteenth of March 2018, "Know that I will continue to pray for our country, and our leaders, and your efforts to make this world a better place than when we found it."
(Global Cross Media Reports are A Copy of This Message was obtained by The Associated Press!)

And, "Let's Not Forget" that "Political Pundits and News Commentators" have "Been Discussing," For Several Week's (at the Least), that "The Resignation and/or Firing of National Security Advisor H.R. McMaster," and/or "White House Chief of Staff Retired General John Kelly is Imminent!"  All of Which, "Could Lead to "An Political and Administration Event Disaster!" And, "An Increased Level of Amorphous in The White House!"

And, "This is Not Providing Professional, Efficient, Talented, Progressive, and Visionary Management" of The Government Of The People, By The People and For The People of The United States of America!"

(Note that On Thursday, The Twenty- Second of March 2018 "Lt. Gen. H.R. McMaster Resigned," and "Will Retire from The Military after More than Thirty Years in Service!" His Departure from The Trump Administration was "Mutually Agreed upon, although It was Widely Known and Accepted that Lt.Gen. McMaster and President Trump had Differed in Foreign Policy Area's" such as (1) Withdrawing The U.S. from Iran Nuclear Deal, (2) Russian Interference in The 2016 Presidential Election and (3) A Strategy for The American Forces in Afghanistan! 
Lt. General McMaster was "Appointed The Second National Security Adviser" after "Michael T. Flynn was Fired in February 2017."
"Former American Ambassador to The United Nations John R. Bolton, and "A Known Conservative Hardliner, was "Appointed The Third National Security Adviser of The Trump Administration!") 

And, "The Question" is "How is It Possible for The Republican Party" of "Former Presidents Abraham Lincoln, Theodore Roosevelt, Dwight D. Eisenhower, Ronald Reagan, and George H.W. Bush" "Endorse and Support This Chaos!"

"It Will Be up to The American People" to Vote in The 2018 Mid-Term and 2020 Elections" to "Change The Current Path of Politics in The U.S." 

"Let Us One and All Agree" that "This Not The Vision The Founders had For The United States," Nor Should It Be "The Vision and/or Future that The Youth of America Should have to Endure!" Enough is Quite Simply Enough!

("There is An Addendum to The McCabe Story" Which is Saturday afternoon, The Seventeenth of March 2018, Rep. Mark Pocan  (D-Wis.) has "Offered Mr. McCabe A Temporary Job to Work on Election Security in His Office," so "He can get his full retirement benefits." And, so that "He can reach the needed length of service to retire." And, Rep. Seth Moulton (D-Mass.) Tweeted "He'd consider hiring Mr. McCabe to." A Spokesperson for Mr. McCabe, Melissa Schwartz, said, "We are considering all options." 

These Employment Offers Should Make it Possible for Mr. McCabe to Retire Gracefully Knowing" that "His Twenty Years of Service in The Federal Bureau of Investigation has Been Appreciated by Some If Not by All!" Mr. McCabe only "Needs to Work with Federal Government for A Few Day's!")

(McCabe Update: On Thursday, The Twenty-Ninth of March 2018, "A Group of Friends" of Former Deputy Director of The Federal Bureau of Investigation Andrew McCabe "Set Up Andrew McCabe Legal Defense Fund," with "The Initial Goal of Requesting One Hundred and Fifty Thousand Dollars" and "Then Increasing that Figure to Two Hundred and Fifty Thousand Dollars!"

In An Update Announced on Friday, The Thirtieth of March 2018, "In Response to This Request For Funding to Cover His Legal Defense," Mr. McCabe has "Received More than Four Hundred and Ninety-Five Thousand Dollars," and "He has Given Thanks to More than Eleven Thousand Donors," of "This Crowdfunding Campaign," which has "Almost Doubled The Amount Requested for!" Mr. McCabe Called The Support "Overwhelming, Humbling and Deeply Appreciated." 

"The Funds will go towards a number of congressional inquiries that he will be required to respond to, as well as the broader Office of the Inspector General (OIG) investigation that is ongoing, and any potential lawsuits he might consider."

"The Update also Stated" that "No funds raised for the Andrew McCabe Legal Defense Fund will used for anything beyond his defense of the allegations against him. He will continue to fight for the pension and benefits he deserves, rather than accept any crowdfunding for that purpose."
And, "Any Extra Funds Raised Will Go to Charities of His Families Choosing.")

(Global Cross Media News Reports are Mr. McCabe also wrote in The Washington Post that "Not in my worst nightmares did I ever dream my FBI career would end this way!"

Mr. McCabe also said," For the last year and a half, my family and I have been the targets of an unrelenting assault on our reputation and my service to this country. Articles too numerous to count have leveled every sort of false, defamatory, and degrading allegation against us. The Presidents tweets have amplified and exacerbated it all. He called for my firing. He called for me to be stripped of my pension after more than 20 years of service. And all along we have said nothing, never wanting to distract from the mission of the FBI by addressing the lies told and repeated against us." Mr. McCabe said "No more!")

-Extra Noteworthy News-
"As We Await A Repose in The Resignations and/or Firings in The Trump Administration" in "It's Second Year," Yet "Another Firing has Disbursed This Repose from Occurring," and "Leaving Any Thought or Idea of Stability in A Temporary State of Being," "Why," Because, On Wednesday, The Twenty-Eighth of March President Trump "Fired The Secretary of Veteran Affairs David Shulkin," and "Nominated White House Doctor (Navy Rear Admiral) Ronnie Jackson to Replace Him!"

Former Secretary Shulkin has Been Involved in An Ethics Scandal for; (1) Improperly Receiving Wimbledon Tennis Tickets and (2) Authorizing His Then Chief of Staff to Doctor Emails to Validate the Use of Taxpayer Funds to Pay for His Wife's Trip to Europe with Him!" And, "Although He Volunteered to Return the Funds, This Did Not Restore His Image in The VA Department," or "in The Trump Administration!"

Global Cross Media News Reports are Mr. Shulkin Told NPR in An Interview, that "All expenses had been approved In Advance by an Internal Ethics Committee, and when later the Inspector General Objected to the expenses, he repaid them," by "Writing a Check to The Government!" 

However, "The Underlying Drama Appears to Be Centered Around The Privatization of The Department of Veterans Affairs," Which Mr. Shulkin Professed to Be Against," and "The Trump Administration Appears to Be Leaning Towards!"

President Trump Tweeted: "I am thankful for Dr. David Shulkin's service to our country and our great Veterans."

"An Undersecretary at The Pentagon, Robert Wilkie," Will Take over "As Acting Secretary of The VA!"

"Let's Hope that Reasonable Minds Can Come Forth to Advise The Trump Administration," and "The Republican Party," that "While Obtaining Support from The Private Sector is Important," It is only "One Part of The Equation" that is "Needed to Improve The Operational Capacity of The Department of Veteran Affairs!"

(And, As This Present Phase of Resignations and Firings" Comes to A Momentary End, "Now Former White House Communication Director, and One  of President Trump's Closest Aides Hope Hicks," "Made Her Expected Departure from The Trump Administration on Thursday, The Twenty-Ninth of March 2018!")

-Extra Noteworthy News-
Friday morning, The Twenty-Third of March 2018 The Long Journey to Passing The 1.3 Trillion Dollar Omnibus Budget Cane to An End with The U.S. Senate Voting in Favor of It, Sixty-Five to Thirty-Two!" This Came after a Two Fifty-Seven to One Hundred Sixty-Seven Vote in Favor of It on Thursday, The Twenty-Second!"

And, Even Though It Would Be Interesting to Discover How Many of The Five Hundred Thirty-Five Member's of The U.S. Congress Actually Read the Two Thousand Two Hundred and Thirty-Two Pages, (Including The President), "It's Over and Done with!"

(Note that Friday morning, The Twenty-Third of March, "President Trump Dramatically Threatened" (in a Tweet) "to Veto" The Budget Bill "based on the fact that the 800,000 DACA recipients have been totally abandoned by the Democrats (not even mentioned in the Bill)  and the Border Wall which is definitely needed for our National Defense, is not fully funded." Which "Created Great Concern amongst The Five Hundred and Thirty-Five Member's of The U.S. Congress" who "Labored over Completing It before The Midnight Deadline, However, "With The Two Thousand Two Hundred and Thirty-Two Page Omnibus Budget Bill on Display in The Diplomatic Reception Room in The White House, "The President Told Reporters that " I will never sign another bill like this again, Nobody read it. It's only hours old." And, Then "He Signed It!" Of course The Irony of The President Mentioning that "the Eight Hundred Thousand DACA Recipients was Not Mentioned in The Bill," Should "Not Go by Unmentioned, Should It!" Since "It was He who Rescinded It! And, Any Mention of "The Wall" in This "Two Thousand Two Hundred and Thirty-Two Page Bill" Would have "Been An Immovable Subject" that "Would have Most Certainly Impeded This 1.3 Trillion Dollar Bi-Partisan Legislation from Being Passed in Both Houses!")  

Now, "All We The People have to Get Used to" is "Trillion Dollar Deficits" that "The United States Will have to Pay For In The Future," until "A Fiscally Minded Interdependent Group Women and Men are Elected," to "Return The Representation of The United States Government," into The Hands of  "Fiscally Responsible Elected Officials," who are "Dedicated to  Balance The Budget," and "Work On Behalf of All The People Of The United States Of America," to "Repair The Infrastructure of The Nation, Educate The Youth of The Nation, Build Affordable Homes for The Disenfranchised and Homeless of The Nation, Defend The Nation from Dictators and Syndicates of Criminals, Be Innovators in Improving The Earths Environmental and Ecological States of Being, and Establish A New Age of Social Security For The Diverse Tapestry and Fabric Of, By and For All The People of The Earths Communities!" And, "Continue to Advance An Earthrise Vision" that is "Parallel with A Limitless Perspective of The Cosmos" and "Grand Universe!"  

"Elected Officials Who are Peacemakers and Diplomats," "Women and Men Who are Voices of Reason and The Truth!" And, "Entrepreneurialists of A Global Peacetime Economy," and "Exponents of Freedom and Justice," who are "Streetwise and Earthwise" "Insightful and Cognizant!"

Knowing that There is "A Grand Purpose in Being," and "A Grand State of Equilibre in Being United as One People of The Earth!" And, "Who Comprehend" that "What Lies in The Best Interest of One and All" is "Beneficial to One and All," and "The Welfare of One and All" is "What Builds A Bridge to The Hearts, Minds, Spirits, Intellect, Passion and Soul of One and All," Brings A Healing Power to The Earth and Each and Every One of Us!"

"The Global Equation" is "There is Zero Degrees between Us and In The Time/Space Reality" and "This is "What Proves to Be The Uniting Force and Lesson of New Norm of The Twenty-First Century!"  And, Therein Lies "The Golden Rule," and "The Way to An Omnipresent, Omnipotent and Omniscience Age of Peace and Cultural Evolution and Awareness On Earth!" And, "A True Government Of The People, By The People, and For The People!"

Voices Of Reason and Peacemakers of The Twentieth and Twenty-First Centuries, "Let Us Continue to Reach Out Through A Grand Cloud of Communication and Information of Our Own Making" to "A Grand Nexus and Synergy Of, By, and For The People!"

And, "Let Us Through Our Commitment and Dedication to Create A Better World," Continue to March, and Non-Violently Demonstrate as A Great Soul Force Of The People," and "As Non-Violent Activists and Advocates Of The People," and "Passionately and Cognitively Share Our Idea's of An Integrated Civilization of The Diverse Tapestry and Fabric Of, By, and For The People," Evolving An Advanced and Transcended Global Equation of A Grand Equilibre, and Universal Interdependency Of All Sentient Beings," "Existing in Full Awareness that "Through Peace, and Non-Violence," and "The Defense and Protection Of The Earths Populace from Predators and Dictators, The Sociological Conditions of The People Of The Earth Will," at Last, "Find Security," and "Come to and Bear The Harvests of A Universal Symmetry of The Cosmos," In "Balance with The Grand Universe!" And, "Sow These Seeds For Our Future Generations to Share!"

"It is Through This Grand Cloud of Information and Communication" that "Our Efforts to Achieve Our Goals Of Peace, Will Not Be Diminished!"

And, "Our Efforts to Eliminate Poverty, and Homelessness, Will Not Be Diminished!"

And, "Our The Efforts of Our Youth" to "Change The Earth into A Better Place to Live, Environmentally and Ecologically," and "Gain A Knowledgeable Education of The History of The Earth's Societies," and "Pursue Their Dreams Will Not Be in Vain!"

And, "In Movement with This Grand Cloud Of Communication and Information Will We Find New Enjoyment In Our Global Cultures," and "Find A New Purpose in Our Lives," One that Brings Us Close to Each Other," Via "Bridges of Common Interests," and "Parallel Universes of New Perspectives," and "Insights of The Sphere's of Influence that Surround Us," and "A Deeper Respect For Each Other," and "Further Reverence and Thankfulness For The Life Source that Sustains Us!

For, This is The Way To Peace, and An Omnipresent, Omniscient and Omnipotent Age Of Justice, Equality, Freedom, Opportunity, Tranquility, Equanimity, Joie De Vie, Security, and Peace On Earth!       

-Extra Noteworthy News-
Thursday, The Fifteenth of March, 2018, "A Nine Hundred and Fifty Ton Pedestrian Bridge Collapsed in Miami," Near The Florida International University, "Causing The Deaths of Four People" and "Injuring Nine Others!"

The Question is "Why Did This New Highly Touted State of The Art Bridge Collapse," Just "A Few Days after It was Swung into Place," "Collapse!"

Scheduled to Be Open to The Public in 2019, "This One Hundred and Seventy-Four Foot Bridge" was "Built to Allow Students who Lived on The Other Side of Southwest Eighth Street," Near One Hundred and Ninth Avenue, to "Cross This Very Busy Roadway" without "Worrying about The Traffic Conditions!"

Florida State Patrol Claimed that "Six Cars were Trapped Beneath the Infrastructure!" And, Governor Rick Scot said "There will be a concerted effort to Hold anybody accountable if anyone's done anything wrong." and "our hearts go out to anybody who has been impacted by this. Being a Dad and Grandfather, you just hope this would never happen to anybody." And, "The most important matter, for the time being, was to pray for the people who are recovering and for the families of those who have died."

We Would Like to Extend Our Sincerest Heartfelt and Soulful Condolences to The Families who have Lost a Loved One Due to This Disturbing Bridge Disaster! And, also to The Students of Florida International University and Friends of The Four People who Died, We Mourn with You This Traumatic Loss of Life of The One You Love, Care for, and have Shared so many of Life's Experiences with!

-Extra Noteworthy News-
Sunday, The Eighteenth of March 2018 Russian President Vladimir Putin Won Re-Election as President of Russia!

President Putin "Received Seventy-Six. Seven Percent of The Vote!"

Global Cross Media News Reports are Tuesday morning, The Twentieth of March 2018, "President Trump Called President Putin to Congratulate Him!"

Senator John McCain of Arizona, "Strongly Criticized President Trump in a Statement" Saying "An American President does not lead the free world by congratulating dictators on winning sham elections. And, by doing so with Vladimir Putin, President Trump insulted every Russian citizen who was denied the right to vote in a free and fair election to determine their country's future, including the countless Russian Patriots who have risked so much to protest and resist Putin's regime."

President Trump Told Reporters in The Oval Office that, "He had a very good call with Putin," and congratulated him on the victory-His electoral victory." And, President Trump also said, He and Putin "will probably be meeting in the not too distant future," to discuss the arms race, which is getting out of control...And to discussed the Ukraine and Syria and North Korea, and various other things."

"The Kremlin and The White House" both Confirmed President Putin and President Trump "Did Not Discuss The Nerve Agent Attack on Sergei Skripal and His Daughter in Salisbury."

-Extra Noteworthy News-
The Fear Caused by A Series of Bombings that have Taken Place in and Around Austin, Texas has "Finally Come to An End," with "The Death of A Twenty-Four Year Mark Conditt, who "Blew Himself up Inside of His Vehicle!"

"The Suspect, Mark Anthony Conditt, from Pflugerville, Texas was Responsible for Five Bombings," that "Caused The Death of Two People" and "Injuries to Four More!"

"Police Tracked Down the Suspect" who had "Placed Bombs in Packages and Delivered Them to the Addresses of Innocent People of the Texas Capitol," and "Cruelly Detonating Them!"

"This Series of Cowardly and Evil Acts began on The Second of March, 2018, and Continued until "The Police," Relying on Cell Phone Technology,  Located Him Inside His Vehicle," at a Hotel on Interstate Thirty-Five in a Suburb of Austin, "Called Round Rock!"

And, "As The Suspect Attempted to Drive away" from The Hotel Parking Lot, "He was Surrounded and Fired upon by Member's of A SWAT Team," and It was then that "He Blew Himself up Rather than Being Captured!" However, "Authorities are Not Sure If The Suspect Died from The Wounds He Sustained from The SWAT Team's Gunfire or The Explosion!"

Tuesday morning, The Twentieth of March 2018, "The Suspect had Detonated" What was to Be "The Fifth and Last  Bomb," at a FedEx Shipping Center in Schertz, Northeast of San Antonio!" Fortunately, "No One as Seriously Harmed!"

And, "Later in The Morning," on The Twentieth, "Another Suspicious Package" was "Found at a FedEx Facility Outside of The Austin Airport." 

Global Cross Media News Reports are, "The Police and Federal Agencies" have "Confirmed The Package" had "Contained An Explosive that had Been Successfully Intercepted," and that It had Components that "Connected to the Other Bombings!" 

Austin Police Chief Brian Manley Believes that "The Suspect Acted by Himself!"

And, ""It is Still Unclear" "What were The Motives of The Suspect!"

FBI Agent Chris Combs, who is Head of San Antonio's FBI Office said, "We are still concerned that there may be other packages that are still out there."

"The Investigation is Will Be Ongoing" until "The Authorities are Absolutely Certain" that "There are No More Unexploded Packages to Be Found," and that "All the Information Surrounding Weeks of Fear and Uncertainty in An Around Austin Texas," Caused by "These Evil-Minded, Heartless, Venemous, and Unscionable Acts of Violence,"  have "Been Discovered!"

And, "While The City of Austin is Relieved" that "This Nightmare is Over," "The Police have Asked It's Citizens to Remain Alert and Vigilant of Any Suspicious Packages!"

We Extend Our Sincerest Heartfelt and Soulful Condolences to The Families Who have Lost A Loved One Due to The Malevolent and Cruel Acts of Violence of One Soulless Individual!

 -In Memoriam:
And, Once Again, We Send Our Sincerest Heart, Mind, Spirit and Soulful Condolences to All The Families, Friends, Colleagues, and Communities, Who have Lost A Loved One Due to The Cruelty of War!

And, We Extend Our Sincerest Heartfelt and Soulful Condolences to The Families, Friends, Neighbors, and Communities, Who have Lost A Loved One Due to Natural Causes and Natural Disasters!