Tuesday, November 14, 2017



The Way To Peace! #28 -Revisited-

Extra Noteworthy News- On December 12, 2017, "The Anniversary of The Adoption of The Paris Agreement." Approximately, "Eight Hundred Organizations and Independent Public Groups and Prominent Individuals" (Stakeholders) "Will Be In Attendance at Ile Seguin, (an Island  on the Seine River, Southwest of Paris, (between Boulogne-Billancourt and Sevres) to Participate in "The One Planet Summit," (Paris 2017 Climate Finance Day)!

"Environmentalists from All over The Earth" Will Be Attending This Prestigious Event, "Organized by France, The United Nations, and The World Bank!"

This Event is "A Follow up to The 23rd U.N. Climate Conference," (COP23) that "Began on Monday, the Sixth Through The Seventeenth of November, 2017 in Bonn, Germany!"

"The Goal of The Paris Agreement" is to "Reduce Global Warming Levels Below Two Degrees Celsius" (3.6 Degrees Fahrenheit or even Lower to 1.5 Degrees)!"

And, "The One Planet Summit" has "Been Organized to Primarily Focus on The Issues of Financing Climate Actions," and "Their Alignment to with The Objectives of The Paris Agreement," to "Reduce Greenhouse Gas Emissions," and "The Protection of The Earths Populace Against The Consequences of Climate Change!"
And, "While U.S. Officials on Diplomatic Levels Will Be Invited," and "Public Stakeholders," and "Prominent Environmentalists and Scientists," Global Cross Media Reports are "One Name is Missing from The List of Invitees," "President Donald Trump!"

"It is An Accepted Opinion of The Global Environmental and Ecological Community," that "President Trump's Decision to Withdraw The United States from The Paris Agreement," on The First of June, 2017, was "a Misguided and Unfortunate Act on His Part!"

And, It is also "An Accepted Opinion of The Global Environmental and Ecological Community," that "Our Future and The Future of Our Children are At Stake!" And, "The Survival of The Planet Earth" was "Not Made More Secure by President Trump's Decision!"

Let's Hope that "President Trump has Reconsidered and Reversed His Thoughts about The Importance of The Paris Agreement," and "The Significance of The United States Remaining" as "A Close Partner with The One Hundred and Ninety-Five Signatories" (at Last Count) that have "Adopted This Accord!" This Accomplishment alone is To Be Highly Complimented," and "Should Not Be Underestimated!"

In 1992 "The Union of Concerned Scientists" Including "Most of The Earths Nobel Laureates," "Wrote A Letter Warning The World" that "The Earths Ecosystems" had "Been Pushed to The Breaking Point!" "The Letter/Message," with "Its One Thousand Seven Hundred Signatures," "Expressed The Myriad Dangers Facing The Earths Populace and The Earth Itself," and "They Argued that "The Human Impact on The Natural World Would Likely Lead to "Vast Human Misery!" 
Since then, Most Significantly, "The Ozone Layer has Reduced in Size," and "There has Been Increased Energy from Renewable Sources!" Which is "The Good News!"

However, "A Second Letter/Notice," Entitled "Viewpoint" has "Been Written, and Published," "This Time with The Signatures of Fifteen Thousand Three Hundred and Sixty-Four Scientists," from One Hundred and Eighty-Four Countries,"Expressing A Sincere Warning" that "Included All of The Previous Concerns" (with The Exception of The Ozone Layer and Increased Energy from Renewable Sources) had "Grown Considerably Worst!"

"These Scientists" Led by US Ecologist Professor William Ripple, from Oregon State University, "Wrote in the Online International Journal, BioScience" that "Humanity is now being given a second notice...

The List of Serious Environmental Concerns Ranged from; "Climate Change, Ocean "Dead Zones," Lack of Access to Fresh Water, Deforestation, Human Population Growth," and "A Thirty Per Cent Decline of Reptiles, Amphibians and Fish, and All Other Mammals as well!"

"The Letter" also Warned, "Soon it will be too late to shift course away from our failing trajectory, and time is running out." And, "We must recognize in our day-to day lives and in governing our institutions, that Earth with all its life is our only home."

Professor Ripple also said: "We are hoping that our paper will ignite a widespread public debate about the global environment and climate." 

And, "While President Trump was on His Thirteen Day-Five Nation Asian Journey" to "Japan, South Korea, China, Vietnam and The Philippines," within "A Parallel Universe of Politics and Intrigue," "The Paradise Papers," Comprised of Thirteen Million Documents were Leaked to A German Newspaper, "Suddeutsche Zeitung," who Obtained and Released "The Panama Papers" in 2015, have "Shared These New Documents," (The Paradise Papers) with The International Consortium of Investigative Journalists," (ICIJ)!

And, "Ninety-Six Media Organizations from Sixty-Seven Countries went Through These Documents," and "The Efforts of Their Findings were Published on Sunday, The Fifth of November, 2017!"

And, "Amongst The Findings" is U.S. Secretary of Commerce Wilbert Ross "Concealed His Connections with A Russian Energy Company" Partly "Owned by The Son-In-Law of Russian President Vladimir Putin!"

It Turns Out that "Through Offshore Investments Secretary Ross holds Stakes in Navigator Holdings," who had "A Close Business Relationship with The Russian Firm!"

And, "This was "Not Revealed During Secretary Ross' Confirmation Process on Capitol Hill!"

Sunday, The Fifth of November, 2017, Senator Richard Blumenthal, Democrat from Connecticut, Stated, "Secretary Ross Misled me, the Senate Commerce Committee, and the American People."

And, "The Documents also "Revealed that Kremlin-Connected Russian Tech Leader Yuri Milner," "Invested Eight Hundred and Fifty Thousand Dollars" in "Cadre," a "Start up," Co-Founded by "President Trump's Son-In-Law and White House Adviser Jared Kushner!"

It Will Be Interesting to "Discover The Names of Other Wealthy Individuals Included in The Findings of These Thirteen Million Leaked Documents" who have "Russian-U.S. Connections" and Whether or Not "They Become a Part of The Russian Probe Investigations Evolving Configuration!"

And, "New Global Cross Media News Revelations" that "Donald Trump Jr." had "Secret Communications with WikiLeaks in 2016," Will Add to The Evolving Configuration and Interest of Robert Mueller's Russian Probe Investigations," and No Doubt, "House and Senate Intelligence Committees!" 

The Question Will Be, "How Will The Trump Administration React to These New Findings," about yet, "Another Member of His Administration Who Neglected to Tell The Whole Truth and Nothing But The Truth" about His Connections with Russia," or "Russian Connected Companies!"

And, "Elections in The Virginia and New Jersey Governor Races," and "The New York City Mayoral Race," on Tuesday, The Seventh of November, 2017 have "Signaled A Potential Backlash Against The Republican Party and President Trump's Policies, Tweets, Legislative Actions, Executive Orders," and "Overall State of Amorphous and Divisiveness in Acting on Behalf of All of The Citizens of The United States!"

"Democrats Swept All Three Important Races!" Lt. Governor Ralph Northam in Virginia, and Phil Murphy in New Jersey, were "Victorious in Their Governor Races," and "Mayor Bill De Blasio was Re-Elected in New York City!"

"These Victories," Plus, "Low Approval Ratings of The President and The GOP's Performance in Governing," and "The Ongoing Revelations in The Russian Probe by Robert Mueller's Team of Attorney's, and Intelligence Committees," and "Allegations that Roy Moore," The Republican Candidate for The U.S. Senate in Alabama, "Sexually Assaulted a Fourteen Year Old Girl, in 1979," When He was Thirty-Two, and Working as An Assistant District Attorney in Gadsden, Alabama, and "The Return Appearance of U.S. Attorney General Jeff Sessions in Front of The House Judiciary Committee to "Refute Any Collusion between Himself and Russian Officials," on Tuesday, The Fourteenth of November, 2017, All Together "Proport Strong Reasons for The GOP and Trump Administration to Be Deeply Concerned," about "Issues of Trust and Confidence," and "Further Backlash in the 2018 Mid-Term Elections!"

(Republican Senate Candidate Roy Moore Continues to Voice His Innocence!)

(Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) said on Monday, The Thirteenth of November, 2017,"I believe the women." And, "I think he should step aside.")

However, "President Trump Thoroughly Enjoyed His Welcome in China," Which was "Replete with All The Pomp and Circumstance that President Xi Jinping Could Prepare," and "Complete with All the Pageantry and Beauty that China has at It's Command," or "His Command," as "The Absolute Leader of China's Communist Party!" Plus, "New Business Deals Valued at Two Hundred and Fifty Billion Dollars!"

And, President Trump Revealed for The World to See," His New Found Admiration for President Xi and China!" While also "Asking China to Cut Off Oil Supplies" and "Apply More Financial Pressure on North Korea!"

At "President Xi Jinping's Official News Briefing," on Thursday, The Ninth of November, 2017! President Xi Spoke of International and Global Issues, Cyberhacking, Energy, Respecting Each Others Sovereignty, UN Security Council Resolutions, Enduring Peace and Stability on The Peninsula and Northeast Asia, The Pacific Ocean is Big Enough to Accommodate both China and The United States, Non-Proliferation, and Friendship between Our Peoples, Student Exchange Centers,  and The Successful and Historic Visit of President Trump, amongst Many Other Compliments," and "President Trump Congratulated President Xi Jinping's Success at The Nineteenth National Conference of the Communist Party of China, and UN Resolutions Against North Korea, the North Korean Menace, Collective Action to Win the Peace, Peaceful Future for Afghanistan, Will Stop Radical Islamic Terrorism, Drug Trafficking, Fentanyl, Trade Relationship with China,  Technology Transfer Requirements, Advance Economic Freedom and Equal Rights, Peace, Security, and Prosperity All Across The World, and A Very Special Time, and A Special Opportunity, A Great Responsibility has been Placed on Our Shoulders, and Considers President Xi A Very Special Man, and He Honors China's Heritage, and Celebrates Their Great Possibility Closer Friendships and Relationship between The People of China and The United States, Amongst Other Thoughts of Friendship between The Two Presidents!"

And, "While This is Not An Exact Word for Word Example of the Statements" of "Both President's," "It was Obvious" that "They Both Displayed A Very Favorable and Friendly Impression of and Towards Each Other!"

"No Questions were Asked at This Press Briefing!" Unfortunately, "It's a Practice" that "President Xi For the Most Part" has "Employed at All of His Official News Briefings!" However, "It was the First Time in Decades that A U.S. President has Not Answered Questions by The Global News Media," at "An Official News Briefing in China!"

And, "While President Trump's Thirteen Day, Diplomatic and Trade Journey Through Asia has "Been Well Choreographed," Domestically within "The Parallel Universes of Social, Political, Economical, and Environmental Affairs," Headlines and Bylines of The Free Press," and "Lead Stories of Global Cross Media Newscasts" are "Abound with Stories of (1) The Deadliest Mass Shooting to Take Place in Texas Resulting in Ten Innocent Deaths, and The Aftermath of Information that The US Air Force Neglected to Provide Details of The Murderers Domestic Abuse, Twelve Months Sentenced in Prison and Bad Conduct Discharge, amongst Other Pertinent Information to The National Criminal Information Center Database and Alerting Federal Law Enforcement," and (2) The New Estimates that The Republican Party's Tax Cuts and Jobs Act would Cause a 1. 7 Trillion Dollar Increase in The Deficit over The Next Ten Years, by The Congressional Budget Office (CBO), Plus, The Other Deficiencies of This Tax Reform Giveaway to Big Business and Corporations! And, The Newest Revelations that Middle Class Taxes Will also Increase in Ten Years, and (3) The New Disclosures Revealed in Thirteen Million Documents that were Leaked to German Newspaper, "Suddeutsche Zeitung," and In Turn, who Shared These Documents," (The Paradise Papers) with The International Consortium of Investigative Journalists," (ICIJ) that Includes Information about U.S. Secretary of Commerce Wilbert Ross, and President Trump's Son-In-Law and White House Adviser Jared Kushner, and Their Russian Connections, and (4) The One Planet Summit on The Twelfth on December to Be Held in Paris, France, (that Global Cross Media Reports are President Trump has Not Been Invited to) and (6) The Fact that President Trump is Not Participating in The 23rd U.N. Climate Conference in Bonn, Germany This Week, (7) Plus, The Continued News Articles about The Evolving Configuration of The Russian Probe Investigations, Involving; George Papadopoulos, Rick Gates, Paul Manafort, Paige, Michael Flynn, Sam Clovis, and The Steele Dossier, and The List of Names Continues to Grow, and (8) The Ongoing Problems with The TSA Check Point Systems at Airports in The U.S., and (9) New Travel Restrictions on Cuba, and (10) The Question of Whether The New Pressures Being Brought upon Special Counsel Robert Mueller and His Team of Investigators Will have "The Desired Effect of New Calls by The GOP" to Either Besmirch His Character and Investigations," or "Force Him to Resign," or "Be Fired," and (11) Allegations of Sexual Abuse Committed by GOP Senate Candidate Roy Moore in Alabama, and (12) Keith Schiller!

All of Which, "Comes Back" to "The Existence of Parallel Universes of Political, Economical, Environmental and Social Affairs," that have "A Profound Effect on All of Our Lives," and that "Pose Great Threats and Consequences To Our Lives," on a Daily Basis, that "Needs Experienced, Cognizant, Transparent, Balanced, Reasoned, and A Highly Engaged Diplomatic Effort," to "Manage on A Domestic or Global Stage," on "Behalf of We The People of This Planet Earth! 

"We Hope that "The President has Success on His Foreign Policy and Trade Journey Through Asia!" And, "All The Nations of The Earth and The Earths Populace Look Forward to Hearing The Unifying and Positive Message of His Presidency!"

And, "As President Trump Shook Hands and Looked Directly into The Eyes of Russian President Putin, on Friday, The Tenth of November, at The APEC 2017 Gala," (Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation) in Da Nang, Vietnam, "One Can only Wonder," Exactly "What Thought Waves were Being Transferred from One Mind to Another." And, "Then of course, "Will These Two Men Meet," with One Another, to "Discuss Mutually Beneficial Global Affairs!"

And, One also Wonders, "Whether The Russian Probe and Intelligence Committee Investigations Would Be Included in Their Agenda, or Not!" And, Speaking of Which has had, One Can only Hopes, had "A Temporarily had a Glitch in Its Configuration" with "The Disappearance of Professor Joseph Misfud," who is "A Prime Character in The FBI Affidavit Against," Candidate Trumps Ex-Foreign Policy Adviser, "George Papadopoulos!"

Global Cross Media Reports are "Professor Misfud has Disappeared," as of Thursday, The Ninth of November, 2017. One Can only Hope that The Professor is under FBI Protection," Somewhere Safe!

The Photo of Professor Misfud, and Russian Ambassador Alexander Yakovenko to The U.K." in 2014, has "Surfaced in Investigations" and It Turns Out that "He was The Individual who Informed George Papadopoulos," that "The Kremlin"  had "Dirt" on Hillary Clinton!" 
And, "This New Prominence in The Ongoing Investigations," have "Gained Him the Interest of The FBI," and "Special Counsel Robert Mueller and His Team of Associates!"

On Tuesday, The Eighth of November, 2017 Professor Misfud Acknowledged that He was The Man described in the papers" to "The Daily Telegraph!"
(Note that In August 2017, Professor Misfud Told The Washington Post that "He had "Absolutely no contacts with the Russian Government." And, "I am an academic, I do not even speak Russian.") 

However, "To Return to President Trump in Vietnam," and "The Question of Should He Meet with President Putin," is "A Question that only The President (and Possibly His Close Advisers) Can Answer!" 

And, Although, One Can Assume that "Experience, Cognizance, Reason and Logic Should Be Seriously Applied in Answering This Question," Especially, "In This Time/Space Reality" and "The Microscopic Focus" on "The Evolving Equation and Configuration of The Russian Probe," and "All of The Intelligence Investigations," Plus, "The Growing List of New Names" that have "Entered into The Picture," and or "Face Indictments by The Grand Jury," Whether on "Charges of Conspiracy, Collusion, Cyberhacking, Money Laundering, or Whatever The Future Charges May Be!" 

(Professor Misfud has "Denied The Claims Made by George Papadopoulos," that "He knew about Russian Material on Hillary Clinton!)

(In the U.S. Affidavit, Mr. Papadopoulos Claimed that "Foreign Contact 1" (Professor Misfud), Told Him in April 2016 that the Russians had "Thousands of emails relating to Hillary Clinton.)

And, "The Question of Whether President Trump Should Meet and Discuss Russia's Interference in The 2016 U.S. Election has Been Answered," However, It Must Be Prefaced with "The Acknowledgement that These are Complex Times," However, "It is Still Difficult," To Comprehend "Why A U.S. President Would "Challenge The Integrity of Two Distinguished Americans," Former CIA Director John Brennan and Former National Intelligence Director James Clapper," (and Former FBI Director James Comey) on "Veterans Day," "Calling Them Political Hacks," Because "They Did Not Believe President Putin when He Told President Trump," in Vietnam, that "He absolutely did not meddle in the U.S. Elections."

"This Moment Occurred While on Air Force One," When The President said, "He believes Russian President Vladimir Putin" when "President Putin Told Him at The Asian-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) Summit," in Vietnam, "He did not meddle in our election" (The 2016 U.S. Election). And, "He did not do what they are saying he did." 

"President Trump Followed up His Previous Statement" with "A New One," on Sunday, The Twelfth of November, 2017, " saying that "He believed the Conclusions of U.S. Intelligence Agencies," in January, 2017, (All Four of Them Not Seventeen) that "Russia Interfered with 2016 U.S. Election!"

(And, Mike Pompeo, President Trump's CIA Director Stands by The Conclusions of The U.S. Intelligence Agencies!)

However, "This Seemingly Reversal of Opinion," by President Trump,"Is Causing Confusion in The U.S." Why, Because, "The American People have Always Believed Russia has Not had The Best Interests of The United States in Mind," and  "That Belief has Been Compounded by The Conclusions of U.S. Intel Agencies," in Regards to The 2016 U.S. Election!"

"It is Amazing How Times have Changed since The Twentieth Century" when The Slightest Defense of then The Soviet Union," was "Looked at with Serious Reproach!" 
You Can Hear Former President Ronald Reagan saying, "Mr. Gorbachev Tear Down This Wall," (Referring to The Berlin Wall) and "Just Imagine The Soviet Union (The U.S.S.R- now Russia) was Once Called "The Evil Empire," During The Days of "The Cold War," by Former President Reagan!  

However, "It Can only Be Called A Great Example of Living in a Democracy," and "Being Able to Express Opinions that May Be Contrary," and "Totally Opposite of The Conclusions of All of The U.S. Intelligence Agencies in Regards to President Putin and Russian Interference in The 2016 U.S. Election," and then "Explain on The Following Day," that What You Actually Meant was, "You Believed that President Putin Believed in What He said," (as Did President Trump)!

Now, "One Can Call this A Matter of Semantics," or "Miscomprehension," However, In Light of, (1) All The Evidence In Support of The Conclusions that Russia Interfered in The 2016 U.S. Election, and (2) The Fact for Sixteen Years President Putin was Once A KGB Agent, Becoming a Colonel in The Agency, (Now FSB) before "Retiring in 1991 to Enter The World of Politics," and (3) Even Though It has Been Twenty-Six Years since then, Can Anyone Actually Believe President Putin in This Regard, and (4) President Trump's Comment and Attack upon The Russian Investigations, Conducted by Special Counsel Robert Mueller as a "Democratic Hit Job," is An Extraordinary Example of The Validity and Importance of The First Amendment! In The Twentieth Century Those Comments Would have Seriously Compromised Him!

However, "Let's Continue On This Broader Scope" of The Political Canvass, "This Whole Episode has Proven, "What a Grand Experiment, and Magnificent Gift," The Founders Envisioned and Created in "The U.S. Constitution," and "by The First Amendment," alone, "Continues to Be A Great Act of Empowerment of All The Freedoms that We The People Enjoy and Share with Each Other," in "This Age of Volatile Opinions and Complex Issues of The Twenty-First Century!" And, "The Immensity of The Challenge For All The People of The Earth" to "Continue to Evolve as A Cognizant, Insightful, Earthwise, Empathetic, Just, Moral, Spiritual, Soulful, and Aware Community and Society of This Planet Earth!" 

"This is The Twenty-First Century" and "What was Once The Norm For The Diverse Fabric and Tapestry Of Some of The People," has Become "What is Best For All The People," Irregardless of Gender, Race, Creed, Ethnicity, Color, or Nationality! 

And, The Question of, Whether or Not "The New Four Hundred and Twenty-Nine Page Republican "Tax Cuts and Jobs Act" Plan, "Will Create Enough Economic Growth to Eradicate the $1.5 Trillion in Deficit," that "It is Estimated to Create over The Next Ten Years," is "Still Being Debated!"

And then, "Add to that The $10 Trillion" that has "Already Been Estimated Will Result in The U.S. Deficit over The Next Ten Years!" And, "Is This The Best Example of "How to Create Pro-Growth Reforms" that "The Republican Party Can Come up with," and "Overhaul the US Tax Code," After "Years of Planning!" And, "Now Returns Back to The Senate" to "Be Re-Assessed by Senate Republicans!" 

However, Lets Take a Moment to Examine the Logic Behind These Cuts in Taxes; (1) Reducing the Tax on Business from Thirty-Five per cent to Twenty per cent. Will This Proposed Cut of Fifteen per cent Motivate Big Business and Large Corporations to Hire More Employees, and Raise the Minimum Wage, and Cause Enough Growth in The U.S. Economy to Supersede The Drop in Federal Revenues, that Is Estimated to Be $1.5 Trillion Dollars over the Next Ten Years, and (2) Is Placing a Limit on Future Mortgage Interest Deduction Helpful to Future Homeowners, and Empowering to The Middle Class, and (3) How are The States Going to React to Caps on Local and State Tax Deductions, and (4) The Elimination of The Student Loan Interest Deduction, Who Benefits from that and Is This Helpful to The Middle Class, or Students, and (5) Why Repeal a Fifteen per cent Tax Credit for Individuals Sixty-Five Years of Age, or Older, who are Retired on Disability, and (6) With All of These Lofty Sums of Money Being Tossed about, The Increase of The Child Tax Credit by Six Hundred Dollars almost Appears to Be An Insult to Middle Income and Low Income Families! 

However, "It's also How All the The Proposed Tax Cuts are Being Doled Out, in General," that "Is Perplexing, After Years of The GOP Envisioning This Tax Plan, You Decide, (1) No Taxes If You Make up to Twenty-Four Thousand Dollars a Year, (2) For Married Taxpayers who File Jointly, There is A Twelve per cent Tax Cut, If You Make up to Ninety Thousand Dollars a Year, (3) A Twenty-Five per cent Tax Cut, If You Make up to Two Hundred and Sixty Thousand Dollars, and (4) A Rate Decrease of Thirty-Five Per cent If You Make up to A Million Dollars.

But, "Is This Real Tax Reform or Slight of The Hand GOP Economics," Why, Because "While You have Deductions on One Hand," Such as (1) The Standard Deduction for All Taxes, Their is Simultaneously, "The Elimination of Other Personal Taxes," and "Secondary Standard Deduction!"  

And then, "If You are Unmarried and or Those Filing Separately" "You Would Receive Half of The Tax Cut Offered in Each Bracket" with "The Exception of The Thirty-Five per cent Bracket," (Two Hundred Thousand If You're An Unmarried Individual). However, "Isn't There A More Even Way of Distributing It!" And, "What about The Overall Cost of It!"

Of course, "There is Logic for, (1) Providing Tax Cuts for The Middle Class, (2) Empowering Students, and (3) Providing Support and Encouragement for The Poor and Disenfranchised to Better Their Lives, and (4) The Empowerment of Small Businesses all Across The United States, and (5) Show Appreciation to Elderly Citizens as They Enter into The Peer State of Giving Back in Their Lives or Retirement. The Question is, "Is This Really The Goal of This Tax Reform Act!"

And, "Why isn't Congress Looking" at, (1) The Low Unemployment Figures, and (2) The Record Setting Pace of The DOW, and (3) The Need for New Professionals in Healthcare, Hi-Tech, and Renewable Energy, and (3) The Impact that Passing A New Infrastructure Bill Would have on The Economy, and (4) Low Interest Rates by The Fed, "As Just a Few of The Positive Reasons" for "An Incentive to Pursue Pro-Growth Policies without Increasing The Deficit!" And, "Without Giving Large Corporations" and "The World of Big Business Significant Reductions in Their Taxes!"

And, "Why have The Republicans Become The Party of Big Cutters," and "Big Spenders at The Countries Expense!" And, "Have The Senate and House Republicans Lost Their Way!" Do "They Really Condone Large Deficits at The Cost of Being Re-Elected!"

And, "Just as Importantly," Isn't The United States Involved in Several Wars in (1) Syria, (2) Iraq, (3) Afghanistan, and (4) The War Against Syndicates of Terror, Murderers, Rapists, Kidnappers, and Torturers, Who have and Continue to Cause Crimes Against All Humanity!

And, "Just as Importantly," Isn't The United States Involved in Serious Rhetoric of Aggression with Iran and North Korea!"

And, "Isn't There Enough Military Exercises" and "Violations of Nations Sovereignty" by "Both Russia and China," For "The United States to Give Pause, and Rethink It's Tax Reform Plan!"

And, These are Simply although Quite Seriously All The Reasons Why, "The U.S. Defense Budget Increased Significantly!" And, "Why The United States is In A State of" and has "Been In State of Being A War Time Economy since September 11, 2001"

And, In The Past Century, "During Times of War and Conflict, History has Shown Us," How Great Nations Engaged in Industrial and Infrastructure Production During Times of War!" And, "There is No Doubt," that "American Families have Sacrificed Their Children, and Finances" to 'Support and Defend Our Constitutional Laws and Rights to Live as A Free People," and "For The Rights of Our Fellow Human Beings to Live in Peace, Dignity, Justice, and Free from Oppression!"  

And so, "The GOP Tax Reforms are Perplexing," and "The Question is," "Does Big Business" and "Large Corporations," and "The World of Finance," "Need The Tax Deductions" that "They are Being Offered by The Republican Party!"

And Secondly, "It's Definitely Time for American Companies Worldwide," "With or Without Offshore Subsidiaries to Reassess Their Global Business Models!"

And lastly, "It's Time For The House and Senate Republicans to Work with The Democrats" to "Conceptualize and Pass Bi-Partisan Legislation," and "Tax Reform" that is "Beneficial To All The People!"

-Extra Noteworthy News-
And, It Appears as If "Its Time For Conservative Groups to Give Up Their Attempts to Use The Courts to Pursue Their Search for Hillary Clinton's Emails!"

On Thursday, The Ninth of November, 2017 "U.S. District Court Judge James Boasberg, on the U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia, (and also a Judge of the United States Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court)  "Dismissed Lawsuits" by Conservative Dog Groups "Judicial Watch and Cause of Action Institute!"

"The Goal of These Two Conservative Groups" was to "Force The U.S. State Department and National Archives to Continue Searching for Mrs. Clinton's Missing Emails with The Attorney General," under "The Federal Records Act!"

"This is The Second Time that Judge Boasberg" has "Dismissed These Lawsuits!" 
"The First Time was in December of 2016," Which was "Then Reversed by An Appeals Court!" 

This Time "The Judge Concluded" that, "The FBI had since provided more thorough details on efforts to find the emails, and that there is no evidence to suggest that any more existing emails would be able to be recovered."

And, "In a Twenty-Six Page Ruling," Judge Boasberg Argued that, The FBI had already "pursued every imaginable avenue to recover the missing emails," from Mrs. Clinton's Tenure at The U.S. State Department!  

And, "The Judge also wrote, "Plaintiffs, significantly, cast no real doubt on that conclusion."

"This Decision to Dismiss," Comes at a Time Period When (1) President Trump has Renewed His Pressure on The U.S. State Department to Release Whatever Emails it has in Its Possession of Mrs. Clinton, and (2) When Some Republicans in Congress and The President has Called for New Investigations into Mrs. Clinton, and (3) When Several Associates, Advisers, and Former Cabinet Members of President Trump's 2016 Campaign Team, and Administration are Being Investigated," and "Asked to Give Testimony by Intelligence Committees," and "The Focused Russian Probe Investigations" by Special Counsel Robert Mueller and His Team of Attorneys!

And, "The Question is, (1) Is President Trump so Fixated on Mrs. Clinton Because He Lost The Popular Vote to Her by Almost Three Million Votes, or (2) Because, He Would Like The Intel Committees and Robert Mueller to Be Distracted from Their Investigations of Russian Interference in the 2016 Election.

However, "One Can Not Expect These Conservative Watch Dog Groups to Cease Their Search for The Missing Emails," Nor, "Can One Expect President Trump" to "Stop Using Mrs. Clinton's Name in His Political Rhetoric!" Why Because For One Thing, "His Base Loves it," and Secondly, "It is a Distraction" from Global Cross Media News Reports that "The Presidents Son-In-Law and Senior Adviser Jared Kushner," and "His Daughter Ivanka Trump," (and Wife of Mr. Kushner), as well as, at Least "Six White House Advisers," also "Used /Personal/Private Email Accounts," While "Conducting Government Business This Year!"

However, "With Whatever Logic and Reason that There May Exist on The Subject of Mrs. Clinton's Missing Emails," and "A Myriad Other Complex Domestic and Foreign Policy," and Legislative Issues," "If The President and His Administration Insist on Continuing" This "Political Path and Rhetoric" of "Thrust and Parry," "They May Find It Extremely Difficult" to "Build Bridges of Unity, Trust, Economic Parity, Justice, Equality, Peace and Security," "For Our Present" and "Future Generations to Prosper from and Enjoy!"

And, "If You have Followed The History of The Human Being/Society," You Know that "There have Been Great Moments," as well as, "The Worst of Times," When "We have Been Shamed," by "Our Actions, and Behavior!"

But, "Through These Worst of Times," There have, always, "Been Women and Men," Who have "Found The Strength, The Soul Strength To Transcend the Horrors that Some Individuals have Inflicted upon Another!"

"They have Been Women and Men of The Cloth!" And, "Pioneers, and Adventurers Who have "Searched for that Perfect Place to Call Their Home!"

"They have Been Nurses and Doctors of Mercy," Who have "Healed The Wounded and Braved the Dangers of War, and Crime" to Do so!

"They have Been Carpenters," and "Noblemen," and "Civil Rights Activists and Attorneys," and "Public Servants and Advocates of The Truth and Principles of The Tenets of Life," and "The Gospel Of Truth," and "All The Great Souls Who Cared for The Prosperity of Their Fellow Man," and "Woman's Well Being, Education, Freedom, Right to Vote, Body, Mind and Spirit!"

"They have Been Poets," and "Philosophers of Learning," and "Lawmakers" Who "Taught The Truth by Their Idea's, Words, Thoughts, and, Actions!"

"They've Been Musicians, Dancers, Painters, Writers, Educators, Students, Visionaries of Technology and Science, and Journalists," Who've "Inspired Us by Their Imagination, Intelligence, Dedication, Perseverance, and Creativity!"

"They've Been Spiritual, Ecological, Financial,  Military, and Political Leaders," and "Farmers" and "Native American Warriors," Who Believe in A World Where Every Woman and Man's Well Being Depends on Being Nourished and Empowered by The Fruits of This Earth," and "An Opportunity For One and All, No Matter What Class Distinction You May Be Included in!" "These were Great Leaders Who Believed in The Greater Importance of Living in Peace with One Another!"

And, "There were Magnificent Moments in Time," When Children were The Highest Priority on Earth," and "Their Up Bringing was Considered A Sacred Responsibility For One and All!"

And, "These were Moments in Time" When "The Family was The Center Piece of Human Evolution!"
"An Evolution of Human Kind that Gave Birth to The Hopes and Dreams of Future Generations to Come!"

"Of Times" When, "The Land was Respected and Cherished," and "The Earths Sea's, and Skies were Admired and Revered" by "All Who Gazed upon Their Beauty, and, Majesty!"
And, "The Universe Drew Their Expressions of Awe!"

And, "Now Its Time," Once again, "For All The Descendants of These Women and Men," of Times Gone by, "We The People of This Planet Earth," Who have "Been Inspired and Motivated by Our Founders and Families, Our Mother and Fathers, Sisters and Brothers, and Fellow Human Beings Who Sacrificed For Us to Reach Deeper" and "Rise Above Our Own Weaknesses and Insecurities," to "Face the Dangers of Destitution Caused by Power Hungry, Greedy, Corrupt, Insensitive, Egotistical, and Selfish Individuals," Who are Still Very Much Present among Us, and "Answer The Call of A Higher Power in The Name Of All The People!"

And so, "Let Us Rise to The Beat of A New Rhythm and Earthrise Movement Of, By, and For The People! "A Movement of Global Equilibre, and "A New Global Equation of Transcendence and Awareness" that "Rises Above The Conditioned Norm" to "A New Grace and Beneficence that Embraces Each and Every Newborn Child!"
"One of Sincerity and Hope!"
"One of Truth and Caring!"
"One of Commitment," and "Dedication To The Way Of Life and Peace!"

"A Non-Violent Peace Movement in the Inspiring, and, Soulful Tradition" of Martin Luther King Jr., and Mahatma Gandhi and "So Many Others who Gave Their Lives," and "Devoted Themselves to Peace, Equality, and, Equanimity For Their Fellow Human Being," and "All Sentient Beings of This Planet Earth!" And, Once again, "Let Us All Join Together, In The Name of Peace!"

And, To All Who are Truly Voices of Reason, and, Peacemakers of The Twentieth and Twenty-First Centuries, "Let Us Revive The Wonderment and Idea of Living in Peace!"

And, "Let Us Call upon the Leaders of The World Nations to Declare a Global Truce amongst All Warring Factions," (with The Exclusion of Syndicates of Murderers, Rapists, Terrorists, Kidnappers, the Sex Trade, Torturers, and Criminals) and, "Begin A Proper Peace Dialogue!"

(Global Cross Media News Reports that "An Agreement was Made with ISIS by U.S. Backed Syrian Democratic Forces" to Permit ISIS/Daesh Militants to Leave The City of Raqqa Unabated, once Their De Facto Capital, "with Human Shields" on Saturday, The Eleventh of November, 2017, "Needs Immediate Investigation by The United Nations") 

"This is Not a Far Fetched Idea," Thought of Lightly! And, While "This is Not a Simple Task to Do," "It is a Necessary One!" And, "Yes, It Will Take Sacrifice, Perseverance, Dedication, and, Belief," in "What and Who We are, as well as, "Belief in What are The Best Qualities that Lie within Us!"

And, "We Who Sincerely Believe" that "The Time for Peace Must Come," and, "Must Become A Reality," Have to "Give Words of Encouragement," and, "By Our Own Actions Prove to One and All," that "We are Ready to Walk the Path of Righteousness," If "We are to Ever To Enjoy the True Meaning of Life," Which is "Not War!" "It is Peace, Security, Opportunity, and Prosperity For One and All!"

And, "It is Time for A New Peace Millennia to Begin on Earth!" Why? Because, "We Simply Can Not Continue on This Present Course of UN-Declared Wars, Terrorism, Genocide, Poverty, Homelessness, Crime, Injustice, and Inequality!""A Peace Change Must Come!"

For This is The Way To Peace, and An Omniscient, Omnipotent, and Omnipresent Age of Peace, and Justice On Earth, Where The Welfare and Health Care Of Every Women, Child, Man, Sentient Being, and This Earth of Ours is Sacred To One and All!

-Extra Noteworthy News-
"A 7.3 Earthquake" has "Caused The Deaths of Four Hundred  People," at Last Count, and Six Thousand Six Hundred People were Injured, "in Iran's Mountainous Border with Iraq," on Sunday, The Twelfth of November, 2017! And, "Authorities Expect The Number of Fatalities to Increase!"

"This Earthquake" has "Been Lethal and Merciless," and "The Worst of Its Kind to Bring Death and Destruction to Iran in Decades!" 
And, "Iraq also Suffered Six Deaths," and "Sixty-Eight Injuries," Due to "The Enormity of The Earthquake!"

GCM News Reports are "The Fatalities of This Death-Dealing Natural Disaster," have "Reached Three Hundred People in Sarpol-e Zahab County, in Kermanshah Province," Which is "Approximately Fifteen Miles from The Border of Iraq," with "The Darbanikhan District Being Hit The Hardest!" 

And, "As Rescue Attempts Continue in Villages, Where "Landslides have Covered Homes and Buildings," and "Smothered All in Its Path," "The Destruction is Expected  to Cause Further Deaths and Injuries!"

"In Northern Iraq's Kurdish Districts," There have "Been Reports of Seven Deaths" and "Three Hundred and Eighty- Five Injuries!"

"At Least Fourteen Provinces in Iran have Been Affected by The Earthquake!"With "The Epicenter Being in Penjwin District in Sulaymaniyah Province," Which is "Near The Main Border Crossing with Iran," in "The Kurdistan Region!" 

"The Overall Magnitude of This Earthquake has had a Brutal Affect on Especially The People of Iran" and "Iraq," and "Its Tremors have Been Felt in Kuwait, Turkey and Israel!

We Extend Our Sincerest Heartfelt and Soulful Condolences to All The Families and Communities of Iran and Iraq Who have Lost a Loved One Due to This Merciless Natural Disaster!          

-Extra Noteworthy News-
"A Major Purge has Taken Place in Saudi Arabia," on Saturday, The Fourth of November, 2017, Billionaire Prince Alwaleed bin Talal and Ten Other Princes, and Senior Saudi Officials were "Arrested on Corruption Charges!"

And, Global Cross Media News Reports are "More than Five Hundred People have Been Detained!"

And, "While This News is Somewhat Surprising," It May Be, Quite Simply, "A New Attempt to Firm up and Strengthen The Power of Future Heir Apparent Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman!"

This Political Move by Saudi King Salman's "Anti-Corruption Initiative" Can "Not Be Downplayed for It's Importance," and "The Effects It Will have On The Kingdom," and "Global Business Relationships!"

Prince Alwaleed is A Major Investor in Global Companies such as; The News Corps, Apple, Twitter, Google, and Citigroup amongst Other Major Companies Worldwide," and "One of The Worlds Richest Men!"

-Extra Noteworthy News-
Monday, The Sixth of November, 2017, Global Cross Media Reports are "Saudi Prince Mansour bin Muqrin bin Abdulaziz Al Saud," (Deputy Governor of Asir Province, and Advisor at the Court of the Crown Prince of Saudi Arabia  ) "Died in A Helicopter Crash," on Sunday, The Fifth of November, 2017, Near The Border with Yemen, While on "An Aerial Inspection of The Region!" 
"The Cause of The Helicopter Crash is Presently Unknown!"

We Extend Our Sincerest Condolences To The Family of Prince Mansour bin Muqrin bin Abdulaziz Al Saud, and To The Families of The Other Officials who Lost A Loved One On Board The Helicopter! 

-Extra Noteworthy News-
"Multiple Shots were Fired at The First Baptist Church," in Sutherland Springs, Texas, Approximately Forty Miles Southeast of San Antonio, on Sunday, The Fifth of November, 2017.

And, Global Cross Media News Reports are "A Malevolent Coward Entered The Church and Opened Fire on The Church Congregation!" And, GCM Reports are "Twenty-Six Innocent People were Murdered," and "There were Injuries to at Least Twenty More!"

And, GCM Reports are "After a Brief Pursuit by Stephen Willeford," (A Former NRA Instructor who was Armed) Who had "Bravely Confronted The Malevolent Coward at The First Baptist Church," and "Then Courageously Continued to Chase after Him, When He Attempted to Escape Capture," in a "Car Driven by Johnny Langendorff," (a Local Resident) to Nearby Guadalupe County," Where "The Car of This Malicious Murderer of Innocent People Crashed," Ending The Chase!" And, "Where Mr. Willeford and Mr. Langendorff Waited until The Police Arrived!"

Global Cross Media News Reports are "Devin Patrick Kelley," of New Braunfels, Texas, Aged Twenty Six, was "Found Dead in His Car of Suicide," a "Cowards Death!" 

Mr. Langendorff  Called The Other Gentleman, (at the Time He didn't know Stephen Willeford's name) "Very Much a Hero."  However, "We Would also Like to Thank Mr. Langendorff," For "His Heroic and Selfless Actions!" 

"This is The Worst Mass Shooting to Take Place in Texas!" And, "Another Tragic Human Disaster!" 

And, It Turns Out "The Motive for This Tragedy" is "Directly Connected to A Past of Violence and Mental Instability," that was "Not Made Available by The U.S. Air Force!"

In 2012 Kelley Escaped from a Mental Facility, and (1) Abused His Wife and Fractured the Skull of His Stepson, and (2) Attempted to Sneak Weapons on An Air Force Base, and (3) Threatened The Lives of His Military Superiors, and (4) Was Sentenced to Twelve Months of Confinement Before Being Given a Bad Conduct Discharge in 2014, by The Air Force! 

"All of This Information Should have Been Made Available for Background Checks," and "Entered into the National Criminal Information Center Database Alerting Federal Law Enforcement," by "The Air Force!" 

"Haven't Enough Families Lost A Loved One Due to Gun-Related Violence!" "Haven't Enough Tears of Love and Loss Fallen from The Eyes of Mothers and Fathers, and Family Members Due to Gun-Related Violence!" 
"Isn't It Time For The U.S. Congress To Create New Universal Gun Prevention Legislation," to "Curb The Violence that Continues to Threaten and Violate Our Families!"

("The Sandy Hook Lawsuit Against Remington Gun Manufacturer" Continues to "Demonstrate The Determination and Courage of Families" Who've "Lost A Dearly Loved One Due to Gun Violence!"
And, "It is To The Credit of Ten Sandy Hook Families" Who "Demand Satisfaction from Remington" and "Their Subsidiary Bushmaster," Where an AR- 15- Assault Rifle was "Used to Murder Twenty Innocent Children and Six Adult Staff Members" at "The Sandy Hook Elementary School, in Newtown, CT. on The Fourteenth of December, 2012, is "Now, "Headed Towards a Reckoning in The Connecticut Supreme Court!"

The Lawsuit Claims that Remington Targeted a "Younger Demographic" by "Linking the AR-15- to macho vigilantism and military-style insurrection."

If Successful, "Their Appeal Will Advance to the discovery phase.")   

We Extend Our Sincerest Heartfelt and Soulful Condolences to The Families, Friends, Congregation, and Neighbors of The First Baptist Church, and Sutherland, Texas, who Lost A Loved One to Yet Another Tragic and Senseless Mass Shooting in The United States of America!

-In Memoriam:
And, Once Again, We Send Our Sincerest Heart, Mind, Spirit and Soulful Condolences to All The Families, Friends, Colleagues, and Communities, Who have Lost A Loved One Due to The Cruelty of War!

And, We Extend Our Sincerest Heartfelt and Soulful Condolences to The Families, Friends, Neighbors, and Communities, Who have Lost A Loved One Due to Natural Causes and Natural Disasters!