Wednesday, November 1, 2017



The Way To Peace! #146 -Revisited-

We Live in A Time Period "Where Parallel Universes and Opposites Exist Along side One Another," Although, at Times, "In Different Time Space Realities," and have Effected Our Lives For Good or For Bad!" 
"Can Anyone Deny How Inspiring A Moment It was" to "See Five Ex-Presidents of The United States of America," James "Jimmy" E. Carter Jr., George H.W. Bush, George W. Bush, William "Bill" J. Clinton, and Barack H. Obama at "The Deep From The Heart: The One America Appeal Concert Fundraiser" on Saturday, The Twenty-First of October, 2017 at Reed Arena at Texas A&M University in College Station, Texas!"

"It was "A Benefit Concert to Aid The Victims of Hurricanes Harvey, Irma, and Maria!"

"A Concert Fundraiser," that "Starred Alabama, Lyle Lovett and Robert Earl Keen, (Both Musicians Attended Texas A&M), Lady Gaga," who "Made a Surprise Guest Performance," "Soul Man Sam Moore, and Gospel Singer Yolanda Adams!"

"This Event, "Attended by The Five Former Presidents," had "Deep Significance and Symbolism to It," and "A Sincere and Meaningful Sense of Compassion and Support for The Families and Communities," who are "Still Struggling to Recover from The Damage and Devastation They Experienced to Their Homes, Businesses, and Lives!" 
And, "Who are Still Trying to Recover from The Emotional Trauma," that has "Left Too Many of Them, Distraught, Depressed, Disheartened," and "In Need of Help!"

"Thirty-One Million Dollars has Been Received from This Wonderful Joint Effort by The Five Former Presidents," since "The Appeal for Funds Began on The Seventh of September, 2017!" 

"Five Former Presidents," Republicans and Democrats, "Altogether On One Stage Showing Compassion and Support for Those in Need," "An Exemplary Display of Leadership by Example," that has "Given Forth and Projected A Vision of Unity For America and The World Communities to See!" This was "A Good Day for The U.S. of A. and Hurricane Relief!"

President Trump Appeared in "A Taped Video Message," and Hailed "This Wonder Effort."

And, Then You have "A Cowardly Malevolent Attack upon Innocent Bicyclists and Pedestrians in Lower Manhattan, Approximately Five Blocks from The World Trade Center, on Tuesday, The Thirty-First of October, 2017, "Killing Eight Innocent People" and "Injuring Eleven More!"

Global Cross Media News Reports are "This is The Deadliest Attack to Take Place in NYC since September Eleventh, 2001!"

The Malicious, Dishonorable Murderer, Named Sayfullo Saipov, a Twenty-Nine Year Old, "Drove a Rented Truck into A Crowd of Innocent People on A Bike Path Along Side of The Hudson River," and "Continued until He Struck a School Bus at Chambers Street," "Causing More Injuries!"

"He then Exited The Truck and Attempted to Unsuccessfully Escape," He was Shot in The Abdomen by Ryan Nash," a "Twenty-Eight Year Old, Heroic Police Officer," and, "Remains in Critical Condition!" 
(It is Reported that "The Malicious Coward Called out" in Arabic, "Allahu akbar" Which Means "God is Great." And, If True, "To Call out God's Name, While Doing Harm to An Innocent Fellow Human Being" is "A Sin Against God," and "A Godless Offensive Act of Violence Against The Great Creation!"

Global Cross Media News Reports are "The Murderer Lived in Cincinnati, Ohio, Tampa, Florida, and Patterson, New Jersey" and, "Came to The U.S. from Uzbekistan, in 2010," and "had a Green Card!"
And, It is Reported that "Handwritten Notes were Discovered Near The Truck, Revealing "His Allegiance to ISIS/Daesh!"

"This Attack" by "Another Murderer of Innocents," Who is A Malevolent Follower of Syndicates of Terrorists, Rapists, Kidnappers, Torturers, and Criminals," Is "Another Reason Why These Dishonorable Evildoers Must Be Punished and Eliminated" from "Causing Any Further Acts of Violence Aimed Towards Causing Harm or Death" to "Our Families, Friends, Neighbors and Fellow Human Beings!" "These Syndicates are A Disgrace to All Humanity!"  

And, "This is All the More Reason For Politicians and Lawmakers to Comprehend" that "This is A Unique Time Period in Our Lives," In Which, "Everyone Must Place The Safety, Security, and Welfare Of The People," before "Party Loyalty, and Political Ideology!" And, "Focus on," Quite Simply, "Making A Better World For All The People of The Earths Societies, Communities and Nations!" 

"There is "A Universal-Global Equation," that "Divisive and Isolationist Driven Movements," only "Cause More Divisiveness, Prejudice, and Anger!" Which is "Why Voices of Reason, Diplomats, Peacemakers, and Civil Rights Activists Must Speak Out and Stand up to Those of Us," Who "Wish to Achieve Their Goals in Life" by "Causing More Chaos where There is Justice and Unity," and "War and Fear where There is Peace!"

We Extend Our Sincerest Heartfelt and Soulful Condolences to The Families, and Friends of The Loved Ones who Lost Their Lives Due to This Vile Act of Violence!     

And, "Its Been Within A Parallel Universe of Politics and Social Conscience," that "Its Been Interesting to See and Hear Three Senators John McCain AZ, Jeff Blake of PA, Robert Corker of TN," and "Congressman Charles Dent of PA," "Speaking Out and Standing up to President Trump!" And, "Actually Engaging in a Repartee of Tweets with The President!"

However, "It is Unfortunate" that "Senators Corker and Blake, and Congressman Dent," are "Choosing Not To Run for Re-Election!" Especially with "How Passionately They Feel about President Trump," and "The Direction The President is Attempting to Move The United States of America!"

"We The People Need Conscientious Politicians to Represent Us," Whether They Be Democrats, Independents, or Republicans, and "Empower Us with The Truth," and "With What is In The Best Interest of The People of United States Of America!"

And, "In This Crucial Time Period," When a Single Vote in The Senate," (such as The Fifty-One to Fifty Vote on Tuesday, The Twenty-Fourth of October, 2017, Preventing Consumers from Suing Banks in A Class Action Law- Suit) or "In The House, "Can Cause The Undoing of Social Programs, and Environmental Concerns, Immigration, Civil Rights, Economic Parity, Health Care, Family Values, and U.S. Traditions, Foreign Policies, and Challenge The Laws of The U.S. Constitution," This is Not The Time to Leave The Front Lines," "Its Time to Fight for What You Believe in" and "For What The United States Stands for," and "What The Founders Envisioned This Country To Be!"  

I Sincerely Can Not Believe that "Republican Presidents Abraham Lincoln, Theodore Roosevelt, Dwight D. Eisenhower, Ronald Reagan, George H.W. Bush, or George W. Bush," or "Republican Congressman Jack Kemp NY, or Senator Robert Dole KS, or Conservative Author/Commentator William F. Buckley," "Would Back Down When Confronted and Challenged by Policies or Political  Rhetoric" that "They Did Not Believe in!"

And, "While No Announcements were Made" on Friday, The Twenty-Seventh of October, 2017,  "A Federal Grand Jury in Washington, D.C." "Approved The First Charges in The Russian Investigations Led by Robert Mueller!"

And, "Now that The Charges have Been Unsealed "The Legal Ramifications are Manifold and Multitudinous," to Say the Least!" But, "Lets Not Get ahead of Ourselves, "This is Just the Beginning," However, The Twelve Counts Charged Against Paul Manafort, Former Campaign Manger, of then Candidate Trump's 2016 Election Campaign, and Rick Gates, Mr. Manafort's Former Close Business Associate," and "A Chief Deputy and Key Insider of The Trump Campaign," have "The Potential of Seriously Shaking Up The White House," and "Cause Tremors in The Trump Administration!" 
And, The Question of, "Who Will Be Next" to Turn Themselves in "Will Be Eagerly Looked Forward" to by "The American People," "The Global Cross Media News Universe," "The Social Media," and "The Earth's Global Populace!"

Global Cross Media News Reports are, "Paul Manafort and Rick Gates" have "Been Separately Indicted" on "Felony Charges of Conspiracy against The United States, Conspiracy to Launder Money, Acting as an Unregistered Foreign Agent, Making False Statements," and "Several other Charges," Relating to "Failing to Report Foreign Bank and Financial Accounts!"

This Feels Very Much Like "A Modern Political Version of J'accuse," with Allegations that Paul Manafort and Rick Gates "Moved Money through Hidden Bank Accounts in Cyprus St. and The Grenadines, and The Seychelles!" (More than Seventy-five Million Dollars! And, Mr. Manafort is Accused of Laundering More that Eighteen Million Dollars alone!)

And, "Take Note" that "The Offshore Accounts were Used to Purchase Multi-Million Dollar Properties in The United States!" That alone "Should Be A Very Interesting Aspect of The Russian Investigation Configuration to Pursue!" ("Some of These Properties" are "In The Process of Being Seized)

And, "The Indictment" also "Accuses Mr. Manafort and Mr. Gates of Operating A Conspiracy to Covertly Work on Behalf for Ukraine-Pro-Russian Interests," For Almost a Decade, and "Launder Millions of Dollars through Offshore Accounts!" It was "A Covert Lobbying Operation!"

Mr. Manafort has "Just Recently Registered with The Justice Department" as "A Foreign Agent," under "The Foreign Agents Registration Act," for "Some of The Work He Performed for Ukraine" that "Occurred in Washington!"

And, "The News that George Papadopoulos," A Former Trump Adviser, "Pleaded Guilty" on The Fifth of October, 2017, "to Lying to Federal Officials" who were "Working with Special Counsel Robert Mueller" was also "Unsealed Today!"

Mr. Papadopoulos, "Admitted" in Court, "Lying about the Nature of His Interactions" with "Foreign Nationals," who "He Thought had Close Connections with Senior Russian Government Officials!" This is "The First Criminal Count" that "Cites Direct Contact between Trump Campaign Associates and Russian Government Officials!"

Mr. Papadopoulos, also "Pleaded Guilty for Lying to Federal Officials Working with Special Counsel Mueller" about "His Dealings with Several Russians who Claimed" to have "Dirt" on "Hillary Clinton!"

And, It has "Been Revealed that Unbeknownst to Everyone," Last Week, Sam Clovis, "National Co-Chairman of The Trump 2016 Campaign Team, "Testified Before The Investigating Grand Jury," and "has "Been Interviewed by The Mueller Team!"

And, "It Turns out that Mr. Clovis" was "The Unnamed Supervisor who said "Great work,"in "An Email to Mr. Papadopoulos," who was "Attempting to Arrange a Meeting between Trump and Russian Officials!" This was "Confirmed by the Attorney of Mr. Clovis, to NBC News!" 

Mr. Clovis was also "A Chief Policy Adviser to The Trump Campaign," and It Must Be said that "President Trump Named Mr. Clovis to Be The Chief Scientist of The Department of Agriculture," Even Though "He has Never Been a Scientist!"     

"These Indictments of Mr. Manafort and Mr. Gates," and "The Guilty Plea of Mr. Papadopoulos" are "Welcomed and Long awaited Moments" in "The Continuing Developments of The Russian Probe Investigations Conducted by Robert Mueller!" 

And, "The American People," "The Global Cross Media News Universe," "The Social Media," and "The Earths Global Population" "All Look Forward to The Next Phase of The Russian Probe Configuration," and "What A True Democracy Of The People, By The People, and For The People Truly Is and Stands For!"

And, To "Add to The Configuration, The Answer is in, "The Previously Unknown Conservative Group who Initially Hired Fusion GPS, a Commercial Research and Strategic Intelligence Firm," is "Washington Free Beacon, An American Conservative Political Journalism Web Site!"

"The Chronological Evolution of This Phase of The Russian Probe Configuration Goes as such; The Washington Free Beacon Hired Fusion GPS, who then Hired Christopher Steele, A Former MI6 British Agent, who Created The Steele Dossier!

The Steele Dossier "Documents Russian President Putin's Attempts to Develop Relationships" with then "Candidate Trump and His Campaign Team in 2016!"

Mr. Steele's Allegations were also "Helpful in The FBI Investigations in Russian Interference in The 2016 Election Campaign!"

However, On Friday, The Twenty-Seventh of October, 2017, The Editor in Chief of the Free Beacon Site Matthew Continetti, and Chairman Michael Goldfarb Released a Statement that, "The Free Beacon had no knowledge of, or connection to the Steele Dossier, did not pay for the Dossier, and never had contact with, knowledge of, or provided payment for any work performed by Christopher Steele."

Mr. Goldfarb and Mr. Continetti also Wrote that, They Hired Fusion GPS "to provide research on multiple candidates in the Republican presidential primary, just as we retained other firms to assist in our research into Hillary Clinton."

And, "All the work that Fusion GPS provided to The Free Beacon was based on public sources, and none of the work product that the Free Beacon received appears in the Steele dossier."

Note that "Fusion GPS Continued Its Opposition Research Work For The Democrats!" Global Cross Media News Reports are "Attorney Marc Elias Hired Fusion GPS to Do Opposition Research on Behalf of The DNC (Democratic National Committee) and The Clinton Campaign in April of 2016!" Which, "Then Led to Christopher Steele Being Hired by Fusions GPS" and "The Steele Dossier!"

President Trump Tweeted on Friday, The Twenty-Seventh of October, 2017, "It is now commonly agreed, after many months of COSTLY looking, that there was NO collusion between Russia and Trump. Was collusion with [Hillary Clinton]!"

However, "Most Global Cross Media News Reports Agree" that, "Some Associates" and "Members of The Trump 2016 Campaign Team Did have Relationships with Russian Officials!"
But, "The Question Still Remains were there Illegal Acts of Collusion Involved?"

"It's The Truth and Nothing but The Truth that The American People Would Like to Know!" There is "No Witch Hunt Involved," "It's The Truth that We The People Seek!" For "Our Present Generation and For Future Generations!" 

"This is An Extremely Important Moment in The Political History of The United States of America!" 
"The Fact that "Russia Interfered with The 2016 Elections Can Not Be Ignored, Nor Can It Be Simply Swept away under The Mat!" It Does Exist and "Must Be Given A Full Examination by The U.S. Government!"

And, Whether You are Republican, Democrat or Independent, "We Must All Take Pride In Our Democratic Principles and Way of Life!" This is "Distinctly What Makes Us A Free Nation under The Constitution," and "The Laws of The United States," and "An Essential Quality of Life that We Can Share with Our Families," and "Our Fellow Human Beings!"

(Paul Manafort and Rick Gates Pleaded Not Guilty!) 

And, "To Compound The State of Amorphous, Distrust," and "Dissatisfaction of The Internal Political Workings of Washington, D.C., On Monday, the Sixteenth of October, 2017, President Trump Met in The White House with Senate Republican Majority Leader Leader to Discuss The Republican Party Agenda, and No Doubt The New Tax Reform Bill, Budget, Debt Ceiling, Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA), The De-Certification of The Iran Nuclear Deal, North Korea, President Trump's New Executive Order Carelessly Attacking The Health Care and Welfare of Millions of Americans, The GOP Legislative Agenda, and Stephen Bannon's Attacks on The Republican Party, were "Just  Possibly a Few of The Issues and Deep Concerns that Needed Discussion."

However, "In An Impromptu Press Conference" in The Rose Garden with Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, The President was Asked by A Reporter, "Why He hadn't Spoken Publicly about the Deaths" of "The Four Green Berets who were Killed in An Ambush in Niger," on The Fourth of October, 2017, and "Whether He had Contacted Their Families!" 

("An Investigation into What Happened During This Military Operation is Currently Underway," Due to The Fact that The U.S. Troops who Participated in It, were "Left for Approximately An Hour before Help Arrived!"

"What Should have Been A Normal Press Question and Answer Session," Instead, "Turned into Being, "What has Been Interpreted as Being A Very Uncharitable Statement For President Trump to Make" about "Former U.S. Presidents Barack Obama and George Bush!"

"He Responded to The Question" by Saying, "I've written them personal letters and they'll be going out tonight, they were written during the weekend, and I will sometime during the period of time call the Parents, Call the Families, Because, I have done this traditionally, I felt very very badly about that, I always feel badly about that. The toughest calls I have to make are the calls where this happens. Soldiers are killed. Its a very difficult thing." And, "After Continuing along For a While Longer on This Subject, He then "Spoke about Former Presidents," and, He said, "If you look at President Obama and other Presidents, most of them didn't make calls."

And, "In Response to Another Question about the Same Subject, The President also said, "a lot of them (Meaning Former U.S. Presidents) didn't make calls. I like to call when I'm able to do it, they have made the ultimate sacrifice. So, generally I like to call."

"Its Very Difficult to Comprehend Why President Trump Made This Statement," and "Irregardless of His Explanation" about What Other Generals have Told Him, "Common Sense Should have Told Him" that "Every President of The United States Would Feel It His Personal Responsibility to Contact The Family of A Fallen Warrior!"

And, "The Statement made by President Trump is Patently Untrue" in "Regards to Other Presidents!" And, "This Has Been Documented Many Times in Global Cross Media News Coverage!"

However, "Even More Importantly," is "The Fact" that "Four Green Berets were Killed in a Military Operation," (Weeks Ago) that is "Under Investigation," is "Too Serious a Matter to Be Distracted from," "Especially to The Families who have Lost Their Loved One," and "For Any Uncharitable Remarks To Be Made about Other Presidents," that are "Patently Untrue," is "Beyond Comprehension!"  
And, "Can You Imagine Making This False Statement about Former U.S. Presidents," With "The Capital Press Corps All in Attendance," is Again, "Beyond Comprehension!"

And, "All This with The Majority Leader of The Senate, Mitch McConnell," Republican from The State of Kentucky, "Standing there Observing This Scene of Embarrassment," Because that's What It was," at President Trump's Own Expense, Brings to Mind, "What has The Party of Lincoln, Roosevelt, Eisenhower, Reagan, Bush (41), Kemp, and Buckley Jr., Come to!" 

And, "Have They Forgotten" that "They are Supposed to Be Representatives Of, By, and For The People!" And, "Protectors of All The Values that The United States Stands For," and "The U.S. Constitution!"

"Our Principles, Traditions, Values, Armed Forces, Justice System, Democracy and Freedom" are "Symbols of Respect to The Entire World," and "We Need Our Elected Officials" to "Continue to Be Ambassadors of Unification, Peace, and The Values that Americans were Brought up to Believe in!" 

And, "To Tarnish All that America Stands for, and has Fought for, and Worked Towards for Millennias," Would Be "Near To Being as Sacrilegious and Undemocratic as Can Be Imagined!" 

And, "This is Not The Time For Partisan Politics!" It's a Time for Every Elected Official to "Prioritize What is In The Best Interests of We The People," and "All The Sovereign Citizens of This Planet Earth," and "For Our Future Generations to Come!"

And, "One Can Not Ignore" that "There are Zero Degrees of Time Space Reality between Us!" "The Internet, The Social Media, and The Global Cross Media Universe" has "Proven that to Be True In a Very Short Span of Time!"

So, "To Each and Every Elected Official, or Party Leader, or World Leader, When You Conceive of and Create New Legislation," Remember to "Envision It with An Earthrise Vision," that "Encompasses and has A Positive Effect upon The Whole Earths Populace!" 

Former President John F. Kennedy Recognized This, When He said in Front of The Berlin World "Ich bin ein Berliner!" And, President Ronald Reagan Recognized This When He said, "Tear down this wall."

Both Presidents "Democrat and Republican Recognized" that "We Can Not Continue to Build Walls between Us to Solve Our Differences," "We Must Build Bridges of Unity, Economic Parity, Peace and Justice For One and All!"

And, "Yes The Challenges to The Status Quo are Many," and "At Times Extremely Difficult To Maneuver," Just as "The Referendums Voted on in Catalonia on The First of October, 2017," and "In Kurdistan on The Twenty-Fifth of September, 2017," "Represent A Great Challenge To The Grand Principles and Ideas of How Democracy is To Evolve, Function and Become A Reality!!"

But then, The Question of "When Exactly is the Correct Moment for Independence" to "Thrive and Become Its Own Interdependent Being!"

And, "When is the Correct Moment For A People" to "Be Allowed to Live as Interdependent Parts of The State!"

"This is Clearly The Time" For "Calm Non-Violent Voices Come Together to Organize Peaceful Public Forums to Discuss How to Follow A Path of Interdependence, While Still Remaining a Part of The Whole!"

And, "Just as Viewing The Earth," From The International Space Station (ISS), "Reveals A Planet without Boundaries," It's Time We Accepted that "We are One and All Sovereign Citizens Of This Planet Earth!" 

This is "Not A Philosophical Point of View," But, "It is A Visual Reality that has Its Own Special Beauty and Significance to It!"

("In a Conversation with Pope Francis," on Thursday, The Twenty-Sixth of October, 2017, from "The International Space Station" (ISS), "US Astronaut Randy Bresnik, and Mission Commander," Told The Pontiff that "They saw a world without borders or conflicts from their point of view above the Earth."

And, "Just as There are Galaxies upon Galaxies, and Millions upon Billions of Luminous Bodies within An Unlimited Space," There is A State Of Equilibre that Still Exists," and "The Challenge For Us Will Be To Find A State of Equilibre Here on Earth," that "Encompasses Us, One and All!"

And, "Allies, Citizens, and Families of All The Nations of The Earth," Must "Not Forget" that "There is Zero Degrees Between Us," and "This is An Important Time in All of Our Lives" to "Embrace Each Others Cultures, Positive Visions and Goals," to "Live as Free Interdependent Beings of This Planet Earth," While "Accepting" that "We are All But A Small Part of A Grand Universe," that "Dwarfs Us in Comparison," and "Yet There is Still A State Of Equilibre" that "Allows For Growth and Development amongst All Sentient and Inanimate Beings!"

And, "This is "the Moment in Time" to "Follow A Path of Non-Violence" and "Patiently, Pursue A Democratic Approach Towards Sharing The Lands, Skies, Oceans, Air and Fruits and Space of This Planet Earth," But, "With Guarantees that All the Pertinent Parties Involved," Whether They Be Political, Military, Financial, or Religious Leaders," and "We The People Of This Sovereign Earth, "Will Be Given Satisfaction" in "The Form of A Concise and Fair-minded Agreement," that "Is Fundamentally Enriched by A True Magnanimity, Grace, Justice, and Spirit Of All The People," To Be Completed by "A Mutually Agreed upon Time Period!"

And, "As Forerunners of What is Still to Come," It is of "The Utmost Importance For All The Pertinent Parties Involved to Remember the Lessons of History," of "A Time Period," in The Past, "When A People who Hungered for Their Independence Took To The Streets to Demonstrate," and "Violence Occurred!" 

So, "It is of The Utmost Importance For Diplomacy and Public Forums, and Words, to Speak For Our Concerns," Not Violence, and "So, Let No Woman or Man Raise a Hand Against Another During This Time Period," No Matter How Intense Passions May Become!" 

And, "Let Us Agree to Disagree," However, "To also Allow Time and Space For Those Individuals who Wish Their Interdependence," To "Internally Discover How To Be A Part of The Whole," While "Still Being Free to Live and Follow A Democratic Way Of Life!"

And, "Though Passions May Grow In Intensity, Resembling A Raging Wildfire, Hurricane, Tornado, or Earthquake," Let Us Always Remember that "We have A Responsibility to Our Fellow Human Being" to "Come to Their Assistance," Wherever We Can, as "A First Responder Would," in "Full Realization of The Golden Rule," and to "Re-Establish A Strategic Alignment of An Earthrise Time/Space Reality," and "Global Equation Of The People By The People and For The People," that "Embraces The Diverse Tapestry and Fabric Of The People," in "A Grand Purpose of Being," Sovereign Citizens Of This Planet Earth!" And, "Let This Be The New Norm of Our Millennia!"
"We" All have A "Vision Path" to Follow! Each One of Us, in Our Own Way!

"We" All have Dreams, Dreams and Goals in Life that, "We" Hope Will Come True, Through Perseverance and Hard Work!

But, While "We" are Working Hard to Achieve Our Goals in Life, "We" Must Never Lose Sight of Who "We" are, or, "Our Sense of Dignity and Interdependent, Intelligence and Individuality!"

In Many Area's of The World, "We" are "Being Forced to Choose Between Death and Freedom!" But, These are "Not The Only Choices to Be Made!" There are The Choices of "The Quality of Life and Family Security!" And, "Patience!"

"This New Season of Change" Did Not, "Just Materialize Over Night," It Took "Day after Day of Faith, Trust, and, Belief in Our Rights To Live and Evolve As A Free People," Before, "The Sign of The Times, Revealed that Our Time had Finally Arrived!"

However, "Lets Not Allow The Dictators," and, or "Their Authoritarian Forces to Dictate" How "We" are to "Achieve Our Goals!" And, "Lets Not Engage Them by Falling into Their Traps!"

And, "Lets Continue to Challenge Our Civilian, Military, Religious, and, Financial Leaders of, The Earths United Nations To Uphold The Rights" of, "We The People," Citizens Of The Earth, "To Live As A Free People of This Sacred Planet of Ours, Earth!"

And, "No Dictator, Queen, King, Prince, Princess, President, Prime Minister, or Religious Leader," has "The Right to Dictate to Us," Without First, "Asking For A Mandate from Us!" 
A Mandate "Of The People, By The People, and, For The People!" For, "Without A Mandate," "Freedom, Independence, or A Democracy, Can Not Become A Reality!"

And, No Matter How Oppressed "We" May Be, "Lets Keep Sacred Our Covenant of An Emancipation Declaration" that "Unites Us" as "One People In Our Hearts, Minds, and Souls!"

And, "Lets Instill A Constitution Of The People," "Deep Within Our Spirits and Souls" that "No Woman or Man Can Deny," or "Try to Take Away from Us!"

"A Constitution Of The People, By The People, and, For The People," Citizens Of The Earth!
For, "We" are "A Great Soul Force of Change, Hope, Peace, and, Non-Violent Resistance" that "Will Bring Change To The World!"

And, Though "We" are "Threatened by The Forces of Violence and Oppression," Lets "Strategize, How to Artfully, Passionately, and, Intelligently Achieve Our Goals, Through Strategic Planning, and Positioning," and "Showing The Sincerity and Purpose of Our Earthrise Evolution" and "Movement Of, By, and, For The People," by "Utilizing Every Asset of Our Omnipotent, Non-Violent, Activists Communication Network" and "Nexus Of The People!"

And, Lets Continue to "Be A Great Ocean of Change, Whose Tides Will Overcome The Forces of Oppression and Injustice!"

And, Let it Be Known via "The Internet," and "The Social and Global Cross-Media Universes," that, "We Shall Overcome!"

And, "We" Will "Non-Violently, Shake Up, Rock Out, Wear Down, and, Change The Conditioned Reality," that has Been Used to Impede and Control Us, "Into A New Age of Freedom, Peace, and, Prosperity For One and All!"

And, Let There Be "No Doubt in Our Minds, and, Spirits" that "This is Our Moment in Time and History," and that "We Will Bring To Fruition, A New Age of Enlightenment and Cultural Awareness" of "Our Roots As Being One People," of This, "The Third Planet from The Sun!"

And, "Just As The Berlin Wall Came Down," Lets "Bring Down The Walls of Illusion and Indifference," Whether, "They Be Caused by Racial Prejudice or Class, Political," and or by "Religious Segregation!"

And, "Lets Build A Great Bridge of Peace and Unity in Its Place!" "A Bridge that Heralds A New Age of A Great Union and Communion" amongst "One and All," "We The People," Citizens Of The Earth! And, "The Lives of All Sentient Beings!"

For, "We" are, "One and All An Earthrise Populace of The Cosmos and The Great Spirit of Life," and of "All The Seasons of Change That are To Come," and "That are Here and Now!"

And, "Together, United as One," "We are The World," and "The Way To Peace and A Peace Millennium!" And, "A Way To Heal The World," and "The Driving Force of A Peace Economy!"

Voices of Reason and Peacemakers of the 20th and 21st Centuries, "Lets Continue to Encourage The Civilian, Military, Religious, and, Financial Leaders of, The Earths United Nations," To "Support The Will Of The People," and "Come Together in A Resounding Acclamation" that "A New Season and Age of Change has Come!" And that, "The Dictators and Puppets" of "The Ists," and "The Isms," of "The Global Oligarchs/Authoritarian-Totalitarian Regimes Must Go!"

(China and Russia are "Both Resembling Totalitarian-Authoritarian Regimes Led by," in Each Case, "One Man," under "The Guise of Communism!" "The Nineteenth National Congress of the Communist Party of China Held at The Great Hall of The People, Beijing," between the Eighteenth and Twenty-Four of October, 2017, was "Virtually A One Man Show," with "President Xi Jinping as The Producer, Director, and Celebrity Host/Star!" And, "When He gave His Three and a Half Speech to Conference," You Can Believe that Everyone Paid Close Attention!" And, "There was No Heir Apparent Waiting in The Wings!")

(And, Russian President Vladimir Putin has "Taken Great Pleasure Out of Displaying Russia's Military Power in Military Exercises such as Zapad 2017," and "Promoting Russia's Newest Ballistic Missile," or "Super Powered Nuclear Submarine," and "Imposing His Authoritarian Powers on The Russian Cross Media Universe" by "Curtailing The Power of Free Press and An Open Media," and "Freedom to Protest and Demonstrate," While "Exerting Russian Imperialism" by "Carrying Out Preemptive Strikes upon Sovereign Nations under False Pretenses, Such as Ukraine," and by "Engaging in Cyber Attacks to Interfere with The Electoral Process of Sovereign Nations, Such as The United States!" And, "Make No Mistake President Putin has Not Forgotten The Glory Days of The Soviet Empire!")

("Congratulations to Canada For Passing Their Version of The Magnitsky Act, Bill S-226!" "Both Houses of The Canadian Parliament Passed S-226," and "Received Royal Assent," on The Nineteenth of October, 2017! "This Bill Places Strong Sanctions against Alleged Russian Human Rights Abuses!"  
In 2009, "Sergei Magnitsky," An Attorney, "Died in A Russian Prison!" He had "Been Arrested, Convicted and Imprisoned" for, "His Part Taken in Uncovering and Accusing Russian Officials of a Two Hundred and Thirty Million Dollar Tax Fraud!"

And,The Magnitsky Act" has "Been Adopted by Sovereign Nations Worldwide," to "Punish Human Rights Violators!" As You Can Imagine, "Russian President Putin Expressed His Discontent with the Passage of This Bill!" However "This is A Victory" for "The Victims who have Been Attacked, Imprisoned, Tortured, and Killed," by "Corrupt, Authoritarian, Foreign Officials and Leaders" who have "Committed Crimes against Humanity," and "The Innocent!") 
(The United States has also Passed Magnitsky Legislation in 2012!) 

And, "Lets Call Upon The Civilian, Military, Religious, and, Financial Leaders of The Earths United Nations" to "Eliminate Syndicates Of Terrorists, Rapists, Kidnappers, Criminals, and Murderers from Being Able to Threaten Our Communities and Families!" 
And, After that has Been Completed, "Take A Moment To Declare A Global Truce," and "An End of Totalitarianism!" And, "The New Beginning" of "An Age Of The People!"

And, "Lets Call Upon These Leaders, To Begin Peace Dialogues, To Embrace and Discuss The Positive Ramifications of This Historically Heralded Time Period!" And, "How To Continue to "Bring Nations To Unite Together in One Magnificent Display of Peace and Harmony!" And, also "How Best To Transcend and Prevent The Temptation To Re-Structure The Earth by The Global Oligarchy and Power Brokers," For "The Purpose of Re-Establishing Their Control!"

And, It is Truly Time, "For One and All" To "Commit to The Reality" that "We are All" "One People, Born of This Planet Earth!"

And that, "No Matter What Color Your Skin May Be!" Or, "No Matter What Height, or Weight, You May Be!" Or, "No Matter What Race, Creed, or Nationality, You May Be," "We are Still Interdependent, Sentient Beings of This Planet Earth!" And, Once again, To Be Utterly Redundant, "In Truth, There are Zero Degrees of Separation Between Us!"

The "Good News" is that "From The Geo Stationary Line," Encircling The Earth, "There are No Lines of Distinction Between Countries or People!" And, "There is No Gay, Strait, Bi, or Hetero," There is "Only We The People," Citizens Of The Earth! And, "We All Have The Right To Live, and Enjoy The Seasons of Life" under "The Moon, Sun, and, The Luminous Bodies of The Universe!"

And, Whether it Be "From The Windows of A Space Shuttle, or Gliding On the Wings Of The Phoenix Of Peace, "We" are "One Earth Indivisible!"

And, Whether it Be via "Google, Yahoo, Bing, Twitter, Linkedin, Facebook, MSN, You Tube, iTunes, MySpace, Peace Dialogue Chat Rooms, Newspapers, Magazines, Interviews, Network, Cable, or, Satellite TV, Radio, Cell Phone, Texts, The Arts, or Landlines," "Take The Time to Spread The Word, Idea, Thought, or Act of Non-Violent Resistance or Demonstration," If, It Means that "We The People, Citizens Of The Earth, Can Live In Equanimity and Harmony!" And, "Live Free from Injustice and Tyranny!"

( On Tuesday, The Thirty-First of October, 2017, The Subcommittee of the Senate Judiciary Panel "Sharply Criticized Google, Facebook, and Twitter" for "Not Knowing Russian Agents were Using Their Platforms to Interfere in the 2016 U.S. Election," and "Should Done More to Prevent This from Happening!" The Three Companies have "Vowed to Do More and Understand the Seriousness of This Issue!")  

And, Its Time that, "We All Gave Peace A Sincere and Impassioned Commitment and Opportunity To Be," For "The Sake of Our Children," and "Their Children To Be!" And, This is, The Way To Peace, and An Omnipresent, Omniscient and Omnipotent Age of A Peace, Justice, Economic Parity, Social Security, Freedom, and Equilibre On Earth!

-Extra Noteworthy News-
"While New Alarm Bells are Ringing All over Washington D.C." in Regards to "President Trumps Comments about How Former Presidents have Approached or Not Contacted Our Fallen Heroes Families," "The Russian Probe Configuration Continues to Take on A New Alignment and Formation!"
On Tuesday, The Twenty-Fourth of October, 2017 "New Allegations have Surfaced" and "Intertwined Themselves with Previously Reported Allegations and Revelations" that "Clinton Supporters, and The DNC (Democratic National Committee), the "Key Words" are "Helped Fund" Christopher Steele's Dossier, "Which Eventually Became Known as The Trump-Russia- Dossier!"

And, Global Cross Media News Reports are (1) Democratic Attorney Mark E. Elias Retained Fusion GPS (a Commercial Research and Strategic Intelligence Firm Located in Washington, D.C.) ) to Obtain Information apropos Candidate Trump's Alleged Connections with Russia, and Then (2) Fusion GPS Hired Christopher Steele, a Former British MI6 Agent, who was "Fairly well Versed in Russian Related Issues!" 

And, "As The Social Media" and "Global Cross Media News Universe" and "President Trump and His Administration are Aware of," "The FBI Used The Allegations in Christopher Steele's Dossier in Their Investigation of Associates of The Trump 2016 Campaign's Connections with Russian Officials!"

"The Question: that Still Remains is, "What Republican (Client or ?) Retained Fusion GPS" before "Attorney Elias and The DNC Contacted Them!"

And, "The Payment Plan Goes as Follows, (1) The Democratic Supporters and The DNC Paid For the Services of Fusion GPS, and (2) Christopher Steele via Fusion GPS, However (3) What Republican (Client or ?) Paid Fusion GPS to Begin with!

And, "The Fourth Point" Worth Mentioning is, "After The Election was Completed," "The FBI Agreed to Pay Christopher Steele for Use of The Information in His Dossier," (Which was Reported in February of this Year by The Washington Post), However, "After This Became Public," GCM Reports are "The FBI Decided Not Follow up with The Agreement to Pay Mr. Steele!"

And, The Ripple Effect of The New Configuration Will Not Be Ascertained until (1) Fusion GPS has Been Called upon "Under Oath," to Reveal All of The Pertinent Points of Their Involvement in the 2016 Election Campaign (But, Will They Take The Fifth, or Will there Be Some Sort of Protection for Their Testimony) and (2) To What Other Degree, if Any, was The Clinton Campaign and The DNC Involved, or (3) Was This Simply An Example of Opposition Research, that The World of Politics Thrives upon! 

And lastly, "To What Degree was The Trump Campaign and Several of Its Associates Involved with Russian Officials!"

President Trump Tweeted on Oct. 19th, "Workers of firm involved with the discredited and Fake Dossier take the 5th. Who paid for it, Russia, the FBI, or the Dems (or all)?"

One Thing that is Certain is "There Will Be Active Spins of This New and Old News" by "Both The Republicans and Democrats!" 

However, "Let Us Not Forget" that On Monday, The Sixteenth of October, 2017, "Robert Mueller's Team Met with Former White House Press Secretary Sean Spicer," and In Doing so, "Taking Another Step and Glimpse into The Inner Sanctum of The Trump White House!" It May Lead to "The Genesis of New Revelations," or "Quite Simply Add up to Just Being Another Perspective Provided by Mr. Spicer" of "The Overall Way The White House Conducted Business on Behalf The Country!"

Mr. Spicer was White House Press Secretary "During The Time Period When Former FBI Director James Comey was Fired," and also "When President Trump Met with Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov and Russian Ambassador to The U.S. Sergey Kislyak in The Oval Office," the "Day after Mr. Comey was Fired!" 

And, On Friday, The Thirteenth of October, 2017, "The Mueller Team Met with The Former White House Chief of Staff, Reince Priebus!" And, On a Previous Occasion, "They Met with The Interim National Security Adviser Keith Kellogg," who "Served in This Position after Michael Flynn was Fired!"

And, "The Mueller Russian Probe Team also Interviewed Former MI6 Agent Christopher Steele," whose "Dossier was Used by The FBI in 2016," to "Obtain the  Approval of The FISA Court to Monitor The Communications of Carter Page in Secret!" And, "They also Used the Dossier to Reinforce Their Investigation!"
"The Steele Dossier Contained Allegations" of "The Trump Campaigns Ties to Russia!"  

"The Evolution of This Russian Probe Configuration" has "All the Semblance of Being A Thorough Look into The World of President Trump," and "Several of His Associates and Members of His 2016 Campaign Team!"

The Questions of "Whether of Not There was Any Collusion on the Part of The Trump 2016 Campaign with Russian Officials," or "Close Associates of The Russian Government," Will "Eventually Be Answered!" "The American People Deserve An Honest Answer to These Questions" that also "Includes President Trump!"

What has "Been Already Proven," and has "Been Confirmed by All of The U.S. Intelligence Agencies," is "Russia Interfered with The 2016 U.S. Election Campaign!" 

And, "As Further Truth's Emerge" from "The Hidden Rooms of Political Intrigue," so "Will The American People Be Freed from This Ongoing Nightmare," that has "Violated The Laws of The U.S. Constitution," "Scarred The U.S. Electoral Process," and "Divided The Nation!" 

And, "This Can Not Be Taken Lightly," and "The Confirmation of Russia's Cyber Attack and Violation of The People of The United States of America's Democratic Right to Vote For The Candidate of Their Choice," without "Foreign Tampering," "Must Be Seen in Its Full Light of Complicity," and "Must Be Prevented from Ever Happening Again!" And, "Those who are Complicit in Russia's Interference," Must Be "Brought up on Charges in A Court of Law!"

-Extra Noteworthy News-
Tuesday, The Seventeenth of October, 2017, "The Emerging News that a Short Term Bi-Partisan Healthcare Plan" by Senior Democratic Senator Patricia Lynn Murray, "Patty  Murray," from The State of Washington, and Senior Republican Senator Andrew Lamar Alexander Jr. from The State of Tennessee,  has "Been Given The Approval by President Trump!"

"Not All of The Details have Been Revealed," However, "Payments to Health Insurers" that President Trump Blocked, "Will Be Resumed," and "It Sounds as If," For The Moment, "It's May Be A New Dawn of Bi-Partisan Relationships in The U.S. Congress!"

"Senate Republican Majority Leader Mitch McConnell" of Kentucky has "Not Scheduled a Floor Vote as of Yet!" 

However, "Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer" of NY, has said, "Democrats have expressed Broad Support for the Deal."

But then, "Just When Their Appeared To Be A B-Partisan Truce," A Not so Unexpected" Although "Unfortunate Occurrence Took Place on Wednesday, The Eighteenth of October, 2017, When White House Press Secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders said "President Trump Does Not Support The Alexander-Murray Health Plan!"

Press Secretary Sanders said, "We've said all along that we want something that just doesn't bail out the Insurance Companies, but actually provides relief for all Americans. And, this bill doesn't address that fact." 

She also said, "We think this is a good step in the right direction. This President certainly supports Democrats and Republicans coming to work together, but The President thinks It's not a full approach and we need something to go a little bit further to get on board."

"The Reason Why This Statement is Unfortunate" is Because, "The White House is Playing with The Emotions of Ten's of Million Americans!" "Mothers and Fathers" who are "Depending on The Affordable Care Act to Provide Health Care and Welfare of Their Families!" And, "The Health Care and Welfare of American Families" Should "Not Be Politicized and Abused" by "Political Maneuvering" and "Campaign Promises!"

"We Call upon Democrats, Republicans and Independents" to Speak Out Strongly Against The Political Maneuvering and Politicization of The Alexander-Murray Plan!" And, "While We Applaud The Bi-Partisan Effort of Both Democrats and Republicans," "We The People have had Enough" of "This Insensitive, Lack of Compassion Being Displayed by The Trump Administration!"

-Extra Noteworthy News-
"It is Difficult to Comprehend" that "Even with President Trump's Speech from The White House," on Thursday, The Twenty-Sixth of October, 2017, about "Opioid Addiction," The Fact that "There have Been Thousands of Deaths Attributed to Opioid Addiction is Deeply Disturbing!"

The Question is, "Why Would Anyone Want to Take Advantage of Another Persons Distress, Suffering, Despair, Depression or Pain," to "Make a Profit!"

And, There Must Be Strongly Enforced Government Regulation to Prevent The Trafficking of Opioids by Drug Cartels" and Strictly Enforced Governmental Laws and Regulations by Congress to Control the Distribution of Opioids!

And, "The Need for Compassionate Professional Drug Prevention Specialists" to "Organize and Set up the Establishment of Drug Prevention Centers and Facilities" to "Provide Programs, Emotional, Mental, and Spiritual Advice, Counsel, and Assistance to Those who are In Need," "Must Be A Top Priority in Every Area of The United States Where Opioid Addiction is Out of Control!"

And, The U.S. Congress Must Act Now!" There have Been "Too Many Deaths already!" And, "Too Many Families Experiencing the Grief and Mourning of the Death of One of Their Loved Ones," For There To Be "Any Further Delays in Attacking This Plague of The Twenty-First Century!" 
-Extra Noteworthy News-
Thursday, The Nineteenth of October, 2017 By a Fifty-One to Forty-Nine Vote, "The Senate Passed a 4.9 Trillion Dollar Budget Resolution for 2018," which "Included Language" that "Would Prevent the Democrats from Filibustering Follow up Tax Legislation," and "Allow The Measure to Be Voted on in The House," without having "Any Committee Conference between the Two Chambers from Taking Place!" 
However, "Only a Brief Sketch of What this Budget or Resolution Actually is," is "Being Offered," Unfortunately!" 
Such as "How It Will Benefit The Middle Class," "Two Parent and Single Parent Families," "Students," "Our Environment," "Education," "Improving The Countries Infrastructure," and "The Disenfranchised," and "Any Number of Sociological Concerns that You May have!"

Yes, "It Would Lower the Tax on Corporations!" And, "Cuts are Supposed to Occur in Three Income Brackets!" And, "Supposedly President Trump Would Like a Fourth Bracket for The Wealthy," that "Would Not Receive Any Cuts!"

And, "This Resolution is Being Touted, by Republicans, as Being Necessary to Get Any Substantive Tax Reform Completed!"

And, The Figures that are Being Tossed about and Touted are (1) Cuts of 473 Billion Dollars in Medicare's Baseline Spending over the Next Ten Years," and (2) Cuts of One Trillion Dollars in Medicaid over the Next Ten Years, and (3) Spending Cuts Leading up to 106 Billion Dollars in Non-Defense in 2027, Effecting Most of Our Social Programs of Course, and (4) The Defense Budget Will Continue to Rise to 684 Billion in Ten Years (of Course), and (5) Add 1.5 Trillion Dollars to The U.S. Deficit over the Next Ten Years. 

"Senator Rand Paul Joined the Democrats in Their Attempt to Oppose this Measure," However, "His Cross-over Vote was Not Enough!"

And, "Republicans and Democrats Still have to Agree" to "The Final Discretionary Spending Levels," that "Will Fund The Government in 2018 by The Eight of December, 2017," or "Pass A Stopgap Measure" (to Buy Time, so to Speak, While They Continue Negotiations), or "We Will have "A Government Shutdown!"

The Question of "Whether The House of Representatives Will Take The Senate Resolution as It Is," or "Will They Take It to Committee to Work out Their Differences," and In The End, "Hope that It Will Not Effect The GOP Overall Plan for Tax Reform!" (The House  Budget Committee has Recommended 203 Billion Dollars in Deficit Reductions from Mandatory Spending to Be Included in The Final Measure, and In General Terms, The House Would Like Higher Spending for Defense than The Senate Resolution, and Unfortunately that Usually Comes at The Expense of Non-Defense Programs)

In Many Ways, "We The People are Prisoners to A Republican Economic Vision/2018 Budget Proposal that is Basically a Blueprint!" Lacking in Detail!" And, "What We Do Know" of "Is Not Very Generous to Our Social Programs,' and "Incessantly Cuts away at Our Social Net," While "Adding to The Overall Deficit!"

And, "President Trump's One Page 2018 Budget Proposal was Lacking as well," While "Hacking away at Our Social Programs," Plus "Major Cuts to The Environmental, Labor, and Farm Budgets!"

And, "The Figures in the 2018 Budget Proposals" are "Being Bandied about" without "Walking in The Shoes or Moccasins of We The People!"

And, So, Once Again, "Mothers and Fathers, Sisters and Brothers and Family Members of This Grand Ole Union and Republic," and "Democracy Of The People, By The People and For The People," Americans One and All, "Should Call upon Their Elected Officials and Share with Them Their Concerns in Non-Violent Public Forums, "about the "Proposed Cuts in Medicare and Medicaid," and "The Cuts Being Proposed in Social Programs" that "American Families Depend upon!"

"We The People Need Our Elected Officials to Fully Comprehend," that "They were Elected To Represent Us," and "Make Absolutely Clear to Them," that "The Priorities and Welfare of All The People," are "Their Major Concern!" "Not Just Their Base," or "Party Ideology," or "Corporate Entity," "Lobbyist or Super PAC!" "We The People of The United States of America!" 
And, "The Individual Rights of Every Citizen of This Nation of Diverse Cultures," and "A Myriad Different Fabrics and Tapestries Of The People," "Should Be" and "Reflect The Bottomline of All Their Negotiations!"

 And, The Answer is in, "On Thursday, The Twenty-Sixth of October, 2017, "The House of Representatives Passed a 4.9 Trillion Dollar Budget Measure by a Two Hundred Sixteen to Two Hundred Twelve Vote Count," even "Without Knowing All of The Details to This Measure!"

And, "If This is "How Our Elected Officials Conduct and Take Care of Business on Behalf Of We The People," Then "It's Time For We The People to Bring Forth A New Generation Of Public Servants," who "Sincerely Care about The Welfare and Best Interests Of The People Over and Beyond Those Interests and Ideologies of Any Elected Officials Political Party," in "The 2018 Midterm Elections!"

"The United States is A Democracy/Republic" and "Government Of The People, By The People, and For The People!" It's "Not A Government Of Lobbyists, By Political Party Ideologists  and Super PACs, and For The Best Interests and Campaign Promises of Any One Political Party Over Another!" 

And, "The Elected Officials of The United States Of America," were "Chosen By The People to Represent All The People," of "This "Diverse Fabric and Tapestry Of The People," "Irregardless of Ethnicity, Gender, Color, Creed, or Nationality!"

-Extra Noteworthy News-
Tuesday, The Seventeenth of October, 2017 The City of Raqqa, Once the Capitol of Daesh/ISIS, is "Now Ninety Per cent in Control of U.S. Backed Coalition Forces!" 
And, "This Joint Military Operation of U.S. Backed Coalition Forces" is "Now Another Important Step Forward Towards The Eradication of Syndicates of Terrorists, Murderers, Rapists, Kidnappers and Criminals," and from "Being Able to Continue Their Threats against Our Families, Communities, Cities, and Nations!"

And, "While These Malevolent Syndicates May Continue to Pursue Their Cowardly Attacks upon The Innocent," "They Will Not Succeed," and "There is No Cave, Cell, or Hole in the Ground" that is "Deep Enough to Hide Them!" 

"They Will Found, Defeated, Captured," and "Punished for Their Crimes against Humanity!" And then, "Convicted and Imprisoned," and "Forced to Live in Shame For The Remainder of Their Lives" "For Their Acts of Dishonor and Disgrace!"

And, "Most Importantly The People of Raqqa who have Been Driven from Their Homes," "Can Return Home," and "Those Families who were Living Virtually as Prisoners in Their Own Homes," and "Forced to Bear and Witness Horrible Atrocities," Will Finally Be Free from Further Violations of Their Families and Homes," by "The Syndicates of Evil Incarnate!"

-Extra Noteworthy News-
"Another Cowardly Act of Violence has Taken Place in Maryland," and "A Second Shooting in Wilmington, Delaware," are "Suspected to Be Committed by The Same Person," Thirty-Seven Year Old Radee Labeeb Prince. "Three Innocent Persons were Killed" and "Two Others were Wounded!"

The First Attack Took Place Wednesday Morning, The Eigthteenth of October, 2017  at Advanced Granite Solution home remodeling Business, in The Emmorton Business Park, in Edgewood, Maryland, (Approximately Twenty-Five Miles from North-east of Baltimore) "Where Prince had Worked for Four Months," and was "Scheduled to Work Today," and "Where He Senselessly Shot Five Innocent Co-Workers," "Three Fatally!"

And, "The Second Shooting Occurred in Wilmington, Delaware,"  Where "Prince Shot and Wounded Another Person!" 

"The Suspect has A History of Unlawfulness," Going Back to "Being Arrested in 2003 on Fifteen Counts of Third Degree Burglary Charges," and "Sentenced to Twenty-Five Years in Prison" (Obviously, all of which He did not serve) and "Twelve Years Later," in 2015," and "Charged with Several Handgun Counts!" 
And  In February of This Year,  "Prince was Fired from Another Place of Employment," Because His Co-Worker Claimed "Prince Punched another Employee in the Face," and also "Threatened Fellow Employees!" (A Peace (Restraining) Order, was Taken Out by a Co-Worker "which was Denied")

In Total, "The Suspect has had Forty-Two Arrests in Delaware," and "Fifteen Felony Convictions!"

"These Malicious, and Evil-Minded Acts of Violence," are "Senseless and Deeply Troubling!" 
"This is Not the Way to Resolve Whatever Differences" that "May Exist between Us," or "To Strike Out In Anger to Act Out against Another Fellow Human Being," and "Take Another's Life away from Their Families, Love One's and Friends," is "A Mindless, Immoral, Dishonorable, and Degenerate Act" that "Deserves A Just Punishment in The Eyes of The Law" and "Society!"

However, It Must Be Explained by Authorities, "Why This Man is Not In Prison from His 2003 Sentencing" and "The 2015 Charges against Him !"

Can You Hear Marvin Gaye singing "Whats Going on," Mother, Mother, There's too many of you crying, Brother Brother Brother, there's far too many of you dying!"

We Extend Our Sincerest Heartfelt Condolences to The Families and Friends who have Lost a Loved One Due to This Cruel Act of Violence!

"The Suspect was Captured by Federal Agents in Newark Delaware," Wednesday Evening, and is "In Custody!"

-In Memoriam:
On Sunday, The Twenty-Ninth of October, 2017, "Dennis Banks," whose Ojibwe Name is "Nowacumig," "Died at The Age of Eighty!"

"Mr. Banks" was "A Co-Founder of The American Indian Movement," (AIM), An Activists Group that was Founded in Minneapolis, Minnesota in 1968!

And, "He was also "The Leader of AIM's Takeover of Wounded Knee," on "The Pine Ridge Reservation in South Dakota in 1973!"

"The Takeover of Wounded Knee" was "A Protest Against both Tribal and U.S. Governments," During Which "They Held Off Federal Agents for Seventy-One Days!" Tragically though,"Two Native Americans were Killed," and Several Agents were Wounded!"

(The Village was "Where Approximately Three Hundred Native Americans were Massacred in 1890 by U.S. Soldiers!")

And, In 1972, "Mr. Banks was One of The Native American Leaders who Participated," in "The Takeover of The Bureau of Indian Affairs," in Washington, D.C. "The Protest was Called "The Trail of Broken Treaties!"

"Mr. Banks Returned to Wounded Knee" with "A Group of AIM Supporters in 2003," to "Mark the Thirtieth Anniversary of The Protest and Standoff," and "In Memory of The Warriors who Died there!"

Mr. Banks Died at The Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Minnesota, of "Complications of Heart Surgery," Conducted Earlier in October, "Caused by Pneumonia!"

We Extend Our Sincerest Heartfelt and Soulful Condolences to The Family, Ojibwe Tribal Nation, and Fellow Activists of Nowacumig! And, May The Great Spirit Guide Him to New Horizons Where He May Rest, Hunt, and Be in Peace!  

-In Memoriam:
"Robert Guillaume, Emmy Award Winning Actor, Died in His Home in Los Angeles, California," on Tuesday, The Twenty-Fourth of October, 2017, at "The Age of Eighty-Nine Years of Age!" "The Caused of Death was Attributed to Complications of Prostrate Cancer!"

Mr. Guillaume, Born Peter Williams, in St. Louis, Missouri, "Won An Emmy for His Performance as Supporting Actor" in ABC's TV Series "Soap," in 1979! And, He also "Won An Emmy for Lead Actor" in The Spin-off "Benson" in 1985! And, "Won a Grammy Award in 1995" for "His Spoken Word Performance of An Audio Book Version" of "The Lion King!"

Mr. Guillaume was Nominated for A Tony Award for His Stage Performance of Nathan Detroit in "Guys and Dolls," and Performed in "Golden Boy (with Sammy Davis Jr.) and was "Well Known for His Role" as "Isaac Jaffe," in Aaron Sorkin's TV Series, "Sports Night from 1998-2000!"

Mr. Guillaume had "A Very Diversified and Successful Career," and was "A Gifted Actor," and "Will Be Remembered for His Guest Performances on Sitcoms," "The Jeffersons, Good Times, Sanford and Son, Saved by The Bell, The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air, and A Different World," Truly, "His Extensive Body of Work Speaks for Itself," Whether in Films, TV, Stage, or Voice!" 

We Extend Our Sincerest Heartfelt and Soulful Condolences to The Family, Friends and Colleagues of Robert Guillaume!  

-In Memoriam:
One of The Greatest Rock 'N Roll Legends of All Time, Antoine "Fats" Domino Passed away Tuesday, The Twenty-Fourth of October, 2017 at The Age of Eighty-Nine Years of Age!

"There is No Doubt that Rock 'N Roll Hall of Fame Recording Artists, Composer, Musician, Producer, Arranger, Fats Domino" "Left An Indelible imprint of Rock 'N Blues Universe of Music!"

With Hits such as "Blue Berry Hill," "Blue Monday," and "Ain't that a Shame," "Fats Domino Rocked and Rolled His Way into Our Hearst and Souls!"

We Extend Our Sincerest Heartfelt and Soulful Condolences to The Family of Antoine "Fats" Domino, and to His Colleagues and Friends! And, To Music Lovers All over The Earth We are Truly Blessed to Be Able to Return to The Beginning of Rock 'N Roll, Right Now Here in The Twenty-First Century, and Enjoy Listening to Fats Playing His Piano and Singing His Extraordinary Songs for Our Pleasure! There is No Doubt that His Music Will Never Last Forever!  

-In Memoriam:
And, Once again, We Send Our Sincerest Heart, Mind, Spirit and Soul to All The Families, Friends, Colleagues and Communities who have Lost a Loved One Due to The Cruelty of War!

And, We Extend Our Sincerest Heartfelt and Soulful Condolences to The Families, Friends, Neighbors and Communities who have Lost a Loved One Due to Natural Causes and Natural Disasters.

Sharing The Light, Peace and The Celestial Song Of Life,