Friday, September 15, 2017



The Way To Peace! #48 -Revisited-

As "the Ongoing Rescue, Recovery, and Rebuilding Efforts Continue to Take Place Caused by Hurricanes Harvey, Irma, and Maria," (and The Earthquake in Mexico), It is of "The Utmost Importance for Sovereign Nations who have Interests in The Virgin Islands, and The Caribbean, "as well as, "In The United States," (Puerto Rico, Texas and Florida are In Dire Need)  to "Increase Their Efforts," and "Provide Whatever is Necessary to Ease and Alleviate The Pain, Suffering and Traumatic Experience that The Children, Parents, Families and Businesses have Gone Through," Which "May Tragically Involve The Loss Of Life of a Loved One," or "The Destruction of Their Home, and Property," and "having Their Lives Crushed and or Impaled by The Thrust of More than One Hundred Mile Winds," and "Unrelenting High Tides, Powerful Rainstorms, and Floods!"

"The Way To Peace and Security For Our Families and Communities," Relies Upon "Global Leadership to Work in Concert Together in Times of Crisis," and "Come to The Aid Of The People!"

And, "The Need to Focus on Eliminating Syndicates of Criminals and Murderers," Who "Continue to Plague Our Cities and Communities," "Must Be A Priority!"

"The Attack upon a District Line Train, at Parsons Green, in West London," that "Injured Twenty-Nine Innocent People," by "A Coward Using An Improvised Device," (Packed in a Plastic White Bucket, Inside a Lidl Supermarket Bag) and "The Knife Attack upon A French Soldier in Paris, France," at The Chatelet Metro Station, by "Another Malevolent Coward, "Both Occurring on Friday, The Fifteenth of September, 2017, "Expresses and Seriously Underscores the Immediate Need to Eliminate This Constant Threat to Our Lives!" Fortunately, "No Deaths Occurred!"

But, "In These Times of Violence and Terror," "Security and Safety are The Major Concerns of The Earths Populace," and  "The Responsibility Lies with The Global Leaders," who have "Chosen to Represent The People," to Do so, and "This Goes Beyond Creating, Passing and Implementing New Tax Reforms!" Although, "New Tax Reforms" that "Eliminate and Close Loopholes" that "Corporations Take Advantage of is Definitely Needed!"

However, "There Must Be An Overall Global Strategy" that "Addresses the Dissatisfaction and Frustration that Exists," and "Ferments and Incites so Many," to "Act in Anger Towards The Status Quo," and "Take Its Revenge Out on Innocent People!"  

Understand that, "If , We The People," Citizens of The Earth, are to "Receive the Benefits of An Age of Global Economic Recovery," and "Financial and Personal Security," We Must "Present a United Front for All The World to See," and "Especially, The Unofficial Advisers," who "Lobby on Behalf of The Corporations," and "Special Interest Groups," and "The Invisibles (as I Like to Call Them) to See!"

Who are The Invisibles? "I'm Referring to an Elite Circle of Men and Women who are The Members of "A Parallel Universe of Individuals who Advise Our Leaders alongside of Government Cabinet and Elected Officials," Referred to as "The Kitchen Cabinet," During The Presidency of Andrew Jackson, However, "They have Continued to Be a Global Hierarchy of Affluent Personnages" who are "the Controlling Forces Behind Our World Leaders," and "Global Economic and Political Policies!"

And, "Their Playing Fields," Include "Making Investments Through Global Finance Firms" such as; "Morgan Stanley, and Goldman Sachs," and "Wall Street, and All of The Other Global Money Markets Existing as Their Super Bowls Of Global Finance!"

And, "Anything is Possible within Their Area of Influence!" Especially, If, "It is Beneficial to Their All Important Bottomline," or "Whatever, Their Profit Making Enterprise May Be!"

"They" (the Infamous "They") Prefer to Remain Unseen and Invisible to The Public," and "Out of Reach of The Global Cross Media Universe," and "Financial Regulators!" With "The Exception of Financial Donors to Political Super PAC's," whose "Identities are Often Revealed During The Heat and Intensity of The Campaign!"

What is "An Important, Logical, and Realistic First Step," in "Dealing with These Capitalistic Oligarchs/Movers and Shakers is Demonstrating to Them," that "We The People," are "A United and Dedicated Force," and "Immovable Front for Peace!" Why? Because "They Do Not Want Chaos to Effect Their Businesses," unless of course, "They" are "In Control of It!"

Which is Why, even with "New Records Being Recorded on Wall Street," There is "Deep Concern with The State of Amorphous, The Russian Investigations and Probe," and "The Antagonistic and Divisive Atmosphere Surrounding President Trump," and "His Administration!"

And, Let's Face it, "Business is Business," and "This is Their UN-Holy Mantra," and "They Do Not Want to Lose Control of The Global Financial or Political Systems Arena," However, "Broken-Down," and "In Need of Reform These Systems May Be!"

However, Because of Their Money Machine, "They Can Buy," or "Transcend Political Agendas," Because "They are The Party and Financial Support" that "Politicians Rely upon to Finance their Elections!" Which is Why, "We Need to Place a Firm and Unyielding Lid on Campaign Spending!"

And, also by "Showing Them" that "We are The True Proponents of Change," and by Demonstrating to Them, " that "We are An Earthrise Populist Movement of Peace," Changes The Dynamics, Global Strategies, and Overviews of Their Global Power Equation!"
"It Clouds Their Global Perspective and Vision" and "Forces Them to Regard Our Peace Initiative More Closely and Seriously!"

And, that "Makes Us" a "More Viable Alternative" to "The Broken Down Political and Financial Systems that are Currently in Place!"
And, "They" also know that "This Time Space Reality is in a State of Change," but, What "They Do Not Know" is "Who to Place Their Bets/Money on!" Or, "Who Will Be The Leading Catalyst or Candidate!" Or, "Who Will Be Leading The Way!"
All that "We The People," Citizens of The Earth have to Do is, "Continue to Be A Great Soul Force of Peace, New Initiatives, and Change," and "A Force Majeure," that "Can Not Be Denied, Refuted, or Ignored!"

Let's Face it, "They are Not Blind to The Fact," that "We are The Backbone," and "The Universal Component" that "Energizes and Drives The Global Economy!"
And, That "We The People," are "The Body, Mind, and Spirit" that "Pioneered This Planet Earth," and "Without Us, "Their World Vision Can Not Be a Reality!" It's as "Simple as that!" And, "Without Our Buying Power They Would have Nothing, Rien, Null!"

So, "Let's Make Our Presence Known," and "Seen in Clear Light!"
And, "Let Our Voices Be Heard as One!"
And, "Let There Be No Mistake in Our Intentions and Interests!"
And, "Let Us Be A Purposeful, Humane, Spiritual Citizenry of Peace!"
And, "By Utilizing All The Technological and Advanced Forms of Communication," of The Twentieth and Twenty-First Centuries, "We Can Sow The Seeds Our Peace/Grass Roots Movement All Over The Earth!"

And, "By Spreading The Word" via Twitter, Texting, Emails, Smart Phones, Satellite Communications, Radio, Cable and Network TV, Cell Phones, Music, Dance and The Arts, Meditation, Contemplation, Word of Mouth, Google, Yahoo, Bing, Linkedin, Facebook, MSN, Newspapers, Magazines, and Wires, "We Can Change The Countenance of The World!"
And, "By Utilizing All of The Global Communication Resources,of The Internet and Global Cross-Media Universe, "We Can Present An Emancipation Declaration of The New Millennium," that "Specifies in Exact Terms," Point by Point, "What Our Peace Calling is!"

And, "Let Us Show Our Determination," Beginning with A Call For The Global Implementation of A Peace Time Economy!"

"There are Millions of New Jobs in Technology Alone" that "Can Provide A New Age of Global Employment in Ecology, Energy, Education, Environmental, Science, Transportation and Health Care Services," that "Can Lead The Way!
And, "These New Technological Advancements Can Lead The Way to New Jobs in Space Exploration," and "The Protection and Care of Our Earth, Seas, and Skies!
"New Technologies Equal New Jobs," and "A Demand for More Production in Manufacturing!" All Leading to "Financial Liquidity for We The People!"

And, "A Quantum Leap in Our Global Economy," that is "Beneficial To The Growth and Stability of We The People," Citizens of The Earth! And, "A Growth and Quality of Life" that "Can be Shared by One and All!"

This is "A Global Equation/Peace Millennium Business Model" that "The Invisibles and Oligarchs Can Understand," as well as "Take Seriousness Our Intentions and Peace Time Directives!"

And then, "As A Magnificent Global Wave of Humanity," Let Us "Cleanse This Earth of Poverty, Hate, Racism, Regret, Injustice, Crime, Genocide, Abuse of Our Natural Resources," and "An End of Slave Trade of Any Race, Gender, or Child!"

And, "Let Us Fuse Our Passions and Fate," into "One Global Synergy of Peaceful Co-Operation and Co-Habitation On The Earth!"

Voices of Reason and Peacemakers, Whomever and Wherever You May be, "We" Need to Reach Out to an Interdependent Cadre of Qualified Women and Men," Who are "Of One Will, One Heart, One Mind and Intellect, and, One Soul," Who are Ready to Represent We The People!"
And, "We Need to Reach Out to An Interdependent Earth Conscious Find of Patriots," Who are Loyal to This Sacred Earth," and to "The Principles and Ethical Values Of, By, and For The People!"

"A Nexus of Peace Ambassadors," whose "Beliefs Lie in Placing Our Families, Friends, Neighbors, and The Earth," "Above any Political Party Affiliation, or Nationality!"

After all, "We are Citizens of The Earth!" And, Although "We May Speak Different Languages," and Worship Different Religions, or, No Religion," "We are All Born of This Earth!" "We" are One and All, "The People of This Planet Earth," The Third Planet From The Sun!
So, "Let Us Celebrate Our Differences," While "Still Acknowledging," that "We have a Responsibility to Each Other," that "Joins Us Together as One People, Of One World," and It's Our Responsibility to Be Respectful of All Sentient Beings," and "The Universe!"

And, "Let Us also Celebrate and Honor Those who Came Before Us!"

And, "Build A Bridge of Peace that Transcends The Time Space Reality," that "Unites Us" with "The Women and Men who Gave their Lives For Their Fellow Beings!"

"Women and Men" who "Demonstrated and Marched in The Name of Peace!"

"Women and Men" whose "Loss of Family, Friends, and Neighbors is Inestimable," "All in The Name of Truth, Justice, Equality, Freedom, and Peace!"

And, "In Their Remembrance," May "We Act in Concert with One Another" to "Achieve The New Peace Initiatives of Our Earthrise Movement," In Order that "We May Bring An Everlasting Peace to Come To Be On Earth!"
And, "In this New Season of Sowing," Let Us "Resolve to Sow Seeds of Resolution and Promise," and "Boldness Althrough-out The Land!"

And, "Let Us Dedicate and Commit Ourselves to A New Age of Understanding and Peace Everlasting," as I Believe "Mahatma Gandhi, Nelson Mandela, Martin Luther King Jr., Saint Teresa of Calcutta, Socrates, Charlemagne, Clara Barton, Jesus of Nazareth, Mary Magdalene, Machiventa Melchizedek, St. Francis Of Assisi, Moses, Mary, Confucius, Rumi, Lao-Tse, Rabindranath Tagore, Zoroaster, Muhammad, and Siddhartha Gautama," Would Do!

And, "Let Us Sing Out Amazing Grace," and "We are The World!" For "The Times They Are a Changing," and, Let's Get on, "The Peace Train," as Bob Dylan, and Yusef Islam Composed and Sang to Inspire Us and Encourage Us," in "Days of Present and Past!" And, "Which are Still Prevalent and Believed in Today!"

And, "As One Voice," Let Us, "Call Out for A Global Truce amongst All Nations and Rivals," and "Enter into Peace Dialogues," so that, "For Generations to Come," "We Will Be Remembered as A People who Devoted Their Lives to A Millennium of Peace on Earth!"

And, "Let's Demonstrate to Russian President Putin," that "Military Games" are "A Thing of The Past!" It's Time to "Mobilize In Defense of and For The Sake of Peace On Earth," "Not War!"

And, "Let's Demonstrate to Chairman Jong-un of North Korea," that "Launching Ballistic Missiles," and "Making Threats against His Neighbors," "Will Not Feed His People," or "Bring A State of Peace and Grace into Their Lives!"

The Mahatma once said, "Lead Us From Unreal to Real," and "We Can," If, "We Believe that "We Can!"
This is The Way To Peace and An Omnipresent, Omniscient, and Omnipotent Age Of Peace, Justice, and Global Equilibre On Earth!

-Extra Noteworthy News-
As of Monday, The Eleventh of September, 2017, "Hurricane Irma has Been Downgraded to A Tropical Storm," But, "It has Left It's Imprint," with "Five Deaths Reported in Florida," (and This Total May Unfortunately Increase after All The Search Efforts have Been Concluded), "5. 7 Million without Power, and 200,000 People Staying in Shelters!" And, "The Florida Keys is Experiencing A Humanitarian Crisis!"

"The Storm is Now Passing Through Northern Florida,"and "Headed Towards Georgia and Alabama," at "Last Meteorologist Estimates."

But, "A Great Amount of Damage has Been Done in The Caribbean," Where at Least Seventy Deaths were Reported to have Occurred," and "In Florida," and "No Doubt Will Continue," even "Though It has Received a Downgrade to A Tropical Storm," with "Fifty to Sixty Mile an Hour Winds," and "Punishing Rainfalls, and Flash Floods, to Mark Its Path of Destruction and Life Threatening Potential!"

We Extend Our Sincerest Heart and Soulful Condolences to All The Families, Communities and Cities who have Lost a Loved One Caused by Hurricane Irma, and To All The Families (and Businesses) who have Lost Homes or Seen  Traumatic Damage Done to Their Personal Properties, We Extend Our Spiritual, Mental, Physical, and Emotional Support To You, and A Speedy Recovery and Rebuilding of Your Lives and Homes!

And, To All the First Responders and Volunteers, Thank You for Your Selfless Efforts!  

-Extra Noteworthy News-
On Thursday, The Seventh of September, 2017, "The Russian Probe Configuration" Found Itself Focused on "A Senate Judiciary Committee Staff-Driven Interview with Donald Trump Jr." 

"The Focus of This Staff-Driven Interview with Mr. Trump was a June 2016 Meeting at Trump Tower in NYC with a Russian Attorney Natalia Veselnitskaya," who "Claimed that She had "Damaging Information about Hillary Clinton!"

Besides Mr. Trump, "in Attendance was Jared Kushner, President Trump's Son-in-Law, and Senior Adviser, 2016 Trump Campaign Manager, Paul Manafort," and "At Least Eight Other Individuals!"

"Mr. Trump Told Investigators of The Senate Judiciary Committee," that He Felt it was Important to Learn about Mrs. Clinton's "Fitness" to Be President!

Fortunately, "We are have A Video and Print Trail" of "All the Comments and Interviews Mr. Trump has Told about This Meeting," and "There are Quite a Few," at Last Count!

And, "It Will Be Interesting to Compare All the Notes of Testimonies Made to The Senate Judiciary Committee, The House Intelligence Committee, and Special Counsel Robert Mueller," Covering "All the Myriad Multi-Dimensional Aspects of Russian Influence in the 2016 U.S. Elections!"

And, With The Addition of "Fake Americans/Sham Bots who Did Not Exist," Russian Trolls," (Web Brigades-Cyber Hackers), "Created for The Explicit Purpose of Disrupting Elections," and "Act as Vehicles for Spreading False News about Hillary Clinton," and "Get Republican Party Candidate Donald Trump Elected President of The United States," The Russian Probe Configuration "Continues to Amaze and Reveal the Depth of The Russian Interference in the 2016 Presidential Election," and "Just How Egregious and Unforgivable Their Efforts were!" "For They Violated The Sovereignty, Independence, Self Government, and Constitutionality of The United States of America!"

"These Fake Americans," Created by Russian Agents, "Focused on Influencing The American Electorate," by "Discrediting Mrs. Clinton," and or, by "Manipulating and Falsifying Information about Mrs. Clinton," and then "Feeding It to The The American People," Especially, to Anyone who Thirsted For It!" 

And, "Hundred's of Thousands of Dollars were Spent in Doing so!" And, "Who Knows," What the Actual Amount of This Fake American/Sham Bot Slush Fun Actually was!"

Too say that "The American People Deserve to Know The Truth and Nothing But The Truth," about "The Relationship of Several Associates of The Trump Campaign and Russian Officials Would Be An Understatement!" And, "In The Future, All Testimonies Should Be Given in Public Sessions," Instead of "Closed Ones!"

However, "It Would Not Be Baseless Conjecture to say," that "The Trump Administration and President Trump Will Remain Tainted by The Ongoing Russian Investigations," until "They are Brought to A Final Conclusion!"      

-Extra Noteworthy News-
"The World of Politics" is "Definitely Made up of a Myriad Different Slogans, Political Rhetoric,  Double Entendres, Compromises, Strange Bedfellows (Russian President Putin's Comments about saying Donald Trump "is not my bride, and I'm not his groom," on Tuesday, The Fifth of September, 2017, at a News Conference in Xiamen, Fujian Province, China, may have Been Amusing to Some), However, "The Photo of President Trump and Senate Democrat Minority Leader Chuck Schumer, from New York, in The White House," Looking as Chummy as Can Be, "Must Make Conservatives and Republicans Want to Pull Their Hair Out of Their Heads," and "Wondering What is Going on!" Is this, "The Art of The Deal in Action!"

"The Reason for All the Chumminess between President Trump (who was a Democrat at One Time in His Political Career) and Senate Minority Leader Schumer" is Because, President Trump has "Accepted The Democrat Proposal to Keep The Federal Government Running for Another Three Months, Including Emergency Aid of 7.85 Billion Dollars for Hurricane Harvey Victims" (Which is A Good Idea).

It's a "Short Term Deal," However, "This Will Provide More Time for Congress to; 
(1) Work out It's Differences, and (2) Prevent a Government Shutdown and a Default on U.S. Debt, until The Fifteenth of December, 2017! 

"The Meeting with Congressional Leaders Took Place on Wednesday," The Sixth of September, 2017, "in The Oval Office with President Trump!"

"In Accepting The Democrat Proposal," President Trump "Did Not Make Any Friends with His Republican Colleagues," who had "Expected Him to Accept a Republican One!"

House Speaker Paul Ryan (R.) from Wisconsin, had "Referred to The Democrat Proposal,"
Just Hours before The Deal was Made, as Being "Ludicrous" and "Unworkable."

"All of Which Brings Back a Statement" that "Republican Senator Bob Corker" of Tennessee, Made on The Seventeenth of August, 2017, Which was, " The President has not yet been able to demonstrate the stability nor some of the competence that he needs to demonstrate in order to be successful,"

Senator Corker is also "The Chairman of The U.S. Senate Committee on Foreign Relations," and a "Respected Republican Leader!"

However, On a Positive Note, "It Would Appear as If Bi-Partisan Legislation is Possible," even Though, "The GOP May Feel as If They were Betrayed by The Head of Their Party," who Just so "Happens to Be The President of The United States!"

And, Unfortunately, "It Does Not Appear as If The Divisiveness" that has "Created Walls between American Citizens," "Pitting Family Members against Family Members," and "Friends and Neighbors against One Another," Politically and Sociologically," and, that is "Of Great Concern to All Americans, "Still Exists, and "Still Needs Healing!"  

-Extra Noteworthy News-
Wednesday, The Sixth of September, 2017, "Fifteen States, Plus The District of Columbia," "Filed a Lawsuit against President Trump's Decision to Rescind DACA (Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program)!" 

The Suit was Filed in the Eastern District of New York with "New York Attorney General Eric Schneiderman, Washington State Attorney General Bob Ferguson, and Massachusetts Attorney General Maura Healey, Leading The Way," as "The Driving Force Behind The Suit," Plus "Attorneys General from Hawaii, Connecticut, Delaware, Illinois, Iowa, New Mexico, North Carolina, Oregon, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, Vermont, Virginia, and Washington D.C."

"These Sixteen Attorneys General" are "Made up of a Coalition of Democrats and Non-Partisan State Attorneys General!"

The Negative Effects of President Trump's Decision to Rescind DACA is Significant and Deeply Traumatic to Approximately Eight Hundred Thousand Dreamers and Their Families!"

"Let's Remember" that "These Innocent Young People" have only "Known One Home, The United States of America!"  

"The Lawsuits Premise  is" that "The Decision Violates the Administrative Procedure Act in Two different ways, while also violating the due process and equal protection of the Constitution.

"The Administrative Procedure Act," also "Requires a Lengthy Process for Ample Notice and Time for the Public to Comment on the Substantive Federal Rulemaking."

"This is The Moment for Voices of Reason, Lawmakers, and The U.S. Congress to Reject the Trump Administration Senseless Acts of Traumatization, Division, and Rejection!" 

"The American People Expect More than this From Their President" and "Their Government Representatives Of The People, By The People and For The People!"  

-Extra Noteworthy News-
Monday, The Eleventh of September, 2017 The United Nations Security Council Approved a Resolution Placing New Sanctions against North Korea!" 

To Do so, Both China and Russia Agreed to A Compromise Resolution," Structured to, (1) Ban North Korea Textile Exports, (2) Ban North Korea from Importing All Natural Gas Liquids and Condensates, (3) Caps Imports of Crude Levels to Those of the Previous Twelve Months, 
(4) Limits the Import of Refined Petroleum Products to 2 Million Barrels a Year, and 
(5) Prohibits All Countries from Authorizing New Work Permits for North Korean Workers!

"This Compromise Resolution was Passed" even "Though North Korea had Issued Another Threat Directed against The United States!"
"It has Become Increasingly Obvious" that "It is Necessary to Institute A Strategically Pre-Determined, Pre-Designed Plan," with THAAD (Terminal High Altitude Area Defense) Missile Defense Systems," in Place to "Protect Japan, South Korea, and the United States from Retaliation!" However, "It Will Take a Concentrated, Committed, Purposeful and Strategic Commitment to An Asian Equation, and Configuration," that is "Entirely Focused upon Isolating North Korea, Economically, and Militaristically," and "in Trade, Energy, Banking," and "As a Sovereign Nation!"

And, "This Configuration Must Be Agreed to and Held Firmly in Place by China, Japan, South Korea, The United States," and "Respected by All the Nations of The Earth!"

And, This Must Be "a Clear Statement to Chairman Kim Jong-un," and "His Administration and Military," that "Attempting to," What has Become, "Raining Down Continuous Threats against Its Neighbors and Their Allies with Ballistic Missiles and Militarism to Promote Its Interests," Simply "Will Not Be Condoned by The Civilized Coalition of Sovereign Nations of The Earth," and "The People of The Twenty-First Century!" And, "This Kind of Aggressive Behavior Towards Our Fellow Human Beings," "Simply Will Not Be Accepted!"

And, It has to Be Made "Absolutely Clear to Chairman Jong-un" that "He," Personally, "Will Be Held Responsible and Brought up on Charges of Committing Crimes against Humanity," in "An International Court of Law," If, "He Does Not Accede to A United Nations Declaration to Cease and Desist from Any Further Displays of Militarism Towards Its Neighbors" or "Any Sovereign Nation or Person!"

"This Peace Accord between Sovereign Nations Should Be Similar to The Sanctions Placed against Iran," and "The P5+1 Negotiations with Iran," that "Resulted in An Understanding between Sovereign Nations," that "Is Inviolate and Respected by All the Sovereign Nations Involved!"

"Why This Nation of North Korea," has "Been Allowed to Continuously Violate The Universal Rights of All The People of The Earth," is "Beyond Comprehension," however, "The Lives of Too Many are In Harms Way," Should An Armed Regional Conflict Flare up in Asia," with "The Potential of It having An Undesirable Effect upon China and The United States," of "Bringing Them into An Armed Conflict!" 

"There is Absolutely Too Much To Lose," at at Time, "When Too Many of Our Children and Family Members are Engaged in Military Conflicts in The Middle East," and also, "Fighting against Syndicates of Murderers and Criminals Worldwide!"

If "We are to Truly Live in An Age of Peace," There Can "Not Be Any Deviation from Believing in" and "Engaging in Global Diplomacy," and or "Global Sanctions," that are "Absolutely Dedicated to Peace On Earth!" It's as "Simple as that!" 

Or, "The Alternative Will Be More Threats, and Invasions," on "A Regional or Global Basis," and "We have Seen" and "Continue to See Where This Path of Death and Destruction has Taken Us!"        

The Fifth of September 5, 2017, U.S. Attorney General Sessions has Announced that President Trump has Decided to Rescind the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals Program- DACA!-

-Extra Noteworthy News-
Ten States are Threatening to Sue The Administration, if DACA is Killed by President Trump!

"The U.S. Congress Must Act by March 5, 2018," to "Reverse President Trump's Decision to Rescind DACA," and to "Counter Yet Another Attack upon The Fabric and Tapestry of The United States of America!" The Lives of At Least "Eight Hundred Thousand Young People are Depending on Them!"

On May 3rd, 2017 Former FBI Director James Comey "Gave His Testimony to the Senate Judiciary Committee on FBI Oversight," in Defense of How He Handled His Investigation of Hillary Clinton," and "Three Days Later President Trump Drafted a Four Page Letter," that He Intended to Give to Mr. Comey, "Expressing His Discontent with Mr. Comey," and "the Reasons Why He Felt this Discontent!"

Eventually, a "Four Paragraph Letter to Mr. Comey," that was "Written by Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein," was Given to Mr. Comey "Telling Him He had Been Fired!"

 Interestingly Enough, "The Presidents Reasons were Focused on The Russian Investigation," Whereas Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosentsein's Reasons for Terminating Mr. Comey," were "Focused on Restoring public confidence in The FBI," Which has only "Increased the Drama Surrounding the Russian Probe!"

"The Letter of Termination was Dated May 9, 2017," Based on recommendation of Attorney General.

Last Month, "The Draft of The Four Page Letter" was "Turned over to Special Counsel Robert Mueller by The Justice Department, with the Consent of The White House!"

Needless to Say, "The Russian Probe Configuration Will Continue," until "A Final Page to All the Ongoing Investigations has Been Completed," and "A Judgement has Been Made By The People," and "The Federal Government!"

-In Memorial:
"Let's Take a Moment to Honor the Lives of Two Thousand Nine Hundred Ninety-Six Innocent People," who "Lost Their Lives" in "The Single Deadliest Attack to Take Place on U.S. Soil," on The Eleventh of September, 2001, "in New York City at The World Trade Center Complex, and In Arlington County, Virginia at The Pentagon, and In a Plane that Crashed into a Field in Stonycreek Township, near Shanksville, Pennsylvania," Sixteen Years Ago!

"Attacks" that also "Injured more than Six Thousand in Total!"

And, To All the Families who Lost a Loved One, We Honor and Remember Them as If They were Our Own Families and Friends!

-In Memoriam:
And, Once again, We Send Our Sincerest Heart, Mind, Spirit and Soul to All The Families, Friends, Colleagues and Communities who have Lost a Loved One Due to The Cruelty of War!

And, We Extend Our Sincerest Heartfelt and Soulful Condolences to The Families, Friends, Neighbors and Communities who have Lost a Loved One Due to Natural Causes and Natural Disasters.

Sharing The Light, Peace and The Celestial Song Of Life,