Friday, September 1, 2017



The Way To Peace! #306

As "A Grand Ole Tradition," Begun in The Late Nineteenth Century, "Labor Day," is Celebrated in The United States and Canada, "Honoring The Sacrifice, Determination, Perseverance, Contribution, and Success of The Labor Movement," Let There Be No Illusions that, "It Doesn't Take A Total Solar Eclipse, in All of Its Magnificence, Immensity, and Other Worldly Presence and Aura," Displaying the "Extraordinary Sight of The Moon Blotting Out The Sun," to "Make Us Realize" that "We are Living in A Highly Volatile Time Period!" And, "We Need to Find New Idea's and Issues," that are "of Interest and Inspiring to The Global Population!"

In the United States, "We have The U.S. Constitution, Bill of Rights and Declaration of Independence to Guide Us," and "Protect Our Values, Ideals, Tenets, and Principles," When "We are Being Threatened by Adverse, Injurious, Destabilizing, or Dangerous Idea's and Viewpoints!"

"These Documents" were "Created For Our Safety and Security," and to "Inspire Us to Strive to Achieve A Greater Purpose in Our Lives," Truly, "A Moral, Just, and Politically Correct State of Being!" A Republic, and "Government Of The People, By The People and For The People!" "A Grand Experiment" The Founders "Envisioned For The Betterment Of We The People," and "A Perfect Union For One and All to Share with Each Other in Equilibre!"

And, Today, "The Earth's Populace is In Need of An Earthrise Vision" that "Builds Bridges to All The Peoples of The World" that "Embraces One and All!" And, "Let Us Be Most Certain" that "This is "Not the Time For Economic, Political, or Sociological Isolationism!"

"The Earth's Populace" is "In Need of An Earthrise Vision" that "Unites All The People of The World" in "These Volatile Times!" "Not Divide Them against One Another!"

"An Earthrise Vision" that is "Respectful of The Cultures, Creeds, Genders, and Nationalities of All The People of The World!"

And, "Embraces The Diverse Tapestry and Fabric Of All The People," and "The Myriad Different Colors, Shapes, and Intellectual, Philosophical, Humanistic, and Spiritual Rainbow of Limitless Universes of The Twenty-First Century," that "We are One and All an Integral part of!"

"An Earthrise Vision" that "Embraces A Grand Purpose," that "Empowers An Unlimited Sphere of Influence," that "Graces and Nourishes The Lives of Every Family and Sentient Life Form of This Planet Earths Extraordinary Environment and Ecology!"

"An Earthrise Vision Of The People, By The People and For The People," that "Insures The Lives of All The People," to "Live and Pursue The Dreams, Goals, Opportunities, and Visions They've Imagined and have Sought Out to Achieve" and "Share The Fruits of," with "Their Families, Friends, Colleagues, and Neighbors!"

"Knowing" that "Their Success Will Empower The Global Economic Future of All The People," and "Give Hope to Every Student, Entrepreneur, Small Business Employer, and Investor," who is "Striving to Be a part of The Global Expansion of The Earths World of Finances," and "Enjoy the Profits and Benefits from Doing so!"

"An Earthrise Vision" that "Eradicates and Eliminates Syndicates of Murderers and Criminals from Threatening Our Earths Societies," and "Restores Law and Order to Our Communities, Cities, Nations, and Our Lives!" And, "Just Imagine Living in An Age Where a Peace Time Economy Thrives and Prospers!"

"Imagine Your Children Being Taught by Teachers, Educators, and Academicians," who are "Committed to Educate Them" with "The True History of The Trials and Tribulations of Humanity from It's Inception to The Twenty-First Century," "A Global History" that "Our Founders, and Philosophers," (such as Socrates) and "We The People" have "Fought and Died to Preserve For All Posterity!"

And, "Now, We have The Grand Opportunity" to "Share The Omniscience and Beauty of Our Collective History," from "It's Inception," and "The Solar Axioms of This Empirical and Documented Experience with New Generations!"

And, In Doing so, "Permitting Us to Share The Reasons Why," So Many "have Died in Wars, Revolutions, and Regional Conflicts," and "In Unlawful Circumstances," Where The Justice was Corrupted," and "Violence, Racism, Greed, Tyrannical Leadership, and Perverted Clergy, "Inflicted Unimaginable Pain and Suffering upon The People!" And, "How We Survived," What Appeared to Be, "Insurmountable Challenges," and "The Heroines and Heroes" who "Led The Way," and In Many Cases, "Gave Their Lives" so that "We May Learn to Live to Transcend The Injustices, and "Through Understanding, Diplomacy, and The Might of The Armies of Civilized Nations, "Bring a Just Peace To The World!" And, "Preserve Our Rights, Principles and Beliefs," that "We are Inherently Entitled" to "Live and Enjoy as A Free and Sovereign People of The Earth!"

And, Yes, "The Obstacles and Impediments have Been Multitudinous," However, "We have Been Fortunate to Overcome and Transcend The Negativity and Obstacles" that have "Darkened Our Way," Casting Shadows and "Attempting to Cause New Divisions in and Amongst Our Societies!"

And, "This is Why We Must Call upon The Leaders of The Earths Coalition of United Civilized Nations to "Rise to A Higher Moral Standard of Universal Consciousness," to "Guide and Represent Us!" If, "We are to Come to "A Full Realization of The True Significance" of "What It Means to Live in A World at Peace and Global Equilibre!"

And, "Isn't It Time" For "All the Families who have Been Living in Refugee Camps," or "Those who have Migrated to Foreign Lands and Nations," who have "Undertaken Perilous Journey's o'er Land and Sea in Hopes of Living in Safety and Security,"...."Isn't It Time For Them to Be Able to Return to Their Homes" and "Begin Their Lives Anew," (Should They Wish to).

"For A People without A True Home" Will always "Find It of The Greatest Difficulty to Find Fulfillment in Their Lives," until, "They have Been Given The Opportunity of Choice," to "Return Home," or "Remain Where They have Been Living!"

"Isn't It Time" To "Drive Out the Interlopers from All The Lands They have Trespassed on," and "Invaded under False Pretenses!" The Syndicates of Criminals and Murderers whose "Crimes against Humanity" Must Be "Brought in Front of An International Court of Law," and "Of The People!" And, "Judged for Their Deliberate Violations against The Innocent!" "Bringing Destruction and Death to Our Families!" And, "Devastation to Our Cultures!"

And, "Isn't It Time" "To Make An Earthrise Vision into A Reality of Grand Consequences!"

-Extra Noteworthy News- "The Russian Probe" has Intensified The Configuration of Its Focus" on, (1) Paul Manafort, "The Former Campaign Manager of the 2016 Trump Campaign," 
(2) Donald Trump Jr. and (3) Former National Security Advisor Michael Flynn!

And, "The House Intelligence Committee has "Gone as Far with Its Investigation as To Suggest" that "They May Ask President Trump to Testify!"

In Addition, Special Counsel Robert Mueller has "Issued Subpoenas to a Former Attorney of Paul Manafort," Melissa Laurenza, "Seeking Documents and Testimony Sent to Her!"

And, Global Cross Media Reports have "Revealed that Executive Vice President of The Trump Organization," Michael Cohen, "Contacted a Dmitry Peskov, a Kremlin Spokesman" in Regards to "Building Trump Tower Moscow!"

"This Information was Provided to The House Investigation Committee," and Revealed that "Efforts Began as Early as 2015 to Build Trump Tower Moscow," and that "These Efforts Continued into 2016," and "The Project" had "Been Discussed with then Candidate Trump Three Times!" 

"This Would Appear to Refute Candidate Trump's Claim in A Tweet," Posted in July 2016, "for the record, I have ZERO investments in Russia!"

And, In Addition, "Special Counsel Mueller" has "Joined Forces with New York District Attorney Eric Schneiderman" in "Its Investigation of Paul Manafort, and His Financial Transactions!"

On The Twenty-Sixth of July, 2017 "The FBI Conducted a Raid on Mr. Manafort's Home in Alexandria Virginia," with "A Search Warrant," One Day after "Mr. Manafort Testified in Front of The Senate Intelligence Committee!" The Warrant "Requested Banking and Tax Matters!"

"The Russian Probe Configuration" is "Constantly Evolving and Unfolding New Information," and "New Revelations," in Regards to "Charges of Collusion" and "Obstruction of Justice!" To What End Can only Be Imagined," However, "Those Members of Congress" who have "Been Calling for President Trump's Impeachment," are "Definitely Not Being Dissuaded from This Course of Action!" And, President Trump is "Not Serving Himself Well by Berating Members of Congress," and "Especially Those in His Own Party," in General! And, "I Would Expect Clark Paige, Jared Kushner, and Russian-Born American Real Estate Developer Felix Sater to Remain apart of The Investigation Equation," until "The Russian Probe Configuration Comes to A Final End Result!"

-Extra Noteworthy News- On May 3rd, 2017 Former FBI Director James Comey "Gave His Testimony to the Senate Judiciary Committee on FBI Oversight," in Defense of How He Handled His Investigation of Hillary Clinton," and "Three Days Later President Trump Drafted a Four Page Letter," that He Intended to Give to Mr. Comey, "Expressing His Discontent with Mr. Comey," and "the Reasons Why He Felt this Discontent!"

Eventually, a "Four Paragraph Letter to Mr. Comey," that was "Written by Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein," was Given to Mr. Comey "Telling Him He had Been Fired!"
Interestingly Enough, "The Presidents Reasons were Focused on The Russian Investigation," Whereas Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosentsein's Reasons for Terminating Mr. Comey," were "Focused on Restoring public confidence in The FBI," Which has only "Increased the Drama Surrounding the Russian Probe!"

"The Letter of Termination was Dated May 9, 2017," Based on recommendation of Attorney General.

Last Month, "The Draft of The Four Page Letter" was "Turned over to Special Counsel Robert Mueller by The Justice Department, with the Consent of The White House!"

Needless to Say, "The Russian Probe Configuration Will Continue" until "A Final Page to All the Ongoing Investigations has Been Completed," and "A Judgment has Been Made By The People," and "The Federal Government!"

Voices of Reason and Peacemakers of The Twentieth and Twenty-First Centuries, Let Us Not Hesitate to Call Out Russia, China, North Korea, Syria, Iran, Palestine, Israel and The United States to "End Their Static" and "Aggressive Approach Towards Solving Regional and Global Issues" that are "Threatening to The Earth!"

Let Us "Call Them Out and Encourage Them to Utilize The Art of Diplomacy" to "Solve Potentially Hazardous Situations!"

And, "Lets Call on Them to End Nuclear Proliferation," and "Premeditated Expansion Strategies," and "Military Movements in Violation of The Sovereign Rights of All Nations!"

And, "For The Sake of Present Generations of The Twenty-First Century" and "Future Generations," "Let Us Call upon All The Nations of The Earth to Eliminate Poverty," and "Give Peace A Chance to Matricize, Free from Government Corruption, Global Crime Organizations, The Sex and Drug Trade, and Syndicates of Evil," For, This is The Way To Peace and An Omnipresent, Omnipotent, and Omniscient Age of Justice, Equal Opportunity, Freedom, and Peace On Earth!

-Extra Noteworthy News-
On Wednesday, The Thirtieth of August, 2017 "Federal Judge Orlando L. Garcia of United States District Court for The Western District of Texas, Granted A preliminary injunction preventing The Law, Senate Bill 4, from taking effect while the suit continues!" And, "Thereby Blocking President Trump's Immigration Ban on Sanctuary Cities from Being Enacted," Today, The First of September, 2017!"

-Extra Noteworthy News-
"The Importance of The Re-Election of Chancellor Merkel" and "The Success of Her CDU (Christian Democrat Union) Party," in The September 24th Elections in Germany," "Can Not Be Exaggerated Enough," If, "Economic Reforms and Growth are To Continue in The EU!"

"Chancellor Merkel and French President Macron" are "Very Important Components," in 
"A Twenty-First Century Equation," that has "Far-Reaching Implications to It!" In "Building A Global Bridge of All Inclusiveness," that "Reaches Out to All of The United Civilized Nations of The Earth!"

"A Global Bridge of All Inclusiveness," that "Empowers and Provides Fair and Equitable Trade and Economical Guidelines," For "Emerging Nations," as well as "The Major Global Economic Powers to Recognize" as "Being A Way to Transcend Nationalistic and Solely For Profit Driven Trade Policies," that "Do Not Benefit A Global Economic Recovery that All Nations Can Profit by!"

"A Global Bridge of All Inclusiveness," that "Nurtures An Open-Minded Path," Towards The Realization of A New Age of A Global Peacetime Economy!" And, "The Benefits It Would Provide For All The People of The Earth!"

"Benefits that Would Insure The Social Security and Safety of Each and Every Family of This Planet Earth," and "The Education and Protection of Our Children" as "They Enter into A New Universe of Diverse Cultures," and "Global Influences of The Twenty-First Millennia!"   

"There Must Be a Global Equilibre Amongst Nations," that "Smiles upon All The People of The Earth," For "Our Futures to Be Ascertained in An Age of Peace On Earth!"

-Extra Noteworthy News-
"The Devastation of Hurricane Harvey has Been Traumatic to the People of Texas and Louisiana!"
"The Ruination has Been Catastrophic," with "An Astounding Numbers of People in Need of Emergency Shelter," and "An even Larger Number Registering as Disaster Victims with The Federal Government!"

"Our Sincerest Concerns and Most Heartfelt and Soulful Condolences Go Out to The Families who have Lost a Loved One," or "Who have had Their Homes and Businesses Destroyed, or Seriously Damaged," and to "Those who are In Dire Need of Emotional or Medical Assistance!"

And, "While Harvey is No Longer Considered to Be of a Hurricane Status," "The Rainfall and Flooding Continue," to "Cause Dramatic, Emotional, and Financial Harm to Our Fellow Americans Living in Houston," and "Across Texas, and Louisiana!" As of Saturday, The Second of September, 2017 The Number of Confirmed Deaths was at Forty-Seven," However, "Unfortunately that Total" is "Expected to Tragically Rise to An Indeterminable Leveled!"

And, to "Add to The Overall Dangers Threatening The Families, Communities, and Cities" who have "Reaped The Wrath of Hurricane Harvey," (Now Relegated to a Tropical Depression) is "The Dangers Posed by Chemical and Refinery Plants," that have "Been Left Vulnerable by The Storm!"

"Several Explosions and Fires," have "Caused Havoc and Serious Environmental Concerns," Northeast of Houston, at "The Arkema Inc. Chemical Plant!"

President Trump has "Made a Controversial Trip to Texas to Comfort The Victims of Hurricane Harvey" and "Give Support to The State of Texas," on Tuesday, The Twenty-Ninth of August!  The President and First Lady Melania "Plan to Return to Texas This Weekend!"

On Thursday, The Thirty-First of August, 2017, Sarah Huckabee Sanders, White House Press Secretary said, "President Trump has "Pledged to Give One Million Dollars of His Personal Funds to Harvey Relief Efforts!"

"The Volunteers who have Arrived in Texas to Offer Their Aid and Support" are "A True Example of The Heart and Soul of America!" And, "They are To Be Commended for Their Selfless and Beneficent Acts of Courage and Sacrifice!"  

"There is Little Doubt" that "Climate/Global Warming" has "Caused the Rise of Moisture in The Atmosphere," and has also "Warmed The Waters of The Earths Oceans, Which has "Caused even Greater Moisture, Rising Tides, and The Erosion of Our Coasts," and "This Additional Moisture," is "Empowering The Hurricanes and Storms," that have "Caused So Many Natural Disasters Worldwide!"

Which is "All the More Reason" for "The United States to Remain a Leader in Global Environmental and Ecological Affairs," and "An Integral, Essential, and Vital, Member of The Paris Agreement!" 

-Extra Noteworthy News-
Friday, The Twenty-Sixth of August, 2017, "President Trump Pardoned One of The Most Controversial and Tendentious Figures in Law and Order," "Former Sheriff of Maricopa County, Arizona, Joe Arpaio!"

In July, 2017 Joe Arpaio was "Convicted of Criminal Contempt" for "Ignoring The Courts and The Rule of Law," for "His Refusal to Stop Imprisoning Suspected Illegal Immigrants!"

Former Sheriff Arpaio "Continued to Systematically Target and Imprison Latinos in Arizona!"

-Extra Noteworthy News-
Friday, The Twenty-Six of August 2017, "As Hurricane Harvey's Sphere of Influence" was "Reaching Out to Strike The State of Texas," President Trump Signed a Memo, "Formally Directing The Pentagon" to "Ban Transgender Individuals from Openly Serving in The Military!"

"This is Clearly a Moment" for "The LGBT (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender) Community" and "Civil Rights and Civil Liberty Groups to Act," in Defense and Preservation of of Any American Citizens Individual Rights and Liberties to Serve Their Military," and "The United States Of America!" 

"The Framers of The U.S. Constitution Astutely Created The Constitution" to "Safeguard the Interests of The Majority Rule and Minority Rights, of Liberty and Equality!" And, "It is The Moral and Legal Responsibility of Every President" to "Protect and Defend The Rights of We The People!"

And, The United States of America is A Government Of The People, By The People, and For The People!"  "It's Not A Government Of Lobbyists, or, Of Political Bias at The Expense of We The People!"

-Extra Noteworthy News-
It is Difficult to Imagine that "The Debt Ceiling Deadline is Soon Approaching!" Difficult to Imagine, Concisely, "Because of The State of Amorphous in The Trump Administration," and "The Blame Game It Distributes" upon "Not Just upon The Democrats," But, also "The Republican Party as Well!" In Fact, "No One in Congress is Safe from The Tweets, Barbs," and "Attacks from The Bully Pulpit Made by President Trump!"

And, Although The President has had "A Stream of Resignations from His Administration," Including Important Members of His Advisory Councils, and "The Whole Committee on The Arts and The Humanities," The President is Adamant that "It's Always The Fault of Someone else!"

And, "Although The Russian Probe," and "House, and Senate Intelligence Committees, and The FBI, and Intelligence Agencies have "Revealed Improprieties amongst Several Associates of The Trump 2016 Campaign," and "His Inner Circle," Still "The Blame Game Continues!"

This is The Time of Year, "When The U.S. Government has To Take Care of Business," (1) To Pay For Its Bill's on Time, (2) Demonstrate America's Credit Worthiness, (3) Reassure Financial Markets, and (4) If the Debt Ceiling is Not Raised, Imagine The Government Prioritizing What Bills are The Most Important to Pay on Time!  

So, "This is The Time to TCB as The Saying Goes," Take Care of Business! Which "No Doubt Will Involve Certain Compromises between Democrats and Republicans!" It's as Simple as that!

So, "What Does President Trump do," On Thursday, The Twenty-Fourth of August, 2017, "The President Attacked The Top Two GOP Leaders, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell of Kentucky and House Speaker Paul Ryan of Wisconsin," for "Not Attaching Raising the Debt Ceiling Legislation to a Bill Concerning Veterans Benefits!" Is This "The Art of The Deal and Compromise in Action!"

The X-Day is The Second of October, 2017!      

-Extra Noteworthy News-
"The Multi-Nation Search by Five Countries for Survivors" from "The Tragic Collision of The USS John S. McCain and a 30,000 ton Oil and Chemical Tanker on Monday, The Twenty-First of August, 2017, has "Been Temporarily Suspended!" 

Global Cross Media News Reports are "The Bodies of Electronics Technician Third Class Kenneth Aaron Smith," Twenty-Two Years of Age from New Jersey, and Electronics Technician Third Class Dustin Louis Doyon, Twenty-Six from Suffield, Connecticut, was Found," However, "Eight Sailors are Still Reported to Be Missing!" In Addition, "Five Sailors were Injured in The Collision!"

"The Collision Took Place East of Singapore!" And, "This is The Fourth such Accident" to "Take Place This Year," that "A U.S. Warship has Been Involved in Asian Waters!"

We Extend Our Sincerest Heartfelt Condolences to The Families, Sailors, and Friends who have Lost a Loved One Due to This Tragic Collision! 
And, To The Families, Sailors, and Friends who are Experiencing The Trauma of Not Knowing The Fate of Those Sailors who are Still Missing Our Prayers are with You!

-Extra Noteworthy News-
"The Mudslides in Sierra Leone," Located on the West Side of Africa, has "Caused the Deaths," of At the Very Least, "Four Hundred and Sixty Persons!" 

And, At the Very Least, "Twenty Thousand People have have Been Displaced from Their Homes (Including Five Thousand Children)! And, "Hundreds of People are Still Missing!"

This is One of The Worst Natural Disasters to Ravage Africa in Years!"

The Mudslides began on Monday, The Fourteenth of August, 2017, and has "Continued to Destroy Everything in Its Path!" Leaving "No Doubt" that "The Death Toll Will Continue to Rise!"

We Send Our Sincerest Heart, Mind, and Soulful Condolences to The Families of Sierra Leone who have Lost a Loved One and Their Home Due to This Devastating Catastrophe!

-Extra Noteworthy News-
"Effective August 14, 2017," White House Chief Strategist to President Trump, "Steve Bannon has Resigned!"

And, The Question of Whether Mr. Bannon "Will Return to Breitbart News," to "Resume His Duties as Executive Chairman of Breitbart News," has "Been Answered!" And, With This Decision, has Come a Flurry of Comments by Mr. Bannon, "Declaring War on Globalists and Democrats in The White House!" And, Interestingly Enough, Stating that "The Trump presidency that we fought for, and won, is over."

However, He Left No Doubt that He Would use All the Weapons in His Possession to Crush The Opposition!" "Whomever, "They May Be, (Son-in-Law and Senior Advisor, Jared Kushner, Gary Cohn, Chief Economic Advisor, General John F. Kelly, White House Chief of Staff, and General H.R. McMaster, National Security Advisor?) 
One Thing that is Absolutely Clear is, Mr. Bannon "Will Continue to Espouse His Ultra Right Ideology," and "Attacks upon Anyone who Disagrees with Him via Breitbart News!"

However, Just as Interesting Will Be, "If President Trump Can Improve His Public Approval Opinion Ratings," and "Change the Present Course and Decline of His Presidency!"

In Addition to The Resignations of Several Members of President Trump's Advisory Councils, "The Entire Membership of The Committee on the Arts and Humanities has Tendered Their Resignations!" An "Extraordinary Statement," Signed by "Sixteen of The Committee's Seventeen Members!

"The Letter of Resignation" was Dated Friday, The Eighteenth of August, 2017!

And, "Another Severe Blow to The Credibility of The Trump Presidency," is "The Resignation of Billionaire Investor Carl C. Icahn," who was "Acting as A Special Advisor to President Trump on Issues and Matters Relating to Regulatory Reform!" Mr. Icahn Announced His Resignation on Friday, The Eighteenth of August, 2017.

And, Then Add to that, "The Negative Publicity that President Trump has Received" in regards to "The Decision Made by Three Honorees" who "Decided Not to Attend the Traditional White House Reception," that is "Normally Related to the Celebration!"

"The Three Honorees" are "Television Producer Norman Lear, Dancer Carmen DE Lavallade, and Singer Lionel Richie!"

Under These Circumstances, "It is Understandable" Why President Trump and First Lady Melania Trump, "Will Not Be Attending the Annual Kennedy Center Honors in December!"

 And then, "Let Us Not Understate the Importance" of "Special Counselor Robert Mueller's Russian Probe," Which is "Still in Progress!" 

-Extra Noteworthy News-
Another Cowardly Act of Violence has Taken Place in Barcelona, Spain, on Thursday, The Seventeenth of August, 2017, When a Despicable Example of a Human Being Drove a Van into a Highly Populated Area of Las Ramblas, "Causing The Deaths of at Least Thirteen Innocent People," and "Injuring More than One Hundred!"

As of Thursday Evening, Global Cross Media Reports are "The Driver," has "For The Moment Escaped!" However, Two Men were "Arrested as Suspects" who "The Police Believe" are "Directly Connected to the Malicious Attack!"

This is "The First Terrorist Attack to Occur in Spain," in "More than Eight Years!" And, "There is An Intensive Search Underway," to "Find The Coward or Cowards" who "Participated in This Heinous Attack Cast upon The Innocent!" Of Which, "There is No Honor only Shame" that "Can Be Contributed to The Evildoers of This Immoral Act!"  

And, "Suspicions Surrounding Several Explosions that "Took Place on Wednesday, The Sixteenth of August, 2017, One, in Alcanar, in The Region of Catalona, that "Caused the Death of One Person," and "Injured at Least Six Others," and in Doing so, "Destroyed the House and Property," and then, "A Second Explosion on Thursday," at the Same Location, "When Authorities were Cleaning up the Debris," are "Now Being Placed under Close Investigation by Authorities!"

"The Suspicion" is that "This May have Been a Terrorist Location," where "Bombs were Being Assembled and Accidentally Set Them off!"

And, Eight Hours Later, "Another Malevolent Attack Took Place in Cambrils, Spain," a Coastal Town, in the comarca of Baix Camp, Province of Taragona, Catalona, "Killing One Person," and "Wounding Six Others, including a Police Officer," When A Car Drove into Pedestrians, in this Resort Town!"

In This Instance, "The Five Cowards who Attempted to Kill as Many People as They Could," were "Shot and Killed by Police," One of Whom, "May have Been the Driver in the Attack upon Innocent People in Barcelona!"

Global Cross Media Reports are, In Total, "Seven Suspects have Been Killed" and "Four More  have Been Arrested!" One Suspect, Twenty-Two year old, Younes Abouyaaqoub, "Remains the Focus of An International Manhunt!"  

We Firmly Look Forward to The Day, "When These Syndicates of Murderers and Criminals are All Brought to Justice and Eliminated from Instigating Any Further Attempts of Violence upon Our Families and Global Communities!" (Islamic State has Claimed Responsibility for This Cowardly and Sinful Attack!)

And, One Again We Extend Our Deepest Sympathies and Condolences to The Families who Tragically Lost a Loved One Due to These Malevolent Acts of Violence in Barcelona and Cambrils, and to People of Spain for Suffering This Loss of Life! 

Yesterday, Friday, The Eighteenth of August, Barcelona (and Althroughout The Country) Will Be Observed a Minute of Silence in Remembrance of The Innocent Victims of The Attack! 

-Extra Noteworthy News-
 The Death of a Thirty-Two Year Old Woman, Heather Heyer, in The City of Charlotte on Saturday, The Twelfth of August, 2017 was "Caused by a Malicious and Callous Disregard for Human Life!" And, "A Symptom of An Aspect of American History," that is "In No Way a True Reflection of The Grand Experience of What The Founders Believed The United States of America Would Become!"

"Why Anyone Would Drive Their Car into a Crowd of Innocent People," who were "Non-Violently Expressing Themselves" and "Demonstrating as is Their Democratic Right to, "Their Beliefs," is "Beyond Comprehension!" But, Even More so, "This Act of Violence was A Total Disregard for The Lives of Their Fellow Human Being," and "American Citizens!"

And, "Let's Be Very Clear about this," This was "An Act of Domestic Terrorism by An American Citizen, Twenty year old, James Alex Fields Jr. of Maim, Ohio," who is "Being Charged with Second Degree Murder!" (In Addition, "There were Injuries to Nineteen Other Innocent People!")  

"We Can Agree" that It is within the "Right of Any American Citizen to Legally and Non-Violently Demonstrate" or "March in Support of Their Cause!" And, "Counter-Demonstrations" are also a part of "This Process of Expressing Your Opinion!" But, "No One has The Right to Viciously Threaten or Take Another Life!"

It is also "A Tragic Aftermath" of the Demonstration in Charlottesville, that Two State Troopers Forty-Eight year old Pilot, Lt. H. Jay Cullen, and Trooper Berge H.H. Bates, who would have Become Forty -One on Sunday, The Thirteenth of August, 2017, Died in a Helicopter Crash While Monitoring the Demonstration!"

"The Ramifications of This Violent Domestic Act of Terrorism," has "Caused a Further Sociological, Political, Spiritual, and Ideological Divide in The United States," than "There was before!"

This is "Mainly Because of President Trump's Reaction" to "The Horrific Display of Violence that Occurred!" With "President Trump's Base Supporting Him," as well as "a Former Head of The KKK, David Duke," and "The Opposition to His Presidency Criticizing Him," and, or "Suggesting that He Should Be Impeached!"

And, "The Business Community" is having "A Difficult Time Rationalizing President Trump's Seemingly Reluctant Stance," to "Absolutely Reject the Actions of The White Nationalists/Supremacists" who "Caused and Initiated the Violence" in Charlottesville, Va. at the United the Right March, "Vacillating Back and Forth" between "Who is To Blame for The Violence," and "Death of Thirty-Two year old Heather Heyer," and the "Injuries to Nineteen Other Innocent People!"

"The C.E.O. of Intel, Brian Krzanich," and "C.E.O. Kevin Plank of Under Armour," Plus "Six Other Leaders" have "Resigned from President Trump's Advisory Councils," and "The CEO of Walmart," Douglas McMillon, "Criticized the President in a Letter to Employees on Monday, The Fourteenth of August, 2017!"

"Why," This Whole Tragic Affair isn't "Simply a Matter of Right from Wrong is Perplexing!"

It's Not as If, "There isn't Video or Film of The March to Validate the Truth!"

And, It's Not as If, "There isn't Video or Film" of The Driver of the Car, "Driving into a Crowd of Innocent People," and "Causing The Death of Heather Heyer," For Which, "He was Arrested on Charges of Second Degree Murder!"

So, "What is Happening Here!" And, "Why!" Some have said, "It's a Matter of Leadership or The Lack there of!"

 President Trump has Continued to Say that "Both Sides of The Demonstration were at Fault," and has also "Continued to Attack the Fake Media!"

"One Thing that Appears Clear," to me, is, "Whomever, the Elected Officials May Be," and "Whether He or She is The Leader of The Land," The United States of America is "In Need of Leadership Qualities of Selflessness, Cognizance, Enlightenment, and Environmental and Ecological Awareness," and "A True Sense of The Diverse Tapestry and Fabric of The World that We Live in," and "The Massive Globalization of It," as Well as "The Traditions, Tenets, and Laws Of The People," as Well as "The Vulnerability, Sensibility, and Humility of One's Human Values," and "How to Embrace, Empower, Protect, Defend, and Nourish The Lives All The Peoples of The Earth!"
  And, by Example, "Display the True Meaning," of "How to Show The Proper Respect for The Different Cultures of One's Fellow Human Being," and "The Lives of All Sentient Beings," and  "Consideration for The Plight of Those who are Less Fortunate!"  

And, by "One's Actions Provide The Guidance Needed" to "Transcend The Conditioned Impediments that Lie in the Way!"

It's Obvious that "The Time has Come for A New Age of Renewal, Healing, Grace, and Trust, Must Come to Be," that Is "Enfolded in a Twenty-First Century Equation Of, By and For The People!"  Truly, "A Global Sense of Equilibre" that is "Imbued with A Great Soul Force and Spirit Of The People!"

-In Memoriam: 
As Labor Day Approaches The Muscular Dystrophy Associations Labor Day Telethon Hosted by Comic Extraordinaire, Film, Broadway, Nite Club Star, Director, Producer, Author, Recording Artist, Screenwriter, Humanitarian Film Actor, Jerry Lewis (Born Joseph Levitch) "Passed away" on Sunday, The Twentieth of August, 2017, at The Age of Ninety-One, "in His Home in Las Vegas, Nevada!"

Mr. Lewis for More than Forty Years, "Hosted the Muscular Dystrophy Telethon," and "Accompanied by The World of Entertainment," and "An Amazingly High Number of Donors," from All Phases of Life, "Amassed a Great Amount to Contribute to Muscular Dystrophy!" He was also "MDA's Spokesperson and Chairman!"

However, "Initially, "Mr. Lewis Gained Fame and Celebrity," Teaming up and Working with "Singer, Film Actor, Nite Club and Television Star Dean Martin," (who also Became a Member of the Celebrated Rat Pack, Led by Frank Sinatra) in "Martin and Lewis!"

However, On His Own, After Separating from Martin and Lewis, "Mr. Lewis was Honored with Two Stars on The Hollywood Walk a Fame," and "Lifetime Achievement Awards for the American Comedy Awards in 1997, Jean Hersholt Humanitarian Award at The 81st Academy Awards in 2009, Venice Film Festival, and Los Angeles Film Critics Association in 2004, Homage from The Cannes Film Festival in 2013!"

Mr. Lewis also "Received an Emmy Nomination, British Academy Film Award Nomination for Best Actor, in a Supporting Role for "The King of Comedy, in 1983," and was also "Honored to Receive the Chevalier Ordre National de la Legion d'honneur, in France," in 1984, and "An Honorary Member of The Order of Australia," also, in 2013!

These are "Just a Few of The Awards Mr. Lewis has Received," However, "His Accolades Go Far Beyond The Awards and Celebrity that He has Received," and "He Will Be Remembered For The Man He was," and "The Positive Affect that His Illuminated Career has had Entertaining Us!"

We Extend Our Sincerest Heartfelt Condolences to The Family, Colleagues, and Friends of Jerry Lewis! And, To His Admirers Worldwide, Let Us Share His Universe of Talent, and Innovative Comedic, and Humanitarian Experiences with Future Generations to Come!

-In Memoriam:
"Another Great Legend in The World of Comedy has Passed away," Richard Claxton Gregory, (Dick Gregory) "Life Ended on on Saturday, The Nineteenth of August 2017 of Heart Failure" in Washington D.C. Hospital, at "The Age of Eighty-Four!"

"Dick Gregory" was "A Satirist, Social Critic, Writer, Actor, Entrepreneur, and Civil Rights Activist!" And, It was "His Commitment and Dedication to Civil Rights and Political Satire" against "The Vietnam War and Racial Injustice," that Made Him Stand Out as A Man of Great Conscience!"

However, "Mr. Gregory's Life Reached Out to Touch the Lives of Many who were Disenfranchised!" And, He Spoke Out Eloquently about Spirituality, African-American Culture, Economic Reform, Vegetarianism, Racism! And, was "Not Afraid to Demonstrate," have "Hunger Strikes," or "Be Arrested in Support of His Beliefs!"

In 1963, "Mr. Gregory was Not Afraid" to "Speak on a Public Platform in Selma, Alabama," just Days before "Freedom Day," on The Seventh of October, 1963!

And, In 1964, Mr. Gregory, Ran for Mayor against Mayor Richard J. Daley in Chicago! And, "While He was Not Successful," This "Did Not Stop Mr. Gregory from Continuing to Espouse His Beliefs" and to "Continue His Fight against Racial Injustice and The Vietnam War!

And, In 1968, "Mr. Gregory Ran as A Write in Candidate of The Freedom and Peace Party," for "President of The United States!"

And, Interestingly, "Until the End of His Life's Work, Mr. Gregory Remained "A Voice of Conscience" for "The Black Power Movement!" And, "Through His Satire, Monologues, and Standup Comedy, Gave An Insight into The Establishment, and The Social Injustices that Occurred," that "Needed A Voice of Political Perspective" and "Social Mores" to "Reveal A True and Cutting Clarity," and "Based on having Experienced First Hand The Oppression of Racial and Economic Inequality in the United States!"

We Extend Our Sincerest Heart and Soulful Condolences to The Family, Friends, Colleagues of Richard Gregory! His Voice, Presence, Satire, and Activism Will Be Remembered for Future Generations to Learn from and Be Inspired by!

-In Memoriam:
And, Once again, We Send Our Sincerest Heart, Mind, Spirit and Soul to All The Families, Friends, Colleagues and Communities who have Lost a Loved One Due to The Cruelty of War!

And, We Extend Our Sincerest Heartfelt and Soulful Condolences to The Families, Friends, Neighbors and Communities who have Lost a Loved One Due to Natural Causes and Natural Disasters.

Sharing The Light, Peace and The Celestial Song Of Life,