Monday, March 6, 2017



The Way To Peace! #300

"Unless Former United States Vice President Al Gore (under The Clinton Administration), or 2016 Oscar Award Winner Leonardo DiCaprio, Chancellor Angela Merkle of Germany, or UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres," have "Received Private Absolute Assurances from President Trump and His Administration," that "The United States of America Will Not Withdraw from "The Paris Agreement," (Accord de Paris), "It's Time for The Global Environmental Community, and All The Nations of The Earth to State Loud and Clear," "Their Collective Discontent with President Trump, and His Administration, and The Republican Party as a Whole for, "Implying, Intimating, or Not so Subtly Suggesting and Insinuating," that "This is Their Intention," to "Withdraw The U.S. from This Grand Agreement!"

And, "If This is President Trump's Intention," Then, "It is Time for Environmentalists and Concerned Citizens," "To Globally Begin Setting up Plans to Organize and Mobilize, Non-Violently,"  "For Demonstrations and Marches on All the Continents of The Earth," "For The Survival of Our Planet," and "For Our Future Generations," and "For The Present," and "The Good Health and Welfare of Our Lives!"

The Paris Agreement is "A Historic Accord," "Agreed to by One Hundred and Ninety-Four Sovereign Nations!" Can You Imagine "All the Hard Work, Dedication, and Commitment it Took for This Agreement to Be Diplomatically Negotiated and Agreed to!"

All the Major Industrialized Countries, Germany, France, Italy, Japan, Canada, The United States, The United Kingdom, The EU," and "China, India, and Russia, Led the Way to Signing on to This Significant Environmental and Ecological Agreement," that, (1) Vow to Lower Greenhouse Gas Emission," (2) Achieve a Binding Agreement on Climate Change, (3) Keep Global Temperatures from Rising above Two Degrees Celsius this Century, (4) to Protect the Earths Threatened Species, and, Our Seas, Lands, Skies, and Universe!

(One Hundred and Thirty-Three Sovereign Nations Ratified This Agreement (Including The U.S.) on The Fifth of October, 2016, Which was the Threshold for the Entry into Force on The Fourth of November, 2016)  

And, "For The United States to Withdraw," Would Be "A Historical Setback of The Most Grievous Nature," and "A Monumental Setback to All the Achievements that The United States of America has Become Known and Admired for," As "A Great Democratic Leader of Freedom, Environmental, Civil, and Human Rights!" 

And, "Equally Unsettling is," "How Many Budget Cuts Does it Take" to "Cut The Future of The Earths Populace into Minute Pieces," that are "Barely Livable For a Whole Planet Of People to Enjoy!" 
Does this Sound "Too Melodramatic!" "Positively Not!"

"When You See the Arctic Sea Ice at Its Lowest Levels," and Melting away Right before Your Eyes, and "Global Temperatures Continue to Rise to even Higher Degree's than The Year before," and "Sea Levels also Continue to Rise and Threaten Our Coastlines," and "February 2017 is the Warmest in Thirty-Nine Years," "You Don't have to Be a World Renown Scientist" to "Comprehend the Seriousness of the Earths Ecological and Environmental Issues and Problems," that "Can Not Be Put aside for Another Year," or "Four Years," Depending on "What Your Perspective May Be!"

So, "Why," For "What Logical Reason," Would President Trump and His Administration, (1) Propose Cutting Billions of Dollars from The Environmental Protection Agency, (2) Contemplating Withdrawing The United States from The Paris Agreement, that has Amassed One Hundred and Ninety-Four Signatures in Support of This Historical Accord to Reduce Green House Emissions!"

Is This "How President Trump Plans to Make America Great again!" If, It is, "There Must Be a Better Way!"

And, "President Trump's Claims/Tweets," on Saturday, The Fourth of March, 2017, that "Former President Obama had His Campaign Offices in New York City Wiretapped," Have "Not Been Substantiated!"

(On Sunday, The Fifth of March, 2017, Former U.S. Director of National Intelligence, James R. Clapper, under President Obama said, "there was no such wiretap activity mounted against the president-elect at the time, as a candidate, or against his campaign." And, Global Cross Media Reports are, DNI Clapper also said, (on NBC's Meet the Press) "He would have known and that none existed,"to my knowledge," and none was authorized for Trump Tower, the president's campaign headquarters last year.")

However, Unfortunately, "The Presidents Tweets" are "Beginning to Become A Serious Distraction" from "The Ongoing Investigations by the U.S. Senate and Intelligence Agencies into "What were the Relations and Intentions of Several Members of President Trump's 2016 Campaign Team and Russia!" And, Now, "The President has Asked Congress to Investigate His Claims!"

Exactly, "What is The Truth of This Growing Political Scandal/Affair!"

"To See any Pertinent Information Buried under False Allegations, Innuendos, and Insinuations," Would Be "A Serious Setback to The Principles and Laws Established in The United States," to "Protect Our Democracy and Republic, and Government Of The People, By The People, and For The People!" And, "We The People" Deserve to "Know The Whole Truth and Nothing but The Truth!"

"We've had Enough Half Truths, False Political Rhetoric, and Outright Lies!"

And, "What President Trump Must Comprehend" is that "His Administration is Not Being Unfairly Attacked by The News Media, or Whomever," and "Posing Unsubstantiated Allegations is Not The Answer," "The Truth is!" 
And,"The World," and The Global Cross Media News Universe Wants to Know "What the Extent of The Relationship was, and is, Between Several Members of His 2016 Campaign Team and Russia!"

"On Another Serious Note of Concern," Global Cross Media News Reports that "North Korea has Launched Four Ballistic Missiles Toward The Sea of Japan," "Approximately One Hundred and Ninety Miles from The Northwest Coast of Japan," on Monday, The Sixth of March, 2017, "Is Another Act of Provocation," and "In Obvious Retaliation by North Korea, In Protest of South Korea and U.S. Annual Joint Military Drills," that "Began on Wednesday, The First of March, 2017!"
"These Military Drills were Conducted to Test the Readiness of South Korea and The United States," "Should North Korea Decide to Launch a Premeditated Attack against South Korea!"

And, "The Fact is," "North Korea has said" that, "They Will Continue to Test New Strategic Weapons," after "Last Months Ballistic Missile Launch Occurred," Which is "Enough of An Incentive for South Korea and The U.S. to Be Ready for Whatever May Occur!"

The Acting President of South Korea, Hwang Kyo-ahn, "Condemned the Launch of Four Missiles by North Korea," Calling It a "Grave Violation!"

And, Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe said, It was "a Clear violation of UN Security Council Resolutions."

However, "This Not just A Problem for South Korea, Japan, and The U.S., It's also a Serious Problem for The International Community of Nations," (and China) that has to Be Reckoned with Before A New Conflict Erupts in Asia," that "Threatens The Stability of The World!"

"The U.S. is Planning to Construct THAAD" (Terminal High Altitude Area Defense) to "Bolster South Korea's Missile Defense!"
And, Japan is also "Considering Buying THAAD" or "Setting up A Ground Version of Its Aegis System," Presently Being "Used to Protect Its Ships in The Sea of Japan!"

(-Extra Noteworthy News- Monday, The Sixth of March, 2017-
On Thursday, The Second of March, 2017, House Republicans "Introduced The American Health Care Act," A Bill to "Replace The Affordable Care Act!"

It Maintains Several of The Important Benefits of ACA, such as (1) Children Can Remain on Their Parents Health Care Policy until Twenty-Six and (2) and Coverage for People with Pre-Existing Conditions.

"The Positives and Negatives of This Plan Will have to Be Reviewed by Each and Everyone of Us" (and Our Elected Officials) "to Find Out If This New Health Care Plan is Beneficial For One and All," or "If, It Will Terminate Coverage that The Affordable Care Act Presently Makes Available to Many" who "Can Not Afford The Exorbitant Prices and Expenses" that "One has to Pay to Remain Healthy," or "to Rehabilitate Oneself!"

"Be Sure to Speak with Your Elected Official" about "The Benefits and Merits of The American Health Care Act," or "Its Failing Points," and, Let's see If, "It is Really Worth All the Trouble and Cost" that "It Will Take to Repealing The Affordable Care Act!"

And, "Be Sure to Remind both Democrats and Republicans" that "There are Twenty Million Americans who have Health Care thru The Affordable Care Act" and "No One should Lose Their Coverage," Because of "A Campaign Promise or Political Ideology!"

(Two House Democrats Initially Crafted The Bill, Representative Richard Neal of Massachusetts and Representative Frank Pallone of New Jersey)

And, also On Monday, The Sixth of March, 2017, "President Trump Issued His Second Executive Order Banning Travel to The United States" from "Six Countries with "A Population that in For The Most Part Muslim!"

"This Time The President has Excluded Iraq," (Yes, of course, with Conditions) But, "This is a Sensible and Logical Decision to Make," "Considering Iraq is Our Ally" and "Essential in The Military Operations to Reclaim Mosul," and "Be Victorious in The War against Murder and Criminal Syndicates" (Daesh/ISIS) who have "Committed Crimes against Innocent Victims Worldwide!"

"The Six Countries with Bans against Them" are, "Libya, Sudan, Yemen, Somalia, Iran, and Syria!"

And, "Visas and Green Card Holders (from These Countries) Living in The United States, Will Be Honored!"

And, "Syrians Will Be Subjected to The Same Temporary Limitations" as "The Other Five Countries!" And, "Will Not Be Penalized" with "An Indefinite Travel Ban," as was "Specified in The First Executive Order by President Trump!"

"This Executive Order Will Go into Effect in Ten Days from Monday," unless It Does Not Meet with Constitutional Laws!"

It is Important to Mention that "While President Trump May Be Trying to Protect American Citizens," However, "Since He is Not a Constitutional Lawyer," He May have "to Continue to Change His Executive Orders," Whatever They May Be, "Until They are Legally "In Line with The Law as Embodied in The U.S. Constitution!"

And, "Gold Star Family Khizr and Ghazala Khan, (who Lost Their Son, U.S. Army Captain Humayun Khan in Combat in 2004, in the Iraq War, and "For His Heroism," was "Posthumously Awarded The Bronze Star Medal and Purple Heart,") "Should Never have to Fear" that "They May Lose Their Travel Privileges," Because, "They are "Under Review," as Mr. Khan Expressed on Monday, The Sixth of March, 2017," as "The Reason Why He Canceled a Trip to Toronto, Canada to Give a Talk!"
Besides Being "A Gold Star Family, Mr. and Mrs. Khan are American Citizens!


And, "The Authenticity of Documents Hacked and Published by WikiLeaks on Tuesday, The Seventh of March," 2017, has "Not Been Confirmed by The CIA to Theirs!"

However, "If True," This Shocking Story "Will Be Extremely Damaging to Ongoing U.S. Intelligence Activities," and, Without a Doubt, "The Credibility and The Integrity of The CIA Will Definitely Be Tainted," and "This May Be An Understatement!"

The Question is "Do We Believe WikiLeaks?"

"The CIA and Trump Administration Need to Immediately Address" "What The Truth is, or Its Falsehoods," Before "This Story Gets Completely Out of Control!"

And, On Wednesday, the Eighth of March, 2017, "Senate Lawmakers of The State of Texas" have "Voted to Pass a Bill Out of Committee" that "Would Restrict Transgender Americans from Having Access to Public Bathrooms of Their Choice," or "Whom They Identify with!"
"They" Would only have "Access to Public Bathrooms Listed on Their Birth Certificates!"

"The NBA, and The NFL," amongst "Other National and Local Businesses," have "Warned against" This "Bathroom Bill" "Being Adopted by The State!"

And, "The Texas Association of Business" has "Warned Lawmakers that The State Will Suffer a Loss of One Hundred Eighty-Five Thousand Jobs," and "Eight Point Five Billion Dollars in Gross Domestic Product!"
"These are Significant Losses," and "When You Add the Loss of Integrity," This is "Not a Bill that Texas," or "Any State in The Union Can Afford to have!"

"What Can These Lawmakers Be Thinking!"

"The Earths Population is Made up of A Diverse Tapestry and Fabric of The People!" And, "This is The Norm of The Twenty-First Century!" "There is No Returning to The Past," "This is The Chemistry and Equation Of The People, By The People and For The People" that "Makes up The Populace of The Earth's Communities!"

And, "For The State of The Alamo to Be Considering Passing" The "Bathroom Bill," is A Damaging Purview to The Historical Perspective and Image of The State of Texas In The Twenty-First Century and Can have a Negative Impact on This Grand Ole State in The Future!"

Let's Hope the Lawmakers" in Texas, "Realize that Passing This Bill Would Cause Serious Consequences to The State of Texas" and "The Public Spirit of Texas," and "To The Families of Transgender Children and The Children Themselves," who are "Undeserving of This Bill to Be Passed!"

 Voices of Reason and Peacemakers of The Twentieth and Twenty-First Centuries, Let Us "Rise above The Noise of Divisiveness and Create A Symphony of All Inclusiveness," In Which Each and Every Note is In Harmony with A Cultural and Evolutionary Song of Peace, Truth, Justice, Compassion, Hope, Freedom, Love, and The Pursuit of Happiness!"

And, Let This Song "Be The Fulfillment of Every Artists Dream to Create a Masterpiece" that is "Enriched by The Diverse Tapestry and Fabric of Limitless Opportunities of An Earthrise Universe of Boundless Energy and Imaginative Creativity, Empowerment and Potential of All The People," and "The Lives of All Sentient Beings!"

And, Let it Be, "A Song of Global Equilibre," "A Song of Social Security," and "A Song of Enlightenment," "Scored, Produced, and Sung by All the Sovereign People of The Earth, Sky, Sea's, Lands, and Universe!" Truly, "A Symphonic Vision Of, By, and For The People!"

For This is, The Way To Peace and An Omnipresent, Omniscient, and Omnipotent Golden Age of Peace On Earth!

-In Memoriam:
And, Once again, We Send The Sincerest Condolences of Our Heart, Mind, Spirit and Soul to The Families, Friends, Colleagues, and Communities who "Have Lost a Loved One Due to The Cruelty of War!"

And, to "All The Families and Communities" who "Have Lost Love One's Due to Natural Causes," or Due to "Natural Disasters!"

Sharing The Light, Peace and The Celestial Song Of Life,