Tuesday, March 14, 2017



The Way To Peace! #301

"The ACA Versus AHCA Equation" is this, If The Republican Party Health Care Bill, "The American Health Care Act," is Passed, The Congressional Budget Office Estimates that by "2018 Fourteen Million Americans Will Be Uninsured," and by "2026 Twenty-Four Million American Citizens Will Lose Their Health Care Coverage!" (However, CBO Estimates are  as High as Fifty-Two Million People will Be Uninsured by 2016!) 

Yes, "It Does Maintain Several of The Important Benefits of The Affordable Care Act," such as (1) Children Can Remain on Their Parents Health Care Policy until Twenty-Six and (2) No One Will Lose Coverage with Pre-Existing Conditions.

And, "Federal Budget Deficit Cuts of Three Hundred and Thirty-Seven Billion Dollars,"  Will also "Occur over the Next Ten Years," If, "You Believe The CBO Estimates!"

And, "Premiums Will Increase or Decrease" Depending on "Whether You Buy A New Insurance Policy on Your Own," or "If You Keep Your Present One, over The Next Ten Years!"
But, "When You Add in The Increased Costs to Senior Citizens and Working Class Health Insurers," that The CBO Estimates by 2026, the "Overall Trade Off just Doesn't Pay Off!"

And, If ,This is "The Best Health Care Bill and Legislation" that "The Republican Party Can Come up with after Eight Years of Attempting to Repeal The Affordable Care Act," Then  It's a Sorry Story," and "It is Obvious" that "They are Not Serious about Providing a Non-Partisan Health Care Bill," that "The People/Families of The United States Can Be Enthusiastic about!" It's as Simple as that!"

And, If, This is "The Art of The Deal" that "President Trump is Famous for Saying," and "A Big Fat Beautiful Negotiation," Then, "Senior and Working Class Citizens and Disenfranchised Americans," are "Going to Be Big Losers," because, "They Will Be Paying The Price for This Replacement of The Affordable Care Act, If, "It is Passed by The U.S. Congress!" And, "There is Absolutely No Art or Heart to This Deal!"

And, "Everyone Will Not Be Covered," as President Trump Promised! And, This Health Care Act is "Another Example of  Partisan Politics," and "Placing Political Ideology above The Needs Of The People!"

And, "We The People Do Not Need to See" what The Next "Two Phases of The American Health Care Act is Going to Offer Us," Phase One has Presented Enough of "A Negative Impact" to "Deter Us from Desiring to Be Dismayed or Disturbed any Further by Republican Legislation on Health Care," or "Legislative Proposals with The Intent to Repeal The Affordable Care Act!" 

However, "Let's Keep it Simple and State" that "There is Not Enough Significant Benefits to The American People to Merit Changing from ACA to AHCA!"

However, If The Republican Party wants to "Do Something Important, Significant, and Meaningful," that Will Benefit All The People, "Pass Legislation" that "Places a Lid on The Increase of Premiums from Rising to Obscene Levels!" (Conceivably a Newer and Better Version of The Federal Employee Health Benefit Program-FEHBP)

And, "Any Attempt" to "Re-construct Medicaid, Medicare, and Social Security without The Approval Of The People Should Be Met with A Resounding No!" 

But, If, The Republican Party, and The Democratic Party, want to "Do Something that is Constructive, Significant, Meaningful and Important," "Pass a New Infrastructure Bill "that Will Provide Employment, and Investment," and "Repair of The Roads, and Highways, Ports, and Railways, Bridges, Cities, and Neighborhoods in The United States!"

"This Would Be A Positive Contribution to The U.S. Economy," and "In Repair of The Infrastructure Improvements that The U.S. is In Dire Need of!"

And, "The Prioritization of Moving ahead with Military Operations with Our Coalition of Allies to Defeat and Eradicate The Criminals, Murderers, Rapists, Kidnappers, and Abusers of Our Children, and Destroyers of Our Most Sacred Sites and Religious and Spiritual Shrines," Who've Forced Families to Flee from Their Homes, Towns, Villages, Cities and Countries to Live in Refugee Camps or Travel to Foreign Lands, If "They are Able to Survive The Perilous Journey's Undertaken to Protect Their Families," Would Be "A Positive Statement Towards Eliminating These Malevolent Syndicates" from "Perpetrating Further Threats upon The Lives of The Innocent!" 

And, "The Modernization of The Department of Veteran Affairs" to "Operate and Provide An Exemplary Service to The Courageous and Brave Women and Men of The United States Armed Services" Would Be "Greatly Appreciated and Applauded by The American People!"  

And, "Making Positively Certain" that "Their Immediate Concerns are Addressed in The Manner of Respect and Dignity that They Deserve Would Be Greatly Appreciated! "Anything less than that, "Would Be a Disgrace and Disservice to Each and Every Family of The United States Of America!"

And, "Build upon The Principles and Laws Of, By, and For The People," that "Our Founders and Visionaries Created in The U.S. Constitution, Bill Of Rights, and Declaration Of Independence!"

And, "Build upon Our Justice System" so that "It Guarantees An End to Racial, Religious and Gender Profiling," and "An End to The Oppressive Acts Made by Small Group of Malcontented, Manipulative Lawmakers, and Leaders," Who've "Forgotten How to Serve and Protect The Public, "and have "Violated Their Oaths and Code of Honor!"

So that "We The People May Be Proud in Our System of Law, "and "All that It Signifies," and "Reflects In Our Courts of Law," For, "It's Fairness and Higher Calling of The Law of The Land," Portrayed and Personified by Women and Men of Supreme Acts of Justice," and "A True Desire to Serve," What is "In The Best Interests of The Nation!"

And, "Continue to Develop A System of Justice" that "Vows to, and is Committed to Protect and Defend The Rights and Diverse Tapestry and Fabric Of The People" of This, "The New Norm of The Twenty-First Century!" "A Just, Legal, Binding and Fair-minded System For One and All!"

And, "Pass New Tax Reform Legislation" that is "Fair and In Parity, Egality, and Unanimity with One and All!"

And, Establish Universal Programs that "Guarantee A Free Education For Our Children!" "One that Educates, Nourishes, and Teaches Our Youth" the "Meaning and Importance of Being a True Public Servant," and Sovereign Citizen of "A Government Of, By and For The People," and "This Planet Earth!"

"An Education System that is Inspirational, and Empowering," and "Empathetic and Careful Not to Distort The Historical Knowledge of A People Still Struggling to Put An End to Poverty and War!" 

"An Education System" that "Teaches Us" that "The Cognizant Awareness of The Act of Reaching Out and Extending A Helping Hand to The Poorest Amongst Us," is An Act of Empathy that The Whole World is In Need of," and "Helps Reduce The Negative Impact" that has "Occurred in A Changing World of Developing Technologies and Industries!"

And, "The Need for New Environmental Laws, Legislation, and International Agreements," that (1) Protects Our Planet, and Our Lives "from "Being Threatened by The Continuing Challenge that Climate Change Presents," and (2) The Rising Tides of Our Oceans, (3) Erosion of Our Coastlines, are a Constant Happenstance that "Can Not Be Ignored," and "Must Be Dealt with For Our Future," and "The Lives of Future Generations!"

And, "Research into How We Can Turn Back The Paths of Time," that have "Caused so Much Environmental and Ecological Destruction to Our Planet Earth," "Must Be Supported!" 
Which is "Why The Paris Agreement is So Important," and also, "Why The United States "Must to Take a Leadership Role in The Paris Agreement," and "Remain a Positive Minded Working Partner in Achieving New Goals," that "Balance out The Worlds of Global Industrial Investment and Productivity, with "Those of Ecological and Environmental Concerns!"

And, "Bring Forth New Advantages, Advancements, and Accords to "The Forefront of A New Age of Environmental Protection," as "We Continue to Enter into A New Age of Environmental Equilibre!
"Into A Changing Time Period" that Graces and Empowers Our Lives," and "Sometimes Subtracts from Our Lives," as "We Evolve, Day by Day, into The Future Now of Our Lives!"

"An Age that Establishes a Global Peacetime Economic System" that "Provides For The Social Security of All The People," and Thereby "Putting An End, For Once and For All, To Global Poverty!"

"A Global Peacetime Economy" that "Embraces the Development of New Trade Agreements  with Fair and Equitable Labor Practices," "Coupled with Diplomatic Opportunities" that Usher in A New Age, "A Golden Age of Peace and Prosperity For One and All to Share and Benefit from!"

This is "The Twenty-First Century" and "Its' Time For a Global Peacetime Economy" to "Reign Supreme o'er All The Earth!"

"A Global Peacetime Economy" that "Empowers Our Lives, Enhances Our Lives, "and "Provides For Every Advantage For Us to Pursue the Positive Goals and Dreams of A Global Entrepreneurialism Of The People!" And, "Sows the Seeds a Way of Life," that "Inspires Our Youth to Reach Out For An All Inclusive Vision of Peace On Earth!"
And, "Teaches Them to Be Thankful For The Dedicated and Cognizant Global Leaders," and "Elected Officials," who are "True Representatives Of The People By The People, and For The People!"

And, "To All the Doctors, Nurses, Visionaries, Philanthropists, and Women and Men of Spiritual and Religious Beliefs and Demeanors, and Way's of Life," "Who Care for Lives and The Welfare of The Heart, Mind, Emotional, Physical, Great Soul and Well Being Of We The People," Children and Adults of The Earth and Universe, "We Thank You For Your Service!"

And, "It's Time For All The Leaders of The Earth" to "Campaign on Themes and Slogans  that are "Based on All Inclusive Platforms, Ideas, Thoughts, and Visions!"

And,"As New Elections Approach" in Germany, France, The United Kingdom, The Netherlands, and Possible Italy (and Turkey), "It is of The Utmost Importance For We The People" to "Not Be Swayed by Isolationist or Nationalist Candidates and Spokespersons!"
"These Political Campaigns and Ideologies" are "Blatant Attempts to Divide and Manipulate Our Frustrations to Gain Our Vote!"

"Let's Face The Reality" that "We Live in A Time/Space Age," Where, "There is Zero Degrees of Separation Between Us!"

And, "Lets Face and Accept that," "The Global Web has Embraced Us," One and All," In "An Internet of  Real Time Space Experiences and Communication!" And, "This is The New Norm of The Twenty-First Century!"

And, "Yes," It Will Take "A Great Soul Force and Determination of A Free Sovereign People of The Earth," to Bring about "A Positive Change in The Earths Communities and Nations!"

However, "We Can Make It Happen For One and All," If, "We but Believe, We Can!"

"Yes," If, "We Believe in A Positive Change For All the People of The Earth to Share and Prosper from!"

"A Realistic Change" that "We The People," of This Planet Earth, "Can Share with One Another," and "In Parity with Each Other!" Just Think of T"he Benefits It Would Bring to Our Lives!"

"Yes," It Will Take "A Great Soul Force of Earthwise and Streetwise People of The Earth," Who are "Committed and Dedicated to Make A Better World!" It's as "Simple as that!"

-Extra Noteworthy News- Monday, The Twenty-Seventh of March 2017,
Once again "Russian President Putin's only Way to Resolve the Frustration of The Russian People" is To Use Physical Force to Suppress Them!"

On Sunday, The Twenty-Sixth of March 2017, in Moscow, and Several Other Russian Cities,Thousands of Russian Protesters Demonstrated against The Corruption," that "They Believe Exists in The Russian Government!"
And, "Hundreds of Them have Been Arrested!"

"The Protest" was "One of the Largest Protests to Take Place in Five Years!"

"Protesters were Demonstrating" and "Voicing Their Anger Specifically against Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev," who "Allegedly has Amassed a Collection of Luxury Yachts, Mansions, and Vineyards!" And, "Shouts of "Russia Will Be Free" and "Shame" Could Be Heard!

Aleksei Navalny, One of President Putin's Major Critics (who was Arrested) and His Team, "Made a Video," that has "Been Shown on Youtube Revealing these Charges!"

And, Global Cross Media Reports are "The Employees at Navalny's Anti-Corruption Foundation" have "Been Detained at Their Offices by Police!"

And, "Reports of Police Brutality" have "Been Made by Members of The Press," who "Covered the Demonstration!" "Some of Whom," were also "Arrested!"

If "President Putin" Would like to "Be Elected for a Sixth Term Next Year," He is Certainly Going about It, "The Wrong Way!"

(Of course, "There was a Black-out on State Media!" However, Global Cross Media, Reports are, There was, at Least, "Seven Thousand People Protested at The Moscow Rally!")

Voices of Reason and Peacemakers of The Twentieth and Twenty-First Centuries, "Let Us Be An Engine of Peace," and "An Engine of Empowerment" that "Drives Us from The Present into An Earthrise of New Horizons of The Future!"

And, "A Compassionate, Universally Conscious Aware, Imposing, and Awe-Inspiring Soul Force of Women and Men of Evolution, Transformation, Enlightenment and Prescience," "Who See The Future For What It Can Be," and are "Willing to Rise and Soar On The Winds of Limitless Opportunities, Innovative Visions," and "Inventive Ideas and Technologies of A Great Entrepreneurial Spirit Of, By and For The People!" 

For This is, This Way To Peace, and An Omniscient, Omnipotent, and Omnipresent Age of Peace, Justice, and Global Social Security On Earth!
-In Memoriam:And, Once again, We Send The Sincerest Condolences of Our Heart, Mind, Spirit and Soul to The Families, Friends, Colleagues, and Communities who "Have Lost a Loved One Due to The Cruelty of War!"
And, to "All The Families and Communities" who "Have Lost Love One's Due to Natural Causes," or Due to "Natural Disasters!"

Sharing The Light, Peace and The Celestial Song Of Life,