Tuesday, March 14, 2017



The Way To Peace! #301

"The ACA Versus AHCA Equation" is this, If The Republican Party Health Care Bill, "The American Health Care Act," is Passed, The Congressional Budget Office Estimates that by "2018 Fourteen Million Americans Will Be Uninsured," and by "2026 Twenty-Four Million American Citizens Will Lose Their Health Care Coverage!" (However, CBO Estimates are  as High as Fifty-Two Million People will Be Uninsured by 2016!) 

Yes, "It Does Maintain Several of The Important Benefits of The Affordable Care Act," such as (1) Children Can Remain on Their Parents Health Care Policy until Twenty-Six and (2) No One Will Lose Coverage with Pre-Existing Conditions.

And, "Federal Budget Deficit Cuts of Three Hundred and Thirty-Seven Billion Dollars,"  Will also "Occur over the Next Ten Years," If, "You Believe The CBO Estimates!"

And, "Premiums Will Increase or Decrease" Depending on "Whether You Buy A New Insurance Policy on Your Own," or "If You Keep Your Present One, over The Next Ten Years!"
But, "When You Add in The Increased Costs to Senior Citizens and Working Class Health Insurers," that The CBO Estimates by 2026, the "Overall Trade Off just Doesn't Pay Off!"

And, If ,This is "The Best Health Care Bill and Legislation" that "The Republican Party Can Come up with after Eight Years of Attempting to Repeal The Affordable Care Act," Then  It's a Sorry Story," and "It is Obvious" that "They are Not Serious about Providing a Non-Partisan Health Care Bill," that "The People/Families of The United States Can Be Enthusiastic about!" It's as Simple as that!"

And, If, This is "The Art of The Deal" that "President Trump is Famous for Saying," and "A Big Fat Beautiful Negotiation," Then, "Senior and Working Class Citizens and Disenfranchised Americans," are "Going to Be Big Losers," because, "They Will Be Paying The Price for This Replacement of The Affordable Care Act, If, "It is Passed by The U.S. Congress!" And, "There is Absolutely No Art or Heart to This Deal!"

And, "Everyone Will Not Be Covered," as President Trump Promised! And, This Health Care Act is "Another Example of  Partisan Politics," and "Placing Political Ideology above The Needs Of The People!"

And, "We The People Do Not Need to See" what The Next "Two Phases of The American Health Care Act is Going to Offer Us," Phase One has Presented Enough of "A Negative Impact" to "Deter Us from Desiring to Be Dismayed or Disturbed any Further by Republican Legislation on Health Care," or "Legislative Proposals with The Intent to Repeal The Affordable Care Act!" 

However, "Let's Keep it Simple and State" that "There is Not Enough Significant Benefits to The American People to Merit Changing from ACA to AHCA!"

However, If The Republican Party wants to "Do Something Important, Significant, and Meaningful," that Will Benefit All The People, "Pass Legislation" that "Places a Lid on The Increase of Premiums from Rising to Obscene Levels!" (Conceivably a Newer and Better Version of The Federal Employee Health Benefit Program-FEHBP)

And, "Any Attempt" to "Re-construct Medicaid, Medicare, and Social Security without The Approval Of The People Should Be Met with A Resounding No!" 

But, If, The Republican Party, and The Democratic Party, want to "Do Something that is Constructive, Significant, Meaningful and Important," "Pass a New Infrastructure Bill "that Will Provide Employment, and Investment," and "Repair of The Roads, and Highways, Ports, and Railways, Bridges, Cities, and Neighborhoods in The United States!"

"This Would Be A Positive Contribution to The U.S. Economy," and "In Repair of The Infrastructure Improvements that The U.S. is In Dire Need of!"

And, "The Prioritization of Moving ahead with Military Operations with Our Coalition of Allies to Defeat and Eradicate The Criminals, Murderers, Rapists, Kidnappers, and Abusers of Our Children, and Destroyers of Our Most Sacred Sites and Religious and Spiritual Shrines," Who've Forced Families to Flee from Their Homes, Towns, Villages, Cities and Countries to Live in Refugee Camps or Travel to Foreign Lands, If "They are Able to Survive The Perilous Journey's Undertaken to Protect Their Families," Would Be "A Positive Statement Towards Eliminating These Malevolent Syndicates" from "Perpetrating Further Threats upon The Lives of The Innocent!" 

And, "The Modernization of The Department of Veteran Affairs" to "Operate and Provide An Exemplary Service to The Courageous and Brave Women and Men of The United States Armed Services" Would Be "Greatly Appreciated and Applauded by The American People!"  

And, "Making Positively Certain" that "Their Immediate Concerns are Addressed in The Manner of Respect and Dignity that They Deserve Would Be Greatly Appreciated! "Anything less than that, "Would Be a Disgrace and Disservice to Each and Every Family of The United States Of America!"

And, "Build upon The Principles and Laws Of, By, and For The People," that "Our Founders and Visionaries Created in The U.S. Constitution, Bill Of Rights, and Declaration Of Independence!"

And, "Build upon Our Justice System" so that "It Guarantees An End to Racial, Religious and Gender Profiling," and "An End to The Oppressive Acts Made by Small Group of Malcontented, Manipulative Lawmakers, and Leaders," Who've "Forgotten How to Serve and Protect The Public, "and have "Violated Their Oaths and Code of Honor!"

So that "We The People May Be Proud in Our System of Law, "and "All that It Signifies," and "Reflects In Our Courts of Law," For, "It's Fairness and Higher Calling of The Law of The Land," Portrayed and Personified by Women and Men of Supreme Acts of Justice," and "A True Desire to Serve," What is "In The Best Interests of The Nation!"

And, "Continue to Develop A System of Justice" that "Vows to, and is Committed to Protect and Defend The Rights and Diverse Tapestry and Fabric Of The People" of This, "The New Norm of The Twenty-First Century!" "A Just, Legal, Binding and Fair-minded System For One and All!"

And, "Pass New Tax Reform Legislation" that is "Fair and In Parity, Egality, and Unanimity with One and All!"

And, Establish Universal Programs that "Guarantee A Free Education For Our Children!" "One that Educates, Nourishes, and Teaches Our Youth" the "Meaning and Importance of Being a True Public Servant," and Sovereign Citizen of "A Government Of, By and For The People," and "This Planet Earth!"

"An Education System that is Inspirational, and Empowering," and "Empathetic and Careful Not to Distort The Historical Knowledge of A People Still Struggling to Put An End to Poverty and War!" 

"An Education System" that "Teaches Us" that "The Cognizant Awareness of The Act of Reaching Out and Extending A Helping Hand to The Poorest Amongst Us," is An Act of Empathy that The Whole World is In Need of," and "Helps Reduce The Negative Impact" that has "Occurred in A Changing World of Developing Technologies and Industries!"

And, "The Need for New Environmental Laws, Legislation, and International Agreements," that (1) Protects Our Planet, and Our Lives "from "Being Threatened by The Continuing Challenge that Climate Change Presents," and (2) The Rising Tides of Our Oceans, (3) Erosion of Our Coastlines, are a Constant Happenstance that "Can Not Be Ignored," and "Must Be Dealt with For Our Future," and "The Lives of Future Generations!"

And, "Research into How We Can Turn Back The Paths of Time," that have "Caused so Much Environmental and Ecological Destruction to Our Planet Earth," "Must Be Supported!" 
Which is "Why The Paris Agreement is So Important," and also, "Why The United States "Must to Take a Leadership Role in The Paris Agreement," and "Remain a Positive Minded Working Partner in Achieving New Goals," that "Balance out The Worlds of Global Industrial Investment and Productivity, with "Those of Ecological and Environmental Concerns!"

And, "Bring Forth New Advantages, Advancements, and Accords to "The Forefront of A New Age of Environmental Protection," as "We Continue to Enter into A New Age of Environmental Equilibre!
"Into A Changing Time Period" that Graces and Empowers Our Lives," and "Sometimes Subtracts from Our Lives," as "We Evolve, Day by Day, into The Future Now of Our Lives!"

"An Age that Establishes a Global Peacetime Economic System" that "Provides For The Social Security of All The People," and Thereby "Putting An End, For Once and For All, To Global Poverty!"

"A Global Peacetime Economy" that "Embraces the Development of New Trade Agreements  with Fair and Equitable Labor Practices," "Coupled with Diplomatic Opportunities" that Usher in A New Age, "A Golden Age of Peace and Prosperity For One and All to Share and Benefit from!"

This is "The Twenty-First Century" and "Its' Time For a Global Peacetime Economy" to "Reign Supreme o'er All The Earth!"

"A Global Peacetime Economy" that "Empowers Our Lives, Enhances Our Lives, "and "Provides For Every Advantage For Us to Pursue the Positive Goals and Dreams of A Global Entrepreneurialism Of The People!" And, "Sows the Seeds a Way of Life," that "Inspires Our Youth to Reach Out For An All Inclusive Vision of Peace On Earth!"
And, "Teaches Them to Be Thankful For The Dedicated and Cognizant Global Leaders," and "Elected Officials," who are "True Representatives Of The People By The People, and For The People!"

And, "To All the Doctors, Nurses, Visionaries, Philanthropists, and Women and Men of Spiritual and Religious Beliefs and Demeanors, and Way's of Life," "Who Care for Lives and The Welfare of The Heart, Mind, Emotional, Physical, Great Soul and Well Being Of We The People," Children and Adults of The Earth and Universe, "We Thank You For Your Service!"

And, "It's Time For All The Leaders of The Earth" to "Campaign on Themes and Slogans  that are "Based on All Inclusive Platforms, Ideas, Thoughts, and Visions!"

And,"As New Elections Approach" in Germany, France, The United Kingdom, The Netherlands, and Possible Italy (and Turkey), "It is of The Utmost Importance For We The People" to "Not Be Swayed by Isolationist or Nationalist Candidates and Spokespersons!"
"These Political Campaigns and Ideologies" are "Blatant Attempts to Divide and Manipulate Our Frustrations to Gain Our Vote!"

"Let's Face The Reality" that "We Live in A Time/Space Age," Where, "There is Zero Degrees of Separation Between Us!"

And, "Lets Face and Accept that," "The Global Web has Embraced Us," One and All," In "An Internet of  Real Time Space Experiences and Communication!" And, "This is The New Norm of The Twenty-First Century!"

And, "Yes," It Will Take "A Great Soul Force and Determination of A Free Sovereign People of The Earth," to Bring about "A Positive Change in The Earths Communities and Nations!"

However, "We Can Make It Happen For One and All," If, "We but Believe, We Can!"

"Yes," If, "We Believe in A Positive Change For All the People of The Earth to Share and Prosper from!"

"A Realistic Change" that "We The People," of This Planet Earth, "Can Share with One Another," and "In Parity with Each Other!" Just Think of T"he Benefits It Would Bring to Our Lives!"

"Yes," It Will Take "A Great Soul Force of Earthwise and Streetwise People of The Earth," Who are "Committed and Dedicated to Make A Better World!" It's as "Simple as that!"

-Extra Noteworthy News- Monday, The Twenty-Seventh of March 2017,
Once again "Russian President Putin's only Way to Resolve the Frustration of The Russian People" is To Use Physical Force to Suppress Them!"

On Sunday, The Twenty-Sixth of March 2017, in Moscow, and Several Other Russian Cities,Thousands of Russian Protesters Demonstrated against The Corruption," that "They Believe Exists in The Russian Government!"
And, "Hundreds of Them have Been Arrested!"

"The Protest" was "One of the Largest Protests to Take Place in Five Years!"

"Protesters were Demonstrating" and "Voicing Their Anger Specifically against Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev," who "Allegedly has Amassed a Collection of Luxury Yachts, Mansions, and Vineyards!" And, "Shouts of "Russia Will Be Free" and "Shame" Could Be Heard!

Aleksei Navalny, One of President Putin's Major Critics (who was Arrested) and His Team, "Made a Video," that has "Been Shown on Youtube Revealing these Charges!"

And, Global Cross Media Reports are "The Employees at Navalny's Anti-Corruption Foundation" have "Been Detained at Their Offices by Police!"

And, "Reports of Police Brutality" have "Been Made by Members of The Press," who "Covered the Demonstration!" "Some of Whom," were also "Arrested!"

If "President Putin" Would like to "Be Elected for a Sixth Term Next Year," He is Certainly Going about It, "The Wrong Way!"

(Of course, "There was a Black-out on State Media!" However, Global Cross Media, Reports are, There was, at Least, "Seven Thousand People Protested at The Moscow Rally!")

Voices of Reason and Peacemakers of The Twentieth and Twenty-First Centuries, "Let Us Be An Engine of Peace," and "An Engine of Empowerment" that "Drives Us from The Present into An Earthrise of New Horizons of The Future!"

And, "A Compassionate, Universally Conscious Aware, Imposing, and Awe-Inspiring Soul Force of Women and Men of Evolution, Transformation, Enlightenment and Prescience," "Who See The Future For What It Can Be," and are "Willing to Rise and Soar On The Winds of Limitless Opportunities, Innovative Visions," and "Inventive Ideas and Technologies of A Great Entrepreneurial Spirit Of, By and For The People!" 

For This is, This Way To Peace, and An Omniscient, Omnipotent, and Omnipresent Age of Peace, Justice, and Global Social Security On Earth!
-In Memoriam:And, Once again, We Send The Sincerest Condolences of Our Heart, Mind, Spirit and Soul to The Families, Friends, Colleagues, and Communities who "Have Lost a Loved One Due to The Cruelty of War!"
And, to "All The Families and Communities" who "Have Lost Love One's Due to Natural Causes," or Due to "Natural Disasters!"

Sharing The Light, Peace and The Celestial Song Of Life,

Monday, March 6, 2017



The Way To Peace! #300

"Unless Former United States Vice President Al Gore (under The Clinton Administration), or 2016 Oscar Award Winner Leonardo DiCaprio, Chancellor Angela Merkle of Germany, or UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres," have "Received Private Absolute Assurances from President Trump and His Administration," that "The United States of America Will Not Withdraw from "The Paris Agreement," (Accord de Paris), "It's Time for The Global Environmental Community, and All The Nations of The Earth to State Loud and Clear," "Their Collective Discontent with President Trump, and His Administration, and The Republican Party as a Whole for, "Implying, Intimating, or Not so Subtly Suggesting and Insinuating," that "This is Their Intention," to "Withdraw The U.S. from This Grand Agreement!"

And, "If This is President Trump's Intention," Then, "It is Time for Environmentalists and Concerned Citizens," "To Globally Begin Setting up Plans to Organize and Mobilize, Non-Violently,"  "For Demonstrations and Marches on All the Continents of The Earth," "For The Survival of Our Planet," and "For Our Future Generations," and "For The Present," and "The Good Health and Welfare of Our Lives!"

The Paris Agreement is "A Historic Accord," "Agreed to by One Hundred and Ninety-Four Sovereign Nations!" Can You Imagine "All the Hard Work, Dedication, and Commitment it Took for This Agreement to Be Diplomatically Negotiated and Agreed to!"

All the Major Industrialized Countries, Germany, France, Italy, Japan, Canada, The United States, The United Kingdom, The EU," and "China, India, and Russia, Led the Way to Signing on to This Significant Environmental and Ecological Agreement," that, (1) Vow to Lower Greenhouse Gas Emission," (2) Achieve a Binding Agreement on Climate Change, (3) Keep Global Temperatures from Rising above Two Degrees Celsius this Century, (4) to Protect the Earths Threatened Species, and, Our Seas, Lands, Skies, and Universe!

(One Hundred and Thirty-Three Sovereign Nations Ratified This Agreement (Including The U.S.) on The Fifth of October, 2016, Which was the Threshold for the Entry into Force on The Fourth of November, 2016)  

And, "For The United States to Withdraw," Would Be "A Historical Setback of The Most Grievous Nature," and "A Monumental Setback to All the Achievements that The United States of America has Become Known and Admired for," As "A Great Democratic Leader of Freedom, Environmental, Civil, and Human Rights!" 

And, "Equally Unsettling is," "How Many Budget Cuts Does it Take" to "Cut The Future of The Earths Populace into Minute Pieces," that are "Barely Livable For a Whole Planet Of People to Enjoy!" 
Does this Sound "Too Melodramatic!" "Positively Not!"

"When You See the Arctic Sea Ice at Its Lowest Levels," and Melting away Right before Your Eyes, and "Global Temperatures Continue to Rise to even Higher Degree's than The Year before," and "Sea Levels also Continue to Rise and Threaten Our Coastlines," and "February 2017 is the Warmest in Thirty-Nine Years," "You Don't have to Be a World Renown Scientist" to "Comprehend the Seriousness of the Earths Ecological and Environmental Issues and Problems," that "Can Not Be Put aside for Another Year," or "Four Years," Depending on "What Your Perspective May Be!"

So, "Why," For "What Logical Reason," Would President Trump and His Administration, (1) Propose Cutting Billions of Dollars from The Environmental Protection Agency, (2) Contemplating Withdrawing The United States from The Paris Agreement, that has Amassed One Hundred and Ninety-Four Signatures in Support of This Historical Accord to Reduce Green House Emissions!"

Is This "How President Trump Plans to Make America Great again!" If, It is, "There Must Be a Better Way!"

And, "President Trump's Claims/Tweets," on Saturday, The Fourth of March, 2017, that "Former President Obama had His Campaign Offices in New York City Wiretapped," Have "Not Been Substantiated!"

(On Sunday, The Fifth of March, 2017, Former U.S. Director of National Intelligence, James R. Clapper, under President Obama said, "there was no such wiretap activity mounted against the president-elect at the time, as a candidate, or against his campaign." And, Global Cross Media Reports are, DNI Clapper also said, (on NBC's Meet the Press) "He would have known and that none existed,"to my knowledge," and none was authorized for Trump Tower, the president's campaign headquarters last year.")

However, Unfortunately, "The Presidents Tweets" are "Beginning to Become A Serious Distraction" from "The Ongoing Investigations by the U.S. Senate and Intelligence Agencies into "What were the Relations and Intentions of Several Members of President Trump's 2016 Campaign Team and Russia!" And, Now, "The President has Asked Congress to Investigate His Claims!"

Exactly, "What is The Truth of This Growing Political Scandal/Affair!"

"To See any Pertinent Information Buried under False Allegations, Innuendos, and Insinuations," Would Be "A Serious Setback to The Principles and Laws Established in The United States," to "Protect Our Democracy and Republic, and Government Of The People, By The People, and For The People!" And, "We The People" Deserve to "Know The Whole Truth and Nothing but The Truth!"

"We've had Enough Half Truths, False Political Rhetoric, and Outright Lies!"

And, "What President Trump Must Comprehend" is that "His Administration is Not Being Unfairly Attacked by The News Media, or Whomever," and "Posing Unsubstantiated Allegations is Not The Answer," "The Truth is!" 
And,"The World," and The Global Cross Media News Universe Wants to Know "What the Extent of The Relationship was, and is, Between Several Members of His 2016 Campaign Team and Russia!"

"On Another Serious Note of Concern," Global Cross Media News Reports that "North Korea has Launched Four Ballistic Missiles Toward The Sea of Japan," "Approximately One Hundred and Ninety Miles from The Northwest Coast of Japan," on Monday, The Sixth of March, 2017, "Is Another Act of Provocation," and "In Obvious Retaliation by North Korea, In Protest of South Korea and U.S. Annual Joint Military Drills," that "Began on Wednesday, The First of March, 2017!"
"These Military Drills were Conducted to Test the Readiness of South Korea and The United States," "Should North Korea Decide to Launch a Premeditated Attack against South Korea!"

And, "The Fact is," "North Korea has said" that, "They Will Continue to Test New Strategic Weapons," after "Last Months Ballistic Missile Launch Occurred," Which is "Enough of An Incentive for South Korea and The U.S. to Be Ready for Whatever May Occur!"

The Acting President of South Korea, Hwang Kyo-ahn, "Condemned the Launch of Four Missiles by North Korea," Calling It a "Grave Violation!"

And, Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe said, It was "a Clear violation of UN Security Council Resolutions."

However, "This Not just A Problem for South Korea, Japan, and The U.S., It's also a Serious Problem for The International Community of Nations," (and China) that has to Be Reckoned with Before A New Conflict Erupts in Asia," that "Threatens The Stability of The World!"

"The U.S. is Planning to Construct THAAD" (Terminal High Altitude Area Defense) to "Bolster South Korea's Missile Defense!"
And, Japan is also "Considering Buying THAAD" or "Setting up A Ground Version of Its Aegis System," Presently Being "Used to Protect Its Ships in The Sea of Japan!"

(-Extra Noteworthy News- Monday, The Sixth of March, 2017-
On Thursday, The Second of March, 2017, House Republicans "Introduced The American Health Care Act," A Bill to "Replace The Affordable Care Act!"

It Maintains Several of The Important Benefits of ACA, such as (1) Children Can Remain on Their Parents Health Care Policy until Twenty-Six and (2) and Coverage for People with Pre-Existing Conditions.

"The Positives and Negatives of This Plan Will have to Be Reviewed by Each and Everyone of Us" (and Our Elected Officials) "to Find Out If This New Health Care Plan is Beneficial For One and All," or "If, It Will Terminate Coverage that The Affordable Care Act Presently Makes Available to Many" who "Can Not Afford The Exorbitant Prices and Expenses" that "One has to Pay to Remain Healthy," or "to Rehabilitate Oneself!"

"Be Sure to Speak with Your Elected Official" about "The Benefits and Merits of The American Health Care Act," or "Its Failing Points," and, Let's see If, "It is Really Worth All the Trouble and Cost" that "It Will Take to Repealing The Affordable Care Act!"

And, "Be Sure to Remind both Democrats and Republicans" that "There are Twenty Million Americans who have Health Care thru The Affordable Care Act" and "No One should Lose Their Coverage," Because of "A Campaign Promise or Political Ideology!"

(Two House Democrats Initially Crafted The Bill, Representative Richard Neal of Massachusetts and Representative Frank Pallone of New Jersey)

And, also On Monday, The Sixth of March, 2017, "President Trump Issued His Second Executive Order Banning Travel to The United States" from "Six Countries with "A Population that in For The Most Part Muslim!"

"This Time The President has Excluded Iraq," (Yes, of course, with Conditions) But, "This is a Sensible and Logical Decision to Make," "Considering Iraq is Our Ally" and "Essential in The Military Operations to Reclaim Mosul," and "Be Victorious in The War against Murder and Criminal Syndicates" (Daesh/ISIS) who have "Committed Crimes against Innocent Victims Worldwide!"

"The Six Countries with Bans against Them" are, "Libya, Sudan, Yemen, Somalia, Iran, and Syria!"

And, "Visas and Green Card Holders (from These Countries) Living in The United States, Will Be Honored!"

And, "Syrians Will Be Subjected to The Same Temporary Limitations" as "The Other Five Countries!" And, "Will Not Be Penalized" with "An Indefinite Travel Ban," as was "Specified in The First Executive Order by President Trump!"

"This Executive Order Will Go into Effect in Ten Days from Monday," unless It Does Not Meet with Constitutional Laws!"

It is Important to Mention that "While President Trump May Be Trying to Protect American Citizens," However, "Since He is Not a Constitutional Lawyer," He May have "to Continue to Change His Executive Orders," Whatever They May Be, "Until They are Legally "In Line with The Law as Embodied in The U.S. Constitution!"

And, "Gold Star Family Khizr and Ghazala Khan, (who Lost Their Son, U.S. Army Captain Humayun Khan in Combat in 2004, in the Iraq War, and "For His Heroism," was "Posthumously Awarded The Bronze Star Medal and Purple Heart,") "Should Never have to Fear" that "They May Lose Their Travel Privileges," Because, "They are "Under Review," as Mr. Khan Expressed on Monday, The Sixth of March, 2017," as "The Reason Why He Canceled a Trip to Toronto, Canada to Give a Talk!"
Besides Being "A Gold Star Family, Mr. and Mrs. Khan are American Citizens!


And, "The Authenticity of Documents Hacked and Published by WikiLeaks on Tuesday, The Seventh of March," 2017, has "Not Been Confirmed by The CIA to Theirs!"

However, "If True," This Shocking Story "Will Be Extremely Damaging to Ongoing U.S. Intelligence Activities," and, Without a Doubt, "The Credibility and The Integrity of The CIA Will Definitely Be Tainted," and "This May Be An Understatement!"

The Question is "Do We Believe WikiLeaks?"

"The CIA and Trump Administration Need to Immediately Address" "What The Truth is, or Its Falsehoods," Before "This Story Gets Completely Out of Control!"

And, On Wednesday, the Eighth of March, 2017, "Senate Lawmakers of The State of Texas" have "Voted to Pass a Bill Out of Committee" that "Would Restrict Transgender Americans from Having Access to Public Bathrooms of Their Choice," or "Whom They Identify with!"
"They" Would only have "Access to Public Bathrooms Listed on Their Birth Certificates!"

"The NBA, and The NFL," amongst "Other National and Local Businesses," have "Warned against" This "Bathroom Bill" "Being Adopted by The State!"

And, "The Texas Association of Business" has "Warned Lawmakers that The State Will Suffer a Loss of One Hundred Eighty-Five Thousand Jobs," and "Eight Point Five Billion Dollars in Gross Domestic Product!"
"These are Significant Losses," and "When You Add the Loss of Integrity," This is "Not a Bill that Texas," or "Any State in The Union Can Afford to have!"

"What Can These Lawmakers Be Thinking!"

"The Earths Population is Made up of A Diverse Tapestry and Fabric of The People!" And, "This is The Norm of The Twenty-First Century!" "There is No Returning to The Past," "This is The Chemistry and Equation Of The People, By The People and For The People" that "Makes up The Populace of The Earth's Communities!"

And, "For The State of The Alamo to Be Considering Passing" The "Bathroom Bill," is A Damaging Purview to The Historical Perspective and Image of The State of Texas In The Twenty-First Century and Can have a Negative Impact on This Grand Ole State in The Future!"

Let's Hope the Lawmakers" in Texas, "Realize that Passing This Bill Would Cause Serious Consequences to The State of Texas" and "The Public Spirit of Texas," and "To The Families of Transgender Children and The Children Themselves," who are "Undeserving of This Bill to Be Passed!"

 Voices of Reason and Peacemakers of The Twentieth and Twenty-First Centuries, Let Us "Rise above The Noise of Divisiveness and Create A Symphony of All Inclusiveness," In Which Each and Every Note is In Harmony with A Cultural and Evolutionary Song of Peace, Truth, Justice, Compassion, Hope, Freedom, Love, and The Pursuit of Happiness!"

And, Let This Song "Be The Fulfillment of Every Artists Dream to Create a Masterpiece" that is "Enriched by The Diverse Tapestry and Fabric of Limitless Opportunities of An Earthrise Universe of Boundless Energy and Imaginative Creativity, Empowerment and Potential of All The People," and "The Lives of All Sentient Beings!"

And, Let it Be, "A Song of Global Equilibre," "A Song of Social Security," and "A Song of Enlightenment," "Scored, Produced, and Sung by All the Sovereign People of The Earth, Sky, Sea's, Lands, and Universe!" Truly, "A Symphonic Vision Of, By, and For The People!"

For This is, The Way To Peace and An Omnipresent, Omniscient, and Omnipotent Golden Age of Peace On Earth!

-In Memoriam:
And, Once again, We Send The Sincerest Condolences of Our Heart, Mind, Spirit and Soul to The Families, Friends, Colleagues, and Communities who "Have Lost a Loved One Due to The Cruelty of War!"

And, to "All The Families and Communities" who "Have Lost Love One's Due to Natural Causes," or Due to "Natural Disasters!"

Sharing The Light, Peace and The Celestial Song Of Life,


Wednesday, March 1, 2017



The Way To Peace! #299

"The Pomp and Ceremony Surrounding The State of The Union Address is always Very Impressive," Surpassed only by The Inauguration Ceremony of The President of The United States," and "Is The Most Important Political Event to Take Place Annually," with "Members of All Three Branches of The United States Government Of The People, By The People and For The People, In Attendance," under "One Roof!"

And, As President Trump,"The 45th President of The United States of America," and "His New Administration," Continue Their Peaceful Transition of Power" from The Administration of Former President Obama, and, at a time, "When The World is In Need of Leaders" who are "Willing to Build Bridges of Diplomacy to One Another," The State of The Union Address is "An Excellent  Opportunity for The President to Extend Branches of Peaceful Diplomacy to All The Nations of The World, who Believe in Peaceful Coexistence," and "Build Positive Relationships and Alliances with Leaders of The Global Community" who are "The Peacemakers and Voices of Reason of The Earths Populace!" And, In Doing so, "Transcend The Walls of Indifference and Divisiveness" that "Threaten The Peace of The Twenty-First Century!"

"The State of Union Address," was "First Conceived of In The U.S. Constitution, Article II, Section 3" as "A Written Report Delivered to The Congress," during "America's First Century!
With America's First President George Washington Delivering "the First Regular Annual Message to A Joint Session of Congress," in New York City, (the Provisional U.S. Capital) on The Eighth of January, 1790!"  
"It Became A Major Political Event, during "The Presidency of Franklin Delano Roosevelt in the Twentieth Century, "In Which The President Reports on The State of The Union," and "Recommends any measures that he believes are necessary and expedient," to "A Joint Session of The U.S. Congress," and "The Citizens of The United States of America on An Annual Basis (in either January or February) via "The Cross Media News and Social Media Universes, Here in The Twenty-First Century!"

"Because This is President Trump's, The 45th President of The United States Of America's, "First State of The Union Address," It is Being Called "An Address to A Joint Session of Congress," Outlining His Administrations Goals! 

And, "The President's Speech was Well Written," with "The Appropriate Audience Pleasing Applause Lines, and Platitudes Concerning Coal Miners, Black History Month, Hate Crimes Directed against The Jewish Community, U.S. Relations with Israel, The Keystone and Dakota Pipeline made with American Steel, Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, A Trillion Dollar National Infrastructure Plan, Job Creation, Paid Family Leave, Clean Air, Wall Street Gains, De-Regulations, Cycle of Poverty, Cycle of Violence, His Support for NATO and Working with Our Allies, Trust and Support The Law Enforcement Community, Victims of Crime, Trade Deficits, New Trade Agreements, Undocumented Immigrants, Immigration Enforcement, and An Out Reach to The Democratic Party to Help Him, and His Administration, Pass His Proposed Legislation, and Approve of His Policy Goals, and The Confirmation of His Supreme Court Nominee Neil Gorsuch!" 

(Interestingly Enough, "The President Did Not Mention either, Russia," or "The News Media During His Speech!" Does that Mean He is Offering an "Olive Branch to The News Media," after "Refusing to Permit Four Major News Organizations CNN, The New York Times, The LA Times and Political from Attending an Informal, On The Record, White House Briefing?")

The President, also "Spoke Strongly of His Make America Great Again Campaign Rhetoric," "The American Spirit," and "Placing American People First!" 

This "Evolving Theme," though, "Nationalistic and Isolationist in Nature," is also " Good Applause Rhetoric," and "Pleasing for His Base," and "The Ultra Right Fringe Elements of The Republican Party," and "Traditional Members of The GOP to Hear," and "Drew as Expected a Good Response!"

And, "He also Spoke Very Patriotically and Empathetically about America's Armed Forces," and "United States Navy  Service Member, Chief Special Warfare Operator, William "Ryan" Owens, 36, of Peoria, Illinois, who was Killed," in "An Attack against Al Qaeda Militants" in Central Yemen, "Conducted by Members of The U.S. Navy SEAL Team 6, that was Very Touching," and "Brought Ryan's Wife Carryn, to Tears!" And  "Proposed A Significant Increase in Defense Spending" for the Fiscal Year 2018, Although, "Not A Historic Increase as He has Claimed!" 
But, "It is An Increase in The Base Defense Budget of 9.4%, Fifty Two Billion Dollars!"

(It Must Be Noted that William "Ryan's" Father, for whom He was named after, William, "Refused to Meet with President Trump at Dover Air Base," when "His Sons Remains were Being Returned Home to The United States," and has "Called for An Investigation in His Sons Death and The Raid!")

"The Presidents Delivery of The State of The Union Address" was "Well Rehearsed Speech," It was "The Best of Donald Trump!" 

And, When You Consider that "He has Never Held Public Office before," and, on "This Special Evening,"  "He was Speaking Before Eight Members of The Supreme Court, Members of The Joint Chiefs, The U.S. Congress, The Diplomatic Corps, the Cabinet, as well as Important Politicos, Special Guests," and "The Nation at Large," even "A Practiced Speaker, Politician, or Actor," "Might Feel a Little Intimidated," However, "The President overcame Whatever Nervousness, it was Natural for Him to Feel," and "Delivered a Speech that He is No Doubt Proud of," and "I'm Sure that His Supporters Feel the Same," and  also "Believe that Their Support of The President has Been Validated!"

"Did He Convince The U.S. as a Whole," that "He Will Be A Unifying, Compassionate, and Knowledgeable Head of State," Who "Cares about Their Welfare," Is "Still to Be Debated!"

And, "Do You Believe The President," When "He said, "It's time to put trivial disputes and fights behind us?" 

One Thing that Is Clear is, "President Trump's Challenge" Will Be to "Make Good on All of His Campaign and Policy Promises," Because, "For Better or For Worst, "Action and The Passing of Legislature," that is "Beneficial To All The People," Will Be, "The True Test of His Administration and His Presidency for History Books to Record," and, "If, He is To Be Re-Elected in Four Years!" 

And, "We Will have to Wait," "For Better or For Worst," A Year until "The Next State of The Union Address" to Find Out, If, The Presidents "Talking Point's and Campaign Promises," are "Applied Fairly, Justly, Legally, In Unanimity, and Morally, For One and All to Share and Benefit from!

But, "While Very Little" about "President Trump's Successful Campaign to Become President of The United States of America," (with The Exception of His Victory) and "The First Days in Office of His Administration," have "Led One to Believe" that "His Name or Presidency Will Be Remembered or Spoken of," or "Considered to Be" in "The Same Historical or Political Category" as "Former Republican Presidents Abraham Lincoln, Theodore Roosevelt, Dwight D. Eisenhower, Ronald Reagan, or George Washington, "He has Four Years to Improve The Quality of Life of The American People," and "Make a Positive Difference in The Lives of All The People of The Earth!"     

And, That, also, "Applies to The Democratic Party Response," Given by Ex-Governor Steve Beshear of The State of Kentucky! Who was "Very Knowledgeable" and "Instrumental in Bringing The Affordable Care Act to Five Hundred Thousand Kentuckians,"while Governor, and "Proved to Be A Positive Force in Creating Jobs!" 

Ex-Governor Beshear was "Convincing when He Spoke about People First and Politics Second," and, "The Twenty Million Americans who have Affordable Health Care" and are "Grateful for This Health Care Coverage!"

However, "The Democrats have To Decide" If, "They are Going to Be Activists, Advocates, Public Servants, and True Representatives Of, By, and For The People," If Not, "They Will Lose The Midterm Elections," and "The Faith of The People!  
And, that Applies, "Specifically," to "The Loss of Support of The More than Sixty- Five Million Americans who Voted for Former Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton," Out Gaining President Trump in Popular Votes by "Almost Three Million Votes!" 

(It was "a Sincerely Meaningful and Symbolic Moment" to See "Democratic Women Members of Congress Wearing White in Support of Women's Rights," and "In Memory of The Suffragettes who Fought for Women's Right to Vote," and "Succeeded after a Long and Hard Fought Battle!")

The Saying, "Action Speaks Louder than Words" is "A Simple way to Express This Important Point of View!" And, "The Recent Town Hall Demonstrations have Shown" that "The People have Thrown Down Their Gauntlet," But, "The Challenge is For The Democrats to Pick It Up," and "Build on Mrs. Clinton's Stronger Together Campaign!" There are almost "Sixty-Six Million Votes, in The Balance!"

But, At a Time, "When The Nations of The World Need Leaders to Build Bridges of Diplomacy in The Twenty-First Century," to "Bridge The Impediments that Lie in The Way of Working Out Challenges," "Challenges that Present Themselves Continuously on a Daily Basis," from "One Nation to Another," and as "Each New Administration Comes to Power!" 
"The Asian Equation Presents such a Challenge!" With Nations Aligning with One Another." or "Against One Another," or "In Defense of Ones Own Sovereignty!" One and All, "Making Moves" as If, "In a Regional Chess Match!" However, "The Reality is," There are "Billions of Lives a Stake," and "Not just In Asia!" It's a Worldwide Concern" that "Affects Us All!"

"The Asian Equation is Complicated with The United States Standing One Hundred Per Cent with Japan, as "President Trump Stated" at a Press Event on The of Eleventh of February, 2017 with Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe, "In a Demonstration of Solidarity between The Two Nations," after "North Korea Launched a Ballistic Missile into The Sea of Japan," on Friday, The Tenth of February 2017!
And, with U.S. Secretary of State Tillerson "Making a Joint Declaration with South Korea and Japan," in Germany, "Condemning The North Korean Ballistic Missile Launch!"

And, "The Assassination of Kim Jong-nam," the Older Half-Brother of Kim Jong-un, The Chairman of the Workers Party, and Military Dictator of North Korea," on Monday, The Thirteenth of February, 2017, who was "Poisoned with a VX Nerve Agent," in Kuala Lumpur International Airport, in Malaysia, in Broad Daylight, "A Shadow Continues to Loom over North Korea," and "Punctuates the Negative Image that North Korea and Chairman Kim Jong-un have Developed in The Eyes of The World!" A Nation that has "Been Rife with Assassination!"

(Global Cross Media News Reports, Seoul Lawmakers were Told that after Consolidating Power in North Korea, "A Hit was Issued on The Life of Kim Jong-nam,  in 2011," by The Newly Self Coronated Chairman of the Workers Party,  Kim Jong-un!" 
"A Previous Attempt was Made on Kim Jong-nam's Life, in 2012," According to Lee Cheol-woo, the Chairman of The National Assembly's Intelligence Committee!  
And, "Kim Young- woo, a South Korean Legislator," who Leads the National Assembly's National-Defense Committee, is "Reported to have said" that, "Kim had His Brother Assassinated" because of "A Perceived Threat," However, "He Did Not Back up This Statement with any Proof!" 
And, "Without the Presence of Absolute Truth Presented in An International Court of Law," These Claims "Can Not Be Substantiated!" Kim Jong-nam was Initially Considered to Be "The Heir Apparent to Kim Jong-il)

"Four People, Including Two Women have Been Detained," and "Malaysian Authorities Claim" that "Four Additional Suspects," have "Flown Out of the Country the Same Day as The Murder of Kim Jong-nam Occurred!" 

(The North Korea's State Run News Agency, The Korean Central News Agency, (KCNA) has Claimed, on Thursday, The Twenty-Third of February, 2017, "The Malaysian Investigation" into "The Assassination of The Estranged Half-Brother of North Korean Leader, Kim Jong-un," is "Full of Holes!" And, "The biggest responsibility for his death rests with the government of Malaysia as the citizen of the DPRK died in its land.")

"Since The Assassination of Kim Jong-nam," Global Cross Media Reports have Surfaced that "North Korea has Executed Five Senior State Security Officials," because "They," supposedly, "Revealed False Reports to North Korean Leader Kim Jong-un!"

"The Specific Details and Nature of These Reports is Presently Unknown," However, They May Be Related to "The Dismissal of Former State Security Chief Kim Won Hong," in January, 2017!

"The Origin of These Execution Reports" Came from "a Private Briefing Held by The South Korean National Intelligence Service (NIS) to Lawmakers," Lee Cheol Woo, a South Korean Lawmaker said, on Monday, The Twenty-Seventh of February 2017.

The Five Senior State Security Officials were, supposedly, "Killed by Anti-Aircraft Guns!"

"It's a Human Tragedy" that "Death, Violence, and Destruction" has "Followed The Nation of North Korea for Too Many Years to Report," even "Before The Korean War Began," on The Twenty-Fifth of June, 1950!"

And, As "The Asian Equation Unveils Itself," You Can See "How Important it is To Establish A Balance of Power between Nations," with "China and North Korea on One Side of The East Asian Part of The Equation," (However Reluctantly) and "Japan and South Korea on "The Other Side," (However Reluctantly). And, "Then Add in The Taiwan Factor!" 
And, "Then of Course, Bring in The U.S. Element!"

"The U.S. Factor is also "A Delicate Balance of Support and Defense of Japan, and South Korea, While also Expressing Its Support of Taiwan, "Which President Xi Jinping of China Does Not Appreciate in The Slightest Bit," as "Noted by The Complaint Made by Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi!"

(Remember when "President-Elect Trump Placed a Call to President Tsai Ing-wen of Taiwan, on Friday, The Second of December, 2017, and China's Immediate Reaction of Protest!" (China has Vehemently Declared The Province of Taiwan to Be a a Part of China/One China Policy)

The Value of U.S. China Trade has Been Estimated to Be 659, 000, 000, 000, In 2015! Is President Trump Willing to Risk Losing This! What is "His End Game Strategy!" There are "Important Issues of Climate Warming" and "The Construction of Artificial Islands," that "Still have to Be Addressed!"

"The Asian Equation" Takes in "A Broad Spectrum of Legal Disputes, and The Law of The Sea Conflicts!"
Such as' The Dispute over The Spratly and Paracel Islands, In which, "An International Court in The Hague," on Tuesday, The Twelfth of July, 2016, "Ruled in Favor of The Philippines against China!" China, "Did Not Participate in This Hearing," and "Rejected Its Ruling!" Which also "Included A Rebuke of China's Construction of Artificial Islands!" And, that "China had Caused "Irreparable Harm" to The Maritime Environment!
(China Based Its Legal Claims on Their Nine-Dash Line Theory) 

"This Decision in The Hague" has "Brought New Hope to Other Nations in Southeast Asia and East Asia," such as: Vietnam, Indonesia, Malaysia, Brunei, Taiwan, to Legally and Diplomatically and If Necessary in An International Court of Law, "Establish Their Rights in The South China Sea," as well as "Restrain China from Its Continued Expansion in The Region!"

And, "When You also Add India to The Equation," whose Population and GDP is Challenging China's Dominance in The Region," and "Singapore, and Myanmar, " (Plus Pakistan and Afghanistan in South Asia) "The Overall Balance of Asia is Dependent upon Cooperation, Diplomacy, and a Sensitivity to The Sovereign Rights and Borders of One's Neighbors!"

However, "The Asian Equation" Extends All the Way "To Israel in West Asia, and Palestine!" And, For Decades The Earths Population has Hoped for A Positive Resolve to The Ongoing Conflict between Israel and Palestine! "A Two State Resolution!"

However, "In a Press Conference with Prime Minister Netanyahu of Israel and President Trump, on  Wednesday, The Fifteenth of February, 2017, President Trump said that, "I'm looking at Two State and One State, and I like the one that both parties like."
And, The President Continued, "If Israel and The Palestinians are happy, I'm happy with the one they like the best."

As You Can Imagine "The Palestinian Reaction was Not Favorable" to "A One State Solution" to "Their Conflict with Israel!" And, Fortunately, "Prime Minister Netanyahu to His Credit," "Remained Committed to Working out a Two State Solution!"

And, "Then Add Syria, Iraq, Iran, Saudi Arabia, Yemen, Jordan, Kuwait, Qatar, and Lebanon" to "The West Asia Equation" and "The Hot Spots and Potential Threats of Conflicts and War Increase in Intensity!" And, One Can Clearly See, "How Important It is, To Totally Uproot and Eliminate The Syndicates of Murderers and Criminals who've Created A Caliphate in The Midst of These Countries!" And, Why The Military Operation and Success of Iraqi, Shiite, Kurdish, U.S. Special Operation Forces, and Coalition Forces, in Mosul" is "An Important Step in Achieving This Goal!"

 And, You Can Clearly Understand, "Why The Reach Out and Call for, Cognizant, Compassionate, Inspirational and Experienced, Leaders with Well Thought Out Idea's, Vision, and Thoughts about Resolving Issues of War, Economic Opportunity and Fair Trade, Religious Persecutions, Lack of Equality amongst All Genders, Eliminating Poverty, Climate Warming and Environmental Protection, Racial Discrimination, The Tragic Circumstances of War-Wearied Immigrants and Refugees from War-Torn Nations, Guaranteed Social Security and Universal Health Care, and "For A New Age of Financial Parity and The Pursuit of Happiness For All The People of This Planet Earth, Is so Crucial!" 

And "A Call that Must Be Heeded By, To, and For All The People of All Nations," If The Earth is To Find a New State of Universal   Equilibre, Peace, Justice, and The Right of One and All to Live as A Free Sovereign People of The World!" Where The Diverse Fabric and Tapestry Of The People, By The People and For The People "Reflects The Majesty and Magnificence of A Limitless Dimensions and New Horizons of A Universe of All Sentient Beings!"

And, From East Asia to West Asia, "The Equation is a Simple But Tried One," Which is "The Golden Rule," "Do unto Others what You  would have Them Do unto You!" And, "Nuclear Proliferation, and Imperialistic Acts of Global or Regional Expansion," "Should Not Be on Your List of Priorities!"

And, On The Domestic Side of The U.S. Equation, "Whether You are Pro or Against The Policies or Persona of President Trump," You have to Ask Yourself, This Simple Question; "Why is The President of The United States, so Vehemently, Discrediting The U.S. Intelligence Agencies" and "U.S. News Media for Revealing The Truth?"

"What has Been Revealed about General Flynn," The Presidents Ex- National Security Adviser, for One Simple Example, "Has Been Verified as Being The Truth by Gen. Flynn Himself," (For which He has Apologized). And, "It is Not FAKE NEWS!"

And, "Why hasn't The President Thanked The U.S. Intelligence Agencies and The U.S. News Media" For "Uncovering and Revealing This Important News!" 
(He Thanked WikiLeaks, When He was the Republican Nominee For President of The United States, for Releasing Former Secretary of State Clinton's Illegally Obtained Emails)

One Thing is For Certain, "We The People, Would Not have Learned The Truth," Because, General Flynn "Did Not Tell The Whole Truth and Nothing But The Truth" to "Vice President Pence, or Other Members of The Trump Administration," (Again, For Which The General has Apologized).
And, "This is Not a Half Truth, Outright Lie, Leak, or FAKE NEWS,"
"It's The Truth!"

"It Should Be Obvious," by Now, "to President Trump" and "His Administration," that "The More Transparency and Honesty There is," "The Fewer and Fewer Leaks There Will Be!" 

And, "It's Not a Matter" of "FAKE NEWS," or "The News Media," as "The President has Taken to saying," That is The Problem, "It's The Lack of Coming Forth with Information that "Would Clarify and Answer so Many Unanswered Questions," and "All The Distractions that Continue to Come Forth on a Daily Basis," that have "Clouded even the Most Serious of Minds from Being Able to Comprehend Exactly What has Transpired," that has "Led Us to This Place and Time," and "What is Going on!"

And, "Attacks upon The U.S. News Media," and "The U.S. Intelligence Agencies," "Should Not Be Used as "A Tool of Political Necessity," and, or "Election Strategy," or Quite Simply, "As A Distraction from The More Important News of The Day," For "Which We The People Deserve, and Need," If "We are To Learn What The Truth is!"

Such as, "Anti-Semitic Crimes along with Crimes against The Muslim Community have Risen Significantly!"
"The Damage Done to at Least One Hundred and Seventy Head Stones in " Chesed Shel Emeth Cemetery, During The President Day Weekend Holiday, The Eighteenth and Nineteenth of February, 2017, in University City, a Suburb of St. Louis, Missouri, Plus, "An Alarming Number of Bomb Threats" that have "Targeted Fifty-Three Jewish Centers, in
The Month of January, 2017 alone, is "Reason Enough to Bring to The Attention of The People of The United States," that "A Vigilance Must Be Maintained," by "One and All," and Not Just The Law Enforcement Community, "to Stop These Hate Crimes from Continuing to Occur!"

And, Global Cross Media Reports are, "Hate Crimes Directed at Muslim Communities have Tripled over The Past Year and a Half, from 2015 thru 2016," and "Must Be Confronted Directly by The Trump Administration" over "a Prolonged Period of Time!" "One Speech a Month Will Not Suffice!" It Will Take a "Concentrated Effort on the Part of President Trump," Who Must Lead the Way to "Stop These Hate Crimes from Continuing to Escalate!"

And, "These Malicious Act of Violence," Directed at Innocent People," Must Be Condemned Strongly," by "All The People of The Earth," and "All The Leaders of Civilized Nations!"

I sincerely "Do Not Believe" that "To Hate Another Being" is "An Inborn Condition!" For "A Simplistic Example," How Many Times have You Seen Children of All Ethnicity, Creeds, Nationalities and Gender" "Playing Together in a Playground!" Simply, "Enjoying Playing, Whatever Game They Can Imagine, or have Learned!"

So, "It's Up to We Adults," Parents and Relatives, along with Religious, Political, Financial, and Public Officials, Academics, and Professionals of All Types of Endeavors to, by Example, "Teach The Children" to "Appreciate and Respect Each Others Civil Rights and Person," and The Law of The Land, as "They Grow up and Become Adults!"
And, that "The United States Constitution, Bill of Rights, and The Declaration of Independence" are "The Guarantors" of "The Civil Rights, Independence, Freedom, Justice and Pursuit of Happiness For One and All!"

But, Unfortunately, "It Appears As If President Trump and His Administration is Determined, Obsessed, and Committed to Continue Their Attack upon The Fourth Estate," Because, on Friday The Twenty-Fourth of February, 2017, President Trump, "Guaranteed that He Will Receive Volumes of Free Media Coverage" (over The Weekend), and, "No, The Reason is Not about Rescinding Guidelines to Protect and Permit Transgender Students from Choosing The Bathroom of Their Preference," or, "Deporting Undocumented Immigrants!" "No," Today, "He Barred CNN, The New York Times, Los Angeles Times, and Politico from Attending An Informal, on The Record, Briefing at The White House!"

And, It also "Appears as If The President Enjoys Being "A Gadfly," and "Stirring Things up!" And, When The Weekend Approaches, "He usually Finds Something, An Issue, or Person, or Organization, that "Will Provide Him," via "His Pointed Barbs, and Tweets," "The Abundance Public Interest," (and Free News Coverage) that Will Engage The Cable News, and National News Networks," and, or, "If Possible, Print News," for at Least, "a Forty-Eight Hour Time Period," or "From Friday 'til Monday!"

And, "He has Become Very Good at Knowing What Will Work Best for Him!"

However, at At Time, "When Discontent, Frustration, and Fear is In The Minds" of "A Great Many American Citizens," This is "Not The Time to Attempt to Distract The News Media" from "Covering The Important Stories that Effect The Lives of We The People," Such as; (1) The Frustration that is on Display at Town Hall Meetings with Republican Members of Congress Bearing The Brunt of The Frustration, and (2) The Deportation of Undocumented Immigrants, (3) The Escalation of Hate Crimes in The U.S. in both Jewish and Muslim Communities, (4) The Military Operation with Iraqi, Shiite, Kurdish, and U.S. Special Forces and Coalition Forces to Retake Mosul, and Raqqa," and (5) The Sincere Fear that Millions of Americans have over The Real Possibility that The Affordable Care Act Will Be Repealed, and that They and Their Children Will Lose Their Health Care, just to "Name Several Stories that are of Importance to The American Public and The Worlds Populace!

And lastly, "The Fourth Estate Deserves Much More Credit than They are Being Given," by "President Trump and His Administration!"

And, "With All the Free Press Coverage" that "He has Been the Beneficiary of All Throughout His Campaign for The Presidency," and "Positive News Coverage," that He has Been Provided with, "via Telephone Call ins," and "Social Media," and "The Global Cross Media News Universe," Someone in His Administration or The Republican Party "Should Counsel Him to Say Thank You!" After All, "He is President of The United States of America!"

And, "President Trump's Decision" to "Rescind The Guidelines,"on Wednesday, The Twenty-Second of February, 2017, "Guidelines" that Former President Obama Put in Place, "to Protect and Allow Transgender Students to Use The Bathroom of Their Own Choice in Public Schools," is "Another Reversal of Opinion by The President and Betrayal of The LGBT Community," (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender). Who, "While Campaigning for The Presidency of The United States" said, When Questioned, "Whether Caitlyn Jenner would be free to use any bathroom she wished if she walked into Trump Tower," Candidate Trump answered, "That is correct!"

And, Candidate Trump also told "The Today Show," that "North Carolina did something that was very wrong," and also, that "They're (North Carolina) paying a big price!"
(This was said in regards to "North Carolina's Law" in April of 2016, that "bans people from using bathrooms that don't match the sex indicated on their birth certificate!")

"Republican Members of Congress" have "Been on the Receiving End of the Admonishment and Severe Criticism of Families All across The United States!"

"Families who Will Be Negatively Effected if The Affordable Care Act is Repealed" and "Made Unavailable to Them!" Or, "Families of Undocumented Immigrants and Dreamers" who are "Being Threatened with Deportation by The Trump Administration!"

And, "Families who are Waiting for President Trump to Make Good on His Promises" to, (1) Come to The Aid of The Coal Industry," (2) Improve Veterans Affairs, and (3) Improve The American Economy (and Not Just Wall Street).

And, Now, The President has "Chosen to Revoke The Civil Rights of The Transgender Community!"

"Is This How He Intends to Make America Great again?" And, "How is His Vision of America Consistent with The Vision of The Founders of The U.S." Even "A Blind Man Can See and Understand," "Why There is Such Disunity and Disharmony in The U.S. Today!"

One Thing, I Can Unequivocally say is, "If Republicans thought Their Town Hall Meetings were Intense before," "They Will Be Facing an even Greater Activism Of, By, and For The People" than "They Could have ever Imagined!"

And, In The Next Elections, "They," The GOP "Will Be Paying a Big Price for President Trump's Reversal of Policy," and, "Political Rhetoric," and "They Will See The Proof of This Discontent of The American People," When, "They Vote for Anyone on the Ballot," "Other Than The GOP!"

However, "Democrats Should Not Take This Utter Discontent for Granted," Because, "They Will have to Prove Their Sincerity to The Voters," to "The American People," by "Their Actions, Vision, and Legislative Agenda For All The People!"

And, "The U.S. Congress" and "The Trump Administration," and "President Trump Himself," "Should Take The Frustration and Discontent on Display at Town Hall Meetings All across The U.S. to Be Very Serious!"
And, "Playing The Gadfly" is "Not What is Needed to Unite and Empower The People of The United States Of America!" "Sound Economical, Sociological, Health, Inspirational, and Moral Policies For The People," are "What is In The Best Interest Of All The People of These United States of America!"

And, "What is Needed," and "In The Best Interest Of The People," to "Build A Positive, Enlightened, Lawful and Just Future" upon "The Great Foundation that The U.S. Constitution, Bill of Rights, and Declaration of Independence were Created for!"

But, Under The Directive of Homeland Security, "President Trump has Found Another Way" to "Keep His Campaign Promises to Deport Undocumented Immigrants," While "Breaking the Hearts of Children, Mothers, Fathers, and Families All across The United States!"

"Fortunately," For Many Undocumented Immigrants, This New Deportation Order "Does Not Include Anyone who Fits under The DACA Policy Guidelines" (Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals).

However, If "You have Lived in The United States for Less Than Two Years," and "You are Undocumented," "You May Be Deported!"

But, "Fortunately," There are at Least "Two Thousand Sanctuary Sites," Churches, Mosques, and Synagogues, who are "Offering Sanctuary to Protect Those Families who Feel that They are Threatened with Deportation," and are "Living in Fear of This Happening!"

"Families who Came to The United States" to "Be a Part of," and "Work Hard for," and "Share The American Dream," Mothers, Fathers, Children, and Relatives who "Came to The U.S. to Escape from Violence and Political Oppression," are "Now Experiencing A Horrible Nightmare" that "Threatens Their Very Being!" Knowing that "They May Be Forced to Return to The Nightmare They Thought They had Left Behind!"

"These are Families!" "Not Criminal Aliens," or "Murderers," or "Malevolent Gang Members," or "Evil-Minded Members of Syndicates of Terror!" "
"They" are "Women, Children, and Men," who "Came to America Searching for A Safe Haven to Live Freely, Lawfully, and Peacefully!"

Fortunately for Them, "There are Civil Rights Activists and Advocates and The American Civil Liberties Union" (ACLU) who are "Courageously Willing to Defend and Protect Their Rights as Sovereign Beings of This Planet Earth!"

And, While The President Fulfills His Campaign Promises, "People Living in Civilized Nations All over The World Look at The United States," A Beacon of Liberty and Freedom, "in Utter Dismay!"

One Can Not Help but Feel that "This New Deportation Directive is A Violation of Everything Good that America Stands for" and that "Is Written on the Plaque that is Placed in The Pedestal of The Statue of Liberty," "A Grand Ole Symbol of Inspirational, Empathetic and All Inclusive Ideals," with "Embracing and Deeply Felt Sentiments of The Mother of Exiles," Given Voice by "The Words" of of Emma Lazarus' Sonnet; "Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, the wretched refuse of your teeming shore. Send these, the homeless, the tempest-tossed to me, I lift my lamp beside the golden door!"

In This Time Period of of The Twenty-First Century, "When The Earth is Being Challenged," Once again, "by Forced Migration, War, Conflict, Homelessness, Oppression, and Frustration, It is Important For Us to Remember that "We are All Immigrants" or "Descendants of Immigrants" Living in The United States of America (With the Exception of Native Americans!).

Let's Hope that "The Senior Members of The Republican Party," who are "Willing to Place Country above Party Loyalty" and "Party Ideology," Can Influence The New Trump Administration to "Make Choices and Decisions" that "Embrace, Protect, and Empower, All The People Of The United States Of America!"

Because, "It's For Certain" that, By Issuing a "New Deportation Directive Causing Fear in The Hearts, Minds, Spirits and Souls of Undocumented Immigrants" (Mothers, Fathers, and Children, "Dreamers of The American Dream,") "Living in The United States," or "By Re-Writing A New Executive Order that Ban's Immigrants-Refugees from Entering The U.S." May Be "One of Promises The President Made While Campaigning to Win The Presidency," Clearly, "It Must Be Obvious" that At This Moment in Time, "It is Not The Way to Win The Hearts, Minds, Spirits, and Souls Of The Citizens Of America," and "Get His Message Across" that "He is Not a Bad Guy," and "Would Like to Unite America!" And, "The President" and "His Administration Must Fully Realize and Accept This!"

And, "In This Time Space Reality and Age of The Twenty-First Century," When, "Because of The Global Internet," and "The Advances of Modern Technology," "There is Zero Degrees of Separation Between Us," and That Makes for An Atmosphere, "Where It's Extremely Difficult to Keep Secrets!" "Why" wasn't "FBI Information about General Flynn Given to The Media," or "Leaked to The Press and The Global Cross Media Universe During The 2016 Presidential Election Campaign!" It Could Be Debated One Way or Another, that "It Could have had A Significant Effect on The Outcome of The Election!"

And, "Why" Didn't FBI Director James Comey "Send a Letter to Specific Members of The U.S. Congress Alerting Them," (and The News Media)" that "The FBI" was "Conducting An Investigation into General Flynn's Activities," "Concerning Meeting with A Russian Envoy," or "The Russian Ambassador!"

"Director Comey Actually Did this and More," on The Thirtieth of October, 2016, "When He Not only Alerted Congress," "He also Obtained A Warrant" to "Review The Emails of Huma Abedin," that were "Found on The Computer of Her Estranged Husband, Anthony Weiner," that "Involved a Totally Separate FBI Investigation of Mr. Weiner!"

Was there "A Double Standard" Involving The Two Presidential Campaigns?" When You Consider the Amount of Unknown Information that was Not Revealed to The Public, "You Can Easily Believe" that "There was!"

And, "The Surprise Effect and Timing" of "The News of This Warrant" was "As Near to Being a Devastating a Blow," as One Could Imagine, "upon The Hopes and Hard Work of The Clinton Campaign to Secure The Presidency For Her," Especially, "Because It Occurred Less than Ten Days before The Election!"

"The Question is," "Will Investigating Leaks by The U.S. Intelligence Community," Make up For "Previous Mistakes in Judgment," in regards to Russia and WikiLeaks, "In The Past!" 

One Thing that is for Certain is, "The Call for An Ongoing Investigation," in Regards to, "Exactly What The 2016 Activities of Some Members of The Trump Campaign (Not All) and Russia were at the Time," is "of Great Enough Importance to Pursue with All Expediency and Vigor!" "Why," "Because The Truth Must Be Known," If, "We are to Have Trust and Faith in The Trump Administration," and "The Integrity of The United States Election Process!"  
"Russia has already Been Declared Guilty of Interfering in The 2016 U.S. Presidential Election," (Think about it) and "Now It Must Be Found Out," If, "There were Others Involved," and "Who They were!" 

Voices of Reason and Peacemakers of The Twentieth and Twenty-First Centuries, Over the Period of Time that has "Bridged The Past Two Centuries," Beginning from The 1960's until Today, "We have Been Faced with Economic Crisis, Civil Rights Crisis, Religious Scandals, Threats of Impeachment, War, UN-Declared Wars, Ongoing Conflicts, Malevolent and Immoral Attacks of Violence upon Innocent Citizens, by Syndicates of Murderers and Criminals, A Financial Crash of Epic Proportions, Increased Climate Warming, The Disenfranchisement of Vast Numbers of People All across The Global Landscape,and "Its as If History is Intent upon Repeating Itself," Once again!

"For Those of You who are Not Old Enough to have Experienced" or "Have had First Hand Knowledge of This Cycle of Time," It was as If, "You were Existing within An Event Horizon," that "Held Many Tragic Moments that have Been Documented for Us to Learn from," and "In Hopes" that "We Will Never Repeat This Cycle again!"

However, "It Seems as If We Must," Because, "We" are already "In The Midst of It," and "We Must Not Retreat from The Divisive Tactics that are Being Used against Us," under "The Illusion, or Guise" that "Everything that is Being Done is For Our Benefit!"

And, "We're Being Told this, Without Being Offered a Choice or An Alternative Plan to Consider in Advance as An Alternative!"

"We are Being Asked to Trust and have Faith by Voices of Government" who have either "Told Us Outright Lies, Half Truths, or Political Rhetoric," All under The Premise that "Their Plan, Policy, Ideology, Strategy, or Vision is Better," without "Telling Us What It is!"

Well, "Enough is Enough," We Can All Read, Write, Add, Multiply and Subtract," and "Those of Us who Can Not are Depending on Us to," Quite Simply, "Tell Them The Truth" and "Spread The Word via "Social Media," or via "The Global Cross Media Information and News Universe!"

And, Wherever or Whenever, "There is a Town Hall Meeting involving An Elected Official Make Your Voices Heard!"  
And, Wherever or Whenever, "a Non-Violent Demonstration is Being Organized in Protection and, or In Defense of Your Civil Rights," "Stand up and March For Your Beliefs" as "A Free, Just, and Sovereign Interdependent Being Of, By, and For The People!"

And, "Plan Well, and Organize Well," and "Do Not Be Deterred by Forces of Disorder, Distraction, Glitz, Manipulation, Chaos, Fools Gold or False Promises!

If, "We Must Be Thrust into The Middle of This Cycle of Tumult again," "Let's Not Be Fooled again!"
 Let Us, "Follow The Sovereign Interdependent Path Of The People, By The People, and For The People of This Planet Earth!" 

And, "Let There Be No Doubt" that "We are A Great Soul Force" that "Has To Be Reckoned with!" 
And that, There is "No Getting Around Us!" Or, "Toying with Us!" "Not Now, or In The Future," or "Ever Again!"

For, This is The Way To Peace, and An Omnipresent, Omnipotent, and Omniscience Age Of Peace, Justice, Law and Order, Respect, and The Pursuit Of Happiness For One and All!
 In An Age Where The Global Equation and Global Equilibre Of The People, Lies In There Being An Earthwise Community that Embraces The Diverse Fabric and Tapestry of The New Norm Of, By, and For The People, Whose Visions Provide Social Security For All The People, and Limitless Horizons of A Grand Earthrise of Opportunity and Purpose on Earth and In The Cosmos that We Share in An Ecological State of Balance, with a Universe of Sentient Beings!

-In Memoriam- Sunday, The Twenty-Sixth of February, 2017-
Actor Bill Paxton Died at The Age of Sixty-One, on Saturday, The Twenty-Fifth of February, 2017, Due to a Stroke, During Post-Operation, after having Had Heart Surgery.

Known for His Starring Roles in "Twister" (1996), and in "Titanic" (1997), Mr. Paxton also had Roles in "Terminator," (1984), and "Aliens" (1986).

Mr. Paxton was Nominated for An Emmy for His Role in The TV Mini-series "Hatfield and McCoys," and His Roles in "Tombstone," "Apollo 13," and "Big Love," were also "Successful Projects" that "Showed His Skill as An Actor," and "Enhanced His Career!"

Mr. Paxton Will Be seen in "The Circle" also Starring Tom Hanks, and Emma Watson, Which Will be In Theatres in the Near Future!

We Send Our Sincerest Condolences to The Family, Friends, and Colleagues, of Bill Paxton and Know that He Will Be Deeply Missed by Them, and His Fans Worldwide!
To have Died so Young is "A Trauma that is Very Hard to Bear!

-In Memoriam- Tuesday, The Twenty-First of February, 2017-
"Another Shocking Refugee Tragedy has Occurred!"

"At Least Seventy-Four Dead Bodies Washed ashore A Libyan Beach," near The City of Zawiyah, Libya. Their Bodies were Found on Monday, The Twentieth of February, 2017.
"It is Believed that They Died" while "Trying to Cross The Mediterranean Sea from Libya to Italy!"

"Some of Those who Died" were "Found in a Dinghy, under Suspicious Conditions," and "It's Possible that "They were Murdered!"

"How Many More Innocent Lives will Be Lost Trying to Escape from The Devastation, Destruction, Torture and Oppression," Caused by "The Violent Acts of Murderers and Criminals of Syndicates of Terror!"

"It's Time For These Malevolent Evil-Minded Criminals to Be Thoroughly Eliminated" from "Continuing to Perpetrate any Further Acts of Violence" upon "The Lives of Any Family," Wherever "They May Live!"
"Too Many Innocent Lives have Been Lost!

-In Memoriam- Monday, The Thirteenth of February, 2017-
"The Death of Jazz, Rhythm and Blues, and Pop Vocalist Extraordinaire," and "Seven Time Grammy Award Winner, Alwin Lopez "Al" Jarreau at The Age of Seventy-Six, on Sunday, The Twelfth of February, 2017, is "A Great Loss to Music Lovers Worldwide," and "The Music Industry!"

"After Being Hospitalized Several Week's ago of Exhaustion," Mr. Jarreau "Decided to Cancel His Remaining Concert Performances," and "Retire from Concert Performing on The Advice of His Doctors," after "Fifty Years of Sharing His Great Talent with Us!" In 2010 He had Been Hospitalized for having "Heart and Breathing Problems!"

Mr. Jarreau Graduated from Ripon College in Wisconsin, in 1962 with "A Bachelor of Art in Psychology," and, In 1964 "Mastered in Vocal Rehabilitation," at The University of Iowa.
Initially Mr. Jarreau Performed with a Group called The Indigos, and then "with George Duke," before "Embarking upon a Solo Career," in which He "Recorded Sixteen Studio Albums," and A Number of "Live Albums as well!"

"We're in Love," Chartered on Billboard at Number Fifteen in 1981, However "Mornin'," in 1983, and "Boogie Down," also, In 1983, were amongst "His Favorite Recordings!"
And, "The Title Song from The TV Series," "Moonlighting," that "Al Wrote the Lyrics for," Which Starred Bruce Willis and Cybill Shepherd, Will also "Remain Forever Etched in Our Minds!"

Amongst Mr. Jarreau's other "Grammy Award Winning Performances" are for His Album, "All Fly Home," in 1979, (Jazz Category), and, In 1981 "He Won a Grammy," in Collaboration with a Variety of Artists, "In a Sesame Street Album," Entitled, "In Harmony!" Which was "a Compilation Children's Album!"

And, In 1982, "Al Won Grammy's" for "Both Pop Vocal Performance by A Male Artist," and also "For Best Jazz Performance" by "A Male Vocalist, For His Album's Title Track, "Breakin' Away," and "For His Version" of "Dave Brubeck's Blue Rondo a La Turk." And "For His Album," "Heaven and Earth," in 1993, (Rhythm and Blues Category).

"Mr. Jarreau's Universe of Work is An Illuminating Gift of Music to Remember," that "A Gift that We Will always Treasure!"

 "It's Literally Impossible to Mention All of The Magnificent Works of Art" that "Al Shared with Us," However, In 2007, "He Won His Last Grammy," "For Best Traditional Rhythm and Blues Vocal Performance," Which, "He Shared with George Benson and Jill Scott for "Their Soulful and Magnificent Collaboration" of "God Bless The Child!"

We Send Our Sincerest Condolences to The Family, Friends, Colleagues, and to Music Lovers Worldwide who Loved Mr. Jarreau's Smile, Compositions, Arrangements, Productions, Performances and Great Voice!

-In Memoriam:
And, Once again, We Send The Sincerest Condolences of Our Heart, Mind, Spirit and Soul to The Families, Friends, Colleagues, and Communities who "Have Lost a Loved One Due to The Cruelty of War!"

And, to "All The Families and Communities" who "Have Lost Love One's Due to Natural Causes," or Due to "Natural Disasters!"

Sharing The Light, Peace and The Celestial Song Of Life,