Tuesday, February 7, 2017



The Way To Peace! #298

"A Warning," It Doesn't Take "Mikhail Sergeyevich Gorbachev," The Former President of The Soviet Union," and "Awarded The Nobel Prize for Peace," for "His Leadership Role in Ending The Cold War," and "Promoting Peaceful International Relations amongst The Nations of The Earth," or "Senator Bernie Sanders" from Vermont, to "Warn Us," at "The Creating a Politics of Love Gathering," on Thursday, The Second of February, 2017, that The World is, Once again, on The Precipice of War," In Fact, "Haven't We," For Quite awhile, "Been Involved in War" and "Ongoing Regional Conflicts" that "Have Caused The Loss of Life of Our Loved Ones," and "Been a Drain on Our Global Economies!"

"When I Look at A Map of The Earth" and "Highlight The Area's of War and Conflict in Red," "The Area's either In Red" or, Let's say "Encircled by Red," Include "Central and Eastern European Nations," (Ukraine, The Baltic Nations, Poland), and "Then Most of The Middle East," is "A Hot Bed of Red," (Syria, Iraq, Iran, Yemen, Israel, Palestine).

("Iran's Test of A New Ballistic Missile Launch," on Sunday, The Twenty-Ninth of January," 2017, "Could Not have Come at A Worst Time!" And, "Since Iranian Officials" Claim to Know President Trump, "Quite Well," "What were They Thinking!")

And, "Then Look at The Other Flash Points" of "Increasing Tensions in North Africa," and "The United States Counter Terrorism Attack," on Sunday, the Twenty-Ninth of January 2017, "Against Al Qaeda Militants" in Central Yemen, "Conducted by Members of The U.S. Navy SEAL Team 6," Where "United States Navy  Service Member, Chief Special Warfare Operator, William "Ryan" Owens, 36, of Peoria, Illinois, was Killed," and "Three Others were Injured!"

Global Cross Media News Reports are "Fourteen Al Qaeda Militants were Killed" in the "Approximately Hour long Battle!" Including "the Brother-in-Law of Anwar al-Awlaki," an Al Qaeda Leader was also "Killed in The Attack!"
("The saying that "War is Hell" is Most Certainly True, because, Unfortunately, An Unknown Number of Civilians were also Killed")

And then, There is "The Cowardly Act of Malicious Violence, in Paris, France" at "The Louvre" on Friday, The Third of February, 2017, When French Soldiers Shot and Seriously Wounded a Man who Attempted to Enter an Entrance of a Shopping Mall that Extends beneath The Louvre Threatening The Soldiers" with "A Machete Knife!"

"The Attacker," Abdullah Reda al-Hamamy, 29, an Egyptian whom, it is Reported, Lives in Dubai, Arrived in France on a Tourist Visa on The Twenty-Sixth of January, and was "Told He Could Not Enter The Carousel du Louvre with His Bags," at this Point "He Attempted to Attack the Soldiers" with "A Machete Knife," Calling Out "Allahu akbar" (God is Greatest)!

Global Cross Media News Reports are, "After Attempting to Fight Off The Attacker," "The Soldiers Shot and Wounded Him," and "He Still Remains in Custody, although Uncooperative!"

Let Us Be Certain that "God Would Not have Condoned this Cowardly Act of Violence!"

And, "We Give Thanks to The French Soldiers who Prevented this Attack upon The Innocent" who "Would have Most Certainly Been Harmed If the Attacker had Entered The Louvre!"

French President Hollande said in a Statement, that There's "No Doubt," that the Attack was of a "terrorist nature!"

And then, There's "The Cowardly and Sacrilegious Act of Violence," at "The Quebec Islamic Cultural Mosque," in Quebec City, Canada," also, on Sunday, The Twenty-Ninth of January, 2017, "Where Six Innocent People were Killed" and " Eight More were Wounded!"

Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and Quebec Premier Philippe Couillard, Called This Attack "As a Terrorist Act!"

Prime Minister Trudeau also Stated that "Muslim-Canadians are an important part of our National Fabric and these Senseless Acts have no place in Our Communities, Cities and Country!"

The Quebec City Police have "Arrested Alexandre Bissonnette and "Brought Him up on Changes" of "Six First Degree Murder" and "Five Attempted Murder Charges!" 

"Both Violent Attacks" are "A Continuation of The War against Domestic and Foreign Murderer's and Criminal's of Syndicates of Crime and Terror!"

And then, "Add The Build up of NATO Forces in Eastern Europe," Which is "A Result of The Real Concern" about "The Threat of New Military Operations" and "Military Build up by Russia!"

And, All this is "A Clear Example of The New Norm Of The People, By The People, and For The People Worldwide!" And, "Let there Be No Doubt," that "The Citizens of Central and Eastern Europe are Living under The Threat of War and New Escalations of War" and "The Nations of Europe and The World" are "Extremely Cognizant" of "A New and More Destructive Nuclear Arms Race" between "Russia and The United States than Ever before!"

("Besides The New England Patriots Spectacular Overtime Victory over The Atlanta Falcons 34 to 28," After Being Behind by A Score of 28 to 3 at The End of The First Half," in "What was a Hard Fought Battle between Two Determined Adversaries," Global Cross Media News Coverage of "President Trump's Interview with Bill O'Reilly of Fox News," Proved To Be Quite News Worthy," and "May have An Important Influence" on "Whether or Not President Trump Will Be Able to Negotiate The Troubled State of Affairs," that "Presently Exist in Central and Eastern Europe," as well as "Improve His Approval Rating" for "His First One Hundred Days in Office!" 

Which at Present, "Is The Lowest Approval Rating" of "Any New President after Two Week's in Office in Modern History!" Plus, The President has "Registered The Highest Disapproval Rating at This Point of His Presidency" than "Any Other New President!" And, "All This Coming after He Lost The Popular Vote," by "Almost Three Million Votes to Former Secretary of State Clinton!" 

"The Moment of Interest Occurred," When"Fox Host Bill O'Reilly Asked President Trump "Do you, respect Putin? And, President Trump answered "Yes, I do!" And, "During the Exchange," Bill O'Reilly said: "He's a killer though. Putin's a Killer!"

Now, "I'm sure that Everyone has said Something or Made a Comment in Their Lives" that "They Would like to Take Back," and "Maybe President Trump is Thinking Seriously about "Taking Back His Reply to Mr. O'Reilly" Which was: "There are a lot of killers. We've got a lot of killers. What you think our Country's so Innocent." 
"President Trump's Respect for Russian President Vladimir Putin (An Ex-KGB Foreign Intelligence Officer for Sixteen Years) is A Point of Intense Curiosity by Many In The U.S. Government," "Republican, Independent, or Democrat!"

"Time Will Tell If Presidents Respect for Russian President Putin Will Ease The Increased Tensions" with "The Central and Eastern European Nations, and NATO Allies, on One Side," and "Russia on The Other!"

As You Can Imagine, "The Kremlin has Demanded An Apology" from Both "Bill O'Reilly and Fox News!")

And, Then, of Course, "There's The Rhetoric of War by Nations such as Iran, China, North Korea, and The U.S." Like This is "A Game of Battle Ship, or The Card Game War!"

Or, "Like This is Some Kind of Perverted Reality TV Show," with "The Leaders of These Nations Playing with The Lives of Billions of People," "Our Children, Mothers and Fathers, Sisters and Brothers!"

However, "This is Real" and "We have The Burial Caskets to Prove It!" And, "The Tears of Love and Tragedy to Show For It!"

"Leaders of The Earths United Nations, Queens, Kings, Presidents and Former Presidents, and Prime Ministers and Former Prime Ministers, Chancellors and Former Chancellors, 

Religious Leaders (Pope Francis, Pope of the Roman Catholic Church, Bishop of Rome, His Holiness the 14th Dali Lama, His Holiness Patriarch Kirill of Moscow, and All Russia, Sayyed Ali Khamenei, the Second Supreme Leader of Iran,  amongst Other Holy Women and Men), 

Military Leaders (Retired Four Star General Colin Powell amongst Other Prominent and Prestigious Generals), 

And, Leaders of Finance (Warren Buffett, Bill Gates, and Giving Pledge, amongst Other Prominent Women and Men), 

Secretary-General of The United Nations Antonio Guterres, President Tajani of the European Parliament, President Tusk of the European Council, President Muscat of the European Union, and President Jean-Claude Juncker of the European Commission,"

And, "Specifically Chancellor Merkle of Germany, President Hollande of France, and Queen Elizabeth and Prime Minister May of The United Kingdom, and Emperor Akihito of Japan," 

And, Secretaries of State Clinton, Kerry, and Madeleine, amongst Others) and Secretary of Defenses (Bob Gates amongst Others), 

One and All, "Reach Out to Your Global Contacts" and "Counsel Prudence, Common Sense, Reason, and Diplomacy!" "This is The Twenty-First Century!" Haven't We "Grown Wiser in All of This Time!" 
"Haven't Our History Books that Fill up Our Libraries," and "The Deaths of Billions upon Billions of Women and Men, and Children" that "Fill up Our Graveyards," "Enough Proof" of "The Folly of War!"

"How Many More Deaths Will It Take Before War," and "Acts of Violence," and "Rhetoric of War Comes to An End!"

And, "Before There is "An End of Syndicates of Terror!" And, "An End of Authoritarian Regimes, Tyrants and Dictators, and Oppressors of The People!"

"It's Time" For "The Earths Populace to Live as A Free People of The World," "Under One Global Umbrella of The Earths Nations!" 

"A Golden Age Of Peace On Earth!" "A Global Equation Comprised of The Great Spirit, and Soul Of The People!" 

"A Global Equation Of, By and For The People" Whose "Very Prescience of Being" "Foretells An Earthrise Of New Horizons," "Of New Passions, and Ideas, Thoughts and Visions Of An Unlimited Reality of Opportunity!" Where "The Unreal is What is Truly Real!" 

And, "To Be Earthwise and Streetwise," "Sincere and Truthful," "Straight Forward and Unambiguous," "Compassionate and Empathetic," are "The Core Principles of A Magnificent Craftsmanship of Persuasion and Diplomacy," that "Is Rewarding" and "Beneficial to All The People Of The Earth!" 

Like "A Great Piece of Art," that Is Culturally, "A Pure Gift Of Life and Creative Expression," that "Is Truly Something to Behold, Treasure and Revere!" 

And, "It's Time" For "All The Earths Nations to Focus on This Goal" of "A Golden Age Of Peace On Earth," and "A Clear Strategy For Doing It!" "Together!"

-(Extra Noteworthy News- "The Legal Issue" on Whether "President Trump's Executive Ban of Immigrants from Seven Countries" is "A Violation of The First Amendment of The U.S. Constitution," and "Federal Immigration Law," Will "Be Decided by Three Judges on The U.S. Court of Appeals for The 9th Circuit," Judge Michelle Taryn Freidland, William C. Canby Jr., and Judge Richard Clifton!
However, "The U.S. Supreme Court Could Be Asked to Intervene!"

Thirty Minute Arguments, "Pro and Con President Trump's Refugee Ban" Will Begin Being Heard on Tuesday, The Seventh of February, 2017)-

-(Extra Noteworthy News- The Ninth of February, 2017, "A Decision from Three Judges from The Federal Court of Appeals from The 9th Circuit" has "Refused to Allow President Trump to Reinstate His Executive Order" to "Ban Immigrants from Seven Muslim Countries" (Iraq, Somalia, Iran, Sudan, Yemen, and Libya for Ninety Days, and All Refugees for One Hundred and Twenty Days, and Syrian Citizens Indefinitely).

The Question is, "Will The Trump Administration Decide to Appeal the Decision in The Supreme Court," or "Make Adjustments to His Executive Order" and "Bring, yet, Another Appeal before Another Federal Judge!"

Whichever Decision President Trump Decides, "He is Causing An Erosion of Support even from His Nominee for The Supreme Court, Neil Gorsuch," who. "When asked by Democratic Senator Richard Blumenthal of Conn." a Member of The Senate Judiciary Committee,-in a Closed-Door Meeting, "to Respond to President Trump's Recent Attacks on a Federal Court Decision to Ban His Executive Order," said (the Attacks) were "Demoralizing and Disheartening.")-

-Extra Noteworthy News- Monday, The Twentieth of February, 2017,
Last Weeks Demonstration in Paris is "a Result of Frustration by Many over Police Brutality!" 

And, "It is Extremely Unfortunate" that "a Meaningful Demonstration" Can All Too Often "Erupt into Violence," Whether "Caused by Insincere Agitators, or by The Police," or "Sincere Demonstrators," "All Caught up in The Frenzy of The Event!"

However, In The Case, "L'Affair Theo," or "The Case of Theo L." "a Young Twenty-Two Year Old Black Man, who was Alleged to Be Beaten and Raped by Police," (Sodomized by An Expandable Baton), on The 2nd of February, 2017, in The Paris Suburb of Aulnay-sous Bois, is "A Cruel Example of How a Few Depraved" and "Perverted Officers of The Law," Can "Ruin The Image of The Majority of Women and Men" who have "Sworn to Protect and Defend Our Civil Rights," Can "Be Tainted!"

"The Demonstrations were Ignited in a True Fury and Spread across France" after "News that Theo had Been Arrested was Reported!" The Question "Why The Arrest Took Place Needs to Be Addressed in Full by French Authorities!" And, "Immediately," before "More Violence Occurs!"

However, Let's Be Clear about this, "Theo L. has Been Literally Tortured by The Hand of The Law" and "Anything More Would Be A Grievous Act of Immorality and Insensitivity to This Young Man!"

But, "Let There Be Non-Violent Demonstrations and Marches!" "We Need Not Add to The Violence that has Already Taken Place!"

"Theo has Made An Appeal" (from His Hospital Bed) "For His Neighborhood to Stay Calm and Stay United," And, He also said, "He did not want a war on the Estate, and that He trusted the Justice System."

"President Hollande has Visited Theo in The Hospital," and has "Called for Calm!"

(Doctors have said that Theo Would Be Incapacitated for Three Months!)

"The Four Police Officers involved in This Case "have Been Suspended from Duty," and, "Three have Been Charged with Assault," and "One on Charges of Rape!"

And, "It is of The Utmost Importance" that L'Affair Theo is "Not Used as A Political Statement" by "French Presidential Candidates!"

"This Act of Barbarity Towards This Young Man" by "a Few Mal adjusted Individuals," Is "An Affair that Needs to Be Decided in a Court of Law!" And, "Not on The Campaign Trail!"

"It is An Affair" that has "Deeply Touched the Hearts, Minds, Spirits and Souls of The French People," who "Long for Justice to Take Place," and "Economic Parity to Exist For One and All!" As "A Social Contract Of, By, and For The People of France!" And, "For All The People of The Earth!"

Voices of Reason and Peacemakers of The Twentieth and Twenty-First Centuries, "Can You Hear Bob, Marvin, The Beatles, Joan, and Mahalia Singing The Anthems" that "Inspired Us in The Twentieth Century!" 
And Here "We" are "Proponents and Supporter's of A New Age of Twenty-First Century Activists, Advocates, Civil Rights Attorneys, and Public Servants," Once again, "Demonstrating, Protesting, and Marching in The Name Of The People," as "We Face yet Another Cycle of War, Frustration, Fear, Chaos," and "Indignities that Should No Longer Exist Anywhere" on "The Surface of This Planet Earth!"

Let Us "Utilize Every Aspect of The Global Social Media," and "The Unlimited Resources of The Global Cross Media Universe" to "Mobilize Our United Efforts to Fuse Together and Stabilize The Fractures that have Penetrated and Permeated althroughout The Earths Nations," Causing Damage to Diplomatic Efforts to Resolve The Differences that Exist amongst Civilized Nations" in "A Reasonable and Sensible Diplomatic Manner!"

Yes, "We Can Do It!" "We The People of This Planet Earth!" But, "We Must Do It Together!" "Each and Everyone of Us," as "Sovereign Citizens of A Global Age Of Equilibre," and "Grand Union Of The People, By The People and For The People!"

And, "Remember," as "New Elections Present Themselves in France, The United Kingdom and Germany," Be sure to "Vote for The Candidate who Best Represents What is In The Best Interests" of "All The People of The Earth!"

For This is, The Way To Peace and A Golden Age of Omnipresent, Omnipotent and Omniscient Peace and Justice On Earth!

-In Memoriam:
And, Once again, We Send The Sincerest Condolences of Our Heart, Mind, Spirit and Soul to The Families, Friends, Colleagues, and Communities who "Have Lost a Loved One Due to The Cruelty of War!"

And, to "All The Families and Communities" who "Have Lost Love One's Due to Natural Causes," or Due to "Natural Disasters!"

Sharing The Light, Peace and The Celestial Song Of Life,