Wednesday, February 1, 2017



The Way To Peace! #297

We Live in An Age "Where An Unwise Act, or Misguided, ill-Considered Trade, Monetary, Military, Sociological, Health Care, or Environmental Policy," "Can Pose Grave Consequences that Effect All of Us," Wherever, "You May Live on This Planet Earth!" Or, "Wherever Your Village, Town, or City May Be Located!" 

And, Because of "The Continued Evolution and Development of The Global Internet" and "The Seemingly Vast Expansion of The Global Horizons of The Social Media," We "Now Exist in An Age and Season of Existence, in This Time/Space Reality," Where "There is Zero Degree's of Separation Between Us," Wherever, "You May Live on This Planet Earth!"

And, "Thereby Making It Impossible" for "Unwise Policies, False Rhetoric, Egotistical or Defensive Minded Thoughts, Words, Actions (and Tweets)" of "Any Global Leader of The Earths Civilized Nations, (who have "Agreed to Abide by The Charter of The United Nations) to "Not have a Destructive or Destabilizing Effect on The Precarious Balance of Power between Sovereign Nations, (The United States, China, Russia, Eastern Europe, and The Middle East, Immediately Come to Mind), and "Just as Importantly Violate The Trust Placed in Them By The People," All of The Sovereign Citizens of The Earths Communities" (Including Refugee's).

And, "Thereby Making The Simple," But, "Obvious Case" that "Today's Global Policies and Strategies Must have An All Inclusive Motif!" "Relying on Diplomacy and Understanding!" And, "Trade and Employment!" "Health Care and Social Security!" Universal Themes and Cognizant Patterns of Being Here and Now" that "Encourage Good Will in "Its Most Natural State of Being!"

"The Policies of Isolationism and Nationalism" are "A Dangerous Deterrent and Obstruction to Global Economic and Sociological Growth!"

"Isolationist and Nationalistic Policies are Definitely Appealing and Beneficial to Some," Especially, "Those who are Seeking Power and Influence at The Expense of The Many who Feel Disenfranchised," and or "are Unemployed!" 
And, "They are Very Astute and Shrewd" in "Using The Needs and Misfortunes of Others," Especially, "Those of Us who are Still Struggling to Recover from The Financial Collapse of The Global Economy in 2007/08," to "Gain Their Advantage!" 

However, "These Policies Intensely Hamper and Impede The Global Sociological Development, Conscious Awareness, and Cognizant Education Of The People," in "This New Season of Hopeful Recovery!"

And, "It is of The Utmost Importance for Us to always Remember" that, "Until An Age of Global Equilibre is Re-Established For One and All to Share," "We The People Live in A Different State of Being," and "A Different World of Influences than Do The Privileged Few!"

"An Example of The Differences is Obvious," even, "In Terms of Providing a Qualitative Education for Each New Generation," There are "Some Countries where Children (Especially Young Girls) are Forbidden An Education," or For a Lesser Example, "Young Women and Men who have Graduated from College or University, in Some Western Industrialized Nations," have "Learned to Speak Three or Four Different Languages including Their Own," While, "In Other Major Global Civilized Nations College Grads" have "Learned to Speak only One Language in Addition to Their Own!"

Now, "The Latter Point May Not Appear to Be Significant to Many," However, "In An Evolving Age and Civilization of New Global Trade Agreements (with Fair Trade Practices), Global Markets, and A Variety of Diverse Institutions, One's Economic Opportunities are Clearly Dependent upon Being Knowledgeable, Empirical, Well Spoken, Well Educated, Insightful, and Conscientiously Aware of The Consequences, Significance, and Importance of Having a Plethora of Positive Minded Global Relationships to Call upon," Whenever, or "Wherever the Right Moment Presents Itself for You," or "For Your Company or Clients Benefit!"

"It's as Simple and as Important as that!" Who Your Connections and Contacts are "In This Age of Highly Diversified Global Cross Media Universe's of Opportunity," "Can either, Place Your Life in A Profitable and Influential Sphere of Global Contacts and Influences" or "Else You Will have to Depend on A Higher Minimum Wage," and, or "The Support of A Social System" that "Provides Economic Security," and "Programs that Make It Possible for One to Advance and Educate Themselves in Local, Regional, or National Public Initiatives!"

And, In The Latter Example, "The Lack of Gender Equality" Can Make for, "Even Far Greater Divisiveness and Frustration," and "This is Why, "We Must All Be Careful Not to Accept The Political Rhetoric and Ideologies that are Purely Self Serving and that Feed upon The Frustration of Others," Because, "Their Goals are to Continue to Divide, Manipulate, and Deter Us," "We" who are "The Sovereign Citizens and Salt of This Earth," from "Ever Becoming Equal Participants of A New Age and Season of Global Equilibre," and "Equal Opportunity For One and All!"

"A Global Age of Equilibre" that "Unites Us, One and All!"

"A Global Age of Equilibre" that " Excludes No One from Enjoying The Pursuit of Happiness and Prosperity," that "The Privileged Few" have Been Enjoying on A Daily Basis for Millennias!" 

"A Global Age and Season of Equilibre" that "Demands" that "The New Fabric and Tapestry of The New Norm of The Twenty-First Century" is "Well Equipped with The Proper Changes to Embrace and Reflect The Multi-Dimensional Diversity Of The People," and "The Times and Challenges" that "We The People are Faced with on A Daily Basis!"

"Challenges and Signs of The Times" that "Can either Empower Our Families," or "Impede and Place Barriers in The Way of Our Children from Succeeding In Their Life's Quests and Goals!"

And, That is Why, "This New Age of Global Leadership Must Present The World with Global Policies, Thoughts, and Ideas" that "Increase The Opportunities for Our Global Work Force to Succeed!"
From Poland to The Baltic Sea Nations, and from Italy to Spain, and France to The United Kingdom, and The Middle East to Africa, and from Asia to South America, and from The United States and Canada to Belgium and Scandinavia, "An All Inclusive Global Peace Time Economic Strategy" that "Empowers, Educates, Enlightens, and Gives Support to All The People of The Earth," and "Not Just the Minions, Lobbyists, and Domains of The Global Oligarchs and Their Special Interests!"

(At Present, Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau Appears to Fit This Profile of A New Age of Global Leadership that Is Truly Of, By, and For The People, Although, "The Executive Orders Signed by President Trump," on Tuesday, The Twenty- Fourth of January, 2017, to Allow Construction of The Keystone XL Pipeline," (and Dakota Oil Pipeline) Will Be "A True Test of His Environmental Concerns in Balance with His Economical and Humanitarian Concerns!"
Both Projects were "Rejected by Former President Barack Obama!")  

And, "To Illuminate and Give Credence to This Age and Season of The Twenty-First Century," "It is of The Utmost Importance For The Global Cross Media Universe and The Social Media" to "Continue to Expose The Injustices, Abuses, Deprivations, Indigence, Lawlessness and Oppression, Hardships and Cruelties," "Wherever They May Be!"

And, "Let Us All Continue to Expose The Lies, False Rhetoric, and Double Standards," "Wherever They May Exist!"

And, "The Coalition of Civilized Nations," of Which The United States is a Core Member of, "Must Eliminate the Syndicates of Murders and Criminals" who have "Caused The Migration of Tens of Millions of People, Mothers and Fathers and Children, to Foreign Lands, away from Their Homes and Relatives to Exist as Undocumented Immigrants or Refugees of War," Some "Barely Existing in Refugee Camps," Resembling "A Lost Tribe of The People Suffering Indignities that No Child or Adult Should Experience!" And, "This to Must Change!"

(It is A Grand Statement that The Legal Process in The United States Does Not Allow For Injustices to Destroy The Fabric of Our Society!" On Saturday, The 28th of January 2017, "A Federal Court in New York Issued An Emergency Stay" on "President Trump's Executive Order Banning Immigration from Seven Muslim Countries!"
"This a An Important Victory for The ACLU" (The American Civil Liberties Union), and "Several other Activist Groups" who "Filed A Class Action Suit on Behalf of Two Iraqis" who were Being Held at John F. Kennedy International Airport," Because of "President Trump's Ban!"
And, "This is A Victory for Religious Freedom" and "The Innocent Refugees (who have Been Driven from Their Homes by Ruthless Syndicates of Murderers and Criminals) who are "Seeking a Safe Haven" to "Live in Freedom and Security!" And, "A Major Victory For The Citizens Of The United States and Our Democracy!"

And, On Friday, The Third of February, 2017 "Federal Judge James Robart of Seattle," "Placed a National Block on President Trump's Executive Order Barring Refugees and Nationals from Entering The United States of America!"

At Present, "The U.S. Department of Justice has Made No Decision on An Appeal," Until, "They've Reviewed the Court's Written Order!"
"This Court Decision" is "Another Great Victory For All that The United States of America Stands for!"

"Whenever I See The Plaque at The Base of The Statue of Liberty" and Read, "Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, the wretched refuse of your teeming shore. Send these, the homeless, tempest-tossed to me, I lift my lamp beside the golden door!" It Instills in Me "A Sense of Overwhelming Pride in The Best Qualities, Tenets and Principles Of The United States Of America," and "A Pridefulness in The Billions upon Billions of People throughout The Ages" who "Fought For Each Others Rights to Live in Peace, Justice, and Freedom!" 

Yes, "The Billions upon Billions Of The People," who Meditated and Prayed, Contemplated and Envisualized An Age Of Peace, Freedom, All Inclusiveness, Equality and Justice!" And, For, "The Tremendous and Unlimited Capacity To Do What is Right and Truthful," and For, The Limitless Diversity Of The Universal Fabric and Sentient Tapestry Of The People, By The People, and For All The People" of This Planet Earth!

This is "A History of Facts that Every Child is Taught in School," and, It Amazes me that "Some of Us have Forgotten this!"

And, "The Firing of Acting U.S. Attorney General Sally Yates" by President Trump, "Because She Refused to Defend The President's Executive Order to Ban Immigrants from Seven Muslim Countries," is "A Sad Commentary on The Presidents First Eleven Days in Office," after Being Sworn in on Friday, The Twentieth of January, 2017!

And, "That Feeling Continues to Resonate" and, even, "Taint The Hallowed Office of The President Of The United States," and "The Core Principles that The United States Of America Stands for!"
Oh, How I Can Hear "The Founders" of This Great American Experiment, "Calling Out For All The People,""Civil Rights Activists and Advocates for Human Rights" and "The Rights of All Sentient Beings" to "Speak Out, Demonstrate, and March Against This Grievous Act against The People!"
"Why," Quite Simply, "Because, The United States Of America is A Nation Of Immigrants" (with the Exception of Native Americans) and "The Principles" that "This Grand Ole Country Stands for "Must Be Preserved" and "Remain Sacred and Implicit in Our Lives, Republic, and Democracy, Forever!" For The Sake of Our Children," and "Our Children's Children," and "All The Children Of The World," and "All Those Future Generations to Come Forth and Grace This Planet Earth!"

And, It is of The Utmost Importance that "President Trump's Nominee for The Supreme Court," Judge Neil Gorsuch, 49, "Judge of The United States Court of Appeals for The Tenth Circuit in Denver, Colorado," and "A Graduate of Harvard Law School," with "A Doctorate in Philosophy in Jurisprudence from University College, Oxford" (who Would Be The Youngest Justice on The Current Supreme Court Bench if Confirmed) "Adheres to The Law and Principles of The Land, and The U.S. Constitution!" And, "Leaves Absolutely No Doubt in Anyone's Mind" that "He Will Respect The Tenet and Word Of The Law over The Policies of Any Political or Religious Ideology!") 

And, There Must Be "A Return to A Normal Process of Human Evolution," that "Bears The Promise of Greatness," and "This New Beginning Must take Place Now," and "In All Earnest!"

"A New Beginning that Bears The Vision" of "A Global Union Of The People, By The People, and For The People!"
Composed of "A Global Equation Of, By, and For The People," that "Transcends The Illusions and False Ideologies of Political and Religious Predators," whose "Crimes and Atrocities Committed  against Humanity" "Demands that These Predators of Our Youth","Must Not Go Unpunished" and "This Responsibility We Hold Sacred and Binding by All The Nations and Leaders of The Civilized World!"

And, "It's Time" that "We The People Became Fully Engaged in This New Age" "Where Global Innovations Swirl around Us," and "Earthwise Visions Enrich, Educate, and Empower Us," One and All to "Reach Beyond Our Potential" and "Rise to New Levels of Success, and Respect," "While Enjoying All the Benefits of  Environmental and Ecological Security," as "A Compassionate and Empathetic Member of The Earths Community of Nations," For, "It is A Reality and Goal in Life Worth Achieving," and "Sharing with Your Fellow Human Being," and "The Sentient Universe that Surrounds Us!"

Or Else, We Will Be Faced with "The Dark Path" that "Former Soviet Union Leader Mikhail Gorbachev Warned Us of," When He Wrote, "It All Looks as if The World is Preparing for War," in An Op-Ed that Time Magazine Published on Friday, The Twenty-Seventh of January 2017, and "This Should Be A Severe Warning to The Leaders of All Nations" and "The Earths Populace!"

Mr. Gorbachev also Stated that, "No Problem is more urgent today than the militarization of politics and the new arms race." These are Wise Words from The Nobel Peace Prize Winner!"

"The NATO Build up in Poland, the Baltic Nations and Eastern Europe" and Russia's Mobilization of It's Armed Forces," and "Continuous Airspace Violations Over Europe is Proof of This Military Threat to The People of The World!"

And, "The Comments that U.S. President Trump has Made that have Been Reported by The Global Cross Media News Organizations, that "He wouldn't mind having an arms race" Does Not Help to Cool Down the Intensity or The Rhetoric between Russia and The U.S.

And, The Comments Made by Russian President Putin that "Modernizing Russia's Strategic Nuclear Forces is a Priority," Certainly is "Incendiary Rhetoric" and "Harmful to Relationships with NATO Nations," and "Rebuilding Damaged Relations with The U.S."

Both Leaders, President Trump and President Putin are "Embarking Down a Dangerous Path of Destruction," Where Diplomatic Efforts "May Come Too Late, or Be Too Little to Avoid A Global Catastrophe!" It's Definitely Time for "Calm, Interdependent and Trustworthy Intermediaries to "Find a Common Ground of Interest for New Dialogues to Open Up" (Which Should Be The Avoidance of a Nuclear War) between "The European Union, NATO, Russia, The United States, Germany, The United Kingdom and The United Nations!"

(The United States and Russia Hold More than Ninety Per cent of The Worlds Nuclear Arsenals!)

And, "This is Not The Time for The Worlds Nations" to "Become Distracted from Eliminating The Syndicates of Criminals and Murderers" who are "Responsible for The Killing of Innocents, The Torture and Terrorizing of Our Families," and "Causing Millions upon Millions of People to Be Driven from Their Homes," and "Enslaving and Manipulating Our Children to Believe in Their Lies" and Immoral and Sacrilegious Propaganda!" 

Voices of Reason and Peacemakers of The Twentieth and Twenty-First Centuries, Let Us "Continue to Sow The Seeds of A Way of Life" that "Leads Us To An Omnipresent, Omniscient and Omnipotent Age Of Hope, Technological Evolution, Scientific Advancement," and "A Cultural Expansion of Meaningful and Purposeful Earthrise Proportions of Unlimited Universal Horizons," "Graced by A Nexus of Gifted, Experienced, and Exemplary Minds," of "A Global Equation Of, By and For The People" that "Is Earthwise, Streetwise, and In Equilibre with All The People," and "Knowing that They Will Not Be Denied Economic Opportunity, Gender Parity, or Peace," at Long Last, "For One and All!"

-In Memoriam: Sunday, The Twenty-Ninth of January, 2017-
Global Cross Media Reports have Confirmed that "A Shooting Occurred at A Mosque in Quebec City, Canada," The Quebec City Islamic Cultural Center, on Sunday, The Twenty-Ninth of January 2017, During Evening Prayers, "Where Six Innocent People were Killed," and Reports are "Seventeen More were Injured!"

Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and Quebec Premier Philippe Couillard, Called This Attack "As a Terrorist Act!"

Prime Minister Trudeau also Stated that "Muslim-Canadians are an important part of our National Fabric and these Senseless Acts have no place in Our Communities, Cities and Country!"
The Quebec City Police have "Taken Two Suspects in Custody and One of Them has Been Brought up on Changes!"

Once again, We Send Our Sincerest Condolences to The Families, Friends, Muslim Community, Quebec City, and The Canadian People For This Tragic Loss of Precious Life!

-In Memoriam: Sunday, The Twenty-Ninth of January, 2017-
Sunday, The Twenty-Ninth of January, 2017, "A United States Navy  Service Member, Chief Special Warfare Operator, William "Ryan" Owens, 36, of Peoria, Illinois, was Killed," and "Three Others were Injured," in "An Attack against Al Qaeda Militants" in Central Yemen, "Conducted by Members of The U.S. Navy SEAL Team 6!"

Global Cross Media Reports are "Fourteen Qaeda Militants were Killed" in the "Approximately Hour long Battle!"
And, "Reports are "the Brother-in-Law of Anwar al-Awlaki," an Al Qaeda Leader was also "Killed in The Attack!"

And, "Unfortunately An Unknown Number of Civilians" were "Reported to have Died" as well!

This was "This First Counter-Terrorism Operation Authorized by President Trump!"
"A Mission" that had Been Planned by "The Military's Joint Special Operations Command for Several Month's!"

And, Once again, We Send Our Sincerest Condolences to The Family, Friends, and Community, who Lost a Loved One, and, to The Navy SEAL's who Lost a Friend and Valued Member of Their Team and The U.S. Armed Forces Services!

-In Memoriam: Thursday, The Twenty-Sixth of January, 2017-
The Death of Mary Tyler Moore is "Deeply Touching to a Generation who Grew up Watching and Being Entertained by Her on TV," in "The Mary Tyler Moore Show" (1970-1977), and "The Dick Van Dyke Show" (1961-1966)!

Mary's TV Roles "Personified a New Perspective of Womanhood," that of "Being An Interdependent Single/Professional Woman over The Age of Thirty, Which Made Her an Icon and a Trail Blazer for Sitcom Stars such as Jennifer Aniston, Deborah Messing and Tina Fey!" And, She Deservedly Won Seven Emmy Awards!"

And, In 1980 She Received An Oscar Nomination for Her Role in The Robert Redford Directed Film "Ordinary People!"
 Her Film Career also Included Films, "Thoroughly Modern Millie" in 1967, and "Changes in Habit" with Elvis Presley in 1969!"

Ms. Moore also "Received a Tony Award for Best Actress," in "Whose Life is It Anyway," that "Opened up on Broadway in 1980!"

And, "It Must Be Noted that Mary and Her Second Husband Grant Tinker formed MTM Enterprises that Produced a Number of Highly Successful TV Programs," "Taxi," "Cheers," "St. Elsewhere," "Hill St. Blues," and "The Bob Newhart Show!"

And, As An Author, Ms. Moore Wrote Two Memoirs, "After All" Published in 1995, and "Growing up again, Life, Loves, and, Oh Yeah, Diabetes" in 2009!

And, Althroughout Ms. Moore's Career, "She always Made Time Available for Philanthropic Projects" and was "An Active Animal Rights Activist!"

We have only "Presented a Brief History in The Life and Career of Mary Tyler Moore!"

Mary Tyler Moore Died, "at The Tender Age of Eighty", on Wednesday, the Twenty-Fifth of January, 2017, Her Death was "Caused by Cardiopulmonary Arrest" after "Contracting Pneumonia!"

We send Our Sincerest Condolences to The Family, Friends, Fellow Actors, and Millions of Admirers of Mary Tyler Moore Worldwide!

-In Memoriam:
And, Once again, We Send The Sincerest Condolences of Our Heart, Mind, Spirit and Soul to The Families, Friends, Colleagues, and Communities who "Have Lost a Loved One Due to The Cruelty of War!"

And, to "All The Families and Communities" who "Have Lost Love One's Due to Natural Causes," or Due to "Natural Disasters!"

Sharing The Light, Peace and The Celestial Song Of Life,