Monday, October 7, 2013



The Way To Peace! #224

In these "Constantly Changing and Often Tumultuous Times" it is "Difficult to Find any Uplifting and Encouraging "Good News!" Most of "The Network TV and Cable News Programs  Lead in Stories" are about "The U.S. Government Shut Down," or "The Up and Coming Battle over Raising The Debt Ceiling" between The Democratic and Republican Parties!
However, I did Find Some "Good News," although it "May Depend on What Your Perspective May be." Let me Begin with "An Announcement by The U.S. Pentagon" that "No Deaths in The Military Occurred in Afghanistan Last week!" After More that "A Decade of Fighting in This UN-Declared War" by The U.S. and its Coalition Forces, "This is Definitely Good News!"

And, "It's also Worth Noting" that "On The 25th of September A Majority of Member States of The United Nations" signed "Arms Treaty Now!" "This Treaty took Seven Years to Negotiate" and "Places Moral Standards" on "The Cross-Border Trade of Conventional Arms!"
"These Conventional Weapons are Sold to Leaders of Countries and, or, Terrorists" who "Cause Genocide and The Innocent Deaths of Women, Men, and Children, "and "Break The Laws Set in Place to Protect All of Humanity from War Crimes, and Acts Of Terrorism!"
"This Treaty has been A Priority of U.N. Secretary Ban Ki-Moon!"
It is also Important to State that Although "Arms Treaty Now" has Been "Signed by A Majority of Member States (The U.S. Included)" It Still "Needs to Be Ratified by Each Government (The U.S. included when "The Shut Down" is Over)!"
However, "Every Step, Peace Dialogue/Peace Conference, U.N. Treaty, that Leads The World Further On The Path To Peace is A Welcomed One!" And, "It Demonstrates that Secretary of State  John Kerry, Secretary of Defense Charles Timothy "Chuck" Hagel, and U.S. Ambassador To The U.N. Samantha Power are Continuing to Advance A Cognitive Foreign Policy Of Equilibre" on "Behalf of The Obama Administration and We The People!"

And, On Tuesday, The 8th of October, Malala Yousafzai New Memoires "I Am Malala" Describing What Happened to Her, On October 9th 2012, "Goes on Sale, Online and in Your Local Bookstore!"
For those of You who are Not Familiar with Malala's Story, "She was Shot in The Face by Taliban Combatants who Banned All Girls in Pakistan from Going to School and Receiving An Education!" "Malala Survived this Attack and has Gone on to Be The Youngest Person to Be Nominated for The Nobel Peace Prize!" And, has "Become A Global Activist for The More than "Sixty Million Children who are Being Denied from having An Education World Wide!"

It is "Beyond Comprehension Why Anyone Would want to Harm A Child," "Whether it Be Physically, Emotionally. Intellectually or Spiritually," It is "A Shameful and Immoral Act Of Evildoing that Should Be Tried and Found Guilty in The International Court of Justice!"
And, "For Any Country, State, Institution, or Individual To Deny A Child An Education," is "An Uncivilized and Soulless Act Of Barbarity!"

And "Congratulations to The U.S. Special Forces who Captured Abu Anas al Libi," in Tripoli," after "Fifteen Years of Being on The Run!" "Abu Anas al Libi was One of The Founders of Al Qaeda!"
This is yet "Another Step in The Direction of Peace!" "Too Many are Being Mislead and Manipulated by Sophists and False Leaders," to "Follow A Path of Violence and Destruction, Instead of Peace and Diplomacy, to Achieve their Goals!"
And, "Too Many Families are Paying The Price with The Lives Of Their Children and Family Members!"

Peacemakers, Voices Of Reason and Activists Of, By, and For The People of The 20th and 21st Centuries, "Out Of Reverence For One Another," Let Us Continue to "Bring Hope, Reason, Compassion, and Awareness of The Issues that are Of Sincere Benefit To Our Fellow Human Being and The Lives of All Sentient Beings!"

And, "Let Us Continue to Encourage and Empower Each Other by Sharing The Grand Eloquence Of Being with Each Other!"

And, Let Us by "Utilizing All The Technological Advancement and Resources of The Cross-Media Universe and The Social Media" Continue to "Challenge Our Political, Spiritual, Financial, Military, and Civic Leaders of The Earths Nations to  Work Purposefully and Without Pause To Eliminate Poverty from The Face of This Earth of Ours," and "Grant Us A Beautiful Earthrise Of Peace!"
For, This is, The Way To Peace and An Omniscient, Omnipotent and Omnipresent Age Of Peace On Earth!