Tuesday, October 1, 2013



The Way To Peace! #223

Let's Make "As Clear and Precise a Statement as Possible" that, "On This Day, Tuesday, October 1st, 2013, A Momentous and Historical Occurrence has Taken Place in The United States of America," "Affordable Health care is Now Available For Each and Every Citizen!" "No Matter What Age They May be," or "What Type of Pre-Existing Condition They May have," or "What Their Financial Disposition May be!" "No One Can Be Turned Down from Receiving Health Care!"
Again, "Let Us Be as Clear as Possible" that, "As Occurred In the Initial Stages of Social Security and Medicare/Medicaid," "There Will be Aspects of This Law that Still Need to Be Clarified and Worked Out," Which is Normal for An Enterprise of This Vast An Undertaking! However, This is "Without A Doubt An Example of How Democracy Can Work For The Betterment of All The People!"

But, "There is Nothing Momentous or Even Slightly Historical or Honorable" about "The Partial Shut Down of The U.S. Government Of The People, By The People, and For The People!"
"In This Age," "Where Voices Of Reason, Peacemakers, and Diplomats and Philanthropists are Needed To Provide Reason, Understanding and Wisdom," Especially in Light of "The Myriad Challenges that We The People are being Faced with," "Acts of Irresponsibility" such as "The Partial Shut Down of The U.S. Government is Not The Answer!"
This "Act of Political Irresponsibility" is "An Abuse and Mis-Use of The Freedoms, Justice, and Laws that Our Democracy and Federal Republic was Created For! And, is "A Betrayal of "We The People!"

And so, "We The People," "Call upon House Speaker John Boehner, Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell, Senate Majority Leader Harry Reed, and The Elected Officials of The House Of Representatives, The Senate,  and President Barack Obama to "Overcome Their Personal and Political Differences (which means Leave Their Egos, Political Ideologies, and Partisan Politics elsewhere) and "Act in Concert with Each Other to Diplomatically Find A Fair and Just Solution to The Budgetary and Policy Problems that have Divided Our Country and Shut Down The Government!" And "Act as True Representatives Of The People!"
What are "We to Teach Our Children" if, "Our Elected Officials Can Not Behave In A Mature, Reasonable, and Civil Manner to Solve The Issues that The U.S. and All The Nations of The World are Faced with" On A Daily Basis!

However, Let Us Return to "Momentous Occasions," The Significance of the, "15 Minutes of Conversation between Presidents Barack Obama and Hasan Rouhani" has "Created A Metaphorically and Potentially Important and Pivotal Step Forward on The Path Of Peace between The United States and Iran!"
Although it is but "One Small Step Toward Peaceful Coexistence between these Two Countries," It is also "A Positive Step Forward Towards Finding New Solutions to The State of Aggression, Division, and Amorphous that has Caused The Deaths of Hundreds of Thousands of Women, Children, and Men, as well as, The Millions of Citizens in The Middle East," who have "Been Driven from Their Homes and Separated from Their Families," and are "Now Living in Refugee Camps in Neighboring Countries!"

"Amazingly it has taken 34 Years," since 1979, that "An American and Iranian President have Spoken to One Another in an Attempt to Heal The Differences of Opinion and Policy in regards to Iran's Desire to Build a Nuclear Weapon," (although The Iranian Authorities Claim that All They Would like to Do is Create is A Nuclear Energy Program to Solve Their Energy Problems) However, "It is Still A Welcomed Step Forward  and Can Be Verified by UN Monitors!"
And, "A Sincere and Honest Discourse" between these Two Leaders is "A Welcomed Dialogue Of Peace," In Light of The Ongoing Conflict that Exists in Syria, Egypt, and between The Israelis and The Palestinians!

This is, The Time For A New Strategic Global Vision and Leadership," Lead by Chancellor Angela Merkel, President Francois Hollande, Prime Minister David Cameron, President Vladimir Putin, President Xi Jinping, King Abdullah, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, and President Mahmoud Abbas, and Prime Ministers Fredrik Reinfeldt, Helle Thorning-Schmidt, Stephen Harper, and of course, Presidents Barack Obama, Hasan Rouhani," All of Whom, "by Their Own Example Can Be The Precursors Of Unity, Harmony, and Equanimity!" 

And, "Who Can," once again, "by Their Own Example" " Be The Guiding Force" to "A New Age Of The People, By The People, and For The People," "Empowered by A Peace Time Economy and Global Diplomacy" that "We Can Share with Our Children," and "A Legacy" that "We Can Be Proud To Leave For Our Future Generations and Millennia upon Millennia to Come"
For This is, The Way To Peace and An Omnipresent, Omnipotent, and Omniscient Age Of Peace On Earth!