Friday, March 29, 2013



The Way To Peace! #213

I am Deeply Struck and Moved by "The Thought of," What is "The Greater Offense;"
(1) The Massacre of The Children of Sandy Hook Elementary School, in Newtown, Connecticut, by an emotionally disturbed young man, or (2) The Threat of Filibuster by
"A Group of Elected Officials of The US Congress," Whose Intention is to "Prevent The Passage of A Comprehensive Gun Law, that Bans The Sale of Assault Weapons," and that, also "Calls for Detailed Background Checks," before "The Purchase of Any Gun Type," Can Be Made!"

I'm sure that "Our Founders" did not Imagine that "The Second Amendment of The US Constitution" would be "Used to Support the Contention or Action of any Elective Official to Filibuster," in order "To Prevent A Vote on An Extensive, Comprehensive and Sensitive Gun Law" and that, is also "Designed to Address The Violence and Threats Posed against Our Children," and, "The Protection of "We The People," Sovereign Citizens Of This Planet Earth, In this The 21st Century! Can I be any more explicit!

"The Thought or Idea" of this "Threat of Filibuster," by "These Elected Officials" is "A Betrayal Of The People," who Elected them, and, "A Betrayal of The Parents and Family Members" who have "Tragically Experienced The Loss of A Child or Family Member" "Due To Gun Related Violence!"
And, It's also "A Betrayal of The Trust Endowed upon These Elected Officials" by "We The People!"

This is "The Second Decade of The 21st Century," have "These Congressmen and Women Learned Nothing at All!
Have "They" "Applied Us with Nothing More than Political Rhetoric," and "Self Serving Ideologies" to "Gain Our Votes!"

"We The People," are at yet "Another Crossroads of Moral Decision Making!" "This Crossroads" is "A Reflection" of "What Kind of World" "We" would like "Our Future Generations To Live in! 
And, "It also Reflects," "The Life and Death Decisions and Choices," "Of, By, and For The People," that "Will Either Impale or Empower Our Society," and, "The Rights Granted Us by "Our Forefathers and Foremothers," who "Gave Their Lives To Protect The Rights of Future Generations to Come!"

It is of "The Utmost Importance" that "Our Elected Officials Respect and Protect The Rights" of "We The People," and, Give Support to "The Will of We The People!"
For, "We" are, "In Truth, A Government Of The People, By The People, and For The People!"
And, "The Present and Future of Our Children" Depends on "Honest and Trustworthy Representation Of The People!" For, This is, The Way To Peace and, An Omnipresent, Omnipotent, and Omniscient Age of Social Security, Social Justice, and Peace On Earth!
This is "Not The Time for Filibusters," "It's Time To Vote For What You Truly Believe in!" And, "It's Time to Stand up and Be Counted, In Honor of The Families" who have "Lost Their Children in Vain!" "Too many Tears Of Love, Frustration and Anger have Been Shed" by "Too many Families!"