Tuesday, March 19, 2013



The Way To Peace! #212

 As any "Parent or Grandparent" can attest, "The Sound of A Child's Laughter Knows No Race," and, "The Tears of A Child Knows of No Denomination," and, "The Loving Embrace and Kiss of A Child Knows of No Hatred or War!" And "The Smile of A Child is Not The Smile of A Criminal or Sex Offender! " So, What has Happened to Our Children since Birth?

"So many Questions have Lead me To even More Thoughts," such as; "Have We Lost Faith in Our Religious, Political,  Financial, and Judicial Leaders?" And, "Have We The People, Lost Faith in The Conditioned Reality that "We" have been "Taught To Believe in," and," How The Implementation of The Truths and Principles of Our Most Sacred Documents have been Carried Out (But for whose Benefit?)." 
As of Late, I've been "Re-Visiting a Few Thoughts" that I've had and "Shared with You before," and, For A Variety of Reasons, I'd like to "Share them with You once More," "Especially In The Light of Recent World and Domestic Affairs,"Which to me "Make them seem, To Be, Even More Appropriate Today;"

Can you "Envision a World in which Parent's" would not have to Worry about "How They were Going to Pay for their Children's Education, Health care, Clothing, Food, or Enjoy Quality Time with them."

Can you "Envision a World where Parent's" would not have to Worry about "Whether Their Children were going to Die in yet, Another War, or by a Violent Crime, what ever the Nature of it maybe."

Can you "Envision a World without Politicians."

Can you "Envision a World where the Global News Media Actually Reported All the News," Good or Bad, Accurately. "Giving Both Equal Time."

Can you "Envision a World" that is "Dedicated to the Care and Survival of All Sentient Beings."
"A World Committed to Preserving the Sanctity, and Overall Quality of Life of This Planet Earth and it's Resources."

Can you "Envision a World of Enlightened Spirituality," that "Respect's the Universe that it is apart of." "A World of Culture, Evolving within A Transcendental Philosophy that Embraces the Principles of a Society that is Beneficial To One and All."

With "A Philosophy of Life that Embraces the Economic Preposition" that there Should Be, "A Shared Prosperity and Parity For Each and Every one of Us."

And, "A World that Treasures it's Environment, and Considers it's Oceans, Earth, Sea's, and Skies, as Being Sacred."

Can you "Envision a World where it's Religious Leader's Stand as One, and are Willing to Give their Lives and Worldly Riches For the Sake of Peace, and Equality for All Sentient Beings. "

Can you "Envision a World without Kings, Queen's, Princesses, Princes, Prime Ministers, President's or Vice President's."

 Voices of Reason and Peacemakers of True Hearts, Minds, and Souls, The 20th and 21st Centuries and To Those of You who have Listened to "The Way," when John Awakened, He Experienced "A World of Peace and Equanimity, A World of Omniscience and Culture, A World of Bliss filled Joy and Happiness, and, A World of Shared Prosperity, Security, and Enlightened Spiritual Awareness, and A World of Universal Love, Peace, and Respect For One Another." "Truly A World that Replaced The Conditioned Reality He had been Experiencing!"

And, It is Truly Time For, "We The People," To Embrace "A Great Wave of Transcendental  Idea's, Thoughts, Words, Actions, and, A Universal Conscious Awareness of Peace" that "Saturates The Hearts, Minds, and Souls of Each and Everyone of Us!"
For "We" are, "One and All," "Sovereign Citizens of This, The Third Planet from The Sun," and, if "Our Children are Truly to Survive, Evolve, and Live in An Omnipresent, Omniscient, and Omnipotent Age Of Peace On Earth," They will Need Us, "To Act as A Great Soul Force To Lead The Way!"

And, As "We" "Enter into yet Another Season of Spring," May "We" "One and All," "Continue To Rise as A Great Earthrise," In Search of "Positive Solutions To The Challenges that Lie ahead of Us," "In The Most Illuminating, Humble, and Gracious, Traditions, Commitments, and Compassion and Love Of Life," that Mahatma Gandhi, Jesus Of Nazareth, Socrates, Mother Teresa, Siddhartha Gautama, Mohammad, Confucius, Zoroaster, Charlemagne, St. Francis Of Assisi, Mary, Lao-Tse, Martin Luther King, Clara Barton, Machiventa Melchizedek, Mary Magdalene, Rabindranath Tagore, Moses, Rumi, and Nelson Mandela "Taught, and Demonstrated To Us," By "The Sharing of Their Thoughts, Words, Idea's, Visions, and Actions!"
For, This is, The Way To Peace and An Omnipresent, Omnipotent, and, Omniscient Age of Peace On Earth!