Wednesday, November 1, 2023



The Way To Peace! #448

-"Global Cross Media News Universe, Insights, New Horizons, News Purview's, and Global Perspectives"- And "The Time for Naivete is Over," "Evil has Found A Place to Thrive Among The The Hamas Brigades,"  and In Doing so "Desecrate," and "Brutalize The Lives" of "The Innocent!" "More than Two Hundred Hostages are Being Held Prisoners by These Evil Warmongers,"- "Global Cross Media News Universe, Insights, New Horizons, News Purview's, Global Perspectives,"- 

And, "A New Age" of "Earthwide Information," "Communication," "Sociological," "Environmental," "Humanitarian," "Philosophical," "Journalistic," "Political," "Candid,"  "Straightforward," "Purview's," and "Overview"s," of "Current," "Contemporary," and "Far Reaching," "Prescient Visions," "Stories of Interest," and "Earthwide Affairs," and "Events," that "Coalesce," and "Merge" with "An Honest," "Omniscient," and "Omnipotent Spirit," and "Soul Force Of The People,"- Extra Noteworthy News- "Evil is A Real Threat to All of Our Lives"-

"Headlines of The Fourth Estate " and "Breaking News Spotlights of The Global Cross Media News Sphere's have Reported" that "Eighty Percent of Israeli Bodies that were Recovered since The Sneak Attack on Israel" that "Took Place on Saturday, The Seventh of October 2023, "Israel's Jewish Holiday of Shemini Atzeret" "Dedicated to The Love of God," In Addition with "Simchat Torah" "Together Marks the End of The Sukkot (or Sukkoth) Festival" and "Is The Day on Which the Yearly Cycle of Readings from The Torah Ends" and "A New Reading Cycle Begins," "Eighty- Percent of The Bodies that were Recovered were Tortured!" 
And "More that One Thousand Four Hundred Israeli's," and "Six Thousand Five Hundred Palestinian's," have "Been Killed," and "Ten's of Thousands More have Been Wounded," "Including Both Israelis," and "Palestinians!"
And "More than Two and Fifty Hostages have Been Taken!" And Again, "It Must Be Repeated" that "Israeli Children," "Women," and "Men" have "Been Tortured!"
And "How Many More Innocent People/Citizens/Children Must Die," without "Having Lived in An Age of Peace!" 
"There are Too Many" who have "Lost A Member of Their Family" to "The Brutal," and "Vicious Dictates of War!" 
And "When Will The Cost of War Be Too Much to Pay!" Mothers," "Fathers," and "Children," "Grandmothers," and "Grandfathers," "Aunts," and "Uncles," "Nieces" and Nephews," and "Grandchildren" have "One and All Experienced The Hell that War Presents!"

And "As The Sun Sets and Rises O'er The Twenty- Four Time Zones (Regions) of The Earths Sovereign Solar Union of Nations Territories," and "The Diverse Multi- Cultural Societies," "Rainbow Communities," and "Extraordinary Tapestries," and "Fabric of The Sociological Sphere's" that "Encompass Us," and that "The Earths Populace Exists within,"
"To All The Military Leaders who are Exemplified by Their Leadership Strategies," "Intelligence," and "Abilities," and "Who Possess A Code of Ethics" and "Honor" that "Is Highly Respected in Their Sovereign Solar Nations," and "Armed Forces," "The Time has Come for You to Reach Out" to "Highly Respected Civilian Leaders of Sovereign Solar Nations," and "Diplomats of Cognitive Intelligence" and "Universal Awareness," and "Peacemakers" and "Religious Leaders of High Repute," to "Save Lives," and "Build A Path to Peace" Upon "The Cornerstones," and "Pillars of A Peacetime Society," of "The Twenty- First Century," that "Is Just and Honorable," "Trustworthy," and "Highly Principled," and "Fully Credible," "Virtuous," and "Ethical," that "Possess All of The Egalitarian Tenets of Life!" So that "An Era of Peace on Earth May Exist at Last" "For One and All!"

"However Let Us Clearly Comprehend" that "The Tortures" and "Massacres Attributed to The Hamas Brigades Against Innocent  Israeli Citizens," (Women, Children, and Men) "Extreme Acts of Cowardice," "Cruelty," "Malicious," and "Evil Behavior" "Cannot by Any Measure Be Condoned" by "Any Civilized Sovereign Solar Nation," or "Its People/Citizens," and "Must Be Brought Before The International Criminal Court (ICC)!"And "Equally so Must The Crimes" that were "Committed Against The Innocent People/Citizens of The Sovereign Solar Nation of Ukraine" by "Russian Federation Armed Forces," "Be Brought Before The ICC!")And "Terrorist Organizations Whomever You May Be," "Do Not Fall Prey to The False Rhetoric of Warmongers," "Dictators," "Despots," and "Extreme Radical Religious Leaders," "Because War," "Vengeance," and "Terrorist Attacks," are "Not The Answer!" "Bring Forth Your Peacemakers," and "Bring Forth Your Voices of Reason" and "Begin Peace Dialogues Now!" "Time is of The Essence!"

"Bring Them Forth For The Sake of All The Children of The Sovereign Solar Nations of Israel," and "Palestine," and "The Middle East" from "The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia" to "The Republic of Yemen," and "The Islamic Republic of  Iran," and from "The Republic of Iraq" to "The Syrian Arab Republic," to "The Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan," and "The Republic of Lebanon," to "The Arab Republic of Egypt," and "The State of Kuwait" to "The Republic of Turkey," and "Including All Religions," and "People's/Nationalities (Including "The Kurdish People") "Can Anyone Deny" that "The Time for An Age of Peace has Come!"

And "Instead of New Threats of War," and "Terrorist Attacks," and "Military Conflict," "Let Today Be The First Step Made Towards A New Era of Peacetime Partnerships," and "An Egalitarian Age of Peace!"

"In An Interview on 60 Minutes, The CBS Newsmagazine," on Sunday, The Fifteenth of October 2023 In Response to A Question Posed by Scott Cameron Pelley, Journalist and Author, and Correspondent and Anchor for CBS News, "What Message would you give to The Islamic Republic of Iran," and "Hezbollah," A Lebanese Shia Islamist Political Party, and Militant Group, that Is Backed by Iran, and Supports Hamas, (Where Limited Fighting is Taking Place on the Israel- Lebanese Border that Hezbollah Controls) "President Joseph Robinette Biden Jr. The 46th," and "Current President of The United States of America Replied, "Don't. Don't, don't, don't" Which Scott Pelley Responded Meaning, "Don't come across the border? Don't escalate this war? To Which President Joseph R. Biden Jr. Replied, "That's Right!"
"President Biden also Spoke Passionately about The Twenty- Nine Americans who have Been Killed" (Because of Hamas' Sneak Attack Upon Israel) and "The Fifteen" who are Missing," and "The Small, But Valued  Number of Americans" who have Been Taken Hostage, "I'm saying we're gonna do everything in our power to find those who are still alive and set them free. Everything in our power. And-I'm not gonna go into detail of that, but there's- we're workin' like hell on it."
And, "President Biden" also said, "We have to communicate to the world this is critical. This is not even human behavior." (The President Stuttered on) "It's pure barbarism." "And we're gonna do everything in our power to get them home if we can find them."
"President Biden's Visit Israel," (After Being Invited by Prime Minister of Israel Benjamin "Bibi" Netanyahu) "In Support of The People of Israel," who are "Staunch Allies of The United States of America," and to "Enable," and "Coordinate Humanitarian Aid from Donor Nations" and "Multilateral Organizations to Reach Civilians in Gaza" on "Tuesday, The Seventeenth of October 2023 is "Both Commendable," and "The Act of A True Peacemaker," and "Humanitarian!"

"It is Unfortunate" that "President Biden's" "Planned Visit to The Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan" to "Meet with King Abdullah II bin Al-Hussein," and to "The Arab Republic of Egypt" to "Meet with President Abdel Fattah Saeed Hussein Khalil el-Sisi, and to "Meet with President Mahmoud Abbas of The State of Palestine," were "Cancelled by These Leaders Because of The False Information that They Received about The Airstrike on The Gaza Hospital," that "Falsely Blamed Israel," when "In Fact," It was "A Failed Palestinian Islamic Jihad Rocket" that "Killed More than Four Hundred and Seventy Innocent People!"
And "This Failed Opportunity" that "Could have Provided An Unbiased Reaction," and "Compassionate Insight into The Plight of The Innocent Casualties," and "Victims of War," "Instead was Lost in The Confusion," and "The Lack of Definitive Evidence," and "The Biased," and "Prejudiced Opinion Against The Sovereign Solar Nation of Israel," who "Did Not Start This New Military Escalation," and "Were Themselves Victims of A Terrorist Sneak Attack!"
"Truly, There Must Be," and "Should have Been More Cognizant Awareness" of "This Tragic Situation," Before Acting Out of Haste," and " Before Coming to Conclusions without All The Facts Clearly Known," "Fully Assessed," and "Confirmed!" "What is The Sense in Having Spy," or "Information Gathering Satellites If You Do Not Use Them When It is Crucial to Do so!" 
"The Saying," "Time is of The Essence" Could Not Be More Evident!" 
- Extra Noteworthy News- "The Consequences of War" and "Terrorism"-
Monday, The Sixteenth of October 2023, Global Cross Media News Reports are  "A Gunman Killed Two Swedish Citizens in Brussels!"
"A Spokesman for the Federal Prosecutors Office, Eric Van Duyse," said "The Investigation was Being Centered" on "a possible terrorist motivation for the shooting," after "a claim for responsibility was posted on the social media." "Eric Van Duyse's" said,  "This person claims to be inspired by Islamic State."
And In Chicago, Illinois, Global Cross Media News Reports are Saturday, The Fourteenth of October 2023, "The Will County Sheriff Office said in A Statement on Social Media" that "A Six Year Old Muslim Boy" was "Tragically Stabbed to Death," and "His Mother Seriously Injured" at "A Home in An Unincorporated Area of Plainfield Township," (About Forty Miles Southwest of Chicago) by "An Illinois Landlord," "Because of Their Faith," and "As a response" to "The War between Israel and Hamas!"

"The Sovereign Solar Nation of Israel," has had "Great Leaders" who have "Gained Earthwide Respect," Such as, "Prime Minister David-Ben Gurion, The First Prime Minister of The State of Israel," and "Golda Meir, The Fourth Prime Minister of Israel," and Along with "The 39th President of The United States of America James Earl "Jimmy" Carter Jr.," and "The 3rd President of Egypt Muhammad Anwar El- Sadat," and "The 6th Prime Minister of  Israel ," and "Witnessed by President Carter!" Menachem Begin"Two Framework Agreements for Peace Between Egypt and Israel," Called "The Camp David Accords" were "Signed on The Seventeenth of September 1978,

And "The Second of These Two Frameworks," "A Framework" which was "The Conclusion of A Peace Treaty Between Egypt and Israel," Became What was to Be, "The Egypt- Israel Peace Treaty," was "Signed in 1979," and "All Three of These Brave and Courageous Twentieth Century Peacemakers," and "Recipients of The Nobel Peace Prize,"  "Brought A Semblance of Hope" and "Peace" to "The Sovereign Solar Nations of Egypt- Israel!"
And "The Moment in Time is Here and Now to Bring Peace," and "Hope," to "The People/Citizens of The Sovereign Solar Nation of Israel," and "The State of Palestine," and "Bring Together Their Leaders of Defense," and "State," in "The Name of An Omnipotent," "Omniscient," and "Cognitive Age of Peace!"

- (Note that, "Headlines of The Fourth Estate," and "Breaking News Spotlights of The Global Cross Media News Sphere's Reported" that "Overnight on The Seventh and Eighth of October 2023, "The Sovereign Solar Nation of Israel's Security Cabinet Voted to Undertake a Series of Actions" to Bring about "The Destruction of the Military and Governmental Capabilities of Hamas and Palestinian Islamic Jihad!")- 

  - "Global Cross Media News Universe, Insights, New Horizons, News Purview's, Global Perspectives,"- And "More Questions of Life and Death"-

"The Questions" are Many" and "Of Great Significance," Such as; "Have The Palestinians," and "Israeli's," "Forgotten What Its Like to Live in Peace!" And, "Where are The Prescient Visionary's!"

 And "The Final Question" is "Whom Do You Believe," "Whose Rocket Struck A Hospital in Gaza Killing More than Four Hundred and Seventy Innocent People!" "Was It A Failed Palestinian Islamic Jihad Rocket" as Israel Defense Forces (IDF) Claims," or "A Rocket Caused by An Israeli Airstrike!" "The Answer to This Question is Crucial" to "Modern Civilizations' Sense of Morality," and "Code of Ethics," in "The Twenty- First Century!" 
-(Note that, On Wednesday, The Eighteenth of October 2023 Global Cross Media News Reports are "President Biden has Agreed with The Israeli Assessment of The Rocket Strike")!
"But, "The Truth" Still Remains" that "It was Hamas who Killed Innocent Children," "Women," and "Men," in "Their Sneak Attack Upon Israel!"
And "The Truth also Includes The Fact" that,  "History has Already Shown Us" that "War" and "Violence" only "Begets More War" and "Violence!" So "It Should Be Obvious by Now," "Now Being Today, The Seventeenth of October 2023," that "More War," and "Violence" is "Not The Answer!"-

And "To All The Youth of The Middle East," and "The Earth Itself,"  "Envisualize What It Would Be Like" to "Live in Freedom," "Equality," "Equanimity," "Tranquility," "Earthwide Equilibre," and "Treated Fairly and Justly," under "The United Sovereign Solar Nations Principles" and "Charter of Human" and "Civil Rights," and "Respectful of The Sovereignty," and "Territorial Integrity," of "The Diverse Multi-Cultural Societies," and "Rainbow Communities," and Tapestry," and "Fabric of The Eight Billion People/Citizens of The Sovereign Solar Community of  Nations," and "This is The Vision Fully Realized of An Age of Peace On Earth!" And "All the More A Reason," and "Purpose," for "Peace Demonstrations," and "For Peace Dialogues," to "Replace The Violence," and "Brutality of War," and "Immoral Acts of Torture," and "Inhumane Crimes Against One's Fellow Human Being" from "Continuing to Occur!"

- Extra Noteworthy News-Headlines of The Fourth Estate," and "Breaking News Spotlights of The Global Cross Media News Sphere's Reported" on Monday, The Sixteenth of October 2023, "A Spokesman for Hamas Military Wing, Izz ad-Din al-Qassam Brigades, Abu Obeida Stated," in A TV Appearance that, "Hamas had Two Hundred Hostages," and "Fifty More were Being Held" by Other "Resistance Factions," and "In Other Places." And also that, "Foreign Hostages were Our Guests," and "Vowed to Protect Them, and to Release Them Whenever Conditions "on The Ground" Allow for It."
The Saying "Action Speaks Louder than Words," "Will Be The Proof of Hamas' Intentions!" And "Whether or Not," "There is Any Truth to Their Intentions Lies in The Balance!" 
And "The Eight Billion People/Citizens of The Sovereign Solar Community of Civilized Nations are Witnesses" of "Whether or Not," "There is Any Real" and "True Code of Morality," and "Ethics," "Consciousness," or "Sense of What is Right from Wrong," by "This Militant Group!"
And "Let's Agree" that "Hostages Should Not Be Used as A Bargaining Chip!" "There is Absolutely No Integrity," or "Morality," to "This Cowardly Act!"
- "Global Cross Media News Universe, Insights, New Horizons, News Purview's, and Global Perspectives"- "President Joseph R. Biden"s Address to The Nation"- And "The Defense of Democratic Sovereign Solar Nations" is "Crucial to Living in Peace," "Freedom," "Equality," "Justice," and "An Egalitarian Age of Earthwide Equilibre," "Equanimity," "Unity," "Civil," and Human Rights,"and "Environmental," and "Ecological Harmony,"-
And, "A New Age" of "Earthwide Information," "Communication," "Sociological," "Environmental," "Humanitarian," "Philosophical," "Journalistic," "Political," "Candid,"  "Straightforward," "Purview's," and "Overview"s," of "Current," "Contemporary," and "Far Reaching," "Prescient Visions," "Stories of Interest," and "Earthwide Affairs," and "Events," that "Coalesce," and "Merge" with "An Honest," "Omniscient," and "Omnipotent Spirit," and "Soul Force Of The People,"- Extra Noteworthy News- "Evil is A Real Threat to All of Our Lives"-

"Headlines of The Fourth Estate," and "Breaking News Spotlights of The Global Cross Media News Sphere's Reported" on "Thursday The Nineteenth of October 2023," that "President Joseph Robinette Biden Jr. The 46th," and "Current President of The United States of America," "Gave An  Address to The Nation from The Oval Office!"

And "President Biden who is Known Earthwide" as "Being One of The Staunch Defenders of Democracy," and "The Territorial Integrity of The United Community of Sovereign Solar Nations who Believe in Peace," "Spoke Candidly," and "Informatively" about "The Significance of America's Defense of The Sovereign Solar Nation of Ukraine," who was "Unlawfully," and "Malevolently Attacked without Cause" or "Any Valid Reason" by "The Russian Federation Forces," and "The Significance of America's Defense" and "Support," of "The Sovereign Solar Nation of Israel," who was "Attacked by Hamas Militants," in "A Cowardly," and "Violent Sneak Attack Upon Innocent Israeli Citizens!"

"The Presidents Reasoning" was "Compelling," "Forceful," and "Compassionate!" And "Did Not Lack in Detail," "Purpose," or "Cognition," as "He Explained" that "Hamas and Putin represent different threats, but they share this in common: They both want to completely annihilate a neighboring democracy," .... And "In regards to America's Commitment," and "Aid Proposal," to "Provide Humanitarian," and "Military Support for Ukraine," and "Israel," "Which Must Be A Significant" and "Ongoing Investment," (that "Could Be as Much as $100 Million Dollars,") "Against The Anti- Democratic Factions," and "Terrorism," and "Radical Militants," who "Use Extreme," "Violent," "Evil-Minded," "Cowardly," and "Aggressively Confrontational," and "Unlawful Acts of Brutality," "Against Innocent Citizens," "The President Strongly Putting Forth A Rationale Assessment," of "What has to Transpire in America's Commitment in Defense of The Sociological Security of The Earths Populace," by Saying, "Its a smart investment that's going to pay dividends for American security for generations, help us keep American troop's out of harms way, help us build a world that is safer and more peaceful and more prosperous for our children and grandchildren."

"To Those of you who heard President Biden's Address to The Nation," It is Clearly Evident" that "America is Very Fortunate" to have "His Strong Leadership," that is "Well- Defined" with "Characteristics," and "Qualities" that are "Skillful," "Experienced," "Knowledgeable," "Virtuous," and "Proficiently Competent," to "Guide The Nation Thru This Pressing Time Period," "When Forces of Pure Evil," and "Anti- Democratic Factions," (Both Domestically, and Internationally) are "Attempting to Undermine Our Constitutional," "Universal," and "Spiritual Tenets," and "Principles," thru "Outright Lies," "False," and "Divisive Rhetoric," and "Thru Hostile Militarism!"

And to "Those who Have Not," "Take A Moment to See," "Hear," and/or "Read President Biden's Address to The Nation," "For We have Clearly Entered into A Time Period," When "All of Our Lives are Dependent Upon Defending The Constitutional Principles," and "Values," that "We were Taught," and "Brought Up," to "Believe in," "In Our Homes," "Schools," and "Universities," "Places of Worship," and "The Work Place," and "The Time has Come for Us," "One and All." to "Be Actively Engaged" in "Knowing What The Truth is," and "Trusting in The Knowledge" and "Facts," that "We are Being Faced with!"

 And "Its Time for Us," "One and All," to "Vote for" and "Elect," "Women," and "Men," who are "Truthsayers," "Peacemakers," and "Highly Respected Interdependent Individuals," who are "Devoted Public Servants," and "Commended Diplomats," who "Have Found Purpose in Life" by "Enhancing," "Empowering," "Improving," and "Spiritually," "Developing Opportunities," to "Academically," "Empirically," "Creatively," Compassionately," "Innovatively," and "Inspiringly," "Encourage" and "Usher in" "A New Era," "Composed with Sociological Sphere's of Influential Data," and "Facts," and "An Earthwise Universe of Poly Systems," that "Have Been Established," and "Put in Place," to "Build A Peacetime Foundation," Upon Which, "A Bold," and "Resourceful," "New Civilization" of The Twenty- First Century,, "Can Thrive," and "Prosper!" 

 And "If New Partnerships," and "New Alliances," are "To Take Place," "America," and "The Sovereign Solar Community of Peace- Loving Nations," "Will Need Courageous Leaders" who are "Bridgemakers," "Builder's," and "Visionaries," of "A New Era," and "Eon," of "Sociological Development and Growth Earthwide," to "Defend The Universal Principles of The Multi- Cultural Societies of All The People," and who are "Dedicated," and "Committed" to "A New Age," and "Renaissance of Humanity," and "Egalitarianism!" 

And "Religious Leaders Can Not Hesitate," "Procrastinate," and/or "Delay," from "Engaging" in "A Purposeful Dialogue" with "All of The Factions Involved" in "This New Heightened Period of Militarism!"
And "Peace Dialogues," and "Territorial Dialogues," "Must Begin in All Sincerity," and "Honesty," And "Difficult Negotiations Must Be Conducted," and "New Agreements Must Be Entered into" that "May Not Be to Everyone's Satisfaction!"  And "Compromises Must Be Made!" 

But, "The Time to Act is Now!" "Time is of The Essence," If "Lives are To Be Saved!" "Too Many have Died Already," "Whether It Be in The Sovereign Solar Nations of Ukraine," or "Israel!" 
And "The Middle East," and "Eastern Europe," have "Had More than Enough War," and "Military Conflicts," to "Last for Eons!"

-( Note that, "As Israel Continues to Strike Back Upon Hamas Targets in The Gaza Strip," and "Hezbollah Positions in The North," and "In Defense of Its Citizens," that "The Visits" of "U.S. President Joseph Robinette Biden Jr.," "French President Emmanuel Jean-Michel Frederic Macron," and "Dutch Prime Minister Mark Rutte," and "German Chancellor Olaf Scholz," and "Italian Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni," and "Cypriot President Nikos Christodoulides, and "U.K. Prime Minister Rishi Sunak," and "Spanish Prime Minister Pedro Sanchez Perez-Castejon," are "All Very Supportive," and "Cognitive," of "The Overall Significance of This New Escalation in Terrorism," and "The Hostile Attacks of Militant Factions Against The Sovereign Solar Community of Nations who Believe in Peaceful Co-Existence on Earth," and "Israel's Territorial Integrity," and "Rights to Exist as A Sovereign Solar Democratic Free Nation!")-
 - "Global Cross Media News Universe, Insights, New Horizons, News Purview's Global Perspectives"- And "The Voyage of A Peacemaker," and "Defender of The Egalitarian," "Humanitarian," and "Civil Rights," of "All The People"-
And, "A New Age" of "Earthwide Information," "Communication," "Sociological," "Environmental," "Humanitarian," "Philosophical," "Journalistic," "Political," "Candid," "Straightforward," "Purview's," and "Overview"s," of "Current," "Contemporary," and "Far Reaching," "Prescient Visions," "Stories of Interest," and "Earthwide Affairs," and "Events," that "Coalesce," and "Merge" with "An Honest," "Omniscient," and "Omnipotent Spirit," and "Soul Force Of The People,"- Extra Noteworthy News- "Evil is A Real Threat to All of Our Lives"-

"Common Sense Should Be The Main Factor in Supporting The Voyage of U.S. President Joseph R. Biden Jr. to The Sovereign Solar Nation of Israel" by "All of The Sovereign Solar Community of Nations of The Middle East!"

"Common Sense," "Universal Cognition," "Intelligence," and "Empirical," and "Historical Knowledge of The Human Behavior of All The Factions" that "Have Either Been Divisive," and/or "Been Committed to Peace in The Middle East," "Must Be The Main Factors in Deciding Who Will Bring Peace," and "Territorial Integrity to The Middle East," and "Bring An End of War," and "An End of One Military Conflict after Another!"

And "It Must Be Obvious by Now" that "War only Begets More War," and "Violence!"

And "Once Again Time is of The Essence," "Peace Dialogues Must Begin Immediately without Delay!"

And "Yes, As A Civilized Moral," and "Ethical People of The Twenty- First Century," "We Should Mourn for Those who Have Died Due to War," and "Violence!" But "Let's Not Betray Those Innocent Lives who've Died in Vain" by "Causing More Violence!"

And "Yes Let's Protest Non-Violently!" And "Let's Demonstrate Non-Violently!" But "Lets Give Our Full Support Behind Attaining Peace in The Middle East," and "On Earth," that "The Multi-Cultural Societies," and "Rainbow Communities," and "The Grand Tapestry," and "Fabric of The Eight Billion Citizens/People of The Sovereign Solar Community of Nations Can Believe in" and "Trust," and "Feel Safe," and "Secure in The Reality" that "Peace is within Reach," and "Can Be Attained in The Second Decade of The Twenty First Century!" And "For The Sake of The Youth of The Earth!"

-(Note that, "Humanitarian Aid to Gaza is Imperative!" "Innocent Lives Must Be Saved!" And "Both Israel," and "Hamas," "Must Agree to The Establishment of A Humanitarian Corridor for The Innocent," and "Hospital Victims," to "Be Taken to Safety!" "Time is of The Essences," "If Lives are To Be Saved!" ....
And "President Joseph R. Biden Jr. has Announced Sending $100 Hundred million in new U.S. Funding for Humanitarian Assistance in both Gaza" and "the West Bank.")-

And "The Sovereign Solar Nation of Israel's Call on Friday, The Thirteenth of October 2023" to "Evacuate Millions of Palestinian Citizens from Northern Gaza to The Southern Part of The Territory that Border's Egypt," "in Advance of An Israeli Invasion," (Including Other Nationals) is "An Illogical Nightmare," that "Can only Be Fully Achieved with Assistance with The United Nations," and "The United States," "Egypt," and "Other Regional Sovereign Solar Nations," who are"Committed to Peace," and "Security in The Middle East!" "The Time to Act is Now!"

And "Unless Israel has A Change in Mind," "Humanitarian Leaders," and "Leaders of The Sovereign Solar Community of United Nations Must Provide Transportation for The Palestinians," and "Other Nationals Immediately!")-
-"Global Cross Media News Universe, Insights, New Horizons, News Purview''s, and Global Perspectives,"- "Headlines of The Fourth Estate," and "Breaking News Spotlights of The Global Cross Media News Sphere's Reported" that, "Representative James Michael "Mike" Johnson, "A Republican from The State of Louisiana, and "First Elected to to The House in 2016," and "Vice Chair of The House Republican Conference from 2021 to 2023," and "Who has The Backing of Conservative Evangelicals," has "The Distinction" of "Having The Shortest House Membership Tenure in Becoming The 56th Speaker of The United States House of Representatives," in "One Hundred and Forty Years!"-
And, "A New Age" of "Earthwide Governance," "Communication," "Information," "Philosophical," "Sociological," "Environmental," "Humanitarian," "Journalistic," "Political," "Candid," and "Straightforward," "Purview's," and "Overview"s," of "Current," "Contemporary," and "Far Reaching," "Prescient Visions," "Stories of Interest," and "Earthwide Affairs," and "Events," that "Coalesce," and "Merge" with "An Honest," "Omniscient," and "Omnipotent Spirit," and "Soul Force Of The People,"- Extra Noteworthy News- "The Pursuit of Speaker of The U.S. House of Representatives,"-

"As Political History has Recorded in The United States of America," "Representative Kevin Owen McCarthy, The 55th Speaker of The House of Representatives," from The State of California, was "Removed from The Prestigious," and "Highly Coveted Office of Speaker," on Tuesday, The Third of October 2023!"
"The Rules of The 118th Congress are The Next Person Named on A List Submitted by Representative Representative McCarthy to The Clerk of The House in January Will Become Speaker Pro Tempore" until "A Speaker is Elected!" And that Person is, "Representative Patrick Timothy McHenry from The State of North Carolina" (Chair of The House Financial Services Committee)!

And Thursday, The Nineteenth of October 2023, "The Republican Front Runner," "James Daniel "Jim" Jordan from The State of Ohio," "The GOP Front Runner to Become The Next Speaker of The House Decided to Suspend His Efforts to Become House Speaker," and then On The Same Day, "Reversed His Decision and Decided to Try Again" in "A Third Vote," Which He Lost on Friday, The Twentieth of October 2023 (Once Again to Representative Jeffries) "This Time" by "A Vote of 210 to 194" with "Two Abstentions on Both Sides!"

As You Can Clearly See, "On The Democratic Party Side of The House of Representatives Political Party Equation," "Members of The House Democratic Caucus who Unanimously Elected Representative Hakeem Sekou Jefferies Democrat from The State of New York" to "Succeed Nancy Patricia Pelosi from The State of California" have "Continued to Be Their Unanimous Choice to Become The Next House Speaker!" And As You Can Clearly See, "Representative Jeffries Has Won All Three Votes Against Representative Jordan for Speaker!"
"Winning The First Vote for House Speaker," by "A Significant Margin," of "212 Votes for Representative Jeffries" to "200 Votes for Representative Jordan," ("With Twenty Republicans Voting Against Rep. Jordan in The First Vote") and "Winning The Second Vote by A Vote of 212 for Representative Jeffries," and "199 Votes for Representative Jordan," ("With Twenty-Two Republican Votes Against Rep. Jordan in The Second Vote")!

And "The Question" is "Since The United States of America is A Democracy," "Why Not Change The House Rules" and "Allow for "Political Confrontations" Such as; "The One We've Just Witnessed from Taking Place Again in The Future" that "Permits Whomever the "Speaker Pro Tempore," is "With The Powers of An Actual Speaker of The House of Representatives for An Agreed Upon Time Period that Would; (1) "Prevent A Government Shutdown of Threatened" or, (2) "Provide Funding for An Ally," or "Sovereign Solar Nation in Need," Such as; "Ukraine," and/or "Israel" or, (3) "Provide Funding for Government Programs that Provide for The Defense," and "The Sociological Security" and "Healthcare of The United States of America," as well as "Nationwide Infrastructure Repairs," "Energy," and to "Combat Climate Warming," and "In Support of Human Rights," and "Civil Rights," and "An End of Poverty," are also "Serious Reasons to Consider Changing The House Rules!"
Or,"Allow for The Majority of Votes," to "Be The Dominant Factor for Electing The Speaker of The House of Representatives!"

"Or Choose A Member of The House of Representatives who Can Garner Enough Bipartisan Support" to "Be Elected The House Speaker!" "A Member of The House of Representatives" who has "All that is In The Best Interests of The American People," and "The United States of America!"

However, "The Most Pressing Questions" are "How Much Damage Will The Republican Party Cause The Domestic," and "International Affairs," of "The United States of America," and "Tarnish The Overall Concept" and "Example," of "How Best A Democracy Can Function!"

"The Best Hope's" are "A Political" and "Sociological Correction," "Can Be Made in The 2024 Election" that "Is Truly in The Best Interests of The American People," and "Free People Earthwide Wherever The Sun Rises and Sets O'er The Earth's Twenty- Four Time Zones (Regions) of The Earths Sovereign Solar Union of Nations Territories!"
"What is Certain" is "A Change Must Come," and "Freedom," "Equality," and "Justice Must Prevail!"

-(Note that, Global Cross Media News Reports are Friday, The Twentieth of October 2023 "The Republican Conference Met Behind Closed Doors" to "Conduct A Secret Ballot," on "Whether or Not Representative James Daniel "Jim" Jordan Should Remain The Republican Party Nominee!"
"Eighty- Six Members Voted for Him to Remain in The Race," and "One Hundred and Twelve Voted Against Him!"
"The Question" is, "Who Will Be The Next House Republican to Emerge from The List of Eight Candidates," Who are "Running to Be The Next House Speaker!")-

-Extra Noteworthy News-

Wednesday, The Twenty-Fifth of October 2023, "Headlines of The Fourth Estate," and "Breaking News Spotlights of The Global Cross Media News Sphere's Reported" that, "Representative James Michael "Mike" Johnson, "A Republican from The State of Louisiana, and "First Elected to to The House in 2016," and "Vice Chair of The House Republican Conference from 2021 to 2023," and "Who has The Backing of Conservative Evangelicals," has "The Distinction" of "Having The Shortest House Membership Tenure in Becoming The 56th Speaker of The United States House of Representatives," in"One Hundred and Forty Years," with "Unanimous Republican Support!"

- (Note that, "Four Significant Points of Interest about The New Republican Speaker is; (1) "Speaker Johnson Took the Lead in Filing A Lawsuit," that "Was Thrown Out by The United States Supreme Court," that "Attempted to Overturn Joseph R. Biden Jr.'s 2020 Presidential Election Victory" and, (2) "Supported Some of The Election Conspiracy Theories Falsely Expressed by "The then- President of The United States of America Donald John Trump," and, (3) "Voted Against President Biden's Victory even After The Jan. 6th Attack Upon The United States Capitol" and, (4) "With The 2024 Presidential Election Looming Before The Nation," "There are New Concerns about The New Speakers Intentions," "Political Priorities," as well as "What His Conservative Evangelical Republican Legislative Programs Will Be Concerning; "The Financial," and "Humanitarian Support of The Sovereign Solar Nation of Ukraine," and "Women's Rights to Choose," and "Support for The Sovereign Solar Nation of Israel," and "Where Does the New Speaker Stand" on "Preventing A Government Shutdown," are "Just A Few of The Most Serious Concerns!"

And "The Final Question" is, "Will Speaker Johnson Be Willing to Work" with "Representative Jeffries, House Minority Leader," and "Leader of The House Democratic Caucus," and "The House Democrats," and "Just as Importantly," "Will He Be Open to Working with President Biden," Especially with, "The Emergence of All the Recent News Coverage" by "The Global Cross Media News Sphere's," and "The Fourth Estate," that "Speaker Johnson" was "The Architect of Former President Donald John Trump's Legal Efforts to Overturn The 2020 Presidential Election," "A Former President," who was "Twice Impeached President by The U.S. House of Representatives," "Ironically!"

-(Note that, "The Former President Lost the 2020 Presidential Election," "In A Legal," "Just," and "Fair Election" to "President Joseph Robinette Biden Jr. The 46th" and "Current President of The United States of America," by "More than Seven Million Votes," (81, 284, 666 (51.3%) to Trump's 74, 224, 319 (46.9%) Million) and "Was Certified by The Electoral College" (President Biden Received 306 Electoral Votes to Trump's 232 Electoral Votes!" And "Counted by The U.S. Congress at A Special Joint Session on The Sixth of January 2021!" "Two Hundred and Seventy Electoral Votes are Needed to Be Elected President!" And There was "No Evidence of Fraud!" Which was "Supported by Courts across The Nation" and "The Supreme Court of The United States as well!")."
- "Global Cross Media and Nationwide News" from "The Washington D.C. Eye" on "The U.S. Unemployment Insurance Claims The Week Ending The Twenty- First of October 2023," "Revealed A Modicum of Increases" from "The Previous Week of October 14, 2023,"-

And, "Headlines of The Fourth Estate," and "Breaking News Spotlights of The Global Cross Media News Sphere's are "The UAW has Reached A Tentative Agreement" with "Detroit's Big Three" "Which is Good News" for "America's Economic Recovery"-

And "Mortgage Rates Show A Slight Increase,"-

And, Friday, The Sixth of October 2023 "The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics Reported" that "Total Nonfarm Payroll Employment Rose by 336,000 in September 2023,"-

And "Wednesday, The Twenty- Seventh of September 2023, "The Federal Reserve Raised Interests Rates A Quarter Percentage Point," in "A Targeted Range Between 5.25% - 5.5%,"-

And "With The U.S. Unemployment Rate at 3.8% in The Month of September," "Which Remains, Quite Impressively," at "One of The Lowest Rates of Unemployment since 1969," And, by "All Standards," at "A Historically Low Level!"

And, "The Annual Inflation Rate for The United States at 3.7%" for "The Twelve Months Ending in September 2023," and "This Amongst The Lowest Rates Its Been since March, 2021,"-

And "On Tuesday, The Nineteenth of September 2023," "The GDPNow Model Estimation for GDP Growth (Gross Domestic Product Growth) that "Provides an In Depth" and "Comprehensive Measure of U.S. Economic Activity in The Third Quarter of 2023," is "4.9 Percent,"-

And "While Questions of The Veracity," and "Recovery of The U.S. Economy Continue to Persist," "Overall Improvements in The U.S. Economy Continue," and "The Biden/Harris Administration," and "The Democratic Party," Still have "Good Reason to Be Proud of Their Economic Accomplishment,"-
And, "A New Era of Economic" and "Financial Prognostications are Upon Us,"-

And, "From An Overall Purview," and "Streetwise Economic Perspective," "These Changes," "Whether They Be Decreases," and/or "Increases," in "The U.S. Unemployment Rate," and "The Annual Inflation Rate," at Present, "Simply Do Not Reflect or Suggest," "The Advent of A Negative Downturn in The United States Economy!" Which is and Remains," "Good News" for "The American People," and "The Biden/Harris Administration," and "The Democratic Party!"-

And "The Passage of The Forty- Five Day Bipartisan Short-Term Continuing Resolution" to "Keep Federal Agencies," "Programs," and "Other Services Operating," by "A Vote of 335 to 91," "Displays How The U.S. Congress Can Work Together!"
But It Should Not Take An Government Emergency of Great Consequence" to "Bring about This Positive Act of Governance on Behalf of The American People!" "This Should Be A Normal Process of Governing by The Congress" in "Taking Care of Business on Behalf of The Nation!" And, "Avoid Further Embarrassment in Governance" that "Has Mainly Been Caused" by "The Chaotic," "Unpatriotic," "Outrageous," and "Repugnant," "Legislative Behavior of House Republicans!"

_(Note that, "It Took The Support of House," and "Senate Democrats to Pass This Short Term Funding Bill to Keep The Government Open!"

However, "The U.S. Congress and President Biden Still Need to Approve Final Appropriations," and, "The Passage of This Short-Term CR by The U.S. House of Representatives," and "The U.S. Senate," "Should Provide Them The Extra Time Needed to Do So!" And "This is Good News" for "The American People!" Although The Chaos in The Republican Party in The House of Representatives" has "Not Ceased" and "Still Presents Serious Reason to Be Concerned!" "The Short-Term CR Funding of The U.S. Government Ends on The Seventeenth of November 2023!"

And "The UAW Auto Worker Strike" that "Began on Friday, The Fifteenth of September 2023," has "Reached A Tentative Agreement!" "The Recent News Update," by "The Fourth Estate," and "The Global Cross Media News Sphere's" on Tuesday, The Thirty- First of October 2023 that, "A Tentative Agreement has "Been Reached by Ford" "Stellantis," "GM,"and "The United Auto Workers (UAW)" is "A Significant Step Forward Towards New Labor Relations Between The UAW and Manufacturers!"
-(Note that, "This Agreement Still Needs to Be Ratified by "A Majority of Members of The UAW!")-

-Note that, "This has Been The Longest US Auto Strike in Twenty- Five Years!" And Global Cross Media News Reports are ""The Cost Factor," "Just Over The First Five Weeks Alone" had "An Economic Impact of $9.3 Billion Dollars!" "However That Might Be A Low Figure" "Especially If You Include The Costs Incurred" by "Businesses Small," and "Big,"who "Depend on The Automobile Industry for Their Profits,"and "Livelihood!"
And "When you Include The Damage Caused to The U.S. Economy" over "The Almost Seven Week Old Strike" that also "Included The Work Stoppages," and "Lay Offs" "This Tentative Agreement Could Not have Occurred at a More Propitious Moment in Time!"

Obviously, "This Tentative Agreement Still Needs to Be Ratified by "Rank- and File Members" Before "It Can Be Considered A Done Deal," that "Everyone is Satisfied with!"

But "It Must Be Stated "Clearly," "Emphatically," and "Succinctly," that "The UAW," and "Manufacturers," have "A Great Responsibility" and "Patriotic Duty," to "Resolve Any Remaining Issues" Concerning; "Wages," "Benefits," and "Paid Time Off," and "Whatever Else Needs Adjusting" without "Any Further Delay!" For "Time is of The Essence," and "The American People Expect Nothing less than This!"

And "The Biden/Harris Administration Must Continue to Act as Voices of Reason," and "Impartial Advisors," to "Bring An Acceptable Resolution to This Strike," As Soon as Possible!"-

However, "Let's Fully Comprehend" and "Agree," that from "A Cognitive Point of View," and "Legislative Position of Thought," that "For The Economic Recovery in The U.S. to Continue" on "An Upward" and "Forward Path," and "For True Governance in A Democratic Sovereign Nation to Prevail," "Its Democratic Principles," and "Oaths of Office Must Be Respected," and "Maintained," and," "The Oath that The GOP Took to Govern on Behalf of The American People" "Does Not Involve in Anyway Whatsoever," "The Shutting Down of The Government of The United States of America!"

And "The Blatant," "Chaotic," "Unpatriotic," and "Obstructive Lack of Governance by The Republican Party," is "A Grave Offense," that is "Nothing Less than An Outrageous," and "Immoral Breach of Code of Ethics," and "A Violation of The Oath" that "They Pledged to Represent The American People!"

"The Republican Party Must Remember" that "They Took An Oath" to "Discharge the duties of the office on which I am about to enter. So help me God!"" .... And to, "Support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic. And, "This Oath" or "Affirmation" is also "An Allegiance to The United States of America," "Not to A Party Ideology," or "A Big Lie!"

And, "It's Time for The GOP" to "Conduct The Business of The Nation," and "The American People," with "All that Is In The Best Interest of The United States of America!" And, "In Conjunction," and "Respect with," and "In Alignment with," "Its Allies" who "Believe in Peace," "Freedom," "Justice," and "Equality," "Wherever The Sun" and "The Moon," "Rise and Sets O'er The Lands," and "Seas," "Earthwide!"

And "If There ever was A Moment in Time to Make A Politically," "Constructive," "Efficacious," and "Essential Correction" in "The Government Of The People, By The People, and For The People," in "The United States of America," that "Time is Now! And "The 2024 Elections Can Not Come Soon Enough!"

And "Let Us Agree" that, "To Simply Say" that "It is Truly Unfortunate" and/or "Simply Beyond The Pale," that "The Ongoing Chaos," and "Lack of Professionalism" and "Maturity," " that "The Republican Party Continues to Display," by "Engaging in Using Destructive," "Unpatriotic," and "Obstructionist Tactics in An Effort to Demean and Discredit President Biden," Instead of "Presenting Positive Legislation," and "Policies" that are "Beneficial to The Multi- Cultural Communities," and "Environmental and Ecological Tapestry," and "Fabric Of The Republic," and "The Democratic Principles of America," and "Its Government Of The American People, By The American People, and For The American People, and "The Youth of The Nation!" And, "Give Their Full Support to The United States Constitution," And, "The Egalitarian Laws of The Land," is "Simply Not Enough to Say about," "This No Platform Party" of "The Big Lie!"

And "The Fact, that "The GOP Continues to Legislate in The Worst Way Possible," by "Using The Threat of Impeachment," and "Partisan Politics," and by "Continuing to Spew Forth A Dangerous," and "Senseless Political Precedence" of "Having No Platform," "Threatening to Force A Government Shutdown," and "Supporting The Big Lie," are "Offenses that America Can Not Afford to Endure!"

And "What is Without A Doubt An Astonishing Observation to Make" is that "Without A Sense of Conscious Regret" and/or "Show Remorse for Their Actions," "The Republican Party Continues" to "Seemingly Take Pride in Being An Aggravant in U.S. Politics!"

And "It is of Great Significance to Note" that, "The GOP in No Way Resembles The Political Party of Highly Notable President's," and "Greatly Respected Personnages" Such as; "Former Republican Presidents Abraham Lincoln," The 16th President of The United States of America, or "Theodore "Teddy" Roosevelt Jr.," or "Dwight David "Ike" Eisenhower," The 34th President of The United States of America, or "Ronald Wilson Reagan" The 40th President of The United States of America! The 26th President of The United States of America,

In His Farewell Address, "President George Washington said, "the alternate domination" of one party over another, and coinciding efforts to exact revenge upon their opponents have led to horrible atrocities, and "is itself a frightful despotism."

Global Cross Media News Reports are Thursday, The Twenty- Sixth of October 2023, "The Bureau of Labor Announced" that "The Advanced Figure for Seasonally Adjusted Initial Claims was 210, 000," "An Increase of 10, 000 from "The Previous Weeks Revised Up Level to 200, 000," from "198, 000!" And "This Still Remains at The Lowest Level that Its Been since January 2023!"

And, "The Four Week Moving Average was 207, 500," was "An Increase of 1,250 from The Previous Weeks Revised Up Average of 206,250 from 205, 750!"

And, "On Average The U.S. Economy" has "Been Adding Approximately 236, 000 Jobs per Month This Year!"

And, When You Include, "The U.S. Annual Inflation Rate at 3.7%," and "The U.S. Economic Growth for The Third Quarter," "Both of These Statistics Together are Positive Signs," that "The Economic Recovery in The United States of America," is "For The Moment," "On Course Towards Improving The Overall Financial Conditions," and "Lifestyles of The American People!"

And, "The Question" of "Whether The U.S. Job Market Will Continue to Remain Strong or Decline," "For The Moment," has "Been Answered," and "Still Remains Strong!"

-(Note that, "This Overall Economic Streetwise Assessment Can Change ," "Especially if "The Legislative Chaos of The Republican Party in The U.S. House of Representative is Not Satisfactorily Resolved in The Near Future," to "The Degree that The American People are Not Caused a Major Setback in Their Lifestyles," and "The Markets Don't Panic!")-

And, Whether or Not, "Private Sector Employment," and/or "Hiring in General" has "Slowed Down," "Including Whatever The Labor Market Forecast is," or "Whether or Not There Will Continue to Be An Increase in Notices of Layoffs at Major Companies," has also "Been Answered for The Moment," with "The Recent U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics Report on Friday, The Sixth of October 2023,"!" that "The Total Nonfarm Payroll Employment Rose by 336,000 in September 2023!"

And "It Must Be Noted" that "These Jobs have Been Added During A Time Period of High Interest Rates," and that is "A Cognitive Economic Overview to Make," as "Autumn of 2023 Enters The Foray of Economic Perspectives," of "What The U.S. Economic Recovery Will End Up Being" as "The Winter Season Approaches," and "This Will Be A Positive Note of Interest to Surmise" as "2024 Arrives!"

However, "You Can Continue to Expect" that "From Within This Post CoronaVirus Phase of Our Lives," "You Can Expect Unemployment Insurance Claims" to "Vary Back and Forth" within "A Margin of Change," and "Variation," and "Unless There is A Serious Economic Dilemma," or "Financial Conundrum," of "Some Sort," "Caused by A Global Pandemic," "Outbreak of War," or "A Serious Banking Failure," and "Earthwide Conditions," "Coupled with Issues," and "Profound Circumstances," and "Aggravations" that "Have Been Exacerbated by Politician's," and/or "Factions," who "Profit from Causing Chaos," and "Divisiveness," "These Increases," and "Decreases in Unemployment," When They Occur, "Will Be Deemed Reasonable," and "Acceptable," by "Market Specialists," "Economic Pundits," and "Streetwise Economists!"

And Although Global Cross Media News Reports Show that, "The Current Mortgage Rates for The 26th of October, 2023" are; (A) 30 Year Mortgage Rate- Has Shown An Increase from 8.25% to 8.29%" (+0.04) and, (B)- 15 Year Fixed Rate- Has Shown A Decrease from 7.39% to 7.34% (-0.05) and, (C)- 30 Year Jumbo Mortgage Rate- Has Shown A Slight Increase from 8.12% to 8. 13% (+0.01), And "While These Increases" and "Decreases," in Mortgage Rates are Taking Place," and "This is Not Good News for Borrowers," and "College Undergraduates," (For Example) "Who have Taken Out Federal Loans for The 2023 - 2024 School Year!"
"It is Important to Delineate" and "Portray," Once Again that "These Mortgage Rates only Represent A Partial View into The Whole Scope of Relevant Information Apropos" de "The Overall Recovery of The U.S. Economy!"

And At Present, are "Not as Serious A Concern" as "The Possibility of A Government Shutdown," "Especially if The Chaos in The United States House of Representatives Initiated by The Republican Party," "Does Not Improve as The CR Passed by The U.S. Congress Funding The U.S. Government until The Seventeenth of November 2023 Comes to An End!"

And, "The Question" of ""Whether or Not There Will Be Another Pause" or "Increase" by "The Federal Reserve" has also "Been Answered," on Wednesday, The Twenty- Seventh of September 2023, with "Virtually No Increase," ("A Quarter a Percentage Point" to "A Targeted Range Between 5.25% - 5.5%,") after "An Aggressive FED Campaign" to "Slow Down The Pace of Inflation has Taken Place," (Although It is "Still The Highest Level that It has Been in 22 Years,").

And "Along with The U.S. Unemployment Rate at 3.8% in September," And that, "The Annual U.S. Inflation Rate is at 3.7%" "For the Twelve Months Ending in September 2023," and "Among The Lowest Levels Its Been since March 2021," "Demonstrates" that "The U.S. Economy Remains A Resilient One," and "Continues to Remain" on "A Consistent Course of Recovery," as "The Breaking News Spotlights of The Global Cross Media News Sphere's," and "Headlines of The Fourth Estate have Reported on Wednesday, The Twenty- Seventh of September 2023," that "The GDPNow Model Estimate for Real GDP Growth" (Seasonally Adjusted Annual Rate) in "The Third Quarter of 2023 is 4.9%!" And, "Diminishing Thoughts of A Recession" that were "Being Posed by Economic Pundits!"
And is "The Good News" that "The Biden/Harris Administration's Economic Recovery Analysis" has "Projected," and "Its Economic Indicators," had "Hoped for," and "Looked Forward to!"

-(And "With The Positive News Release" that "Ford," "Stellantis," "GM," and "The UAW," have "Reached A Tentative Agreement Bodes Well" for "The Automobile Industry, and "The Labor Movement," and "It also is A Positive Factor in Improving The Overall Recovery of The American Economy!" And then "There Will Be only The Incompetence of The House Republicans Left" to "Impede The Economic Growth," and "Improved Lifestyles for The American People!")-

But, "Let Us Agree" that "It has Become Plainly Obvious" that "A New Age of Earthwise Economics" and "Finance," "Banking," "Trade," and "Commerce," "Wall Street," and "Global Markets," and "The Forecasts," and "Expectations of Economic Pundits," (And also, "The Biden/Harris Administration" and "The Federal Reserve") are "Upon Us," and "A New Era of Economic" and "Financial Prognostications are Upon Us!" And "Even Being A Streetwise Financial Connoisseur May Not Suffice" as "The Waves" and "Incoming Tides of Sociological Changes Ebb and Flow O'er The Diverse Multi- Cultural Societies, and Rainbow Communities, Tapestry, Fabric" and "Foundations," of "The Twenty- First Century Civilization" of "The Almost Eight Billion Citizens/Populace of The Sovereign Solar Nations!"

However, "As New Facts Provide A Plethora of Financial and Economic Assessments" by "Wall Street," and "The Economic Pundits," and "The Federal Reserve System (FED)," and "The Biden/Harris Administration," "Let Us Still Remember" that "This Post CoronaVirus Phase of Our Lives," "Will Bring Forth A Variety of New Economic Prognostications," and "Financial Changes" and "Unaccoounted for Sociological Surprises," that "Without There Being Experienced Leadership in Positions" of "Government," and "Private," and "Public Sectors," that are "Highly Respected," "Cognitive," "Earthwise," "Perspective," "Insightful," and "Intelligent," "The U.S. Economic Recovery Will Be Hindered," "Impeded," "Flounder," and "Be Manipulated by Soulless Profit Mongers!" And, "Politics Must Be Removed from The U.S. Economic Recovery Equation!" "Why!" Because "The Lives," "Welfare," "Healthcare," and "Well Being," of "All The People are at Stake!"

-(And, Take Note that, "It is also of "Great Significance to Continue to Report" that "The Inflation Reduction Act of 2022," (A Budget Reconciliation Bill Sponsored by Senate Majority Leader Charles Ellis "Chuck" Schumer, Democrat from The State of New York," and "Joseph "Joe " Manchin III, Democrat from The State of West Virginia,) "Will Continue to have An Important Impact upon The United States in 2023!"

And, "The Fact" that It Will Invest Significantly" in, (1) "Domestic Energy Production and Manufacturing," and, (2) "Reduce Greenhouse Gas Emissions by Approximately Forty Percent by 2030," and "Below 2005 Levels," and "Reduce Prescription Drug Prices," and, (3) "Most Importantly Reduce The Deficit" and "Keep Inflation in Check," "Whatever Wall Streets Expectations are," and "Whatever Obstructionist Tactics The Republican Party May Mount," "Whether They Be Positive or Negative," "Most Impressively The Federal Reserve," and "The Biden/Harris Administration Continue to Forge Ahead with Their Economic Plans" to "Improve The Quality of Life for All Americans to Benefit from," and "Enjoy!")-

However, "There is Still A Great Deal to Be Done in The United States of America," and "No One is Saying" that "The U.S. is Not in Dire Need of Additional Financial Relief," For Example; "Students Still Need Their Loans Forgiven," and "The Poor and Transient American Citizens " are "Still in Need of Financial Assistance," and "A Real Sense" that "Their Lives have A Meaning," and "Investment in The Infrastructure of This Grand Ole Nation is Still Needed," "Bridges Need Repairing," and "Roads Need Repair," and "The Nations Ports," and "Railways Need Repair!" And, "These are Just A Few of The Nations Infrastructure Projects" that "Need Immediate Attention!"

"All of Which Brings One's Immediate Attention" to "The Chaotic," "Vengeful," and "Irresponsible Antics," "Obstruction Tactics," and "Negative Lawmaking" of "The Republican Party" that "Lacks in Credulity," and "Purpose," and "Is Meaningless in Improving The Overall Living Conditions" of "America's Diverse Multi- Cultural Societies, Rainbow Communities, Tapestry, and Fabric Of The People," and "For The People,"and "The Future of America," "The Youth of This Great Nation!"

And, "It's Time for The Republican Party to Join Ranks with This Patriotic Economic Recovery Effort," "Especially after The CoronaVirus Pandemic Crisis in The United States," "For The Sake of The Youth of America," and "For Their Education," and "Futures," and "The Healthcare," and "The Welfare of Their Families!"
And, "The Most Pervasive" and "Incomprehensible Economic Question" that "Continues to Assault The Senses," and "Cognitive Awareness of The American People" is, "Why is The Republican Party so Intent" on "Undermining The Democratic Government Of The People, By The People, and For The People!"

"The American People are in Need of," and are "Beginning to See," and "Benefit from," "The Positive All Inclusive Economic Initiative of The Biden/Harris Administration," and "Democratic Party," that "Is Focused on Empowering The Lives," and "Ameliorating The Financial Conditions" of "The Diverse Multi- Cultural Society, and Rainbow Community, Tapestry, and Fabric of America!"

-"Global Cross Media News Universe, Insights, New Horizons, News Purview's, Global Perspectives," And, "The Irresponsible Economic Policies," and "Lack of True Concern for The Youth of America," and "The Overall Concerns of The American People," by "The Republican Party"-

"What Does Not Make Any Sense Whatsoever" is "Why The Republican Party Continues to Demand," For Example; (1) "New Work Requirements on Social Safety Net Programs," Such as, "The Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program," (SNAP), Formally Known as "Food Stamps!"
And Yet, "The GOP Would Fight Any New Tax" on "Millionaires," and "Billionaires," and "Big Business," who "Could Actually Afford to Pay More Taxes," and "In Doing so, "Help Establish A Sense of Fairness in The U.S. Tax Paying System," and "Economic Parity," and "Sociological Security" in "The Capitalist Economy of The United States of America!"

"Isn't Helping Women," "Men," and "Children," who are "Less Fortunate Among Us," "A Good Thing to Do!" And, "A Positive Example" of "The Best Qualities" of "How A Democracy Cares for," and "Provides for," and "Protects Its Citizens!"

And, "Isn't Helping Those Among Us," who are "Less Fortunate," "A Constructive," and "Positive Way to Serve," "All that is In The Best Interests of The Diverse Multi- Cultural Society," and "Rainbow Community," Tapestry, and Fabric" of "The United States of America!" "What Happened to Being," "A Compassionate Conservative!"

And, "Another Issue" that "The Youth of America are Deeply Concerned with," and "They Should Be" is, "Why is The Republican Party So Aggressive in Attacking Student Loan Forgiveness!"

"Can You Imagine The Overall Sense of Relief," that "The Youth of America Would Experience" "If They Could Look Forward to A Future" that "Would Guarantee Free Education" for "Every Child in America!"

"Free Education for The Youth of America Would Be A Tremendous Offering" by "This Grand Ole Republic," "Democracy," and "Government Of The People, By The People, and For The People," and "Its Capitalistic Economy!"

"A Grand Capitalistic Offering" of "A Great Multi- Cultural Society," "Centered" and "Focused Upon A Program," and "Initiative," that" "Empowers The People," and "Encourages," and "Inspires The Youth of America to Get A Good Education," and "Bring A Higher Sense of Academic Achievement," and "Earthwise Equanimity," and "Universal Awareness to The Nation" that "Improves The Overall Quality of Life" for "This Diverse Multi- Cultural Society," and "Rainbow Community," and "Magnificent Tapestry, and Fabric" of "All The People of The United States of America!"

And In An Age, "Where So Many Sovereign Solar Nations are Offering Free Education," Such as, "Germany," "France," "Greece (Officially the Hellenic Republic)," "The Commonwealth of Australia," "The Kingdom of Belgium," "Denmark (The Most Populous Constituent of The Kingdom of Denmark)," "Hungary," "Iceland," "The Republic of Italy," "The Netherlands," "The Kingdom of Norway," "Scotland (Alba)," "The Kingdom of Spain," and "The Kingdom of Sweden," Just to Name a Few, "Clearly It is Time for The United States of America," "The Grand Ole Leader of Democracy," and "Capitalist Economy," to "Become One of The Core Leaders of Free Education Earthwide!"

And, "Its Time for The Republican Party to Be A Part of This Great Era" that "Supports Free Education," and "Excellence in Academic Achievement!"

"However, Whichever Way The Political Winds May Blow," and "After Crucial Government Decisions are Made," "The Business of The United States Congress Should Be" to "Get on with Creating Legislation" that is "In The Best Interests of The United States of America," and "In Defense of," and "In Protection of," "The Democratic Principles of The U.S. Constitution," and "The Republic," and "The Democratic Government Of The People, By The People, and For The People!" 
- "Global Cross Media News Universe, Insights, New Horizons, News Purview's, and Global Perspectives,"-And "No One is Above The Law," is "An Essential Core Principle in The United States of America," and "The U.S. Constitution!"-

"Let Us Clearly Acknowledge" that "If Anyone Behaved The Way that Former President Donald John Trump has Behaved in Court During The Civil Fraud Trial Brought Against Him by New York Attorney General Letitia Ann James," and "Made The Derogatory Statements that Mr. Trump has Been Rebuked," and "Reprimanded," by "Judge Arthur F. Engoron," a Judge of the Supreme Court 1st Judicial District in New York, "That Individual Would Be Severely Sanctioned Against," with "Quite Likely More than A Gag Order!"

And "The Question" of "Whether or Not The Former President has Been Given Special Leeway to Say" or "Do Whatever He Deems is Beneficial to His Own Business Practices," or "His Brand," without "Consequence," "May have Finally Reached Its Limit!"

-(Note that, Wednesday, The Twenty- Fifth of October 2023, The Former President was Fined $Ten Thousand Dollars" by "New York Judge Arthur F. Engoron" (in "A Civil Court Lawsuit of $250 Million Dollars Brought by The 67th Attorney General of New York Letitia Ann James,") for "Violating The Gag Order Barring Him from "Making Public Comments about Member's of The Judge's Staff!"

Judge Engeron said, "Anybody can run for president, I am going to protect my staff."

However, "The Question" to "What Degree Mr. Trump May Be Permitted to Say," or "Do Whatever He Would Like to," also "Remains Unanswered!" "Whether It Pertains to His Foundation," or "Taxes," "Business Organization," or "Politics!"

"At Present Former President Trump has Been Charged in Four Separate Criminal Cases over A Four-and- A- Half Month Period, and "Has also Been Charged with Ninety- One Criminal Counts," and "Its Time for Him to Be Judged Innocent" or "Guilty" in "A Court of Law!"

-(Note that, "The Civil Court Lawsuit of $250 Million Dollars Brought by Attorney General of New York Letitia Ann James Against The Former President Stated" that, "Former President Donald John Trump" and "His Company," "Deceived Banks, Insurers and Others by Massively Overvaluing His Assets and Exaggerating His Net Worth on Paperwork Used in Making Deals and Securing Financing!")-

"The Fundamental Principle that Exists in A True Democracy," is that "No One is Above The Law," and that "Everyone is Treated Equally under The Law," and "Everyone is Held Accountable to The Same Laws," and "Treated Equally," and "Justly in A Civilized Society!" However, "There is Little Doubt" that "Mr. Trump" is "A Challenge" to "This Vital," "Indispensable," "Proven," and "Essential Core Principle in The United States of America," and "The U.S. Constitution!"

But, "For The Truth," and "Justice to Prevail," "An Honest," "Fair," and "Just Accounting of Mr. Trump's Intentions," "Words," and "Actions," "Must Be Clearly Judged in A Court of Law," and "The Rule of Law Must Be Enforced" by "The U.S. Judiciary," and "Under The Laws of Democratic Governance" that are "Publicly Promulgated," and "Independently Adjudicated," and that are "Consistent" with "Human Rights," and "Civil Rights," and "The Principles of The United States Constitution!"
 - "Global Cross Media News Universe, Insights, New Horizons, News Purview's, Global Perspectives,"- And, "A New Age" of "Earthwide Sociological Affairs," and "Events," that "Coalesce," and "Merge" with "An Honest," "Omniscient," and "Omnipotent Spirit," and "Soul Force Of The People,"- Extra Noteworthy News- "Its Time for Peace Dialogues to Avert A Tragic Outburst of War in The Middle East"-

"As The Sun Sets and Rises O'er The Sovereign Solar Union of Nations of The Middle East," and "Its Diverse Multi- Cultural Societies," "Rainbow Communities," and "Extraordinary Environmental," and "Ecological Tapestries," and "Fabric of The Sociological Sphere's" that "Encompass The Citizens of This Region of The Earths Community of People," "The Sociological Realities," and "Complex Issues" of "War and Peace," and "Life and Death," "Continue to Spread from Sovereign Solar Nation" to "Nation!"
And "Words said In Anger," or "In Vengeful Fervor," without "Considering What The Consequences of What was said May Be," are "Finally Beginning to Be Fully Realized!" For Example; "When United States President Joseph Biden Warned The Islamic Republic of Iran," In An Interview on 60 Minutes, The CBS Newsmagazine," on Sunday, The Fifteenth of October 2023 In Response to A Question Posed by Scott Cameron Pelley, Journalist and Author, and Correspondent and Anchor for
CBS News, "What Message would you give to The Islamic Republic of Iran," and "Hezbollah," A Lebanese Shia Islamist Political Party, and Militant Group, that Is Backed by Iran, and Supports Hamas, (Where Limited Fighting is Taking Place on the Israel- Lebanese Border that Hezbollah Controls) "President Joseph Robinette Biden Jr. The 46th," and "Current President of The United States of America Replied, "Don't. Don't, don't, don't" Which Scott Pelley Responded Meaning, "Don't come across the border? Don't escalate this war? To Which President Joseph R. Biden Jr. Replied, "That's Right!" However Iran Obviously Did Not Listen," "Which has Resulted in President Biden Authorizing US F-16 Fighter Jets to Launch Airstrikes" on "Two Locations in Eastern Syria Linked to Iran's Revolutionary Guard Corps!"

- (Note that, "A Senior US Military Official" said, "There were No Civilians on The Base" that was "Targeted!")-

"Global Cross Media News Sphere's,"and "The Fourth Estate Reported" that "The U.S. Airstrikes were in Retaliation" for "Drone," and "Missie Attacks Made Against U.S. Bases," and "Personnel," in The Region," that Began Last Week!"

And "Clearly This is The Time for All of The Leaders of The Sovereign Solar Nations in The Middle East to Recognize" that "The United States," and "Israel," "Must Be Taken Seriously!" "And "When The President of The United States of America" say's, "Don't," "He Should Be Listened to!" And "Respected for His Candidness!"

And "Let's Clearly Comprehend" that "A Cowardly Sneak Attack by The Hamas Brigades," and "The Failure of A Bomb Going Off," ("Caused by The Palestinian Islamic Jihad Group") that "Caused The Deaths of Hundreds of Innocent People" at The Al- Ahli Baptist Hospital in Gaza," "Should Not Merit The Respect" of "Any Civilized Nation of The Twenty- First Century!"

"But The Leaders of The Sovereign Solar Nation of Israel While Accomplishing Purging," and "Ridding The Hamas Brigades,"and "Their Leaders," from "Having Any Real Influence in Gaza," and/or "In All of Palestine," "Must Develop A Plan" that "Addresses and Simultaneously Sets in Motion" to "A Clear Path" to "Establish A Two State Solution," that "Both Palestinian and Israeli Citizens Can Find Agreement with!" "For The Sake of The Youth of Both Sovereign Solar States," and "Future Generations," and "To Establish A Lasting Peace in The Middle East!"

However, "For A Positive," "Cognitive," and "All Inclusive Agreement to Take Place in The Middle East," "The People/Citizens," and "Leaders of Every Other Sovereign Solar Nation in The Middle East," "Ally," and/or "International Faction," "Must Cooperate," and "Not Allow Their Egos," or "Special Interests from Complicating," What is Already A Difficult Task!" "Which is to Bring A Peaceful Resolution to All of The Military Conflicts Presently Engaged in The Middle East!"
- "Global Cross Media News Universe, Insights, New Horizons, News Purview's, Global Perspectives,"- And, "A New Age" of "Earthwide Sociological," "Humanitarian," "Environmental," "Ecological," "Informational," "Communication," "Philosophical," "Candid," "Straightforward," "Current," and "Contemporary," "Earthwide Affairs," and "Events," that "Coalesce," and "Merge" with "An Honest," "Omniscient," and "Omnipotent Spirit," and "Soul Force Of The People,"-
And, "The Poor," and "Transient Populations," "Can Not," "Must Not," "Be Left Out of Any Earthwide Equation" that "Has Been," or "Is In The Planning Phases for Making A Better Life's Experience" for "All The People/Citizens," ("Women, " "Children," and "Men,") who "Comprise The Hearts," "Minds," "Spirits," and "Souls," of "The Sovereign Solar Community of United Civilized Nations!"- "They Must Be Included,"- The Saying "Them that's Got Shall Get, and Them that's Not Shall Lose," "Must Be A Saying of The Past," and "No Longer A Statement" that "Represents The Sociological Sphere's of Today's Present Generation," or "Future Generations,"-

"The Fact," that "1.1 Billion Out of 6.1 Billion People (Just over The Age if Eighteen)," "Live in Acute Multidimensional Poverty (Standard of Living," Healthcare," and Education)" "Across One Hundred and Ten Sovereign Solar Nations," is "A Heartbreaking," "Deeply Alarming,"and "Disturbing," Fact to Comprehend" in "This Day and Age," "When Billions Upon Billions of Dollars," or "Whatever Currency You May Prefer," is "Being Spent on War," and "Defense Spending!" -(Note that, "719 Million People are Living on A Daily Income of Less than $2.15!")-

And "However Necessary It May Be," Because of "The Threats Being Made" by "Evil Militants," and "Egotistical Despots," and "Anti- Democratic Factions," and "Sovereign Nations," who "Do Not Respect the Territorial Rights," or "The Civil Rights," or "The Human Rights," of "Innocent Citizens Earthwide," or "The Universal" and "Spiritual "Tenets," "Principles," "Doctrines," and "Laws," that "Every Generation was Taught to Believe in," "For A New Era of Egalitarianism," and "Peace on Earth," to "Finally Come to Be," "The Poor Must Be Included" in "This New Renaissance of Humanity!"

"This is The Twenty- First Century," and "Poverty Should No Longer Be A Threat to Our Earthwide Multi- Cultural Communities!"
And "The Times Demand" that "A Sincere Effort," and "Humanitarian Equation Be Made" by "All of The Philanthropic Groups," "Places of Worship," and "Global Businesses," and "Financial," and "Banking Institutions" of "Both The Private" and "Public Sectors," Combined with "A Sincere" and "Inspiring Effort by The Leaders of The United Community of Sovereign Solar Nations," to "Establish A New Era" of "Sociological Security," that "Includes The Poor," "Wherever The Sun Rises and Sets O'er This," "Our Home Planet Earth!" 
- United Interdependent Global Activists- The Way To Peace! #267- (Revisited and Revised)-

 Voices of Reason and Peacemakers of the 20th and 21st Centuries, "We" have Heard the Lament of Millions of Refugee's and Migrants," from All over This Earth of Ours, "Asking For Help," "Asking For Support," "Asking For Protection," and "Defense" from "Military Dictatorships," "Tyrants," "Rebel Militias," and "Extreme Radical Terrorist Syndicates!"

"Women," "Men," and "Children," who have "Lived in Inhumane Conditions For Years!"

"Women," "Men," and "Children," "whose only Desire is, to Live in the Safety of Their Own Homes without Fear of Oppression," and "Violence!"

"Women," "Men," and "Children," who have "Mourned the Loss of Life in Their Families," and, "Longed For so Long to See Their Dreams to Come True," and "For Their Children to Have a Good Education," and "An Opportunity to Enjoy A Good Days Work," and "To Live in Peace!"

"Let Us Continue to Be a Platform For Their Voices" and also, to "Express The Deep Concerns of Our Own!"

And, "Let Us Continue to Show the World" that "We" have "Not Lost Sight Our Our Vision Path Of The People, By The People," and "For The Rights Of All The People," and "For Our Desire to Make A Positive Contribution to This World!"

So, "Let Our Voices Continue to Sing Out," "Songs Befitting A New Era of Peace," "Unity," and "Freedom," "Justice," "Equality," and of "A Global Equilibre," and "Peace!" 

And, "The Right of All The People of The Earth to Be Happy" and "Live in A Cognitive" and "Highly Cultural World of The 21st Century!"

And, "Let Us Continue to Utilize the Unlimited Resources of the Social Media" and "The Earthwide Cross-Media Universes to Inform" and "Empower Our Fellow Human Beings who Lie in Harms Way," While Simultaneously, "Continuing to Reach Out," and "Build a Bridge of Conscious," "Unselfish," "Insightful," "Compassionate," and "Thoughtful Awareness!" 

"A Bridge" that "Touches the Universal Nexus of A Soulful," "Peaceful," and "Courageous Global Society Of, By, and For The People," Who Continue to Be "Activists and Advocates For Equal," and "Civil Rights" of "A Caring," "Loving," and "Compassionate Multi- Cultural Society," and "Rainbow Community," and "Tapestry of Environmental," and "Ecological Excellence," and "The Fabric Of All of The Eight Billion People/Citizens of The Sovereign Solar Community of United Civilized Nations!"

 For, This is, The Way To Peace, and, An Omnipotent, Omniscient, and Omnipresent Age Of Peace, Justice, and Sociological Security On Earth! And A New Era of Hope! Truly, A Golden, Illuminating Earthrise of Humanity, Who Believe in Safeguarding of The Lives of All Sentient Beings!


 - United Interdependent Global Activists- The Way To Peace! #267- (Revisited and Revised)- "War Contre Global Terrorism," and "Radical Militia Brigades," and "Syndicates of Evil"-

"World Leaders of The Coalition of Civilized Nations," Once again, "The World is at Another Crossroad of Good against Evil!"

And "There is No Other Logical Way to Look at the State of Unmitigated Violence and Terror" that "The Hamas Brigades Committed against Innocent Children," "Women," and "Men," on The Seventh of October 2023, "It was An Immoral and Evil Sneak Attack!"

And "Is Anyone Surprised that "This Evil Sneak Attack Occurred," When What Would have Been "A Historic Saudi Arabia, Israeli Normalization Accord" was "Within Reach of Being Agreed Upon"

"Leaders of Middle East Sovereign Solar Nations who Would Like Peace," and "The Normalization of Nations under The Banner" of "A Peaceful Unification of Purpose," "Reason," and "A Universal Spirit of Being Here and Now," "Must Comprehend that "Hamas," "Hezbollah, Iran, and Syria "Would Do Anything to Cause Chaos," "Division," and "Destruction," of "Any Sincere Attempt to Bring A Just," and "Egalitarian Age," to "The Middle East!"

"An Egalitarian Era" that "Protects," and "Defends The Universal" and "Spiritual Tenets," "Principles," "Doctrines," and Tenets" that "Can Firmly Restore Faith," and "Trust," in "Our Fellow Human Being," irregardless of "Age," "Color," "Creed," "Gender," "Mental Disability," "Nationality," "Physical Disability," "Political Preference," "Race," "Special Needs," "Transgender," or "Tribe!"

"Truly An Egalitarian Age Where One's Civil Rights," and "Human Rights," and "Territorial Integrity," is "Held to Be Sacred" and "Consecrated!"

"Yes, It Must Be Obvious by Now," that "These Anti- Democratic," and "Anti- Peace" and "Unity Factions," "Would Cause Any Act of Brutal and Malevolent Violence to Prevent A New Age of Peace from Occurring on Earth," and "A New Twenty- First Century Renaissance of Humanity!"

For Decades Now, "Millions of Innocent Lives are Being," either, "Forced from Their Homes, in Fear!"

"Killed," "Tortured," or Used as Human Shields," and "Hostages," and/or "Kidnapped," "Raped," or, "Forced into Servitude," or "Living in Refugee Camps in Fear!"

Or, are "Living from Hand to Hand," and "Journeying for Thousands of Miles O'er Sea and Land" to "Find A Safe Haven," or "A Safe Port to Live in" without "Fear!" "Fear of Losing Their Lives!"

And, "Yes, This is Not Solely a Traditional War!" So, "You Must Use All of Your Resources;" "Your Spy Satellites," "Police," Special Forces," and "Intelligent Agencies," (in this Non Traditional War Against Terrorism) to "Locate," and "Militaristically Engage," "Capture," and "Imprison the Followers of Each Terror Syndicate, or "Radical Militia," until "They have Been Ripped Out," and "Uprooted from Their Caves," and "Tunnels," and "Hidden Locations," amidst "The Multi- Cultural Societies" of "The Global Community if Sovereign Solar Nations" who "Believe in Peace," and Unity on Earth!"

"Sever Their Bank Accounts," "Sever Their Connections to Weapons Suppliers," "Conduct Overnight Raids," and "Daily Incursions into Their Strongholds," "Caves," and "Cells!"

"Destroy Their Oil Fields," and, "Sever All Civilized Ties and Contacts with Any Nation," "Corporation," "Institution," "Individuals," or Person's," who has has "Anything to Do with Them!"

"Isolate Them from the Civilized World!" "Cut Them Off from All Their Sources," and "Hunt Them Down," "Like the Criminals," and "Agents of Evil," that "They are!"

And, "Do Whatever It Takes," within "The Conduct," and "Code of War," to "Instill the Same Fear in Them" that "They are Attempting to Instill in Us!"

And, "Give Them No Place to Hide!" "Subdue," and "Defeat Them!" "Now!"

And then, "Bring Them up on Charges in An International Court of Law," and "Sentence Them to Life Imprisonment," "For Their Careless Disregard of The Lives of Their Fellow Human Beings!"

And, "We Must Clearly Comprehend the Depth" and "Singular Significance" that "These Terrorist Syndicates," and "Radical Militias," and "Immoral Brigades," and "Their Collaborators Live by," Which is, "They Gain Their Satisfaction" and "Profit," from "Killing Our Children;" "Our Daughters," and "Our Son's," without "Mercy!"

(And, "Let's also Bring to Justice Any Sex and Weapons Traffickers," and "Drug and Crime Lords" who have "Previously Been Able to Escape from Law Enforcement Authorities!")

"It Should Be Obvious," that "The Time For an Advanced Military Strategy of Engagement is Clearly upon Us," and "Since, This is "Not a Traditional War," "A Conscientious Domestic/Streetwise Strategy Makes Total Sense to Pursue!"

For Example, "In The United States of America," "You Would Not Allow a Street Gang to Ravage a Local Neighborhood!" "You Would Send in the Police" or "State Troopers," to "Stop the Violence," and, "Arrest the Perpetrators!"

And then, "You Would also Make Sure that There are Enough Law Enforcement Authorities in the Neighborhood," to "Guarantee the Safety and Security of Every Citizen!"

And, "They Would Remain on the Beat, For as Long as It Took to Stabilize the Situation," irregardless of the Cost!" "For The Safety of the Community!" Because, "to Do Nothing," "Would End up Being, Much, Much Worst!"

And, "This Same Approach/Strategy," "Can Be Utilized in the War Against Terror!"

"Non Traditional Warfare" or "Traditional Warfare," "It's Still War!" And, "The Tragedy of War" is that, "Death and Destruction Cause the Ruination of Too Many of Our Families," "Homes," "Towns," "Cities," and "Countries!"

And "Cause the Cruel Finality and End of Dreams and Aspirations" of "Too Many Women," and Men," and "The Youth of The Earth!"

But, "The Saving Grace is," "That Their Lives Will Not, have Been Lost in Vain!" "Because, They've Died to Preserve Our Liberties," "Freedom," and "Way of Life!"

But Today, "Too Many People, are Dying in Vain!"And, "This is a Tragedy of Enormous Proportions!" And, "There Must Be Justice!"

"Too Many People are Dying," "For Just Sitting in a Cafe," or "Restaurant!"

"Too Many People are Dying," "For Just Going to a Music Concert!"

And, "Too Many People are Dying, For Just Going to Work," or, "While Taking a Vacation," with "Their Friends," "Colleagues," and "Family!"

Actually, "This is Not even a Non Traditional War," "This is A Crime Against All Humanity!"

And, Yes, "It May Take Grueling House to House Military Campaign," in "A Foreign Country," or "Within Your Own Sovereign Nation," But, "Isn't It Obvious that There is No Way to Avoid Doing this!" "This is What War is," "Traditional or Not!" "War is Hell!"

But, "What is Most Important" is that "We Can Not Allow Ourselves to Be Manipulated," "Coerced," "Bullied," "Divided," or "Controlled by Fear!"

And, "We Can Not Lose Sight of Our Principles," and "Values," "Due to the Evil Threats of Extreme Radical Terror Syndicates," and "Their Collaborators!"

If It Takes Invoking Article 5 of The NATO Agreement, Then, "It Should Be Done!"

"Why," Because, "It is in the National Interest of Every Civilized Nation to Subdue and Defeat These Terror Syndicates!" Whomever They Be Hamas," or "Hezbollah," or Whomever else This Applies to" under "The Ordinances of The United Coalition of Sovereign Solar Community of Nations!" And "If It is In The Best Interests of The People of the Earth," "Then Act Now!"

"I Remember Former President John Fitzgerald Kennedy, When He Made His Historical Speech," at The Berlin Wall, on the 26th of June, 1963, When, He said in German, "Ich Bin Ein Berliner!"

And, He was Correct! "Irregardless of Race, Creed, Nationality, or, Gender, You May Be,"

"We are All Sovereign Citizens of This Planet Earth," and, "All of Our Fates are Tied Together," "For Better or For Worst!" "This is Not a Matter of Sunni Against Shiite," or, "Christianity versus Islam," or "Arab against Jew!"

"This is A Battle Between Good and Evil!"

And, "This is Time For All the People of The Earth, and, Leaders of The United Sovereign Solar Community of Nations" to "Be United in Purpose," and, "That Purpose is to Defeat the Syndicates of Terror," and "Radical Militias" who "Possess No Conscience," or "No Shame," For The Malicious and Vicious Acts of Evil!" and "Put an End to Their Manipulative Attempts to Control the Minds," "Souls," "Spirits," and "Bodies," of "We The People!"

And, "The United States" has both, "A Humane," and "Historically Founded upon Responsibility" "to "Continue to Provide Leadership," and "Whatever Resources are Necessary to Defeat" and "Bring The Assassins of Our Youth to Justice!"

"Ever Since World War II," "the U.S. has Come to the Aid of People All over the World," and, "Fought with Allies to Overcome the Threat of Tyranny and Oppression" from "Europe, to "The South Pacific," and "Dedicated to Defeat Those Who Threatened Global Security," and "Preserve," and "Maintain Peace In The World!"

And, "Today, United States Armed Forces are Based All over the World in Support of Peace Loving People Everywhere!"

And, "In this New Threat to Peace and Security," that also, "Is a Threat to the Sanctity of All Nations to Evolve as Interdependent Sovereign Nations of the Earth," "The United States has an Duty to Defend," "Not only, What is in Its Own Self Interests," But, also, "What's in the Best Interests of All the People of the World!"

And, "Yes, This May Not Be a Traditional War," But, "The Realities" are such that, "The U.S. Must Forthrightly Address the Violence" and "Mayhem of Extreme Radical Terror Syndicates," and "Their Networks of Evil," "As One would Deal with a Madman who is Trying to Kill You!"

And, "Let Us, One and All Agree" that "This is the Case!" And that, "No One is Safe," until, "The War has Been Won" by "The Global Coalition of Allies!"

And, Even then, "A Global Vigil Must always, Be In Place," to "Safeguard," "Defend," and "Protect the Rights of Freedom Loving People," with "Interchanging Tours of Coalition Armed Forces," and "Special Forces," "Supporting and Empowering the National Armed Forces of Any Country," or "People who are in Need of Help Against Oppression," or "Request Aid," Such as; "The Sovereign Solar Nation of Ukraine" who have Been Unlawfully," and "Malevolently," "Attacked by The Russian Federation!"

And "The Sovereign Solar Nation of Israel Must Come to An Agreement on "A Two State Solution with The Sovereign State of Palestine!" "There is No Avoiding It!"

"Hear, O Israel," "Bring Forth Your Most Brilliant," and "Sincere," "Virtuous," and "Trustworthy Peacemakers," and "Together," with "The Most Brilliant," and "Sincere," "Trustworthy," and "Virtuous Peacemakers of Palestine," "Create A Peace and Unity Draft" that "Is Both Fair and Just!"
An Accord that "Will Protect The Youth of Israel and Palestine" from "Another War!" "Its' Time to Live in Peace Together," and "Defend All The Parameters of An Interdependent Peacetime Existence Together!"

-In Memoriam- "Flashback to Paris, November 2015"- "France Remembers The Innocent Victims of the Attack Upon the Bataclan Theatre"-

Voices of Reason and Peacemakers of the 20th and 21st Centuries, "I Can Still Hear the French Parliament Singing the Marseillaise in a Demonstration of Unity with One Another and The French People!"

And, "I Can Still See The Courageous Faces of the Citizens of Paris," at the Memorial, Near the Bataclan Theatre, "A Cascade of Tears Falling Down on the Beds of Flowers Covering the Ground," and, as "They Resolutely and Unwaveringly Go about Living, and, Embracing the Joy of Life," In spite of "the Threats Against Their Lives, Paris, and, France!"

"It is Inspiring," and, "Soulfully Empowering To See such Grand Spirit," Staring Back in Defiance in the Face of Danger, These are Golden Moments, Treasured Moments, that Remind Me of Times Gone by," "When the People have Risen as a Great Soul Force," to "Confront, Oppose, and, Drive out Tyrants, and Dictators!" And, "As History has Revealed," In the End, "Good has always Prevailed and Triumphed over Evil!"

And that, "The People have Always Found, within Themselves the Inherent Soul Strength to Brave The Tides of Evil," and, "Transcend the Darkness!" "To Live as a Free Interdependent Sovereign People of the City, World, and, Spirit of The Light!"

This is The Way To Peace, and, An Omnipresent, Omniscient, and, Omnipotent Age of Peace and Justice, (and) Hope and Prosperity, For One and All! Freely Flowing, Evolving, and, Enjoying a Higher State of Universal and Cognitive Enlightenment, and, Conscious Awareness of A Grand Earthrise Vision Path Of The People, By The People, and For The People!


-In Memoriam:, To All The Families who have Lost A Loved One Due to A Gun Related Act of Violence, Systemic Racism, Prejudice, Police Brutality, or Any Act of Violence Caused by Malevolent Perpetrators who Care Not For The Lives of Their Fellow Human Being, Such as; The Murder of Eighteen Innocent People in Lewiston Maine, on Wednesday, The Twenty- Fifth of October 2023! We Mourn Their Loss of Life with You in This Time of Deeply Felt Emotional, Mental, and Spiritual Despair, Sorrow, and Unhappiness!

-In Memoriam: We Extend Our Sincerest Heartfelt, and Soulful Condolences to All The Families, and Communities, who have Lost A Loved One Due to Natural Disasters, and Wherever The Path of Earthquakes has Caused Great Distress and Anguish, and Heartbreaking Deaths and Injuries, and Causing Mass Devastation, Wherever The Destructive Path of Tsunamis, Tornadoes, Flood Waters, Mudslides, Raging Tides, and Fires have Tragically Killed, and Caused Deep Sorrow and Pain, and Extreme Damage, and Earthwide, Where Homes have Been Destroyed, and The Suffering Caused by The Loss of Life, and The Loss of Love Ones has Been Overwhelming!
We Mourn Their Loss of Life with You and Your Families, in This Time Period of Grief and Sadness!

-In Memoriam: We Would Like to Extend Our Sincerest Heartfelt and Soulful Condolences to The Families of Both The Ukrainian and Russian People, and The Families of Many Others, Journalists, and Foreign Fighters, who have Lost A Love One Due to An Invasion and War that Should Not have Occurred But For The Malicious and Egotistical Decision Making of One Person, Russian President Vladimir Putin, who Will Bear The Responsibility for The Deaths of Your Beloved Friends and Family Members in Perpetuity! And, We Mourn The Loss of Your Love Ones with You!

-In Memoriam: We Extend Our Sincerest Heartfelt and Soulful Condolences to The Families of Love One's who've Died Earthwide Due to The Ongoing Spread of The CoronaVirus Pandemic, As This Tragic Death Toll has Continued to Rise Above Six Million Love Ones to 6, 932, 677, Who have Died, As of Tuesday, October 31, 2023!
This has Been, and Continues to Be A Staggering and Heartbreaking Statistic to Imagine, and Remains A Deeply Disturbing Fact! And When You Take into Account for How Many Families have Been Effected by This Earthwide Pandemic only Compounds The Seriousness of This Loss of Life!

And, In The United States of America The Number of Deaths Due to The CoronaVirus Pandemic has Surpassed An Incredible and Traumatic Plateau of One Million" to "1, 180, 405 Love Ones!