Friday, September 1, 2023



The Way To Peace! #444

-"Global Cross Media News Universe, Insights, New Horizons, News Purview's, and Global Perspectives,"- 
And, "Have A Safe and Enjoyable Labor Day Holiday!" And, "Lets Celebrate," and "Remember The Great Effort," and "Sacrifice Put Forth with Great Commitment," "Dedication," and "Purpose," by "Labor Activists," and "Employees," of "The Labor Movement" Who "Worked Arduously" for "The Implementation of Labor," and "Employment Laws," and "Who Campaigned," and "Demonstrated," (To The Great Consternation of Employers), "For Better Working Conditions,"  and "Fair and Just Treatment" in "The 18th," and "19th Centuries!"
And, "A New Age" of "Earthwide Information," "Communication," "Sociological," "Environmental, Humanitarian," "Philosophical," "Journalistic," "Political," "Candid,"  "Straightforward," "Purview's," and "Overview"s," of "Current," "Contemporary," and "Far Reaching," "Prescient Visions," "Stories of Interest," and "Earthwide Affairs," and "Events," that "Coalesce," and "Merge" with "An Honest," "Omniscient," and "Omnipotent Spirit," and "Soul Force Of The People,"-  

-UNITED INTERDEPENDENT GLOBAL ACTIVISTS- The Way To Peace! #286- (Revisited and Revised)-

Voices of Reason and Peacemakers of The Twentieth and Twenty-First Centuries, Once again, "As The Crickets and  Katydids Remind Us" in "A Resounding Crescendo of Admiration and Respect For The Advent of Autumn" in "All It's Multicolored Hues and Splendor of Nature's Glory!" 

And, "As Labor Day Signifies" and "Commemorates the Celebration" of "The Grand Accomplishment of The Global Work Force," and, to A Lesser Degree, "The End of Summer," and "The Beginning of A New Fall Season!"

And, "As We Continue Our Journey" along "This Empirical, Existential," and "Exponential Path of Trials," and "Tribulations of Life," "Let Us," also, "Continue to "Sow The Seeds of Global Entreneurialism For New Ecological," and "Environmental Enterprises," that "Protect Our Planet Earth," and "Combat The Serious Effects" that "We are Facing Due to Climate Warming!"

And, "Let Us Together," "Continue to Be Innovative and Groundswelling Pioneers," and "Supporters of New Energy Enterprises!"

And, "Let Us," "Continue to Encourage Our Scientific Community to Move Forward Towards Finding New Cures For Diseases that have Plagued This Earth of Ours for Millennias," as well as "Advanced Cures For The Outbreak of New Forms of Viruses" that have "Threatened Our Multi- Cultural Societies, and Rainbow Communities!" 
"Devastating Viruses such as; "The CoronaVirus," "HIV," "AIDS" (Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome), and "Ebola," "Have Caused The Deaths of Millions of Our Family Members," "Friends," "Neighbors," and "Love Ones!"!"

And, "Let Us Together, "Continue to Urge The Hi-Tech Companies of The Earth to Be Champions Of The People," and Not Just "The Avant-Garde Community of A New Age of Global Commercialism!"

"The Integrity," and "Survival of We The People," Depend on "A United Vision of Moral Cohesion," and Earthwide Linkage," and "Grand Nexus of Peace," "Freedom," "Non-Violence," "Hope," and "Creative Solutions," that "Involve Honest," "Sincere," and "Harmonic Communication," and "Diplomatic Fellowship of Cognizance" and "Compassion," "Soul and Spirit," of Which, "The Universal Hi-Tech/AI Community" has "A Very Important Part to Play," For the Benefit of, "The Present," and "Future Generations," of "The Union" of "The Sovereign Solar Family," and "Community of Nations of This Planet Earth!"

And, "As "The Internet," and "Earthwide Social Media," have "Made Communication Earhwide, Simpler," "More Direct," and "Rapid," and "Making it Possible," Seemingly in A Nanosecond, "For A New Generation of Cross Media Artists," and "Producers to Emerge" from "the Unknown Ranks of the Invisible Talent Pool" that "Exists All over The Earth," so, "Has It Enhanced The Global Cross Media News Coverage Earthwide," Where "Photos" such as; (1) "The Five Year Old Boy, Omran Dagneesh, Covered with The After Effects of Destruction and Dust Of War in Syria," is Seen on The Covers of the New York Times and Wall Street Journal" and "Reported All over the Global Web," have "Touched Us All by Its Naked Example" of "The Cruelty," and "Unmerciful Brutality of War," "Being Directed by Syrian President Bashar al- Assad,"  (Omran's 10 year Old Brother, Ali, Died in The Hospital, Due to Injuries Caused by the Same Russian and/or Syrian Airstrike, in Aleppo, Syria as Omran and His Family Experienced) to, (2) "In Depth News Coverage" of "Russia's Unlawful,: "Malevolent," "War," and "Crimes Against Humanity Being Conducted by Russian Forces Against The Sovereign Solar Nation of Ukraine," and "Its Innocent Citizens," and "Creating Increased Tensions in Eastern, Europe"  and, (3) "New Concerns about  The Economy," and "What Exactly are The Intentions of The People's Republic of China's Efforts to Bring Peace," and "A New Era of Human," and "Civil Rights," to "The Earth" and, (4) "When Will Paul Whelan," An American Corporate Official, "Who was Arrested in 2018," and In 2020, "Sentenced to Serve Sixteen Years in Prison in The Russian Federation" on "Espionage Charges," "Be Released," and, (5) "When Will Alexei Anatolievich Navalny," "The Leader of The Russia of The Future Political Party," and "Founder of The Anti- Corruption Foundation," and "Prominent Opposition Leader" and "Fearless Critic of Russian President Vladimir Putin,"  "Be Released from Spending An Unjust Combined Prison Sentence of At Least Twenty- Eight Years," of "False Charges!" 
And, "Whether from An Allegorical," "Humanistic," or "Realistic Purview," "Will We The People," "All Eight Billion People of Us," Who are "The Heart," "Mind," "Intelligence," "Conscience," "Spirit," and "Soul," of "The Earths Sovereign Solar Nations," and "Who Have Become Witnesses to The Best," and "Worst Examples of Human Behavior," "Be Free at Last," to "Live Our Lives in Peace!" 
However, "The Present Time/Space Experiences," and "The Earths Multicolored Fabric," and "The Future of The 21st Century" "Still Loom Before Us," in "A Grand Tapestry of Human Behavior," and "Imperialistic Strategic Designs!"

All the While,"There Still Exists In The Exploration of The Universe," and "The Unknown Frontiers of  A Sentient Evolution," and "A Myriad Number of Questions" that have "Been Posed For Millennia Upon Millennia on This Planet Earth," "Still Wait to Be Answered!"
And, "As New Entrepreneurial," and "Sociological Challenges Lie Before Us," "The Importance of A New Spirit of Leadership," "Comprised of Women," and "Men," Who "Possess A Vast Level of Advanced Conscious Awareness," and "Skilled Knowledge," and "Proficient Abilities," "Must Become Actively Engaged in Providing An Enlightened" and "Uplifting Guidance," of "Effective," and "Efficient Management," of "The Universal Enterprises,' "Industries," "Businesses and Affairs," of Both The Private" and "Public Sectors," and "Their Partnerships of The Parallel Universes," that "Provide For The Development," and "Growth," and "Well Being," and "Welfare Of The People, By The People, and For The People!" 

And, "Women," and "Men," "Who Are Thoroughly Cognizant" of "How The Human Factor Must Be Included in This New Age of Growth and Development in Equilibre," "Equanimity," "Economic Parity," and "In Harmony," and "Who are Enjoying The Prosperity," and "Sociological Security," that "Ameliorates" "Motivates," and "Engages in," "Creating Universal Partnerships," and "A Positive Work Environment," and "A Responsible," and "Successful Participation," and "Profit Sharing Model of Lifestyle," and "Business," that "Results in," and is "Commensurate with Having," and "Enjoying A Sense of Fulfillment," "Joie De Vivre," and "A Sense of Purpose," that is "Both Gratifying," and "Satisfying," and "Inspiring," to "The Youth of The Earth!" "While Being Protective" of "The Environmental," and "Ecological Sphere's," that "Merit Our Best Conservation," and "Protective Efforts!"

And to "Expand upon This Train of Thought," "The Importance of Visionary Leadership," "Leaders," who "Possess A Cognizance of The History of Humankind," and "All of It's Common Denominators," that "Present and Reveal An Overview of An Earthwise  Equation Of, By, and For The People" is of "The Greatest Significance" to "Our Personal," and "Universal Evolution," "Growth," and "Development," as "A Compassionate," "Inspirational," "Peace Driven," "Intelligent," "Economical," and "Soulful Community of The Earth!"

"An Earthwise Equation/Model" that is "Empowered by Education," "Cultural Evolvement," "Conscious Awareness," and "Political Stability," that "Is Imbued with Sociological Awareness and Responsibility For Each and Every Sovereign Peace Loving Citizen of This Planet Earth," Coupled with "A Philosophical Awareness," and "Philanthropic Conscious Awareness," of "The Overall Needs of The Earths Populace!"

And, All of this, "Fused Together With a Firm," and "Unyielding Determination," and "Committed Sense of Justice," and "Law and Order For One and All," and "In Support," and "Respect For Our Freedoms," "Rights," "Tenets," "Principles," and "The Joie de Vivre of Our Families," and "The Multi- Cultural Rainbow Communities," "Values," and "Way of Life," that "Can Create A Platform of Earthwide Equilibre," and "Usher in A New Age of Peace On Earth," Where "The New Norm of The 21st Century is The Embodiment of Hope," and "Empathy For Our Fellow Human Being," and "The Lives of All Sentient Creatures," Whether, "Here on Earth" or "Althroughout The Limitless Expanse of Universe!"

"Would Give Birth to An Earthwise," and "Streetwise Vision of Reason and Prosperity!" And, "A Labor of Love and Experience" that "Our Generation Can Pass along to Future Generations" with "An Ego-less Sense of Pride," and "A Transcendental View of Life in Perspicacity," "Clarity," and "In Reality with An Earthrise Perspective of Truth" and "Conscious Awareness!"

"Imagine A Labor of Love that Gives Rise" to "A Golden Age of Earthwide Employment," and "Manufacture," "Strategically Modeled to Provide Opportunity" and "Security For The Global Working Force!"

"Imagine An Earthwide Work Force Operating at Peak Levels" Turning Out "Satisfactory Product and Merchandise For The Earths Populace to Share!"

"An Educated Global Work Force" "Trained in The Art of Sociological," "Environmental," "Ecological," and "Energy Prowess," "Proficiency," and "Expertise in Producing New Fields of Energy," "Healthcare," and Technology!"

"Can You Imagine," "The Sense of Satisfaction that Would Permeate Each and Every Person," and "The Sense of Accomplishment and Professionalism" that "Would Infuse," and "Impregnate The Global Mindset of Workers All over The Earth!"

"Can You Visualize," "The Growth of Our Rainbow Communities,"  and "The Conveyance of The Human Spirit to New Heights of Experience" and "Gratification," "For A Global Employment Model" that is "Based on The Improvement of The Human ," and "Ecological Reality," "For Everyone, Not Just The Privileged Few!"

"An Earthwise Model" that has "A Built in Security Net For Every Demographic of Humanity!" "Whether Rich or Poor," "Middle Class or...!"

And, "Can You Conceptualize A Golden Age of Super Speed Transportation," and "Culture," Making It Possible to "Experience The Earth from All Perspectives," and "Destinations," as If "You were Traveling to Work" or "Shopping at The Super Market," on "Any Given Day of The Week!" A la "A Weekend in Paris in A Moments Notice at An Affordable Price!"

"The Need For A Global Strategy" that "Visualizes Encompasses An Equation of A Grand Union of Employee's, Unions," and "Management," and that "Welcomes Them," Both, with "A Sincere Embrace, " and "Pays Them Both An Equal Wage," is "A Sound Strategy and Vision For The Twenty-First Century!"

"An Earthise Equation For Universal Employment," that "Pledges to Provide Healthcare For It's Employee's" and "Their Families!"

"An Earthwise/Global Model For Management," Unions," and "Sovereign Solar Nations," that "Does Not Enforce" or "Impose Child Labor," Instead "Invests in Their Education and Training!"
And that, "Pledges to Provide Every Child," of This Planet Earth, with "An Equal Opportunity to Succeed in Life," and "Enjoy All The Innovative ," and "Natural Fruits of Life's Being!"

"A Global/Earthwise Model For Children," that "Pledges to Provide Each and Every Child," with "A Positive Vision of  The Value of Public Service," "Work," and "Family," of "A Peacetime Economy!"
And, "Guaranteeing Them," with "An Opportunity to Play," "Develop," and "Mature," in "A World that Embraces," "Loves," "Befriends," "Empowers," and "Encourages Them" to "Participate as An Active Partner For Life," In "A Grand Experience of Universal Endeavors," and "Personal Challenges," "Sharing's, " and "New Philosophies," "Ideas," "Visions," and "Goals," of "A Sentient Existence," on Both "Earth," and on "A Microcosmic Earth-Wide Basis," and "In New Space Ventures," that "Explore The Macro-Cosmic Galaxies," and "Universe," that "Surrounds Our Planet!"

And, "It is Time," For, The Worlds of Finance and Business," and "Investment and Banking," "Unions and Management," to "Work" as "A Grand Ensemble of Plausible and Cogent United Entrepreneurs Of The People, By The People, and For The People," along side, with "Representatives and Elected Officials" who have "Sworn to Function on Behalf Of The People," and "Create An Untouchable," "Non Politicized Universal Program of Social Security Pensions," "For The Billions of Employee's," who "Have Worked" and "Contributed Mightily to The Global Economic System," For "All Their Lives!"
 "With The Absolute Assurance" that "Their Social Security is Guaranteed," For, "All The Remaining Post Employment Days of Their Lives!"

This Would Be "A Guaranteed Life Benefit to All The Labor Force Of The World" as "A Gesture of Thanks For Their Service," "Commitment," "Dedication," and "Support," of "A Global/Earthwise Financial System" that has "Great Promise," if, "Managed Justly," "Reasonably," "Intelligently," "En Equilibre, " "Morally," "Ethically," and "Virtuously," with "Integrity," "Decency," "Solidarity, " and "In Truthfulness For One and All!"

-"Global Cross Media News Universe, Insights, New Horizons, News Purview's, Global Perspectives,"- And, "The Fourth Estate," and "The Global Cross Media News Sphere's," "Must Display An Even, In Balanced Approach Towards News Coverage of Former President Donald John Trump's Indictments," "However, Historically Significant They May Be,"-

At a Time when "The World Needs Voices of Reason, Equilibre, Unity, Cognitive Awareness, Intuitive Understanding, Insight, Compassion, Tolerance, Charitable and Thoughtful Consideration, and Fair and Just, Lawmakers," and "Unbiased News Reportage," It is of The Most Important Significance" that "The Fourth Estate," and "The Global Cross Media News Sphere's Display An Even, In Balanced Approach Towards News Coverage of Former President Donald John Trump's Indictments," "However, Historically Significant They May Be!" 

"It is Unfortunate," that The Ex- President," and "Too Many Elected Officials of The Republican Party," Including Candidates who are Campaigning to Be The Republican Party Nominee for President of The United States of America," Continue to "Spew Forth Political Rhetoric," and "Misleading Statements," in "Their Support of The Former President," Which are "Divisive," and "Cause Disunity," "Fear," and "Increased "Tensions," "Dissension," and "Friction" that "Can only Lead to Further Discord," and "Hostility," and "A Cacophony of Disharmony," and "Noise of Destructive Elements," and "Acrimony," sans "Soul" or "A Meaningful," "Purposeful," "Productive," "Creative," "Democratic," or "Empowering Significance," that "All The People of The Earth Can Share," and "Rejoice Together in Peaceful Cooperation," and/or "In A Universal State of Being!"
- "Global Cross Media News Universe, Insights, New Horizons, News Purview's, Global Perspectives,"- And, "A New Age" of "Earthwide Information," "Communication," "Sociological," "Environmental, Humanitarian," "Philosophical," "Journalistic," "Political," "Candid,"  "Straightforward," "Purview's," and "Overview"s," of "Current," "Contemporary," and "Far Reaching," "Prescient Visions," "Stories of Interest," and "Earthwide Affairs," and "Events," that "Coalesce," and "Merge" with "An Honest," "Omniscient," and "Omnipotent Spirit," and "Soul Force Of The People,"- 

"As The Majesty of The Sun Rises and Sets in The Skies O'er The Twenty- Four Regions" (Time Zones) of "The Sovereign Solar Union of Nations" from "Asia," to "Africa," and "North America" to "South America," and "Antarctica," and "Europe," to "Australia," ("Continent to Continent"), and "As The Full Moon's Come and Go," "Illuminating The Eventide Skies," with "Their Beauty" and "Magnificence," 
"Can Anyone Disagree" that "The Time of Peace has Come," and "A Time for Justice has Come for One and All," and "A Time of Freedom" "Equality,"  "Equanimity," and "An Earthwide Equilibre has Come!" And "Can Anyone Disagree" that "From A Meaningful," "Soulful," and "Spiritual Perspective," that "Clearly A Time for Miracles has Come For One and All" to "Share with Each Other!" 

And, "Can Anyone Disagree" that "Unquestionably," "A Time for An End of War has Come," and that "Without Dispute," "A Time for An End of Corruption," and "Oppression has Come!" And, "A Time for An End of Crime's of Inhumanity Committed Against One's Fellow Human Being," and "Injustice" is "Here  and Now!" 

And, "While The Seasons Change," and "The Tides Rise and Fall in Alignment" and "In Conjunction," with "The Earth," "Moon," and "Sun," "May A New Age of Insightful Cognition," and "Universal Awareness," and "Enlightenment," and "Omniscience," "Usher in A Wondrous Era of Perigean Spring Tides," and "Neap Tides," of "Everlasting Waves of Peace," and "Harmony," and "Sociological Security," in "A Sea Filled with Eddies," and "Ripples," of "A Constant Flow of Great Expectations," and "In Perpetuity with All The Celestial Bodies," and "Galaxies," of "The Grand Universe" that "Embodies," and "Encompasses Us," "Where The Unlimited Poly Systems of The Parallel Universes" of "The Public,' and 'Private Sectors," and "Their Earthwide Partners," are "Unified In One Grand Purpose," Which is "To Be of Benefit and Service of All" that "Is In The Best Interests of The Eight Billion People/Citizens" of "The Sovereign Solar Union of Nations!" 

And, "As We Continue to Build," and "Re- Build," and "Restore Old Bridges," and "Construct New One's," and "New Roads," and "Uplifting," and "Innovative Paths," of "A Bold New Civilization Of The People, By The People, and For The People," "Let Us Remember" that "The Protection," "Conservation," and "Defense" of "The Moral Values," "Traditions," "Cultures," "Academia," "Historic Annals of Humankind," and "Laws of The Land," and "The Universal" and "Spiritual Tenets," and "Principles," that "We have Been Taught" in "Our Homes," "Schools," "Places of Worship," and "Work Places," and "In The Constitutions," and "Bill of Rights," of "Free Sovereign Solar Nations," "Must also Be Preserved," "Maintained," "Sustained," and "Conserved," "In Perpetuity!"
And, "Let's Vow to Make The Remainder of The Twenty- First Century," "A Time Of Peace," and "A New Age of Miracles" in "All of The Sociological," and "Earthwide Public," "Health," "Science," "Technological," "Spiritual," "Professional," "Business and Financial Affairs," of "Humankind," and "A Grand Renaissance Of All The People!"
 -"Global Cross Media News Universe, Insights, New Horizons, News Purview's, Global Perspectives,"- And, "Systems that Know No Boundaries," "Whether They Be "Systems" that "Represent Places of Worship," and "Sovereign Solar Nations," and "Banking," and "Financial Institutions," and/or "The Military," and "Energy," "Healthcare," and "The Earthwide Social Media," "Transportation," and "Communication," "Technological," and/or "Space Enterprises," "Entertainment," and/or "Sports," and "Leisure," "Commerce," "Trade," and "Philanthropy," and "The Environment," and "Earthwide Markets,"-

 And, "A New Earthwide Journalistic," "Sociological," "Informational," "Political," "Environmental, "Philosophical," "Candid," "Humanitarian," "Straightforward," and "Communication Age," of "Current," and "Contemporary," "Innovative," and "Prescient Visions," that "Coalesce," and "Merge" with "An Honest," "Omniscient," and "Omnipotent Spirit," and "Soul Force Of The People"- 

"As The Sun Sets an Rises O'er The Twenty- Four Time Zones (Regions) of The Earths Sovereign Solar Nations Territories," and "The Diverse Multi- Cultural Societies," "Rainbow Communities," and "Extraordinary Tapestries," and "Fabric of The Sociological Sphere's" that "Encompass Us," and that "The Earths Populace Exists within!" 

"The Questions" that Persist, "Represent A Myriad" and "Complex Flow of Thoughts" in Direct Regard to "The Limitless Universe of Poly Systems that Have Been Put in Place to Regulate," and "Provide The Necessary Guidance" that "A Modern Day 24/7 Twenty- First Century Civilization Needs," to "Maintain A Secure Sense of Earthwide Balance," "Global Equilibre," and "Equanimity," One of Which, is, (1) "Why haven't The Leaders of The Sovereign Solar Nations," and "The United Nations," and "The North Atlantic Treaty Organization ("NATO" also Known as "The North Atlantic Alliance,"), and, (2) "The Russian Federation's Admirals," and "Generals," and "The Russian Armed Forces," and "The Russian Government," and "Church Leaders," and, (3)"The Russian People," who have "So Much to Lose," ("Meaning The  Lives of Their Children," and "Loving and Dear Family Members,") and, (4) "The Russian Oligarchs" whose "Monetary and Financial Affairs" are "Being Sanctioned," and "Their Lifestyles Limited," "Why have They," One and All, "Continued to Allow The Hubris," "Unlawful," "Malevolent," "Despotic," "Irresponsible," and "Misleading Leadership" of "Russian President Vladimir Putin," to "Unlawfully," "Blatantly," and "Cruelly Violate The Territorial Rights of Another Sovereign Nation," "Ukraine," and also "In Dong so, "Authorize The Russian Armed Forces to Commit Crimes Against Their Neighbor Nation," and "Their Fellow Human Being!" And, "Continue to Pose Nuclear Threats to The Sovereign Solar Nations of Eastern Europe," and "The EU" (European Union) "As a Whole!" 

"For More than Seven Decades," "Earthwide Systems" have "Been Agreed to," and "Intelligently," "Cognitively," "Clearly," and "Succinctly Put in Place," (Especially since World War II) to "Prevent The Violation" of "The Territorial Rights" of "Any Sovereign Solar Nation," and "To Put It Simply," "For Peace on Earth to Be Achieved!" 

And, "It Should Be Absolutely Clear" that "After Millennia Upon Millennia of Death and Destruction," that "War," and "Ongoing Military Conflicts," are "Not The Path for Humanity to Take," and "All The Leaders who Lust for Power Thru The Use of Violent Confrontation," and "Military Aggression," in "Violation of United Nations Peace Agreements," "Must Be Deemed Unacceptable," and "Exiled," and/or "Suspended from Participating in The Affairs of The Earthwide Community of Sovereign Solar Nations" for "Once and For All!" 

"Let Us Fully Comprehend," that "Too Many Lives are Being are Being Lost," "Due to War," and "Ongoing Military Conflicts!" 
And, "Too Many People are Being Driven from Their Homes," and "Their Sovereign Nations," only "To Live in a State of Sub-Existence in Refugee Camps!" Or, "Forced to Undertake Perilous Journeys" to "Other Sovereign Solar Nations," for "The Sociological Security and Safety of Their Families," and "To Live in Peace!"

And, "Lets Fully Agree" that, "There is "A Tragic Sense of Redundancy" that "Continues to Re-occur Again and Again," "Why!" "Because, "War," and "Violence," and "Military Conflicts," only "Cause More Wars," and "Violence," and "Military Conflicts!" 
And, "Everyone Knows This!" "You Don't have To Be A Genius," or "A Grand Visionary," or "Important," and "Knowledgeable Person of State to Know This!"
And, "Why" haven't "The Leaders" and "Close Allies of The Russian Federation," Such as, "President Xi Jinping Told Russian President Vladimir Putin" that "His Unlawful," and "Senseless War Efforts," are  "Not The Sociological Road," or "Path," towards "Achieving Sovereign Security!"
 And that, "His Place in History" is "Sure to Be Tainted," "Blackened," and "Besmirched," by "His Irresponsible Acts of Bad," "Evil," "Egotistical," and "Embittered Leadership," and "His Inability to Own Up to His Own Mistakes in Judgement," and "His Crimes Against Humanity!"

And, "Another Question that Comes to Mind is One," that "Has Been Growing in The Minds of Billions of People/Citizens Earthwide," Which is, "What Good are All These Systems If They Can Be Broken," at "The Immediate Cost of The Lives of The Earths Populace," and "Their Love Ones," and "Neighbors," and "Fellow Human Being," who are "Paying An Enormous Price of Life and Death" for "These Malicious Acts," and "Lies," that "Being Used to Hide The Truth," and "Mislead Tens of Millions If Not Hundreds of Millions of Clearly Uninformed People/Citizens of The Sovereign Solar Nations!" And, "It is of The Highest Level of Significance" that "We," "We The People/Citizens of The Sovereign Solar Nations," "Must Never Forget The Lies that We have Been Told!" 

-(Flashback- Note that, Global Cross Media News Reports on The Ninth of February 2022,  "French President Emmanuel Jean-Michel Frederic Macron Told Reporters" that, "Russian President Vladimir Putin assured him that Russian forces would not ramp up the crisis near Ukraine's border. 
The French President said, "I secured an assurance that there would be no deterioration or escalation," And, "Obviously This Statement by The Russian President was Not The Truth!" 
"This Statement was made Before President Macron Met with President Volodymyr Oleksandrovych Zelenskyy Ukraine's President!")- 

To Be Certain, "History has Recorded in Its Annals," that "The Unlimited Universe of Poly Systems" that "Have Been Created" and "Put in Place" by "Leaders" of "Private," and "Public Sectors," and "Their Earthwide Partnerships of The Parallel Universes of The Sociological Sphere's of Influence," "Business" and "Governments," ("Federal," "State," "City," and "Local") "Have Not Learned from Their Experiences," or "Past Experiences!" 

And, "It is Obvious," that "A New Generation of Innovative," "Insightful," "Compassionate," and "Learned Interdependent Individuals Must Come Forth," and "Present A New Plethora of Ideas," "Thoughts," "Programs," "Policies," and "Actions," to "Address The Immediate Concerns that "Scientists," "The Medical Community," "Environmentalists," "Economists," "Peacemakers," "Humanitarians," and "Equal Rights," and "Civil Rights," and "Human Rights Activists," and "Advocates," "Have Expressed Deep Concerns about!" 

And, "Clearly Poverty," and "Homelessness," "Can Not Be Ignored," and "Women's Rights  Rights," "Can Not Be Used" as "A part of A Political Agenda," by "Oppressive Political Parties," and "Anti-Constitutional," and/or "Anti-Democratic Factions!" 
And, "Elected Officials Must Honor Their Oaths to Represent The People," and "Not Place Party Ideology over The Needs," and "Welfare of The People!"

"Let Us Agree to," "Strive to Attain," "A Greater Purpose in Life," that "Is Honorable," and "Full to The Brim," and "Over Flowing," with "Virtuosity," "Justice," and "Equality!"
And "Let Us Increase Our Efforts," and "Initiatives," to "Build A System of Systems" of "Universal Principles," and "Values," of "The Highest Quality," "Rules," and "Regulations!" 

"A Grand Interdependent System of Systems" that "Is All Inclusive," and "Imbued with A Code of Ethics" that "Is Inviolable!" "A Grand System of Systems," that "Is An Interdependent Path," "Symbol," and "Time/Space Reality," of "An Earthwide Equation," and "Measure of Conduct," "Hope," and "Faith," that "Represents A Bold New Era of Peace on Earth," and "Prosperity for One and All!" 

"Truly A System of Grand Purpose," and "Reason of Being" that "Embraces The Conservation," and "Protection of The Environmental," and "Ecological Sphere's," and "Lives," of "All Sentient Beings!"

"A Grand System of Universal Magnitude," and "Limitless Potentialities," and "Opportunities," that "The Youth of The Earth Can Take Great Pride in," and "Be Respectful of!"