Thursday, September 14, 2023



The Way To Peace! #445 

- "Global Cross Media News Universe, Insights, New Horizons, News Purview's, Global Perspectives,"- And, "A New Age" of "Earthwide Information," "Communication," "Sociological," "Environmental, Humanitarian," "Philosophical," "Journalistic," "Political," "Candid,"  "Straightforward," "Purview's," and "Overview"s," of "Current," "Contemporary," and "Far Reaching," "Prescient Visions," "Stories of Interest," and "Earthwide Affairs," and "Events," that "Coalesce," and "Merge" with "An Honest," "Omniscient," and "Omnipotent Spirit," and "Soul Force Of The People,"-

-UNITED INTERDEPENDENT GLOBAL ACTIVISTS- The Way To Peace! #243- (Revisited and Revised)-

Once again, "As Our Youth Return to Their Classes to Continue Their Academic Journey into The Realms of Knowledge," and "The Universe of Conceptual Expression," and "Autumns Leaves Begin Their Fall O'er The Earth Leaving Our Tree's in A Naked State of Grace!"

And, As "The Changing Horizons," and "The Skies that Hover above Us," Change Colors from White to Gray," (with "Clouds Resembling Magnificent Shapes of Cumuli," "Cirrus," and "Stratus Formations,") to "A Clear Blue," to "Embrace Them," "The Foretelling of A New Winters Season has Begun!"

"The Continued Lack of Perception" that "Exists amongst Too Many of Our Law and Order Officials," that "Causes Parents in Urban Communities," to "Feel Fear for Their Children," in This, The 21st Century, "Is Deeply Concerning," and At Times, "Its Just Because of The Color of Their Skin" and/or "An Ugly Word," "Known as Profiling!"

"The Facts that Exist," and that "Have Unfortunately Revealed Themselves" are" "Too Many Children have Been Killed," Because of "One's False Perception" of "Who They are!"

"It Might be "Because of Their Clothing Attire!" Or, It Might Be , "Because of (Their Slang) The Way They Speak!"

And, "Too Many Acts of Violence" have "Continued to Plague Our Multi-Cultural Societies," and "Rainbow Communities," "For Much Too long!"

And, "Tainted The Tapestry," and "Fabric," of "The Sovereign Solar Nations!"

And, once again (as in the 20th Century), "It's Time For There to Be" a "Long Term Concerted Effort" to "Train Our Law Enforcement Public Servants," and "Courts of Law to Understand," that "A Change in Perception Must Come!"

And, "On A Broader," and "Universal Scale," and "Level of Perception," "New Initiatives Must Be Undertaken by "The Department of Justices," and "Law and Order Departments," of "All Sovereign Nations," "States," "Republics," "Cities," "Towns," and "Villages," who are "Responsible for Maintaining The Principles" that "Govern The Ethos," "Egalitarian Spirit," "Essential Being," and "Highest Qualities," and "Virtues," of "Law and Order," "For One and All!'

"Too Many Children have Been Senselessly Killed," and "The Pain that A Parent Feels at The Loss of A Child is Excruciatingly, Beyond Comprehension!" And then, "To Think that His or Her Death Might have been Averted," is "Extremely Difficult to Endure!" And, "The Anguish," "Agony," and "Desolation of it All," has to "Last for a Lifetime!"

And, "Preventative Measures to Stave Off Thoughts of Fear Must Be Taught in Law Enforcement Academies!" 
And, "How to Understand" and "Appreciate Our Sociological," and "Multi- Cultural Differences," "Must be Taught in Our Schools," and "Homes," on "A 24/7 Basis!" 

And, "Lawful," and "Non-Violent Demonstrations," that are "Necessary to Express Our Outrage Must Be Taught as An Academic Course in Our Schools," and, "As A Way of Life in Our Homes!"

And, "A Change in Perception Must Continue to Be Encouraged," in "Our Courts," and in "Our Grand Jury's," and "Wherever Judgements are Made To Validate Our Beliefs," " Re-Build Our Trust in The Law," and "Give Credence to Our Freedom," and "Our Principles!"And, "Protect Us," "We"..."The People," "from Harm, and Discouragement in The Law Enforcement Procedures" that "We Depend on!"

-(Note that, "The Grand Jury Decisions in the Michael Brown Case in Ferguson, Mo." and "The Eric Garner Case in NYC" are "Clear Examples of The Reasons For All The Distrust that is Building" amongst "We"..."The People," and "Directed Towards Our Law Enforcement System and Its Officials!" And, "Lets Not Forget The Trayvon Martin Case in Sanford, Fl.")-

"A Change in Perception" that is "Born and Bred in The Reality" that "We"... The People" are "One and All Sovereign Citizens of This Planet Earth" and Thus, "Our Lives are To Be Respected," and "Not Taken for Granted by Anyone," Whether They Be, "A Priest," "Rabbi," "President," "Queen, " "King," "Prince," "Princess," "Prime Minister," "Chancellor," "Vice President," "Anyone!" "Too Much has been Taken for Granted without Due Cause!" And, "Too Many Incidents have Occurred," where "Someone has Acted without Thinking First!"

"On a Macro Scale," You can See, "How Leaders have Acted Without Concern for the Lives of The Citizens of Another Sovereign Nation," Such as; "The Russian Federation President Vladimir Putin!" And, "We" have Seen, "How Religious Extremists have Taken Innocent Lives Without Concern of What The Consequences May Be!"

"The Question is, What are "We Teaching Our Children?" Is this, "The Future" that "We Would have For Them!" Have "We Not Seen Enough Violence to Last For An Eternity!" 

"How is Each New Generation to Understand" that "They are To Be The Soul Force of A New Earthwide Configuration of Peace and Equilibre," if "They Do Not Witness It" by "The Actions of Their Parents," "Peers," "Religious," "Political," and "Business Leaders," and "Elders!"

And, "How are Our Children to Understand" that "Our Schools and College Campuses are For Learning" and "Maturing!"

"Learning to Appreciate," and "Experience Students of Different Cultures," "Different Ethnic Groups," "Different Religions," and "Different Genders," if "We," Who are Their Parents and Elders, "Do not Demonstrate that Same Respect To Our Fellow Human Being!"

And, If "We" Who are Their Parents and Elders, "Do Not Show Reverence For The Lives Of All Sentient Beings!"

And, if "We Do Not Show The Proper Respect For This Planet Earth" and "Great Cosmos," that "We" are, but, "A Small Part of!"

"The National and Local News Reportage" about "The Number of Sexual Assaults on College Campuses is Alarming!" And, "The Acts of Bullying and Violence," are also, of "Deep Concern and Dismay!"

"Each Generation has a Part to Perform as The World Evolves" into "A New Global Configuration of The 21st Century!" "Just as A Change in Perception" "Must Accompany The Training and Education of Our Law Enforcement Officials," "Court Lawyers," and "Judges!"

And, "Before Anymore Innocent Lives are Tragically Lost" (or Property is Destroyed" or "Damaged") "Lost to Unconscionable Acts of Violence," "Activist Groups," and "Advocates of Law and Order," and "Peace," "Need to Teach, by Showing Restraint," when "Demonstrations," "Marches," or "Sit ins are Mobilized to Place Emphasis on Whatever Their Ideas," "Experiences," "Causes," and "Beliefs," in "The True Tradition of Martin Luther King's Non-Violent Civil Rights Marches," and "Mahatma Gandhi's Satyagraha Movement," "All across This Earth of Ours," from Ferguson, Ohio, to Hong Kong ("Fragrant Harbour")!"

And, "More Non-Violent Acts and Events are Necessary," if, "We" are "To Evolve and Move Ahead as A Great Society Of The People, By The People, and For The People!" Whether it Be "To Protest against Poverty," and "Homelessness," or "For Justice For One and All!"

And, "It is of The Utmost Importance" For "The Fourth Estate," and "The Global Cross-Media News Services," and "The Social Media" to "Show Peaceful," "Non-Violent Events," "Whenever and Wherever They May Occur!"

"A Change in Perception is Necessary," "Wherever Social Issues are Being Discussed," or "Enacted upon!"

And, "Public Service" and "Charitable Work Must Be Encouraged," in The Tradition of "The Peace Corps," "Doctors and Nurses without Borders," and "Saint Teresa of Calcutta," if "We"..."The People" are "To Rise Above The Indifference's" that, "At Times, Clouds Our Vision," When "We" are "Faced with New Challenges that Impede Our Ability to Help Another Human Being!"

And, "With Great Perseverance," "Meaningful Purpose," "Courage, " "Determination," and "Soul Strength," "We"... "As A Sovereign People of This Planet Earth," "Will Rise to A Higher Ground," "Fused with An Evolutionary," and "Sociological Awareness," that is "In Parallel with The Inspired Technological," "Scientific," "Communication," and "Information Age," of "Innovated Evolutionary Achievements!"

"We" have but "To Reach Out to Each Other and The Universe" and "Have The Courage to Rise above The Conditioned Realities that have Divided Us" and "In Full Realization of The Challenges that Lie ahead of Us Join Together as A United People of This Planet Earth!" 

"This is Not Impossible to Do, if You, But, Believe that "You Can Do it!"

And, So, "As We Enter into A New Autumn Season," "In spite of The Chaos," "War," and "Discord in The World," "Let Us Build," Instead, "An Earthwise Society" that is "Rooted in A Universe of Unanimity and Purpose," that is "Beneficial to The Lives of All Sentient Beings!"

And, To All The Voices of Reason and Peacemakers of The 20th and 21st Millennia, "Let Us Continue to Work Towards Accomplishing Our Goals" to "End Poverty!"

And, "Let Us Continue to Work Towards Our Goals" of "An End of Homelessness!"

And, "Let Us Continue to Work Towards Our Goals" of "An End to Social and Financial Disparities On Earth!"

And, "Let us Continue to Work Towards An Earthrise of Hope," "Compassion," and "Belief in A World of Reverence and Respect For The Lives of All Sentient and Inanimate Beings," "Existing in Harmony and Equilibre with Each Other!"

For, This is, The Way To Peace, and An Omnipresent, Omnipotent, and Omniscience Age of Peace On Earth!


 - "Global Cross Media and Nationwide News" from "The Washington D.C. Eye" on "The Follow Up Maneuvers," and "Flashbacks," on "The Grand Jury Indictment in The State of Georgia" Against "Former President Donald John Trump," (and "Eighteen Allies,") for "His Alleged Efforts" to "Overturn The 2020 Presidential Election," and of "A Criminal Enterprise" to "Keep Him on Power!"
"The Forty- One Count Indictment Charges The Ex- President" with "Felony Racketeering," and "Numerous Conspiracy Charges," - (Note that, "Prosecutors Used A Statute Normally Associated with Mobsters" to "Accuse the Former President of The United States of America!"

As of Tuesday, The Twelfth of September 2023, "Prosecutors," and "Defense Counselors," have "Continued to Present Their Cases!" "In Some Cases," Such as; "The Former Chief of Staff," to The Ex- President, "Mark Randall Meadows," "U.S. District Court Judge Steve CarlMichael Jones" of the United States District Court for the Northern District of Georgia, "Wrote A Forty- Nine Page Ruling" on Friday, The Eighth of September 2023, that "Denied The Request of Mr. Meadows' Defense Attorney's to "Move His Georgia Election Subversion Case" to "Federal Court!"

"Judge Jones Wrote in His Ruling" that, Mark "Meadows has not met even the "quite low threshold" to move his case to federal court," ..... And that, "The evidence adduced at the hearing establishes that the actions at the heart of the State's charges against Meadows were taken on behalf of the Trump campaign with an ultimate goal of effecting state election activities and procedures!"

Global Cross Media News Reports are Friday, The Eighth of September, 2023, "Mr. Meadows Filed A Notice of Appeal!" And, "As You Can Imagine This Thrust and Parry of Legal Moves Will Continue" until "There are No More Legal Moves/Appeals to Be Made!"
-(Note that, Global Cross Media News Reports are "Judge Jones also Wrote in His Forty- Nine Page Ruling" that Mr. "Meadows himself testified that working for the Trump campaign would be outside the scope of a White House Chief of Staff!")-

"Fulton County District Attorney Fani Taifa Willis" Who has Spent The Last Two and a Half Years Both Investigating" and "Building This Case Against Former President Trump," and "The Eighteen Trump Allies," who have "Been Indicted" has said that, "She wants to Try All of The Defendants Together!"

-"Global Cross Media News Universe, Insights, New Horizons, News Purview's, and Global Perspectives," And, "New Legal Moves Should Be Expected"-

"It Must Be Noted" that "It Would Not Be Surprising" for "The Defense Attorney's of The Ex- President to also "Argued," that "Their Defendant Should also Be Tried" in "A Federal Court," and "Not in The State of Georgia Before A Grand Jury of Impartial Jurors!"

"Flashback"- Global Cross Media News Reports are "Thursday, The Twenty- Fourth of August 2023," "Former President John Donald Trump Surrendered Himself," to "Be Arrested" at "The Fulton County Jail in Atlanta, Georgia!" "The Bond has Been Set" at "$Two Hundred Thousand Dollars!"
Also Take Note that, "Ex- New York Mayor Rudolph William Louis "Rudy" Giuliani," also "Surrendered on Thursday, The Twenty- Fourth of August 2023, at "The Fulton County Jail in Atlanta, Georgia!")-

-"Global Cross Media News Universe, Insights, New Horizons, News Purview's, Global Perspectives,"- "Flashbacks"- Extra Noteworthy News-
"Headlines of The Fourth Estate," and "Breaking News Spotlights of The Global Cross Media News Sphere's Reported" that Monday, The Fourteenth of August 2023, "The 45th" and "Former President of The United States of America Donald John Trump was Indicted for The Fourth Time!"

"The Former President and Eighteen Allies" were "Indicted by A Fulton County Grand Jury in The State of Georgia" for "His Alleged Efforts" to "Overturn The 2020 Presidential Election," and of "A Criminal Enterprise" to "Keep Him in Power " and "Undo His Defeat!"

"In A Detailed Ninety- Eight Page Indictment" of "One Hundred and Sixty- One Acts," "Charges The Former President with The Following Felony Counts;
(1) "Violating The Georgia RICO Act,"
(2) "Three Counts of Solicitation of Violation of Oath by A Public Officer,"
(3) "Conspiracy to Commit Impersonating A Public Officer,"
(4) "Two Counts of Conspiracy to Commit Forgery in The First Degree,"
(5) "Two Counts of Conspiracy to Commit False Statements and Writings,"
(6) "Conspiracy to Commit Filing False Documents,"
(7) "Two Counts of False Statements and Writings,"
(8) "Filing False Documents"

The Former President," and "His Allies Will have To Prove" that, (1) "Beseeching the Republican Secretary of State of Georgia" to "Find Enough Votes for Him to Win The Battleground State;" (2) "Harassing An Election Worker who Faced False Claims of Fraud;" (3) "And Attempting to Persuade Georgia Lawmakers to Ignore The Will of Voters and Appoint A New Slate of Electoral College Electors Favorable to Trump;" and (4) "A Plot Involving One of His Lawyers to Access Voting Machines in A Rural Georgia County," and "Steal Data from A Voting Machine Company;" was "Not Illegal!"

And, "The Indictment also Alleges that Rather than Abide by Georgia's Legal Process for Election Challenges, the Defendants Engaged in A Criminal Racketeering Enterprise to Overturn Georgia's Presidential Election Result."

-(Note that Global Cross Media News Reports are "This Indictment of Former President Trump and Eighteen Allies," by Fulton County "District Attorney Fani Taifa Willis," "Alleges that A Scale of Criminal Conduct Extending Far Beyond The Former President Alone, had Occurred!"

And, "Accuses His Former Chief of Staff Mark Randall Meadows," "The Ex- New York Mayor Rudolph William Louis "Rudy" Giuliani," and "The Former President's Attorneys," and "The Former President Himself, Donald John Trump," of "Being Members" of A "Criminal Organization" and "Enterprise," that "Operated in Georgia and Other States," as well!)-

"It Will Be Quite Interesting, "How The - President and His Attorneys Present A Defense Explaining," (1) "A Phone Call to Georgia Secretary of State Bradford Jay "Brad" Raffensperger on The Second of January 2021," "Asking The Secretary of State" to "Find the 11, 780 Votes Needed to Overturn His Election Loss!"

"Prosecutors have Stated" that, "This Phone Call" by The Ex-President, "Violated A Georgia Law Against Soliciting A Public Official to Violate Their Oath!"

"The Names of The Other Co-Defendants," and "A Brief Accounting" are; (1) "John Charles Eastman," One of Trumps Attorneys, (2) "Sydney Katherine Powell," Another Trump Attorney, (3) "Kenneth John Chesebro," Another Attorney who Worked at The Direction of The Ex- President's Campaign, with Georgia Republicans, after The 2020 Election, (4) "Jeffrey Bossert Clark," A Justice Department Official who Supported False Claims of Election Fraud" and "The Big Lie, (5) "Jenna Lynn Ellis," who "Appeared at A Hearing" with "Rudy Giuliani on The Third of January 2021," "Hosted by State Republican Lawmakers at The Georgia Capitol Where False Allegations of Election Fraud were Made, (6) "Ray Stallings Smith III," A Georgia Based Attorney Involved in Multiple Cases Challenging The Results of The 2020 Election," (7) "Robert David Cheeley," A Georgia Attorney who Presented A Video, "Alleging that Election Workers at The State Farm Arena in Atlanta were Counting Votes Twice," or "Sometimes even Three Times," (8) "Michael A. Roman," A Former White House Aide, Involved in Putting Forth a Set of Fake Electors after 2020 Election," (9) "David James Shafer," The Chairman of The Georgia GOP, who Met at The State Capitol on The Fourteenth of December 2020, and Signed A Certificate along with Sixteen Other Republicans Declaring Falsely that The Ex- President had Won, and also Declaring that "They were The States "Duly and Elected and Qualified" Electors, (10) "Shawn Micah Tresher Still," One of The State Republicans who also Signed The Certificate," (11) "Stephen Cliffgard Lee," A Pastor, who Worked with Others to Attempt to Pressure Georgia Election Worker Ruby Freeman and Her Daughter after Falsely Accusing Them of Pulling Fraudulent Election Ballots from A Suitcase During The Vote Count, (12) "Harrison William Prescott Floyd," The Director of Black Voices for Trump, who Has Been Accused of Recruiting Lee to Arrange a Meeting with Freeman, and Chicago Based Publicist Trevian Kutti, (13) "Trevian C. Kutti," (Who Formerly Represented Kanye West) A Publicist who Claimed to have High Level Law Enforcement Connections, Met with Kutti at A Police Precinct, Where She Brought Floyd into The Conversation on A Speakerphone! Prosecutors Claim Presented Herself to Freeman as Someone who Could Help, But then Pressured Her to Falsely Confess to Election Fraud, (14) "Cathleen Alston "Cathy" Latham," One of The Sixteen State Republicans who also Signed A Certificate Falsely Claiming that The Ex- President had Won, and also Declaring that "They were The States "Duly and Elected and Qualified" Electors, (15) "Scott Graham Hall," An Atlanta Area Bail Bondsman, who Allegedly was Involved in "Commandeering Voting Information," that was The Property of Dominion Voting Systems from Coffee County, Georgia, (16) "Misty Hampton," Election Director in Coffee County, who Allowed Two Men who had Been Active in Efforts to Question The 2020 Election Results to Access The Elections Office in January of 2021, and Spend Hours inside with The Equipment!

"Global Cross Media News Universe, Insights, New Horizons, News Purview's, Global Perspectives,"- And, "The 45th" and "Former President of The United States of America Donald John Trump was Indicted for The Fourth Time"-

"The Question Remains," "How Many More Indictments," and "Guilty Verdicts," "Can Former Twice Impeached President Trump Withstand," (Twice In The United States House of Representatives," "Although He was Twice Acquitted of The Charges in The United States Senate")!

And, "An Additional Question" is "Will Financial Support Dry Up," and "Finally Cease to Exist for The Ex- President" as "He Continues to Campaigns in The Republican Primaries!"

But, "Whatever The Causality Effect" of "The Legal Pressures," and "Financial Costs," "Generated by The Criminal Indictments" that "Both He," and "His Attorneys," are "Certain to Face," "Will Mount Significantly During The Autumn," and "Winter of 2023," and "The Spring of 2024," and "There is Little Doubt" that "His Future," and "His Place on History," "Will Be Greatly Effected by It," "For Better or For Worst," And, "The Lives of All of His Allies Will also Be Effected," "For Better or For Worst!"

And, "The Fundamental Principle that Exists in A True Democracy," that "No One is Above The Law," and that "Everyone is Treated Equally under The Law," and "Everyone is Held Accountable to The Same Laws," and "Treated Equally and Justly in A Civilized Society," "Continues to Be A Proven," and "An Essential Core Principle in The United States of America," and "The U.S. Constitution!"

And, "History Can Attest," as "An Honest Truthmaker," that "The United States of America is "A Great Experiment," that "Has Been Severely Tested," and "Proven to Be A Great Example of Democracy in Action!"

And, "By Its Civil Rights," and "Human Rights," and "Equal Rights," and "Voters Rights," and "Anti- War Activism," and "Advocacy's Alone," "America has Proven Its Undeniable Worth," "Although It has Taken Great Sacrifice" and "The Loyal Patriotism of American Citizens," "Women," "Men," and "The Youth of The Nation," and "Devotion to Its Constitution," "Bill of Rights," and "Declaration of Independence," to "Do It!" "Making It Truly A Grand Ole Nation," "Republic," "Democracy," and "Government Of The People, By The People, and For The People!"

And, "The Youth of America" have "Good Reason," "Cause," and "Justification," to "Be Proud of," and "Admire The Accomplishments," and "Struggles that America's Founding Mothers," and "Fathers," and "The Millions Upon Millions of Pioneers who Traversed This Nation Experienced!"

And, "The Future of The Nation" also "Holds Great Promise for The Twenty- First Century," and "Beyond This Time/Spare Reality," "Because A New Era of Great Expectations," "Supported," "Maintained," and "Sustained," by "The Cognitive," "Intelligent," "Humanitarian," "Insightful," "Conscientious," "Universal," and "Spiritually Minded," "Vast Majority of American People," Who have "Come to The Full Realization" that "A New Age" of "Equality," "Equanimity," "Justice," and "Opportunity," and "Peace," and "Harmony," "Must Prevail," and "Ascend on The Willpower," "Strength of Character," "Soul Strength," and "Universal Tenets and Principles," of "This Great Democracy!"

And, "This Bold" and "Courageous New Era Must Be All Inclusive," and "Respectful of All Indigenous People," "The Four Hundred and Seventy- Six Million of Them Earthwide," Including "The Earthwide Diverse Multi-Cultural Societies," and "Rainbow Communities," that "Reflect The Embodiment," and "Personification of This New Era," and "Grand Tapestry of The Environmental," and "Ecological Sphere's," and "The Character," "Ethos," and "Fabric of All Sentient Beings" and "The Immense Totality of Eight Billion Citizens/People" of "The Earthwide Union of Sovereign Solar Nations!"

And, "Although The Challenges that Lie Ahead of Us May Be Significant," "We Can," and "We Will Succeed!"


-  "Global Cross Media and Nationwide News" from "The Washington D.C. Eye" on "The U.S. Unemployment Insurance Claims" "For The Week Ending The Ninth of September 2023,"- 
And, "The U.S. Annual Inflation Rate has Risen for The Second Month in A Row," But "Still Remains at A Low Level,"- 
And, "The U.S. Economic Growth Increased at A Rate of 2.4% in The Second Quarter of 2023," "Up from 2% in The First Quarter"-  
However, "Mortgage Rates have Increased," "Un Petite Peu,"-
And, "Although Questions of The Veracity," and "Recovery of The U.S. Economy Continue to Persist," "Overall Improvements in The U.S. Economy Continue," and "The Biden/Harris Administration," and "The Democratic Party," have "Good Reason to Be Proud of Their Economic Accomplishment,"- 
And, "A New Era of Economic" and "Financial  Prognostications are Upon Us,"- Extra Noteworthy News-
"Headlines of The Fourth Estate," and "Breaking News Spotlights of The Global Cross Media News Sphere's have Reported" that "Although The U.S. Unemployment Rate has Risen from 3.5% to 3.8% in The Month of August," "This Increase Still Remains Quite Remarkably" at "One of The Lowest Rates of Unemployment since 1969," And, by "All Standards," at "A Historically Low Level!"
And, "The Annual Inflation Rate for The United States is 3.7%" for "The Twelve Months Ending in August 2023," A "Slight Increase Above The 3.2% Annual Inflation Rate for July 2023," However, "Its Still Amongst The Lowest Rates Its Been since March, 2021,"-
And, "These Slight Changes," and "Increases," in "The U.S. Unemployment Rate," and "The Annual Inflation Rate," at Present, "Simply Do Not Reflect or Suggest," "The Advent of A Negative Downturn in The United States Economy!" Which is and Remains," "Good News" for "The American People," and "The Biden/Harris Administration," and "The Democratic Party!" 

However, "It is Unfortunate" that "The Republican Party Continues to Engage in Using Destructive Obstructionist Tactics in An Effort to Demean and Discredit President Biden," Instead of "Presenting Positive Legislation" that is "Beneficial to The Multi- Cultural Communities," and "Environmental and Ecological Tapestry," and "Fabric Of The Republic," and "The Democratic Principles of America," and "Its Government Of The American People, By The American People, and For The American People, and "The Youth of The Nation!" And, "Give Their Full Support to The United States Constitution!" And, "The Egalitarian Laws of The Land!" "Instead of Supporting The Big Lie!"

Global Cross Media News Reports are Thursday, The Fourteenth of September, 2023, "The Bureau of Labor Announced" that "The Advanced Figure for Seasonally Adjusted Initial Claims was 220, 000," "An Insignificant Increase of 3, 000" from "The Previous Weeks Revised Up Level of 217, 000," from "216, 000!" And, "This Still Remains The Lowest Level that Its Been since February 2023!"

- (And, Take Note that, "The Four Week Moving Average was 224, 500," was "A Decrease of 5, 000 from The Previous Weeks Revised Up Average of 229, 500 from 229, 250!")-

And, "Even with The Bureau of Labor Report on Friday, The Seventh of July 2023" that "Jobs Underperformed at Two Hundred and Nine Thousand," Which "Contrasted with Economists Estimates" of "Approximately Two Hundred and Twenty- Five Thousand," "On Average The U.S. Economy" has "Been Adding Approximately 236, 000 Jobs per Month This Year!"

And, When You Include, "The U.S. Annual Inflation Rate," (even with "Its Slight Increase" from 3.2% to 3.7%,") and "The U.S. Economic Growth for The Second Quarter," "Both of These Statistics Together are Positive Signs," that "The Economic Recovery in The United States of America," is "For The Moment," "On Course Towards Improving The Overall Financial Conditions," and "Lifestyles of The American People!"

And,, "The Question" of "Whether The U.S. Job Market Will Continue to Remain Strong or Decline," "For The Moment," has "Been Answered," and "Still Remains Strong!"

And, Whether or Not, "Private Sector Employment," and/or "Hiring in General" has "Slowed Down,"  "Including Whatever The Labor Market Forecast is,"  or "Whether or Not There Will Continue to Be An Increase in Notices of Layoffs at Major Companies," has also "Been Answered for The Moment," with "The Recent Labor Department Report on Friday, The Fourth of August 2023," that "Employers Added 187, 000 Jobs in The Month of July," and "While This Statistic" is "Fewer than Expected,"  "It Must Be Noted" that "These Jobs have Been Added During A Time Period of High Interest Rates," and that is "A Positive Economic Overview to Make," as "This Summer of 2023 Comes to An End!"
And also that, "Within This Post CoronaVirus Phase of Our Lives," and "During This Summer Season of 2023," "You Can Expect Unemployment Insurance Claims" to "Vary Back and Forth" within "A Margin of Change," and "Variation," and "Unless There is A Serious Economic Dilemma," or "Financial Conundrum," of "Some Sort," "Caused by A Global Pandemic," "Outbreak of War," or "A Serious Banking Failure," and "Earthwide Conditions," "Coupled with Issues," and "Profound Circumstances," and "Aggravations" that "Have Been Exacerbated by Politician's," and/or "Factions," who "Profit from Causing Chaos," and "Divisiveness," "These Increases," and "Decreases in Unemployment," When They Occur, "Will Be Deemed Reasonable," and "Acceptable," by "Market Specialists," "Economic Pundits," and "Streetwise Economists!"

And, Although Global Cross Media News Reports that, "As of The Week Ending The 13th of September, 2023," that; (A) 30 Year Mortgage Rate- Has Shown Another Slight Increase from 7.68% to 7.73%" and, (B)- 15 Year Fixed Rate- Has Increased from 6.83% to 6.88% and, (C)- 30 Year Jumbo Mortgage Rate- Has Increased from 7. 42% to 7. 47%, "While These Increases are of Serious Concern to Borrowers," and "College Undergraduates," (For Example) "Who have Taken Out Federal Loans for The 2023 - 2024 School Year," "They Do Not Represent The Whole Picture" in regards to "The Overall Recovery of The U.S. Economy!"

And, "The Question" of ""Whether or Not There Will Be Another Pause" or "Increase" by "The Federal Reserve" has also "Been Answered," with "No Increase," after "An Aggressive FED Campaign" to "Slow Down The Pace of Inflation has Taken Place," ("Although The Current 5 .4 Percent," is "The Highest that Its Been since 2007,") and "Along with The U.S. Unemployment Rate at 3.8% in August," is "The Good News" that "The Biden/Harris Administration has Sought after," and "Looked Forward to!" 

And, "Its Worth Repeating" that "Even Though The Annual U.S. Inflation Rate has Risen to 3.7%" "For the Twelve Months Ending in August 2023," "Its Still Amongst The Lowest Its Been since March 2021," and "Demonstrates" that "The U.S. Economy Remains A Resilient One," and "Continues to Remain" on "A Consistent Course of Recovery," as "New Global Cross Media News Sphere's," and "Headlines of The Fourth Estate have Noted," "Growing at A Rate of 2.4% in the Second Quarter!" And, "Diminishing Thoughts of A Recession" that were "Being Posed by Economic Pundits!"

And, "Let Us Agree" that "It has Become Obvious" that "This New Age of Earthwise Economics," "Banking," "Trade," and "Commerce," "Wall Street," and "Global Markets," and "The Forecasts," and "Expectations of Economic Pundits," (And also, "The Biden/Harris Administration" and "The Federal Reserve") that "A New Era of Economic" and "Financial  Prognostications are Upon Us," and "Even Being A Streetwise Financial Connoisseur May Not Suffice" as "The Waves and Incoming Tides of Sociological Changes Ebb and Flow O'er The Diverse Multi- Cultural Societies, and Rainbow Communities, Tapestry, Fabric" and "Foundations," of "The Twenty- First Century Civilization"  of "The Almost Eight Billion Citizens/Populace of The Sovereign Solar Nations!"

However, "As New Facts Provide A Plethora of Financial and Economic Assessments" by "Wall Street," and "The Economic Pundits," and "The Federal Reserve System (FED)," and "The Biden/Harris Administration," "Let Us Still Remember" that "This Post CoronaVirus Phase of Our Lives," "Will Bring Forth A Variety of New Economic Prognostications," and "Financial Changes" and "Unaccoounted for Sociological Surprises," that "Without There Being Experienced Leadership in Positions" of "Government," and "Private," and "Public Sectors," that are "Highly Respected," "Cognitive," "Earthwise," "Perspective," "Insightful," and "Intelligent," "The U.S. Economic Recovery Will Be Flounder," and "Be Manipulated by Soulless Profit Mongers!" 
And, "Politics Must Be Removed from The U.S. Economic Recovery Equation!" "Why!" Because "The Lives," "Welfare," "Healthcare," and "Well Being," of "All The People are at Stake!"

-(And, Take Note that, "It is also of "Great Significance to Continue to Report" that "The Inflation Reduction Act of 2022," (A Budget Reconciliation Bill Sponsored by Senate Majority Leader Charles Ellis "Chuck" Schumer, Democrat from The State of New York," and "Joseph "Joe " Manchin III, Democrat from The State of West Virginia,) "Will have An Important Impact upon The United States in 2023!"
And, "The Fact" that It Will Invest Significantly" in, (1) "Domestic Energy Production and Manufacturing," and, (2) "Reduce Greenhouse Gas Emissions by Approximately Forty Percent by 2030," and "Below 2005 Levels," and "Reduce Prescription Drug Prices," and, (3) "Most Importantly Reduce The Deficit" and "Keep Inflation in Check," "Whatever Wall Streets Expectations are," and "Whatever Obstructionist Tactics The Republican Party May Mount," "Whether They Be  Positive or Negative," "Most Impressively The Federal Reserve," and "The Biden/Harris Administration Continue to Forge Ahead with Their Economic Plans" to "Improve The Quality of Life for All Americans to Benefit from," and "Enjoy!")-

However, "There is Still A Great Deal to Be Done in The United States of America," and "No One is Saying" that "The U.S. is Not in Dire Need of Additional Financial Relief," For Example; "Students Still Need Their Loans Forgiven," and "The Poor and Transient American Citizens " are "Still in Need of Financial Assistance," and "A Real Sense" that "Their Lives have A Meaning," and "Investment in The Infrastructure of This Grand Ole Nation is Still Needed," "Bridges Need Repairing," and "Roads Need Repair," and "The Nations Ports," and "Railways Need Repair!" And, "These are Just A Few of The Nations Infrastructure Projects" that "Need Immediate Attention!"

"All of Which Brings One's Immediate Attention" to "The Chaotic," "Vengeful," and "Irresponsible Antics," "Obstruction Tactics," and "Negative Lawmaking" of "The Republican Party" that "Lacks in Credulity," and "Purpose," and "Is Meaningless in Improving The Overall Living Conditions" of "America's Diverse Multi- Cultural Societies, Rainbow Communities, Tapestry, and Fabric Of The People," and "For The People,"and "The Future of America," "The Youth of This Great Nation!"

And, "The Most Pervasive and Incomprehensible Economic Question that Continues to Be" is, "Why is The Republican Party so Intent" on "Undermining The Democratic Government Of The People, By The People, and For The People!" 

"The American People are in Need of," and are "Beginning to See," and "Benefit from," "The Positive All Inclusive Economic Initiative of The Biden/Harris Administration," and "Democratic Party," that "Is Focused on Empowering The Lives," and "Ameliorating The Financial Conditions" of "The Diverse Multi- Cultural Society, and Rainbow Community, Tapestry, and Fabric of America!"

And, "It's Time for The Republican Party to Join Ranks with This Patriotic Economic Recovery Effort," "Especially after The CoronaVirus Pandemic Crisis in The United States," "For The Sake of The Youth of America," and "For Their Education," and "Futures," and "The Healthcare," and "The Welfare of Their Families!"

-"Global Cross Media News Universe, Insights, New Horizons, News Purview's, Global Perspectives," And, "The Irresponsible Economic Policies," and "Lack of True Concern for The Youth of America," and "The Overall Concerns of The American People," by "The Republican Party"-

"What Does Not Make Any Sense Whatsoever" is "Why The Republican Party Continues to Demand," For Example; (1) "New Work Requirements on Social Safety Net Programs," Such as, "The Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program," (SNAP), Formally Known as "Food Stamps!" 
And Yet, "The GOP Would Fight Any New Tax" on "Millionaires," and "Billionaires," and "Big Business," who "Could Actually Afford to Pay More Taxes," and "In Doing so, "Help Establish A Sense of Fairness in The U.S. Tax Paying System," and "Economic Parity," and "Sociological Security" in "The Capitalist Economy of The United States of America!"

"Isn't Helping Women," "Men," and "Children," who are "Less Fortunate Among Us," "A Good Thing to Do!" And, "A Positive Example" of "The Best Qualities" of "How A Democracy Cares for," and "Provides for," and "Protects Its Citizens!"

And, "Isn't Helping Those Among Us," who are "Less Fortunate," "A Constructive," and "Positive Way to Serve," "All that is In The Best Interests of The Diverse Multi- Cultural Society," and "Rainbow Community," Tapestry, and Fabric" of "The United States of America!" "What Happened to Being,"  "A Compassionate Conservative!"

 And, "Another Issue" that "The Youth of America are Deeply Concerned with," and "They Should Be" is, "Why is The Republican Party So Aggressive in Attacking Student Loan Forgiveness!"

"Can You Imagine The Overall Sense of Relief," that "The Youth of America Would Experience" "If They Could Look Forward to A Future" that "Would Guarantee Free Education" for "Every Child in America!"

"Free Education for The Youth of America Would Be A Tremendous Offering" by "This Grand Ole Republic," "Democracy," and "Government Of The People, By The People, and For The People," and "Its Capitalistic Economy!"

 "A Grand Capitalistic Offering" of "A Great Multi- Cultural Society," "Centered" and "Focused Upon A Program," and "Initiative," that" "Empowers The People," and "Encourages," and "Inspires The Youth of America to Get A Good Education," and "Bring A Higher Sense of Academic Achievement," and "Earthwise Equanimity," and "Universal Awareness to The Nation" that "Improves The Overall Quality of Life" for "This Diverse Multi- Cultural Society," and "Rainbow Community," and "Magnificent Tapestry, and Fabric" of "All The People of The United States of America!"

And In An Age, "Where So Many Sovereign Solar Nations are Offering Free Education," Such as, "Germany," "France," "Greece (Officially the Hellenic Republic)," "The Commonwealth of Australia," "The Kingdom of Belgium,"  "Denmark (The Most Populous Constituent of The Kingdom of Denmark)," "Hungary," "Iceland," "The Republic of Italy," "The Netherlands," "The Kingdom of Norway," "Scotland (Alba)," "The Kingdom of Spain," and "The Kingdom of Sweden," Just to Name a Few, "Clearly It is Time for The United States of America," "The Grand Ole Leader of Democracy," and "Capitalist Economy," to "Become One of The Core Leaders of Free Education Earthwide!"
And, "Its Time for The Republican Party to Be A Part of This Great Era" that "Supports Free Education," and "Excellence in Academic Achievement!"

"However, Whichever Way The Political Winds May Blow," and "After Crucial Government Decisions are Made," "The Business of The United States Congress Should Be" to "Get on with Creating Legislation" that is "In The Best Interests of The United States of America," and "In Defense of," and "In Protection of," "The Democratic Principles of The U.S. Constitution," and "The Republic," and "The Democratic Government Of The People, By The People, and For The People!"
And, "The Republican Party Must Remember" that "They Took An Oath"  to "Discharge the duties of the office on which I am about to enter. So help me God!"" .... And to, "Support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic. And, "This Oath" or "Affirmation" is also "An Allegiance to The United States of America," "Not to A Party Ideology," or "A Big Lie!"
And, "It's Time for The GOP" to "Conduct The Business of The Nation," and "The American People," with "All that Is In The Best Interest of The United States of America!" And, "In Conjunction," and "Respect with," and "In Alignment with," "Its Allies" who "Believe in Peace," "Freedom," "Justice," and "Equality," "Wherever The Sun" and "The Moon," "Rise and Sets O'er The Lands," and "Seas," "Earthwide!"
-"Global Cross Media News Universe, Insights, New Horizons, News Purview's, Global Perspectives,"- And, "A New Age" of "Earthwide Information," "Communication," "Sociological," "Environmental, Humanitarian," "Philosophical," "Journalistic," "Political," "Candid," "Straightforward," "Purview's," and "Overview"s," of "Current," "Contemporary," and "Far Reaching," "Prescient Visions," "Affairs," and "Events," that "Coalesce," and "Merge" with "An Honest," "Omniscient," and "Omnipotent Spirit," and "Soul Force Of The People," and "The Fundamental Principle that Exists in A True Democracy," that "No One is Above The Law," and that "Everyone is Treated Equally under The Law," and "Everyone is Held Accountable to The Same Laws," and "Treated Equally," and "Justly in A Civilized Society," "Continues to Be A Proven," and "An Essential Core Principle in The United States of America," and "The U.S. Constitution!"

And, "It Must Be Noted" that "The Ninety- One Indictments Against The Former President of The United States of America Donald John Trump" have "Been Brought Against Him by Four Grand Jury's, Comprised" of "An Unbiased," and "Impartial Group of American Citizens" who have; (1) "Conducted Legal Proceedings" that are "Investigating Potential Criminal Conduct," and, (2) "Hear Testimonies," (3) "Listen to" and "Read The Evidence," and, (4) "Hear All of The Arguments," and, (5) "Carefully Examine The Facts," and, (6) "Made Their Decisions Based Upon All of This Information," and, (7) "Come to Their Own Conclusions" to "Determine Whether There has Been Probable Cause to Believe" that "One or More Person's have Committed A Specific Federal Offense," or "Violated A State Law," "All of Which have Resulted in These Ninety- One Indictments Being Made!" And, "Arrest Warrants Being Sent Out to All of The Men," and "Women," with "Whom State Prosecutors," and/or "The United States Department of Justice," have "Brought Charges Against," "For Whatever Alleged Crimes" or "Offenses," They May have Committed!"
And, "Each and Every Defendant has An Opportunity to Be Represented by A Defense Attorney," and "Must be Presumed Innocent until Proven Guilty Beyond A Reasonable Doubt in A Court of Law!"

However, "The Misinformation," and "Political Rhetoric," "Being Made by The Former President," and "The Trump Campaign," that "His Indictment" is "A Politically Motivated Witch Hunt," and "Election Interference," and "The Republican Party's Defense of Him," by "Accusing The Biden/Harris Administration" and "The United States Department of Justice (DOJ)" of "Weaponizing Government to Go After Their Number One Opponent. Its Time and Time again," as " Kevin Owen McCarthy, the 55th" and "Current Speaker of the United States House of Representatives" said "In A Recent Statement," and As Reported by The Global Cross Media News Sphere's is "As Far Away from The Truth as Can Be Imagined!" And, "An Absolute Disservice of Justice," and "The Democratic Principles," that "They have Sworn and Oath to Uphold!"

"The Ninety- One Indictments Against The Former President of The United States of America Should Not Be Politicized," "For They Symbolize" and "Epitomize," "The Noble Example," that "No One is Above The Law in A True Democracy," and "This Principle," and "Rule of Law," is "One of The Reasons Why America" has "Gained The Respect of Other Democracies Amongst The Union of Sovereign Solar Nations Earthwide!" And also, "A Reason Why The Youth of America Can Take Pride in Their Nation!"

And, "A Rule of Law," that "Everyone must obey the law and be held accountable if they violate it." And that, "Being A Citizen of A True Democracy," "Insists that the law be equally, fairly, and consistently enforced!"
-("Additional Principles" that "Make The United States of America A Great Experiment," and "Sovereign Solar Democratic Nation that is Admired Earthwide" also Includes; (1) "Respect for Human Rights," "Civil Rights," and "Individual Rights," and Fundamental Freedoms," and "A Popular Sovereignty," (2) "Holding Free and Fair Elections," and "Limited Government," (3) "Separations of Powers," "Federalism," (4) "Independence of the Branches of Government," "Checks and Balances," and, (5) "A Pluralistic System of Political Parties and Organizations," and "Republicanism" (Based on A Political Ideology Centered on Citizenship in A State Organized as A Republic")-

And, "The Former President," and "His Attorney's," "Will have Their Day in Court" to "Provide for Their Defense," and to "Prove Whether His Assertions," and "Beliefs," are "True or False!"

"The Often Used Quote" by "The 25th President of The United States of America Theodore "Teddy" Roosevelt Jr." that "No One is Above The Law," (Not even A Former President of The United States of America,) and "is One of The Main Principles" and "Rule of Law," of "Being A Citizen of Living in A True Republic," and "Sovereign Democratic Nation," Of The People, By The People, and For The People," and "This Quote is "Proving to Be True!"


-"Global Cross Media News Universe, Insights, New Horizons, News Purview's, and Global Perspectives"- 

"The United States of America has A Grand Ole History" of "Being A Nation of Liberty," and "Freedom," and of "Great Democratic Principles," "Values," and "Traditions!" And, "The Colors of The Flag Symbolize," (1) "Red, Hardiness and Valour," (2) "White, Purity and Innocence," and, (3) "Blue, The Color of The Chief Symbolizes," "Vigilance," "Perseverance" and "Justice," and, (4) "The Star is a Symbol of The Heavens" and "The Divine Goal" to "Which Humankind has Aspired from Time Immemorial," and "The Stripe is Symbolic of The Rays of The Light Emanating from The Sun" and, (5) "The Quote about The Gold Fringe on The Flag" is from The Book, "So Proudly We Hail, The History of The United States Flag."
And, Althroughout The History of The United States, There have Been Great Presidents to Inspire Its Citizens in Times of Crisis," and "Encourage The People to Rise Above The Tragedies," "Obscenities," and "Threats to Subvert The U.S. Constitution," or "Overthrow The Republic!"

And, "This is The Time for Leaders" of "Government," and "The Private," and "Public Sectors," and "Places of Worship," and "Academia," to "Speak Out in Full Support" of "The Democratic Principles," and "The Republic" and "The Government Of The People, By The People and For The People," and "The Constitution of The United States of America," For "All The People of The Union of Sovereign Solar Nations," to "See," "Hear," "Admire," "Respect," and "Be Proud of!"
- "Global Cross Media News Universe, Insights, New Horizons, News Purview's, Global Perspectives,"- And, "A New Earthwide "Sociological," "Informational," "Environmental, "Philosophical," "Candid," "Humanitarian," "Informational," "Political," "Journalistic," "Straightforward," and "Communication Age," of "Current," "Contemporary," "Innovative," and "Prescient Visions," that "Coalesce," and "Merge" with "An Honest," "Omniscient," and "Omnipotent Spirit," and "Soul Force Of The People"- 

"As The Sun Sets and Rises O'er The Twenty- Four Time Zones (Regions) of The Earths Sovereign Solar Union of Nations Territories," and "The Diverse Multi- Cultural Societies," "Rainbow Communities," and "Extraordinary Tapestries," and "Fabric of The Sociological Sphere's" that"Encompass Us," and that "The Earths Populace Exists within," "One Seriously Wonders What Will It Take," as "We Rise to The Myriad New Challenges that Exist in The Second Decade of The Twenty- First Century," to "Bring An Everlasting Peace to The Earth!"
"Would It Take," as "Pictured in A Major Sci- fi," "AI," "Action Adventure Fantasy Film Release," "Being Premiered in A Super Dolby Cinema," of "A Grand Armada of Alien Spaceships Hovering in The Sky from One Earthwide Horizon to Another," "Bringing with Them As A Grand Gesture," "A Peace Tree," with "Its Sprawling Branches Stretching Out Across The Earths Landscape," with "Brilliantly Colored Yellow Leaves," and "Flower Blossoms," "Illuminating," and "Covering Its Outstretched Branches" and that "Emit A Florescent Light" of "Electromagnetic Luminescence," to "Bring A Magnificent New Era of Peace that is Everlasting" to The Union of Sovereign Solar Nations," and "Unification of The Eight Billion People/Citizens of The Earth" under "One Universal Banner!"

And, "One Wonders Exactly, "What Would It Take for The Leaders of The 18th G20 Heads of State and Government Summit Meeting" of "The United Sovereign Solar Nations Major Economies" on The Ninth and Tenth of September 2023, "in New Delhi. India's Capitol," to "Ostracize," "Spurn," and "Reject Russian Federation President Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin with The Due Contempt," and "Scorn," that "By His Actions He Deserves!"

- (Note that, "Headlines of The Fourth Estate," and "Breaking News Spotlights of The Global Cross Media News Sphere's reported," On The Seventeenth of March 2023 that "The International Criminal Court (ICC)" has "Issued An Arrest Warrant" for "Russian President Vladimir Putin" for "War Crimes," saying In A Statement that, "President Putin is Allegedly Responsible for The War Crime of Unlawful Deportation of (Children) and that of Unlawful Transfer of (Children) from Occupied Areas of Ukraine to The Russian Federation!" 
And, Take Note that, "This is The First Time," that "A Leader of One of The Five Permanent Nations of The United Nations Security Council" has "Been Issued A Warrant by The International Criminal Court (ICC)!")- 

"The Russian Federation President" is "Deserving of Nothing Less" than "Receiving The Scorn," "Disdain," and "Contempt," of "The Leaders of The Union of G20 Sovereign Solar Nations," "For Authorizing The Unlawful," "Malevolent," "Despotic," "Invasion of The Sovereign Solar Nation of Ukraine," "An Eastern European Nation," and "Neighbor," and In Doing so, "Violating Ukraine's Territorial Rights!" 
And, "Committing Crimes of Inhumanity," "Against The People/Citizens of Ukraine!" 

And, "It's Time for Common Sense" "Morality," and "Respect for One's Fellow Human Being" to "Be The Mantra," and "Core Statement," "For The Universal Rights" and "Principles" of "All Sentient," and "Human Beings!" And also, "For The Environmental," and "Ecological Sphere's" of "The Earths Seas," "Skies," and "Lands!" 

And, "Those Leaders of Sovereign Solar Nations," "Organizations," "Institutions," and "Individuals," of "The Private," and "Public Sectors," and "Their Partners of The Parallel Universes" that "Provide Services For The People," "The Eight Billion People/Citizens of The Multi-Cultural Societies, Rainbow Communities, and Magnificent Tapestries, and Fabric Of The People," "Those Leaders," "Companies," and "Individuals," who've "Committed Crimes Against Humanity," and "Violated The Universal Rights," and "Principles," of "All The People," "Women," "Men," and "Children," "Should Be One and All Penalized," and "Ostracized for Their Actions!" 

"The Most Pertinent," and "Overriding Question," that "We Should Ask Ourselves" is "Have We Not Learned" from "The Universal List" of "Countless Numbers of Lessons," that "History has Recorded in Its Annals," that "Have Shown" that; (1) "War" and "Military Conflicts," only "Cause More Wars," and "Military Conflicts," "Deaths," and "Destruction," and, (2) "Violence only Causes More Violence," "Deaths," and "Destruction!" 
And, (3) "Poverty only Causes More Poverty," "Deaths," and "Depression!" 

And, "Its Past Due for The G20," and "All of The Sovereign Solar Nations," to "Cognitively," and "Conscientiously Comprehend," that "The Time has Come for An Everlasting Age of Peace" to "Grace The Shores," "Lands," and "Skies," of "Our Home Planet Earth," and "The Universe," that "We are But A Minuscule," Although "Significant Part of!" "The Youth of The Earth" are "Deserving of Nothing Less than This!" 
And, "The Time has Come" to "Give Them," and "Share with Them," "The Gifts of Peace," and "Justice,"  and "Equality," and "Freedom!" 
And, "An Opportunity to Learn Academically," "Historically," "Spiritually," and "Empirically," and "From The Non- Prejudicial Universal Tenets," and "Principles," that "Our Parents," "Teachers," "Coaches," and "Religious Leaders," "Taught Us to Believe in!"

- "Global Cross Media News Universe, Insights, New Horizons, News Purview's, Global Perspectives,"-
And, "A New Renaissance of Humanism," that "Replaces The Oppressive" "Despotic," "Egotistical," and "Dictatorial Rule of Tyrants," is "The Clear Signification" that "A New Age of Sociological Influences," "Conditions," and "Systems of Governance," are "Beginning to Take Hold," and "Make A Positive Change in Our Lives," "A Change that Brings with It Purpose," and "Reason for Being," and "The Definitive Causation of A New Era," and "Extensive Time Period" of "Unlimited Growth," and "Development" that "Ameliorates The Lives," and "Lifestyles," of "The Eight Billion People/Citizens" of "The Sovereign Solar Community of Nations!"

And that, "Establishes The Essential Priorities," "Values," "Traditions," "Universal Principles," and "Tenets of Life," that "The Youth of The Earth Can Admire," and "Implement in Their Own Codes of Ethics," and "Personal Behavior!"-

And, "A New Age" of "Earthwide Information," "Communication," "Sociological," "Environmental, Humanitarian," "Philosophical," "Journalistic," "Political," "Candid," "Straightforward," "Purview's," and "Overview"s," of "Current," "Contem porary," and "Far Reaching," "Prescient Visions," "Stories of Interest," and "Earthwide Affairs," and "Events," that "Coalesce," and "Merge" with "An Honest," "Omniscient," and "Omnipotent Spirit," and "Soul Force Of The People,"-

  "As The Majesty of The Sun Rises and Sets in The Skies O'er The Twenty- Four Regions" (Time Zones) of "The Sovereign Solar Union of Nations" from "Asia," to "Africa," and "North America" to "South America," and "Antarctica," and "Europe," to "Australia," ("Continent to Continent"), and "As The Full Moon's Come and Go," "Illuminating The Eventide Skies," with "Their Beauty" and "Magnificence," 

"Can Anyone Disagree" that "The Time of Peace has Come," and "A Time for Justice has Come for One and All," and "A Time of Freedom" "Equality,"  "Equanimity," and "An Earthwide Equilibre has Come!" And "Can Anyone Disagree" that "From A Meaningful," "Soulful," and "Spiritual Perspective," that "Clearly A Time for Miracles has Come For One and All" to "Share with Each Other!" 

And, "Can Anyone Disagree" that "Unquestionably," "A Time for An End of War has Come," and that "Without Dispute," "A Time for An End of Corruption," and "Oppression has Come!" And, "A Time for An End of Crime's of Inhumanity Committed Against One's Fellow Human Being," and "Injustice" is "Here  and Now!" 

And, "While The Seasons Change," and "The Tides Rise and Fall in Alignment" and "In Conjunction," with "The Earth," "Moon," and "Sun," "May A New Age of Insightful Cognition," and "Universal Awareness," and "Enlightenment," and "Omniscience," "Usher in A Wondrous Era of Perigean Spring Tides," and "Neap Tides," of "Everlasting Waves of Peace," and "Harmony," and "Sociological Security," in "A Sea Filled with Eddies," and "Ripples," of "A Constant Flow of Great Expectations," and "In Perpetuity with All The Celestial Bodies," and "Galaxies," of "The Grand Universe" that "Embodies," and "Encompasses Us," "Where The Unlimited Poly Systems of The Parallel Universes" of "The Public,' and 'Private Sectors," and "Their Earthwide Partners," are "Unified In One Grand Purpose," Which is "To Be of Benefit and Service of All" that "Is In The Best Interests of The Eight Billion People/Citizens" of "The Sovereign Solar Union of Nations!" 

And, "As We Continue to Build," and "Re- Build," and "Restore Old Bridges," and "Construct New One's," and "New Roads," and "Uplifting," and "Innovative Paths," of "A Bold New Civilization Of The People, By The People, and For The People," "Let Us Remember" that "The Protection," "Conservation," and "Defense" of "The Moral Values," "Traditions," "Cultures," "Academia," "Historic Annals of Humankind," and "Laws of The Land," and "The Universal" and "Spiritual Tenets," and "Principles," that "We have Been Taught" in "Our Homes," "Schools," "Places of Worship," and "Work Places," and "In The Constitutions," and "Bill of Rights," of "Free Sovereign Solar Nations," "Must also Be Preserved," "Maintained," "Sustained," and "Conserved," "In Perpetuity!"
And, "Let's Vow to Make The Remainder of The Twenty- First Century," "A Time Of Peace," and "A New Age of Miracles" in "All of The Sociological," and "Earthwide Public," "Health," "Science," "Technological," "Spiritual," "Professional," "Business and Financial Affairs," of "Humankind," and "A Grand Renaissance Of All The People!"
 -In Memoriam: We Extend Our Sincerest Heartfelt, and Soulful Condolences to All The Families, and Communities, who have Lost A Loved One Due to Natural Disasters, and Wherever The Path of Earthquakes (Such as, The 6.8 Magnitude Earthquake in Morocco, The Most Powerful One on More than A Millennia, that has Caused Great Distress and Anguish, and The Heartbreaking Deaths of More than 2, 900 People, and Injuring at The Least 5, 530, and Causing Mass Devastation, on Friday, The Eighth of September 2023), and Wherever The Destructive Path of Tsunamis, Tornadoes, Flood Waters, Mudslides, and Raging Tides, and Fires (Such as, In The U.S. State of Hawaii, Where at Least 115 People were Tragically Killed, Causing Deep Sorrow and Pain, and Extreme Damage), and Earthwide, Where Homes have Been Destroyed, and The Suffering Caused by The Loss of Life, and The Loss of Love Ones has Been Overwhelming!
We Mourn Their Loss of Life with You and Your Families, in This Time Period of Grief and Sadness!

-In Memoriam:, To All The Families who have Lost A Loved One Due to A Gun Related Act of Violence, Systemic Racism, Prejudice, Police Brutality, or Any Act of Violence Caused by Malevolent Perpetrators who Care Not For The Lives of Their Fellow Human Being, We Mourn Their Loss of Life with You in This Time of Deeply Felt Emotional, Mental, and Spiritual Despair, Sorrow, and Unhappiness!

-In Memoriam: We Would Like to Extend Our Sincerest Heartfelt and Soulful Condolences to The Families of Both The Ukrainian and Russian People, and The Families of Many Others, Journalists, and Foreign Fighters, who have Lost A Love One Due to An Invasion and War that Should Not have Occurred But For The Malicious and Egotistical Decision Making of One Person, Russian President Vladimir Putin, who Will Bear The Responsibility for The Deaths of Your Beloved Friends and Family Members in Perpetuity! And, We Mourn The Loss of Your Love Ones with You!

-In Memoriam: We Extend Our Sincerest Heartfelt and Soulful Condolences to The Families of Love One's who've Died Earthwide Due to The Ongoing Spread of The CoronaVirus Pandemic, As This Tragic Death Toll has Continued to Rise Above Six Million Love Ones to 6, 914, 965 Who have Died, As of Wednesday, September 13, 2023!
This has Been, and Continues to Be, A Staggering and Heartbreaking Statistic to Imagine, and Remains A Deeply Disturbing Fact! And When You Take into Account for How Many Families have Been Effected by This Earthwide Pandemic only Compounds The Seriousness of This Loss of Life!

And, In The United States of America The Number of Deaths Due to The CoronaVirus Pandemic has Surpassed An Incredible and Traumatic Plateau of One Million" to "1, 174, 691 Love Ones!