Saturday, July 1, 2023



The Way To Peace! #440

 - "Global Cross Media News Universe, Insights, New Horizons, News Purview's, Global Perspectives,"- "Happy Independence Day"- -"The Declaration of Independence"- "Authored" by "Thomas Jefferson, Third President of The United States," "Benjamin Franklin, FRS FRSA FRSE," "John Adams, Second President of The United States," "Roger Sherman, United States Senator from The State of Connecticut," and "Robert Robert Livingston, Seventh United States Minister to France"-

 And, "A New Earthwide Sociological," "Spiritual," "Informational," "Philosophical,"  "Humanitarian," "Empirical," "Informational," and "Communication Age of The Twenty- First Century," that "Coalesces," and "Merges" with "An Omniscient," "Omnipotent," and "Omnipresence Earthwise Vision," and "Soul Force Of The People,"-

"The Founding Document of The United States," by "The Second Continental Congress Meeting at The Pennsylvania State House" (Renamed The Independence Hall in Philadelphia)," was "Adopted on July Fourth 1776!" "The Declaration of Independence" headed "The Unanimous Declaration of The Thirteen United States of America!" And were, "No Longer Subject to British Colonial Rule!"

-(Note that, "The Declaration of Independence was Signed" by "Fifty- Six Delegates to The Second Continental Congress," Known as "The Nation's Founding Fathers!")-

"John Adams," who was "The Leading Advocate of Independence," "Convinced The Committee of Five," (who "Drafted The Declaration to Be Prepared for When Congress was Ready to Vote on Independence,") to "Charge Thomas Jefferson" to "Write The Document's Original Draft!"

-(Note that, "The Second Continental Congress Edited Thomas Jefferson's Draft," and "After Ratifying It on The Fourth of July," that "Included Changes in It" Made by "John Adams," and "Benjamin Franklin," was "Issued in Several Forms by Congress!" "It was Initially Published" as The Printed "Dunlap Broadside!")-

"The Best Known Copy" of "The Declaration of Independence" is "The Signed Copy Now on Display" at "The National Archives in Washington, D.C." and is "Most Popularly Considered The Official Document!"

-(Note that, "The Engrossed Copy was Ordered by The Second Continental Congress on The Nineteenth of July," and "Signed Primarily on The Second of August 1776!")-

"Obviously "The Declaration of Independence" is "Of Great Significance to All of America!"

And, "All The Political Parties," and "The Elected Officials," who have "Taken Oaths to Represent The American People," and "The Government Of The People, By The People, and For The People," "Must Remember," that "The Freedoms" that "They Enjoy," and "Their Salaries," and "The Benefits that Their Families Receive," have "Been Paid for," by "The Blood," "Tears," "Lives," and "Patriotism of Women and Men" who "Sacrificed Their Lives to Pioneer," and "Fight for Their Rights in America," and "For The Vision<' and "Birth of A Nation of Great Principles," and "Laws," as "Written in The United States Constitution," and "The Bill of Rights!"

And, "It is A Grand Ole Statement of Human Rights" "Civil Rights," and "Equal Rights," for "Each and Every American," to "Be Judged Fairly,"  Irregardless of "Age," "Color," "Creed," "Gender," or Transgender," or "Person with Mental," or "Physical Disabilities," or "Nationality," "Special Needs," "Political Preference," or "Tribe!"

And, "It is A Dedicated," and "Wholehearted Commitment" to "Life," "Liberty," and "The Pursuit of Happiness!"

And, "The Present Now," and "Future Now Goals," "Dreams," and "Earthrise Visions," of "The Youth of America," "Should Be" at "The Top of The List of Priorities" and "Measures," by "Which Each and Every Legislation is Being Envisioned," and "Put Forth," and "Voted on," by "The United States Congress," and "Supported and Advocated" by "Joseph Robinette Biden Jr," "the 46th President of The United States of America," and "Kamala Devi Harris," "the 49th Vice President of The United States of America!"

"For The Conservation," and "Preservation of America's Values," "Traditions," "Seas," "Lands," "Skies," "Code of Ethics," "Sentient," and "Human Rights," "Must Never Be Betrayed," or "Undermined," or "Deliberately Sabotaged!"
 -"Global Cross Media News Universe, Insights, New Horizons, News Purview's, Global Perspectives"- Extra Noteworthy News- "Headlines of The Fourth Estate," and "Breaking News Spotlights of The Global Cross Media News Sphere's Reported" that Friday, The Twenty- Third of June 2023, "John "Jack" Smith, Special Counsel" of "The Department of Justice's (DOJ) Request" to "File A Witness List (of Eighty- Four Witnesses" of "Whom Former President Trump," and "His Aide," and "Co-Defendant Waltine Torre "Walt" Nauta Jr.," are "Prohibited from Speaking with about "His Classified Documents Case")," was "Rejected by Federal Judge Aileen Mercedes Cannon" (of the U.S. District Court for the Southern District of Florida,") in "U.S. District Court in West Palm Beach, Florida," on "Monday, The Twenty- Sixth of June 2023," (Judge Cannon" is "A Trump Appointee," and "Confirmed by the United States Senate in November of 2020)!"

"Judge Cannon wrote" in Her Order, "The Government's motion does not explain why filing the list with the Cort is necessary," .... And, "Judge Cannon" also Wrote, "It does not offer a particularized basis to justify sealing the list from public view; it does not explain why partial sealing, redaction, or means other than sealing are unavailable or unsatisfactory; and it does not specify the duration of any proposed seal."

- (Note that, "The Department of Justice's Motion was Denied without Prejudice!" And so, "They Can Resubmit It Again!")-
However,  "Judge Cannon Granted A Request to The Government," In A Follow Up Order, on Monday, The Twenty- Sixth of June 2023, to "Hold A Pretrial Hearing" to "Discuss How Classified Information Will Be Handled in The Case" and also "To Appoint, A Classified Information Security Officer!"

-(Note that, "This Hearing Will Be Held at 10A.M (ET) on The Fourteenth of July, 2023!" And, "It is Not Necessary for Defendants to Attend This Hearing")-   

However, "The Initial  Trial Date" of "The Fourteenth of August 2023 in Ft. Pierce, Florida" for "The Historic Trial Against" "The 45th President of The United States of America Donald John Trump," "Including Federal Criminal Charges" of "Willful Retention of National Defense Information," and "Conspiracy to Obstruct Justice" "Still Remains Unchanged!"

-(Note that, "The Former President has Plead Not Guilty to The Thirty- Seven Counts," and "His Aide," and "Co-Defendant Waltine Torre "Walt" Nauta Jr." has "Plead Not Guilty to Six Charges!")-
- "Global Cross Media and Nationwide News" from "The Washington D.C. Eye" on "The Judiciary of The United States of America 2023"- "Global Cross Media News Universe, Insights, New Horizons, News Purview's, Global Perspectives,"-
 And, "A New Earthwide Journalistic," "Sociological," "Informational," "Political," "Environmental, "Philosophical," "Candid," and  "Humanitarian Communication Age,"  of "Honest," "Straightforward," "Factual" and "Truthful News Coverage," that "Coalesces" and "Merges" with "An Omniscient," and "Omnipotent Spirit," and "Soul Force Of The People,-

"There is A Growing Discontent" and "Exponentially Rising Dissatisfaction with Judicial Rulings" that "Give The Appearance," Whether True or Not, of "Supporting A Political Parties Ideology," or "The Spirit of Party," that "In Often Case Divides The Nation,"  Instead of Decisions Reached" by "The Letter of The Law," "Spirit of The Law," or by "The Laws and Principles Set Out in The United States Constitution," that "Can Unite The Nation!"

Take Note that, "America's First President," "George Washington Warned The Nation," in "His Farewell Address," in "September of 1796," (and "Deciding Not to Seek A Third Term in Office") Against "All obstructions to the execution of the Laws created by the Government or to prevent the Branches of Government from exercising the powers provided to them in the United States Constitution." .... And, President Washington also Warned Against "combinations and associations under whatever plausible character," .... "They serve to organize faction; to give it an artificial, and extraordinary force; to put in the place of the delegated will of the nation, the will of a Party, often a small but artful and enterprising minority of the community; and, according to the alternate triumphs of different parties to make the public administrations the mirror of the ill concerted and incongruous projects of factions, rather than the the organ of consistent and wholesome plans digested by common councils and and modified by mutual interests." .... And, "President Washington" also Warned, "One method of assault may be to effect in the forms of the Constitution alterations which would Impair the Operation of the System and thus undermine what cannot be directly overthrown."

And, Today We Can See The Confrontations Taking Place, "to test the real tendency of the existing Constitution of The United States of America," and "The Judiciary!"

"The Judiciary of The Nation" has "An Important Responsibility" to "Protect The Laws" and "Principles as Set Forth in The U.S. Constitution!" And, "Not Be Swayed" or "Effected by Factions," and Parties," who are "Attempting to Corrupt," "Undermine," and "Obstruct The Attainment" of "A Perfect Sociological Security of Justice," "Law and Order," "Liberty," and "Equality" from "Becoming The Full Realization" that "The Founders Envisioned For America!"
And, "Whether It Be from Highly Controversial Decisions," Such as "Overturning Roe v. Wade," on Friday, The Twenty- Four of June 2022," and "A Women's Right to Choose," "The United States Supreme Court," "Appears to Favor Political Party Ideology," over that of "The United States Constitution," and "The Democratic Rights of Women in America!"

And, "The Supreme Court's 5 to 4 Decision," on Thursday, The Eighth of June, 2023, to "Uphold An Extremely Important Provision," that "Means that The State of Alabama," "Will have to Redraw Its Congressional Map" to "Add Another District Where Black Voters Comprise a Majority of The Districts Voting Age Population" is "A Significant Ruling!"

And, "Most Likely Will have A Great Affect upon The 2024 House Election Opportunities" for "The Democratic Party!" However, "This Ruling" also "Gives Credence to The Constitutional Right to Vote" for "African Americans!"

- (Note that, "While Comprising Approximately A Quarter of The Population in The State of Alabama," "Black Voters" only have "A Majority in" "One Out of The State's Seven Congressional Districts!")-

However, (I) "It Will Take More than This Ruling by The Supreme Court of The United States of America" (SCOTUS) on Thursday, The Eighth of June 2023, "Affirming a Lower Court Ruling in Favor of Black Voters," in "A Congressional Redistricting Case from The State of Alabama," that "Found a likely Violation of the Voting Rights Act" in"An Alabama Congressional Map" or,

(II) "The Supreme Court Ruling on Tuesday, The Twenty- Seventh of June 2023," "Whereby The Supreme Court Ruled to Uphold A Decision by North Carolina's Top Court" by "A Six to Three Vote," that "Struck Down A Congressional Districting Plan," as "Excessively Partisan under State Law," (and that "Could have Altered Races for Congress" and "The President" in North Carolina) or,

(III) "The Seven to Two Vote on Thursday, The Fifteenth of June 2023 by SCOTUS," that "Upheld Key Provisions" of "The Indian Child Welfare Act of 1978," (ICWA), that was "Enacted on The Eighth of November 1978," "After A Congressional Investigation Found" that "In the 1950's, '60s, and '70s," "Over One-Third of All Native Children had Been Removed from Their Homes"  "Some Forcibly," and "Placed with Non- Indian Families," and "Institutions," with "No Ties to The Tribes!" And, "As Incredible as This May Seem," It is True!"
-(Note that, "If SCOTUS had Overturned This Act," "It Would have Been Nothing Less" than "A Serious Example" of "An Egregious Act" of "Flagrant Judicial Misconduct!" And, "Another Betrayal to The Native American Indigenous People!")-
However, "The Point" is, "It Will Take More than These Rulings" to "Regain," or "Win Back A Sense of Trust and Belief" in "The Rulings," "Opinions," and "Decisions," of "SCOTUS," as Well as "In The Judiciary of The Nation!" And, "The Ruling by SCOTUS on Thursday, The 29th of June 2023," that "Race Conscious Admissions Processes are Unconstitutional in Two Separate Cases Before This Court of Justices," "Involving Harvard University," and "the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill," "Will Not Help!"

And, "There Can Be Little Disagreement," that "We are Living in A Time Period of Extremely Complicated Human Issues," and "When The Highest Court in The Land" (As It Did with Roe v. Wade") "Interposes Its Judgement," and/or "Rules on An Issue" that "Overturns Forty Years of Legal Precedent," Such as "The Supreme Court Did on June Twenty- Eighth of June 2023," and that "Most Certainly Will Setback A Sociological Condition" that "Needs Correcting," and that "Provides Equal Protection for The Races," of "The Diverse Multi- Cultural Societies of Today's Rainbow Communities," and "Twenty- First Century Tapestry and Fabric Of The People," and that "Our Sociological Sphere's are Most Certainly in Need of," "One has to Seriously Wonder," "Just How in Touch with The Needs Of The People," and "For The People," is "The Supreme Court of the United States!"
And, "If It has Chosen Correctly" in "Making This Ruling" at "This Specific Time Period in The History of The United States of America's Sociological Construction" of "Race," and "Race Relationships!"
-(Note that, "To Compound All of The Negative Public Feelings of Distrust Surrounding The Supreme Court of the United States," Friday, The Thirtieth of June 2023, "SCOTUS Ruled Against President Biden's Federal Student Loan Forgiveness Plan" by "A Vote of Six to Three" and "In Doing so, has "Denied Ten's of Millions of Americans The Opportunity" to "Get as Much as $Twenty Thousand Dollars of Their Student Loan Debt Erased!"
And, "It is Unfortunate" that "President Biden's Student Debt Relief Plan" has "Become Just Another Political Issue," "Because It Shouldn't Be One to Begin with," and "Also Extremely Unfortunate" that "The Majority of Justices of U.S. Supreme Court Appear to Lack Any Real Comprehension of The Financial Stress" that "Today's Student Generation," and "Their Parents are Facing" by "This Vote!")-

-Extra Noteworthy News-

"Headlines of The Fourth Estate," and "Breaking News Spotlights of The Global Cross Media News Sphere's Reported" that Friday, The Thirtieth of June 2023, "President Joseph R. Biden Jr. Expressed His Direct," "Experienced," and "Knowledgeable Opinion,"  In A Press Briefing in "The Roosevelt Room in The White House, that "I believe the Supreme Court Decision to strike down Student Debt Relief was a mistake, it was wrong," and then, "In His Inimitable Style and Candor," "Announced" (After "The Supreme Court of The United States Ruled Against The President's Federal Student Loan Forgiveness Plan") "New Actions" to "Provide Debt Relief," and "Support for Student Loan Borrowers!"

"By Using The Secretary of Education's Authority" under "The Higher Education Act of 1965," "A Rulemaking Process has Been Opened" to "Aim Directly at Creating n Alternative Path to Debt Relief for as Many Borrowers as Possible!" "This Repayment Plan," "Will Ensure that Borrowers Will Be Able to Take Advantage of It This Summer" ---- "Before Loan Payments are Due!"

And, "The Department of Education" is also Instituting A Twelve Month "On Ramp," to Repayment, "For The Worst Borrowers" from "The Worst Consequences of Missed Payments Following The Payment Restart," to Begin from "The First of October 2023" to "The Thirtieth of September 2024!"

This Twelve Month "On Ramp" to Repayment, "Will Make It Possible" so that "Financially Vulnerable Borrowers," who "Miss Monthly Payments During This Period" are "Not Considered Delinquent," "Reported to Credit Bureaus," "Placed in Default," or "Referred to Debt Collection Agencies!"

And, "It is Commendable," that "President Biden" and "The Biden/Harris Administration Remains Committed" to "Providing Financial Relief to Low Income," and "Middle Income Borrowers!" 

And, "As The Announcement" says, "This Will Make It Possible" for "Debt Relief for As Many Borrowers as Possible, as Fast as Possible!"

- (Note that, Friday, The Thirtieth of June 2023 "The Department of Education Issued A Notice," Which is; (1) "The First Step in Issuing New Regulations" under This So-Called "Negotiating Rulemaking" Process! And, "This Notice Announces A Virtual Public Hearing on The Eighteenth of July 2023," and "Solicits Written Comments," from "Stakeholders on Topics to Consider!"

And, After The Hearing, "The Education Department" Will "Finalize The Issues to Be Considered" and "Addressed Through Rulemaking" and "Begin The Negotiated Rulemaking Sessions in The Fall!" And, "It is The Hope" that "The Department Will Complete The Rulemaking as Quickly as Possible!"

However, "It is In Your Best Interests," ("If You are In Need of Student Debt Relief,") to "Act Now," and "Gather as Much Pertinent Information as You Can," "Because Time is of The Essence!"  And, "Especially Until Education for The Youth of America" is "Free at Last!"

And, Take Note that, "President Biden," While Speaking to Reporters from The White House, on Friday, The Thirtieth of June 2023, "Placed Blame on The Republican Party for The Supreme Court's Decision" saying, "These Republican Officials just couldn't bear the thought of providing relief for Working Class, Middle Class Americans!" And, "The President" also said, "The Hypocrisy of Republican Elected Officials is stunning.")-    

-"Global Cross Media News Universe, Insights, New Horizons, News Purview's, and Global Perspectives," And, "A Vibrant" and "Vigorous New Catalyst Composed of Activists," and "Advocates" of "Civil Rights," and "Human Rights," and "Voices of Reason," "Peacemakers," and "Enlightened Thinking Individuals" and "A New Renaissance of Hope"-

"It is of Great Significance to Note," that "With The Inclusion of A Vibrant" and "Vigorous New Catalyst Composed of Activists" and "Advocates" of "Civil Rights," and "Human Rights," and "Voices of Reason," "Peacemakers," and "Enlightened  Thinking Individuals," "A New Renaissance of Hope," "Truth" and "Justice," in "The Laws," and "Principles of The United States Constitution," "The Bill of Rights," and "The Declaration of Independence," is "Being Born in "The Hearts and Spirit" of "The People/Citizens of America," and that of "Lady Justice," and are "Focused on An Inspiring Vision," and "Representation," of "A Bold and Forthright Democratic Government Of The People, By The People, and For The People," and "Of A New Republic," that "Includes The Fair," "Just," and "Equal Distribution," and "Implementation of The Democratic Principles" that "They were Taught to Believe in Their Homes," "Schools," "Business Establishments," and "Places of Worship," and that "The Youth of America Can Take Great Pride in!"