Friday, July 14, 2023



The Way To Peace! #441

 - "Global Cross Media News Universe, Insights, New Horizons, News Purview's, Global Perspectives,"-

 And, "A New Earthwide Journalistic," "Sociological," "Informational," "Political," "Environmental, "Philosophical," "Candid," and  "Humanitarian Communication Age,"  of "Honest," "Straightforward," "Factual" and "Truthful News Coverage," that "Coalesces" and "Merges" with "An Omniscient," and "Omnipotent Spirit," and "Soul Force Of The People,"-

Monday, The Tenth of July 2023, "Headlines of The Fourth Estate," and "Breaking News Spotlights of The Global Cross Media News Sphere's Featured Reportage" Covers Joseph Robinette Biden Jr. The 46th President of The United States of America," and "King Charles III (Charles Philip Arthur George) of The United Kingdom, and "14 Other Common Wealth Realms," "Met for The First Time since The Coronation!" "President Biden also Met with UK Prime Minister Rishi Sunak!"

- (Note that, "This is The Second Time that President Biden has Been to Windsor Castle!" "The First Time was in June of 2021," "When President Biden Met" with "The Beloved Queen Elizabeth II!")- 

And, "As The Sun Sets O'er The United Kingdom," and "The Earth Continues" to "Rotate on Its On Axis on A Twenty- Four Hour a Day/Three Hundred and Sixty- Five Day Year Schedule," and "As The Eight Billion Citizens/People of The Sovereign Solar Nations Continue" to "Focus on Their Daily" and "Weekly," "Twenty- Four/Seven Agendas During This Summer Season," with "Their Plans for A Vacation," and/or "Weekends by The Beach," or "In National Parks," and "Local Establishments of Leisure," "Cruises," and "Trips to Sovereign Solar Nations Earthwide," and "Work," "The Illusion of Normality Continues" to "Disguise The Struggle for Survival Amongst Homeless" and "Transient Communities," and "Within Refugee Camps," and "Internment Camps," and "Life and Death War Zones," and "In Communities that have Less Economic Opportunities," and/or "In Sovereign Solar Nations Wherever Political Conflicts have Divided Sovereign Solar Nations/States" with "Citizen Against Citizen," and "Neighbor against Neighbor," and "Family Member Against Family Member!"

And, "As Kings and Presidents Meet with Each Other During This Summer Season," and "With All The Pomp and Circumstance on Display in The Fourth Estate," and "The Global Cross Media News Sphere's to Broadcast," "Report on," and "Distribute Earthwide," "It is of Great Significance for These Leaders," and "Their Publicly Elected Party Members," to "Increase Their Efforts," to "Resolve The Differences that Exist Involving; (1) "Economic Disparity," (2) "Racial Injustice," (3) "Imperialistic Warmongering" as "Is Being Exemplified by The President of The Russian Federation irregardless of The Death," "Destruction," "Devastation," and "Crimes Against Humanity," that is "Being Brought Unlawfully Against The Eastern European Sovereign Solar Nation of Ukraine," and then, (4) "There is The Constant Threat to All The Lives of The Eight Billion People/Citizens of The Sovereign Solar Nations" by "Climate Warming!"

And, "These Leaders Must Demonstrate by Their Actions," (and "Not Just by Their Words,") "Their Concern for The Futures of The Youth of The Earth!" And, "Not Even by Legislation," "For The Concerns of The Twenty- First Century are Such" that "It is Past Time Due" for; (1) "In Person," "Sit Down Town Hall Public Meetings," and/or, (2) "School Meetings Involving Pertinent," and "Informative," "In Person Dialogues with Students about Their Futures," and, (3) "Not Just During Election Seasons" and "Election Campaigns," or, (4) "Via The Social Media," and/or, (5) "Addresses to The Nation" (Although These are Important Ways of Communication)!

And, "Let Us Get Beyond What is The Correct Protocol" (Although "We were All Taught The Meaning of Good Manners," and "Good Behavior," by "Our Parents and Grandparents at Home," and by "Our Teachers and Professors at School," and "In Places of Worship") and "Focus Our Attention Upon Making A Better Life's Experience For One and All," "Now, Not Later," or at Some Time in The Future," or at "Some Undetermined Time Whenever that May Be!"

"Being A Leader" is "Leading by A Universal Example," "Equitably," and "Sensibly," in "All The Sociological Sphere's" of "The Societies of The Sovereign Solar Nations," "An Earthwise Vision," "Universal Cognition," "Intelligence," "Compassion," and "Grand Initiative of Being Here and Now," "For All that Is In The Best Interests of Ones Fellow Human Being," and The Protection," and "Conservation of The Environmental," and "Ecological Spheres," of "The Earths Seas," "Skies," "Lands," and "Sentient Beings!"
And, "Time," Irregardless of "What Seasons It is," "Is Truly The Grand Determiner" that "Can Not Be Denied," or "Ignored!"
And, "In Order to Transcend Its Unlimited Sphere's of Influence," "Can only Be," by "Their Being A Grand Purpose of Being!" And, "An Equitable Implementation of The Universal and Spiritual Tenets of Life," "Faith," "Trust," "Respect," Honesty," and "A Code of Ethics," and "Principles of Moral," and "Just Significance!"

And, "Let Us Agree" that The Saying, "Time is of The Essence," is "Not Just A Saying," "It is A Time/Space 24/7 Reality" that "We The People," and "Every Leader," and "Elected Official Must Adhere to!" "For Our Fates Demand It!"

-Extra Noteworthy News" "President Biden at The U.S. - Nordic Leaders Summit, Helsinki Finland,"-

Thursday, The Thirteenth of July 2023, "Headlines of The Fourth Estate," and "Breaking News Spotlights of The Global Cross Media News Sphere's Featured Reportage" Covered "U.S. President Joseph Robinette Biden Jr. at The U.S. - Nordic Leaders Summit, in Helsinki, Finland!"

"President Biden Spoke" about "Welcoming Finland's Accession to NATO," ("The Foundations of The North Atlantic Treaty Organization was Officially Laid Down on The Fourth of April 1949 in Washington D.C." also Known as "The Washington Treaty" --- or "North Atlantic Treaty" Which Forms The Basis of NATO") and that "An agreement has been made to move forward on Sweden's membership in NATO!"

And, "President Biden also Spoke" about "A vision for the world that we all share," .... "One that's more free, more secure, and opportunities made available for all." And, "The President also Spoke" of "Working in lock step on --- to tackle climate crisis." ....

And, "Quite Astutely," "President Biden Spoke" about "The Next Generation of Technologies" saying, "We're pioneering the next generation of technologies, and that's going to power everyone's economies." .... And that, .... "We have to continue to remain very close on coordinating. Because it can be a great, great, advantage for humanity, but it could also cause some great difficulties in artificial intelligence and ---- other things if we don't cooperate and know what is going on."

And, In regards to The Russian Federation' s Unlawful Invasion of The Sovereign Solar Nation of Ukraine, and The Violation of Ukraine's Territorial Integrity, "President Biden" said, "And together, we're standing with the brave people of Ukraine as they defend themselves against Russia's brutal assault."

-Extra Noteworthy News- "The U.S. Support of NATO"-

Take Note that, Global Cross Media News Reports are "At A Press Conference in Helsinki, the Capital of Finland, on Thursday, The Thirteenth of July 2023 "President Biden Positively Gave His Assurances" that "The United States of America Would Remain Committed to NATO" (the North Atlantic Treaty Organization) irregardless of "Extreme Elements in The Republican Party!" Saying, "I absolutely guarantee it!"
- "Global Cross Media News Universe, Insights, New Horizons, News Purview's, Global Perspectives"-

 And, "A New Earthwide Sociological," "Spiritual," "Informational," "Philosophical,"  "Humanitarian," "Empirical," "Informational," "Communication Age of Justice for The Twenty- First Century," that "Coalesces," and "Merges" with "An Omniscient," "Omnipotent," and "Omnipresence Earthwise Vision," and "Soul Force Of The People,"-

Extra Noteworthy News- "Headlines of The Fourth Estate," and "Breaking News Spotlights of The Global Cross Media News Sphere's Reported" that Tuesday Morning, The Twenty- Seventh of June 2023, "A Seventeen Year Old Teenager," of Algerian- Moroccan Descent, Named Nahel Merzouk" was "Shot and Killed at Close Rage During A Police Stop," "After A Car Chase," Near Nelson Mandela Square, "in Nanterre, France," (A Suburb of Paris, France) by "A Policeman," who is "Now in Custody Facing The Charge" of "Voluntary Homicide!"

"This Act of Police Violence" has "Unleashed A Series of Protest from Paris," to "Marseille," and that has also "Resulted in More than Thirteen Hundred Arrests," and "An Outbreak of Violence," that has "Caused Fires," and "A State of Disorder Bordering on Being Anarchism!"
But, "This Act of Violence" has also "Revealed A Deep Rooted Feeling of Distrust in The Police!" And, has "Brought Back The Memory" of "The Brutal Death of George Perry Floyd Jr. in The United States!" And, "It has also Displayed The Still Not Totally Healed Fractured State of Being among The Diverse Multi- Cultural Communities in France!"

- (Note that, Global Cross Media News Reports are "Thirteen People were Killed in 2022," after "Being Stopped for Traffic Violations!" And, "According to French Media, "This Tragic Statistic has Set A Record!")-

And, "If There was Ever A Propitious Moment for A New Awakening to Take Place," "One that Brings People Together," versus "Violence," "Chaos," and "Disunity," that "Moment is Now!"

And, "For This New Awakening" to have "True Purpose," "Leaders and Respected Citizens" from "The Private" and "Public Sectors," "United" with "Leaders and Respected Personnages" from "Houses of Worship," and "Leaders of The Myriad Unions," and "Leaders of Finance," and "Leading Political Leaders," and "French President Emmanuel Jean-Michel Frederic Macron," Including "Officials of His Administration," "Must Stand Together Leaving Any Semblance of Hubris Behind," and "In A Non-Political Act of Equal Justice for One and All," "Demonstrate via The Earthwide Cross Media Sphere's of Communication," and "In Marches Across The Nation of France," and "In Open and Candid Discussions," and "New Initiatives," "Clearly Establish A New Awakening" and "Respect for The Civil Rights," and "Human Rights," of "One's Fellow Human Being!"

"Because The Time has Come for More" than "Half Measures," and "Political Rhetoric,"to "Re-Gain The Trust" and "Belief," that "There is A Genuine United Effort of Purpose" and "Respect For One's Fellow Human Being Taking Place" "In Peaceful Initiatives," and Non-Violent Dialogues All Throughout The Nation!"

And Clearly, "The Time has Come to Prove without A Doubt," "The Sincerity of This Purpose," "Commitment," and "Declaration," that "A True Change has Come!"
And, "Justice," and "The Truth," are "The Cornerstones," and "Pillars of This New" and "Soulful Spirit" and "Foundation of Change!"

"The People/Citizens" of "The Great Sovereign Solar Nation of France," and "The Youth of The Nation," "Deserve Nothing Less than This!" And, "For Justice of Nahel M. to Be Felt by On and All!"
-  "Global Cross Media and Nationwide News" from "The Washington D.C. Eye" on "U.S. Unemployment Insurance Claims" "For The Week Ending The Eighth of July 2023,"- And, "The U.S. Inflation Rate,"- And, "The Unemployment Rate"- And, "The U.S. Economy,"-  And, "ADP's National Employment Report on Thursday, The Sixth of July 2023" versus "The Bureau of Labor Statistics on Friday, The Seventh of July 2023"-  And, "A New Era of Economic" and "Financial  Prognostications are Upon Us,"- Extra Noteworthy News-
"Headlines of The Fourth Estate," and "Breaking News Spotlights of The Global Cross Media News Sphere's have Reported" that "The 3.6% U.S. Unemployment Rate in June Continues to Be An Impressive Statistic" to "Economic Pundits," And "Quite Remarkably Remains at The Lowest Level It has Been since 1969," And, "At A Historically Low Level by All Standards,"-
And, "The Annual Inflation Rate for The United States is 3%" for "The Twelve Months Ended in June 2023," "The Lowest Its Been since March, 2021,"-
"All of Which," With The Exception of "The Ongoing Republican Obstruction in The U.S. Congress," is "Good Economic News" for "The United States of America!" But, "The Most Pervasive and Incomprehensible Economic Question that Continues to Be" is, "Why is The Republican Party so Intent" on "Undermining The Democratic Government Of The People!"-

Global Cross Media News Reports are Thursday, The Thirteenth of July, 2023, "The Bureau of Labor Announced" that "The Advanced Figure for Seasonally Adjusted Initial Claims was Two Hundred and Thirty- Seven Thousand," "Another Impressive Decrease of Twelve Thousand from The Previous  Weeks Revised Up Level" of "Two Hundred and Forty- Nine Thousand!"

And, Especially in Lieu of" "Private Payroll Processor ADP's National Employment Report on Thursday, The Sixth of July 2023" that "Employers Added A Significantly Impressive Four Hundred and Ninety- Seven Thousand Jobs in June 2023," and "Even with The Wide Discrepancy Between The Bureau of Labor Report on Friday, The Seventh of July 2023" that "Jobs Underperformed at Two Hundred and Nine Thousand," Which "Contrasted with Economists Estimates" of "Approximately Two Hundred and Twenty- Five Thousand," are "Impressive Statistics in Direct Relationship" to The Economic Recovery in The United States of America," "For The Moment!"

- (And, Take Note that, "The Four Week Moving Average was 246, 750," and "An Impressive Decrease of 6, 750 from The Previous Weeks Revised Up Average of 253, 500 from 253, 250!")-
And, "The Question" of "Whether The U.S. Job Market Will Continue to Remain Strong or Decline has Been Answered!"

-(Note that, "Employment Gains Occurred in, (1) "Professional and Business Services," (2) "Government," (3) "Healthcare," (4) "Construction," (5) "Transportation and Warehousing," and, (6) "Social Assistance!")-

And, Whether or Not, "Private Sector Employment," and/or "Hiring in General" has "Slowed Down,"  "Including Whatever The Labor Market Forecast is,"  or "Whether or Not There Will Continue to Be An Increase in Notices of Layoffs at Major Companies," has also "Been Answered for The Moment," Although to "What Degree Will Be Determined over The Summer Months of 2023!"

And, "As New Facts Provide A Plethora of Financial and Economic Assessments" by "Wall Street," and "The Economic Pundits," and "The Federal Reserve System (FED)," and "The Biden/Harris Administration," "Let Us Still Remember" that "This Post CoronaVirus Phase of Our Lives," "Will Bring Forth A Variety of New Economic Prognostications," and "Financial Changes" and "Unaccoounted for Sociological Surprises," that "Without There Being Experienced Leadership in Positions" of "Government," and "Private," and "Public Sectors," that are "Highly Respected," "Cognitive," "Earthwise," "Perspective," "Insightful," and "Intelligent," "The U.S. Economic Recovery Will Be Flounder," and "Be Manipulated by Soulless Profit Mongers!" And, "Politics Must Be Removed from The U.S. Economic Recovery Equation!" "Why!" Because "The Lives," "Welfare," "Healthcare," and "Well Being," of "All The People are at Stake!"

And, "Whether or Not There Will Be Another Pause" or "Increase" by "The Federal Reserve" after "Ten Consecutive Rate Hikes" in "An Aggressive Campaign" to "Slow Down The Pace of Inflation" ("5 .25 Percent," is "The Highest that Its Been since 2007,") "The Insignificant Increase of The U.S. Unemployment Rate to 3.6% in June," is "The Good News" that "The Biden/Harris Administration has Sought after," and "Looked Forward to!" 

And, Along with, "The Fact" that, "The Annual U.S. Inflation Rate has Fallen to 3%" "For the Twelve Months Ended in June 2023," "The Lowest Its Been since March 2021," and "Once Again, Below Market Forecasts of Economists," (and "Slowing Down for The Twelfth Consecutive Time Period,") "Demonstrates" that "The U.S. Economy Remains A Resilient One," and "Continues to Remain" on "A Consistent Course of Recovery!"
However, "Let Us Agree" that "It has Become Obvious" that "This New Age of Earthwise Economics," "Banking," "Trade," and "Commerce," "Wall Street," and "Global Markets," and "The Forecasts," and "Expectations of Economic Pundits," (And to, "The Biden/Harris Administration" and "The Federal Reserve") that "A New Era of Economic" and "Financial  Prognostications are Upon Us," and "Even Being A Streetwise Financial Connoisseur May Not Suffice" as "The Waves and Incoming Tides of Sociological Changes Ebb and Flow O'er The Diverse Multi- Cultural Societies, and Rainbow Communities, Tapestry, Fabric" and "Foundations," of "The Twenty- First Century Civilization"  of "The Almost Eight Billion Citizens/Populace of The Sovereign Solar Nations!"
But, It is also of "Great Significance to Continue to Report" that "The Inflation Reduction Act of 2022," (A Budget Reconciliation Bill Sponsored by Senate Majority Leader Charles Ellis "Chuck" Schumer, Democrat from The State of New York," and "Joseph "Joe " Manchin III, Democrat from The State of West Virginia,) "Will have An Important Impact upon The United States in 2023!"
And, "The Fact" that It Will Invest Significantly" in, (1) "Domestic Energy Production and Manufacturing," and, (2) "Reduce Greenhouse Gas Emissions by Approximately Forty Percent by 2030," and "Below 2005 Levels," and "Reduce Prescription Drug Prices," and, (3) "Most Importantly Reduce The Deficit" and "Keep Inflation in Check," "Whatever Wall Streets Expectations are," and "Whatever Obstructionist Tactics The Republican Party May Mount," "Whether They Be  Positive or Negative," "Most Impressively The Federal Reserve," and "The Biden/Harris Administration Continue to Forge Ahead with Their Economic Plans" to "Improve The Quality of Life for All Americans to Benefit from," and "Enjoy!"

However, "There is Still A Great Deal to Be Done in The United States of America," and "No One is Saying" that "The U.S. is Not in Dire Need of Additional Financial Relief," For Example; "Students Still Need Their Loans Forgiven," and "The Poor and Transient American Citizens " are "Still in Need of Financial Assistance," and "A Real Sense" that "Their Lives have A Meaning," and "Investment in The Infrastructure of This Grand Ole Nation is Still Needed," "Bridges Need Repairing," and "Roads Need Repair," and "The Nations Ports," and "Railways Need Repair!" And, "These are Just A Few of The Nations Infrastructure Projects" that "Need Immediate Attention!"

"All of Which Brings One's Immediate Attention" to "The Chaotic," "Vengeful," and "Irresponsible Antics," "Obstruction Tactics," and "Negative Lawmaking" that "Lacks in Credulity," and "Purpose," and "Is Meaningless in Improving The Overall Living Conditions" of "America's Diverse Multi- Cultural Societies, Rainbow Communities, Tapestry, and Fabric Of The People," and "For The People,"and "The Future of America," "The Youth of This Great Nation!"

"Global Cross Media and Nationwide News" from "The Washington D.C. Eye" on "The Fiscal Responsibility Act of 2023"- And, "Free Education for The Youth of America Should Be A Constitutional Amendment"- Extra Noteworthy News-

And, "An Issue" that "The Republican Party Appears to Relish in Attacking" is "Student Loan Forgiveness!" This Debt Agreement Would Require Student Loan Payments to Resume in September!" "Affecting The Lives of Approximately Forty- Three Million Americans!"

-(Note that, In March of 2020, "The Department of Education" had "Suspended Payments and Waived Interest on "Federal Student Loans until the First of October 2021 Due to The CoronaVirus Pandemic," and was "Temporarily Extended at The Request of President Joseph R. Biden Jr." until "At Least Sixty Days after The Thirtieth of June 2023!")-
"President Biden's  One Time Student Loan Forgiveness Program" has "Been Contested" and "Blocked in Federal Courts," "Because of Legal Challenges Being Filed" by "Conservative Leaning Organizations," and "Republican State Attorneys General!" One has to Wonder, "Why The GOP Persists in Making Life Difficult" in "Educating The Youth of America!"

"Its as "If They, The Republican Party, are Not Living in The Twenty- First Century" with "All of The Sociological Requirements and Challenges" that are "Being Faced with On A Daily Basis," and "The Free Education of The Youth of America Would Be A Tremendous Offering" by "This Grand Ole Republic," "Democracy," and "Government Of The People, By The People, and For The People," and "Its Capitalistic Economy!"

 "A Grand Capitalistic Offering" of "A People/Citizen/Student Centered" and "Focused Upon A Program" and "Initiative," that" "Empowers The People," and "Encourage," and "Inspire The Youth of America to Get A Good Education," and "Bring A Higher Sense of Academic Achievement," and "Earthwise Equanimity, to The Nation" that "Improves The Overall Quality of Life" for "This Diverse Society," and "Multi-Cultural Rainbow Community, Tapestry, and Fabric of All The People of The United States of America," in "The Twenty- First Century!"

And In An Age, "Where So Many Sovereign Solar Nations are Offering Free Education," Such as, "Germany," "France," "Greece (Officially the Hellenic Republic)," "The Commonwealth of Australia," "The Kingdom of Belgium,"  "Denmark (The Most Populous Constituent of The Kingdom of Denmark)," "Hungary," "Iceland," "The Republic of Italy," "The Netherlands," "The Kingdom of Norway," "Scotland (Alba)," "The Kingdom of Spain," and "The Kingdom of Sweden," Just to Name a Few, "Clearly It is Time for The United States of America," "The Grand Ole Leader of Democracy," and "Capitalist Economy," to "Become One of The Core Leaders of Free Education Earthwide!"
And, "Its Time for The Republican Party to Be A Part of This Great Era" that "Supports Free Education," and "Excellence in Academic Achievement!"

-(Note that, Wednesday, The Seventh of June 2023, "President Joseph R. Biden Jr. Vetoed The House Joint Resolution 45!" "A Bill" that was "Passed on The First of June 2023, in The United States Senate," and "On The Twenty- Fourth of May 2023, "In The United States House of Representatives!" This Bill Would Disapprove of the Department of Education's Rule Relating to "Waivers and Modifications of Federal Student Loans!"

"President Biden Clearly and Concisely Expressed The Reasons for His Veto" in "A Message to The United States House of Representatives" by saying, "It is a shame for working families across the country that lawmakers continue to pursue this unprecedented attempt to deny critical relief to millions of their own constituents, even as several of these same lawmakers have had tens of thousands of dollars of their own business loans forgiven by the Federal Government. ....
And, "The President Biden" also said, "I remain committed to continuing to make college affordable and providing critical relief to borrowers as they work to recover from a once-in-a- century pandemic. Therefore, I am vetoing this resolution.")-

But, "What Does Not Make Any Sense Whatsoever" is "Why The Republican Party Continues to Demand," For Example, is "Why They Continue" to "Demand New Work Requirements on Social Safety Net Programs," Such as, "The Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program," (SNAP), Formally Known as "Food Stamps!"
And Yet, "The GOP Would Fight Any New Tax" on "Millionaires," and "Billionaires," and "Big Business," who "Could Actually Afford to Pay More Taxes," and "In Doing so, "Help Establish A Sense of Fairness in The U.S. Tax Paying System," and "Economic Parity," and "Sociological Security" in "The Capitalist Economy of The United States of America!"

"Isn't Helping Women," "Men," and "Children," who are "Less Fortunate Among Us," "A Good Thing to Do!" And, "A Positive Example" of "The Best Qualities" of "How A Democracy Cares for," and "Provides for," and "Protects Its Citizens!"

And, "Isn't Helping Those Among Us," who are "Less Fortunate," "A Constructive," and "Positive Way to Serve," "All that is In The Best Interests of The Diverse Multi- Cultural Society," and "Rainbow  "Community," Tapestry, and Fabric" of "The United States of America!" "What Happened to Being,"  "A Compassionate Conservative!" 
"However, Whichever Way The Political Winds May Blow," and "After Crucial Government Decisions are Made," "The Business of The United States Congress Should Be" to "Get on with Creating Legislation" that is "In The Best Interests of The United States of America," and "In Defense of," and "In Protection of," "The Democratic Principles of The U.S. Constitution," and "The Republic," and "The Democratic Government Of The People, By The People, and For The People!"
And, "The Republican Party Must Remember" that "They Took An Oath"  to "Discharge the duties of the office on which I am about to enter. So help me God!"" .... And to, "Support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic. And, "This Oath" or "Affirmation" is also "An Allegiance to The United States of America," "Not to A Party Ideology," or "A Big Lie!"
And, "It's Time for The GOP" to "Conduct The Business of The Nation," and "The American People," with "All that Is In The Best Interest of The United States of America!" And, "In Conjunction," and "Respect with," and "In Alignment with," "Its Allies" who "Believe in Peace," "Freedom," "Justice," and "Equality," "Wherever The Sun" and "The Moon," "Rise and Sets O'er The Lands," and "Seas," Earthwide!"
 - "Global Cross Media and Nationwide News" from "The Washington D.C. Eye" on "The Judiciary of The United States of America 2023"- And, "An Earthwise Insight, Purview, Philosophy, and Perspective of Justice, that "Coalesces" and "Merges" with "An Omniscient," and "Omnipotent Spirit," and "Soul Force Of The People,"-

"The System of Power," "Influence," and "Causation," that "The Judiciary Maintains," and "Manifests," "Should Be Nothing Less" than "What A Magnificent Example" of "What A Great Democratic Sovereign Nation is," and "Inspires All Other Sovereign Solar Nations to Be!"

"But, If Its Rulings Give Even The Slightest Appearance" of "Making Unconstitutional Judgements," then "The Trust in This Sacred Body of Law Will Suffer for It," and "So Will All The Law of The Land!"

"For There Can Be No Appearance of Political Preference," or "Use of Judicial Powers in Favor of Lobbyists," who are "Funded by Dark Money Interests," or "For Personal Gain!"

And, "There Must Be A Transparency in The Judiciary" that "Is Incontrovertible," and "Indisputable!" And, "Beyond Reproach!"

"For Equal Justice under The Law," and "Interpretations of The Constitution that are Unbiased," and "Impartial," and "Nondiscriminatory," are "The Mainstays," and "Pillars," and "Cornerstones," of "All Great Democracies!"
 -"Global Cross Media News Universe, Insights, New Horizons, News Purview's, Global Perspectives"- Extra Noteworthy News- "Headlines of The Fourth Estate," and "Breaking News Spotlights of The Global Cross Media News Sphere's Reported" that "Federal Judge Aileen Mercedes Cannon" (of the U.S. District Court for the Southern District of Florida," "A Trump Appointee," and "Confirmed by the United States Senate in November of 2020)) has "Agreed to Delay A Request by The Government In A Follow Up Order on Monday, The Twenty- Sixth of June 2023," to "Hold A Pretrial Conference" to "Discuss How Classified Information Will Be Handled in The Case" (and also "To Appoint, A Classified Information Security Officer) from "Friday, The Fourteenth of July, 2023" until "Tuesday, The Eighteenth of July," in "Federal District Court in Fort Pierce, Florida!"

"This New Order was Issued to Accommodate An Aide to Former President Trump," "Who Prosecutors have Named" as "A Co- Conspirator in The Case," "Waltine Torre "Walt" Nauta Jr." who "Filed A Request on Monday, Tenth of July 2023 for A Postponement," to "Delay The Conference," "Because His Attorney, Stanley Woodward," is "Involved in A Bench Trial that Began in Washington D.C. This Week!"

"Special Counsel John Luman "Jack" Smith, (who was "Appointed Independent Special Counsel," by " The 86th United States Attorney General Merrick Brian Garland," "Responsible for Overseeing Two Preexisting Department of Justice Investigations into The 45th and Former President of The United States of America, Donald John Trump,") and "His Team have Argued" that, "An indefinite continuance is unnecessary," and "Inject additional delay in this case, and is contrary to public interest."  

-(And, Take Note that, "Mr. Woodward has Not Yet Received A Security Clearance!" However, Prosecutors have Filed" that "Mr. Woodward has Not Completed The Necessary Form" to "Obtain The Security Clearance!" )-   

 "The Initial  Trial Date" of "The Fourteenth of August 2023 in Ft. Pierce, Florida" for "The Historic Trial Against" "The 45th President of The United States of America Donald John Trump," "Including Federal Criminal Charges" of "Willful Retention of National Defense Information," and "Conspiracy to Obstruct Justice" "Still Remains Unchanged!"

-(Note that, "The Former President has Plead Not Guilty to The Thirty- Seven Counts," and "His Aide," and "Co-Defendant Waltine Torre "Walt" Nauta Jr." has "Plead Not Guilty to Six Charges!")-
- "Global Cross Media News Universe, Insights, New Horizons, News Purview's, Global Perspectives,"- And, "A New Evolution Of The People, For The People, and By The People,"-

 And, "A New Earthwide Sociological," "Historical," "Political," "Environmental," "Spiritual," "Philosophical," "Humanitarian Age of Communication," that "Coalesces" and "Merges" with "An Omniscient," and "Omnipotent Spirit," and "Soul Force Of The People,"-

"As Golden Silver Phoenix Awakens" from "A Twenty- First Century Prescient Vision" of "A New Renaissance" of "The Apache," "Cherokee," "Cheyenne," "The Cree," "The First Nations of Canada," "Indigenous Canadians" (or "Canadian Indians"), "The Maya," "Mohawk," "Nahuas (Aztecs)," "Native Canadians," "Navajo," "Pueblo," "Seminole," and "All of The More than Seventy Million Tribal Members of "The North" and "South American Indigenous People," "The Evolution of The People," "Like The Seasons of The Year Continue to Change," and is "Developing and Evolving" at "A Determined Pace and Effort!"

And, "All Knowing that Progress Must Be Maintained" and "Sustained" by "Each New Generation" in "A United in Purpose Movement" of "Great Consequential Significance!"

"For The Academic," "Cultural," "Spiritual," and "Sociological Futures" of "The Youth of The People" are "Dependent Upon The Conscientious Awareness of What Must Be Done" to "Advance Their Lives," as well as "All The Impediments that Lie in The Way" of "A Bold," "Highly Courageous," and "Innovative New Era of "Advanced Science," and "Technology," and "Equanimity" "Equality," "Parity," and "Great Purpose," "Merged with The Cognitive Revolution," and "Universal Declaration" of "A People's Human," "Cultural," and "Civil Rights!"

And, "As The Fourth of July Holiday Commemorates The Declaration of Independence in The United States of America," "The Time has Come" for "The Indigenous People's of The Earths Lands," "Seas," and "Skies," to "Celebrate Their Special Uniqueness," and "Abilities," as "A Great People of The Earth," and "Universe," and "The Great Spirit," Whose "Time has Come" to "Transcend," and "Excel Above The Conditioned Time/Space Realities," and "Countless Number of System upon System," that are "Arrayed in Our Lives," for "A Myriad Number of Reasons" that "Resemble A Luminous Web of Earthwide Connections" to "Whatever Source or Path" or "Controlling Factor," (Positive or Negative) that "The Human Mind (For Better or For Worst) Can Imagine Its Use for!"

But, "Remember It Will Take Great Courage," to "Institute The Principles," and "An Interdependent Foundation of A System of Unity," "Cognition," "The Truth," "Perception," "Empathy," "Soul Strength," and "The Full Realization," and "Implementation" of "This New Era" and "Age Of The People," to "Uphold Their Beliefs!"
- "Global Cross Media News Universe, Insights, New Horizons, News Purview's, Global Perspectives,"- "Bonne Fete Nationale" to "All of Our French Friends," and "Colleagues," "Wherever You May Be!"-

And, "Lets Celebrate The Establishment of The First Republic of France" and "The Abolishment of The Monarchy," that "Took Place on The Twenty- Second of September, The Year 1792!"

And, "Let Us Celebrate," "A Great Nation," of "Liberte, Fraternite, and Egalite," "United Together," and "In Harmony," and "Respect for One Another," "As New Initiatives," and "Challenges Come Forth," that "Lead to" "A Myriad Sociological Sphere's of Influence that Exist Now," and "Those that Lie Ahead," "Where Future Horizons Meet The Prescient Visions" and "Hope's and Dreams," of "The Youth of France" and "A New Age of Unlimited Potentialities," "Opportunities," "Enterprises," and "Possibilities," of "The Second Decade of 2023," and "Beyond!"

 -In Memoriam: We Extend Our Sincerest Heartfelt and Soulful Condolences To All The Families who have Lost A Loved One, On Monday, The Twenty- Seventh of March, 2023 at The Covenant School in Nashville, Tennessee, and On Monday, The Tenth of April, 2023 at The Old National Bank in Louisville, Kentucky, and On Saturday, The Fifteenth of April 2023 in Dadeville, Alabama, and On Saturday, The Twenty- Ninth of April , 2023 in Cleveland, Texas, and On Saturday, The Sixth of May, 2023, at Allen Premium Outlets, in Allen, Texas (A Suburb of Dallas) and On Monday, The Third of July, 2023,  in A  Kingsessing Neighborhood, in Southwest Philadelphia, Pennsylvania! Our Hearts, Minds, and Souls are with You as You Continue to Mourn The Loss of Your Live Ones, who Will Be Never Forgotten!"

And, To All The Families who have Lost A Loved One Due to A Gun Related Act of Violence, Systemic Racism, Prejudice, Police Brutality, or Any Act of Violence Caused by Malevolent Perpetrators who Care Not For The Lives of Their Fellow Human Being, We Mourn Their Loss of Life with You in This Time of Deeply Felt Emotional, Mental, and Spiritual Despair, Sorrow, and Unhappiness!

-In Memoriam: We Extend Our Sincerest Heartfelt and Soulful Condolences To All The Families and Communities who have Lost A Loved One Due to Natural Disasters, and Wherever The Path of Earthquakes, Tsunamis, Tornadoes, Flood Waters, Mud Slides, and Raging Tides, and Fires have Destroyed Your Homes and Caused The Loss Of Life, and The Loss of Your Love Ones!
We Mourn Their Loss of Life with You and Your Families, in This Time Period of Grief and Sadness!

 -In Memoriam: We Would Like to Extend Our Sincerest Heartfelt and Soulful Condolences to The Families of Both The Ukrainian and Russian People, and The Families of Many Others, Journalists, and Foreign Fighters, who have Lost A Love One Due to An Invasion and War that Should Not have Occurred But For The Malicious and Egotistical Decision Making of One Person, Russian President Vladimir Putin, who Will Bear The Responsibility for The Deaths of Your Beloved Friends and Family Members in Perpetuity! And, We Mourn The Loss of Your Love Ones with You!

-In Memoriam: We Extend Our Sincerest Heartfelt and Soulful Condolences to The Families of Love One's who've Died Earthwide Due to The Ongoing Spread of The CoronaVirus Pandemic, As This Tragic Death Toll has Continued to Rise Above Six Million Love Ones to 6, 899, 186 Who have Died, As of Thursday, July 13, 2023! This has Been, and Continues to Be, A Staggering and Heartbreaking Statistic to Imagine, and Remains A Deeply Disturbing Fact! And When You Take into Account for How Many Families have Been Effected by This Earthwide Pandemic only Compounds The Seriousness of This Loss of Life!
And, In The United States of America The Number of Deaths Due to The CoronaVirus Pandemic has Surpassed An Incredible and Traumatic Plateau of One Million" to "1, 168, 558 Love Ones!