Thursday, June 1, 2023



The Way To Peace! #438

-"Global Cross Media News Universe, Insights, New Horizons, News Purview's, Global Perspectives,"-

 And, "A New Earthwide Journalistic," "Sociological," "Informational," "Political," "Environmental, "Philosophical," "Candid," and  "Humanitarian Communication Age,"  of "Honest," "Straightforward," "Factual" and "Truthful News Coverage," that "Coalesces" and "Merges" with "An Omniscient," and "Omnipotent Spirit," and "Soul Force Of The People,"-

In The Year 2008, "President Obama Used A Slogan "Change We Can Believe in" and The Chant "Yes We Can"  was "Used by The Barack Obama Presidential Campaign," and This Slogan and Chant Gave Hope" and was "An Inspirations to Tens of Millions of Americans (More than Sixty- Nine Million) Who Voted for Barack Obama)," and "A New Era of Expression via The Social Media," and "The Cross Cultural Universe of Creative," and "Civil Rights," and "Human Rights Activists and Advocates!" Who Believed" that  "A Positive Change Could Be Attained and Achieved" in "A New Age of Universal Rights," and "Hope For The Future!"

And, "Here We are in 2023," and "A Highly Intense Political Time Period, Pre-2024 Presidential Election," and "We are Faced with An Anti- Universal Rights Attitude," and "Rhetoric," that "Is Not Beneficial to The Growth and Development of The Youth of America," ("One that is A Threat to The Democratic and Constitutional Principles" that "The United States of America was Founded Upon,"), and that is also "On An Earthwide Purview/Basis," "Detrimental to The Youth of The Sovereign Solar Nations" and "Detrimental to Their Freedom of Expression," and "Their Environmental and Ecological Protection," and "Detrimental to Their Abilities to Discern or Perceive in Truth," "What is Real from Unreal," or "Just from Unjust," or "What is is Factual versus Outright Lies," and "Attempts to Falsely Revise The Annals of Modern History!"

And, "The Questions Continue to Mount on A Yearly Basis," such as, (1) "How Can War" or "Ongoing Military Conflicts Be Beneficial to The Youth of The Earth (and Their Families)," with "Tears of Blood," and "Death," Threatening Their Futures" such as, "The Immoral and Unlawful Invasion of The Sovereign Solar Nation of Ukraine by "The Russian Federation," and, "The Genocide/War in The Republic of Yemen," that has "Caused The Deaths of More than One Hundred and Fifty Thousand Persons since 2014," Plus The More than Two Hundred and Twenty- Five Thousand People who have Died Due" to "The  Lack of Healthcare Facilities," and "Famine," and "The New Escalation of Conflict In The Republic of Sudan," in "A Struggle for Power between Paramilitary and Government Forces," and, (2) "How Can," "Outright Lies" such as "The Big Lie," "Perpetrated by The Republican Party," and "Its Former Twice Impeached President (In the United States House of Representatives)" "Be An Inspiration to The Youth of America," who were "Taught by Their Parents, and "In Schools," and "Houses of Worship," "Not to Lie," and  in The United States of America," or "How Can," "The Big Lie Be A Positive Attribute or Quality for A Democratic Sovereign Nation" who "Espouses to," and "Supports," and "Believes in," "The Constitutional Principle and Law" of "The Right to Vote," and, "Why are So Many Republican Officials" who have "Been Elected" and "Taken Oaths to Represent The American People," "So Against A Women's Right to Choose," "Is This Not A Total Disrespect" of "A Women's Right to Live in America," and,  (3) "How Can," "The Sale of Assault Weapons Be of Value to The Youth of America," who have "Seen and/or Witnessed The Deaths of Students All Across This Great Nation," and, (4) "How Can" "The Forced Repression and Suppression of A People" such as, "The Hundreds of Thousands of  Uyghurs," and "Other Turkic Muslims," Who are Being Held in "Chinese Detainment Camps," "Be of Any Real or Truthful or Honest/Humane Value to The Youth of This Ethnic Population of  People," "It is An Absolute Abuse of The Truth to Say" that "These Internment Camps" are "Called Vocational Educational and Training Centers," by "The Government of The People's Republic of China," and, (5) "How Can The Youth of The States of Israel" and "Palestine," "Ever Find Peace of Mind," and "An End of Hostilities," without "Leaders who are Inspired," and "Highly Respected to Guide Them" and to "Resolve The Life and Death Issues" that have "Existed between These Two Sovereign Solar Nations for Decades," and, (6) "How Can" "We Expect The Eight Billion People/Citizens," of "The Diverse Multi- Cultural Rainbow Communities, Tapestry, and Fabric of The Sovereign Solar Nations," to "Evolve and Grow" as "An Enlightened," "Cognitive," "Universally Minded People," "if Hundreds of Millions of People Live in Poverty," or "Live in Refugee Camps," "Because of War," and "Ongoing Military Conflicts," or "Political Oppression," and, (7) "How Can" "The Youth of The Earth Look Forward to Pursuing Their Goals and Dreams" of "A Future of Peace on Earth," and "Sociological," "Environmental," "Ecological," and "Economic Security," unless "Our Houses of Worship," and "Leaders of Sovereign Solar Nations," and "The Parallel Universes of Private," and "Public Sectors," and "Their Earthwide Partners in Finance," "Commerce," "Technology," "Science," "Education," "Banking," and "The Military," "Adhere to The Needs," and "Values," and "Integral," "Fundamental," and "Essential Necessities," and "Moral Codes," and "Ethical Conduct" that is "Needed to Establish A New Renaissance of The Heart," "Mind," "Cognitive Comprehension," "Spirit," and "Soul Of The People," and "The Realization of A Bold New Civilization Of The People" to "Grace The Seas," "Lands," "Skies," and "A Universal Accord of  The Twenty- First Century to Live in Peace!"
And "Finally Decide and Acknowledge," with "A Sense of The Great Purpose" and "Righteous and Thoughtful Deliberation!" And, "In Full Agreement" with "The Eight Billion People/Citizens of This Planet Earth," that "Without A Doubt," "A True and Magnificent Change Can Come If We But Believe It Can! And, "Yes We Can" in This," "Wholeheartedly," and "Spiritually Believe to Be True!"

This is, "A New Earthwide Journalistic," "Sociological," "Informational," "Political," "Environmental, "Philosophical," "Candid," and  "Humanitarian Communication Age,"  of "Honest," "Straightforward," "Factual" and "Truthful News Coverage," that "Coalesces" and "Merges" with "An Omniscient," and "Omnipotent Spirit," and "Soul Force Of The People,"-

-"Global Cross Media News Universe, Insights, New Horizons, News Purview's, and Global Perspectives"- "Evolution," and "The Idea of Change," is "Being Exemplified by Artificial  Intelligence" (AI's like "Bard"), "Space Shuttles,"  and "Space Telescopes," (The Hubble Telescope," and "The James Webb Telescope") and "Probes to Planets," and "Moons," and "Computer- Generated Technology," But, "Change," and "A New Age of Evolution," "Development," and "Growth" that "Enhances," and "Increases The Academic Evolution," "Intellectual Development," "Growth," and "Lifestyles Of The People," is "Not Taking Place On The Street," and/or "In Our Communities," or "Within The Sociological Sphere's of Influence" that "Can Bring Change into Our Lives" to "A High Enough Degree that Compares" even "In The Slightest Way to The Evolution of The Technological," and "Scientific Sectors!"

And, "The Idea of Change," "A Change" that "Can Improve The Lives Of The People to The Degree" that "They are In Alignment," or "At Least on Course to Become Aligned with The Very Impressive Technological," and "Scientific Advances" is "Either Being Impeded by Political," and/or "Ideologically Based Women and Men," who are "Primarily Interested in Their Own Self Profit," or "Selfish Gains," that "Have Very Little to Do with Making A Better Life for Their Fellow Human Being," "Neighbor," and/or "Fellow Citizen!"
And, "There is Nothing of Earthwise Value," or "Principle," about "Their Intentions!"

For The Most Part, "Their Actions" are "Either The Acts of Greedy," "Egotistical," and "Power Hungry Men," and "Women," who "Thrive on Corruption," "Violence," "Lies," and "Misleading," and "Manipulative Political Rhetoric!"

"The Time has Come" for " A New Earthrise" and "Era of Amelioration," that "Empowers," and "Enhances The Lives of The Almost Eight Billion Citizens/People" of "The Sovereign Solar," "Civilized," "Free," "Interdependent," "Unified Peace Loving Nations!" 
"A Change" that "Brings Hope to Those of Us," who "Have Fallen Upon Less Fortunate Times," and, "Those of Us,"  who are "Living in Poverty," and "Those of Us" who "Have No Other Recourse Other than Living in Refugee Camps," or "Internment Camps," or who "Can Not Afford The Cost of Living in Big Cities!"

"The Time has Clearly Come" for "A New Age of Sociological Economic Security For One and All!" "A Sociological Accord" that "Provides For The Youth," "The Elderly," and "The Hard Working Union Employees," and "Blue Collar Employees," "Small Business Women" and "Men," and "The Lives" of  "Truly, One and All" who are "In Need!"

And, "It's Time to Show The Youth of The Earth," "A Humanistic Side of Being Here and Now" that "Represents The Universal Principles," and "Tenets," and "Enlightened Cognition," and "Historical" and "Spiritual Omniscience," "Logic," and "Awareness" of "All The Sociological Sphere's of Influence!"

And, "Truly, The Need" for "An Earthwide Bank Account" that "Supports" and "Provides" for "The Renaissance of Humanity!" "Financed by The Philanthropic Foundations," and "A Tax Upon All The Banks," and "Earthwide Industries," "Organizations," and "Institutions," of "The Parallel Universes" of "The Sovereign Solar Nations!"  And, "Managed by A Highly Venerable Nexus of Philanthropic," and "Religious/Spiritual Leaders" ("Women and Men") "Should Be An Immediate Consideration!"

"The Question" is, "How Long Will The Almost Eight Billion People/Citizens of The Sovereign Solar Nations Have to Wait" "Before They Experience A Positive" and "All Consuming," "Ardent," "Sincere," "Profound," "Deeply Heartfelt," and "Earnest Change in The Collective Mind- Set of The Leaders of The Governments," ("Local," "City," "State," "National," and "International") and "Parallel Universes," of "The Public" and "Private Sectors," that "Is All Inclusive!"


-  "Global Cross Media News Universe, Insights, New Horizons, News Purview's, Global Perspectives,"- Extra Noteworthy News- "President Joseph R. Biden Jr. Meets with All Four Leaders of The U.S. Congress" on "Preventing The United States Government from Defaulting"-

 And, "A New Earthwide Journalistic," "Sociological," "Informational," "Political," "Environmental, "Philosophical," "Candid," and  "Humanitarian Communication Age,"  of "Honest," "Straightforward," "Factual" and "Truthful News Coverage," that "Coalesces" and "Merges" with "An Omniscient," and "Omnipotent Spirit," and "Soul Force Of The People,"-

 But, "The Question" Still Remains, "Will A Discharge Petition/Rule Be Needed to Raise The Debt Ceiling," and "Eliminate The Threat of Default"-

Global Cross Media News Reports are Tuesday, The Sixteenth of May 2023, "President Joseph R. Biden Jr., The 46th" and "Current President of The United States of America Met with All Four Leaders of The 118th U.S. Congress ("The Speaker and Minority Leaders of U.S. The House of Representatives," and "The Senate Majority and Minority Leaders of The U.S. Senate")."

And, Wednesday, The Seventeenth of May 2023, "Headlines of The Fourth Estate," and "Breaking News Spotlights of The Global Cross Media News Sphere's Reported" that, "President Biden said, that "We had a productive meeting yesterday, (Tuesday, The Sixteenth of May") with all four leaders of the Congress. It was civil and respectful and everyone came to the meeting, I think, with good faith. .... "And I'm confidant that we will get the agreement on the Budget, and America will not Default." .... "And, Every Leader in the Room understands the consequences if we fail to pay our bills. And it would be catastrophic for the American economy and the American People, if we didn't pay our bills." ..... And, "the leaders have all  Agreed that We Will Not Default!" Every Leader has said that."

"President Biden also said," "That He is proud of the progress that his administration has made. We've reduced the Deficit in the First Two Years by $1.7 Trillion Dollars, in the First Two Years. And I've proposed a Budget to reduce another $Three Trillion Dollars over the next decade."

 And, "President Biden also said" that, "He cut his trip short at the G7," and "Will Be having A Press Conference on Sunday, The Twenty- First of May, 2023," to "Discuss the Status of A New Agreement with Congressional Leaders," ("After A Separate Meeting" with "The Quad, Leaders" from "The Common Wealth of Australia," "The Republic of India," and "Japan!")."

- (Note, "The 49th G7 Summit Will Take Place from The Nineteenth of May thru The Twenty-First of May 2023, in Hiroshima, Hiroshima Prefecture Japan!"

Members Attending the 49th G7 Summit" are; Canada," "France," "The Federal Republic of Germany," "The Republic of Italy," "The Host Sovereign Nation of Japan," "The United Kingdom," and "The European Union!"
And, "This Will Be The First G7 Summit for "British Prime Minister Rishi Sunak," and "Italian Prime Minister Georgia Meloni!")-
"Guests/Participants" are; "The Common Wealth of Australia," "The Federative Republic of Brazil," "The Union of the Comoros," "The Cook Islands," "The Republic of India," "The Republic of Indonesia," "The Republic of (South) Korea," "Ukraine," "The Socialist Republic of Vietnam, (International Energy Agency)," "International Monetary Fund (OECD)," "United Nations (World Bank)," "World Health Organization (World Trade Organization)," )- 

-  "Global Cross Media News Universe, Insights, New Horizons, News Purview's, Global Perspectives,"- "The U.S. Economy," and "Whether or Not A Discharge Petition/Rule Will Be Needed"-

"It is Most Impressive" that "The Federal Reserve," and "The Biden/Harris Administration Continue to Forge Ahead with Their Economic Plans" to "Improve The Quality of Life for All Americans to Benefit from," and "Enjoy!"
However, "There is Still A Great Deal to Be Done," and "No One is Saying" that "America is Not in Dire Need of Additional Financial Relief," For Example; "Students Still Need Their Loans Forgiven," and "The Poor and Transient American Citizens " are "Still in Need of Financial Assistance," and "Investment in The Infrastructure of This Grand Ole Nation is Still Needed!"

And, "It Will Be Interesting to See," "Whether or Not A Discharge Petition/Rule May Be Needed" to "Circumvent House of Representative Republican Leaders," and "A Majority of House Republicans" from "Preventing A Vote" on "Raising The Debt Ceiling," even "Though The United States Would Run Out of Cash" and "Be Forced into An Unprecedented Default!
"House Speaker Kevin McCarthy from The State of California," and "A Majority of His Fellow House Republicans" have "Been Attempting to Roll Back President Joseph Robinette Biden Jr.'s Agenda" and "Vision" for "America's Economic Recovery," as well as "Attach A Number of Undeclared Spending Cuts to It!"

"But, If House of Representative Democrats Can Obtain Two Hundred and Eighteen Signatures, They Can Force a Vote on The Floor of The House!" However, "The House Democrats Would Still Need at the Least Five Additional Signatures to Achieve This by The First of June 2023!"

"The Question" of "Whether or Not This Discharge Petition/Rule is Really Necessary," and "Secondly, Whether or Not The Democrats Can Obtain The Five Additional Signatures They Need," "Just in Case Congressional Discussions Fail to Reach An Agreement with The Biden/Harris Administration," are "Pertinent Questions" that "Still Need to Be Answered,"  (Although This is Highly Unimaginable," "Especially with The Warning on Thursday, The Eleventh of May 2023 by Janet Louise Yellen, The 78th United States Secretary of the Treasury" since "The Twenty- Sixth of January 2021," that "A U.S. Default would Produce an Economic and Financial Catastrophe,").

Or, "Will The House Republican Leadership and The Majority of Republicans Finally Come to Their Senses" and "Act as They Should," as "True Representatives Of The Republic," and "Government Of The People, By The People, and For The People!"

But, "The Most Pervasive and Incomprehensible Question" is, "Why is The Republican Party so Intent" on "Undermining The Democratic Government of The American People!"

-"Global Cross Media News Universe, Insights, New Horizons, News Purview's, Global Perspectives,"- And, "More Questions of Significant Consequence Should Be at The Top of List of Priorities" at "The 49th G7 Summit in Hiroshima, Hiroshima Prefecture, Japan,"-

"The Question" of Whether of Not, "Warmongering," "Unprincipled," "Amoral," and "Anti- Humanistic Nations," "Should Be Included" in "An Economic and Financial Equation" that "Embraces," and "Supports," "A New Era of Amelioration," and "Enhanced Environmental," and "Ecological Conditions," "Sociological Security," and "The Universal Tenets," and "Principles of A New Age of Peace," "Unity," "Equality," Global Equilibre," and "Equanimity," "Justice," and Freedom," and "The Pursuit of One's Goals in Life," without "Fear of War and Violence," or "Hatred," and "Free from Fear of Acts of Immoral," "Egotistical," "Malevolent," "Thoughtless," "Heartless," and "Insensitive Behavior," "Against One's Fellow Human Being," "The Answer" is "They Should Not Be Included!"

"But They Should Be Sanctioned Against," and "Exiled from Participating in The Universal/Sociological Affairs and Sphere's" of "All Peace Loving United Coalition of Civilized Sovereign Solar Nations!" 

And, There Must Be, "A Universal Accord for The Twenty- First Century, " that "Clearly and Definitively Establishes A Common Ground for The Sovereign Solar Nations," and "The Parallel Universes of The Private and Public Sectors," and "Their Partners," "The Eight Billion People/Citizens," to "Participate in Agreement with One Another," within "A Peacetime," and "Universally Sociological State of Being!