Wednesday, March 1, 2023



The Way To Peace! #432 

-"Global Cross Media News Universe, Insights, New Horizons, News Purview's, and Global Perspectives"- And, "A New Earthwide Political," "Philosophical," " "Economical," "Environmental," "Ecological," and "Ideological Configuration of Peacemakers" on "An Earthrise Stage of Integrity," "Diplomacy" "Courage," "Determination," "Purpose," and "The Right to Live in Peace," and "Freedom," and "A Universal Consciousness of Unification," "Respect," and "Justice For One and All,"- And "A Historical Scope and Span" of "The Facts of "The Twenty- First Century"- And, "Peace Must Replace War," And, "Non-Violence Must Replace Violence If We are To Survive"-

"As The Sun Rises and Sets O'er The Twenty- Four Time Zones of The Earths Seven Continents," "Providing The Healing Light of Life to Grace," "Nourish," and "Illuminate The Lives of All The People of The Sovereign Solar Nations," "The Principles of Peace," "Freedom," and "Justice" are "Being Displayed on An Earthrise Stage" and "Expressed Eloquently" and "Passionately," by "President Joseph R. Biden Jr. of The United States of America," by "Continuing to Commit His," and "The Unwavering Support of The U.S.,"  During His Surprise Visit to Kyiv," and "Walking with Ukraine's Brave and Courageous President Volodymyr Oleksandrovych Zelenkskyy," "Almost One Year to The Day" that "The Russian Federation Invaded Its Neighbor, Ukraine," and In Doing so, "Violated Their Sovereignty!" President Biden said, "Unchecked aggression is a threat to all of us, .... And, "One year later Kyiv stands and Ukraine stands. Democracy stands, Americans stand with you, and the World stands with you." .... And, President Biden also said, "Kyiv has captured a part of my heart."

Global Cross Media News Reports are "President Biden Arrived in Kyiv after Undertaking a Ten Hour Train Ride from Poland" on Monday, The Twentieth of February 2023, "Where He Visited The Mariinsky Palace," and "Made a Few Brief Remarks," and also "Signed The Guest Book!"

And, "On Yet Another Earthrise Stage," at "The Munich Security Conference in Munich, Germany," on Saturday, The Eighteenth of February 2023, "United States Vice President Kamala D. Harris Declared Unequivocally" that "the United States has formally determined that Russia has committed Crimes against Humanity," in its war against Ukraine. -(Note that, Global Cross Media News Reports are on Saturday, The Eighteenth of February, "Vice President also Reconfirmed the United States Relationship with The United Kingdom saying, During A Discussion with The United Kingdoms New Prime Minister Rishi Sunak" that, "the relationship between the UK. and the United States is a very important one," and also, "an enduring relationship.")-

And, "United States Secretary of State Antony John Blinken Met with Wang Yi, The Director of the Office of the Central Foreign Affairs Commission of the Chinese Communist Party," and "China's Top Diplomat,"  "Concerning Information" that "Suggests China is considering" sending "Weapons of Lethal Support to The Russian Federation," and "China's High Altitude Balloon" that "The U.S. Shot Down," saying  "On Sunday, The Nineteenth of February, that "There's no Doubt," that the balloon was attempting to engage in active surveillance."
"How Bizarre is It," to "Live in The Twenty- First Century," and "Read  Headlines of The Fourth Estate," and "See, and Read Breaking News Spotlights of The Global Cross Media News Sphere's Reports" about "The Russian Federation Unlawful" and "Malevolent Invasion" of "Its Neighbor," "The Sovereign Nation of Ukraine," (Who Fought as An Ally," in The Twentieth Century, "Against The Nazis in WW II," with then "The Soviet Union"), Which is "A Vicious" and "Brutal War Being Conducted Against The Innocent People of Ukraine," by Russian Federation Armed Forces, "Authorized to Do so by Their President Vladimir Putin," (Whom "History Will No Doubt Refer to" as "Being A Despot," and "Egotistical Ruler") "Irregardless of The Death and Destruction that His Authorization has Caused" and "Continues to Cause!"

"The Deaths and Injuries to The Russian Armed Forces Alone," are "Estimated to Be More than Two Hundred Thousand," and "More than One Hundred Thousand Ukrainian!" And, "Millions of Ukrainians have Been Displaced from Their Homes!" And, "The Threat of War" and "Destabilization of Eastern Europe is Significant!" And, "Beyond Comprehension!"
And, "Countless Numbers of Women and Men" who are "Fighting for Their Nations Freedom," and "Sovereign Integrity," have "Been Injured!"

And, "To All of The Leaders of United Sovereign Solar Nations" who "Believe in Freedom, and "Justice," and "Sovereign Rights," "Equality and Liberty," and "Civil Rights," and "Human Rights," and "To All The Leaders of "Religion" and "Houses of Worship," "Economics," "Education," "Science," and "History," "Are We Not Existing in An Age Where Sovereign Solar Nations Depend Upon," and "Are Actively Engaging in Global Summits," and "State Visits in Support of Human Rights," and to "Promote Trade," and/or "Including New Earthwide Potentially Long Lasting Partnerships" to "Build Their Sovereign Nations Economy Upon," and "Display Their Sovereign Nations Economic" and "Diplomatic Prowess" and "Development" for "All Others to Envy," and "Admire," and "Want to Be a Part of!"

And, "Are We Not Existing in A  Century Where Climate Warming" is "A Global Threat" to "Every Sovereign Solar Nation," as well as "A Threat Against The Future Prosperity," "Healthcare," "Welfare," and "Survival of The Youth of All The Sociological Sphere's of Influence," as well as "A Treat Against The Well Being," and "The Wellness of The Parallel Universes of The Private" and "Public Sectors," and "Each and Every Family!"

Well then, "How Can The Threats of Using Nuclear Weapons Against Ones Fellow Human Being Be Tolerated," and "Be Allowed to Disestablish," and "Disturb," "The Universal," "Intellectual," "Informative," "Spiritual," and "Ethical Equanimity," and "Earthwide Equiblbre," and "Purview," that has "Provided Clarification," and "An Informed Sense of Being," and "Reason and Purpose," for "What Can Be A Positive," "Evolved," and "Potentially Uplifting Future for The Youth of The Earths Sovereign Solar Nations," and "The Diverse Multi-Cultural Rainbow Communities, Tapestry, and Fabric of All The People," who are "Without Reservation," The Backbone," "Heart," "Spirit," "Soul," "Cognition" and "Conscience of The Body of The Human Experience," and  " Potentially What Can Lead Us, One and All," into "A New Era" and "Reality" of "Unifying Cognition," "Intelligence," and "Comprehension," that "Embraces," and "Supports The Sociological Security," "Welfare," "Healthcare," "Public Safety," "Justice," "Equality," "Freedom," "Liberty," and "A Universal," "Knowledgeable," and "Purposeful Education Based on Facts," and "The Truth," As Recorded in The Annals of History!" And, "Respect for One's Fellow Human Being!"

"Yes, The Potential is Within Our Reach!" However, "To Return to The Question at Hand," "How is The Detrimental," "Destructive," Unlawful," and "Sinful," Policies of War," and "Threats of Nuclear Attacks," "Being Made," and "Threatened to Be Made by The Russian Federation," and "Their President," "Being Allowed to Continued to Threaten All Our Lives!"

And, "To The Russian People," "There is No Just Cause for This Unlawful," and "Malevolent War," "Against Your Neighbor, Ukraine!" Thereby Making It, "No Just Cause for The Death," and "Injuries to Your Children," and "Family Members," that have "Occurred over The Last Year," and that "Threatens to Continue into 2023!"
"The Time has Come for You to Tell The Religious," "Business," and "Political Leaders of The Russian Federation," and "Your President," that "You have  had Enough!" And that, "You Absolutely Do Not  Want Your Love Ones Coming Home in Body Bags" or "Injuries that Can Not Be Healed by More Speeches of War," and "Misleading Propaganda," In Support of "An Unprovoked," "Unlawful," "Unjust," "Malevolent," "Soulless," and "Spiteful War Against The Innocent Families of Ukraine," who "Only Wish to Live in Freedom," and "In Accordance" with "All that is In The Best Interests and Intentions For The Future of Their Nation," and "As A True Partner of Peace On Earth!"
 - "Global Cross Media and Nationwide News" from "The Washington D.C. Eye" on "The First Anniversary of Russia's Illegal and Malevolent War Against Ukraine,"-
"President R. Biden Jr. Imposes New Sanctions Against The Russian Federation," And, "G7 Leaders Reaffirm Their Support for The Sovereign Nation of Ukraine"- Extra Noteworthy News-
Thursday, The Twenty- Third of February 2023, "Headlines of The Fourth Estate," and "The Breaking News Spotlights of The Global Cross Media News Sphere's Reported" that "President Joseph R. Biden Jr. Announced that The United States of America Would Impose New Sanctions on The Russian Federation"-

"President Biden said, "Putin is the aggressor, Putin chose this war. An now he and his country will bear the consequences."

"The White House Called The New Sanctions on More than Two Hundred People and Entities Against Russia," Will "Further Degrade Russia's Economy" and "Diminish Its Ability to Wage Against Ukraine." And, "Be Focused" on, (1) "Punishing and Attacking The Russian Economy," and, (2) " Individuals Close to The Russian President," and, (3) The Capabilities of The Russian Military!"
 And, "The United States Department of the Treasury's Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC)," is, (4) "Sanctioning The Belarus Defense Ministry," and "Its Financial Institutions," and "Twenty- Four Belarusian Individuals," who have "Supported Russia's Invasion of The Sovereign Nation of Ukraine!"- (Note that, "Belarus Helped Facilitated the Russian Attack Upon Ukraine!")-
 - "Global Cross Media News Universe, Insights, New Horizons, News Purview's, Global Perspectives"- Cont'd- "The First Anniversary of Russia's Illegal and Malevolent War Against Ukraine,"- Extra Noteworthy News- "The G7 Reaffirms Its Unwavering Support of The Sovereign Nation of Ukraine"-
Friday, The Twenty- Fourth of February 2024 "The G7 Met with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Oleksandrovych Zelenskyy" and "Reaffirmed Their Unwavering Support for Ukraine!" 
And, "The Group of Seven" also "Condemned Russia's Illegal," "Unjustifiable," and "Unprovoked War," and "Disregard for The Chapter of United Nations (UN) and "Indifference to the Impacts that Its War is having on People Worldwide."
And, "The G7" also said, "Russia Started This War, and Russia Can End This War."-
- Global Cross Media and Nationwide News" from "The Washington D.C. Eye" on "Extra Noteworthy News"- "The United States of America Commits $Two Billion Dollars in "Long Term Security Assistance to Ukraine!"- 
Friday, The Twenty-Fourth of February 2023, "The United States Pentagon Announced" that "It was Providing $Two Billion Dollar Commitment in Aid" to "Send to The Sovereign Nation of Ukraine," Including, (1) "Weapons to Counter Russia's Unmanned Systems and Several Types of Drones," (2) "Including The Upgraded Switchblade 600 Kamikaze Drone," and, (3) "Electronic Warfare Detection Equipment," and, (4) "Money for Additional Ammunition for The High Mobility Artillery Rocket Systems," (5) "Artillery Rounds and Munitions for Laser-Guided Rocket Systems!"

"In A Statement," "United States Secretary of Defense Lloyd James Austin III" said, "The First Anniversary of Russia's invasion is a chance for all who believe in freedom "to recommit ourselves supporting Ukraine's brave defenders for the long haul ---- and to recall that the stakes of Russia's war stretch far beyond Ukraine."
 - "Global Cross Media News Universe, Insights, New Horizons, News Purview's, and Global Perspectives" on "The First Anniversary of Russia's Illegal and Malevolent War Against Ukraine,"- Extra Noteworthy News- "The Sovereign Nation of Japan Announced" that "It Would Offer Ukraine $Five Billion in Humanitarian Aid"-
Global Cross Media News Reports are Monday, The Twentieth of February 2023, "Prime Minister Fumio Kishida of Japan" "Pledged $5.5 Billion Dollars in Humanitarian Aid for Ukraine!"

"Prime Minister Kishida" said, "Japan is in a position to lead the World's efforts to support Ukraine in its fight against Russian aggression and to uphold a free and open international order based in the rule of law."
 - "Global Cross Media News Universe, Insights, New Horizons, News Purview's, and Global Perspectives"- Cont'd- "The First Anniversary of Russia's Illegal and Malevolent War Against Ukraine,"- Extra Noteworthy News- 
Global Cross Medias News Reports are Friday, The Twenty- Fourth of February 2023, "Prime Minister Justin Pierre James Trudeau of The Sovereign Nation of Canada Announced" that "Canada Will Be Sending," "Four More Leopard 2 Battle Tanks to The Sovereign Nation of Ukraine" and also, "An Armored Recovery Vehicle," and "More than Five Thousand Rounds of 155 mm Ammunition," and "Will also Be Imposing New Russia- Related Sanctions!"
 - Global Cross Media News Universe, Insights, New Horizons, News Purview's, and Global Perspectives" on "The First Anniversary of Russia's Illegal," "Unprovoked," and Malevolent War Against Ukraine,"- Cont'd- Extra Noteworthy News"- 
Global Cross Medias News Reports are Friday, The Twenty- Fourth of February 2023, "Rishi Sunak Prime Minister of The United Kingdom" said, "The International Community needed to support Ukraine with long term military and security assurances to send a strong message to President Putin that the Global Support was Enduring!"
 - "A New Earthwide Political," "Philosophical," and "Ideological Configuration for Peace" and "Unity on Earth," - And, "Change Like The Seasons Must Come" upon "The Wings of The Phoenix of Peace"- Extra Noteworthy News-"Ukrainian President Volodymyr Oleksandrovych Zelenskyy" and "President Xi Jinping of The People's Republic of China to Meet" to "Discuss The People's Republic of China's 12 Point Proposal to End The War in Ukraine"-
 "Headlines of The Fourth Estate," and "Breaking News Spotlight of The Global Cross Media News Sphere's have Reported" that Friday, The Twenty- Fourth of February 2023, "President Zelenskyy" said at A News Conference, "Meeting with Mr. Xi will be important for world security." And, "China has historically respected territorial integrity, and so it should do everything so that the Russian Federation leaves are country." 
-(Note that, "China's Peace Plan" calls for "A United Nations- Led Talks," and "A Cease Fire!" And also that "Nuclear Weapons Must Not Be Used," and "An End of Western Sanctions on Russia!")-

However, "The Question" Still Remains, "When and Where Will The Talks Take Place!"
 - "Global Cross Media News Universe, Insights, New Horizons, News Purview's, and Global Perspectives"- "War or Peace"-
"It is Long Past Due for War," and/or "The Egotistical and Despotic Attitudes of Any Leader of The Sovereign Solar Nations" to "Threaten Peace on Earth!"

"As The Sun Rises and Sets O'er The Earths Time Zones Each Day We are Filled with Wonder of Its Beauty and Magnificence!"
And War," and "The Egotistical and Despotic Actions" and "Attitudes" of "Any Leader of The Sovereign Solar Nations" has "No Cognitive," or "Intelligent Place in Our Lives" as "We," "As Sovereign Nations Strive to Make New Partnerships," and "Compete with One Another in The Global Markets," and "As The Peak Illumination of The Full Moon Leaves Us with Breathtaking Views" and "A Sense of Its Extraordinary," "Exceptional," and "Awe Inspiring Brilliance," For Which We are Grateful for" and "Left in Great Admiration and Appreciation of!"

And, "Just As Awe Inspiring is The Invisible Gift and Effortless Eddies and Flow of Air" that "We Breathe Each Day" and "Eventide," "Empowering Us with The Miracle of Life for Approximately 365 Days, 5 Hours, 48 Minutes, and 46 Seconds," and "No One," "No Leader of A Sovereign Solar Nation has The Right to Threaten The Lives of Our Fellow Human Being!"

And, "The War," "Not The Special Military Operation," that "The Russian Federation has Illegally," "Unlawfully," and "Malevolently Brought Against, Their Neighbor," Ukraine," and "The Innocent People of Ukraine Must End!"
And, "Russian Armed Forces Must Leave The Ukrainian People to Live in Peace," and "Follow Their Own Destiny in Peace," and "In Harmony," with "The United Coalition of Peace Loving Nations," "In Freedom," "Justice," "Equality," "Liberty," and "Unity!"
"For This is Their Right to Do," and "Seek," and "Their Right to Live by On Earth!" And, "In Peace" as "Stated in The United Nations Charter!"
-Global Cross Media News Universe, Insights, New Horizons, News Purview's, and Global Perspectives"-
- "Global Cross Media and Nationwide News" from "The Washington D.C. Eye" on "Jared Corey Kushner" and "Ivana Marie "Ivanka" Trump (His Wife" and "Daughter of Former President Trump" have "Been Subpoenaed by Jack L. Smith, The Special Counsel Investigating  Former U.S. President Donald John Trump"- Extra Noteworthy News- "The March for Justice," and "The Reality" that "No One is Above The Law Continues to Be Tested"- And, "Justice Must Be Served"-
"Headlines of The Fourth Estate," and "Breaking News Spotlights of The  Global Cross Media News Sphere's Reported" that Wednesday, The Twenty- Second of February 2023, "Jack L. Smith Special Counsel" for "The United States Department of Justice," "Appointed by United States Attorney General Merrick Brian Garland," and "Responsible for Overseeing Two Preexisting Department of Justice Criminal Investigations into Former U.S. President Donald John Trump" Regarding, (1)"The Former President's Role in The January 6, U.S. Capitol Attack,"( In 2021), and, (2) "An Investigation into Mishandling of Government Records," "Including Classified Documents,"  has "Subpoenaed Jared Corey Kushner," and "Ivana Marie "Ivanka" Trump (His Wife" and "Daughter of Former President Donald J. Trump") in "The Special Counsel's Probe of Jan. 6!"

 - "Global Cross Media News Universe, Insights, New Horizons, News Purview's, Global Perspectives,"- And, "There is Quite Simply Too Much At Stake for The American People to Not Know What The Truth is Concerning The Attack on The United States Capitol on January 6th," and "The Grand Significance of What Happened During The 187 Minutes from When The Former President Gave His Speech to His Supporters, who were Attacking The U.S. Capitol at 1:10 P.M.," and "Overrunning The Perimeters of The Capitol Building" until "The Former Presidents 4:17 P.M. ET Video Statement," "When He Asked Them to Return Home," "187 Minutes that Resulted in Tragic Moments of  Life and Death"-

 "There Must Be An End of The Senseless Mockery Taking Place in The Arena of Politics," that "Appears to Favor The Political Hierarchy," or "At Times The Worst Characteristics in Human Nature!"

And, "Houses of Worship Must Stand Up in The Name of The Truth," "Justice," and "The Democratic Principles of The Republic," "Nation," and "The Rights of," and "The Government Of The People, By The People, and For All The People!"

And, "Let Us Clearly Agree" that "If A Hard Working American Citizen were to "Be Subpoenaed by The United States Department of Justice," or "The United States  Congress," "They Would have to Respect The Subpoena!" Or Else "They Would Be Put in Jail!"

And, "This Should Apply to Anyone in The United States of America," "Whether They were Previously A Former U.S. President," or "U.S. Vice President," or A Part of "The Political Elite," or "Whatever Hierarchy," or "Political Party," "Institution," or "Organization," They May Be A Part of!"

And, "Let Us Clearly," "Definitively," and Conclusively Comprehend" that, "The United States of America is A Democracy" and "No One is Above The Law," and "Justice Must Be Served!"

- "Global Cross Media and Nationwide News" from "The Washington D.C. Eye" on "U.S. Unemployment Insurance Claims" as "They Continue to Decrease For The Week Ending The Twenty- Fifth of February 2023,"-
And, "The U.S. Unemployment Rate Continues to Remain at Its Lowest Level since 1969,"-
And, "H.R. 5376 The Inflation Reduction Act of 2022" Will Be "A Boon to The U.S. Economy in 2023"-
And, "The Annual Inflation Rate for The United States is 6.4%" for "The Twelve Months Ended in January 2023,"
And, "There was a Substantial Growth of 517, 000 Non-Farm Payrolls in The Month of January,"- "All of Which Continues to Be Good News for The Biden/Harris Administration" and "The United States of America"-
 Global Cross Media News Reports are Thursday, The Second of March, 2023, "The Bureau of Labor Announced" that "One Hundred and Ninety Thousand Americans Filed for U.S. Unemployment Insurance Claims," "A Decrease of Two Thousand from Last Weeks Unrevised Level of One Hundred and Ninety- Two Thousand," and "A Continuation of The Lowest Level that U.S. Unemployment has Been in More than Three Months!"
And, "Continues to Remain Among The Lowest Levels Its Been since Pre- Pandemic Times!" And, "A Good Omen For The U.S. Economy to Begin The Year 2023!"

- (Note that, "The Four Week Moving Average was 193, 000, An Increase of 1, 750 from The Previous Weeks Unrevised Average of 191, 250.")-

"The Annual Inflation Rate for The United States is 6.4%" for "The Twelve Months Ended in January 2023," "Which is The Lowest Rate of Increase since December 2021!"
And, "Although The U.S. Economic Recovery has Been Challenging for The Biden/Harris Administration" "There Continues to Be A Significant Improvement in The Economy," although "There have Been Notices of Layoffs at Major Companies!" However, "Hiring Continues to Exceed The Estimates of All Economic Pundits!"

And, "Even with The New Federal Reserve Interest Rate Hike on Wednesday, The First of February 2022 from 4.5 to 4.75 Percent," ("A Quarter Percentage Point") Global Cross Media News Reports are "The U.S. Economy Grew 2.9% in Q4," "All of Which is Much Better than Expected," and "Fears of Inflation have Been Allayed For The Moment," and has also "Diminished The Fear of A Recession for 2023," Which is also "Good News!" "Although Both Issues" (Inflation and Recession) "Continue to Be A Major Concern For The Biden/Harris Administration," and "Rightfully so!"

And, "The Continued Good News for The Biden/Harris Administration" is "The U.S. Unemployment Rate is 3.4%," and " Remains Among The Lowest Levels It has Been since 1969!"
And, Global Cross Media News Reports are "The Labor Department Announced on Friday, The Third of February 2023" that "There was a Substantial Growth of 517, 000 Non- Farm Payrolls in January," (Which is "Significantly Higher than The 185,000 Estimates of Economist Experts") All of Which, "Demonstrates that The Job Market in The United States Still Remains Strong," and is "A Positive Note to Make Towards The Re-Building The U.S. Economy in 2023!"

 And, "The Fact," that "The U.S. Economy has Expanded" Remains "Good News!" And, "The U.S. Deficit Fell to $1.4 Trillion Dollars for The 2022 Fiscal Year from $2.6 Trillion in 2021!" -(Which Global Cross Media News Report is "The Largest Deficit Decrease In History!")-

And, "Whatever Wall Streets Expectations are Positive or Negative," "Impressively The Federal Reserve," and "The Biden/Harris Administration Continue to Forge Ahead with Their Economic Plans" to "Improve The Quality of Life for All Americans to Benefit from," and "Enjoy!"

"No One is Saying" that "America is Not in Dire Need of Additional Financial Relief," "Students Still Need Their Loans Forgiven," and "The Poor and Transient American Citizens are Still in Need Financial Assistance," and "Investment in The Infrastructure of This Grand Ole Nation is Still Needed!"
However, "The Extra Noteworthy News" is "H.R. 5376 The Inflation Reduction Act of 2022," "One of The Significant Signature Pieces of Legislation of The Biden/Harris Administration" has "Come at A Welcomed Moment in Time For America" and "Clearly Demonstrates that The Democratic Party is Providing The Nation with A Continuation of Skilled Management of Its Affairs," and "An Unbiased Representation" that "The American People Can Rely Upon to Navigate Out of The Present Inflation" that "It has Been Faced with," and "The Potential Threat of A Recession in 2023!
And, "The Passage of The Consolidation Appropriations Act of 2023," Once Again, "Clearly Demonstrates The Ability to Govern," and "The Responsibility," that "The Democratic Party has Shown in Representing The American People," at "A Time Period When The Republican Party has Consistently Shown An Aversion to Act In A Responsible Manner," "Whether It Be to Protect and Defend A Woman's Right to Choose," or "To Protect and Defend The Constitutional Right To Vote for All Americans," or "To Unequivocally Defend," "Protect," and "Speak Out Against All Domestic," and "International Anti-Democratic Factions in A Frank," "Forthright," and "Just Manner," who "Seek to Taint," "Destroy," or "Malign America's Democratic Values," and "Principles," and "Overturn America's Elections," and "The Peaceful Transition of The Nation's Government Of The People, By The People, and For The People!" 

And, is "A Cognizant," and "Intelligent Demonstration" of "How A Government Of The People, By The People, and For The People Should Responsibly" and "Wisely Conduct Business in Behalf of The American People!"
 - United Interdependent Global Activists- The Way To Peace! #378 -(Revisited and Revised)-

Voices of Reason and Peacemakers of The Twentieth and Twenty-First Millennia, "The Moment in Time has Come," "When No Socioeconomic Status, " Person of Gender," "Nationality," "Creed," "Age," "Color," "Special Needs ," "Individual," "Age," "Political Persuasion," or "Tribe," "Can Be Left Out" of "A Global Equation" that "Embraces and Supports A New Era of Unification," "Global Equilibre," "Economic Parity," "Social Justice," "Social Security," "Freedom," "Equality," "Health Care," and "Medical Care System," that also Includes "A Universal System of Non-Prejudicial Justice," "Law and Order," and "Environmental," "Ecological," and "Energy Purview and Purpose" that "Empowers," and "Is Committed" to "Respect for One's Fellow Sentient Being," and "The Conservation," and "Protection of This Planet," "Our Home Planet Earth!"

"For This Earthwide System of Humanity Must Be An All Inclusive," "Universal," ""Intelligent," "Spiritual," "Ethical," and "Compassionate Purview" and "Purpose on Life," "Not A Divided One in Purpose!"
"When You See A Grand Masterpiece of Inspiring, Visionary, Insightful, Soulful, Spiritual, Compassionate, Individuals of Grand Cognition and Universality," What Do They Look Like, "Jesus of Nazareth, Mahatma Gandhi, Siddhartha Gautama, Mary, Saint Teresa of Calcutta, Harriet Tubman, Rosa Parks, Mary Magdalene, Nelson Mandela, Martin Luther King Jr. and Coretta Scott King, Maya Angelou, Zoroaster, James Baldwin, Medgar Evers, Muhammad, Machiventa Melchizedek, Moses, Clara Barton, Susan B. Anthony,  Charlemagne, Althea Gibson, Wilma Rudolph, Jesse Owens, Jackie Robinson, Muhammad Ali, Black Elk,  Mahalia Jackson, Socrates, Thurgood Marshall, Marian Anderson, Saint Francis of Assisi, Mae Jemison, Rabindranath Tagore, Malcolm X, Shirley Chisholm, Alvin Ailey, Lao-Tzu, Confucius, Mencius, John R. Lewis, Frederick Douglass, Adam Clayton Powell Jr., Stokely Carmichael, and The Reverend Ralph Abernathy" and "This List of Extraordinary Women and Men," "Who were Pioneers," and/or Illuminated Beings," and "Teachers," "Educators," and "Political," and "Spiritual/Religious Leaders" of "Great Historical Movements of The Sociological Sphere's of The Parallel Universes off Humanity" are "An Endless Display of The Diverse Multi-Cultural Communities, Tapestry, and Fabric of The Populace of The Sovereign Solar Nations!" 
And, "Women and Men who've Given Hope," "Soul Strength," "Belief," "Purpose," "Determination," and "Compassion to All who have Been in Need of Justice," and "Civil Rights," and "Human Rights!" And, "The Right to Live in Freedom," "Peace," "Liberty," "Equality," and "Unity!"
 "Let Us Continue to Pursue A Path Forward" of "Non-Violence," "Satyagraha," "Valor," "Fearlessness," "Bravery," and "The Truth," as "We Strive to Achieve Our Goals of Universal Harmony," and "An Earthrise and Earthwise Vision," "Civilization," "Cultural Way of Life," and "Purposeful," and "Meaningful Reality!"
And, "Let Us One and All Share This Purposeful and Meaningful Reality and Vision Path with Each Other" as "We Take Each New Step Forward into The Future Now Sphere's of Our Lives and Continued Existence" on "This Our Home Planet Earth!"

For This is, The Way To Peace, and An Omnipresent, Omniscient, and Omnipotent Age of Heroism, Patriotism, Exceptionalism, Joie de Vivre, and Innovative, Compassionate and Cognitive Leadership, and A New Era of Justice, Truth, Empathy, Equanimity, Soul Strength, Egalitarianism, Medical, Academic, and Cultural Ingenuity and Peace On Earth, as We Continue to Evolve into A Universe of Limitless Celestial Bodies and Galaxies!
 -In Memoriam: We Would Like to Extend Our Sincerest Heartfelt and Soulful Condolences to The Families of Both The Ukrainian a nd Russian People, and The Families of Many Others, Journalists, and Foreign Fighters, who have Lost A Love One Due to An Invasion and War that Should Not have Occurred But For The Malicious and Egotistical Decision Making of One Person, Russian President Vladimir Putin, who Will Bear The Responsibility for The Deaths of Your Beloved Friends and Family Members in Perpetuity! And, We Mourn The Loss of Your Love Ones with You!

-In Memoriam: We Extend Our Sincerest Heartfelt and Soulful Condolences to The Families of Love One's who've Died Earthwide Due to The Ongoing Spread of The CoronaVirus Pandemic, As This Tragic Death Toll has Continued to Rise Above Six Million Love Ones to 6, 799, 868 Who have Died, As of Tuesday, February 28, 2023! This has Been, and Continues to Be, A Staggering and Heartbreaking Statistic to Imagine, and Remains A Deeply Disturbing Fact! And When You Take into Account for How Many Families have Been Effected by This Earthwide Pandemic only Compounds The Seriousness of This Loss of Life!

And, In The United States of America The Number of Deaths Due to The CoronaVirus Pandemic has Surpassed An Incredible and Traumatic Plateau of One Million" to "1, 145, 454 Love Ones!

And Take Heed, Because, This is Not The Time to Take for Granted that The Spread of The CoronaVirus (Covid-19) has Totally Subsided!" New Variants Such as; UBB. 1.5 and BQ. 1.1 have Become Threats to Our Health and Lives! And, It is of The Utmost Importance to Stay Vigilant and Take The Proper Safety Procedures Whenever Necessary, or that have Prescribed and Authorized by National and International Health Organizations, Such as; The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) Formed in 1946, and The World Health Organization (WHO) Founded in 1948!

Remember Your Life and The Lives of Your Love Ones are At Stake, and Still Remain Vulnerable and At Risk!

-In Memoriam: To All The Families who have Lost A Loved One Due to A Gun Related Act of Violence, Systemic Racism, Prejudice, Police Brutality, or Any Act of Violence Caused by Malevolent Perpetrators who Care Not For The Lives of Their Fellow Human Being, We Mourn Their Loss of Life with You in This Sensitive Time Period of Deeply Felt Despair, Sorrow, Unhappiness, and Trauma!
 - "Global Cross Media News Universe, Insights, New Horizons, News Purview's, Global Perspectives"- And, "A Great Cognitive- Universal Conscious Awareness" And, "New Era" that "Embodies A Magnificent Earthrise Vision and Mission" of "An Anti- Gun Spirit and Movement" that "Defends The Principles," "Ideals," "Values," and "Traditions," of "This Grand Republic," and "Government Of The People, By The People, and For The People," "Against Anti-Democratic Factions Both Domestically" and "Internationally," "Must Manifest Itself in Every Families Heart," "Mind," "Intellect," Spirit," and "Soul of The Nation,"-
And, " A Statement of Commitment to The Grand Idea's and Principles of The U.S. Constitution of 1776," and "It's Continued Re-birth In The Twenty- First Century," is "Essential for The Continued Growth of The Nation," and "The Youth of The Nation," into "A Bold and Vigorous Civilization" of "Compassion," "Hope," "Innovation," "Earthwide Entrepreneurialism," "Conservation," and "Protection of The Environmental and Ecological Sphere's of Influence," "Economic Parity" and "An End of Poverty," and "Civil Rights for Each and Every Person," that "Includes Freedom," and "Equality," "Justice," "Global Equilibre," and "Equanimity," "Energy Development," and "New Earthwide Partnerships," as "We Enter into A New Age of Space," and "Peace at Last!"- And, "Change Like The Seasons Must Come" upon "The Wings of The Phoenix of Peace"-