Tuesday, March 14, 2023



The Way To Peace! #433

-"Global Cross Media News Universe, Insights, New Horizons, News Purview's, Global Perspectives"- And, "A New Earthwide Political," "Philosophical," "Economical," "Environmental," "Ecological," and "Ideological Configuration of Peacemakers" on "An Earthrise Stage of Integrity," "Diplomacy" "Courage," "Determination," "Purpose," and "The Right to Live in Peace," and "Freedom," and "A Universal Consciousness of Unification," "Respect," and "Justice For One and All,"-

And "A Historical Scope and Span" of "The Annals," and "Recorded Facts" of "The Twenty- First Century"-

And, "Peace Must Replace War," And, "Non-Violence Must Replace Violence If We are To Survive" and "Thrive as A Bold," "New," and "Inspiring Civilization of The Twenty- First Century" that "The Youth of The Earth Can Take Great Pride in," "For There Can Not Be A Continuation of The Crimes Against Humanity that Occurred at" For Instance, "Bloody Sunday, in Selma, Alabama on The Seventh of March 1965," Where Six Hundred Innocent People Participating in A Civil Rights Demonstration Commemorating The Fatal Shooting" of "A Twenty- Six Year Old Church Deacon Jimmie Lee Jackson," by "A State Trooper," had "Planned to March Fifty- Four Miles from Selma to The State Capital, Montgomery Alabama," and were "Brutally Attacked and Beaten by State Troopers" and "Sheriff's Deputies," or "During The Holocaust (the "Shoah") in The Second World War between 1941 and 1945," "Where at Least Six Million Jewish People," were "Murdered by The Nazis," and "Millions of Non-Jewish People were also Murdered Based on Either Political" or "Racial Reasons," or "During The French Revolution," or "The Trail of Tears in The United States," between 1830 and 1850, "A Forced Displacement" and "Ethnic Cleansing" of "Approximately Sixty Thousand People" of "Five Civilized Native American Tribes," ("The Cherokee," "Muscogee (Creek)," "Seminole," "Chickasaw," and "Choctaw Nations,") by "The U.S. Government," or "The Massacre of Amritsar in India on The Thirteenth of April 1919," or "The Civil Wars in Sudan," and "The Human Rights Violations" and "Suppression of The Uyghurs by The Chinese Government" that "Began in 2014," and "Placing Them Against Their Will" to "Exist in State Sponsored Internment Camps!"
And, "The Ongoing" "Vicious," "Brutal," and "Inhumane Conflicts/Wars" of "The Eight Year Conflict in The Republic of Yemen," between "The Internationally Recognized Government," Supported by "A Military Coalition Led by The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia," and "The Houthi Rebels," Supported by "The Islamic Republic of Iran," and "The Civil War in The Syrian Arab Republic," between "Pro- Democratic Insurgents and The Government of President Bashar Hafez al Assad," and "The Russian Federations Unprovoked," "Illegal," "Unlawful," "Malevolent," and "Sinful War," and "Violation of The Sovereign Integrity of The Sovereign Nation of Ukraine," and "The Crimes Against Humanity," "Being Perpetuated Against The Ukrainian People," "Must Be Brought to An End!" 

"As The Sun Set's and Rises Across The Seven Continents," and "Almost Eight Billion People" of "The Sovereign Solar Nations," "Whomever," and "In Whichever Nation You May Live," "Do Not Remain Silent Whenever Your Democratic Rights are Being Threatened!" "You Must Be An Activist" and/or Advocate for Your Human," and "Civil Rights!"

And, "Do Not Remain Silent Whenever Your Constitutional Rights and Liberties to Live as A Free People" Such as; "Your Sovereign Integrity," "The Right to Vote," "Freedom of Religion," "Freedom of The Press," and "The Right to Free Speech," and "The Right to A Just Trial by Jury," are "Being Threatened!"

And, "Whenever" or "Wherever Your Right to Be A True Government," or "Republic Of The People, By The People, and For The People" are "Being Threatened!"

And, "Do Not Allow Anyone," or "Any Government," to "Deter You" from "Enjoying The "Empirical," "Learned," "Spiritual," and "Cognitive Experience" of "Pursuing Your Life," "Liberty." and "Pursuit of Happiness!"

And, "Whomever," or "Wherever You May Live,"  "Do Not Allow Yourself" to "Be Intimidated," "Oppressed," "Bullied," "Brow-Beat," "Coerced," "Crucified," or "Tyrannized," by "Anyone," or by "Any Criminal Organization" or "Aggressive Armed Force," "Autocracy," "Dictatorship," or "Egotistical Religious Organization!"

And, "Never" is "The Time for Indifference!" This is The Time to Stand Up for Your Universal" and "Constitutional Beliefs!"
And, "This is The Time to Vote in Support of Your Constitutional," and "Universal Beliefs," and "Ways of Life!"
And, "To All The Leaders" of "The Air Force," "Armies," "Marine Corps," "Navies," and "Intelligence Organizations," who are "Either Joint Chiefs of Staff," "Admirals," "Generals," "Directors," "Secretaries of Defense," or "State," "Prime Ministers," "Chancellors," "Presidents," "Kings," "Queens," "Princesses," "Princes," or "Whatever Your Leadership Status May Be," "It is Time for You to Be "Civil Rights," and "Human Rights," "Activists," and "Advocates," for "Peace and Unity on Earth" as "Ratified and Agreed to,"by "All of The United Coalition of Sovereign Civilized Solar Nations of The United Nations Charter!" And, "Truly Act as," and "Be," "Peacemakers Of The People," and "For The People!" And, "Who Govern on Behalf of All The People!"

And, "For The Sake of The Universal," "Spiritual," "Intelligence," "Cognitive Abilities and Reasoning," "Empathetic," and "Just," and "Constitutional Rights of The Youth of The Earth!"

"There Can Not Be Any Disagreement," that "We are Living in The Twenty- First Century," and "The Time has Come" to "Speak Out," and "Non-Violently Demonstrate," and "Assemble," in The Name of One's Respect for The Rights of One's Fellow Human Being" of "The Diverse Multi-Cultural Rainbow Communities, Tapestry, and Fabric of The Earths Sociological Sphere's of Influence!"

And, "It's Clearly The Time to Speak Out," "Vote," and "Stand Up," "For An End of War," and "Violence," and "Prejudice," and "An End of The Desecration of The Earths Seas," "Lands," "Skies," and "The Miracle of Life," ("The Air that We Breathe Each and Every Day and Eventide of Our Lives,") and "The Lives of All Sentient Beings," of "The Unlimited Space," and "Galaxies of The Vast" and "Infinite Universe," that "We" are "But A Small although Important Part of!"

-UNITED INTERDEPENDENT GLOBAL ACTIVISTS- The Way To Peace! #433 -"Global Cross Media News Universe, Insights, New Horizons, News Purview's, and Global Perspectives"-- "Global Cross Media and Nationwide News" from "The Washington D.C. Eye" on "President Biden's Blue Collar Blue Print to Rebuild America"- Extra Noteworthy News-

Thursday, The Ninth of March 2023, "Headlines of The Fourth Estate," and "The Breaking News Spotlights of The Global Cross Media News Sphere's Reported" that "President Joseph R. Biden Jr.'s $6.8 Trillion Dollar Budget" Would, (1) "Cut The Federal Deficit by $3 Trillion Dollars over The Next Ten Years," and, (2) "A 25% Tax Would Be Imposed" on "The Wealthiest Americans," and, (3) "The Corporate Tax Would Be Raised from 21% to 28%,"  and, (4) "Under President Biden's New Budget Medicare Would Be Allowed to Negotiate Drug Prices," and also,
(5) "Prioritize Increasing Funding for Early Childhood  Education," "and Childcare," and, also (6) "Make Certain" that "No Billionaire Paid Less that A School Teacher" or Firefighter!"
-(Note, "Refer to A Written Breakdown of The Entire Biden/Harris Budget" for "A Complete Oversight," and "Comprehension" of "Their Budget to Rebuild America!")-

"The Challenges" that President Biden and His Administration," and "The Democratic Party Face Will Be Significant," "Mainly Because The Divided Republican Party" has "No Platform," and "No Budget," to "Address The Daily Needs of American Families," and "Will Do Everything" and "Anything in Their Power to Obstruct The Biden/Harris Administrations Blue Collar Blue Print to Rebuild America!"

 -"Global Cross Media News Universe, Insights, New Horizons, News Purview's, and Global Perspectives"- "This is The Time for A Bipartisan Effort" to "Support All that is In The Best Interests of The American People," and "In Support of All that is Meaningful" "Empowering," and "Supportive of The Nation," in "The Biden/Harris Blue Collar Blue Print to Rebuild America"-

And, "This is The Time for Both Democrats and Republicans to Work in Concert with Each Other" to "Continue to Rebuild America's Economic Recovery," and "Work Together to Agree Upon," "Just and Fair Compromises" that are "In Support of The Mothers and Fathers," "Grandparents," and "Family Members," who are "The Soul," "Spirit," "Mind/Intellect" and "Body of The America!"

And In Doing so, "Be The Honest and Truthful Elected Officials" that have "Taken Vows" to "Represent The Diverse Multicultural Rainbow Communities, Tapestry, and Fabric of The Nation," and "The Government Of The People, By The People, and For The People!"
And, In Doing so, "Empower The Youth of America to Evolve" into "Respected," "Intelligent," "Empathetic," "Compassionate," "Cognitive," "Insightful," "Universally Aware," and "Environmentally" and "Ecologically Sensitive," and "Contemplative Individuals," who are "Actively Engaged in Advancing" and "Protecting The Civil" and "Human Rights of Their Fellow Human Being," and "The Lives of All Sentient Beings!"

And, In Doing so, "Ensure" that "Their Futures," and "Their Families Futures," and "Present State of Time/Space Reality," "Being," and "Experience" is "An Admirable," "Vigorous," "Healthy," "Non-Violent," "Highly Spirited," "Resilient," "Intelligent," and "Knowledgeable," "Egalitarian," and "Impartial," "Universally," and "Soulfully Principled," "Dedicated," and "Committed" to "Human," and "Civil Rights Activism," and "Advocacy," and "The Universal Tenets" and "Sociological Sphere's of Life!"


-"Global Cross Media News Universe, Insights, New Horizons, News Purview's, Global Perspectives,"- And, "A New Earthwide Political," "Philosophical," "Economical," "Environmental," "Ecological," and "Ideological Configuration of Peacemakers" at "The 2023 G20 New Delhi Summit," And, "Peace Must Replace War," And, "Non-Violence Must Replace Violence If We are To Survive," and "Thrive as A Bold," "New," and "Inspiring Civilization of The Twenty- First Century" that "The Youth of The Earth Can Take Great Pride in"- Extra Noteworthy News-

Thursday, The Second of March 2023, "Headlines of The Fourth Estate," and "The Breaking News Spotlights of The Global Cross Media News Sphere's Reported" that at "The Eighteenth Meeting of The Group of Twenty" (G20), Hosted by The Sovereign Nation of India," "United States Secretary of State Antony John Blinken" and "Russian Federation Foreign Minister Sergey Viktorovich Lavrov," "Exchanged Verbal Attacks with Each Other," for "The First Time" since "Russian Federation President Vladimir Putin Authorized Russia's Armed Forces to Attack Their Neighbor," "The Sovereign Nation of Ukraine," and "Unlawfully," "Illegally," "Malevolently," and "Sinfully" "Violated The Ukraine's Territorial/Sovereign Integrity," "More than A Year Ago!"

"This Brief Contact between The Two Diplomats Took Place on The Sidelines of The G20!"
- (Note that, Global Cross Media News Reports are "US Secretary of State Blinken "said," "He Called on Russia" to, "End this War of aggression," and also, "engage in meaningful diplomacy that can produce a just and durable peace.")-

  -"Global Cross Media News Universe, Insights, New Horizons, News Purview's, Global Perspectives"- And, "War or Peace"-

"President Volodymyr Oleksandrovych Zelenskyy of The Sovereign Nation of Ukraine has Put Forth A Ten Point Plan for A Just and Durable Peace," and "President Xi Jinping" of "The Sovereign Nation of The People's Republic of China has Put Forth A Twelve Point Proposal to End War in Ukraine!"

And "What Does The President of The Russian Federation Do;" (1) "Threaten The Use of Nuclear Weapons," and, (2) "Prepare for A New," Unlawful," and Illegal," "Malevolent," "Sinful," and "Senseless Offensive," to "Add to The Grave Offence" that "He" has "Made Against The Brave and Courageous Ukrainian People," and "All The United Coalitions of Free," "Peace Loving," "Sovereign Solar Nations" who have "Agreed to The Terms of The United Nations Charter!" "Of Which The Russian Federation Ratified" on "The Twenty- Fourth of October 1945!"
And, (3) "Announce" that "Russia (He) would stop participating in the key arms control agreement." (START)! And, On Tuesday, The Twenty- Eighth of February 2023, "He Signed A Law Formally Suspending participation in it!"

"There is No Logic," "Reason." or "Common Sense," to "The Russian Presidents Actions" that "Can Be Condoned by The United Coalition of Free," "Peace Loving", "Sovereign Solar Nations of The Twenty- First Century" that "Can Be Accepted" or "Respected!"

And, "The Russian Families" who have "Lost Love One's in This Unprovoked" and "Senseless War Against Their Neighbor," "The Innocent and Courageous Ukrainian People," "Must Demand" that "Their President," "Must End This War," "His War," (Which is "Not A Special Military Operation")!" "There is No Valor," "Honor," or "Dignity," in "This Unprovoked," and "Evil" War Against The Ukrainian People," that "Russia Can Take Pride in!"


- United Interdependent Global Activists- The Way To Peace! #433- "The Universal" and "Constitutional Rights of Women Earthwide Should Be" "A Perennial Time/Space Reality"- Extra Noteworthy News- "March" is "Women's History Month,"-

 "Lets Celebrate," and "Commemorate," "The Historical Significance," "Achievement," and "Enormous Contribution," and "Success of Women," For, "They are Truly A Manifestation of The Truth" and "Grand Accomplishments," that "Embodies The Spirit," "Soul," "Body," "Intelligence," "Cognition," and "Compassion," of Humanity!"-

 And, "It is of The Greatest Significance and Importance to State," that "The Rights of Women, Wherever They May Live," Whether It Be, "in The Islamic Republic of Iran," or "Wherever Else The Sun has Risen O'er The Earths United Sovereign Solar Nations," that " Must Be Respected," and "Protected!"

 "Let's Fully Comprehend" that "This is Not about One's Political Preferences," This is about "The Equal Rights," and "The Human Rights," and "The Civil Rights," of "Our Mothers," "Wives," "Daughters," "Grandmothers," "Sisters," "Aunts," "Nieces," and "Granddaughters," and "Their Lives Must be Considered Sacred and Consecrated in All of The Houses of Religious Worship Earthwide," and "Protected Under All The Universal Tenets of Life," and "Constitutional Laws of The Land in Every Sovereign Solar Nation!"

 - UNITED INTERDEPENDENT GLOBAL ACTIVISTS- The Way To Peace! #201 -(Revised and Revisited)- "Women of This Earths Sovereign Solar Nations,"- 

Since the 20th Century, "Women such as; "Clara Barton, who was the Heart, " "Soul," and "Driving Force Behind The Red Cross," "The Suffragettes," whose Activism and Passion Lead The Way to Women Being Able to Vote" (in the U.S.), and "Eleanor Roosevelt," who "Provided the Heart," "Mind," and "Passion, that "Supported her Husband (President Franklin D. Roosevelt) During his Most Difficult Time Periods of The Great Depression," and "Indira Gandhi," who "Proved that A Woman could Without a Doubt," Be The Iconic, Spiritual Leader of A Nation Of People," "Representing The Largest Democracy on Earth, India," and, "Golda Meir, who Gave Her Life for Her People," so that "They could Live in Freedom," with "Dignity and Security, " in What was, and Still is One of The Most Volatile and Dangerous Areas on This Planet Earth," and "Rosa Parks, whose Bravery was Without a Doubt," a "Magnificent Display of Individual Courage, who Stood up for Her Beliefs and Civil Rights," although "Her Life was Threatened," and "Saint Teresa of Calcutta, who was Without a Doubt," the "Heart," "Soul," "Inspiration," and Protector of The Poor and Disenfranchised All over This Earth of Ours!"

 And, "Women, who are Heads of State," "Leaders of Financial Institutions," "Doctors," "Wives," "Nurses," "Scientists," "Hi-Tech Innovators," and "Leaders of The Earths United Coalition Of The Parallel Universes of Fashion and Culture," and "The Brave and Courageous Members of The Armed Forces of The Earths United Nations," and "Members of Police and Fire Departments," "Political Parties," "Religious and Spiritual Leaders," "Judges," "Actresses," "Artists," "Dancers," "Singers," "Postal Employees," "Restaurateurs," "Librarians," "Athletes," and "Teachers of Our Children," have Demonstrated" that "They are Intelligent," "Iconic," "Cognitive," and "Soulfully Aware," "Interdependent Beings of This Planet Earths Diverse Multicultural Societies, Communities, Tapestry, and Fabric Of The People of The Earths United Coalition of Sovereign Solar Nations," and have "Merited The Respect of Their Peers!"And, "Are Deserving of Our Endearing" and "Eternal," "R-e-s-p-e-c-t!"

 And, "No Court of Law," "Political Party," "Institution," "Corporation," "Religious Body," or "Government Agency" has "The Right To Dictate or Forcefully Attempt to Violate The Constitutional Rights of Any Woman," "Without A Universal Mandate," That is "Wholly Supported and Approved by A Majority Of Women," On "This, The Third Planet from The Sun!"

-(Note that, "In The United States of America Congress Must Pass Legislation to Codify Roe v. Wade into Law!)-

"The Saying" that, "This is A Mans World," is "No Longer is The Rule of Thumb," as "Another Saying Goes!"
Both "Women and Men," are "In Equal Standing and Equal Partnership," and are "The True Representatives Of The People, By The People, and For The People," and "The Voice," "Conscious," Soul and Spirit Of The People!"

And, This is, The Way To Peace, and, An Omnipresent, Omnipotent, and, Omniscient Age of Peace and Harmony On Earth!


  -"Global Cross Media News Universe, Insights, New Horizons, News Purview's, and Global Perspectives"- And, "Global Cross Media and Nationwide News" from "The Washington D.C. Eye" on Extra Noteworthy News' "United States House Administration Subcommittee on Oversight Plans to Investigate The Previous Bipartisan House Select Committee's Investigation into Jan 6!"

-(Note that, Global Cross Media News Reports are "GOP Representative Barry Dean Loudermilk Chairman of The House Administration Subcommittee," from The State of Georgia, (A Republican Controlled House Committee) "Will Lead This New Probe!")-

"The Question" is "Who Will Investigate The Investigations of This Republican Controlled  House Subcommittee!"    

-"Global Cross Media News Universe, Insights, New Horizons, News Purview's, and Global Perspectives"-
And, "A New Earthwide Political," "Philosophical," and "Ideological Configuration of "A True Representation" of "Integrity," "Respect," "Justice For One and All," and "No One is Above The Law"- And "A Historical Scope and Span" of "The Facts of "The Twenty- First Century" "Can Not Be Revised" unless "A Greater Truth Be Told," that "Is The Whole Truth," and "Nothing But The Truth!"-

-"Global Cross Media and Nationwide News" from "The Washington D.C. Eye" on "The- Final Report of The Select Committee To Investigate The January 6th Attack On The United States Capitol"- Extra Noteworthy News- (Flash Back)-

Thursday, The Twenty- Second of December 2022, "Headlines of The Fourth Estate," and "The Breaking News Spotlights of The Global Cross Media News Sphere's Reported" that "The House Select Committee Released Its Final Report," "More than An Eight Hundred  Pages" that "In Detail Flowed Over Eight Chapters Expressing Concisely Why The Committee Recommended The Four Criminal Referrals Against Former President of The United States of America Donald J. Trump!

And, "It is of The Greatest Importance to State" that "This Report Recommended" that "The Ex- President Be Barred from Holding Public Office Ever Again!"

And that, "The Ex- President's Efforts to Overturn The 2020 Presidential Election Led to The Violent Attack on The Capitol of "The United States of America by His Supporters!"

-(Note that, "This Report Chronicles in Detail What Transpired Between Election Day, The Third of November 2020, and "The Inauguration of Joseph R, Biden The 46th President of The United States of America," and "His Running Mate, Kamala D. Harris The 49th Vice President of The United States of America," on "The Twentieth of January 2021!")-
 - "Global Cross Media and Nationwide News" from "The Washington D.C. Eye" on "U.S. Unemployment Insurance Claims" as "For The Week Ending The Fourth of March 2023,"- And, "The U.S. Economy"-

And, "Although The U.S. Unemployment Rate Rose to 3.6% from 3.4%, It Still Remains at "The Lowest Levels It has Been since 1969,"-

And, "The Addition of 311, 000 New Jobs to The United States Economic Growth Outpaces Economic Pundits"-

And, "The Annual Inflation Rate for The United States is 6.4%" for "The Twelve Months Ended in January 2023,"
And, "H.R. 5376 The Inflation Reduction Act of 2022" Will Be "A Boon to The U.S. Economy in 2023"-

"All of Which, "Irregardless of The Expectations of Wall Street" and "Economic Pundits," "Continues to Be Good News for The Biden/Harris Administration" and "The United States of America"-
 Global Cross Media News Reports are Thursday, The Ninth of March, 2023, "The Bureau of Labor Announced" that "Two Hundred and Eleven Thousand Americans Filed for U.S. Unemployment Insurance Claims," "An Increase of Twenty- One Thousand from Last Weeks Unrevised Level of One Hundred and Ninety Thousand," and "The Highest Level Its Been since December 2022!"

- (Note that, "The Four Week Moving Average was 197, 000, An Increase of 4,000 from The Previous Weeks Unrevised Average of 193,000.")-

However, "The Annual Inflation Rate for The United States is 6.4%" for "The Twelve Months Ended in January 2023," "Which is The Lowest Rate of Increase since December 2021!"

And, "Although The U.S. Economic Recovery has Been Challenging for The Biden/Harris Administration" "and "There have Been Notices of Layoffs at Major Companies!" "Hiring Continues to Exceed The Estimates of All Economic Pundits!"
And, "Even with The New Federal Reserve Interest Rate Hike on Wednesday, The First of February 2022 from 4.5 to 4.75 Percent," ("A Quarter Percentage Point") Global Cross Media News Reports are "The U.S. Economy Grew 2.9% in Q4," "All of Which is Much Better than Expected," and "Fears of Inflation have Been Allayed For The Moment," and has also "Diminished," ("Although Not Completely Ended") The Fear of A Recession for 2023," Which is also "Good News!"

And "Although Both Issues" (Inflation and Recession) "Continue to Be A Major Concern For The Biden/Harris Administration," and "Rightfully so," "The U.S. Economy Continues to Improve!"
And, "Although The U.S. Unemployment Rate Rose to 3.6%," and "It Still  Remains Among The Lowest Levels It has Been since 1969!"

 And, "The Labor Department Announcement on Friday, The Tenth of March 2023" that "The United States Economy Added 311, 000 New Jobs in February, (Which is "Significantly Higher than The 205,000 Estimates of Economic Experts") "Should Continue to Demonstrate that The Job Market in The United States is Still Strong," and "Clearly This is A Positive Note to Make Towards The Re-Building The U.S. Economy in 2023!" And, "If Logic" and "Being Streetwise Prevails," "Should also Provide Wall Street," and "The Economic Pundits," (and, "The Biden/Harris Administration" and "The Fed") with "A Clearer Insight," and "Overall Perspective of The State of The U.S. Economic Recovery!"
 However, "The Fact," that "The U.S. Economy has Expanded" Remains "Good News!" And, "The U.S. Deficit Fell to $1.4 Trillion Dollars for The 2022 Fiscal Year from $2.6 Trillion in 2021!" -(Which Global Cross Media News Report is "The Largest Deficit Decrease In History!")-
And, "Whatever Wall Streets Expectations are Positive or Negative," "Impressively The Federal Reserve," and "The Biden/Harris Administration Continue to Forge Ahead with Their Economic Plans" to "Improve The Quality of Life for All Americans to Benefit from," and "Enjoy!"

But, "No One is Saying" that "America is Not in Dire Need of Additional Financial Relief," "Students Still Need Their Loans Forgiven," and "The Poor and Transient American Citizens " are "Still in Need of Financial Assistance," and "Investment in The Infrastructure of This Grand Ole Nation is Still Needed!"

- "Global Cross Media News Universe, Insights, New Horizons, New Purview's, Global Perspectives,"-  "The United States Economy," and "The Democratic Party"-
"The Extra Noteworthy News" is "H.R. 5376 The Inflation Reduction Act of 2022," "One of The Significant Signature Pieces of Legislation of The Biden/Harris Administration" has "Come at A Welcomed Moment in Time For America" and "Clearly Demonstrates that The Democratic Party is Both Concerned with The Affairs of The Nation," and also "Providing The America" with "A Continuation of Skilled Management of Its Affairs," and "An Unbiased Representation" that "The American People Can Rely Upon to Navigate Out of The Present Inflation" that "It has Been Faced with," and "The Potential Threat of A Recession in 2023!"
 "The Passage of The Consolidation Appropriations Act of 2023," Once Again, "Clearly Demonstrates The Ability to Govern," and "The Responsibility," that "The Democratic Party has Shown in Representing The American People," at "A Time Period When The Republican Party has Consistently Shown An Aversion to Act In A Responsible Manner," "Whether It Be to Protect and Defend A Woman's Right to Choose," or "To Protect and Defend The Constitutional Right To Vote for All Americans," or "To Unequivocally Defend," "Protect," and "Speak Out Against All Domestic," and "International Anti-Democratic Factions in A Frank," "Forthright," and "Just Manner," who "Seek to Taint," "Destroy," or "Malign America's Democratic Values," and "Principles," and "Overturn America's Elections," and "The Peaceful Transition of The Nation's Government Of The People, By The People, and For The People!" 
And, is "A Cognizant," and "Intelligent Demonstration" of "How A Government Of The People, By The People, and For The People Should Responsibly" and "Wisely Conduct Business in Behalf of The American People!"

-"Global Cross Media News Universe, Insights, New Horizons, News Purview's, Global Perspectives,"- And, "Global Cross Media and Nationwide News"  from "The Washington D.C. Eye on "New York County District Attorney Alvin Leonard Bragg Jr.- Extra Noteworthy News- "Former United States of America President Donald John Trump Invited to Testify Before A New York Grand Jury" by "Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg's Office" "The Week of The Thirteenth of March 2023"-

Thursday, The Ninth of March 2023, "Headlines of The Fourth Estate," and "The Breaking News Spotlights of The Global Cross Media News Sphere's Reported" that "The Office" of "The 37th New York County District Attorney Alvin Leonard Bragg Jr.," "Invited Donald John Trump The 45th," and "Twice Impeached  President of The United States of America by The United States House of Representatives," and "Acquitted of The Charges by The United States Senate,"with "An Opportunity to Testify Before The Grand Jury Investigating" a "Hush Money Payment," ($130,000)" to "An Adult Film Star (Stephanie Clifford Known as "Stormy Daniels") During The 2016 Presidential Campaign!"

 Global Cross Media News Reports are "The Former President's Attorney Michael Cohen" has "Met with New York Prosecutors at Least Twenty Times," and "Is Central to The Case," Because "He has said" that "He made the payment on Trump's behalf to secure Daniel's silence about an alleged affair." 

-(Note that, "In 2018 Michael Cohen Pleaded Guilty to Federal Tax Evasion," and "Campaign Finance Charges," "Related to The Payments to Daniels!"
"If Indicted Donald J, Trump Would Be The First Former U.S. President Charged with a Crime!")- 

And, "The Former President also Faces Serious Critical and Legal Challenges in Fulton County, Georgia" from "District Attorney Fani Taifa Willis," who has "Launched a Criminal Investigation" into "The Former Presidents Attempts to Influence Georgia Election Officials" and "The Governor!" Global Cross Media News Reports are District Attorney Willis has said, "Charges are Imminent." 

And, "Headlines of The Fourth Estate," and "Breaking News Spotlights of The  Global Cross Media News Sphere's Reported" that "Jack L. Smith Special Counsel" for "The United States Department of Justice," was "Appointed by United States Attorney General Merrick Brian Garland," and is "Responsible for Overseeing Two Preexisting Department of Justice Criminal Investigations into Former U.S. President Donald John Trump" Regarding, (1)"The Former President's Role in The January 6, U.S. Capitol Attack,"( In 2021), and, (2) "An Investigation into Mishandling of Government Records," "Including Classified Documents!"

And, "That Makes Four Possible Prosecutions Against The Former President" that "His Legal Team of Attorneys" and "Advisers," have "To Closely Observe" and "Respond to Over The Spring," Summer," "Autumn," and "Winter Seasons of 2023!" As well as, "Undertake A New Presidential Election Campaign!" -(Note that, "The Former President has Denied All Charges!")-

-"Global Cross Media News Universe, Insights, New Horizons, News Purview's, Global Perspectives"-

And, "Global Cross Media and Nationwide News"  on "SVB's Financial Instability has Ignited One of The Largest Bank Run's in History"- Extra Noteworthy News-

"Thursday, The Ninth of March 2023, "Headlines of The Fourth Estate," and "The Breaking News Spotlights of The Global Cross Media News Sphere's Reported" that "Silicon Valley Bank," "According to The FDIC" (Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation), to have "$Two Hundred and Nine Billion in Assets," and "One Hundred and Seventy- Five Billion in Total Deposits," as of "The End of Last Year,"  had "Erupted/Imploded," "Causing One of The Largest Bank Run's in Modern History!" And, "It has to Be Construed as A Model" of "What Not to Do in Today's Sphere's of Banking," and "Finance!"

"It is Extremely Difficult to Comprehend" that "After Fifteen Years of Experiencing Beautiful and Radiant California Sunrises," "Sunset's," and "Illuminating Full Moon's,"  that "SVB, A Vital Core Element" of "Tech Industry Financing," "Did Not Learn What Not to Do," "Especially,  When It had The Bankruptcy of Lehman Bros as A Clear Example" of "What Not To Do," (even Though, "There are Variations Upon Variations in Everything Contracted in The Sphere's of Providing Financial Services," and "In Every Bank Transaction," from "Subprime Loans" to "Financing in This Era of High Technology") to "Guide Them," and "Build A Stable Bank," and "Finance Model!"

"SVB's Disclosure" that "It had, (1) "Sold Off $Twenty- One Billion of Its Most Liquid," and "Easily Tradable," "Investments:"  (2) "Borrowed $Fifteen Billion;" and, (3) "Organized An Emergency Sale of Its Stock to Raise Cash," ("Causing Its  Bank Stock Price" to "Crash  Sixty Percent on Thursday, The Ninth of March 2023,"), "Caused Major Panic," "Alarm," "Anxiety," and "Concern about SVB's Stability," and "Future!"

And, "This Alarm" was "Heard Earthwide," "Motivating Investors" from "Some Venture Capital Firms," to "Seriously Advise Portfolio Companies" to "Move Their Money from Silicon Valley Bank!"

-(Note that, Global Cross Media News Reports are, "Should Silicon Valley Bank Fail," (Which Would Be Unthinkable," and "Unimaginable in The Sphere's of Banking," and "Finance"), "It Would Be The Second Largest Failure to Do so In U.S. History," "Second" only to "The Run on Washington Mutual Experienced," "During The 2008 Financial Crisis," that was  "An Financial Economic Crisis Earthwide" that "Tragically Caused Homeowners," ("A Majority of Which were Racial Minorities," although "This Economic Crisis Spared No One in The Low Income Community,") to "Suffer The Unimaginable Loss of Their Homes" and "Greatly Diminished Any Future Thought" or "Idea," of "Prosperity," and "Security for Their Families," and also "Caused Great Damage to Financial Institutions," and "Near Collapse Of The Earthwide Financial System," and "Left The Economic Stability of Sovereign Solar Nations Earthwide in A Most Unstable and Undesirable State of Being!" And, "Without a Doubt," "Ignited The Great Repression Felt Earthwide!")-

"The Question" is "Will There Be A Bail Out," or "Buy Out in The Near Future!"
- Extra Noteworthy News-

Sunday, March 12, 2023- Headlines of The Fourth Estate," and "Breaking News Spotlights of The Global Cross Media News Sphere's Reported" that "A Second Bank, Signature  Bank was on The Verge of Collapse!" However, "In A Joint Statement, Janet Louise Yellen, The 78th United States Secretary of The Treasury," and "Jerome Hadyn "Jay" Powell, The 16th Chair of The Federal Reserve since 2018," and "Martin J. Gruenberg, The Two Time and Current Chairman," and "Three Time Acting Chairman of The Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation" (FDIC), said, "The FDIC will make SVB and Signatures customers whole. By guaranteeing all deposits --- even the uninsured money that customers kept with the banks --- the government aimed to prevent more bank runs and to help companies that deposited large sums with the banks to continue to make payroll and fund their operations."

-(Note that, Global Cross Media News Spheres also Reported "Good News" that "The Fed," "Will Make Additional Funding Available for Eligible Financial Institutions to Prevent Similar Runs in The Future!")-

And, Sunday, The Twelfth of March 2023, "President Joseph R. Biden Jr. Vowed" to "Make Those Responsible for The Silicon Valley Bank Failure," "Fully Accountable!"

And, "Monday, The Thirteenth of March 2023, "The President said in A Speech to The Nation" that "Today, Thanks to The Quick Action of My Administration over The Past Few Days, Americans Can have Confidence that The Banking System is Safe," --- And, "Your Deposits Will Be There When You Need Them," --- And, "Small Businesses Across the Country that Deposit Accounts at These Banks Can Breathe Easier Knowing They'll Be Able to Pay Their Workers and Pay Their Bills," --- And, "Their Hard Working Employees Can Breathe Easier  as Well.

And, "In These Few Sentences President Biden" has "Continued to Demonstrate His Ability to Govern," "Lead The Nation," "Head Off A Potential Crisis," and "Provide America with The Experience The Nation Needs in Times When Immediate," and "Contemplative Action," and "Logical," "Direct," "Intelligent," "Confident," "Competent," and "Straight Forward Assurances," and "Valuable Experience is Most Needed!"

-"Global Cross Media News Universe, Insights, New Horizons, News Purview's, Global Perspectives"- And, "More Questions Pertinent to The Evolution" of "The Diverse Multi-Cultural Rainbow Communities, Tapestry, and Fabric Of The People,"-

"The Questions" are Numerable, "However Four of Them" are, (1) "When Will All of The Parallel Universes" of "The Private" and "Public Sectors Learn from The Experiences of The Past," "What to Do" that "Is of Great Benefit to The Sociological Security," "Empowerment," and "Support of The Diverse Multi=Cultural Rainbow Communities, Tapestry, and Fabric of The United Sovereign," "Civilized," Coalition of Free," "Peace Loving," "Interdependent," "Solar Nations," Versus, (2) "What Not to Do!"
And, (3) "How Many More Second Chances Will It Take to Learn from Our Experiences," and/or, (4) "How Many More Second Chances Will It Take," "For The Sake of The Youth of The Earth," "Before We Learn to Get It Right!"

"SVB is Just One Symptom" of "What We," "As An Earthwide Civilized People," and "United Coalition of Sovereign," "Civilized," "Peace Loving," Free," and "Interdependent," "Solar Nations," have to "Decide Upon," and "Rectify," "For The Sake of The Youth of The Earth," and "All of Our Families," Such as, "The End of War," and "Threats of Nuclear Attacks," and "The End of Poverty," and "The Conservation," and "Protection of The Environmental," and "Ecological Sphere's of The Earth!"

And, "Herein Lies The Renaissance of Humanity," and "An Age of Civil Rights," and "Human Rights," Activism," and "Advocacy!" And, "A New Era of Peace," and "Unity," "Equanimity," and "Equality," "Liberty," and "Freedom," and "Justice!" And "An Academic Evolution Based on The Truth," and "The Historical Facts," of "Omniscient," "Enlightened," "Cognitive," and "Spiritual Events," and "Experiences," that have "Been Placed in The Annals," and "Records of History" by "Respective," "Interdependent," "Honorable," "Ethical," "Irreproachable," "Exemplary," "Spiritual," and "Highly Principled Individuals!"
- United Interdependent Global Activists- The Way To Peace! #378 -(Revisited and Revised)-
Voices of Reason and Peacemakers of The Twentieth and Twenty-First Millennia, "The Moment in Time has Come," "When No Socioeconomic Status, " Person of Gender," "Nationality," "Creed," "Age," "Color," "Special Needs ," "Individual," "Age," "Political Persuasion," or "Tribe," "Can Be Left Out" of "A Global Equation" that "Embraces and Supports A New Era of Unification," "Global Equilibre," "Economic Parity," "Social Justice," "Social Security," "Freedom," "Equality," "Health Care," and "Medical Care System," that also Includes "A Universal System of Non-Prejudicial Justice," "Law and Order," and "Environmental," "Ecological," and "Energy Purview and Purpose" that "Empowers," and "Is Committed" to "Respect for One's Fellow Sentient Being," and "The Conservation," and "Protection of This Planet," "Our Home Planet Earth!"

"For This Earthwide System of Humanity Must Be An All Inclusive," "Universal," ""Intelligent," "Spiritual," "Ethical," and "Compassionate Purview" and "Purpose on Life," "Not A Divided One in Purpose!"
"When You See A Grand Masterpiece of Inspiring, Visionary, Insightful, Soulful, Spiritual, Compassionate, Individuals of Grand Cognition and Universality," What Do They Look Like, "Jesus of Nazareth, Mahatma Gandhi, Siddhartha Gautama, Mary, Saint Teresa of Calcutta, Harriet Tubman, Rosa Parks, Mary Magdalene, Nelson Mandela, Martin Luther King Jr. and Coretta Scott King, Maya Angelou, Zoroaster, James Baldwin, Medgar Evers, Muhammad, Machiventa Melchizedek, Moses, Clara Barton, Susan B. Anthony,  Charlemagne, Althea Gibson, Wilma Rudolph, Jesse Owens, Jackie Robinson, Muhammad Ali, Black Elk,  Mahalia Jackson, Socrates, Thurgood Marshall, Marian Anderson, Saint Francis of Assisi, Mae Jemison, Rabindranath Tagore, Malcolm X, Shirley Chisholm, Alvin Ailey, Lao-Tzu, Confucius, Mencius, John R. Lewis, Frederick Douglass, Adam Clayton Powell Jr., Stokely Carmichael, and The Reverend Ralph Abernathy," and "This List of Extraordinary Women and Men," "Who were Pioneers," and/or Illuminated Beings," and "Teachers," "Educators," and "Political," and "Spiritual/Religious Leaders" of "Great Historical Movements of The Sociological Sphere's of The Parallel Universes of Humanity" are "An Endless Display of The Diverse Multi-Cultural Rainbow Communities, Tapestry, and Fabric of The Populace of The Sovereign Solar Nations!" 
And, "Women and Men who've Given Hope," "Soul Strength," "Belief," "Purpose," "Determination," and "Compassion to All who have Been in Need of Justice," and "Civil Rights," and "Human Rights!" And, "The Right to Live in Freedom," "Peace," "Liberty," "Equality," and "Unity!"
 "Let Us Continue to Pursue A Path Forward" of "Non-Violence," "Satyagraha," "Valor," "Fearlessness," "Bravery," and "The Truth," as "We Strive to Achieve Our Goals of Universal Harmony," and "An Earthrise and Earthwise Vision," "Civilization," "Cultural Way of Life," and "Purposeful," and "Meaningful Reality!"
 And, "Let Us One and All Share This Purposeful and Meaningful Reality and Vision Path with Each Other" as "We Take Each New Step Forward into The Future Now Sphere's of Our Lives and Continued Existence" on "This Our Home Planet Earth!" 
For This is, The Way To Peace, and An Omnipresent, Omniscient, and Omnipotent Age of Heroism, Patriotism, Exceptionalism, Joie de Vivre, and Innovative, Compassionate and Cognitive Leadership, and A New Era of Justice, Truth, Empathy, Equanimity, Soul Strength, Egalitarianism, Medical, Academic, and Cultural Ingenuity and Peace On Earth, as We Continue to Evolve into A Universe of Limitless Celestial Bodies and Galaxies!
-In Memoriam: To All The Families who have Lost A Loved One Due to A Gun Related Act of Violence, Systemic Racism, Prejudice, Police Brutality, or Any Act of Violence Caused by Malevolent Perpetrators who Care Not For The Lives of Their Fellow Human Being, We Mourn Their Loss of Life with You in This Sensitive Time Period of Deeply Felt Despair, Sorrow, Unhappiness, and Trauma!

 - "Global Cross Media News Universe, Insights, New Horizons, News Purview's, Global Perspectives"- And, "A Great Cognitive- Universal Conscious Awareness" And, "New Era" that "Embodies A Magnificent Earthrise Vision and Mission" of "An Anti- Gun Spirit and Movement" that "Defends The Principles," "Ideals," "Values," and "Traditions," of "This Grand Republic," and "Government Of The People, By The People, and For The People," "Against Anti-Democratic Factions Both Domestically" and "Internationally," "Must Manifest Itself in Every Families Heart," "Mind," "Intellect," Spirit," and "Soul of The Nation,"-
And, " A Statement of Commitment to The Grand Idea's and Principles of The U.S. Constitution of 1776," and "It's Continued Re-birth In The Twenty- First Century," is "Essential for The Continued Growth of The Nation," and "The Youth of The Nation," into "A Bold and Vigorous Civilization" of "Compassion," "Hope," "Innovation," "Earthwide Entrepreneurialism," "Conservation," and "Protection of The Environmental and Ecological Sphere's of Influence," "Economic Parity" and "An End of Poverty," and "Civil Rights for Each and Every Person," that "Includes Freedom," and "Equality," "Justice," "Global Equilibre," and "Equanimity," "Energy Development," and "New Earthwide Partnerships," as "We Enter into A New Age of Space," and "Peace at Last!"- And, "Change Like The Seasons Must Come" upon "The Wings of The Phoenix of Peace"-

-In Memoriam: Monday, The Sixth of February 2023, "Headlines of The Fourth Estate," and "The Breaking News Spotlights of The Global Cross Media News Sphere's Reported" that "A 7.8 Earthquake Caused Death and Destruction in Southern and Central Turkey," and "Northern and Western Syria!"

We Extend Our Sincerest Heartfelt and Soulful Condolences To All The Families and Communities in Syria, Turkey, Globally and Domestically, who have Lost A Loved One Due to Natural Disasters and Wherever The Path of Earthquakes, Tsunamis, Tornadoes, Typhoons, Flood Waters, Mud Slides, and Raging Tides, and Fires have Destroyed Your Homes and Caused The Loss Of Life, and The Loss of Your Love Ones!

We Mourn Their Loss of Life with You and Your Families, in This Time Period of Grief and Sadness!

-In Memoriam: We Extend Our Sincerest Heartfelt and Soulful Condolences to The Families of Love One's who've Died Earthwide Due to The Ongoing Spread of The CoronaVirus Pandemic, As This Tragic Death Toll has Continued to Rise Above Six Million Love Ones to 6, 812, 126 Who have Died, As of Monday, March 13, 2023! This has Been, and Continues to Be, A Staggering and Heartbreaking Statistic to Imagine, and Remains A Deeply Disturbing Fact! And When You Take into Account for How Many Families have Been Effected by This Earthwide Pandemic only Compounds The Seriousness of This Loss of Life!

And, In The United States of America The Number of Deaths Due to The CoronaVirus Pandemic has Surpassed An Incredible and Traumatic Plateau of One Million" to "1, 148, 785 Love Ones!

And, Take Heed, Because, This is Not The Time to Take for Granted that The Spread of The CoronaVirus (Covid-19) has Totally Subsided!" New Variants Such as, UBB. 1.5 and BQ. 1.1 have Become Threats to Our Health and Lives!
Remember Your Life and The Lives of Your Love Ones are At Stake, and Still Remain Vulnerable and At Risk!

 -In Memoriam: We Would Like to Extend Our Sincerest Heartfelt and Soulful Condolences to The Families of Both The Ukrainian and Russian People, and The Families of Many Others, Journalists, and Foreign Fighters, who have Lost A Love One Due to An Invasion and War that Should Not have Occurred But For The Malicious and Egotistical Decision Making of One Person, Russian President Vladimir Putin, who Will Bear The Responsibility for The Deaths of Your Beloved Friends and Family Members in Perpetuity! And, We Mourn The Loss of Your Love Ones with You!