Friday, October 14, 2022



The Way To Peace! #423

- "Global Cross Media News Universe, Insights, New Horizons, News Purview's, Global Perspectives"- And,  "An Earthwide," "Intercontinental," "All- Encompassing," "Comprehensive," "Cognitive- Universal Awareness," and "Cross Media News Facts and Perception" of "The Parallel Universes of Sociological Experiences,"- And "A Political," "Philosophical," "Academic," "Environmental," "Ecological," "Spiritual," and "Multi-Cultural Reawakening Is Needed to Inspire A Twenty- First Century Renaissance of Humanity," and "War is Not The Path that The Future Can Afford to Be Influenced by," The Consequences of The Cost and Price of War" is "Considerably Too Substantial" and "Too Painful to Continue to Endure," "It's Time for A New Era of Peace," and "Powerful Restrictions and Sanctions Must Be Placed Upon All Warmongers,"-

"As We Flash Back on The Special Global Events" that Occurred in September 2022, "The Clinton Global Initiative September 2022 Meeting" that "Took Place on The Nineteenth and Twentieth of September," and "The Seventy- Seventh Session of the United Nations General Assembly," and "The Eight Nation Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) Summit" that "Took Place on The Fifteenth of September 2022," are "Perfect Events to Launch A New Earthwide Cognition," and "Global Perspective and Purview" that "Both Embraces" and "Gives Unequivocal Support to The Realistic Summarization" that "The Time has Come for All of The Leaders of These Earthwide Sovereign Solar Nations," "Plus Attendees," and "Dignitaries," to "Dedicate Themselves to Focus on New Solutions to Eliminate Poverty," "Provide Free Education," and "Global Healthcare," and "The Conservation and Protection of The Environmental and Ecological Spheres of The Earth," and "Climate Warming Concerns," that "The Threaten to Destabilize The Earths Diverse Multicultural Communities, Tapestries, and Fabrics Of The Sociological and Sentient Sphere's of Influence," and "The Overall Significance," and "Universal Cognition," and "Spiritual," "Political," "Financial," and "Academic Comprehension," and "Public Service," and "Social Security Acquisition of Knowledge" are "The Parameters that "Constitute and Formulate A Bold New Civilization of Peace on Earth," that "Represents A Grand Renaissance of Humanity!"

And, "The Increased Sanctions," and "Commitment," and "Policies," "Against The Russian Federation" and "The Additional Military," and "Humanitarian Support for The Sovereign Nation of Ukraine," Whose Citizens have Suffered Greatly from War Crimes Committed Against Them by The Armed Forces of The Russian Military, "Must Be Continued in Full Force" until "Russian President Vladimir Putin Agrees to Terms of Peace!"

"It Must Be Clearly Stated" that "The Consequences of This Immoral," Unlawful," "Unprovoked," "Malevolent," and "Sinful Acts" Committed by The Russian Military Against The Ukrainian People" ("The Massacres of Women, Children, and Men Buried in Mass Graves throughout The Nation," and "In Their Homes," "Yards," "Streets," "Hospitals," and "Schools") "Can Not Be Condoned," or "Accepted by The Leaders of The Earths Sovereign Nations," "Business Communities," or "Religious Leaders," or by "Any of The Parallel Universes of The Public," "Private," and "Political Sectors!"

And, "These East West Platforms Can Be of Great Importance Towards Expressing A Powerful Anti-War Opinion Against Russian President Vladimir Putin's Decision to Invade The Sovereign Nation of Ukraine," and "The Immoral," Unlawful," "Unprovoked," "Malevolent," and "Sinful Acts" Committed by The Russian Military Against The Innocent People of Ukrainian!" And, "Bring An End to This Invasion of The Sovereign Nation of Ukraine," and "A Violation of The Human and Civil Rights of The People of This Sovereign Solar Nation!"

But, "Demand They Must for Russian Federation President Vladimir Putin to Withdraw The Armed Forces of Mother Russia and Return Them Back to Their Families and Homes!"
 "It is Time" for "A Bold New Civilization Built Upon The Pillars and Cornerstones of Peace," and "The Parallel Universes of Science," "Universal Healthcare" and "Social Security," "Excellence in Governance," and "Global Partnerships in Finance and Trade," "Uplifting Spiritual" and "Religious Leadership and Guidance," "Environmental and Ecological Conservation and Protection," "Architectural Prowess," "Skills," and "Expertise in Building A Future of Transcendental," "Insightful," "Inventive," "Creative," "Innovative," "Ingenuous," and "New Earthwide Sociological Living Communities," that are "Empowered by Advanced Alternative and Visionary Energy Sources," and "Universal Enterprises," and "A Great Soul Strength of Purpose in Being Here and Now," and "Respect for The Diverse Multi- Cultural Communities," and "The Omniscient Growth and Development of Academic Prowess!"

And, "There is No Place in The Twenty-First Century" or "Any Other Millennia for Warmongers," "Tyrants," "Dictators," and "Despots," or "Totalitarian," "Autocratic," and "Oppressive Governments!"

"The Question" is, "Does President Xi Fully Comprehend" that "Basic Logic" and "A Clear Comprehension of Universal Cognition Should Tell Him" that "His Plans for Economic Expansion in Central Asia," and "China's Belt and Road Initiative," Will have "Its Multi-Billion Dollar Infrastructure Enterprise," In Which It Hope's to Expand Its Trade and Growth Policies Through Investments" from "Nations in The South Pacific to The Middle East," and from "Africa to Europe," "Will Be Existing in A State of Perpetual Delay and Retard from Obtaining The Progress" that "He had Envisioned" and "The Overall Cost Factor that The People's Republic of China Will Be Forced to Pay both Financially and Diplomatically," until "Russia Ends Its Immoral Invasion of The Sovereign Nation of Ukraine," and "Withdraws Its Armed Forces from Ukraine Back to Mother Russia," and "to Face Charges of Crimes Against Humanity," "Will Be Significant," and "Much More than He has Imagined!"

And, "It's Time For All of The Above Sovereign Nations" to "Prioritize The Path of Peace Over that of The Destructive and Immoral State of War!" And, "The Path of Economic Growth," "Global Cooperation," and "Development," Over that of "War and Death," "Shame," "Humiliation," "Deterioration," Egoism," "Retrogression," and "Degeneration!"

And, "Speak Out Firmly Against The Russian Federation's Immoral and Unlawful Invasion of The Sovereign Nation of Ukraine!" And, "Let Us One and All Agree" that "War has No Place in The Twenty-First Century!"

"Peace is The Path to Take to An Earthwide State of Unanimity and Equality," and "Justice and Freedom for The Diverse Rainbow Multi-Cultural Communities, Tapestries, and Fabric" of "A Bold New Era of Civilization," and "Renaissance of Humanity!"
 - "Global Cross Media News Universe, Insights, New Horizons, News Purview's, and Global Perspectives"- And, "No Court of Law," "Political Party," "Institution," "Corporation," "Religious Body," or "Government Agency" has "The Right To Dictate or Forcefully Attempt to Violate The Constitutional Rights of Any Woman,"- 
"Women of America Deserve to Know Who to Trust," and "The 2022 Midterm Elections," and "The 2024 Presidential Election," "Will Give Them An Opportunity to Express Their Opinion" in Regards to "Clearly Show Whom They Trust to Support and Protect A Women's Right to Choose in The United States Senate," and "The United States House of Representatives!" And, of course, "In The White House!"
And, "The Choices are Absolutely Clear to Define by Their Actions," and "Political Rhetoric!" "The Democrats" or "Republicans!" And, "President Joseph R. Biden Jr. and "Whomever The Republican Nominee is!"
"Think about It Clearly" and "With All of Your Constitutional and Democratic Principles Clearly in Mind," and "In Full Awareness of The Consequences!"
- "Global Cross Media News Universe, Insights, New Horizons, News Purview's, and Global Perspectives"- And, "The Universal" and "Constitutional Rights of Women Earthwide"-

"Whether in The Islamic Republic of Iran," or "Wherever Else The Sun has Risen O'er The Earths Sovereign Solar Nations," "Women's Rights Must Be Respected," and "Protected!"

And, "Let Us Fully Comprehend" that "We are Referring" to "The Lives of Our Mothers," "Wives," "Daughters," "Grandmothers," "Sisters," "Aunts," "Nieces," and "Granddaughters," and "Their Lives Must be Considered Sacred and Consecrated in All of The Houses of Religious Worship Earthwide," and "Protected Under All The Universal Tenets of Life," and "Constitutional Laws of The Land!"

 - "An Earthwide," "Intercontinental," "All- Encompassing," "Comprehensive," "Cognitive- Universal Awareness," and "Cross Media News Facts and Perception" of "The Parallel Universes of Sociological Experiences" and "The Investment in The Youth of The Earths Diverse Multi-Cultural Rainbow Communities, Tapestries, and Fabric Of The Future Now Time/Space Reality"-
"The Time has Come to Take A Bold Step Forward in American and Earthwide Financial," "Philosophical," and "Political Investment" " by "The Biden/Harris Administration," and "All of The United Coalition of Peace Loving," "Free," "Interdependent," "Sovereign Solar Nations" to "Take Another Bold Step Forward Towards The Establishment of A New Era of Academic Empowerment in America and Earthwide" that "Will Create An Economic," "Academic," "Environmental," "Ecological," and Spiritual Platform for Providing An Education for The Youth of The Diverse Multi-Cultural Rainbow Communities, Tapestries, and Fabric Of All Free Nations of Peace," "All Across The Parameters of The Earths Sociological Universes," and "Inspire A True and Vigorous Passion in The Youth of The Earth" and "In All that "Justice," "The Truth," "Equality," "Freedom," and "Unity," "Symbolizes and Stands for," and In Doing so "Build A New Era of Trust and Hope," that "Administers An Act of Universal Cognition," and "Sense of Realization of The Daily Costs and Benefits of Providing for All" that is "In The Best Interests of One's Family," and "An Infusion of A New Omniscient Flow of Knowledge," "Intelligence," and "Compassion for The True Significance of The Sociological Affairs Of All The People!"

And, "It also Demonstrates The Significance" and "Total Investment" that "It Takes to Provide Accessibility" to "A Golden Cloud of Communication and Information" that "Instills in Americans of All Fifty States and Territories of This Grand Ole Union," and "The Entire Populace of The Earths United Coalition of Peace Loving," "Free," "Sovereign Solar Nations," "The Impactful Importance," "Experience," and" Meaning," that "It Takes to Provide Conservation and Protection" for "The Environmental," "Ecological," "Healthcare," "Energy," "Economic Security," "Justice," "Equality," "Peace," and "Freedom" that "Is Beneficial For Maintaining and Sustaining The Livelihood," "Development,"and "Growth Of All The People!"


- "Global Cross Media and Nationwide News" from "The Washington D.C. Eye" on "U.S. Unemployment Insurance Claims For The Week Ending The Eighth of October 2022,"- And, "H.R. 5376 The Inflation Reduction Act of 2022"- "Fed Interest Rate Increase"- And, "The U.S. Senate," and "The U.S. House of Representatives Pass Legislation" to "Avert A Partial Government Shutdown"-

Global Cross Media News Reports are Thursday, The Thirteenth of October, 2022, "The Bureau of Labor Announced" that "Two Hundred and Twenty- Eight Thousand Americans Filed for U.S. Unemployment Insurance Claims," "An Increase of Nine Thousand from Last Weeks Revised Level of Two Hundred and Nineteen Thousand!"

- (Note that, "The Four Week Moving Average was 211, 500!" "An Increase of Five Thousand" from "The Previous Week's Revised Level of 206, 500!")-

And, "Although Inflation has Increased 0.4 Percent in The Month of September to 8.2%," "Despite FED Rate Hikes," and "Still Continues to Be A Major Concern For The Biden/Harris Administration!"

And, "Although The U.S. Economic Recovery has Been Challenged Because of, (1) "Putin's Malevolent War Against The Sovereign Nation of Ukraine," and is "Causing Consumer Anxiety!"

And, (2) "Although The Broad Issue of The CoronaVirus Sub- Variants," and also "Supply Chain Problems Continue to Exist," and have "Created Obstacles for The Biden/Harris Administration Plans to Rebuild The U.S. Economy!"

(3) "The U.S. Unemployment Rate Still Remains at 3.5%, "The Lowest Its Been since Late 1969!"

And, "Nonfarm Payrolls Rose 263, 000 in The Month of September," ("Demonstrating that The Job Market in The United States Still Remains Strong,") is "A Positive Note to Make Towards The Re-Building The U.S. Economy!"

And, "The Good News" that "Social Security Benefits," and "Supplemental Security Income (SSI) Payments are Set to Increase by 8.7% Beginning in January 2023," "Which is The Largest Cost of Living Increase since 1981," for "Approximately Seventy Million Social Security Recipients!"- (Note that, Global Cross Media News Reports are "This is The Fourth Largest Increase since Automatic Inflation Adjustments were Introduced in 1975!")-

And, (4) "Whatever Wall Streets Expectations are Positive or Negative," "Impressively The Federal Reserve (Even with "Its 0.75 Percentage Point Interest Rate Increase" on Wednesday, The Twenty- First of September 2022, "Taking Its Benchmark Rate to A Range of 2.25- 2.5"), and "The Biden/Harris Administration Continue to Forge Ahead with Their Economic Plans to Improve The Quality of Life for All Americans to Benefit from," and "Enjoy!" However, "Let's Still Agree" that "America is Still in Dire Need of Financial Relief," and "Investment in The Future of The Infrastructure of This Grand Ole Nation!"

And, "The Extra Noteworthy News" that "H.R. 5376 The Inflation Reduction Act of 2022," "One of The Significant Signature Pieces of Legislation of The Biden/Harris Administration" has "Been Voted on" and "Passed in Both The United States Senate," and United States House of Representatives," "Comes at A Welcome Moment in Time For America" as "The Nation is Clearly in Need of Skilled Management of Its Affairs," and "An Unbiased Representation that The American People Can Rely Upon to Navigate Out of The Looming Recession and Inflation," that "It is Being Faced with!" And also, "A Release from The Economic Pressures" that have "Been Mounting at An Undesirable Rate" for "Families All Across The Nation," as Well as "For The Biden/Harris Administration!"

"Fortunately For America," "This Bill Will Go A Long Way Towards Solving The Economic," "Pharmaceutical," and "Energy Problems," that "The American People are Dealing with Everyday!"

-(Note that, "The Inflation Reduction Act of 2022" was "Voted on," and "Passed in The U.S. Senate on Sunday, The Seventh of August 2022!" And, "Passed in The U.S. House of Representatives on Friday, The Twelfth of August 2022!" And, "Signed into Law by President Joseph R. Biden Jr. on Tuesday, The Sixteenth of August 2022!")-

And, "The Additional Extra Noteworthy News" that "The United States House of Representatives Passed A Continuing Resolution (CR)" by "A Vote of 230 to 201" (Ten Republicans Voted with The Democrats on Friday, The Thirtieth of September 2022 to Pass This Legislation) "Extending Current Spending Levels until the Sixteenth of December 2022," is "A Significant," "Cognizant," and "Intelligent Demonstration" of "How A Government Of The People, By The People, and For The People Should Responsibly and Wisely Conduct Business in Behalf of The American People!" - (Note that, Global Cross Media News Reports are Thursday, The Twenty-Ninth of September 2022, "The United States Senate Passed This Bill" by "A Vote of 72 to 25!")-

Note that, "An Important Point of Reference is, "This Vote in The Senate" was "Made Possible After Senator Joseph Manchin III Democrat from West Virginia Dropped His Proposal to Overhaul Federal Rules for Environmental Permitting for Large Energy Projects," "When It Became Obvious" that "This Legislation Would Not Amass Enough Votes, Sixty," to "Attach It to The Legislation, "Which was of The Most Importance" to "Fund The Government and Prevent A Partial Shutdown," and for "President Biden to Sign Before The Midnight Deadline on Friday, The Thirtieth of September 2022!"

"This Resolution also Includes," (1) "$12.4 Billion Dollars in Military and Diplomatic Spending" to "Help The Sovereign Nation of Ukraine" as "It Continues to Defend Its Citizens" and "Its Territorial Rights" from "The Unlawful," "Immoral," and "Malevolent Russian Federation Invasion Against Its Nation," and, (2) "$18.8 Billion Dollars" for "Domestic Disaster Recovery Efforts Including, "Hurricanes in The Southeast," "Western Wildfires," and "Floods in The State of Kentucky!"

And, "The Passage of This Legislation, Once Again, Demonstrates The Ability to Govern," and "The Responsibility," that "The Democratic Party has Shown in Representing The American People," at "A Time Period When The Republican Party has Consistently Shown An Aversion to Act In A Responsible Manner," "Whether It Be to Protect and Defend A Woman's Right to Choose," or "To Protect and Defend The Constitutional Right To Vote for All Americans," or "To Unequivocally Defend," "Protect," and "Speak Out Against All Domestic," and "International Anti-Democratic Factions in A Frank," "Forthright," and "Just Manner," who "Seek to Taint," "Destroy," or "Malign America's Democratic Values," and "Principles," and "Overturn America's Elections," and "The Peaceful Transition of The Nation's Government Of The People, By The People, and For The People!"     

- "Global Cross Media News Universe, Insights, New Horizons, News Purview's, and Global Perspectives"- And, "The Biden/Harris Administration/Democratic Party Economic and Energy Vision"- And, "The Future of Democracy in The United States of America"-

"The Hard Work that Lies Ahead for The Biden/Harris Administration, and The Democratic Party Can Not Be Underestimated," Because "It has Become Increasingly Obvious that The Republican Party," ("The Grand Ole Party No More"), has "No Sincere Interest or Intention of Creating Policy," "Programs," or "Policies" that are "Of Benefit to The American People," and "Their Families Welfare!" And, "It has Become More and More Obvious" that "The GOP has No Other Platform that Is Beneficial to America" Other than "Being The Party of The Big Lie," and "Non Truths!"

And, "This Moment in Time" and "Moments Like This that Arise in The Future," are "Why President Biden and Vice President Harris" and "Democrats were Voted into Power," and "Why Former President Trump and Former Vice President Pence," and "The Republicans were Voted Out of Power!"

And Now, "It is Essential" for "The Biden/Harris Administration," to "Continue on Their Cognitive Path" to "Bring Back Jobs," and "Job Security in The United States of America!"

And that, "They Follow Their Economic Vision Path On Course Towards Achieving An Economic Re-birth in America," that "Leads to A Bold New Civilization" "Excluding No One," and "Has The Grand Potential of Uniting The Nation," Which is Especially Needed, "During A Time Period When The Politics of Obstruction" and "Restrictions to The Right to Vote in America," and "The Lust for Power," "Initiated by The Republican Party" are "Dividing The Nation!"

And, "It also Continues to Demonstrate The Importance of The Democratic Party" to "Stand United and Committed to The Biden/Harris Administration Economic," "Energy," "Tax Reform," and "Pharmaceutical Drug Cost Vision," and "It is Paramount for The Democratic Party to Stand as A United Political Party" that "Represents The American People Against The GOP's Efforts to Impede and Prevent Making A Better Life for All Americans!"

And, "It also Continues to Demonstrate The Significance of Standing Up" as "A Legislative and Political Soul Force for The Social Security," and "Economic Parity," that "Would Be of Benefit to The Poor," "The Middle Class," "The Public Sector," and "Small Businesses," and "Place A Fair Tax Upon Large Business Corporations," and "The Wealthy!"

And, "Let There Be No Doubt" that "The Overall Support of The American Voting Public in The 2022 and 2024 Elections Will Be Essential in Maintaining and Building A Strong Democratic Majority in Both The U.S. House of Representatives," and "The U.S. Senate!" "Which Will Be Crucial for America's Continued Economic," "Energy," "Environmental and Ecological," "Healthcare," and "Sociological Evolution!" And, "The Continued Empowerment and Support of The U.S. Democracy!"

And, "Let There Be No Doubt" that "It Will Take A Balanced and Progressive," "Earthwise," and "Streetwise Vision," "United in Purpose," and "Devoted in Commitment," "For The House and Senate Democrats," and "The Democratic Party Nationwide," to "Represent The Will Of The People!"

And, "Let There Be No Disagreement" that "Succeed They Must in Both The 2022 Midterm" and "2024 Presidential Elections!" Because "All that is In The Best Interests Of The American People," as Well as "The Youth of The Nation," and "The Democratic Principles," "Values," "Traditions," and "Laws of The Land" are "At Stake!" As Well as, "Its Place Among The United Coalition of Peace Loving," "Free," "Interdependent," Sovereign Solar Nations Who Believe in Freedom," "Equality," "Liberty," and "Justice," and "All that The United States of America Stands for and Symbolizes," "Must Not Be Tarnished!"


- "Global Cross Media and Nationwide News" from "The Washington D.C. Eye" on "Thursday, The Thirteenth of October, 2022, "The Final January 6 Select Committee Hearing Voted Unanimously to Subpoena Former United States President Donald J. Trump to Testify Before Them,"- And, "Flash Back to The One Hundred and Eighty- Seven Minutes of Inaction by Former President Trump on Jan. 6, 2021" to "The FBI Search Warrant of Former President Trump's Mar-a- Lago Home in Palm Beach, in Florida" and "The Discovery of More than One Hundred Classified Documents"- And, "Headlines of The Fourth Estate," and "Breaking News Spotlights," of "The Global Cross Media News Sphere's Reported" that" Wednesday, The Twenty-First of September 2022, "New York Attorney General Letitia Ann "Tish" James Announced" that "We are filing a lawsuit against Donald Trump for violating the law as part of his efforts to generate profits for himself, his family and his company."And, "The New York AG" also said, "The complaint demonstrates that Donald Trump falsely inflated his net worth by billions of dollars to unjustly enrich himself and to cheat the system, thereby cheating all of us."

- ("Note that, "The Civil Lawsuit Seeks at least $Two Hundred and Fifty Million Dollars in Damages!")-

- And then, "There are Other Legal Cases in Georgia" and "Washington D.C."-

"The Questions" of "How Many More Potentially Problematic Complications Former President Trump May Be Facing Must Be of Great Concern to The Republican Party" and "The Ex-President's Loyal Supporters!" -("No One is Above The Law")- Extra Noteworthy News- "Breaking News Spotlights of The Global Cross Media News Sphere's," and "Headlines of The Fourth Estate have Reported" that "Thursday, The Thirteenth of October, 2022, "The Final January 6 Select Committee Hearing" and "Closing Argument" has "Been Scheduled for America to See," "Hear," and "Read Extensively about!" -(Note that, "The January 6 Committee Closed Its Hearing by Unanimously Voting to Subpoena Former United States of America President Donald J. Trump to Testify Before Them!")-

"It is of The Greatest Importance For All of America"(As well as "The Earths Populace") to "See and Hear The Whole Truth and Nothing But The Truth" as "It has Been" and "Continues To Be Presented Before The Jan. 6 Committee's Public Hearings!"

And, "We Commend Everyone who has Come Forth to Speak Out" and "Give Evidence to The Jan. 6 Committee," In Regards to "The Brutal Attack on The U.S. Capitol!" And, "While The Complications are Significant and Many," "Let The Truth Be Told!"

And, "This is where The United State Department of Justice (DOJ) Must Work in A Diligent and Timely Manner" to "Reach Conclusions" in Regards to "Who are All The Guilty Parties Involved Before The 2022 Midterm Elections," and "The 2024 Presidential Election Take Place!"

And, "Let Us All Agree" that "The Whole Truth Should Be Told about The Attack Upon The Capitol of The United States of America on The Sixth of January 2021!" And, "Anyone who Can Contribute to The Truth Being Told Should Come Forth and Make Their Testimony Heard," "Especially Former President Donald John Trump," For "This is His Patriotic Duty to Do!" (And that also Includes, Ex-Vice President Michael Richard Pence!)-


-Extra Noteworthy News- ("No One is Above The Law"- "Justice has Been Served")-

"Headlines of The Fourth Estate," and "Breaking News Spotlights of The  Global Cross Media News Sphere's Reported" that On Wednesday, The Twelfth of October 2022, "Conspiracy Theorist Alex Jones was Ordered to Pay $965 Million Dollars in Damages to The Families of Sandy Hook Elementary School Shooting Victims' Relatives and An FBI Agent," by "A Connecticut Jury!"

"This Defamation Lawsuit was Filed" by "Some of The Families of The Twenty-Six People who were Killed in The Unconscionable and Vicious Shooting that Occurred on The Fourteenth of December 2012 in Newtown, Connecticut!"

"The Host of Infowars" who "Claimed that the 2012 Sandy Hook Elementary School Shooting was A Hoax staged by Actors who were following a Script written by the Government to Build Support for Gun Control!"
-(Note that, "Twenty Children were Killed between The Ages of Six and Seven Years of Age!" And, "Six Adult Staff Members!" "Let Us Fully Comprehend" that "The Twenty-Six Innocent Children and "Adult Staff Members" were "Not Actors," "They were The Dear Love One's of Families," "Friends," "Classmates," "Students," and "Neighbors of Newtown, Connecticut!")-

-Extra Noteworthy News- ("No One is Above The Law"- "Justice has Been Served")-

"Headlines of The Fourth Estate," and "Breaking News Spotlights of The  Global Cross Media News Sphere's Reported" that Thursday, The Thirteenth of October 2022, "A Florida Jury Recommended that Parkland School Shooting Murderer Nikolas Cruz," "Be Sentenced for Life in Prison without Parole!"
-(Note that, "Nikolas Crux Murdered Fourteen Students and Three Staff Members at Majory Stoneman Douglas High School on The Fourteenth of February 2018," in Parkland, Florida!" "A Sin" that "he Will Live with For The Remainder of his Life in Prison!"

"This Shameful and Vicious Act of Gun Violence is The Deadliest High School Shooting in The History of The United States!")-

-"Global Cross Media News Universe, Insights, New Horizons, News Purview's, Global Perspectives"- And,  "An Earthwide," "Intercontinental," "All- Encompassing," "Comprehensive," "Cognitive- Universal Awareness," and "Cross Media News Facts and Perception" of "The Parallel Universes of Sociological Experiences,"- And "A Political," "Philosophical," "Academic," "Environmental," "Ecological," "Spiritual," "Multi-Cultural Reawakening Is Needed to Inspire A Twenty- First Century Renaissance," and "Re-Emergence Of The Goodwill," "Generosity," "Benevolence," and "Altruism Of Humanity Earthwide!"- "Truly, A Change Must Come!"-

-UNITED INTERDEPENDENT GLOBAL ACTIVISTS- The Way To Peace! #242- "The Model of Human Existence Must Be Changed!"- "There Can Not Be The Subjugation of One Group of People Over Another!" "This Can Not Be Allowed to Exist in The Twenty- First Century," or "At Any Time at All!"-

"It Will Take An Investment of Financial and Moral Commitment," on The Part of The Global Finance Community, "Led by Billionaires" such as; Warren Buffet, Bill and Melinda Gates, and Giving Pledge, "Altogether with The United Sovereign Solar Nations of Civilized Governments, "Who Must Regulate The Laws," "Legislation," and "Budgets," to "Provide Free Education," "Law and Order," "Voting," and "Equal Rights," and "Justice," "Home Security," "Employment," and, "A Sustainable Quality of Life For All The People!"

"The Idea of A Government Of, By, and For The People, Must Be Fully Enacted upon," and "Made into A Reality on A Daily Practice!" And, "Yes," What "We are Suggesting is A Broad Spectrum of Change," that "Must Be Immediately Enacted upon" to "Empower and Support The Global Equation Of The People, By The People, and For The People," "Sovereign Citizens, One and All, of This Planet Earth!"

"Composed of A Global System of Economic Equilibre For Everyone," in Which, "Both Women and Men are Compensated for The Work They Do," "Equally!"

And, "Its Development Must Be Built Upon The Pillars and Cornerstones of A Vibrant and Bold Community" that "Fully Accepts and Respects The Conservation and Protection of The Environmental and Ecological Sphere's of The Earth," and "The Universal Tenets of Peace," "Unity," "Spirituality," "Justice," "Equality," "Freedom,"  and "Healthcare," and "Social Security Of The All The People of Our Home Planet Earth!" And, "The Immediate Construction and Manifestation of These Sociological Sphere's Embracing Public Life Must Begin in All Intensity," to "Course Across The Earths Landscapes Demonstrating The Vision of A Future Now" that "Reflects What Reality Can Be and Resemble!"

And, In Doing so, "Provide The Diverse Multi- Cultural Rainbow Communities, Tapestries, and Fabric Of The Earth's Sovereign Solar Nations," and "Its Leaders of The Parallel Universe of The Public and Private Sectors" with "An Earthrise Vision of The Progress and Sociological Changes" that have "Been Envisioned For The Twenty- First Century!"

"Envisualize The Construction and Ongoing Development of New Environmentally and Ecologically Correct," and "Energy Correct," Cities," "States," and "Towns," Across The Earths Landscapes," that "Embrace The Philosophies and Principles of Social Sphere's of Change," "Rooted in The Historical and Academic Knowledge and Omniscience of Empirical and Factual Experiences of Humanity," and In Doing so, "Change The Overall Political Dynamics," and "Global Equation," that has "Affected The Lives of The Earths Population since The Beginning of Human Existence," and In Doing so, "Remove Any Centers of Power and Influence that May Exist Away from Totalitarian and Autocratic Forms of Governance," and "Dictatorial Leadership," and In Doing so, "Sow Proof of The Advanced and Positive Visions and Idea's of Change that is Beneficial" to "The Positive Growth and Development of Our Families on A Daily Basis!"

And, In Doing so, "Diminish If Not Eliminate The Lies," "False Rhetoric," "Negative Political Propaganda," and "The Misleading Speeches," "Statements," and "False Promises," "Made to Control" and "Manipulate The Public without Thought of The Damage that May Take Place," or "The Harm It May Cause," and "All For The Sake of Self Profit," "Self Gain," "Power," or "Profit at Any Cost," by "Anti- Civil Rights," or "Anti- Human Rights Despots," and "Tyrants," or "Egotistical Individuals," and "Corrupt Business and Political Leaders," and "Immoral Religious Leaders who Support The Malevolent Doctrines and Actions" of "Oppressive and Evil-minded Dictators," "Organize Crime," and "Pedophiles!"

 "The Idea of Making A Better Life's Experience For One and All Must Be Demonstrated on A Daily Basis," and "Reflected in New and Advanced Earthwide Destinations" of "A Grand Scale," Where "A New Renaissance of Humanity May Flourish and Evolve into A Higher State of Being," In Addition to "Controlling Inflation," and "Food and Gas Prices," and "Providing Racial Justice," "Freedom," "Equality," and "Peace For One and All!"
- "Global Cross Media News Universe, Insights, New Horizons, News Purview's, Global Perspectives,"-

 -"Global Cross Media and Nationwide News" from "The Washington D.C. Eye" on "A Unrelenting Sociological," "Judicial," "Economical," "Environmental," "Religious," "Scientific," and "Political Renaissance" and "Reawakening Of The People is Needed Now," to "Protect The Present and Future Generations" of "The Diverse Multicultural Communities, Rainbow Tapestries, and Fabric Of The Earths Almost Eight Billion Population," - and "The Sociological Pressures," "Perspectives," "Experiences and Purview's Of The Diverse Multicultural Communities, Rainbow Tapestries, and Fabric Of America," "The Republic," "The U.S. Democracy," and "The Government Of The People, By The People, and For The People"- Extra Noteworthy News-

Voices of Reason and Peacemakers of The Twentieth and Twenty-First Centuries, "As The Autumn Holiday Season is Upon Us, " and "Marketing," "Advertising," and "Cross Media Promotions have Become Nothing More" than "A Massive Audio-Visual Cross Media Cloud of Sales and More Sales" that "Hovers Over and Directly Influences The Lives and Daily Events that Occur in United States of America," "Let Us Hope," that "It Will Not Obscure or Impede The Biden/Harris Administration's Ongoing Positive Work" to "Rebuild America's Economy," and "The Democratic Party Midterm Election Campaigns," or "Distract The American Public from The Very Serious and Intense Threat" and "Confrontation with Autocratic and Anti-Democratic Factions in America," and "Internationally," and "The Alienating," "Destructive," and "Divisive Attitude," of "The Republic Party" "Manifested in "Pretentious Issues," and "False and Misleading Political Rhetoric," and "Outright Lies about The 2020 Presidential Election Results" (The Big Lie) that has "Been Spewed Forth by The GOP (No More)," since "The Trump/Pence Ticket Lost The 2020 Presidential Election to The Biden/Harris Democratic Presidential Nominees!"

And, "Now, As The 2022 Midterm Election Campaigns Intensify," and are "Most Certainly," Going to have "A Direct Influence," and "Discordant Impact Upon The Sociological Affairs and Issues," "Healthcare " and "Well- Being," and "A Women's Right To Choose," and "The Safety and Prosperity Of The American Citizenry!"
And, "As Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy and The Brave and Courageous Armed Forces of Ukraine," and "The Ukrainian People Continue to Fight Against The Malevolent and Sinful Acts of War Perpetrated by The Russian Federation and Their President Vladimir Putin!"

And, "As The EU (European Union)," and "NATO Allies" Continue to Unite Behind," and "Give Their Support to The Sovereign Nation of Ukraine," "It has also Become Even More Apparent" "Obvious," and "Evident, "that, (1) "A New Earthwide Balance Must Be Formed Among The United Coalition of Peace-Loving," "Free," and "Interdependent Sovereign Solar Nations," and, (2) "New Partnerships Must Be Created to Address Energy Concerns," "Environmental," "Ecological," and "Health Concerns," and "Progressive and Proactive Platforms," "Policies," "Programs," and "Non- Profit Enterprises Must Emerge," and "Become A New Universe of Interdependent Synergy of Purposeful and Harmonious Interactions," "Dedicated and Committed" to "A People First in Equality," "Living in Freedom" with "Environmental Earthwise Safeguards in Safety and In Security," with "A Universal Perspective and Philosophy of Being Here and Now," (3) "In Alignment with A Parallel Universe of Grand Academic Proportions and Parameters Developed and Cultivated to Its Fullest Potential from Among The Earths Population," "The Most Trustworthy and Highly Respected Women and Men of Prescience and Intelligence!"

"A New Renaissance Of Historians," "Humanitarians," "Academicians," "Economists," "Philanthropists," and "Government Officials Elected by The Citizens of Their Nation with Impeccable Reputations of Integrity," "Honesty," "Empathy," "Vision," "Common Sense," and "Justice," whose Responsibilities are To Truthfully," "Intelligently," "Factually," "Knowledgeably," "Spiritually," and Candidly," "Inspire," Provide Guidance," "Teach," "Empower," and "Encourage The Diverse Multicultural Communities of The Earths Sovereign Solar Nations" to "Be An Interdependent," "Soulful," "Cognitive," and "Resolute People and Citizenry Of This Planet Earth are Needed!"
To "Bring An Advanced and Progressive," "Independent," "Balanced," "Creative," and Sound," "Common Sense Perspective" to "The Diverse Multicultural Rainbow Communities, Tapestries, and Fabric Of All The People of This Planet Earth!"
"For In This Age of Instant Global Communication," Further Complicated by "Misleading False Political Rhetoric," "Outright Lies," and "Half Truths," that have "Caused Unimaginable Death," "Destruction," "Injury," "Homelessness," "Poverty," and "The Suppression of A People's Sovereign Nation," "Messages of Principled Values," "Hope," "Compassion," and "Peace," "Provided by An Insightful," "Trustworthy," "Virtuous," "Incorruptible," "Ethical," "Dependable," "Forthright," "Principled," and "Unbiased Corps of Civil Rights Movements" and "Alliances of Fundamentally Minded Women and Men is Essential" for "The Universal Tenets of Life," that "Can Be Applied to Everyday Activities," to "Balance Out The Political," "Religious," and "Economic Systems," that have "Been Set Up to Affect and Influence The Earths Populace of Almost Eight Billion People," to "Transcend This Conditioned Way of Life," In "One Way or Another!"

"Let Us Agree" that "Ignorance is Not Bliss!" And, "Knowledge," "Intelligence," "Awareness," "Integrity," "Liberty," "Justice," "Equality," "Global Equilibre," "Equanimity," "Love and Peace," "Family Unity," and "The Truth," are "The Core Components of Change," and "Especially If You Wish to Overcome the Oppressive Dictatorships of Autocracies," and "One- Man- Rule Forms of Governance!"

"For It has Become Obvious' that "A Positive Change in Governance is Needed" that "Represents All The People!" And, "A New Model/Design in Business and Finance is Needed," "One that Empowers The People," and "Provides Social and Economic Security," and "Health Safeguards that Protects All The People!" And, "If Your Intentions are to Become a Politician," or "A Woman of Faith," or "Man of The Cloth" "These Reasons Must Apply to," or "Constitute The Basis," "Heart," "Mind," "Intellect," "Spirit and Soul," and/or "Integral Part of Your Reasoning as well!"

But," For A Real Change to Take Root and Grow," in "The Twenty-First Century," "It Will  Take More than Obtaining A Degree in Religion," or "A Degree in Business or Economics and Finance!" Or, "A Law Degree!"

"The Sign of The Times," "Demands More of Us in The Twenty- First Century!" "You have to Be "A Historian," "Humanitarian," "Academician," "Spiritual," "Soulful," and "Cognitive Interdependent and Highly Esteemed Woman or Man," who is also "Streetwise," and "Can Address and Comprehend The Needs and Time/Space Reality Of The People," irregardless of Creed," "Gender," "Special Needs," "Age," "Nationality," "Tribe," "Color," "Political Persuasion," "Social Standing," or "Ethnic Group!" "In A Clear," "Precise," "Honest," and "Detailed  Manner!"

"The Sign of The Times Demands" that "You Must Tell The Truth," and "Be A Crystal Clear," "Unequivocal," "Unambiguous Manifestation of Trust," and "The Truth," "Faith," and "Honest Purpose in Being Here and Now," who "Leaves No Doubt in Anyone's Mind!"

"Let Us Agree" that "The Time has Come For A New Renaissance" to "Take Root," "Develop Fully," and "Emerge as A Soul Force Of The People," in "All The Parallel Universes of The Public and Private Sectors," and "Industries that Profit from The Seas," "Lands," "Skies," and "Universe of This Planet Earth!"
"A New Renaissance," "Whose Environmental and Ecological Coexistence has Been Preserved and Protected!" Because, "For Certain Human Survival is Dependent Upon The Conservation," "Careful and Thoughtful Preservation," and "Protection of The Earths Natural Resources!"

"A New Renaissance" and "Parallel Universe" that "Can Not Be Exploited," or "Destroyed for Profit," "Greed," or "Lust for Power," or "Some Insatiable Desire!" "The Time for This Sociological," "Scientific," "Economical," "Religious and Political Renaissance is Needed Now!" To "Protect The Lives of Our Families," and To "Bring Peace," "Justice," and "A True Essence," and "Personal Security," to "The Sociological Affairs of All The People," and "A New Civilization Built Upon The Pillars and Cornerstones" of "A Grand New Age Of, By, and For The People!"

And, "A New Beginning" that "The Youth of The Earth Can Take Pride in," that "Embraces The Universal Tenets of Life," and "Just Laws and Order," "A Global Equilibre," "Equality," "Omniscience," "Omnipotence," and "An Omnipresent Earthrise Vision," and "Time/Space Reality of Hope," "Compassion," "Peace," and "Equanimity," "History," "Humanity," "Academia," "Love," "Knowledge," "Intelligence," and "The Pursuit of Happiness,' and "The Plethora of Exciting Non-Violent Challenges that Lie Ahead!"
- "Global Cross Media News Universe, Insights, New Horizons, News Purview's, Global Perspectives"- And,  "An Earthwide," "Intercontinental," "All- Encompassing," "Comprehensive," "Cognitive- Universal Awareness," and "Cross Media News Facts and Perception" of "The Parallel Universes of Sociological Experiences,"- And "A Political," "Philosophical," "Academic," "Environmental," "Ecological," "Spiritual," "Multi-Cultural Reawakening Is Needed to Inspire A Twenty- First Century Renaissance," and "Re-Emergence Of The Goodwill," "Generosity," "Benevolence," and "Altruism Of Humanity Earthwide!"- "Truly, A Change Must Come!"-

-UNITED INTERDEPENDENT GLOBAL ACTIVISTS- The Way To Peace! #407- (Revised & Revisited)- "Global Cross Media News Universe, Insights, New Horizons, News Purview's and Global Perspectives"-

"As The Sun has Set in The Skies O'er The United States of America," and "All Across This Earth of Ours," and "As A New Autumn Season is Upon Us," and "Students of All Ages are Returning to School," Now" is "The Time to Return to The Immediate Concerns of 2022," and "Re- Address The Pressing Issues that Lie Ahead," that "Will have A Major Impact and Effect on All of Our Lives," And, "What is This New Beginning" that "Everyone has Been Wistfully Wishing for," and "In Some Areas of The Public and Private Sectors Demanding!" "Is It to Live without Masks and Mandates!"

And, "To Return to Enjoying The Worlds of Theatre," and "Cinema," and "Seeing Your Favorite Professional," "School," or "Amateur Teams in Sports Arenas," and "Going to An Outdoor or Indoor Concert to See The New Star Sensation," and/or "Music Entertainers," or "Going Out with Friends," and/or "Family" to "A Restaurant You've Been Looking Forward to Eating at," or "Knowing that Your Children are Safe to have a Sleep Over," or "A Play Date with Their Classmates," "Close Friends," or "Loving Family Members," and "If The Answer is Yes!" "The Question" is, "Is This A Realistic Attitude and Perspective to have!"

"If One was to Consciously," and Honestly," "Review All The Lessons We've had to Learn in This Age of Global Pandemic," "Clearly There Appears to Be A New Sociological Event Threshold" that "Is Demanding Our Attention," that "Is Just as," "If Not More Important" than "What Many of Us have Been Looking Forward to In This New Beginning of The Post Pandemic!"

And, "Clearly, There Appears to Be An Important," "Highly Relevant," and "Pertinent Consideration," and "Domestic and Global Configuration Demanding" that "A New Era of Cognition," "Vigilance," "Compassion," "Activism," "Public Service," "Volunteerism," "Philanthropy," and "Investment by The International Private Financial and Banking Sectors," "Must Unite with The Earths United Coalition of Sovereign Solar Nations," and "Places of Worship," to "Eliminate Poverty," "Homelessness," "Immigration Camps," "Uncivilized Internment Camps," "The Threat of Covid-19 Subvariants," and "The Threat of Climate Warming," and "War!" 

"Time is of The Essence," and "Clearly The Immediacy of This Global Configuration" is "For Us to Focus Our Attention on Saving Lives All Across This Sacred Earth of Ours," and "Making A Better Life's Experience and Inspiration For The The Youth of The Earth to Look Forward to!"
 - In Memoriam: We Extend Our Sincerest Heartfelt and Soulful Condolences To All The Families and Communities, Globally and Domestically, who have Lost A Loved One Due to Natural Disasters such as; Hurricane Fiona, and Hurricane Ian (Where More than One Hundred People have Died) and Wherever The Path of Tsunamis, Earthquakes, Tornadoes, Typhoons, Flood Waters, Mud Slides, and Raging Tides, and Fires have Destroyed Your Homes and Caused The Loss Of Life, and The Loss of Your Love Ones!

We Mourn Their Loss of Life with You and Your Families, in This Time Period of Grief and Sadness!

-In Memoriam:

We Would Like to Extend Our Sincerest Heartfelt and Soulful Condolences to The Families of Both The Ukrainian and Russian People, and The Families of Many Others, Journalists, and Foreign Fighters, who have Lost A Love One Due to An Invasion and War that Should Not have Occurred But For The Malicious and Egotistical Decision Making of One Person, Russian President Vladimir Putin, who Will Bear The Responsibility for The Deaths of Your Beloved Friends and Family Members in Perpetuity! And, We Mourn The Loss of Your Love Ones with You!

-In Memoriam:

We Extend Our Sincerest Heartfelt and Soulful Condolences to The Families of Love One's who've Died Earthwide Due to The Ongoing Spread of The CoronaVirus Pandemic, As This Tragic Death Toll has Continued to Rise Above Six Million Love Ones to 6, 566, 411 Who have Died, As of Thursday, October 13, 2022! This is A Staggering and Heartbreaking Statistic to Imagine and Remains A Deeply Disturbing Fact and When You Take into Account How Many Families have Been Effected by This Earthwide Pandemic only Compounds The Seriousness of This Loss of Life!

And, In The United States of America The Number of Deaths Due to The CoronaVirus Pandemic has Surpassed An Incredible and Traumatic Plateau of One Million" to "1, 089, 385 Love Ones!

-In Memoriam:

To All The Families who have Lost A Loved One Due to A Gun Related Act of Violence, Systemic Racism, Prejudice, Police Brutality, or Any Act of Violence Caused by Malevolent Perpetrators who Care Not For The Lives of Their Fellow Human Being, We Mourn Their Loss of Life with You in This Sensitive Time Period of Deeply Felt Despair, Sorrow, Unhappiness, and Trauma!