Sunday, August 14, 2022



The Way To Peace! #419

- "Global Cross Media News Universe, Insights, New Horizons, News Purview's, and Global Perspectives"- "The United States House of Representatives Passes The Inflation Reduction Act of 2022 by A Vote of 220 to 207!" And, "Once Again, "The Democratic Party and The Biden/Harris Administration" have "Led The Way to A Monumental Accomplishment in American Politics," and "Another Step Forward Towards The Establishment of A Bold and Vigorous Society in The United States of America," and "A New Era of Hope," and "Environmental," "Ecological," "Healthcare," "Energy," and "Economical Security," "Justice," "Equality," "Peace," and "Freedom!"

 -"Earthwide," "Intercontinental," "All- Encompassing," "Comprehensive,"  "Cognitive- Universal Awareness," and "Cross Media News Facts and Perception" of "The Parallel Universes of Sociological Experiences Including "Judicial," "Economical," "Environmental," "Religious," "Scientific," and "A Political Reawakening Of The U.S. Senate"- Extra Noteworthy News- "The Inflation Reduction Act of 2022" is "Passed by Senate Democrats by A Vote of Fifty- One to Fifty"- (And, "This was Just The First Step Towards Passage in The U.S. House of Representatives!")-
"As The Sun Set's in The Skies O'er The United States of America The Population of Almost Three Hundred and Thirty Million" have "Good Reason to have Hope" that "Their Government is Truly Representing and Working on Their Behalf!

"The Announcement" that An Agreement had Been Reached on An Energy," "Climate," and "Healthcare Bill," ("The Inflation Reduction Act of 2022") is "The Legislative Embodiment of Hope!"

Wednesday, The Twenty- Seventh of July 2022, "Headlines of The Fourth Estate," and "The Breaking News Spotlights, of The Global Cross Media News Spheres Brought News of This Announcement!"

"Senator Manchin and Senator Schumer said" in A Joint Statement," (In Regards to "The 725 Page Inflation Reduction Act of 2022"), Called The Deal "A Historic down on deficit reduction to fight inflation, invest in domestic energy production and manufacturing and reduce carbon emissions."

And with "This Joint Statement," "These Two Key Democratic Senators have Broken Thru The Political Impasse that was Preventing A Real Down to Earth People's Agenda from Taking Place in America!" "For The Most Part Due to Republican Obstructionism," and "The Difficulty to Find Acceptable Agreement on Compromises that were Needed to Bridge The Differences of Opinion and Policy in The  Democrat Party!" Both of Which, "Caused A Loss of Faith in The Political Leaders and Political Parties of America!"

And, "The Diverse Multicultural Rainbow Communities, Tapestries, and Fabric Of The People Can No Longer Be Governed or Led by Those Individuals" who have "Chosen The Path of Lies," and "Half Truths," and "False and Misleading Rhetoric," to "Control and Negatively Influence Their Lives!" "The Price is Too High," and "Too Unreasonable," with "The End Result Brings with it," "As in The Case of Too Many Families," as "Poverty," "Death," and "The Violation of One's Civil and Human Rights to Live as A Free People of A Just," "Equal," Safe and Secure Society of The Earths United Coalition of Peace and Freedom Loving Sovereign Solar Nations!"

And, "Breaking News Spotlights" of "The Global Cross Media News Spheres," and "Headlines of The Fourth Estate Reported," on "Sunday, The Seventh of August 2022, that "After Fighting Off More that Twenty Attempts to Change The Bill," "Senate Democrats," with "Vice President Kamala Devi Harris," The 49th Vice President of The United States of America Adding The Deciding Vote, "Passed The Inflation Reduction Act of 2022" by "A Vote of Fifty- One to Fifty!"
"The Next Step Forward For This Very Important Piece if Legislation is" that "It Will Be Sent to The U.S. House of Representatives This Week For A Final Vote," "Before United States President Joseph R. Biden Jr. Signs It!"- (Note that, "IRA Passed in The United States House of Representatives was Passed by "A Vote of 220 to 207 on Friday, The Twelfth of August 2022" under "The House Leadership of Speaker Nancy Patricia Pelosi Democrat from The State of California," and "The Votes of The Democratic Party," "The People's Party Of America!")-

Here is A Brief Breakdown on "The Seven Hundred and Twenty- Five Page Page Inflation Reduction Act of 2022"-
I) "Invest in Domestic Energy Production and Manufacturing, and Reduce Carbon Emissions by Approximately Forty Per Cent by 2030!"
II) "Allow Medicare to Negotiate for Prescription Drug Prices and Caps Out of Pocket Costs to $2,000!"
III) "Lowers Affordable Care Act (ACA) Health Care Premiums for Millions of Americans," and "Extends the Expanded Affordable Care Act Program Through 2025!"
IV) "Cut The Federal Deficit by Approximately $Three Hundred Billion Dollars over The Next Ten Years!"
V) "Reform Environmental Permitting to Speed Up Domestic Energy Production and Transmission Projects!"
VI) "Make Biggest Corporations and The Ultra- Wealthy Pay Their Fair Share!"
VII) "There are No New Taxes on Families Making $400, 000 or Less and No New Taxes on Small Businesses ---- We are Closing Tax Loopholes and Enforcing The Tax Code!"
VIII) "Will Invest Approximately $Three Hundred Billion Dollars in Deficit Reduction," and "$Three Hundred and Sixty-Nine Billion in Energy Security and Climate Change Programs over The Next Ten Years!"      

-(Note that, Both Senator Schumer and Senator Manchin Project that "This Proposal Would Raise $Seven Hundred and Thirty- Nine Billion Dollars in Revenue over Ten Years," with "Approximately Half Coming from A Fifteen Per Cent Corporate Minimum Tax!"

And, "An Additional $One Hundred and Twenty- Four Billion Dollars in Revenue Would Be Generated" by "Increasing Enforcement of The Internal Revenue Service!"

"TopLine Estimate Breakdowns:
I) Total Revenue Raised- $739 Billion-
A) Fifteen Per Cent Corporate Minimum Tax- $$313 Billion-
B) Prescription Drug Pricing Reform- $288 Billion-
C)- IRS Tax Enforcement- $124 Billion-
D) Carried Interest  Loophole- $14 Billion-

II) Total Investments- $$433 Billion-
A) Energy Security and Climate Change- $369 Billion-
B) Affordable Care At Extension- $64 Billion-

III) Total Deficit Reduction- $300 + Billion-
Thursday, The Twenty- Eighth of July 2022, Global Cross Media News Reports are "President Biden said of This Agreement," at The White House, "With this agreement we're facing up to some of our biggest problems, and we're taking a giant step forward as a nation." And, "The President also Called This Legislation as Being "Historic!"

"The Passage of This Reconciliation Bill Will Definitely Be Another Major Legislative Victory for President Biden!" And, "A Great Win for Families All Across The Nation!" In Addition to, "A Positive Demonstration to The Youth of America," that "Their Democracy Works When Honest," "Forthright," "Just," "Cognitive," "Compassionate," "Soulful," and "Fairminded Women and Men of All The Parallel Universes," "Whatever They May Be Public," "Private," "Cross Media," "News," "Travel," "Entertainment," "Sports," Education," "Religion," or "Finance," "Act Together For The Sake of The United States of America!"

And, "Let's Agree" that "It is Another Very Positive Step Forward," as Americans One and All, "Continue to Seek An Overall Sense of Personal" and "Broad Scale Earthwide Stability," and "Security in The Twenty-First Century!"

-(Note that, "Senator Kyrsten Lea Sinema Democrat from The State of Arizona has Come to Terms with Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer and The Democratic Party" and "Will Support This Important Legislation to Bring Down Inflation," and "Energy Prices," and "Pharmaceutical Costs!")-

- "Global Cross Media News Universe, Insights, New Horizons, News Purview's, and Global Perspectives"-

-"Earthwide," "Intercontinental," "All- Encompassing," "Comprehensive,"  "Cognitive- Universal Awareness," and "Cross Media News Facts and Perception" of "The Parallel Universes of The United Coalition of Peace Loving Free Sovereign Solar Nations"- And, Tuesday, The Second of Autumn 2022, "Breaking News Spotlights," of "The Global Cross Media News Sphere's," and "Headlines of The Fourth Estate Reported" on "The Speaker of The United States House of Representatives Nancy Patricia Pelosi," Democrat from The State of California, "Arrived in Taiwan," in "Support of Taiwan's Vibrant Democracy!"-

"Speaker Pelosi" and "A Congressional Delegation" are "On A Tour of Asia" with "Plans to Visit The Republic of Singapore," "Malaysia," "The Republic of Korea (ROK)," and "Japan!"

"Speaker Pelosi and The Delegations Purpose for This Tour of Asia" is to "Bring A Strong Focus of Mutual Security," "Economic Partnership," and "The Significance of Democratic Governance!"

"Speaker Pelosi, The Second in the United States Presidential Line of Succession" is "The Highest U.S. Official" to "Visit Taiwan in Twenty-Five Years!"

-(Note that "The People's Republic of China has Warned" that It Would Be Taking "resolute and strong measures if Speaker Pelosi went through with her visit.")-

"Leaders of The Diverse Multicultural Rainbow Communities," "Environmental and Ecological Landscapes," "Universal Tenets, " and "Fabric of The United Coalition of The Earths Sovereign Solar Nations," who "Preside over" and "Govern The Sociological Experiences Of The Affairs Of The People" are "In Need of Global Partnerships Based Upon A Mutual Comprehension of The Myriad Factors Facing The Earths Sovereign Solar Nations!" And, "The Need for A Political Renaissance," and "Reawakening Of The People, By The People, and For The People" "Can only Be Achieved in Equanimity and Equality" if "A State of Universal Cognition is Shared and Diplomatically Advanced!"

And, "Threats Against Economic Partnerships," "Mutual Security," and "A True Governance Of The People" are "Not Helpful or Productive!" "These Threats Do Very Little Else than "Create The False Illusion of Fear," and "One-Man-Rule Forms Of Governing!" In Other Words, "A Dictatorship!"

And, "Dictatorships Live in A Perpetual State of Fear of Democratic Free Societies!"

"It is Time for A New Era of Cooperation," "Omniscience," and "Comprehension of The Issues," and "Earthwide Partnerships of The Twenty-First Century!"

"There are Too Many Issues" that "Will Take An Earthwide Consciousness and Mobilization of The Earths Sovereign Solar Nations to Resolve For The Betterment Of All Humankind," and "Sentient Beings," and "For The Environmental and Ecological Evolution of Our Planet Earth to Benefit from!"

And, "Threats," and "Warmongering Will Not Meet The Needs Of The People!" As is Exemplified by "The Unprovoked Attack by Russian Federation Invasion Against The Sovereign Nation of Ukraine!"

"Speaker Pelosi" and "The Congressional Delegation that is Accompanying Her" is "A Positive Step Forward Towards The Reality of Establishing A Bold New Modern Day Civilization Of The Earths Diverse Multicultural Rainbow Communities, Tapestries, and Fabric Of The People," and "For The People!"
 -"Global Cross Media News Universe, Insights, New Horizons, News Purview's, Global Perspectives,"-
 -"Global Cross Media and Nationwide News" from "The Washington D.C. Eye" on "Kansas Abortion Rights Vote!"- And, "An Unrelenting Sociological," "Judicial," "Economical," "Environmental," "Religious," "Scientific," and "Political Renaissance" and "Reawakening Of The People is Needed," to "Protect The Present and Future Generations" of "The Diverse Multicultural Communities, Rainbow Tapestries, and Fabric Of The People"- And, "The Republic," "The U.S. Democracy," and "The Government Of The People, By The People, and For The People"- Extra Noteworthy News-

Tuesday, August 2, 2022, "Breaking News Spotlights of The Global Cross Media News Sphere's," and "Headlines of The Forth Estate Reported" that "Kansas Voters Overwhelmingly Upheld Abortion Rights in A Record Vote Turnout!"

"In An Extraordinary Example of A Women's Right to Choose in The United States of America," and "In A Clear Rebuff to The Supreme Court of The United States Vote to Overturn Roe v. Wade" Voters in The State of Kansas Voted to Reject A Proposed State Constitutional Amendment" that Would have said "There was No Right to An Abortion in The State!"

President Biden said in A Statement, "This vote makes clear what we know the majority of Americans  agree that women should have access to abortion and should have the right to make their own healthcare decisions."

And, On The Third of August 2022, "President Biden Signed His Second Executive Order to Protect Abortion Access!"
 -"Global Cross Media News Universe, Insights, New Horizons, News Purview's, Global Perspectives,"-
 -"Global Cross Media and Nationwide News" from "The Washington D.C. Eye" on "Legislation to Expand The Benefits for The Approximately 3.5 Million Veterans Exposed to Toxic Burn Pits"- 
Extra Noteworthy News-

"Breaking News Spotlights of The Global Cross Media News Sphere's" and Headlines of The Fourth Estate Reported in Tuesday, The Second of August 2022 "The U.S. Senate Passed The Honoring Our PACT Act" by "A Vote of Eighty- Six to Eleven!"

However, "This Vote Occurred After" and "Headlines of The Fourth Estate" and "Breaking News Spotlights of Th Global Cross Media News Sphere's Reported on Thursday, July 28, 2022," that "Twenty- Five Senate Republicans Reversed Their Support" and "Voted Against Procedural Legislation to Advance the Honoring Our PACT Act," to "Expand The Benefits for The Approximately 3. 5 Million Veterans who were Exposed to Toxic Burn Pits" During The Wars in "The Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan," and "The Republic of Iraq!"

-(Note that, "This Legislation was Passed in Both The U.S. Senate and The U.S. House of Representatives in June 2022," However, "Due to A Change in The Bill's Language It Needed to Be Voted on" and "Passed Again on Both The House and Senate!" "The Irony is that This Legislation was Initially Passed with Bipartisan Support!")-

"This Vote Reversal by Senate Republicans Demonstrated The Level of Disgrace" that "The Senate Republican Party has Fallen to!"

"To Deny Millions of Veterans who have Been Exposed to Toxic Burn Pits Expanded Benefits" is "Comparable to Being A Crime Committed Against Our Armed Forces" by "Sworn in Representatives Of The American People!" And, "Politics Must Never Be Used," as "A Political Weapon Against The Women and Men of The U.S. Armed Forces!" And, "This is The Political Party who Wants the Votes of American Citizens in the 2022 Midterm," and "2024 Presidential Elections!"

"The Question" is "Would You Vote for Any Politician," or "Political Party Who Did Not Vote in Support of Expanded Benefits" for "Our Daughters and Sons," "Veterans of The United States Armed Forces," who have "Fought in Wars on Foreign Shores" "In Defense of The Principles that America Stands for," and "Symbolizes," and "The Belief in Freedom," "Justice," "Equality," and "Liberty," that is "Shared by The Diverse Multicultural Rainbow Communities, Tapestries, and Fabric Of All The People of The United Coalition of Peace Loving Sovereign Solar Nations!"

And, "A Second Question" is "At What Point Does A Political Party," or "Politician," "No Longer Deserve The Support of The American People Because of Its Callous," and "Cold-hearted Conduct,"and "Lack of Principles in Representing The American People," and "The U.S. Constitution!" "Surely, The Republican Party," "The Party of Former Presidents," "Dwight D. Eisenhower," "Theodore Roosevelt," "Ronald Reagan," "George H. R. Bush," "George W. Bush," and "Abraham Lincoln," "Must Realize that They have Gone too Far Astray," and that "A Correction Must Be Made!"

"U.S. Veterans have Conducted Their Duties Admirably, Courageously, and Bravely," and "Displayed and Portrayed A Great Patriotism," "Code of Honor," and "Loyalty to The United States of America," and "Now It is Time For The U.S. Republican Party to Decide," Whether or Not, "They are Representing The Values," "Traditions," and "Principles that American Stands for" as "They have Sworn to Uphold!"

And, "Let Us One and All Agree" that "The U.S. Armed Forces," and "Its Highly Regarded Veterans" are "Not To Be Used as A Weapon of Partisan Politics," or "The Strategies of Any Party Leadership!"
 -"Global Cross Media News Universe, Insights, New Horizons, News Purview's, Global Perspectives,"-
 -"Global Cross Media and Nationwide News" from "The Washington D.C. Eye" on "Former President Donald J. Trump's Legal Woes" and "The FBI Search Warrant of Former President Trump's Mar-a- Lago Home in Palm Beach, in Florida- And, "An Unrelenting Focus on Sociological," "Judicial," and "Political Renaissance" and "Reawakening Of The People is Needed," to "Protect The Present and Future Generations" of "The Diverse Multicultural Communities, Rainbow Tapestries, and Fabric Of The People"- And, "The Republic," "U.S. Democracy," and "The Government Of The People, By The People, and For The People"- Extra Noteworthy News-  "No One is Above The Law"- And, "More Questions"-

 "As Speculation Grows over Whether or Not Former President Trump Will Conduct His Third Campaign to Become President in The 2024 United States Presidential Election," "The Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI)," and "The United States Department of Justice," have Requested and Received Authorization for A Search Warrant from A Federal Judge to Search The Ex- President's Mar-a-Lago Club, in Palm Beach, Florida!"

And, Monday, The Eighth of August 2022, "The FBI Conducted An Authorized Search for Any Classified Records that May or May Not Be in The Ex- President's Possession" that "The National Archives have Requested Months Ago!"- (Note that, "Twelve Boxes were Removed!" (Note that, "Twelve Boxes were Removed!" Some of Which were Related to "Classified Nuclear Documents!")-

"The FBI Forcibly Opened The Ex-President's Safe," and "Clearly This Search" has "Intensified, (1) "The Investigation of How Approximately Fifteen Boxes of Classified White House Records Ended Up at Mar-a-Lago Florida in January 2022," and, (2) "As A Separate Grand Jury Investigation into Efforts that Occurred" to "Overturn The Results of The 2020 Presidential Election Continues," and (3) "Whether or Not" "The Ex- President" and "His Company (The Trump Organization) have Fraudulently Inflated The Value of His Assets," (Along with Other Cases in Georgia and Washington D.C.)!

- (Note that, Wednesday, The Tenth of August 2022, Global Cross Media News Reports are "Ex- President Trump's said In A Statement," that "He refused to answer Questions from Investigators with the New York Attorney Generals Office on Wednesday, citing His Fifth Amendment right against self incrimination related to the civil fraud probe into his businesses!"
"The Former President" said, "Accordingly, under the advice of my counsel, and for all of the above reasons, I declined to answer the questions under the rights and privileges afforded to every citizen under the U.S. Constitution."
"The Question" is, "Why!" "And, "What is the Ex- President Afraid of Revealing!"  However, "Altogether The Former President" has "A Formidable Wall of Legal Complications and Woes in His Path of Announcing His Intentions for The 2024 Presidential Election!"

And, "The Questions" of "How Many More Potentially Problematic Complications Former President Trump May Be Facing Must Be of Great Concern to The Republican Party" and "The Ex-President's Loyal Supporters!"
And, "Another Very Important Question" is "How United States Attorney General Merrick Brian Garland," and "Director of The Federal Bureau of Investigations Christopher Asher Wray Intend to Proceed with All Due Diligence on Any Cases Related to The Former President," and "Whether or Not The FBI and DOJ Intend on Increasing Their Efforts to Discover Whether or Not" "Any Criminal Activity has Taken Place" are "Questions that "The American People" and "The Youth of America Deserve An Answer to Before The 2024 Presidential Election!"
-(Note that, Wednesday, August 3, 2022, "Breaking News Spotlights of The Global Cross Media News Sphere's," and "Headlines of The Fourth Estate Reported" that "The Former" and "Twice Impeached President by The U.S. House of Representatives Donald John Trump" (and His Daughter Ivana Marie "Ivanka" Trump) have "Been Ordered by A New York Judge" to "Answer Questions Under Oath," "Posed to Him by The New York State Attorney General's Office," who have "Been Investigating Whether or Not" "The Ex- President" and "His Company (The Trump Organization) have Fraudulently Inflated The Value of His Assets!")-

Global Cross Media News Sphere's have Reported that New York State Attorney General Letitia James has Presented The Argument in Court Papers" that 'fraudulent or misleading business practices reigned at the Trump Organization for years."

And, "The Former President Will Be Faced with In Depth and Candid Questions" to "Determine who was Responsible for His Companies Business Practices This Month!" "The History of The Trump Organization Should Be An Interesting One to Learn about!"

"One Remembers His Hotel and Casino Businesses in Atlantic City New Jersey," "Going Back to 1984," and "His Real Estate Development in New York!" And, of course, "The Ongoing Issue Surrounding The Disclosure The Trump Organization's Financial Statements,"  and "The Ex- President's Taxes!"

And, "The Question" of "Whether or Not There Will Be A Complete Transparency of The Business Practices of The Trump Organization Still Remains Unknown," However, "New York Attorney General Leticia Ann "Tish" James Appears to Be On Course Towards Obtaining The Answers" and "An Accurate Purview of The Trump Organizations Directives" and "Approaches Towards Achieving Its Goals and Strategies!"
 - "Global Cross Media News Universe, Insights, New Horizons, News Purview's, and Global Perspectives"-  And, "U.S. Unemployment Insurance Claims For The Week Ending The Sixth of August 2022,"- And, "The Inflation Reduction Act of 2022"-

Global Cross Media News Reports are Thursday, The Eleventh of August 2022, "The Bureau of Labor Announced" that "Two Hundred and Sixty- Two Thousand Americans Filed for U.S. Unemployment Insurance Claims" "An Increase of Fourteen Thousand from Last Weeks Revised Down Level to Two Hundred and Forty- Eight Thousand from Two Hundred and Sixty Thousand," "The Highest It's Been since November 2021!" And, The Fourth Week in A Row" that "Weekly U.S. Unemployment Insurance Claims" have "Been over Two Hundred and Fifty Thousand in More than Eight Months!"

And, "Although Inflation has Decreased to 8.5 Percent in The Month of July," "Inflation Still Continues to Be A Major Concern For The Biden/Harris Administration," "Further Complicated Because of Putin's Malevolent War Against The Sovereign Nation of Ukraine," "Causing Consumer Anxiety!"
And, "The Broad Issue of The Ongoing Public Health Challenge of The CoronaVirus Sub- Variants," and also "The "Monkeypox Emergency" and "Supply Chain Problems Continue to Exist," and have "Created Obstacles for The Biden/Harris Administration Plans to Rebuild The U.S. Economy!"
And, "Whether or Not Wall Streets Concerns are Merited or Not," "Impressively The Federal Reserve" and "The Biden/Harris Administration Continue to Forge Ahead with Their Economic Plans to Improve The Quality of Life for All Americans to Benefit from," and "Enjoy!"
And, "While The U.S. Unemployment Insurance Claims Continues to Remain" at "A Five Decade Low," and "The Unemployment Rate Remains at 3.5% Tying A Fifty Year," and "Payrolls Increased An Unexpected 528, 000 in The Month of July," ("Demonstrating that The Job Market in The United States is Strong,") are "All Positive Steps Forward in Re-Building The U.S. Economy!" However, "Let Us Still Agree" that "America is Still in Dire Need of Financial Relief," and "Investment in The Future of The Infrastructure of This Grand Ole Nation!"

And, "The Extra Noteworthy News" that "Senator Joseph Manchin III Democrat from The State of West Virginia" and "Senate Majority Leader Charles Ellis "Chuck Schumer from The State of New York," and "The Biden/Harris Administration" have "Come to An Agreement" on "A Seven Hundred and Twenty- Five Page Inflation Reduction Act of 2022" ("An Energy and Healthcare Bill"), "Come at "A Welcome Moment For America" as "The Nation is Clearly in Need of Skilled Management of Its Affairs" and "An Unbiased Representation that The American People Can Rely Upon to Navigate Out of The Looming Recession and Inflation that It is Being Faced with!" And, "A Release from The Economic Pressures that are Mounting at An Undesirable Rate" for "The Biden/Harris Administration!"

And, "Fortunately For America," "The Question" of "Whether or Not Senator Manchin Will Be in Support of The Democratic Party and President Biden's Attempts to Solve The Economic," Pharmaceutical," and "Energy Problems that The American People are Dealing with Everyday have Been Answered," and "The Answer is Yes!"

-(Note that, "The Inflation Reduction Act of 2022" was "Voted on," and "Passed in The U.S. Senate on Sunday, The Seventh of August 2022!" And, "Will Be Sent to The U.S. House of Representatives to Be Voted on Friday, The Twelfth of August 2022 !")-

However, "It is Essential" for "The Biden/Harris Administration," to "Continue on Their Cognitive Path" to "Bring Back Jobs," and "Job Security in The United States of America!"

And that, "They Follow Their Economic Vision Path On Course Towards Achieving An Economic Re-birth in America," that "Leads to A Bold New Civilization" "Excluding No One," and "Has The Grand Potential of "Uniting The Nation," Which is Especially Needed "During A Time Period When The Politics of Obstruction" and "Restrictions to The Right to Vote in America," and "The Lust for Power," "Initiated by The Republican Party" are "Dividing The Nation!"

And, "It also Continues to Demonstrate The Importance of The Democratic Party" to "Stand United and Committed to The Biden/Harris Administration Economic Vision," and "Pledge to Bring Back America," and "Stand Firmly in The Path of Republican Obstruction," and "Stand as A United Party Representing The American People Against The GOP's Efforts to Impede and Prevent Making A Better Life for All Americans!"

And, "Stand Up, as A Legislative and Political Soul Force for The Social Security," and "Economic Parity," that "Would Be of Benefit to The Poor," "The Middle Class," "The Public Sector," and "Small Businesses," and "Place A Fair Tax Upon Large Business Corporations," and "The Wealthy!"

 -"Global Cross Media News Universe, Insights, New Horizons, News Purview's, and Global Perspectives"- "The Future of Democracy in The United States of America"-

"The Hard Work that Lies Ahead for The Biden/Harris Administration, and The Democratic Party Can Not Be Underestimated," Because "It has Become Increasingly Obvious that The Republican Party," ("The Grand Ole Party No More"), has "No Sincere Interest or Intention of Creating Policy," "Programs," or "Policies" that are "Of Benefit to The American People," and "Their Families Welfare!" And, "It has Become More and More Obvious" that "The GOP has Become The Party of The Big Lie," and "Non Truths!"

And, "This Moment in Time" and "Moments Like This that Arise in The Future," are "Why President Biden and Vice President Harris" and "Democrats were Voted into Power," and "Why Former President Trump and Former Vice President Pence," and "The Republicans were Voted Out of Power!"

And, "Let There Be No Doubt" that "The Overall Support of The American Voting Public in The 2022 and 2024 Elections Will Be Essential in Maintaining and Building A Strong Democratic Majority in Both The U.S. House of Representatives," and "The U.S. Senate!" "Which Will Be Crucial for America's Continued Economic," "Healthcare," and "Sociological Evolution!" And, "The Empowerment and Continued Support of The U.S. Democracy!"

And, "Let There Be No Doubt" that "It Will Take A Balanced and Progressive," "Earthwise and Streetwise Vision," "United in Purpose" and "Devoted in Commitment," "For The House and Senate Democrats and The Democratic Party Nationwide" to "Represent The Will Of The People," But "Succeed They Must" Because "All that is In The Best Interests Of The American People is At Stake!"
  -"Global Cross Media News Universe, Insights, New Horizons, News Purview's, Global Perspectives,"-
 -"Global Cross Media and Nationwide News" from "The Washington D.C. Eye" on "The United States Department of Justice's Decision on The Cause of Death of Breonna Taylor in 2020,"- And, "An Unrelenting Sociological," "Judicial," "Economical," "Environmental," "Religious," "Scientific," and "Political Renaissance" and "Reawakening Of The People is Needed," to "Protect The Present and Future Generations" of "The Diverse Multicultural Communities, Rainbow Tapestries, and Fabric Of The People"- And, "The Sociological Pressures," "Perspectives," "Experiences and Purview's Of The Diverse Multicultural Communities, Rainbow Tapestries, and Fabric Of America," "The Republic," "The U.S. Democracy," and "The Government Of The People, By The People, and For The People"- Extra Noteworthy News-

Thursday, August 4, 2022, "Breaking News Spotlights of The Global Cross Media News Sphere's," Reported that "The United States Department of Justice has Charged Four Police Officers in Louisville Kentucky" with "Civil Rights Violations in The Death of Breonna Taylor!"

"The Announcement was Made by U.S. Attorney General Merrick Garland Against The Four Police Officers" and said that The Department of Justice Alleges that The Violations "resulted in Ms. Taylor's Death."

"These Four Police Officers were Involved in A No Knock Raid on 26 Year OId Breonna Taylors Apartment in 2020," that "Caused Her Tragic Death!" -(Note that, "Multiple Charges have Been Made Including; (1) "Falsifying An Affidavit," (2) "Lying to The FBI," and, (3) "Using Excessive Force While Executing The Search Warrant."

- Global Cross Media News Universe, Insights, New  Horizons, News Purview's, Global Perspectives- And, "The Time for A Political Renaissance," and "Reawakening Of The People is Needed,"-

"Using Excessive Force by The Police," has "Been An Ongoing Concern of The Diverse Multicultural Rainbow Communities in America," and "These Indictments by The United States Department of Justice" (DOJ) iare "Welcomed!"

And, "May Justice Finally Be Served for Breonna Taylor and Her Family," and also "For The American Judiciary," and "For The Civil Rights of Every American Citizen," in "This Grand Ole Nation," "Republic," "Democracy," and "Government Of The People, By The People, and For The People!"
 -"Global Cross Media News Universe, Insights, New Horizons, News Purview's, Global Perspectives,"-
 -"Global Cross Media and Nationwide News" from "The Washington D.C. Eye" on "The White House Declares A Monkeypox Public Health Emergency"- Extra Noteworthy News-

Thursday, August 4, 2022, "Breaking News Spotlights of The Global Cross Media News Sphere's Reported" that "Health and Human Services Secretary Xavier Becerra Declared Monkeypox A Public Health Emergency!"

Secretary Becerra said During A Call with Reporters and Officials, "We urge every American to take Monkeypox seriously and to take responsibility to help us tackle this virus."

-(Note that, "This is the First Time that Monkeypox has Spread Beyond The Borders of Central and West Africa!" And, "Cases have Been Reported in The United Kingdom," "Europe," "Asia," "Oceania," "Africa," and "North and South America!"

And, "This is A Viral Infection" that "Manifests Itself Several Weeks After Exposure with A Fever," and also "Produces A Rash" and "Lesions (in The Mouth and on Genitals) that "Last for Approximately Two to Four Weeks" Before Drying up," "Crusting" and "Falling Off!"

"Monkeypox Spreads Through: (1) "Close Personal Skin to Skin Contact," (2) "Through Direct Contact with Rashes," or "Via Bodily Fluids from A Infected Person," (3) "Or by Touching Fabrics and Objects" that have "Been Used by Someone who has Monkeypox," or (4) "Via Respiratory Secretions!"

And, "It is Important to Note" that Global Cross Media News Reports are "While Monkeypox is "Not Primarily A Sexually Transmitted Disease" and "Can Affect Anyone," On The Twenty-Eighth of July 2022, "World Health Organization (WHO) Director-General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus Advised Men who have Sex with Men (MSM) to limit exposure by reducing the number of sexual partners, and reconsidering sex with new partners, and maintaining contact details to allow for epidemiological follow up.")-

Note that, "We Live in An Age Where Global" and/or "Regional Health Concerns Can Not Be Ignored!" And, "It is of The Greatest Importance For Each and Every One of Us to Remain Vigilant and Cognizant" of "This New Era of Health and Science Awareness," and "Climate Warming," and "Call Upon The Leaders of The Earths Public and Private Sectors," "Parallel Universes," and "United Sovereign Solar Nations" to "Increase Their Efforts to Guarantee The Safety and Security of The Earths Diverse Multicultural Rainbow Communities, Tapestries, and Fabric Of All The People!"
-"Global Cross Media News Universe, Insights, New Horizons, News Purview's, Global Perspectives"- And, "The Russian Federation Military has Displayed No Respect for The Rules of Peace," "Truce," or "War" as "They Continue to Violate The Sovereignty of Ukraine," and "Their Immoral and Sinful Attack Upon The Ukrainian People!"
"Russia's Unethical," "Unjust," "Malevolent," and "Unprovoked Attack Against The Sovereign Nation of Ukraine is A Disgrace to Mother Russia," and "The Russian People!" And, "A Crime Against Humanity" that "Can Never Be Condoned or Accepted by The United Coalition of Civilized Peace Loving Free Sovereign Solar Nations!"
And, "History Will Record The Falsehoods," and "Actions," of "Russian President Vladimir Putin, in Perpetuity,"  as "An Abominable," "Repugnant," and "Unacceptable Violation of The Human and Sovereign Rights" that "Have Been Viciously," and "Unconscientiously," "Forced Upon The Sovereign Nation of Ukraine!"

And Those Sovereign Nations who have Given Their Support to The Brutality and Cruelty that Members of The Russian Armed Forces have Brought Upon The Innocent Citizens and Children of Ukraine in Their Homes," and "Hospitals," and "Schools and Train Stations," and "On The Streets and In Yards and Mass Graves," are "As Guilty of Committing Crimes Against The Ukrainian People as are The Soldiers and Officers of The Russian Military," and "Their President," who have "Committed Crimes Against The Ukrainian People!"

And "Any Leader of The Church who have Given Their Support to The Rapes," Torture," and "Murder of Innocent Ukrainians," have also "Implicated Themselves in The Genocide that has Occurred in Ukraine Caused by Members of The Russian Armed Forces," For In Doing so have Demonstrated" that "They have No Respect for Themselves," or "Their Families,"or "The Lives of Their Fellow Human Being," and "Sadly so, Have Implicated Mother Russia in Their Sinful Acts of Violence!"

And, "The Russian Armed Forces Violating The Sovereignty of Ukraine" and "Who are Committing Sinful and Malevolent Crimes Against The Ukrainian People," "Should Surrender Their Weapons" and "Return to Mother Russia," and "Ask for Forgiveness for Their Crimes Against The Ukrainian People!" And, "Russian President Vladimir Putin Will have to Live with His Conscious!"

-In Memoriam:

We Would Like to Extend Our Sincerest Heartfelt and Soulful Condolences to The Families of Both The Ukrainian and Russian People, and The Families of Many Others, Journalists, and Foreign Fighters, who have Lost A Love One Due to An Invasion and War that Should Not have Occurred But For The Malicious and Egotistical Decision Making of One Person, Russian President Vladimir Putin, who Will Bear The Responsibility for The Deaths of Your Beloved Friends and Family Members in Perpetuity! And, We Mourn The Loss of Your Love Ones with You!
And, We Extend Our Sincerest Heartfelt and Soulful Condolences to The Families of Love One's who've Died Earthwide Due to The Ongoing Spread of The CoronaVirus Pandemic, As This Tragic Death Toll has Continued to Rise Above Six Million Love Ones to 6, 449, 580 Who have Died, As of Friday, The Twelfth of August 2022! This is A Staggering Heartbreaking Statistic to Imagine and Deeply Disturbing!

And, In The United States of America The Number of Deaths Due to The CoronaVirus Pandemic has Surpassed An Incredible and Traumatic Plateau of One Million to 1, 061, 346 Love Ones!

-In Memoriam:

We Extend Our Sincerest Heartfelt and Soulful Condolences To All The Families and Communities, Globally and Domestically, who have Lost A Loved One Due to Natural Disasters such as Tsunamis, Earthquakes, and Wherever The Path of Hurricanes, Tornadoes, Typhoons, Flood Waters, Mud Slides, and Raging Tides, and Fires have Destroyed Your Homes and Caused The Loss Of Life, and The Loss of Your Love Ones, We Extend Our Sincerest Heartfelt and Soulful Condolences to You, and Mourn Their Loss of Life with You and Your Families, in This Time Period of Grief and Sadness!

And, To All The Families who have Lost A Loved One Due to A Gun Related Act of Violence, Systemic Racism, Prejudice, Police Brutality, or Any Act of Violence Caused by Malevolent Perpetrators who Care Not For The Lives of Their Fellow Human Being, We Mourn Their Loss of Life with You in This Sensitive Time Period of Deeply Felt Despair, Sorrow, Unhappiness, and Trauma!