Monday, March 14, 2022



The Way To Peace! #409

 "Global Cross Media News Universe, Insights, New Horizons, News Purview's, and Global Perspectives" "A Limited No Fly Zone is An Absolute Necessity in Ukraine"-

"A Limited No Fly Zone is An Absolute Necessity During The War in Ukraine," to "Protect The Children," "Mothers," "Grandparents," "Parents," Hospital Patients," "Infirmed," "The Red Cross," "Nurses and Doctors," "Critical Care," "Healthcare," "Medical Care," "Volunteers," "UNICEF," "Emergency Rescuers," "Religious Authorities," and "Other Individuals and Officials," who have"Been Agreed to by All Parties Involved!" -(Note that, "This Should Be Formalized and Actualized under United Nations Supervision!")-

"The Tragic and Unnecessary Loss of Life over The Past Two Weeks of This Unprovoked and Unjust War Against The Sovereign Nation of Ukraine" and "The More than Two Million Ukrainians who have Been Forced to Leave Their Homes and Nation,"  are "More than Sufficient Reasons for A Limited No Fly Zone to Be Implemented Wherever A Humanitarian Corridor has Been Agreed to by Ukrainian and Russian Officials!"

"The Earths Diverse Communities" have "Been Witnesses to The Malevolent Attacks Upon Ukrainian Civilians," "Hospitals," "Homes," and "In Their Transportation Vehicles," and "On The Streets" of "Their Cities and Neighborhoods," "Unjustifiably by Russian Armed Forces," and "Whatever Code of Ethics Dealing with Humanitarian Concerns that May have Been Agreed to by Russian and Ukrainian Officials" have "Been Violated over and over Again, Inexplicably and Viciously by Russian Bombardments,"  that have "Been Seen on Global and Domestic Newscasts," and "via The Global Cross Media Internet Services Earthwide in Tragic Video Montages," and "Filmed Displays of Heartbreaking Pictures of Children Lying Dead with Family Members," and also "Innocent Victims who had No Defense from The Deadly Russian Bombardments that have Taken Their Lives!"

And, "It is Clearly Apparent" that "A Limited No Fly Zone Must Be Set Up to Protect The Lives of The Innocent who  have "Been Forced to Leave Their Homes and Livelihoods Behind," Because of "One Man's Vengeful," "Egocentric," and "Malicious Behavior," and "Misleading and False Pretenses," that "He has Told The Citizens of Mother Russia," and "His Armed Forces," that are "A Clear Violation Against The Integrity and Sovereignty of Ukraine!"
And, "Before Another Two Weeks Go by with An Indeterminable, But with The Certainty that Thousands More Will Die in This Unprovoked War Against The People of Ukraine," and that "Millions More Will Be Forced to Leave Their Homes to Protect Their Children from The Ravages of An Immoral War Against Their Nation," "A Limited Fly Zone Must Be Agreed to," and "Established for Humanitarian Purposes Immediately," (If Not "An Unlimited Fly Zone")!

"Time is of The Essence," with "The Survival and Lives of The Innocent Lying in The Balance!" And, "The Question" is, "How many Innocent Lives Will Be Saved or Lost!"