Tuesday, February 1, 2022



The Way To Peace! #406

-"Global Cross Media News Universe, Insights, New Horizons, News Purview's, and Global Perspectives"- "An Era of Choice"-

"Here We are Existing in An Age of Choices" that "Can Cause Either Irreparable Damage and Death to The Earths Diverse Communities, Tapestry, and Fabric of "The Earths Sovereign Solar Nations," or "The Grand Renaissance Of Humanity into An Extraordinary Enlightened Age of Cognition," "Omniscience," "Intelligence," "Compassion," "The Right to Vote," "Justice," "Truth," "Innovation," "Grand Initiatives," "Limitless Opportunities," "Equality," "Economic Parity, "Freedom," and "Peace!"
"Imagine The Choices from A Historical Purview," Such as; "A Magnificent Illuminating Cloud of Universal Information Connected" to "A Extraordinary Global Library of Computers," "Books," "Music," "Art," "Periodicals," and "Historical Data Freely Available In An Earthwide Location of Family Centers," and also "Made Available For Use in Each and Every Home," via "The Parallel Universes of Public and Private Galaxies" of "A Technological State of Wonderment of Universal Systems!" "All Secured and Safe from Cyber Criminals," and "Officially Supported State Governments of Dictatorships," and "One-Man-Rule Forms of Governance," "Autocracies" and "Domestic and International Terrorists!" "Or  by Whomever," and "Wherever Crimes Against All Humanity is Being Committed!" 
And, "Imagine with Your Prescience," "How These New Choices Cloud Wise," "Earthwise," and "Universally," " Can Transcend The Conditioned Existential Time/Space Reality" that has "Impeded," and "Controlled The Lives of Billions of People Earthwide," from "Reaching Their Potential" and/or "Resigning Themselves to Believe" that "They Can Not Reach" nor "Will They ever Obtain Their Life's Goals," and "Potentialities!"
And, "Imagine from A Purely Human Perspective," "How The Choices Made by Imperialists," "Autocrats," "Dictators," "Warmongers," and "Violent Militia Groups Affect The Lives of "Mothers and Fathers," "Grandmothers and Grandfathers," "Sisters and Brothers," and Daughters and Sons," have "Been Traumatized," and "Made Distraught and Devastated," "Shattered and Destroyed Due to The Senseless," "Dehumanizing," and "Egotistical Acts and Decisions," "Made by These Ineffectual," "Futile," and "Vain Attempts to Control and Dominate The Lives of Their Fellow Human Being!""Truly Too Many Tears of Sorrow," "Sadness," and "Love," have "Fallen from The Eyes of Too Many Love Ones!"
"When Instead Leaders of The Earths United Coalition of Sovereign Solar Nations," Whether They Be of "The Parallel Universes of The Public and Private Sectors," or "Religious Leaders," or "Whatever Their Choice of Global or Domestic Industry May Be," "Should Be Actively Engaged in Making A Better Life's Experience for All The Youth of This Planet Earth," and "A Safe Environmental and Ecological Experience For Today's Generation," and "The Future Generations who Will Travel The Seas," "Skies," "Lands," and "Universe" of "This Sacred Planet Earth!" "For War is Not The Answer to Solving The Problems and Intense Issues of Today's Sociological and Political Affairs," "Diplomatic Efforts are!"
And, "Violence is Not The Answer to Solving The Deep Concerns" that "The Earths Populace May Be Experiencing Because of Global Health Pandemics," "Food Shortages," "Homelessness," or "Poverty," Opening Up Dialogues with Each Other," and "Our Nations Respected Leaders," in "Our Nations Capitols," "Cities," "Town Halls," "Online Thru The Global Social Media," and "On Our Homes and Places of Worship," are "All Positive Steps Forward Towards Solving Our Problems!"
And, "Providing Historical Content and Data for The Youth of The Earth to Learn from," and "Be Taught by Professors," "Public School Teachers," "Parents," and "Trustworthy Educators of All Backgrounds and Experience," is "The Path Forward to A Bold," "Vigorous," Cognitive," "Intelligent," and "New Era of Common Sense," "Purpose," Unanimity," "Equality," "Reason to Believe," "Justice," "Happiness," "Love For Your Fellow Human Being," "Freedom and "Peace!"
 -Extra Noteworthy News- Global Cross Media News Reports are Wednesday, The 26th of January 2022, "Stephen Gerald Breyer Associate Justice" of "The Supreme Court of the United States since 1994" has "Decided that He Intends to Retire from The Supreme Court at The End of His Term!"

And, Thursday, The Twenty-Seventh of January 2022, "Stephen Gerald Breyer Associate Justice of "The Supreme Court of the United States Joined President Biden at The White House to Announce His Retirement,"

"This Decision by Justice Breyer Will Allow President Joseph Robinette Biden Jr. to Make Good on His Pledge" to "Nominate The First Black Woman to Serve on The Supreme Court!"

-Global Cross Media News Reports are Wednesday, The 19th of January 2022, "The United States Supreme Court Voted Eight to One" to "Refuse to Block The Jan.6 Committee from Receiving Ex- President Donald John Trump's Administration Documents and Records from The National Archives!"

"This U.S. Supreme Court Decision Will Greatly Assist The Jan. 6 Committee Learn Exactly What The Ex-President was Doing" as "The United States Capitol was Being Attacked by A Violent Mob!"

And, "This Supreme Court Decision Adds to The Civil and Criminal Cases from The States of New York to Georgia," that "The Ex- President" and "Several of His Family Members are Presently Facing!"

-Extra Noteworthy News-
Sunday, The Thirtieth of January 2022, "In A Letter, District Attorney of Fulton County, Georgia, Fani T. Willis," who is "Investigating Ex-President Trump's Efforts to Overturn the 2020 Election in The State," has "Asked The Atlanta FBI Field Office" to "Immediately conduct  risk assessment of the Fulton County Courthouse and Government Center, and that you provide protective resources to include intelligence and federal agents."

"This Request was Made After Provocative Comments were Made by the Ex-President on Saturday, The Twenty-Ninth of January 2022," at "A Rally in Texas!"  

-(Note that, Thursday, The Twentieth of January 2022, Global Cross Media News Reports are "The House Select Committee Investigating The January 6th Attack on The United States Capitol Invited Ivana Marie "Ivanka" Trump (In A Letter)" to "Give A Voluntary Testimony Before The Committee to Reveal Any Pertinent Information She May have While She was with Her Father, Ex-President Trump in The White House on The Sixth of January, 2021," and also "During The Moments She was with Him in The Oval Office on The Sixth," "As The United States Capitol was Being Attacked by A Violent Mob!"

"The Committee said that it has Evidence that Ivanka Trump was "In Direct Contact" with her father on the day of the riot and that she may have "Direct Knowledge" of the former President's efforts to convince then-Vice President Mike Pence to block Congress' certification of the 2020 Election Results." 

Note that, "The Letter Cites A Phone Conversation that The Ex-President had with Vice President Pence on The Morning of January 6th in the Oval Office, For Which Ivanka was Present."

And that, "House Select Committee Chairman Bennie Gordon Thompson," Democrat from The State of Mississippi,  said, "Joseph Keith Kellogg Jr., Pence's National Security Advisor, (A Retired Lieutenant General in The U.S. Army) was also there for the call, and he told thee select committee he recalled the former President encouraging Pence to reject states' electoral votes during the joint session of congress or delay the counting of the votes.")-

"The Question" is "Isn't It Time for The Truth and Nothing but The Truth to Be Revealed about The Ex-President" and "The Trump Organization!"

-(Note that, Friday, The Twenty-Eighth of January 2022, Global Cross Media News Reports are "The January 6 Committee has Subpoenaed Fourteen People from "Seven States" Tied to "The Alternate Fake Trump Electors Plot!"

"The Committee is Seeking Information, Documents, and Testimony Whom The Committee says Met and Submitted False Electoral College Certificates from "Arizona, Georgia, Michigan,New Mexico, Nevada,Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin!" )-

-"Global Cross Media News Universe, Insights, New Horizons, News Purview's and Global Perspectives"- "After Meetings with "The United States of America" at the Conference on Disarmament in Geneva, Switzerland," and "at the Russia NATO Council in Brussels," The Capitol of Belgium, and "at the Organization for Co-operation and Security in Europe (OSCE) in Vienna," The Capitol of Austria," "The Desired Results Needed to Deescalate The Military and Political Tensions at The Ukraine/Russian Border" have "Not Yet Occurred!"
And, "The Question" of "Why has The Russian Federation Amassed Approximately One Hundred and Twenty Thousand of Its Armed Forces on The Border of The Sovereign Nation of Ukraine Still Looms Over The The European Union (EU)," "The United States of America," and "The United Coalition of Sovereign Solar Nations!" And, "Is This The Way to Conduct Diplomatic Relations" in The 21st Century!" Or, "Is This Just Another Example of Old School Diplomacy and Politics" by "The Russian Federation!"-

And, "After The  Meetings on Wednesday, The Nineteenth of January 2022" with "U.S. Secretary of State Antony John Blinken and Ukrainian President Volodymyr Oleksandrovych Zelenskyy," and "Foreign Minister Dmytro Ivanovich Kuleba" in Kyiv, to "Discuss The Threat of The Russian Troop Buildup!" And, "New Meetings with U.S. Allies France and Germany," in Berlin, and "Yet Another Meeting in Geneva, Switzerland with Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Viktorovich Lavrov" on The Twenty-First of January, 2022, " in "An Attempt to De-escalate Tensions over The Russian Troop Buildup at The Sovereign Nation of Ukraine Thru Diplomatic Measures," "The Results" are "U.S. Secretary of State Antony John Blinken" and "Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Viktorovich Lavrov" have "Agreed to Continue Their Diplomatic Efforts" in "An Attempt to Resolve The Differences that The United States and Russia have over The Sovereign Nation of Ukraine and NATO During The Week of The Twenty-Fourth of January 2022!"
And, "As The Intensity Continues to Grow to New Levels of Deep Concern Amongst All Sovereign Nations Involved in This Potential Crisis," Tuesday, The Twenty-Fifth of January 2022, "German Chancellor Olaf Scholz Met with French President Emmanuel Jean-Michel Frederic Macron" in Berlin, Germany, to "Discuss A Coordinated Response Should Russia" indeed "Invade Ukraine," and "Both Leaders also Welcomed The Diplomatic Efforts to Resolve The Russian/Ukrainian Crisis," in Paris, France" on "Wednesday, The Twenty-Sixth of January 2022," with "Ukrainian and Russian Federation Negotiators," In Addition to "French and German Advisors!"
And, on Friday, The Twenty-Eighth of January 2022, Global Cross Media Reports are "French President Emmanuel Jean-Michel Frederic Macron," and "Russian President Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin Spoke via Phone" to "Gain Further Insight into "What President Putin's Intentions are," and "What Assurances The EU, U.S., and Ukraine Can Derive or Glean from President Putin's Statement" on Tuesday, The Twenty-Fifth of January 2022 that "His Country will not launch a war with Ukraine!" 
"Which Would Make Sense," "Why!" Because, "There is No Logic" or "Common Sense in Doing so!" 
And, "If The Russian Federation Violated The Sovereignty of Ukraine by An Invasion," "What Respect Would Russia ever have Again Earthwide Among The Earths Populace," and "The Leaders of The Earths United Coalition of Sovereign Solar Nations!" "None Would Be An Honest Assessment!"
And, "What Explanation Would Be Acceptable to The Mothers and Fathers of Russian and Ukrainian Troops" that "Would Ease The Pain of Losing Their Children and Family Members Because of An Egotistical Decision to Violate The Sovereign Territory of Ukraine!"
"And, "How Many More Lives have To Be Lost Because of The Hubris," and/or "Lust of Power of A Leader of A Sovereign Nation!"
And, "It is Simply Incomprehensible with An Earthwide Pandemic" "Still Threatening The United Coalition Sovereign Solar Nations," that "The Leaders of The Russian Federation are Displaying An Unconscionable Inhumane and Callous Strategy" to "Accomplish Whatever It is Their Attention is to Accomplish!"
"Surely, It Can Not Be to Build A System of Offshore Natural Gas Pipelines (Nord Stream) in Europe," Nations," and "Provide Energy for The EU," and/or "The United Coalition of Sovereign Solar Nations Earthwide!"

"Whatever The Russian Federation Strategy is," "The Religious Leaders of This Sovereign Nation," and "The Religious," "Sovereign," and "Business Leaders of The European Union (EU)," "NATO," and "The Earths Coalition of United Sovereign Solar Nations," "NATO," and "The United States of America," "Must Speak Out Concisely," "Candidly," "Precisely" "Forcefully," and "In All Clarity to Russian President Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin," and "Counsel Him" to "Cease and Desist from Any Thought and/or Consideration of Aggression Towards The People" and "Sovereign Nation of Ukraine!"

And, "Instead Take His Place as A Peacemaker," and "Purposefully and Conscientiously Lead The Way to A Twenty-First Century Peace Initiative," and "Universal Rights Initiative For All The People of The Earths Sovereign Solar Nations, who Long to Live in Peace," "Freedom," "Equality," "Equanimity," "Global Equilibre," and "Social Security!"

And, "Add His Leadership Abilities to The Voices of Respected Earthwide and Earthwise Leaders" and "Inspire and Guide The Youth of The Earth in The Ways of Peace," and "Non-Violence!"

And, "Let Diplomacy Lead The Way To Solving The Differences that Exist Between Sovereign Nations," and "Build Bridges of Cooperation and Trust," 'Wherever Distrust," "War," and "Conflict," "Threaten The Peaceful Coexistence of All The People of The Earth!"
 -(Note that, Global Cross Media News Reports are "Wednesday, The Twenty-Sixth of January 2022," In Response to Russia's Demands, "The United States of America has Given The Russia Federation," "A Letter with No Concessions about Russia's Concerns over Ukraine," and "NATO!" However, "The Path of Diplomacy Remains Open to Resolving This Escalating Crisis," and "Return to Cold War Era by Russian President Putin!")-
  -"Global Cross Media News Universe, Insights, New Horizons, News Purview's, and Global Perspectives"- "Within The Parallel Universes of The Public and Private Sectors," "The Truth," "A Code of Behavior and Ethical Demeanor," and "Justice" are "Paramount to The Overall Sociological and Business Affairs" that "Serve We The People In Our Courts of Law," and "Governments!"

Within The Parallel Universes that Govern The Earths United Coalition of Sovereign Solar Nations The Leaders of Government," "National," "State," "City," and "Local," "One and All, Must Serve The Public with The Truth," "and "Provide Law and Order," and "The Protection of The Constitution Rights of Every Citizen!" And, "Leading by Exemplary Representation of Our Highest Ideals!" And, "Protecting The Right to Vote," and "Racial and Gender Equality," and "Religious Freedom," and "Economic Parity," and "Non-Inflationary Business Practices!"

"Within The Parallel Universes of The Diverse Rainbow Communities, Tapestry, and Fabric Of All The People" "Creative," "Innovative," "Humanitarian," "Philanthropic," and "Purposeful Ideas," are "Of The Greatest Significance in Building A Society" that "Represents All The People," and "The Values and Traditions Of The People," and "A Code of Morality that Embraces The Principles of An Enlightened Society and System Of The People" that "Rejects The Big Lies," "False Rhetoric," and "Partisan Politics of Hubris," that "Threatens The Core Principles and Beliefs" that "Our Parents," and "Their Parents Taught to Their Children!" And, "Where Honesty was at The Root of Our Upbringing!"

"Within The Parallel Universes of The Earths United Coalition of Sovereign Solar Nations of The Twenty-First Century," "War and Poverty Should have No Place in The Evolution of The Earths Societies!" And, "Peace," "Unanimity," "Respect For The Culture of Your Fellow Human Being," Music and Art," "Dance and Theatre," "Empathy," "Equanimity and and Global Equilibre Among All Sovereign Solar Nations," "Freedom," "Opportunity," "Equality," and "The Pursuit of Happiness," are "The Tapestry of A Bold New Civilization that Should Be Acknowledged as The Universal Model for A Grand New Renaissance Of Humanity," that "Is All Inclusive of An Environmental and Ecological Universe of Sentient Existentialism!"

And, Within The Parallel Universes of The Twenty-First Century, "Women and Men of All Sovereign Solar Nations Must Continue to Come Forth When Faced with "The Violation of Their Human Rights," and "When Faced with Leaders of Sovereign Solar Nations who "Threaten The Peace," and "Demand that "These Leaders Be Tried In International Courts of Law for Committing Crimes Against Humanity!" And, "Or Vote Them Out of Office in The Next Election Period!" 

"For No Woman or Man Should Be Permitted to Lead The Children of His Nation to War Against Another Sovereign Solar Nation" without "A Just," and "Unmistakable and Undeniable Cause," that has "The Total Support of All Free," "United," and "Respected Peace Loving Nations of The Earths Communities!" And, "Let Us One and All," who Exist in The Billions," Be A Great Soul Force Of The People," and "Truth!"   and Justice For One and All!"
"The Youth of The Earth Deserve Nothing Less than This to Guarantee Their Present and Futures Will Safely and Securely Thrive and Evolve" into "An Era of Unlimited Universal Earthrise and Earthwise Potentialities and Being!"
-"Global Cross Media News Universe, Insights, New Horizons, News Purview's, and Global Perspectives"- "There is No Honor in Attacking and Degrading The Integrity," and "Good Reputations" of "Our Healthcare Workers," "Nurses," "Doctors," and "Scientists!"-

-"Global Cross Media and Nationwide News" from "The Washington D.C. Eye" on "The Sociological Affairs Of The Republic," "Democracy," and "The Government Of The People, By The People, and For The People"- Extra Noteworthy News-

Wednesday, The Nineteenth of January 2022, Global Cross Media News Reports are "The White House Plans" to "Distribute Four Hundred Million N-95 (or KN95) Face Masks from The Strategic National Stockpile for Free," to "Pharmacies" and "Community Health Centers," to "Fight Against The Ongoing Spread of The Omicron and Delta Variants," "Beginning The  Week of The Twenty-Fourth of January 2022!" "These are High Quality Masks," and are "Highly Advisable for Use and Protection Against The CoronaVirus!"

And, Tuesday, The Eighteenth of January 2022, Global Cross Media News Reports are "The  
White House Confirmed" that "Five Hundred Million Free Covid-19 Tests Will Be Made Available on Wednesday, The Nineteenth of January 2022," at https://.covidtests.gov.

Or go directly to The U.S. Postal Service (USPS) order form here: https://special.usps.com/testkits.
"A Maximum of Four Tests Will Be Shipped Directly to Each U.S. Household!"

"The Biden/Harris Administration is to Be Commended for This Ongoing Initiative to Save Lives," and "Protect Our Families from The CoronaVirus," and "It's Deadly Variants!"

-(Note that, "The Biden/Harris Administration Will Be Launching "A Free Call Line," in the Near Future!")-  

Wednesday, The Twelfth of January 2022, Global Cross Media News Reports are "In Order to To Protect The Lives of The Youth of America," from "The CoronaVirus," and "Its Variants,"  and "To Keep Schools from Closing," "The White House Will Begin Providing Ten Million COVID Tests per Month to Schools" (Five Million Rapid Tests, and "Five Million Lab-Based PCR Tests")-

And, Tuesday, The Eleventh of January 2022, Global Cross Media News Reports are "The White House has "Chosen Dr. Thomas Vincent "Tom" Inglesby Jr., the "Former Director of John Hopkins Center for Health Security at The John Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health,"  as "Its New COVID Testing Coordinator!"

"Let There Be No Doubt" that "History Will Provide Us with A Frank and Candid In Depth Insight," "Overview," and "Factual Study," of "The Manipulation of The Truth," and "The Attempts to Revise The Truth of The U.S. Presidential Election in 2020," and "The Immoral and Unethical Attempts to Degrade The Significant Contribution Made by Scientists," and "Medical Experts," (Such as Dr. Anthony Stephen Fauci)!

And, "Especially, If We Focus on "The CoronaVirus Pandemic," "Political Events," and "Sociological Affairs,"that "Permeated The Parallel Universes of The Public and Private Sectors" "Beginning in June of 2015!"

However, "The Gravity of Attacks Upon The Scientific and Medical Community" Made by "Politicians who Took An Oath to Represent The People," and "Defend The Constitution Against All Enemies Foreign and Domestic," "Should Be Recorded in The Annals of History," as "A Crime Against All of Humanity," Especially, at "A Time Period when More than Five Million People have Died from The CoronaVirus Pandemic Earthwide," (and "More than Eight Hundred Thousand in The United States of America) and "When Climate Warming has Threatened The Earths Populace" with "The Possibility of Extinction!"

"It is Unimaginable to See The Politicization of A Deadly Pandemic Be Engaged in" by "Whomever," or "Irregardless of Political Party Taking Place!"

And then, "There is The Questions" of, "Why Would Anyone," or "To What Purpose Would A Political Party," "Actually Engage in Politicizing A Pandemic" that has "Caused The Deaths of Millions of Love Ones Earthwide," is "Incomprehensible!"
"For What Possible gain, "Power," "Hubris," "Control," "Monetary Gain," "For What Purpose!"

"There have Been Too Many Deaths Caused by The Ongoing Spread of CoronaVirus," and "Its Variants!" "Too Many Deaths," "Mothers," "Fathers," "Sons and Daughters," "Sisters, and Brothers," "Grandparents," "Aunts and Uncles," "Nieces and Nephews," "Friends and Neighbors," Yes, "There have"Been Too Many Deaths For Anyone" to "Engage in Partisan Politics!"

"As of Monday, The Thirty-First of January 2022, 907, 190 Innocent Lives have Died in The United States of America, and 75, 578, 076 Innocent People have Been Infected by The CoronaVirus and Its Deadly Variants!" "Incredulously Surpassing The 900,000 Plateau of Deaths!"

And, "Earthwide, An Unimaginable 5, 682, 189 have Died," and "375, 374, 614 Innocent Love Ones have Been Infected!"

And, "History has Shown Us in Lesson after Lesson," and "In Event after Event," all throughout "The Ages of Humankind," "The Futility and Pointlessness" of "Egotistical One- Man- Rule Forms of Governance," "Dictatorships," and "Autocracies!" And, "It Should Be Absolutely Clear" that "United We Stand," But "Divided We Will Fall into An Abyss of Depravity," "Destruction," "Death," "Homelessness," and "Destitution!"

"So For The Sake of The Youth of The Earths United Coalition of Sovereign Solar Nations," and "All of Our Future and Present Generations Let Us Non-Violently Cast Out," or "Vote Out of Office Any Political Official who Does Not have The Best Interests of All The People," "Firmly in Their Hearts," "Souls," "Spirits," and "Minds!"
-"Global Cross Media News Universe, Insights, New Horizons, News Purview's, and Global Perspectives"- 
-"Global Cross Media and Nationwide News" from "The Washington D.C. Eye" on "US Unemployment Insurance Claims for The Week Ending The Twenty-Second of January 2022"-

Global Cross Media News Reports are Thursday, The Twenty-Seventh of January 2021, "The Bureau of Labor Announced" that "There were Two Hundred and Sixty Thousand New U.S. Unemployment Insurance Claims," "Even Though Rising Inflation," "The Ongoing Spread of The Omicron Variant and "Supply Chain Problems," have "Created Obstacles for The Biden/Harris Administration Plans" to "Rebuild The U.S. Economy!"
However, "While U.S. Unemployment Insurance Claims Continues to Remain" at "A New Pandemic Era Low," since The Twenty-First of March 2020," and "The GDP (Gross Domestic Product) Increased at An Annual Rate of 6.9%," and "The Unemployment Rate is at 3.9%," Global Cross Media News Reports are "The Federal Reserve Plans to Begin The Gradual Increase in Interest Rates in March of 2022" in "An Effort to Control Inflation,"  and "America is Still in Dire Need of Financial Relief," and "Investment in The Future of The Infrastructure of This Grand Ole Nation," as "Proposed in, (1) "The Biden/Harris/Democratic $1.75 Trillion Dollar Build Back Better Act" ("The Human Infrastructure Bill,") and, (2) "The $1.2 Trillion Dollar Bipartisan Infrastructure Bill!" in The Fourth Quarter of 2021," "The Largest Gain since 1984

And, "It is Essential" for "The Biden/Harris Administration," to "Continue on Their Cognitive Path" to "Bring Back Jobs," and "Job Security in The United States of America!"

And that, "They Follow Their Economic Vision Path On Course Towards Achieving An Economic Re-birth in America," that "Leads to of A Bold New Civilization" "Excluding No One," and "Has The Grand Potential of "Uniting The Nation," Which is Especially Needed "During A Time Period When The Politics of Obstruction" and "Restrictions to The Right to Vote in America," and "The Lust for Power," "Initiated by The Republican Party" are "Dividing The Nation!"

And, "It also Continues to Demonstrate The Importance of The Democratic Party" to "Stand United and Committed to The Biden/Harris Administration Economic Vision," and "Pledge to Bring Back America," and "Stand Firmly in The Path of Republican Obstruction," and "Stand as A United Party Representing The American People Against The GOP's Efforts to Impede and Prevent Making A Better Life for All Americans!"
And, "Standing Up, as A Legislative and Political Soul Force for The Social Security," and "Economic Parity," that "Would Be of Benefit to The Poor," "The Middle Class," "The Public Sector," and "Small Businesses," and "Place A Fair Tax Upon Large Business Corporations," and "The Wealthy!"

"The Hard Work that Lies Ahead for The Biden/Harris Administration, and The Democratic Party Can Not Be Underestimated," Because "It has Become Increasingly Obvious that The Republican Party," ("The Grand Ole Party No More"), has "No Sincere Interest or Intention of Creating Policy," "Programs," or "Policies" that are "Of Benefit to The American People," and "Their Families Welfare!" And, "It has Become More and More Obvious" that "The GOP has Become The Party of The Big Lie," and "Non Truths!"

And, "Let There Be No Doubt" that "It Will Take A Balanced and Progressive," "Earthwise and Streetwise Vision," "United in Purpose" and "Devoted in Commitment," "For The House and Senate Democrats and The Democratic Party Nationwide" to "Represent The Will Of The People," and "All that is In The Best Interests Of The People!"

And, "This Moment in Time" and "Moments Like This that Arise in The Future," are "Why President Biden and Vice President Harris" and "Democrats were Voted into Power," and "Why Former President Trump and Former Vice President Pence," and "The Republicans were Voted Out of Power!"
And, "Let There Be No Doubt" that "The Overall Support of The American Voting Public in The 2022 and 2024 Elections Will Be Essential in Maintaining and Building A Strong Democratic Majority in Both The U.S. House of Representatives," and "The U.S. Senate!" "Which Will Be Crucial for America's Continued Economic," "Healthcare," and "Sociological Evolution!" And, "The Empowerment and Continued Support of The U.S. Democracy!"
-Extra Noteworthy News-

Global Cross Media News Reports are Wednesday, The 19th of January 2022, "The United States Supreme Court Voted Eight to One" to "Refuse to Block The Jan. 6 Committee from Receiving Ex- President Donald John Trump's Administration Documents and Records from The National Archives!"

"This U.S. Supreme Court Decision Will Greatly Assist The Jan. 6 Committee Learn Exactly What The Ex-President was Doing" as "The United States Capitol was Being Attacked by A Violent Mob!"

And, "This Supreme Court Decision Adds to The Civil and Criminal Cases from The States of New York to Georgia," that "The Ex- President" and "Several of His Family Members are Presently Facing!"

-Extra Noteworthy News-
Sunday, The Thirtieth of January 2022, "In A Letter, District Attorney of Fulton County, Georgia, Fani T. Willis," who is "Investigating Ex-President Trump's Efforts to Overturn the 2020 Election in The State," has "Asked The Atlanta FBI Field Office" to "Immediately conduct  risk assessment of the Fulton County Courthouse and Government Center, and that you provide protective resources to include intelligence and federal agents."

"This Request was Made After Provocative Comments were Made by the Ex-President on Saturday, The Twenty-Ninth of January 2022," at "A Rally in Texas!"  

-(Note that, Thursday, The Twentieth of January 2022, Global Cross Media News Reports are "The House Select Committee Investigating The January 6th Attack on The United States Capitol Invited Ivana Marie "Ivanka" Trump (In A Letter)" to "Give A Voluntary Testimony Before The Committee to Reveal Any Pertinent Information She May have While She was with Her Father, Ex-President Trump in The White House on The Sixth of January, 2021," and also "During The Moments She was with Him in The Oval Office on The Sixth," "As The United States Capitol was Being Attacked by A Violent Mob!"

"The Committee said that it has Evidence that Ivanka Trump was "In Direct Contact" with her father on the day of the riot and that she may have "Direct Knowledge" of the former President's efforts to convince then-Vice President Mike Pence to block Congress' certification of the 2020 Election Results." 

Note that, "The Letter Cites A Phone Conversation that The Ex-President had with Vice President Pence on The Morning of January 6th in the Oval Office, For Which Ivanka was Present."

And that, "House Select Committee Chairman Bennie Gordon Thompson," Democrat from The State of Mississippi,  said, "Joseph Keith Kellogg Jr., Pence's National Security Advisor, (A Retired Lieutenant General in The U.S. Army) was also there for the call, and he told thee select committee he recalled the former President encouraging Pence to reject states' electoral votes during the joint session of congress or delay the counting of the votes.")-

"The Question" is "Isn't It Time for The Truth and Nothing but The Truth to Be Revealed about The Ex-President" and "The Trump Organization!"

-(Note that, Friday, The Twenty-Eighth of January 2022, Global Cross Media News Reports are "The January 6 Committee has Subpoenaed Fourteen People from "Seven States" Tied to "The Alternate Fake Trump Electors Plot!"

"The Committee is Seeking Information, Documents, and Testimony Whom The Committee says Met and Submitted False Electoral College Certificates from "Arizona, Georgia, Michigan,New Mexico, Nevada,Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin!" )-
  -"Global Cross Media and Nationwide News" from "The Washington D.C. Eye" on "The Sociological Affairs Of The Republic," "Democracy," and "The Government Of The People, By The People, and For The People"- And, "Justice Must Prevail in The U.S." "There is Too Much at Stake!" Besides The Fate of The U.S. Democracy," "The Judiciary Must Not Become A Tool of Partisan Politics!" "The Question" is, "Has The Court Become Too Politicized to Judge and Rule Fairly!"-

"If The US Supreme Court has Become too Politicized to Judge Cases Before Them by Constitutional Standards," (1) "Term Limits Should Be Placed on The Confirmation of Each Newly Elected Justice," and/or, (2) "A Larger US Supreme Court Should Be Considered in The Immediate Future" by "The Biden/Harris Administration," and "The United States Congress!"

"The Twenty-First Century Demands Unbiased and Interdependent Considerations and Contemplation's by "The Nations Judiciary!" "The Reasons Being, in Most Cases," are "Due to The Demands of These Changing Times,"

And, "Issues that have Been Constitutionally Decided Upon Must Be Given First Priority in The Nations Courts For The Sake," "Stability," and "Security Of All The People," and "The Trust and Belief" that "The American People have for The Laws of The Land!"

And, "Whether or Not The Nations Courts Can Judge Fairly," and "Especially The US Supreme Court," has "Come Under Intense Scrutiny in The View Point and Minds of The American People!"

And, "As Lady Justice Looks Down Upon The Supreme Court," and "The Nations Judiciary," "The Question" is, "Will The US Supreme Court Rise to The Moral and Ethical Challenge that "Faces Them in The Twenty-First Century," and "Specifically in Regards to "The Constitutional Right of An American Women's Right to Choose," "Roe v. Wade," "Racial Issues," "The Proliferation of Ghost Guns," "New Gun Reform Cases," and "Immigration Reform!"

-(Note that, "A Women's Constitutional Right to Choose is On Trial," Once Again, "In America!" And, "One Begins to Wonder If Their Inalienable Rights to Live as Equal Citizens in The United States of America Will ever Be Fully Respected!")-

-"Global Cross Media News Universe, Insights, New Horizons, News Purview's, and Global Perspectives"-

-"Global Cross Media and Nationwide News" from "The Washington D.C. Eye" on "The Sociological Affairs Of The Republic," "Democracy," and "The Government Of The People, By The People, and For The People"-  And, "Any Elected Official who Voted Against America's Constitutional Right to Vote Should Be Considered A Betrayer of One of The Essential Core Principles of American Democracy" and "The American People," until "They have Patriotically Redeemed Themselves"-

Whether It Be  "The Freedom to Vote Act" or "The John Lewis Voting Rights Advancement Act of 2021,"  to "Counter The Numerous State Legislatures with Republican Majorities who have Passed Voter Restriction Legislation" in "Their Vain and Undemocratic Attempt" to "Prevent Their Fellow Americans Constitutional Right to Vote," "The Democratic Party," and "The Biden/Harris Administration Must Resolve Their Differences of Opinion," and "Unify Their Efforts and Approach in Order that They Pass Either "The Freedom to Vote Act," or "The John Lewis Voting Rights Advancement Act of 2021!" "A New Initiative Must Be Engaged in by The Democratic Party to Guarantee The Right to Vote For Every American Citizen!"

 -"Global Cross Media News Universe, Insights, New Horizons, News Purview's, Global Perspectives"-  And, "The Filibuster Must Be Reformed"-

"It Should Be Perfectly Obvious to Any Democrat," ("Moderate, ""Conservative, ""Independent," or "Liberal"), that "Filibuster Reform is A Necessity," Especially If They are Sincere about Preventing Republican Obstructionism," and "The GOP's Attempts to Turn The United States of America into An Autocracy/One-Man-Rule Form Of Governance!"

And also, "If They, The Democrats are Sincere about Passing Legislation" that "Supports and Empowers The Diverse Rainbow Communities, Tapestry, and Fabric Of The American People!" And that, "Unites The Nation Around The Democratic Principles of The U.S. Constitution," "Then Filibuster Reform Must Take Place," so that "The Democracy Can Survive!"
And/or, "For The United States of America to Continue to Move Ever Forward Towards Becoming A Bold and Cognitive Government Of The People, By The People, and For The People" of "The Twenty-First Century," and, "Continue to Maintain Its Place" as "One of The Leaders of The United Coalition of Sovereign Solar Nations of The Earth," and "Freedom," "Peace," and "Justice For One and All," "The Filibuster Must Not Be Used as A Weapon Against America's Democracy," and "Must Be Reformed Immediately!"

-In Memoriam: "Today is International Holocaust Remembrance Day!"

"Let Us Remember The Love Ones who were Cruelly and Brutally Killed in Nazi Concentration Camps of World War II!"
And that, "Hate and Prejudice Can Not Be Condoned by Any Civilized Society!" And, Has No Place in Our Lives," and "The Live of Future Generations in Perpetuity!"

And, "The Lives of The Youth of The Diverse Rainbow Communities, Tapestry, and Fabric Of The Earths Sovereign Solar Nations Must Be Protected from Ever Experiencing The Evil Acts of Violence that was Brought to Bear upon The Millions upon Millions of Innocent People who were Tortured and Died in Nazi Concentration Camps!"

And, On This Day of Remembrance, "Let Us Never Forget The Brave and Courageous Nations whose United Armed Forces of Women and Men Fought Against and Defeated The Tyrannical," "Warmongering Acts of Malevolent Egotistical Dictators," and "Pledge to The Survivors," and "The Families who Lost A Mother or Father," Daughter or Son," "Sister or Brother," or "Treasured Family Member," that "We Will Do All that is In Our Power to Prevent The Imprisonment," Torture," and "Death of Our Love Ones from Ever Happening Again!"


The Way To Peace! #27 -(Revisited & Revised)-

"No One said that The Way To Peace Would Be Easy," But, "The Images of The Innocent who have Died along The Way," "Continue to Haunt my Thoughts," and are Ablaze in my Mind, and "Can Not Be Erased or Denied!" And, "Their Lives Must Not Be Lost in Vain!"

"No One has said" that "There Would Not Be Another Warmonger," (Such as President Bashar al-Assad of Syria), whose "Malevolent Intention is to Assassinate," or "Use Chemical Warfare on His Own People," or "Yet Another Child of Peace!"

But, It Must Be Obvious that "Peace Must Prevail in The End!" Why? Because, "We The People" and "Leaders of the Civilized Nations of The Earth Can Not Afford to Be Intimidated by," or "Threatened by Egotistical Bullies," "Brutes," and "Barbarous Beasts of War!"

"The Images of Too Many Innocent Children and Parents," who have "Lost Their Lives Due to Yet Another Escalation of Violence on Earth," are "An Offense to Both my Heart and Soul," and "the Peacemaker, Lover of Life, and Poet that Lies within me!"

And, It makes me Wonder, If I Can Sense This Growing Anger and Storm of Discontent over the Crimes that have Been Committed against Humanity by Rogue Nations," "Dictators," and "Syndicates of Murderer and Criminals," "What Must the Silent Majority of People Be Feeling and Thinking!"

And, "How Much Longer Will It Take Before These Predators of Humankind are Brought to Justice, in Front of An International Court of Law," Conducted by the Civilized Nations of The Earth for "Their Abhorrent Crimes!"

Because, Only then, Will We The People Be Able to Enjoy Our Lives," and "Live in Security Knowing that We are Safe from Harms way!"

But, What Chance Does this Sacred Earth of Ours have of "Living in a Peace Millennium," without "Their Being an Overwhelming Acclamation" and "Global Peace Consensus" amongst "All the Citizens of The World!"

"No One said "It Would Be Easy, But, It Should Be Obvious to any Intelligent," "Compassionate," and "Consciously Aware Interdependent Individual" that "Peace Must Come!"

And, Isn't it Time, that "We All Clearly Understood" that "We Must Demand It," and "Declare It," to "Be Our Wish and Our Goal!"

And, "Let's Sing It Out, Loud and Clear," that "We Desire with All Our Hearts," "Minds," "Spirits," and "Souls," that "We Want to Live in Peace!" And, "Our Global Leaders Must Get this Sentiment" and "Understand the Intensity of It" as, "A Deeply Profound Feeling and Message Of The People, By The People and For The People!"

And, "Mothers and Fathers," "Daughters and Sons," and "Sisters and Brothers," "Do Not Remain Silent" Because, "Too Many of Your Family Members have already Lost Their Lives" to "The Cruelty and Barbarity of War and Violence!" 

And, "There Must Be an End to This Senseless Killing," and "It's Time," once again, "For The Peacemakers and Women and Men of Reason of the Twentieth and Twenty-First Centuries," Who've Experienced the Consequences of War and Violence," and "The Tears upon Tears of Frustration, Deep Sadness," "Mutilation," and "Trauma," to "Come Forth and Lead The Way!"

And, "Together with All The Voices of Reason and Religious and Spiritual Leaders, (Such as Pope Francis), "Continue to Reason with Those" who "Believe" that "Only, Through Violence Can They Achieve Their Goals!"

And, "World Leaders Must Organize and Step Forward," (Such as; U.S. President Joseph R. Biden Jr.) "Whenever there is A Real Opportunity" to Enter into Peace Dialogues with Whomever the Warring Faction May Be, and "Even Declare a Global Truce," Whenever, "A Sincere and Honest Gesture is Being Offered to Find Agreement Wherever Disagreement May Lie, Diplomatically!"

And, "They Must Be Convinced that Violence, Chaos, and Destruction," Only "Leads to More Violence, Chaos and Destruction!" And, "While There Will Be A Victor," "The Cost Will Be So Great" that, In Fact, "There Will Be No Real Winner's or Satisfaction Gained by the Continuation of This Deathly and Brutal Course of Action and Behavior!" 

And, "There is "No Healing Vision or Soothing Words" that "Can Assuage The Pain Experienced," Especially By, or, Of The Families Who've Lost a Loved One!"

If, We are to Truly Build A Peace Movement in The Twenty-First Century that is Lasting, "We Must Discover New Solutions" to "the Problems that Face the Myriad Different Cultures of This Earth's Community of Nations!"

And, "This Global Peace Initiative Must Be Founded in Finding Resolutions" that "Embrace the Ideas and Principles," that "We are All Citizens of This Earth!"

And that, "Each and Everyone of Us Should, therefor, "Be Treated Equally, Respectfully," and "In Equilibre with One Another!"

"It's Time for a New Peace Movement that Challenges Us One and All," from "The Most Vulnerable to the Most Influential!"

And, "We Must Engage Ourselves in This New Peace Initiative and Define It's Purpose and Goals," before "The Leaders of The Earths Sovereign Solar Nations Decide for Us," that "Another UN-Declared War or Pre-Emptive Military Operation," is "The Best Way To Solve Our Problems," Whatever They May Be!" And, once again, "At Our Expense and Loss of Life!" 

"This Would Be Catastrophic and Demoralizing to "A World that is already "Been Too Depressed by The Injustices and Violence of Too Much War, and "Ongoing Conflicts that Last for Decades," (as is on Display in the Middle East, and with North Korea, in East Asia).      

"No One has Ever said that "It Would Be Easy," "We've All Seen the Very Disturbing Images on TV, and In Magazines, or via The Social Media, and Global Cross Media Universe," of "The Casualties of War," and "Violent Aggression!"

But, "How Many More of These Violent Images Must We Endure," Caused by False Illusions, Lies, Deceptions, and Misconceptions," and "the Propaganda of False Political and Religious Ideologies and Rhetoric!" "How Much More Must We Bear!"

"There is already "An Endless Valley of the Dead, Filled to the Brim with The Lives of Innocent Victims," and "Heroines and Heroes" who've "Given Their Lives in One War after Another!"

"Shall We End up Being Remembered as "A Fallen Generation/Millennium," Remembered, Only, "For Our Lack of Determination and Commitment to Live in Peace!"

"Are We to Be Remembered" as "A Fallen Millennium, who "Gave up" and "Lost Hope in Ourselves!"

"Let's Be Clear" that We Need to Embark upon a Campaign of Non-Violent Dissent, and Activism, If "We are Too Succeed in Achieving Our Goals!"

And, "Let there Be No Doubt" that "We have to Express Our Deep Concerns about "A Soft Economy that has "No Backbone to It (Especially for the Middle Class, Working Class, Poor and Disenfranchised). That is "Being Controlled and Guided" by "A Group of Capitalistic Oligarchs," who have "No Hearts and No Souls" when It Comes to the Welfare and Travails of We The People!"

These Individuals, Leaders, and Corporations "Care Not about Our Health Care, Social Security, World Poverty, Climate Warming, Sanitation Issues in Third World Nations, The Global Ecology, The Education of Our Children, Renewable Energy, or The Growing Transient/Homeless Population!"

And, "Let there Be No Doubt" that "We Can No Longer Allow Ourselves to Be Swayed by the Promises of False Political Rhetoric, and Lies" that has "Infected Our Lives!"

"No One is saying" that "The Way To Peace is An Easy Path to Take," But, "The Results are Definitely Worth the Dedication and Sacrifice!" "Imagine Living in Peace!"

And Yes, "The Enemies of Peace where Many Disguises," But, "The Civilized Nations of This Planet" have "The Resources" and "Coalition Armed Forces and Intelligence Agencies, to Enforce, Protect, Defend and Preserve The Peace For One and All!" (Plus NATO Forces)

However, "Should Our Leaders Lack in the Motivation or Vision" to "Move Forward with A True Peoples Agenda," Then, "Let Us Encourage Them and Empower Them to Do so," by "Organizing A Non-Violent Global Earthrise Demonstration, in The Name of Peace," and "Collectively" as "One Great Soul Force Of The People," Of This Planet Earth, "Motivate Them," or "Call upon Them to Resign," If, "Their Leadership Position is Too Difficult for Them to Do!"

"No One said It Would Be Easy," But, "How Many More Images Can We The People," Citizens of This Earth, "Bear to See of The Innocent, Lying in Yet Another Pool of Blood!"

But, "Let Us always Remember" that "If, We are to Rise Above the Violence, Brutality and Sadness Caused by War and Conflict," "We Must" Do It, "In The Name of Peace!"

And, Though Not to Be Redundant, "If, There ever was a More Propitious Moment in Time" to "Reach Out to the Leaders of The Earths United Civilized Nations, and "Call for An Immediate Series of Global Peace Dialogues, with Warring Factions," Whomever They May Be, "That Moment is Now!" (UN Secretary General Guterres, Seize the Moment, Let Your Leadership Skills Guide you!)

"It's Time to Give Peace and Prosperity For One and All, An Opportunity to Thrive!"

Voices of Reason and Peacemakers of The Twentieth and Twenty-First Centuries, "The Time For Non-Violent Action is Now! "For Our Environmental Causes, Health Care Causes, Civil Rights, Gender Rights, Children and Women's Rights, Economic Parity, Religious Freedom," and "The Rights of One and All to Live in Peace!"

And, "Let's Give Peace a Chance to Thrive in a Real Time/Space Environment," and, with "a Peace Time Economy!" (I Can Hear John and Yoko and a Group of Their Friends and Celebrities Singing "Give Peace a Chance" within A Stadium Filled with Peace Enthusiasts, All Raising Their Voices and Singing The Chorus Together!)   

And, "Remember always," that "We are A Great Soul Force Of The People, By The People and For The People!"

Yes, "A Great Soul Force" of "A Grand Diverse Tapestry and Fabric of The Twenty-First Century!" And, "This is The New Norm Of The People" of "An UN-Breakable Nexus Of, By and For The People," and "A Peace Millennia!"

For, This is, The Way To Peace, and An Omnipresent, Omnipotent, and Omniscient Age of Peace, Justice, and An Earthrise of Limitless Opportunities, Innovations, Peacetime Entrepreneurialism, Respect For Each Other and Our Planet Earth, and Universe of A Myriad Sentient and Inanimate Beings and Luminous Bodies!
-In Memoriam: 
We Extend Our Sincerest Heartfelt and Soulful Condolences To All The Families and Communities, Globally and Domestically, who have Lost A Loved One Due to Natural Disasters such as Earthquakes, and Wherever The Path of Hurricanes, Tornadoes, Typhoons, Flood Waters, Mud Slides, and Raging Tides, and Fires have Destroyed Your Homes and Caused The Loss Of Life, and The Loss of Your Love Ones, We Extend Our Sincerest Heartfelt and Soulful Condolences to You, and Mourn Their Loss of Life with You and Your Families, in This Time Period of Grief and Sadness!  
And, We Extend Our Sincerest Heartfelt and Soulful Condolences to The Families of Love One's who've Died Earthwide Due to The Ongoing Spread of The CoronaVirus Pandemic, As This Tragic Death Toll has Continued to Rise Above Five Million Love Ones to  5,682,189, As of Monday, The Thirty-First of January 2022! This is A Staggering Human Statistic to Imagine and Deeply Disturbing!

And, To All The Families who have Lost A Loved One Due to A Gun Related Act of Violence, Systemic Racism, Prejudice, Police Brutality, or Any Act of Violence Caused by Malevolent Perpetrators who Care Not For The Lives of Their Fellow Human Being, We Mourn Their Loss of Life with You in This Sensitive Time Period of Deeply Felt Despair, Sorrow, Unhappiness, and Trauma!