Wednesday, July 14, 2021



The Way To Peace! #393

 -"Global Cross Media News Universe, Insights,New Horizons, News Purview's, and Global Perspectives,"-

-"Global Cross Media and Nationwide News" from "The Washington D.C. Eye on Political," "Philosophical," "Governmental," and "Sociological Affairs Of The Republic," "Justice," "Democracy," and "Government Of The People, By The People, and For The People"- 
"The Passage of The Declaration of Independence by The United States Congress," was "A Historic Moment" that has had" Extraordinary Ramifications to It," and "The Birth of A Grand Idea," and "Great Sovereign Solar Nation," and "Government Of The People, By The People, and For The People!" 
 And, "Within The Parallel Universes of The Public and Private Sectors," "The Principle of Causation has Been Born Out in Plethora of Global Events," Both Inspirational and Tragic, with "No Suggestion that The Global Potential as The Earths Most Influential and Powerful Democracy," "The United States of America," has Been Reached!"
And, "Out of Respect For The Fourth" and "The Birth of This Grand Sovereign Solar Nation," and "The Oath that was Taken by The Elected Officials of The United States Congress," Once again, " "It is Time for Congress to Put Patriotism and The United States of America Before that of Political Party," or "Political Ideology," and "Pass These Bills," For "The Importance" of "The For The People Act of 2021" (S.1/H.R. 1) and "The John Lewis Voting Rights Act" "Can Not Be Understated to The Republic," "Democracy," and "The Government Of The People, By The People, and For The People," and "Future Presidential," "State," and "Local Elections in The United States of America!"

And, "The Overwhelming Significance" of "The For The People Act," is to "Expand Voting Rights, Change Campaign Finance Laws to Reduce the Influence of Money in Politics, Limit Partisan Gerrymandering, and Create Ethics Rules for Federal Officeholders!"

And also, "To Protect The Constitutional Right of Every American Citizen to Vote," and "Lets Be Absolutely Clear," that "This Bill Must Be Passed" to "Prevent State Legislatures Controlled by A Majority of Republicans," and "The U.S. Senate and House Republicans," and "Senate Minority Leader Addison Mitchell "Mitch" McConnell III,"and "House Republican Minority Leader Kevin Owen McCarthy" from "Their Blatant Attempt for Attaining Power in The United States," without "Offering Policies," or "Programs," that are "Of Benefit to The American People," or "Political Ethics that are Of Benefit to The American People," or "The Truth" in Regards to The Results of 2020 U.S. Presidential Election!" In Fact, "The Grand Ole Party (GOP) have "Become Obstructionists to America," and "The Nations Diverse Communities, Tapestry, and Fabric Of All The People!"

And , "To Compound The Effrontery of The GOP's Restrictions on The Right to Vote" is "Their Blatant Betrayal of The American People," and "By Their UN-Democratic Acts Against The Nation!"

And, "As Incredible as It May Seem," "In 2021 Legislative Sessions, "There have Been (At Last Count) Three Hundred and Eighty-Nine Bills in Forty-Eight States," under "The Guise of Voter Fraud," and "Election Security," that have "Been Presented to Suppress The Vote in The United States of America," Including Texas, Florida, Iowa, Arkansas, Montana, and Georgia!"

"And, "Let's Be Absolutely Clear," that "GOP Attacks on The Right to Vote in The United States of America," is "UN-Democratic!"

And, "Any Attempt to Suppress The Right To Legally and Constitutionally Vote in The United States of America," is "UN-Democratic!"

And, "Any Attempt to Restrict Any American Irregardless of Gender," "Creed," "Color," "Age," "Tribe," "Intellectually Challenged," or "Intellectually Disabled," "Race," "Nationality," "Political Persuasion," "Economic Status," or "Special Needs," is "UN-Democratic!" "We are All Americans and The Right to Vote is Our Constitutional Right!"

And, "If You are Contemplating Running for Public Office," or are "A Local," "City," State," or "Federal Official," "Use Your Idea's," "Policies," "Ideologies," Non-Violent Actions," "Town Hall Meetings," and "Campaigns," to "Address The Sociological," and "Political Changes You Would Like to Make For The Betterment of Your Fellow Human Being!"

And, "If You are Contemplating Running for Public Office," or are "A Local," "City," State," or "Federal Official," It is Your Sacred Duty" to "Rise Up Against Advocates of Racism," "Hate," "Violence," and "Oppression of Our Civil Rights," and "Attacks Upon The Constitutional Law of The United States Constitution!"
And, "The Truth of The Matter is The 2020 U.S. Presidential Election was A Grand Success with Record Turnouts," and "Free from Fraud!"

However, "The Question" is, "Who are These Elected Officials," "Senators," "Governors," "State Elected Officials," "Attorneys," and "Cable News Commentators" who "Cling to The Falsehood" that "There was Widespread Voter Fraud" and "Former President Trump Actually Won The 2020 U.S. Presidential Election," "When He Lost to President Biden who Received A Record Setting Vote of 81,283,098 Votes," "While Former President Trump Received 74,222,958 Votes!" And, Global Cross Media News Reports are The Biden/Harris Ticket Received 51.3% Percent of The Votes Cast" to "The Trump/Pence 46.8% Percent of The Votes Cast!"

And, "This was The Largest Voter Turn Out in Voter History," More than "One Hundred and Fifty-Nine Million Americans Cast Their Vote!" The Precise Figure is 159, 633,396!" So, "Why Isn't There, Great Acclaim Among The Republican Party!" Why aren't They Expressing Confidence in The American Electoral System!"

 And,"The Questions" that "Still Remain are Many," Amongst Them are; (1) "How Did They Get to Their Positions of Prominence," and, (2) "Who is Financially Supporting Them," and, (3) "Are They A Part of Another System within The Democratic and Capitalistic Systems Bent Upon" "Disabling," "Manipulating," and "Controlling The Lives of American Citizens" "For Their Own Self Profit!"

 "This is The Twenty-First Century" and "Any Leader who "Attempts to Deny The American People Their Right to Vote," or "Instigates," "Incites, " or "Encourages Violence and Defiance of Law and Order," as "A Way to Resolve Differences of Opinion," or "Domestic Policies and Issues," "Should Be Seriously Reprimanded," and/or "Voted Out of Office!"

And, "Every American Citizen Should Rise Up and Non-Violently Express Their Absolute Dissatisfaction with The Republican Parties Attempts to Legislatively and Immorally Restrict The Voting Rights of All Americans Irregardless of Age," "Gender," "Race," "Creed," "Tribe," "Color," "Special Needs," "Nationality," "Intellectually Challenged," or "Intellectually Disabled Person," or "Of Whatever Economic Status," or "Political Persuasion You May Be," Because We have had Enough of This Pernicious and Destructive Behavior in Politics!" 

And, "Financial Leaders," "Religious Leaders," "Sports Leaders," "The Entire Entertainment Industry," "Must Demand that Any Attempt to Restrict Americans from Voting Will Not Be Supported by Them!" Because, "Enough is Enough!" And, "We The People have had Enough of This Anti-Democratic," and "Anti-Constitutional," and "Anti-American Conduct and Irresponsible Behavior!"

And, "There Can Not Be Any Procrastination or Hesitation, or Filibuster that Prevents The U.S. Congress from Doing The People's Business," as well as "Pass The Biden/Harris Infrastructure Bill!"
-"Global Cross Media News Universe, Insights, New Horizons, News Purview's, Global Perspectives," And, "A Universal Code of Integrity," "Ethics," "Justice," and "Law and Order," that "Protects and Defends The Civil Rights," and "Human Rights," of "Every American Citizen's Right to Vote," "Including Justice in The Light of The Law," "Liberty," "Equality," Cognition," "Economic Parity,"- And, "The Filibuster Must Not Be Permitted to Be Used as A Weapon" by "Elected Officials to Impede The Advent of A Bold," "Cognitive," "Inventive," "Prosperous," "Purposeful," and "Prescient New Civilization," or "For Their Personal Delusions of Grandeur"-
To Which, Must Be Added that, "Taking The Life of An Innocent Person Must Not Be Condoned in The United States of America," and "Especially If Brought Upon by The Members of The Law Enforcement Community!"

And, "Let There Be No Doubt" that "Justice," and "The Letter of The Law," has "Been On Trial in The United States of America" and "The Murder of An Innocent Person Can Not Be Condoned in The U.S., (Or, "In Fact," "Anywhere on The Surface of This Planet Earth")! 

And, "A New Path of Justice has Been Paved," and "Justice has Won Out" as "Demonstrated by The Derek Michael Chauvin Verdict," who was "Sentenced to Serve 22 1/2 Years in Prison for His Brutal Murder of George Perry Floyd Jr. on The Twenty-Fifth of May 2020!"

And Now, "The U.S. Senate Must Pass H.R. 7120 - George Floyd Justice in Policing Act of 2020," to "Protect The Lives of The Innocent," and "Defend The Civil Rights," and "Human Rights of Every American Citizen!"

 And, On Thursday, The Twenty-Fifth of February 2021, Global Cross Media News Reported that "The U.S. House of Representatives Passed "The Equality Act" by "A Vote of Two Hundred and Twenty-Four to Two Hundred and Six!"

And, "Once Again, "With The Democratic Party Leading The Way "This Historic Legislation," "If Passed In The U.S. Senate Would Amend The 1964 Civil Rights Act" to "Provide Protection for LGBTQ Individuals," or "Discrimination Based on Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity in Employment," Housing," "Public Accommodations," "Public Education," "Federal Funding," "Credit," and "The Jury System!" 

-(Note that, "Three Republicans Crossed Over Party Lines to Join The Democrats in This Noble Cause" to "Provide Equal Rights for Every American Citizen Irregardless of Gender!")-

"This Bill was Originally Passed in The U.S. House of Representatives on The Seventeenth of May 2019, by "A Two Hundred and Thirty-Six Vote to One Hundred and Seventy-Three, Which Clearly A Successful Bipartisanship Effort!" But, "As has Been The Case with Too Many Pieces of Legislation Passed by The House It Ended Up Not Being Enacted Upon!" And, "The Fact" that "Former President Trump Vowed to Veto This Bill If Passed in The U.S. Senate Did Not Help!"

"If The United States is To Evolve into A Bold New Civilization that Represents All The People," "It Will Take The Passage of More Courageous Legislation" by "House" and "Senate Democrats" with "Vice President Kamala Devi Harris Casting The Deciding Vote in The Senate!"

And, "Lets Encourage The Democratic Party" to "Remain United and Focused in Purpose and Reason," and "In Their Commitment to Represent The Republic," "Democracy," "Constitution," and "Government Of, By and For All The People!"

And, "If The United States of American is To Evolve into A Bold New Civilization Of The People, By The People, and For The People," of "The Twenty-First Century," "Justice," "Liberty," "Equality," and "The Renaissance of The Heart," "Compassion," "Cognition," Spirit," and "Soul of Humanity," "Must Be The Pillar Stones," and "Cornerstones of The Republic," "Democracy," and "Constitution," of "The Diverse Communities, Tapestry, and Fabric Of The People," In Addition to "Their Right To Vote!"

-"Global Cross Media and Nationwide News" from "The Washington D.C. Eye on Political," "Philosophical," "Governmental," and "Sociological Affairs Of The Republic," "Justice," "Democracy," and "Government Of The People, By The People, and For The People"- And, "From An Economic Perspective"-
-Extra Noteworthy News- "New U.S. Unemployment Claims Rise A Little" but "Still Maintain A Pandemic Era Low," and "The Average Level of Unemployment Continues Its A Descending Trend"- "The Questions" are, "Will A New Bipartisan Infrastructure Plan Be Agreed to" is "Seriously Being Considered," And, "Will A Democratic Infrastructure Plan Be Simultaneously Passed as Well"- Plus, "U.S. Job Report"- "Politics" and "The CoronaVirus,"- And, "Don't Forget to Get Your CoronaVirus Vaccination" as "The New Delta Variant Clouds the Skies O'er The United States of America!" 
And, "There Should Be A National Day of Remembrance for The Love Ones Lost Due to The CoronaVirus Pandemic"-
Global Cross Media News Reports are "Thursday, The Eighth of July 2021, "The Bureau of Labor Announced" that "Three Hundred and Seventy-Three Thousand Americans Filed for Unemployment Insurance Up from The Three Hundred and Sixty-Four Thousand Americans who  Filed for Unemployment Insurance on Thursday, The First of July," (Although It is "A Decrease from The Previous Weeks Four Hundred and Eleven Thousand Americans who Filed for Unemployment Insurance,") and "The Average Continues to Be A New Pandemic Era Low," and "For The Second Time in The Last Four Weeks that U.S. Unemployment Claims Fallen Below Four Hundred Thousand," and "The Lowest Average Level for Unemployment Claims since The Twenty-First of March 2020," and "Given Encouragement and Confidence to The Biden/Harris Administration," that "They have Embarked on The Right Path to Being Back Jobs," and "Job Security in The United States of America!"
And that, "Their Economic Vision is "On Course Towards Achieving An Economic Re-birth," that "Leads to of A Bold New Civilization" that "Excludes No One," and "Has The Grand Potential of Being All-Inclusive!"
And, "These New Statistics and Feelings are Compounded Upon; (1) "The Fact" that "The Average Level for New Jobless Claims has Continued to Fall Steadily" and "It is A Demonstration that The Biden/Harris Administration's Efforts to Bring Back America" has "Begun to Show The Results of Its Economic and Health Plans," and "The Logic to Go Forth and Pass A New Infrastructure Plan for The Future are Merited," and "Well Planned Out!"
However, "It also Continues to Demonstrate The Importance of The Democratic Party" to "Stand United with The Biden/Harris Administration to Bring Back America," and "Stand Firmly in The Path of Republican Obstruction to Making A Better Life for All Americans," that "Would Be of Benefit to The Poor and Middle Class," and "The Private and Public Sectors," and "The Small and Large Business Corporations, and The Wealthy!"
And, "The Hard Work that Lies Ahead for The Biden/Harris Administration, and The Democratic Party Can Not Be Underestimated," Because "It has Become Increasingly Obvious that The Republican Party," ("The Grand Ole Party No More"), has "No Sincere Interest in Creating Policy," "Programs," or "Policies" that are "Of Benefit to The American People," and "Their Families Welfare!" "The GOP has Become The Party of The Big Lie," and "Non Truths!"
However, "Let There Be No Doubt" that "It Will Take A Balanced and Progressive," "Earthwise and Streetwise Vision," "United in Purpose" and "Devoted in Commitment," "For The House and Senate Democrats and The Democratic Party Nationwide" to "Represent The Will Of The People," and "All that is In The Best Interests Of The People!"
And, "This Moment in Time" and "Moments Like This that Arise in The Future," are "Why President Biden and Vice President Harris" and "Democrats were Voted into Power," and "Why Former President Trump and Former Vice President Pence," and "The Republicans were Voted Out of Power!"
And, "Let Us Agree" that "The Absolute Need" for "Additional CoronaVirus Relief Assistance for The American People" is "Significantly More Important" than "The Hubris, Stubbornness, and Lack of Compassion Of, and By The GOP N.M. For Their Fellow American in Dire Times of Need!" And, "As Death Tolls Continue to Increase" Even Though Vaccines have "Increased to More than Three Million A Day!"
And, "When You Include The Millions of Americans who are Continuing" to "Receive Traditional State Benefits," All The More "Demonstrates Further Proof of The Positive Contribution" that "The $1.9 Trillion Dollar American Rescue Plan" (ARP) Relief Package has Brought to The Nation!"
And, "There Will Be Need for Further School Financing," and "Additional Financing Will also Be Needed" to "Stabilize Our Community and State Programs," until "The Majority of The Three Hundred and Twenty-Eight Million Americans have Been Vaccinated!" 
And, "Even then There Will Be A Need for Federal Financing until All The Diverse Communities, Tapestries and Fabric Of The People have Been Rewarded with A New Beginning of Stability and Prosperity in Their Lives," and "A Bold New Civilization Of The People has Been Born in America!"
And, "It is of The Greatest Importance," for "The Biden/Harris Administration to Continue Its Full Court Press Even Beyond The Month of July 2021," that "President Biden Set to Vaccinate Seventy Percent of All Adult Americans with At Least One CoronaVirus Vaccine Shot," and until "They have Met Their Goals in COVID-19 Vaccine Distribution Nationwide for 2021!"
"It is A Pure Demonstration of The President's Purpose and Mission to Do Everything in His Power" to "Bring An End of The Threat of The CoronaVirus," and "Bring Back America!"
However, "It Will Take Time," and "The Full Cooperation of Every American Citizen" to "Do Their Part" and " Follow CDC and FDA Social Distancing Guidelines and Consultations," until "A Significant Change in The Economic Status" and "The Overall Welfare and Healthcare has Improved in America," for "The Betterment of One and All!"
However, "From An Economic Perspective," "The Fact" that "Payrolls have Increased by Eight Hundred and Fifty Thousand in The Month of June 2021," and "Even Though The Unemployment Rate has Risen to 5.9% from 5.8%," are "Still Clear Demonstrations" that "These Positive Economic Results are Further Examples" that "The United States of America" is "On The Way Back to A Full Economic Recovery!"
But, "Once Again, Let's Be Absolutely Clear" that "Every American Citizen Eligible to Receive The CoronaVirus Vaccine Must Do Their Part," and "Get Vaccinated!"
"Why!" Because until "The CoronaVirus Vaccines have Been Distributed to A Large Majority of Adult Americans All Across The Nation," and "The Youth of The Nation have Eventually Been Vaccinated," "A Full Health Care Recovery Will Still Not Be Completed!"
And, Again from "An Economic Perspective," "America Must have All of Its Contingencies in Place," "Which is "Why The New Infrastructure Bill," that "President Biden has Proposed," is "Of The Greatest Importance!" 
"Why," "Because The Nation as A Whole Must Experience, and Feel" that "They are A Part" of "A Bold New Universal Civilization Of The People, By The People, and For All Of The People," and "A Grand New Renaissance Of The Diverse, Multicultural Community, Rainbow Tapestry, and Fabric Of All The People," "Irregardless of Gender," "Creed," "Color," "Age," "Tribe," "Intellectually Challenged," or "Intellectually Disabled," "Race," "Nationality," "Political Persuasion," "Economic Status!"
And, This is "Why This New Infrastructure Plan Must Be Brought Before The U.S. Congress" and "Given Their Full Bipartisan Blessing!" Or, "Passed by A Small But Significant Democratic Majority" via "The Reconciliation Process in The United States Congress," "For The Sake Of All The People," and "The Youth of The Nation!" There are Still Millions Americans who are Receiving Benefits" under "A Variety of Programs!"
-(Note that, Thursday, The Twenty-Fourth of June 2021, A Major News Story of The Fourth Estate," and "The Breaking News Spotlight of The Global Cross Media News Spheres have Reported that "A Tentative Agreement Between A Bipartisan Group of Republicans and Democrats and President Biden has Resulted" in "A New Infrastructure Plan!" However, "There is No Definitive Agreement in Place as of Yet!"
And, "The Question"  "Still Remains Will The Democrats also Move Forward with Their Own Infrastructure Plan" via "The Reconciliation Process First!")-
And, "It is Extremely Difficult to Conceive" that From The Thirty-First of December 2019 to Tuesday, The Thirteenth of July 2021, "623,029 Americans," have "Died in The United States Caused by The CoronaVirus," and "Surpassing The Unimaginable Level of Six Hundred Thousand Lives Lost," has "Cast A Tragic and Unforgettable Shadow" over "The Mismanagement of This National Health Crisis by The Trump Administration!"
 And, "The Fact" that "There are Confirmed Cases of Infections" of "34,766,404 American Citizens," "You Can Fully Realize by The Numbers of Deaths and Confirmed Cases," that "The "The Nation is Still Experiencing PTSD" from "The Emotional Impact Caused by This Vicious Virus" and "The Families of These 623,029 Americans," are "Grieving and Suffering, and Deeply Mourning The Loss of Their Love Ones!"
And, When You Include that, "Earthwide," From The Thirty-First of December 2019 to Tuesday, The Thirteenth of July 2021, "188,089,101 Persons have Been Infected by The CoronaVirus," and that "The Tragic Number of Deaths has Risen Above" of "An Unimaginable 4,055,970 Persons," "Whose Families have only Photographs, Videos, and Films," "As The Only Memories to Remind Them of The Loss of Their Love One's," These Visuals Can Not Replace Their Love Ones," And, "Absolutely Anyone One with Any Common Sense Can Realize The Seriousness of This Ongoing Earthwide Pandemic!"
And, " "Let's Be Absolutely Clear" that "The Ongoing Spread of The CoronaVirus has Not Abated Earthwide!" And, "Health Care Systems are Still Faced with An Ongoing Emergency Crisis from India to Brazil!" And, "The Battle is Not Over," and "The War Against This Vicious, Dangerous, Merciless, and Ruthless Virus," has "Not Been Won as of Yet!" And, "There is Still A Great Amount of Work to Be Done!"
And, "An Earthwide Financial and Organizational Effort of The Highest Professional Quality," "Ability,"and "Compassionate Management," "Must Be In The Forefront of The Effort" to "Contain and Prevent The Ongoing Spread of The CoronaVirus!"
And, "It is of The Greatest Importance" to "The Health Care" and "Welfare Of We The People," that "All of The Meaningful and Life Saving Requests Made by The Earths Community of Health Care Experts" "Must Be Guaranteed and Delivered Immediately without Procrastination" by "All of The Global Sovereign Governments, State, City and Local Governments!"
"For These Leaders Must Keep Their Contract with The Earths Populace" to "Provide Financial and Medical Support for One and All," who have "Adhered to The Social Distancing Guidelines They have Provided and Asked Compliance of," and "They Must Keep Their Word Nobly," that "In Truth," "Demonstrates that We are All in This Global Pandemic," and "Effected by The Deadly and Heartbreaking Affects of This Global Pandemic," "Together!"
-"Global Cross Media News Universe, Insights, New Horizons, News Purview's, and Global Perspectives"- "This is Not The Time for Hubris" or "Politics Based on Self Profit" or "Self Gain Attitudes"- And, "Where and Who are The Compassionate Capitalists"-
"It is of The Greatest Importance for The U.S. Congress to Fully Realize The Tragic Significance" of "The Fact" that As of Tuesday, The Thirteenth of July 2021, "623,029 Lives," "Mothers and Fathers, Sons and Daughters, Sisters and Brothers," have "Died Due to The Merciless Attack of The CoronaVirus in The United States of America," and "Let Us Agree, Americans One and All," that "This is The Time For All of The Five Hundred and Thirty-Five Members of Congress, Irregardless of Political Party Association" to "Contemplate and Act with All Speed" with "Their Hearts, Minds, Intellects, Souls, and Spirits Fully Engaged" to "Stop The Ongoing Spread of The CoronaVirus," and "Any of Its Mutant Variants!"
And, "This is Not The Time for Partisan Politics," or "Behaving as Politicians Looking Towards Future Election Successes!" "This is Time to Act and Work" as "The Courageous Healthcare and Critical Care Workers Who are Caring for, on A Daily Basis," "The Recovery of Members of Our Families," "Who have Been Hospitalized," "Where Success is Saving A Life!"
And, "It is of The Greatest Importance" for "Senate Majority Leader Schumer" and "House Speaker Pelosi," and "The Democratic Party," to "Continue to "Provide The Leadership and Commitment to Fulfill The Promises They Made to the American People," and "Together with The Biden/Harris Administration Pass Legislation" that "Improves The Healthcare and Economic Welfare of The Nation," and "The Nationwide Infrastructure of The United States of America!"
-Extra Noteworthy News- "The Biden/Harris Administration Forgives An Additional $55. 6 Million Dollars in Student Loans"-
Friday, The Ninth of July, 2021, Global Cross Media News Reports are "The Biden/Harris Administration Directed The United States Department of Education to Approve 1, 800 Claims from Borrowers" who "Once Attended the Defunct Westwood College, Marinello Schools of Beauty," or "The Court Reporting Institute," and In Doing so, "Cancelling $55.6 Million Dollars in Student Loan Debt!"
"The Biden/Harris Administration" has "Been Very Active in Cancelling Student Loan Debt" since "President Biden and Vice President Harris Took Office," "Cancelling  $1.5 Billion Dollars in Student Loan Debt" for "Approximately Ninety-Two Thousand Students," who were "Victims of For-Profit College Fraud!"
And, "President Biden is Moving Forward Towards Addressing The Incredible Backlog of More than One Hundred Thousand Forgiveness Claims" that were "Left Unfinished Business by The Previous Administration!"
And, "In Doing so,"Counters The Comprehensible Revisions Put in Place by The Previous Secretary of Education Elizabeth Dee "Betsy" DeVos," who "Thought that The Borrower Defense Policy" "Demanded Too Much for Taxpayers for The Cost of Debt Relief!" And that, "This Rule was "Bad Policy," "without Safe Guards in Place!"
"The Question" Should have Been "Why Shouldn't Students who were Defrauded by Their College Seek Debt Relief" and "Receive An Honest Compensation!"
 -(Note that, "The Obama Administration had Simplified The Process of The Borrower Defense," only to "Have The Trump Administration Complicate" and "Attempt to Impeded It!" And, "The Students of  America" are "All Benefiting from The 2020 Presidential Election of Joseph Robinette Biden Jr." and "Kamala Devi Harris!" And, "A U.S. Senate and U.S. House of Representatives with The Democrats in The Majority," "However, Slight!"
And, "The 2022 Midterm Elections Will Give The American People A Clear Opportunity to Reject The Big Lie," "Election Fraud," and "The Republican Party in Total!" And, "Return the Democrats" to "Having A Clear and Present Majority in Both Houses!" Nothing else Can or Will Suffice," or "Be An Appropriate or Adequate Response to The Restrictions Placed on The Right to Vote in America by The State Republican Legislatures with Republican Majorities, " or "The Obstructionist Tactics Posed by The Republicans who have "Been Elected to The Congress of The United States of America!" Who have Violated The U.S. Constitution," and "Betrayed The Republic," and "Government Of The People, By The People, and For The People!" And, "These Same Republicans Deserve Nothing Less than Being Rejected, " "Reprimanded," and "Voted Out of Office in The 2022 U.S. Midterm Elections," and "The 2024 U.S. Presidential Election!" So Grievous are Their Words," and "Actions to This Great Nation!")-
-Extra Noteworthy News- In Brief"- "The Indictment of Allen Howard Weisselberg" and "No One is Above The Law"-
Wednesday, The Thirtieth of June 2021, Global Cross Media News Reported that "A  Grand Jury in New York has Indicted Trump Organization Chief Financial Officer (CFO) Allen Howard Weisselberg," and "The Trump Organization!" "The Details of Which Will Be Revealed in Detail on Thursday, The First of July 2021, Of A Fifteen Year Alleged Tax Fraud Scheme!"
"The Indictment Unsealed on Thursday, "Charged The Company" and "An Entity Called The Trump Payroll Corporation with Ten Counts," and "Mr. Weisselberg with Fifteen Felony Counts," in "A Scheme that Dated All the Way Back to 2005," to "Compensate Mr. Weisselberg," and "Other Trump Organization Executives in A Manner" that was"Off The Books!"

"They were Charged with; (1) "A Scheme to Defraud, (2) "Conspiracy," (3) "Criminal Tax Fraud," and, (4) "Falsifying Business Records!"

"In Addition, Mr. Weisselberg was Charged" with "Grand Larceny," and "Offering A False Instrument for Filing!" 
-"Global Cross Media News Universe, Insights, New Horizons, News Purview's, Global Perspectives," And,"What are The Ramifications of Charges Being Brought Against Allen Weisselberg," and "The Trump Organization"- And, "More Questions"-

"There are Many Questions" that "Still Need Answering," One of Which is; "Who Else Will Be Implicated" and, (2) "Will Mr. Weisselberg Cooperate with DA Vance" to "Protect Any Others who May Be Indicted!"

And, Take Note, that "This is One of Several Legal Situations Surrounding Former President Trump," and "The Trump Organization in His Post Presidential Era Trump," who was "Twice Impeached in The U.S. House of Representatives," that "History Will Record for All of Posterity!"

And, "The Question" of "How Will Ex-President Trump Fair in The Historical Representation of His Four Years of Presidency of The United States of America," and "His Stature as A Businessman!"

And, "Mr. Weisselberg Appears to have The Un-Welcomed Distinction" of "Being The First Person to  have Charges Brought Up Against Him" by "The Manhattan District Attorney's Office!"
-(Note that, "At Present, No Charges have Been Brought Up Against Former President Trump!")-
-(UIGA-TWTP! #210 Revisited and Revised)- Voices Of Reason and Peacemakers of The Twentieth and Twenty-First Millennia, While "Terrorists," "Militants," and, "Tribal," "National," and "International Leaders of Middle Eastern Nations," Specifically, "The Islamic Republic of Iran," "The Republic of Iraq," "The Syrian Arab Republic," "The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia," "The Republic of Yemen," "The Islamic Republic of Afghanistan," and "The Taliban," "Hamas (Islamic Resistance Movement)," " and "The Sovereign Nation of Israel, "Continue To Engage in Military Conflicts," and "Do Battle and Wage War" against One another, "Causing The Loss of Many More Innocent Lives," than "Their Prime Directives Warranted," and "More Tears of Pain and Love that Any Parent Could have Ever Imagined," and Equally so, "Causing Great Cascades of Frustration and Anger," to "Continue to Flow from The Eyes of Parents," "Grandparents," and "Family Members!"

And, "As The People's Republic of China Still Refuses to Abide by The Permanent Court of Arbitration in The Hague,' that "China has No Historic Title over The South China Sea," and that "Under International Law" as "Reflected in The Law of The Sea Convention," that "The Ships of All States, Including Their Warships, Enjoy The Right of Innocent Passage Through The Territorial Sea!" 
"Innocent Lives," whose only "Misfortune was To Be In The Wrong Place" at "The Wrong Time When A Missile Fell from The Skies to Take their Lives," or, "Cause The Loss of Limbs and Their Homes," have "Ended The Dreams," "Goals.,"and "Visions," of What could have been, "A Family" or "A Child's Life's Ambition!" "The Tragedy of it All, Is Beyond Comprehension!"

And, "Now, Every Second Counts" that "May Lead To," Either, "Further Inaction,"  "Procrastination," "Injury," "Death," and, "Or Destruction!" "Or, "Hopefully A Peaceful Pause," and then, "Resolution!"
"Imagine, This is, The Second Decade of The 21st Century," and "The Question" is, "Haven't We Learned Enough from Death and Destruction!" Or, "Do We Need Further Education in The Artlessness of War!" And, "The Principles of Causation!"

"Military, Financial, Political/Civilian, Religious and Spiritual Leaders of The Earths United Nations," It's Time that "You Brought Forth Your Most Eloquent Generals," "CEO's," "Civilian/Political," "Moral, " "Philosophical," and Historical Leaders To Find New Solutions For The Issues that Divide Us," and, "Heal The Divide Between Nations" that "Continues To Be Antagonistic Towards One Another," and "Provoking One Another," and "Threatening The Long Sought After Dreams of Peace that So Many Families have Longed for," and, "In Doing so, Causing Further Loss of Innocent Lives!"

It's Obvious that "These Antagonists have Lost Sight of whats Wrong from Right," and, "The Suffering that their Actions have Cast upon Our Families," "We The People!"
"Is It Possible that "There has Been for What Seems as Millennia of War in The Middle East" and "These Antagonists were Weaned on Violence!" And, "Fed Words of War!" And, "Taught To Kill," "Maim," "Murder," and "Assassinate without Thought," of what "The Consequences Would Truly Be!"

However, "It is "UN-Imaginable" that "The Founders of Any Religion," "Political Ideology," or "Way of Life," "Would Condone," "Encourage," or "Embrace such Violent Acts and Encounters!" Or, "Consider Them To Be," "A Just Cause!"

And, "It is of The Utmost Importance" that "We The People," One and All, "Speak Out," as "A Great Choir of Peace," against "Any Further Acts of War," For, "They Must Come To An End," For, "The Sanity," " Survival," and "Grace of Our Planet," "The Youth of The Planet," and "Each Other!"

Voices of Reason and Peacemakers of True Hearts, Minds, and Souls, of The 20th and 21st Centuries, "Let Us Continue To Encourage Our World Leaders To Stand" as "A Great Collective of The Soul," "Peace," "Liberty," "Unity," "Interdependence,"and "The Social Security," "Health Care," and "Welfare Of The People."

And, "Let Us Encourage Them To Be  and Act," as "A Great Soul Collective of Truth," "Purpose," "Respectfulness," and "Universal Consciousness," "One that Builds A Bridge of Equanimity," that "Reflects A Great Vision of Courage," "Soul Strength," "Dignity," and Peace!" 
For, This is, The Way To Peace, "A Peace," that  "Women and Men of Great Courage who have "Been Recorded in The Annals of History" for "Their Exceptionality, Greatness, Grandeur, Majesty, Humanity, and Compassion, that They have Shown Their Fellow Human Being is Both Legendary and Emphatic," from "Greatly Renown" and "Celebrated Nurses," to "The Most Highly Respected Spiritual and Religious Leaders," "Civil Rights and Human Rights Leaders who have Been "Eulogized and "Highly Recognized and Honored Earthwide," and "Great Leaders of Sovereign Nations," and "Some who have Been Revered, Exalted, Worshiped, and Glorified As Gods by Their Devotees and Followers," Such as, "Illuminated Spiritual and Religious  Leaders, "Muhammad," "Jesus of Nazareth,"  "Siddhartha Gautama," "Zoroaster," and "Mahatma Gandhi," "South African President Nelson Mandela ( South Africa's First Black President)," Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. (Nobel Peace Prize Recipient)," and "Coretta Scott King," "Ralph David Abernathy Sr," "Harriet Tubman," "Rosa Parks," and "Susan B. Anthony," "Achieved Their Great Distinction in Life" as "A Great Soul Force of Interdependent" "Civil Rights" "Human Rights," and "Women's Rights Activists," "Advocates," and "Leaders," and then  "There's Mary," "Saint Teresa of Calcutta, " "Mary Magdalene," "Zoroaster," "Machiventa Melchizedek," "Moses," Charlemagne  "Black Elk," "Socrates,"  "Saint Francis of Assisi," "Rabindranath Tagore," "Clara Barton," "Rumi," "Lao-Tzu," and "Confucius," "All of Whom Gained Their Recognition and Respect" as "Spiritual," "Religious," "Humanitarian," "Visionaries", "Leaders," and "Healers," "Due to Their Humanitarianism," "Compassion," "Healing Abilities," Teachings," and "Spiritual Prominence in Their Religions," and "Ways of Life," that "They have Taught Us," and "Would have Desired Us To Share with One Another!"
And, "Whose Names Will Forever Be A Part of The History of Humankind," and "Enlightened Story Telling and Tales Told by "Admired," and "Esteemed Academicians," "Famed Historians," and "Biographers," "Philosophers," and "Tribal Shamans," and "Leaders of Earthwide Houses of Worship," "Colleges," "Universities," and "Educational," "Spiritual and Religious Institutions in Perpetuity!" 
And, Let Us Continue "To Rise On The Wings Of The Phoenix Of Peace," and "On The Gentle Eddies, Streams, Currents, Waves, and, At Times, Hurricane Winds Of Change, Hope, Compassion, Peace, and, Love," To A Place, that, "Lies within Each of Us," that, "We" Can "One and All," "Recognize," and "Freely Share," As "Being Pure Of Heart, Mind, Spirit, and, Soul!" For This is, "The Great Purpose," "Sowing," and "Harvest, Of A Great People," and "A Great Society Of A Unified World Of Peace!"
"Let Us Continue To Soar To New Worlds and Galaxies" Of "Limitless Vision and Potential Of What Our Lives Can Be," "Living within A Universe Of Peace!"
For, "This is, The Way To Heal and Cure The World!" And, "The Way To A Peace Time Economy," "Empowered and Driven By A World Of Green Industrialization, and Education!"
And, "An Omnipresent, Omniscient, and Omnipotent Age of Heroism, Patriotism, Exceptionalism, Joie de Vivre, and Innovative, Compassionate and Cognitive Leadership, and A New Era of Justice, Truth, Empathy, Equanimity, Soul Strength, Egalitarianism, Medical, Academic, and Cultural Ingenuity and Peace On Earth, as We Continue to Evolve into A Universe of Limitless Celestial Bodies and Galaxies!
-"Global Cross Media and Nationwide News" from "The Washington D.C. Eye on Political," "Philosophical," "Governmental," and "Sociological Affairs Of The Republic," "Justice," "Democracy," and "Government Of The People, By The People, and For The People"- And, "A Call to Action for Each and Every Member of The Democratic Party," and "America!"
 To; "President Joseph Robinette Biden Jr.," and "Vice President Kamala Devi Harris," and "Senate Majority Leader Charles Ellis "Chuck" Schumer," "Democrat from The State of New York," and "Nancy Patricia Pelosi," "Democrat from The State of California," and "All of The Members/Elected Officials of The Democratic Party," "The Majority of American People are Firmly Behind You," and "It's Time for You to Mount A Full Force Right to Vote Initiative in Concert with The American People!"

"It is Truly Unfortunate and A Sincere Embarrassment to The American People," and "All that The United States of America Stands for," that "The GOP NM" ("The Grand Ole Party No More!") has "Chosen to Engage in A National Policy of Restricting The Vote of Their Fellow Americans," "For Their Own Gain," and "Their Own Profit,"at "The Expense of The American People!"

However, "Now There Can Be No Other Re-course or Option For The Democratic Party that to Use Whatever Legislative Means Necessary," and "Call to Action" to "Prevent Further Abuse of The United States Constitution"and "The Right of Every American Citizen to Vote," and/or "Choose The Nominee or Candidate of Their Choice!"

And, "Every Democrat" and "Traditional Republican (Who Values The Grand Patriotic Effort and Sacrifice of Former Republican Presidents Abraham Lincoln and Dwight D. Eisenhower) "Must Act Now on Behalf of The Youth of America," and "Join Forces to Pass S.1(H.R.1) For The People Act," and "The John Lewis Voting Rights Act"(And, In Addition, "Any Other Piece of Legislation" that "Can Prevent The Ongoing Disgraceful Acts of State Legislatures with Republican Majorities" from "Attempting to Restrict The Vote of "Their Fellow American!" "For This is Unpatriotic!" "Un-American!" And, "A Betrayal of The Code of Honor," "Universal Rights," and "Constitutional Laws of The Nation!" 
 And, "A Betrayal of The Youth of America" who were "Brought Up to Believe in The Idea of "the Founders/Framers of This Grand Ole Republic," "Democracy," and "Government Of The People, By The People, and For The People!"
And, "They Must Act Now in Full Force," and "In All Haste!"

"The Oath that They've Taken to Honor and Represent The Nation Demands Nothing Less of Them!"

And, "Each and Every American Citizen who Truly Believes in What is Good," "Inspirational," "Cognitive," and Meaningful," that "The United States of America Represents" "Must Demand that The Republican Party End This Farce and Betrayal of America!" "Enough is Enough!" And, "We The People, Citizens of The United States of America Demand Nothing Less!"

"The GOP NM Must Stop This Horrendous Offense and Betrayal of America Now!" Or, "Face The Reality of Being Removed from Political Office in The 2022 United States Midterm Elections!"
-"La Fete Nationale," or "Bastille Day," is "Celebrated Annually on The Fourteenth of July in France," Commemorating The Fall of The Bastille in 1789!" And, "Which Marked The Beginning of The French Revolution," and "The Birth of The French Republic!"
And, "To All of Our French Friends," "Colleagues," and "Citizens of The Great Sovereign Solar Nation of France," We Wish You Joyeux Quatorze Juillet!"

-In Memoriam:

We Extend Our Sincerest Heartfelt and Soulful Condolences To All The Families and Communities, Globally and Domestically, who have Lost A Loved One Due to Natural Disasters such as Earthquakes, and Wherever The Path of Hurricanes, Tornadoes, Typhoons, Flood Waters, Mud Slides, and Raging Tides, and Fires have Destroyed Your Homes and Caused The Loss Of Life, and The Loss of Your Love Ones, We Extend Our Sincerest Heartfelt and Soulful Condolences to You, and Mourn Their Loss of Life with You and Your Families, in This Time Period of Grief and Sadness!
And, To All The Families who have Lost A Love One in The Building Collapse in The Town of Surfside, Florida, We Mourn The Loss of Your Families, Friends, and Neighbors with You!"
And, We Extend Our Sincerest Heartfelt and Soulful Condolences to The Families of 4,055,970 Love One's who've Died Earthwide Due to The Ongoing Spread of The CoronaVirus Pandemic, As of Tuesday, The Thirteenth of July, 2021, and As The Death Toll Continues to Rise Above Three Million!

And, To All The Families who have Lost A Loved One Due to A Gun Related Act of Violence, Systemic Racism, Prejudice, Police Brutality, or Any Act of Violence Caused by Malevolent Perpetrators who Care Not For The Lives of Their Fellow Human Being, We Mourn Their Loss of Life with You in This Sensitive Time Period of Deeply Felt Despair, Sorrow, Unhappiness, and Trauma!