Monday, March 1, 2021



The Way To Peace! #384

-"Global Cross Media News Universe, Insights, New Horizons, News Purview's, and Global Perspectives"-  "A Time for Healing," "A Time for Renewal, "A Time for Recovery," "A Time to Rebuild," and "A Time for A Renaissance of Humanity," and "Compassion, Sincerity, and Concern For One's Fellow Human Being"-

"As A New Spring Approaches" and "Plans for An Economic Recovery," "Not Just in The United States of America, But also, Earthwide" are "Eagerly Being Looked Forward to," and "With It The End of The 2021 Winter of The CoronaVirus," "Not only by The Leaders of The United Sovereign Solar Nations of The Earth," "But, also by The Leaders of The Financial, Entertainment, Sports, Small Businesses, In Concert Performances,  Restaurants, Theatre, Art, Music and Dance, Especially Health," and "Althroughout The Myriad Sphere's of The Public Sectors," "Wherever The Sun Sets" and "The Moon Rises in The Eventide Sky," "The Earths Diverse Communities, Tapestry, and Fabric Of The People are "Looking Forward to A New Beginning" and "Change from The Tragic Space of Time that Encompassed," and "Still Does though Less and Less," "The Life and Death Struggle to Survive COVID-19," and "Its Mutant Variants!"

And, "As Brief Breaks from School, Fat Tuesday and Mardi Gras, and Saint Patrick's Day, "Lead The Holiday Pathway to Passover and Easter," and "Hopefully A Healing Synergy that Bathes The Earth in Its Waters of Life," as "Summers Fancies Test The Borders of Our Economic and Health Recovery" "It was Approximately Five and A Half Years Ago," that "A Welcomed Guest Came to Be in The United States of America," and "A Welcomed Moment in The Time/Space Reality of We The People" that "Brought with It "A Time of Grace, Honor, Compassion, Spirit, and Soul!"

And, "As Divisions in The U.S. Continue to Fester" "Hopefully The Thought of This Event Will Clarify and Empathize The Differences in Personalities and Leadership" that "We The People" are In Need of "Irregardless of Gender, Special Needs, Tribe, Nationality, Intellectual Disability, Economic Status, Color, Political Persuasion, or Age You May Be!

"The Moment/Event Extraordinaire" was "When His Holiness Pope Francis, the 266th and Current Pope of The Catholic Church, and Sovereign of Vatican City's, Journeyed to The United States of America!"

"His Holiness Imbued in Us a Feeling of Compassion For Our Fellow Human Being," and "Displayed by His Actions and Life," "What the Consequences of Positive Ideas, Hard Work, and Sincere and Trustworthy Collaborations Can Be," As Demonstrated by the Important Role He has Played All Throughout The Earth's Diverse Communities" and "United Sovereign Solar Nations," and also "As a Mediator Between Cuba and The United States!" That had "Resulted in a New Era of Harmonious Diplomatic Relations Between the Two Countries, For the First Time in More than A Half Century!" -("However, "This was Before The Trump Administrations Anti-Cuba Foreign Policy Reversed Many of The Good Feelings Between The U.S. and Cuba!"- "Displaying The Difference Between Cognitive and Comprehensive Diplomacy" and "Maximum Pressure Campaign!")-

And, "By His Presence," You Could Feel the Illuminating Effect He had on "The Vast Crowds of People," and "Catholics from All over The World!" While Simultaneously, Giving The Global Cross-Media News Universe a Clear Vision and Insight" into "The Hearts, Minds, and Souls of The People!" And, "An Insight into What a True State of Community, Spirit, Honor, Grace, and A Great Soul Can Be!"And, "The Effect that A Man of the True Spirit of God Can have," so "Emotionally and Spiritually Moving to Everyone who Saw Him!"

"You Could See and Feel The Spirit of Love Embodied in The People Surrounding Him Who Came to See Him, and Hear Him," "Emanating from Him wherever He went!" 
And, Wherever He went, "He was Greeted with Love, Smiles, Admiration, Large Crowds, Cheers, and Respect!" Leaving No Doubt in Any one's Mind that "He was A True Pope of The People

"Even Members of The U.S. Congress Seated in the Chamber of the House of Representatives," along with "Members of the Supreme Court" and "Other House Dignitaries," "Noted Personalities," and "Religious Leaders," had to "Give Pause from Their Fractious Behavior," and "Listen to His Words and Ideas," and "Give Pope Francis the Due Consideration, Deliberation, Cheers, and the Respect Due to a Sovereign Leader of His Stature," But, "More Importantly," to  "Show Him the Proper Reverence, Due to a Great Soul of  His Holy Comportment!"

 And, "He Spoke so Eloquently about His Concerns" for, "Climate Change and the Environment," "Immigration and Support of the Family," "Love," "Peace," "God," and, "The Need For a New Era of Global Dialogue," and "Diplomacy and Political Cooperation," and "Global Policies Befitting a New Age of Peace," "Faith," "God," and "The People!"

 "He Spoke Softly, Frankly, and Meaningfully" about, The Need to Care For the Poor," And, "Former President Abraham Lincoln," "Martin Luther King's Dream," "Dorothy Day," "Thomas Merton," "Being an Immigrant, Himself," "Moses, " and "The Great Importance of Golden Rule," "Legislative Activity," "Social Responsibility," and "The End of Racial Prejudices and Racial Indignation," and "The Abolition of the Death Penalty," and of "The Importance for Dialogues with the Youth," and "We The People!"
Plus, "The Creation and Distribution of Wealth," "The Role of Business to Create Jobs," "Environmental Challenges," and "The Effect that Climate Change has had on All of Us," Plus  "Social Justice," and "The Role that Technology has in Our Global Society."
And, "The Threat of Ideological Extremists," and "The Protection of Our Religious and Intellectual Freedoms."

 "Pope Francis Spoke of American Values," and of "The U.S. Being The Land of The Free," and "The Defense of Liberty," and "The Importance to Support and Generate Global Solidarity and Fraternity!"
And, "He Spoke of a Mission and Dialogue with The People," and of "A Conversation about How We Can All Make a Difference!" These were just "Some of the Issues and Concerns that Pope Francis Spoke about!"

And, "Pope Francis Movingly Reminded Us," that "We are All Immigrants," in The United States of America, (with the Exception of Native Americans), and, that "We have a Responsibility to Care For The Migrants who have Been Forced Out of Their Homes, in Fear of Being, Tortured or Killed!"  "Migrant Families, Women, Children, and Men, Who have Undertaken Perilous Voyages, from Their Home Countries to Europe, and, The United States," in "Hopes of Finding a Safe Haven," and, "A Place to Live in Peace and Security!" "In Search of A Land of Opportunity," that "They Can Call Home!"

And, "The Pope used Saint Joseph and Saint Mary," as "An Analogy of What a the Plight of a Homeless Person and Family has to Endure!" And, "How Joseph and Mary's Faith in God Gave Them the Strength to Overcome the Difficulties that Surrounded Them!"
"This was in Fact a Sermon on the Meaning and Significance of Faith, " "Homelessness," "The Poor," and "The Plight of Migrants!" And, "His Belief in Prayer, God, and Jesus!" And, "The Oneness that Graces Us All!"

And, "He Complimented the United States on Being a Land of Opportunity and Prosperity," "While Reminding Us that We have a Responsibility to Care For The Poor and Less Fortunate!"

And, "He also Reminded Us" that "We have a Responsibility to Care about Issues such as Climate Change," and "The Reduction of Air Pollution!"

And, It was "Very Touching to See The Pope Wave to Children, Women and Men, and Families, who had Been Waiting For Hours Just to See Him," or, "Hug, Him, or Speak with Him, If just For a Brief Moment!" 
"He has Been Called, "The People's Pope," and, "It's hard Not to Believe, This to Be True!" 
"He has Touched Everyone" with "The Candidness of His Beliefs" and "The Piercing Gentleness of His Voice!" And, "There is No Doubt that He has Given Hope to The Children of The Catholic Church," and, "The Belief that You Can Trust and Believe in This Bishop of Rome," as "Truly Being," Nothing less than, "An Inspiring Presence of the Spirit of Saint Peter," and "The Personification of Saint Francis Of Assisi" (Whose Name He Chose to Take), "In the Catholic Church!"

 And, "Seeing The Pope Exit His Fiat," in "Front of Saint Mathew's Cathedral," "Reaffirmed Everything that had Been Reported about Him," However, I Could Not Help But Remember, "Another Moment in American History" that "Took Place at this Very Same Cathedral," "Encompassed in a Photo of John-John, the 3 Year Old Son, of Former United States President John F. Kennedy," "Saluting His Father, in One Final Gesture of Goodbye," "While He lay in a Flag Draped Casket!" "A Historical Moment, " that "Brought Tragedy into Our Homes with the Assassination of President Kennedy," in Dallas, Texas, and, "The End of Camelot, in the U.S."

And, "The Pope's Reference to Martin Luther King Jr." also, "Brought Back Memories" of "A Volatile Time Period in American History," when "Civil Rights," "Equal Rights," and "Anti-War Movements," "Took to The Streets in Protests, and Demonstrations!" And, of "The Tragic Assassination of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.!"

"This was Not only a Volatile Time Period," But, also, "A Pivotal One, in American History," when "Five Assassinations;" (1) The 35th President of the United States, John F. Kennedy, 46, whose Political Age of Camelot, Inspired Million's of Americans, was Assassinated on November 22, 1963, and,

(2) Medgar Evers, 37, a Prominent Civil Rights Activist, was Assassinated on June 12, 1963, and,

(3) Malcolm X, 39, American Muslim Minister, and Inspirational Civil Rights Activist/Leader, was Assassinated on February 21, 1965, and,

(4) Martin Luther King Jr., 39, American Baptist Minister, Iconic Civil Rights Leader, Nobel Peace Prize Winner, and Humanitarian, was Assassinated on April 4, 1968, and, 

(5) Robert F. Kennedy, 42, U.S. Attorney General, Former Senator for N.Y., and Leading Candidate for The Democratic Party in the 1968 Election Season, and Advocate for The African-American Civil Rights Movement, was Assassinated on June 6, 1968, (and, the Younger Brother of Former U.S. President John F, Kennedy), 
"All Had A Shocking and Extremely Painful Effect upon The Lives of All Americans," and "Devastatingly, Destroyed The Hopes and Beliefs of Many who Believed in Bringing a Positive Change to the United States of America!" "A Long Awaited One," in Regards to "Civil Rights," and, "The Rights of All Americans to Live in Equality with One Another!" And, "An End of Poverty," and, "The Undeclared War in Vietnam!"
"These Five Assassinations" Occurred at "A Crossroads of Time in American History!"

And, Here "We" are, "At Yet Another Crossroads!" "A Twenty-First Century Crossroads Of, By, and For The People!" 
And, "Potentially," "A New Beginning Lies Before Us in The History of The United States of America" and "The World," Based on "The Simple Premise that Goodness," "Faith," "Justice," "Freedom," "Equality," and "Compassion For One's Fellow Human Being Will Prevail!" 
And, "If, There is a Glimmer of Hope For The Peoples of The World," "His Holiness Pope Francis has Shown It to Us!" 
And, "For the Sake of Our Children" and "Our Children's Children," "Let it Begin Here and Now!"

And, "With The Advent of The Coming Religious Holidays This Spring" and "Even In A Broader Sense This Year 2021," "What Better Time than Now," "For The Worlds Religious Leaders to Reach Out to Their Follower's," and "Call For A New Age of Global Cooperation," and "Global Diplomacy to Begin," "In The Name of Peace," "For All The People's Of The Earths Sovereign United Sovereign Solar Nations!" And, "For The Sake of The Youth Who are The Inheritors of This Planet Earth," and "For All Future Generations to Come!"

Voices of Reason and Peacemakers of the 21st and 20th Centuries, "Let Us Hope" that, "Pope Francis' Visit to The United States is the First of Many More to Come!" 

And, "Let Us Continue To Sow The Seeds of Peace at This Extraordinary Juncture in Time,"  Heralding The Beginning of  "A New Crossroads of Hope, Here in The 21st Century,"  and, "That Our Lives Will Be Graced with A New Age of Economic Parity," "Healthcare," and "Respect For The Lives of Our Fellow Human Beings," and "The Safeguard of This Planet Earth!" 

And, "Let Us Continue to Sow The Seeds of An Age of Enlightenment, " "Rationality," "Knowledge," and "Justice," For the Benefit of Our Children," and, "For the Benefit of Future Generations!"

And, "Let The Choirs of Peace," and "The Church Bells of Hope," "Sing and Ring Out, Loud and Clear," For All The World to Hear," that "We are at A New Crossroads of Change," Hope," "Healing," and "Renewal of Our Values and Sacred Traditions," in "This Time/Space Reality of The 21st Century!"

And, "Let Us Continue to Share Our Goals and Commitment to Make A Better World," "For One and All to Embrace and Enjoy," "With All the People's of The World!"  
 "Where An Age of Global Equilibre is A Reality!" And, "Where Leaders, of An Earthwise State of Being are Dedicated to Reason" and "Govern Fairly, and Justly!" And, are "Committed to Represent," "Protect, " and, "Defend The Rights of All The People,"  "Whatever Nationality," "Creed", "Gender," "Transgender," "Color," "Special Needs," "Economic Status," "Age," or "Political Persuasion," "Intellectual Disability,"or  "Tribe," They May Be!

And, "Let Us Continue to Commit and Dedicate Ourselves to Empower and Encourage, All who are in Need via Our Social Media," and "Global Cross-Media Universe of Instant Communication, Worldwide!" "Exposing The Truth When Need to Do so Is Essential," "Important," "Necessary," "Obvious," and, "Creating a Platform For The Oppressed to Be Heard When The Need to Do so," "Is Overwhelming!"
For, This is, The Way To Peace, and, An Omnipresent, Omniscient, and Omnipotent, Age of Peace, Justice, Faith, and Social Security For One and All, on This Planet Earth!


-Extra Noteworthy News-
"The Announcement on Saturday, The Twenty-Seventh of February 2021," Global Cross Media News Reports are "Johnson & Johnson's New Single Dose Covid-19 Vaccine Application," that "Has An Eighty-Five Per Cent Effectiveness Against Severe Covid-19 Disease," and "One Hundred Per Cent Efficacy Against Hospitalization or Death," has "Been Approved by The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) Experts" for "Emergency Use Authorization" (EUA) and also by "The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)" on Sunday, The Twenty-Eighth of February," and "Coupled with The Efficacy," and "Important Efforts Already Being Made" to "Distribute The Pfizer-BioNTech CoronaVirus Vaccine," and "Moderna's CoronaVirus Vaccine," and "The AstraZeneca Vaccine" (Which was Rolled Out in South Africa) "Gives One A Sense of Hope," and "Could Quite Possible Be The Moment" and "Good News" that "Medical Experts," and "Healthcare," and "Critical Care Workers," and "Leaders of Both Private and Public Sectors" (and "Sovereign Nations,") have "Been Looking Forward to," Even as "Unimaginable Death Tolls of "More than Five Hundred and Twenty-Five Thousand, Seven Hundred and Seventy-Five Lives," "Women, Men and Children," have "Tragically Been Reached," and "Confirmed Cases have Surpassed Twenty-Nine Million, Two Hundred and Fifty-Five Thousand Americans," as of Monday, The First of March 2021, is "A Shocking, Unimaginable, and Inexcusable Benchmark to Reach in The United States of America!"

 -(Note that "President Biden and The First Lady Held A Moment of Silence in The United States of America" in "Memory of The More than Five Hundred Thousand Love Ones who've "Died!")-

And, "Day after Day," "Tragically," "The Number of Deaths," "Hospitalizations," and/or "Infections," "Caused by The CoronaVirus Continue to Cause A Sincere Concern to Families All Across The Nation!"
-"Global Cross Media News Universe, Insights, New Horizons, News Purview's, Global Perspectives,"- And, "All Out Press is Needed to Confront The CoronaVirus"-
"An All Out Press Must Be Conducted to Eliminate The Ongoing Threat of The CoronaVirus in Our Communities!"
Global Cross Media News Reports are Monday, Twenty-Second of February 2021, "The White House COVID-19 Response Team Briefing The Nation Revealed The Overall Medical Strategy to Contain and Prevent The Ongoing Spread of COVID-19!"
"Dr. Anthony Stephen Fauci" (Director of National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases -NIAID- and Medical Advisor to President Joseph R. Biden Jr.) "Provided An In Depth Look into This Strategy" by "Providing Data Regarding The Efficacy of Therapeutics in This Grand Effort to Contain COVID-19!"
And, Here are Some of The Points of Interest:
-Extra Noteworthy News- "White House COVID-19 Response Team Briefing, Monday The Twenty-Second of February 2021"-
Dr. Fauci Spoke of "Selected Therapeutics for COVID-19!"
(I)- (Therapeutics for Early/Moderate Disease)-

-Remdesivir- FDA Approved-
-Monocional Antibodies- EUA-
-Other antivirals- clinical trials
-Hyperimmune globulin-clinical trials
 (II)- (Therapeutics for Early/Advanced Disease)- "Is Generally Aimed at blocking an aberrant inflammatory or immunological response as well as other pathogenic mechanisms which are not necessarily understood."
And, 'He also Spoke" of; -Dexamethosone- standard of care
-Baricitinib-+remdesivir- EUA
-Immunomodulators (e.g.tocilizumab)- clinical trials
-Anticoaguiants- clinical trials
"Dr. Fauci" also Spoke of, "The bottom line of what we need to do looking forward, and the clear need in this, is the development of potent Antivirals directly acting on SARS-CoV-2. Very similar to what was done with the highly successful drug development program for HIV as well as for Hepatitis C. 
And what I refer to as the Future Development of Therapeutics will be based on the identification of vulnerable targets in the SARS-CoV-2 Replication Cycle! And the design of drugs to inhibit these vulnerable targets. As I mentioned, we are beginning this and this is gong to be the direction in the future."
And, "While This Life and Death Struggle Continues," "It is of The Greatest Importance" for "The U.S. Senate" and "The U.S. House of Representatives," to "Resolve Their Differences" and "Transcend Their Partisan Conflicts" as "The Nation is Still Being Attacked" by "The Continued Attack of The CoronaVirus!" And, "Vaccine Availability Needs to Be Significantly Increased Statewide," and "Locally Althroughout The Nation!"
And, "As New CoronaVirus Variants have Emerged and Surfaced in The United States of America" and "In The Sovereign Nations of The United Kingdom," "South Africa," and "Japan!" And, "The Effort to Contain These New Variants has Been Greatly Intensified to Prevent Them from Spreading!" "Seven" of Which have "Been Found in The United States!"
And, "It Will Take Senate Minority Leader Addison Mitchell "Mitch" McConnell Jr." and "Senate Majority Leader Charles Ellis "Chuck Schumer," and "House Speaker Nancy Patricia Pelosi" to "Work in Concert with One Another" and with "The Biden/Harris Administration to "Provide Leadership" that is "Responsible, Empathetic, and Dedicated in Establishing A United Course of Action Thru Legislation," (ARP) that "Will Fund and Support The Needs of The American People" as "They Suffer The Ongoing Onslaught, Aggression," and "Fears Caused by The Persistence of COVID-19!"
And, "There Must Be A United Purpose by Both Democrats and Republicans" to "Bring An End to The CoronaVirus," and "Begin A Real Economic and Health Recovery in The United States!"
And, also "To Build A Reality of Trust and Faith in The American People as They Go Forth in Their Mission to Protect America," and "Build A Unifying Bridge to Heal The Domestic Differences" that have "Separated The Nation!" "This is Not The Time for Politics as Usual Behavior!" And, "The Biden/Harris Administration Will Need Their Cooperation!"
"For Much Too Long U.S. Senate Republicans have Appeared to Be Unconcerned with The Plight of Americans" as "They Face The Daily Fears of Death and Infections Caused by The CoronaVirus!
And, "The Blatant Insensitivity of The Republican Party as America is In The Midst of An Emergency Public Health Crisis" is "Shocking!"
"They were Elected" and have "Taken An Oath to Represent The American People," However, "They have Chosen, Instead," to "Impede The Assistance that Millions of American Families are In Need of," as "Yet Another Surge of Great Enormity of COVID-19 is Rising Across The Nation!"
And, "As Leader of The Republican Party" and "Senate Minority Leader," "Senator McConnell" has to "Take The Responsibility for Making Compromises," Whenever They May Be Needed" and "Especially at A Time, "When The American People are Most in Need of Federal Aid!"
And, "As Food Banks are Being Pushed to Their Limits, and "As Many as Fifteen Million Children are Threatened by Hunger," and "Their Families are Living in Poverty!"
And, "Why Isn't The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) More Engaged in This Immediate Time Period" of "A National Food and Health Crisis!"
"There is Little Doubt" that "The United States of America has Been In Need" of "The Compassionate, Cognizant, and Inspiring Leadership of The Biden/Harris Administration," that "Is Sincerely Committed To The People," For The Sake Of All The People," and "The Youth of The Nation," who are "To Inherit The Existential Truth," as "Related to The Empirical and Historical Experiences Of Today's Present Generation" and "Of Generations Gone by!"


-"One Day in The Parallel Universes of Washington D.C.'s Circumference in Action"- Tuesday, The Twenty-Third of February 2021, As The Sun Set in The Skies O'er The Nations Capitol, "Washington D.C. was Engaged in Doing The Work Of The People of The United States of America!" "From United States President Joseph Robinette Biden Jr. and Canadian Prime Minister Justin Pierre James Trudeau's Statements on Their Bilateral Meeting" to; (I) "The Senate's First Public Hearing on the Sixth of January 2021 Massive Security Breakdown/Failure," that "Failed to Prevent The Insurrection and Unconscionable Attack Against The U.S. Capitol" with "Questions Being Directed Towards Former Capitol Police Officers," (A Joint Hearing with Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs, Rules and Regulations) to, (II) "The House of Representatives Active Work on Preparing For A Vote on The $1.9 Trillion American Rescue Plan (ARP) This Week!" 

 -(Extra Noteworthy News- Monday, the Twenty- Second of February 2021, Global Cross Media News Reports are "The House Budget Committee Approved The $1.9 Trillion Dollar American Rescue Plan (ARP), "Setting up For A Final Floor Vote," "Approval," and "Passage," in The United States House of Representatives on Friday, The Twenty-Sixth of February!" And, "If Passed" then, "Its on Its Way to The United States Senate Allowing for A Senate Vote Next Week," Before "Being Signed into Law by President Biden by Mid-March!" Before "Federal Unemployment Benefits Expire!")-

And, On This Day, Tuesday, The Twenty-Third of February 2021, "The Parallel Universes of The Washington D.C. Circumference" also "Extended Outward to Include," "Confirmation Hearings for Biden/Harris Administrations Nominees are Being Held" for; (I) "United States Attorney General Merrick Brian Garland of The District of Columbia" (Senate Judiciary Committee) and, (II) "Xavier Bercerra of The State of California" for "United States Secretary of Health and Human Resources," (Committee of Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions) and, (III) "Debra Anne Haaland of The State of New Mexico," for "United States Secretary of The Interior," (Committee of Energy and National Resources) and, (IV)- "Adewale "Wally" Adeyemo of The State of California," for "United States Deputy Secretary of The Treasury" (Committee of Finance)!

And, "Althroughout The Nations Capitol The Security Presence is Formidable!" With The Members of The Fourth Estate," and "The Global Cross Media News Sphere's Ever Prepared" to "Respond at A Moments Notice" to "Capture Live The New Headline," or "Breaking News Spotlight Of The Day or Eventide," by "Camera," "Cell Phone," or "Pen and Pencil," or by "Whatever Means Available to Them," to "Provide as Clear a Profile," "Moment in Courage," "Event," or "The Truth Encapsulated in A Video" or "Freeze Frame!"

-(Note; "Two Questions" that "The Biden/Harris Administration Should have" at "The Top of Their To Due List is; (1) "Statehood for The District of Columbia" and, (2) "Statehood for The Common Wealth of Puerto Rico!")-


-(Note that, "In An Altered Political Reality," Global Cross Media News Reports are Thursday, The Twenty-Fifth of February 2021, "CPAC Held Its Annual Gathering in Orlando, Florida!"

Sunday, The Twenty-Eighth of February "Former U.S." and "Twice Impeached President by The United States House of Representatives," "Spoke for Approximately One Hour Plus," "Repeating The Same Themes" that "Led to An Attack on The U.S. Capitol on The Sixth of January 2021 by Insurrectionists," and "The Loss of The Presidency" to "Democratic Nominee President Joseph R. Biden Jr., the Forty-Sixth President of The United States of America!")- 


-"Global Cross Media News Universe, Insights, New Horizons, News Purview's, Global Perspectives," And, "Winter Storms of Environmental and Ecological Awakening Bring A New Heightened and Significant Element into Our Lives," and "Conscience Awareness," and "Cognitive Comprehensiveness,"- And, "A Time of Healing!" "A Time of Renewal!" And, "A Time of Macrocosmic Exponential Growth and Development" to "Look Forward to!"-

"Let Us Find Purpose and Agreement" in "The Importance" of "This Being A Time of Perseverance," "Determination," and "Commitment" to "The Compassionate," "Soulful," and "Professional Management" of "The Distribution of The CoronaVirus Vaccine to "Every Corner and Path of The Nation!"

-(Note that, Global Cross Media News Reports are "At A CNN Town Hall Meeting in Milwaukee, Wisconsin" on Tuesday The Sixteenth of February 2021, "President Biden Promised" to have "Over Six Hundred Million Doses of The CoronaVirus Vaccine Available" by "The End of July 2021!"

And, "President Biden also Assured A Young Girl who was a Second grader, and was Concerned about Getting the CoronaVirus" that, "First of all kids don't get the Covid very often. Its unusual for that to happen. And the evidence so far is children aren't the people most likely to get Covid, number one." .... and, "You're the safest group of people in the whole world." .... "don't be scared hone. Don't be scared. You're going to be fine. And, your mommies going to be fine to." 

"It was a Touching Moment to See," and has "Gone Viral!"")- 

And, "A Time to Prepare and Plan For A New Spring," and "Summer," of 2021," and "Building Towards The Recovery of The Nations" Economy, State, Local, and Federal, "of The United States of America," and "The United Sovereign and Solar Nations of The Earth," and "The Social Security," Healthcare Security," and "Welfare Of All The Sovereign Nations who Strive Diplomatically," and "Non-Violently" to "Engage in Universal Principles and Dialogues" to "Live in Peace!"

So that, "We May Truly Engage in" and "Share A New Renaissance of Humanity," and "The Realization of A Bold and Multi-Cultural Civilization Of The People!"

"Truthfully A Renaissance of Humanity" that "Covers The Whole Earth like A Macrocosmic Golden Cloud of Light," "Renewing The Hopes," "Dreams," "Goals," and "Visions of The Youth of The Earth," and "Their Families" and "Inspiring Them to Unite" and "Strive Together" in "A New Era of Reason," "Rationale," "Impetus," "Incentive," "Motivation," "Inducement," "Inspiration," and "Conceptualization," to "Sow The Seeds of A Future of Prosperity," and "Sociological Security," "Equanimity," Tranquility," and "Global Equilibre," "Freedom, and Equality," Peace," and "Justice For One and All!"


- "Global Cross Media News Universe, Insights, New Horizons, News Purview's, Global Perspectives,"And, "The Reaffirmation Of America"- "America is Back"-

-Extra Noteworthy News-

Friday, The Nineteenth of February 2021, "Headlines of The Fourth Estate," and "Breaking News Spotlights of The Global Cross Media News Sphere's Reported on President Biden's First Official Trip Overseas as "The President of The United States of America to Deliver A Speech at The Munich Security Conference in Germany!"

"President Biden Reaffirmed (1) "America is Back," (2) "The Transatlantic Alliance is Back, and we're not looking backward, we're looking forward," (3) "We continue to support the goal of a Europe whole and free and at peace." (4) "The United States is firmly committed to our NATO alliance" and, (5)  "We'll keep faith with article 5. Its a guarantee. An attack on one is an attack on all." (6) "NATO Defense Ministers endorsed a significantly expanded training and advisory missionin Iraq, which will be vital to the ongoing fight against ISIS." (7) The President "has ordered the halting of withdrawal of American troops from Germany." (8) "His administration supports the diplomatic process thats underway to bring an end to the 20 year old War in Afghanistan," and, (9) "The United States is determined to reengage with Europe, to consult with you, to earn back our position of trusted leadership." (10) And, President Biden also said "I believe that --- every ounce of my being ---that democracy will and must prevail." (11) "And, "President Biden also "Spoke of  Preparing "together for a long term strategic competition with China," and "How the United States, Europe and Asia must work together to secure the peace and defend our shared values and advance our prosperity across the Pacific will be among the most consequential efforts we undertake." (12) "We must shape the rules that will govern the advance of technology, and the norms of behavior in cyberspace, artificial intelligence, biotechnology so that they are used to lift people up, not used to pin them down." (13) And, The United States is "standing up for the sovereignty and territorial integrity of Ukraine remains a vital concern for Europe and the United States. Thats why addressing Russian recklessness --- Russian recklessness and hacking into computer networks, in the United States, and across Europe and the World, has become critical to protecting our collective security. The challenges with Russia may be different than the ones with China, but there just as real."

And, "President Biden" also said "We want a future where all nations are able to freely determine their own path without a threat of violence or coercion."

And, "President Biden" also "Announced that The United States is Making a $Two Billion Dollar Pledge to COVAX," COVID-19 Vaccines Global Access, with "The Promise of An Additional $Two Billion to Encourage Others to Donate as well!"

And, "The President" also "Spoke of Ebola in Africa," and "The Need to Strengthen and Reform The World Health Organization (WHO)," and A U.N. System that is "Prepared to "Focus on with Biological Threats!" 

And, Just as Importantly, "President Biden" also said, "That's why as President, I immediately rejoined the Paris Agreement, and as of today, The United States is officially once again a party to the Paris Agreement, which we helped put together."

- "Global Cross Media News Universe, Insights, New Horizons, News Purview's, Global Perspectives,"And, "The Reaffirmation of The Positive, Valid, Potent, Cogent, Effective, and Successful Relations," with "The Transatlantic Community of Sovereign Nations,"- "America is Back"-

 "President Biden's Speech is An Excellent Follow up to President Biden's Foreign Policy Speech" that "He Delivered on Thursday, The Fourth of February 2021!" And, Once again, "Reaffirms The United States Positive Intentions Among The United Sovereign Solar Nations of The Earth!"

And, "An Excellent Step Forward Towards The Establishment of A Bold New Multicultural Civilization of The Diverse Community, Tapestry, and Fabric Of The People," and "A New Twenty-First Century Renaissance Of Humanity," and "Hope for A Prosperous, Peaceful, and Global Equilibre and Unification for The Present and Future Generations of The Earth," Based on "The Universal Principles," and "The Cognitive Existentialism of Truth," and "Respect," and "Justice For One and All!"


- Extra Noteworthy News- "Global Cross Media News Universe"-

Friday, The Twenty-Sixth of February 2021, Global Cross Media News Reports are "The United States House of Representatives Passed President Biden's $1.9 Trillion Dollar Emergency Relief/Stimulus Package" "The American Rescue Plan Act of 2021," by "A Vote of Two Hundred and Nineteen to Two Hundred and Twelve" to "Boldly Move Forward" to "Heal," "Rejuvenate," and "Provide Healthcare," "Sustenance," and "Economic Support for The Revival of The Economic Prosperity," and "Sociological Security for The American People!"

-(Note that, "All But Two Democrats in The House Voted for ARP," While "No Republicans Crossed over to Vote For It!" And, "This Callous Display of Disregard For The American People who are "Still Being Threatened by The CoronaVirus" and "Suffering from A U.S. Economy" that "Clearly is In Need of Stimulating For The Sake of America The Beautiful," "Demonstrates The Ongoing Insensitivity and Cold Heartedness of The Overwhelming Members of The Grand Ole Party, The GOP," For Which It No Longer is!"

"Nor Does The GOP Represent The Families," "Small Businesses," and "Those who are In Need of Economic Assistance, and Healthcare During A National Health Crisis in The United States of America!"

And, "There Can Be No Doubt" that "The Today's GOP," "The Party of Former U.S. Presidents Abraham Lincoln," "Theodore Roosevelt," "Dwight D. Eisenhower," "Ronald Reagan," and "So Many Elected Officials," Such as "Jack Kemp," "Robert Dole," and "John McCain," and "Respected Families Such as, "The Rockefeller," and "Bush Families," has "Tainted from A  Historical Perspective," and "In The Eyes, Minds, and Hearts of The American People," "Whatever Reputation," and "Significance It Claimed" to have had "For Decades to Come," "If Not In Perpetuity!"

However, "It is of The Greatest Importance for The Democratic Party to Stay United in Purpose," and "For The Sake of The American People" and also  "Lay The Ground Work" for "A Follow Up Economic Stimulus Relief, Rescue, and National Infrastructure Plan" to "Build The Pillars of A Bold New Civilization Of The People, By The People, and For The People," that "Establishes A New Age of Trust in The Governance Of The People, " and "A New Renaissance of Humanity" that "Sows The Seeds of Faith, Hope, and Belief In A New Era of Comprehensive Universality of The Noble Principles," and "High Standards of Being" that "We were Taught to Believe in!"

And, "In Doing so, Reinforcing Our Beliefs," "Respect," and "Visions of Global Equilibre and Equanimity!"

And, "An Earthrise Vision," "Overview," and "Purview, of The Truth," "Based on Empirical," "Cognitive," and "Historical Facts" that "Provide Solar Axioms" that "Can Not Be Revised for The Personal Gain," and/or Profit for Any Individual," "Financial Organization," "Elected Official," or "Leader of A Sovereign Government!"

"Here is An In Brief View of President-Elect Biden's $1.9 Trillion Dollar Rescue Plan Act of 2021" (That is Subject to Committee Changes in Both The U.S. House and Senate); (1) "A Third Round of  $1,400 Dollar Stimulus Checks," in Direct Payments per Person," 

 (2) "$Four Hundred and Sixteen Billion Dollars to Launch A National Vaccination Program," with "A Purposeful and Highly Meaningful Goal" of "Vaccinating One Hundred Million Persons," and "The Re-Opening of Schools," "The First One Hundred Days of The Biden Administration," 

(3) "Increase Unemployment Aid to $Four Hundred Dollars from The Three Hundred that is Presently Being Offered," and "Extend This Program," along with, 

(5) "The Pandemic Emergency Unemployment Compensation Program," and in, 

(6) "The Pandemic Unemployment Assistance Program," until September 2021, Plus, 

(7) "An Additional $Twenty-Five Billion for Rental Assistance," and, 

(8) "$Five Billion to Help "Struggling Renters" to Pay Their Utility Bills," 

(9) "$Five Billion to Go to States and Localities Assist and Prevent Those at Risk from Experiencing Homelessness," 

(10) "Extend The Eviction Moratorium from The End of January until The Thirtieth of September 2021," 

(11) "Reinstate The Paid Sick and Family Leave Benefits until The Thirtieth of September 2021,"

 (12) "Providing $Fifteen Billion to Provide A New Grant Program for Small Business Owners,"

 (13) "Making a $Thirty-Five Billion Investment to Send to Some State, Local, Tribal, and Non-Profit Financing Programs," that "Make Low Interest Loans," and "Provide Venture Capital to Extrepreneurs," 

(14) "$Three Hundred and Fifty Billion Dollars" to "State, Local, and Territorial Governments to "Keep Their Frontline Workers Employed," "Distribute The Vaccine," "Increase Testing," "Reopen Schools," and "Maintain Vital Services," 

(15) "Provide $Twenty Billion Dollars to The Hardest-Hit Public Transportation Agencies to Prevent Layoffs," and "The Cutting of Routes," and, 

(16) "Provide $One Hundred and Seventy Billion Dollars to K-12 Schools, Colleges, and Universities," to "Help Them Reopen and Operate Safely," or to "Facilitate Remote Learning!"  

"There is More to This Impressive and Detailed $1.9 Trillion Dollars Relief and Rescue Economic Package" that "Deserves Your Close Attention to," and "Dependent Upon What Category You Fit into," "You Should Look Closely at It," and "Hopefully You Will Gain Hope that Your Nation is Looking Out for You," and "All that is In Your Best Interests" and "Your Health and Welfare During This Extremely Difficult Time Period Politically, and Sociologically!"  

And, "Let There  Be No Doubt" that "America has A Competent, Highly Schooled, and Highly Experienced Federal Government Management Team in The Biden/Harris Administration," and "The Democratic Party," to "Professionally, Compassionately, Coherently, and Immediately Coordinate The Distribution of The Pfizer and Moderna Vaccine Doses" to "The Nation," and "Manage The Affairs" of "The Government Of The People, By The People, and For The People!"

However, "Let Us also Remember The Overwhelming Importance of Getting Vaccinated," by  "Johnson & Johnson's New Single Dose Covid-19 Vaccine Application," or "The Pfizer-BioNTech CoronaVirus Vaccine," or "Moderna's CoronaVirus Vaccine," (or "The AstraZeneca Vaccine Once It has Been Cleared for EUA Use in The United States of America"), and then "Once These Vaccines have Been Distributed Earthwide" to "The Billions Upon Billions of People Living within The Earths United Sovereign Solar Nations," and "The United States of America," Then, and only Then, "Will A New Normal Begin to Blossom into A Bold New Earthwide Society Of The People," "Irregardless of Gender, Creed, Tribe, Special Needs, Age, Intellectual Disability, Color, Economic Status, Political Persuasion, or Nationality!"


- Extra Noteworthy News- "Global Cross Media News Universe In Brief"-

Monday, The First of March 2021, Global Cross Media News Reports are "Former French President Nicolas Paul Stephane Sarkozy de Nagy-Bosca was Found Guilty of Corruption and Influence-Peddling," and "Sentenced to One Year in Prison" and "A Two Year Suspended Sentence!"

Note that, Global Cross Media News Reports are "The Court" said, "Mr. Sarkozy was Entitled to Request to Be Detained at Home with An Electric Bracelet!"

And, Take Note that, "Mr. Sarkozy Will also Be Facing Trial in March 2021," with "Thirteen Other People on Charges" of "Illegal Financing of His 2012 Presidential Campaign!"   


- Extra Noteworthy News- "Global Cross Media News Universe In Brief"-

 Monday, The First of March 2021, Global Cross Media News Reports are "Alexei Anatolievich Navalny has Been Transferred to Serve His Two and a Half Year Sentence for Alleged Parole Violations," in "Penal Colony Number 2," East of Moscow, "in The Town of Pokrov!"

-"Global Cross Media News Universe, Insights, New Horizons, News Purview's, and Global Perspectives"-

"There is No Justice in Mr. Navalny's Sentencing!" And, "The European Union (EU)," and "The United States of America," "Should Exert Their Ability to Influence Russian Federation President Vladimir Putin to Release Mr. Navalny" on "Humanitarian and Civil Rights Violations Concerns!"

-(Note that, "A New Sense of Justice and The Civil Rights of Every Citizen of The Russian Federation Must Be Addressed!" "The People of Russia Deserve to Be Treated Fairly and Justly!" "This is The Twenty-First Century, It is Not The Dark Ages!" And, "A New Dawn of Governance and Human Rights Should Be The Reflection" of "A New Renaissance of Human Rights!")-


- Extra Noteworthy News- "Global Cross Media News Universe"-

Friday, The Twenty-Sixth of February 2021, "The Headlines of The Fourth Estate," and "The Breaking News Spotlights," of "The Global Cross Media News Sphere's" Reported on "The Declassification of "A U.S. Intelligence Report on The Death of Washington Post Journalist Jamal Ahmad Khashoggi!"

"The Report Stated" that "Saudi Arabia's Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman Approved The Operation to Kill or Capture Journalist Jamal Khashoggi!" 

"The Intelligence Summary States" that "We assess that Saudi Arabia's Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman approved an operation in in Istanbul, Turkey, to capture or kill Saudi Journalist Jamal Khashoggi!" And, "The Report also States" that, "We base this assessment on the Crown Prince's control of decision making in the Kingdom, the direct involvement of a key adviser and member's of Mohammed bin Salman's protective detail in the operation, and and the Crown Prince's support for using violent measures to silence dissidents abroad, including Khashoggi!"

-(Note that, On Thursday, The Twenty-Fifth of February 2021, Global Cross Media News Reports are "President Biden Spoke with The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia's King Mohammad bin Abdulaziz Al-Saud" of "The Four Page Document" Entitled, "Assessing The Saudi Government's Role in the Killing of Jamal Khashoggi," "Dated The Eleventh of February," and "Marked as declassified by Director of National Intelligence Avril Haines on The Twenty-Fifth of February 2021!"

And, Global Cross Media News Reports are "U.S. Secretary of State Antony John Blinken Announced," that "The New Khashoggi Ban" that allows the U.S. to restrict visas for individuals acting on behalf of a foreign government who are directly involved in "serious extraterrestrial counter-dissident activities, including those that suppress, harass, surveil, threaten, or harm journalists, activists, or other persons perceived to be dissidents for their work."

Note that, Global Cross Media News Reports are "U.S. Secretary of State Blinken also said In A Statement" that, "This Ban would be immediately applied to Seventy-Six Saudi individuals "believed to have been engaged in threatening dissidents overseas, included but not limited to the Khashoggi killing." And, "This Ban also Includes Family Members!"

 -"Global Cross Media News Universe, Insights, New Horizons, News Purview's, and Global Perspectives"-  And, "A Code of Honor," "Integrity," and "Respect For One's Fellow Human Being," And "A Time for A Renaissance of Humanity,"- And, "A Renewal of Respect for The Intelligence Community"-

It is "A Welcomed Sight to See A Return of Prominence and Respect for The United States Intelligence Community," who have "Worked Tirelessly" to "Protect The Nation from Domestic and Foreign Agitators," and "Anti-American Factions!"

And, "It is "A Welcomed Sight to See The Biden/Harris Administration Provide The Leadership and Transparency In Governance" that "Respects American Values," "Traditions," "Its Allies," "Institutions," "Constitution," and "Government Of, By, and For The People!" And, "Cares for The Healthcare," "Welfare," and "Social Security of The Diverse Community Of This Great Republic," "Democracy," and "One Nation Indivisible with Liberty and Justice For All!"


- Extra Noteworthy News- "New U.S. Unemployment Claims"- 

"As The Sun Set's in The Skies O'er The United States of America" "The Question" Still Remains; (1) "Is The Republican Party Planning to Cooperate with The Democratic Party to Address The Serious Life and Death Circumstances Concerning The Ongoing Threat of The CoronaVirus!"

And, "It is Crucial for The Healthcare," and "Overall Welfare" of "The American People" that "The United States Senate Vote to Pass President Biden and His Administration's $1.9 Trillion Dollar American Rescue Plan" (ARP), that "The United States House of Representatives Passed on Friday, The Twenty-Sixth of February 2021," to "Further Address The Serious Life and Death Circumstances Concerning The CoronaVirus," and "The Additional Threat of Its Variants!" "For Their is No Nobler Deed" than "To Come to The Aid of Your Fellow American," in "This Time Period of Intense Distress," and "Economic Need!"

"Thursday, The Twenty-Fifth of February 2021, "The Bureau of Labor Announced"  that "Seven Hundred and Thirty Thousand Americans Filed for Unemployment Insurance," and "While It is A Significant Decrease of One Hundred and Eleven Thousand from The Previous Weeks Revised Level," "It Still Continues to Demonstrate The Urgency that Exists in The Nation Today," and "The Hard Work that Lies Ahead for The Biden/Harris Administration," to Either, (1) "Convince The Republican Party to Join Them in Passing The American Rescue Plan" (ARP) or, (2) "Through Reconciliation Overcome Any Obstacles by The GOP," and "Pass ARP with The Increase of The Minimum Wage to $Fifteen Dollars Included" with "Their United Though Slim Majority!" "This Moment" and "Moments Like This that Arise in The Future," and are of "Great Benefit To The American People," But are Opposed by The GOP," "Must Be Passed by The Democrats in Both Houses of The United States Congress," and "Government Of The People, By The People, and For The People!" "This is Why The President Biden and Vice President Harris" and "Democrats were Voted into Power," and "Why Former President Trump and Former Vice President Pence," and "The Republicans were Voted Out of Power!"

And, "Let Us Agree" that "The Absolute Need" for "Additional CoronaVirus Relief Assistance for The American People" is "Significantly More Important" than "The Hubris, Stubbornness, and Lack of Compassion Of, and By The GOP For Their Fellow American in Dire Times of Need!"

And, "When You Include The Millions of  Americans who are Continuing" to "Receive Traditional State Benefits," All The More "Demonstrates Further Proof of The Immediate Need" to "Pass The $1.9 Trillion Dollar American Rescue Plan" (ARP) Relief Package that "President Biden and His Administration are Calling for!"

 And, "With The Resumption of In Person Classes and School Re-openings," "Versus Distance Learning," "One Can only Expect" that "There Will Be A Further Increases in Confirmed Cases," and "Need for School Financing," and "There Will Be Continued Destabilization of Community and State Programs,"and "Tragically so, In and Amongst Our Neighborhoods!"

And, "The Number of Deaths in The Nation Will Continue to Grow," even "With The EUA Approval and Distribution of New Vaccines by The Food and Drug Administration" (FDA), and "Distributed Earthwide to Billions of People!"

And, "The Truth of The Matter" is, "Irregardless of The Successes and Failures of Wall Streets Rollercoaster," and "Alternative Reality," "There is Simply No Real Stability in The U.S. Economy!" "Nor Will There Be until A True Economic and Health Recovery Nationwide has Begun for Certain!"

Global Cross Media News Reports are Wednesday, The Tenth of February 2021, "Jerome Powell Chairman of the Federal Reserve" said, "the jobs picture remains a long way" from where it needs to be."... And, Chairman Powell also said, "the Central Bank is committed to keeping interests rates low until until substantially more progress happens."

However, "Even then, It Will Take Time," and "The Full Cooperation of Every American Citizen to Follow Social Distancing Guidelines," and "Wear Masks," Before A Significant Change in The Economic Status" and "The Overall Welfare of America Can Improve for The Betterment of One and All!"
"It is Extremely Difficult to Conceive" that From The Thirty-First of December 2019 to Monday, The First of March 2021, "More than Five Hundred and Twenty-Five Thousand, Seven Hundred and Seventy-Five Persons have Died in The United States of America Caused by The CoronaVirus," and by "Surpassing This Unimaginable Half Million Mark has Cast A Tragic and Unforgettable Shadow" over "The Mismanagement of This National Health Crisis by The Trump Administration!"  
And, "The Fact" that "Confirmed Cases" have "Reached More than Twenty-Nine Million, Two Hundred and Fifty-Five Thousand American Citizens," and, "You Can Fully Realize by The Numbers of Deaths and Confirmed Cases," that "The Nation is Still in The Midst of A Serious Public Health Crisis!"
And, "The Families of These More than Five Hundred and Twenty-Five Thousand, Seven Hundred and Seventy-Five Americans," are "Grieving and Suffering, and Deeply Mourning The Loss of Their Love Ones!"
And,  When You Include that, "Earthwide," From The Thirty-First of December 2019 to Monday, The First of March 2021, "More than One Hundred and Fourteen Million, Six Hundred and Ninety-Four Thousand Persons have Been Infected by The CoronaVirus," and "The Tragic Number of Deaths" has "Surpassed Two Million, Five Hundred and Forty-Three Thousand Persons," "Whose Families have only Photographs, Videos, and Films,"  "While Thankfully, Still Very Sadly" "Only Their Memories to Remind Them of The Loss of Their Love One's," "Absolutely Anyone One with Any Common Sense Can Realize The Seriousness of This Pandemic!"

And, "Let's Be Absolutely Clear" that "The Ongoing Spread of The CoronaVirus has Not Abated!" And, "Health Care Systems are Still Faced with An Ongoing Crisis!" And, "The Battle is Not Over," and "The War Against This Vicious, Dangerous, Merciless, and Ruthless Virus," has "Not Been Won as of Yet!" And, "There is Still A Great Amount of Work to Be Done!"
 And, "A Financial and Organizational Effort of The Highest Professional Quality," "Ability,"and "Compassionate Management," "Must Be In The Forefront of The Effort" to "Contain and Prevent The Ongoing Spread of The CoronaVirus!"
And, "It is of The Greatest Importance" to "The Health Care" and "Welfare Of We The People," that "All of The Meaningful and Life Saving Requests Made by The Earths Community of Health Care Experts" "Must Be Guaranteed and Delivered Immediately without Procrastination" by "All of  The Global Sovereign Governments, State, City and Local Governments!"

"For These Leaders Must Keep Their Contract with The Earths Populace" to "Provide Financial and Medical Support for One and All," who have "Adhered to The Social Distancing Guidelines They have Provided and Asked Compliance of," and "They Must Keep Their Word Nobly," that "In Truth," "Demonstrates that We are All in This Global Pandemic," and "Effected by The Deadly and Heartbreaking Affects of This Global Pandemic," "Together!"
 -"Global Cross Media News Universe, Insights, New Horizons, News Purview's, and Global Perspectives"- "This is Not The Time for Hubris" or "Politics Based on Self Profit or Self Gain Attitudes"-

"It is of The Greatest Importance for The U.S. Congress to Fully Realize The Tragic Significance" of "The Fact" that "As of Monday, The First of March 2021, "More than Five Hundred and Twenty-Five Thousand, Seven Hundred and Seventy-Five Lives," "Mothers and Fathers, Sons and Daughters, Sisters and Brothers," have "Died Due to The Merciless Attack of The CoronaVirus in The United States of America," and "This is The Time For All of The Five Hundred and Thirty-Five Members of Congress, Irregardless of Political Party Association" to "Contemplate and Act with All Speed" with "Their Hearts, Minds, Intellects, Souls, and Spirits Fully Engaged" to "Stop The Ongoing Spread of The CoronaVirus," and "Any of Its Mutant Variants!"

And, "This is Not The Time for Partisan Politics," or "Behaving as Politicians Looking Towards Future Election Successes!" "This is Time to Act and Work" as "The Courageous Healthcare and Critical Care Workers Who are Caring for, on A Daily Basis," "The Recovery of Members of Our Families," "Who have Been Hospitalized," "Where Success is Saving A Life!"

And, "It is of The Greatest Importance" for "Senate Majority Leader Schumer" and "House Speaker Pelosi," and "The Democratic Party," to "Continue to "Provide The Leadership and Commitment to Fulfill The Promises They Made to The American People," and "Pass Legislation" that "Improves The Healthcare and Economic Welfare of America!"


The Way To Peace! #242- (Revisited)-

"As The Parallel Universes of "The Global Cross Media News Sphere's," and "The Fourth Estate Continue Their Non-Stop Reportage of Political and Social Issues," and Earthwide Affairs," "Let Us Encourage" and "Give Support to This Boundless Synergy" to "Continue to Focus Upon Discovering The Source of The Unlawful Global and Domestic Factions" that have "Disrupted Governments Of The People by Coups," "Unlawful Insurrections," and "The Illegal Activities of Unconstitutional Vigilantes," "Domestic Terrorists," and "Syndicates of Criminals," who are "Against Constitutional Based Governments Of The People!"

"All Thought of Hope and Peace is at Stake!" And, "Our Thoughts and Beliefs" of "What is of Integral Importance to Our Fellow Human Being is at Stake!"

 "As A New Spring Break and Holiday Season Lies Ahead of Us, Including a Cross-Media Universe of Sports Entertainment!"

And, "As Political, and  Financial Leaders Ponder" about "What will Be the Fate of Their Global Economies," "As The CoronaVirus Continues to Drain The Budgets of Many Local, State, and Sovereign Governments," and "Schools Find Themselves In Need of Funding to Establish A Positive Environment" to "Provide for The Safety of Students, and Teachers," or "Any Related Employees," from "School Bus Drivers," to "Maintenance Workers!" "

"In The United States of America President Biden's $1.9 Trillion Dollar American Rescue Plan (ARP) Comes Along at An Extremely Timely Moment!" And, "With or Without"Bipartisan Support," "Which Should Be Political Given, Because of The Ongoing Threat of The CoronaVirus," "The Democratic Party Must Act Alone, If Necessary," to "Pass This Life Saving Legislation!" And, "Especially," as "Seven New Variants have Surfaced in The U.S.," that has "Given A New Sense of Urgency to The Medical, and Healthcare of American Citizens!" And, "Increased The Need to Increase The Distribution of Vaccines Nationwide!"

And th, "The Need of Additional Funding is Needed Provide Support for The Millions of Americans who are Unemployed" and "Living in Fear of Being Evicted from Their Homes," and "Small Businesses" are "Living under The Threat and Fear of Gong Out of Business!"

And, "New Insightful Visions and Strategies" have to "Be Advised, Devised, and Planned" to "Provide for A Prosperous Recovery and Rebound of The Economy," to "Reach The Financial Goals Needed to Drive The Economy to New Heights of Prosperity," and "Build A Bold New Civilization Of The People!" "Visions and Strategies" that "Call for A Domestic and International Infrastructure Plan!"

And, "The Reestablishment of Positive Relations with Traditional Allies," as well as "Perceptive and Experienced New Foreign Policies and Dialogues," Must Be Immediately Put into Action," "To Deal with Sustaining and Maintaining Peaceful Relationships with Adversaries Diplomatically and Economically," that "Include Engaging The Development of Cognitive Dialogues Concerning The Prioritizing of Policies and Visions to Advance Towards" "A New Season and Era of Peace on Earth!"

And, "As The 2022 Election Season Looms Before Us," "The Federal Government in The U.S. Must Guarantee The Constitutional Right for Every American of Voting Age to Cast Their Vote for The Candidate of Their Choice!" "Without The Fear of Threats or Intimidation!"

"History has Shown Us: that "There have been Times in The Past," when "In spite of All the Great Intentions to Change The World to Make it A Better Place For Our Families to Live in," "A Multitude of Critical Challenges" have "Tested Our Personal Resolve," "Fortitude," and "Strength of Character to Overcome and Transcend The Negativity or Adversary" that "Barred Our Way!"

"The Test" was For, "We"..."The People," Sovereign Citizens of This Planet Earth to Act, "As a Great Collective," "A Great Soul Force of The Truth" and "Rise up to Confront The Evil," "Unjust, "Immoral," "Vile, " "Dishonorable," "Corrupt and Perverted Enemy" that Faced Us," and "Threatened to Destroy Our Homes and Families!"

In such Moments, "We"..."The People" Called upon "An Inner Strength," and, "It was of The Greatest Importance to Remember and Be Guided by The Ideas, Thoughts, Words and Actions of The Women and Men that History has Singled out," "As Great Souls," "For Their Vision, and The Paths" that "They Chose to Take," "Paths that were Empowered by A Great Collective Of, By, and For The People!"

Moments such as (1) The Salt March, Salt Satyagraha, A Non-Violent Protest Led by Mahatma Gandhi, Led The Way To Indian Independence! Bapu (Called so Out of Great Love and Endearment) Inspired All of India as well as Civil Rights Movements All over The World! He was Truly A Great Soul and Visionary! 
(2) The Founder and First President of The American Red Cross, Clara Barton, who Cared for The Injured during The Civil War in The United States, and Collected Food, Medicine and Clothing for The Troops, and Challenged the Barriers that Restricted Women from Helping The Wounded in Field Hospitals that were Restricted to Using Solely Male Staffs, and Who was a Supporter of The Women's Suffrage Movement!
(3) Jesus of Nazareth who Taught His Fathers Gospel of Love and Truth, and Who Healed All who Came to Him Spiritually, Emotionally, and Physically, and were in Need! Who came into The World to Save Sinners! And, by His Own Example Changed The World For Future Generations to Come!
(4) Socrates who Taught Us the Meaning of The Truth! 
(5) Nelson Mandela, who Became South Africa's First Black President, Fought and Successfully Put an End to South Africa's Apartheid System! Madiba Never gave up Trying to Make a Better World for His People, and Achieve Human Rights that were Honorable and Just! 
(6) Mother Teresa who Dedicated Her Life Caring for The Poor, Homeless, and Lepers! Mother Founded The Missionaries of Charity in Calcutta and also Won The Nobel Peace Prize! 
Many Believed Her to Be much More than a Nun in Her Lifetime! And, There is No Doubt of Her Saintliness! 
(7) Siddhartha Gautama Taught Us The Middle Way, and Encouraged One and All to Follow A Path of Balance! Siddhartha Taught that The Eight Fold Path Led Us to A Self Awakening and Liberation! And, He Transcended the Conditioned Reality to become a Great Mahayana! 
(8) And then, There is Confucius and Lao-Tzu, Who led by Their Axioms of Confucianism and Taoism, whose Philosophies and Teachings Provided Guidance to Their People and A Way of Life to Follow!
(9) And, in a Time when Civil Rights Abuses Occurred on A Daily Basis in The U.S., A Voice spoke out and said "I have a Dream" and through His Non-Violent Civil Rights Movement and Great Soul Strength, Helped to Put an End to Segregation in The United States! 
Prior to Malala Yousafzai,  Martin Luther King Jr. was the Youngest Person to Win a Nobel Peace Prize!

"The List is Limitless" filled with "The Names of Philosophers, Peacemakers, Prophets, Military, Spiritual, Religious, and World Leaders who have Inspired and Guided Us" from Muhammad to Moses, and Charlemagne to Rumi, Mary to Melchizedek, St. Francis to Tagore, Mary Magdalene to Zoroaster, Lincoln to Susan B. Anthony, Churchill to FDR, Eisenhower to De Gaulle, and "On and On The List goes Including Women and Men of The 21st Century who've Displayed Great Presence of Character, Compassion, Integrity, and Equilibre," and "Have Gone Beyond the Call of Duty" in Defense of "We"..."The People," and "All The Freedoms that "We Enjoy!"  

And, "There is No Reason to Doubt" that "We"..."As a Great Collective Soul Force Of Peace, Justice, and Freedom, and Protectors of The Rights of Each and Every Sovereign Citizen of This Planet Earth," "Have Naught to Fear!"

And, "Common Sense" Tells me, that "A Bold New Civilization Of, By, and For The People," while Fraught with Anxiety, Terror, Disease," and "Economic Disparity" between Classes of People, Still have "A Great Character, Integrity and Purpose," "Vision and Awareness!" "Enlightenment and Compassion!" "Soul Power and Conviction!" And, "Hope For The Future!" And, "An Earthrise of Great Magnitude" For "We"..."The People!"

Peacemakers, and Voices of Reason of The 20th and 21st Centuries, "Let Us Utilize All The Resources of This Age of Communication and Information" to "Continue to Encourage and Empower The Global Policymakers of Equilibre, Common Sense, and Social Security For All The People!" 
For, This is, The Way To Peace and An Omnipresent, Omniscient, and Omnipotent Age Of Peace On Earth!

 -"Global Cross Media News Universe, Insights, New Horizons, News Purview's, Global Perspectives"- And, -"The World of The 21st Century," Should Resemble, "A"Bold New Multicultural Civilization" and "A Renaissance of Humanity" that "Reflects A Unified World of Political, Financial, Religious, and, Military Leaders, Who Realize The Seriousness of Their Responsibilities, To Make A Better World, For The Lives, "Of The People, By The People, and, For The People!" Who have Dedicated Themselves To Making The Economical, Spiritual, Political, Sociological, Personal and Universal Reforms that Will Guarantee The Social/Financial Security, Health, and Welfare, that Will Grace and Empower The Earths Communities, and, Enhance The Quality of Life Experiences, "Of The People, By The People, and, For The People!"

And, "This Renaissance of Humanity of The Twenty-First Century," "Should Be A Clear and Present Reflection" of "A Unified World of Philosophers, Voices of Reason, and, Peacemakers of True Heart, Mind and Soul, Whose Vision Of The Earth is, Consistent with, The Idea's, Hopes, and, Earthrise Vision Path Of The People, By The People, and, For The People," Citizens Of The Earth! 
And, "Whose Teaching and Activism, Fully Supports The Fact" that, "We The People," are Citizens of "One World," This, The Third Planet from The Sun, and are, "One and All," Sovereign Citizens of, This, The Third Planet from The Sun, Irregardless of, "What Nationality, Creed, Color, Age, Tribe, Special Needs, Gender, Intellectual Disability, Economic Status, or Political Persuasion," that "We" Have Been Taught To Believe "We" are, "By A Manipulative, Conditioned Global Oligarchy!"

"The Bold New Multicultural Civilization of The 21st Century," Should  Be An Enlightened and Cognitive Reflection" of, "A Unified World Driven By A Peace Time Economy," and "An Age of Green Industrialization, and, Entrepreneurialism!"

And, "A Unified World Of Enlightened Omniscience!" "Empowered By A Committed Generation of Teachers," "World Leaders," and, "Parents!" "Combined with A Compassionate, Purposeful, and, Universally Minded Generation" of "Scientists," "Engineers," and, "Visionaries," "Who Represent A Technologically Inspired Human Conscious Awareness!" And, Who are, also, "An Environmental," "Ecological," and, "Morally Aware Group" Of "Interdependent Individuals," Who are, "Of The People, By The People, and, For The People," Citizens Of The Earth!

And, "The Renaissance of Humanity of The 21st Century," "Should Include A Unified World" of "Young Women and Men Who've Enlisted in Our Armed Forces" "To Defend The Rights," "Principles," "Laws," and, "Freedoms Of The People, By The People, and, For The People," Citizens Of The Earth!
"Brave and Courageous Women and Men," "Who've Committed Themselves To Be," "Vessels Of The People," and "Resistant To The Oppressive Directives of Dictators," "Tyrants," "Domestic and Foreign Terrorists," "Unlawful Vigilantes," "Syndicates of Crime," Cyber Criminals," and, "Agents of Corruption," "Greed," "Lust," and, "Violence!"

And, "A Unified World of Law Enforcement Who are Dedicated To Protect We The People," Citizens Of The Earth, "from The Predators," Who "Seek Out Our Children," and Attempt To Corrupt Them, Kidnap Them, Enslave Them, Coerce Them, and, Addict Them, For Their Own Immoral Purposes!"

"The Renaissance of Humanity of The 21st Century," "Should Be A Unified World" that "Is Against Poverty!" And, "Against Homelessness!" And, "Against Racism!" And, "Against Gender Discrimination!"

And, "A Unified World that Recognizes that Without The Universes of Art and Culture" "We Would Be Existing In A World," "With No Soul," and "Without The Creative Interdependent, Individualistic Expression of Our Thoughts," "Idea's," and, "Feelings!"
And, "Without The Creative Individualistic," "Interdependent Expression" of "Our Use of Words and Actions To Communicate" and "Pursue The Goals," "Dreams," and "Ability To Express and Appreciate The Beauty Of Life," as Well as, "To Express and Share The Just Acts Of The People, By The People, and, For The People," Citizens Of The Earth!

"An Extraordinary Unified World of Universal Cognition and Existentialism Knowing" that, "The Global Constitution, Represents All The People," Irregardless of, Race, Creed, and, Nationality!
And, that, "The Emancipation Declaration of The Earth, Exists For The Benefit, and Equal Justice of All The People," of, This Planet Earth, Irregardless of, What
Nationality, Creed, Color, Age, Tribe, Special Needs, Gender, Intellectual Disability, Economic Status, or Political Persuasion You May Be!" "Truthfully, A Cognitive Global Policy Of Equilibre!"
And, This is, The Way To Peace, and An Omnipresent, Omnipotent, and Omniscient Peace Millennium, For Future Now Civilizations," and "An Endless Season Of Generations" of "We The People," Citizens Of The Earth, For Millennia upon Millennia To Come!

-Voices of Reason and Peacemakers of, True Heart, Mind, and Soul, of The 20th and
21st Centuries, "The Gift Of Life," that "We" Behold is Sacred, Just as "The Lives Of All Sentient Beings Of This Planet Earth are Sacred!"

"Let Us Resolutely, and Determinedly Continue To Sow The Seeds" of "Our Earthrise Vision Path Of, By, and, For The People," "Wherever The Eddies," "Streams," "Currents," "Waves," and, "Sometimes Hurricane Winds Of Change," " Peace," and "Dawn Of A New Age Of Non-Violent Evolution," "Revolution, " and "Birth Of New Worlds," "Ages of Peace," "Equanimity," "Freedom," "Justice," "Equality," Economic Parity," "Global Equilibre," and "New States Of Being May Be!

And, "Let Us Continue To Share The Good News," that, "We" are "Here, Ready, Willing and Able, To Join and Support The Course of Evolution," and "The Full Realization of Change Wherever It May Occur," Each and Every One Of Us, "As A Great Soul Force Of, By, and, For The People," via, The Global Internet," and "The Social" and "Global Cross-Media Universes," and via "The Unlimited, Omnipotent, Non-Violent, Hi-Tech, Peoples Activist Communication Network," "Links," and "Nexus Of The People!"

And, "Lets Continue To Spread The Idea's," "Words, " "Thoughts," and "Actions" of (1) "Our Peace and People Initiative For A Global Truce and Peace Dialogue," and, (2) "For A New and Advanced Age of Job Creation," "Alternative Energy," and "A Peace Time Economy," that, "Is Empowered By The Development and Research of An Eco-Vision Of Green Research," "Manufacturing and Productivity," that "Graces and Enhances Our Quality Of Life," and, "The Quality Of Life of The Earths Populace," "Environment and Ecology!"
That, "Gives Birth To A New Age of Economic Growth Of The People, By The People," and "For The People," Citizens Of The Earth, via, "Twitter," "Google," "Facebook," "Yahoo," "Linkedin," "MSN," "Bing," "YouTube," "Instagram," and "Hi-Speed Computers and Algorithms Dedicated To Finding New Cures for The Diseases that have Scourged The Earth For Centuries!"

And, "Lets Continue To Spread The Word," "Thoughts," "Idea's," and "Acts of Conscious Awareness," via "The Parallel Universes of Music," "Dance," "Theatre," "Film," and,"Through All The Myriad Worlds of Art and Culture!" And, also, via, "Interviews," "Newspapers, " "Magazines," "Non-Violent Demonstrations and Marches," "Sit Ins," "Strikes," "Activist Groups," "The Vote," "Cable," "Network," and "Satellite TV," "Broadband," and "Radio, " "In Concert Performances," "Peace Dialogue Chat Rooms," ",, .fr, .de, .com, "iTunes," "YouTube," "Telethons" "X's," Fax's," "Meditation," "Contemplation," "Thought Projection," "The Fourth Estate," and "The Global Cross Media News Sphere's!"

And, "Let Us Continue To Rise To A Higher Ground Of Spiritual," "Emotional," "Physical, " "Intellectual," "Personal," "Sociological," and, "Universal Heights of Enlightened Consciousness and Equanimity," "On The Graceful Wings Of The Phoenix Of Peace," "Change," "Hope," and, "Compassion For Our Fellow Human Beings," and, Once again, "For The Lives Of All Sentient Beings" Of, This Planet Earth! For, This is, The Way To Peace," and "A Way To Heal and Cure The World!" And, "The Way To A Peace Time Economy, Empowered and Driven By, A World Of Green Industrialization," "Alternative Energies," and, "Education!"
And, "In A Time Period When The Global Economies are In Need of Investment in The Public Sector," and "Investment from The World of Business and Finance is Needed to Reboot and Kickstart Our Industries" and "Create Employment for The Earths Populace!" New Economic Initiatives," and "Government Programs" are also "Needed to Re-Ignite and Empower The Nation," and "Provide Relief and Financial Security For The People," Such as The "American Rescue Plan (ARP)!"

-"Global Cross Media News Universe, Insights, New Horizons, News Purview's, and Global Perspectives"- "Economic Initiatives,"" Heroines," "Heroes," "Environmental Protection," "Philanthropy,", and "Volunteerism"-

"In A Time Period when The Need of New Job Programs is Paramount," and "Increased Environmental Protection is Needed," and "The Protection of Our Social Security is Needed," "The Last Thing that is Needed is A Feeling of Irresolution and Stagnation!"
"A Feeling of Irresolution and Stagnation is Not The Way To Build A Cognitive Global Policy Of Equilibre" that "Bespeaks of An Eloquence Of Being" that "Graces and Empowers Ones Fellow Human Being and The Lives of All Sentient Beings!" "An Eloquence Of Being" and "A Philanthropy of The Spirit and Soul,"  that "Reaches Out To," and "Embraces The Need for A Strategic Corps of Individuals who are Committed and Dedicated towards Solving The Problems that Plague We The People!"
"A Global Peace Corps Of The People!" "Who Believe that The World of The 21st Century, Should Be A Unified World!" "A Global Community Of, By, and For The People," Citizens Of The Earth!
"Heralding An Age of Heroines and Heroes Of Peace, By The Glory Of Peace, and For The Sake Of Peace, Throughout All The World!"

And, "An Age of Volunteer Workers," "Who In Times of Severe Health Crisis," and are "Willing, " "Ready," and "Able," "To Come Forward To Aid Their Fellow Citizens," "Friends," "Families,"and "Neighbors," "Who've had Their Homes and Communities Destroyed," and "Who've Been Wiped Out By Natural Disasters!"

"Women and Men," Who are Truly "Volunteers Of The People, By The People, and For The People," Citizens Of The Earth!  "Compassionate and Sincere Public Servants," "Who are Dedicated and Committed To A Global Peace Corps Of, By, and For The People!" 
For, This is, The Way To Peace, and An Omnipresent, Omniscient, and Omnipotent Age of Heroism, Patriotism, Exceptionalism, Joie de Vivre, and Innovative, Compassionate and Cognitive Leadership, and A New Era of Justice, Truth, Empathy, Equanimity, Soul Strength, Egalitarianism, Medical, Academic, and Cultural Ingenuity and Peace On Earth, as We Continue to Evolve into A Universe of Limitless Celestial Bodies and Galaxies!
-Voice of Reason and Peacemakers of The Twentieth and Twenty-First Millennia, "As The Parallel Universes of The Public and Private Sectors" of "The Earths Seven Continents," "More than 100, 000 Islands, Oceans, Limitless Numbers of Lakes, Rivers, Streams, Mountains, Valleys, Waterfalls, Icebergs, Deserts, Open Plains, and Jungles, United Coalition of Sovereign Nations, States, Cities, Towns, Villages, Billions of Human Beings," and "Billions Upon Billions of Sentient Life Forms and Organisms, Skies, Stars, Moons, Sun's, Planets, Asteroids, Comets, X's, Shooting Stars, Galaxies, Black Holes, and Solar Systems," 

And, "Parallel Universes of Public and Private Sectors," "Conceived," "Based,"and "Established Upon Universal Principles," and "High Moral Standards," of "The Truth," "Universal Cognition," "Law and Order," "Faith,"  "Justice For One and All," "Peace," "The Pursuit of Happiness," and "Unification," are "Being Forced to Defend These Uplifting and Inspiring Universal Principles of Peace and Unity Against Chaotic and Disruptive Malefactions and Corrupt Political Systems of Disinformation," "Lies," "Conspiracy Theories," "False Political Rhetoric,"and "False Promises" and "Taking Advantage of The Unfortunate State of Being of Billions of People Earthwide" who are "Living in Poverty, Homeless, and Transient States of Being," "Resembling Refugees of Society!"

"Let History Be Our Truthsayer," "Our Conscience," "Our Guide," and "Our Voice of Reason," For "We Can Not Go Back to The Intense Days of The Cold War Era," and "We Can Not Go Back to The Days When African Americans" were "Subjected to Systemic Racism in The United States,"  "Isn't Having Endured More than Four Hundred Years of The Lack of Civil Rights for Tens of Millions of American Women, Children, and Men Enough to Bear and Endure!"

"A System of Racism" in Which, "Racial Injustice," "Racial Disparity," "Racial Discrimination," and Racial Inequality" was "Used as A Plague and Means Against Generation after Generation of American Citizens," and "To Which One Must Add," "An Incomprehensible, Savage, and Brutal Civil War" that "Caused The Deaths of Hundreds of Millions Americans," "To Which One Must also "Never Forget" that "Unpatriotic and Immoral Civil Rights Vigilantes Murdered" "An Unimaginable Number of Civil Rights Workers," "Activists," "Advocates," "Students," "Women and Men of The Cloth," "Children," "Journalists," "Nobel Peace Prize Recipient Martin Luther King Jr., (Whose Birthday is Now Celebrated as A Federal Holiday on The Third Monday of January)" and "American Citizens whose Skin Color, Race, Ethnicity, and Nationality," was "Different from Those who Enacted Out This Inhumane," "Illegal," "Unconstitutional," and "Un-American System of Oppression within The United States of America!"

 And,  "Now is The Moment for Leaders of The United Coalition of Sovereign Nations " to "Rekindle The Spirit of Unification, and Cooperation," and "Purposefully Renew and Reestablish Their Efforts" to "Counter Oppression," as well as "Present A Bold New Direction for The Earths Societies to Advance Forward" into "A New Renaissance of Humanity!"

"Providing Incontrovertible Historical Facts of Inhumane, Cruel, and Brutal Behavior," and also "Provide Academic Knowledge of The Truth," Crimes Against Humanity and Events," that are "Irrefutable!" 

And, "Provide The Youth of The Earths United Coalition of Sovereign Nations" with "A Multi-Cultural, Universal, and Spiritual Cognition," that "They Can Trust for Its Validity," and "Believe in and have Faith in," that "Can Not Be Revised, and Misrepresented," or "Misconstrued" and/or "Misinterpreted as Being The Truth and Nothing But The Truth!" 

And, "In Direct Contention, Contrast, and Opposition," to "The Lies," and "False Political Rhetoric," "Disinformation," "Falsification and Fabrication of The Truth for The Personal Gain," and "Profit of Another," or "A Dictator," or "Tyrant," or "Foreign or Domestic Terrorist," "Cyber Criminal," or "Global Imperialist," or "Any Political System," and "Industry" that "Is Controlled by Autocratic or Totalitarianistic Systems," or "Business Monopolies!"

And, "Let 2021 Be The Year" that "Brings to The Earths Diverse Communities, Tapestry, and Fabric of The United Coalition of Sovereign Nations," "A New Era of Social Security," "Health Care and Medical Care," and "Universal Principles" that "Empower, Embrace, Encourage, Show Empathy for, Motivate, and "Provide The Essential Support for "A Bold New Civilization Of The People, By The People, and For The People," "Irregardless of Gender, Creed, Tribe, Special Needs, Age, Intellectual Disability, Color, Economic Status, Political Persuasion, or Nationality!" 

"Truly A New Age of Unification, Global Equilibre, Equality, Freedom, Economic Parity," and "A Global Peacetime Economy," that is "Supported by The Global Markets," and "All of The Sovereign Nations of The Earth!" 

And, "May The Pillars and Tenets of This Bold New Civilization Be" "Peace," "Cognition," "Happiness," "Prosperity For One and All," "Social Security," "Health Care," "Freedom," "Equality," "Respect of Family" and "The Lives of All Sentient Beings," and "Conservationism and Protection of The Environmental and Ecological Systems of The Earth and Universe," Emboldened, Encouraged, Graced, Enheartened, and Strengthened" by "Love," "Good Fellowship," "Trustworthy Leadership and Representation," Spirituality"," Compassion," and "Justice For One and All!"


"The Realization of Change" and "The End Game/Vision of Change" "Should Resemble The Realization" of "What The Renaissance of Humanity," "The Renaissance of Global and Domestic Health Systems," "The Renaissance of Global and Domestic Climate Change Initiatives," "The Strategic Development and Earthwise Vision" of "A Universal Infrastructure," "Technology," "Energy," "Finance," "Public," and "Envisioned Universal System Based and Structured Upon The Principles and Tenets" of "The Highest Standard" that "A Bold New Civilization Of The People, By The People, and For The People Can Be!"

And, "All that Prescient and Earthrise Visionary Leaders of A Peacetime Economy Can Contemplate,: "Imagine within Their Unlimited State of Cognition," and "Visualizaton!"

"The Realization and Conceptualization of Change and "A New Renaissance of A Bold New Civilization of Humanity Should Represent" and "Be All Inclusive of Unilateral Trade and Commerce Partnerships," and Multi-Cultural Organizations," and "Academic," "Art," Spiritual, Philanthropic, Philosophical, and Scientific Institutions Meant to Empower and Educate All The People!"

And, Architectural Institutions Created to Build New Hospitals," "Schools," Buildings of The Private Sector," and "Modern Environmental," and "Uniquely Inspired and Individualistic Homes For The People," and "For Everyone Living in Poverty," and "Refugee Camps!"

And, "A Military Service Dedicated to Defend The Universal Principles of The People, Irregardless of Gender, Creed, Tribe, Special Needs, Age, Intellectual Disability, Color, Economic Status, Political Persuasion, or Nationality!"

 And, "Leaders of Sovereign Nations," and "Elected Officials" who have "Taken Oaths to Represent A Government Of, By, and For The People," and "Its Constitutional Laws," Jaw and Order Justice Systems," and "Declaration of Interdependence without Fail," But "In The Light of Justice, Honor, Integrity, Humility, and Respect For One and All!"

And, "A Renaissance of Humanity" that "Inspires The Youth of "The Earths Sovereign Nations" to "Participate in Public Service Activities," "Volunteer Groups," "The Peace Corps," and "Peace Dialogue Groups," Healthcare," "Critical Care," "First Responder," "Philanthropic," and "Emergency Rescuer Organizations!"

And, This is "What The Realization of Change," and "The End Game/Vision of Change," "Should Resemble," as "The United States of America" and "The Biden/Harris Administration Renew Old Relationships," and "Rejoin The World Health Organization (WHO)," and "Reunite with The Paris Agreement Signed in 2016 by One Hundred and Ninety-Seven Sovereign Nations," and "Enter into New Agreements with Their Allies," and "Forge Ahead with New Nuclear Agreements with Their Opponents" and "All of The Earths United Coalition of Sovereign Nations and Societies" who "Believe in Living in An Era of Peace," As "We Advance into This New Year of 2021" and "Second Decade of The Twenty-First Century," is "An Earthwide Vision of Grand Unification, Global Equilibre, Economic Parity, Social Security, Free Healthcare, Free Education For The Youth of The Earth United Coalition of Sovereign Solar Nations, Equality, Freedom, Justice and Law and Order For One and All," and "Peace!"

-(Note that, Global Cross Media News Reports are Friday, The Twenty-Second of January 2021, "Retired Four-Star Army General Lloyd James Austin III was Confirmed by The U.S. Senate" as "The Twenty-Eighth United States Secretary of Defense!" 

"This Historical Moment Will Be Recorded For Future Purview's" as "When Retired Four-Star Army General Austin Became The First Black Secretary of Defense in The History of The United States of America!" 

And, "Another Historical Event to Take Place" in  "The Realization of Change," that is "Taking Place in The United States" as "The New Biden/Harris Administration is Confirmed," and "Executive Orders," "Legislative Proposals,"and "Presidential Pronouncements are Made," to "Build The Parameters of A Bold New Civilization" of "Cognition," "Education," "Multifaceted Trade Partnerships," "Peace Dialogues," and "New Environmental and Ecological Accords," "Earthwise Visions," and "A Spiritual and Evolutionary Universal State of Existentialism Ending Poverty and Homelessness," "Economic Parity," "Peace," "Unity," "Equality," "Law and Order," "Justice and Freedom," "Global Equilibre," and "Healthcare and Social Security For One and All," Based on "The Foundation and Tenets," of "Truth, Respect, and Soul Strength!" 

 In Memoriam:

We Extend Our Sincerest Heartfelt and Soulful Condolences To All The Families and Communities, Globally and Domestically, who have Lost A Loved One Due to Natural Disasters such as Earthquakes, and Wherever The Path of Hurricanes, Tornadoes, Typhoons, Flood Waters, Mud Slides, and Raging Tides, and Fires have Destroyed Your Homes and Caused The Loss Of Life, and The Loss of Your Love Ones, We Extend Our Sincerest Heartfelt and Soulful Condolences to You, and Mourn Their Loss of Life with You and Your Families, in This Time Period of Grief and Sadness!
And, We Extend Our Sincerest Heartfelt and Soulful Condolences to The Families of More than Two Million, Five Hundred and Forty-Three Thousand Love One's who've Died Earthwide Due to The Ongoing Spread of The CoronaVirus Pandemic!

And, To All The Families who have Lost A Loved One Due to A Gun Related Act of Violence, Systemic Racism, Prejudice, Police Brutality, or Any Act of Violence Caused by Malevolent Perpetrators who Care Not For The Lives of Their Fellow Human Being!
And, We Mourn Their Loss of Life with You in This Sensitive Time Period of Deeply Felt Despair, Sorrow, Unhappiness, and Trauma!