Monday, February 1, 2021



The Way To Peace! #382

-"Global Cross Media Universe, Insights, New Horizons, News Purview's, Global Perspectives,"-

 "A New Journey and Chapter has Begun in All Intensity within The Parallel Universes" of "The Political, Economical, Healthcare, and Sociological Spheres of Influence in The United States of America For The Annals of History to Record and Share in Truthfulness and Soulfulness"- 

-"The Inauguration of President- Elect Joseph Robinette Biden Jr.," "The Forty-Sixth President of The United States of America," and "Vice President-Elect Kamala Devi Harris," "The Forty-Ninth Vice President of The United States of America!"-

"A Journey" that "Includes A Day of Remembrance in America," For "The More than Four Hundred and Fifty-Two Thousand, Two Hundred and Seventy-Five Love One's Whose Tragic Deaths Will Be Remembered Forever and A Day," "Due to The Ongoing Spread of The Deadly CoronaVirus," as of Monday, The First of February 2021!"

And, "A Day of Unity" that "Reached Out to Include The More than Three Hundred and Thirty-One Million Americans, "On The Nations Fifty-Ninth Inaugural Event" of "The Inauguration of The United States of America's Forty-Sixth President Joseph Robinette Biden Jr.," and "The Forty-Ninth Vice President of The United States of America Kamala Devi Harris!"

"These Last Two Day's," January Nineteenth, and Twentieth of This Year 2021, " Symbolize The Empathy" and "True Existence of The Better Angels of Nation," and "Should Be Remembered as Such in The Annals of History," and "As When The United States of America Engaged in Taking A Determined Step Forward Towards Becoming A "Healthy," "Cognitive," "Great Experience," "Compassionate," "Highly Spirited," "Innovative," and "Bold New Civilization Of, By, and For The People," and also "For Making A Better World For One and All!" And, "Becoming A True Partner" of "A New Renaissance of Humanity!"  

And, "May A New Tomorrow of Hope and Healing Give Us Optimism For The Future," and "The Sake of The Youth of The Nation," and "For The Ske of The Youth of The United Coalition of Sovereign Nations of The Earth!"

And, "Congratulations to President Biden and Vice President Harris," "For Their Perseverance, Determination," "Compassion," "Courage," "Commitment," "Soul Strength," "Vision and Faith in The United States of America!"


-Extra Noteworthy News-  "A Historical Moment in The Annals of History of A Failed American President"-

Monday, The Twenty-Fifth of January 2021, "The Headlines of The Fourth Estate" and "The Breaking News Spotlights" of "The Global Cross Media News Sphere's Announced The United States House of Representatives Presented  "The Second Impeachment of President Donald John Trump" and It reads as such: Articles of Impeachment- Incitement of Insurrection- 

"Resolution"- "Impeaching Donald John Trump, President of The United States, for high crimes and misdemeanors." 

"The Second Impeachment of President Donald John Trump Will Take Place on Tuesday, The Ninth of February 2021," "The Fortieth Day of 2021!" And, "President pro tempore of The United States Senate," and "Senator Patrick Joseph "Pat" Leahy of The State of Vermont Will Preside over President Trump's Impeachment Trial!"

"The One Article of Impeachment- Incitement of Insurrection Includes; 

"Resolution"- "Impeaching Donald John Trump, President of The United States, for high crimes and misdemeanors."

(Page 3)- "The Resolution also Includes; (1) He also willfully made statements that encouraged---(2)  foreseeably resulted in---imminent lawless action at the (3) Capitol. Incited by President Trump, a mob unlawfully (4) breached the Capitol, injured law enforcement personnel, (5) menaced Members of Congress and the Vice President, (6) interfered with the Joint Session's solemn constitutional (7) duty to certify the election results,  and engaged in violent, (8) deadly, destructive, and seditious acts. (9) President Trump's conduct on January 6, 2021 was (10) consistent with his prior efforts to subvert and obstruct (11) the certification of the results of the 2020 presidential (12) election. Those prior efforts include, but are not limited (13) to,  a phone call on January 2, 2021, in which President (14) Trump urged Georgia Secretary of State Brad (15) Raffensperger to "find" enough votes to overturn the (16) Georgia presidential return results and threatened Mr. (17) Raffensperger if he failed to do so. 

(18) In all of this, President Trump gravely endangered (19) the security of the United States and its institutions of (20) government. He threatened the integrity of the democratic (21)  system, interfered with the peaceful transition of power, (22) and imperiled a coordinate branch of government. He (23) thereby betrayed his trust as President, to the manifest (24) injury of the people of the people of the United States."

(Page 4)- The Resolution Continues with;

(1) Wherefore President Trump, by such conduct, has (2) demonstrated that he will remain a threat to national (3) security, democracy, and the Constitution if he is allowed to (4) remain in office, and has acted in a manner grossly (5) incompatible with self-governance and the rule of law. President (6) Trump thus warrants impeachment and trial,  removal (7) from office, and disqualification to hold and enjoy any (8) office of honor, trust, or profit under the United States.

Global Cross Media News Universe, Insights, New Horizons, News Purview's, Global Perspectives"- and "The Impeachment of Donald John Trump" "The Forty-Fifth President of The United States of America"-

And so, "The Demand For The Truth and Accountability Continues" and "The Call for Justice For The Betrayal of America," and "The Attack on The United States Capitol on The Sixth of January 2021," that "Caused The Deaths of Five Americans Will Finally Receive Its Moment of Justice in The Hallowed Chamber of The United States Senate!"

And, Once Again, "It Must Be Clearly Stated" that "No One is Above The Law," Not even that of "Being The Former President of The United States of America!"


-"Global Cross Media Universe, Insights, New Horizons, News Purview's, Global Perspectives," "New CoronaVirus Variants," and "The Expansion of The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (ACA)"-

 "As The CoronaVirus and Its Variants Continue to Cause New Health Concerns from The United States of America to The United Kingdom," and "from South Africa to Japan," "To Counter These New Health Concerns Sovereign Nations are Intensifying Their Vaccination Procedures," and "Broadening The Scope and Resources of Their Healthcare and Medical Systems to Include More People!"

"In The United States for One Important and Potentially Lifesaving Example," Thursday, The Twenty-Eighth of January 2021, "Global Cross Media News Sphere's," and "The Fourth Estate have Reported" that "President Biden Signed A New Executive Order for "The Department of Health and Human Services" (HHS) to "Reopen Insurance Enrollment on to "Take Place from The Fifteenth of February 2021, Through The Fifteenth of May 2021!"

"This Executive Action Comes at An Imminent Moment, When The Spread of The CoronaVirus" has "Entered A New Surge Level," and "This is Without Doubt A Perfect," and "Most Welcomed Time Period," Due to The Fact that, "Millions of Americans have Lost Their Employment," and with it, "Their Employer Based Insurance," Due to The Ongoing Spread of The CoronaVirus, that has "Forced Many Businesses, Especially Small Businesses to Close Temporarily or Permanently!"

And, "This Executive Action Taken by President Biden" and His Administration, "Will Allow These Americans with An Opportunity to Sign Up for Coverage!"

And, "It is of Significant Importance for Leaders of All Sectors of The Parallel Universes of The Earths Multicultural, Sociological Experience" to "Rise to The Challenge to Each New and Present Life and Death Threat" to "The Lives and Diverse Communities of The Tapestry, and Fabric of The Earths Population!"

And, "There Can Not Be Any Procrastination," "Partisan Politics," "Greed," "Lust for Power," or "Authoritarian Governance," In The Way of A Full Recovery of The Citizens Of The Earth," "Irregardless of Gender, Creed, Tribe, Special Needs, Age, Intellectual Disability, Color, Economic Status, Political Persuasion, or Nationality!"       


-Extra Noteworthy News- " History in The Making"-  "Janet Louise Yellen," Former Chairwoman of The Federal Reserve," and "Chairwoman of The Economic Advisors," was "Sworn in As United States Secretary of Treasury!" "The First Women to Hold This Prestigious Office!" 

"Treasury Secretary Yellen was Sworn in" by "Kamala D. Harris," Democrat from The State of California," and "The First Woman to Become Vice President of These United States of America," and "The First African American," and "First South Asian Woman to Hold This Prestigious Office!" And, "History Continues to Be in The Making by The Biden/Harris Administration!"

-Extra Noteworthy News- "Executive Order Update"- "Increasing America's Economic Growth"-

Monday, The Twenty-Five of January 2021, "President Biden Continued to Issue Executive Orders" that are "Designated to Empower and Improve The Quality of Life for America," with; (1) "Increasing American Manufacturing," and "The Amount of Federal Spending Going to American  Companies," (2) "Close Loop Holes for Buying Foreign Made Products," and (3) "Create New Role at OMB Overseeing Implementation of New Efforts!"

And, "Promote Growth," and "Buy America Requirements!" How The U.S. Measures" and "The Content Thresh hold of Fifty Per Cent in The United States" is "Not High Enough!" And, "How U.S. Companies Can Contribute to The American Economy!"

 And, President Biden also said, "When we buy America, we'll buy from all of America. That includes communities that have been historically been  left out of Government procurement. Black, Brown, Native Americans, Small Businesses, and Entrepreneurs, in every region of the country. We will use a National Network of Manufacturers, called The Manufacturing Extension Partnership! That's in all Fifty States and Puerto Rico. To help Government Agency to connect with new domestic suppliers across the Country. This is a critical piece in building our economy Back Better and including everyone in the deal this time. Especially Small Businesses that are badly hurting in this economy."

And, President Biden also Spoke of His Strong Support of The Jones Act," and"American Investments," and" His Support of The Ports of The United States of America," ..... and that, He's "never been more optimistic about the Future of America today, and Given just have a chance the American People, and the American Workers, has never, ever let the Country down." "Imagine if we gave them a full chance, and that's what we're going to do."

-"Global Cross Media News Universe, Insights, New Horizons, News Purview's, Global Perspectives"- and "Universal Economic Growth and Development for The Future of The Earths United Multilateral Coalition of United Sovereign Solar Nations"-

"These are Difficult Times for Millions of People Earthwide," and "Yet There are Many of Us" who have also "Seen The Benefits of The Precarious Time Period," "When Life and Death," and "Homelessness and Poverty," are "A Threat to Our Communities Due to The Global Pandemic!"

 And, "Let Us Hope" that "The Biden/Harris Administration Economic Plan For A Bold New Future of Economic Growth and Development in The United States of America Will Inspire and Motivate Wall Street," and "The Global Markets," "To Begin to Evolve on A Parallel Course of Universal Exponentialism," at "A Steady and Yet Seemingly Rapid Rate," and "Maintaining A Strong State of  Productivity," and "Yet In Global Equilibre with The Sociological Affairs and Social Security of The Earths Populace," in "Parallel with The New Beginning," and "Evolvement of The Biden Administration," and "A True Government Of The People, By The People, and For The People," "Existing in," and "Pursuing Their Career Goals, Ideas, Vision, and Dreams" in  "A Bold New Civilization," and "New Renaissance of Humanity!" 

"A Bold New Civilization," and "New Renaissance of Humanity," that is, "Truly A Republic and Democracy"  that "Represents The Diverse Community, Tapestry, and Fabric Of, By, and For The People," that is "Inspiring," "Empowering," and "All Inclusive!" 

And, "A Universal Experience of Grand Importance and  Consequence," "Moving Ever Forward Towards New Horizons of Increasingly Grand Humanitarian Significance," and "Environmental, Ecological, and Economical Visions" of "A New Present," and "New Normal of Justice, Equality, Freedom, Opportunity," and "A Future of Historical Reckoning!"


 -"Global Cross Media News Universe, Insights, New Horizons, News Purview's, Global Perspectives,"- And, "To Absolve," "To Reprimand," "To Censure,"- "Questions and More Questions"-

"How Do You Absolve A Sovereign Leader" after He has To All Intensive Appearances" Appeared to have Visibly and Verbally Incited An Insurrection on His Own Capitol," that "Threatened The Lives of Lawmakers and Staff," "The Police and National Guard," "The Vice President," "House Speaker," "Majority," and "Minority Federal Government Leaders!"

And, "How Can You Agree that A Reprimand Alone is Enough of A Punishment For A Sovereign Leader" after He has To All Intensive Appearances, "Appeared on Camera Clearly Seen By The Whole Nation," and "Repeatedly Shown Althroughout The Global Cross Media News Sphere's" of "The Earths Sovereign Nations," to have "Visibly and Seemingly in A Purposeful and Direct Manner," to have "Incited An Insurrection," that "Caused The Deaths of Six Americans!"

  And, "How Can You Agree that Censorship Alone is Enough of A Punishment For A Sovereign Leader," after "He has To All Intensive Purposes," "Appeared to have Visibly and Verbally Incited An Insurrection on His Nations Capitol," that "Caused The Destruction of Government Property," "The Theft of Capitol Property," and "Private Devices Holding Intellectual Content," and "Causing A Lockdown of The Capitol of The United States of America," "In A Clear Attempt" to "Prevent The Electoral Votes of The 2020 Presidential Election from Being Confirmed by Both Houses of The U.S. Government Which Resulted in The Victory of The Now Forty-Sixth  President of The United States of America Joseph Robinette Biden Jr." and "The Now Forty-Ninth Vice President of The United States of America Kamala Devi Harris," "Which is "Clearly An Attack Upon The U.S. Constitution," and "A Betrayal of The American People," and The Democratic Values and Principles that The United States of America was Founded Upon!"

And, "How Do You Absolve Anyone Who was Involved," or "In Anyway Participated in This Betrayal of America," and "Insurrection Upon The United States Capitol!" 

And, ""How Do You Absolve Anyone Who was Involved,"or "Appeared to have Visibly or Verbally Incited, Before The Global Cross Media Universe," and "The Earths Social Media," and "Members of The Fourth Estate," and "The Global Cross Media News Sphere's," "The Action of Provoking and/or Encouraging Unlawful Behavior,"- "An Incitement of Insurrection Upon The Nations Capitol," and "Its Elected Officials!"

And, "A Lasting Question" that "Perhaps only History Can Answer" is "How Do You Absolve" or "Have Any Respect for Any Republican or Democrat who was There," on "The Sixth of January 2021," within "The Hallowed Chambers and Halls" of "The U.S. House of Representatives," and "The U.S. Senate," or "More Specifically Any Elected Official Who Voted Against Impeaching President Donald John Trump in The House," or "Who Voted Not to Impeach President Donald John Trump The Forty-Fifth President of The United States of America in The Impeachment Trial in The U.S. Senate!" When Five Lives were Lost," and "Capitol Property has Been Destroyed," and "The Sanctity of The Nations Capitol has Been Breached!" And, "The Lives of Staff," "U.S. Senators," and "Honored Members of The House," and "Senior Government Officials," and "The Capitol Police," were "Being Threatened with Death," "Destruction," and "Insurrection!"

And, "If Anyone who was There has Forgotten and Needs Remembering,"  "Show The Film of The Insurrection" and "The Death and Chaos that Resulted from This Attack Upon The Capitol!"
"A Day When The Soul of America was Betrayed, Violated and Attacked from within, But Did Not Fold or Give in!"  

And, of "A Day When Its Democracy Held Firm and Secure" in "The Arms of Lady Justice," and "The Laws of The United States Constitution," and "The Oaths Taken by Its Patriotic Elected Officials," and "Grateful Nation," who "Patriotically Believe in The Republic," "Democracy," and "Government Of The People, By The People, and For The People!" And, "One Nation, Indivisible with Liberty and Justice For One and All!"

However, "One Wonders Exactly When The Clouds of Racial Injustice" and "The Incitement to Cause An Insurrection Will Be Cleared Away from Obscuring The Light of The Truth," and "Nothing But The Truth" from "Illuminating The Skies of Justice in America in The Twenty-First Century!"

And, "One Sincerely Wonders Whether or Not The Words Uttered" and "The Actions of Insurrection," as "Seen and Heard via Television, Film and Video Althroughout The United States of America," and "The Earths Sovereign Nations," on The Sixth of January 2021, via "The Breaking News Spotlights of The Global Cross Media News Sphere's"  "Including Network," "Cable," and "Satellite TV," "Radio," and "The Unlimited Publishing Headlines and Distribution Outlets of The Fourth Estate," and "The Omnipresent Information and Streaming Outlets of The Social Media," and "The Global Internet," "Will Be Enough to Convict Former President Donald John Trump in His Second Impeachment Trial in The United States Senate To Begin on The Ninth of February 2021!"

And, "Will It Be Enough To Convict Every Woman and Man who Participated in The Attack Upon The U.S. Capitol on The Sixth of January 2021," "Whatever Their Station in Life May Be!" For Justice Must Prevail," So "Egregious, Appalling, Disgraceful, and Unpatriotic" was "The Unlawful Violation of American Democracy," "The Nations Capitol," and "The Government Of The People, By The People, and For The People!" 

-(Note that, As of Wednesday, The Twenty Seventh of January 2021, "The Fourth Estate" and "The Global Cross Media News Sphere's have Reported that "The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) has "Issued An Urgent Threat to Elected Officials and Government Facilities!"

 Which is Inclusive of A Warning that Ange, "Fueled by False Narratives" Specifically Involving False Claims about The U.S. 2020 Presidential Election Could Lead Some Violent Extremists" and "Domestic Terrorists," to "Launch Violent and Destructive Attacks within The Nation over The Coming Weeks!"

Global Cross Media News Reports are "According to A Bulletin Issued on Wednesday, The Twenty-Seventh of January 2021, "Through The DHS National Terrorist Advisory System (NTAS), The "Information suggests that some ideologically-motivated violent extremists with objections to the exercise of governmental authority and the presidential transition, as well as other perceived grievances fueled by false narratives, could continue to mobilize to incite or commit violence."

Note that, "This Warning Mirrors The Intelligence Bulletins Sent to Law Enforce Officials over The Past Few Weeks" in Regards to "The Continued Threats" of "Violent Prone Individuals," and "Domestic Terrorists" who "Still Believe that The 2020 U.S. Presidential Election Results were Illegitimate!")-     


"As The Sun Set's in The Skies O'er The United States of America" "The Questions" are; (1) "Is The Republican Party Planning to Cooperate with The Democratic Party to Address The Serious Life and Death Circumstances Concerning The Tragic Escalation of The CoronaVirus" and, (2) "How Long Can President Biden and His Administration Afford to Wait," Before "Either Calling for A National Healthcare Emergency Declaration," and/or "Support The Passage of A Budget Resolution in The House of Representatives Which Would Be The First Step in Setting Up The Reconciliation Process" that "Would Allow The Democrats to  Pass A CoronaVirus Bill without Republican Votes," (The $1.9 Trillion Dollar American Rescue Plan"-ARP), to "Address The Serious Life and Death Circumstances Concerning The Tragic Escalation of The CoronaVirus," and "The Additional Threat of Its Variants!" "To Come to The Aid of The American People, " in "This Time Period of Intense Distress," and "Economic Need by All of The People!"

 Thursday, The Twenty-Eighth of January 2021, "The Bureau of Labor Announced"  that "Eight Hundred and Forty-Seven Thousand Americans Filed for Unemployment Insurance" and "Continues to Demonstrate The Urgency that Exists in The Nation Today," and "The Absolute Need" for "Additional CoronaVirus Relief Assistance even Beyond that" of "The $Nine Hundred Billion Dollar Stimulus/Relief Bill," that "The U.S. Congress Passed of The Twenty-First of December 2020," and that "President Trump Eventually Signed on Sunday, The Twenty-Eighth of December 2020!"

And, "When You Include The 4.8 Million Americans who are Continuing" to "Receive Traditional State Benefits," All The More "Demonstrates Further Proof of The Immediate Need to Pass The $1.9 Trillion Dollar American Rescue Plan" (ARP) Relief Package that "President Biden and His Administration are Calling for!"

 And, "With The Resumption of In Person Classes and School Re-openings," "Versus Distance Learning," "One Can only Expect" that "There Will Be A Further Increases in Confirmed Cases," and "Destabilization of Community and State Programs,"and "Tragically so, In and Amongst Our Neighborhoods!"

And, "The Number of Deaths in The Nation Will Continue to Grow," even "With The Discovery and EUA Approval and Distribution of New Vaccines by The Food and Drug Administration" (FDA), and "Distributed Earthwide to Billions of People!"

And, "The Truth of The Matter" is, "Irregardless of The Successes and Failures of Wall Streets Rollercoaster," and "Alternative Reality," "There is Simply No Real Stability in The U.S. Economy!" "Nor Will There Be until A True Economic and Health Recovery Nationwide has Begun for Certain!" 

And, "Even then, It Will Take Time," and "The Full Cooperation of Every American Citizen to Follow Social Distancing Guidelines," and "Wear Masks," Before A Significant Change in The Economic Status" and "The Overall Welfare of America Can Improve for The Betterment of One and All!"
"It is Extremely Difficult to Conceive" that From The Thirty-First of December 2019 to Monday, The First of February 2021, "More than Four Hundred and Fifty-Two Thousand, Two Hundred and Seventy-Five Persons have Died in The United States of America Caused by The CoronaVirus," and "The Mismanagement of This National (Global) Health Crisis!" And, "The Fact" that "Confirmed Cases" have "Surpassed Twenty-Six Million, Seven Hundred and Sixty-Seven Thousand American Citizens," and, "You Can Fully Realize by The Numbers of Deaths and Confirmed Cases," that "The Nation is Still in The Midst of A Serious Public Health Crisis!"
And, "The Families of These More than Four Hundred and Fifty-Two Thousand, Two Hundred and Seventy-Five Americans," are "Grieving and Suffering, and Deeply Mourning The Loss of Their Love Ones!"
And,  When You Include that, "Earthwide," From The Thirty-First of December 2019 to Monday, The First of February 2021, "More than One Hundred and Three Million, Five Hundred and Fifty-Seven Thousand Persons have Been Infected by The CoronaVirus," and "The Unimaginable Number of Deaths" has "Surpassed Two Million, Two Hundred and Thirty-Eight Thousand Persons Whose Families have only Photographs, Videos, Films," and "While Thankfully, Although Still Sadly" "Only Their Memories to Remind Them of Their Love One's," "Absolutely Anyone One with Any Common Sense Can Realize The Seriousness of This Pandemic!"
 And, "Let's Be Absolutely Clear" that "The Ongoing Spread of The CoronaVirus has Not Abated!" And, "Health Care Systems are Still Faced with An Ongoing Crisis!" And, "The Battle is Not Over," and "The War Against This Vicious, Dangerous,  Merciless, and Ruthless Virus," has "Not Been Won as of Yet!" And, "There is Still A Great Amount of Work to Be Done!"
And, "It is of The Greatest Importance" to "The Health Care" and "Welfare Of We The People," that "All of The Meaningful and Life Saving Requests Made by The Earths Community of Health Care Experts" "Must Be Guaranteed and Delivered Immediately without Procrastination" by "All of  The Global Sovereign Governments, State, City and Local Governments!"

"For These Leaders Must Keep Their Contract with The Earths Populace" to "Provide Financial and Medical Support for One and All," who have "Adhered to The Social Distancing Guidelines They have Provided and Asked Compliance of," and "They Must Keep Their Word Nobly," that "In Truth," "Demonstrates that We are All in This Global Pandemic," and "Effected by The Deadly and Heartbreaking Affects of This Global Pandemic," "Together!"

-"Global Cross Media News Universe, Insights, New Horizons, News Purview's, Global Perspectives, Leadership, Citizenship, Public Servants," and "A Bold New Civilization, and New Renaissance of Humanity"- and "Racial Justice and Equity"- and "Precautions"-

Global Cross Media News Sphere's," and "The Fourth Estate," Reported on President Biden's Signing" of "Four Executive Actions to Advance and Address Racial Justice and Equity!"

"The Executive Actions Direct The Department of Justice (DOJ) to; (1) "Put An End to The Justice Departments Use of Private Prisons" and, (2) "Recommit The Federal Government to Tribal Sovereignty" and, (3) "Immediately Take Steps to Combat and Eliminate Discrimination Against Asian and Pacific Islanders" that has Intensified During The CoronaVirus Pandemic!"    

And, "The Department of Housing and Urban Development (HHS) to; (1) "Take steps to necessary to redress racially discriminatory federal housing policies that have contributed to wealth inequality for generations." This Information was Provided by "A Fact Sheet Provided and Shared by The White House!"

Global Cross Media News Reports are President Biden said" in "A Speech," Prior to Signings, "For too long we've allowed a narrow, cramped view of the promise of this nation to fester,"... And, "When we lift each other up, we're all lifted up. And the corollary is true as well --- when any of us is held down --- we're all held back."

And, Take Note that "Domestic Policy Advisor Susan Rice" said at "A White House Press Briefing" that "Economists have Estimated that $Five Trillion Dollars Could Be Added to The Economy over The Next Five Years If The Racial Gaps in Income and Opportunity are Closed!"

And, "Susan Rice also Told Reporters" that "Building a more equitable economy is essential if Americans are going to compete and thrive in the Twenty-First Century."

-"Global Cross Media News Universe, Insights, New Horizons, News Purview's, Global Perspectives, Leadership, Citizenship, Public Servants," and "A Bold New Civilization, and New Renaissance of Humanity"- "Racial Justice and Equity"- Which is A Great Task after More than Four Hundred Years of Systemic Racism"-

 And so, "The Biden/Harris Administration Continues to Move Forward in Bold New Strokes Towards Establishing The Parameters" of "An Inspiring and Vigorous New Civilization of Prosperity and Opportunity," and "Racial Justice and Equality," Based on Facts," "Cognitive Leadership," "Hard Work," "Innovative New Initiatives," and "Constitutional Law," "Equal Rights and Law and Order," and "Belief and Faith in Their Fellow Human Being," and "Their Ability to Accomplish and Rise to Whatever  Occasion They are Faced with," Whether It Be Good or Bad!" And, "2021 is Just The Beginning!" 

And, "The Diverse Communities of The Earths Sovereign Nations are One and All Looking Forward" to The Day When The CoronaVirus is Something of The Past!" 

And so, "Lets All Do Our Part as We Battle This Deadly Virus and Its Variant," And, "Wear Masks!" "Follow Social Distancing Guidelines!" "Get A CoronaVirus Vaccine When It is Available!" And, "Adhere to The Facts of Medical Experts!" 

"We Can Not Allow Ourselves to Be Fooled Again," and "Manipulated by Lies," and "False Rhetoric," and "Policies of Disrepute," "Racial Injustice," "Pandemic Mismanagement," and "Disrespect!"


-Extra Noteworthy News-

Wednesday, The Twenty-Seventh of January 2021, "Global Cross Media News Sphere's" and "The Fourth Estate" Reported on "A New Executive Action of The Biden/Harris Administration- "Commitment on Climate Change, Creating Jobs, Building Infrastructure, and Delivering Environmental Justice"-

"In Brief," "This Commitment and Campaign Promise  Breaks Down" into; (1) "Tackling The Climate Crisis and Home and Abroad," (2) "Center the Climate Crisis in U.S. Foreign Policy and National Security Considerations," (3) "Take a Whole-of-Government Approach to Climate Crisis!" "The Order Formally Establishes The White House Office of Domestic Climate Policy!" (And, "Establishes The National Climate Task Force"), (4) "Leverage The Federal Government's Footprint and Buying Power to Lead by Example," (5) "Rebuild our Infrastructure for a Sustainable Future," (6) "Advance Conservation, Agriculture,  and Reforestation," (And, "Establishment for A Civilian Climates Corp Initiative"), (7) "Revitalize Energy Communities" (8) "Secure Environmental Justice and Spur Economic Opportunity" (9) "Scientific Integrity Presidential Memorandum," (10) "Executive Order Establishing The Presidents Council of Advisors on Science and Technology," -(Note that, "The Presidents Council of Advisors on Science and Technology (PCAST) "Will Advise The President on Policy that Affects Science, Technology, and Innovation!"

"The Council Will also Advise The President on Scientific and Technological Information Needed to Inform Public Policy Relating to The Economy, Worker Empowerment, Education, Energy, Environment, Public Health, National and Homeland Security, Racial Equity, and Other Topics!)-               

-"Global Cross Media News Universe, Insights, New Horizons, News Purview's, Global Perspectives, Leadership," and "A New Executive Order of The Biden/Harris Administration- "Commitment on Climate Change, Creating Jobs, Building Infrastructure, and Delivering Environmental Justice"-

"This New Executive Order Demonstrates in Word," "Action," and "Commitment," "The Positive Approach The Biden/Harris Administration is Taking" to "Present A Professional, Cognitive, Aggressive, Accountable," and "All Inclusive Attitude, Domestically and Internationally," Towards Dealing with, "The Serious Reality that Climate Control," and "The Environmental and Ecological Systems," and "Sentient Beings Present!"

"The Future Existence of The Youth of America," and "The Youth of The Earths United Coalition of Sovereign Solar Nations are Dependent Upon Working Together to Provide New Ideas," and New Approaches and Initiatives Towards Establishing Stable Environmental and Ecological Directives," and "Steady and Well Balanced Environmental and Ecological Directives" that "Provide The Overall Guidance and Funding Needed Build A New Sociological Infrastructure Of, By, and For The People," that "Provides New Employment Opportunities in The Energy Sectors," "Transportation," and "Science," "Technological" and Althroughout The Sociological Sphere's of The Human Experience!" "An Earthrise Vision of Universal Proportions in Global Equilibre" with "All of The Parallel Private, Public, and Environmental Spheres of The Earth," and "Universe of Celestial Bodies!"

And, "Remember" that "We Must All Do Our Part" to "Build, Establish," and "Share in The Dynamics and Existential Time/Space Reality" of "Being A Part of A Bold New Civilization Of The People, By The People, and For The People!" And, " A True Renaissance Of Humanity in The Twenty-First Century!"


"As The Sun Sets in The Skies O'er The Russian Federation," Sunday, The Seventeenth of January 2021, Global Cross Media News Reports are "Russian Opposition Leader Alexei Anatolievich Navalny" was "What to All Intensive Purposes" and "Unconscionably," and "In Total Disregard of His Civil Rights as A Human Being, Arrested" at Sheremetyevo Airport," After Returning to Russia from Germany, Where He had "Been Hospitalized after Being Poisoned by A Deadly Nerve Agent in Russia and Flown to Germany for Immediate Life Saving Procedures," and "Immediately Sentenced to Thirty Days in Prison" by "The Putin Administration!"

"The Question" is "Irregardless of What The Stated Charges are" "Is This Another Attempt" by "The Putin Administration to; (1) "Forcefully Suppress Any Appearance of Democracy," or "Symbol of Democracy in The Russian Federation" or,  (2) "Oppress Any Opposition to The Policies," and "One-Man-Rule Form of Governance of President Vladimir Putin!"

"Thousands of Supporters of Alexei Navalny Protested Against His Arrest," and Global Cross Media News Sphere's have Reported that "At Least Three Thousand Protesters" have "Been Arrested as Protesters Demonstrated" in "A Nationwide Protest Against Mr. Navalny's Arrest!" And, "Among The Protesters was Yulia Navalnaya, The Wife of Mr. Navalny!"

 -(Note that, Wednesday, The Twenty-Seventh of January 2021, Global Cross Media News Reports are "Moscow Police Arrested Alexei Navalny's Brother, Oleg Navalny," in "A Series of Raids on The Apartments and Offices of Mr. Navalny!")-

 -"Global Cross Media Universe, Insights, New Horizons, News Purview's, Global Perspectives," and "Alexei Anatolievich Navalny"-

"Mr. Navalny has Been Arrested" for "Speaking Out Against The Policies of President Vladimir Putin!"

And, "He has Been Imprisoned for Simply Announcing" that"He Would Be Campaigning in The 2018 Russian Presidential Elections!"

And, Mr. Navalny has Been Poisoned for What Reason!"- (Note that, Global Cross Media News Reports are "Mr. Navalny has Blamed Russian Authorities for The Attempt on His Life!")!" 

And, "Mr. Navalny has "Been Arrested" for "His Anti-Corruption Beliefs in Governance!" And, "His Anti-Putin Stance!" And, is "The Founder of The Anti-Corruption Party," and "Leader of The Russia of The Future Party!""

"Their Should Be A Vociferous Demand by The European Union (EU)," "The United Nations," and "All of The United Coalition of Sovereign Nations," and " that Mr. Navalny's Civil Rights by Respected" by "President Putin," and "The Russian Government!" And that "They Cease and Desist from This Negative Example of Leadership!" 

"The Russian People" and "The Youth of The Russian Federation Deserve Leadership" that is "Visionary," "Inspiring," and "Forthright" to "Guide Them, Not Oppress Them," as "The Twenty-First Century Continues to Present New Challenges to Their Futures!" 


"The Realization of Change" and "The End Game/Vision of Change" "Should Resemble The Realization" of "What The Renaissance of Humanity," "The Renaissance of Global and Domestic Health Systems," "The Renaissance of Global and Domestic Climate Change Initiatives," "The Strategic Development and Earthwise Vision" of "A Universal Infrastructure," "Technology," "Energy," "Finance," "Public," and "Envisioned Universal System Based and Structured Upon The Principles and Tenets" of "The Highest Standard" that "A Bold New Civilization Of The People, By The People, and For The People Can Be!"

And, "All that Prescient and Earthrise Visionary Leaders of A Peacetime Economy Can Contemplate,: "Imagine within Their Unlimited State of Cognition," and "Visualizaton!"

"The Realization and Conceptualization of Change and "A New Renaissance of A Bold New Civilization of Humanity Should Represent" and "Be All Inclusive of Unilateral Trade and Commerce Partnerships," and Multi-Cultural Organizations," and "Academic," "Art," Spiritual, Philanthropic, Philosophical, and Scientific Institutions Meant to Empower and Educate All The People!"

And, Architectural Institutions Created to Build New Hospitals," "Schools," Buildings of The Private Sector," and "Modern Environmental," and "Uniquely Inspired and Individualistic Homes For The People," and "For Everyone Living in Poverty," and "Refugee Camps!"

And, "A Military Service Dedicated to Defend The Universal Principles of The People, Irregardless of Gender, Creed, Tribe, Special Needs, Age, Intellectual Disability, Color, Economic Status, Political Persuasion, or Nationality!"

 And, "Leaders of Sovereign Nations," and "Elected Officials" who have "Taken Oaths to Represent A Government Of, By, and For The People," and "Its Constitutional Laws," Jaw and Order Justice Systems," and "Declaration of Interdependence without Fail," But "In The Light of Justice, Honor, Integrity, Humility, and Respect For One and All!"

And, "A Renaissance of Humanity" that "Inspires The Youth of "The Earths Sovereign Nations" to "Participate in Public Service Activities," "Volunteer Groups," "The Peace Corps," and "Peace Dialogue Groups," Healthcare," "Critical Care," "First Responder," "Philanthropic," and "Emergency Rescuer Organizations!"

And, This is "What The Realization of Change," and "The End Game/Vision of Change," "Should Resemble," as "The United States of America" and "The Biden/Harris Administration Renew Old Relationships," and "Rejoin The World Health Organization (WHO)," and "Reunite with The Paris Agreement Signed in 2016 by One Hundred and Ninety-Seven Sovereign Nations," and "Enter into New Agreements with Their Allies," and "Forge Ahead with New Nuclear Agreements with Their Opponents" and "All of The Earths United Coalition of Sovereign Nations and Societies" who "Believe in Living in An Era of Peace," As "We Advance into This New Year of 2021" and "Second Decade of The Twenty-First Century," is "An Earthwide Vision of Grand Unification, Global Equilibre, Economic Parity, Social Security, Free Healthcare, Free Education For The Youth of The Earth United Coalition of Sovereign Solar Nations, Equality, Freedom, Justice and Law and Order For One and All," and "Peace!"

-(Note that, Global Cross Media News Reports are Friday, The Twenty-Second of January 2021, "Retired Four-Star Army General Lloyd James Austin III was Confirmed by The U.S. Senate" as "The Twenty-Eighth United States Secretary of Defense!" 

"This Historical Moment Will Be Recorded For Future Purview's" as "When Retired Four-Star Army General Austin Became The First Black Secretary of Defense in The History of The United States of America!" 

And, "Another Historical Event to Take Place" in  "The Realization of Change," that is "Taking Place in The United States" as "The New Biden/Harris Administration is Confirmed," and "Executive Orders," "Legislative Proposals,"and "Presidential Pronouncements are Made," to "Build The Parameters of A Bold New Civilization" of "Cognition," "Education," "Multifaceted Trade Partnerships," "Peace Dialogues," and "New Environmental and Ecological Accords," "Earthwise Visions," and "A Spiritual and Evolutionary Universal State of Existentialism Ending Poverty and Homelessness," "Economic Parity," "Peace," "Unity," "Equality," "Law and Order," "Justice and Freedom," "Global Equilibre," and "Healthcare and Social Security For One and All," Based on "The Foundation and Tenets," of "Truth, Respect, and Soul Strength!"

-Extra Noteworthy News- "Executive Orders"-

"As The Parallel Universes" that "Surround and Embody The Lives and Administrations of Two Different Presidents Go Their Separate and Very Different Ways," One in Disgrace and Impeached Two Times," and "The New Biden Administration Giving Us Hope and Unity for Our Future Now Time/Space Experiences," "Day One of His First Full Day in Office as Promised," Global Cross Media News Reports are "President Joseph Robinette Biden Jr. Began Reversing The Detrimental Actions of Former President Donald J. Trump," and "Putting Forth His Administrations Positive and Bold Agenda" to "Make A Better World for The United States of America," and "Combating The Deadly Advances of The CoronaVirus," and "Greatly Advancing Testing and and Vaccine Availability," and "Administering One Hundred Million Doses of The CoronaVirus Vaccine During The President's First One Hundred Days in Office,"  and "Rejoining The Noble Ranks of United Coalition of Sovereign Solar Nations" as "A Member in Good Standing," by "Taking A Series of Actions" to; (1) "Rejoin The Paris Agreement," (2) "Rejoin The World Health Organization," (WHO), with "The United States Resuming Funding for The U.N. Health Agency,"(3) "Mandate The Wearing of Masks on All Federal Property," (4) "Revoking The Permit for The Keystone Pipeline," (5) "End The Immoral and Unethical System of Racism in The United States" and, (6) "Rectify Unconscionable Immigration Inequalities and Disparities," (Where are The Parents of Hundreds of Children that have Been Separated from Their Families by The Zero Tolerance Policy of The Trump Administration)," and, (7) "The Safe Reopening of Schools!"

And, "On The President's Bold New Agenda" is also "Prioritizing Working with The United States Congress" to "Pass The $1.9 Trillion Dollar Stimulus Package that He has Proposed!"

Global Cross Media News Reports are Thursday, The Twenty-Eighth of January 2021, "The Bureau of Labor Announced"  that "Eight Hundred and Forty-Seven Thousand Americans Filed for Unemployment Insurance,"and "By The Simplest Accounting," that  "Would Support, Justify, and Verify The Immediate Need for Additional Economic Funding by The U.S. Congress!"

 -"Global Cross Media News Universe, Insights, New Horizons, News Purview's, and Global Perspectives"- "This is Not The Time for Hubris" or "Politics Based on Self Profit or Self Gain Attitudes"-

"It is of The Greatest Importance for The U.S. Congress to Fully Realize The Tragic Significance" of "The Fact" that "The More than Four Hundred and Thirty-Five Thousand Lives," Mothers and Fathers, Sons and Daughters, Sisters and Brothers, have "Died Due to The Merciless Attack of The CoronaVirus," and "This is The Time For All of The Five Hundred and Thirty-Five Members of Congress, Irregardless of Political Party Association" to "Contemplate and Act with All Speed" with "Their Hearts, Minds, Intellects, Souls, and Spirits Fully Engaged" to "Stop The Ongoing Spread of The CoronaVirus," and "Any of Its Mutant Variants!"

"This is Not The Time for Partisan Politics," or "Behaving as Politicians Looking Towards Future Election Successes!" "This is Time to Act and Work" as "The Courageous Healthcare and Critical Care Workers Who are Caring for, on A Daily Basis," "The Recovery of Members of Our Families," "Who have Been Hospitalized," "Where Success is Saving A Life!"

-(Note that, Thursday, The Twenty-First of January 2021, "The Democratic Party has Taken Control of The United States Congress" with "United States Vice President Kamala Harris as The Tie Breaker of Any Fifty-Fifty Vote that May Occur Between Both Political Parties," Whenever The Need is Most Important to "The Welfare," "Defense," "Protection," and "Social Security of The Nation!" And, "This is How The Realization of Change Begins!")- 


Thursday, The Fourteenth of January 2021, Global Cross Media News Reports are "President-Elect Biden Presented A $1.9 Trillion Dollar Emergency Relief Package" to "Boldly Move Forward" to "Heal," "Rejuvenate," and "Provide Healthcare," "Sustenance," and "Economic Support for The Revival of The Economic Prosperity," and "Sociological Security for The American People!"

And, If Necessary "Lay The Ground Work for "A Follow Up Stimulus Relief, Rescue, and Finance Building The Pillars for A Bold New Civilization Of The People, By The People, and For The People, that Establishes A New Age of Trust in The Governance Of The People, "and "A New Renaissance of Humanity" that "Sows The Seeds of Faith, Hope, and Belief In A New Era of Comprehensive Universality of The Noble Principles," and "High Standards of Being that "We were Taught to Believe in!"

And, "In Doing so, Reinforcing Our Beliefs," "Respect," and "Visions of Global Equilibre and Equanimity!"

And, "An Earthrise Vision," "Overview," and "Purview, of The Truth," "Based on Empirical," "Cognitive," and "Historical Facts" that "Provide Solar Axioms" that "Can Not Be instead Revised for The Personal Gain," and/or Profit for Any Individual," "Financial Organization," Elected Official," or "Leader of A Sovereign Government!"

"President-Elect Biden's $1.9 Trillion Dollar Relief and Rescue Package, in Brief, Breaks Down as Such; (1) "A Third Round of  $1.400 Dollar Stimulus Checks," in Direct Payments per Person," 

 (2) "$Four Hundred and Sixteen Billion Dollars to Launch A National Vaccination Program," with "A Purposeful and Highly Meaningful Goal" of "Vaccinating One Hundred Million Persons," and "The Re-Opening of Schools," "The First One Hundred Days of The Biden Administration," 

(3) "Increase Unemployment Aid to $Four Hundred Dollars from The Three Hundred that is Presently Being Offered," and "Extend This Program," along with, 

(5) "The Pandemic Emergency Unemployment Compensation Program," and in, 

(6) "The Pandemic Unemployment Assistance Program," until September 2021, Plus, 

(7) "An Additional $Twenty-Five Billion for Rental Assistance," and, 

(8) "$Five Billion to Help "Struggling Renters" to Pay Their Utility Bills," 

(9) "$Five Billion to Go to States and Localities Assist and Prevent Those at Risk from Experiencing Homelessness," 

(10) "Extend The Eviction Moratorium from The End of January until The Thirtieth of September 2021," 

(11) "Reinstate The Paid Sick and Family Leave Benefits until The Thirtieth of September 2021,"

 (12) "Providing $Fifteen Billion to Provide A New Grant Program for Small Business Owners,"

 (13) "Making a $Thirty-Five Billion Investment to Send to Some State, Local, Tribal, and Non-Profit Financing Programs," that "Make Low Interest Loans," and "Provide Venture Capital to Extrepreneurs," 

(14) "$Three Hundred and Fifty Billion Dollars" to "State, Local, and Territorial Governments to "Keep Their Frontline Workers Employed," "Distribute The Vaccine," "Increase Testing," "Reopen Schools," and "Maintain Vital Services," 

(15) "Provide $Twenty Billion Dollars to The Hardest-Hit Public Transportation Agencies to Prevent Layoffs," and "The Cutting of Routes," and, 

(16) "Provide $One Hundred and Seventy Billion Dollars to K-12 Schools, Colleges, and Universities," to "Help Them Reopen and Operate Safely," or to "Facilitate Remote Learning!"  

"There is More to This Impressive and Detailed $1.9 Trillion Dollars Relief and Rescue Economic Package" that "Deserves Your Close Attention to," and "Dependent Upon What Category You Fit into," "You Should Look Closely at It," and "Hopefully You Will Gain Hope that Your Nation is Looking Out for You," and "All that is In Your Best Interests" and "Your Health and Welfare During This Extremely Difficult Time Period Politically, and Sociologically!"  

However, "Let There  Be No Doubt" that "America has A Competent, Schooled, and Highly Experienced Federal Government Management Team," to "Professionally, Compassionately, Coherently, and Immediately Coordinate The Distribution of The Pfizer and Moderna Vaccine Doses" to "The Nation!"

And, "Once These Vaccines have Been Distributed Earthwide" to "The Billions of Billions of People Living within The United Coalition of Solar Sovereign Nations," Then, and only Then, "Will A New Normal Begin to Blossom into A Bold New Earthwide Society Of The People," "Irregardless of Gender, Creed, Tribe, Special Needs, Age, Intellectual Disability, Color, Economic Status, Political Persuasion, or Nationality!"


-Extra Noteworthy News-

Monday, The First of February 2021, Global Cross Media News Reports are President Biden has Agreed to Meet with Ten Senate Lawmakers to Discuss," and Possibly Negotiate, "A New Proposal for Virus Relief!"

"The Invitation to Meet with The Ten U.S. Senators on Monday The First of February 2021," was "Sent to Them on Sunday, The Thirty-First of January 2021," after "The White House Received A Letter from The Ten on Sunday Requesting A Meeting to Meet with President Biden to Negotiate on His $1.9 Trillion Dollar Relief and Rescue Plan," Rather than have "A New Budget Resolution Passed by Congressional Democrats," that "Would Allow Them to Vote on and Pass The American Rescue Plan" (ARP) with "A One Vote Majority Forced Upon Them!"

Note that, "The Ten Republicans are Proposing to Spend Approximately One-Third of The $1.9 Trillion Dollar American Rescue Plan (ARP)," at "A Time When America is In The Midst of A National Health and Economic Crisis" of "Great Magnitude!" And, "One Can only Wonder," "What The Republicans Consider," "The True Value of A Human Being!"   


-Global Cross Media News Universe, Insights, New Horizons, News Purview's, Global Perspectives" and "An Oath Taken to Represent The American People"-

 "This is "A Crucial Time Period in The United States of America," and "Partisan Politics and Hubris have No Place in It!"
And, "Everyone of The Five Hundred and Thirty-Five Elected Officials of The U.S. Congress Must Forget about Party Loyalty," and "Work Solely In Concert and On Behalf of The American People!"
And, "Fulfill Their Oaths to Represent The Government Of The People," and "Support The American People In This Time Period of When A National Health Crisis is Causing Severe Damage to The Health and Welfare of The Nation!"
And, "They Must Work Closely with The Biden, Harris Administration who Will Need Their Absolute Cooperation!"
"There are Too Many People Dying Due to The CoronaVirus," and "Too Many People are In Need of Economic Assistance!"
And, "Too Many Families are Mourning The Loss of A Love One!" We are In A War with This Deadly Virus," and "We Must All Be Patriots" and "Act Vigorously Against It For The Sake of Our Families Survival!"
-Extra Noteworthy News-
And, "The Announcement by Dr. Mathai Mammen M.D., Ph.D., The Global Head of Research and Development for Janssen, The Pharmaceutical Divisions of J&J, on Friday, The Twenty-Ninth of January 2021, that "Johnson & Johnson's New Single Dose Covid-19 Vaccine has An Eighty-Five Per Cent Effectiveness Against Severe Covid-19 Disease," and "One Hundred Per Cent Efficacy Against Hospitalization or Death," has "The Potentiality of Being The Added Plus Factor," that "The Medical Community has Needed to Achieve Its Goal of Preventing The CoronaVirus from Continuing to Ravage The Earths Diverse Communities," of "The United Sovereign Solar Nations!"
And, "If Given The Green Light for Emergency Use Authorization" (EUA), by "The Food and Drug Agency" (FDA), "One Hundred Million Doses Could Be Ready for Distribution in The United States of America by June of 2021!"
-(Note that, Global Cross Media News Reports are On The Twenty-Seventh of March 2020, "The U.S. Biomedical Advanced Research Research and Medical Authority" (BARDA) "Allocated $Four Hundred and Fifty-Six Million Dollars for J&J" (Janssen) to "Develop A Vaccine Against The Novel CoronaVirus!")-  
And, "This Coupled with The Efficacy" and "Important Efforts Already Being Made" to "Distribute The Pfizer-BioNTech CoronaVirus Vaccine," and "Moderna's CoronaVirus Vaccine," "Would Give A Sense of Hope," and "Quite Possible Be The Moment" and "Good News" that "Medical Experts," and "Healthcare," and "Critical Care Workers," and "Leaders of Both Private and Public Sectors" and "Sovereign Nations," have Been Looking Forward to," Even as "Death Tolls of More than Four Hundred and Fifty-Two Thousand, Two Hundred and Seventy-Five Women, Men and Children," and "Confirmed Cases of More that Twenty-Six Million, Seven Hundred and Sixty-Seven Thousand Americans" as of Monday, The First of February 2021, "Continue to Mount at An Alarming Rate," "Althroughout The United States of America," and "The Sovereign Nations of The Earth!"
And, "Day after Day," "Tragically," It Appears as If, "There is A New Single Day Record of Deaths," "Hospitalizations," and/or "Infections," "Caused by The CoronaVirus!"
And, "While This Life and Death Struggle Continues," "It is of The Greatest Importance" for "The U.S. Senate" and "The U.S. House of Representatives," to "Resolve Their Differences" and "Transcend Their Partisan Conflicts" as "The Nation is Being Attacked by Yet Another Deadly Surge of The CoronaVirus!" 
And, "As A New CoronaVirus Variants have Emerged and Surfaced in The United States of America" and "In The Sovereign Nations of The United Kingdom," "South Africa," and "Japan!" And, "The Effort to Contain These New Variants has Been Greatly Intensified to Prevent Them from Spreading!"
And, "It Will Take Senate Minority Leader Addison Mitchell "Mitch" McConnell Jr." and "Senate Majority Leader Charles Ellis "Chuck Schumer," and "House Speaker Nancy Patricia Pelosi" to "Work in Concert with One Another" to "Provide Leadership that is Responsible, Empathetic, and Dedicated in Establishing A United Course of Action Thru Legislation," (ARP) that "Will Fund and Support The Needs of The American People" as "They Suffer The Ongoing Onslaught, Aggression," and "Fears Caused by The Persistence of COVID-19!"
And, "There Must Be A United Purpose by Both Democrats and Republicans" to "Bring An End to The CoronaVirus," and "Begin A Real Economic and Health Recovery in The United States!"
And, also "To Build A Reality of Trust and Faith in The American People as They Go Forth in Their Mission to Protect America," and "Build A Unifying Bridge to Heal The Domestic Differences" that have "Separated The Nation!" "This is Not The Time for Politics as Usual Behavior!" And, "The Biden/Harris Administration Will Need Their Cooperation!"
"For Much Too Long U.S. Senate Republicans have Appeared to Be Unconcerned with The Plight of Americans" as "They Face The Daily Fears of Death and Infections Caused by The CoronaVirus!
And, "The Blatant Insensitivity of The Republican Party as America is In The Midst of An Emergency Public Health Crisis" is "Shocking!"
"They were Elected" and have "Taken An Oath to Represent The American People," However, "They have Chosen, Instead," to "Impede The Assistance that Millions of American Families are In Need of," as "Yet Another Surge of Great Enormity of COVID-19 is Rising Across The Nation!"
And, "As Leader of The Republican Party" and "Senate Minority Leader," "Senator McConnell" has to "Take The Responsibility for Making Compromises," Whenever They May Be Needed" and "Especially at A Time, "When The American People are Most in Need of Federal Aid!"
And, "As Food Banks are Being Pushed to Their Limits, and "As Many as Fifteen Million Children are Threatened by Hunger," and "Their Families are Living in Poverty!"
And, "Why Isn't The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) More Engaged in This Immediate Time Period" of "A National Food and Health Crisis!"
"There is Little Doubt" that "The United States of America has Been In Need" of "The Compassionate, Cognizant, and Inspiring Leadership of The Biden/Harris Administration," that "Is Sincerely Committed To The People," For The Sake Of All The People," and "The Youth of The Nation," who are "To Inherit The Existential Truth," as "Related to The Empirical and Historical Experiences Of Today's Present Generation" and "Of Generations Gone by!"


Voices of Reason and Peacemakers of The Twentieth and Twenty-First Millennia, "The Moment in Time has Come" When "No Socioeconimic Status, Person of Gender, Nationality, Creed, Age, Color, Special Needs, Intellectual Disability, Individual, Age, Political Persuasion, or Tribe Can Be Left Out" of "A Global Equation" that "Embraces A Bold New Civilization," and "New Era and Renaissance of Humanity, Unification, Global Equilibre, Economic Parity, Social Justice, Social Security, Freedom, Equality, Non-Violence and Diplomacy, Peace Dialogues," and "A Universal Health Care and Medical Care System," and "Universal System of Non Prejudicial Justice" and "Law and Order!"
"For This System Must Be All Inclusive!"

"When You See A Grand Masterpiece of Inspiring, Visionary, Insightful, Soulful, Spiritual, Compassionate, Individuals of Grand Cognition and Universality," What Do They Look Like, "Jesus of Nazareth, Mahatma Gandhi, Siddhartha Gautama, Mary, Saint Teresa of Calcutta, Harriet Tubman, Rosa Parks, Mary Magdalene, Nelson Mandela, Martin Luther King Jr. and Coretta Scott King, Zoroaster, Muhammad, Machiventa Melchizedek, Moses, Clara Barton, Susan B. Anthony,  Charlemagne, Black Elk,  Socrates,  Saint Francis of Assisi, Rabindranath Tagore, Lao-Tse, and Confucius! And, "This is A Grand Mindseye Vision to See!" For Truly, "This is An Illuminated Thought Projection" of "An Inspiring and Illuminated Diversity of The Heart, Mind, Intellect, Emotion, Cognition, Soul, Spirit, Tapestry, Fabric, and Universality Of Humankind!"

And, "Let Us Continue to Pursue A Path Forward" of "Non-Violence, Satyagraha, Valor, Fearlessness, Bravery, and The Truth," as "We Strive to Achieve Our Goals of Universal Harmony," and "An Earthrise and Earthwise Vision, Civilization, Culture, Way of Life and Purposeful and Meaningful Reality!"

 And, "Let Us One and All Share This Purposeful and Meaningful Reality and Vision Path with Each Other" as "We Take Each New Step Forward into The Future Now Sphere's of Our Lives and Continued Existence" on "This Our Home Planet Earth!"

For This is, The Way To Peace, and An Omnipresent, Omniscient, and Omnipotent Age of Heroism, Patriotism, Exceptionalism, Joie de Vivre, and Innovative, Compassionate and Cognitive Leadership, and A New Era of Justice, Truth, Empathy, Equanimity, Soul Strength, Egalitarianism, Medical, Academic, and Cultural Ingenuity and Peace On Earth, as We Continue to Evolve into A Universe of Limitless Celestial Bodies and Galaxies!


- "Global Cross Media News Universe, Insights, New Horizons, News Purview's, Global Perspectives," and "A Fearless, Valorous, and Empowering Universal Infrastructure Bill For The People"-
"Before The New Beginning is to Take Place" and "The New Normal," that "We've All Been Looking Forward to Becomes A Reality" First of All, "There has to Be A Coordinated Effort on A Grand Scale by Sovereign Governments," and "All of The Private and Public Sectors of The Sociological State of Affairs of Humanity to Accept and Move Forward in Every Positive Way to Assure The Earths Populace" that "Their Healthcare and Welfare are Secure" and of "Top Priority to The Leaders of Each Sovereign Nation of The Earths Communities!"
And, "All of These Parallel Universes" have to "Rise to The Grand Challenge of Establishing A New Renaissance of Humanity," and "A Bold New All Inclusive Civilization" of "The Diverse Community, Tapestry, and Fabric of All The People!"
And, "In The United States of America,"It Will Take The Immediate Use of Executive Orders to; (1) "Locate The Parents of The Five Hundred and Forty-Five Immigrant Children with Their Parents"-(Being Set in Motion) and, (2) "Assure The Families of The Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals" Program, (DACA), that "They Will Not Be Deported from The United States of America"- (Done), (3) "To Reinstate The United States of America in The Paris Peace Accords"- (Done), (4) "To Reinstate The United States of America in The World Health Organization" (WHO)-(Done), (5) "Reinstate The National Security Council Pandemic Division"-(Done), and "Revitalize The White House CoronaVirus Task Force"-(Done), and "Find A Cure/Vaccine for The CoronaVirus"-(Done), and "Set Forth Preparations for Its Immediate Manufacture and Distribution"- (Being Set in Motion) and, (6) "Protect The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act,"-(Done), and, (7) "Establish A Nationwide Law Enforcement and Race Relations Task Force" to "Find New Solutions for Healing The Severe Racial Divides in Our Communities, Cities, and States," and "Among Each Other"-(Being Set in Motion) and, (8) "Create An Immediate Path to Statehood for The Common Wealth of Puerto Rico"-(Not Yet) and "Washington D.C."-(Not Yet) and, (9) "Create and Pass A Bipartisan Legislation" for "A Universal Nationwide Infrastructure Bill" that "Includes A Wide Diversification of Ideas and Programs of Empowerment Designed to Improve The Lives and Lifestyles of The American People" -(Not Yet) and "The Free Education of Youth of The Nation"-(Not Yet) and "Improve The Living Conditions of The Transient Population of Americans"-(Not Yet) and "The Poor" -(Not Yet) and "All of The Working Class"-(Not Yet) and "Middle Class Americans-(Not Yet)!"
And, "Let There Be No Doubt" that "This Universal Infrastructure Bill Should Invest in Main Street America!" And, "Leave No One Untouched by Its Financial and Purposeful Nationwide Investment!"
And, "It Will Take Philanthropic Organizations," such as "Giving Pledge," for One Example, to "Work Closely in Concert with The Governments of The Earths Sovereign Nations," as well as "To Interdependently Provide Financial Support and Services," "For and With Local," and "State Governments," to "Improve The Overall Welfare of "All The People!"
And, "To Improve The Lifestyles of Our Family Members and Individuals with Special Needs," and "Intellectual Disabilities!"
As well as to "Improve, Empower, and Support The Efforts" of "Small Businesses, Farmers, Energy, Environmental and Ecological Groups," and "Scientific, Health, and Medical Institutions," and "Respected Groups of Volunteers and Individuals," who have "Offered Their Services to Heal and Help The Earths Communities" who are "In Need of Immediate Assistance!"
And, "It Will also Take Twenty-First Century Commitment and Declaration" by "The Earths Military, Intelligence, Police, and Law Enforcement Communities," and "The Judiciary," to "Protect and Defend This Grand Effort" from "The Corrupt and Authoritarian Policies of Imperialists and Dictators," and "The Negative and Criminal Efforts of Syndicates of Criminals," and "Hackers and Cyber Criminals who are Bent Upon Causing Chaos in The Earths Institutions, (Public and Private)," and "Sovereign Governments!"
And, "This Universal Infrastructure Bill Will Exist as A New Model for "Investment," "Change," and "The Development and Growth," for "A Bold New Civilization," that "Can Finance Repairing The Nations Roadways, and Bridges," Seaports, Airports, and Railways," and "Create High Speed Transportation," and "A Plethora of Electric Powered Stations," and "New Energy Alternatives," "Hospitals and Schools," "Plus A Myriad Number of Multi-Cultural," and "New and Advanced Environmental, Ecological," "Academic," and "Space Age Initiatives!"
"Coupled with Transitional Efforts" that are "Being Conceived of and In Plans" to "Educate, Support, and Accommodate for The New Beginning" that "The Earths Diverse Communities have Looked Forward to," and "Longed for Their Families," and "The Social Security that It Brings," and "The Feeling of Being Included (and Not Excluded)" from "This New Age of Financial, Multi-Cultural, Technological, Scientific, and Sociological Change that Surrounds Them!"
And, "It Will Take A Financial, Corporeal, Spiritual, and Universal Investment," and "Conscious Awareness" of "What It Will Take to Create and Sow The Seeds" of "A New Era of Global Equilibre, Equanimity, Equality, Freedom, Interdependence, Economic Parity, and Justice," to "Which Must Be Added, "An Honest and Sincere Example" of "Compassionate Capitalism," In Order for This New Beginning to Take Hold," and "Form The Basis" for "A Grand New Experiment," and "Time/Space Reality Of The People, By The People, and For The People!"
And, "All of These Universal and Humanitarianism Efforts" to "Improve The Quality of Life Of The People," and "Usher in A Bold New Civilization," and "Renaissance of Humanity," Can Be Financed in Total" by "A Unified, Combined, and Concerted Investment," of "A New Spirit of Universal Cognition, Intelligence, Empiricism, Insightfulness, Perceptivity, and Purpose," and "Multilateral Partnerships among Financial Institutions," and "Philanthropic Organizations," "The World Bank," "Community Banks," and "Global Banking Networks," and "Sovereign Nations," "All Rising in Concert with One Another," "Knowing" that "They have An Opportunity," to "Be A Part of Historical Moment of Change," "Away from Those who Would Misuse, Mislead, Manipulate, Abuse, and Lie to The People," and "Forward to An Age of Truth, Fellowship, Trust, Empathy, Unity, Peace, Justice, and Social Security For One and All!"

-In Memoriam:
We Extend Our Sincerest Heartfelt and Soulful Condolences To All The Families and Communities, Globally and Domestically, who have Lost A Loved One Due to Natural Disasters such as Earthquakes, and Wherever The Path of Hurricanes, Tornadoes, Typhoons, Flood Waters, Mud Slides, and Raging Tides, and Fires have Destroyed Your Homes and Caused The Loss Of Life, and The Loss of Your Love Ones, We Extend Our Sincerest Heartfelt and Soulful Condolences to You, and Mourn Their Loss of Life with You and Your Families, in This Time Period of Grief and Sadness!
And, We Extend Our Sincerest Heartfelt and Soulful Condolences to The Families of More than Two Million, Two Hundred and Thirty-Eight Thousand Love One's who've Died Earthwide Due to The Ongoing Spread of The CoronaVirus Pandemic!

And, To All The Families who have Lost A Loved One Due to A Gun Related Act of Violence, Systemic Racism, Prejudice, Police Brutality, or Any Act of Violence Caused by Malevolent Perpetrators who Care Not For The Lives of Their Fellow Human Being!
And, We Mourn Their Loss of Life with You in This Sensitive Time Period of Deeply Felt Despair, Sorrow, Unhappiness, and Trauma!