Saturday, January 2, 2021



The Way To Peace! #380

-"Global Cross Media News Universe, Insights, New Horizons, News Purview's, Questions, and Global Perspectives,"- "Have A Happy, Fulfilling, Unifying, Prosperous, and Highly Cognitive New Year!"
And, "I Wish You and Your Families A 2021 Filled with Positive, Healthy, Joyful and Spiritual Moments," and "Loving and Fulfilling Experiences!"-

"As The Grand Annals of Historical Events Focus in Upon The Year 2020" "The Unimaginable and Unreal," "Juxtaposed" by "Reality/Cognition and The Truth," have "Created Wide Divisions in The Parallel Universes of The Private and Public Sectors!"

And, "Who Could have Imagined Any Modern Leader of Women and Men of The Twenty-First Century Using and Supporting Authoritarian Acts of Violence" and "Authoritarian Acts of  Governance," to "Maintain Power and Influence over Their Constituencies, Fellow Citizens," and "Government Practice, Policies, and Party!" 

And, "As We Enter The Year 2021," "Who Could have Imagined Any Leader of A Sovereign Nation, In The Midst of A Global Pandemic," Where "A Tragic Number of More than One Million, Eight Hundred and Twenty-Four Thousand Persons have Died," and "An Unimaginable Number of More than Eighty-Three Million, Eight Hundred and Twenty Thousand Cases" has "Been Surpassed," Who is "More Concerned with His or Her Own Personal Profit and Loss Concerns," than that "Of The Concerns of Millions Upon Millions Of The People" Who are "Under The Threat of Life and Death Concerns" as "They Strive to Maintain Their Everyday Way Of Life," that has "Been Dramatically, Gravely, and Traumatically Affected and Infected" by "Yet Another Surge in The Ongoing Spread and Battle Against The CoronaVirus!"

"And, "Why Would Any Sovereign Leader Politicize, Support, and Encourage Violent Militant Groups, White Supremacists, and Vigilantists who Lack Any Legal Authority" to "Maintain Law and Order," or "Act as Their Legal Representatives in Maintaining Constitutional Law," or "Protecting The Democratic Principles, Values, and Traditions of Their Nation!"

And, As We Enter into The Year 2021, "Why Embrace Violence, Racism, Prejudice, Oppression, Authoritarianism, Dictators, Tyrants, Military Imperialism and Acts of Force!"

And, "With The Earths Societies Still Being Deeply Affected by Environmental, Ecological, Scientific, Poverty, Homelessness, Health and Medical Concerns at The Forefront Of Their Consciousness" and "The Fear, Stress, Pressure," and "Ongoing Spread of The CoronaVirus Deeply Affecting The Mindset of The Earths United Coalition of Sovereign Nations," and "The Diverse Community, Tapestry, and Fabric Of The People of All Nationalities," As We Enter into The Year2021, "Isn't Time for Sovereign Nations with One-Man-Rule Forms of Governance" to "Relinquish Their Oppressive and Dictatorial Policies," and "Give Their Citizens More Freedom and Say in Governing Their Own Affairs," Instead of Micro-Managing," and "Controlling Every Facet of  Their Lives, Politically, Economically, Personally, Socially, Spiritually, Universally, and Intellectually!"

"Isn't It Time For The Leaders of The Russian Federation," "The People's Republic of China,"  "The Democratic People's Republic of Korea," "The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, "The Islamic Republic of Iran," "The Republic of Belarus," "The Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela," and "The Syrian Arab Republic," to "Turn Over A New Page in The History of Their Sovereign Nations for 2021" and "Provide Their People with A New Era of Universal Freedoms" that "Empower and Enhance The Lives of Every Last Citizen of Their Nations!"

And, "In The United Sates of America," "We The People have An Opportune Moment to Heal The Nation," and "Support The Broad, Diversified, Intelligent, Cognitive, Empathetic, Humane, Energy, Economic, Legislative, Social  Justice, Environmentally Focused and Constitutional Policies of The Biden Administration," and "Take A Quantum Leap into A Bold New Civilization of Academic, and Multicultural Advancements," and "A Grand New Renaissance of Humanity!"

And, "This is An Earthrise and Earthwise Vision" that "We Can All Participate in" "As We are Faced with The False Realities of Duplicitous and Misleading Allegations and Rumors that Permeate Our Lives" and "Attempt to Divide Us from Living in A State of Global and Universal Equilibre and Equanimity with One Another!"

"An Earthrise Vision" that "Transcends The Negativity that Attempts to Impede Us," and "Giving Us The Soul Strength to Build A Bridge To A New Horizon and Era of Peace, Unification, Hope, Social Security, Health Care, The Pursuit of Happiness, Equality, Freedom," "Justice," and "The Truth!"


-"Global Cross Media News Universe, Insights, New Horizons, News Purview's, Global Perspectives,"- "President-Elect Joseph Robinette Biden Jr. and Vice President-Elect Kamala Devi Harris" have Been Named "TIME Magazine's  2020 Person of The Year"-

 -Extra Noteworthy News-

Wednesday, The Twentieth of January 2021, The 59th Presidential Inauguration of President-Elect Joseph R. Biden Jr. and Vice President-Elect Kamala D. Harris Will Take Place on The West Front of The United States Capitol Building in Washington D.C."
Where They Will Be Sworn in "As Forty-Sixth President and Forty-Ninth Vice President of The United States of America!" And, "For The Next Four Years," "They Will Present Their Bold New Vision for This Grand Experiment, Republic, Democracy, " and "Government Of The People, By The People, and For The Diverse Communities, Tapestry, and Fabric Of The People!"

-Extra Noteworthy News- Global Cross Media News Reports are Tuesday, The Fifteenth of December 2020, "Both Vladimir Putin President of The Russian Federation," and "Senate Majority Leader Addison Mitchell "Mitch" McConnell Jr.," "Though Nations a Part," and of "Different Political Ideologies and Influences," "Congratulated President-Elect Biden and Vice President-Elect Harris on Their Victory!"

'The Question" is "Does This Signify" that "There Will Be A New Era of Political and Ideological Compromises in The Future in The United States of America" and "Between The United States of America and The Russian Federation" that "Will Be of Benefit to The Security and Better Relationship of The Earths Sovereign Nations!"


-Extra Noteworthy News-

Monday, The Twenty-First of December 2020, "The United States Congress Passed The Five Thousand, Five Hundred and Ninety- Three Page CoronaVirus Omnibus Bill/Relief Package!"

"U.S. The House of Representatives Vote" was "Three Hundred and Fifty-Nine to Fifty-Three" and "The U.S. Senate Vote was "Ninety-Two to Six!"

"Global Cross Media News Universe, Insights, New Horizons, News Purview's, Global Perspectives," and "The Negativity and Traumatic Effect of The CoronaVirus" & "The U.S. Congress"-

And, "What Makes This Stimulus Package even More Notable is," "The Omnibus/Relief Bill was Attached to The $1.4 Trillion Dollar Spending Bill" at "A Total Cost of $2.3 Trillion Dollars!" And, "This is The Second Largest Economic Stimulus," in "The History of The United States of America!"

And, "What Makes This CoronaVirus Stimulus/Relief Package even More Remarkable" is that "Both Parties, Democratic and Republican have Resolved Their Differences," at "A Most Contentious Time Period in American Politics," to "Transcend Partisan Politics," and "Come to The Aid of The American People" in What Can only Be Referred to "As A Life and Death Struggle Against The CoronaVirus" that has "Caused The Deaths of More than Three Hundred and Twenty Thousand Love One's," and "A Financial Struggle for Millions of American Families," and "Small Businesses!" 

And, "At A Time Period, When An Enormous Financial Pressure has Hovered over The United States of America for Most of 2020," and "Caused Massive Unemployment," and "The Destabilization of  The U.S. Economy" that has "Not Been Experienced or Seen since The 2007/2008 Economic Crisis" that was "Felt All Throughout The Sovereign Nations" and "Marketplaces of The Earth!"

And, "At a Time Period When The 2020 Holiday Season Leaves Most Americans Emotionally Vulnerable to The Loss of Family Members," and "Reminds The Nation of The Hundreds of Thousands of American's" who have "Died Due to A National Public Health Emergency," that has "Been Tragically, Incomprehensibly, and Sadly Politicized," and also "Caused Deep Divisions in The United States The Country!"

"President Trump is Expected to Sign This Bill into Law" as soon as "It Arrives on His Deck!"

-(In Brief: -Extra Noteworthy News- Tuesday, The Twenty-Second of December 2020, Global Cross Media News Reports are "After Republicans, Democrats, and Secretary of the Treasury Secretary Steven Terner Mnuchin Negotiated A Bipartisan Compromise on The Final Terms of Omnibus Bill," and "After The White House All but Assured All Parties Involved" that "President Trump Would Sign This Important $900 Million Dollar COVID-19 Bill to Millions of Americans" have "Been Afflicted by The CoronaVirus," Plus "A New Spending Bill of $1.4 Trillion Dollars," that has "Been Agreed Upon to Prevent The Shutdown of The U.S. Government Of The People, By The People, and For The People, " "President Trump Tweeted A Four Minute Video Threatening to Veto This Five Thousand, Five Hundred and Ninety- Three Page Bill," Which Staff Members of The United States Congress Worked Tirelessly on"(Which One Would Expect" that "He Did Not Read) unless "Direct Payments of $Two Thousand Dollars per Individual is Made Instead of Six Hundred Dollars!"

"The Question Your Thinking" "Is This A Genuine Sentiment of Concern for Americans" or "A Betrayal of Both The Republican and Democratic Parties," and "Most of All A Betrayal of The American People who are In Need of This Extra Financing," "Which is  Critical to Millions of American Families All Throughout The Nation!" 

"Fortunately The Omnibus Bill was Passed with More than Enough Votes" to "Override This Presidential Veto in Both Houses of Congress!"

However, "To Anyone who Believed that President Trump Should have Been Re-Elected," "You Now have Your Answer!" And, "It Should Be A Definitive No!" "Absolutely No One Should Consider The Politicization of The Public Health Crisis" that "Is Ravaging The Nation!"

-(Note that, "This Extremely Important Piece of Legislation was "Finally Signed by President Trump on Sunday, The Twenty-Eighth of December 2020," Six Days Later, "After The $Three Hundred Dollar a Month Unemployment Benefits had Expired," and "Placing Millions of Families in Jeopardy and at Risk in Losing Their Homes," and "Being Unable to Provide Sustenance For Their Families!")-

 The Breakdown on This New Compromise/Bill-Spending Relief Package" that "Both The Democrats and Republicans Can Support," "Will Be Divided in Two" and "Voted on In The House" Before It is "Tied Together into One Large Package," and then "Sent to The U.S. Senate for Passage!" After Which President Trump Will Sign It into Law:"
-(1) "Extension of Two Expiring Unemployment Programs,

-(2) " An Additional $Three Hundred Dollars per Week Bonus/Enhanced Unemployment Insurance Benefits," (For Eleven Weeks),

-(3) "$Two Hundred and Eighty-Four Billion Dollars for Forgivable Paycheck Protection Program Loan for Small Businesses Created under The Original CoronaVirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security Act," and "$Fifteen Billion" "In Dedicated Funding for Live Venues, Independent Movie Theatres, and Cultural Institutions,"   

-(4) "Direct Payment Checks of $Six Hundred Dollar per Adult" and "$Six Hundred Dollars For Each Child of Married Couples Making Up to $One Hundred and Fifty Thousand Dollars a Year," 

-(5) "$Twenty- Five Billion for Rental Assistance." and "An Eviction Moratorium Extension,"

 -(6)  "$Thirteen Billion Dollars in "Increased Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program," and "Child Nutrition Benefits,"

-(7) "$Eighty-Two Billion for Education Providers Like Schools and Colleges, Including Aid to Reopen Classrooms Safely,"

-(8)  "$Seven Billion to Bolster Broadband Access to Help Americans Connect Remotely During The Pandemic," 

- ( 9)"A Tax Deduction for Business and Meal Expenses,"

-(10) "Forty-Five Billion Dollars" for "Transportation and Transit Assistance," and "Rural Internet Service," and "Help for The Postal Service,"  

-(11) "And, "Funding Totally in The Billions of Dollars" for CoronaVirus Testing, Tracing, and Vaccine Distribution," (In Addition to Other Considerations),"

-(12) $Twenty Billion Dollars" for "Targeted Grants" through "The Economic Injury Disaster Loan Program" through "The Small Business Administration (SBA)." 

- (13) "Funds Earmarked" for "Very Small Businesses," and "Lending through Community-Based Lenders" like "Community Development Financial Institutions (DDFIs)," and "Minority Depository Institutions (MDIs)." "This Includes $Nine Billion" in "U.S. Treasury Capital Investments in CDFIs and MDIs," and "$Three Billion Dollars for The CDFI Fund" to "Support Low Income," and "Underserved Communities."

And, In The Name of Compromise, "Both Parties Gave Up" on, (1) "The Liability Shield/Protection for Businesses" that "The Democrats Disagreed with," and, (2) "$One Hundred and Sixty Billion Dollars for State and Local Government Aid," which "The Republicans Disagreed with!"
However, "One Can Be Sure that They Will Return to These Points of Contention" after "The First of The Year!"

-"Global Cross Media News Universe, Insights, New Horizons, News Purview's, Global Perspectives," and "The Negativity and Traumatic Effect of The CoronaVirus"-

"Too Many Americans are In Need of Relief and Hope for The Future of Their Families," "Fifty Million or More!"

And, "Too Many Americans have Died Because of The CoronaVirus," and "Their Families Need to Know that Their Government is Sensitive to Their Loss," and "Their Need for Emotional and Financial Support as This Family Holiday Season Reminds Them of Their Loss," While Still "Grieving, Mourning, and Longing for The Loss of Their Love One Increases!"

And, "The U.S. Congress Must Bear The Shame along with President Trump" for "Not Acting Consistently," and "Quickly Enough Throughout 2020" in "Addressing This CornaVirus National Health Care Crisis," that has "Caused The Deaths of Hundreds of Thousands of Americans," and "Infected Millions upon Millions of Americans All Across The Nation!"

And, As of January 20, 2021, "The Potential for A Grand New Era of Healthcare," "Global Equilibre," "Multi-Cultural Evolvement," "Opportunity," "Fair Trade Policies Among Sovereign Nations," and "Strong Development and Economic Growth Among The Diverse Communities, Tapestries, and Fabric Of The People," and "A New Age of Trust," and "Highly Constitutional and Judicial Principles" of "A Bold New Civilization," and "Renaissance Of Humanity Can Be More than Just Idea's, They Can Become A Reality!"

And, "We have A Grand Opportunity to Improve The Social Security and Welfare Of All The People!"

However, "We The People" have to "Do Our Part to Participate" and "Engage in A New Era of Cooperation, Patriotism, Respect, and Cognition of A New Renaissance of Humanity" that "Embraces and Empowers The Diverse Communities, Tapestry, and Fabric Of The People," Irregardless of "Gender, Creed, Special Needs, Tribe, Nationality, Age, Intellectual Disability, Political Persuasion, Color, and Social Status!"


-"Global Cross Media News Universe, Insights, New Horizons, News Purview's, Global Perspectives," and "The National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA)-

 -Extra Noteworthy News-

Wednesday, The Ninth of December 2020, "As The Parallel Universes of The Public and Private Sectors in Our States, Cities, Towns and Villages Continue to Be Under Attack by The CoronaVirus," and "Medical Organizations Race to Prevent The Further Widespread Increase of Cases, Hospitalizations, and Deaths in The United States," So, "Is The U.S. House of Representatives Working on Behalf of The American People" to "Protect The Nation from Any Foreign Adversaries who Believe that Taking Advantage of A Transition in Government" from, "The Trump/Pence Administration" to "The Biden/Harris Administration," "May Be A Propitious Moment in Time to Cause Havoc" in "One Form or Another Against The United States of America" and "Its Democracy!" 

Or Perhaps even, "Any Domestic Instigators who are Bent Upon Causing Further Disruptions in The United States," and In Doing so, "The U.S. House of Representatives has Passed A Bipartisan $740.5 Billion Dollar U.S. Defense Bill, The National Defense Authorization Act" (NDAA) with "A Veto Proof Majority," of "335-78-1" and "Therefore Preventing The Threat of Veto by Outgoing President Trump from Occurring!" 

And, "Clearly Stating" that "More than A Three Third Majority of Members of The U.S. House of Representatives (Needed to Override A Potential Presidential Veto) Chose The U.S. Military," and "Legislation " that, (1) "Provides Pay Raises for America's Armed Service Forces" and, (2) "Modernizations of Equipment and Provisions" Which Will also Allow for, (3) "More Scrutinization," Before President Trump's Plans to Withdraw U.S. Troop's from Afghanistan and Germany" are "to Take Place!"

And, "Clearly This Bipartisan Veto Proof Vote" is "A Demonstration of Patriotism" and "An Absolute Decision Made by The House" "Choosing The Defense of The Nation" over that of "President Trump's Demand to Include A Repeal of Section 230 ("A Law" that "Protects Internet Companies" from "Being Liable for "What is Posted on Their Websites by Them," or "Third Parties!)"

And, "This Four Thousand, Five Hundred and Seventeen Page NDAA Legislation" also "Includes Provisions" to; (1) "Limit How Much Money The President Can Move Around" for His Pet Project "The Border Wall!" And, (2) "Another Provision" that "Would Require The Military" to "Rename Bases" that were "Named after Figures from The Confederacy!"

-Global Cross Media News Universe, Insight, New Horizons, Global Perspectives and Precautions"-

"This is Not The Time," as President Trump has Attempted to Do, "To Prioritize His Personal List of Situations and Individuals" with whom, (1) "He has had Personal Differences of Opinion with," or, (2) "Who Disagree with Him over His Policies," or, (3) "Disagree with His Post Election Strategies," or, (4) "His Reluctance to Be A Good Loser" and "Congratulate President-Elect Biden"' and "Vice President-Elect Harris!" 

"When It Comes to A Choice Between Supporting The U.S. Armed Forces and The Defense of The Nation," and "The President's Personal Dislikes or Policies," "The Choice Must Be The Defense of The United States of America," and "Its Brave and Courageous Armed Forces!"

And, "The Majority of The Members of U.S. House of Representatives," and "Its Leadership" are "To Be Commended for Their Veto Proof Bipartisan Vote on Behalf of The U.S. Government Of The People, By The People, and For We The People, and "The Protection of The Nation," and "Its Democratic Principles!"      

And, "Now It is Up to Senate Majority Leader Addison Mitchell "Mitch" McConnell and The Senate Republicans to Show Their Patriotism," and "Give Their Full Support Behind This New Defense Bill," and "The Nation," and "For The Sake of The American People," and "Pass This Annual Defense Bill" with "A Veto Proof Majority!"

And, Take Note that "The Families of The U.S. Armed Forces" are "Paying Close Attention to This Vote in The U.S. Senate" in Addition to "Each and Every Brave and Courageous Member of The U.S. Armed Forces" who "Perform Their Duties," and "Conduct Themselves," with "Conduct that is Above Reproach!" Without Any Thought of Partisan Politics on Behalf of The Diverse Communities, Tapestry, and Fabric of The United States of America" Irregardless of "Gender, Special Needs, Creed, Tribe, Age, Intellectual Disability, Color, Nationality, Social Status, or Political Persuasion!"

And, "For The United States of America to Symbolize," and "Launch Itself" into "A Bold New Civilization," "A Civilization of No-Violence and Peace," "A Civilization of Environmental and Ecological Cognition and Awareness," "A Civilization of Spiritual, Academic, and Universal Vision, and Earthwise Advancement, Growth and Development," and "Renaissance of Humanity," and "The U.S. Armed Forces Must Be A Core Element and Partner of This Universal Multi-National Coalition of United Sovereign Nations" and "People of This Planet," "Earth!"

 -Extra Noteworthy News- Global Cross Media News Reports are Wednesday, The Twenty-Third of December 2020, "President Trump Vetoed The $740.5 Billion Dollar National Defense Authorization Act," (NDAA)!

And Again, Take Note that, "This Defense Bill H.R. 6395" that "Funds The United States of America Armed Forces!" And, "It Authorizes; (1) "$Seven Hundred and Thirty-Two Billion Dollars in Discretionary Spending for National Defense," (2) "Including $Sixty- Nine Billion for Overseas Contingency Operations," (3) "Increases Hazardous Duty Pay from $Two Hundred and Fifty Dollars to $Two Hundred and Seventy-Five Dollars a Month," and, (4) "It Authorizes Spending for 93 F-35 Fighter Jets Being Built by Lockheed Martin Corp." and, (5) "Establishes A Pacific Deterrence Initiative in The Region," (6) "Congresses New Defense Plans, Efforts and Design" to "Authorize $2.2 Billion Dollars to Bolster The United States Defense Posture, Weapons, and Alliances in The Region," (7) "Additional Sanctions on The Sovereign Nation of Turkey for Purchasing A Russian Made Missile Defense System," and, (8) "Sanctions on The Nord Stream 2 National Gas Pipeline from Russia to Germany!"      

-"Global Cross Media News Universe, Insights, News Purview's, Global Perspectives" and "Questions"-

"The Question" is "Why has President Trump Vetoed The NDAA!" Because, "The NDAA Doesn't Include A Repeal of A Law" (Section 230) that "Shields Internet Companies from Liability for What is Posted on Their Websites by Them" or "Third Parties," that "President Trump wants Repealed!" But, "What Does This have to Do with Providing Funding for America's Armed Forces!" "Absolutely Nothing at All!"

However, "History Will Record This Moment" to "The Shame of President Trump's Last Day's in Office!"

-(Note that, Monday, The Twenty-Eighth of December 2020, "The United States House of Representatives Voted Three Hundred and Twenty-Two to Eighty-Seven" in "A Powerful Rebuke of President Trump's Senseless Veto of The National Defense Authorization Act!"

And, Global Cross Media News Reports are "In A Rare New Years Day Session" on Friday The First of January 2021, "The United States Senate Joined The U.S. House of Representatives" and  "Voted Eighty-One to Thirteen," Significantly Beyond that of The Two-Thirds Majority Needed,  to "Override President Trump's Incomprehensible Veto of The $740.5 Billion Dollar National Defense Authorization Act," in "A Clear Demonstration of Their Absolute Bipartisan Support of The United States Armed Forces" and "The Defense of The Nation!" And, "Therefore Making NDAA A Law without The President's Signature!"

And, Note that, "The National Defense Authorization Act has Been Signed into Law Every Year for Six Consecutive Decades," and "President Trump's Veto of NDAA" was "An Act and Decision" that "No Commander-In- Chief Should Ever Contemplate Doing without The Consultation and Approval of The Nations Joint Chiefs of Staff," "The U.S. Department of Defense (DOD)," and "The Approval of The United States Congress!"

"This is The First Time President Trump has Been Overridden by The U.S. Congress in The Almost Four Years of His Tenure in Office!")-


-Extra Noteworthy News- "FDA Panel Endorses Moderna's Covid-19 Vaccine for EUA"-

Global Cross Media News Reports are Thursday, The Seventeenth of December 2020 Global Cross Media News Reports are "The Food and Drug Advisory Panel has Endorsed Moderna's Covid-19 Vaccine" and "Recommended to The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) that "It Be Given Emergency Use Authorization (EUA)!"

"The Authorization Took Place on Friday, The Eighteenth of December 2020!"

"This is Welcomed News" as "Hospitalizations," "Cases of Infection," and "Deaths Continue to Escalate," and "Threaten The Stability of The Nation," and "The Lives of Our Friends," "Neighbors," and "Beloved Family Members" on "A Daily Basis!"

And, Now The Sovereign Nations of The Earth have Two CoronaVirus Vaccines" (Pfizer and Moderna) to "Combat One of The Deadliest and Worst Global Pandemic Outbreaks in Decades!"


 -Extra Noteworthy News- 

"The United States Senate Runoff Election" In The State of Georgia for Two U.S. Senate Seats has Great Ramifications to It!" And, "A Grand Opportunity for America to Reclaim The U.S. Government from The Republican Party" and "Its Inability, Unwillingness, or Incapacity to Transcend Partisan Politics" and "Perform Their Duties on Behalf of The American People!"

The U.S. Government" is "A Government Of The People, By The People, and For The People!"

"It is Not A Government Of, By, and For The Republican Party!"-

And, "A Vote for Reverend Raphael Gamaliel Warnock (Democrat)," and "Thomas Jonathan "Jon" Ossoff (Democrat)" in The United States Senate Runoff Election" to "Take Place In The State of Georgia," on The Fifth of January 2021, "Would Bring An End to Senate Majority Leader Addison Mitchell "Mitch" McConnell Jr.'s Obstruction to New Ideas," and "Bold Decisions Based on Cognitive, Humanistic, and Uplifting Policies, and Legislation Created on Behalf of," and "To Empower The American People," and "Return The U.S. Government Back to The Diverse Communities, Tapestry, and Fabric Of The People!"

And, "This is The Moment in Time" to "Vote with Your Soul," "Spirit," "Intellect," "Conscience," "Passion," and "All that Is In The Best Interest of Your Fellow American," and "The United States of America," and "All that It Stands for and Signifies" "Clearly Mind!"

-(Note that, "President-Elect Biden's Decision to Campaign" for "Reverend Raphael Gamaliel Warnock (Democrat)," and "Thomas Jonathan "Jon" Ossoff (Democrat)" on Tuesday, The Fifteenth of December 2020, has "Given A Strong Boost to Their Campaigns to Be Victorious in The United States Senate Runoff Election" In The State of Georgia, "on The Fifth of January 2021!")-

-Extra Noteworthy News-

"As The Pfzier-BioNTech CoronaVirus Vaccine" has "Begun Its EUA Distribution Process in The United States of America, Canada, and The United Kingdom," and "Moderna's CoronaVirus Vaccine has Been Approved by The FDA and Is Being Distributed," "A Sense of Hope" is "Being Perceived by Healthcare Workers and Medical Experts," even "As Death Tolls" and "Confirmed Cases" are "Mounting at An Alarming Rate," "Althroughout The United States of America," and "The Sovereign Nations of The  Earth!"

And, "While This Life and Death Struggle Continues," "It is of The Greatest Importance" for "The U.S. Senate" and "The U.S. House of Representatives," to "Resolve Their Differences" and "Transcend Their Partisan Conflicts" as "The Nation is Being Attacked by Yet Another Deadly Surge of The CoronaVirus!" 

And, "It Will Take Senate Majority Leader Addison Mitchell "Mitch" McConnell Jr. and Senate Minority Leader Charles Ellis "Chuck Schumer," and "House Speaker Nancy Patricia Pelosi" to "Work in Concert with One Another" to "Provide Leadership that is Responsible, Empathetic, and Dedicated in Establishing A United Course of Action Thru Legislation," that "Will Fund and Support The Needs of The American People" as "They Suffer The Ongoing Onslaught, Aggression," and "Fears Caused by The Persistence of COVID-19!"

And, "There Must Be A United Purpose by Both Democrats and Republicans" to "Bring An End to The CoronaVirus," and "Begin A Real Economic Recovery in The United States!"

And, also "To Build A Reality of Trust and Faith in The American People as They Go Forth in Their Mission to Protect America," and "Bridge Their Differences!" "This is Not The Time for Politics as Usual Behavior!" And, "The Biden/Harris Administration Will Need Their Cooperation!"

"For Much Too Long U.S. Senate Republicans have Appeared to Be Unconcerned with The Plight of Americans" as "They Face The Daily Fears of Death and Infections Caused by The CoronaVirus!" 

And, "The Blatant Insensitivity of The Republican Party as America is In The Midst of An Emergency Public Health Crisis" is "Shocking!"

"They were Elected to Represent The American People," However, "They have Chosen, Instead," to "Impede The Assistance that Millions of American Families are In Need of," as "Yet Another Surge of Great Enormity of COVID-19 is Rising Across The Nation!"

And, "As Leader of The Republican Party" and "Senate Majority Leader," "Senator McConnell" has to "Take The Responsibility for Making Compromises," Whenever They May Be Needed" and "Especially at A Time, "When The American People are Most in Need of It!" And, "As Food Banks are Being Pushed to Their Limits, and "As Many as Fifteen Million Children are Threatened by Hunger," and "Their Families are Living in Poverty," as "The Holiday Season is Upon Us!"

And, "Where is The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) in This Immediate Time Period" of "A National Food and Health Crisis!"

"The United States of America is In Need of A Major Reorganization of Its Federal Agencies" into "A Compassionate, Cognizant, and Inspiring Leadership Of BY, and For The People," that "Is Sincerely Committed to The People," and "Truthfully, The Twentieth of January 2021 Can Not Come Soon Enough!"

-Global Cross Media News Universe, Insights, New Horizons, News Purview's, Global Perspectives" and "An Oath Taken to Represent The American People"-

"This is "The Time for Senator McConnell to Represent The American People," and "Support The People over that of Partisan Party Policy!"


-Extra Noteworthy News- "U.S. Attorney General Barr to Resign Before Christmas"-
-"The Questions" of "Whether or Not U.S. Attorney William Pelham General Barr Will Remain until The Twentieth of January 2021" or, (2) "Resign Before 2021" or, (3) "Be Fired by President Trump" are Interesting Points of Curiosity," to "The Fourth Estate" and "The Global Cross Media News Sphere's of Communication," and "Their Outlets!"

And, Global Cross Media News Reports are Tuesday, The Fifteenth of December 2020, "They Have Been Answered!" And, "Attorney General Barr Will Be Resigning Before Christmas!"
-"Global Cross Media News Universe, Insights, News Purview's, Global Perspectives,"- "History and The The Department of Justice (DOJ)"-
"History Will have A Place for Attorney General Barr" that "Will No Doubt Be Extremely Controversial," for "Future and Present Day Justice Departments to Review," and "In Political Journals," and Specifically Regards to; (1) "The Choices and Decisions" that "The Attorney General Made on Behalf of President Trump," and, (2) "His Reward for Supporting President Trump," and, (3) "The Negative Pall" that "Hovered over His Term as AG." Among Members of The Justice Department," and "The Fourth Estate," and "The Global Cross Media News Sphere's," and "To The Consternation of The Democratic Party!" And, "The Majority of Americans" who are "In Search of Justice in America!"
  (In Brief) -Extra Noteworthy News-
Tuesday, The Twenty-Second of December 2020, Global Cross Media News Reports are "President Trump Granted Full Pardon's to Fifteen Individuals," and "Five Commutations!"
And, Wednesday,The Twenty-Third of December 2020, "The President Pardoned Twenty-Six Individuals" and "Commuted Three Others!" And, "Let There Be No Doubt" that "There Will Be Future Pardons and Commutations!"
-"Global Cross Media News Universe, Insights, News Purview's, and Global Perspectives, and Pardons"-
"These Pardon's are An Affront to Any Nation of Law and Order!" 
-Extra Noteworthy News-
Monday The Fourteenth of December 2020, Global Cross Media News Reports are "The Federal Bureau of Investigations (FBI)," and "Department of Homeland and Security's Cybersecurity Division" are "Investigating," What is Being Referred to "As A Large Scale Penetration of U.S. Government Agencies," and "Specifically Networks of The Commerce, Treasury, State, Pentagon, and Homeland Security Departments have Been Mentioned!"
Reports are "There have Been More than Forty Victims" as "A Result of This Cyber Invasion," Although, "There are More Non-Governmental Victims than Governmental!"

Interestingly Enough, Global Cross Media News Reports are "This Occurred Less than A Week after FireEye," A Prominent Cyber Security Firm, "was Hacked!" And, "Its Own Investigations have Referred to These Hacks" as Being a Part of A "Global Campaign" "Targeting Governments," and "The Private Sector" Caused by Placing Malware into a Solar Winds Software," (A Popular Piece of Server Software), "Whose Customers Include Government Agencies," and "More than Four Hundred of The Top Fortune Five Hundred Companies Last Spring!"

-(Note that, The Malware gave Cyberhackers Remote Access to Victim's Networks!" FireEye said "They Contacted Multiple Organizations after They Saw Evidence/Indications of A Cyber Compromise!")-

"Christopher Cox Krebs" The Previous Director of CISA, (Who was Fired by President Trump Last Month, "Allegedly Because He Disagreed with President Trump's Assertions" of "Widespread Electoral/Voter Fraud The U.S. Elections), Tweeted on Sunday, The Thirteenth of December 2020, "Hacks of this type take exceptional tradecraft and time."
Global Cross Media News Reports are "President-Elect Biden" said, "I want to be clear: my administration will make cybersecurity a top priority, at every level of government -- and we will make dealing with this breach a top priority from the moment we take office," and "The President-Elect also said that He Plans" to Impose, "Substantial costs on those responsible."

-"Global Cross Media News Universe, Insights, New Horizons, News Purview's, and Global Perspectives"-
Global Cross Media News Reports are Last Week, "Reuters and Some Cyber Experts Claimed" that "Russian State Hackers" are "Considered The Main Suspects!" However, "In This Era of Cyberhacking" "There are Quite A Few Cybercriminals and Governments" who "Could also Be Considered!"
"What is Certain" is "We Can Expect More Cyber Invasions to Take Place in The Future," and "The Biden/Harris Administration has To Be Aware of The Danger These Cyber Invasions Pose" to "The Sovereignty of The United States of America!"
And, "The American Electorate Must Strongly Consider Whom They Vote for" in "Local, State, and Federal Elections," and "The U.S. State and Defense Departments," and "Intelligence Agencies," "Must Be Extremely Cognizant of Foreign and Domestic Cyber Instigators," and "Cyber Criminals!"
And, "The Private and Public Sectors Must Upgrade Their Cyber Shields and Defenses" to "Impede Any Further Cyber Attacks!"

And, "Foreign and Domestic Cyber Instigators Must Be Made Aware" of "The Consequences of Attacking The United States of America!"
-(Note that, As of Friday, The Eighteenth of December 2020, "The Unenthusiastic Response" that "President Trump has Demonstrated in Light of The Seriousness" of "The Cyber Invasion of The U.S. Government," and "The Private Sector," is "Simply Incomprehensible!")- 
 -Extra Noteworthy News- "The Biden/Harris Nominee Updates"-
"As The Transition from The Trump/Pence Administration to The Biden/Harris Administration Continues to Evolve in Ever Increasing Speed," to "The Twentieth of January 2021 Inauguration Day Festivities," "The Professional Competency of President-Elect Biden's Choices" is "Providing America with An Important and Insightful Vision of The Women and Men who Will Be Engaged in The Battle Against The CoronaVirus," and "Re-Establishing The U.S." as "A Prominent and Committed Member of The Earths United Sovereign Nations!"
Here is A List of New Additions:
I) Former Mayor of South Bend, Indiana, Peter Paul Montgomery Buttigieg as Secretary of Transportation,
II) Former Governor of Michigan, Jennifer Mulhern Granholm as Secretary of Energy,
III) Former National Security Adviser to President Obama, and U.N. Ambassador, Susan Elizabeth Rice as Director of The White House Domestic Policy Council,
IV) Former Obama Chief of Staff, Denis Richard McDonough as Secretary of The Department of Veteran Affairs,
V) Ohio Representative Marcia Louise Fudge as Secretary of Housing and Urban Development,
VI) Katherine Chi Tai as U.S. Trade Representative,
VII) Thomas James "Tom" Vilsack as Secretary of Agriculture,
-(Note that, On Wednesday, The Sixteenth of December 2020, Global Cross Media News Reports are "President-Elect Biden Named New Mexico Representative Debra Anne "Deb"  Haaland, A Member of The Laguna Pueblo People (One of The Nation's Five Hundred and Seventy-Four Federally Recognized Tribes) as Secretary of Interior! Rep. Haaland Will Be The First Native American to Hold A Cabinet Position!"
And, Wednesday, The Twenty-Third of December 2020, Global Cross Media News Reports are "President-Elect Biden Named Connecticut Commissioner of Education Miguel Angel Cardona as Secretary of Education!" )-

-"Global Cross Media News Universe, Insights, ew Horizons, News Purview's, and Global Perspectives"- "And Public Servants of The Biden/Harris Administration"-
And, "These are just Some of The Public Servants" who have "Agreed to Be a Part of The Biden/Harris Administration," and "Working on Behalf of The American People," as President-Elect Biden Guides The Nation into A Bold New Civilization of Unification," and "Grand Purpose!"

And Now, "We Americans" have to "Do Our Part to Participate" and "Engage in A New Era of Cooperation, Patriotism, Respect, and Cognition of A New Renaissance of Humanity" that "Embraces and Empowers The Diverse Communities, Tapestry, and Fabric Of The People," Irregardless of "Gender, Creed, Special Needs, Tribe, Nationality, Age, Intellectual Disability, Political Persuasion, Color, and Social Status!"
And, "The Biden/Harris Administration Must Use Their Experience, Professionalism, Cognition, and Respect for Their Fellow Human Being" to "Guide Us" into "A New Age of Global Equilibre, Justice, Equanimity, Equality, Freedom, Peace, Multi-National Trade Accords, Nuclear Agreements, Academic and Cultural Advancement, Universal Healthcare," "Social Security," and "Universal Principles," as "We Advance into A New Present and Future of Our Sociological Affairs, and Experiences," and "Ways of Life," that "Both The Youth of America," and "All The Sovereign Nations of This Planet Earth," "Can Be Proud of!"


"As The Sun Set's in The Skies O'er The United States of America There are Literally Millions of Children Living in Poverty with Their Families," and "Hundred's of Thousands of Homeless Americans Living on Sidewalks, In Public Parking Area's, Wooded Area's, and Train Tunnels," and then "There are Some Individuals who are Living in Doorways, Stairwells, and on The Streets," and "Enduring Transient Lifestyles," and, "There are Many American Families Living in Their Cars, Trucks, and Vans," and "Relying on Food Banks," and "The Generosity of Church Groups," "Humanitarian Institutions," and "Philanthropic Groups," to "Supply Them with Healthy Sustenance and Nourishment for Their Families," on "A Daily Basis over This Holiday Season!"

And, "Restaurants are Closing," and "Small Businesses are Being Financially Suffocated" and "Going Out of Business!"

And, "Great Pressure is Being Felt by The Entertainment Industry," and "The Leisure and Travel Industries" and "Their Employees!"

"The Questions" are; (1) "To What Degree Will Senate Majority Leader Addison Mitchell "Mitch McConnell Jr. Republican from Kentucky," "President Trump" (Even Though He is a Lame Duck President), "His Administration," and "The Republican Party" "Planning to Coordinate with The Democratic Party to Address The Serious Life and Death Circumstances Concerning The Tragic Escalation of The CoronaVirus," and, (2) To What Degree Will "They, The GOP," Work Towards Making Up" for "Their Failure to Represent" and "Come to The Aid of The American People, " in "This Time Period of Intense Economic Need by All The People," "On A Consistent and Ready to Do Basis!" 
"Why!" "Because It Should Be Obvious to Anyone In The United States of America" and "The Earths United Coalition of Sovereign Nations at Large," that "There is A Global Pandemic Infecting The Earths Communities and Nations" that is "So Severe" that "More than Eighty-Three Million, Eight Hundred and Twenty Thousand Persons have Been Infected by It," and "More than One Million, Eight Hundred and Twenty-Four Thousand have Died," from "The Thirty-First of December 2019 to Friday, The First of January 2021!" And, "The Leaders" and "Political Parties of Every Country Must Contribute as Much as Possible to Defeat This Plague Upon Our Lives!" Irregardless of The Multiple CoronaVirus Vaccines that have Been Approved for Emergency Use Authorization" (EUA)!

And, "The Fact" that On Thursday, The Twenty-Fourth of December 2020, "The Bureau of Labor Announced"  that "Seven Hundred and Eighty-Seven Thousand Americans Filed for Unemployment Insurance" and "No Matter How Much of A Decrease It is from The Seventeenth of December 2020,"("When More than Eight Hundred Thousand People Filed for Unemployment Insurance Benefits") "These Seven Hundred and Eighty-Seven Thousand Americans Demonstrates The Urgency that Exists in The Nation Today," for "The Absolute Need" for "Additional CoronaVirus Relief Assistance even Beyond that" of "The $Nine Hundred Billion Dollar Stimulus/Relief Bill," that "The U.S. Congress Passed of The Twenty-First of December 2020," and that "President Trump Eventually Signed on Sunday, The Twenty-Eighth of December 2020!"

And, Although The Unemployment Rate has Dropped to 6.7%," "It is Still Very Much Apparent and Obvious" that "Unemployment in The United States of America Continues to Be A Reflection of The Cause and Effect of The Ongoing Spread of The COVID-19 Across The Nation," that has "Seen An Recent Increase in The Number of Confirmed Cases Across The Nation!" And, "This is How The 2020 Autumn and Winter of The CoronaVirus has Begun!"

And, "The Followup Question" that "Most Americans are Asking" is "Senate Majority Leader Addison Mitchell "Mitch" McConnell Jr. and The Senate Republicans Reading The Headlines in The Fourth Estate," and "Paying Close Attention" to "The Breaking News Spotlights of The Global Cross Media News Sphere's" and Because "An Emergency of Major Proportions" is "Growing in The United States!"

And, "Families All Across The Nation" are "Not in A Favorable Position to Wait until The Twentieth of January 2021, When President Trump has Left Office," for "Financial Relief and Assistance from The Biden/Harris Administration!"
"They are "Relying on All Five Hundred and Thirty-Five Members of The United States Congress" to "Provide Consistent Leadership Qualities and Financial Support Seven Days a Week!" And, "Partisan Politics has Absolutely No Place in This Time Period of Life and Death in America!"

And, "To Further Compound The U.S. Economic Situation is," on Friday, The Fourth of December 2020, Global Cross Media News Reports are, "The Bureau of Labor Statistics Revealed An Economic Slowdown has Occurred in The U.S." with "The Hiring of New Jobs Dropping to A Seven Month Low!" And, To Say that "The Situation is Grim Might Be An Understatement!"

"The United States only Regained Two Hundred and Forty-Five Thousand Jobs," Which "Fell Dramatically, and Drastically Short of The Four Hundred and Thirty-Two Thousand Jobs It had Been Projected to Gain," has "Left No Doubt" that "The U.S, Economy and Unemployment Situation Still Remains at A Level" that "Seriously Concerns Most Economic Pundits," and "The FED!"

And, "With The Resumption of In Person Classes in The Reopening of Schools," "One Can only Expect" that "There Will Be A Further Increases in Confirmed Cases," and "Tragically so, "The Number of Deaths in The Nation Will Continue to Grow," even "With The Discovery and EUA Approval and Distribution of New Vaccines by The Food and Drug Administration" (FDA), and "Distributed Earthwide to Billions of People!"

"Which Leads to The Importance of Trust in Our Scientists," and "Trust In Our Government Leaders," and "Health and Medical Institutions!"

And, Which also Leads to "The Question" of "Whether or Not" "Any New Vaccine Will Receive The Immediate Approval of The Earths Populace," as "The Politicization of The Ongoing Spread of The CoronaVirus has Tainted The Importance of Following Social Distancing Guidelines," and Unbelievably so, "Wearing Masks!" As, "Confirmed Cases Earthwide has "Surpassed Eighty-Three Million, Eight Hundred and Twenty Thousand," and "There has Been Tragically, More than One Million, Eight Hundred and Twenty-Four Thousand Deaths," As of Friday, The First of January 2021!"

And, "The Truth of The Matter" is, "Irregardless of The Successes and Failures of Wall Streets Rollercoaster and Alternative Reality," "At Present, There is Simply No Real Stability in The U.S. Economy!" "Nor Will There Be until President Trump has Left Office on The Twentieth of January 2021!" Then A True Economic and Health Recovery Can Begin!" 
However, "Even then, It Will Take Time" and "The Cooperation of Every American Citizen to Follow Social Distancing Guidelines" and Wearing Masks," Before A Significant Change in The Economic Status" and "The Overall Welfare of American Citizens Can Improve for The Betterment of One and All!"

And, "When You Include" that From The Thirty-First of December 2019 to Friday, The First of January 2021, "More than Three Hundred and Forty-Six Thousand, Eight Hundred and Ninety  Persons have Died in The United States of America," and "Confirmed Cases" have "Surpassed Twenty Million American Citizens," "You Can Fully Realize by The Numbers of Deaths and Confirmed Cases in The United States" that "The Nation is Still in The Midst of A Serious Public Health Crisis!"
And, "The Families of These More than Three Hundred and Forty-Six Thousand, Eight Hundred and Ninety Americans," are "Suffering and Deeply Mourning The Loss of Their Love Ones!"

And, "Let's Be Absolutely Clear" that "The Ongoing Spread of The CoronaVirus has Not Abated!" And, "The Health Care System is Still Faced with An Ongoing Crisis!" And, "The Battle is Not Over," and "The War Against This Vicious, Dangerous,  Merciless, and Ruthless Virus," has "Not Been Won as of Yet!" And, "There is Still A Great Amount of Work to Be Done!"

And, "Let Us also Be Absolutely Clear" that "Wearing Masks," and "Following Social Distancing Guidelines" are "Important Deterrents from Contracting This Vicious and Deadly Virus" that "Knows No Boundaries," until "The Earths Populace Can Rest in Peace Knowing" that "The CoronaVirus is Under Control," and "The Threat to Our Families Lives is Over!"

"The Economic Reality" has "Caused The FED to Project that Interest Rates from 2020 until 2022 Would Remain Close to Zero Due to The 2020 CoronaVirus Crisis!"

And, "Due to The CoronaViris Crisis The Economic Recession The United States Will Continue," "Which is Further Proof of The Impediments that Lie in The Path" of  "A Significant Recovery of The U.S. Economy," and "Further Proof of The Negative Effect" that "The CoronaVirus has had in The United State of America!" All of Which Could have Been Averted to A High Degree," But for "The Mismanagement of The Spread of The COVID-19 by President Trump and His Administration," as "President Trump Himself" has "Revealed and Proven to Be The Truth in The Eighteen Interviews and Recorded Audio Tapes" of Investigative Journalist Robert Upshur "Bob" Woodward's New Book "Rage!"

And, by Now, "Everyone of Cognitive, Earthwise, or Streetwise Intelligence Should Be Aware" that "We Must Rely upon The Facts Presented" by "Our Respected Medical and Health Experts," In Addition to "Social Distancing, Testing, Contact Tracing, Available Hospital Beds, Swabs, Reagents, Ventilators, Face Masks," and "All of The Meaningful, and Life Saving Medical and Health Care Requests" that have "Been Made by Our Medical and Critical Care Heroines and Heroes" who are "Bravely Working on The Behalf  of The American People," and "Those of Whom are In Sovereign Nations All Across The Earth of Ours!" 
"Where Earthwide," From The Thirty-First of December 2019 to Friday, The First of January 2021, that "More than One Million, Eight Hundred and Twenty-Four Thousand Deaths," and "Confirmed Cases of More than Eighty-Three Million, Eight Hundred and Twenty Thousand Family Members have Taken Place," "Absolutely Anyone One with Any Common Sense Can Realize The Seriousness of This Pandemic!"

And, "It is of The Greatest Importance" to "The Health Care" and "Welfare Of We The People," that "All of The Meaningful and Life Saving Requests Made by The Earths Community of Health Care Experts" "Must Be Guaranteed and Delivered Immediately without Procrastination" by "All of  The Global Sovereign Governments, State, City and Local Governments!"

"For These Leaders Must Keep Their Contract with The Earths Populace" to "Provide Financial and Medical Support for One and All," who have "Adhered to The Social Distancing Guidelines They have Provided and Asked Compliance of," and "They Must Keep Their Word Nobly," that "In Truth," "Demonstrates that We are All in This Global Pandemic," and "Effected by The Deadly and Heartbreaking Affects of This Global Pandemic," "Together!"

-"Global Cross Media News Universe, Insights, New Horizons, News Purview's, Global Perspectives," and "A Fearless, Valorous, and Empowering Universal Infrastructure Bill For The People"-

 "Before The New Beginning is to Take Place" and "The New Normal," that "We've All Been Looking Forward to Becomes A Reality" First of All, "There has to Be A Coordinated Effort on A Grand Scale by Sovereign Governments," and "All of The Private and Public Sectors of The Sociological State of Affairs of Humanity to Accept and Move Forward in Every Positive Way to Assure The Earths Populace" that "Their Healthcare and Welfare are Secure" and of "Top Priority to The Leaders of Each Sovereign Nation of The Earths Communities!"

And, "All of These Parallel Universes" have to "Rise to The Grand Challenge of Establishing A New Renaissance of Humanity," and "A Bold New All Inclusive Civilization" of "The Diverse Community, Tapestry, and Fabric of All The People!"

And, "In The United States of America,"It Will Take The Immediate Use of Executive Orders to; (1) "Locate The Parents of The Five Hundred and Forty-Five Immigrant Children with Their Parents," and, (2) "Assure The Families of The Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals" Program, (DACA), that "They Will Not Be Deported from The United States of America," (3) "To Reinstate The United States of America in The Paris Peace Accords," (4) "To Reinstate The United States of America in The World Health Organization (WHO)," (5) "Reinstate The National Security Council Pandemic Division," "Revitalize The White House CoronaVirus Task Force," and "Find A Cure/Vaccine for The CoronaVirus," and "Set Forth Preparations for Its Immediate Manufacture and Distribution," and, (6) "Protect The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act," and, (7) "Establish A Nationwide Law Enforcement and Race Relations Task Force" to "Find New Solutions for Healing The Severe Racial Divides in Our Communities, Cities, and States," and "Among Each Other," and,  (8) "Create An Immediate Path to Statehood for The Common Wealth of Puerto Rico," and "Washington D.C." and, (9) "Create and Pass A Bipartisan Legislation" for "A Universal Nationwide Infrastructure Bill" that "Includes A Wide Diversification of Ideas and Programs of Empowerment Designed to Improve The Lives and Lifestyles of The American People," and "The Free Education of Youth of The Nation," and "Improve The Living Conditions of The Transient Population of Americans," and "The Poor," and "All of The Working Class," and "Middle Class Americans!" And, "Let There Be No Doubt" that "This Universal Infrastructure Bill Should Invest in Main Street America!" And, "Leave No One Untouched by Its Financial and Purposeful Nationwide Investment!

And, "It Will Take Philanthropic Organizations," such as "Giving Pledge," for One Example, to "Work Closely in Concert with The Governments of The Earths Sovereign Nations," as well as "To Interdependently Provide Financial Support and Services," "For and With Local," and "State Governments," to "Improve The Overall Welfare of "All The People!"

And, "To Improve The Lifestyles of Our Family Members and Individuals with Special Needs," and "Intellectual Disabilities!"

As well as to "Improve, Empower, and Support The Efforts" of "Small Businesses, Farmers, Energy, Environmental and Ecological Groups," and "Scientific, Health, and Medical Institutions," and "Respected Groups of Volunteers and Individuals," who have "Offered Their Services to Heal and Help The Earths Communities" who are "In Need of Immediate Assistance!"

And, "It Will also Take Twenty-First Century Commitment and Declaration" by "The Earths Military, Intelligence, Police, and Law Enforcement Communities," and "The Judiciary," to "Protect and Defend This Grand Effort" from "The Corrupt and Authoritarian Policies of Imperialists and Dictators," and "The Negative and Criminal Efforts of  Syndicates of Criminals," and "Hackers and Cyber Criminals who are Bent Upon Causing Chaos in The Earths Institutions, (Public and  Private)," and "Sovereign Governments!"

And, "This Universal Infrastructure Bill Will Exist as A New Model for "Investment," "Change," and "The Development and Growth," for "A Bold New Civilization," that "Can Finance Repairing The Nations Roadways, and Bridges," Seaports, Airports, and Railways," and "Create High Speed Transportation," and "A Plethora of Electric Powered Stations," and "New Energy Alternatives," "Hospitals and Schools," "Plus A Myriad Number of Multi-Cultural," and "New and Advanced Environmental, Ecological," "Academic," and "Space Age Initiatives!" 

"Coupled with Transitional Efforts" that are "Being Conceived of and In Plans" to "Educate, Support, and Accommodate for The New Beginning" that "The Earths Diverse Communities have Looked Forward to," and "Longed for Their Families," and "The Social Security that It Brings," and "The Feeling of Being Included (and Not Excluded)" from "This New Age of Financial, Multi-Cultural, Technological, Scientific, and Sociological Change that Surrounds Them!"

And, "It Will Take A Financial, Corporeal, Spiritual, and Universal Investment," and "Conscious Awareness" of "What It Will Take to Create and Sow The Seeds" of "A New Era of Global Equilibre, Equanimity, Equality, Freedom, Interdependence, Economic Parity, and Justice," to "Which Must Be Added, "An Honest and Sincere Example" of "Compassionate Capitalism," In Order for This New Beginning to Take Hold," and "Form The Basis" for "A Grand New Experiment," and "Time/Space Reality Of The People, By The People, and For The People!" 

And, "All of These Universal and Humanitarianism Efforts" to "Improve The Quality of Life Of The People," and "Usher in A Bold New Civilization," and "Renaissance of Humanity," Can Be Financed in Total" by "A Unified, Combined, and Concerted Investment," of "A New Spirit of Universal Cognition, Intelligence, Empiricism, Insightfulness, Perceptivity, and Purpose," and "Multilateral Partnerships among Financial Institutions," and "Philanthropic Organizations," "The World Bank," "Community Banks," and "Global Banking Networks," and "Sovereign Nations," "All Rising in Concert with One Another," "Knowing" that "They have An Opportunity," to "Be A Part of Historical Moment of Change," "Away from Those who Would Misuse, Mislead, Manipulate, Abuse, and Lie to The People," and "Forward to An Age of Truth, Fellowship, Trust, Empathy, Unity, Peace, Justice, and Social Security For One and All!" 

And, "History Will Be Our Witness, Truthsayer, Fact Finder, Record, and Mirror" that "Will Describe The Choices and Fears that Posed Themselves to Our Communities and Sovereign Nations in The Twenty-First Century," and "The Great Will Power" that "It Took to Transcend The Negativity and Fear," and "Move Forward into A Bold New Civilization and Renaissance of Humanity," for "Future Generations to Admire and Be Inspired by!"
Voices of Reason and Peacemakers of The Twentieth and Twenty-First Millennia, "Let Us Follow in The Acclaimed Footsteps and Paths as Exemplified" by The Great Spirit, Soul, Intellect, Cognition, Compassion, and Experience of Jesus of Nazareth, Siddhartha Gautama, Mahatma Gandhi, Clarissa Harlowe "Clara" Barton, The Reverend Martin Luther King Jr. and Coretta Scott King, Harriet Tubman, Saint Teresa of Calcutta, Former President of South Africa Nelson Rolihlahla Mandela, Rosa Louise McCauley Parks, Zoroaster, Muhammad, Machiventa Melchizedek, Moses, Karl Heinrich Marx, Susan B. Anthony,  Charlemagne, Black Elk, Socrates, Saint Francis of Assisi, Rabindranath Tagore, Lao-Tse, Confucius, and Cesar Estrada Chavez," who "All Sought to Improve The Lives Of The People!"  
And, "It is of The Greatest Importance for The Youth of America," and "The Youth of All The Earths United Coalition of Sovereign Solar Nations" to "Receive Their Guidance and Teachings!" As well as, from "The Experience's and Actions" of "So Many Other Non-Violent Activists and Advocates," Women and Men, who "Believe in Resolving Social, Global, and Universal Issues Peacefully!"
For, This is, The Way To Peace, and An Omnipresent, Omniscient, and Omnipotent Age of Heroism, Patriotism, Exceptionalism, Joie de Vivre, and Innovative, Compassionate and Cognitive Leadership, and A New Era of Justice, Truth, Empathy, Equanimity, Soul Strength, Egalitarianism, Medical, Academic, and Cultural Ingenuity and Peace On Earth, as We Continue to Evolve into A Universe of Limitless Celestial Bodies and Galaxies!


The Way To Peace! #258- (Revisited)-

This is, "A Wish List" for, "A New Age of Heroines and Heroes of The Twenty-First Century" "Who Comprehend The Meaning of What A True Sense of Humanity Means!"
"A Great Soul Force of Women and Men to Strengthen and Reinforce The Ranks of Humanitarian Volunteer Workers, Health Care and Critical Care Workers, Doctors and Nurses, Emergency Rescuers, and First Responders, Earthwide," who have "Worked Tirelessly, For Decades to Come to The Aid of Those who are in Need!"

"A Modern Day Satyagraha Movement For The Benefit of All Humanity!" A la, "A Twenty-first Century Peace Corps of Millennials For Humanity, that Our Children and Their Future Generations Can Admire and Aspire to Be!" "A Global Fraternity For Humanity!" "A Sisterhood and Brotherhood of Advocates and Activists For Humanity!" "A Soul and Peace Force of Champions Of The People, By The People, and For The People!"

"With All the Turmoil and Distress Occurring in Our World, Today, and The Challenges Posed by Cyber Criminals, Extreme Radical Domestic and Foreign Terrorist Syndicates, Militant Vigilantes, White Supremacists," and "Economic Disparities, Racial Injustices, Poverty, Political Rhetoric Falsely Construed to Fool The Electorate/We The People," and "The Threats to Privatize Our Public Institutions," and "The Enforcements Imposed by Authoritarians to Control Us" and "Impede Our Rights to Live as Sovereign Citizens of This Planet Earth in Peace!" 
And, "The Encroachment upon Our Lives by Tyrants, Dictators, Crime and Drug Lords, Human Sex Traffickers, Egotistical Imperialistic Leaders, and Their Oligarchs," With All of This, "The Importance of Women and Men of Magnanimity, Upholding The Philosophy and Safeguards of A Global Fraternity/Community Of The People," is "Ever the More in Great Need of!"

"Women and Men of Understanding and Reason" whose "Cognition and Inner Perception Fully Supports the Empowerment and Growth of The People of This Earth!"
"Whose Insights, Discernment, and Largess will Help Build A New Earthwise Policy," "A Philosophy Of The People, By The People, and For The People," that "Promotes Change, Through Peacetime Measures" that "Constructs New Initiatives Devoted Towards Establishing Infrastructures" that "Enhance, Educate, and Provide Economic Security and Investment, For the Creation of Present, and Future, Opportunities For Our Families!"

"This New Earthwise Policy" is, also, "A Bridge that Connects All the Best Interests of The Digital, Science, Communication, and Ecological Universes of Thought, Word and Action!"
"A Strategic, Earthrise Vision of Global Equilibre, Rooted in A Common Sense of Being Here and Now!"

 "It is "Beyond Comprehension to Imagine" that "Approximately 60 Million People, Earthwide, have been Forced from Their Homes!" "To Live in a Perpetual State of Migration," As "Unauthorized Immigrants, For the Most Part," "Living in Refugee Camps, Dispossessed, and Homeless!"

"The Time has Come For A New Song Of Hope, Vision, Freedom, Peace, Respect, Trust, Generosity, Compassion, and Spirituality," that "Rejects The Discords of Antipathy and Enmity, Dissonance and Disunity, Division, and, Conflict!" 

"A Song Of Harmony and Humanity," that "Rejects The Warfare of Cyber Criminals, Domestic and Foreign Extreme Radical Terrorist Syndicates, Militants, Vigilantes, Sovereign Infringements, Oppression, Egotistical Imperialists, and, A Cacophony of Conditioned False Realities!"

"The Time has Come For A New Mantra Of The People, By The People, and For The People!"

"A Song Of The Spirit and Soul!" "A Song Of Social Conscience!" "A Song Of Forbearance and Tolerance!" 

"A Twenty-first Century Mantra sung By A Choir Of The People," that "Resonates in The Hearts, Minds, Intellect, Souls and Spirits Of The People, " "Wherever They are Troubled or Oppressed!"

As "Blowing in The Wind," sung by Bob Dylan, "What's Going On," sung by Marvin Gaye, "We Shall Overcome," sung by a Variety of Great Artists, such as Pete Seeger, Mahalia Jackson, and Joan Baez, to name Several of them, and "Turn, Turn, Turn, sung by The Byrds, and Composed by Pete Seeger, was Sung by A Generation of Anti-War, and Civil Rights Activists, in the Twentieth Century," Let Us Learn "The Lyrics and Melodies" of  "A Universal Song of Interdependent Sovereign People of This Planet Earth!"

And, As "Victory Day" is "A Global Holiday," that "Symbolizes The Constant Memory" of "Good over The Forces of Evil in The Twentieth Century," "Let Us Always Remember and Honor the Sacrifice and Integrity of The Members of Our Armed Services" and "Their Commitment, Dedication, and Defense of Our Most Valuable Principles, International Laws, Essential and Paramount Ways of Life," who "Gave Their Lives to Protect We The People from the Imperialistic Design, Oppression, and Aggression of Warmongers, and Dictators!" For, There was "No Price too Dear for Them to Pay to Protect The Welfare of Their Fellow Human Being from Those who Chose to Engage in the Brutality of War, Torture, and/or Enslavement!" 

And, "To All who Profess or Express The Desire to Be A World Leader," and, "To All who Choose to Be A Part of A Great Movement Of The People," "A Cultural Movement," and/or "Political, Moral, Civil Rights, Spiritual/Religious, Sociological, or Philanthropic Movement," "Let Your Instincts, Thoughts, Words, Caring Tenets, and Actions Be Guided" by "A True Sense of Humanity" and "Reverence For The Lives of All Sentient, Natural, and Universal Beings!"

And, Once again, "Let Us Always Remember that Non-Violence Should Steadfastly Be The Primary Position of Whatever Entrenched and Unshakable Core Beliefs, Precepts, and Path that You have Chosen to Take," to "Affect A Change that Can Result in Benefits that Can Improve The Plights of The World," and "Transform Them in A Positive Way!"
"For, Non-Violence is The Grand Solar Axiom" that "A Principled and Civilized People Can Thrive on and Find Peace within!"

And, "It is Clear in The United States" that "A Majority of Americans Believe" that "New and Better Gun Reform Legislation is Needed," However, "It will Take the Courage and Commitment of Elected Officials to Pass the Laws, Irregardless of the Pressure being Brought upon Them by the Lobbyists of The Influential Gun Industry," and "the U.S. Congress Needs to Rise to the Challenge!" 
"There are Too Many Mass Murders in The U.S. to Imagine!" And, "Unfortunately and Tragically The Count Continues to Mount on A Yearly Basis!" And, "It Should Be Said and Written" that "Enough is Enough!")

And, If The Law Enforcement Community is to Build a Positive Relationship with Parents, Youth, and Genders of All Natures, It Needs to Work Much Harder towards Improving Its Image with New Public Promotion Campaigns," and "Updated Community Service Projects," that are "Directed Specifically and Humanistically Towards Empowering Our Communities!"

 "The Continued Use of Excess of Force by Law Enforcement Officials Can only Continue to Inflame the Negative Opinions that already Exists Towards the Law Enforcement Community and Police Departments," and "Cause Further Damage in the Re-building of New Relationships with The Police in Our Communities!" And, "Further Distancing Them from Achieving any Real Sense of New Found Respect!"    

-(Several verses from "Bob Dylan's Blowing in the Wind," come to mind, One is, "Yes, and how many deaths will it take 'til he knows That too many people have died," and "Verses from Marvin Gaye's What's Going On," also come to mind, "Mother, Mother, there's far too many of you crying, Brother, Brother, Brother, There's far too many of you dying,")-

"The United States  is A Great Nation" with "A Grand Ole History of Accomplishments that are to Be Greatly Admired,"  But, If, It is to Continue to Be as such, "It Needs A Great Body of Legislators who Vow to Reinforce Its Laws," "Guide It," and "Pass New Gun Reform Legislation that Both Empowers and Protects The People!" And, "Our Law Enforcement Community Must Aspire towards Achieving Higher Standards of Performance, For the Greater Good of The Community!" 

And, "The Earths United Coalition of Sovereign Nations Must also Continue to Engage in Peace Dialogues and Diplomacy," For, This is, "Still, The Best Way to Solve The Differences that Lie Between Us ("The P5+1 Approach Toward Accomplishing Diplomatic Goals," Plus, "The Use of Strong Sanctions whenever Deemed Necessary, Should Be the International Model for Making Strides towards Peaceful Resolutions in Moments of Intense Conflicts ," Wherever They May Occur)!"
However, "If A Great Soul Force is Needed, Let Us Not Hesitate to Defend and Protect Those of Us who are Being Attacked and Forced to Submit by Coercion or Aggression," and/or by "Invasion!"
"For Their Lives, and The Lives of Their Friends, Families and Loved Ones are Sacrosanct in Any International or Universal Court of Law," and "Their Rights of Sovereignty Must Be Upheld and Respected!"

And, "Let Us Stand Firm in The Way of Any Rogue Nation that Invades the Sovereignty of Another Independent Nation or People!" "History has Already Shown Us The Errors of Our Ways," and "What The Consequences of Inaction Can Be, When The Rights of A Sovereign People, and/or Nation, are Threatened!" "The Proof Lies in The Massive Loss of Life, and Destruction of Towns, Villages, and Cities, Caused by the World Wars and Conflicts of The Twentieth Century!"

Voices of Reason and Peacemakers of the 20th and 21st Centuries, "Let this Be The Season/Age When Peace on Earth is Finally Achieved!" And, As it is Written in "Turn, Turn, Turn," sung by The Byrds, Let this Be, "A Time that You May Embrace... "A Time for Peace I swear its Not too late."

And, "Let Us Purposefully Agree to Persevere Together," "Serve The Paths of Peace Together," and "Transcend the Inequities that We May Be Faced with Together!"

And, "Let Us Continue to Spread The Word of Our Purpose in Peace, via the The Global Social Media," and "The Limitless Global Cross-Media Universe, Across The Internet Bridge of Our Earth Community to The Farthest Corner of This Planet Earth," and "To Each and Every State of Mind!" As Sam Cooke sang, "It's been a long, long time coming, But I know a change gonna come, oh yes it will."

And, "Let Us Continue to March to The Beat, Rhythms, and Drums of A Great Soul Force Of The People, By The People, and, For The People," and "To A New Age and Global Earthwise Policy Of Grand Equilibre and Reason Of Being," "As A Great Global Fraternity Of The People!"

And, "Let This New Beat," "Be The Truth, Soul, Philosophy, Reality, and Spirit of The People!" 
"For, We are One and All, Sovereign People of This Planet Earth," and, "A Part of Its Grand Cosmos of  Natural and Universal Beings!"

This is, The Way To Peace, and An Omniscient, Omnipotent, and Omnipresent Age of Peace, Justice, Trust, and Security On Earth!


-In Memoriam:
We Extend Our Sincerest Heartfelt and Soulful Condolences To All The Families and Communities, Globally and Domestically, who have Lost A Loved One Due to Natural Disasters such as Earthquakes, and Wherever The Path of Hurricanes, Tornadoes, Typhoons, Flood Waters, Mud Slides, and Raging Tides, and Fires have Destroyed Your Homes and Caused The Loss Of Life, and The Loss of Your Love Ones, We Extend Our Sincerest Heartfelt and Soulful Condolences to You, and Mourn Their Loss of Life with You and Your Families, in This Time Period of Grief and Sadness!
And, We Extend Our Sincerest Heartfelt and Soulful Condolences to The Families of More than One Million, Eight Hundred and Twenty-Four Thousand Love One's who've Died Earthwide Due to The Ongoing Spread of The CoronaVirus Pandemic!

And, To All The Families who have Lost A Loved One Due to A Gun Related Act of Violence, Systemic Racism, Prejudice, Police Brutality, or Any Act of Violence Caused by Malevolent Perpetrators who Care Not For The Lives of Their Fellow Human Being!
And, We Mourn Their Loss of Life with You in This Sensitive Time Period of Deeply Felt Despair, Sorrow, Unhappiness, and Trauma!