Monday, December 14, 2020



The Way To Peace! ##379

 -"Global Cross Media News Universe, Insights, New Horizons, News Purview's, Global Perspectives,"- "President-Elect Joseph Robinette Biden Jr. and Vice President-Elect Kamala Devi Harris" have Been Named "TIME Magazine's  2020 Person of The Year"-


 -"Global Cross Media News Universe, Insights, News Purview's, Global Perspectives," and "The U.S. Supreme Court Decision on The Texas Lawsuit"-

 -Extra Noteworthy News- "The U.S. Supreme Court Rejects The Lawsuit by The State of Texas to Overturn President-Elect Biden and Vice President-Elect Harris'' Victory in The 2020 U.S. Presidential Election!"

Global Cross Media News Reports are "In An Unsigned Single-Page Order, The Court Rejected a Lawsuit Brought by Texas, citing "a lack of standing" under Article III of the Constitution."

 And, "In Dismissing the Lawsuit" the U.S. Supreme Court said, "Texas had "No Cognizable Interest" in how Pennsylvania, Michigan, Wisconsin and Georgia conduct their own elections."

"This U.S. Supreme Court Decision Coming Three Days Before The Electoral College Meets on Monday, The Fourteenth of December 2020, "Rejecting The Texas Lawsuit," has "Literally, Put An End to President Trump's Attempts to Sabotage President-Elect Biden and Vice President-Elect Harris' Victory!"  

And, In Doing so, has "Put An End to The False Hope's" and "Fruitless and Senseless Court Cases and Lawsuits" that "President Trump and His Allies have Filed without Merit!" 

And "This U.S. Supreme Court Decision Should Put An End" to "The Misleading Rhetoric" that has "Blinded The Truth of The Results and Outcome of The 2020 U.S. Presidential Election from Being Accepted and Fully Comprehended by The Presidents Supporters," and "The Members of The Republican Party" who "Should have Known Better to Begin with!"

Which is The 2020 U.S. Presidential Election was Won by President-Elect Joseph R. Biden Jr. and Vice President-Elect Kamala D. Harris!" And, "There was "Absolutely No Evidence of Mass Election Fraud at All!"

And, On Wednesday, The Twentieth of January 2021, The 59th Presidential Inauguration of President-Elect Joseph R. Biden Jr. and Vice President-Elect Kamala D. Harris Will Take Place on The West Front of The United States Capitol Building in Washington D.C."

Where They Will Be Sworn in "As President and Vice President of The United States of America!" And, "For The Next Four Years," "They Will Present Their Bold New Vision for This Grand Experiment, Republic, Democracy," and "Government Of The People, By The People, and For The Diverse Communities, Tapestry, and Fabric Of The People!"  


-"Global Cross Media News Universe, Insights, New Horizons, News Purview's, Global Perspectives," and "The National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA)-

-Extra Noteworthy News-

Wednesday, The Ninth of December 2020, "As The Parallel Universes of The Public and Private Sectors in Our States, Cities, Towns and Villages Continue to Be Under Attack by The CoronaVirus" and "Medical Organizations Race to Prevent The Further Widespread Increase of Cases, Hospitalizations, and Deaths in The United States," So, "Is The U.S. House of Representatives Working on Behalf of The American People" to "Protect The Nation from Any Foreign Adversaries who Believe that Taking Advantage of A Transition in Government" from "The Trump/Pence Administration" to "The Biden/Harris Administration" "May Be A Propitious Moment in Time to Cause Havoc" in "One Form or Another Against The United States of America" and "Its Democracy!" Or Perhaps even, "Any Domestic Instigators who are Bent Upon Causing Further Disruptions in The U.S." "The U.S. House of Representatives has Passed A Bipartisan $Seven Hundred and Forty Billion Dollar U.S. Defense Bill, The National Defense Authorization Act" (NDAA) with "A Veto Proof Majority," of "335-78-1" and "Therefore Preventing The Threat of Veto by Outgoing President Trump from Occurring!" 

And, In Doing so, "Clearly Stating that "More than A Three Third Majority of Members of The U.S. House of Representatives (Needed to Override A Potential Presidential Veto) Chose The U.S. Military," and "Legislation that, (1) "Provides Pay Raises for America's Armed Service Forces" and, (2) "Modernizations of Equipment and Provisions" Which Will also Allow for, (3) "More Scrutinization," Before President Trump's Plans to Withdraw U.S. Troop's from Afghanistan and Germany" are "to Take Place!"

And, "Clearly This Bipartisan Veto Proof Vote" is "A Demonstration of Patriotism" and "An Absolute Decision Made by The House" "Choosing The Defense of The Nation" over that of "President Trump's Demand to Include A Repeal of Section 230 ("A Law" that "Protects Internet Companies" from "Being Liable for "What is Posted on Their Websites by Them," or "Third Parties!)"

And, "This Legislation" also "Includes Provisions" to; (1) "Limit How Much Money The President Can Move Around" for His Pet Project "The Border Wall!" And, (2) "Another Provision" that "Would Require The Military" to "Rename Bases" that were "Named after Figures from The Confederacy!"

-Global Cross Media News Universe, Insight, New Horizons, Global Perspectives and Precautions"-

"This is Not The Time to Attempt," as President Trump is Attempting to Do, "To Prioritize His Personal List of Situations and Individuals" with whom, (1) "He has had Personal Differences of Opinion with," or, (2) "Who Disagree with Him over His Policies," or, (3) "Disagree with His Post Election Strategies," or, (4) "His Reluctance to Be A Good Loser" and "Congratulate President-Elect Biden"' and "Vice President-Elect Harris!" 

"When It Comes to A Choice Between Supporting The U.S. Armed Forces and The Defense of The Nation," and "The President's Personal Dislikes or Policies," "The Choice Must Be The Defense of The United States of America," and "Its Brave and Courageous Armed Forces!"

And, "Majority of The Members of U.S. House of Representatives," and "Its Leadership" are "To Be Commended for Their Veto Proof Bipartisan Vote on Behalf of The U.S. Government Of The People, By The People, and For We The People, and "The Protection of The Nation," and "Its Democratic Principles!"      

And, "Now It is Up to Senate Majority Leader Addison Mitchell "Mitch" McConnell and The Senate Republicans to Show Their Patriotism," and "Give Their Full Support Behind This New Defense Bill," and "The Nation," and "For The Sake of The American People," and "Pass This Annual Defense Bill" with "A Veto Proof Majority!"

And, Take Note that "The Families of The U.S. Armed Forces" are "Paying Close Attention to This Vote in The U.S. Senate" in Addition to "Each and Every Brave and Courageous Member of The U.S. Armed Forces" who "Perform Their Duties," and "Conduct Themselves," with "Conduct that is Above Reproach!" Without Any Thought of Partisan Politics on Behalf of The Diverse Communities, Tapestry, and Fabric of The United States of America" Irregardless of "Gender, Special Needs, Creed, Tribe, Age, Intellectual Disability, Color, Nationality, Social Status, or Political Persuasion!"

And, "For The United States of America to Symbolize," and "Launch Itself" into "A Bold New Civilization," "A Civilization of No-Violence and Peace," "A Civilization of Environmental and Ecological Cognition and Awareness," "A Civilization of Spiritual, Academic, and Universal Vision, and Earthwise Advancement, Growth and Development," and "Renaissance of Humanity," and "The U.S. Armed Forces Must Be A Core Element and Partner of This Universal Multi-National Coalition of United Sovereign Nations" and "People of This Planet," "Earth!"


-"Global Cross Media News Universe, Insights, New Horizons, News Purview's, Global Perspectives,"- And, "The 2020 Residential Election Results"- "President Trump," "His Supporters," and "The Republican Party," "Must Face The Facts" that President-Elect Joseph R. Biden Jr. and Vice President-Elect Kamala Harris have Won The 2020 U.S. Presidential Election"-

-Extra Noteworthy News-
"Tuesday The Eighth of December 2020," "Known as "Safe Harbor Day" Under Federal Law, (The Electoral Count Act Passed in 1887) "Signifies that Congress Must Count The Electoral Votes from States that Chose Their Electors and Resolve any Legal Disputes over The Choice by The Acts Deadline," "Which is Six Days Before The Electors are Meet to Vote on The Fourteenth of December 2020!"

And, "President-Elect Joseph R Biden Jr." has "Three Hundred and Six Electoral Votes" While, "President Donald J. Trump" has "Two Hundred and Thirty-Two," and with "Two Hundred and Seventy Electoral Votes Needed to Win The Presidency," This is "A Fait Accompli" and "President-Elect Biden Will Be Sworn in on The Twentieth of January 2021 As The Forty-Sixth President of The United States of America," and "Vice President-Elect Kamala D. Harris Will Be The Forty-Ninth Vice President of The United States of America!"

 -Global Cross Media New Universe, Insights, New Horizons, News Purview's, and Global Perspectives"-
As of The Twentieth of January 2021, "The Potential for A Grand New Era of Global Equilibre," "Multi-Cultural Evolvement," "Opportunity," "Fair Trade Policies Among Sovereign Nations," and "Strong Development and Economic Growth Among The Diverse Communities, Tapestries, and Fabric Of The People," and "A New Age of Trust," and "Highly Constitutional and Judicial Principles" of "A Bold New Civilization," and "Renaissance Of Humanity Can Be More than Just Idea's, They Can Become A Reality!"

And, "We have A Grand Opportunity to Improve The Healthcare and Social Security Of All The People!" "But, We Must Do Our Part" by "Being Cognitive, Earthwise, Intelligent, Compassionate, and Logical in Making The Good Decisions" that "Will Enhance The Living Conditions, and Values that We Believe in" and that are "In The Best Interests of Our Fellow Human Being!" "For "The Time for Change" and "The Establishment for A New Era of Universal, Soulful, and Spiritual Transcendence and Awareness is Upon Us!" "An Earthrise Of, By, and For The People!" 

And, "A Scientific, Health, Environmental, and Ecological Generation and Evolution Of The People," Moving Ever Forward as, "We Continue to Advance into A Twenty-First Century of Ascended Purpose!" 

And, "A Universe of Sociological Sectors of Multi-Cultural Communities Built Upon Respect For One Another," and "Belief in The United Future Of An Omnipresent Peace and Unity For One and All The People!"


-"Global Cross Media News Universe, Insights, New Horizons, News Purview's, Global Perspectives,"and "Judicial Justice"-

 - Extra Noteworthy News- 

Global Cross Media News Reports are Friday, The Fourth of December 2020, "Nicholas George Garaufis" Senior United States District Judge of the United States District for the Eastern District for New York" has "Ordered The Dept. of Homeland Security to "Post A Public Notice on Its Website to Accept First Time DACA Applications!" "Saying in His Six Page Ruling" that "He was Fully Reinstating The DACA program Based on The Terms Established under Former President Barack Obama's Administration!"-

Voices of Reason and Peacemakers of The Twentieth and Twenty-First Millennia, "The Moment in Time has Come" When "No Socioeconimic Status, Person of Gender, Nationality, Creed, Age, Color, Special Needs, Intellectual Disability, Individual, Age, Political Persuasion, or Tribe Can Be Left Out" of "A Global Equation" that "Embraces A Bold New Civilization," and "New Era and Renaissance of Humanity, Unification, Global Equilibre, Economic Parity, Social Justice, Social Security, Freedom, Equality, Non-Violence and Diplomacy, Peace Dialogues," and "A Universal Health Care and Medical Care System," and "Universal System of Non Prejudicial Justice" and "Law and Order!"
"For This System Must Be All Inclusive!"

"When You See A Grand Masterpiece of Inspiring, Visionary, Insightful, Soulful, Spiritual, Compassionate, Individuals of Grand Cognition and Universality," What Do They Look Like, "Jesus of Nazareth, Mahatma Gandhi, Siddhartha Gautama, Mary, Saint Teresa of Calcutta, Harriet Tubman, Rosa Parks, Mary Magdalene, Nelson Mandela, Martin Luther King Jr. and Coretta Scott King, Zoroaster, Muhammad, Machiventa Melchizedek, Moses, Clara Barton, Susan B. Anthony,  Charlemagne, Black Elk,  Socrates,  Saint Francis of Assisi, Rabindranath Tagore, Lao-Tse, and Confucius! And, "This is A Grand Mindseye Vision to See!" For Truly, "This is An Illuminated Thought Projection" of "An Inspiring and Illuminated Diversity of The Heart, Mind, Intellect, Emotion, Cognition, Soul, Spirit, Tapestry, Fabric, and Universality Of Humankind!"

And, "Let Us Continue to Pursue A Path Forward" of "Non-Violence, Satyagraha, Valor, Fearlessness, Bravery, and The Truth," as "We Strive to Achieve Our Goals of Universal Harmony," and "An Earthrise and Earthwise Vision, Civilization, Culture, Way of Life and Purposeful and Meaningful Reality!" 
And, "Let Us One and All Share This Purposeful and Meaningful Reality and Vision Path with Each Other" as "We Take Each New Step Forward into The Future Now Sphere's of Our Lives and Continued Existence" on "This Our Home Planet Earth!"

For This is, The Way To Peace, and An Omnipresent, Omniscient, and Omnipotent Age of Heroism, Patriotism, Exceptionalism, Joie de Vivre, and Innovative, Compassionate and Cognitive Leadership, and A New Era of Justice, Truth, Empathy, Equanimity, Soul Strength, Egalitarianism, Medical, Academic, and Cultural Ingenuity and Peace On Earth, as We Continue to Evolve into A Universe of Limitless Celestial Bodies and Galaxies!


-As The CoronaVirus Continues to Ravage The States, Cities, Counties, Neighborhoods, and Families Althroughout The United States of America," and "The United Sovereign Nations of The Earth," "Medical Experts," and "Government Agencies," are "Calling Upon The Earths Populace" to "Adhere to Social Distancing Guidelines and Wearing Masks to "Delay The Continued Spread of This Contagious and Deadly Virus," as "New CoronaVirus Vaccines are In The Process of Being Approved by The Food and Drug Administration (FDA)," and "The World Health Administration (WHO)," and "Other Sister an Brother Global Health Agencies," and "In Preparation of Being Utilized for Emergency Use Authorization (EUA)," and "Distribution Earthwide!"

And, "In The United States of America, Monday, The Seventh of December 2020, Global Cross Media News Reports have "Revealed The List of Health Official Nominees" who "Will Comprise The Heart, Core, Professional Expertise, and Spirit of The Biden/Harris Health Administration!"

The are: (I) Xavier Becerra, Secretary of Health and Human Services,

(II) Dr. Vivek Hallegere Murthy, Surgeon General,

(III) Dr. Rochelle Walensky, Director of The Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC),

(IV) Dr. Marcella Nunez-Smith, Chair of The COVID-19 Equity Task Force,

(V) Dr. Anthony Stephen Fauci, Chief Medical Adviser to President President Biden on COVID-19, 

(VI) Jeffrey Dunston Zients, Coordinator of COVID-19 Response and Counselor to President Biden,

(VII) Natalie Quillian, Deputy Coordinator of The COVID-19 Response, 

And so, "These Medical Experts" and "Public Servants Will Be Ready to Begin Their Official Health Related Services for The Biden/Harris Administration," and "Confronting The Ongoing Spread of The CoronaVirus," and "In The Name of The American People," and "For The Safety" and "Healthcare Of The American People!"

And Now, "It's Up to Every American Citizen to Do Their Part in Preventing The Ongoing Spread of This Vicious Virus," and "Adhere to The Social Distancing Guidelines," and "Wearing Masks!" 

And, "There is No Doubt," that "This is The Patriotic Duty of Each and Every American Citizen," and "All The Citizens of The Earths Sovereign Nations to Do," "For The Sake" of "The Lives of Our Families," "Friends," "Neighbors," and "Fellow Citizens of The Earth!"

-(Note that, Global Cross Media News Reports are "Rudolph William Louis "Rudy" Giuliani has Been Tested Positive for The CornaVirus," and "Hospitalized on Sunday, The Sixth of December 2020!" 

And, "The Arizona Senate has Been Shutdown Out of Concern" that "Mr. Giuliani Might Possibly have Spread The CoronaVirus to Arizona Legislators," During His Visit to Arizona," on Monday, The First of December 2020, "In An Attempt to Convince The Legislators" to "Overturn The Results of The 2020 U.S. Presidential Election in Favor of President Trump!" 

"Mr. Giuliani also Held Special Events Visiting Legislators" in "Arizona, Geotgia, Pennsylvania, and Michigan over The Last Few Weeks!"  

And, "At Last Count," Global Cross Media News Reports are "At Last Count," "Fifty-Three Individuals of President Trump's Circle of Contacts and Administrative Officials," have "Been Tested Positive for The CoronaVirus!"

-(Note that, Mr. Giuliani was Released from The Hospital on Wednesday, The Ninth of December 2020 After Spending Four Days Recovering from The CoronaVirus!" And, In An In A Radio Interview said that, "I feel just about 100% right now." And salso said about "One of The Medicines He was Administered to" in The Hospital, "There's one that I took -- by the next morning I felt ten years younger." And, "that he took some of the same medicines Trump took" when "He was in the Hospital" After Testing Positive for The CoronaVirus!")-

 -(Note that, Tuesday, The Eighth of December 2020, President-Elect Biden Chose for His Secretary of Defense "Retired Four Star Army General Lloyd James Austin III!" And, In Doing so, "The President-Elect" has "Asked The U.S. Congress to Waive A Legal Prohibition Against A Recently Serving Military Officer from Heading The Pentagon!" 

General Austin Would Be The First Black Leader of The Pentagon!")- 

-Extra Noteworthy News-

Tuesday, The Eighth of December 2020, Global Cross Media News Reports are "President Trump Held A Congratulatory Special Event at The Eisenhower Executive Office Building in Washington D.C. "The Operation Warp Speed Vaccine Summit" at Which He Congratulated Himself, Vice President Michael Pence, the Full Power of Government, the Genius of American Scientists, the Might of American Industry, Moderna, Pfizer," and "Some great, great companies out there you all know about: Johnson and Johnson---and others." And, The President Named and Thanked Everyone Else who was Involved such as Dr. Deborah Birx, Admiral Brett Giroir, Dr. Robert Redfield, and Jared Kushner (His Son in Law, and Adviser), and that His "Administration provided $Fourteen Billion Dollars to Accelerate vaccine development and to manufacture and all of the top candidates in advance--long in advance."

And also that, "The United States has also created the largest most advanced, and most innovative testing program in the world by far."

However, "What was Left Out (Besides Members of The Biden Transition Team," and "The Fact that "The President Lost The 2020 U.S. Presidential Election, Which is In Itself Amazing") was" As of Monday, The Fourteenth of December 2020, "More than Three Hundred and Six Thousand Americans have Died Due to The Mismanagement of The Corona Virus," and "More than Sixteen Million, and Seven Hundred and Thirty-Seven Thousand Americans have Been Tested Positive Due to The Mismanagement of The CoronaVirus!"


-Extra Noteworthy News-

Monday The Fourteenth of December 2020, Global Cross Media News Reports are "The Federal Bureau of Investigations (FBI)," and "Department of Homeland and Security's Cybersecurity Division" are "Investigating," What is Being Referred to "As A Large Scale Penetration of U.S. Government Agencies," and "Specifically Networks of The Commerce and Treasury Departments have Been Mentioned!"

Interestingly Enough, Global Cross Media News Reports are "This Occurred Less than A Week after FireEye," A Prominent Cyber Security Firm, "was Hacked!" And, "Its Own Investigations have Referred to These Hacks" as Being a Part of A "Global Campaign" "Targeting Governments," and "The Private Sector" Caused by Placing Malware into a Solar Winds Software," (A Popular Piece of Server Software), "Last Spring!"

-(Note that, The Malware gave Cyberhackers Remote Access to Victim's Networks!" FireEye said "They Contacted Multiple Organizations after They Saw Evidence/Indications of A Cyber Compromise!")-

"Christopher Cox Krebs" The Previous Director of CISA, (Who was Fired by President Trump Last Month, "Allegedly Because He Disagreed with President Trump's Assertions" of "Widespread Electoral/Voter Fraud The U.S. Elections), Tweeted on Sunday, The Thirteenth of December 2020, "Hacks of this type take exceptional tradecraft and time."

"The Question" is Who has The Expertise to Pull Off This Cyber Invasion!" Global Cross Media News Reports are Last Week, "Reuters and Some Cyber Experts Claimed" that "Russian State Hackers" were "Considered The Main Suspects!" However, "In This Era of Cyberhacking" "There are Quite A Few Cybercriminals and Governments" who "Could also Be Considered!"  


-"Global Cross Media News Universe, Insights, News Purview's, Global Perspectives," and "Questions"-

"Questions"- "What Right Do Maga Marchers," "The Proud Boys," "Radical Militants," or "Aggressive Demonstrators" have to  "Destroy Public Property," and "Threaten The Lives, Businesses," and Homes of Americans," "Because They are Simply Doing Their Jobs," or "Believe in A Political Candidate," or  "Nominee," or "Election Result," "Not of Their Liking!"

And, "What Right Do Demonstrations" such as "The One's" that "Took Place in Washington D.C on Saturday, The Twelfth of December 2020, " "When A Black Lives Matter Signs and Banners" were "Set on Fire,"and "A Black Lives Matter Board from Metropolitan African Methodist Episcopal Church was Torn Down," and "Physical Confrontations were Engaged in!"

And, "What Right Does Any American Think" that "They Can Take The Life of Another American Citizen" Because of Their Skin Color, Religion, Gender, Intellectual Disability, Social Status, Nationality, Age, Tribe, Special Needs,  or Political Persuasion!"

"These Acts are "Not An Example of Patriotism!"

"There is Absolutely Nothing Commendable about These Unlawful Acts of Violation Against One's Fellow American," or "Causing Damage to Their Personal Property, Person, Family Members, or Businesses!"

And, "Again, "This is "Not An Example of Patriotism," that "The Youth of America Should Be Subject to, Emulate or Admire!"

And, "This is Not An Example of Leadership" that "Should Be Respected or Admired!"

"These are The Type of Demonstrations" that "Should Be Looked Down Upon," and Lead to Arrests Being Made Before Further Violence has Occurred!"

"Every American has The Right to Demonstrate Non-Violently!" "This is Their Constitutional Right!" "But, We are Describing Non-Violent Activism" and "Acts of Concern for The Sake of One's Fellow Human Being as Exemplified by Jesus of Nazareth, Siddhartha Gautama, Mahatma Gandhi, Clarissa Harlowe "Clara" Barton, The Reverend Martin Luther King Jr., Harriet Tubman, Saint Teresa of Calcutta, Former President of South Africa Nelson Rolihlahla Mandela, Rosa Louise McCauley Parks, and Cesar Estrada Chavez!" "It is of The Greatest Importance for The Youth of America to Receive Their Guidance and Teachings" from "The Experience's and Actions of These Dedicated Individuals" and "So Many Other Non-Violent Activists and Americans," who "Believed in  Resolving Social Issues Peacefully!" 

  "But Unlike The Actions of Violent White Supremacists,"  or "Extreme Radical, Belligerent, Aggressive, Fanatical Militants!" "The Diverse Communities, Tapestry, and Fabric of America" has had "Enough of This Violent, Destructive, and Unpatriotic Behavior," and "Leadership!"

"This is The Twenty-First Century" and "Any Leader who Instigates, Incites, or Encourages Violence and Defiance of Law and Order," as "A Way to Resolve Differences of Opinion," or "Domestic Policies and Issues," "Should Be Seriously Reprimanded," and/or "Voted Out of Office!"


-"More Questions"- And, on "A Totally Unrelated Subject," "Is Facebook Truly Deserving of Being Sued by The Federal Trade Commission (FTC" and "A Coalition of Forty-Seven States, The District of Columbia and Guam" for "It's Size. Growth, and Dominance in The Social Media Marketplace!"

Global Cross Media News Reports are "David Anthony Yost The Fifty-First Attorney-General of The State of Ohio Announced on Wednesday, The Ninth of December 2020," that "Ohio was Joining The National Lawsuit Against Facebook" and said In An Email Statement, "Facebook's unchecked power has grabbed an alarming level of control over what we see, say, buy and even who are friends are." And, "He also said, "It is a dangerous seduction where we. as consumers, have become the product for Facebook by controlling so many aspects of our lives."

And, "The Follow Up Questions" are 1) "Has Facebook Become a Monopoly" and, (2) "Is It Too Large to Control Because It has Become Tremendously Successful in Our Society," and, (3) "Has It Become such A Serious Problem Worth Being Sued for!"

"In A Statement to Twitter," Facebook said, "Years after the FTC cleared our acquisitions, the government now wants a do-over with no regard to the impact that precedent would have on  the broader businesses community or the people who choose our products everyday."   


 -Extra Noteworthy News-

Tuesday, The First of December 2020, Global Cross Media News Reports are The Democratic Parties Two Top Congressional Leaders Senate Minority Leader Charles "Chuck Schumer from The State of New York," and "House Speaker Nancy Patricia Pelosi have Decided to Throw Their Support Behind," and "Back A Bipartisan $Nine Hundred and Eight Billion Dollar Relief Proposal "In The Spirit of Compromise," After Both Political Parties "Failed to Agree to A Multi-Trillion Dollar CoronaVirus Relief Package over The Summer!"
"This $Nine Hundred and Eight Billion Dollar Bipartisan Relief Compromise Proposal" Includes; (1) "$One Hundred and Sixty Billion Dollars fo State and Local Governments," (2) "$One Hundred and Eighty Billion Dollars for Additional Unemployment Benefits," (3) "$Two Hundred and Eighty-Eight Billion Dollars for A Second Round of Paycheck Protection Program (PPP) for Small Businesses, and Short Term Liability," among "Other Provisions!"

However, "It Must Be Noted" that, (at Present), "This is Not A Stimulus Proposal" that "Would Include Direct Cash Payments Being Made to Your Bank Account!"

"A Stimulus Package Would Be Seriously Welcomed," and "It Would Guarantee that American Citizens who are In Dire Need of Financial Support Would Receive It!"

-(Note that, $Three Hundred and Forty-Eight Billion Dollars Would Be New Spending!" While, $Five Hundred and Sixty Billion Dollars Would Be Repurposed Funds from The CARES Act!")-

-"Global Cross Media News Universe, Insights, New Horizons, News Purview's, Global Perspectives," and "A New Bipartisan U.S. Senate CoronaVirus Relief Proposal"-
Amis, "Timing is Always An Important Factor in Contentious Bipartisan Negotiations," and "The Fact that "Tuesday, The First of December Senate Majority Leader Addison Mitchell "Mitch" McConnell Jr. from The State of Kentucky," "Introduced His Own $Three Hundred and Thirty-Three Billion Dollar Stimulus Proposal," "May End Up Becoming The Propitious Moment for Building A Bridge to An Agreement that "Leads to The Creation of New Legislation in The U.S. Senate," that "Both Political Parties Can Base Their Negotiations and Compromises Upon," "In The Name and Governance of The America People," who are "At Present in The Midst" of "A Life and Death CoronaVirus Crisis!"

At Present, "There is A Coalition of Four Senate Republicans and Five Senate Democrats to Begin with!" However, "A Veto Proof Total of Sixty Votes is Needed!"

"There is Little Doubt, that "All of America is Watching to See Whom Among Both The Republican and Democratic Parties Will Negotiate" in "Good Faith" and "Work Together to Achieve Passage of This Much Needed Stimulus Legislation," as "The Deaths and Cases of Infections Continues to Amass" and "Rise into Becoming An American Tragedy of Enormous Levels and Proportions," "Leaving Families Distraught and Traumatized over The Death of A Love One, or "Close Friend," with "Tears of Love and Loss Cascading from The Eyes of Hundreds of Thousands of Families in The United States Alone!" And, "Leaving No Neighborhood Untouched," and "No Community Free from Being Affected by The Savage," "Ruthless and Merciless Pattern of Behavior and Mutation" of "The CoronaVirus!"

However, "The Questions" that Still Remain are, "Now that Senate Minority Leader Schumer and House Speaker Pelosi have Given Their Support to This Bipartisan Senate Proposal," "Will Senate Majority Leader McConnell Agree!" And, "If He Does," "How Many Other Senate Republicans Will Be Persuaded" to "Back This Bipartisan Proposal!"
A Total of Sixty Republicans and Democrats are Needed to Pass This Stimulus and CoronaVirus Relief Legislation" to "Make It Veto Proof!" "Just in Case!"

-(Note that, "President-Elect Biden Supports This Bipartisan CoronaVirus Relief Proposal!" And, "President Trump has said" that, "He Would Sign The Legislation," "When The U.S. Congress has Passed It!")-

And, Tuesday,The Eighth of December 2020 Global Cross Media News Reports are "House Speaker Nancy Patricia Pelosi has said that "She Supports Adding Another Round of $Twelve Hundred Dollar Direct Payments Checks" to "The Next Stimulus Relief Package!" And, "Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer Agrees with Her!")-


-Extra Noteworthy News-

Thursday, The Tenth of December 2020,  Global Cross Media News Reports are Senator Bernard "Bernie" Sanders Democrat from The State of Vermont," and Senator Joshua David "Josh" Hawley Republican from The State of Missouri" have "Joined Forces to In An Honest Demonstration of Bipartisanship and Public Service" to "Introduced A New Amendment to Funding Legislation Needed to Prevent A Government Shutdown" by The Eighteenth of December 2020, Called "The Emergency Direct Payments for Families and Workers Act!"

"This Commendable Proposal of A Second Round of Stimulus Checks with Size and Eligibility Criteria Would Be Comparable to The First Stimulus Round of The CARES Act," and "Would Be A Welcomed Holiday Gift to Millions of Americans," who are "In Desperate Need of Financial Support Due to The Ongoing Pressures of The Continued CoronaVirus Escalations Throughout The Nation!"

And, "This Would Provide Approximately One Hundred and Sixty Million American"s" with "A Direct Payment of Up to $Twelve Hundred Dollars for Individuals who Make Up to $Seventy-Five Thousand Dollars," Plus, $Five Hundred Dollars for Each Child Dependent!" "Senator Sanders Introduced The Amendment!"

"It Should Be Noted" that Global Cross Media News Reports are "Senator Hawley, Known to Be "A Constitutional  Republican Conservative," said from The Senate Floor, "on Thursday, The Tenth of December, "I've heard some of my colleagues say that there just isn't enough left for working families that once we take care of our other priorities and COVID relief there just isn't enough left to give direct assistance to individual's. To Which Senator Hawley said "I want to respectfully suggest that those priorities are exactly reversed."

"This New Proposal Will Be The Third Recent One to Be Assessed by The U.S. Senate" along with "Senate Majority Leader McConnell's $Five Hundred Billion Dollar Proposal," and "The $Nine Hundred and Eight Billion Dollar Bipartisan Proposal!" However, "To say" that It is of "Immediate Concern to The Majority of American Families," that "The U.S. Senate Pass CoronaVirus Relief Legislation" that is "Comparable to The Enormity of The Ongoing Spread of The COVID-19," and "The Deaths," and "Confirmed Cases," that "This Deadly Virus has Inflicted Upon The American People Would Be An Understatement!" And, "Senate Majority Leader Addison Mitchell "Mitch" McConnell Jr. Will Be Held Accountable for The Results and Outcome of These Senate Negotiations" by "A Nation Grieving For The Loss of More than Three Hundred and Six Thousand Love One's!"         


-Extra Noteworthy News-

"The United States Senate Runoff Election" In The State of Georgia for Two U.S. Senate Seats has Great Ramifications to It!" And, "A Grand Opportunity for America to Reclaim The U.S. Government from The Republican Party" and "Its Inability, Unwillingness, or Incapacity to Transcend Partisan Politics" and "Perform Their Duties on Behalf of The American People!"

The U.S. Government" is "A Government Of The People, By The People, and For The People!"

"It is Not A Government Of, By, and For The Republican Party!"-

And, "A Vote for Reverend Raphael Gamaliel Warnock (Democrat)," and "Thomas Jonathan "Jon" Ossoff (Democrat)" in The United States Senate Runoff Election" to "Take Place In The State of Georgia," on The Fifth of January 2021, "Would Bring An End to Senate Majority Leader Addison Mitchell "Mitch" McConnell Jr.'s Obstruction to New Ideas," and "Bold Decisions Based on Cognitive, Humanistic, and Uplifting Policies, and Legislation Created on Behalf of," and "To Empower The American People," and "Return The U.S. Government Back to The Diverse Communities, Tapestry, and Fabric Of The People!"

And, "This is The Moment in Time" to "Vote with Your Soul," "Spirit," "Intellect," "Conscience," "Passion," and "All that Is In The Best Interest of Your Fellow American," and "The United States of America," and "All that It Stands for and Signifies" "Clearly Mind!"


 -(UIGA-TWTP! #293 -(Revisited & Revised")- "Global Cross Media News Universe, Insights, New Horizons, News Purview's, Global Perspectives, and Precautions"-

"The United States of America" is At The Moment, "Approaching The Dawn of A Grand New Age" and "Rebirth of A Potentially United Democracy, Republic and "Government Of The People, By The People, and For The People!" And, "A New Majority and Electorate Of, By, and For The People!" Where "The Popular Vote For a Party Nominee" has "Transcended The Ineptitude of Partisan Politics," and "The Log Jam that It has Created in The Federal Government!"
And, has "A Real Opportunity to Change The Configuration of The Houses of Government" into "A New Political Force, Soul Power," and "True Representation of The Ideals, Traditions, Values and Constitutional Principles of America," and " Bold New Civilization Of The People" as "We Continue to Advance into" and "Experience The New Horizons as They Appear Before Us in The Twenty First Century!"

And, "In These Time Periods of High Political and Sociological Experiences, Opportunities, and Challenges" "We The People," "Need To Acquire A New Sense of Cognition, Devices, Insight, and Perception" to "Build Bridges from The Fractured State of Being" that "Negatively Effected The Earths Sovereign from 2016 to 2020," to "A United State of Being," that "Brought A New Era of Prosperity, Healthcare, and "An Earthwise Vision of Global Equilibre, Equanimity, Equality, Freedom, and Justice, Non-Violence, and Peace For The Diverse Community, Tapestry, and Fabric Of The Earths Populace," and "A New Renaissance of Humanity," that "Embraces Non-Violent Demonstrations, Public Dialoques, Legislation, and Social and Global Cross Media  Ideas: that are "All Inclusive!"

The Republican Party" and "The President's Base Support Should Be Clearly Aware by Now" of," "How President Trump Handles" or "Reacts to," or "Responds to," or "Retaliates Against Anything He Considers Threatening to His Own Personal Affairs!"

Or "How He Continues to Attack Medical Experts who Disagree with Him," or "The U.S. Intelligence Community," "The U.S. Justice Department," or "Make Derogatory Remarks about The U.S. Armed Forces," or "His Dismissal of The Importance and Threat of Climate Warming," and "The Mismanagement of The CoronaVirus," or "His Verbal Attacks Upon Gold Star Families," "U.S. Election Officials, and Poll Workers," "U.S. Governors," "The Social Media," "The Fourth Estate," and "The Global Cross Media News Sphere!"

All of Which has "Cost Him The Presidency" and "Secured His Permanent Exit from The White House on January 20, 2021," and "Provided The Motivation and Cause for More than Eighty Million Americans to Elect Joseph R. Biden Jr. as The Forty-Sixth President of The United States of America" and "Thy Should Wake up" and "Address The Fall Out Caused by The President's Policies, Idea's, Thoughts, and Actions!!

And, "The 2020 U.S. Presidential Election has Made It even Clearer," "How Important The Task," "Mission," and "Purpose that Lies Ahead of Us Will Be," and "How Important It Will Be" to "Have Strong Voices" who "Believe in The Principles, Freedoms, Tenets, and Doctrines" that "The Founders of The United States of America Created in The U.S. Constitution," "The Bill Of Rights," and "The Declaration Of Independence" to "Come Forth in Defense of These Grand Idea's!"

"The  2020 Presidential Election" that "Resulted in A Resounding Victory for Former Vice President Biden and Senator Kamala D. Harris is "A Clear Mandate to Speak Out" and "Represent The More than Eighty Millions of American Citizens who Voted for for The Two Democratic Nominees," and, also "For The Democratic Party Platform!"

And, "This Would Be a Clear Way to Re-Build a Feeling of Hope in The United States," as well as "Set a New Precedent for The Re-Implementation of Democratic Values and Ideals" in "This Highly Divisive Time Period," and "National Health Crisis in The United States of America," and, also "How to Maintain The Highest Quality of Democratic Principles!"

And, "To Further This Train of Thought," "Allow The New Biden Administration An Opportunity" to "Create Legislative Ideas that Represent The People," and "Continue to Initiate A Platform that Empowers The People," and that "Gives Their Full Support to The Will Of The People" "Securing and Instituting A Qualitative and Bold Civilization" that "Represents All that Lies in The Best Interests of The Diverse Fabric and Tapestry of The New Norm of The Twenty-First Century!"

And, "It Would Make Sense" in "A Clear Demonstration of Unity in The Democratic Party" to "Have Senator Elizabeth Ann Warren of The State of Massachusetts," "Senator Bernard "Bernie" Sanders of The State of Vermont," "Senate Minority Leader Charles Ellis "Chuck" Schumer of The State of New York," and "House Speaker Nancy Patricia Pelosi of The State of California," and "Congressman James Enos Clyburn of The House of Representatives Congressman of The State of South Carolina," also "Speak Out on Behalf of The Tens of Millions who Voted for The Biden-Harris Team!"

 "In This New Age of Heightened Awareness, Activism, and Vigilance," "New Approaches Commensurate to Healing The Divisiveness amongst The People are Needed," If, "The Earths Populace is To Live in An Age of Global Equilibre, Peace, and Freedom!" 
Enjoying All the Benefits of "A Global Peace Time Economy," Where Social Security and Economic Stability and Opportunity" are "The Global Priorities For All The Nations of The Earth," and "Each and Every Sovereign Citizen of This The Third Planet from The Sun!"

And, "It is a Time Period For New Heroines and Heroes" to "Stand up For What is Just and Righteous!"
"Civilian, Political, Philanthropic, Military, Religious, Economic, Philosophical, Hi-Tech, Scientific, Educational, Environmental, Heroines and Heroes," "All Must Stand up for What is Just and Righteous!"
"Mothers and Fathers, Public Servants, Voices of Reason and Peacemakers" who "Respect and Value the Lives of Their Fellow Human Beings," and "What is In The Best Interest and Welfare of Their Families, The Grand Cosmos," and "The Infinite Realm of Nature's Beauty and Sentient Beings," "All Must Stand up For What is Just and Righteous!"

This is "What The True Fabric of The New Norm of The Twenty-First Century Earthrise Horizon Of The People, By The People, and For The People is Made of!"

And, "The Reason Why "The Results of "The 2020 U.S. Presidential Election," and "The Up and Coming State of Georgia Election for The U.S. Senate are So Important," is "A Democratic Victory Will Help" to "Usher in A New Age of Unification, Renaissance and Global Equilibre, Racial Equality, Justice, Opportunity, and A Motivation and Empowerment to Pursue Your Career Goals without Prejudice," and "Live in Freedom and Peace of Mind, Knowing" that "You Can Trust in" and "Believe in The Nations Leadership, Cognition, Empathy, Motives, and Universal Idea's, Proposals, Accords, Global Partnerships, Economic Policies, Environmental and Ecological Policies, Scientific and Medical Research and Prognosis," "Academic and Educational Programs," and "Respect for The Earths Cultures," and "Sentient Life Forms," and "Spiritual and Humanistic Traditions, Tenets, Values, and Beliefs!"

And, "Because We The People" of This Planet Earth, "Need Strong, Compassionate, and Knowledgeable Leaders Of The People, By The People, and For The People," "Not Dictator's, Autocrats, Bullies, Tyrants, or Egotistical Heads of State,"  to "Lead, Manipulate, Control, or Oppress Us!"

Voices of Reason and Peacemakers of The Twentieth and Twenty-First Centuries,  "This is The Time to Act," and "It's Time to Engage in Meaningful and Purposeful Vigilance and Awareness," "Militarily, Economically, Spiritually, and Humanistically," and, "In Support of An Interdependent Governance Of, By, and For The People of This Planet Earth!"

And, "This is The Time" to Take Up The Mantle of Being An Interdependent Spokes Person Of The People, By The People, and For The People," in "The Grand Ole Tradition of Abraham Lincoln, Theodore Roosevelt, Frankly Delano Roosevelt, John F. Kennedy, Martin Luther King Jr., Nelson Mandela, Mahatma Gandhi, Saint Teresa of Calcutta, Susan B. Anthony, Robert Kennedy, Winston Churchill, President Charles De Gaulle," and "So Many Brave and Courageous Leaders in The History of Humankind!"

Yes, And, "Let Us Continue to Be A Highly Visible Activists" and "Public Servants Of The People," and "Go Wherever The Need May Be to Right a Just Cause!" And, "March in Tune with The People!" For The Sake of All of Our Grandchildren and Families," and "For The Sake of Future Generations to Come!"


-Extra Noteworthy News- "The Biden/Harris Update"-

Thursday, The Third of December 2020, Global Cross Media News Reports are "President-Elect Biden has Announced that He has Asked Dr. Anthony Stephen Fauci Director of The National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID)," to "Be His Chief Medical Adviser!" And, Global Cross Media News Reports are "Dr. Fauci Told NBC's "Today" Show on Friday, The Fourth of December that "He Responded" with An Immediate "Yes, "on the spot."

Thursday, The Third of December 2020, Global Cross Media News Reports are President-Elect Biden Told CNN" that "I asked him to stay on the exact role he's had for the past several Presidents, and I asked him to be a chief medical adviser for me as well, and be part of the COVID team."

And, Note that, "For The First One Hundred Days of His Administration President-Elect Biden Will Ask The American People to Wear Masks," as "One of His First Acts as President!"

And, "This Request of America Seems Logical and Prudent as The Number of Deaths in The Nation has Risen Beyond Three Hundred and Six Thousand," and "The Confirmed Cases of Infection has Surpassed Sixteen Million, Seven Hundred and Thirty-Seven Thousand!" And, "We Must One and All Come to A Sacrosanct Agreement to Prevent The Ongoing Spread of The CoronaVirus in 2021," "For The Sake of Our Families, Friends, Neighbors and Fellow Americans!" For "Too Many have Died," and "We Must Prevent Any More Unnecessary Deaths from Occurring!"

And, "Let This Be Our New Years Resolution for 2021!"


-Extra Noteworthy News-

Global Cross Media News Reports are Tuesday, The First of December 2020, During An Associated Press Interview, "United States Attorney General William Pelham Barr," The Eighty-Fifth United States Attorney General since 2019, In A Moment of Good Judgement, "Based on Hard Facts, and Clarity," and "The Results of The 2020 U.S. Presidential Election" "Acknowledged that "to date, we (meaning The Department of Justice, and specifically the the U.S. Attorney's and FBI Agents who have Been Working on Following Up on Complaints and Information of Election Fraud) "have not seen fraud on a scale that could have effected a different outcome in the election."

"However, The Attorney General also Admitted" that "In October 2020 He Appointed U.S. Attorney John Henry Durham "as a special counsel," to "Continue to Investigate the Origins of The Trump-Russia Probe!"

-"Global Cross Media News Universe, Insights, News Purview's, Global Perspectives,  Precautions, Investigations, and "The Judiciary"- 

And so, "The Post Election Storm Cloud" that "Hovers over President Trump and His Administration" and "Close Confidants Continues!"   

 And, "On Another Extremely Engaging Legal Note," as "Lady Justice Looks Upon The Numerous Lawsuits and  Political Scandals that have Surrounded The Trump Administration," Global Cross Media Reports that "The Department of Justice is Investigating A Potential Bribery Scheme Connected to Obtaining A Presidential Pardon!"

Tuesday, The First of December 2020, "A Federal Judge, Beryl Alaine Howell," Chief United States District Judge of the United States District Court of for the District of Columbia, Unsealed Twenty Pages of A Highly Redacted Court Documents Revealing only Sparse Information!" 

However, "Clearly, This a Story Will Continue to Gain The Scrutiny of The Fourth Estate," and "The Global Cross Media News Sphere's!" 

And, "The Questions" of "Who This Investigation" and "Who It is Focused on, Will Be Sought after" with "Great Intensity!"

And, The Global Cross Media News Reports that "President Trump has Discussed, with His Advisers, Pardoning His Three Eldest Children, Jared Corey Kushner, (His Son-In-Law), and Rudolph William Louis "Rudy" Giuliani, only "Enhances The Swirling Vortex of Activities Perpetuated by President Trump" as "The Countdown to The Twentieth of January 2021," and "His Departure," "Opens The Doors to A Series of State Lawsuits," "Investigations," and "Personal Conflicts," that "Will only Continue to Grow and Intensify" to "The Consternation and Discomfort of Then-Former President Donald John Trump," The Forty-Fifth President of The United States of America!

 "The Question" is "Will President Trump Pardon Himself" "For Some Reason or Another!"

-(Note that, Global Cross Media News Reports are "As of Monday, The Seventh of December 2020, "President Trump's Legal Team of Attorneys have Lost," At Last Count, "Forty- Three Lawsuits in The President's Attempt to Claim" that "The 2020 U.S. Presidential Election was Rigged Against Him!"

And, On Tuesday, The Eighth of December 8, 2020 The United States Supreme Court Refused to Stop Pennsylvania from Certifying President-Elect Biden's Victory in The State," "Despite Allegations" that "The Expansion of Mail -in Voting was Illegal," by "Allies of President Trump!")-


 -Extra Noteworthy News-

As The Parallel Universes of Politics and The Judiciary Continue to Criss-Cross The Post 2020 U.S. Presidential Election Landscape, "Another Lawsuit," This Time "Disputing The Election Results from Georgia, Michigan, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin," "Filed by Texas Attorney General Warren Kenneth "Ken" Paxton Jr.," on Tuesday, The Eighth of December 2020, (who is "Himself under FBI Investigation" for "Alleged Charges" that "He had Abused His Position to Help a Wealthy Donor,") is "A Blatant Attempt to Discredit The Election Results of The 2020 U.S. Presidential Election," that has also "Received The Support of One Hundred and Six Republican Members of The U.S. House of Representatives," and Global Cross Media News Reports are "Seventeen Republican Attorneys-General are also Backing This Lawsuit,"All of Which, who are "Clamoring for The U.S. Supreme Court" to "Invalidate President-Elect Biden's Victory," has "No Merit to It," "No Real Sense of Ethics, Substance, or Actuality to It," and "No Legal Legs to Stand On!" 

And, "The Fact" is"Experts All Across The Nation" have "Repeated over and Over Again" that There has been "No Evidence of Widespread Voter Fraud in the Election!" And, "As A Matter of Fact," United States Attorney General William Pelham Barr has said" that, "President-Elect Biden has Won in All Four States where Texas AG Paxton is Challenging The Results!"

"And, "Unfortunately All This Reminds One of" is "Another," Bordering on Ludicrous Attempt by President Trump and His Allies," to "Delay, Manipulate, Attempt to Make Unclear, and Taint" "The Fact" and "Reality" that "President-Elect Biden and Vice President-Elect Harris" have "Won he 2020 U.S. Presidential Election," by "Engaging in Losing Efforts of More than Fifty Court Cases!"

And, "This is Nothing More than "An Attempt to Convince The U.S. Supreme Court to Push Back The Fourteenth of December Deadline When States Must Appoint Their Presidential Electors!" 

-(Note that, Global Cross Media News Reports are "President Trump has Acted to Join This Case," Tweeting on Thursday that, "The Supreme Court has a chance to save our Country from the greatest Election abuse in the history of th United States.")-

"It is Important to Note" that "This Lawsuit has Been Rejected by The Majority of Elected Officials" and "State Attorneys-General All Across The Nation!" Global Cross Media News Reports are "Maura Tracy Healey, Massachusetts Attorney-General," Called This Attempt to Overturn Votes, "Unconscionable!"

And, "Dana Nessel Michigan's Attorney General Called AG Paxton's Suit as, "a publicity stunt, not a serious legal pleading."

And, "What An Empty," and "Devoid from Character and Leadership Example They are Presenting to The Supporters of The President," and "In Representing The Democratic Electoral Process," and "The Youth of The Nation," who are "To Inherit This Grand Democracy, Republic," and "Government Of The People, By The People, and For The People!" 

And, In Doing so, "They are Placing Themselves in An Ignominious Category" of "Historical Infamy and Disrepute," that "Will Be in Perpetuity" a Part of "The Annals, Records, and Archives of History," and  "Observed by "All The United Sovereign Nations of The Earth" and "The Earths Populace to Look Upon with Dismay and Perturbation" of "How Can This Happen in The United States of America," A Sovereign Nation that Symbolizes Justice and Law and Order!"

And, "The Question" that is Emerging," that One has to Consider, "Is This Strategy Being Put Forth by President Trump and His Administration," and "The Presidents Allies," "A Blatant Misuse and Disrespect of The United States Justice System," and "The Freedoms" that "They have Been Accorded by Being American Citizens," and "An Abuse of All that The United States of America Stands for!"

Let Us Simply Agree that "Every Parent and Sports Coach Teaches Their Children and Players that Being A Good Loser is As Important as Being A Good Winner!" And, This is "A Tradition" that "We've All Been Taught," and "Brought Up to Admire!" But, "It Appears that Some of Us" have "Not Learned to Admire This!"

However, "This Will Not Change The Reality and Legality," that "President-Elect Joseph R. Biden Jr. and Vice President-Elect Kamala D. Harris Will Be Taking Office in The White House" on The Twentieth of January 2021, as "President and Vice President of The United States of America" and "They Deserve The Respect of Every American Citizen for Accomplishing This Feat" with "Honor," "Respect," and "A Bold New Vision for The Nation!"


 -"Global Cross Media News Universe, Insights, News Purview's, Global Perspectives," and "The U.S. Supreme Court Decision on The Texas Lawsuit"-

 -Extra Noteworthy News- "The U.S. Supreme Court Rejects The Lawsuit by The State of Texas to Overturn President-Elect Biden and Vice President-Elect Harris'' Victory in The 2020 U.S. Presidential Election!"

Global Cross Media News Reports are "In An Unsigned Single-Page Order, The Court Rejected a Lawsuit Brought by Texas, citing "a lack of standing" under Article III of the Constitution."

 And, "In Dismissing the Lawsuit" the U.S. Supreme Court said, "Texas had "No Cognizable Interest" in how Pennsylvania, Michigan, Wisconsin and Georgia conduct their own elections."

"This U.S. Supreme Court Decision Coming Three Days Before The Electoral College Meets on Monday, The Fourteenth of December 2020, "Rejecting The Texas Lawsuit," has "Literally, Put An End to President Trump's Attempts to Sabotage President-Elect Biden and Vice President-Elect Harris' Victory!"

And, "Put An End to The False Hope's" and "Fruitless and Senseless Court Cases and Lawsuits" that "President Trump and His Allies Filed without Merit!" And, In Doing so, "Misleading The Presidents Supporters," and "The Members of The Republican Party" who "Should have Known Better!"


-Extra Noteworthy News- "The Biden/Harris Administration Nominee Updates"-

Monday The Thirtieth of November 2020, "The Speculation Continues to Grow" over "Who Will Be President-Elect Biden's Choice for United States Attorney General!" 

Global Cross Media News Reports are, (1) Former Acting United States Attorney General Sally Quillian Yates, (2) Former Governor of Massachusetts Deval Laurdine Patrick, (3) Senator Gordon Douglas "Doug" Jones from The State of Alabama have "Been Named for Possible Choices for This Important Administration Position!"

And so "President-Elect Biden" is "Advancing Ever Closer to Day One of His Presidency," on "The Twentieth of January 2021," and "A New Dawn of Presidential Politics in The United States of America!"
-'Global Cross Media News Universe, Insights, New Horizons, News Purview's, and Global Perspectives," and "The Justice Department and Questions"-
"The Questions" of "Whether or Not U.S. Attorney General Barr Will Remain until The Twentieth of January 2021" or, (2) "Resign Before 2021" or, (3) "Be Fired by President Trump" are "Points of Curiosity," to "The Fourth Estate" and "The Global Cross Media News Sphere's of Communication," and "Their Outlets!"
However, "Whichever Result May Occur," "History Will have A Place for Attorney General Barr" that "Will No Doubt Be Extremely Controversial," for "Future and Present Day Justice Departments to Review," and "In Political Journals," and Specifically Regards to; (1) "The Choices and Decisions" that "The Attorney General Made on Behalf of President Trump," and (2) "His Reward for Supporting President Trump," and, (3) "The Negative Pall" that "Hovered over His Term as AG." Among Members of The Justice Department," and "The Fourth Estate," and "The Global Cross Media News Sphere's," and "To The Consternation of The Democratic Party!" And, "The Majority of Americans" who were "In Search of Justice in America!"  


-Extra Noteworthy News-

Thursday, December 10, 2020- Extra Noteworthy News-
As The Sun Set's in The Skies O'er The United Kingdom, Global Cross Media News Reports that Wednesday, The Second of January 2020,  "The Distribution of The Pfizer-BioNTech  CoronaVirus Vaccine for Public Consumption Officially Began on Tuesday, The Eighth of December 2020 on "A Gradual Basis!"

"Healthcare Workers and "Nursing Home Residents Will Be The First to Receive It," and "This News has Improved The Overall Mood in The U.K.," and "Provided A Glimmer of Optimism, Hope and Good Cheer," that has "Been Sorely Needed Althroughout The British Isles as The Holiday Season Begins!"

"The United Kingdom is The First Sovereign Nation to Approve The Use of The Pfizer-BioNTech CoronaVirus Vaccine," Although to Begin with, for "Emergency Use Authorization!"

"The U.K. Government Accepted The Highly Qualified Recommendation of The Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency (MHRA," The U.K.''s Independent Drug Regulator," on Wednesday, The Second of December 2020!"

-"Global Cross Media News Universe, Insights, New Horizons, News Purview's, and Global Perspectives"-
"The Food and Drug Administration" (FDA) has "Approved The Pfizer-BioNTech CoronaVirus Vaccine," on The Tenth of December for "Emergency Use Authorization (EUA), and "Hopes are The Moderna CoronaVirus Vaccine Will Receive The Same EUA Vaccine Authorization" on The Seventeenth of December 2020!

And,  Let's Look Forward to "The Relief that These Vaccines Will Deliver" from "The Plague of The CoronaVirus Pandemic for The Sake of The Earths Populace and Their Families," who have "Lost More than One Million, Six Hundred and Nineteen Thousand Love Ones from The Thirty-First of December 2019, to The Seventh of December 2020," (and The Totals Keep on Escalating) and "The Confirmed Cases of More than Seventy-Two Million, Six Hundred and Ninety-Two Thousand Infections have Stormed Through" and "Created Fear and Worry Althroughout The Diverse Communities Of The Earths Sovereign Nations!"

-(Note that, Wednesday, The Ninth of December 2020, Global Cross Media News Reports are In A Historic Moment in Canada, "Health Canada" has "Approved The Pfizer-BioNTech CoronaVirus Vaccine for Distribution!"
"Distributions for This," "The First CoronaVirus Vaccine to Be Approved in Canada" are to "Begin Next Week!")-

Friday, December 11, 2020- Amis, "As The Sun Set's in The Skies O'er The United States of America There are Literally Millions of Children Living in Poverty with Their Families," and "Hundred's of Thousands of Homeless Americans Living on Sidewalks, In Public Parking Area's, Wooded Area's, and Train Tunnels," and then "There are Some who are Living in Doorways, Stairwells, and on The Streets," and "Enduring Transient Lifestyles," and, "There are Many American Families Living in Their Cars, Trucks, and Vans," and "Relying on Food Banks," and "The Generosity of Church Groups," "Humanitarian Institutions," and "Philanthropic Groups," to "Supply Them with Healthy Sustenance and Nourishment for Their Families," on "A Daily Basis over This Holiday Season!"

And, "Restaurants are Closing," and "Small Businesses are Being Financially Suffocated" and "Going Out of Business!"

And, "Great Pressure is Being Felt by The Entertainment Industry," and "The Leisure and Travel Industries" and "Their Employees!"

"The Question" is When Will Senate Majority Leader Addison Mitchell "Mitch McConnell Jr. Republican from Kentucky," "President Trump" (Even Though He is a Lame Duck President), "His Administration," and "The Republican Party" "Planning to Coordinate with The Democratic Party to Address The Serious Life and Death Circumstances Concerning The Tragic Escalation of The CoronaVirus," and "Their Failure to Represent and "Come to The Aid of The American People, " in "This Time Period of Intense Economic Need by All The People!"

And, "The Fact" that On Thursday, The Tenth of December 2020, "The Bureau of Labors Announced"  that "1.4 Million Americans Filed for Unemployment Insurance" "Gives An Urgency" to "The Absolute Need" for "A New CoronaVirus Relief Stimulus Bill!" And, "This is The Highest Level of Unemployment in The United States of America since Mid- September 2020!"

And, Although The Unemployment Rate has Dropped for The Seventh Month in a Row from 6.9% to 6.7%," It is Obvious that "Unemployment in The United States of America Continues to Be A Reflection of The Cause and Effect of The Ongoing Spread of The COVID-19 Across The Nation," that has Seen An Recent Increase in The Number of Confirmed Cases in at Least Forty States of The Union and The District of Columbia!" And, "This is How The 2020 Autumn of The CoronaVirus has Begun!"

And, "The Followup Question" that "Most Americans are Asking" is "Senate Majority Leader Addison Mitchell "Mitch" McConnell Jr. and The Senate Republicans Reading The Headlines in The Fourth Estate," and "Paying Close Attention" to "The Breaking News Spotlights of The Global Cross Media News Sphere's" and Because "A Emergency of Major Proportions" is "Growing in The United States!"

And, "Families All Across The Nation" are "Not in A Favorable Position to Wait until The Twentieth of January 2021, When President Trump has Left Office," for "Financial Relief and Assistance from The Biden/Harris Administration!"
"They are "Relying on The United States Congress," "All Five Hundred and Thirty-Five of Them" to "Provide Financial Relief Now!"

And, "To Further Compound The U.S. Economic Situation is," on Friday, The Fourth of December 2020, Global Cross Media News Reports are, "The Bureau of Labor Statistics Revealed An Economic Slowdown has Occurred in The U.S." with "The Hiring of New Jobs Dropping to A Seven Month Low!" And, To Say that "The Situation is Grim Might Be An Understatement!"

"The United States only Regained Two Hundred and Forty-Five Thousand Jobs," Which "Fell Dramatically, and Drastically Short of The Four Hundred and Thirty-Two Thousand Jobs It had Been Projected to Gain," has "Left No Doubt" that "The U.S, Economy and Unemployment Situation Still Remains at A Level" that "Seriously Concerns Most Economic Pundits," and "The FED!"

And, "With The Resumption of In Person Classes in The Reopening of Schools in This Autumn," "One Can only Expect" that "There Will Be A Further Increases in Confirmed Cases," and "Tragically so, "The Number of Deaths in The Nation Will Continue to Grow!" "Projections as High as Three Hundred and Seventy-Eight New Deaths are Estimated to Occur by Years End," unless "A New Vaccine is Discovered and Approved by The Food and Drug Administration" (FDA), "The Centers for Disease and Prevention" (CDC), 'The World Health Organization" (WHO), and "Health and Medical Experts," and "Global Scientists," and "Distributed Earthwide to Billions of People!"

"Which Leads to The Importance of Trust in Our Scientists," and "Trust In Our Government Leaders," and "Health and Medical Institutions!"

Which Leads to "The Question" of "Whether or Not" "Any New Vaccine Will Receive The Immediate Approval of The Earths Populace," as "The Politicization of The Ongoing Spread of The CoronaVirus has Tainted The Importance of Following Social Distancing Guidelines," and Unbelievably so, "Wearing Masks!" As, "Confirmed Cases Earthwide has "Surpassed Seventy-Two Million, Six Hundred and Ninety-Two Thousand" and "There has Been Tragically, More than One Million, Six Hundred and Nineteen Thousand Deaths," As of Monday, The Fourteenth of December 2020!"

And, "The Truth of The Matter" is, "Irregardless of The Successes and Failures of Wall Streets Rollercoaster and Alternative Reality," "There Simply is No Real Stability in The U.S. Economy," and "Nor Will There Be until A Vaccine/Cure," and "Therapeutic Treatment has Been Discovered," and "Been Given The Official Approval of The Food and Drug Administration" (FDA), and "The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention" (CDC), and "The World Health Organization" (WHO)!

And, "Unbelievably The $Six Hundred Dollar Benefit that Ended on The Thirty-First of July 2020" has "Not Been Renewed by Congress!" And, "The Foreclosure and Eviction Moratorium," that had Been Extended by The Federal Housing Administration (FHA), "Ended on Monday, The Thirty-First of August 2020!"
And, "Both Will Cause A Devastating and Crushing Effect on The Lives and Families of Millions of Americans!"

"To Which One Must Add" that On The First of October 2020, "The Expiration of The Federal Payroll Support Program (PSP)," under "The CARES Act Passed by Congress in March 2020, has "Brought on The Furlough of Tens of Thousand Employees Nationwide," "Effecting The Airline Industry," and "Tourist Related Industries," and "Families Across The Nation!"

And, "Unconscionably and Beyond Belief," Beyond Belief, "Because, The United States of America is in The Middle of A Public Health Crisis" that has "Caused Deaths" of "Almost Three Hundred Thousand Persons," As of Friday, The Eleventh of December 2020, and "Still No Agreement has Been Made on The New CoronaVirus Relief Package for America Between The Republican and Democratic Parties, or "The Trump Administration!"

And, "The Lack of A Relief Package Explains Why Food Banks are Still Experiencing An Overflow of American Families" who are "In Need of Food and Sustenance for Their Families!" And "This is A Clear Reflection of The Stress and Pressure that Americans are Experiencing," "Living from Paycheck to Paycheck!"

And, "When You Include" that From The Thirty-First of December 2019 to Monday, The Fourteenth of December 2020, "More than Three Hundred and Six Thousand Persons have Died in The United States of America," and "Confirmed Cases" have "Surpassed Sixteen Million, Seven Hundred and Thirty-Seven Thousand American Citizens," "You Can Fully Realize by The Numbers of Deaths and Confirmed Cases in The United States" that "The Nation is Still in The Midst of A Serious Public Health Crisis!"
And, "The Families of More than Three Hundred and Six Thousand Americans," are "Suffering and Deeply Mourning The Loss of Their Love Ones!"

And, "Let's Be Absolutely Clear" that "The Ongoing Spread of The CoronaVirus has Not Abated!" And, "The Health Care System is Still Faced with An Ongoing Crisis!" And, "The Battle is Not Over," and "The War Against This Vicious, Dangerous,  Merciless, and Ruthless Virus," has "Not Been Won as of Yet!" And, "There is Still A Great Amount of Work to Be Done!"

And, "Let Us also Be Absolutely Clear" that "Wearing Masks," and "Following Social Distancing Guidelines" are "Important Deterrents from Contracting This Vicious and Deadly Virus" that "Knows No Boundaries," until "The Earths Populace Can Rest in Peace Knowing" that "The CoronaVirus is Under Control," and "The Threat to Our Families Lives is Over!"

"The Economic Reality" has "Caused The FED to Project that Interest Rates from 2020 until 2022 Would Remain Close to Zero Due to The 2020 CoronaVirus Crisis!"

And, "Due to The CoronaViris Crisis The Economic Recession The United States Will Continue," "Which is Further Proof of The Impediments that Lie in The Path" of  "A Significant Recovery of The U.S. Economy as President Trump has Expressed," and "Further Proof of The Negative Effect" that "The CoronaVirus has had in The United State of America!" All of Which Could have Been Averted to A High Degree," But for "The Mismanagement of The Spread of The COVID-19 by President Trump and His Administration," as "President Trump Himself" has "Revealed and Proven to Be The Truth in The Eighteen Interviews and Recorded Audio Tapes" of Investigative Journalist Robert Upshur "Bob" Woodward's New Book "Rage!"

And, by Now, "Everyone of Cognitive, Earthwise, or Streetwise Intelligence Should Be Aware" that "We Must Rely upon The Facts Presented" by "Our Respected Medical and Health Experts," In Addition to "Social Distancing, Testing, Contact Tracing, Available Hospital Beds, Swabs, Reagents, Ventilators, Face Masks," and "All of The Meaningful, and Life Saving Medical and Health Care Requests" that have "Been Made by Our Medical and Critical Care Heroines and Heroes" who are "Bravely Working on The Behalf  of The American People," and "Those of Whom are In Sovereign Nations All Across The Earth of Ours" Where "Earthwide," From The Thirty-First of December 2019 to Monday, The Fourteenth of December 2020, "More than One Million, Six Hundred and Nineteen Thousand Deaths have Occurred," and "Confirmed Cases of More than Seventy-Two Million, Six Hundred and Ninety-Two Thousand Family Members have Taken Place," and "Absolutely Anyone One with Any Common Sense Can Realize The Seriousness of This Pandemic!"

And, "It is of The Greatest Importance" to "The Health Care" and "Welfare Of We The People," that "All of The Meaningful and Life Saving Requests Made by The Earths Community of Health Care Experts" "Must Be Guaranteed and Delivered Immediately without Procrastination" by "All of  The Global Sovereign Governments, State, City and Local Governments!"

"For These Leaders Must Keep Their Contract with The Earths Populace" to "Provide Financial and Medical Support for One and All," who have "Adhered to The Social Distancing Guidelines They have Provided and Asked Compliance of," and "They Must Keep Their Word Nobly," that "In Truth," "Demonstrates that We are All in This Global Pandemic," and "Effected by The Deadly and Heartbreaking Affects of This Global Pandemic," "Together!"

-Extra Noteworthy News- "CoronaVirus Vaccine Updates" and "Good News"-
"Fourth Estate Headlines and Articles" and "Global Cross Media News Sphere's Breaking News Spotlights" are "The White House is Still Embracing The Herd Immunity CoronaVirus National Policy" as "Infections, Hospitalizations, and Death Tolls in The United States of America Continue to Escalate," and "Where More than Three Hundred  and Six Thousand Americans have Died" from "The Thirty-First of December 2019 until Monday The Fourteenth of December 2020!"

And, "Even with The Good News" that "Three of The Top CoronaVirus Vaccines have Proven to Be More than Ninety Percent Effective," The Threat and Deeply Felt Concerns for The Rising Deaths, Hospitalizations, and Rate of Infections" has "Alarmed The Medical Community," "Government Officials," "Religious Leaders," and "The President-Elect's New Round Table of Administration Choices!"

And, "It is Obvious that "This Repulsive, Abhorrent, Detestable, and Loathsome Idea" of "Herd Immunity" Does Not Work," and "It is An Insult, Affront, and Offense to Any True Medical Expert," "Medical Organization, Institution," or "Citizen of The Nation,"  as "Tragic New Single Day Records" and "COVID-19 Escalations Continue to Be A Part of The CoronaVirus Autumn of 2020," "Can Be Called Nothing Less" than "A Betrayal of The American People," As "The Holiday Season Comes Upon Us," and "Hundreds of Thousands of Families are Mourning and Grieving" for "The Loss of Their Love One's!"
"Our Hopes Still Lie in The Hands of The Medical Experts"  who have "Been Working Tirelessly Upon CoronaVirus Projects" that have "Been in Trials over The Summer," Once again, "In Hopes" that "They Will Become A Success," as Day After Day, "The Average of The Number of Cases in The United States of America over The Last Month and A Half" have "Consistently Been over One Hundred Thousand Confirmed Cases Day after Day!"
And, "The Number of Americans who have Been Tested Positive Day after Day" is "Extremely Difficult to Believe!"

"The Companies that have Emerged" and "Become The Hopes of Americans," and "Citizens from All Across The Earths United Sovereign Nations" that have "Entered into The Late Final Stage of Clinical Trials," (1) Pfizer Inc. -(PFE)- (2) "The Pharmaceutical Company Moderna Inc." -(MRNA)- Final Stage," (3) "The Test of A Oxford University and AstraZeneca PLC's Shot,"and, (4) "Johnson and Johnson," (5) "Human Trials on A New Vaccine," at "The Imperial College London," (6)"The  University of Wisconsin," and, (7) "Novavax Inc. An American Vaccine Development Company -(NVAX)- and "All The Sovereign Nations of The Earth Look Forward to Their Positive Test Results of Their Trials For The Sake of All of Our Lives!"

And, "As This Important and Vital Phase of CoronaVirus Trial's Continues, It is Important to Report" that "The Food and Drug Administration has Stated" that "There will be "Tougher Standards for The Approval of A Vaccine!"

However, "The First Part of The CoronaVirus Good News" is "The COVID-19 Vaccine Developed by BioNTech and Pfizer" has "Been Approved" for "Emergency Use Authorization" (EUA) by "The Food and Drug Administration" (FDA) on The Tenth of December 2020, and "Is Reported to Be Ninety Percent Effective!"

And, Take Note that, Tuesday, The Tenth of November 2020 Global Cross Media News Reports are "The European Commission" has "Agreed to Sign An Agreement to Purchase Three Hundred Million Doses" of "This Experimental CoronaVirus Vaccine!"

"The Second Part of The CoronaVirus Vaccine Good News is Monday, The Sixteenth of November 2020, Global Cross Media News Reports are "Moderna's CEO Stephane Bancel Announced the The Results of Its Preliminary Phase Three Trial Data Among Thirty Thousand Participants," "Showed that "Its CoronaVirus Vaccine is 94.5% Effective!"
"This Vaccine was Developed in Collaboration" with "The National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases" (NIAID), "Which CEO Bancel Called A "Game Changer."

And, "The Continuing Good News Surrounding of The CoronaVirus Vaccine" is Dr. Fauci also said, "We project by the end of December there will be doses of vaccines available for individuals in the high risk categories from both companies (Moderna and Pfizer) we hope, and this is something that we're really looking forward to."

-(Note that, Monday, The Thirtieth of November 2020, Global Cross Media News Reports are "Moderna Formally Asked The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) for Its COVID-19 Vaccination in The United States and The European Union!"
And, "Will Present Their Case for FDA Approval on The Seventeenth of December 2020!")-

And, "As of Monday, The Twenty-Third of November 2020 Global Cross Media News Reports are "The Test of A Oxford University and AstraZeneca Covid-19 Vaccine" has also "Reached The High Plateau of Ninety Percent Effectiveness for "One of Two Regimens," "Using Half a Dose, and "A Full One Later," "Preventing Seventy Percent of Participants" in "A Large Trial" from "Getting The Disease!"

-(Note that, Global Cross Media News Reports are "Six Million New CoronaVirus Cases have Taken Place over The Last Two Months in The United States of America!" And, "Hospitalizations have Grown Significantly and Seriously as well!")-

-"Global Cross Media News Universe, Insights, New Horizons, News Purview's, and Global Perspectives"- Questions, Accounts, Commentaries and Precautions"-
Amis, "The Global Health Priority Should Be The Safety and Protection of All The People" of "The Earths United Sovereign Nations" by "The Health Institutions, Scientists, The FDA, The CDC, The WHO, Leaders of Sovereign Nations, and Manufacturers," "Before A New CoronaVirus Vaccine" has "Been Approved, Manufactured, and Distributed Earthwide!"

"The Facts" are "Clear, Precise, and Highly Disturbing," "More than One Million, Six Hundred and Nineteen Thousand Persons have Died Due to The CoronaVirus," and "More than Seventy-Two Million, Six Hundred and Ninety-Two Thousand People Earthwide," have "Been Tested Positive from The Thirty-First of December 2019 until Monday, The Fourteenth of December 2020!

And, "The Lives of Billions of Women Men, and The Youth of The Earths Sovereign Nations" "Must Be The Primary Concern Over that," of "The Two P's," "Profit and Politics," as "The Trials and Search for A Vaccine/Cure," and "Therapeutic Treatment Goes Forth" to "Eventually Become A Reality!
And, "Any Violation of This Concern Must Be Considered A Serious Crime Against Humanity," so "Deeply Immoral A Concern This Would is!"
And, "Any Political Manipulation" of "Important Life Saving Medical and Health News, Advice, or Guidelines," Should Be Considered "A Crime Against Humanity!"



The Way To Peace! #146 -(Revisited)-

"We" All have A "Vision Path" to Follow! "Each One of Us, in Our Own Way!"

"We" All have "Dreams and Goals in Life," that, "We" Hope Will Come True, "Through Perseverance and Hard Work!"

But, While "We" are "Working Hard to Achieve Our Goals in Life, " "We" Must "Never Lose Sight" of Who "We" are, or, "Our Sense of Dignity and Interdependent, Intelligence and Individuality!"

In Many Area's of The World, "We" are "Being Forced to Choose Between Death and Freedom!" But, "These are Not, The Only Choices to Be Made!" There are " The Choices of The Quality of Life and Family Security!" And, "Patience and Non-Violence!"

And, "This New Year," "Decade," and "Season of Change Did Not Just Materialize Over Night," "It Took Day after Day of Faith, Trust," and "Belief in Our Rights To Live and Evolve As A Free People Before The Sign of The Times Revealed" that, "Our Time has Finally Arrived!"

But, "Lets Not Allow The Dictators," and/or "Their Authoritarian Forces to Dictate How "We" are to Achieve Our Goals!" And, "Lets Not Engage Them by Falling into Their Traps!"

And, "Lets Continue to Challenge Our Civilian, Military, Religious, and, Financial Leaders of The Earths United Nations To Uphold The Rights" of "We The People," Citizens Of The Earth, "To Live As A Free People of This Planet Earth!"

And that, "No Dictator, Queen, King, Prince, Princess, President, Prime Minister, or Religious Leader has The Right to Dictate, or Impose Their Will Upon Us" Without "First Asking For A Mandate from Us!" 
"A Mandate Of The People, By The People, and, For The People!" For, "Without A Mandate," or "Freedom of Choice," or "Right To Vote," "A Democracy, Can Not Be A Reality!"

And, No Matter How Oppressed "We" May Be, "Lets Keep Sacred Our Covenant of An Emancipation Declaration" that "Unites Us" as "One People In Our Hearts, Minds, Emotions, Intellects, Spirits, and Souls!"

And, "Lets Instill A Constitution Of The People Deep Within Our Minds, Emotions, Intellects, Spirits and Souls" that "No Woman or Man Can Deny," or, "Try to Take Away from Us!"

"A Constitution Of The People, By The People, and, For The People," Citizens Of The Earth!
For Together, "We" are "A Great Soul Force of Change, Hope, Peace," and "Non-Violent Resistance that Will Bring Change To The World!"

And, Though "We" are "Threatened by, The Forces of Violence and Oppression, " "Lets Strategize, How to Artfully, Passionately, and, Intelligently Achieve Our Goals," "Through Strategic Planning, and Positioning," and "Showing The Sincerity and Purpose of Our Earthrise Evolution and Movement Of, By, and, For The People," by "Utilizing Every Asset of Our Omnipotent, Non-Violent, Activists Communication Network and Nexus Of The People!"

And, "Lets Continue to Be A Great Ocean of Change Whose Tides Will Overcome The Forces of Oppression and Injustice!"
And, "Let it Be Known via The Internet," and "The Social, and, Global Cross-Media Universes," that "We Shall Overcome!"

And that, "We Will Non-Violently, Shake Up, Rock Out, Wear Down, and, Change The Conditioned Reality" that has "Been Used to Impede and Control Us,"as "We Evolve  Into A New Age" of "Freedom, Peace, and, Prosperity For One and All!"

And, "Let There Be No Doubt in Our Minds, Intellect, Spirits and Souls," that "This is Our Moment in Time and History" and that "We Will Bring To Fruition A New Age of Enlightenment and Cultural Awareness" of "Our Roots," As "Being One People," of This, The Third Planet from The Sun!

And, "Just As The Berlin Wall Came Down," "Lets Bring Down The Walls of Illusion and Indifference," "Whether They Be Caused by Racial Prejudice," or "Class, Political, and, or, Religious Segregation!"

And, "Lets Build A Great Bridge of Peace and Unity in Its Place!" "A Bridge"  that "Heralds A New Age of A Great Union and Communion amongst One and All," "We The People," Citizens Of The Earth! And, "The Lives of All Sentient Beings!"

For, "We" are, "One and All," An Earthrise Populace of The Cosmos" and "The Great Spirit of Life," and "All The Seasons of Change That are To Come," and, "That are Here and Now!"

And, "All Together, United as One," "We are The World," and "The Way To Peace and A Peace Millennium!" And, "A Way To Heal The World" and "The Driving Force of A Peacetime Economy!"

Voices of Reason and Peacemakers of, the 20th and 21st Centuries, "Lets Continue to Encourage The Civilian, Military, Religious, and, Financial Leaders of The Earths United Nations, To Support The Will Of The People," and, "Come Together in A Resounding Acclamation" that "A New Season and Age of Change has Come!" And that, "The Dictators and Puppets"  of "The Ists," and "The Isms," of The Global Oligarchs Must Go!"

And, "Lets Call Upon The Civilian, Military, Religious, and, Financial Leaders of, The Earths United Nations To Declare A Global Truce," and "An End of Totalitarianism!" And, "The New Renaissane of An Age Of The People!"

And, "Lets Call Upon These Leaders To Begin Peace Dialogues," "To Embrace and Discuss The Positive Ramifications of This Potentially Historical Time Period!" 

And, "How To Continue to Bring Nations To Unite Together in One Magnificent Display of Peace and Harmony!" And, "How Best To Transcend" and "Prevent The Temptation To Re-Structure The Earth by The Global Oligarchy," "To Re-Establish Their Control!"

And, "It is Truly Time," "For One and All To Commit to The Reality" that, "We are All One People, Born of This Planet Earth!"

And that, "No Matter What Color, Your Skin May Be!" "Or, No Matter What Height, or Weight, You May Be!" "Or, No Matter, What Race, Creed, or, Nationality, You May Be!" 

"We are Still, Interdependent, Sentient Beings of, This Planet Earth!" And, "In Truth, There are Zero Degrees of Separation Between Us!

The "Good News" is that, From The Geo Stationary Line," Encircling The Earth, "There are No Lines of Distinction Between Countries or People!" And, "There is No Gay, Strait, or Bi," "There is, Only, "We The People," Citizens Of The Earth! And, "We" All "Have The Right To Live," and, "Enjoy The Seasons of Life, under The Moon, Sun, and, The Luminous Bodies of The Universe!"
And, Whether it Be, From The Windows of A Space Shuttle," or, "Gliding On the Wings Of The Phoenix Of Peace," "We" are "One Earth Indivisible!"

And, Whether it Be, "Via, Linkedin, Facebook, Bing, Twitter, Google, MSN, Yahoo, Instagram, MySpace, You Tube, iTunes, Peace Dialogue Chat Rooms, Newspapers, Magazines, Interviews, Network, Cable, or, Satellite TV, Radio, Cell Phone, Texts, The Arts, Landlines," or "Whatever Sphere of The Global Cross Media Universe You May Be Utilizing," "Take The Time to Spread The Word," "Idea, " "Thought," or, "Act of Non-Violent Resistance or Demonstration," If, It Means that, "We The People, Citizens Of The Earth, Can Live In Equanimity, Global Equilibre, Economic Parity, Justice, Equality, Freedom, and Harmony!" And "Live Free from Injustice and Tyranny!"

And, Its Time that, "We" All, "Gave Peace A Sincere and Impassioned Commitment and Opportunity To Be," "For The Sake of Our Children," and, "Their Children To Be!"
For, This is, The Way To Peace, and An Omnipresent, Omniscient, and Omnipotent Age of Heroism, Patriotism, Exceptionalism, Joie de Vivre, and Innovative, Compassionate and Cognitive Leadership, and A New Era of Justice, Truth, Empathy, Equanimity, Soul Strength, Egalitarianism, Medical, Academic, and Cultural Ingenuity and Peace On Earth, as We Continue to Evolve into A Universe of Limitless Celestial Bodies and Galaxies!
-In Memoriam:
We Extend Our Sincerest Heartfelt and Soulful Condolences To All The Families and Communities, Globally and Domestically, who have Lost A Loved One Due to Natural Disasters such as Earthquakes, and Wherever The Path of Hurricanes, Tornadoes, Typhoons, Flood Waters, Mud Slides, and Raging Tides, and Fires have Destroyed Your Homes and Caused The Loss Of Life, and The Loss of Your Love Ones, We Extend Our Sincerest Heartfelt and Soulful Condolences to You, and Mourn Their Loss of Life with You and Your Families, in This Time Period of Grief and Sadness!
And, We Extend Our Sincerest Heartfelt and Soulful Condolences to The Families of More than One Million, Six Hundred and Nineteen Thousand Love One's who've Died Earthwide Due to The Ongoing Spread of The CoronaVirus Pandemic!

And, To All The Families who have Lost A Loved One Due to A Gun Related Act of Violence, Systemic Racism, Prejudice, Police Brutality, or Any Act of Violence Caused by Malevolent Perpetrators who Care Not For The Lives of Their Fellow Human Being!
And, We Mourn Their Loss of Life with You in This Sensitive Time Period of Deeply Felt Despair, Sorrow, Unhappiness, and Trauma!