Tuesday, December 1, 2020



The Way To Peace! #378

-"Global Cross Media News Universe, Insights, New Horizons, News Purview's, Global Perspectives," and " A Lesson in History"- 

"President-Elect Joseph R. Biden Jr. The Forty-Sixth President of The United States of America," and "The Forty-Ninth and First Woman Vice President to Be of The United States of America Vice President-Elect Kamala D. Harris," and "The Eleventh Time An Incumbent President has Been Defeated"-

Wednesday, The Twenty- Fourth of November 2020, Global Cross Media News Reports are  "The General Services Administration (GSA) has Acknowledged The Victory of President-Elect Joseph Robinette Biden Jr. in The U.S. 2020 Presidential Election over President Donald John Trump," and "Authorized The Beginning of The Formal Transition Process," Known as "Ascertainment," which "Will Permit Current Administration Agency Officials to Coordinate with The Incoming Biden Team of Officials," and also "Provide Millions of Dollars of Government Funding for the Transition!"

-(Note that, Monday, The Twenty-Second of November 2020, "GSA's Emily Webster Murphy sent A Letter to President-Elect Biden that The Trump Administration was Prepared to Begin A Formal Transition Process.")-

In Her Letter Emily Murphy Wrote, "I was never directly or indirectly pressured by any executive branch official-- including those who work at the White House-- or GSA with regard to the substance or timing of my decision. To be clear, I did not receive any direction to delay my determination."

-(Note that, The DOW Jones Industrial Average Reacted Favorably to The Transition News," as well as "President-Elect Biden's Decision to Choose Former Fed Chair Janet Yellen for His Secretary of Treasury," by "Breaking Through The Thirty Thousand Plateau For The First Time," "Rallying on A Soaring Comet of More than Four Hundred Points," to "A New Record High in The Market," that "Hopefully Will Inspire and Signal" that "Wall Street is To Begin to Evolve on A Parallel Course of Universal Exponentialism," at "A Steady and Yet Seemingly Rapid Rate," and "Maintaining A Strong State of  Productivity," and "Yet In Global Equilibre with The Sociological Affairs and Social Security of The Earths Populace," in "Parallel with The New Beginning," and "Evolvement of The Biden Administration," and "A True Government Of The People, By The People, and For The People," "Existing in," and "Pursuing Their Career Goals, Ideas, Vision, and Dreams" in  "A Bold New Civilization," and "New Renaissance of Humanity!" 

"A Bold New Civilization," and "New Renaissance of Humanity," that is, "Truly A Republic and Democracy"  that "Represents The Diverse Community, Tapestry, and Fabric Of, By, and For The People," that is "Inspiring," "Empowering," and "All Inclusive!" 

And, "A Universal Experience of Grand Importance and  Consequence," "Moving Ever Forward Towards New Horizons of Increasingly Grand Humanitarian Significance," and "Environmental, Ecological, and Economical Visions" of "A New Present," and "New Normal of Justice, Equality, Freedom, Opportunity," and "A Future of Historical Reckoning!"

-"Global Cross Media News Universe, Insights, New Horizons, News Purview's, Global Perspectives, Leadership, Citizenship, Public Servants," and "A Bold New Civilization, and New Renaissance of Humanity"- and "More Questions"-

-"Questions"- "Who Assassinated Iranian Nuclear Scientist Mohsen Fakhrizadeh Mahabadi,"and "Why," and,
"Why Would Any Influential American Citizen," "Attempt to Destroy The Nations Humanitarian and Environmental Institutions," and,
"Why Would Any, Political Party," "Attempt to Dismantle Its Nations Primary Healthcare Program Created" to "Provide Healthcare Insurance for American Citizens," and "Especially During A Devastating Public Health Crisis," and,
"Why Would Any Sovereign Leader Say Derogatory Comments about His or Her Own Armed Forces,"and,
"Why Would Any Democratic Leader Attempt to Manipulate The Emotions, Minds, Intellects, Spirits and Souls of Tens of Millions of People" who are "Searching for Honest Leadership!"
-(Note that, Wednesday, The Twenty-Five of November 2020, Global Cross Media News Reports are "President Trump Pardoned Retired Army Lieutenant General Michael Thomas Flynn," His Former National Security Adviser, who "Pleaded Guilty to Making False Statements to The Federal Bureau of Investigations" (FBI) in 2017," about "The True Nature of His Contacts with Russian Ambassador Sergey Kislyak, During Robert Mueller's Russian Investigation!" Absolving Lieutenant General Flynn from "Lying" and "Foreign Lobbying Crimes that He Admitted to," and "Any Other Related Crimes!"
And also, "In A Letter to A Federal Court," "The Department of Justice Formally Requested" that "The Case Against The Lieutenant General Be Dismissed!")-
And, "What are The Thoughts of The Eleventh United States Secretary of Education Elisabeth Dee "Betsy" DeVos and President Donald J. Trump," about "The Hundreds of Thousands of Students in The United States of America" who are "Missing from Their Classes Due to The Pressure and Negative Effects" that "The CornaVirus has Placed Upon Their Families," and "Families All Across The Nation," "As Education Secretary DeVos and President Trump Seek to Create An Atmosphere of Educational Excellence in Schools and Classrooms in The United States," and,
"In The Largest Voter Turnout in The History of The United States of America," and "Most Crucial Election to Take Place in Decades," "Why Would Any Public, Private, Religious, or Government Leader or Official," "Attempt to Besmirch, Taint, or Sully The People's Decision" to "Cast Their Vote for The Nominee or Candidate of Their Choice," or "The Electoral Vote Count," or "The Opinion of The American People" or "Their Right to Exercise Their Constitutional Right to Vote!"
And, "What Sense or Logic Does It Make" to "Verbally or Physically Threaten Healthcare Workers," and "Medical Experts," and "Doctors," who are "Selflessly and Humbling Serving and Sacrificing Their Lives" to "Care for Those of Us who have Tested Positive for The CoronaVirus," and "Caring for Those Among Us who Lie Helpless in Hospital Wards," and "Who are Experiencing Emotional and Mental Instability Made by The External Conditions Caused by The Ongoing Escalation of The CoronaVirus," and "The Economic Stress and Pressure Caused" by "A Political Stalemate and Partisan Politics Taking Place During A Public Health Crisis of Great Magnitude," that "Is Ravaging The Nation," and "Threatening The Destabilization of The Nations Healthcare System," and "The Ruination of Small Businesses and Families All Across The Nation!"
And, "Why Threaten and Attempt to Intimidate Poll Workers," who are "Serving The Public," and "Making Sure that Every Eligible Voter" has "Been Given The Opportunity to Cast Their Ballot!" And, "These Women and Men Deserve The Respect and Accolades of The Nation for Being Responsible Public Servants, Volunteers," and Students," In An Age, "Where Foreign and Domestic Factions," "Cyber Criminals," and "Politicians" are "Attempting to Demean Their Services, and Reputations," with "Fraudulent Allegations and Accusations," "Disinformation, Untruths, Deceptions, Lies, Falsifications, and Misleading Fabrications!"

"We Should Applaud and Commend The Election Officials of America for Doing Their Duties without Prejudice or Any Negative Preconception," and "Protecting The Privacy," and "The Constitutional Right of Each and Every American Citizen to Vote!"

"For Any Manipulation" or "Attempt to Impede A Nations Right To Vote," Is to Obstruct The Ideas, Thoughts, Earthrise Visions, and Paths," to "A Bold New Civilization Of The People, By The People, and For The People!" And, "Obscure The Path of A Diverse Community, Tapestry, and Fabric of  The Earths Populace," and "Its Sovereign Nations" to "Be Global and Universal Partners" in "A New Era of Multi-Cultural and Academic Accomplishments,"  and "Advance into A Brand New Renaissance of Humanity, Justice, Equality, Freedom, Equanimity, Social Security, Healthcare, The Pursuit of Happiness, Unlimited Opportunity," and "Global Equilibre!"
-Extra Noteworthy News-
Tuesday, The Twenty- Fourth of November 2020, Global Cross Media Reports are "President-Elect Joseph R. Biden Jr. Announced His First Round Table of Cabinet Picks," and "These Women and Men" are "To Be The Core, Heart, Mind, Intellect, Spirit and Soul of His Administration!"
They are; 
I)- Antony John Blinken- Secretary of State 
II)- Avril Danica Haines- Director of National Intelligence
III)-Alejandro N. Mayorkas- Secretary of Homeland Security
IV)- Linda Thomas -Greenfield- United Nations Ambassador
V)-Jacob Jeremiah "Jake" Sullivan- National Security Advisor
VI)- John Forbes Kerry- Former Secretary of State, as Special Presidential Envoy for Climate, to Be A First Time, Full Time Climate Minister, and National Security Council Member

And, On Monday, The Thirtieth of November 2020, Global Cross Media News Reports are "President Biden Announced The Core Members of His Economic Team," "Beginning with (I)- "Janet Louise Yellen," Former Chair of The Federal Reserve," and "Chair of The Economic Advisors," as "The President-Elect's Choice for Secretary of Treasury!" Who Would also Be, "The First Women or Man to Hold This Prestigious Office!"
II)- Wally Ademeyo as Deputy Secretary of The U.S. Treasury," Would Be "The First Black Deputy Secretary!"
 III)- Neera Tanden as Nominee for Director of the Office of Management and Budget, who "Would Be The First Woman of Color," to "Hold This Office!"
IV)- Cecilia Elena Rouse as Chair of The Council of Economic Advisers, who "Would Be The First Woman of Color to Hold This Position, in The Seventy-Five Years of Its Existence," and "The Fourth Woman Overall!"
V)- Jared Bernstein as Deputy, who was "Chief Economic Adviser to The President-Elect when He was Vice President of The United States," and "Adviser" and "Executive Director of Former President Obama's White House Task Force on The Middle Class," has "Been Nominated to Be A Member of The Council of Economic Advisers along with.
VI)- Heather Marie Boushey, who has "Been a Longtime Adviser of The Now President-Elect, "Focusing on Issues of Economic Inequality," and "Public Policy!"
And, "Sunday, The Twenty-Ninth of November 2020- Global Cross Media News Reports are "President-Elect Biden Named" "Seven Women To Top Communication Roles in The In-Coming White House Communications Team, and that "This Would Be The First Time" that
All of The Positions Would Be Held by Women!"
-Extra Noteworthy News-
Monday The Thirtieth of November 2020, "To Complete The November Lists," of "The First Round of Core Members of The President-Elect's Administration," "This Time for United States Attorney General," Global Cross Media News Reports are The Names of, (1) Former Acting United States Attorney General Sally Quillian Yates, (2) Former Governor of Massachusetts Deval Laurdine Patrick, (3) Senator Gordon Douglas "Doug" Jones from The State of Alabama, and (4) Xavier Becerra Attorney General for The State of California "have Been Named!"
And lastly, "President-Elect  Biden Will Finally Be Receiving His First Presidential Daily Briefing" since "His Record Breaking Victorious Voter Turnout of The 2020 United States Presidential Election!"
And so "President-Elect Biden" is "Advancing Ever Closer to Day One of His Presidency," on "The Twentieth of January 2021," and "A New Dawn of Presidential Politics in The United States of America!"
"This Briefing is "Prepared by The Director of National Intelligence John Lee Ratcliffe," and also "Includes Pertinent Information from The Central Intelligence Agency (CIA)," and "Other Elements of The  Intelligence Communities!" And, is "An Essential Combination" of, (1) Intelligence, (2) Secrets, and, (3) Analysis of Short and Long Term Threats" that "U.S. Leaders Need to Be Aware of"  to "Keep The Nation," "The Democracy," "The Republic," "The U.S. Government," and "The American People Safe from Harms Way!" 
-(Note that, "Vice President-Elect Harris Will also Receive This Presidential Briefing!")-  
-("On A Minor Medical Side Note," and "Point of Interest," "The President-Elect has Obtained Hair-Line Fractures on His Foot Playing with His Dog," (Thought Initially to Be A Sprain) and "Will Be Wearing A Boot for Several Weeks!)-    

 -"Global Cross Media News Universe, Insights, New Horizons, News Purview's, Global Perspectives, Precautions, Commentaries, Accounts,"  and "CoronaVirus Vaccine Updates" and "Good News"-

"Fourth Estate Headlines and Articles" and "Global Cross Media News Sphere's Breaking News Spotlights" are "The White House is Still Embracing The Herd Immunity CoronaVirus National Policy" as "Infections, Hospitalizations, and Death Tolls in The United States of America have Surpassed Two Hundred and Seventy-Three Thousand Americans!" And, "Even with The Good News" that "Three of The Top CoronaVirus Vaccines have Proven to Be More than Ninety Percent Effective," The Threat and Deeply Felt Concerns for The Rising Deaths, Hospitalizations, and Rate of Infections" has "Alarmed The Medical Community," "Government Officials," "Religious Leaders," and "The President-Elect's New Round Table of Administration Choices!" 

And, "It is Obvious that "This Repulsive, Abhorrent, Detestable, and Loathsome Idea" of "Herd Immunity" Does Not Work," and"It is An Insult, Affront, and Offense to Any True Medical Expert," "Medical Organization, Institution," or "Citizen of The Nation,"  as "Tragic New Single Day Records and COVID-19 Escalations Continue to Be A Part of The CoronaVirus Autumn of 2020," that "Can Be Called Nothing Less" than "A Betrayal of The American People," As "The Holiday Season Comes Upon Us!" 

"Our Hopes Still Lie in The Hands of The Medical Experts"  who have "Been Working Tirelessly Upon CoronaVirus Projects" that have "Been in Trials over The Summer," Once again, "In Hopes" that "They Will Become A Success," as Day After Day, "The Average of The Number of Deaths in The United States of America" has "Averaged More than One Hundred Thousand Confirmed Cases Per Day!" And, "The Number of Americans who have Been Tested Positive" is "Extremely Difficult to Believe is Taking Place in The United States of America!"

-(Note that, "More Members of The Trump Administration have Tested Positive, The Last One Being Corey Lewandowski," Senior Adviser to The Trump Reelection Campaign!"

And, Global Cross Media News Reports that "One Hundred and Thirty Secret Service Officers who Partook in Protecting President Trump as The President Undertook One Campaign Rally after Another in The Midst of Enthusiastic Followers," who were For The Most Part Not Following Social Distancing Guidelines or Wearing Masks," have "Been Quarantined Due to Being in Close Proximity with Individuals who have Tested Positive," or have "Been Tested Positive Themselves!" 

And, "This News Report," is "Extremely Disturbing," But "Not Surprising," Because of, (1) "The Overall Circumstances" that "They were Subjected" to "Protecting The President in The Midst of A Deadly Public Health Crisis Raging Althroughout The United States of America," While He Campaigned, and, (2) "Their Dedication and Commitment to Honor to The Oaths and Duty that They Accepted," to "Give Their Lives to Protect The Life of The President!")-

"The Companies that have Emerged" and "Become The Hopes of Americans," and "Citizens from All Across The Earths United Sovereign Nations" that have "Entered into The Late Final Stage of Clinical Trials," (1) Pfizer Inc. -(PFE)- (2) "The Pharmaceutical Company Moderna Inc." -(MRNA)- Final Stage," (3) "The Test of A Oxford University and AstraZeneca PLC's Shot,"and, (4) "Johnson and Johnson," (5) "Human Trials on A New Vaccine," at "The Imperial College London," (6)"The  University of Wisconsin," and, (7) "Novavax Inc. An American Vaccine Development Company -(NVAX)- and "All The Sovereign Nations of The Earth Look Forward to Their Positive Test Results of Their Trials For The Sake of All of Our Lives!"

And, "As This Important and Vital Phase of CoronaVirus Trial's Continues, It is Important to Report" that "The Food and Drug Administration has Stated" that "There will be "Tougher Standards for The Approval of A Vaccine!"

However, "The First Part of The CoronaVirus Good News" is "The COVID-19 Vaccine Developed by BioNTech and Pfizer" Appears to Be on The Way to "Being Approved" for "Emergency Use Authorization" (EUA) by "The Food and Drug Administration" (FDA) as "Early as December 2020, and "Is Reported to Be Ninety Percent Effective!"

"Pfizer Will Present Its Case for FDA Approval on The Tenth  of December 2020!"

And, Take Note that, Tuesday, The Tenth of November 2020 Global Cross Media News Reports are "The European Commission" has "Agreed to Sign An Agreement to Purchase Three Hundred Million Doses" of "This Experimental CoronaVirus Vaccine!"

And, Global Cross Media News Reports are Thursday, The Twelfth of November 2020, Dr. Anthony Stephen Fauci Director of The National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases" (NIAID), Told ABC's Co-Anchor of Good Morning America Robin Roberts," in An Interview, "I want to just repeat the message that I keep saying over and over again, that help is really on the way." And, "When He was Discussing the People who are Experiencing Pandemic Fatigue," Dr. Fauci said, " "If you think of it metaphorically, you know the cavalry is coming here."

 "The Second Part of The CoronaVirus Vaccine Good News is Monday, The Sixteenth of November 2020, Global Cross Media News Reports are "Moderna's CEO Stephane Bancel Announced the The Results of Its Preliminary Phase Three Trial Data Among Thirty Thousand Participants," "Showed that "Its CoronaVirus Vaccine is 94.5% Effective!"
"This Vaccine was Developed in Collaboration" with "The National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases" (NIAID), "Which CEO Bancel Called A "Game Changer."

And, Monday, The Sixteenth of November 2020, Global Cross Media News Reports are Dr. Fauci said In An Interview on NBC TV's "Today" Show with Co-Anchor Savannah Guthrie, "The data is striking Savannah, They're really quite impressive..." "So, Now we have two vaccines that are really quite effective (Referring to Pfizer and Moderna) So I really think this is really strong step forward to where we want to be in getting control of this outbreak."

 "The Continuing Good News Surrounding of The CoronaVirus Vaccine" is Dr. Fauci also said, "We project by the end of December there will be doses of vaccines available for individuals in the high risk categories from both companies (Moderna and Pfizer) we hope, and this is something that we're really looking forward to."

And, Dr. Fauci also said, that "He is Concerned about the Transition between the Trump and Biden Administrations," and that "I've served in six administrations"... "and I know that Transitions are very important to get as smooth essentially, as I use the metaphor, Essentially passing of baton without stopping running, you just want things to go very smoothly...."

 And, "In Regards to Time Lines and The Process," Dr. Fauci said, "This is something that just is now, going in the very very strong right direction. "The vaccines are effective. We want to get it approved as quickly as we possibly as we can. We want to get doses to people starting in December. And then we want to really get the ball rolling in January, February, and March...." We want a smooth process for that. And the way you do that is by essentially having the two groups speak to each other and exchange information."

And, Dr. Fauci also said In Regards to "The Escalations of Daily Cases and Daily Deaths," that "We can do something about this Savannah. I keep saying that over and over. Yes it's a very serious situation. We know that there's covid fatigue, that people are just tired of the kind of restrictions, but there are fundamental things that we talk about all the time, that I've discussed with you many times. The physical distancing, washing of hands, the universal wearing of masking, the staying away from crowds throughout the country. We don't have to accept major surges. We can blunt them!..." And "Help is on the way, It certainly is."

And, "In Regards to Dr. Scott Atlas," Dr. Fauci said, He "Totally Disagrees with the stand that Dr. Scott Atlas has taken."

-(Note that, Monday, The Thirtieth of November 2020, Global Cross Media News Reports are "Moderna has Formally Asked The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for Emergency Use Authorization (EUA)for Its COVID-19 Vaccination in The United States and The European Union!" 

"Moderna Will Present Their Case for FDA Approval on The Seventeenth of December 2020!")- 

And, "As of Monday, The Twenty-Third of November 2020 Global Cross Media News Reports are "The Test of A Oxford University and AstraZeneca Covid-19 Vaccine" has also "Reached The High Plateau of Ninety Percent Effectiveness for "One of Two Regimens," "Using Half a Dose, and "A Full One Later," "Preventing Seventy Percent of Participants" in "A Large Trial" from "Getting The Disease!"

-(Note that, Global Cross Media News Reports are "Six Million New CoronaVirus Cases have Taken Place over The Last Two Months in The United States of America!" And, "Hospitalizations have Grown Significantly and Seriously as well!")-   

-"Global Cross Media News Universe, Insights, New Horizons, News Purview's, and Global Perspectives"- Questions, Accounts, Commentaries and Precautions"-

 "The Priority Should Be The Safety and Protection of All The People" of "The Earths United Sovereign Nations" by "The Health Institutions, Scientists, The FDA, The CDC, The WHO, Leaders of Sovereign Nations, and Manufacturers," "Before A New CoronaVirus Vaccine" has "Been Approved, Manufactured, and Distributed Earthwide!"

"The Facts" are "Clear, Precise, and Highly Disturbing,"Almost "One Million, Four Hundred and Sixty-Seven Thousand Persons have Died Due to The CoronaVirus," and "More than Sixty-Three Million People Earthwide," have "Been Tested Positive as of Monday, The Thirtieth of November 2020!"

And, "The Lives of Billions of Women Men, and The Youth of The Earths Sovereign Nations" "Must Be The Primary Concern Over that," of "The Two P's," "Profit and Politics," as "The Trials and Search for A Vaccine/Cure," and "Therapeutic Treatment Goes Forth" to "Eventually Become A Reality!"

And, "Any Violation of This Concern Must Be Considered A Serious Crime Against Humanity," so "Deeply Immoral A Concern This Would is!"
And, "Any Political Manipulation" of "Important Life Saving Medical and Health News, Advice, or Guidelines," Should Be Considered "A Crime Against Humanity!"
-(Note that, Monday, The Thirtieth of November 2020, Global Cross Media News Reports are "Special CoronaVirus Adviser to The President Scott William Atlas has Resigned!")-


 -Extra Noteworthy News-

 "As The Sun Set's in The Skies O'er The United States of America There are Literally Millions of Children Living in Poverty with Their Families," and "Hundred's of Thousands of Homeless Americans Living on Sidewalks, In Public Parking Area's, Wooded Area's, and Train Tunnels," and then "There are Some who are Living in Doorways, Stairwells, and on The Streets," and "Enduring Transient Lifestyles," and, "There are Many American Families Living in Their Cars, Trucks, and Vans," and "Relying on Food Banks," and "The Generosity of Church Groups," "Humanitarian Institutions," and "Philanthropic Groups," to "Supply Them with Healthy Sustenance and Nourishment for Their Families," on "A Daily Basis over This Holiday Season," and "One Can only Wonder When A New Economic and/or Relief Program Senate Majority Leader Addison Mitchell "Mitch McConnell Jr. Republican from Kentucky," "President Trump" (Even Though He is a Lame Duck President), "His Administration," and "The Republican Party" are "Planning to Cooperate with The Democratic Party to Address The Serious Life and Death Circumstances Concerning The Tragic Escalation of The CoronaVirus," and "Their Failure to Represent and "Come to The Aid of The American People, " in "This Time Period of Intense Economic Need by All The People!"

Global Cross Media News Reports are, "The Bureau of Labor Report Announced" on Thursday, The Nineteenth of November 2020," that "Seven Hundred and Forty-Two Thousand Americans Filed for Unemployment Insurance!" An Increase of Thirty-One Thousand from The Week Previous!" And, "Above the Estimate of Seven Hundred and Ten Thousand" by "Economists Surveyed by Dow Jones!"  "Leaving No Doubt" that "Unemployment Still Remains at A Historical Point!"

And, "Unemployment in The United States of America Continues to Be A Reflection of The Cause and Effect of The Ongoing Spread of The COVID-19 Across The Nation," that has Seen An Recent Increase in The Number of Confirmed Cases in at Least Forty States of The Union and The District of Columbia!" And, "This is How The 2020 Autumn of The CoronaVirus has Begun!"
And, "With The Resumption of In Person Classes in The Reopening of Schools in This Autumn," "One Can only Expect" that "There Will Be A Further Increases in Confirmed Cases," and "Tragically so, "The Number of Deaths in The Nation Will Continue to Grow!" "Projections as High as Three Hundred and Seventy-Eight New Deaths are Estimated to Occur by Years End," unless "A New Vaccine is Discovered and Approved by The Food and Drug Administration" (FDA), "The Centers for Disease and Prevention" (CDC), 'The World Health Organization" (WHO), and "Health and Medical Experts," and "Global Scientists," and "Distributed Earthwide to Billions of People!" "Which Leads to The Importance of Trust in Our Scientists," and "Trust In Our Government Leaders," and "Health and Medical Institutions!"
Which Leads to, "Whether or Not" "Any New Vaccine Will Receive The Approval of The Earths Populace," as "The Politicization of The Ongoing Spread of The CoronaVirus has Tainted The Importance of Following Social Distancing Guidelines," and Unbelievably so, "Wearing Masks!" As, "Confirmed Cases Earthwide has "Surpassed Sixty-Three Million," and has "Surpassed One Million, Four Hundred Sixty-Seven Thousand Deaths" As of Monday, The Thirtieth of November 2020!"
And, "The Truth of The Matter" is, "Irregardless of The Successes and Failures of Wall Streets Rollercoaster and Alternative Reality," "There Simply is No Real Stability in The U.S. Economy," and "Nor Will There Be until A Vaccine/Cure," and "Therapeutic Treatment has Been Discovered," and "Been Given The Official Approval of The Food and Drug Administration" (FDA), and "The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention" (CDC), and "The World Health Organization" (WHO)!

 And, "Unbelievably The $Six Hundred Dollar Benefit that Ended on The Thirty-First of July 2020" has "Not Been Renewed by Congress!" And, "The Foreclosure and Eviction Moratorium," that had Been Extended by The Federal Housing Administration (FHA), "Ended on Monday, The Thirty-First of August 2020!" 
And, "Both Will Cause A Devastating and Crushing Effect on The Lives and Families of Millions of Americans!" "To Which One Must Add" that On The First of October 2020, "The Expiration of The Federal Payroll Support Program (PSP)," under "The CARES Act Passed by Congress in March 2020, has "Brought on The Furlough of Tens of Thousand Employees Nationwide," "Effecting The Airline Industry," and "Tourist Related Industries," and "Families Across The Nation!"
And, "Unconscionably and Beyond Belief," Beyond Belief, "Because, The United States of America is in The Middle of A Public Health Crisis" that has "Caused Deaths" of "More than Two Hundred and Seventy-Three Thousand Persons," As of Monday, The Thirtieth of November 2020, and "Still No Agreement has Been Made on The New CoronaVirus Relief Package for America Between The Republican and Democratic Parties, or "The Trump Administration!"

And, "The Lack of A Relief Package Explains Why Food Banks are Still Experiencing An Overflow of American Families" who are "In Need of Food and Sustenance for Their Families!" And "This is A Clear Reflection of The Stress and Pressure that Americans are Experiencing," "Living from Paycheck to Paycheck!"
And, "When You Include" that From The Thirty-First of December 2019 to Monday, The Thirtieth of November 2020, "More than Two Hundred and Seventy-Three Thousand Persons have Died in The United States of America," and "Confirmed Cases" have "Surpassed Thirteen Million Seven Hundred and Fifty Thousand American Citizens," "You Can Fully Realize by The Numbers of Deaths and Confirmed Cases in The United States" that "The Nation is Still in The Midst of A Serious Public Health Crisis!"
And, "The Families of Almost Two Hundred and Seventy-Three Thousand Americans," are "Suffering and Deeply Mourning The Loss of Their Love Ones!"
And, "Let's Be Absolutely Clear" that "The Ongoing Spread of The CoronaVirus has Not Abated!" And, "The Health Care System is Still Faced with An Ongoing Crisis!" And, "The Battle is Not Over," and "The War Against This Vicious, Dangerous,  Merciless, and Ruthless Virus," has "Not Been Won as of Yet!" And, "There is Still A Great Amount of Work to Be Done!"
And, "Let Us also Be Absolutely Clear" that "Wearing Masks," and "Following Social Distancing Guidelines" are "Important Deterrents from Contracting This Vicious and Deadly Virus" that "Knows No Boundaries," until "The Earths Populace Can Rest in Peace Knowing" that "The CoronaVirus is Under Control," and "The Threat to Our Families Lives is Over!"
"The Economic Reality" has "Caused The FED to Project that Interest Rates from 2020 until 2022 Would Remain Close to Zero Due to The 2020 CoronaVirus Crisis!"
And, "Due to The CoronaViris Crisis The Economic Recession The United States Will Continue," "Which is Further Proof of The Impediments that Lie in The Path" of  "A Significant Recovery of The U.S. Economy as President Trump has Expressed," and "Further Proof of The Negative Effect" that "The CoronaVirus has had in The United State of America!" All of Which Could have Been Averted to A High Degree," But for "The Mismanagement of The Spread of The COVID-19 by President Trump and His Administration," as "President Trump Himself" has "Revealed and Proven to Be The Truth in The Eighteen Interviews and Recorded Audio Tapes" of Investigative Journalist Robert Upshur "Bob" Woodward's New Book "Rage!"  

And, by Now, "Everyone of Cognitive, Earthwise, or Streetwise Intelligence Should Be Aware" that "We Must Rely upon The Facts Presented" by "Our Respected Medical and Health Experts," In Addition to "Social Distancing, Testing, Contact Tracing, Available Hospital Beds, Swabs, Reagents, Ventilators, Face Masks," and "All of The Meaningful, and Life Saving Medical and Health Care Requests" that have "Been Made by Our Medical and Critical Care Heroines and Heroes" who are "Bravely Working on The Behalf  of The American People," and "Those of Whom are In Sovereign Nations All Across The Earth of Ours" Where "Earthwide," From The Thirty-First of December 2019 to Monday, The Thirtieth of November 2020, that "More than One Million, Four Hundred and Sixty-Seven Thousand Deaths," and "Confirmed Cases of More than Sixty-Three Million Family Members have Taken Place," and "Anyone One with Any Common Sense Can Realize The Seriousness of This Pandemic!"

And, "It is of The Greatest Importance" to "The Health Care" and "Welfare Of We The People," that "All of The Meaningful and Life Saving Requests Made by The Earths Community of Health Care Experts" "Must Be Guaranteed and Delivered Immediately without Procrastination" by "All of  The Global Sovereign Governments, State, City and Local Governments!" 
"For These Leaders Must Keep Their Contract with The Earths Populace" to "Provide Financial and Medical Support for One and All," who have "Adhered to The Social Distancing Guidelines They have Provided and Asked Compliance of," and "They Must Keep Their Word Nobly," that "In Truth," "Demonstrates that We are All in This Global Pandemic," and "Effected by The Deadly and Heartbreaking Affects of This Global Pandemic," "Together!"
-"Global Cross Media News Universe, Insights, New Horizons, News Purview's, Global Perspectives," and "A Fearless, Valorous, and Empowering Universal Infrastructure Bill For The People"-

 "Before The New Beginning" and "New Normal," that "We've All Been Looking Forward to Becomes A Reality" First of All, "There has to Be A Coordinated Effort on A Grand Scale by Sovereign Governments," and "All of The Private and Public Sectors of The Sociological State of Affairs of Humanity!"

And, "All of These Parallel Universes" have to "Rise to The Grand Challenge of Establishing A New Renaissance of Humanity," and "A Bold New All Inclusive Civilization" of "The Diverse Community, Tapestry, and Fabric of All The People!"

And, "In The United States of America,"It Will Take The Immediate Use of Executive Orders to (1) "Locate The Parents of The Five Hundred and Forty-Five Immigrant Children with Their Parents," and, (2) "Assure The Families of The Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals" Program, (DACA), that "They Will Not Be Deported from The United States of America," (3) "To Reinstate The United States of America in The Paris Peace Accords," (4) "To Reinstate The United States of America in The World Health Organization (WHO)," (5) "Reinstate The National Security Council Pandemic Division," "Revitalize The White House CoronaVirus Task Force," and "Find A Cure/Vaccine for The CoronaVirus," and "Set Forth Preparations for Its Immediate Manufacture and Distribution," and, (6) "Protect The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act," and, (7) "Establish A Nationwide Law Enforcement and Race Relations Task Force" to "Find New Solutions for Healing The Severe Racial Divides in Our Communities, Cities, and States," and "Among Each Other," and,  (8) "Create An Immediate Path to Statehood for The Common Wealth of Puerto Rico," and "Washington D.C." and, (9) "Create and Pass A Bipartisan Legislation" for "A Universal Nationwide Infrastructure Bill" that "Includes A Wide Diversification of Ideas and Programs of Empowerment Designed to Improve The Lives and Lifestyles of The American People," and "The Free Education of Youth of The Nation," and "Improve The Living Conditions of The Transient Population of Americans," and "The Poor," and "All of The Working Class," and "Middle Class Americans!" And, "Let There Be No Doubt" that "This Universal Infrastructure Bill Should Invest in Main Street America!" And, "Leave No One Untouched by Its Financial and Purposeful Nationwide Investment!

And, "It Will Take Philanthropic Organizations," such as "Giving Pledge," for One Example, to "Work Closely in Concert with The Governments of The Earths Sovereign Nations," as well as "To Interdependently Provide Financial Support and Services," "For and With Local," and "State Governments," to "Improve The Overall Welfare of "All The People!"

And, "To Improve The Lifestyles of Our Family Members and Individuals with Special Needs," and "Intellectual Disabilities!"

As well as to "Improve, Empower, and Support The Efforts" of "Small Businesses, Farmers, Energy, Environmental and Ecological Groups," and "Scientific, Health, and Medical Institutions," and "Respected Groups of Volunteers and Individuals," who have "Offered Their Services to Heal and Help The Earths Communities" who are "In Need of Immediate Assistance!"

And, "It Will also Take Twenty-First Century Commitment and Declaration" by "The Earths Military, Intelligence, Police, and Law Enforcement Communities," and "The Judiciary," to "Protect and Defend This Grand Effort" from "The Corrupt and Authoritarian Policies of Imperialists and Dictators," and "The Negative and Criminal Efforts of  Syndicates of Criminals," and "Hackers and Cyber Criminals who are Bent Upon Causing Chaos in The Earths Institutions, (Public and  Private)," and "Sovereign Governments!"

And, "This Universal Infrastructure Bill Will Exist as A New Model for "Investment," "Change," and "The Development and Growth," for "A Bold New Civilization," that "Can Finance Repairing The Nations Roadways, and Bridges," Seaports, Airports, and Railways," and "Create High Speed Transportation," and "A Plethora of Electric Powered Stations," and "New Energy Alternatives," "Hospitals and Schools," "Plus A Myriad Number of Multi-Cultural," and "New and Advanced Environmental, Ecological," "Academic," and "Space Age Initiatives!" 

"Coupled with Transitional Efforts" that are "Being Conceived of and In Plans" to "Educate, Support, and Accommodate for The New Beginning" that "The Earths Diverse Communities have Looked Forward to," and "Longed for Their Families," and "The Social Security that It Brings," and "The Feeling of Being Included (and Not Excluded)" from "This New Age of Financial, Multi-Cultural, Technological, Scientific, and Sociological Change that Surrounds Them!"

And, "It Will Take A Financial, Corporeal, Spiritual, and Universal Investment," and "Conscious Awareness" of "What It Will Take to Create and Sow The Seeds" of "A New Era of Global Equilibre, Equanimity, Equality, Freedom, Interdependence, Economic Parity, and Justice," to "Which Must Be Added, "An Honest and Sincere Example" of "Compassionate Capitalism," In Order for This New Beginning to Take Hold," and "Form The Basis" for "A Grand New Experiment," and "Time/Space Reality Of The People, By The People, and For The People!" 

And, "All of These Universal and Humanitarianism Efforts" to "Improve The Quality of Life Of The People," and "Usher in A Bold New Civilization," and "Renaissance of Humanity," Can Be Financed in Total" by "A Unified, Combined, and Concerted Investment," of "A New Spirit of Universal Cognition, Intelligence, Empiricism, Insightfulness, Perceptivity, and Purpose," and "Multilateral Partnerships among Financial Institutions," and "Philanthropic Organizations," "The World Bank," "Community Banks," and "Global Banking Networks," and "Sovereign Nations," "All Rising in Concert with One Another," "Knowing" that "They have An Opportunity," to "Be A Part of Historical Moment of Change," "Away from Those who Would Misuse, Mislead, Manipulate, Abuse, and Lie to The People," and "Forward to An Age of Truth, Fellowship, Trust, Empathy, Unity, Peace, Justice, and Social Security For One and All!" 

And, "History Will Be Our Witness, Truthsayer, Fact Finder, Record, and Mirror" that "Will Describe The Choices and Fears that Posed Themselves to Our Communities and Sovereign Nations in The Twenty-First Century," and "The Great Will Power" that "It Took to Transcend The Negativity and Fear," and "Move Forward into A Bold New Civilization and Renaissance of Humanity," for "Future Generations to Admire and Be Inspired by!"


-"Global Cross Media Universe, Insights, New Horizons, New Purview's, Global Perspectives, Commentaries, Accounts, Precautions" and "The Youth who are To Inherit The Earth"-

"As The Youth who are to Inherit The Earth Rise, React, and Look Upon The Daily Sociological Affairs of The Earths Sovereign Nations," "Some Wonder and Muse Among Themselves" on "Whether or Not They Will Be Forced to Become Involved in Fighting in A New War or Military Conflict," Such as, "The Youth in The Sovereign Nation of Belarus" where "Demonstrations have Been Occurring for Eleven Weeks in A Row," "Against The Oppressive Policies of President Alexander Grigoryevich Lukashenko," or "The Youth who Involved or Threatened to Become Involved" in "The Armed Military Conflict In Between Armenia, Azerbaijan, and Turkey," and "The Youth Living under The Dictatorial One-Man-Rule Form of Governance of President Hafez Bashar al-Assad in The Sovereign Nation of The Syrian Arab Republic," and "The Rohingya in The Sovereign Nation of Myanmar," "Where The Brutal Genocide of This People is Taking Place," and "The More than One Million Uyghurs" who are "Being Detained in Xinjiang Re-Education Camps"  in Northwest Region of The Sovereign Nation of The People's Republic of China," Where Global Cross Media News Reports are, "Allegations and Accusations of "A Policy of Ethnocide," The Systemic and Deliberate Destruction of An Ethnic Group of People," "Resembling Cultural Genocide," is "Being Imposed Against The Uyghurs by The Chinese Government," as "Chinese President President Xi Jinping Continues to Impose and Force His Oppressive Dictatorial One-Man-Rule Form of Government Upon It's People," and "The Youth of The Sovereign Nation of Venezuela" who are "Experiencing The Inhumane and Oppressive Dictatorial One-Man-Rule Form of Governance by Their President Nicolas Maduro Moros," and "The Youth of The Russian Federation" who "Wonder What The Future Holds for Them," under "The One-Man-Rule Form of Governance of President Vladimir Putin!"

  And, "The Youth from All over The Earth" who have "Seen In Person," and "Felt The Brutality and Negative Effects of Systemic Racism" and "Prejudice," and "The Unnecessary Use of Force by Some Members of The Police," Most Recently in The United States of America, "In The Cases of George Perry Floyd Jr." and "Breonna Taylor!"

And, "Millions of Youth The Whole Earth over" are "Deeply Concerned by The Ongoing Spread of The CoronaVirus," and "The Trauma and Death that It Continues to Cause" to Families, and Friends" of "The Earths Diverse Community," and "Others Express Their Concerns about "Whether or Not The Economies of The Earths Sovereign Nations Will Recover Enough" to "Provide Immediate Employment Opportunities" that "Will Provide and Assure" that "Their Social Security, Healthcare, and Success for Their Futures Will Be A Certainty!"

And, "As The Concerns of The Youth of The Earths Sovereign Nations" are also "A Reflection of Their Parents Concerns," You Can Imagine that "Cognizant, Empathetic, Ethical, and "Uplifting Universal and Spiritual Leadership Concerns" are "Of The Utmost Importance!" And, so "When The Fourth Estate" and "The Global Cross Media News Sphere's Publish and Release Good News," "It's Definitely Worth Paying Close Attention to!" Especially If Its Empowering The Earths Diverse Communities!"

And, "At A Time When Inspiring, Moral, Truthful, Cognizant, Honest and Soulful and Spiritual Leadership is Needed" of "Whatever Creed, Political Persuasion, Philanthropic and Financial Group, Humanitarian and Egalitarian, Civil Rights Advocate, and Activists, Environmentalist, and Ecologist, Academic and Multi-Culturalist, Medical and Healthcare Expert, Scientist, Constitutional Justice and Attorney, and Creative Artist and Universally Minded Philosopher!" And, "Women and Men of The Armed Forces!"

"We Will Need This New Era of Leadership To Advance and Evolve" into "A Bold New Civilization Of The People," and "An Inspiring New Renaissance of Humanity!"

And, "The Time is Here and Now," to "Make A Non-Violent Declaration and Statement for Change," and "A Bold New Future Of The People, By The People, and For The People!"

Voices of Reason and Peacemakers of The Twentieth and Twenty-First Millennia, The Moment in Time has Come When No Socioeconimic  Status, Person of Gender, Nationality, Creed, Age, Color, Special Needs Individual, Age, Political Persuasion, or Tribe Can Be Left Out" of "A Global Equation that Embraces of A New Era of Unification, Global Equilibre, Economic Parity, Social Justice, Social Security, Freedom, Equality, Health Care and Medical Care System, and Universal System of Non Prejudicial Justice" and "Law and Order!"

"For This System Must Be All Inclusive!"

"When You See A Grand Masterpiece of Inspiring, Visionary, Insightful, Soulful, Spiritual, Compassionate, Individuals of Grand Cognition and Universality," What Do They Look Like, "Jesus of Nazareth, Mahatma Gandhi, Siddhartha Gautama, Mary, Saint Teresa of Calcutta, Harriet Tubman, Rosa Parks, Mary Magdalene, Nelson Mandela, Martin Luther King Jr. and Coretta Scott King, Zoroaster, Muhammad, Machiventa Melchizedek, Moses, Clara Barton, Susan B. Anthony,  Charlemagne, Black Elk,  Socrates,  Saint Francis of Assisi, Rabindranath Tagore, Lao-Tse, and Confucius!

And, "Let Us Continue to Pursue A Path Forward" of "Non-Violence, Satyagraha, Valor, Fearlessness, Bravery, and The Truth," as "We Strive to Achieve Our Goals of Universal Harmony," and "An Earthrise and Earthwise Vision, Civilization, Culture, Way of Life and Purposeful and Meaningful Reality!" 
And, "Let Us One and All Share This Purposeful and Meaningful Reality and Vision Path with Each Other" as "We Take Each New Step Forward into The Future Now Sphere's of Our Lives and Continued Existence" on "This Our Home Planet Earth!"

For This is, The Way To Peace, and An Omnipresent, Omniscient, and Omnipotent Age of Heroism, Patriotism, Exceptionalism, Joie de Vivre, and Innovative, Compassionate and Cognitive Leadership, and A New Era of Justice, Truth, Empathy, Equanimity, Soul Strength, Egalitarianism, Medical, Academic, and Cultural Ingenuity and Peace On Earth, as We Continue to Evolve into A Universe of Limitless Celestial Bodies and Galaxies!



The Way To Peace #226- (Revisited)-

- In Memoriam: Thursday, December 5th Nelson Mandela Passed Away at The Age of Ninety-five!
"Nelson Mandela was Truly A Man of Vision, An Optimist, A Freedom Fighter,  A Peacemaker, A Voice of Reason, A Healer, and A Man of Conscience and Forgiveness!"

"Madiba or Tata (Father") as He is Referred to Out of Great Reverence by South Africans, was also "A Man of Great Soul Strength and Faith, Committed and Dedicated to End Apartheid and Poverty in His Homeland of South Africa, and Lead The Way to A Multi-Racial Nation, A Rainbow Nation Of The People!"
"Even after Being Incarcerated for Twenty-Seven Years, Nelson Never Gave up!" 
"He Continued to Find The Soul Strength Within to Transcend The Injustices of His Imprisonment and Follow His Vision Path of Peace, Freedom, and Equality!" And, Althroughout His Journey "He was A Great Unifier and Educator of All The People!"

So, Now, "Let Us Celebrate and Sing in Praise of Him, and For His Love of All Humankind!"
For, "He was A Man who Knew when The Time was Right to Fight for The Principles that He Believed in and For The Rights of His Fellow Human Beings!"
And, "He also Knew when The Time was Right For Reconciliation and to Turn The Other Cheek For The Principles that He Believed in and For The Rights and Welfare of His Fellow Human Beings!"

"Nelson Mandela was More than An Icon or The First Black President of South Africa, He was An Illuminating Great Soul of The Earth and Universe!"
And, Let Us always Remember that "Madiba Exemplified and Personified that Good Can Overcome Evil!" And that, "He will Be An Everlasting Example of this Goodness, Perseverance, Patience, Equilibre and Peace to Grace Our History Books For Future Generations to Admire and Be Guided by!"
For in Truth, "Madiba, Tata, Truly Represented The Way To Peace and An Omniscient, Omnipresent, and Omnipotent Age of Peace On Earth!"


The Way To Peace! #293- (Revisited and Revised)-

"If Former U.S. Presidents Abraham Lincoln, Theodore Roosevelt, Franklin Delano Roosevelt, John F. Kennedy, and Dwight D. Eisenhower," and "Former President Nelson Rolihlahla Mandela of The Republic of South Africa," "President Charles Andre Joseph Marie de Gaulle of The French Republic," and "Former U.S. Senator (Attorney General) Robert F. Kennedy," and "Civil Rights Leader's Martin Luther King Jr. of The United States of America," and "Mahatma Gandhi of The Republic of India," and "Former Prime Minister's Winston Leonard Spencer Churchill of The United Kingdom," and "Golda Meir," "Yitzhak Rabin," and "President Shimon Peres of The State of Israel, " and "Saint Teresa Of Calcutta, Beloved Saint of The Roman Catholic Church," were Here with Us Today, "Observing The Global and Domestic Politics of the Major Sovereign Western Industrialized Nations," and "The Leading Sovereign Nations in The Middle East," "Africa," "Asia," "South America and North America," I sincerely Believe "They Would Shake Their Heads in Disbelief of The Political Obstructionism," and "Destructive Political Rhetoric," and "Lies," and "Crafted Ideologies of Amorphous," and "Divisiveness of Partisan Politics, and Disinformation," that "Exist in Today's Changing Fabric of The New Norm," and "Realm of Exponential Reality of The 21st Century!"

All of Which that "Demands a Heightened Level of Awareness, Activism, and Vigilance," In Both "Domestic and Global Affairs!" And, "Answer's" to "The Complex Questions that The Earths Populace is Being Faced with," that also "Demand Seasoned and Cognitive Leaders of State to Provide Guidance, Solutions, and Clarity," as "We Search For The Answers and Leaders" in Whom, "We Can Trust!" 

And, "In Sensitive Times,"  Like These are, "We The People" are "In Need of Empathetic, Eloquent, Reasoned, Just, and Fair Minded Individuals" to "Speak Out" as "A Committed and Dedicated Voice of The People," so, that "Political Ideologies Do Not Oppress The Earths Populace," Who For (1) "Are In  The Minority," or (2) "Not In Power Domestically or Internationally," for "Whatever Reason or Form of Oppression," "Whether It Be Militarily, Electorally, Politically, Economically, In Religion, or Sociologically!"

"The United States of America" is At The Moment, "Approaching The Dawn of A Grand New Age" and "Rebirth of United Democracy, Republic and "Government Of The People, By The People, and For The People!" And, "A New Majority and Electorate Of, By, and For The People!" Where "The Popular Vote For a Party Nominee" has "Transcended The Ineptitude of Partisan Politics," and "The Log Jam that It has Created in The Federal Government!" And has "A Real Opportunity to Change The Configuration of The Houses of Government" into "A New Political Force, Soul Power," and "True Representation of The Ideals, Traditions, Values and Constitutional Principles of The America," and " Bold New Civilization Of The People" as "We Continue to Advance into" and "Experience The New Horizons as They Appear Before Us in The Twenty First Century!"

And, "In These Time Periods of High Political and Sociological Experiences, Opportunities, and Challenges" "We The People," "Need To Acquire A New Sense of Cognition, Devices, Insight, and Perception" to "Build Bridges from The Fractured State of Being" that "Negatively Effected The Earths Sovereign from 2016 to 2020," to "A United State of Being," that "Brought A New Era of Prosperity, Healthcare, and "An Earthwise Vision of Global Equilibre, Equanimity, Equality, Freedom,and Justice, Non-Violence, and Peace For The Diverse Community, Tapestry, and Fabric Of The Earths Populace," and "A New Renaissance of Humanity," that "Embraces Non-Violent Demonstrations, Public Dialoques, Legislation, and Social and Global Cross Media  Ideas: that are "All Inclusive!"

"It is Obvious," "How President Trumps Handles," or "Reacts to," or "Responds to," or "Retaliates Towards Anything He Considers Threatening to His Own Personal Affairs, " or "How He Continues to Display a Lack of Restraint," or "Over  the Top Reaction Towards Adverse Situations!"

Or, "How He Reacts to" or "Negatively Interreacts with The Fourth Estate" or"Uses The Global Cross Media News Universe to Express His Policies," or "How He Continues to Utilize His Confrontational and Divisive Election," and "Post Election Campaign Rhetoric," or "Personal Thoughts to Address Domestic, International Issues, The Election Results" that "Will Remove Hm from Te Presidency," and has "Elected Joseph R. Biden Jr. as The Forty-Sixth President of The United States of America!"  Or, In Fact, "We have Seen How He Handles Anyone who Disagrees with Him!"

And, "The 2020 U.S. Presidential Election has Made It even Clearer," "How Important The Task," "Mission," and "Purpose that Lies Ahead of Us Will Be," and "How Important It Will Be" to "Have Strong Voices" who "Believe in The Principles, Freedoms, Tenets, and Doctrines" that "The Founders of The United States of America Created in The U.S. Constitution," "The Bill Of Rights," and "The Declaration Of Independence" to "Come Forth in Defense of These Grand Idea's!"

The Results of The  2020 Presidential Election" that "Resulted in A Resounding Victory for Former Vice President Biden and Senator Kamala D. Harris s "A Clear Mandate to Speak Out" and "Represent The More than Eighty Millions of American Citizens who Voted for for The Two Democratic Nominees," and, also "For The Democratic Party Platform!"

And, "This Would Be a Clear Way to Re-Build a Feeling of Hope in The United States," as well as "Set a New Precedent for The Re-Implementation of Democratic Values and Ideals" in "This Highly Divisive Time Period," and "National Health Crisis in The United States of America," and, also "How to Maintain The Highest Quality of Democratic Principles!"

And, "To Further This Train of Thought," "Allow The New Biden Administration An Opportunity" to "Create Legislative Ideas that Represent The People," and "Continue to Initiate A Platform that Empowers The People," and that "Gives Their Full Support to The Will Of The People" "Securing and Instituting A Qualitative and Bold Civilization" that "Represents All that Lies in The Best Interests of The Diverse Fabric and Tapestry of The New Norm of The Twenty-First Century!"

And, "It Would Make Sense" in "A Clear Demonstration of Unity in The Democratic Party" to "Have Senator Elizabeth Ann Warren of The State of Massachusetts," "Senator Bernard "Bernie" Sanders of The State of Vermont," "Senate Minority Leader Charles Ellis "Chuck" Schumer of The State of New York," and "House Speaker Nancy Patricia Pelosi of The State of California," and "Congressman James Enos Clyburn of The House of Representatives Congressman of The State of South Carolina," also "Speak Out on Behalf of The Tens of Millions who Voted for The Biden-Harris Team!"

 "In This New Age of Heightened Awareness, Activism, and Vigilance," "New Approaches Commensurate to Healing The Divisiveness amongst The People are Needed," If, "The Earths Populace is To Live in An Age of Global Equilibre, Peace, and Freedom!" 
Enjoying All the Benefits of "A Global Peace Time Economy," Where Social Security and Economic Stability and Opportunity" are "The Global Priorities For All The Nations of The Earth," and "Each and Every Sovereign Citizen of This The Third Planet from The Sun!"

And, It is a Time Period For New Heroines and Heroes" to "Stand up For What is Just and Righteous!"
"Civilian, Political, Philanthropic, Military, Religious, Economic, Philosophical, Hi-Tech, Scientific, Educational, Environmental, Heroines and Heroes," "All Must Stand up for What is Just and Righteous!"
"Mothers and Fathers, Public Servants, Voices of Reason and Peacemakers" who "Respect and Value the Lives of Their Fellow Human Beings," and "What is In The Best Interest and Welfare of Their Families, The Grand Cosmos," and "The Infinite Realm of Nature's Beauty and Sentient Beings," "All Must Stand up For What is Just and Righteous!"

This is "What The True Fabric of The New Norm of The Twenty-First Century Earthrise Horizon Of The People, By The People, and For The People is Made of!" And, That is Why "The Results of Up and Coming Elections (and Referendums Being Offered) are "So Important" to "A New Age of Global Equilibre amongst Freedom and Peace Loving Nations!"

And, "Because We The People" of This Planet Earth, "Need Strong, Compassionate, and Knowledgeable Leaders Of The People, By The People, and For The People," "Not Dictator's, Autocrats, Bullies, Tyrants, or Egotistical Heads of State,"  to "Lead, Manipulate, Control, or Oppress Us!"

Voices of Reason and Peacemakers of The Twentieth and Twenty-First Centuries,  "This is The Time to Act," and "It's Time to Engage in Meaningful and Purposeful Vigilance and Awareness," "Militarily, Economically, Spiritually, and Humanistically," and, "In Support of An Interdependent Governance Of, By, and For The People of This Planet Earth!"

And, "This is The Time" to Take Up The Mantle of Being An Interdependent Spokes Person Of The People, By The People, and For The People," in "The Grand Ole Tradition of Abraham Lincoln, Theodore Roosevelt, Frankly Delano Roosevelt, John F. Kennedy, Martin Luther King Jr., Nelson Mandela, Mahatma Gandhi, Saint Teresa of Calcutta, Susan B. Anthony, Robert Kennedy, Winston Churchill, President Charles De Gaulle," and "So Many Brave and Courageous Leaders in The History of Humankind!"

Yes, And, "Let Us Continue to Be A Highly Visible Activists" and "Public Servants Of The People," and "Go Wherever The Need May Be to Right a Just Cause!" And, "March in Tune with The People!" For The Sake of All of Our Grandchildren and Families," and "For The Sake of Future Generations to Come!"

For This is The Way To Peace and An Age of Omnipresent, Omnipotent, and Omniscient Age Of Justice, Economic Opportunity, Social Security, and Peace On Earth!
-In Memoriam:
We Extend Our Sincerest Heartfelt and Soulful Condolences To All The Families and Communities, Globally and Domestically, who have Lost A Loved One Due to The Natural Disasters, such as The Fires Raging in California, Oregon, Washington State, and Across The West Coast, Including Montana, and Parts of Idaho, and Wherever The Path of Hurricanes, Tornadoes, Flood Waters, and Raging Tides have Destroyed Your Homes and Caused The Loss Of Life, and The Loss of Your Love Ones, We Extend Our Sincerest Heartfelt and Soulful Condolences to You, and Mourn Their Loss of Life with You and Your Families, in This Time Period of Grief and Sadness!
And, We Extend Our Sincerest Heartfelt and Soulful Condolences to The Families of More than One Million, Four Hundred and Sixty-Seven Thousand Love One's who've Died Earthwide Due to The Ongoing Spread of The CoronaVirus Pandemic!

And, To All The Families who have Lost A Loved One Due to A Gun Related Act of Violence, Systemic Racism, Prejudice, Police Brutality, or Any Act of Violence Caused by Malevolent Perpetrators who Care Not For The Lives of Their Fellow Human Being!
And, We Mourn Their Loss of Life with You in This Sensitive Time Period of Deeply Felt Despair, Sorrow, Unhappiness, and Trauma!
And, To The Families of The Sovereign Nation of The Philippines Whose Families have Lost Loved One's, and Whose Homes have Been Destroyed by A Typhoon, We Extend Our Sincerest Heartfelt and Soulful Condolences!