Monday, September 14, 2020



The Way To Peace! #373

 -"Global Cross Media News Universe, Insights, New Horizons, News Purview's, and Global Perspectives"-

As The Sunset's in The Skies O'er The Sovereign Nations of This Planet Earth, "A New Dawn Awaits Heralding" that "The Time for A Renaissance of Humanity to Take Place is Now!" However, "Let Us Agree" that "There Must Be A Grand Gesture," and "Full, Inspiring and Voluntary Effort Made" by "The Billions Of People of This Planet Earth to Sow The Seeds" of "An All Inclusiveness, Respect, Integrity, Empathy, and "Expression of Positive Regard" that "Is In The Best Wishes of Ones Fellow Human Being!"

And, "It is Up to Each and Every Citizen of The Earth" to "Create Personal Moments in Their Lives" that "They Can Savor," and that "Threads Together A Renaissance Of Humanity" for "History to Record as One of Billions of Contributions" to "A Bold New Civilization" of "Academic and Intellectual Prowess," "Health Care and Sociological Security," and "The Right to Vote," "Justice," and "A Cultural and Scientific Evolution," and "A Universal and Spiritual Cognition," and "Conservatorship of The Earths Ecological and Environmental Systems, and Sentient Life Forms," and "Being Protectors of The Earths Seas, Lands, Skies, Air, and Atmosphere!"

"A Bold New Civilization of Global Institutions, Schools, Colleges, and Universities Established" to "Empower and Educate All The People, By The People, and For The People!"

And, "New Universal Platforms" that are "Streetwise and Earthwise," that "Provide Core Centers for Communication, Existentialism, and Information," and "Cultural and Peace Dialogues," "Diplomatic, Trade, Commerce, and Unification Enterprises!"

And, "An Earthrise Perspective of Future Universal Explorations," and "A Purview of How This Perspective May Be of Benefit to The Youth of The Earth's United Sovereign and Solar Nations!"

And, "How It May Ameliorate The Conditions Surrounding Their Personal Lives," In Order that "Each and Every Newborn Child May Achieve Their Goals in Life," and "Reach Their Potential!" And, also "Become Responsible Inheritors An Age of Peace and Prosperity For One and All!"

However, "Let Us Agree," that "For A Renaissance Of The People, By The People, and For The People to Become A Full and Complete Time/Space Reality," and "The New Normal," "A Universal Correction Must Take Place" that "Is Exclusive of Dictators," and "Egotistical One-Man-Rule Forms of Government," "Authoritarian Rule Forms of Government," "Oppression, Corruption," and "Syndicates of Criminals!"

And, "For This Global and Universal State of Equilibre and Change to Take Place," "Let Us Electorally and Non-Violently Solidify This Universal Correction" by "Voting for Women and Men who are Trustworthy and Honorable,"and "Committed and Dedicated" to "Represent The Diverse Community, Tapestry, and Fabric of All The People!" And, "Pave The Way for Each and Every Future Generation," by "Building and Establishing Bridges of Mutual Respect and Admiration Connecting Us to Each and Every Fellow Human Being!"

And, "Let Us Agree and Strive to Find Fair and Just Solutions" to "Transcend The Walls of Indifference," and "Quiet The Fears," and "Eliminate The Prejudices, and Political Policies" that have "Divided Us," "For The Sake of Our Children and Their Children," "In Perpetuity!" And, "Agree that Nothing Less Will Do!" "For We have A Responsibility to Make A Better Life for The Youth to Inherit" and "Share Wherever The Skies Extend O'er This Planet Earth of Ours!" And, "Wherever The Phoenix of Peace Sings to Our Hearts, Minds, Intellects, Emotions, Spirits, and Souls!"


-In Memoriam:

Friday, The Eleventh of September 2020, "The Nineteenth Anniversary of The September 11 Attacks," "Let Us Take A Moment to Remember the Two Thousand, Nine Hundred and Ninety-Six Lives, in Total, "Lost in The September 11 Attacks of 2001," that "Took Place" at "The World Trade Center in New York City," "The Pentagon, in Arlington County, Virginia," and on "United Airlines Flight 93 that Crashed in A Field Near Shanksville Pennsylvania!"

And, "Let Us also Remember" that "More than Six Thousand People were Injured in These Attacks!"

And, "So that Their Lives have Not Been Lost in Vain," "Let Us Vow to Respect and Honor The Values, Traditions, and Great Efforts," that "It has Taken to Advance The Principles, Rights, Laws of The Land, U.S. Constitution, Declaration of Independence Bill of Rights, The Ratification of The Nineteenth Amendment in 1920, The Voting Rights Act of 1965, The Civil Rights Act of 1964," and "Through The American Revolution," and "The American Civil War,"  as well as "The United States of America's Grand Collaborative Effort with Our Traditional Allies During World War I and II," "In Defense of Freedom, Equality, Peace, and Justice For One and All!"

(And, "In The Korean War," "The Vietnam War," "The War in Afghanistan, Although An Official Declaration was Made," and "The War Against Terrorism and Syndicates of Crime!") 

And, "Let Us Take A Moment to Remember" "The Great Effort that Took Place in The United States," to "Guarantee that Every American Citizen has The Right To Vote!"

And, "Let Us Take A Moment Today," In Memoriam, to Extend Our Sincerest Heartfelt and Soulful Condolences to All of The Families who Lost A Love One in The September 11 Attacks, Their Loss Will Not Be Forgotten, and Their Memories Will Be A Part of Our Lives and Our Families Lives, and In The Hearts, Minds, Emotions, Spirits, and Souls of The Whole Nation, The United States of America, In Perpetuity!


-Extra Noteworthy News-

"As This 2020 Season of New Books are Published" with "Detailed and Provocative Insights about President Donald John Trump," Wednesday, The Ninth of September 2020, Global Cross Media News Reports have "Revealed that President Trump Knowing Contradicted What He Told The American People about The Seriousness of The  CoronaVirus" in "Investigative Journalist Robert Upshur "Bob" Woodward's New Book," "Rage" that "Will Be Released on The Fifteenth of September 2020!" 

And, "Clearly Shows that The President Concealed The Truth about This Deadly Disease" from "The American People," that "As of Monday, The Seventh of September 2020" has "Caused The Loss of More than One Hundred and Ninety-Three American Lives!"

And, "These Contradictions Began as Early as January 2020," and "Continued into March and April," and "All Through The Spring of 2020!"

And, Global Cross Media News Reports are On The Seventh of February 2020, "President Trump is Quoted Telling Mr. Woodward" in Regards to The Seriousness of The CoronaVirus, "It goes thru the air," and "That's always tougher than the touch. You don't have to touch things. Right? But the air, you just breathe the air and that's how it's passed. 

And, The President also said, "That's a very tricky one. That's a very delicate one. It's also more deadly than even your strenuous  flu's."

Global Cross Media News Reports are "Bob Woodward Conducted Eighteen Interview's with President Trump" and also has "Audio Tapes of President Trump to Back Up The Interviews!"

And, "Besides President Trump's Comments about The Seriousness of The CoronaVirus," are "Interviews Conducted by Mr. Woodward Concerning The President's Generals," "Race Relations," "Kim Jong-un The Supreme Leader of North Korea," and "A New United States Weapon's System," Among "Other Points of Interest of The Trump Administration!"

"Mr. Woodward Gained Great Acclaim for His Investigative Reportage" on "The Watergate Scandal" with Carl Bernstein" For The Washington Post, in 1972, Which Eventually Led to The Resignation of President Richard Milhous Nixon The Thirty-Seventh President of The United States of America!"

And, Since Working on Watergate, "Mr Woodward has Written Thirteen Best Sellers on American Politics" (with "Rage" Certain to Be The Fourteenth!)-    

 -(Note that, In Response to Mr. Woodward's New Book, Global Cross Media News Reports are Wednesday, The Ninth of September 2020 President Trump Told Reporters, from The White House, "I don't want people to be frightened, I don't want to create panic, as you say, and certainly I'm not going to drive this country or the world into a frenzy." 

"We want to show confidence. we want to show strength."

-"Global Cross Media News Universe, Insights, New Horizons, News Purview's, and Global Perspectives"- Questions, Accounts, Commentaries and Precautions"-

"The Question" is "To Whose Expense is President Trump Attempting to Show Strength to," by "Making Misleading Statements and Comments" that have "Misdirected and Confused Millions of Americans," "Causing Them to Ignore Medical Experts," and "Social Distancing Guidelines!"

Note that, "This News Story Will Not End Anytime Too Soon!" And, "No Doubt Will Cause Political and Public Damage to The President's Re-Election Campaign!" "Why!" Because, "Too Many Americans have Died Due to The Mismanagement of The CoronaVirus Outbreak," and "Too Many False Statements were Made for Whatever Reason," and "Families All Across The Nation are Still Suffering from The Loss of Their Love Ones!"

-(Note that, "President Trump has Denounced Bob Woodward's New Book," Calling it "a political hit job!"

However, "New Cracks Continue to Emerge in The Walls of The West Wing," and "The Trump Administration" with "Every New Interview and Revelation of The President by Renown Journalist Bob Woodward!")-


-Extra Noteworthy News-
"As The Parallel Universes of Domestic Politics," "The 2020 U.S. Presidential Election," "The Reopening of The U.S. Economy," and "The CoronaVirus Hover Over The American People, Each in Its Own Way," with "Each Bringing with It A New Sense of Dynamics," and "Headlines in The Fourth Estate," and "Breaking News Spotlights"of "The Global Cross Media News Sphere's," and "The Chronological Overview of U.S. Unemployment" is as such,  "After Two Straight Weeks of Unemployment Claims Reaching Above A Million Per Week," and "Claims of Eight Hundred and Eighty-One Thousand on Thursday, The Third of September 2020," "The Bureau of Labor Report Announced" that "There were Eight Hundred and Eighty-Four Thousand New Claims on Thursday, The Tenth of September 2020," "Bringing The Last Twenty-Four Week's Total of Unemployed" to "Another Historical High of Approximately Sixty-Eight Million American's," since "After The CoronaVirus Outbreak in The United States of America was Declared A Pandemic!"
  And,  "Unemployment in The United States of America Continues to Be A Reflection of The Cause and Effect of The Ongoing Spread of The COVID-19 Across The Nation!" And, "Now In Comes The Month of September!"

And, "The Question is "What Will Next Week Be!"
"The Truth of The Matter" is, Irregardless of The Wall Street Rollercoaster/Alternative Reality, "There Simply is No Real Stability in The U.S. Economy," "Nor Will There Be until A Vaccine/Cure," and "Therapeutic Treatment has Been Discovered," and "Been Given The Official Approval of The Food and Drug Administration" (FDA), and "The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention" (CDC)! And, "The Acceptance by Global Health Experts and Health Institutions!" As Well as, "The Acceptance Of All The People of The Earths United Sovereign Nations!"

 And, "Unbelievably $The Six Hundred Dollar Benefit that Ended on The Thirty-First of July 2020" has "Not Been Renewed by Congress!" And, "The Foreclosure and Eviction Moratorium," that had Been Extended by The Federal Housing Administration (FHA), "Ends on Monday, The Thirty-First f August 2020!" And, "Both Will Cause A Devastating and Crushing Effect on The Lives and Families of Millions of Americans!"
And, "Unconscionably and Beyond Belief," Beyond Belief, "Because, The United States of America is in The Middle of A Public Health Crisis" that has "Caused The Deaths of "More than One Hundred and Ninety-Eight Thousand, Five Hundred and Sixty Persons," and "Still No Agreement has Been Made on The New CoronaVirus Relief Package for America Between The Republican and Democratic Parties!"

-(Note that, On Saturday, The Eighth of August 2020 President Trump Signed Four Executive Actions/Memorandums" to "Provide Economic Relief  for America in The Midst of The CoronaVirus Pandemic" to "Address The Faltering U.S. Economy," and  "CoronaVirus Relief!" 
 "The Four Executive Actions" are, (1) "Providing and Cutting Unemployment Benefits from $Four Hundred Dollars to $Six Hundred Dollars," (2)  "Extend A Moratorium on Evictions,"
 (3) "Provide Deferments on Student Loan Payments,"  and, (4) "Create A Payroll Tax Holiday for Those Earning Less than $One Hundred Thousand Dollars!" But, "Lets Be Absolutely Serious" that, "This is Not Nearly Enough to Provide Relief for All of America!")-

And, "The Department of Labor has Reported on Friday, The Fourth of September 2020," that "The United States Unemployment Rate Declined from 9.9% to 8.4%," However, "This Explains Why Food Banks are Still Experiencing An Overflow of American Families who are In Need of Food for Their Families," and "It is A Clear Reflection of The Stress and Pressure that Americans are Experiencing," "Living from Paycheck to Paycheck!"
And, "The Breakdown for The Month of July 2020" is; (1) Adult Women 10.5%," (2) "Adult Men 9.4%," (3) Teenagers 19.3%," (4) "Blacks 14.6%, (5) "Whites 9.2%," (6) "Hispanics 12.9%," (7) "Asians 12.0%,"   

And, "Although The Global Cross Media News Report" that "The U.S.  Economy has Added 1.4 Million New Jobs" on Friday, The Fourth of September 2020, "It is Much Lower" than The Revised 1.7 Million New Jobs" that "The U.S.  Economy Added in July 2020," and "It is Much Lower" that "The 4.8 Million Jobs Added in June 2020," and  "Once Again, It Should Be Absolutely Clear" that "Any Real Celebration for Reopening The Economy Should Be Delayed by The White House!"
"Why!" Because, "The Ongoing Spread of The CoronaVirus has Not Abated!" And, "The Health Care System is Still Faced with An Ongoing Crisis!" And, "The Battle is Not Over," and "The War Against This Vicious, Dangerous,  Merciless, and Ruthless Virus," has "Not Been Won as of Yet!" And, "There is Still A Great Amount of Work to Be Done!" And, "A Therapeutic Treatment is Needed Now!" And, "A Vaccine is Needed Now," "Before The Battle is Over!"

 And, "When You Include" that From The Thirty-First of December 2019 to Monday, The Fourteenth of September 2020,  "More than One Hundred and Ninety-Eight Thousand, Five Hundred and Sixty Persons have Died in The United States," and "Confirmed Cases of More than "Six Million, Seven Hundred and Eleven Thousand!"
"You Can Fully Realize by The Numbers of Deaths and Confirmed Cases in The United States" that "The Nation has Entered in A Serious Public Health Period!"
And, "All of The Families who have Lost A Love One are Not Celebrating," Because of "The New Economic Report from The Labor Department!"

And, "The Economic Reality" has "Caused The FED to Project that Interest Rates from 2020 until 2022 Would Remain Close to Zero Due to The 2020 CoronaVirus Crisis" and The Economic Recession The United States," and that "The FED Expects A Severe Contraction in The GDP in 2020," and "Further Proof of The Impediments that Lie in The Path" of  "A Significant Recovery of The U.S. Economy as President Trump has Expressed," and "Further Proof of The Negative Effect that The CoronaVirus has had in The United State of America!" 

And, by Now, "Everyone of Cognitive, Earthwise, or Streetwise Intelligence Should Be Aware" of "The Fact," that "Without A Vaccine/Cure or Therapeutic Treatment," that has "Been Approved of," and "Accepted by All of The Earths Health Organizations and Institutions," "We Must Rely upon The Facts Presented" by "Our Respected Medical and Health Experts," and In Addition to "Social Distancing, Testing, Contact Tracing, Available Hospital Beds, Swabs, Reagents, Ventilators, Face Masks," and "All of The Meaningful, and Life Saving Medical and Health Care Requests" that have "Been Made by Our Medical and Critical Care Heroines and Heroes" who are "Bravely Working on The Behalf  of The American People," and "Those of Whom are In Sovereign Nations All Across The Earth of Ours" Where "Earthwide," From The Thirty-First of December 2019 to Thursday, The Tenth of September 2020, There have Been "More than Nine Hundred and Twenty-Nine Thousand, One Hundred and Ten Deaths," and "Confirmed Cases of More than  Twenty-Nine Million, Two Hundred and Twenty Thousand, Seven Hundred" and "Anyone One with Any Common Sense Can Realize The Seriousness of This Pandemic!" 
And, "It is of The Greatest Importance" to "The Health Care" and "Welfare Of We The People," that "All of The Meaningful and Life Saving Requests Made by The Earths Community of Health Care Experts" "Must Be Guaranteed and Delivered Immediately without Procrastination" by "All of  The Global Sovereign Governments, State, City and Local Governments!" For They Must Keep Their Contract with The Earths Populace" to "Provide Financial and Medical Support for One and All," who have "Adhered to The Social Distancing Guidelines They have Provided and Asked Compliance of," and "They Must Keep Their Word Nobly," that "In Truth," "Demonstrates," that "We are All in This Global Pandemic," and "Effected by The Deadly and Heartbreaking Affects of This Global Pandemic," "Together!"


 -Extra Noteworthy News-
As The 2020 CoronaVirus Summer Comes to An End," with The Reopening of Schools Taking Place All Across The United Sovereign Nations of The Earth, One Can only Hope that "The Five CoronaVirus Projects Scheduled for This Summer; (1) In July "Moderna Inc.'s Final Stage," (2) In August "The Test of A Oxford University and AstraZeneca PLC's Shot," and, (3) In The Second Half of July, "Johnson and Johnson Scheduled The First Human Trial, instead of "In September," and, (4) "Human Trials on A New Vaccine," at "The Imperial College London," and, (5) "The University of Wisconsin Began Their Phase III Clinical Trial of A Potential COVID-19 Vaccine that Began on Tuesday, The First of September 2020, "Will All Become A Success!" And, "As Soon as Possible!"

And, "As Parents Send Their Children to School to Obtain The  Best Learning and Education Possible," "Concerns Still Mount about Their Safety" "Due to The Ongoing Threat of The CoronVirus!" And, Especially, "As New Revelations in Bob Woodward's Soon to Be Released Book "Rage," and "Its Audio Tapes," have "Revealed that President Trump Knew of The Threat of The CoronaVirus in January of 2020, and "Misled The American People" of "It's Intense Dangers!"

-"Global Cross Media News Universe, Insights, New Horizons, News Purview's, and Global Perspectives"- Questions, Accounts, Commentaries and Precautions"-

"The Youth of America and Their Families are Deserving of More" than "The Misleading Comments" and "Mismanagement of President Trump and His Administration," Concerning "The Public Health Care and Medical Care Crisis Caused by The CoronaVirus!"

And, "Let Us Fully Comprehend" that "Our Children and Their Educators are Being Used as Political Pawns, " and "Told to Participate under Vulnerable Conditions," under "The Threat of Losing Needed Education Funds" for "Their States and Cities!"

And, "Children and Educators are Being Told to Participate" in "In Person Classes," During An Ongoing Public Health Crisis," that From The Thirty-First of December 2019 to Monday, The Fourteenth of September 2020,  "More than One Hundred and Ninety-Eight Thousand, Five Hundred and Sixty Persons have Died in The United States," and "Confirmed Cases of More than "Six Million, Seven Hundred and Eleven Thousand!"

"Look at The Facts" of Deaths and Confirmed Cases;

"France- Deaths- 30, 916- Confirmed Cases- 381, 094," 

"The United Kingdom- Deaths- 41, 628- Confirmed Cases- 368, 504," 

"Italy- Deaths- 35, 610- Confirmed Cases- 287, 753," 

"Germany-Deaths- 9, 428- Confirmed Cases- 261, 359," 

"Spain- Deaths- 29, 747- Confirmed Cases- 576, 697," and,

"Canada- Deaths- 9, 171- Confirmed Cases- 136, 659," For Example, and,

"Compare Those Life and Death Totals," and "Confirmed Cases with Those of "The United States of America-Deaths- 198, 562- 6, 711, 345!"

And, "The Question" Still Remains, "Why Not Delay In Person Classes" and "Concentrate on Perfecting Long Distance Learning Procedures via The Digital Hi-Tech Universe," until "An Official Vaccine/Cure," and/or Approved Therapeutic Treatment has Been Approved" by "The Food and Drug Administration" (FDA), and "The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention" (CDC), and "The World Health Organization" (WHO)! And, "Wait until Vaccines and Treatments that have "Been Approved by Global Health Experts and Health Institutions!" As Well as, "The Approval and Acceptance Of All The People of The Earths United Sovereign Nations!" Especially, "If It Means Saving Lives of Those We Love," and "Protecting Our Most Precious Love Ones!"

"History Will Record This Unconscionable Lack of Guidance" and "Lack of Leadership Example for Future Generations," and "For Leaders of The Public, Private, Financial, Religious, and Political Sectors to Learn from," and Especially "What They Should Not Do!"

-(Note that, Wednesday, The Ninth of September 2020, "The Test of Oxford University and AstraZeneca PLC's COVID-19 Vaccine" has had "A Setback!" And, "All Clinical Trials have "Been Placed on Hold Due to An Unexplained Illness" that "Occurred with One of Its Participants in United Kingdom!"

AstraZeneca Spokeswoman Michele Meixell said, "This is a routine action which has to happen to whenever there is a potentially unexplained illness in one of the trials, while it's being investigated ensuring we maintain the integrity of the trials." And, "She also said that It's too early to determine the sick participant's specific diagnosis."  

And, Wednesday, The Twenty-Second of July 2020, Global Cross Media News Reports are "The United States Consummated An Agreement for An Initial Amount of One Hundred Million Doses of A Vaccine Pfizer Inc. is Developing with Germany's BioNTech SE for $Two Billion Dollars!"

 -"For Your Knowledge," of "Future Products and Perspectives on All Things Related to The CoronaVirus,"- 

Global Cross Media News Reports are "President Trump Announced on Tuesday, The Eleventh of August 2020," that "The United States has Agreed to Purchased One Hundred Million Doses of The Novel CoronaVirus Vaccine Candidate" from "The Pharmaceutical Company Moderna Inc." to "Manufacture and Deliver When It Becomes Available," and "Moderna has also Agreed" to "Provide The U.S. with The Option" to "Purchase An Additional Four Hundred Million Doses If It is Needed!"

Note that, "The U.S. Governments Operation Warp Speed Goal is" to "Begin Delivering Safe and Effective Vaccines to The American Public by Years End," "If The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) Authorizes Its Use as Outlined in Agency Guidance!" And then, "Distributed and Used as Part of A COVID-19 Vaccination Campaign!"

 -"Global Cross Media News Universe, Insights, New Horizons, News Purview's, and Global Perspectives"- Questions, Accounts, Commentaries and Precautions"-

"The Concerns by Health Experts are Merited When One Considers The Two P's that Exist," "Profit and Politics" that are "At Play," "Especially as A Vaccine/Cure" and "Therapeutic Treatment Become A Reality!"

However, "The Safety and Protection of All The People" of "The Earths United Sovereign Nations Should Be The Main Priority," "Especially After The Hundreds of Thousands Of People who have Died Due to The CoronaVirus Earthwide," and "The Millions Upon Millions Of People who've Tested Positive!"

And, "Anyone who Chose The Path of Profit over Safety" Would Be Doing "A Grave Disservice to "All The People!"


-"Global Cross Media News Universe, Insights, New Horizons, News Purview's, and Global Perspectives"- "Questions, Accounts, and Precautions"-

"There are Fifty Days until The 2020 Presidential Election Day on The Third of November," and "It is of The Greatest Importance for Every American of Voting Age to Cast Their Vote for The Nominee" that "They Feel Best Represents The Traditions, Values," and "Constitutional Rights of The Diverse Community, Tapestry, and Fabric Of The American People!"

And, "Who Best Represents The United States of America Earthwide," with "Its Traditional Coalition of Allies," and "The United Sovereign Nations of The Earths Communities" who "Believe in Truth, Justice, Freedom, Equality, Economic Parity, Global Equilibre, and Peace!"

And, "Who Believe" that "A Universal Correction in The Earths International and Domestic Systems" that "Empowers and Establishes A New Era of Cognition, Compassion," and "A Bold New Age of Civilization" is "Important to Our Future!"

 And, "Do Not Be Deterred by The False Rhetoric," and "Attacks on Mail in Voting," by "President Trump, or "Any Elected Official" Or, "Any Alleged Improprieties," or "Tactics to Delay," or "Prevent You from Voting by Mail," by "Louis DeJoy, The United States Postmaster General!" And, "Do Not Allow Anyone to Intimidate" or "Attempt to Turn You Off from Casting Your Vote!"

"The Importance of The 2020 United States Presidential Election Can Not Be Underestimated!"

"Everything that America Stands for is at Stake!" And, "The Youth of The Nation Deserve Nothing but The Best that The United States Government Of The People, By The People, and For The People," and "The United States Constitution has to Offer!"

And, "The Right to Vote" is "An True Example of Democracy in Action!"

And, "It's Your Constitutional Right to Vote Your Conscience at Your Local Polling Location on Election Day, The Third of November 2020," or "by Mail in Votes," or "Early Voting," for "Whomever You Believe Represents The The Best Traditions, Values, Laws, and All that is "In The Best Interests of The American People," and "All that The United States of America Symbolizes and Stands for!"


-"This is A Very Special Labor Day Holiday, "Not only Because We are Celebrating and Paying Honor to The Achievement of The Labor Movement in America and Canada," and "To The Inspiration, Commitment and Dedication of All The Women and Men who Fought For An Eight Hour Work Day," "Fair Wages and "Benefits" For Trade Unions" and "Labor Movements," In Addition to "A General Holiday" for "All Work Classes," "This Year," "2020," "We are Celebrating and Giving Praise" to "All of The Health Care, and Critical Care Workers", and "First Responders and Emergency Rescuers," and "Workers who have Participated in All Forms of Manufacturing," who have "Labored Intensely and Courageously on The Frontlines of The War Against The CoronaVirus!" 

And, "Who Sacrificed for Our Families, Friends, Neighbors, Fellow Americans and Canadians," who were "Faced with The Serious Life and Death Conditions Caused by COVID-19!"

"We Thank You One and All," on "This 2020 Labor Day," and "Wish You One and All" "A Heroes Labor Day Weekend Holiday Celebration!"

And, "Out of Respect For The Sacrifice of Trade Unions and Labor Movements who Fought For Health Care and Welfare of All Working Classes," "This Labor Day," "Let Us also Follow The Life Saving Social Distancing Guidelines" that "Our Health Experts have Called Upon Us," and "Implored Us to Follow," "For The Sake of Our Health Care and Welfare!"

And, "To The Youth of America and Canada," "This is Your Opportunity to Contribute to "The Present and Future of The Sociological Evolution of The Earths Diverse Communities, Tapestries, and Fabric Of All The People by Counseling to,"and "Staying Safe and Secure," and "Adhering to Social Distancing Guidelines!" 

"Your Test of Character and Development," and "Who You are" and "Who You are To Be Will Be Judged and Noted by History!" And, "How You Value Your Life," and "Show Respect for The Lives of Your Families, Friends, Neighbors, and Fellow Hunan Beings" are "Dependent Upon Your Actions, Thoughts, and Idea's!" 

And, "This Labor Day Weekend Will Be An Important Testament of Your Beliefs and Ideal's," and "Whom You Profess to Be!" "A Responsible Citizen of The Nation," who "Is to Inherit The Magnificent Principles," and "Fundamental Truths," and "Rights of A Free People under The Laws of The Constitution!" And, "A Government Of The People, By The People, and For The People!"

And, "To Save A Life is To Show Respect For that Life that You have Saved," and "The Universal Consciousness, Cognition, and Compassion, that "You are A Part of!" Truly "A Great Renaissance of Humanity!" And, "A Civilization" that "Knows The Meaning and Sincere Significance and Respect For The Lives of All Sentient Beings!" 

"Have A Happy and Safe Labor Day Weekend!"


Voice of Reason and Peacemakers of The Twentieth and Twenty-First Millennia, "It Should Be Quite Apparent to Anyone Earthwide" that "A Monumental Error Occurred Approximately Four Years Ago in The United States of America" that "Must Be Corrected on The Third of November 2020," "For The Sake of The Youth of The Nation," and "For The Sake of The Elderly of The Nation," and "For The Sake of The Middle Class, Disenfranchised," and "Everyone who Believes" in "What Historians Refer" to As "The Grand Experiment," Called "The United States of America," "A Government Of The People, By The People, and For The People," and "Its Sense of Liberty and Justice," and "Its Traditions," "Tenets," "Morality," "Principles," and "Constitution," and "All that It Stands for and Symbolizes" to "The Diverse Community, Tapestry, and Fabric Of The People" of "The Earths United Coalition of Sovereign Nations!"

"This Universal Correction Speaks" to "A Renaissance of Humanity," and "A Bold New Civilization" that "Is All Inclusive!" 

And, "It Speaks to All The People of The Earths United Sovereign Nations," of "A Cultural, Economical, Spiritual, Cognitive, Political, and Egalitarian Evolution!" And, "It Reaches Out," to "All who Would Welcome It," and "Embrace It," and "Share It," with "One and All!"    

For Truly, "A Change Must Come!" And, "A New Renaissance and Culture Of Humanity Must Evolve" into "A Bold New Future Of All The People!" 

For, This is, The Way To Peace, and An Omnipresent, Omniscient, and Omnipotent Age of Heroism, Patriotism, Exceptionalism, Joie de Vivre, and Innovative, Compassionate and Cognitive Leadership, and A New Era of Justice, Truth, Empathy, Equanimity, Soul Strength, Egalitarianism, Medical, Academic, and Cultural Ingenuity and Peace On Earth, as We Continue to Evolve into A Universe of Limitless Celestial Bodies and Galaxies!
-In Memoriam:
We Extend Our Sincerest Heartfelt and Soulful Condolences To All The Families and Communities, Globally and Domestically, who have Lost A Loved One Due to The CoronaVirus or Natural Disasters, such as The Fires Raging in California, Oregon, Washington State, and Across The West Coast, Including Montana, and Parts of Idaho, We Extend Our Sincerest Heartfelt and Soulful Condolences to You, and Mourn Their Loss of Life with You and Your Families, in This Time Period of Grief and Sadness!

And, To All The Families who have Lost A Loved One Due to A Gun Related Act of Violence, or Any Act of Violence Caused by Malevolent Perpetrators who Care Not For The Lives of Their Fellow Human Being. And, We Mourn Their Loss of Life with You in This Sensitive Time Period of Deeply Felt Despair and Trauma!


The Way To Peace! #117- Revisited-

"The Way To Peace" is "Not An Easy Path to Take!" "Take for Example The Challenges" that "Inspiring Interdependent Individuals," and "Illuminated Beings" such as; "Jesus Of Nazareth, Mahatma Gandhi,
Siddhartha Gautama, Muhammad, Mary and Her Husband Saint Joseph, Saint Teresa of Calcutta, Socrates, Nelson Mandela, Confucius, Zoroaster, Lao-Tzu, Martin Luther King Jr., St. Francis Of Assisi, Machiventa Melchizedek, Mary Magdalene, Moses, Rabindranath Tagore, Rumi, Sir Winston Churchill, Rosa Parks, Clara Barton, Charlemagne, The Suffragists, and Women from The Six Iroquois Nation," "Faced in Their Lives!"

But, If that is Not Enough, "Just Ask Anyone on The Streets" of "We The People," Citizens Of The Earth! Ask anyone Who is, "Streetwise!"
Ask The Bus Driver, The Maid, The Factory Worker, and The Miner!
Ask The Brave and Courageous, Women and Men of Our Armed Forces!
Ask The Musician, The Dancer, Singer, and The Artist!
Ask The Social Worker, The Teacher, and, The Student!
Ask The Employee's of Our Public Services, The Flight Attendant, and, The Transit Worker!
Ask The Mothers and Fathers, Grand Parents, Aunts and Uncles, Sons and Daughters of Hard Working Families All Across This Earth of Ours!
And, You don't have to Be Einstein, or, Streetwise, to Know what Needs Fixing!

For one; Decent Employment with Good Benefits, such as Health Care, and Medical Care, and Social Security!
Two; Equal Opportunity!
Three; A Just and Fair Legal System "For One and All!"
Four; Respect!
Five; An Opportunity for A Good Education!
Six; Quality Time with Your Family!
Seven: Living in An Environmentally and Ecologically Correct State of Being, that is Not Being Abused by The World of Big Business, or, Raped For The Sake of Profit, and Profit Alone!
Eight; A Spiritual and Universal Awareness that Protects, and, Is Sensitive to The Rights of All Sentient Beings!
Nine; Knowing that Your Children Can Look Forward to A Present and Future, that Provides Them with Safety from, Sexual Predators, Crime, Violence, and War!
Ten: And, that Our Senior Citizens Can Enjoy The Social Security of Their Golden Age, and, Respect Due One Who has Lived A Lifetime of Service and Experience, as, Both A Parent, and, as A Citizen Of This, The Third Planet from The Sun, Called Earth!

You Do Not have to be "A Harvard, or Cambridge Graduate," to Know that, "There are A Myriad Different Challenges to The Way To Peace," however, "United in Purpose, Resolve, and Understanding of What The Difficulties are, Can Help Us," to Evolve to "A Higher Ground," as Stevie Wonder sings, or "A Transcendental State of Being" that "Embraces "One and All!"

And, You Do Not have to Be Charlemagne to Learn that War, or, A War Time Economy, Can Solve The Problems that Our Earths Nations are Being Faced with!
However, "It Will Take a Joint Effort by The Leaders of The Earths Free Nations," to "Change The World," and "Establish A Universal Conscious Awareness that is Centered, and Rooted in Co-operation," and "A Humanitarian Sensitivity to The Plight of Each and Every Citizen Of the Earth!"
"We" are Now, Existing in The 21st Century, and "One Does Not Need to Be A Brain Surgeon" to Know, "What Needs to Be Done" to "Make A Better World for You and Me," to Use a Line from Michal Jackson's "Heal The World," to "Make The Point Clear!"

"Ask Anyone on The Streets " of "We The People," and, They Will Tell You that, "They are Fed Up Feeling as if They are Second Class Citizens," while" The Elite, Wall St. and The Worlds of Finance, Reap in The Profits!"
Even when, "The Economy is at Its Worst," and "People are Losing Their Homes, and Bank Accounts," Which was "Caused by The Corruption and Greed of A Broken Financial System," Created by The "Ists," and, "Isms," of The Global Oligarchy!

The "Good News," is that The Times have Changed, and, "We The People," Citizens Of The Earth, Will No Longer Stand for Any Politician Who Cares More for His, or Her Self Interests, than The Interests of, "We The People!"

And, "We" Will No Longer Stand for, The Banks, and, Global Business Communities, "Risk Taking Business Investments, and Attitude," over that of The Interests of "We The People!" Who then, "Expect to Be Bailed Out" by "We The People!"

And, "We" Will No Longer Stand for, "The Predators Who Dare to Take Our Children from Us," "For Their Own Sexual Perversions!" "This Can Not Be Allowed to Continue!"
Our Families Must Be Protected! And, The Lives of Our Children Must Be Kept Safe, from Warmongers, Dictators, Crime Lords, Sexual Perverts, Religious Zealots, Political and Financial Sophists, and Criminals!

The "Good News," is that, "The Winds Of Change, are Flowing All Across This Earth of Ours," Spreading All Across The World of Our Earthrise Constitution," and "Emancipation Declaration," "Of, By, and For The People!"
And, "A New Hope" is Amongst Us! Manifested in, "A Determined Nexus of Women and Men," "Who Believe in The Sanctity of All Humankind!" And, are "Willing to Preserve, and, Protect This Sanctity from All," Who Would Destroy, or, Try to Pervert it!

There is "A New Hope," Soaring of The Wings of Hope, Peace, and Change of The Spirit of The Great Phoenix of The People Of The Earth," and, Its Not a Second to Soon! Because, "It is Obvious to Anyone Living on The Streets, and Sidewalks," "Of The People," that A New Age of Equanimity, and Equality, "For One and All," "Must Become a True Reality!"
And, "This is, The Way To Peace!" And, "A Way To Heal The World," "Feed The World," and "A Peace Time Economy," and "A Way To Peace!"

Voices of Reason and Peacemakers of The 20th and 21st Centuries, "Let Us Remain Focused on Building The Worlds Largest Activist Communication Network," and "Spread The Word of Our Universal Peace Effort!"

And, "Let's Continue to Reach out," via All of The Resources, and, Outlets of, The Global Internet, and, The Social and Cross Media Universes that "We" Can No Longer Stand for A World, "Where The Rich get Richer and The Poor get Poorer!"

And, "No Child Must ever Endure Living A Single Day Living in Poverty," or "Lack For A Proper Education," or "Sanitary Living Condition!"

Or, "Fear of Being Kidnapped," and "Forced into A Life of Child Pornography!"
"Anyone who Lives on The Streets" of "We The People," Knows that "A Change Must Come," and that, "We" are that "Change!" And, "Our Time has Come!"

And, "Let Us Continue to Demand," and "Call for," "A Global Truce and A Peace Dialogue," to "Put an End to An Intolerable Situation that has Lasted," and "Controlled Our Lives," for "Much Too Long!" Which is "War," as "A Way to Solve Our Problems, and Differences!"

"We" are "Not Strangers to One Another!" There is, but, "One Degree of Difference Between Us!" Which is, of course, "Who Our Parents are!" Beside that, "We are All," "Citizens Of The Earth!" 
And that, "We Acknowledge this to Be A Solar Axiom," and "Its Time" that, "We Sincerely Gave Peace A Chance!"
This is, The Way To Peace, and, A Peace Millennium!